Undergraduate Medical Education "Fast Facts"

Data for "Fast Facts" are derived from the Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME) Annual Medical School Questionnaire. The questionnaire is sent annually to the deans of all LCME-accredited medical schools with enrolled students. Each year, the questionnaire is reviewed by AMA staff and attempts are made to verify information and obtain missing data.

The "Fast Facts" tables illustrate trend data for current topics of interest within undergraduate medical education. When available, data reflects responses, in five-year increments, from academic years 1989-1990 through 2009-2010.

입학위원회의 구성

Admissions committee composition

아래의 그룹을 입학위원회의 투표의원으로 포함시키는가의 여부

Table 1: Number and percent of medical schools including the indicated groups as voting members of the admissions committee: 2009-2010 

임상실습 기간

Clerkship length

과별 임상실습 기간과 각 과별 외래실습 비중

Table 2: Clerkship length and percent of time in the ambulatory setting: by academic year Hospital inpatient sites

임상실습에서 입원환자를 보는 병원

Hospital inpatient sites

임상실습에 활용되는 병원의 수와 종류

Table 3: Number of hospitals used as major inpatient sites for required clinical clerkships, by ownership and academic year


Joint degree options

아래의 공동학위과정을 제공하는 학교의 수

Table 4: Medical schools offering the indicated joint degree options, by academic year 

전문직으로서의 행실

Professional behavior

학생이 교수/감독자의 전문직다운 행동(professional behavior)를 평가하는 학교의 수와 비율

Table 5: Medical students’ evaluation of their teachers/supervisors professional behavior, by academic year

학생의 전문직다운 행동(professional behavior)를 평가하는 방법

Table 6: Methods used to evaluate the professional behavior of medical students, 2009-2010 

NBME 과목시험

National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME) subject tests

NBME 과목시험을 요구하는 학교

Table 7: Number of medical schools that require NBME subject tests in one or more disciplines, by academic year

NBME 과목시험을 요구하는 학교 - 과목별 비교

Table 8: Number of medical schools that required NBME subject tests, by discipline and academic year 

야간 당직

Night call

필수 임상실습에서 야간 당직을 해야 하는 학교

Table 9: Requirement for night call in core clinical clerkships, by academic year 


Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE)

임상실습에서 OSCE 시험을 요구하는 정도 (임상과별 OSCE, 종합 OSCE)

Table 10: Trends in medical schools’ use of OSCEs in required clinical clerkships and as a final comprehensive skills examination, by academic year



의사면허시험을 봐야하거나/통과해야 하는 학교

Table 11: Requirement to take and pass components of the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE), by academic year

(출처 : www.ama-assn.org/ama/pub/education-careers/medical-education-facts/undergraduate-medical-education-facts.page)

Trends in Graduate Medical Education, 1999 through 2008

10 years of GME data collected through the National GME Census

As has been observed elsewhere, training in accredited subspecialty programs has increased dramatically in the past decade. By 2008, there were 916 more subspecialty programs and 4,470 more physicians training in them compared to 1999. There was a loss of 168 core specialty programs during this period, with a gain of 5,447 residents. Physicians training in subspecialty programs made up 47% of the overall increase in the number of physicians training in ACGME-accredited programs, although overall they made up 16% of the GME population.

Graduates of osteopathic medical schools are increasingly seeking and obtaining training positions in ACGME-accredited training programs. There are fewer training opportunities for DOs in AOA-accredited specialty and subspecialty programs compared to ACGME programs, so increasing participation in ACGME programs is not unexpected. The number of graduates of Canadian medical schools training in the US, never a large number, has declined by 39%. Until recently, the number of graduates of allopathic medical schools was flat, and therefore the number in ACGME-accredited programs overall has been relatively stable, particularly for entrants to GME, GY1 residents. Growth in the number of USMDs in GME has been in further specialty and subspecialty training.

Other substantial changes in the characteristics of residents includes the increase in the number of women in training, and the increase in the number of US citizen IMGs. The proportion of female trainees went from 38.1% to 45.1%; more than a quarter of that growth was in women in subspecialty programs. In total, the number of men in GME dropped by 1,150 (1.9%); this is borne entirely by the drop in the number of men in specialty programs. There were 1,707 more men in subspecialty training in 2008 compared to 1999, an increase of 19.6%. Echoing other reports, there are more US citizens going to medical school abroad and returning to the US for GME. The variability in reporting citizenship/visa status prevents too many comparisons, however the gain of 2,135 is substantial, a 43.3% increase.

Racial/ethnic changes over this time period have included increases in the Under-Represented Minorities (URM) of Hispanics and Native Americans/Alaskans, but not a noticeable increase in the number of blacks. All three categories of URM gained in subspecialty training. The number of Asian/Pacific Islander physicians training in specialty and subspecialty programs grew faster than the number of trainees overall.

Looking only at USMD and DOs, who are products of the US medical education system, the growth rate of blacks in specialty programs was only slightly more than the growth rate overall; however, the annual growth rate in subspecialty training was 45% higher than the the total annual growth rate. The largest annual growth rate was in the number of Native Americans/Alaskans, for both specialty and subspecialty training, growing at a rate of 7.15% and 24.7%, respectively. The number of Hispanic USMDs and DOs in both types of training has also grown substantially more than the growth overall. The number of Asian/Pacific Islander USMDs and DOs had nearly nearly doubled and tripled, in specialty and subspecialty training, respectively. The racial and ethnic characteristics of the US medical workforce, in the near future at least, will continue to not reflect the characteristics of the US population at large.

(출처 : http://www.ama-assn.org/resources/doc/med-ed-products/graduate-medical-education-trends-1999-2008.pdf)

브랜드네임 작성원칙

(1) 왜 중요한가? 

"마케팅이란 소비자의 마음 속에 브랜드를 각인시키는 것이다."

Marketing Is Building a Brand in the Mind of the Consumer

(2) 아홉 가지 원칙

    • Branding Principle #1: Keep It Simple
    • Branding Principle #2: Mass-Produced Word of Mouth (PR) Builds Brands
    • Branding Principle #3: Focused Brands are More Powerful
    • Branding Principle #4: Differentiation is Key
    • Branding Principle #5: The First Brand Advantage
    • Branding Principle #6: Avoid Sub-brands at All Cost
    • Branding Principle #7: Perception vs. Quality
    • Branding Principle #8: Be Consistent and Patient
    • Branding Principle #9: Write Out Your Brand Definition

(출처 : http://www.polaris-inc.com/assets/pdfs/9_principles_of_branding.pdf)

브랜드네임 작성단계

대부분의 회사가 브랜드네임을 만드는 공식 지침을 주고 있지 않음. 

Since most companies do not have formalized guidelines for the creation of brand names, this paper provides a rich description of the task to undertake, the methods available, and the evaluation criteria to consider. In this regard, managers should:

1. 네이밍 과정의 목표를 분명히 함

1. Set out clear objectives for the naming process. 

This can be drawn from the marketing strategy, especially the positioning statement for the product.

2. 충분히 많은 리스트를 작성

2. Create a reasonably long list of candidate brand names. 

This will ensure a good pool of alternatives. 평균 46개. The average for this study was 46 names. Traditional methods of brainstorming and individual creative thinking are considered most useful and an excellent starting point.

3. 후보군을 두고 평가

3. Conduct a thorough evaluation of the candidate names. 

It is important to consider each criteria deemed appropriate for the product being introduced. Managers should plan carefully to ensure a complete and objective evaluation of the names. Experience suggests that a sample size of 74, the average for this study, is insufficient for reliable statistical conclusions.

4. 최종 브랜드네임에 대하여 목표와 기준을 잘 달성하고 있는지 다시 한번 평가함

4. Systematically apply the objectives and criteria choosing the final brand name.

5. 네 개에서 다섯 개를 선정하여 등록함

5. Choose four to five names for submission to the registration. 

While some of the names may be unacceptable specified in the earlier steps in Patent and Trademark Office for for registration, the problem does not seem to be as severe as suggested by several recent books and articles. Therefore, managers are well-advised to try to reflect the “marketing” objectives in the names without unduly constraining themselves with trademark concerns.

(출처 : https://www.wpi.edu/Pubs/E-project/Available/E-project-121510-165023/unrestricted/Creating_an_Effective_Brand_Name.pdf)

Creating Effective Brand Names: A Study of the Naming Process, Chiranjeev Kohli, Douglas W. LaBahn, California State University Fullerton ISBM REPORT 12-1995

Product Naming Principles


A key ingredient in launching a successful company is the selection of its name.[2] Product names that are considered generally sound have several qualities in common.

  • They strategically distinguish the product from its competitors by conveying its unique positioning
  • They hold appeal for the product’s target audience
  • They imply the brand’s benefit
  • They are available for legal protection.
  • They allow companies to bond with their customers to create loyalty.
  • They have a symbolic association that fortifies the image of a company or a product to the consumers.
  • They help motivate customers to buy the product.
  • They can buy a product image and name.

(출처 : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Product_naming)

Admission to Medical Curricula in the Netherlands

rules and regulations

Albert Scherpbier, Dear Faculty, Health, Medicine and Life, SciencesFHML, Maastricht University

Halle, May 2013

네덜란드의 의학교육 교육과정 : 아래의 두 가지에서 다루는 요건을 만족해야 함

Medical curricula in the Netherlands

Programmes have to fulfil the Requirements as described in the 2009 Framework for Undergraduate Medical Education in the Netherlands and the European Directive 2005/36/EC of the European Parliament

네덜란드에는 8개의 의과대학이 있음

The Netherlands → 8 medical schools

매년 7천~8천명이 2850개의 자리를 놓고 경쟁함. 즉 의과대학은 '정원이 정해진' 프로그램

Every year: 7000-8000 applicants for 2850 places

Therefore, Medicine is a so-called fixed quota degree programme

의과대학 총 정원 결정

Decision on quota for medical schools

정부가 결정함

Decision about quota → national government

의료수요의 기대수요를 예측하는 기관의 조언에 따라서

Based on advices from a national institute, that predicts the expected need for medical healthcare, 

다음의 파라미터들을 고려함

taking into account parameters like:

-number and age of medical doctors and percentage of medical doctors that work full-time/parttime

-demographic information concerning the Dutch population

-percentage of students that finish medical school succesfully

-percentage of these students that enter a postgraduate specialist trainee programme in the Netherlands

학교별 정원의 결정

Decision on quota per medical school

8개 의과대학에 총 정원을 나눔

The total quota is divided over the eight medical schools 

- roughly 1/8 per school (315-410 per school) (대략 1/8씩)

- variations based on regional availability of clerkship-places (임상실습이 가능한 수준을 고려하여)

- all in joint agreement (more or less) (joint agreement에 따라서)

의과대학에 입학하기 위해서 지원자는...

Demands for admission to Medical School

Applicants should have:

네덜란드 학생은 수학, 물리학, 화학, 생물학에 대해서 충분한 수준의 교육을 받아야 함.

-successfully finished a recognised form of (Dutch) education,including mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology at sufficient level

외국 학생은 네덜란드 교육에서 요구하는 수준에 상당하는 교육을 이수해야 함

-in case of a foreign diploma: finished a form of education that has to be equivalent to the required Dutch education

non-Dutch의 경우 네덜란드어 능력에 대한 증명 필요

-in case of a non-Dutch diploma: proof of sufficient mastery of the Dutch language (NT2 diploma)

어떻게 선발하는가?

4. How are the study places assigned?

세 가지 방법

Three ways:

GPA가 8을 넘으면 일순위 합격

중앙 선발 -> 가중 추첨(GPA)

분권 선발 -> 각 의과대학이 선발

-applicants with GPA>8 are admitted to the school of first choice (8+)

-central procedure → weighted lottery (GPA)

-decentralised procedures → selection by individual medical schools

Up to 2011:

2011년까지는 50%까지 중앙 선발을 하고, 50%까지 분권 선발을 했음.

-at least 50% of admissions per medical school by central procedure

-maximum of 50% of admissions per medical school by decentralised selection (incl. 8+ admissions)

From 2012 onward:

2012년 이후에는, 각 학교가 100%를 다 뽑을 수 있고(0~80%까지 다양함), 나머지는 중앙 선발.

-schools can choose to select up to 100% → variation of 0-80%

-the rest is admitted through the central procedure

-8+ applicants are still admitted to the school of first choice


A lottery?

중앙에서(국가가) 선발하는 방식이며, 가중치를 준 추첨 방식이다.

학점에 따라서 다섯 카테고리로 분류한다.

The central (=national) selection procedure = a weighted lottery

5 selection categories based on GPA’s 

A. GPA > 8 automatic admission to the school of first choice

B. GPA 7.5-8.0

C. GPA 7.0-7.5

D. GPA 6.5-7.0

E. GPA 6.0-6.5

Changes  B : C : D : E = 9 : 6 : 4 : 3


A lottery?

합 또는 불합

Yes and no

사회적으로 추첨방식은 별로 지지를 받지 못하고 있고, 분권(학교별) 선발방식이 더 지지를 받고 있다.

In society lottery has not much support, decentralised selection procedures have more support!

중요한 질문은, 의과대학학생들이 내신에서 8점 이상을 받은 학생들이기를 원하는지, 아니면 다른 역량을 가진 사람을 찾을 것인지의 문제인 것이다.

The question is also do you want many medical students that have a mark higher then 8 or are you looking also for other competencies?

2011년부터 분권 선발방식과 관련한 여러가지 실험을 하고 2014년에는 100% 분권 선발을 도입할 것이다.

We started in 2011 with experiments around decentral selection And will go for 100% in 2014

Maastricht 의과대학의 선발방식

Decentralised Selection Procedure in Maastricht

1단계 : 포트폴리오(온라인) : 개인정보, 고등학교 내신, 독창적 자질, 지원 동기, PBL에 대한 의견 => 250명 선발

Part 1. Portfolio (online)

- personal information

- secondary school and grades

- distinctive qualities

- why Medicine in Maastricht?

- opinion on problem based learning (PBL)

Top 250 applicants 

2단계 : Maastricht에서의 토요일. CASPer를 활용한 몇 가지의 과제 수행

Part 2. Saturday in Maastricht

- several assignments, among which a computerized test with video vignets (CASPer)

CASPer = Computer-based Assessment for Sampling PERsonal Characteristics (Eva et al, McMaster University)

CASPer의 목적

Aim of CASPer

다음에 대한 정보를 얻기 위함임

The assignments aim to gain information about the following core competencies, such as:

- biomedical knowledge

- empathy

- reflection on own functioning and behaviour

- societal and medical awareness

- handling of ethical dilemmas

- logical reasoning

- cooperation

- organisation

2011학년도, 2012학년도의 분권선발

Decentralised selection 2011-2012   numbers in Maastricht



이제 막 시작했으며, 이것은 첫 결과일 뿐

We just started, only first results from UM

다른 학교들은 더 오랜 경험을 가지고 있다.

Other schools have longer experience

7개 학교에서 서로 다른 방법을 쓴다.

We use different procedures in 7 schools

2011년 8개의 의과대학은 두 명의 PhD학생이 서로 다른 방법들의 효과에 대해서 연구하도록 지원하였음.

In 2011 the eight medical schools decided to fund two Phd students together to study the different procedures and the effects

(출처 : http://www.mft-online.de/files/9.40_fr_omft2013_scherpbier.pdf)

Learning in a clinical education programme in primary care: the Maastricht Adoption Programme

M Tim Mainhard,1 Marianne M van den Hurk,2,3 Margaretha W J van de Wiel,3 Harry F J M Crebolder4

& Albert J J A Scherpbier5


Maastricht 대학에서는 임상실습 전 의학교육에서 지식, 술기, 태도의 integration을 위하여 Adoption Programme(입양 프로그램, MAP)를 도입하였다. 학생들은 일차진료 세팅에서 주어진 과제를 수행하며, 이 과제에 대한 설명과 토론이 practical medical coaching group에서 이뤄진다. 이 연구의 목적은 프로그램의 학습에 영향을 주는 요소들간의 관계를 보기 위한 것이다.

At Maastricht University, the integration of knowledge, skills and attitudes in preclinical medical education is promoted by an Adoption Programme, where students carry out assignments in a general practice setting. The assignments are explained and discussed in practical medical coaching groups. The aim of this study was to examine the relationships between the elements that affect learning in the programme.


188명의 의과대학생으로부터 받은 설문결과를 사용하여 프로그램의 인과관계 모델을 테스트하였다. action과 reflection on action은 서로 구분을 하였다. 인지된 교육성(perceived instructiveness)를 다음의 변인들과 인과관계 분석을 하였다.

Data from the evaluation questionnaires of 188 medical students were used to test a causal model of learning in the programme. A distinction was made between action and reflection on action. We examined the relationships between perceived instructiveness (the programme’s value as a learning experience) and the following variables: 


feasibility and execution of the assignments; 

time spent on the assignments, 

and the direct and indirect influences of the hosting general practitioner (GP) and 

the practical medical coaching group.


과제를 수행하는 것은 인지된 교육성에 별 영향이 없었다. 자신을 입양한(hosting) GP로부터 코칭을 받는 것은 feasibility를 통하여 과제의 수행에 영향을 주었다. GP에 의한 코칭과 Practical medical coaching group언 인지된 교육성에 별로 영향이 없었다.

Performing the assignments had little effect on perceived instructiveness. Coaching by the hosting GP influenced the execution of assignments mainly by its effect on feasibility. Coaching by the GP and in the practical medical coaching groups barely affected perceived instructiveness.


이 모델은 MAP이 학습에 어떠한 기여를 하는가에 대한 insight를 준다. practical medical coaching group에게 MAP에 우선순위에 대해서 충분히 강조가 되지 않은 점, 그리고 GP에게 적절한 지침을 주지 않은 점 등으로 인해서 효과가 좀 떨어졌을 수 있다. 환자와 관련된 과제를 좀 더 섬세하게 계획할 필요가 있으며, 단순한 임상 경험을 더 높은 수준의 교육적 경험으로 향상시키기 위해서는 과제에 대한 성찰과정과 절차에 대한 피드백이 필요하다.

The model gives insight into the contribution of aspects of the Adoption Programme to student learning. The results are probably negatively influenced by the insufficient priority given to the Adoption Programme in the practical medical coaching groups and by inadequate instruction given to the GPs for the purposes of their coaching role. More careful planning of patient-related assignments is recommended. Reflection on assignments and feedback on procedures are needed to lift practical experience onto a higher educational level.


전통적으로 학부 의학교육은 이론 중심의 실습 전 과정에 이어서 임상실습이 이어지곤 했다. 임상실습, 예를 들어 환자 대면 시기가 더 빨라진다면 지식과 술기를 더 빨리 적용해볼 수 있을 것이다. 이러한 학생의 환자접촉은 의사들이 감독할 수 있으며, 의사들이 학생과 토론할 수도 있다.

Traditionally, undergraduate medical education consists of a preclinical, theory-oriented phase, followed by clinical clerkships. If clinical experience, such as patient contact, is programmed earlier in the curriculum, students will be able to apply their knowledge and skills in real practice at an earlier stage. Medical practitioners could supervise these contacts and discuss them with the students.

이런 것들이 1990년대에 MAP가 도입된 주요 이유였다.

These were the major reasons for educators at Maastricht University to set up a programme in which medical students were adopted by a general practitioner (GP).1 The Adoption Programme (AP) was initiated in 1990.

보통 GP는 1명의 학생을 받고, 학생은 과제를 받고, 수행하고 피드백을 받음. 학생은 총 60개 과제를 수행

Usually a GP’s practice receives 1 student at a time. The theme of the practice day is linked to the topics that are being addressed in the theoretical course at that moment and to the skills programme in the skills laboratory. Students are given specific assignments for each day of the programme, including observation of specific phenomena of the patient(s), taking the histories of patients with certain characteristics, visiting patients’ families and gathering relevant information.1–3 In all, students have to complete some 60 assignments.

이렇게 학생을 '입양'하는 GP는 적절한 환자를 arrange한다. 또한 프로그램의 배경정보와 지침이 담긴 프로그램북을 받게 되고, 모든 GP는 2시간의 코칭방법 교육을 받는다. 학생은 과제와 자신의 경험을 GP, Practical medical coaching group과 함께 토론한다.

The adopting GPs are expected to invite suitable patients or arrange a visit to a family for each day a student visits their practice. Participating GPs receive a programme book containing background information on the programme and instructions for each practice day. All GPs are prepared for coaching students by a 2-hour introductory programme given by staff at the Department of General Practice. The assignments and students’ experiences are discussed with the GP whose practice was visited and also in a subsequent session of the practical medical coaching group.

정기적 프로그램 평가로부터 학생들이 MAP를 좋게 생각한다는 것이 드러났고, 1996년 모든 학생들에게 의무사항이 되었다. 그 전 시기까지는 elective였다. 의무과정이 된 이후로 다시 평가를 하였고 학생과 GP모두 MAP가 좋은 학습경험이며, 잘 구성되어있다고 생각하는 것으로 드러났다. 그러나 학생들은 practical medical coaching group에서 받은 코칭에 대해서 비판적이었고, 자신들의 발전에 대해 논의하는 GP가 그다지 관심을 주지 않는다고(attention paid) 비판했다.

The regular programme evaluations showed that students appreciated the AP. As a result of this, in 1996, the AP became obligatory for all students; until that time it had been an elective.1–3 When the obligatory AP, in which an entire class participated, was evaluated, it appeared that both students and GPs considered the AP a valuable learning experience and thought that it was well organised.5 However, students were critical of the coaching they received in the practical medical coaching groups and the attention paid by GPs to discussing their progress

MAP에는 두 개의 주요한 learning process가 작동한다. action과 reflection on action이다. Action에는 세 개의 요소가 있다.

Two primary learning processes can be distinguished in the AP: action (carrying out the assignments) and reflection on action (discussion and feedback). Action consists of 3 essential aspects. 

First of all, the assignments must be comprehensible. That means that it must be clear to students what the requirements are and when they have to meet them. 

Secondly, it must be feasible for students to meet the requirements in the allotted time. These 2 aspects - comprehensibility and feasibility - determine how an assignment is executed. The amount of time needed to execute an assignment may differ between students. For instance, some students may examine a patient much more thoroughly than do others. Students who spend more time on assignments may learn more from them and hence value the AP more highly as a learning experience.
explanation of the assignments in the practical medical coaching groups contributes to the comprehensibility of the assignment, whereas the GP should provide the necessary conditions to ensure feasibility (e.g. execution in the available time). These actions are referred to by Kilminster and Jolly as the normative aspects of supervision.6

Reflection on action과 피드백은 AP 학습의 두 번째 측면이다. 이 시기에 학생들의 실제 경험들이 학습경험으로 전환되고, 이 시기에 supervisor가 중요하다.

Reflection on action and feedback constitute the second part of learning in the AP. In this phase students’ practical medical experiences are turned into real learning experiences, with supervisors playing an important role.6–9

GP와 Practical medical coaching group의 social scientist들은 학생들이 지식,기술,태도를 활발히 통합하는데 기여할 수 있다. 

the GP and social scientist facilitating the practical medical coaching groups, can contribute to students’ active integration of the knowledge, skills and attitudes that are called upon in the AP. The direct influence supervisors exercise upon students’ learning processes by discussing relevant experiences with the students have been described by Kilminster and Jolly as the formative aspect of supervision.



Out of the 33 items, 26 were used for the present study. Based on the content of these 26 items, factors were derived. Table 1 shows the factors together with an example of an item. 

Five factors relate to the goals of the AP and the practice day, 

factor relates to the practical medical coaching groups and 

1 factor relates to the supervision by GPs. 

The questionnaire contained 1 item asking students to estimate the mean time they spent on the AP during 1 practice day. 

Several studies11,12 have shown that this method provides a reasonably valid indicator of the actual time spent. Comparisons of time estimates in retrospective reports and diaries have revealed that respondents generally overestimate the time spent in retrospective reports such as questionnaires. For the present study this means that the actual time spent by students was probably less than they reported.


The factors comprehensibility, feasibility and execution were aggregated at student level by computing mean average scores across items for each student and for each factor. To test the reliability of each factor, Cronbach’s a was calculated. Correlations between the factors were calculated. Furthermore, data were analysed using a structural modelling approach. Structural equations modelling is concerned with testing theoretical models for the structure of functional relationships among multivariate data. Several statistics indicate whether the empirical data sufficiently fit the theoretical model: A chi-squared value divided by the degrees of freedom should be < 3; a P-value should be >0.00, and an adjusted goodness of fit index (AGFI) should be >0.80. Furthermore, the root mean square error should be < 0.70.13 The computer program AMOS Version 3.6 was used to test the hypothetical interrelationships between the factors in the model.14


In order to stimulate the integration of knowledge, skills and attitudes of medical students in the preclinical medical curriculum, students at Maastricht University attend a GP’s practice on 8 days spread over 18 months. On these practice days students carry out assignments which have been introduced beforehand in practical medical coaching groups. The assignments are supervised by the adopting GP and discussed afterwards by the GP and in the group sessions.

 2004 Dec;38(12):1236-43.

Learning in a clinical education programme in primary care: the Maastricht Adoption Programme.



At Maastricht University, the integration of knowledge, skills and attitudes in preclinical medical education is promoted by an 'Adoption Programme', where students carry out assignments in a general practice setting. The assignments are explained and discussed in practical medical coaching groups. The aim of this study was to examine the relationships between the elements that affect learning in the programme.


Data from the evaluation questionnaires of 188 medical students were used to test a causal model of learning in the programme. A distinction was made between 'action' and 'reflection on action'. We examined the relationships between perceived instructiveness (the programme's value as a learning experience) and the following variables: comprehensibility; feasibility and execution of the assignments; time spent on the assignments, and the direct and indirect influences of the hosting general practitioner (GP) and the practical medical coaching group.


Performing the assignments had little effect on perceived instructiveness. Coaching by the hosting GP influenced the execution of assignments mainly by its effect on feasibility. Coaching by the GP and in the practical medical coaching groups barely affected perceived instructiveness.


The model gives insight into the contribution of aspects of the Adoption Programme to student learning. The results are probably negatively influenced by the insufficient priority given to the Adoption Programme in the practical medical coaching groups and by inadequate instruction given to the GPs for the purposes of their coaching role. More careful planning of patient-related assignments is recommended. Reflection on assignments and feedback on procedures are needed to lift practical experience onto a higher educational level.

Peer teaching in medical education: twelve reasons to move from theory to practice


1Center for Research and Development of Education at UMC Utrecht, the Netherlands, 2Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, USA


목적 : 얼마나 Peer teaching(동료교수, PT)이 자주 이용되는지, 그리고 그 이유

Objective: To provide an estimation of how often peer teaching is applied in medical education, based on reports in the literature and to summarize reasons that support the use of this form of teaching.

방법 : 2006년의 문헌을 살펴보고 카테고리별 분류

Method: We surveyed the 2006 medical education literature and categorised reports of peer teaching according to educational distance between students teaching and students taught, group size, and level of formality of the teaching. Subsequently, we analysed the rationales for applying peer teaching.

결과 : 12개의 서로 다른 이유들을 찾아내었음

Results: Most reports were published abstracts in either Medical Education’s annual feature ‘Really Good Stuff’ or the AMEE’s annual conference proceedings. We identified twelve distinct reasons to apply peer teaching, including ‘alleviating faculty teaching burden’, ‘providing role models for junior students’, ‘enhancing intrinsic motivation’ and ‘preparing physicians for their future role as educators’.

결론 : 자주 사용되는 방법이긴 하나 논문으로까지 나오지는 않는다. near-peer teaching이 효과적이며, 견습생(apprentice)와 장인(master)의 사이 단계인 journeyman이라는 비유가 의학교육의 연속체에서 중요하고 가치있지만 아직 잘 활용되고 있지는 않은 것이라 할 수 있다.

Discussion: Peer teaching appears to be practiced often, but many peer teaching reports do not become full length journal articles. We conclude that specifically ‘near-peer teaching’ appears beneficial for student teachers and learners as well as for the organisation. The analogy of the ‘journeyman’, as intermediate between ‘apprentice’ and ‘master’, with both learning and teaching tasks, is a valuable but yet under-recognized source of education in the medical education continuum.

Ten Cate와 Durning은 peer teaching에 대한 광범위한 프레임워크(틀)를 제시했는데, 이 틀은 Peer teaching의 세 가지 독특한 특징을 바탕으로 한다 - 교사와 학생간의 거리, 격식, 학습그룹 크기

In Ten Cate and Durning (this issue) we provided a framework for approaching the broad concept of peer teaching. This framework is based on theory and addresses three distinct features of the peer teaching encounter: the educational distance between teacher and learner, the formality of the setting, and the learner group size.

의학교육에서 peer teaching에 대한 최근 묘사

Recent descriptions of peer teaching in medical education

2006년의 문헌을 살펴봄

A comprehensive review is beyond the scope of this paper and other authors have reviewed this topic well (Ten Cate et al. 1984; Whitman 1988; Topping 1996; Falchikov 2001). To acquire a more recent impression, we reviewed the 2006 medical education literature

다음의 저널에 2006년에 발간된 모든 논문을 살펴보았다. 

We explored the full contents of all 2006 issues of Medical Teacher, Medical Education, Academic Medicine, Teaching and Learning in Medicine, Education for Health, Advances in Health Sciences Education, The Clinical Teacher, BMC-Medical Education, Medical Education Online and the abstracts of the 2006 conference of the Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE). We found no reports in Teaching and Learning in Medicine, Education for Health, The Clinical Teacher, Medical Teacher and Academic Medicine in 2006.

peer teaching은 journal article까지는 잘 나오지는 않는다. 그 이유가 잘 알려져 있지는 않다.

It appears that peer teaching is practiced enough to produce a substantial number of abstracts, but does not often lead to peer-reviewed journal articles; the reasons for this are not known.

    • Educational distance
    • Formality of the educational setting
    • Learner group size
    • Terminology used
    • Reasons cited

Peer teaching의 Rationale.

Rationales for the practice of peer teaching

교육에 대한 교수들의 부담 경감

To alleviate teaching pressure for faculty

4학년 학생이 교수들의 강의를 대체한다고 학습의 질이 떨어지진 않는다.

Tolsgaard et al. and Burke et al. (both in this issue), provide empirical support for the idea that replacing faculty teachers with senior medical students does not compromise the learning of the students taught, a conclusion that was previously drawn by Haist et al. (1998).

그 외에도 장점이 많다.

But even without these scaffolds, peer teaching may provide surprisingly beneficial effects (Tolsgaard et al. this issue).

학생의 인지수준에 맞는 교육 제공

To offer education to students on their own cognitive level

인지적 일치 가설(cognitive congruence hypothesis) : 지식 수준이 비슷한 경우 교육이 더 효과적이다.(지적 '거리(distance)'가 먼 경우보다 효과적이다.

The cognitive congruence hypothesis argues that a teacher with a knowledge base that is similar (i.e. congruent) to the learner’s is a more effective teacher than an expert in the field who has a dissimilar knowledge base, i.e. who is cognitively incongruent, or has a large ‘cognitive distance’ (Cornwall 1979; Lockspeiser et al. 2006).

학생간 지식의 거리가 멀지 않을 때, 비형식적인 교육일 때 'collaborative'혹은 'cooperative' 이라고 한다. 이 경우 학습에 있어서 장점은 조금 덜하다. 

When there is no cognitive distance and when the teaching task is not explicit but informal, we rather speak of collaborative or cooperative learning among students than peer teaching. Here, the relative benefit in terms of learning is less obvious. When the objective is to acquire independent, personal clinical skill, mere collaborative learning may not be more effective than individual study.

편안하고 안전한 교육환경

To create a comfortable and safe educational environment

교육 환경이 중요함

The educational environment or learning climate is appears to be important for optimizing learning and is one of the principal topics addressed in faculty development programs (Skeff et al. 1997).

동료가 학습자에게 덜 위협적이고 의학교육에서 받는 스트레스를 잘 이해할 수 있음.

Peers and near-peers however may be in even a better position to do this as they are potentially seen as less threatening by learners and often have a rich understanding of the stresses of the medical school curriculum, according to the so-called social congruence theory (Lockspeiser et al. 2006).

교육의 성과가 더 나을 뿐만 아니라, 스트레스는 낮다.

Topping (1996) cites authors who found not only better achievement in reciprocal one-to-one peer tutoring arrangements, compared to traditionally taught groups but also significantly reduced stress indicators.

학생들을 사회화시키고 롤모델을 보여줌

To socialize students in medical school and provide role models

의과대학 1학년을 시작하며 사회적으로 소외되거나 사회화 문제가 있을 수 있음. 'student counselling peer'원칙, 'helper therapy'원칙.

Specifically in the first year of medical school, the transition from secondary education or college may create alienation and problems of socialization. The ‘students counselling peers’ principle has been described as beneficial for both the student being counselled as well as the student counsellor, according to the ‘helper therapy principle’ (Whitman 1988).

뛰어난 학생들은 롤모델이 될 수도 있고, peer modelling이라고 함. hidden curriculum의 한 종류

More advanced students can also serve as powerful role models Topping (2001) has called this ‘peer modelling’. The so-called ‘hidden curriculum’ encompasses all those unwritten rules that students should follow to survive or excel the curriculum; peer modelling may play an important role in this phenomenon.

학습방법 뿐만 아니라 동기부여가 됨

To offer students an alternative motivation as well as another method for studying

어떤 부분을 가르치게 된 학생은 그 부분에 관심을 가지게 되고, 단순히 '두 번 배우는' 것이 아니라 더 지식의 유지가 더 강화된다.

Students who are tasked to teach or train others in a domain that interests them and that is relevant for their career, do not only ‘learn twice’; the literature suggests that they learn in a different way, which possibly adds to a longer and more solid retention of knowledge.

비록 예전에 공부한 것과 같더라도 가르치는 역할을 한 학생은 그것을 준비하면서 더 동기부여가 된다. 학습의 강력한 유도(driving)

One of the salient experiences with the student teaching rotation as described in this issue (Ten Cate 2007) is that students who taught were highly motivated to thoroughly prepare for the teaching, even though they studied the same content material themselves some years before. Apparently the teaching task evoked this motivation. Teaching can, next to assessment, clearly serve a powerful drive for learning.

4학년 학생이 2학년 학생에게 사회문화적 다양성을 가르치는 것이 그 이슈에 대한 지식을 높여주는데, 학습을 유도할 뿐만 아니라 가르치는 학생의 지식을 의미있는 방향으로 증대시킨다. 

Tang et al. (2004) showed how the teaching of sociocultural diversity issues in medicine to second year students, as an educational method, enhanced the knowledge of fourth year peer teachers on these issues. Not only is teaching a drive for learning, it appears to add to the teacher’s knowledge in a meaningful way. This could be through re-learning and further organizing knowledge or it may be that teaching evokes different knowledge acquisition and retention which may act synergistically to learning the material.

학생의 내적 동기 강화

To enhance intrinsic motivation in students

가르쳐야 되는 상황은 '외적 동기'처럼 보일 수 있으나, '내적 동기'도 강화시킨다. Self determination theory에 따르면 교사의 위치에 있는 학생이 단순히 학생의 역할만 하는 학생보다 더 내적 동기가 빨리 강해진다.

The obligation to teach can be viewed as an extrinsic motivator, but teaching may also enhance intrinsic motivation. Self determination theory predicts that students in a teacher role will more quickly develop intrinsic motivation to study material then when they just act in a regular student role (Ryan & Deci 2000). This may be due to the fact that the conditions for feelings of competence, autonomy and relatedness are more optimized when assuming the role of the teacher on a topic area as opposed to being a more passive learn

의사의 한 역할인 교육자로서의 준비과정

To prepare physicians for their future role as educators

'의사는 교육자가 되어야 한다'라는 점차 확대되고 있는 컨센서스에 대한 것. 

A very different argument for peer teaching is the growing consensus among the medical education community that doctors need to be educators. Dandavino et al. have elaborated this argument in a paper in this issue. Several recent competency frameworks for future physicians stipulate the role of the physician as educator (Frank et al. 1996; Bleker et al. 2004). 

The need to prepare physicians for this future role has led to...

      • initiatives to train students and residents in teaching skills (Edwards et al. 2002; Busari et al. 2006; Haber et al. 2006), 
      • provide teaching rotations for residents (Borleffs et al. 2002) and educational fellowships (Searle et al. 2006), 
      • and make medical students qualify for teaching tasks (Evans et al. 2007; Ten Cate this issue).

동료에게 피드백 주는 것에 대한 연습

To practice peer feedback as part of multi source feedback

MSF는 직무기반 medical competence의 평가에 있어서 점차 늘어나고 있는 접근법이다. 이 때 정보원중 하나는 동료들에 의한 평가이고, 이를 위해서 학생들은 서로를 평가할 수 있는 능력을 키워야 한다.

Multi source feedback (MSF) is an increasingly popular approach to the assessment of work-based medical competence in trainees and physicians (Epstein 2007). One of the sources of information for feedback and appraisal in MSF is the peer. To fulfil this objective, students should be trained to assess each other. 

Peer assessment is often not considered a easy task (Arnold et al.), and its validity is questioned (English et al. 2006; Lurie et al. 2006) (동료에 대한 평가가 너무 후함.)as students tend to rate their peers too highly (Tyler 2006). Essential is the difference between summative assessment and formative feedback. The latter appears to be much suitable to be executed by peers (Dannefer et al. 2005; Lockyer & Clyman in press). Peer assessment is not the topic of the papers in this theme issue, but the literature shows that it is increasingly practised (Arnold et al. 2005, 2007).

리더십 스킬과 자신감 훈련

To train leadership skills and confidence

리더십은 다음에 필요하다.

The role of the teacher is not merely one of knowledge transmission. 

Leadership is necessary to...

organise teaching, 

to guide and facilitate a group, 

to make decisions about what courses of action are needed during a classroom session and 

to prioritise the subject matter being taught. 

Students, who are experienced in acting as a peer teacher, specifically when distance, formality and group size are large, will likely also develop leadership skills that may be useful in other situations that an academic graduate will be expected to handle.

교육을 중요한 임무로 받아들이는 문화 형성

To modify the academic medical culture toward embracing education as a core task of health care

선진국에서 교육이 중시되지 않는 것은 단순히 재정적 문제뿐은 아니다. 

One problem regarding current medical training in western countries is the undervalued importance as well as the relative paucity of resources available for academic medical education (Cooke et al. 2006). This is not only a matter of finances; a culture that fosters educational leadership and acknowledges the importance of a profession to adequately transmit its knowledge, skills, habits and professional codes of conduct to future generations requires an attitude that is not just focused on the here an now of managed care.

자원이 제한적인 환경에서 의료 훈련 프로그램을 지속시키기 위해서

To sustain medical training programmes in severely resource-constrained settings

In most developed countries, the provision of resources for education is under pressure and peer teaching may help to alleviate some of this pressure, as was mentioned above. However, in some developing countries, the mere existence of medical education is threatened by the accumulation of societal problems. In an excellent overview, Burch (2007) discusses how South Africa’s recent combination of economic decline, a sharp increase in disease burden, a substantial emigration of medical graduates from a country with already one of the world’s lowest healthcare workers to population ratio, seriously threatens the capacity to train sufficient doctors. One recent regulation issued in this country is to spend one compulsory postgraduate year in public health care before registration as a doctor is possible

역량바탕프로그램의 졸업후 교육에서 감독책임(supervision responsibility) 강화

To offer supervision responsibility to trainees in competency-based postgraduate programmes

역량바탕교육과정에서 수련의 outcome이 중요함.

In competency-based curricula, specifically in postgraduate medical training, the outcome of training – i.e. the competence of the specialists – is considered more important than the input of the training – i.e. the training circumstances (Long 2000; Carracio et al. 2002; Ten Cate 2005; ACGME 2007).

이러한 상황에서 레지던트들은 동료 레지던트에 대한 supervision responsibility가 있다.

It has been suggested that in competency-based training, residents may be formally awarded supervision responsibilities for fellow residents, once they have mastered the required competency-level in predetermined areas, ahead of others (Ten Cate & Scheele 2007). This supervision includes being a clinical teacher and role model.

The natural interaction of learningand teaching in medical education

오랜 기간 의학은 '전문가-초심자' 관계로 전수되어왔다. 많은 세대가 개인지도를 해주는 길드 구조에서 전문직으로 키워졌으며, 이러한 길드 구조는 초심자-중간자-마스터의 단계를 이룬다. 점차 독립하게 되는 것이다. 이 중 가장 흥미로운 단계는 'journeyman'이다.

In history, medicine has long been practiced and learned in apprentice–expert arrangements. Many generations have acquired competence in our profession by joining the guild structure of personal guidance. A typical guild structure shows three levels of expertise: apprentice, journeyman and master; phases that reflect growth toward independence. Perhaps the most interesting phase is that of the journeyman, the midskilled craftsman who has completed the apprenticeship.

journeypersons는 가르치는 역할을 자주 하게 되지는 않지만, 마스터가 되기 위해 연마하는 단계를 더 밟아야 하고, journeyperson이 가르치는 역할을 맡음으로서 더 마스터에 가까워질 수 있다.

Journeypersons were often entitled to teach, but still had to develop their own skills further to become a master; indeed it is believed that having the journeyperson teach contributed to the development of mastery.

Collins는 apprenticeship을 교육에 대입해서 'cognitive apprenticeship'이라 불렀다.

Collins et al. (1989) reintroduced the apprenticeship concept in education, and called it ‘cognitive apprenticeship’. But the intermediate stage, the journeyman, seems to have vanished. Following Collins et al. (1989) ‘cognitive journeymanship’ could very well serve as a logical concept in long educational tracks, such as the medical education continuum.

 2007 Sep;29(6):591-9.

Peer teaching in medical educationtwelve reasons to move from theory to practice.



To provide an estimation of how often peer teaching is applied in medical education, based on reports in the literature and to summarizereasons that support the use of this form of teaching.


We surveyed the 2006 medical education literature and categorised reports of peer teaching according to educational distance between students teaching and students taught, group size, and level of formality of the teaching. Subsequently, we analysed the rationales for applying peerteaching.


Most reports were published abstracts in either Medical Education's annual feature 'Really Good Stuff' or the AMEE's annual conference proceedings. We identified twelve distinct reasons to apply peer teaching, including 'alleviating faculty teaching burden', 'providing role models for junior students', 'enhancing intrinsic motivation' and 'preparing physicians for their future role as educators'.


Peer teaching appears to be practiced often, but many peer teaching reports do not become full length journal articles. We conclude that specifically 'near-peer teaching' appears beneficial for student teachers and learners as well as for the organisation. The analogy of the 'journeyman', as intermediate between 'apprentice' and 'master', with both learning and teaching tasks, is a valuable but yet under-recognized source of education in the medical education continuum.





[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

note is a string of text placed at the bottom of a page in a book or document or at the end of a chapter, volume or the whole text. The note can provide an author's comments on the main text or citations of a reference work in support of the text, or both. In English, a footnote is normally flagged by a superscripted number immediately following that portion of the text the note is in reference to.

The first idea1 for the first footnote on the page, the second idea2 for the second footnote, and so on.

Occasionally a number between brackets or parentheses is used instead, thus: [1]. Typographical devices such as the asterisk (*) or dagger (†) may also be used to point to footnotes; the traditional order of these symbols in English is *, , , §,, .[1] Historically,  was also at the end of this list.[2] In documents like timetables, many different symbols, as well as letters and numbers, may be used to refer the reader to particular notes. In John Bach McMaster's multi-volume History of the People of the United States the sequence runs *, †, ‡, # (instead of §), ‖, Δ (instead of ¶), , , ↕, ↑. In Arabic texts, a specific Arabic footnote marker (؂), encoded as U+0602 in Unicode, is also used. In Japanese, the corresponding symbol is (U+203B).

Footnotes are notes at the foot of the page while endnotes are collected under a separate heading at the end of a chapter, volume, or entire work. Unlike footnotes, endnotes have the advantage of not affecting the layout of the main text, but may cause inconvenience to readers who have to move back and forth between the main text and the endnotes.

The US Government Printing Office Style Manual devotes over two pages to the topic of footnotes.[3] NASA has guidance for footnote usage in its historical documents.[4]

(출처 : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Note_(typography))

MLA Style Manual


To top of page abstract

Abstracts for all papers in the JMLA must be structured to include objectives, methods, results, and conclusions. The structured abstract should state the purposes of the study or investigation, basic procedures (e.g., selection of subjects, analytical methods), main findings (giving specific data and their statistical significance as appropriate), and the principal conclusions. It should emphasize new and important aspects of the study or observations and succinctly capture the important points made by the investigation, not preview what will appear in the article. Try to eliminate filler, e.g., “this report will show,” “a study was performed that,” or “we attempted to demonstrate that.”

To top of page appendixes

Appendixes always appear at the end of an article, after the references, or online only in the PubMed archived version of a JMLA paper.

To top of page credit line

Credit for a photograph or illustration may be included in the caption; for example, “Photograph by John Smith.” A tabular arrangement of data drawn from another source may be acknowledged in a footnote to the table. Illustrations or tables made by the author need no credit lines.

To top of page figures (illustrations)

Never use “Figure 1, below.” Refer to each figure by its order in the text, not by position. If a figure is not referenced in the text, insert a citation: “(Figure 1).” Do not use “see.”

Students preferred electronic reserves to print reserves (Figure 1).

To top of page footnotes

Footnote indicators should come in the following order: asterisk (*), dagger (†), double dagger (‡), section mark (§); then two asterisks (**), two daggers (††), two double daggers (‡‡) two section marks (§§), etc. Monograph, MLANET, and MLA News authors should avoid using footnotes.

To top of page Letters to the editor

Do not use the salutation “To the Editor.” Assign an indexable title. See also “bylines” in the Names and Terms section.

To top of page obituaries

In the heading of a JMLA obituary, give the name of the person being eulogized, followed by a comma and the birth and death years. An additional title may follow. When a photograph of the person accompanies the obituary, no caption is required. See also “bylines” in the Names and Terms section.

To top of page oral speeches and debates

The transcript of anything spoken should not be edited, just as quotations from written works should not be edited. However, authors of written works have the opportunity to reread and edit the expression of their thoughts before they appear in print. People whose spoken words are put into print do not have this option.

For this reason, altering quoted spoken remarks is acceptable in two cases: the meaning conveyed by the quoted words is clearly different from what the speaker meant to say, or the text of what was actually said would embarrass the speaker for its incoherence.

Transcripts can and should be edited for capitalization, punctuation, spelling, and style considerations that do not alter what the speaker is reported as saying.

To top of page running heads

Each running head should be no longer than fifty characters. The left running head in the JMLA is the author or authors’ names as follows below. The right running head gives a shortened version of the paper’s title.

Smith (for one author) 
Smith and Jones (for two authors) 

Smith et al. (for three or more authors)

(출처 : http://www.mlanet.org/publications/style/style_miscellaneous.html)

Frequently Asked Questions about the MLA Style Manual

What is new in the third edition of the MLA Style Manual?

Will there be any corrections in the next printing of the MLA Style Manual?

How do I cite an e-book?

How do I cite a tweet?

Should I use underlining or italics in my manuscript?

How many spaces should I leave after a period or other concluding mark of punctuation?

How do I create the indention that the MLA shows for a works-cited list?

I am citing a work in a newspaper that paginates sections separately, and the sections are designated only by title, not by number or letter. How do I format the entry in the list of works cited?

Does the MLA offer software for managing citations?

(출처 : http://www.mla.org/style_faq)

(출처 : http://www.docstoc.com/docs/12921887/Traditional-outline-format)

Types of outlines[edit]

Outline styles[edit]

Sentence outline[edit]

sentence outline is a hierarchical outline composed of sentences. Each includes a heading or single sentence of a planned document about the subject of the outline. It is the type of outline typically used to plan the composition of books, stories, and essays. It can also be used as a publishing format, in which the outline itself is the end product.

Topic outline[edit]

topic outline is a hierarchical outline composed of topics. Each entry is a subtopic of the subject of the outline. One application of topic outlines is the college course overview, provided by professors to their students, to describe the scope of the course. Another application is as a subject outline, such as for an encyclopedia.

A sample topic outline application: An outline of human knowledge[edit]

Propædia is the historical attempt of the Encyclopædia Britannica of presenting a hierarchical "Outline of Knowledge" in a separate volume in the 15th edition of 1974. The "Outline of Knowledge" was a project by Mortimer Adler. Propædia had three levels, 10 "Parts" at the top level, 41 "Divisions" at the middle level and 167 "Sections" at the bottom level, numbered, for example "1. Matter and Energy", "1.1 Atoms", "1.1.1. Structure and Properties of Atoms".

Outlines with prefixes[edit]

A feature included in many outlines is prefixing. Similar to section numbers, an outline prefix is a label (usually alphanumeric or numeric) placed at the beginning of an outline entry to assist in referring to it.

Bare outlines[edit]

Bare outlines include no prefix.

Alphanumeric outline[edit]

An alphanumeric outline includes a prefix at the beginning of each topic as a reference aid. The prefix is in the form of roman numerals for the top level, upper-case letters (in the alphabet of the language being used) for the next level, Arabic numerals for the next level, and then lowercase letters for the next level. For further levels, the order is started over again. Each numeral or letter is followed by a period, and each item is capitalized, as in the following sample:

Thesis statement: E-mail and internet monitoring, as currently practiced, is an invasion of employees' rights in the workplace.

I. The situation: Over 80% of today's companies monitor their employees.
A. To prevent fraudulent activities, theft, and other workplace related violations.
B. To more efficiently monitor employee productivity.
C. To prevent any legal liabilities due to harassing or offensive communications.
II. What are employees' privacy rights when it comes to electronic monitoring and surveillance in the workplace?
A. American employees have basically no legal protection from mean and snooping bosses.
1. There are no federal or State laws protecting employees.
2. Employees may assert privacy protection for their own personal effects.
B. Most managers believe that there is no right to privacy in the workplace.
1. Workplace communications should be about work; anything else is a misuse of company equipment and company time
2. Employers have a right to prevent misuse by monitoring employee communications

Some call the Roman numerals "A-heads" (for "A-level headings"), the upper-case letters, "B-heads", and so on. Some writers also prefer to insert a blank line between the A-heads and B-heads, while often keeping the B-heads and C-heads together.

If more levels of outline are needed, lower-case Roman numerals and numbers and lower-case letters, sometimes with single and double parenthesis can be used, although the exact order is not well defined, and usage varies widely.

The scheme recommended by the MLA Handbook,[6] and the Purdue Online Writing Lab,[7] among others, uses the usual five levels, as described above, then repeats the Arabic numerals and lower-case letter surrounded by parentheses (round brackets) – I. A. 1. a. i. (1) (a) – and does not specify any lower levels,[6][7] though "(i)" is usually next. In common practice, lower levels yet are usually Arabic numerals and lower-case letters again, and sometimes lower-case Roman again, with single parentheses – 1) a) i) – but usage varies. MLA style is sometimes incorrectly referred to as APA style,[8] but the APA Publication Manual does not address outline formatting at all.

A very different style recommended by The Chicago Manual of Style,[1][9] based on the practice of the United States Congress in drafting legislation, suggests the following sequence, from the top to the seventh level (the only ones specified): I. A. 1.a) (1) (a) i) – capital Roman numerals with a period, capital letters with a period, Arabic numerals with a period, italic lowercase letters with a single parenthesis, Arabic numerals with a double parenthesis, italic lowercase letters with a double parenthesis, and italic lowercase Roman numerals with a single parentheses, though the italics are not required). Because of its use in the US Code and other US law books, Many American lawyers consequently use this outline format.

Another alternative scheme repeats all five levels with a single parenthesis for the second five – I) A) 1) a) i) – and then again with a double parenthesis for the third five – (I) (A) (1) (a) (i).[citation needed]

Many oft-cited style guides besides the APA Publication Manual, including the AP Stylebook, the NYT Manual, Fowler, The Guardian Style Guide, and Strunk & White, are curiously silent on the topic.

One side effect of the use of both Roman numerals and upper-case letters in all of these styles of outlining is that, in most alphabets, "I." may be an item at both the top (A-head) and second (B-head) levels. This is usually not problematic, because lower level items are usually referred to hierarchically. For example, the third sub-sub-item of the fourth sub-item of the second item is item II. D. 3. So, the ninth sub-item (letter-I) of the first item (Roman-I) is item I. I., and only the top level one is item I.

Decimal outline[edit]

The decimal outline format has the advantage of showing how every item at every level relates to the whole, as shown in the following sample outline:

Thesis statement: ---

1.0 Introduction
1.1 Brief history of Liz Claiborne
1.2 Corporate environment
2.0 Career opportunities
2.1 Operations management
2.1.1 Traffic
2.1.2 International trade and corporate customs
2.1.3 Distribution
2.2 Product development

(출처 : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Outline_(list))

APA 양식

APA 양식(APA style, APA 스타일)은 미국심리학회(American Psychological Association: APA)가 정한 문헌 작성 양식이다. 주로 사회과학 분야(심리학교육학 등)에서 많이 사용하며, 일부 자연과학 분야(생물학식물학지구과학)에서도 사용한다. 본문에는 저자-연도 형식으로 인용하고, 논문 끝의 참고문헌 목록을 이름 순으로 정리하는 것이 특징이다.


APA 양식 논문은 보통 다음과 같은 구획으로 구성되며, 각각은 새 쪽으로 시작한다.

  • 제목 쪽
  • 초록
  • 본문
  • 참고문헌
  • 각주
  • 표 (표마다 새 쪽)
  • 그림 캡션
  • 그림 (그림마다 새 쪽)


수준별 제목 형식은 다음과 같다. (한글에는 대소문자가 없고 기울임체도 잘 쓰이지 않기 때문에 제목 형식을 따르는 경우는 별로 없다.)

  • 1수준: Centered Uppercase and Lowercase Heading
  • 2수준: Ideal Institute of Technology
  • 3수준: Engineering college
  • 4수준: Indented, italicized, lowercase paragraph heading ending with a period.


본문 중에 저자명, 간행연도, 페이지 등을 괄호로 묶어 표시하고(예: 홍길동, 2000), 논문 끝의 참고문헌에서 찾아볼 수 있도록 한다.

저자 1명
A recent study found a possible genetic cause of alcoholism (Pauling, 2005).
Pauling (2005) discovered a possible genetic cause of alcoholism.
저자 2명
A recent study found a possible genetic cause of alcoholism (Pauling & Liu, 2005).
Pauling and Liu (2005) discovered a possible genetic cause of alcoholism.
저자 3~5명
A recent study found a possible genetic cause of alcoholism (Pauling, Liu, & Guo, 2005).
Pauling, Liu, and Guo (2005) conducted a study that discovered a possible genetic cause of alcoholism.
Pauling et al. (2005) discovered a possible genetic cause of alcoholism.
A recent study found a possible genetic cause of alcoholism (Pauling et al., 2005).
저자 6명 이상
Pauling et al. (2005) discovered a possible genetic cause of alcoholism.
직접 인용
When asked why his behavior had changed so dramatically, Max simply said, "I think it's the reinforcement" (Pauling, 2004, p. 69).


1명이 저술한 책
  • Sheril, R. D. (1956). The terrifying future: Contemplating color television. San Diego: Halstead.
2명 이상이 저술한 책
  • Smith, J., & Peter, Q. (1992). Hairball: An intensive peek behind the surface of an enigma. Hamilton, ON: McMaster University Press.
편집된 책의 기사
  • Mcdonalds, A. (1993). Practical methods for the apprehension and sustained containment of supernatural entities. In G. L. Yeager (Ed.), Paranormal and occult studies: Case studies in application (pp. 42–64). London: OtherWorld Books.
학술지에 실린, 개별적으로 쪽이 매겨진 논문
  • Crackton, P. (1987). The Loonie: God's long-awaited gift to colourful pocket change? Canadian Change64(7), 34–37.
학술지에 실린, 연속적으로 쪽이 매겨진 논문
  • Rottweiler, F. T., & Beauchemin, J. L. (1987). Detroit and Narnia: Two foes on the brink of destruction. Canadian/American Studies Journal54, 66-146.
주간지 기사
  • Henry, W. A., III. (1990, April 9). Making the grade in today's schools. Time, 135, 28–31.
신문 기사
  • Wrong, M. (2005, August 17). "Never Gonna Give You Up" says Mayor. Toronto Sol, p. 4.
정부 문서
  • Revenue Canada. (2001). Advanced gouging: Manual for employees (MP 65–347/1124). Ottawa: Minister of Immigration and Revenue.

전자 매체[편집]

인쇄물이 원본인 인터넷 문서 (원본 형식 그대로인 것)
  • Marlowe, P., Spade, S., & Chan, C. (2001). Detective work and the benefits of colour versus black and white [Electronic version]. Journal of Pointless Research11, 123–124.
인쇄물이 원본인 인터넷 문서 (원본과 형식이 다른 것)
  • Marlowe, P., Spade, S., & Chan, C. (2001). Detective work and the benefits of colour versus black and white. Journal of Pointless Research11, 123–124. Retrieved October 25, 2007, from http://www.pointlessjournal.com/colour_vs_black_and_white.html
인터넷판만 있는 저널의 논문
  • Blofeld, E. S. (1994, March 1). Expressing oneself through Persian cats and modern architecture. Felines & Felons, 4, Article 0046g. Retrieved October 3, 1999, from http://journals.f+f.org/spectre/vblofeld-0046g.html
인터넷판만 있는 신문의 기사
  • Paradise, S., Moriarty, D., Marx, C., Lee, O. B., Hassel, E., et al. (1957, July). Portrayals of fictional characters in reality-based popular writing: Project update. Off the Beaten Path, 7 (3). Retrieved October 3, 1999, from http://www.newsletter.offthebeatenpath.news/otr/complaints.html
저자 및 작성일이 표시되지 않은 독자적 인터넷 문서
  • What I did today. (n.d.). Retrieved August 21, 2002, from http://www.cc.mystory.life/blog/didtoday.html [Fictional entry.]
대학교 교육 프로그램 웹사이트의 문서[1]
  • Rogers, B. (2078). Faster-than-light travel: What we've learned in the first twenty years. Retrieved August 24, 2079, from Mars University, Institute for Martian Studies Web site, http://www.eg.spacecentraltoday.mars/university/dept.html [Fictional entry.]
저널 논문의 전자복제본, 3~5명 저자, retrieved from database
  • Costanza, G., Seinfeld, J., Benes, E., Kramer, C., & Peterman, J. (1993). Minutiæ and insignificant observations from the nineteen-nineties. Journal about Nothing, 52, 475–649. Retrieved October 31, 1999, from NoTHINGJournalsdatabase. [Fictional entry.]
전자우편 또는 기타 개인적인 의견교환
(A. Monterey, personal communication, September 28, 2001)
CD 책
  • Nix, G. (2002). Lirael, Daughter of the Clayr [CD]. New York: Random House/Listening Library.
테이프 책
  • Nix, G. (2002). Lirael, Daughter of the Clayr [Cassette Recording No. 1999-1999-1999]. New York: Random House/Listening Library.
  • Gilby, A. (Producer), & Schlesinger, J. (Director). (1995). Cold comfort farm [Motion picture]. Universal City, CA: MCA Universal Home Video.


  1. 이동 APA 양식에서는 웹사이트(website) 대신 웹 사이트(Web site)로 표기한다.

(출처 : http://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/APA_%EC%96%91%EC%8B%9D)

MLA 양식

MLA 양식은 미국현대어문학협회(Modern Language Association of America)에서 만든 영어권에서 널리 쓰이는 영어 문서 작성 양식 중 하나이다. 일반적으로 크기 12포인트의 Times New Roman 글꼴을 사용하며 줄 간격을 2.0으로 작성하고 페이지 설정은 상하좌우 1인치로 공백을 주나, APA와 달리 Times New Roman이 아니더라도 "알아볼 수 있으며 이탈릭체와 일반글꼴의 차이가 보이는" 글꼴이 사용될 수 있다.

(출처 : http://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/MLA_%EC%96%91%EC%8B%9D)


Kim Robertson

Inherent brand name characteristics leading to memorable names which support the desired product image are presented for the manager. This exposition of strategically desirable brand name characteristics is based upon a review of relevant psychological, linguistic, and marketing literature.

1. 브랜드네임은 간단해야 한다.

1. The brand name should be a simple word.

Often consumers themselves will simplify a more complex brand name. For example, a Chevrolet becomes a Chevy, a Corvette becomes a Vette, Coca-Cola becomes Coke and Pan American Airlines becomes Pan Am.


Examples of simple brand names are Aim, Raid, Edge, Bold, Sure, Off, Jif, Ban, Bic, and Tide,


2. 브랜드네임은 독특한 단어여야 한다.

2. The brand name should be a distinctive word.

Examples of distinctive brand names often cited are Apple, Mustang, Xerox, Kodak, and Exxon.


3. 브랜드네임은 의미있는 단어여야 한다.

3. The brand name should be a meaningful word.

Thus, brand names such as Slender (versus Metrecal) Die-Hard (versus Delco), Budget (versus Avis), and Sprint (versus MCI) should demonstrate an innate memory advantage.


4. 브랜드네임은 제품과 언어적, 음성적으로 연관되어야 한다.

4. The brand name should be a verbal or sound associate of the product class.

Examples of brand names that demonstrate this desirable characteristic are L'eggs (pantyhose), Craftsman (tools), Check-Up (toothpaste), Alley Cat (cat food), and Coin (financial services).


5. 브랜드네임은 '심상(mental image)'를 유도해야 한다.

5. The brand name should elicit a mental image.

Concrete nouns, with tangible, visual referents (e.g., "dog") more easily elicit these mental images than abstract nouns (e.g., "justice"). Therefore, concrete brand names such as Dove, Mustang, Rabbit, and Apple should inherently be more easily learned and/or retrieved from memory than abstract names such as Pledge, Tempo, Ban or Bold.


6. 브랜드네임은 정서적인 단어여야 한다.

6. The brand name should be an emotional word.

Practical marketing literature seems to recognize the desirability of emotional names by referencing "good" name characteristics such as the name having strong positive associations or connotations, engendering good effective feeling, arousing pleasant emotions, being pleasant sounding, and having strong symbolism.5, 15, 21, 26 Examples of such emotional names are Joy, Caress, Kiss, Love, My Sin,, and Opium.


7. 브랜드네임은 반복적인 소리를 활용해야 한다.

7. The brand name should make use of the repetitive sounds generated by alliteration, assonance, consonance, rhyme, and rhythm.

There are numerous brand names incorporating some type of repetitive sound. Some examples of such names include: Cascade, Solo, Crispy Critters, Rolls-Royce, Pampers, Deep Dish Danish, Max-Pax, Lean Cuisine, Gloss 'n Toss, and Shake 'n Bake.


8. 브랜드네임은 형태소(morphemes)를 활용해야 한다.

8. The brand name should make use of morphemes.

Such a morpheme-based approach to generating brand names has indeed been used4, 5, 33. For example, the brand names Compaq, Sentra, and Lucite were developed using English morpheme combinations. However, anytime a morpheme combination approach is used to build a brand name, it is critical to establish the target market's perceived meaning of the new name. While linguistic scholars may uniformly agree that the Greek root Nike, for example, means "victory," there is no guarantee that a consumer exposed to the running shoe brand name Nike is going to incorporate the concept of "victory" into his or her meaning perceptions.


9. 브랜드네임은 음소(phonemes)를 활용해야 한다.

9. The brand name should make use of phonemes.

For example, when asked to place "mal" and "mil" (differing only in the vowel phoneme /a/ or /i/) along the semantic dimension of size, about 80 percent of subjects agree that "mal" represents a large object and "mil" a smaller object.32 For example, the slogan "we sell the biggest burgers in town" encourages evaluation along the semantic dimension of size. If the desired brand image is one of big burgers, a brand name such as Mal Burgers is more likely to support that image than the name Mil Burgers.


음소 활용의 예

(1) 크기 Size: 

high, front vowel sounds (i,e) connote a small size while low, back vowel sounds (a,o,u) indicate a large size (e.g., Zee versus Koss);

(2) 움직임 Movement: 

high, front vowel sounds indicate dynamic movement while low, back vowel sounds are associated with slow or "heavy"movement, and the consonant combination sl indicates a gliding or slipping movement;

(3) 모양 Shape: 

the acute sounds associated with the high, front vowel sounds indicate sharp, angular shapes while the flat sounds associated with low, back vowel sounds indicate roundish shapes;

(4) 광택 Luminosity: 

high, front vowel sounds and the consonants k, s, and I indicate light while the low, back vowel sounds and the consonants d, m, gr, and br connote darkness;

(5) 젊음 Youth: 

the consonants j, g, ch, and the semi-vowels y and w connote youthfulness and joy (as in Joya and Jovan);

(6) 성 Gender: 

masculinity is associated with plosive and guttural sounds (as in "tiger" or "cougar") and with the low, back vowel sounds, while femininity is associated with the soft sibilants s and c, weak f sounds and the high, front vowel sounds (e.g., Silk-Ease, Zepher, and Cerissa.

The Authors

Kim Robertson, Assistant Professor in the Department of Business Administration at Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas


Note: This paper was subsequently published in Journal of Product & Brand Management, Volume 1 Number 3, 1992.


Considers psychological, linguistic and marketing aspects of brand name characteristics. Presents the inherent brand name characteristics which lead to memorable names that support the desired product image. Concludes that brand names should be simple, distinctive, meaningful, emotional, make use of morphemes, phonemes, alliteration, consonance, and should make a sound associate of product class, as well as being legally protectable; a well-planned brand name will require less marketing money to achieve recall and image targets.

Article Type:




Brand names; Language; Marketing strategy; Psychology.



Journal of Consumer Marketing













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