의과대학 학생선발: 자기소개서의 신뢰도와 타당도 향상 (Acad Med, 2006)

Medical School Admissions: Enhancing the Reliability and Validity of an Autobiographical Screening Tool

Kelly L. Dore, Mark Hanson, Harold I. Reiter, Melanie Blanchard, Karen Deeth, and Kevin W. Eva

많은 다른 학교들처럼 Michael G. DeGroote School of Medicine at McMaster University 는 uGPA와 이들이 제출한 자기소개서(ABS)를 기반으로 학생들을 초청하여 지원자 면접을 한다. 연구 결과를 보면 uGPA의 신뢰도와 타당도는 비교적 안정적이나 ABS의 그것은 약하다.

Like many schools, the Michael G. DeGroote School of Medicine at McMaster University invites candidates to interview based on grade point average (uGPA) and a candidate-written autobiographical submission (ABS). Local research has demonstrated strong reliability and validity for uGPA,2,3 but the reliability of the ABS has been weak.2

ABS는 다섯개의 질문으로 되어있으며, 여기에는 지원자의 개인적 경험, McMaster에 적합성, 의학 진로와 전공에 적합성 등을 포함한다. 각 지원자의 ABS는 개인정보를 삭제한 다음 세 명의 독립적 평가자에 의해서 평가된다(one health science faculty member, one community member, and one medical student.)

The ABS is composed of five questions designed to evaluate noncognitive characteristics such as applicants’ personal experiences, suitability for McMaster and suitability for a career in medicine. Each applicant’s five ABS questions, stripped of any personal identifiers, are scored by three independent raters: one health science faculty member, one community member, and one medical student.

각 평가자는 30~60개의 ABS를 평가하며, 매년 최대 150명의 평가자가 동원된다.

Each rater scores 30–60 ABS submissions and upwards of 150 raters participate annually.

평가의 비-독립성

Non-independence of the ratings

ABS점수는 의과대학에서의 수행능력과의 상관성이 매우 낮은 것으로 밝혀졌으며, NLE와도 마찬가지다. 이에 대한 한 자기 이유는 ABS점수의 평가자간 신뢰도가 0.45로 낮기 때문이다. ABS는 그러나 높은 내적일치도를 보여준다. 비록 높은 내적일치도가 척도로서의 신뢰성을 보여주는 지표이긴 하나, 동시에 이것은 한 개인에 대한 평가가 지원자별로 독립적으로 이뤄지고 있지 않음을 보여주는 것이기도 하다. 즉, 후광효과가 반영된다는 의미이다. 어떤 지원자의 첫 번째 답변이 그 지원자의 두 번째, 세 번째 항목에 대한 답변의 수행능력에 영향을 주게 되면, 전체적인 지원자가 작성한 각각에 대한 점수의 평균이 아니라 지원자에 대한 첫인상이 그 지원자의 점수를 결정짓게 되는 것이다. 이는 중요한데 왜냐하면 기능적으로, 열 다섯개가 아니라(평가자 수 x 문항 수), 단 세 개의(즉 평가자 수 만큼의) 관찰결과만이 수집된다고 볼 수 있기 때문이다.

Scores on the ABS have been shown to correlate poorly with performance both within medical school and on the national licensing examinations written postgraduation.2 One reason identified by Kulatunga-Moruzi and Norman is that the interrater reliability of ABS scoring is less than adequate (0.45). The ABS has, however, been seen to have high internal consistency (0.88). Although high internal consistency may be seen as supportive of the reliability of a measure, it may in fact be a negative indication that the scores assigned to the individual questions do not provide independent measures of the applicant. That is, the halo effect may be afflicting this measure; if performance on the first question influences the raters’ perceptions of performance on subsequent questions, then the initial overall impression of the candidate will determine the scores assigned to individual questions rather than the individual questions summing to provide a global assessment. This is an important distinction, because it would indicate that, functionally, only three observations (from three raters) are being collected in the current system instead of the desired fifteen

이것이 문제인지 아닌지 알기 위해서 평가가 수집되는 방향을 바꾸었다.

To test whether or not this was an issue, we altered the direction in which ratings were collected.

피평가자의 비-독립성

Non-independence of the ratees

의심할 여지 없이, 소수의 지원자는 ABS를 대리인을 시켜 작성하게 한다. 더 흔한 것은 지원자가 작성한 ABS를 친구, 가족, 재학생, 의사 등에게 보여주고 피드백을 받는 것이다.

Undoubtedly a small percentage of candidates are less than scrupulous and hire ghostwriters in an attempt to generate a more appealing ABS. More commonly, however, candidates will pass their submissions around to friends, family, current students, or practicing physicians for feedback to improve the submission.

여기에는 몇 가지 측정과 관련한 문제가 있는데, 첫째로 좋은 ABS의 상한선이 존재하는 한, 그리고 이러한 피드백을 통해서 향상이 이뤄진다면, 결국 지원자가 homogeneous해지는데 기여할 것이며, 획득가능한 신뢰도와 타당도의 최대치를 낮출 것이다. 둘째로, 이러한 restriction of range 가 아니어도 타당도에 대한 의문이 생기는데, 지원자를 평가하는 것인지 지원자의 지지기반시스템을 평가하는 것인지 헷갈리기 때문이다.

it creates a pair of measurement problems. First, given that there is an upper limit on how good an ABS can appear, and assuming that the collection of feedback results in improvement, the submissions may end up being more homogeneous than the candidates, thus lowering the maximum achievable reliability and validity. Second, even without restriction of range, the validity itself must be questioned as it becomes questionable whether one is discriminating between candidates or between candidate support systems.



현장에서 작성하는 ABS는 사전에 제출한 ABS와 대등하나 동일하지 않다. 윤리적 의사결정, advocacy, 개인 경험 등에 초점을 둔다.

The onsite ABS questions were comparable with, but not identical to, the noninvigilated questions participants answered offsite, with questions focusing on ethical decision making, advocacy, and personal experiences.

30개의 무작위 선택한 지원자의 ABS를 평가

For a subset of 30 randomly selected candidates, two scoring methods were compared for each ABS.



사전 제출한 ABS의 점수가 현장 작성 ABS보다 높았다. 유의미한 interaction이 있어서, 이러한 main effect는 전통적 방법(offsite, vertical) 평가방법에 영향을 받는 것으로 보인다.

The scores for the ABS completed offsite (mean 4.4) were significantly higher than those completed onsite (mean 4.1; F 5.7, p .05). A significant interaction between site and scoring method (p .01) revealed that this main effect was driven by a higher mean score in the traditional (offsite, vertical) scoring method (mean 4.7) relative to the other three groups (mean 4.0 to 4.2).

평가자간 신뢰도는 onsite에서 높았다. 그러나 offsite ABS의 평가자간 신뢰도는 수평방향 평가는 중등도였으나, 수직방향 평가에서는 낮았다.

When the interrater reliability was assessed, it was found to be high for ABS’s completed onsite (0.81 with vertical scoring, 0.78 with horizontal scoring). However, the offsite ABS interrater reliability was moderate when horizontal scoring was used (0.69), but poor when vertical scoring was used (0.03).

가장 중요한 것으로, ABS 점수와 MMI 의 상관관계는 수직방향보다 수평방향 평가에서 더 뚜렷했다.

Perhaps more importantly, the ABS scores correlated better with the MMI when the horizontal scoring method was used (r 0.44 offsite and 0.65 onsite) relative to when the vertical scoring method was used (r 0.12 offsite and 0.28 onsite).


수직방향 평가를 사용했을 때의 높은 내적일관성은 후광효과에 대하여 우려하게끔 한다.

The higher internal consistency achieved using the vertical scoring method provides evidence for our concern that the halo effect may have been biasing ABS assessments

외부와 단절된 상태에서 진행되는 ABS는 수평방향 평가를 활용하여, onsite에서 감독하에, 시간제한을 두고 작성하게 했을 때 가장 좋았다. 감독을 두고 작성하게 함으로써 피평가자의 독립성이 유지된다. 그러나 ABS는 외부와 단절된 상태에서 진행되지 않는다. MMI와 onsite ABS를 비교하여 보았을 때, MMI가 여러 이유로 더 선호된다. 첫째로, 전반적인 일반화가능도에서 MMI는 onsite ABS만큼 강ㄺ하다. 둘째로, 예측타당도에 있어서 MMI는 의과대학에서의 측정과 유의한 정의 상관을 보인다. 셋째로, onsite ABS 채점은 평가자의 시간을 많이 들여야 하고 의사결정이 지연되나 MMI는 즉석에서 그 날 결과가 나온다.

Seen in a vacuum, the method of ABS administration that performed best is clearly application of the horizontal scoring method to submissions collected in onsite, invigilated, time-controlled circumstances. Invigilation ensures independence of the ratees. However, the ABS does not function in a vacuum. Given the choice between MMI and onsite ABS, the MMI is preferred for a number of reasons. First, in terms of overall test generalizability, the MMI is at least as strong as the onsite ABS4. Second, with respect to predictive validity, the MMI has demonstrated significant positive correlation with in-school measures,5 and national licensing examination scores.6 Third, scoring of onsite ABS’s requires rater time subsequent to the date of interview, thus delaying decision making, whereas MMI scores are available immediately on that date.


 2006 Oct;81(10 Suppl):S70-3.

Medical school admissionsenhancing the reliability and validity of an autobiographical screening tool.

Author information

  • 1Program for Educational Research and Development, McMaster University, MDCL 3510, 1200 Main Street West, Hamilton, Ontario, L8N 3Z5, Canada. kelly.dore@learnlink.mcmaster.ca



Most medical school applicants are screened out preinterview. Some cognitive scores available preinterview and some noncognitive scores available at interview demonstrate reasonable reliability and predictive validity. A reliable preinterview noncognitive measure would relax dependence upon screening based entirely on cognitive tendencies.


In 2005, applicants interviewing at McMaster University's Michael G. DeGroote School of Medicine completed an offsite, noninvigilated,Autobiographical Submission (ABS) preinterview and another onsite, invigilated, ABS at interview. Traditional and new ABS scoring methods were compared, with raters either evaluating all ABS questions for each candidate in turn (vertical scoring-traditional method) or evaluating all candidates for each question in turn (horizontal scoring-new method).


The new scoring method revealed lower internal consistency and higher interrater reliability relative to the traditional method. More importantly, the new scoring method correlated better with the Multiple Mini-Interview (MMI) relative to the traditional method.


The new ABS scoring method revealed greater interrater reliability and predictive capacity, thus increasing its potential as a screen for noncognitive characteristics.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

사회적 판단으로서 평가자의 평가: 평가 오차의 원인에 대한 생각(Acad Med, 2011)

Rater-Based Assessments as Social Judgments: Rethinking the Etiology of Rater Errors

Andrea Gingerich, Glenn Regehr, and Kevin W. Eva

평가자기반 평가는 학생들이 복잡한 과제를 수행하는 것을 직접 볼 수 있기 때문에 역량의 높은 레벨에 해당하는 능력을 확인할 수 있는 장점이 있다. 그러나 안타깝게도 평가자기반평가(RBA)는 일반적으로 psychometric하게 약점이 있다.

Rater-based assessments are used because they allow students to be observed performing complex tasks corresponding to higher levels of competency.1,2 Unfortunately, rater-based assessments generally demonstrate psychometric weaknesses6–9 including

  • measurement errors of leniency,10
  • undifferentiation,11
  • range restriction,12
  • bias,13 and
  • unreliability.14


심지어 여러 평가자가 동일한 수행을 보고도 reproducibility나 평가자간 신뢰도 등에 문제가 발견된 바 있다.

One of the biggest threats to the reproducibility of clinical ratings, low interrater reliability,15,16 has been found to occur even when different raters view the same performance.17–20

극단적으로는 20개 OSCE스테이션 중 스테이션에서 특정 관찰가능한 행동의 수행 여부를 체크할 때 누구는 수행했다고 체크한 반면 다른 사람은 하지 않았다고 체크하는 것과 같은 사례가 19/20개 스테이션에서 발생하였으며 그 차이는 1개에서 8개에 이르렀다.

In a dramatic example, 19 of 20 OSCE stations each had one to eight discrepancies where at least one rater made a positive evaluative comment about the presence or absence of a specific observable behavior, while another rater made a negative evaluative comment regarding the exact same behavior.21

피평가자의 실제 수행능력이 맥락이나 사례 특이적으로 달라질 수 있다는 것이 RBA가 복잡한 주된 이유로 인정된 바 있지만, 그것의 효과에 대해서는 우리가 이미 잘 이해하고 있으며, 현재 평가 시스템에서는 잘 다뤄지고 있다. 그러나 다양한 평가자가 동일한 수행환경에서 나타나는 동일한 수행능력에 대해서도 서로 다르게 평가하는 것의 이유에 대해서는 우리가 알고있는 바가 더 적으며, 그러한 차이가 극복될 수 있는 것인가에 대한 상당한 논쟁이 있다. Marshall과 Ludbrook은 "관례적인 임상술기 평가에 있어서 평가자가 피평가자에 대해서 내리는 판단은 전적으로 개인 수준의 것이다"라고 했다.

While actual ratee performance differences attributable to context or case specificity are acknowledged to play a critical role in the complexities of rater- based assessment,22 its effects are well understood and accounted for in current assessment systems. Causes of variability in ratings, given by multiple raters for the same performance within the same context, are more uncertain, with considerable debate currently taking place about whether or not such variability can be overcome.23–25 The challenge is illustrated well by Marshall and Ludbrook,26(p215) who stated that “the judgment that an examiner makes of a candidate in the setting of the conventional test of clinical skills is an entirely personal one.”

평가자가 문제라면, 평가자 훈련이 가장 지속적으로 이뤄진 해결책이다. 그러나 평가자 훈련은 평가 결과에 미미한 향상만을 가져왔으며, 일부 연구자들은 의학에서 평가자들이란 훈련으로 바뀌지 않는 사람들은 아닌지 의구심을 표했다. "일부 평가자들은 본질적으로 일관된 면이 있고, 어떤 사람들은 좀 덜 하다. 이들 중 전자에 해당하는 사람들은 훈련으로 나아지지 않는다."

With raters identified as the problem, rater training has been the most persistently proposed solution.31 Rater training’s meager improvement of measurement outcomes, however, has provoked some researchers to suspect that medical raters are impervious to training,7,32 by suggesting that “some examiners are inherently consistent raters and others less so. The former do not need training and the latter are not improved by training.”33(p349)

표준화된 프레임워크를 사용하는 것으로는 이 문제를 해결하기 어렵다면, 여러 의학교육연구에서는 평가자의 사회-인지 프로세스의 중요성에 관심을 가질 것을 요구하며, 그것이 수행능력 평가에 가지는 함의를 다룬 바 있다. 이 저자들에게 평가자는 '능동적 정보 처리자'이며, 판단/추론/의사결정 전략을 활용하여 피평가자를 판단한다. 그들은 또한 평가점수를 결정하는 데 있어서 인상(impression)형성/해석/회상/판단 등의 복잡한 상호작용을 강조하였다. 일부 연구자는 평가절차와 psychometric 측정 원칙과 인간평가자의 능력의 잠재적 불일치를 지적했다.

Given the apparent intractability of this problem using our standard frameworks, a handful of medical education researchers have called attention to the importance of considering raters’ social cognitive processes and corresponding implications concerning measurement of performance assessments. These authors have stressed the need to see raters as active information processors using judgment, reasoning, and decision- making strategies to assess ratees.34 They have also highlighted a complex interaction of impression formation, interpretation, memory recall, and judgment in assigning ratings.21 And several have described potential incongruence between assessment procedures, psychometric measurement principles, and human rater capabilities.2,35,36

이들 연구자들이 문제에 접근한 방식은 '인상형성(impression formation)' 연구를 떠올리게 하는데, 사회적 상황에서 어떻게 한 개인이 다른 개인에 대한 판단을 내리는지에 대한 이해에 초점을 둔 사회인지에 관한 큰 연구영역 중 하나이다. 인상이란 다른 사람을 아는 일부분으로서 형성된다. 인상은 상대방에 대한 사실적 정보, 추론, 평가반응으로 구성된다. 인상이란 어떤 사람과 상호작용하기 위해서 그 사람에 대한 기존의 지식구조에 정보를 조직화하는데 사용된다. 사회인지 연구자들은 어떻게 사람들이 사회세계(social world)에 대해서 생각하는가에 대한 구체적인 인지 프로세스에 관심을 가졌다. 그들은 어떻게 사회적 정보가 encode, store, retrieve, structured, represented 되는지를 연구했으며, 어떻게 판단을 가지고 의사결정을 내리는지에 대한 프로세스를 연구하였다.

The approach being explored by these authors is highly reminiscent of the impression formation literature, a large research domain within social cognition focused on understanding how individuals make judgments of others in social settings.37 Impressions are formed as part of knowing another person. They are constructed from factual information,inferences, and evaluative reactions regarding the target person.37 It has been suggested that impressions are used to organize information into a structure of knowledge about the person38 in order to interact with himor her.39 Social cognition researchers are interested in thespecific cognitive processes used by people to think about the social world. They investigate how social information is encoded, stored and retrieved from memory, and structured and represented as knowledge; they also study the processes used to form judgments and make decisions.40 


흥미롭게도 평가자 나름의 독특한 방식(idiosyncrasy)도 인상형성 연구자들의 연구대상이 되었다. 이 연구에서 평가자들은 심지어 완전히 동일한 정보가 주어졌을 때 조차 피평가자에 대해서 상이한 인상을 가진다는 것이 확인되었다. 실제로, 한 평가자가 다수의 피평가자에 대해서 가지는 인상(들)이 다수의 평가자가 하나의 피평가자에게 가지는 인상(들)보다 더 유사하다. 전형적으로 인성특성 평가의 variance를 차지하는 가장 큰 부분은 피평가자 간의 차이가 아니라 피평가자와 평가자의 관계에서 독특하게 나타나는 차이이다.

Interestingly, the idiosyncrasy of raters has also been of interest to impression formation researchers.41 In that literature, it is well established that different raters will often form different impressions of the same ratee even when given the exact same information.42,43 In fact, the descriptions made by a single rater about multiple others have been found to be more similar than the descriptions made by multiple raters about a single ratee.44 Typically, the largest portion of variance in personality trait ratings is not attributable to differences perceived between the ratees but to differences uniquely contained within the relationship between each rater and ratee.42,45



심리학 연구에서 다른 사람을 인식하는 행위(인상형성)은 흔히 카테고리화 작업으로 묘사되는데, 이 카테고리화 작업에 진행되는 인지적 프로세스들 간에는 차이가 있을 수 있다.

Within psychology literatures, the act of perceiving other people (i.e., forming impressions) is commonly described as a categorization task, though differences exist in the way in which these cognitive processes are thought to be enacted.46,47



idiosyncratic 하지만 convergent 한 인간모델(Person Models)로서의 인상형성

Impression formation as idiosyncratic yet convergent Person Models

사회적 판단은 특정 조건에서는 idiosyncratic하고 실수의 가능성이 높다. 예를 들면 평가자의 감정이나 기분이 영향을 줄 수 있다. 만약 피평가자가 평가자로 하여금 평가자에게 중요한 다른 누군가를 떠올리게 하면, 피평가자는 유사한 특성을 공유하는 것으로 인식될 수 있다. 먄약 평가자가 근래에 피평가자를 묘사하는 말을 들었다면 모호한 행동도 그 전에 들었던 묘사와 일관된 것으로 해석될 수 있다. 이들은 인상이 피평가자 자체보다 다양한 변인과 맥락적 요인에 영향을 받기 쉽다는 것을 보여준다.

Social judgments have been found to be idiosyncratic and fallible under certain conditions.48 For example, raters’ mood and emotions at the time of the judgment can have an influence.49 If the ratee reminds the rater of a significant other, the ratee can be perceived to share similar characteristics.50 If the rater has recently been exposed to a description of the ratee, ambiguous behavior can be interpreted as being consistent with that description.51,52 Thus, there exists an implicit understanding that impressions are subject to variables and contextual factors beyond the ratee himself or herself.

인상형성에 있어 평가자의 idiosyncrasy 에도 불구하고 인상형성이 평가자간 상당히 일치한다는 근거도 있다. 한 연구에서는 평가자들이 피평가자에 대한 인상을 묘사할 때, 모든 표사방식이 세 가지 대표적 스토리(인간모델)로서 그룹지어질 수 있었다. 이 모델은 평가자가 접근가능한 정보로부터 받은 인상에 대한 즉석 묘사이다. 중요한 것은 비록 많은 이야기가 만들어졌지만, 비록 이 세 가지 모델 모두를 모든 개인에게 적용가능하지는 않았라도, 한 개인에 대한 이야기는 아래의 세 가지 모델 중 하나로 분류가능했다는 점이다.

Despite this expectation of rater idiosyncrasy in impression formation, however, there exists evidence that impressions will often be quite consistent across raters. One line of research, for example, has demonstrated that when raters were asked to write descriptions of a ratee based on their impressions, all descriptions for that ratee could be grouped into three representative stories (or “Person Models”) about that individual.42,45 The models are ad hoc descriptions of the ratee based on the rater’s impressions formed fromthe information available. Importantly, although many stories can be generated, stories pertaining to any one individual tend to fall into one of three models, though the same three models are not relevant to every individual.

    • Model 1 (67.6%of descriptions): [Ratee E] is energetic, friendly, and expressive, although she is more outgoing with her friend than her mother. She seems to be a kind and considerate person who enjoys talking to others. She laughs a lot and has many ideas.
    • Model 2 (15.5%of descriptions): [Ratee E] is insecure and nervous. She seems distracted at times, and she has trouble making decisions. She plays with her pen a lot and keeps bringing up a trip she was supposed to go on last year.
    • Model 3 (16.9%of descriptions): [Ratee E] has to dominate the conversation. She is rude and obnoxious and seems insensitive to other people. She doesn’t even say bless you when her friend sneezes. She seems self-centred and barely lets her friend talk.

비록 판단이 idiosyncratic하지만, 그것이 무한정 그렇지는 않다. 정보의 조각을 조합하고 정보의 우선순위를 결정함으로서 다양한 이야기를 만들어낼 수 있다. 후속 연구에서 인간모델은 긍정적 혹은 부정적 평가와 연결되는데 모델1에 해당하는 경우 긍정적인 평가를, 모델 2나 3에 해당하는 경우 부정적 평가를 받는 것으로 나온다. 따라서 인간모델은 평가자와 피평가자 사이에 독특한 관계에 의해서 나타나는 variance의 상당부분을 설명해준다.

Thus, although judgments are idiosyncratic, they are not infinitely so. It has been suggested that different combinations and prioritization of the pieces of information resulted in the different explanatory stories.42 In a follow-up study,45 the Person Models corresponded with ratings of liking and positive– negative evaluation such that raters usingModel 1 viewed the ratee positively and liked her, whereas raters using Models 2 or 3 viewed her negatively and disliked her. The Person Models, therefore, were found to account for a substantial portion of the variance in impressions attributed to the unique relationship between the rater and the ratee

만약 평가자가 그들이 피평가자에 관해 받은 정보를 바탕으로 피평가자에 대한 coherent한 인상을 구성해나갈 때 그 한 부분으로 인간모델을 만드는 것이라면, 그리고 모든 피평가자에 대해서 일반적으로 사용되는 세 가지 인간모델이 있다면, 이는 평가자들 사이에 cohesion과 coherence가 존재함에도 평가자간 신뢰도가 RBA에서 왜 감소하는지 설명해줄 수 있을지도 모른다.

If raters are forming Person Models as part of constructing a coherent impression about a ratee fromthe information they are receiving, and if there generally exist about three Person Models that are used for every ratee, this could help explain decreased interrater reliability in rater- based assessments while still yielding a sense of relative cohesion and coherence for each rater.

명목 카테고리화 작업으로서의 인상형성

Impression formation as a nominal categorization process

여기서는 피평가자의 행동에 대해서 '즉석에서' 네러티브를 구성하는 것이 아니라, 기존에 존재하던 스키마에 피평가자를 묶어내는 경향에 초첨을 둔다.

Here, the focus is not on the ad hoc construction of narratives around a ratee’s behavior; rather, the focus is on raters’ tendencies to lump ratees into preexisting schemas.

비록  과도한 일반화가 가지는 명확한 위험성도 있으나, 카테고리화의 뚜렷한 장점도 있다. 카테고리를 사용함으로써 평가자는 평가자의 카테고리-일치 행동을 관찰할 때에는 인지적 리소스를 사용할 필요가 없다. 실제로 평가자는 카테고리-비일치 행동만 관찰하면 된다. 피평가자의 카테고리화는 평가자로 하여금 주어진 정보를 넘어서서 기존의 카테고리 구성원과 일치하는 디테일까지 예상(추론)할 수 있다. 이는 개별 피평가자를 이해하는데 유용하며, 이들이 어떻게 행동할지 예측하게 해준다. 또한 그들과 상호작용할 때에 어떻게 하는 것이 가장 좋은지 결정을 도와준다. 인상형성의 인간모델 이론과 마찬가지로, 카테고리-기반 지식은 왜 피평가자가 특정 행동을 특정 상황에서 하는가에 대한 가능한 설명을 제공해주는 프레임워크가 된다.

Although there are clear and readily recognized dangers in overgeneralization (such as stereotypes), there are apparent benefits to categorization as well.46 With the use of categories, cognitive resources do not need to be used to monitor a ratee’s category-consistent behavior. Instead, the rater only needs to note any category- inconsistent behaviors.55 Categorization of the ratee also allows the rater to go beyond the given information to infer other expected details consistent with typical category members.56 This can be useful to better understand the individual ratees, to make predictions about how they will behave, and to decide how best to behave when interacting with them.47 Consistent with the Person Model theories of impression formation, category-based knowledge is thought to act as a framework to provide possible explanations for why a ratee might display particular behaviors in a given situation.

사회적 카테고리화에 대한 연구를 보면 이 카테고리가 장기기억에 존재할 수 있으나, 한 사람에 대한 사회적 카테고리화는 한 사람이 다양한 카테고리에 속할 수 있기 때문이 flexible한 측면도 있다. 위에서 묘사한 바와 같이, 이 연구에서는 한 사람에게 적용할 다양한 잠재적 카테고리 중 하나를 결정하는 데에는 맥락이 중요함을 찾아내었다. 예컨대, 아이를 안고 있는 남자는 마트에서는 아빠일 수 있지만, 병원에서는 간호사일 수 있다.

Although the social categorization literature suggests that these categories can exist preformed in long-term memory,46 social categorizations of a person are thought to be flexible because any individual can be categorized in multiple ways.58 Consistent with the findings described above, this literature has found context to be important in determining which category of the many possibilities will be applied to the person.51,59 For example, a man carrying a baby in a grocery store may be categorized as a dad but in a hospital as a nurse.

이 분야의 연구를 보면, 어떻게 카테고리 활성화를 조절할 수 있는가에 대한 것도 있다. 흥미롭게도, 의도적으로 카테고리-기반 가정에  반하여 사회적 판단을 조정하려고 하는 시도, 또는 카테고리적 사고를 억제하려는 시도는 오히려 카테고리화를 유발하여 더 안 좋은 영향을 미칠 수 있다. 이는 예를 들어 평가자가 고정관념을 회피하고자 하는 노력을 했을 때 오히려 더 고정관념에 빠졌다거나, 피평가자에 대한 더 고정관념적 기억을 잘 했다는 연구에서 나타난다. 이는 카테고리화를 극복하고자 하는 좋은 의도와 동기가 어쩌면 완전히 불가능하거나 적어도 결과의 향상을 가져오지 못할 수 있다는 것을 보여준다.

Researchers in this area have been particularly concerned with the question of how controllable category activation is. Interestingly, there is evidence to suggest that intentionally trying to adjust social judgments to counteract categorization-based assumptions or trying to suppress categorical thinking can cause the categorizations to have more adverse influence on impressions.64 This has been repeatedly demonstrated, for example, with studies where raters who were trying to avoid the use of stereotypes ended up demonstrating more stereotypic thinking in subsequent trials65 and more stereotyped memories of the ratee.66 This suggests that good intentions and the motivation to avoid categorizing people may not be completely possible and, when attempted, may not result in improved judgments.

만약 우리가 평가자가 피평가자에 대한 인상을 형성하고 피평가자를 인식하는 데 있어서 카테고리화할 수 있다는 것을 인정한다면, 이것은 RBA에 중요한 함의를 갖는다. 아마 가장 흥미로운 것은 카테고리가 순위/간격 자료가 아니라 명목자료라는 사실일 것이다. 명목변수는 본질적으로 논리적 위계나, 0점이 없고, 카테고리 간 간격이 균일하지 않다. 그러나 평가 서식은 순위를 매기는 답변을 요구한다(Behaviorally anchored scale 등). 혹은 리커트 척도 등의 숫자값을 선택하게 한다. 만약 평가자가 피평가자를 특정 카테고리에 속하는 것으로 인식한다면, 이 카테고리를 scale로 변환하는 것은 어떻게 이루어질까?

If we were to accept that raters may be categorizing ratees as part of perceiving and forming an impression of them, this could have important implications for rater-based assessment. Perhaps the most intriguing implication is the resemblance of categories to nominal rather than ordinal or interval data. Nominal variables have categories but do not have an inherent, logical order, a true zero, or an equal interval between the categories. Assessment forms often require ordinal responses such as the selection of an ordered descriptive value on a behaviorally anchored scale, or interval responses such as the selection of a numerical value on a Likert-type rating scale. If raters are judging ratees by perceiving themas belonging to a particular category, then how do they translate that categorical judgment into a rating scale value?

다차원적 카테고리화로서의 인상형성

Impression formation as dimensionally based categorizations

사람들은 두 개의 차원에 있어서 이분법적 판단에 따라 카테고리화 될 수 있다. 광범위한 연구에서 사회적 판단에 있어서 두 개의 직교하는 차원 인상형성에 있어서 variance의 상당부분을 설명할 수 있음을 보여준 바 있다.

As is described more thoroughly in the following, people can appear to be placed into categories based on dichotomized judgments on two underlying dimensions. An extensive literature consistently identifies two orthogonal dimensions underlying social judgments that can account for the majority of variance in impression formation.

모든 연구에서 한 차원은 사회적으로 바람직하거나 그렇지 않은 것에 대한 것이다.(정직-부정직 등)

In all studies, one of the dimensions refers to socially desirable or undesirable traits that directly impact on others. It includes positive traits such as friendly or honest and negative traits such as cold or deceitful.

두 번째 차원은 연구에 따라서 보다 다양한데, 개인의 성공에 영향을 미치는 특질에 대한 것이다. 지능/야망과 같은 긍정적 특질과 우유부단함/비효율적 과 같은 부정적 특질을 포함한다.

The second dimension has more variability across studies and refers to traits that tend to more directly influence the individual’s success.68,69 It tends to include positive traits such as intelligent or ambitious and negative traits such as indecisive or inefficient.


이 차원들은 다양한 이름으로 연구된 바 있다.

These dimensions have been given various labels, likely attributable, in part, to differing domains having been studied:

  • warmth/competence,69,70
  • communion/ agency,68,71
  • social/intellectual,72
  • other- profitability/self-profitability,73
  • morality/ competence,74 and
  • social desirability/ social utility.75


어떤 명명을 선택하느냐가 서로 다른 영역으로부터 온 연구자들이 매우 다른 차원을 찾아내었음을 보여주나, 연구자들은 대체로 이들 특질/행동에 겹치는 부분이 있음을 인정한다.

Although the choice of labels for each of the dimensions may imply that researchers fromdifferent domains have identified very different dimensions, the researchers agree there is a common overlap of traits and behaviors.68–70,75,76 

흥미롭게도, 두 개의 연속적, scaled 차원이 있다는 추측에도 불구하고 사회적판단에 관한 문헌을 보면 두 개의 이분된 직교하는 차원으로 구분한다. 각각 이분화된 나눠진 두 차원은 네 개의 조합을 만들어내고, 개인은 이 네 영역 중 하나로 카테고리화된다.

Interestingly, despite the speculation that there are two continuous, scaled dimensions underlying the process of social judgment, many researchers in the social judgment literature suggest that these two orthogonal dimensions are dichotomized into high- versus low-value judgments. When the two dimensions are crossed, therefore, the result is four potential combinations, and it has been proposed that individuals and groups are categorized in one of these four clusters.77

Warmth/Competence dimension의 사례 

Researchers have shown that the stereotyped groups described in the preceding section can be categorized into each cluster based on rater judgments of warmth/competence dimensions and that each cluster is associated with emotional and behavioral responses in the rater.78 More specifically, in North America,

  • groups judged high on warmth and competence, such as the middle class, invoke the emotions of pride and admiration and lead to behaviors of wanting to help and associate with them.
  • Groups judged low on warmth and high on competence, such as the stereotypically gluttonous rich, elicit envy and willingness to associate but also to attack under certain conditions.
  • Groups judged high on warmth and low on competence, including stereotypes for the elderly and disabled, elicit pity and willingness to help but also to avoid.
  • Low judgments of both warmth and competence, including stereotypes for the homeless and drug-addicted, invoke the emotions of disgust and contempt and lead to behaviors of wanting to attack and to avoid.

사회적 판단의 두 차원에 깔린 근본적 특징은  진화론적 관점에서 설명되곤 하는데, 이것이 낯선 사람을 친구인지 적인지 판단하는데 사용된다고 하면서, 상대방의 의도가 무엇인가를 인지하고, 상대방이 그 의도를 달성할 능력이 있는가를 판닪하는 것이 생존에 도움이 된다고 하였다. 이렇듯, 차갑거나 비도덕적 의도를 가진 사람이 그 의도를 달성할 능력까지 갖춘 것으로 분류될 경우 의도는 마찬가지로 비도덕적이나 능력이 없는 사람도다 더 위험하게 인식된다. 즉 두 개의 negative보다 한 개의 positive와 한 개의 negative가 더 위험하다는 것으로, 다차원적 판단으로서의 카테고리화든 단순 연산의 결과가 아님을 보여준다.

The fundamental nature of two dimensions underlying social judgments has been explained using an evolutionary perspective. It has been proposed that successfully determining whether strangers are potential friends or enemies, based on their perceived intentions and also on whether they are capable of achieving those intentions, would provide a survival advantage.79 As such, persons categorized as having cold or immoral intentions and high competence receive more strongly negative impression ratings than those categorized as having immoral intentions and low competence.80 This occurs despite the immoral–incompetent categorization resulting from two negative dimensional judgments and the immoral–competent categorization resulting from the combination of a positive and a negative dimensional judgment. Categorizations based on dimensional judgments, therefore, do not purely reflect an algebraic combination of values judged on two orthogonal dimensions.

임상역량을 평가하기 위해 만들어진 서시의 요인분석을 통해서 두 개의 내재된 요인을 발견하였다. 평가의 variance 대부분을 차지하는 두 요인으로서 지식과 대인관계기술을 언급하였다. 이 때 '지식'은 사회적판단에서 '역량'에 해당하며, 대인관계기술은 'warmth'에 해당한다. 따라서 의학에서 평가자들은 위에서 언급된 북미에서의 stereotype을 활용하여 피평가자를 네 가지 부류 중 하나로 분류할 것이다.

Factor analysis of rating forms designed to assess clinical competence often identifies two underlying factors regardless of the number of items or the number of dimensions included on the form. Of the two factors that explain the majority of variance in ratings, one tends to refer to knowledge and the other to interpersonal skills. The knowledge dimension seems analogous to the competence dimension in social judgments, and the interpersonal skills dimension seems comparable to the warmth dimension. As such, medical raters could be using the cognitive processes, previously described using the example of stereotyped groups in North America, to classify ratees into one of the four clusters with consequent emotions and reactions.



비록 사례특이성이 중요한 역할을 하는 것으로 밝혀졌지만, 평가자 variability 또한 construct-irrelevant error의 원인으로 지적되고 있으며, 이것을 어떻게 극복할지는 보다 불분명하다. 평가자의 객관성이나 평가자의 능력을 강화하기 위한 해결책은 효과가 미미했으며, 이제는 평가자 '에러'에 대한 다른 개념을 고려할 때일 수 있다.

Although case specificity has been shown to play a very important role, rater variability (based on idiosyncrasies of opinion, defiance, or ineptitude) has also been seen as a source of construct- irrelevant error16,25 with less clear understanding of how to overcome the challenge it creates. Solutions targeted at bolstering rater objectivity and ability have had little impact on reducing these measurement errors,7 and hence, perhaps the time has come to consider an alternate conception of rater “error.”

만약 우리가 RBA에서의 평가자가 사회적판단에서의 평가자와 동일한 인지 프로세스를 사용한다고 전제하고 시작했다면, 여기에서 함의는 무엇이고 어떻게 바꿀 수 있을까?

If we were to start with the premise that raters in rater-based assessments use the same cognitive processes as raters in social judgments, then what would the implications be for assessment and how would it change the way we talk about assessment?


심리학자들은 사회적판단을 내리는 데 있어서 사람들은 다른 사람을 카테고리화하는 경향이 있음을 밝혔다. 인상형성에 관한 연구에 따르면 카테고리화 프로세스에는 세 가지 다른 개념이 있다.

Psychologists have shown that, in making social judgments, people have a propensity to categorize other people. In the impression formation literature, there seem to be at least three different conceptualizations of this categorization process.


  • The Person Model literature presents an adaptable type of categorization based on the construction of stories, as needed, to describe specific individuals.42,45
  • In contrast, the categorization literature suggests that categories can be preformed constructs that exist in the long-term memory and are applied when activated.46
  • And a third conceptualization is the concept of cluster-based categorization that results from dichotomous judgments on two dimensions.77,78

이들 개념 간 차이와 무관하게, 인상형성 연구결과는 이러한 카테고리화가 전형적인 카테고리 구성원에 대한 정보를 새로운 사람에게 적용하게 해주는 것이라고 공통적으로 말하고 있으며, 그 결과 인지적 자원을 아낄 수 있게 해주고, 어떻게 행동할지 예상하게 해주며, 어떻게 상호작용할지 최적의 선택지를 제공한다.

Regardless of these differences in conceptualization, there is general agreement in the impression formation literature that such categorizations allow information about a typical category member to be applied to the new person, thereby reducing the cognitive resources needed to monitor the person’s behavior, allowing for predictions of how he or she will behave, and providing options for how best to interact with him or her.46

첫째, 카테고리화는 무의식중에, 그리고 자발적으로 일어날 수 있으며, 어떤 식으로든 이 프로세스를 통제하는 것은 매우 어렵다. 그렇기 때문에 평가자 훈련을 통해서 카테고리화의 영향을 변화시키려는 직접적 노력을 impede한다. 더 나아가 이들 카테고리화가 여러 평가자들 간에 놀라울 정도로 비슷하다는 연구결과가 있으나, 평가자 특이성(rater idiosyncrasy)은 여전히 존재하고 있으며, 최소한 서로 다른 인간모델의 서브그룹 수준에서는 차이가 있다.

First, the categorization of the person can happen spontaneously and without awareness,60 and there may be poor control over these processes even when they are made explicit.64 This could directly impede efforts to modify the influence of categorization on assessments through rater training. Further, although there is evidence of these categorizations being surprisingly consistent across raters, there is nonetheless room for rater idiosyncrasy, or at least subgroups that consistently use a different Person Model in understanding a particular individual’s behavior.45

평가자들은 피평가자를 서로 다른 스케일에 두는 것이 아니라, 애초에 서로 다른 명목 카테고리로 분류하는 것이다.

It is not that raters are scaling the behaviors differently but, rather, that they are placing ratees in different nominal categories.

둘째로, 대부분의 의학교육에서의 RBA는 표준화된 형식을 가지고 사전에 결정된 수행능력 영역/역할/역량을 평가한다. 이렇게 이론적으로 구성되어있는 평가 영역들은 우리에게 내재된 인지프로세스의 카테고리화와 잘 맞지 않을 수 있으며, 어떤 피평가자를 카테고리화하는데는 적용가능하지 않을 수 있다. 따라서 평가자 에러는 사람이 판단을 내릴 때 사용하는 인지 프로세스와 잘 맞지 않는 평가체계를 사용하게 하는 것에서 유발되는 것일 수도 있다.

Second, in the vast majority of rater- based assessments in medical education, the standard forms require ratings on a predetermined list of performance domains, roles, and/or competencies. These theoretically constructed assessment dimensions may not correspond with the categorizations that result from our innate cognitive processes, and they may not be universally applicable to all ratee categorizations. It is possible, therefore, that rater error might stem from an assessment system that asks raters to carry out judgment tasks that are incongruent with the cognitive processes used by humans to perform judgments. 

만약 평가자가 nominal한 판단을 내리는데, 평가서식은 ordinal/interval 평가를 내리도록 만들어져 있다면, 어떻게 이 카테고리적 판단을 rating scale로 변환할 것인가? 서로 다른 변환체계를 사용하는 평가자가 평가자 에러의 한 부분이 아닐까?

If raters are forming nominal judgments but assessment forms require ordinal or interval ratings, how do they translate that categorical judgment into a rating scale value? Could raters using different conversion systems explain a portion of rater error?

6 Lurie SJ, Mooney CJ, Lyness JM. Measurement of the general competencies of the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education: A systematic review. Acad Med. 2009;84:301–309.

30 Kogan JR, Holmboe ES, Hauer KE. Tools for direct observation and assessment of clinical skills of medical trainees: A systematic review. JAMA. 2009;302:1316–1326.

 2011 Oct;86(10 Suppl):S1-7. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0b013e31822a6cf8.

Rater-based assessments as social judgmentsrethinking the etiology of rater errors.

Author information

  • 1Northern Medical Program, University of Northern British Columbia, 3333 University Way, Prince George, British Columbia V2N 4Z9. gingeri@unbc.ca



Measurement errors are a limitation of using rater-based assessments that are commonly attributed to rater errors. Solutions targeting rater subjectivity have been largely unsuccessful.


This critical review examines investigations of rater idiosyncrasy from impression formation literatures to ask new questions for the parallel problem in rater-based assessments.


Raters may form categorical judgments about ratees as part of impression formation. Although categorization can be idiosyncratic, raters tend to consistently construct one of a few possible interpretations of each ratee. If raters naturally form categorical judgments, an assessment system requiring ordinal or interval ratings may inadvertently introduce conversion errors due to translation techniques unique to each rater.


Potential implications of raters forming differing categorizations of ratees combined with the use of rating scales to collect categorical judgments on measurement outcomes in rater-based assessments are explored.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

갑옷 선택하기: 사회과학으로서 의학교육 세우기 (Med Educ, 2009)

Picking up the gauntlet: constructing medical education as a social science

Lynn V Monrouxe1 & Charlotte E Rees2

최근 Bligh and Brice는 다음과 같이 주장했다. bibliometric analysis만으로 평가되는 위협에 대응하기 위해서는 우리는 반드시 새로운 측정지표를 활용하여 우리에게 연구를 위임하는(commission) 사람들에게 의학교육연구의 가치를 보여주어야 한다.

The challenge presented by Bligh and Brice1 is as follows: to counter the threat of bibliometric analysis alone, we must demonstrate the value of medical education research through new measurement indicators for those who commission our work.

의과학인가 사회과학인가?

should it be constructed as a medical or social science?



Bligh and Brice는 세 가지 이유를 언급했다.

Bligh and Brice1 offer a three- pronged perspective, suggesting that:

  • 첫째, 영국에서 의학교육연구는 흔히 의과학으로 보고 있으며, 이 때문에 앞으로도 의과학으로 볼 것이며 양적 지표로 평가하는 REF의 세 가지 의과학 분류 중 하나로 들어갈 것이다.
    firstly, medical education research in the UK is commonly viewed as a medical science, and as such ‘It appears probable that medical education research in the UK will continue to be viewed as a medical science rather than a social science’ and will therefore be cate- gorised within one of the REF’s three medical science categories and measured by quantitative indica- tors;
  • 둘째, 의학교육연구의 target audience는 임상가와 과학자이며, 우리는 실용적인 성과를 보여주어야 한다.
    secondly, that the target audi- ence for (and users of) medical education research consists of cli- nicians and scientists and we should demonstrate practical outcomes such as improved patient care in order to appease them, and,
  • 셋째, 의학교육연구에서 사용되는 방법론의 soft 한 특징 때문에 (RCT 등과 다른), 재정 지원 수준이 낮다.
    thirdly, that the ‘soft’ nature of the methodologies used by medical education researchers (rather than methods consistent with a medical paradigm, such as randomised controlled trials) result in the attainment of low levels of funding.

우리는 첫째로, Bligh and Brice의 의학교육연구가 'soft'사회과학이라기보다는 앞으로도 꾸준히 'hard'의과학일 것이라는 주장이 부분적으로 불완전하다고 생각하며, 둘째로 이러한 주장은 의학교육연구가 연구의 실용적 결과를 소비하는 사람들에게만 가치있는 것이라고 보는 관점이 위험하다고 생각한다.

We argue that, firstly, the premise through which Bligh and Brice1 reach their conclusion is partial, incomplete and comprises part of the problematic perspective through which medical education research continues to be con- structed as a ‘hard’ medical science, rather than a ‘soft’ social science, and, secondly, that restricting our sights to considering only the value that medical education research has for those who use or consume it for practical outcomes is detrimen- tal.

우리는 의학교육연구가 어떻게 의과학으로 만들어지는가에 대해서 관심을 가져보고자 한다. Bligh and Brice는 의학교육저널이 사회과학이 아니라 의과학으로 분류되며, 그 이유를 JCR을 근거로 삼았다. 그러나 JCR을 자세히 들여다보면 일부 저널들은 사회과학 DB에도 포함된다. 더 나아가 Thomson IS citation index는 이 세 가지 주요 의학교육저널에 논문을 출판하는 저자들이 SCI와 SSCI 목록에 모두 포함되어있음을 보여준다. 그리고 영국 바깥을 보면 Excellence in Research for Austra- lia (ERA) initiative와 같이 교육과정과 교육법 등으로 분류된 저널들이 있으며, 이는 사회과학/행동과학/경제과학으로 분류된다.

We begin by turning our attention to the construction of medical education research as a medical science. Bligh and Brice1 claim that the core medical education jour- nals (e.g. Medical Education, Aca- demic Medicine, Advances in Health Sciences Education, Medical Teacher, etc.) are identified with ‘hard’ medical rather than ‘soft’ social science because they appear in the ‘Science’ listings of Thomson’s journal citation reports (JCR). However, a closer look at the JCR shows that some journals (e.g. Advances in Health Sciences Educa- tion) appear in the social science database. Furthermore, the Thom- son IS citation index (which con- siders author citations, rather than journal citations) reveals that authors who publish in all of the core medical education journals appear in both the science and the social sciences citation index list- ings. And when we look outside the UK, for example, to the new Excellence in Research for Austra- lia (ERA) initiative,4 we find that these same journals have been labelled under curriculum and peda- gogy, which are categorised as social, behavioural and economic sciences.

흥미롭게도, 연구를 bibliometric 분석으로 보는 관점에서 의학교육연구는 의과학이나 생명과학의 주요 분야로 분류되지 않으며, 오히려 사회과학/행동과학으로 분류된다. 따라서 Bligh and Brice의 주장과 달리 의학교육연구는 사회과학으로 construct된다.

Interestingly, in the scoping study for the bibliometric analysis of quality in research3 cited by Bligh and Brice,1 medical education research is not classified under the major field of medical and life sci- ences; rather it is categorised under social and behavioural science (subfield: educational science ‘education, scientific disciplines’). Therefore, contrary to Bligh and Brice’s1 claim, medical education research is commonly constructed as a social science.

비록 우리가 과학자와 임상가가 의학교육연구의 중요한 사용자라는 것을 인정하더라도, 그들이 유일한 소비자는 아니다. 

Although we recog- nise scientists and clinicians to be bona fide users of medical education research, they are not the only legitimate users.

실제로, 여러 국제 저널에 나온 의학교육연구의 결과를 보면 다양한 독자층을 대상으로 하는 것을 볼 수 있다. 따라서 비록 우리가 우리의 연구가 환자 성과를 향상시키는데 중요하다고 인식하더라도, 우리는 의학교육연구가 다른 학문에 새로운 지식을 기여하는 바가 있으며, 사회과학의 방법론적/이론적 발달에도 동등하게 기여한다고 생각한다.

Indeed, with this in mind, findings from medical education research have been published across a range of international journals with dif- ferent target audiences (e.g. edu- cationalists and social scientists).5–8 Thus, although we recognise the importance of our research for improved patient outcomes, we assert that medical education research leading to the creation of new knowledge for other academics and contributing to methodologi- cal and theoretical developments in the social sciences is equally legiti- mate.9,10

독자층에 대한 우리의 관점을 좁게 잡으면, 그리고 우리 연구의 이론적 성과를 무시한다면, 우리는 우리 연구의 질을 손상시키는 것이다. 우리는 이것이 우리가 funding을 적게 받는 이유라고 생각한다. 그러나 pres- tigious award bodies로부터 완전한 funding (full economi- cally costed funding awards)을 받는 것도 가능하며, 이는 오직 이론적, 실제적, 정책적 성과가 명확하게 고려되고 의도되었을 때만 가능하다.

We believe that by restricting our attention to a narrow range of users (i.e. scientists and clinicians) and by ignoring the theoretical out- comes of our research (along with the theoretical underpinnings of educational research), we compro- mise the quality of the outcome of our research; we think this is the reason why we typically attract only low levels of funding.11 However, it is possible to obtain full economi- cally costed funding awards (i.e. funding that covers direct, indirect and total overhead costs) for med- ical education research from pres- tigious award bodies, but only when theoretical, practical and policy outcomes are explicitly considered and attended to.

예컨데 우리는 여러 의학교육연구비를 따낸 적이 있다. 

For example, we have made successful (and unsuc- cessful but alpha-rated) grant applications to various bodies for medical education research (e.g. the British Academy, the Nuffield Foundation, the Economic and Social Research Council).

중요한 것은 그러한 기관에서 지원받는 funding을 soft 연구방법론에만 쓰는 것이 대규모의 empirical 연구 프로젝트를 개발하는데 심각한 장애가 된다고 보여지는 것이다.

Importantly, all the funding received from such organisations has been for studies using the ‘soft methodological’ approaches (focus groups, individ- ual interviews, audio diaries, obser- vation etc.) cited by Bligh and Brice1 as representing serious bar- riers to the development of larger- scale empirical research projects.

의학교육연구가 다른 사회과학 연구와 유사하다고 보는 인식은, professional identity와 같은 문제에 있어서는 레토릭적으로는 유용한 이슈라고 본다. 예컨대 epistemic culture의 개념에 대해서 - 즉 서로 다른 과학(학문) 커뮤니티가  서로 다른 연구문화와 연구행태를 보인다 - 다루는 것이 있다. Albert 등은 많은 생의학자는 사회과학에서 사용되는 연구방법론을 잘 받아들이려 하지 않는데, 그 이유는 이 방법이 reliable하고 valid한 결과를 내지 못한다고 생각하기 때문이다. 따라서 의학에서 '황금률'인 RCT를 교육연구에도 적용할 수(그리고 적용해야) 있다는 관점은 임상가들의 professional identity를 유지시키는 것을 더 확실하게 해 주는 것일 뿐이다.

The perception that medical education research is akin to any other scien- tific research is, we think, rhetori- cally useful for issues such as professional identity. For example, drawing on the concept of ‘episte- mic culture’,12 which asserts that different scientific communities hold differing research cultures and practices, Albert et al.13 found that many biomedical scientists were unreceptive (or ambivalent) towards the research methods used within the social sciences as they believed these methods to be inadequate for producing reliable and valid results in the way that the experimental paradigm can. Therefore, the continued belief that the ‘gold standard’ of research in medicine – the randomised control trial – can (and should) be applied to educational research ensures that aspects of clinicians’ professional identities (that is, the science part) are upheld.

의학교육연구는 의학연구와 'poor relation'에 있는데, 이것은 애초에 사촌간이 아니기 때문이다(not a relation at all). 이 둘은 전혀 다른 두 가족에 속해있다.

Medical education research is not the ‘poor relation’ of medical research15 because it is not a rela- tion at all. Instead, it belongs to a different family altogether.

 2009 Mar;43(3):196-8. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2923.2008.03272.x.

Picking up the gauntletconstructing medical education as a social science.

Author information

  • 1Divisionof Medical Education, School of Medicine, Cardiff University, Room 158 Upper Ground Floor, B-C Link Corridor, Heath Park, Cardiff CF14 4XN, UK. monrouxelv@cardiff.ac.uk
[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

의학교육연구의 질에 관한 논의 확대(Med Educ, 2009)

Broadening the debate about quality in medical education research

Kevin W Eva

두 사람 모두 Todres의 2007년 논문을 인용하며 의학교육연구의 2/3은 observational 연구이며, 3%이하만이 RCT를 활용했다고 지적했다. 이번 호에서 Jones 등은 2007년 논문이 RCT를 지지하기 위한 것은 아니었다고 밝혔다. 그들이 전하고자 했던 메시지는, 연구 디자인이 어떻든 그 설계에 관한 최고의 스탠다드를 적용해야 한다는 것이었다고 한다. 이는 중요한 해명이다. 의학교육연구가 대부분 관찰연구라는 사실을 바탕으로 의학교육연구가 정체되어있다고 주장하는 것으로부터 관찰연구가 다른 방법론에 비해서 열등한 것이라는 추론을 내리는 함정에 빠져서는 안된다고 Dornan은 말한다.

Both used Todres, et al.’s1 2007 paper to point out that a full two thirds of medical education re- search studies were observational in nature while less than three per cent utilised randomised controlled trial (RCT) designs. In a letter published in this issue Jones, et al.2 clarify that they did not intend to advocate for RCTs (or quantitative methods more gener- ally) in that 2007 article, but rather, that their message was that what- ever research design is used it should be used to the highest standards of practice for that design. This is an important clarifi- cation. One could easily be forgiven for inferring that claims of stagnation within medical educa- tion research accompanied by the observation that the majority of studies in the field are observa- tional implies that observational studies (and the qualitative research encompassed in that broad label) are less desirable than other methods, as indicated by Dornan, et al.,3 in their reply.

이 editorial은 이 토론을 반복하기 위한 것이 아니라 우리가 이 연구를 어떻게 전개시킬까에 대해 성찰하기 위함이다. 

This edito- rial is not intended to simply rehash that discussion, but rather, is aimed at prompting reflection on how we might move the dis- cussion forward by changing the terms of the debate.

생의학계의 '근거의 위계'는 교육적 맥락에서는 불충분하며, 수행된 연구가 진전을 가져왔는가에 대한 평가를 위해서는 대안적 모델이 필요하다. 만약 우리의 연구가 다른 기준에 따라 평가되어야 한다면 그 기준이 무엇이 되어야 하는가를 정하는 책임은 우리에게 있다.

It was then that I realized, however, that it is one thing to say that the biomedical community’s hierarchy of evidence is insufficient in educational contexts, but quite another to offer an alternative model that provides guidance regarding how to judge whether or not the research being performed is enabling progress to be made. If we think our work in the field needs to be held to a different standard, the onus falls upon us to determine what that standard should be.

이 때 근본적 문제는 다양성이다.

A fundamental problem in this regard is diversity.

이에 대해서 너무 이상적인 모습만 그려서는 안된다. Brain Hodges가 우리에게 우아하게 가르쳐 준 바와 같이 서로 다른 담화(세상을 바라보는 관점)가 서로 (암묵적이든 명시적이든) 충돌할 수 있으며 , 두 분야는 물론 학생에게도 부정적 결과를 가져올 수 있다. 그러나 전체적으로는 내 경험에 따르면 의학교육연구에 종사하는 대부분의 사람들은 우리 중 그 누구의 가정/방법/세계관도 교육의 모든 이슈를 설명하기엔 부족하다는 것을 안다. 전세계적으로 통용되는 기준을 정의하는 데 있어서 이것이 야기하는 문제는 엄청나다.

One should not paint too Utopian a view in thisregard as it is undoubtedly true, asBrian Hodges has so eloquently taught us, that different discourses (ways of seeing the world) can conflict with one another, either explicitly or implicitly, with poten- tially negative repercussions for both the field and individual stu- dents.7 On the whole, however, myexperience has led me to believe that most people working within the field of medical education research recognize that the assumptions, methods, and world- views that any of us hold as indi- viduals are insufficient to address every issue of relevance to educa- tors in the health professions. The challenge this creates in terms of defining universal standards for rigour are substantial. 

우리 스스로 발전을 이뤘다고 생각하는 것을 더 잘 보여주는 준거의 집합을 어떻게 제안할 수 있을까?

How then can we put forward a set of criteria that will enable the next set of authors who choose to conduct a review of the quality of research in medical education to better represent the goals of the field and the progress that we think is being made? It is a critically important question be- cause, quite frankly, it would not bother me in the least if the Todres, et al. study were repeated 10 years from now only to bemoan that the distribution of research methods was unchanged.


Isaac Asimov는 '과학계에서 들을 수 있는 말 중 가장 흥분되는 말은 '유레카!'라는 새로운 발견의 도래를 알리는 말이 아니라, '그거 흥미로운데요...' 라는 말이다' 라고 한 적이 있다. 연구자로서 우리의 목표는 관심이 되는 현상을 밝혀내고, 이 현상에 대한 호기심이 기존의 경험적 발견을 탐색하게끔 하고, 그 특정 현상을 더 잘 이해하기 위한 연구방법 뿐 아니라 이론을 만들어내는 것이다. 현상이 복잡하다면 어떤 방법도 독자적으로는 불충분하다.

Isaac Asimov once said ‘The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds discoveries, is not ‘‘Eureka!’’ (I found it!) but ‘‘That’s funny…’’’. As researchers our goal should be to identify phenomena of interest (and prac- tical relevance) and to let curiosity about those phenomena drive an exploration of existing empirical findings and theories as well as driving the generation of research methods tailored to the purpose of better understanding that particu- lar phenomenon. Any one method is likely to be insufficient if the phenomenon is complex (as is typically the case if the phenome- non is related to education).

실제로  Richard Boyd 와 다른 과학철학자들은 이론이 방법에 의해서 만들어지는 것 만큼이나 방법이 이론에 의해서 만들어진다고 했다.

In fact, Richard Boyd and other phi- losophers of science considered realists go so far as to argue that methods in science are produced by scientific theory just as much as theory is driven by method.

이 editorial에 있어서 나는 고의적으로 'evidence'라는 단어를 사용하지 않았다. 이는 이 단어의 의미가 '활용가능한 정보의 총체'라는 의미가 아니라 '뭔가 효과가 있었던 것'이라는 협소한 의미로 갈취되었기 때문이다. 의학교육연구와 같이 복잡한 영역에서 나는 더 광범위한 정의에 초점을 맞춰야 한다고 생각한다. 우리의 실제 목표와 관련된 경험적(empirical) 정보의 축적을 통한 발전을 위해 고군분투하는 것이며, 다양한 종류의 정보에 순위를 매겨 고정시키거나, evidence의 위계를 협소하게 정의하지 말아야 한다.

Throughout this editorial I have deliberately avoided using the word ‘evidence’ when discussing research in medical education. That is because the word has been hijacked to narrowly come to mean proof that something works rather than the broader definition of an available body of information.10 In complex domains like medical education research I think we are better served by focusing on the broader definition, striving for progress through the accumulation of empirical (i.e., based on verifi- able observations) information that is relevant to our practical aims than we are by getting locked into placing different types of informa- tion into a static and inevitably narrowly defined hierarchy of evidence.

바로 그 최고의 RCT라는 것조차 '효과적'이라고 밝혀질 수 있지만, 그 조차도 특정 워크숍이나 과정에 대한 것을 넘어서는 더 일반적인 현상의 이해에 도움이 되지 않는다면, 더 폭넓은 커뮤니티 차원에서는 충분히 활용가능한 것이 아닐 수 있다. Scholarship란 문헌에 존재하는, 특정 맥락으로 제한되는 경험적 결과를 적용할 수 있는 최선의 방법을 찾는 것이다. 이는 가장 효과적인 교육 처방을 공식에 따라서 주문하는 것과 같이 단순화 될 것이 아니다.

The very best RCT may prove that a specific educational intervention was effective, but if it does not advance understanding of a more general phenomenon than that particular course or workshop then it will not be of substantial use to the broader community.11 Scholarship is about determining how to best adapt the empirical findings present in the literature to the needs and constraints of one’s local context (and engaging in continuous quality improvement exercises to ensure that one’s adaptations are meeting their mark). It is not about simply ordering the most effective educa- tional therapy off the formulary. That pill doesn’t exist.

의학교육 연구의 질에 대해 판단할 때 이것이 의미하는 바는, 어떤 '객관적' 체크리스트도 불충분하다는 것이다.

What this means in terms of judg- ing the quality of research being performed in medical education is that any ‘objective’ checklist, such as those advocated by the users’ guides, will be insufficient.

의학교육 연구는 성장하고 있다.

The field of medical education research continues to grow

이 모든것이 많은 사람들이 이미 수행된 연구의 가치를 찾고 있음을 보여주는 간접적 증거이다. 우리는 Todre의 근본적 메시지에 관심을 기울여야 한다. 즉 우리 분야의 지속적 발전을 위해서는 다양한 재정지원 기관에 우리가 하는 것을 팔(sell) 방법을 생각해야 한다.

This all provides indirect evidence that a large body of people are finding value in the research that is being done. That said, we do need to heed Todres, et al.’s fundamen- tal message that to continue our progress we need to find better ways to sell what we do to various funding agencies and government organizations.

그렇게 함으로써, 나의 진정한 바람은 의학교육연구의 질을 평가할 때, 특정 방법론이 적용되었는지 아닌지를 가지고 평가하기보다는, 문제를 이해하는 데에 있어 우리가 얼마나 정교한지를 생각해볼 때, 과연 그 연구를 통해서 그러한 진전이 이루어졌는지를 기준으로 평가하는 것이다.

In doing so, however, my sincere hope is that we will define the quality of medical education research based on judgments of whether or not progress is being made with regard to how sophisti- cated our understanding of the problems becomes, rather than on whether or not a particular research methodology has been adopted.

 2009 Apr;43(4):294-6. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2923.2009.03342.x.

Broadening the debate about quality in medical education research.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

좋은 의학교육연구의 가치는 무엇인가? (Med Educ, 2008)

What is the value of good medical education research?

John Bligh & Julie Brice

속담에도 나와 있듯, 비용을 부담한 사람이 결정권을 가진다. 연구가 공공의 자금에서 지원되는 대부분의 국가에는 연구 성과를 평가하는 국가 시스템이 있다.

As the saying goes, those who pay the piper call the tune. In most countries where research is pub- licly funded there are national systems for assessing research outputs. Governments, research councils, charitable bodies and other investors all want value for money.

영국은 2008년부터 모든 건강 관련 연구를 평가하는 metrics를 사용할 것이며, 문서에서 드러난 것은 lighter-touch 접근법이라 불리는 방식이 사회과학 연구를 위해 개발될 것이라는 점이다.

the UK government will use metrics to assess all health-related research from 2008, and what the consultation document describes as a lighter-touch approach will be developed for those disciplines within the social sciences.3

의학교육 연구자들은 연구 평가를 위한 양적 접근법을 불신할 만한 이유가 있다. 비록 많은 의학교육 편집자와 연구자가 그들의 연구 대부분이 - 연구방법론이 어떻든 - 더 과학적이고 이론적으로 튼튼해지면 도움일 될 것이라는 점에는 동의하나, 의학교육계 내에서는 어떻게 의학교육연구의 질과 가치를 평가할 것인가에 대한 분노만큼이나 방어적 태도가 나오고 있다.

Medical education researchers have reason to mistrust quantitative approaches to assessing their work. Although many medical education editors and researchers would agree that much of our published research, whatever the methodol- ogy, would benefit from being more scientifically and theoretically rigorous,5–7 there is a sense of defensiveness amounting almost to indignation among the medical education community regarding how the quality and value of medical education research are assessed.

의학교육연구는 전통적으로 무자비하게 실용성만 강조하는 영향력있는 사람들의 손에서 번창해왔다. 이러한 의학교육연구는 비록 생의학 분야의 한 부분으로 여겨졌지만, 점차 양적 방법론을 더 폭넓게 사용하고 있으며, 전통적인 의학 연구와는 다르다. RCT가 황금률로 여겨지는 분위기에서 의학교육은 지속적으로 인정받기 위해 노력해왔다 .실제로, 대부분의 방법론적 접근법의 soft nature로 인해서 의학연구와의 관계가 취약하다고 묘사되어왔다. 이는 적은 연구비 지원으로 이어졌고, 대규모의 empirical research project 발전의 장애로 작용했다.

Medical education research has not traditionally prospered at the hands of those in positions of influence where the emphasis is ruthlessly practical. Although medical educa- tion research is typically considered part of the biomedical sciences family, and it continues to make extensive use of quantitative meth- ods, it is not typical of classical medical research. In a climate where the randomised controlled trial is seen as the gold standard for research, medical education constantly has to struggle for rec- ognition.8 Indeed, it has been unflatteringly described as the poor relation of medical research 9 because of the soft nature of many of its methodological approaches. These factors contribute to low levels of funding for medical education research, which in turn represents a serious barrier to the development of large-scale empirical research projects.

영국의 의학교육연구는 사회과학보다는 의과학으로 구분될 가능성이 높다.

It appears probable that medical education research in the UK will continue to be viewed as a medical science rather than a social science.

이러한 의학교육연구에 대한 관점은 널리 받아들여지고 있는데, 저널들은 SSCI보다는 Thomson ISI Citation Index에 더 등장하고 있다.

This view of medical education research as more repre- sentative of a science than a social science is widely accepted. For example, all the main medical education journals appear in the Science listings in the Thomson ISI Citation Index, rather than in the Social Science categories; pub- lished work is listed in the main scientific and medical indices.

무엇보다 의학교육연구의 가장 가혹한 비평가들은 그들의 독자이다. 의과학 패러다임에 익숙한 기초의학자와 임상가들이다. 이들은 우리의 연구비 제안서를 평가하는 사람들이며, 우리의 연구 성과를 판단하는 독자이고, 이것을 실제로 활용할 사람들이다. 따라서 의학교육연구의 매체(medium)과 메시지가 이들에게 적절해야 한다.

After all, medical education research s harshest crit- ics are also its target audience: clinicians and scientists familiar with the medical science para- digm. These are the funders who assess our grant applications and the journal readers who judge the products of our research and eventually apply them in their practice. It is therefore vital that the medium and the message of medical education research are appropriate for this audience.9–11

복잡하고 빠르게 변화하는 의과대학과 의료환경에서 의학교육연구를 수행할 때 실제적/이론적 어려움과 씨름해 본 사람이라면 반대하기 어려울 것이다. 그러나 우리의 개인적 신념이 무엇이든, 한 집단으로서 우리는 우리앞에 놓은 과제를 인정해야 한다.

anyone who has wrestled with the practical and theoretical difficulties of undertaking medical education research in a complex and rapidly changing medical school or clinical environment would find it hard to disagree. Yet whatever our individual beliefs about the nature of medical edu- cation research, as a community we nevertheless have to accept the challenge that lies before us.2


우리의 주된 관심은 의학교육연구의 가치를 우리의 연구를 사용하고 인정해줄 사람에게 보여주는 것이다. 이는 다른 사람이 연구 의제를 설정하게 두는 것이 아니다. 우리는 bibliometric analysis 만으로 어떻게 우리 연구가 평가되고 지원받을지에 대한 최종적 판단이 이뤄지는 것을 원하지 않는다. 그렇다면 우리가 의학교육연구를 평가할 새로운 평가법을 개발해야 한다. 우리는 근본적 질문에 답해야 한다. 의학교육이 변화를 가져오는가? 만약 그렇다면 누구에게, 어떻게? 그리고 교육의 성과와 효과를 측정할 때 어떻게 정의할 것인가?

Our primary concern must be to demonstrate the value of medical education research to those who commission and use our work, in ways that they can understand.12 This does not necessarily mean allowing others to set the agenda; but if we do not wish bibliometric analysis alone to have the final say on how our work is evaluated and funded, then we ourselves must develop new measurement indica- tors for medical education research that are credible and acceptable to our critics. We must address the fundamental questions. Does med- ical education make a difference? And if so, to whom and why? How do we define and, importantly, measure educational outcomes and impact? We must, as a matter of urgency, research, assess and dem- onstrate clearly how what we do is important for the improvement of patient care.

9 Todres M, Stephenson A, Jones R. Medical education research remains the poor relation. BMJ 2007;335:333–5.

 2008 Jul;42(7):652-3. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2923.2008.03036.x.

What is the value of good medical education research?

Author information

  • 1Plymouth, UK.
[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Acad Med 마지막 페이지: 역동적, 순환적 관점에서의 SRL (Acad Med, 2013)

AM Last Page: Self-Regulated Learning—A Dynamic, Cyclical Perspective

Anthony R. Artino, Jr., PhD, associate professor, Preventive Medicine and Biometrics, and Kenneth D. Jones, PhD, assistant professor, Preventive Medicine and Biometrics, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences

 2013 Jul;88(7):1048. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0b013e3182953763.

AM last pageself-regulated learning--a dynamiccyclical perspective.

Author information

  • 1Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences. anthony.artino@usuhs.edu

자기 자신의 역량 부족 인식의 어려움: 자신의 스킬 부족을 인식하지 못하는 신참 의사(Acad Med, 2001)

Difficulties in Recognizing One’s Own Incompetence: Novice Physicians Who Are Unskilled and Unaware of It


Kruger and Dunning은 스스로의 역량을 평가하는 능력의 부족은 광범위한 과제(유머, 논리적 추론 등)에서 가장 낮은 점수를 받은 분위에 속한 사람들에게 흔하게 나타나는 것이라는 연구 시리즈를 발표하였다. 연구자들은 가장 높은 점수를 받은 사람들은 자신의 능력을 과소평가하는 반면, 다른 사람의 수행능력을 확인한 다음에는 자신의 능력을 더 정확하게 파악함을 보여주었다. 중간 분위에 있는 사람들은 스스로의 스킬에 대한 평가를 전반적으로 정확히 하는 편이며, 다른 사람의 수행능력을 관찰한 이후에도 유지되었다. 그러나 가장 낮은 분위에 있는 사람들은 자신의 능력을 과대평가했으며, 다른 사람의 수행능력을 본 이후에도 자기평가가 여전히 부정확했다. Kruger and Dunning은 이와 같이 '아는 것이 적은 사람은 자기 자신이 무엇을 아는지에 대해서도 아는 것이 적다'라고 결론내렸다. 이 연구에서 그들은 어떻가 본질적으로 자기 능력을 과대평가하는 사람들을 도와줄 수 있으는지 의문을 제기했다.

Kruger and Dunning1 published an elegant series of studies illus- trating that deficits in the ability to assess one’s own competence were common among the subjects in the lowest-scoring quartile on a wide range of tasks such as recognition of humor and logical reasoning. These researchers demonstrated that subjects who had the highest scores underestimated their abilities but were able to recalibrate following exposure to the performances of others. Those scoring in the middle quartiles were generally accurate in assessing their skills, and this remained so after exposure to others’ perfor- mances. People in the lowest quartile, however, greatly overesti- mated their abilities and failed almost entirely to correct their self- assessments following exposure to the performances of others. Kruger and Dunning concluded that those who know less also know less about what they know. In their study they raise the question of how to help learners who intrinsically overestimate their abilities and therefore do not perceive their own incompetence.

Kruger and Dunning의 연구는 의학교육에 있어 흥미로운데, 의사들에게 비슷한 연구를 했을 때, 가장 스킬이 떨어지는 의사가 스스로의 능력을 부정확하게 평가할 위험이 가장 높기 때문이다.

The work of Kruger and Dunning is intriguing for medical ed- ucators because, if replicated with doctors, it suggests that those with the least skill may be most at risk of inaccurately assessing their abilities.

각자 인터뷰를 마친 후, 레지던트들은 수행장면이 녹화된 비디오를 평가한 이후에 스스로의 수행을 다시 평가했다. 스스로의 평가에 대한 레지던트의 평가는 전문가의 평가와 두 가지 방식으로 비교하였다. 첫째로, 전문가가 레지던트에 대해서 한 평가를 4분위로 나누어서 비디오 시청 전 후의 평가 결과와 비교하였다. 두 번째로, 레지던트의 척도 사용을 표준화하기 위해서 각 레지던트의 점수는  네 개의 기준점 비디오의 평가 평균에 따라 rescale 되었다. z score를 활용했다.

Following their own interviews, the residents were asked to assess the videotaped performances and were then given an opportunity to rescore their own performances. The residents’ ratings of their own performances were then compared with scores of experts in two ways. First, the experts’ ratings of the residents were sorted in tertiles and plotted against both the pre- and the post-video self- assessed ratings of the residents. Second, in an effort to standardize the use of scales across the residents, each resident’s score was re- scaled relative to his or her mean assessment of the four benchmark videos. A z score was calculated for each resident’s performance by subtracting the resident’s mean score of the videos from his or her actual self-assessment and dividing by the standard deviation of the video ratings.

우리는 가장 높은 수행능력을 보여준 레지던틑 집단이 자기평가에 대해서 가장 잘 recalibrate하는 것을 발견했다. 최하위 집단의 일부 레지던트가 유사한 결과를 보여주긴 했으나 일관되진 않았고, 8명 중 2명은 이미 과대평가된 자기평가가 더 악화되었다.

We found that those residents in the highest performance group were able to recalibrate their self-assessments more accurately when presented with benchmark videos. Some residents in the lowest performance group were also able to do this, although not as con- sistently, and two of eight individuals actually worsened their al- ready inflated self-assessments.

기술적인 관점에서 보다면, 우리는 이 연구가 자기평가연구에 중요한 기여를 한다고 생각한다. 지금까지 대부분의 자기평가의 정확성에 대한 보고는 대상자의 raw score를 전문가의 점수와 비교하였다. 이번 연구에서 raw score는 자기평가에 있어서의 문제를 드러내주지 못했는데, 이는 각 레지던트가 평가 스케일을 각자의 방식으로 사용하였기 때문이다. 자기평가의 점수를 다른 사람에 대한 평가점수를 가지고 recalibrating 했을 때만이 가장 우수한 레지던트는 더 정확해졌고, 가장 안 우수한 레지던트는 그렇지 못했다는 차이를 보여주었다.

From a technical point of view, we feel this work might make an important contribution to the evolving area of self-assessment research. To date, almost all reports of accuracy of self-assessment have relied on comparisons of the raw scores of a group of subjects on a measure of performance, compared with scores of expert(s).3 In this study, examining raw scores alone did not illustrate the problems of self-assessment shown in previous studies because dif- ferent residents were using the measurement scale in different ways.2 It was only by recalibrating their self-assessments relative to the way that they rated others that it was possible to see that the highest performers were gaining accuracy while the lowest perform- ers were not.

교육적 함의를 찾아보면, 자기주도학습(SDL)은 자기-조절하는 전문직에게 특히 중요하며, 전문가인 개개인에게 평생교육의 의무가 온전히 맡겨지기 때문이다. 이는 의사들이 스스로 부족한 부분을 정확히 찾아낼 수 있고 이후 학습을 위해 무엇이 부족한지를 알아낼 수 있다는 가정에서 출발한다. 그러나 만약 일부 의사들이 자신의 스킬을 정확히 평가해내지 못한다면? 만약 그러한 비정확성이 지속되고, 이것이 다른 사람들이 어떻게 하는지를 보고 나서도 지속된다면? 어떻게 이들 학습자가 이 역량 부족을 극복할 수 있을까?

Turning to the educational implications, this work begins to re- inforce a growing concern expressed by educators in health profes- sional education.3 Self-directed learning is based on the assumption that adult learners can identify and remedy deficits in their knowl- edge and skills. This is particularly important for self-regulating professions such as medicine, where continuing education is left entirely in the hands of individual professionals. It is only through accurate self-assessment that physicians can identify areas in which they are deficient in order to pursue further learning. But what if some physicians in some circumstances cannot accurately self-assess their skills? What if this inaccuracy persists, even when they are exposed to performances of peers? How will these learners over- come incompetence if left to direct their own learning?

다행스럽게도, 자기평가능력을 향상시키는 것은 가능하며, 우리는 실제로 기준이 되는 수행능력을 제시하는 것이 더 나은 자기평가 결과를 가져옴을 확인하였다. 그러나 최하위 그룹에서는 자기평가의 변화가 매우 미미하거나 유의하지 않았다는 것이 문제.

Fortunately, improvements of self-assessment did occur in most of Kruger and Dunning’s subjects and in our own. Indeed, we have confirmed that exposure to benchmark performances can lead to better self-assessments. However, that change in self-assessment was minimal or insignificant for the lowest group of residents, who were presumably at the greatest risk of incompetence.

Jeremy Taylor는 "사람들이 무지함을 깨닫게 하는 것은 불가능하다. 왜냐하면 그렇게 되지 위해서는 거기에 필요한 지식이 있어야 하기 때문이다. 따라서 인식하지 못하는 자는 그것을 가지는 것도 불가능하다"

Jeremy Taylor said: ‘‘It is impossible to make people understand their ignorance, for it requires knowledge to perceive it; and there- fore, he that can perceive it hath it not.’’

 2001 Oct;76(10 Suppl):S87-9.

Difficulties in recognizing one's own incompetencenovice physicians who are unskilled and unaware of it.

Author information

  • 1Toronto General Hospital, Ontario, Canada. brian.hodges@utoronto.ca

의과대학생들의 동기부여와 자기조절학습: 예비연구 (IJME, 2015)

Changes in medical students’ motivation and self-regulated learning: a preliminary study

Kyong-Jee Kim1, Hye W. Jang2

이론과 연구를 보면 학생의 동기부여와 자기조절학습은 cognitive engagement와 학업성취와 관련된다. SRL의 개념은 '학생들이 메타인지적으로, 동기부여적으로, 행동적으로 스스로의 학습에 능동적으로 참여하는 것이다. 따라서 동기부여와 SRL은 의학교육연구에서 관심의 대상이 되어왔다. 또한 학생의 동기부여와 SRL을 의과대학 수행능력과 연결시키기도 하였다. 결과적으로 의과대학 교육과정은 SRL을 향상시킬 것을 매우 요구받고 있다.

Theories and research suggest that students’ motivation and self-regulated learning, which can be conceptualized as students participating meta-cognitively, motivationally, and behaviorally actively in their learning,1 are linked to their cognitive engagement and academic achievement.2 Accord- ingly, motivation and self-regulated learning have garnered attention in medical education research. Research has also related student motivation and self-regulated learning to his or her performance in medical school.3 Consequently, medical school curricula are increasingly called upon to promote students’ self-regulated learning.4

이론과 연구를 보면 동기부여와 SRL은 학습을 조정할 뿐 아니라, 학습의 결과이기도 하다. 즉, 의학교육에서 독립변수이면서 종속변수이다. 더 나아가 개개인의 동기부여와 SRL은 학생의 배경에 따라 달라진다(연령, 성별). 따라서 학생의 동기부여와 SRL이 의과대학 기간 동안 변하며, 여러 요인에 의해 영향을 받는다고 가정할 수 있다.

Theories and research suggest that motivation and self- regulated learning are not only mediate learning but are also consequences of the learning; thus, they are both dependent and independent variables in medical education.1,5,6 Fur- thermore, an individual’s motivation and self-regulated learning may differ according to his or her backgrounds, such as age and gender.6-8 Therefore, it can be hypothesized that students’ motivation and self-regulated learning change over time in medical school and these changes are affected by several factors.

우리는 학생의 동기부여와 SRL을 MSLQ의 다섯 개 하위 척도를 활용하여 측정하였다. 학습의 사회인지이론에 따르면 MSLQ는 자기보고식 도구로서 학생의 동기 지향과 (motivational orientation)과 서로 다른 학습전략의 사용을 평가하는 도구이다.

We measured participants’ motivation and self- regulated learning using five sub-scales adapted from the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ). Based upon the social cognitive theory of learning, MSLQ is a self-report instrument designed to assess students’ moti- vational orientations and their use of different learning strategies.2

설문지는 44개의 문항으로 구성됨.

The questionnaire consists of 44 items encompassing motivation and self-regulated learning components.

  • 동기부여 요소 두 가지 The motivation component includes three sub-scales: self- efficacy (9 items), intrinsic value (9 items), and test anxiety (4 items).
  • SRL요소 두 가지 The self-regulated learning component includes two sub-scales: cognitive strategy use (13 items: e.g., use of rehearsal, elaboration, and organizational strategies) and self-regulation (9 items related to use of metacognitive strategies - e.g., planning, skimming, and comprehension monitoring - and effort management).


5점 리커트 척도

The items were rated on a five-point Likert scale, from 1 being “strongly disagree” to 5 being “strongly agree”.

White 등의 주장을 지지하는데, 의과대학이 의과대학생의 효과적인 SRL을 잘 도와준다는 근거는 거의 없다.

Still, our findings support the assertion made by White et al.13 that there is little evidence to suggest that medical schools are successfully helping medical students become effective self-regulated learners, in spite of such expectation held by many medical educators.

 2015 Dec 28;6:213-5. doi: 10.5116/ijme.565e.0f87.

Changes in medical students' motivation and self-regulated learning: a preliminary study.

Author information

  • 1Department of Medical Education, School of Medicine, Dongguk University, South Korea.
  • 2Department of Medical Education, School of Medicine, Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea.



To investigate whether medical students' motivation and Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) change over time to enhance our understanding of these constructs as dependent variables in medical education.


A cohort of first-year students (n=43) at a medical school in South Korea completed a self-report questionnaire on motivation and SRL - the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ). The same questionnaire was administered to the same cohort in the beginning of Year 2. A Wilcoxon signed-rank test was conducted to determine if changes in participants' MSLQ scores occurred between in Years 1 and 2.


Forty-one students completed the questionnaires in both years (95% response rate). Participants' motivation scores significantly increased, whereas their SRL scores decreased significantly after they went through Year 1. The most notable change in participants' MLSQ scores was in the increase in their test anxiety. There was a positive association between the participants' test anxiety and their cognitive strategies use in Year 1, which changed to a negative one in Year 2. Meanwhile, participants' test anxiety scores and their self-regulation scores became more negatively associated over time.


Our study shows that even as medical students become more motivated, they actually use fewer self-regulated strategies over time. Our findings highlight the need for change in the medical school's learning environment to lessen students' test anxiety to facilitate their use of cognitive and meta-cognitive strategies.


Korea; motivationself-regulated learning

[PubMed - in process] 
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동기, 학습전략, 참여, 그리고 의과대학 성적(Med Educ, 2012)

Motivation, learning strategies, participation and medical school performance

Karen M Stegers-Jager1, Janke Cohen-Schotanus2 & Axel P N Themmen1,3

많은 연구자들이 SRL이론을 성공적 학습을 이해하기 위해 사용하고 있다. 이들 연구자 대부분은 자기보고식 척도를 활용했으며, 서로 다른 SRL의 요소가 있음을 밝혔다. 예를 들어 적절한 동기부여 신념, 학습전략, 등이 학업수행과 정의 상관관계에 있다. 다른 연구자들은 학생의 참여가 차이를 만들어낸다고 설명한다. 강의 출석과 같은 학생들의 참여 정도는 학업수행의 예측인자로 밝혀진 바 있따.

Several researchers have used self-regulated learning (SRL) theory to understand successful learning. Most of these authors have used self-report measures and have found that different components of SRL, such as appropriate motivational beliefs and learning strategies, are positively related to academic perfor- mance.4–7 Others have focused on student partici- pation in scheduled learning activities to explain differences in performance. Student participation, such as in lecture attendance, has been found to be predictive of academic performance.8,9

참여는 동기부여 신념이나 학습전략이 의과대학 성적과 가지는 관계를 중재(mediate)하는 역할을 할 수 있다. 그러나 이 요인들이 수행능력에 독자적인 영향을 줄 수도 있따.

Participation may mediate the relationships between motivational beliefs and learning strategies, and medical school performance, but these factors may also make unique contributions to performance.8

SRL은 '학습 프로세스에 메타인지적, 동기부여적, 행동적으로 주도적인 것'으로 정의된다. 따라서 자기조절적 학습자는..

Self-regulated learning has been defined as learning that occurs when one is ‘metacognitively, motiva- tionally, and behaviourally proactive in the learning process’.10 Thus, self-regulated learners:

  • (i) monitor their own progress towards self-set goals and are therefore able to reflect on the effectiveness of their learning approaches;
  • (ii) tend to view the learning task as intrinsically interesting and worth- while, and have high levels of self-efficacy, and
  • (iii) engage in and persist with learning behaviours that maximise the degree to which learning occurs.10,11

SRL을 평가하기 위해 개발된 한 가지 도구는 MSLQ이다. 두 가지 섹션으로 구분된다.

One instrument developed to assess SRL as a metacognitive, motivational and behavioural con- struct is the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ).11 The MSLQ has two major sections: Motivation, and Learning Strategies.

  • 동기부여 The Motivation section consists of scales that involve
    • 기대 expectancy,
    • 가치관 value and
    • 감정 affect.
  • 학습전략 The Learning Strate- gies section is further divided into a
    • 인지-메타인지 cognitive– metacognitive section and
    • 자원 관리 a resource management section.


동기부여, 인지-메타인지, 자원관리 섹션은 각각 SRL의 세 가지 요소와 맞는다.

The motivation, cognitive–metacognitive and resource management sections correspond, respectively, to the three components in the definition of SRL.10

일반적인 교육 문헌에서 세 가지 SRL의 요소와 학업성취와의 관계가 다뤄진 바 있다.

In the general education literature, several relation- ships among the three components of SRL and academic performance have been described.

  • Firstly, the use of deep (cognitive) learning strategies, such as
    • elaboration and
    • organisation, and
    • metacognitive self-regulatory activities, such as planning and mon- itoring, are related to better academic perfor- mance.12,13
  • Secondly, higher levels of
    • intrinsic goals for learning,
    • self-efficacy and
    • task value tend to lead to more deep-processing strategies and metacognitive regulation and, consequently, to improved perfor- mance.14–17
  • Finally, high levels of resource manage- ment, using strategies such as
    • effort regulation and
    • time and study environment management, are also related to better academic performance.11,18



학습행동의 특정 유형 중 하나는 사전에 계획된 학습활동(scheduled learning activities)에 참여하는 것이다. 최근의 리뷰에서 Crede 등은 강의 혹은 다른 형태의 교육에 물리적으로 참석하는 것이 입학 전 GPA나 학습기술, 학습시간보다도 더 잘 학업성취를 예측한다고 보여주었다. 그러나 근대 의학 교육과정에서 참여는 단순히 강의에 출석하는 것 이상이다. 소그룹 과제에 참여하는 것, 개인 시간을 효율적으로 사용하는 것 역시 의과대학 성공에 중요하다. 최근의 간호대학생 연구를 보면 숙제를 해오는 것이 강의에 출석하는 것보다 더 강력한 예측인자가 되었다. 그러나 계획된 학습활동에 참여하는 것은 의과대학생들의 개인적 학습 선호나 특정 시기의 학습 요구에 따라서 영향을 받는다.

A specific type of study behaviour is participation in scheduled learning activities. In a recent review, Crede´ et al.8 showed that physical presence at lectures or other modes of instruction was a better predictor of academic performance than any other known predictor, including pre-admission grade point aver- age (GPA), study skills and number of hours spent studying. However, in modern medical curricula, participation involves more than just attending lec- tures. Participation in small-group work (such as tutorials or skills training) and efficient use of individual study time are also crucial to medical school success.25 A recent study among nursing students showed that homework completion was a stronger predictor of success than lecture atten- dance.9 However, participation in scheduled learning activities appears to be influenced by medical stu- dents’ personal learning preferences and learning needs at particular times.26,27

문헌 고찰을 통해서 관계에 대한 가설을 설정

On the basis of the reviewed literature, we hypothes- ised several positive relationships between these variables (Fig. 1).









네덜란드 에라스무스 의과대학

This study was performed at Erasmus MC Medical School, Rotterdam, the Netherlands. The integrated and theme-oriented curriculum at this school com- prises a 3-year bachelor degree course followed by a 3-year masters degree course. The first year of the Bachelor of Medicine is divided into three thematic blocks of 11–16 weeks, which are organised around pathophysiological systems and cover subjects, start- ing from the basic sciences, up to and including clinical practice. Each study week covers one topic, such as heart failure, which is dealt with in various learning activities, including

    • large-group learning (lectures and patient demonstrations; 8 hours),
    • small-group learning (skills training and tutorials; 8 hours) and
    • both guided (study assignments; 16 hours) individual study and
    • unguided (8 hours) individual study.


    • Large-group sessions and guided study assignments are undertaken on a voluntary basis;
    • for about a quarter of the small-group sessions student partici- pation is compulsory.


1학년 시험

The first year includes nine written examinations, consisting of open-ended and multiple-choice questions.



참가자와 절차

Participants and procedure



To measure the three components of SRL, we used parts of a validated Dutch version of the MSLQ.28,29

The MSLQ consists of 81 items divided into six motivation subscales and nine learning strategies subscales. Items are scored on a 7-point Likert scale (1 = not at all true of me, 7 = very true of me). As the MSLQ subscales are designed to be modular, they can be used to fit the needs of a particular study.12 The present study used eight subscales of the MSLQ, comprising 49 items.

  • To measure students’ motivational beliefs, we used three motivation subscales:
    • Intrinsic Goal Orienta- tion;
    • Task Value, and
    • Academic Self-Efficacy.
  • Deep learning strategies were measured using three subscales on cognitive and metacognitive strategies:
    • Elaboration;
    • Organisation, and
    • Metacognitive Self-Regulation.
  • To measure the extent to which students manage their resources, we used two resource management subscales:
    • Time and Study Environment, and
    • Effort Regulation.

성과 척도

Outcome measure: Year 1 performance

Grades were given on a 10-point scale (1 = poor, 10 = excellent) and 5.5 was the cut-off pass ⁄ fail mark.


통계 분석

Statistical analysis

Data were then subjected to structural equation modelling (SEM), using AMOS 18.0 (SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL, USA).30 Structural equation modelling is a statistical tool that builds on techniques such as correlation, regression, factor analysis and analysis of variance (for an explanation of SEM, see Violato and Hecker31). We used SEM to test the significance of the hypoth- esised relationships among variables and the fit of the overall model. The final model derived for the 2008 cohort was cross-validated using data from the 2009 cohort.

A two-stage approach, as recommended by Anderson and Gerbing,32 was used to test the hypothesised model.

  • The first stage involved testing the validity of the measurement model. To this end, two separate confirmatory factor analyses (CFAs) were conducted; one of these applied to the three latent factors measured by the MSLQ (Value, Deep Learning, Resource Management), and one applied to the latent factor Participation (Fig. 1). Self-efficacy beliefs were not hypothesised to load on a latent variable and therefore were not included in the CFAs.
  • The second stage involved testing the full structural model depicted in Fig. 1.




Descriptive statistics and Pearson correlations





Confirmatory factor analyses

Evaluating the structural model




Cross-validation of the model



심화학습전략(Deep learning strategies , DLS)은 1학년 수행능력과 부적 상관관계에 있었으나, 자원관리전략(resource management strategies)와는 정적 관계에 있었다. 

Deep learning strategies were negatively associated with Year 1 performance, but positively related to resource management strategies.

가장 충격적인 결과는 비록 간접적으로는 긍정적인 관계에 있었으나, DLS의 사용이 1학년 수행능력과 부적 상관관계에 있었다는 점이다. 이는 DLS의 활용이 학업 성취를 가져올 수는 있으나, 이것은 자원관리와 참여가 함께 있을 때만 그렇다는 것이다. 이러한 결과는 왜 이전 연구에서 Deep learning 이 의과대학 성적과의 관계가 약했거나 심지어 없었는지를 보여주는 것이다.

One of the most striking outcomes is the finding that, despite a positive indirect relationship, the useof deep learning strategies had a negative direct relationship with Year 1 performance. This result suggests that the use of deep learning strategies maylead to academic success, but only if it is combinedwith good resource management and participation. This finding may explain why in previous studies theassociation of deep learning with medical school grades was found to be weaker than expected36 or even absent.37 

DLS의 활용보다도 자원관리전략(시간관리, 노력 조절) 이 학업성취에 더 중요하다는 것은 다른 연구자들도 보고한 바 있다.

The importance of resource manage- ment strategies – time management and effort regulation – over the use of deep learning strategies in the explanation of academic performance has also been reported by others.4,24

또 다른 설명으로는 학습환경의 특징이 있다. 예를 들어 평가 방법이 DLS가 수행능력에 미치는 영향에 영향을 준다는 것이다. 예를 들어 1학년 시험은 주로 기계에 의해서 채점되고, 이는 DLS보다 단순암기를 더 보상하는 평가법일 수 있다.

An alternative explana- tion may be that characteristics of the learning environment, such as the examination methods used, influence the degree to which the deep learning strategies affect performance.4,36 For example, Year 1 examinations, which are mainly machine-marked, may (despite efforts to prevent this) reward the use of memorisation rather than the use of deep learning.

노력 조절과 시간관리가 1학년 수행능력과 강한 상관관계가 있으나, 자원 관리가 1학년 성취와 정적 관계에 있다는 가설은 아직 증명된 것은 아니다. 우리의 관찰결과는 노력 조절과 시간 관리의 긍정적 영향을 '참여'에 의해서 mediate 됨을 보여준다. 따라서 학생의 자원관리전략이 (다양한 학습활동에의) 참여를 촉진시키는 경우에만 이 전략이 긍정적 영향을 줄 것이다.

The hypothesis that resource management would have a direct positive association with Year 1 perfor- mance was also not confirmed, despite the strong correlations found between effort regulation and time management and Year 1 performance. Our findings suggest that the positive effect of effort regulation and time management on medical school performance is mediated by participation. Thus, only if a student’s resource management strategies stimulate the student to participate in the variety of learning activities offered will these strategies positively influence the student’s grades.

이전 의과대학생과 간호대생 대상 연구와 마찬가지로, '참여'는 1학년 수행에 강한 관계가 있었다. 이에 대한 몇 가지 설명. 첫째, 다양한 학습활동에 대한 참여는 학생들이 과목 수업자료에서는 얻을 수 없는 다양한 정보를 얻게 해준다. 둘째, 다양한 학습활동에 정기적으로 참여함으로써 (학습노력이 여러 학습세션에 분담되고), 수행능력에 긍정적 영향을 준다. 마지막으로 지속적인 참여는 자료에 숙달된 이후에도 계속 학습하게(overlearn) 해주고, 특히 강의가 tutorials, skills training, (guided) independent study와 관련될 때 그러하다. 이와 같이 고도로 구조화된 과목과 교실 안팎에서의 적극적 참여의 중요성은 최근 과학 수업에서도 보여진 바 있다.

In line with the results of earlier studies among medical and nursing students,9,38 participation was found to be strongly related to Year 1 performance, confirming our hypothesis. There may be several explanations for this finding.8 Firstly, participation in various learning activities may allow students to obtain information that is not contained in the course material. Secondly, regular participation in various learning activities (lectures, skills training and independent study) around the same topic may represent a form of distributed practice (in which study effort is distributed over several study sessions), which is known to have a positive effect on performance. Finally, consistent participation may offer the possibility for the overlearning of material, especially when lectures are combined with tutorials, skills training and (guided) independent study. The importance of a highly structured course and active participation within and outside class has recently been reported with reference to science classes.39

또 다른 설명은 성적을 잘 받는 학생들이 자료를 더 잘 이해해서 그럴 뿐만 아니라, 수업시간동안 제시되는 시험에 대한 명시적/암묵적 힌트를 받기 때문일 수도 있다.

However, an alternative explanation is that students with better rates of participation achieve higher grades not because they comprehend the material better, but because explicit or implicit cues to the content of examinations are given during class.8,38

자발적 참여의 가능성을 보여주는 한 이론은 Higgin's 조절 초점 이론으로서, 학생들은 그들이 하고싶어서(promotion focus) 혹은 그래야 할 것 같아서(prevention focus) 학습활동에 참여한다.

One theory that appears promising in explaining voluntary participa- tion is Higgin’s regulatory focus theory.40,41 Accord- ing to this theory, students may participate in learning activities either because they ‘want to’ (promotion focus) or because they feel they ‘have to’ (prevention focus).

학업적 자기효능감과 1학년 성적의 관계는 직접적이었으며 학습전략에 mediate 되지 않아 우리의 가설과 달랐다. 이에 대한 한 설명은 자기효능감이 높은 학생은 성공을 위해서 언제나 참여할 필요가 있는 것은 아니기 때문이다. 여러 연구에서 더 성적이 우수한 집단 혹은 학생이 규칙적으로 수업에 들어올 가능성이 더 낮음을 밝혔다. 그러나  둘 사이의 인과관계는 두고 볼 일이다. 의과대학에서 자기효능감의 효과는 흥미로운 연구주제인데, 왜냐하면 자기효능감이 의과대학에서 학업성취도가 낮을 것으로 예상되는 학생들의 조기발견을 돕는 요인으로 활용될 수 있기 때문이다. 추가적으로 자기효능감은 의학교육자들에 의해서 영향을 쉽게 받을 수 있다.

The finding that the relationship of academic self-efficacy with Year 1 performance was direct and not mediated by learning strategies contradicts our hypothesis. A possible explanation for this direct relationship is that students with high levels of self- efficacy do not always need to participate to a great degree in order to be successful. Several studies have revealed the existence of a group of better or more confident students who are less likely to attend classes on a regular basis.8,27,38 However, whether these students are more confident because they have performed well in early examinations or whether their higher initial self-efficacy results in better performance at the end of the year is a matter of debate.21 The impact of self-efficacy on medical school performance may be an interesting area for further research, especially because self-efficacy may be used as a factor to aid in the early identification of students who are at risk for poor performance at medical school. In addition, self-efficacy can relatively easily be influenced by medical educators.42

연구의 한계. 인과관계를 보인 것 아님

There are some limitations to our study. Firstly, it is not possible to infer causality

SEM은 현실의 근사치에 불과하다. 

Sec- ondly, it should be noted that structural models are only approximations of reality.43 Therefore, it is likely that our model omits some relevant variables and associated relationships.

자기보고에 의존하였다. 그러나 의도적으로 이상적 응답을 할 가능성은 낮았음.

Thirdly, the present study relied heavily on student self-reports of strategies and participation. However, as the questionnaire was used to provide students with an overview of the strengths and weaknesses of their study approaches, we expect the risk for social desirability bias to be low.


일개 의과대학에서 시행됨.

Finally, this study was performed within one medical school. Although two cohorts of students were used, future replication studies are needed to establish whether the present results can be generalised to other populations.

실제 함의. 의과대학은 학생들을 학습활동에 참여하게끔 해야 한다. 비록 이러한 참여를 의무화시키고 싶겠지만, 그것이 과연 필요한지, 나아가 이상적인지에 대한 의문이 있을 수 있다. 의과대학은 학생들의 참여를 촉진시키려고 하기보다는 학생의 가치관 신념을 발전시켜야 한다. 물리적 참석을 넘어선 참여가 필요하며, 집중적 연습 (active learning exercise를 통한) 이 필요하다.

A first practical implication of this study is that medical schools should stimulate students to participate in learning activities. Although it might be tempting to make participation mandatory, it is questionable whether this is necessary8 or even desirable. Medical schools should, rather, aim to stimulate participation by enhancing students’ value beliefs. Participation that extends beyond physical presence and includes intensive practice – via active-learning exercises – is likely to be most beneficial for all students.39

자기효능감을 유지 혹은 향상시켜줘야 한다. 가장 강력한 자기효능감의 근원은 이전 수행수준이나, 다른 것에도 영향을 받는다.

Secondly, medical schools should aim to facilitate the maintenance or growth of self-efficacy levels. The most powerful source of self-efficacy beliefs is past performance, but student self-efficacy is also influenced by vicarious experiences (observ- ing others perform), encouragement by others and students’ own feelings.46


To increase self-efficacy, medical schools should

  • help students to monitor their own progress and build their confidence in their ability to learn.

Possible strategies are

  • to focus feedback on the competencies mastered rather than on those that have not yet been mastered,
  • to provide students with authentic tasks that fit their skill development level, and to create ‘safe’ learning environments.42

SRL 자료를 수집하고 참여에 대한 자료를 수집하는 것이 의과대학 초기에 수행능력이 떨어질 위기에 있는 학생을 빨리 감별하는데 도움이 된다.

Thirdly, our results suggest that the collection of data on SRL and on participation may help medical schools to identify students who are at risk for poor performance early in their training. In addition, these data enable the identification of areas for improvement and consequently can be used to offer proactive and targeted types of support.


 2012 Jul;46(7):678-88. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2923.2012.04284.x.

Motivationlearning strategiesparticipation and medical school performance.

Author information

  • 1Erasmus MC Desiderius School, Erasmus University Medical Centre, Rotterdam, the Netherlands. k.stegers-jager@erasmusmc.nl



Medical schools wish to better understand why some students excel academically and others have difficulty in passing medical courses. Components of self-regulated learning (SRL), such as motivational beliefs and learning strategies, as well as participation in scheduled learningactivities, have been found to relate to student performance. Although participation may be a form of SRL, little is known about the relationships among motivational beliefs, learning strategiesparticipation and medical school performance.


This study aimed to test and cross-validate a hypothesised model of relationships among motivational beliefs (value and self-efficacy), learning strategies (deep learning and resource management), participation (lecture attendance, skills training attendance and completion of optional study assignments) and Year 1 performance at medical school.


Year 1 medical students in the cohorts of 2008 (n = 303) and 2009 (n = 369) completed a questionnaire on motivational beliefs andlearning strategies (sourced from the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire) and participation. Year 1 performance was operationalised as students' average Year 1 course examination grades. Structural equation modelling was used to analyse the data.


Participation and self-efficacy beliefs were positively associated with Year 1 performance (β = 0.78 and β = 0.19, respectively). Deeplearning strategies were negatively associated with Year 1 performance (β =- 0.31), but positively related to resource management strategies (β = 0.77), which, in turn, were positively related to participation (β = 0.79). Value beliefs were positively related to deep learning strategies only (β = 0.71). The overall structural model for the 2008 cohort accounted for 47% of the variance in Year 1 grade point average and was cross-validated in the 2009 cohort.


This study suggests that participation mediates the relationships between motivation and learning strategies, and medical schoolperformance. However, participation and self-efficacy beliefs also made unique contributions towards performance. Encouraging participation and strengthening self-efficacy may help to enhance medical student performance.

© Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2012.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

의사국가시험, 그리고 딜레마 (Acad Med, 2015)

National licensing examinations, not without dilemmas

Lambert Schuwirth

의사국가시험(NLE)는 대중에게 의과대학 졸업생의 질에 대한 확신을 주는데 기여할 수는 있으나 제한적이다. 그렇다면 몇 가지 딜레마를 언급하고자 한다.

National licensing examinations can play an important role in reas- suring the public about the quality of medical graduates but only to a certain extent. At the risk, then, of kicking in the proverbial open door I want to highlight some of the dilemma’s I think national licensing is facing.

딜레마 1: NLE의 목적

Dilemma 1: the purpose of national licensing

본질적으로, NLE의 목적은 대중에게 면허를 받은 의사는 안전하고, 독립적인 진료가 가능하다는 확신을 주기 위함이다.

In essence the purpose of national licensing is to reassure the public that licensed doctors are safe, independent practitioners.

대중들이 표준화된 NLE가 안전한 독립적 의사를 만드는 최고의 방법이라고 인식한다면 모든 것이 문제없을지도 모르나, 이는 NLE의 신뢰도가 충분히 확실할 때 뿐이다. 그렇지 않은 경우 NLE 출제 기관은 NLE의 목적이 NLE를 출제하는 그 자체냐 아니면 대중에게 의학교육과 의사의 질에 대한 확신을 심어주기 위함이냐의 딜레마에 빠진다.

As long as there is a public perception that standard- ised testing with NLEs is the best way to ensure safe independent practitioners all is ok, but when that credibility of NLEs to be suffi- cient reassurance fades a dilemma will occur. Then, the dilemma national licensing agencies face, is whether their mission is to pro- duce NLEs or whether it is to reas- sure the public of the quality of medical education and the doc- tors.

현재 평가에 관한 문헌을 보면 단순히 고도로 구조화되고 표준화된 지식과 기술에 대한 시험만으로는 안된다고 말한다. 대신, 초점은 (틀린 명명이나) 소위 'softer' 능력에 초점을 두어야 한다고 한다. 여기에는 프로페셔널리즘, 커뮤니케이션, 성찰 등이 들어간다. 의학교육에서의 평가의 발전과 NLE에서의 평가의 발전 사이의 차이는 점점 더 벌어져가는 듯 하다.

Surveying the current assessment literature in medical education it does seem to show a movement away from solely relying on highly structured and standardised testing of knowledge and skills (cf2–5). Instead, the focus seems to shift towards what are often called with a misnomer ‘softer’ abilities; abili- ties like professionalism, communi- cation, reflection, etc. There appears to be a widening gap between assessment developments in medical education and those in national licensing examinations’

딜레마 2: 자료 수집과 측정의 질, 혹은 해석의 질

Dilemma 2: the quality of collecting and measuring data or quality of interpretation

네덜란드에는 meten is weten 이라는 속담이 있다. 즉 '측정하는 것은 아는 것을 뜻한다'라는 의미이며, 평가는 객관적 성과로 이끌어주는 프로세스여야 한다는 것을 시사한다. 비록 의사결정에 있어서 양적 정보의 유용성을 부정하고 싶지는 않으나, 그러한 정보가 의미를 가지려면 반드시 주관적 해석을 거쳐야 한다. 심지어 가장 양적인 연구를 수행한 것 조차 숫자보다 더 많은 단어가 들어가 잇으며, 최소한 도입/방법/고찰을 기술하여 숫자 자료의 의미를 만들어간다. 평가에서도 주관적 해석이 결여된 객관성 혹은 순수한 숫자정보의 가치에 대한 인식에 점차 이의를 제기하고 있다.

A Dutch saying (meten is weten) suggests that ‘to measure’ means ‘to know’, implying that assess- ment has to be a process that leads to an objective outcome. Although I do not want to invalidate the use- fulness of quantitative information to inform a decision, that informa- tion will have to be subjectively interpreted before it can start mak- ing sense6,7; even the most quanti- tative research paper in medical education still contains more words than numbers and it con- tains at least an introduction, methods section and discussion to make sense of the numerical data. In assessment, the notion of objec- tivity or the value of purely numer- ical data without subjective interpretations is increasingly being questioned.8,9

이러한 발전은 NLE에 또 다른 딜레마를 만드는데, 즉 자료 수집에 있어서의 향상에 투자하는 것이 옳은지, 아니면 그 자료로부터 양질의 의미를 찾기 위한 투자가 옳은가에 대한 것이다.

These developments seem to cre- ate another dilemma for national licensing, namely whether to invest in improving the quality of the data collection methods (like com- puter adaptive testing) or in improving the quality of sense- making of the data.

딜레마 3: 학습의 평가 혹은 학습을 위한 평가

Dilemma 3: assessment of learning or assessment for learning

세 번째 딜레마는 평가를 행동주의적 관점에서 활용할 것이냐 아니면 구성주의적 관점에서 사용할 것이냐에 대한 것이다. 즉, 행동(의 변화)을 추구할 것이냐 배움(그 자체)을 추구할 것이냐이다. 근본적으로 배움에 대한 구성주의적 관점과 시험에 대한 행동주의적 접근은 잘 맞지 않는다. 행동주의적 접근의 문제는 - 전혀 새로운 것이 아니며 - 바람직한 행동을 강화하는 요인을 제거하면 그러한 행동이 사라지므로, '강화'를 유지해야 한다는 것이다.

I think that this third dilemma boils down to whether you want to use assessment in a behaviourist or in a constructivist way; whether you seek to induce study behaviour or learning. There is a fundamental misalignment between construc- tivist views on learning and beha- viourists approaches to testing. The problem with a behaviourist approach – and these are not new insights – is that when you take away the reinforcement the desired behaviour generally fades, so you have to keep on reinforcing (cf.10).

이 시점에서 '학습을 위한 평가'에 대한 흔한  오해를 언급해야 할 것 같다. '학습을 위한 평가'가 형성평가와 동일한 것이어서 전혀 부담이 없으며(no stakes) 학습의 평가는 총괄평가와 같아서 고부담(high stakes)라는 오해이다. 평가는 언제나 evaluative activity로서 주관적인 판단을 통해서 결과에 의미를 부여하고, 이는 심지어 표준화 시험에서도 마찬가지이다.

At this point it is probably good to discuss the common misunder- standing that assessment for learn- ing would be the same as formative assessment with no stakes and assessment of learning would be the same as summative assessment with high stakes. Assess- ment is always an evaluative activity and therefore requires subjective human judgements to give mean- ing to the results, even with stan- dardised testing.

따라서 '학습을 위한 평가'라고 해서 부담이 없다는 의미가 아니다. 실제로, 그것이 제대로 작동하기 위해서는 (어떤 형태로든) 부담이 있어야 한다. 전통적으로 형성평가가 선택사항이고 학생들이 피드백으로 무엇을 하든 상관없다고 보았던 것과 달리, 학습을 위한 평가는 선택사항이 아니며 학생들은 어떻게 그 모든 평가 피드백을 실제 학습 활동에 활용하고 포함시켰는지 보여야 한다. 

So, assessment for learning does not mean that the stakes are low. Actually, in order for it to really work the stakes (in whatever form) have to be considerable. Whereas in the traditional notion of formative assessment the pro- cess is completely optional and stu-dents can do whatever they want with the feedback, in assessment for learning it is not optional and students will have to demonstrate how they have incorporated all the assessment feedback into their learning activities.5,12


딜레마 4: 단일 평가도구 혹은 평가 프로그램

Dilemma 4: single instruments or pro- grammatic assessment

평가 프로그램(programmatic assessment)는 단순히 다양한 평가도구를 사용하는 것이 아니다. 평가 프로그램의 필수적 특징은 한 학생의 역량과 발달에 관한 판단이 언제나 '가설-유도'에 기반하며, 다양한 평가 방법을 통한 정보의 통합을 거쳐 개별화된다는 점이다. 이는 임상에서의 진단과 마찬가지이다. 의사가 다양한 진단도구를 활용하여 환자를 진단하듯, 평가 프로그램의 평가자도 마찬가지이다. 다양한 평가도구의 다양한 요소를 활용하여 'dyscompetence'를 정확히 진단해내야 한다.

Program- matic assessment is more than merely using multiple instruments; an essential feature of program- matic assessment is that decisions about a student’s competence and progress are always based on a hypothesis-driven and individu- alised combination of information from a variety of assessment meth- ods. It is like clinical diagnostics: much like a clinician uses various diagnostics to diagnose ill health an assessor in programmatic assess- ment will use various elements of various assessment methods to diag- nose accurately ‘dyscompetence’.


평가 프로그램의 목적은 평가가 학생의 역량에 대한 판단을 내리기 위해서만 하는 것이 아니라, 각 학생에게 최적화된 그 다음 학습활동을 결정해주기 위한 것이다.

In programmatic assessment the purpose of the assessment is not only to come to a judgement of a student’s competence and pro- gress but also to decide about the optimal next learning activities for each student.

로지스틱한 문제는 극복되어야 할 대상임, NLE를 '학습을 위한 평가'적 접근으로 보는 것은 검토할 가치가 있는 대안이다. 따라서 면허기구의 딜레마는 단일한 평가도구에 집착할 것인가, 아니면 평가의 프로그램적 접근으로 옮겨갈 것인가에 대한 것이다.

If the logistical issues could be overcome program- matic approaches and assessment for learning approaches to licens- ing examinations would be alterna- tives worth exploring. So, the dilemma for licensing bodies will be whether to stick to single-instru- ment assessment or to move to programmatic approaches to assessment.

의료에 비유해보자면, 국가 질병 스크리닝 프로그램에 반대하는 것은 아니나, 진료에 있어서 그 스크리닝 프로그램의 위치를 면밀히 살펴보고, 문화적 차이를 고려해야 한다.

To use an analogy with health care: I would not argue against national disease screening programmes, but I would argue for careful consideration of their place in health care and to care- fully consider cultural differences.

 2016 Jan;50(1):15-7. doi: 10.1111/medu.12891.

National licensing examinations, not without dilemmas.

Author information

  • 1Adelaide, Australia.
[PubMed - in process]

임상실습 학생의 SRL에 영향을 미치는 요인 탐구(Med Educ, 2015)

Exploring the factors influencing clinical students’ self-regulated learning

Joris J Berkhout,1 Esther Helmich,1 Pim W Teunissen,2,3 Joost W van den Berg,1 Cees P M van der Vleuten2

& A Debbie C Jaarsma1,4


의학교육에서 SRL의 중요성은 널리 인정되고 있다.

The importance of self-regulated learning (SRL) in medical education has been broadly recognised by medical education institutions and regulatory bodies.1–4

학생들은 이 과정에 대한 지원을 받아야 한다. SRL개발을 지원하는 것은 쉽지 않은데, 왜냐하면 SR은 신체와 정신의 복잡한 상호작용 활동이기 때문이다. 이러한 활동은 개인과 환경의 특성, 그리고 그 둘간의 상호작용에 영향을 받아서 자기조절을 매우 맥락-특이적으로 만든다.

They need to be supported in this process.6,7 Supporting the development of SRL is challenging because self- regulation is a complex interactive process of physi- cal and mental activities. These activities are affected by personal and contextual attributes, and the interaction between them, which makes self- regulation highly context-specific.8–11

여러 이론적 모델이 SRL의 프로세스를 설명하기 위해서 개발되었다. 이 모델간 여러 유사점이 있는데 그 차이가 더 흥미롭다. 차이는 자기조절의 레벨(과제-특이적인지 보다 일반적인 것인지), 인지와 감정이 별도로 조절되는지에 대한 질문 등이다.

Several theoretical models have been developed to describe the process of SRL.8,10,12–14 There are many similarities among these models, but their dif- ferences are more interesting. These differences pertain to the level of self-regulation, such as whether it is task-specific or more general for a per- son, and the question of whether cognition and affect are separately regulated areas.15

의학교육에서 유명한 이론은 Zimmerman의 이론인데, 자기조절을 보다 일반적인 수준에서 메타인지와 감정의 조절을 포함하는 것이라 개념화했다. Zimmerman의 SRL에 대한 정의는 순환 과정으로서 학생이 능동적으로 참여하는 과정이다. 이 프로세스는 세 단계로 이뤄진다.

A popular theory in medical education is that of Zimmerman, who conceptualised self-regulation on a more gen- eral level that included metacognition and the regu- lation of affect.9 Zimmerman described SRL as a cyclical process in which a student is actively engaged.9,11 This process consists of three phases.8,16

  • In the forethought phase, students set learning goals and choose a strategy for attaining those goals.
  • In the performance phase, students monitor and control their behaviour to attain their learning goals.
  • In the self-reflection phase, students self-evaluate their performance by gathering feed- back and choosing a strategy for a future, similar, situation.17

개인적인 특성 역시 교시 세팅에서의 SRL에 영향을 주는데 여기에는 다음과 같은 것이 있다.

Personal attributes found to affect SRL in a class- room setting include the student’s skills in regula- tory mechanisms such as

  • planning,
  • monitoring,
  • metacognition,
  • attention focusing,
  • the employment of various learning strategies,
  • persistence,
  • time man- agement,
  • environment structuring,
  • help seeking,
  • emotion control and
  • effort control.18


이 외에도 동기부여와 관련한 신념(자기효능감), 학습의 중요성에 대한 인식 등이 있다. 더 높은 자기효능감과 더 높은 중요도 인식은 피훈련자로 하여금 목표를 달성하기 위해서 더 많은 자원을 쏟게끔 한다.


마지막으로 환경에 따라 설정된 과제와 이 과제에 대한 학생의 반응 역시 SRL에 영향을 준다. 교실 환경에서의 자기조절을 다음을 통해 더 촉진하는 것으로 알려진 맥락과 사회적 특성은 다음과 같다.

Other per- sonal attributes include motivational beliefs such as self-efficacy and attitudes about the perceived importance of the learning, with higher self-efficacy and higher levels of perceived importance resulting in trainees devoting more of their resources towards achieving their goals.18,19 Lastly, the task set by the context and the affective reaction of the student to this task affect the student’s SRL in the class- room.19–21 Contextual and social attributes known to stimulate self-regulation in more structured class- room settings include

  • social support,
  • feedback,
  • the opportunity for guided and independent practice,
  • the support of reflective practice, and
  • the opportu- nity to make errors.18





해석주의자 패러다임. 현실은 주관적이며 맥락 특이적이고, 궁극적 진실은 존재하지 않는다.

Our research was based within an interpretivist para- digm in which reality is subjective and context-spe- cific, and no ultimate truth exists in the experience of workplace learning.28 We carried out a construc- tivist grounded theory study, including purposive sampling and constant comparison methods, in which we iteratively collected, coded and inter- preted data until we reached saturation, after which we held two further interviews to confirm satura- tion.29 We used semi-structured interviews to create a safe environment in which students would feel free to offer their personal experiences on how theyregulate their learning. 


유의적 표집

Participants were purposively sampled to ensure variety in age, gender, experience and current clerk- ship. We sampled students from a traditional and a problem-based learning (PBL) university, knowing that PBL may influence SRL.30,31 Furthermore, we sampled students who were enrolled in different clerkships because of the influence of context on SRL, and who were in different years of the clerk- ships because we know prior experience influences SRL.11


이메일로 모집

Between June 2013 and February 2014, the first author (JJB) approached students by sending an e- mail. A total of 17 students agreed to participate in our study by replying by e-mail to the first author and signing an informed consent form. Details of the participants are given in Table 1. After each interview, the participant was given a gift certificate worth €12.50 in compensation for his or her time.

Data collection

1저자가 인터뷰 진행. DRM 활용

All interviews were conducted by the first author (JJB). Three pilot interviews were used to test an ini- tial interview guide. This resulted in the addition of the Day Reconstruction Method (DRM) as a tool to aid students’ recall of the diverse activities in which they had engaged.33,34 The goal of the DRM is:


‘...to get an accurate picture of the experience asso- ciated with activities and circumstances and to elicit specific and recent memories, [...] thereby reduc- ing errors and biases of recall.’33


This is achieved by making a diary consisting of a sequence of episodes. Because we introduced the DRM to reflect on the previous workday, only students who were able to schedule the interview the day after a clerkship day were included in the study. Two students were excluded from the study because of problems in scheduling that prevented them from meeting this requirement for the DRM.

시작시 DRM 작성을 요청함. 이를 main prompt로 활용. 주로 다음의 내용.

At the start of the interview, we asked the partici- pant to fill in the diary pages of the DRM. This was used as the main prompt for the interview. For each activity, the student was asked to describe

  • what he or she had done,
  • who had been involved in the activity,
  • what choices the student had made,
  • why he or she had made these choices, and
  • what the results of the choices were.


이후 SRL cycle에 따라 아래의 질문

Follow-up questions focused on the three phases of the SRL cycle and included questions about

  • learning goals,
  • monitoring progress towards the student’s learning goals, and
  • evaluation or reflective activities.9

각 학생은 가명처리. 1저자가 예비 분석하고, 학생들에게 1-페이지 요약을 제공하여 검토하게 함. 모든 참가자가 인터뷰 요약을 확인함.

The interviews were audio-recorded and transcribed verbatim. Each student was given an alias. After each interview, the first author performed a preliminary analysis and provided the participant with a single- page summary of the interview as a member checking process. All participants verified the summary of the interview. Two participants suggested small revisions.


Data analysis

8달동안 1저자와 2저자가 매주 만남.

The first and second authors met weekly over a per- iod of 8 months.

  • The first five meetings involved the training of the first author (JJB) in coding within grounded theory by the second author (EH), who has substantial experience in this field. Both authors read the first five transcripts and assigned initial codes on a line-by-line basis for training pur- poses.
  • Next, the first author interviewed the other participants.
  • This stage was directly followed by open coding and subsequently by axial coding of the data and interpretive analysis.
  • The first and sec- ond authors conducted subsequent meetings between the interviews and after the final interview to discuss the emerging concepts.
  • To further develop our interpretations, the first and second authors kept memos in which they recorded reflec- tions and analytical ideas as they arose.
  • We used the three phases described by Zimmerman as sensitising concepts, meaning that they provided starting points for the building of our analysis.8,35
  • Data for students from the same university or enrolled in the same year were reanalysed after saturation had beenreached. This process was intended to elucidate whether salient differences between groups of stu- dents emerged within our purposive sample. 

전체 연구진 대상 해석 결과 논의. 연구진 구성의 다양성

We discussed all our interpretations within the entire research group, six times in total, both dur- ing the coding process and during the writing up of the material. The research group consisted of a heterogeneous group of researchers. This heteroge-neity helped the group to look at the data from different perspectives. Two authors (JJB and JWvdB) are recent MD graduates and are PhD stu- dents in medical education. All other authors have significant experience in medical education and come from different backgrounds. These back- grounds include elderly care medicine (EH), obstetrics and gynaecology (PWT), psychology and psychometrics (CPMvdV) and veterinary medicine (ADCJ). Data analysis was supported by the use of MaxQDA Version 11.0 (Verbi GmbH, Berlin, Germany). 




개인/맥락/사회적 특성

Personal, contextual and social attributes

개인/맥락/사회적 특성이 상황에 따라 SRL을 어렵게 하거나 지지하였다.

Personal, contextual and social attributes could either hamper or support SRL depending on the situ- ation.

  • Personal attributes affecting SRL included
    • skills in regulatory mechanisms such as
      • emotion con- trol,
      • metacognition,
      • attention focusing and
      • effort control. Furthermore,
    • beliefs about learning,
    • motiva- tion,
    • previous experiences and
    • the perceived level of a task had effects.
    • Attributes relating to self-efficacy, such as
      • ability to deal with pressure,
      • insecurity,
      • per- ceptions of expectations, and
      • knowledge of one’s own limits and needs, also played a role.
  • Contextual attributes affecting SRL pertained to the
    • curriculum,
    • facilities,
    • atmosphere,
    • patient-related factors,
    • avail- able time,
    • the people present, and
    • engagement in the team.
  • Social attributes affecting SRL pertained to
    • familiarity with the other people present in a certain setting,
    • the type(s) of relationship with them,
    • the experience in and motivation for teaching of these other people, and
    • whether they created possibilities for the student to self-regulate learning.



개인차원 목표

Two specific types of personal goal were iden- tified:

  • 무언가를 배워야겠다. (i) the goal of learning something, and
  • 좋게 보여야 겠다. or 안좋게 보이지 말아야 겠다.(ii) the goal of looking good or avoiding looking bad.


외부적 목표

External goals were those that involved

  • (다른) 학생들의 학습을 도와준다. helping students to learn or
  • 조직 차원에 도움이 된다 (행정 업무 지원 등) to provide some benefit to the organisation, such as by performing administrative tasks.

SRL의 기회


SRL을 하려면 그렇게  할 기회가 있어야 한다. 이러한 기회가 있는 기회의 발견인지, 만들어지는 것인지, 주어지는 것인지 등은 개인/맥락/사회의 특성에 달려있으며, 학생간 차이가 컸다.

Students stated that in order to self-regulate their learning, they need to have opportunities to do so. Whether these opportunities were seen by, created by or given to students was influenced by the per- sonal, contextual and social attributes described ear- lier; large differences emerged among individuals.

자율성에 대한 경험 수준

Experienced autonomy

임상실습에서 학생의 SRL에 영향을 주는 또 다른 요인은 학생이 경험하는 자율성의 수준이었다.

Another factor influencing students’ SRL in the clinic was the degree of autonomy they experienced. This autonomy was also affected by personal, con-textual and social attributes and could influenceself-regulatory mechanisms

기대 성과

Anticipated outcomes

SRL 활동에 따른 기대 성과과 학생이 특정 활동의 참여에 영향을 미쳤다. 긍정적인 성과가 기대되면 SRL을 하였다. 긍정적인 성과에는 역량의 향상, 학습기회의 증가, 정서에 대한 긍정적 영향 등이 있다.

The anticipated outcomes of an SRL activity influ- enced students’ engagement in a particular activ- ity. Students often self-regulated their learning if they expected favourable outcomes. A favourable outcome might be an increase in competencies, an increase in future learning opportunities, or an anticipated positive effect on the student’s emo- tions.








Example of a narrative





우리의 연구는 개인/맥락/사회의 특성과 네 가지 요인(목표, 기회, 자율성 경험, 기대 성과)가 학생의 임상환경에서 SRL을 지지하거나 억제하는 것으로 나타났다. 임상환경에서 SRL은 다양한 것들이 상호작용하는 복잡한 프로세스로서 개인에 따라 매우 다르며 맥락-특이적 과정이다.

Our study determined the personal, contextual and social attributes and the four factors (per- ceived goals, opportunity, autonomy experienced and anticipated outcomes) that support or ham- per SRL by students in the clinical workplace. Self-regulated learning in the clinical workplace is a complex process in which many different influences interact, making it a highly individual, context-specific process.

우리는 Zimmerman의 3-시기 모델을 활용하였다. 이들 세 시기는 우리의 데이터에서 모두 드러났으나, 우리는 Zimmerman의 모델에서 다루고 있는 stage의 명확한 구분에 대한 근거는 충분히 얻지 못했다. 우리의 모델은 Butler의 recursive, dynamic, multidirectional and complex 모델과 더 잘 맞는다.

We used Zimmerman’s three-phase model as a sensitising concept for our analysis of the factors influencing students’ SRL in the clinic.8 These three phases could all be retrieved in our data, although we found little evi- dence for the distinct stages as they are portrayed in Zimmerman’s model.9 Our results are better aligned with Butler et al.’s36 description of the process as recursive, dynamic, multidirectional and complex.

SRL에 영향을 주는 것으로 드러난 개인 차원의 특징은 다른 연구에서 나타난 것과 비슷하다.

The personal attributes that affect SRL identified in the present study were largely the same as those found elsewhere, and included

  • students’ skills per- taining to regulatory mechanisms to self-regulate learning,
  • their self-efficacy,
  • their attitudes towards learning,
  • their previous experiences, and
  • the task demands perceived and
  • affective reactions to these.11,18,19,21


맥락과 사회적 특성

Contextual and social attributes per- taining to the

  • teacher,
  • curriculum pedagogy,
  • time and
  • different elements pertaining to the learning climate


have already been described in the literature as influencing SRL in the classroom.18,22


그러나 이번 연구의 결과에 기반하여 본다면, 우리는 임상 환경이 여러 독특한 특성을 가지고 있으며, 이것이 SRL에 영향을 준다.

However, based on the current findings, we emphasise that the clinical environment is characterised by several unique attributes that influence opportunities to self-regulate learning, such as the

  • 활용 가능한 설비(시설) facilities available,
  • 환자와 상호작용 the interaction with patients,
  • 환자의 존재 the patients present,
  • 동료 및 다른 병원 인력의 사회적 특성 social attributes pertaining to peers and other hospi- tal staff,
  • 여러 교실 간 위계의 복잡성 the complexities of hierarchical depart- ments, and
  • 팀 관여 engagement in the team.


이러한 맥락적 특성은 교실 세팅에서는 잘 확인하기 어려운 것이다.

These contextual attributes have not been described simi- larly in a classroom setting.

학생은 목표의 중요성을 언급했는데, 이는 목표가 동기부여와 관련된 기능을 하며, 종종 더 구체적인 목표를 향한 시작점이 되기 때문이다. 이는 교실 세팅에서 SRL 연구와 유사하다. 더 나아가 목표는 학생들이 학습 프로세스나 성과의 특정 측면에 집중하게끔 해준다.

Students described goals as important influencing factors because they serve a motivational function and often allowed a starting point from which to work towards a specific goal. This is consistent with earlier research on SRL in classroom settings, which stated that goals can function as regulatory agents for SRL.18 Furthermore, goals can direct students’ attention on specific aspects of the learning process or outcomes.16

학생들이 보거나/만들어내거나/주어진 기회, 그리고 학생이 경험한 자율성은 SRL에 영향을 주었다. 학생이 자율성을 느끼면 더 적극적으로 학습기회를 만들어내는 방식 등으로 더 통제권을 가지고 SRL을 한다. 이러한 맥락적 특성은 임상 환경 특이적이며, 왜냐면 환자 안전과 생산성과 관련된 문제가 중요할 뿐 아니라 자율성이나 기회를 제약할 수 있기 때문이다.

The opportunities that students see, create or are given, and the autonomy that students experience also have effects on SRL in the clinical context. It is understood that if students have some feeling of autonomy, they are better able to take control and self-regulate their learning, such as by more actively creating learning opportunities. These contextual attributes appear to be quite unique to the clinical context because issues regarding patient safety and productivity are also important and may limit the amount of autonomy and the opportunities students are given.

마지막으로, 학생의 SRL은 활동에 따른 기대 성과에 영향을 받는다. 임상 교육과정에 의해서 설정된 외부 목표들은 이러한 목표를 달성하기 위한 노력 투자에 별로 기여하지 않는데, 학생들은 왜 그 목표를 달성해야 하는지, 그리고 그러한 활동에서 무엇을 얻을 수 있는지가 불명확하기 때문이다. 이는 이전 연구에서 학생들이 학습과제에서 가치를 느끼지 못하면 목표 설정과 전략기획에 시간을 덜 소비하는 것으로 나타난 것과 유사하다.

Lastly, students’ SRL was influenced by the expected outcomes of an activity. Many external goals set by the clinical curriculum led to the expenditure of little effort in working towards those goals because students did not see the point of achieving the goal or how they would benefit from conducting such an activity. This resonates well with earlier findings showing that if stu- dents do not see value in a learning task, they are likely to spend little time on setting goals and plan- ning strategies to accomplish that task.39,40

SRL에 있어서 학생별로 차이가 크다는 것을 통해서, 이 프로세스가 각 개인별로 매우 특화된 과정이라는 것을 강조하고자 한다. 예컨대 어떤 학생은 학습목표를 스스로 설정하는 반면 다른 학생은 단순히 주어진 기회에 의존한다. 학생들은 기회적(opportunistic) 학습전략을 사용하는 이유로 그들에게 기대되는 것이 무엇이고, 그들이 임상실습에서 무엇을 기대해야 하는지 모르기 때문이라고 응답하였다. 이러한 결과는 더 많은 LIC를 요구하는 것과 일치한다.

We noted large individual differences in students’ SRL, emphasising that it is a process that is highly specific for each person. For example, some stu- dents actively set learning goals for themselves, whereas others seemed to rely on a more opportu- nistic approach. Students explained that they used opportunistic learning strategies because they did not know what was expected of them or what they could expect from the clerkship. This finding aligns with the call for more longitudinal integrated clerkships.41

최근의 연구결과를 보면, 비록 학생들이 SRL하기를 기대되지만 많은 대학생들은 스스로의 학습을 모니터링할 능력이 부족하며, 종종 스스로 잘 하고 있다고 생각하며 비효율적 전략을 사용한다.

A recent review has shown that although students are expected to self-regulate their learning, many college students are insufficiently capable of moni- toring their own learning and often use inefficient strategies whilst thinking they are doing well.42

강점과 한계

Strengths and limitations

한 가지 장점은 DRM의 활용. 이는 오래 전 일을 회상하는데서 오는 bias를 최소화하기 위한 것으로 이런 회상은 기억/감정/신념에 영향을 받으며, 참가자가 가장 정서적으로 영향을 받은 사건에 초점이 맞춰진다. 그러나 회상 연구들은 언제나 이러한 기억-관련 bias에 따른 문제를 수반한다. 기억-관련 bias와 관련하여 참가자들은 많은 선택들을 '적극적 선택(active choice)'으로 기억하나, 사실 그것들은 그 일이 벌어질 때 무의식적으로 일어났을 가능성을 고려해야 한다.

One of the strengths of this study was its use of the DRM. This helped to minimise bias arising from the long-term recall of events, which has been shown to be subject to memory, emotions and beliefs, with participants’ often focusing on those events that have the greatest emotional impact.43 However, recall studies will always suffer from some degree of memory-related bias. One possible memory-related bias derives from the fact that many choices may be remembered as active choices when the individual is asked about them, but they may in fact have been subconscious choices when they happened.44

또 다른 연구는 최근 의대 졸업생이 인터뷰를 한 것.

Another strength of our study refers to the fact that all interviews were conducted by a recent MD gradu- ate.


Implications for practice and future research

어떻게 SRL을 지원할 수 있을지를 일반화하는 것은 매우 복잡한데, 왜냐하면 이것은 모든 맥락의 모든 사람에게 독특한 복잡한 시스템이기 때문이다. 몇 가지 가능한 접근법이 있다. 예를 들면 학생이 스스로의 학습 프로세스에 대해 인식하도록 하는 것은 좋은 시작점이 된다.

It is very difficult to generalise how SRL might be supported because this complex system is unique for every person in every context. There are several possible approaches: for example, increasing students’ awareness about their own learning pro- cesses may represent a good starting point.


학생들이 스스로의 학습에 대해 더 인식할수록 그들은 서로 다른 상황에서 서로 다른 다양한 전략을 유연성있게 활용할 수 있고, 임상실습에서 확습 효과성이 높아진다. 학생이 스스로의 학습 프로세스에 대해서 인식하는 것을 도와주는 것

Making students more aware of their learning may improve their flexibility in using different learning strategies in different situations, and thereby increase the learning effectiveness of clerkships.45 Students’ awareness about their own learning processes can be increased by

  • 메타인지에 대한 일반적 이해 향상 promoting general awareness about metacognition,
  • 인지에 대한 지식 향상 improving knowledge about cogni- tion,
  • 인지의 조절 향상 improving the regulation of cognition, and by
  • 수행능력(performance)보다는 숙달(mastery)에 초점을 둠으로써 메타인지에 대한 인식 향상 fostering an environment that promotes metacogni- tive awareness by focusing on mastery rather than performance.46
  • 구체적 SRL 스킬 ㄱ육 Previous studies have looked at the effects of teaching specific SRL skills to students learning in academic contexts and have shown promising results.47–49

서로 다른 니즈를 가진 학생에 대한 맞춤형 학습기회와 지원

It also seems important to offer more tailored learning opportunities and the supports necessary for students to self-regulate their learning as stu- dents are known to have different needs.50




28 Bunniss S, Kelly DR. Research paradigms in medical education research. Med Educ 2010;44:358–66.

33 Kahneman D, Krueger AB, Schkade DA, Schwarz N, Stone AA. A survey method for characterising daily life experience: the day reconstruction method. Science 2004;306 (5702):1776–80. 34 Kahneman D, Krueger AB, Schwarz N, Stone AA. The Day Reconstruction Method (DRM): Instrument Documentation. 2004. http://sitemaker.umich.edu/ norbert.schwarz/files/drm_documentation_july_ 2004.pdf. [Accessed 1 June 2014.]

36 Butler DL, Cartier SC, Schnellert L, Gagnon F, Giammarino M. Secondary students’ self-regulated engagement in reading: researching self-regulation as situated in context. Psychol Test 2011;53 (1):73– 105.

42 Bjork RA, Dunlosky J, Kornell N. Self-regulated learning: beliefs, techniques, and illusions. Annu Rev Psychol 2013;64:417–44.

47 Labuhn AS, Zimmerman BJ, Hasselhorn M. Enhancing students’ self-regulation and mathematics performance: the influence of feedback and self- evaluative standards. Metacogn Learn 2010;5 (2):173– 94.

48 Hofer BK, Yu SL. Teaching self-regulated learning through a ‘Learning to Learn’ course. Teach Psychol 2003;30 (1):30–3.

49 Sandars J. Pause 2 Learn: developing self-regulated learning. Med Educ 2010;44:1122–3.

 2015 Jun;49(6):589-600. doi: 10.1111/medu.12671.

Exploring the factors influencing clinical students' self-regulated learning.

Author information

  • 1Centre for Evidence-Based Education, Academic Medical Centre, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
  • 2Department of Educational Development and Research, Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Maastricht University, Maastricht, the Netherlands.
  • 3Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, VU University Medical Centre, VU University Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
  • 4Centre for Research and Innovation in Medical Education, University Medical Centre Groningen, University of Groningen, Groningen, the Netherlands.



The importance of self-regulated learning (SRL) has been broadly recognised by medical education institutions and regulatory bodies. Supporting the development of SRL skills has proven difficult because self-regulation is a complex interactive process and we know relatively little about the factors influencing this process in real practice settings. The aim of our study was therefore to identify factors that support or hamper medical students' SRL in a clinical context.


We conducted a constructivist grounded theory study using semi-structured interviews with 17 medical students from two universities enrolled in clerkships. Participants were purposively sampled to ensure variety in age, gender, experience and current clerkship. The Day Reconstruction Method was used to help participants remember their activities of the previous day. The interviews were transcribed verbatim and analysed iteratively using constant comparison and open, axial and interpretive coding.


Self-regulated learning by students in the clinical environment was influenced by the specific goals perceived by students, the autonomy they experienced, the learning opportunities they were given or created themselves, and the anticipated outcomes of an activity. All of these factorswere affected by personal, contextual and social attributes.


Self-regulated learning of medical students in the clinical environment is different for every individual. The factors influencing this process are affected by personal, social and contextual attributes. Some of these are similar to those known from previous research in classroom settings, but others are unique to the clinical environment and include the facilities available, the role of patients, and social relationships pertaining to peers and other hospital staff. To better support students' SRL, we believe it is important to increase students' metacognitive awareness and to offer students more tailored learning opportunities.

© 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

'고군분투자'들을 다른 관점에서 보기: 어떻게 SRL의 관점이 평가와 재교육에 있어 의학교육자들을 도울 수 있는가(Acad Med, 2011)

Perspective: Viewing “Strugglers” Through a Different Lens: How a Self-Regulated Learning Perspective Can Help Medical Educators With Assessment and Remediation

Steven J. Durning, MD, Timothy J. Cleary, PhD, John Sandars, MBChB, MD, MSc, Paul Hemmer, MD, MPH, Patricia Kokotailo, MD, and Anthony R. Artino, PhD

수행수준이 떨어지는 일부 학생/레지던트/의사들이 있으며, 이들이 의학교육자, 대중, 규제기구들의 주요 관심대상이 된다. 이들의 고군분투자들은 여러 이유로 수행의 어려움을 겪고 있을 수 있다.

There are, however, some medical students, residents, and practicing physicians who underperformand, as a result, become major concerns for medical educators, the public, and regulating bodies. These struggling trainees and practicing physicians may exhibit performance difficulties for a wide variety of reasons,1–4 such as

  • knowledge deficits,5,6
  • unprofessional attitudes, beliefs, or behaviors,6–9 and/or
  • difficulty applying their knowledge and skills to authentic clinical contexts.5,10,11

비록 의사들 중의 고군분투자들의 보여주는 유형과 그 심각성이 의과대학생의 그것과 다를 수 있다는 것은 인정하나, 기량 발휘에 어려움을 겪는 혹은 성취 수준이 떨어지는 이들을 종합하여 'struggler(고군분투자)'로 칭하고자 한다.

Although we recognize that the types and depths of struggles exhibited by practitioners may differ from those of first-year medical students, we will collectively refer to underachieving or underperforming medical students, residents, and practicing physicians as strugglers.

비록 고군분투자들이 교육훈련 기간과 의료현실에서 소수자일 수는 있으나, 단기적은 물론 장기적으로도 위협이 되고, 의학교육자들과 전문직 차원에서 심대한 시간과 자원의 투자를 필요로 하는 대상이 된다.

Although strugglers represent a minority of those in training and practice, these individuals are at risk for poor performance in the short term(e.g., failure to graduate) and long term(e.g., disciplinary action by a state medical board), which may lead to substantial investments in time and resources by medical educators and professionals.

사회적으로 더 중요한 점은 일반 대중들에게 해(harm)을 가할 위험이 있다는 것이다.

Of even greater societal importance is that medical students, residents, and practitioners who exhibit poor clinical judgment, knowledge, and/or skills may pose a risk of significant harmto the public at large.12

이 연구의 일차 목적은 SRL-MAT이라고 불리는 평가프레임워크를 소개하는 것이다. 우리는 이것이 전통적인 의학에서의 평가 프레임워크를 보완할 수 있는 것으로 고군분투자들을 찾고 재교육하는데 활용될 수 있을 것으로 본다. SRL-MAT는 자기조절이론과 사회-인지 연구를 바탕으로 하며, 따라서 피훈련자의 행동과 수행능력은 그들의 그들이 의료를 배우고 수행하는 맥락 뿐 아니라 동기와 조절프로세스에 달린 것으로 본다.

The primary purpose of this article is to introduce an assessment framework, called Self-Regulated Learning–Microanalytic Assessment and Training (SRL-MAT), which we believe could complement traditional medical training assessment frameworks that have been used to identify and remediate strugglers. The SRL-MAT is grounded in self-regulation theory and social–cognitive research and thus assumes that the behaviors and performance of trainees are a function of their motivational beliefs and regulatory processes, as well as the contexts in which they learn and performtheir clinical skills.13,14

대부분의 연구자들은 자기-조절을 역동적이고 맥락-특이적 프로세스로 보며, 교육이 가능하고 직접적 지도, 적절하게 안내된 수행(guided practice), 튜터링 등을 통해서 강화될 수 있다고 본다. 이러한 개념이 갖는 주요 함의는 특정 영역 또는 맥락에서 특정 활동을 하는 "동안"에 자기주도학습의 역동적이고 유동적인 특성을 잘 잡아낼 수 있는 평가도구를 사용해야 한다는 것이다.

Most researchers conceptualize self-regulation as a dynamic, context- specific process that can be taught and enhanced through direct instruction, guided practice, and tutoring.15–17 The primary implication of this concept of self-regulation for assessment practices is that one needs to use assessment methods capable of capturing the dynamic, fluid aspects of self-regulated learning (SRL) by directly examining one’s use of regulation during specific activities and in particular domains or contexts.


기존 연구를 보면 고군분투자들이 목표를 설정하고, 전략적 계획을 세우고, 자기-모니터를 하고, 자기-평가를 하는 것이 학업 성취 뿐 아니라 학업 관련 행동을 관리하는데 요구되는 동기부여와 스킬(도움을 찾는 요령, 학습전략을 통해 수행능력을 최적화시키는 것)을 향상시키는데도 도움이 된다.

Of greatest practical importance is the volume of research showing that teaching strugglers to set goals, develop strategic plans, self-monitor, and self-evaluate (or reflect on) their performance improves not only their academic success but also their motivation and skills in managing academic behaviors, such as help-seeking and using learning strategies to optimize performance.18–20


자기조절과 관련된 인터벤션의 긍정적 연구결과는 초등/중고등/대학에서 모두 밝혀졌다.

Positive findings for self-regulation interventions have been found across elementary, secondary, and postsecondary school populations.18–20

왜 고군분투자에 대한 평가 프레임워크에 집중하는가?

Why Focus Our Assessment Framework on Strugglers?

최근의 연구를 보면 의과대학 교수와 행정가들은 물론 규제기구들이 고군분투자를 둘러싼 이슈에 대하여 상당히 불만을 가진다는 것을 알 수 있다.

Recent studies have demonstrated that medical school faculty and administrators, as well as regulatory bodies, are becoming increasingly dissatisfied, if not discouraged, with issues surrounding strugglers.1–3,25

이러한 상황에서 의학교육자들의 과제는 이들을 정확히 밝혀내는 것 뿐만 아니라 이러한 낮은 수행능력의 기저에 깔린 주 요인을 발견하는 것이다. 그 이유를 밝히는 것이 적절한 재교육의 첫 단계이다.

Given these problems, an emergent challenge for medical educators involves developing effective ways to not only accurately identify strugglers but also to better understand the primary causal factors underlying their poor performance. Identifying the reasons for one’s poor performance in medical school, residency, or practice is a key first step in developing adequate remediation plans.27

고군분투자 찾아내기: 전통적 평가 프레임워크

Identification of strugglers: Traditional frameworks of evaluation

현재의 의학교육에서의 프레임워크는 고군분투자들을 찾아내고 평가하고 재교육하는 것에 있어서 분석적/발전적/종합적/역량-바탕 접근을 사용한다.

Current frameworks in medical education focus on the identification, evaluation, and remediation of struggling trainees and can be broadly grouped into analytic, developmental, synthetic, and competency- based approaches.

  • The analytic framework takes the trainee’s performance “apart”—Greek: ana (whole) plus lytic (apart)—typically dividing learning outcomes into the domains of knowledge, skills, and attitudes.
  • Developmental frameworks, such as the Dreyfus and Dreyfus28 approach, describe learner performance in progressive steps (e.g., novice and early beginner through expert), typically within a domain of performance.
  • Synthetic models put the learner’s performance together into discrete “steps,” or levels, with each step requiring a synthesis of greater knowledge, skill, and attitude. An example of the synthetic approach is RIME (Reporter, Interpreter, Manager, Educator).30
  • Finally, competency-based frameworks include the widely adopted competencies of the Accreditation Council on Graduate Medical Education, as well as those of CANMEDS and the Good Doctor.31,32

종합적/역량-바탕 프레이워크는 '역할-기반'프레임워크의 사례이기도 하다.

Synthetic and competency-based frameworks are also an example of “role- based” frameworks.33

그러나 안타깝게도 현재의 평가 및 재교육 방법은 프로페셔널리즘이나 기초과학 지식, 임상기술 등과 같이 관심 대상이 되는 영역의 성과에 대해서 매우 작은 분산성분(보통 30% 이하)만을 설명해준다. 설명되는 분산성분이 작다는 것은 관심 대상이 되는 성과에 관계되는 요인이 더 있다는 것을 보여준다. 그리고 이는 고군분투자들에게 특히 중요하다.

Unfortunately, current methods of assessment and remediation in medical education tend to explain little variance (typically, studies explain less than 30%of the variance) in the outcomes of interest, such as professionalism, basic science knowledge, and/or clinical skill.1,5–8 The fact that little variance is explained suggests that other factors are contributing to these outcomes of interest, a notion that is particularly important for those who struggle.

추가로, 평가 프레임워크는 그 자체로 인과관계를 밝히는데 집중하지는 않는다.

In addition, medical education assessment frameworks, per se, typically do not focus on identifying the causal factors underlying poor performance

피훈련자의 성취도가 낮은 것의 중심 이유를 찾지 못하고는 가장 효과적인 개선법도 찾지 못할 것이다. 더 나아가 우리의 현재 평가 프레임워크가 기본적으로 잘 연구된 교육모델이나 이론에 기반하지 않기 때문에 교육자들이 다양한 평가자료를 통합하여 실용적인 권고안을 만들기도 어렵다.

Without identifying and understanding the proximal causes of trainee underachievement, it is difficult to pinpoint the most effective ways to assist trainees in improving their performance. Furthermore, because our current assessment frameworks are generally not based on well-researched educational models or theories, it is challenging for educators to use and integrate various types of assessment data to generate practical recommendations for the assessment of struggling trainees and professionals.

종합적으로, 이러한 한계점이 대안을 찾아야 하는 중요한 이유이다. SRL-MAT 과 같은 대안은 의과대학과 레지던트의 실제 과제를 수행하는 과정에서 피훈련자의 동기부여나 조절기술에 대한 정보를 얻기 위해 설계된 것이다.

Collectively, these shortcomings are important reasons to consider alternative approaches, such as the SRL-MAT, an assessment framework designed to generate information about trainees’ motivation and regulatory skills as they engage in authentic tasks in medical school and residency, such as taking comprehensive exams and performing clinical tasks.

SRL의 정의(그리고 자기 평가와 어떻게 다른가)

Self-regulation defined (and how it differs from self-assessment)

사회-인지 연구자들은 SRL을 개개인이 스스로 피드백을 생성해냄으로써(self-generated feedback) 개인의 목표를 달성하기 위한 전략적 접근을 최적화하는 순환적 프로세스라고 정의한다. 사회-인지적 관점에서 자기-조절은 전형적으로 교육이 가능한 스킬이며, 세 단계의 순환적 고리를 따른다.

Social–cognitive researchers have defined SRL as a cyclical process whereby individuals use self-generated feedback about their learning to optimize their strategic pursuit of personal goals.34,35 From a social–cognitive perspective, self- regulation is typically conceptualized as a teachable skill that operates as a three-phase cyclical loop (see Figure 1).


  • 사전숙고: 학습노력(수행능력에 관한 통제), 성공과 실패에 대한 판단(자기-성찰), 목표 설정과 전략 기획
    In short, processes preceding action (forethought) have an impact on learning efforts (performance control), which in turn influence how learners react to and judge their performance successes and failures (self-reflection). Forethought processes, such as goal-setting and strategic planning, help to mobilize students’ efforts to learn.
  • 과제 수행능력 촉진(자기-통제 전략), 이러한 방법의 효과성 추적(자기-모니터링)
    Once trainees engage in learning tasks, such as studying for a major exam or drawing blood from a patient, they typically enlist performance-phase processes such as using specific tactics to facilitate task performance (self-control tactics) and tracking the effectiveness of these methods (self- monitoring).
  • 성공 실패 여부 판단(자기-평가), 결과의 이유 분석(귀인), 미래 수행능력 최적화(적응적 추론)
    The information that trainees gather from task performance is used to judge whether they succeeded or failed (self-evaluation), to judge why this performance occurred (attributions), and to decide what they need to do to optimize future performance (adaptive inferences).



SRL이 자기평가와 다르다는 것을 알아야 한다. 자기평가는 SRL의 여러 구성요소 중 하나일 뿐이다. 의학교육 문헌들을 보면 수행능력이 떨어질 수록 자기평가 기술도 떨어진다. 이러한 실제 수행능력과 그것을 인식하는 능력의 부족은 고군분투자들이 과제를 수행하는데 필요한 지식 뿐 아니라 스스로의 지식이나 전문성에 대한 이해도 떨어질 것을 시사하며, 자기조절스킬 차원에서 또 하나의 문제영역이 되는 것이다. 즉, 비효과적으로 학습전략을 활용하고 동기부여 신념을 잘못 적응하는 것이다.

It is important to note that self-regulation and, more specifically, SRL, differs from self-assessment (calibration of one’s perceived performance with actual performance36); self-assessment constitutes just one of the several features of SRL. The medical education literature has found that poor performers are often the most unaware, that is, have the poorest self- assessment skill.37,38 This deficit between actual performance and awareness (self- assessment)38,39 also suggests that strugglers may possess poor knowledge of task demands or requirements, as well as of their own levels of knowledge or expertise, and may exhibit other problematic self- regulatory skills, such as ineffective use of learning strategies and maladaptive motivational beliefs.

교육심리학자들의 연구를 보면 학생들은 자기조절훈련을 통해서 더 독립적이고 자율적인 학습자가 될 수 있다. 이것이 특히 중요한 이유는 고군분투하는 학생들도 내용전문가나 교사에게 효과적인 피드백을 받고 구체적인 내적-피드백 생성 전략(에러 탐지, 자기-모니터링)을 교육받으면 자기평가의 정확도를 향상시킬 수 있다는 점이다.

Decades of work by educational psychologists suggest that students can be taught to become more independent and autonomous learners through self- regulation training.2,18 Of particular importance is that researchers have begun to show that struggling students can improve the accuracy of their self- assessments regarding personal capabilities and knowledge if they are provided with effective feedback from content experts or teachers and if they are taught specific strategies to generate internal feedback, such as error detection and self-monitoring.40–42

SRL-MAT 프레임워크

The SRL-MAT Framework



SRL-MAT 프레임워크는 사회-인지 이론에 기반

The SRL-MAT framework is grounded in social–cognitive theory and research and thus makes a variety of important assumptions about student learning,

Bandura의 상호적 결정론(reciprocal determinism)에 따르면 ,학생의 행동이나 스킬, 개인적 프로레스(신념, 감정), 환경적 요인(교사, 교실) 등이 상호적으로 작용한다는 것이다. 그러나 가장 강조되는 것은 인간 인식의 역할인데, 특히 자기-효능감 인식학생의 행동에 영향을 주는 핵심 프로세스로 본다. 따라서 의과대학생이 자기효능감이 낮고, 과제-특이적 자신감이 낮으면(채혈 등) 이러한 임상경험에 대한 동기부여가 덜 되고, 회피하고자 하며, 이는 부정적 피드백을 받는 결과를 초래하게 된다. 반대로, 만약 교수가 학생에게 어떻게 임상 술기를 향상시킬지 전략적 피드백을 준다면, 학생의 인식이나 역량은 불안감이 감소함에 따라서 향상될 수 있고 이는 더 높은 수준의 행동적 참여(behavioral engagement)와 동기부여의 개인적 요인이 될 것이다.

According to Bandura’s13,14 model of reciprocal determinism, student behaviors or skills, personal processes (beliefs, affect), and environmental factors (teachers, classroomclimate) interact and influence each other in reciprocal ways. However, primary emphasis is placed on the role of human cognition and, in particular, self-efficacy perceptions, as a key personal process affecting student behavior. Thus, a medical student who possesses low self- efficacy, or low task-specific confidence, for drawing blood froma patient may exhibit low motivation and/or avoid these types of clinical experiences, which may further elicit negative feedback from his or her professors in medical school. Conversely, if faculty advisors or professionals provide this student with strategic feedback on how to improve his or her clinical skills, the student’s perceptions of competence may increase while anxiety about this procedure lessens—personal factors that may prompt higher levels of behavioral engagement and motivation.


SRL-MAT 프레임워크의 또 다른 중요한 가정 중 하나는 행동과 신념이 유동적이고 역동적이어서 교육맥락에 따라 다르게 나타나며, 그 맥락 내에서도 구체적 과제에 따라 다르다는 것이다.  실제적, 진단적 관점에서 이러한 맥락-특이성이 중요한 이유는 효과적인 자기-조절 평가 도구는 그 맥락이나 과제, 행동의 특수성에 맞춰져야 하기 때문이다. SRL-MAT은 SRL  microanalysis라는 접근법을 활용하는데, 이는 학습자가 authentic 과제를 수행할 때 이뤄지는 조절 프로세스에 대해서 구체적으로 시간 순서에 따라 물어본다.

Another important assumption of the SRL-MAT framework is that behaviors and beliefs are dynamic and fluid in nature and thus will often vary across educational contexts, as well as for specific tasks within those contexts. From a practical and diagnostic perspective, this context- specific assumption is important because it suggests that effective self-regulation assessment tools should be tailored to specific contexts and tasks or activities within those contexts. The SRL-MAT uses an emergent assessment approach called SRL microanalysis, a procedure that involves asking temporally sequenced questions about specific regulatory processes as trainees engage in an authentic task or activity.23,24,43,44

학생들이 스스로의 인식/신념/행동을 특정한 상황에 따른 요구나 특정 맥락과 무관하게 보고하게끔 하는 전통적인 자기-보고 척도와 달리 microanalytic 척도는 특정 학업 과제나 활동에 맞춤형이며, 맥락-특이적 질문을 활용하여, 3단계 사이클의 다양한 프로세스를 타겟으로 한다. 이러한 관점에서 SRL microanalysis는 어떻게 학생들이 특정 과제에 대해 접근하고, 시행하고, 과제 시행 중 뿐 아니라 그 이후에 성찰하는지를 평가하게 해준다.

In contrast to traditional self-report measures that require students to retrospectively provide accounts of their perceptions, beliefs, and behaviors without reference to situational demands or particular contexts, microanalytic measures are customized to particular academic tasks or activities and involve using context-specific questions targeting the various processes of the three-phase cyclical loop (see Figure 1). In this sense, SRL microanalysis seeks to evaluate how students approach, execute, and reflect during (as opposed to a long time after) specific tasks or events.

자기조절 평가

Assessment of self-regulation

자기조절 문헌들을 보면 다양한 평가법이 논의되고 있다. 비록 자기보고 스케일이 MSLQ와 같이 가장 흔하게 사용되는 평가도구이고, 강력한 psychometric properties가 있지만, 종종 문제가 되는데 왜냐하면 회상과 응답 편향이 있고, 그 스케일이 맥락과 유리되어(decontextualize) 있기 때문이다. 이것은 특히 역동적이고 맥락 특이적인 SRL의 모습을 잘 보여주지 못한다는 문제가 있다. 더 나아가서 피훈련자에게 어떻게 의과대학 기간에 배우고  학습했으며, 어떤 전략을 사용하였는지 물어보는 것은 실제로 authentic 임상 과제를 하는 중에 보여주는 생각이나 행동에 대한 정보는 거의 주지 못한다.

In the self-regulation literature, a variety of assessments are discussed, including paper-and-pencil self-report scales, direct observation, think-aloud protocols, and self-regulation microanalysis.16,45–48 Although self-report scales, such as the Motivated Strategies and Learning Questionnaire, are the most frequent type of self-regulation assessment tools and typically have evidence of strong psychometric properties,46,47 they are often problematic because of recall and other response biases, as well as the decontextualized nature of the scales. This latter problemis of particular concern because such scales often fail to capture the dynamic, context-specific nature of self- regulation. Furthermore, asking trainees to retrospectively report howthey study or learn in medical school or the general strategies that they use (e.g., time management, organization) to succeed will yield minimal information about the thoughts and behaviors that they actually display while engaged in authentic clinical tasks, such as interviewing a patient, performing a procedure, or making a specific medical diagnosis.

대도적으로, 필수적 임상 과제와 화동을 수행하는 동안에 실시간으로 자기조절 프로세스를 직접적으로 측정하고자 하는 평가도구들은 교육자들에게 더 의미있는 정보를 준다.

In contrast, assessment tools designed to directly measure self-regulation processes as they unfold in real time during essential clinical tasks and activities have the potential to provide medical educators with more meaningful information

자기조절 연구자들은 지난 20년간 많은 평가도구 개발. SRL-MAT에서는 SRL microanalytic 를 특히 강조함. 일반적으로 말해서 이 평가 방법은 자기조절의 순환적 단계를 종합적으로 타게팅한다.

Self-regulation researchers during the last 20 years have developed a variety of alternative assessment tools, such as think-aloud protocols, behavioral traces, and microanalytic assessment approaches, to directly measure self- regulation during specific events.16,47,49 The SRL-MAT endorses the use of think- aloud protocols and direct observations, but it places primary importance on using SRL microanalytic methodology to evaluate the regulatory skills and processes of trainees. In general, this assessment methodology involves comprehensively targeting the cyclical phase processes of self-regulation (e.g., goal-setting, metacognitive monitoring, strategy use, causal attributions) as an individual engages in a well-defined task or activity.24

잘못된 조절 프로세스를 찾아서 개개인의 접근법, 모니터, 성찰에 있어서 부족한 부분을 알게 해주는 것은 대체로 인지적 접근이다. SRL microanalysis의 핵심 특성은 다음과 같다.

It is a largely cognitive approach that seeks to identify faulty regulatory processes so that examiners can isolate gaps or deficiencies in how individuals approach (forethought), monitor (performance), and reflect (self- reflection) during their engagement in some specific task.43,50 Some of the essential features of SRL microanalysis include the use of

  • (1) 개별화된 평가 프로토콜
    individualized assessment protocols,
  • (2) 모든 세 단계에 대한 개방형, 폐쇄형 질문
    open-ended and closed-ended questions targeting processes within all three phases of the self-regulation cyclical loop (see Table 1), and
  • (3) 구체적 과제를 수행하는 과정에서의 전략적 지점에 관한 맞춤형 자기조절 질문
    customized self-regulation questions that are administered at strategic points during learning or performance on a specific task (see reference 43 for a more detailed overview of this procedure).


여러 연구로부터 SRL microanalysis의 절차와 유용성이 확인되었다. Cleary and Zimmerman49 는 최초 연구 중 하나인데 고등학생 대상 자유투 연구.

A variety of research studies have been conducted to illustrate the procedures and utility of SRL microanalysis. Cleary and Zimmerman49 conducted one of the first studies to microanalytically examine a comprehensive array of regulatory processes. Using a sample of high school students, the authors elected to use basketball free-throw shooting as the task around which to embed the forethought and self-reflection phase questions. 

예컨데 여기서 질문은 이러했다.

In that study, for example,

  • 목표 관련 질문
    the goal question was, “Do you have a goal when practicing your free throws? If so what is it?”; whereas
  • 전략 관련 질문
    the strategic planning question was, “What do you need to do to accomplish that goal?”
  • 성찰 관련 질문
    The players were also asked a series of questions targeting their self-reflective thoughts following failure. For example, to examine their attributions and adaptive reactions following two missed shots in a row, the participants were asked, “What is the main reason why you missed those last two shots?” and “What do you need to do to improve your performance?”

Clearyand Zimmerman’s 농구 연구에서 모든 질문은 구체적인 조절 프로세스에 맞추어져 있었고, 특정 관심대상이 되는 과제에 맞춰져 있었으며, 학생이 자유투 연습을 하는 과정에 시행되었다. 이러한 과정은 연구자로 하여금 학생의 인식과 조절 프로세스를 실시간으로 볼 수 있게 도와준다. 연구의 경험적 중요성으로는, 저자들은 microanalytic  질문을 활용하여 전문가-비전문가-초보자를 구분할 수 있었던 것이다. 즉, 전문가 수준으로 잘 하는 사람은 높은 수준의 자기효능감, 더 많은 구체적 목표, 더 효과적 슈팅 전략 활용, 실패한 이후의 더 전략적 자기성찰을 하고 있었다.

An important point here is that in Clearyand Zimmerman’s basketball study, all questions were targeting specific regulatory processes, were customized to the specific task of interest (basketball free-throw shooting), and were administered as participants practiced their free-throw shooting. Such a procedure allowed the researchers to directly examine student cognition and regulatory processes as they unfolded in real time. Of empirical importance, the authors were able to show that the use of microanalytic questions clearly differentiated expert, nonexpert, and novice free-throw shooters. That is, expert free-throw shooters, who were defined as those shooting over 70%fromthe free-throw line, displayed higher levels of self-efficacy, set more specific goals, used more effective shooting and technique-related strategies, and were more strategic in their self-reflection following missed free throws than the two other groups. 

Integrating SRL Microanalysis Into Medical Education

SRL microanalytic 방법은 사실상 어떤 잘-정의된 과제나 사건, 활동에도 모두 사용가능하다

SRL microanalytic methodology can be applied to virtually any well-defined task, event, or activity.

의학교육자들이 수행능력의 미달에 대해서 이해가 부족한데, 이는 의학에서 수행능력을 구성하는 것들 - 특히 동기부여와 맥락 -  이 충분히 정의되거나 평가되지 않고, 실시간 피드백을 제공하지 않았기 때문이다.

Medical educators’ understanding of medical students’ or residents’ deficiencies in performance (and strugglers’ assessment of their performance) is limited. This may be because the component parts of performance in medicine—particularly emphasizing motivation and context— have not been sufficiently defined, assessed, or allowed for real-time feedback to trainees. 

이러한 실시간 피드백을 통해 교육자들은 더 관련된 정보를 많이 얻을 수 있다.

By generating this real-time feedback, educators would have more pertinent information to guide their remediation attempts with students who are disengaged and at risk for failure or for engaging in poor clinical practice.

기본적인 아이디어는 시작과 끝이 분명한 과제를 찾고, microanalytic 평가 접근법을 사용하여 과제를 둘러싼 사전숙고(before), 수행(during), 자기성찰(after)을 평가하는 것이다.

The basic idea is to identify a task that has both a clear beginning and end, and then wrap the microanalytic assessment approach—involving forethought (before), performance (during), and self-reflection (after)—around such a task. This would allowone to examine howstudents approach, learn or perform, and reflect on particular outcomes.

7 Hodgson CS, Teherani A, Gough HG, Bradley P, Papadakis MA. The relationship between measures of unprofessional behavior during medical school and indices on the California Psychological Inventory. Acad Med. 2007;82(10 suppl):S4–S7. http:// journals.lww.com/academicmedicine/ Fulltext/2007/10001/The_Relationship_ between_Measures_of.2.aspx.

38 Hodges B, Regehr G, Martin D. Difficulties in recognizing one’s own incompetence: Novice physicians who are unskilled and unaware of it. Acad Med. 2001;76(10 suppl):S87–S89. http://journals.lww.com/academicmedicine/ Fulltext/2001/10001/Difficulties_in_ Recognizing_One_s_Own.29.aspx. Accessed December 26, 2010.



 2011 Apr;86(4):488-95. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0b013e31820dc384.

Perspectiveviewing "strugglers" through a different lens: how a self-regulated learning perspective can helpmedical educators with assessment and remediation.

Author information

  • 1Department of Medicine and Pathology, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, Maryland 20814, USA. sdurning@usuhs.mil


Medical educators are responsible for training current and future generations of physicians; this includes the early and accurate identification of "struggling" medical trainees, which has implications for future training, practice, and success.The authors propose a theory-based framework, Self-Regulated Learning-Microanalytic Assessment and Training (SRL-MAT), that is specifically designed to foster individual medical trainee self-regulatory beliefs and behaviors, and thus provide a distinct method to assist medical trainees who struggle. The SRL-MAT is grounded in social-cognitive theory and research and makes a variety of important assumptions about learning and the essential techniques needed to evaluate trainee functioning. Two critical assumptions are that (1) self-efficacy beliefs are a key personal process affecting trainee behavior, and (2) trainee beliefs and behaviors are dynamic and fluid in nature and thus will often vary across educational contexts, as well as for specific tasks within those contexts. To address these assumptions, the SRL-MAT uses an emergent assessment approach called self-regulated learning microanalysis, a procedure that involves asking a series of temporally sequenced questions about specific regulatory processes as trainees engage in an authentic task or activity. The framework, which is grounded in a foundation of established educational research, is adaptable to practically any task that has a clear beginning and end. The authors believe this framework could make important contributions to traditional medical training assessmentframeworks that have been used to identify and remediate strugglers.

© by the Association of American Medical Colleges.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

The Urban Medicine Program: 소외당하는 도시 커뮤니티를 위한 의사-리더 양성 프로그램(Acad Med, 2015)

The Urban Medicine Program: Developing Physician–Leaders to Serve Underserved Urban Communities

Jorge A. Girotti, PhD, MA, Gary L. Loy, MD, MPH, Joanna L. Michel, PhD, and Vida A. Henderson, PharmD, MPH, MFA

다수의 영향력있는 조직이나 기관으로부터 공공/인구 보건의 내용을 의학교육에 포함시킬 것에 대한 요구가 있다. 대체로 합의되는 사항은 인구 수준의 건강을 향상시키기 위해서는 임상진료와 공공보건의 원칙을 모두 적용해야 한다는 것이다. 이러한 임상진료와 공공보건의 패러다임을 연계시켜줄 핵심 위치에 의과대학이 있다. 지역사회-기반 요소를 포함하는 교육과정의 접근법은 이러한 두 가지 전통(공공보건과 임상진료)을 연결시켜줄 한 가지 가능성이다.

Calls for the integration of public/ population health content into medical education have come from influential organizations and agencies.1–3 The consensus is that lasting improvements in the health of populations necessitate the application of both clinical care and established public health principles.1 Medical schools are in a key position to bridge the paradigms of public health andclinical care.3 Curricular approaches that integrate community-based components represent one potential way to link the two traditions. 


IOM은 일반적인 임상진료에 적용가능한 원칙으로 일차의료와 공공보건을 성공적으로 통합하기 위한 몇 가지 원칙을 정의하였다.

The Institute of Medicine1 defined several principles for successful integration of primary care medicine and public health, principles that are applicable to clinical care in general. They include the following:

  • a common goal of improving population health;
  • engagement of community members in defining and addressing their own needs;
  • aligned leadership that bridges disciplines, programs, and jurisdictions;
  • sustainability; and
  • collaborative use of data and analysis.1

의과대학에서 지역사회-기반 교육과정은 학생들에게 새로운 관점과 인사이트를 제공한다. 이들 교육과정은 학생들에게 개개인을 전체적인 관점에서 바라볼 기회를 줄 뿐만 아니라 건강에 관한 사회와 환경적 요인을 강조한다.

Community-based curricula in medical schools offer students new perspectives and insights; these curricula not only afford students the opportunity to view the individuals they serve in a holistic manner but also emphasize the effects of social and environmental determinants on health.

현재, 극소수의 의과대학만이 4년 전체에 걸친 지역사회-기반 교육을 제공하고 있다. 이들 중 대부분에서 주 초점은 소외된 '농촌' 커뮤니티에 이바지하는 것이며, 소외된 지역의 일차의료 의사 숫자를 늘리는 것이다. 우리가 찾은 의과대학 중 단 두 개만이 지역사회-기반 교육과정을 모든 의과대학학생을 대상으로 요구하고 있었다. 대부분의 4년 지역사회-기반 프로그램은 강의식 교육과 경험학습을 토함하고 있었는데, 일부는 학생들에게 지역사회 프로젝트를 개발하고 도입할 것을 요구했다. 더 나아가서 더 적은 수의 의과대학에서만 지역사회에 대해서 그 성과와 효과를 평가했다. 이 연구의 목적은 이 모든 요소를 포함하는 프로그램인 UMed의 효과성을 평가하는 것이다.

Currently, few medical schools provide community-based education that spans all four years.4–17 Among these, the majority focus on serving underserved rural communities5,8,9,12,16 and increasing the number of primary care physicians in underserved areas.11–14,16 We identified only two schools that require community-based education for all medical students.7,15 Most of the four-year community-based programs incorporated didactic and experiential learning, whereas a few required students to develop and implement community projects.4,10,12,13,16 Further, few required students to evaluate the outcomes and impact of their projects on the community served.10,12,14,17 The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the Urban Medicine Program (UMed), which incorporates all of these elements— a four-year, longitudinal, experiential curriculum; community-based projects; and evaluations of these projects—and to assess early student outcomes.

  • four-year,
  • longitudinal,
  • experiential curriculum;
  • community-based projects; and
  • evaluations of these projects



UICOM은 미국에서 가장 큰 의과대학으로 4개의 캠퍼스에서 매년 300명의 졸업생을 양성함. 이 중 35%가 지속적으로 일차의료를 선택한다. UI-COMC는 의과대학 중 도시지역의 소외계층 양성을 위한 경험적, 지역사회-기반 장기 커리큘럼을 운영하는 몇 안되는 의과대학이다. 2005년, UI_COMC의 UMed는 prepare physician–leaders to serve underserved urban communities 라는 목표를 가지고 시작되었다. UMed는 UI-COMC의 학생구성의 다양성으로부터 혜택을 보고 있으며, 또한  UI-COMC의 위치가 시카고의 inner-city에 자리하고 있어서 도시 세팅에서 의료의 문제 뿐 아니라, 커뮤니티 간 격차라는 더 큰 이슈도 다룰 수 있는 위치게 있다. 

The University of Illinois College of Medicine is the largest medical school in the United States, graduating an average of 300 medical doctors per year from its four campuses (Chicago, Peoria, Rockford, and Urbana-Champaign). Of these, about 35% consistently choose primary care fields; one-fourth self-identify as members of ethnic/racial groups underrepresented in medicine (URM), and one-third locate their practices in rural and urban underserved communities.18 The University of Illinois College of Medicine at Chicago (UI-COMC) is among a limited number of MD-granting medical schools that has created an experiential, community- situated longitudinal curriculum that focuses on educating physician–leaders to work with underserved populations located in urban centers. UMed at UI-COMC was launched in 2005 with a mission to prepare physician–leaders to serve underserved urban communities. UMed takes advantage of UI-COMC’s diverse student population and its location in inner-city Chicago to address not only the challenges of practicing in an urban setting but also the larger issues of community disparities.

프로그램 설명

Program Description

UMed는 모든 4년간 비임상, 도시인구의 건강에 초점을 두는 프로그램이며, UI-COMC학생이 일반적으로 받는 교육과정에 보조적인 것이다.

UMed provides a nonclinical, urban population health focus that spans all four years of medical school and is supplementary to the regular curriculum experienced by all UI-COMC students.

UMed는 특정 전공과목에 초점을 두지 않는다. 이것의 전제는 모든 전공의 의사가 소외된 도시계층의 건강과 웰빙에 긍정적으로 기여할 수 있다는 것이다.

Notably, UMed does not focus on any particular specialty pathway. The premise is that physicians of all specialties can positively contribute to the health and well-being of people living in underserved, urban communities.

효과적인 리더가 되기 위해서 UMed졸업생은 건강의 사회적 결정요인을 알아야 하며, 그것들이 어떻게 건강 격차를 만드는지 알아야 한다. 이를 위해서는 구체적인 스킬이 필요하다.  

To be effective leaders, UMed graduates need to understand the social determinants of health and how they contribute to health disparities. They require specific skills including those related to

  • community-based collaborative program planning and evaluation,
  • multidisciplinary teamwork,
  • culturally appropriate communication, and
  • conducting research.


더 나아가 건강에 악영향을 줄 수 있는 도시환경의 여러 조건과 관련한 문화스킬을 보유해야 한다.

Furthermore, they must develop cross- cultural skills pertinent to conditions in the urban environment that adversely affect health (e.g., affordable, accessible pharmaceuticals and medical care, healthy foods, transportation, exposure to environmental toxins).

교육과정은 네 가지 주제를 중심으로 진행된다. 

The curriculum meets these educational objectives through time and instruction devoted to four themes:

  • (1) 커뮤니티와 문화간 의사소통 diversity in the community and intercultural communication,
  • (2) 의료접근성과 그 성과의 격차 disparities in health care access and outcomes,
  • (3) 커뮤니티-기반 참여적 연구 community-based participatory research (CBPR), and
  • (4) 지지와 정책 advocacy and policy.


Student selection and admission process

100~110명의 UI-COMC 학생 중 24명 선발.

Each year, UMed accepts 24 students from a pool of 100 to 110 students admitted to UI-COMC who also choose to apply to UMed. Admission into UMed is based not only on

    • academic promise but also on the
    • applicant’s track record of service in urban settings and
    • applied leadership skills.
    • Fluency in a second language is given some preference.

교육과정 설계

Curriculum design



Theoretical framework.

UMed교육과정은 경험학습이론(ELT)에 기반하며, 이는 경험을 학습 프로세스의 핵심 요소로 보는 것이다. ELT에 따르면 네 가지 반복되는 단계가 학습 사이클을 구성한다.

The UMed curriculum is informed by the experiential learning theory (ELT), which emphasizes experience as the central component in the learning process.19–21 According to ELT, four iterative stages constitute the learning cycle.


  • 첫째, 학습자들은 실제로 존재하는, 형체가 분명한 경험을 통해 정보를 습득한다
    First, learners grasp information through real, tangible experiences (concrete experience).
  • 학습자는 이후 이 지식과 경험을 통해 관찰하고 성찰하며, 추상적인 개념화를 통해서 행동에 적용할 수 있는 새로운 창의적 아이디어와 함의를 이끌어낸다.
    Learners then observe and reflect on this new knowledge or experience (reflective observation) and form abstract conceptualizations which they can use to create new ideas and implications for action.
  • 학습자들은 이 아이디어와 함의를 실제로 수행하고 검증하며, 이를 통해 새로운 지식과 스킬을 생성하거나 보다 완벽하게 다듬는다.
    Next, learners act on and test the ideas and implications (active experimentation), which leads to creating or perfecting new knowledge and skills.20,21

이러한 경험, 성찰, 사고, 행동의 사이클은 action learning과 유사하다. 경험학습 혹은 행동학습(action learning)은 지식을 보다 명쾌하게 만들어주며, 새로운 상황과 복잡한 문제에 대한 창의적이고 혁신적인 사고를 하게 해준다.

This cycle of experiencing, reflecting, thinking, and acting is synonymous with action learning.22 Experiential or action learning makes knowledge more explicit and encourages creative, innovative thinking22 to be applied to new situations and complex problems.

교육과정 요소

Curriculum components.

(1) a seminar series,

(2) a Web-based learning curriculum,

(3) a longitudinal community project (LCP), and

(4) a Policy and Advocacy Forum.

세미나 시리즈

Seminar series.

네 개의 주요 주제를 다루며, 학생의 모든 학습 사이클에 관여됨. 학생들은 8개의 2시간짜리 세미나를 1학년과 2학년에 들어야 한다. 학생 중심적으로 운영됨. 40분 강의 후 학생들은 LCP팀으로 실제적 적용가능성을 살펴본다.

The seminar series addresses the four curricular themes and enables students to engage in all stages of the learning cycle. Students attend eight 2-hour seminars over the course of their first and second years of medical school (M1 and M2 years). The seminars are student centered: approximately 40 minutes of didactic learning followed by breakout sessions during which the students, in their LCP teams, look at the practical applications of the didactic information as it relates to their community site.


24명의 학생이 배움-모둠(learning community)를 형성한다. 이들은 UMed 에 함께 참여하여 서로 지역사회 로테이션 경험과 LCP 진행상황을 공유한다. 여러 단과대학의 교수들이 참여하여 세미나 진행.

The 24 students constitute a learning community; they participate in UMed together and share with one another their community rotation experiences as well as their progress on the LCPs. A multidisciplinary faculty, including faculty members from the College of Medicine, the College of Nursing, the College of Social Work, and the School of Public Health, among others, facilitate the seminars.

웹-기반 교육과정

Web-based curriculum.

UMed는 DME와 함께 온라인 교육과정을 개발하여 학생들이 3학년과 4학년 기간에 세 개의 모듈을 이수하도록 함. (문화적 역량, 리더십, 의사소통 기술)

UMed, in collaboration with the Department of Medical Education (DME), has developed an online curriculum that requires participating students to complete, during their M3 and M4 years, three modules that cover cultural competency, leadership, and communication skills. DME faculty review student responses to online assignments and are available to provide one-on-one feedback.


The LCP.

LCP는 도시의 소외 계층과 관계된 커뮤니티 기관과 함께 직접적, 장기적, 팀-기반 협동적 과제를 하게끔 한다. LCP는 경험학습, 자기주도학습 등의 교육원칙이 모든 ELT 단계에서 적용되게끔 한다.

The LCP provides direct, long- term, team-based collaborative engagement with community agencies in underserved urban neighborhoods. The LCP employs the educational principles of experiential, self-directed learning and naturally integrates all ELT stages.

    • 커뮤니티 파트너 페어
      Each fall, UMed holds a Community Partner Fair during which participating community agencies meet M1 students.
    • 우선순위 선택과 매칭
      After the fair, students individually rank their top three choices, and we match as many students as possible to their first choice.
    • 각 기관이 가능성 있는 과제를 검토
      Agencies review the potential assignments
      before they are released to students so as to be involved in the decision-making process.
    • 팀 형성과 자산-파악 과제 수행
      After the teams form, the team members complete an asset mapping assignment, which includes a group observation of the community, interviewing members of the community, and assessing both strengths and weaknesses of their community of focus.
    • 프로젝트 결정
      Community agency mentors, students, and community members identify projects
      that are of greatest need to the community, and—together with UMed faculty—agency mentors evaluate student progress through quarterly updates.


지역사회를 모든 측면에서 참여시키게끔 노력하며, 교육 훈련의 모든 단계에서 참여하게끔 한다. 상위 학년의 학생들이 UMed 학생들의 멘토로 역할하며, 프로젝트의 지역사회 파트너로 참여한다. 프로젝트는 M4기간 내내 진행되며, 프로젝트 평가 보고서/CBPR 지원금 지원/프로그램 제안을 끝으로 종료된다.

We make an effort to involve the community in all aspects, and during all stages, of education and training. Upper-class students become mentors as other UMed students join the community partner in related projects. Projects continue through the M4 year and culminate in a final project evaluation paper, a CBPR grant application, or a program proposal.

정책 및 지지 포럼

Policy and Advocacy Forum.

4학년 때, UMed 학생은 2주간의 정책 및 지지 포럼에 참여하며, 다양한 사람(local health care leaders, physician activists, faculty, and community activists )이 발표하고 학생은 여기서 등장하는 이슈에 대해서 열린 토론을 하게 초청된다. 이에 더하여 포럼은 학생들이 각자의 프로젝트와 정책제안을 발표할 수 있게 해줌으로서 다른 사람들이 자신의 일에 그것을 적용할 수 있게 한다.

During the M4 year, UMed students participate in a two- week Policy and Advocacy Forum, during which local health care leaders, physician activists, faculty, and community activists make didactic presentations and invite students to discuss emergent issues openly. Additionally, the forum gives students the opportunity to present their own projects or a policy tool (legislative testimony, letter to editor, fact sheet, etc.) that they have developed, which others can, in turn, use in their own advocacy efforts.

UMed참여에 대한 크레딧

Credit for participation in UMed

4학년 종료 시, 모든 프로그램 구성요소를 완수한 학생은 6 credit hours를 수여하며 UMed 참여 인증서를 수여한다.

At the end of the four years, students who have completed all elements of the program receive six credit hours and a certificate for their participation in UMed.



1. The Medical Students’ Attitudes Toward the Underserved (MSATU) survey and the Intercultural and Professional Assessment (IPA) survey.

MSATU는 타당도가 증명된 설문으로서, 의대생/의사/자선기관/정부가 보건의료에 관한 어떠한 역할을 하는가에 대해 학생이 어떤 인식을 갖는지 설문함.

The MSATU is a validated survey24 that assesses student attitudes related to the perceived roles of medical students, physicians, charitable organizations, and the government in providing health care.

2. UMed pre/post assessments.

1학년, 2학년 학생에게 시행

We developed these assessments for M1 and M2 students completing UMed.

3. UMed LCP progress report.

질적 자료와 양적 자료를 모두 포함.

This team-based report includes both qualitative data (not reported here) and quantitative data to assess program objectives, measurable outcomes, evaluation



MSATU and IPA surveys

Pre/post seminar assessment

LCP progress report

Early program outcomes




우리의 결과를 보면, Ko 등의 결과와 마찬가지로 의학교육이 이미 소외계층에 대해 이바지하고자 하는 성향을 가진 학생을 더 키우고 스킬을 향상시켜주는데 긍정적 역할을 함을 보여준다.

Our findings validate the results of studies such as those by Ko and colleagues8,9 that indicate that medical education can play a positive role in nurturing and enhancing the skills of students already predisposed to serving underserved communities.

우리의 결과는 일반적인 UI-COMC 학생은 종종 다양한 커뮤니티와 함께 일해보는 것에 개방적이지만, UMed 학생은 이보다도 더욱 문화적 이해도가 높고, non-UMed 동료학생들보다 더 수용적임을 발견했다. Stearns 등의 연구와도 합치하는데, 이러한 성과는 소외계층 커뮤니티에 이바지하고자 하는 성향이 적절한 의과대학 교육과 맞물릴 때 더 효과적임을 보여준다.

Our results show that the general UI-COMC student body is open and receptive to working with diverse communities, yet UMed students express even greater cultural understanding and acceptance than their non-UMed UI-COMC peers. Our results align with those found by Stearns and colleagues12 that indicate that outcomes improve when predisposition for service in underserved communities is paired with appropriate content during medical school.

우리는 또한 Haq 등이 말한 것처럼, 미션과 목표에 기반하여 UMed 와 같은 프로그램이 평가하기가 더 어려운데, 왜냐면 학생들에게 주입하고자 하는 행동과 태도가 드러나기에는 시간이 걸리기 때문이다. 그러나 UMed 졸업생의 레지던트 선택을 보면 단기적 차원의 경향을 볼 수 있는데, 일리노이 주 바깥에서 살던 UMed 학생이 일리노이 주 바깥에서 살던 non-UMed 학생보다 시카고에 남을 가능성이 더 높다는 것이다. 더 나아가서 UMed 가 일차의료를 하려는 학생만 선발한 것이 아님에도 유의미한 숫자의 UMed 졸업생이 일차의료 전공을 선택했다.

We also found—as did Haq and colleagues13—that, on the basis of mission and goals, programs such as UMed are more difficult to evaluate because the attitudes and behaviors they are designed to instill within students may take time to manifest; however, interestingly, notable early trends in UMed graduates’ residency choices suggest that UMed students from states other than Illinois are proportionally more likely than non-UMed students from states other than Illinois to stay in Chicago. Further, although UMed does not select for students who want to go into primary care, a significant number of UMed graduates choose primary care residencies.

도시의 소외계층을 위한 리더십 역할과 관련한 스킬과 태도의 습득을 살펴보면, 이는 기존 연구와 contextualize하기가 어려운데, 왜냐하면 대부분의 연구가 졸업 시점에서 평가했기 때문이다. 즉, 리더십 역할이 더 나타날 것으로 기대되는 졸업 이후 커리어에서의 평가가 아니다. 사전-사후 평가 결과에 기반하여 보자면, 우리는 세미나에서 다룬 내용이 UMed 학생의 지식과 자기효능감에 유의한 향상을 가져왔음을 발견하였으며, 학생의 LCP 보고서를 보고 우리는 LCP가 우리 프로그램의 핵심임을 믿게 되었다.

Findings related to the acquisition of skills and behaviors that align with leadership roles in underserved urban communities are difficult to contextualize to previous work because most studies evaluate outcomes at the point of graduation—rather than later, during graduates’ careers, when leadership roles would be more likely.6,8,9,13 On the basis of the results of the pre/post assessments, we found that programmatic content in the seminars resulted in significant improvements in knowledge and self-efficacy by UMed students. On the basis of students’ LCP progress reports, we believe that the LCPs have become the cornerstone of our program.

커뮤니티와의 협력은 쉽지 않고, 학생들도 이를 위해서는 유연해져야 하며, 지속적으로 프로젝트가 지역사회 맥락에 관련성을 갖게끔 점검해야 한다. UMed 교수들은 이것이 반드시 필요한 기술이라고 생각했는데, 왜냐하면 CBPR의 일반 원칙(centrality of community partnerships, community building)을 반영하기 때문이며, 학생들로 하여금 systems-level 사고를 함으로써 역동적/복합적/인구수준의 문제에 대한 해결책을 개발하게 만들어주기 때문이다.


학생과 UMed 교수간의 정기적인 커뮤니케이션이 LCP의 성공에 필수적이였으며, UMed 교수와 커뮤니티 파트너 멘토와의 정기적 만남도 마찬가지였다.


우리의 연구는 Meyer 등이 주장한 것 '지역사회 기관과 AHC의 파트너십은 실현가능할 뿐만 아니라 지속가능하다. 단, 상호 존중과 이해에 기반했을 때 그러하다' 과 같다.

Community collaboration can be challenging, demanding that students be flexible and continually examine context for their projects to remain relevant. UMed faculty feel that these are necessary skills, as they reflect the general principles of CBPR (i.e., centrality of community partnerships, community building)25,26 and require students to use systems-level thinking to develop solutions to dynamic, complex, population-level problems. Regular communication between students and UMed faculty has been critical to the success of the LCPs, as are regular meetings between UMed faculty and community partner mentors. Our findings confirm the assertion made by Meyer and colleagues23: Partnerships between community organizations and academic health centers are not only feasible but also sustainable—if based onmutual respect and understanding. 


본 연구는 도시 소외계층에게 리더십 역할을 할 수 있게 관심을 갖고 준비하게끔 하는데 학생 선발, 기존 선호성향의 육성, 교육내용이 중요함을 보여준다. 낮은 탈락률과 UMed 학생이 기본적 교육과정 외에도 투자한 시간을 보면, 학생들이 경험 학습을 기반으로 한 프로그램에 긍정적으로 반응했음을 보여주며, 이들이 소외계층을 대상으로 하는 과제에 추가적 책임감을 기꺼이 받아들인다는 것을 보여준다. 더 나아가 이 결과는 의과대학생과 도시 소외계층을 이어주는 잘 설계된, 자기 프로그램의 가능성을 제시한다.

This study adds to the knowledge base regarding the importance of student selection, nurturing predisposition, and educational content as means to increase interest in and to provide preparation for leadership roles in urban underserved communities. The low dropout rate (2 out of 180 students) and the number of hours dedicated to UMed outside of the basic curriculum show that students respond positively to a program based on experiential learning, and that they willingly accept the challenge of taking on the additional responsibilities required to work in underserved communities. Overall, the results reported here show that well-designed, longitudinal programs linking medical students and underserved urban communities hold promise;

몇 가지 한계. 경쟁적, 비-무작위 선발 과정이 학업적 능력과 사회적 정의감을 모두 갖춘 학생들의 기존 관심사를 지원하고자 했던 우리 전략의 일붕ㅆ다. 그러나 학생의 높은 기존 관심이 오히려 UMed 교육과정이 학생의 태도와 동기부여에 가지는 영향을 confound했을 수 있다.

Although our results are robust, we acknowledge some limitations. Our competitive, nonrandom selection process is part of our strategy to support preexisting student interest in helping underserved populations while capitalizing on academic talent and a social justice mindset; however, this preexisting interest confounds our ability to measure the influence of the UMed curriculum on student attitudes and motivations. We have no information on the students who apply but are not chosen.

프로그램의 사이즈를 더 키우는데 장애가 되는 것은 세미나 세션의 특징인데, 의도적으로 상호작용을 강화하고, 경험을 강조하여 워크숍 형태로 진행했기 때문이다. 현재 24명의 학생 숫자는 6~8명의 소그룹을 가능하게 하고 교수의 도움을 받게 하고, 결론과 토론을 대그룹으로 진행하여 공유하게 한다. 두 시간은 이렇게 운영되기에 빠듯하다.

The major limitation to scaling up the program is the nature of the seminar sessions, which are intentionally interactive, experiential, and in the style of a workshop. The current number of students (24) allows six to eight small groups to work together, to receive input from the instructor, and to share conclusions and discuss topics as a larger group. Two- hour seminars barely allow time for such a format, and adding more seminars to adequately accommodate more students may be a burden on faculty.

UMed 세션에 배정된 시간이 다른 핵심 교육시간을 대체하지 않았고 UMed 학생은 정규 교육과정을 이수하는 과정에서 UMed 활동을 했다. “a longitudinally structured self-designed elective.”라고 볼 수 있다.

Scheduled UMed sessions do not replace any core teaching time; rather, UMed students complete the required activities and projects as they go through the regular medical school curriculum. The six credits they receive for the course appear as “a longitudinally structured self-designed elective.”

진정한 CBPR 패러다임에서 지역사회 구성원은 중요한 파트너이다. 두 가지 과제가 있다.

Within a true CBPR paradigm, commu- nity members are an integral part of the partnership.25,26 Two challenges of UMed have been

  • (1) 장기변화 확인 to capture long-term behavior change among the community participants in the LCP projects and
  • (2) 지역사회 이해관계자의 평가 참여 유도 to include community stakeholders in LCP evaluation efforts.


Consequently, a recent addition to our curriculum is the “Self Efficacy and Stage of Change Interview” assignment, which requires each student to use a template to develop and conduct an interview with a community member who has participated in his or her team’s intervention.

1 Institute of Medicine. Primary care and public health: Exploring integration to improve population health. Released March 28, 2012. http://www.iom.edu/Reports/2012/ Primary-Care-and-Public-Health.aspx. Accessed August 19, 2015.

3 Maeshiro R, Koo D, Keck CW. Integration of public health into medical education: An introduction to the supplement. Am J Prev Med. 2011;41(4 suppl 3):S145–S148.

13 Haq C, Stearns M, Brill J, et al. Training in urban medicine and public health: TRIUMPH. Acad Med. 2013;88:352–363.

18 Mullan F, Chen C, Petterson S, Kolsky G, Spagnola M. The social mission of medical education: Ranking the schools. Ann Intern Med. 2010;152:804–811.



 2015 Dec;90(12):1658-66. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000000970.

The Urban Medicine ProgramDeveloping Physician-Leaders to Serve Underserved Urban Communities.

Author information

  • 1J.A. Girotti is assistant professor, Department of Medical Education, and associate dean, Admissions and Special Curricular Programs, University of Illinois College of Medicine at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois. G.L. Loy is professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Rush Medical College, Chicago, Illinois. J.L. Michel is adjunct assistant professor of medical education and associate director, Urban Medicine Program, University of Illinois College of Medicine at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois. V.A. Henderson is a doctoral student, Division of Community Health Sciences, School of Public Health, University of Illinois, Chicago, Illinois.



Medical school graduates are poorly prepared to address health care inequities found in urbanunderserved communities. The University of Illinois College of Medicine developed the Urban Medicine Program (UMed) to prepare students for the roles of advocate, researcher, policy maker, and culturally competent practitioner through a four-year curriculum integrating principles of public health with direct interventions in local,underserved communities. This study assessed the program's effectiveness and evaluated early outcomes.


The authors analyzed data for UMed students (graduating classes 2009-2013) from pre- and postseminar assessments and longitudinal community project progress reports. They also compared UMed and non-UMed outcomes from the same classes, using graduation data and data from two surveys: Medical Students' Attitudes Toward the Underserved (MSATU) and the Intercultural/Professional Assessment.


UMed students were more likely than non-UMed students to endorse MSATU constructs ("Universal medical care is a right" [P = .01], "Access to basic medical care is a right" [P = .03], "Access is influenced by social determinants" [P = .03]); to be selected for the Gold Humanism Honor Society (P < .0001); to complete joint degrees (P < .0001); and to enter primary care residencies (P = .002).


Early outcomes reveal that a longitudinal, experiential curriculum can provide students with competencies that may prepare them for leadership roles in advocacy, research, and policy making. Contact with diverse communities inculcates-in medical students with predispositions toward helping underserved populations-the self-efficacy and skills to positively influence underservedurban communities.

[PubMed - in process]

의학교육 분야에서 50년간의 논문 출판 분석(Med Teach, 2013)

50 years of publication in the field of medical education


1Harvard Medical School, USA, 2University of Pittsburgh, USA

의학교육 분야의 논문 출판은 1950년에 Journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges가 Journal of Medical Education으로 바뀌면서 시작되었다. 그러나 의학교육이 학문의 한 분야로 자리잡은 초기에는 매우 느릿느릿했다. 이는 1966년 의학교육을 전문으로 다루는 두 번째 저널 British Journal of Medical Education 이 생길 때까지는 그러했다. 이후 일부 다른 저널들도 그 사이에 생기긴 했으나, 5개의 온라인 그리고 인쇄판 의학교육 저널들이 갑자기 등장하였다( Journal of Graduate Medical Education, International Journal of Medical Education, Education in Care). 이제 의학교육 분야는 주요한 출판분야로 성장하고 있다. 이러한 성장을 특징짓는 것은 무엇일까?

Published scholarship in ME began in 1950 when the Journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges transformed itself into the Journal of Medical Education. Yet, the early history of ME as a scholarly field was almost languid. It was not until 1966 that a second journal dedicated to ME appeared, the British Journal of Medical Education (Kuper et al. 2010). A few others appeared in the intervening years, but recently 5 new online and print ME journals have suddenly appeared (e.g. Journal of Graduate Medical Education, International Journal of Medical Education, Education in Care). Now, the field of ME is abloom with Primary publications. What characterizes this growth?




The search

의학교육의 출판 패턴을 따라가기 위하여 MeSH를 가지고 MEDLINE의 multi-faceted indexing을 활용였고, 트렌드를 Medvane으로 분석하였다.

To follow publication patterns of ME, we took advantage of the multi-faceted indexing of MEDLINE with the Medical (MeSH) Subject Headings taxonomy, and analyzed trends using Medvane (Lee 2011).



우리는 50년간의 출판물, 저널, 주제를 분석하였다.

We tracked publications, journals and topics over 50 years (1960–2010).



1960년과 2010년 사이의 의학교육 관련 출판물

Evolution of ME publications from 1960 to 2010

그림 1(a)는 MEDLINE에 색인된 의학교육 논문을 MeSH 주제어로 1960년부터 2010년까지 본 것이다. 1960년 279개에서 2010년 3760개까지 증가하였다. 그러나 이 50년간 폭발적 증가, 축소, 변화없는 상태가 모두 있었다. 일반적으로 1983년까지는 작은 증가/감소가 있다가 이후로는 꾸준한 증가세를 보이고 있다.

Figure 1(a) illustrates the pattern of articles indexed in MEDLINE with ME as a major MeSH heading from 1960 to 2010. The number of ME articles indexed in MEDLINE increased 13-fold from 279 articles in 1960 to 3760 in 2010. However, within this 50 year period, there were several periods of expansion, contraction and steady state. In general, there were small increases and decreases in publications until 1983 after which there was an almost steady rise in the number of annual ME publications.

그림 1(b)는 MEDLINE에 ME로 색인된 모든 논문의 비율이다. 1960년에는 0.3%였으나, 빠르게 증가하였고 (아마도 artifact로 보이며), 이후 1982년까지 감소하다가, 1982년부터 2001년까지는 0.33%에서 0.41%로 증가하였고, 21세기에는 14%포인트 증가하였다. 따라서 ME 출판 뿐 아니라 - 생의학분야의 전반적 성장에도 불구하고 - 의학교육은 MEDLINE 색인 출판에서 더 많은 비중을 차지하게 되었다.

Figure 1(b) illustrates the percent of all articles indexed in MEDLINE indexed as ME. In 1960, ME articles accounted for 0.3%of MEDLINE’s citations and the percentage rose markedly in that decade, possibly an artifact of the inception of MEDLINE and retrospective indexing. Thereafter, it declineduntil 1982. From 1982 to 2001, the percent of ME articles rose8% points (from 0.33% to 0.41%) and the last decade (2000s)has seen an increase of 14% points (from 0.41% to 0.55%).Therefore, not only has the number of ME publications grown,but, despite growth in other biomedical fields, ME represents an increasingly larger proportion of all MEDLINE indexed publications. 






저널들의 의학교육 분야 출판

Journals’ publication of ME

1960년 이후, ME에 특화된 저널의 수와, ME관련 논문을 가끔이라도 게재하는 저널의 수가 증가하였다. 더 나아가 ME 저널은 색인된 저널 전체에서 더 많은 비중을 차지하게 되었다. 전체적으로 4208개의 서로 다른 저널이 최소한 하나 이상의 ME 관련 논문을 출판하였으며, 이는 1960년 104개의 저널에서(5.5%), 2010년 855개(14.2%)로 늘어난 것이다.

Since 1960, the number of journals dedicated to ME and the number of journals occasionally publishing an article about ME have increased. Moreover, ME journals began to account for a larger percent of the overall corpus of indexed journals. general Overall, 4208 different journals (e.g. specialty or medical journals, as well as ME journals) published at least one article in which ME was indexed as a major topic. In 1960, 104(5.5%) journals published ME articles, whereas in 2010, 855(14.2%) did so (Figure 2a and b). 

1960년대부터 1980년대 중반까지 ME를 전문으로 다루는 저널은 1~3개에 불과했다. 1985년부터 1990년대 후반까지 그 수는 두 배가 되었고, 2000년부터 2010년까지 세 배가 되었다. 2010년 MEDLINE에 ME 특화 저널이 11개 있었으며, 비록 13개의 저널이 1960년과 2010년 사이에 존재한 적이 있고, 일부 새로운 저널 중에서 아직 색인되지 않은 것도 있긴 하다. 모든 분야의 저널이 증가했음에도 ME저널은 1960년대에 비해 MEDLINE에 색인된 모든 저널 중 더 많은 비중을 차지하고 있다. 2001년까지 ME저널의 퍼센트는 0.04%에서 0.11% 사이였다. 새로운 ME저널의 등장으로 이제는 0.24%까지 증가하였다.

From 1960 until as recently as the mid-1980s, there were only 1–3 journals dedicated to ME (data not tabled). From 1985 through the late 1990s the numbers doubled (ranging from 3–6) and then tripled between 2000 and 2010. As of 2010, MEDLINE lists 11 journals dedicated to ME, although 13 journals existed at some time between 1960 and 2010 (Figure 3 starred journals) and some new journals are not yet indexed (i.e. International Journal of Medical Education,). (When journals changed their names over time – e.g. Journal of Medical Education, now Academic Medicine – we counted them only once (Figure 3)). Despite an increase in journals in all fields, ME journals now account for a larger proportion of all journals indexed in MEDLINE than they did in 1960. Until 2001, the percent of ME journals ranged between 0.04% and 0.11%. With the introduction of new ME journals, the percent of ME journals now represents 0.24% of all journals (data not tabled).

그러나, 중요한 것은 80%의 의학교육 논문들이 ME저널이 아닌 저널에 출판된다는 것이다. 13개의 ME저널은 지난 50년간 출판된 전체 ME논문 중 약 18%만을 차지하고 있다.

However, importantly, more than 80% of all ME articles were not published in ME journals. The 13 ME journals that existed, even briefly, during the 50 year period published only 18% of all ME articles (n¼14 753).



ME가 주 영역으로 자리잡으며 진화한 공동-주제(co-topic)

Evolution of co-topics with ME as a major topic

ME아래 네 가지 주요 주제가 있다고 포함했다. MeSH에서 GME와 인턴/레지던트 에 대한 정의

Subsumed under the term ME are four major sub-topics:

  • undergraduate ME;
  • graduate ME (GME);
  • internship and residency and
  • continuing ME (CME, first row of Figure 4).
    • (The MeSH definition of GME is
      • 의과대학 졸업생이 전공의 교육을 받는 교육 프로그램. 여기에는 임상과 기초의과학의 학술적인 교육훈련 뿐 아니라 공식적인 전공의 수련도 포함되며, advanced medical degree 혹은 보드 자격증을 취득하는 과정이다.
        ‘‘Educational programs for medical graduates entering a specialty. They include formal specialty training as well as academic work in the clinical and basic medical sciences, and may lead to board certification or an advanced medical degree.’’
    • The MeSH definition of internship and residency is
      • 의과대학 졸업생이 인증기구가 설립한 요구조건을 달성하기 위하여 병원에서 제공하는 의학과 전공과목 수련을 위한 프로그램
        ‘‘Programs of training in medicine and medical specialties offered by hospitals for graduates of medicine to meet the requirements established by accredit-ing authorities.) (US National Library of Medicine 2012)

위에서 언급된 sub-topic에 더하여 우리는 co-topic을 분석하여, 1960년과 2010년 사이에 모든 ME출판물 중 10% 이상을 차지한 co-topic을 분석하였다. (curriculum, teaching, clinical competence, medical students and educational measurement)

In addition to the sub-topics listed above, we analyzed co-topics that occurred most frequently with ME between 1960and 2010 and accounted for more than 10% of all ME publications: curriculum, teaching, clinical competence, medical students and educational measurement

각 토픽의 상대적인 중요성은 해마다 달라졌다.

Within this time, the relative importance of topics changed, sometimes from year to year.


저널별 co-topic

Co-topics by journal

Table 1에 나타난 바와 같이 5개의 저널은 서로 서로 다르다.

As displayed in Table 1, the five journals differed both from one another and from all others.

자주 출판되는 주제

Frequently published topics.

저널별로 독특한 주제

Unique topics by journal.

추가로, 각 저널은 의학교육에서 평균적으로 나타나는 비율보다 그 자신을 더 잘 나타낼 수 있는 주제를 더 출판하여 스스로의 특징을 드러내었다.

Additionally, each journal distin- guished itself by publishing more than the overall proportion of ME articles with less frequently indexed co-topics.





지난 50년간 ME의 연간 출판은 13배가 증가하였고, 총 8만개 이상의 논문이 MEDLINE에 색인되었다. 이 증가세는 꾸준한 것도 아니었고 언제나 증가해온 것 만도 아니었다.

In the past 50 years, annual publications in ME increased 13- fold, with a total of over 80 000 articles indexed in MEDLINE. The rate of increase was neither steady nor constantly positive.


이번 연구에서는 위대한 성장의 시대 동안의 ME출판의 포괄적 역사를 다뤘다. 우리는 ME가 주요 주제로 색인된 모든 저널의 모든 출판물을 분석하였다. 대조적으로 Rotgans는 이중 일부를 분석하였는데, 6개의 ME저널에서 1988년과 2010년 사이에 출판된 연구 논문을 분석하였다. 이 연구에서도 ME가 학문분야로서 성장했다는 것 외에도 ME가 연구의 한 분야로 성장했음을 확실히 보여준다. Rotgans와 마찬가지로 우리도 시간에 따라 주제가 변하고, IF가 높은 저널 사이에서도 명확한 차이가 존재함을 확인했다. 4개의 주제(curriculum and teaching issues, professionalism, characteristics of medical students and assessment )에서 우리 연구결과를 보다 입증해준다.

This article provides a comprehensive history of ME publications during an era of great growth. We analyzed all publications in all journals in which ME was indexed as a major topic. In contrast, Rotgans (2011) examined a subset of these, namely research articles published in six ME journals between 1988 and 2010. His work not only underscores the growth of a scholarly field, but clarifies that ME has grown as a field of research. Like Rotgans, we also found changes in topics over time and distinct differences among high impact journals in publishing those topics. Similarly, Regehr (2004) conducted a thematic analysis of articles published since 2000 in four ME journals. The four identified themes – curriculum and teaching issues, professionalism, characteristics of medical students and assessment – generally corroborate our findings.

또 다른 bibliometric 연구는 1966년부터 1994년 사이에 ME출판의 성장이 매우 작았음을 보여준다. 그러나 그날 이후 많은 것들이 변화하였고, ME학문이 글로벌화되었다. 6개의 ME저널과 2개의 일반 의학 분야의 저널에서 1997년과 2001년 사이에 국제적인 기여 정도를 비교한 연구에서 의학교육 분야의 저널들이 국제적인 독자층, 저자층, 리뷰어층을 확보하기 위한 노력을 확인하였다. 비슷한 연구가 1995년과 2000년 사이를 대상으로 이뤄졌고, 두 개의 대표적 저널(Acad Med, Med Educ)에서 ME출판에 대한 국가적 생산성을 연구하여, 영어를 쓰는 저자와 네덜란드 저자가 지배적임을 보여주었다.

Another prior bibliometric study showed very little growth in ME publication from 1966 to 1993 (Wartman 1994). However, much has changed since then, including a global- ization of ME scholarship (Pereira 2001; Brice & Bligh 2004). In comparing international contributions to six ME and two and Brice general medical journals between 1997 2001, one identified an effort, especially by journal, Medical to recruit international readers, authors and Education, reviewers. In a similar study covering 1995–2000, Tutarel (2002) investigated the national productivity in ME publica- tions in two leading journals, Academic Medicine and Medical Education. He found that English speaking authors and authors from the Netherlands dominated both journals.

ME분야의 성장이 언제나 지속적이지 않았다는 것을 무시할 수 없다. ME논문의 숫자와 비율 모두가 1980년대에 감소하였다. 한 저자는 이 결과는 대학의학이 분자생물학에 관심을 돌리던 시기라고 지적하는 연구자도 있다. 분자생물학 연구와 대조적으로 - 이 분야는 재정지원이 많았고, 그 가치를 높게 평가받았다 - 1994년 Wartman이 지적한 바와 같이 ME연구에는 재정 지원도 적고 크게 존중받지도 않았다. 그러나 1990년대와 현재까지 사이를 보면 MEDLINE 색인된 저널의 10%이상에서 ME논문을 출판한 바 있으며, 현재의 새로운 ME저널의 발전은 이 분야 학문의 양적, 질적 변화를 보여준다. 그렇다면 왜 거의 재정지원이 없던 이 분야가 갑자기 성장했을까? 향후 연구가 필요하다.

We cannot ignore the fact that the field of ME did not grow steadily. Both the number and the proportion of ME articles relative to all publications fell during the 1980s. One author suggested that this resulted when academic medicine turned its attention to molecular biology (Ludmerer 1999). In contrast to molecular biology research, which was heavily funded and highly valued, as Wartman pointed out in 1994, ME research has been largely unfunded and disrespected. Yet, between 1990 and the present, more than 10% of all journals indexed in MEDLINE published a ME article, and the recent advent of new ME journals suggests quantitative and qualitative changes in scholarship in this field. Why would a largely unfunded field of research suddenly blossom? That question begs further study.

세 개의 ME저널과 두 개의 일반의학 저널의 주된 초점을 비교하여 우리는 각각의 저널이 다른 저널들과 차별화되는 지점을 발견하였다. 이들 자료는 이 분야의 성장에 대한 다른 자료와 함께 편집자, 저자, 리뷰어, 독자에게 주는 함의가 있다.

In comparing three ME journals’ and two generic medical journals’ topic foci, we discovered areas in which each distinguished itself from all others. These data, along with other information on the growth of publication in the field, have implications for editors, authors, reviewers and readers.

첫째, 편집자와 편집진은 저널의 scope을 정하고 그 한계를 뛰어넘을 책임이 있다. 이 scope은 저널의 미션을 반영해야 할 뿐만 아니라, 지나치게 제한적이어서 그 분야의 경계 확장시킬 수 있는 새로운 아이디어와 연구를 한 저자의 투고를 억제할 정도여서는 안된다.

First, editors and their editorial boards share a responsibility for defining and delimiting the scope of a journal. The scope should reflect the journal’s mission, but should not be so restrictive as to inhibit the submission of author-initiated manuscripts that extend the boundaries of a field or present novel and divergent ideas.

둘째로, 저자들은 논문 출판을 할 수 있는 선택지가 넓다는 것을 즐겨야 한다. 독자층을 유심히 고려해야 한다.

Second, authors enjoy a wide choice of venues for publication, allowing them to target their audience carefully.

셋째로, 출판물의 범위를 살펴보면, 투고의 숫자가 더 늘어날 필요가 있음을 보여준다(비록 이들 중 일부는 reject될 것이지만). 개개인의 흥미와 가장 잘 맞는 저널을 살펴볼 기회를 얻음으로써 의학교육자들이 더 배워나갈 수 있다.

Third, the extent of publication suggests an even larger number of submissions (some of which will have been rejected) that provides closely aligned opportunities to review for journals most with one’s interests – an activity that helps medical educators learn. 

마지막으로, 한 프로젝트를 시작할 때 연구자는 ME저널 외에도 더 많은 저널을 살펴볼 필요가 있다.

Last, when initiating a project, investigators should read the literature far beyond the ME journals since a large proportion of authors chose to place their articles in specialty, rather than education, journals.





 2013 Jul;35(7):591-8. doi: 10.3109/0142159X.2013.786168. Epub 2013 Apr 22.

50 years of publication in the field of medical education.

Author information

  • 1Department of Population Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 02215, USA.



The advent of new medical education (ME) journals makes evident the growth of the field of ME. However, the nature and context of growth is undefined.


To analyze the evolution of publication in ME.


MEDLINE retrieval using medical subject headings was used to analyze patterns of ME publications from 1960-2010: changes in number of ME publications; number of journals publishing ME articles; co-topics occurring frequently in ME articles; differences among journals'publication of co-topics.


Annual publication of ME articles increased from 279 in 1960 to 3760 in 2010. 81,531 articles were published in 4208 different journals. 104 journals published ME articles in 1960, 855 in 2010. Despite an increase in journals in all fields, ME journals now account for a larger proportion of all journals indexed in MEDLINE than in 1960. One-quarter of all ME articles were indexed as internship/residency; 16% as graduate ME; 15% as undergraduate ME; and 14% as continuing ME. The five journals that published the most ME articles distinguished themselves by publishing some topics with greater or less frequency.


The increase in the number of ME publications and in the number of journals publishing ME articles suggests a supportive environment for a growing field; but variation in journals' foci has implications for readers, editors and authors.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


보건의료전문직 교육훈련을 위한 학생선발에서의 MMI - Systematic review (Med Teach, 2013)

The Multiple Mini-Interview (MMI) for student selection in health professions training – A systematic review



1International Medical University, Malaysia, 2Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Perdana University, Malaysia

보건전문직 교육 프로그램 학생을 선발하는 것은 고부담 결정이다. 패널 혹은 위원회 면접이 흔히 사용되나 근거들을 살펴보면 이러한 방식은 학업 혹은 임상 수행능력 예측에 제한적 능력만 가진다.

Admissions to health professions training programmes are high stake decisions. The panel or board interview is commonly used to aid this decision (Edwards et al. 1990), although the evidence suggests its limited ability to predict academic or clinical performance in health care disciplines (Goho & Blackman 2006).

예를 들어 Dixon 등은 패널 인터뷰를 review하여 구조와 점수 anchor가 신뢰도와 타당도에 영향을 준다고 하였으며, Wilkinson 등은 패널 인터뷰가 예측력이 떨어지고 면접으로 인한 'threat'이 일부 잠재적 지원자를 떨어져나가게 한다고 하면서 GPA가 학업 수행능력에서 최고의 예측력을 가지는 것이라고 결론지었다.

For example, Dixon et al. (2002), in their review on the panel interview commented that structure and scoring anchors impact on its reliability and validity. Wilkinson et al. (2008), in their study argued that panel interviews have little predictive value and added that the ‘‘threat’’ of an interview may even dissuade some potential applicants and concluded that GPA (grade point average from student pre entry qualification) has the best predictive value to academic performance.

면접을 구조화하는 것은 수용가능도와 신뢰도를 향상시킨다. MMI는 고도로 구조화된 학생선발 방법이다.

Structuring the interview has been reported to enhance its acceptability and reliability (Patrick et al. 2001). The Multiple Mini-Interview (MMI) is a highly structured student selection method designed to resemble the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) (Eva et al. 2004c).

MMI는 지원자의 역량에 대한 다면적 표집을 통해서 그들의 전체적 능력에 대한 더 구체적인 그림을 갖게 해준다.

The MMI, therefore, allows a wide sampling of candidates’ competencies in order to gain a more accurate picture of their overall ability.






Review한 연구들의 특징

Characteristics of studies reviewed

MMI의 특징

Features of the MMI

  • The number of stations used in the studies reviewed ranged from 4 to 12, with 10 studies using a 10-station MMI, 6 using 12, 5 using 8, and the remaining 9 using 4, 7, 9 or 11 stations.
  • Fourteen of the studies used one assessor per station while 4 used 2 assessors, and the remaining 12 did not report the number of assessors per station.
  • Most studies used faculty as assessors, while some used a combination of faculty and community practitioners (Hecker & Violato 2011) and others included students (Brownell et al. 2007).

  • The range of time at each station was 5 to 15min with a mode of 8 min. Eleven studies reported using 8-min stations, five using 7-min, three using 10-min, one using 5-min and one 15-min stations.
  • Two studies tested the effect of different lengths of time at stations; one comparing eight and six minutes (Cameron & Mackeigan 2012) and the other eight and five minutes (Dodson et al. 2009). Seven did not report the time at each station.


  • The average MMI has 10 stations, each lasting eight minutes and is rated by one assessor.





Three studies reported on the feasibility of the MMI. One reported that it did not require more examiners when compared to the panel interview, did not cost more, and the interviews could be completed over a short period of time(Brownell et al. 2007; Finlayson & Townson 2011). Another study reported that it provided a positive experience for interviewers as well as applicants (Eva et al. 2004c).



Of the 30 studies reviewed, 14 reported on the acceptability of the MMI. Some authors reported that the MMI was acceptable to interviewees and interviewers because it was perceived as fair (Razack et al. 2009), transparent (Uijtdehaage et al. 2011) and providing opportunities for the interviewees to regain composure if they had problems with a previous station(Kumar et al 2009). Positive experience for both applicants and examiners has also been reported (Eva et al. 2004c). 

Acceptability was also determined as free from gender and cultural bias (Brownell et al. 2007), and socio-economic disadvantage (Uijtdehaage et al. 2011) or benefit of previous coaching (Griffin et al. 2008). Griffin et al. (2008) reported that previous coaching, as disclosed by applicants, had no effect on UMAT or MMI scores. Applicants who had previous MMI experience improved their subsequent performance in the same stations but not in new stations. 

Preference for station length differed between interviewers and interviewees, with the former judging six mins to be ‘‘just right’’ and eight mins to be ‘‘a bit long’’, and the latter preferring longer time (Cameron & Mackeigan 2012). One study reported that graduate candidates outperformed school-leavers (Dowell et al. 2012) while another reported no difference between graduate and school-leaver applicants(O’Brien et al. 2012). 

Acceptability of the MMI was compared to that of the panel or standard interview by O’Brien et al. (O’Brien et al. 2011) for graduate and school-leaver applicants to 4-year and 5-year medical training programmes. The 5-year candidates, generally school-leaver applicants, reportedly felt that the MMI gave amore accurate picture of their abilities and that the panel interview was more difficult. In contrast, the 4-year candidates felt the MMI was more difficult



Eighteen studies reported on the reliability of the MMI. Intra-station reliability was reported to reach 0.98 by Lemay et al.(2007). The inter-item reliability (i.e. the internal consistency of the three scores assigned within any one station) and the inter-rater reliability within stations have also been reported to be very high by Dore et al. (2010). However, Finlayson &Townson (2011) conducted a 4-station MMI, each at 15min,and reported inter-rater reliability ranging from 0.50 to 0.69 for three stations, and 0.10 for one station. 

Generally the reported reliability ranged from moderate(Roberts et al. 2008) to acceptable (Dore et al. 2010) to high(Lemay et al. 2007), with Cronbach’s alpha ranging from 0.69to 0.98. However, Finlayson & Townson (2011) reported 0.45 inter-station reliability ranging from to 0.47. Other researchers have also reported low inter-station correlations,(Lemay et al. 2007). 

Using generalisability analysis, Hecker & Violato (2011) reported a G coefficient of 0.79 for seven stations with two assessors. A Decision study indicated that G¼0.81 can be achieved fromten stations with one assessor. Similarly, in Dore et al.’s (2010) study, G¼0.55 to 0.72 for seven stations, is increased to G¼0.64 to 0.79 with 10 stations in a D-study.



내용 타당도

Content validity.

The validity of the MMI was discussed in 17 of the 30 studies. One key observation was that the MMI scores did not correlate with traditional admission tools scores such as (r ¼0.185), the personal interview undergraduate grades (r ¼0.317), simulated tutorial (r ¼ 0.227) and autobiograph- (r ¼0.170) ical sketch (Eva et al. 2004c). Other studies did not reported that the MMI correlate with pre-entry such as academic scores (Hecker qualifications, the GPA et al. 2009), pre-pharmacy average (PPA) (r ¼ 0.025) or (r ¼0.042) Pharmacy College Admission Test (PCAT) (Cameron & Mackeigan 2012), GAMSAT ( ¼0.04) and UK Clinical Aptitude Test (MCAT) ( ¼ 0.00) (O’Brien et al. 2011).


However, positive association with certain cognitive skills, such as the GAMSAT scores for ‘‘Reasoning in (r ¼0.26) Humanities and Social Sciences’’ and ‘‘Written Communication’’ (0.26) (Roberts et al. 2008), and cognitive reasoning skills (Roberts et al. 2009) have been reported as well as correlation with autobiographical submission focusing on ethical decision making (r ¼0.65) (Dore et al. 2006). The MMI was not reported to be associated with emotional intelligence (Yen et al. 2011).

예측 타당도

Predictive validity.

For medical students, MMI performance at admission was the best predictor for subsequent OSCE as well as clerkship performance (Eva et al. 2004a). Validity against future non-cognitive assessment was investigated by Eva et al. (2009), who reported that MMI performance at admission was statistically significantly predictive of perform- ance at future examinations, such as the percentage of stations passed in the MCCQE (Medical Council of Canada Qualifying Examination) Part II.


However, a cross-sectional study investigating the association between MMI performance of medical residency applicants and their MCCEE (Medical Council of Canada Evaluating Examination) and MCCQE I scores reported low, non-significant correlations, and also non-significant correlation with MCCQE II scores (Hofmeister et al. 2009). In a more recent study, Eva et al. (2012) reported that better MMI performance at entry to medical school was predictive of higher MCCQE scores.


이번 연구의 핵심 결과는 다음과 같다.

The key findings were that the MMI was

  • (i) practically feasible in terms of efficient utilisation of time, costs and human resources when compared to the panel interview;
  • (ii) generally acceptable to both interviewees and interviewers;
  • (iii) generally reliable with acceptable Cronbach’s apha and G-coefficient values; and
  • (iv) predictive of future performance in certain aspects of medical council examinations.

스테이션을 개발하고 면접을 시행하려면 전문성이 필요하다. 따라서 초기의 준비비용은 높을 수 있다.

Expertise is also necessary in developing the stations and conducting the interviews. Therefore the initial preparatory costs to develop the MMI are likely to be high (Rosenfeld et al. 2008).

Kumar 등은 시나리오 기반의 MMI가 어떻게 답변해야 하는가에 대한 리허설이나 코칭을 더 어렵게 만들며, 실제로도 MMI에서의 수행능력이 자기-보고된 이전 코칭 여부와 상관이 없으며, 코칭을 받지 못한 지원자에게 불리하지 않음을 보여주었다.

Kumar et al. (2009) identified that the scenario-based nature of the MMI made it harder for rehearsal and coaching of responses, and indeed it has been reported that performance at the MMI is not associated with self-reported previous therefore, coaching (Griffin et al. 2008), and does not disadvantage applicants with no access to coaching.

스테이션 내, 평가자 간 신뢰도는 높고 스테이션 간 신뢰도는 낮은데, 이는 서로 다른 스테이션은 서로 다른 특질을 테스트하기 때문이다.

For example, it is expected that intra-station and inter-rater reliability would be high and inter- station reliability low(Lemay et al. 2007; Dore et al. 2010) since different stations may test different attributes.

그러나 신뢰도는 스테이션이나 면접관의 수와 관련된 것으로 보이며, 각 스테이션의 내용과도 관련되어 있다.

However, reliability would appear to be associated with number of stations or interviewers (Hecker & Violato 2011), and the content of each station (Lemay et al. 2007).

MMI 신뢰도는 acceptable하며, Ottawa 2010 컨퍼런스에서 보건의료전문직 선발에서 활용되는 것에 대한 합의를 이루었다. 면접관의 주관은 측정오차의 가장 큰 원인이 되며, 면접관 훈련이 도움이 될 것임을 시사한다.

The reliability of the MMI has generally been reported to be acceptable. This has been recognised by the Ottawa 2010 Conference in a consensus statement on assessment for al. selection for the health care professions (Prideaux et 2011). Interviewer subjectivity is the largest source of meas- urement error, suggesting that interviewer training could be helpful (Roberts et al. 2008).

대부분의 연구는 MMI 수행능력이 입학 전 성취(GPA, MCAT, GAMSAT)과 무관함을 보여준다. 이는 MMI가 비인지적 특성을 평가한다는 것이다.

Most studies reported that MMI performance was not pre-entry qualifications such as associated with academic GPA, MCAT and GAMSAT scores. This suggests that the MMI is capable of testing non-cognitive attributes, such as

  • profes- sionalism (Hofmeister et al. 2009),
  • legal, ethical and organ- isational skills. (Eva et al. 2009),
  • motivation, interest in medicine, decision making skills, ability to debate a complex issue (O’Brien et al. 2011),
  • empathy, moral and ethical reasoning, motivation and preparedness to study medicine, teamwork and leadership, honesty and integrity (Till et al. 2013), and
  • advocacy, ambiguity, collegiality and collabor- ation, cultural sensitivity, responsibility and reliability (Lemay et al. 2007).

Lemay JF, Lockyer JM, Collin VT, Brownell AK. 2007. Assessment of non- cognitive traits through the admissions multiple mini-interview. Med Educ 41(6):573–579.

 2013 Dec;35(12):1027-41. doi: 10.3109/0142159X.2013.829912. Epub 2013 Sep 20.

The Multiple Mini-Interview (MMI) for student selection in health professions training - a systematic review.

Author information

  • 1International Medical University , Malaysia.



The Multiple Mini-Interview (MMI) has been used increasingly for selection of students to health professions programmes.


This paper reports on the evidence base for the feasibility, acceptability, reliability and validity of the MMI.


CINAHL and MEDLINE STUDY ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: All studies testing the MMI on applicants to health professions training.


Each paper was appraised by two reviewers. Narrative summary findings on feasibility, acceptability, reliability and validity are presented.


Of the 64 citations identified, 30 were selected for review. The modal MMI consisted of 10 stations, each lasting eight minutes and assessed by one interviewer. The MMI was feasible, i.e. did not require more examiners, did not cost more, and interviews were completed over a short period of time. It was acceptable, i.e. fair, transparent, free from gender, cultural and socio-economic bias, and did not favour applicants with previous coaching. Its reliability was reported to be moderate to high, with Cronbach's alpha = 0.69-0.98 and G = 0.55-0.72. MMI scores did not correlate to traditional admission tools scores, were not associated with pre-entry academic qualifications, were the best predictor for OSCE performance and statistically predictive of subsequent performance at medical council examinations.


The MMI is reliable, acceptable and feasible. The evidence base for its validity against future medical council exams is growing with reports from longitudinal investigations. However, further research is needed for its acceptability in different cultural context and validity against future clinical behaviours.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

의학교육에서 윤리의 역할 강화하기 (CMAJ, 2003)

Strengthening the role of ethics in medical education

Peter A. Singer

어떻게 의학교육에서 윤리의 역할을 더 강화할 수 있을까? 한 가지 방법은 입학당시에 윤리적인 의사가 될 가능성이 더 높은 학생을 뽑는 것이다.

How can we strengthen the role of ethics in medical ed- ucation? One way of course is to select, at the time of ad- mission to medical school, students who are most likely to become ethical physicians.

두 번째 방법은 의과대학과 전공의 기간에 효과적인 윤리 교육을 하는 것이다. 도덕 추론을 기반으로 한 접근법은 중요한 한계가 있다. 이것은 퍼즐의 한 조각일 뿐이다. 여러가지 상황에 잘 대처하려면 의사는 상황 자체를 윤리적 딜레마로서 인식해야 한다. 또한 관련된 지식과 규범, 법과 정책을 알아야 하며, 어떻게 지식을 앞에 놓인 상황에 적용할 것인지 분석애햐 하며, 실제 상황에서 협상과 의사소통에 필요한 스킬을 발휘해야 한다. 도덕적 추론이 필요하긴 하나, 최종적으로 필요한 것은 수행이다.

A second way is to provide effective ethics training dur- ing medical school and residency training.3 Approaches based on moral reasoning have an important limitation: they are only one piece of the puzzle. To address effectively the disclosure of bad news, informed consent, confidential- ity, dishonesty, research ethics, end-of-life care, resource allocation and the like, the doctor must recognize situations as an ethical dilemma; possess the relevant knowledge of norms, laws and policies; analyze how this knowledge ap- plies to the situation at hand; and demonstrate the skills needed to communicate and negotiate this situation in practice. Moral reasoning is required, but the final com- mon pathway is performance.

윤리성에 대한 수행능력을 평가하는 것은 세 번째 방법이다. 명백하게, 그러한 평가에 있어 결정적인 순간은 실제로 환자와 의사가 대면하는 순간이다.

Evaluation of performance in ethics is a third way to strengthen the role of ethics in medical education. Obvi- ously, the moment of truth in such evaluations is the actual patient–doctor encounter. 

의사 뿐 아니라 동료/간호사/환자/가족의 평가가 중요하다.

It will be important to evaluate not only attending physicians’ assessments of the ethics and pro- fessionalism of students and residents but also the assess- ments by peers, nurses and, especially, patients and families.

네 번째 방법은 윤리적 학습 환경을 만드는 것이다. 학생-연구자는 거의 동료 학생의 절반이 임상상황에서 비윤리적으로 행동해야 할 것 같은 압박을 느꼈다고 보고했다. 행동은 외부와 단절된 상태(in a vacuum)에서 일어나는 것이 아니다. Patenaude 등은 'hidden curriculum'을 가능한 설명의 하나로 언급했다.

About 2 years ago a group of medical students, working with the support of faculty, highlighted the fourth way to strengthen the role of ethics in medical education: create an ethical learning climate. The student-researchers found that nearly half of their fellow students reported clinical sit- uations in which they felt pressured to act unethically.5 Per- formance does not occur in a vacuum. Indeed, Patenaude and associates cite the “hidden curriculum” as a possible explanation for their findings.

의사 헌장 physician charter.

This topic of professionalism has recently been ad- dressed in the form of a physician charter.8

8. Medical professionalism in the new millennium: a physician charter. Ann In- tern Med 2002;136:243-6.

 2003 Apr 1;168(7):854-5.

Strengthening the role of ethics in medical education.

Author information

  • 1University of Toronto Joint Centre for Bioethics, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON. peter.singer@utoronto.ca
[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] 
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의과대학기간의 의대생의 도덕성 발달(CMAJ, 2003)

Changes in students’ moral development during medical school: a cohort study

Johane Patenaude, Theophile Niyonsenga, Diane Fafard

프로페셔널리즘에 대한 요구와 의료진에 대해 기대하는 퀄리티(도덕성 등)은 각 관련기관으로 하여금 의과대학생이 의학교육기간동안 윤리적 성장에 관해 관심을 가질 동기를 부여하였다. 윤리는 과학과 기술적 지식을 습득하는 것과 관련하여 의사에게 기대되는 여러 스킬 중 하나이다.

The requirements of professionalism and the ex- pected qualities of medical staff, including high moral character, motivate institutions to care about the ethical development of students during their medical education.1,2 Ethics is thus one of several expected physician skills related to the acquisition of scientific and technical knowledge.3–6

미국이나 다른 곳에서 진행된 연구의 결과는 의과대학기간동안 윤리적 스킬이 점진적으로 하락한다는 것을 보여준다. 이들 연구는 세 가지 다른 도구를 사용하였고, 서로 다른 결과를 보여주었는데, 때로는 윤리적 민감성이 감소하였고, 때로는 도덕적 추론능력의 발전이 억제되었다. 일부 결과는 낮은 도덕적 추론 수준과 의료과오로 인한 법적 문제의 숫자가 상관관계가 있다는 것을 보여주기도 했다. 한 설문으로부터 거의 절반의 학생이 비윤리적으로 행동해야 할 것 같은 압박을 느낀대고 응답했고, 또 다른 설문에서 3, 4학년의 62%가 그들의 윤리적 원칙이 점차 부식되어가거나 사라지는 것처럼 느낀다고 했다. 이러한 상황은 의학교육이 종료된 이후에도 나아지는 것 같지 않다.

The results of studies performed in the United States and elsewhere suggest a negative trend in the progress of ethical skills during medical training.7–10 These studies, which used 3 different instruments, yielded divergent re- sults, showing sometimes decreased ethical sensitivity11 and sometimes inhibited development in moral reasoning.12–15 Some of the results demonstrated a strong correlation be- tween low levels of moral reasoning and the number of le- gal proceedings for malpractice (unpublished data). In one survey, nearly half of the students reported that they felt pressure to act unethically,16 and in another survey of 665 third- and fourth-year medical students, 62% of them felt that their ethical principles had been seriously eroded or had disappeared.17 The situation does not appear to im- prove once medical education is completed.18

의료행위에 있어서 윤리의 중요성에 대한 관심이 늘어남에 따라, 성숙에 따른 도덕적 추론의 자연적 성장과 교육에 의한 성장 사이의 차이에 대한 이해가 더 필요해졌으며, 여기에는 윤리적 기술을 향상시키기 위한 교육법, 의과대학기간의 윤리성 저하 등이 포함된다. 의학교육 기간에 더 나은 개입법을 만들기 위해서 많은 사람이 이러한 차이를 설명하고자 했다. 미국 의대생들의 도덕 발달에 대한 연구를 보면 단 하나만이 장기적 자료를 사용하고 있다. 그 연구에서 도덕적 추론 점수의 상승은 4년에 기간동안 이뤄지지 않았으며, 이는 핛생들의 교육경험이 도덕추론의 발달을 촉진한다기보다는 억제함을 시사한다.

In light of growing concern about ethics in medical practice, it is important to have a better understanding of the divergence between the natural progression of moral reasoning that comes with maturity19 and education,20 in- cluding pedagogical measures taken to promote ethical skills, and the degradation observed during medical educa- tion. Many have attempted to explain this divergence in or- der to better intervene during medical education.21–23 Stud- ies have been published on the moral development of American medical students,12–15 but only one used longitudi- nal data.13 In that study, the expected increase in scores for moral reasoning did not occur over the 4 years of medical education, which suggests that the students’ education ex- perience somehow inhibited rather than facilitated the de- velopment of their moral reasoning.



Uni- versity of Sherbrooke에 입학한 모든 92명의 학생을 대상으로 MJI설문을 함. 참여는 자율적이었으며, 비밀이 지켜질 것을 확실히 했음. 같은 학생을 3학년 말에 다시 설문함.

We invited all 92 students entering medical school at the Uni- versity of Sherbrooke, Que., to complete the Moral Judgment In- terview (MJI) questionnaire upon registration. Participation was voluntary, and we assured respondents of confidentiality. We in- vited the same individuals to complete the questionnaire again at the end of their third year of medical studies.

MJI scale은 Lawrence Kohlberg 에 의해서 1958년 개발되었고, 원래는 도덕적 추론의 로직에 따라 변화를 측정하려는 것이었다. Kohlberg의 이론에 따르면 다음의 단계에 따라 성숙한다.

The MJI scale, developed by Lawrence Kohlberg in 1958,24,25 was designed to measure changes in the logic of moral reasoning that usually occur over years. According to Kohlberg’s theory, people proceed through stages of reasoning as they mature (Table 1).


참가자의 도덕추론에 대해서 검사한 것은 그 사람의 도덕신념이나 가치에 대한 것이 아니었다. 예컨대 4단계의 사람도 보수적이거나 진보적일 수 있으며, 실제로 어떤 사람이 보수적이거나 진보적이라는 것은 도덕적 추론 능력과는 아무런 관계가 없다.

What is being tested is the participant’s capacity for moral reasoning and not the person’s particular set of moral be- liefs and values. For example, a person could be at stage 4 and have either conservative or liberal values; indeed, whether a per- son holds conservative or liberal values has no bearing on the rea- soning capacities for supporting whatever values are held.

Colby and Kohlberg가 정의한 매개변수에 따라서 코딩하고, 각 학생별로 발달의 단계를 평가하였다. 이 단계는 학생의 응답에서 가장 많이 등장하는 것으로 하였고, 두 개가 같은 빈도일 경우 두 단계 사이의 중간이라고 하였다.

We coded responses according to parameters defined by Colby and Kohlberg.19 A stage of development was first attributed to each response. The stage attributed most frequently in a stu- dent’s questionnaire constituted the individual’s dominant stage. When students invoked 2 stages with equal frequency, an inter- mediate category falling halfway between the 2 stages was created (e.g., intermediate stage 3–4).


세 번째 단계에서 각 단계의 빈도에 가중치를 둔 단계를 산출함

In a third step, we converted recorded stages to numeri- cal scores (weighted average scores) according to the frequency of use of each stage.



미국에서의 종단연구와 마찬가지로 우리는 maturation에 따라 동반될 것으로 기대된 도덕 추론능력의 향상을 관찰하지 못했다. 우리는 가중-평균점수에서 유의미한 감소를 확인하였다. 그러나 우리의 관찰결과는 이러한 도덕발달의 저하와 의학교육 사이의 인과관계를 보여주는 것은 아니다. 그러나 명백한 것은 해당 연령대에서 기대되는 발달의 하한선 정도밖에 미치지 못한다는 점이다. Colby와 Kohlberg는 도덕적 추론의 conventional 수준(3~4단계, 4단계)이 청년과 성인에서 가장 흔하게 나타나는 것이라고 했다. 이와는 대조적으로 어린이나 유년기에는 preconventional level (1~3단계)가 가장 흔하다. 이 단계에서 부모의 권외와 벌을 회피하고자 하는 성향이 두드러진다. postconventional level (4~5단계, 5단계)는 사회적 관점을 받아들이는 것이며 성인의 소수에서만 발견된다.

As in the US longitudinal study,13 we did not observe the increase in the development of moral reasoning that was expected with maturation and involvement in university studies. We found a significant decrease in weighted aver-age scores after 3 years of medical education. Our findings do not, however, establish a direct causal relation between the observed decrease in moral development and medical education. Yet they do clearly indicate the occurrence overtime of a levelling to a lower threshold of development than that expected for this age group. Colby and Kohl-berg19 stated that the conventional level of moral reasoning(represented by intermediate stage 3–4 and stage 4) is the one most commonly found in the adolescent and adult population. In contrast, among children and young adoles-cents, the preconventional level (represented by stages 1 to3) prevails; at this level parental authority and the desire to avoid punishment are determinative. The postconventional level (represented by intermediate stage 4–5 and stage 5) is characterized by the adoption of a societal perspective and is found only in a minority of adults. 

우리의 결과는 의과대학이 강력한 사회화 경험을 구성한다는 가설을 확인시켜주었다. 높은 단계에 있는 학생들은 반 단계 이상 단계가 감소하는 경향이 있었으며, 이들 중 단 한 명만이 3년이 지난 후 원래 단계를 유지하고 있었다. 이들학생에서 가중 평균점수가 감소할 가능성은 100%였다. 반대로, 낮은 단계에서 시작했던 학생들은 반 단계 이상 단계가 높아지는 경향을 보였다. 이는 이러한 레벨링 효과가 의과대학 3년의 기간동안 도덕적 추론에 대해서 발생함을 보여준다.

Our findings appear to confirm the hypothesis that medical school constitutes a strong socializing experience. There was a strong likelihood of a decrease in stage of moral development by more than half a stage among the students rated as having a high stage (stage 4 or intermedi- ate stage 4–5) upon entering medical school. Among these students, only 1 stayed at his or her initial stage after 3 years. The probability of a decrease in weighted average scores among these students was 100%. Inversely, the like- lihood of an increase by more than half a stage among the students who were initially rated at lower stages (interme- diate stage 2–3 and stage 3) was high. It seems reasonable to infer that a levelling effect occurred in moral reasoning over the 3 years of medical education.


 2003 Apr 1;168(7):840-4.

Changes in students' moral development during medical school: a cohort study.

Author information

  • 1Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, University of Sherbrooke and the Centre for Clinical Research, Centre hospitalier universitaire de Sherbrooke, QC. johane.patenaude@usherbrooke.ca



The requirements of professionalism and the expected qualities of medical staff, including high moral character, motivate institutions to care about the ethical development of students during their medical education. We assessed progress in moral reasoning in a cohort ofmedical students over the first 3 years of their education.


We invited all 92 medical students enrolled at the University of Sherbrooke, Que., to complete a questionnaire on moral reasoning at the start of their first year of medical school and at the end of their third year. We used the French version of Kohlberg's Moral Judgment Interview. Responses to the questionnaire were coded by stage of moral development, and weighted average scores were assigned according to frequency of use of each stage.


Of the 92 medical students, 54 completed the questionnaire in the fall of the first year and again at the end of their third year. The average age of the students at the end of the third year was 21 years, and 79% of the students included in the study were women. Over the 3-year period, the stage of moral development did not change substantially (i.e., by more than half a stage) for 39 (72%) of the students, shifted to a lower stage for 7 (13%) and shifted to a higher stage for 8 (15%). The overall mean change in stage was not significant (from mean 3.46 in year 1 to 3.48 in year 3, p = 0.86); however, the overall mean change in weighted average scores showed a significant decline in moral development (p = 0.028).


Temporal variations in students' scores show a levelling process of their moral reasoning. This finding prompts us to ask whether a hidden curriculum exists in the structure of medical education that inhibits rather than facilitates the development of moral reasoning.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] 
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의학교육에 대한 새로운 상상: 행동할 때 (Acad Med, 2013)

Medical Education Reimagined: A Call to Action

Charles G. Prober, MD, and Salman Khan







우리의 신념은 의과대학생에게 평생에 걸쳐 지식을 쌓을 수 있는 프레임워크를 제공해야 한다는 것이다. 그리고 생의학 혹은 의료의 특정 영역에 적성과 열정이 있는 학생은 그 분야를 더 깊이 추구해야 한다.

Our belief is that medical students should be provided a framework on which knowledge can be built over a lifetime of learning. And students who have aptitude and passion for developing a focus in a specific area of biomedicine or medical practice should pursue this area more deeply.



교실 뒤집기

Flipping the Classroom


The One World School House: Education Reimagined에서 살만 칸은 교육의 새로운 모델을 제시했다.

In The One World School House: Education Reimagined, one of us (S.K.) described a new model of education, informed in part by ongoing work with K–12 students.1


'거꾸로교실'에서 이전에 교실에서 가르치던 내용은 집에서 학습하고, 숙제는 동료와 함께, 교사의 지도하에 협력적으로 교실에서 수행한다.

There is a “flipping of the classroom”: Lessons previously taught in class are learned at home, and “homework” is performed in the classroom in collaboration with peersand guided by teachers.



의학교육에 대한 새로운 상상

Reimagining Medical Education


초중등교육에 대한 새로운 모델이 의학교육에도 적용가능할 것이다.

We believe that the model for reimagining K–12 education is equally relevant to medical education.



그림 1은 새로운 모델의 핵심 요소 세 가지를 그리고 있다.

Figure 1 depicts the three key components of our proposed model for medical education:

  • 핵심지식의 프레임워크 확립 building a framework of core knowledge;
  • 지식을 상호작용적인, 강렬한, 참여적 형태로 심기 embedding the knowledge in richly interactive, compelling, and engaging formats; and
  • 일부 영역에서는 심화 학습 추구 encouraging in-depth pursuit of knowledge in some, but not all, domains.

핵심지식의 프레임워크 확립

Building a framework of core knowledge


우리가 제안하는 의학교육의 핵심 요소는 '필수 전임상 교육과정'이다. 이 교육과정은 이후 학습의 토대가 되며 진실(evergreen)인 것으로 알려진 것에 초점을 둔다. 

The central element of our medical education proposal, depicted at the top of Figure 1, is the core preclinical curriculum. This curriculum should focus on medical knowledge that is foundational and known to be true (“evergreen”).


이 과정의 목표는 이후 수업에서 구성요소(building block)으로 역할을 할 수 있는 제한된 양의 필수적인 자료 배우는 것이다. 놀랍게도 핵심 교육과정은 국가적 차원에서 결정되는 것이 아니다. 핵심 교육과정은 유기적인 것으로, 비록 학교 간 상당히 높은 비율로 유사하더라도, 여러 시대에 따라 각 의과대학마다 새롭게 만들어지고 자라나는 것이다ㅏ.

Rather, a goal should be to identify a limited amount of critical material that serves as the building blocks for subsequent lessons. It is striking that such a core curriculum is not defined on a national basis. Core curricula tend to be organic, arising and growing over time at each medical school, even though a high proportion of core content will be similar between schools.


의과대학 핵심 교육과정을 통일시키는 주요 동력은 USMLE 내용이다. 

The one unifying driver of medical schools’ core curricula appears to be the content of the USMLE.


의과대학 교육과정과 무관하게 학생들은 의과대학에서의 실라버스가 아닌 서드파티 교육자료를 가지고 이 시험을 준비한다.

Students, irrespective of their own medical school’s curriculum, typically prepare for these examinations by using third-party review material rather than their course syllabi.



학생들은 그들이 배운 교육과정이 표준화된 국가시험의 내용을 반영하지 못한다는 사실을 깨닫고 매우 좌절하거나 스트레스를 받는다. 스탠포드의 전임상과정의 학생을 대상으로 한 연구에서 73%의 학생이 교육과정의 내용과 USMLE step 1을 위해서 알아야 하는 내용 사이에 불합치가 스트레스의 주요 원인임을 지적했다.

Students often express a high degree of frustration and stress when they recognize that their school’s curriculum does not mirror the content of standardized national examinations. In a recent survey of preclinical students at Stanford, 73% identified this perceived misalignment between curricular content and what they “needed to know for USMLE Step 1” as one of their major sources of stress (Porwal A, Newell G. Unpublished data. June 2012).


이는 의과대학 교육과정이 '시험을 위한 준비'가 되어야 한다고 말하는 것은 아니다. 오히려, 의과대학 교육과정과 NBME 사이에 신중한 합치를 이루어야 할 필요를 말하는 것이다. 이 목적을 위하여 우리는 의과대학 협력체를 구성하여 교육과정의 핵심 내용에 대한 합의된 의견을 대표할 수 있는 자료를 만들 책임을 갖도록 제안한다. 

This is not to suggest that medical school curricula should be designed to “teach to the test.” Rather, there needs to be a conscious alignment between those responsible for creating medical school curricula and the National Board of Medical Examiners. To that end, we propose the creation of a medical school collaborative, charged with the identification of material that would represent a consensus opinion on the core content of the curriculum.


핵심 내용이 정해지면, 우리는 10분 정도의 짧은 비디오의 library를 만들 것을 권고한다. 학습자는 이것을 가지고 학교 교육과정이 조직된 것과 같은 순서로 학습 내용에 접근할 수 있다. 

Following the identification of the core content, we further propose the creation of a library of short (~10 minute) videos that learners can use to access the content in an order consistent with the organization of their school’s curriculum.


여러 학교가 같은 내용으로 비디오를 만드는 것이 도움이 될 것이다. 학생들은 자신의 학습 스타일과 가장 잘 맞는 것을 선택할 것이고 시간이 지나면 '최고의 비디오'가 자연스럽게 드러날 것이다. 

We believe that it would be advantageous for multiple schools to produce videos on the same core content. Students could select the version of the presentations most consistent with their learning style. Over time, the “best” videos would emerge.


학습자료는 시간이 지나면 업데이트되어야 하나, 이 과정은 필수 내용을 선정하는 과정에서 과학적 검증을 거친 것을 선택함으로써 최소화될 수 있다. 짧은 비디오 형태의 교육은 당대의 발견을 적절한 시기에 도입하는데 도움이 될 것이다.

Material would need to be updated over time, although this need would be minimized through the selection of core content that has withstood the test of scientific validation. The short video format would facilitate the timely introduction of contemporary discoveries.



지식을 상호작용적인, 강렬한, 참여적 형태로 심기

Embedding knowledge through interactive formats



두 번째 요소는 역동적 상호작용 세션이다.

The second defining element of our medical education proposal is the creation of dynamic interactive sessions.


이들 비디오는 SMILI의 일부일 뿐이다. SMILI 워킹그룹은 교수/학생/교육과학자/학습전문가/정보기술전문가 등으로 구성되어 있다. 우리의 핵심 목표는 수업을 보다 학생 중심의 상호작용적 형태로 진화시키고자 하는 교수를 돕는 것이다.

These videos are, in fact, only a fraction of our overall Stanford Medicine Interactive Learning Initiative (SMILI).3 Our SMILI working group includes faculty, students, educational scientists, learning specialists, and information technology experts. Our central goal is to support faculty who want to evolve their classes into a more student-centric, interactive format.


이러한 세션은 종종 서로 다른 전공의 교수들의 참여를 통해서 이득을 얻는다.

These sessions often benefit from the participation of faculty with different types of expertise,



비록 학생들은 교육과정 평가에서 수업을 개선할 다양한 지점을 찾아내지만, 141명의 응답자 중 82%는 기본적인 강의-기반 형태도바 이러한 형태의 모델을 더 선호한다. 가장 흔한 우려는 시간 관리이다. 학생들은 강의(또는 비디오)에 할당된 시간을 줄이지 않고 단순히 상호작용적 세션만 더하는 것을 가장 걱정한다.

Although the students identified a number of opportunities for improvement in course evaluations, 82% of 141 respondents favored this model of instruction when compared with a primarily lecture- based format (Ransohoff K, Xie J. Unpublished data. December 2012). The most common concern expressed by our students was time management. The students expressed concern about simply adding interactive sessions without concurrently reducing the amount of time allocated for didactic instruction (by video).



일부 영역에서는 심화 학습 추구

Encouraging in-depth pursuit of specific knowledge

학생들은 핵심 교육과정을 넘어선 'deep dive'를 하게 권장되어야 한다. 

Students are encouraged to take “deep dives” beyond their core curriculum.


스탠포드의 scholary concentration는 deep dive의 한 사례이지만 이것만 있는 것은 아니다.

Examples of “deep dives” include, but are not limited to, what we currently offer students for their “scholarly concentration” pursuits at Stanford:


핵심은 학습자의 적성과 열정을 지지하고 다가가는 것이다.

The key is to tap into and support the individual learner’s aptitude and passion.


최근, Bruce Alberts는 "표면적 학습의 실패"를 강조하였다.

A recent editorial, authored by Bruce Alberts,4 the editor-in-chief of Science, underscored the “failure of skin-deep learning.” Alberts argues that we need to replace the current overview of subjects with a series of deep explorations. He cites research that demonstrates that “the most meaningful learning takes place when students are challenged to address an issue in depth.”4



Effecting Change Through Multi-Institutional Collaboration


협력적인, 다기관의 노력이 필요할 것이다.

Perhaps the result would not be a one-world medical school house but a collaborative, multi-institutional effort to reimagine medical education.















 2013 Oct;88(10):1407-10. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0b013e3182a368bd.

Medical education reimagined: a call to action.

Author information

  • 1Dr. Prober is senior associate dean for medical education and professor of pediatrics, microbiology, and immunology, Stanford School of Medicine, Stanford, California. Mr. Khan is founder and executive director, Khan Academy, Mountain View, California.


The authors propose a new model for medical education based on the "flipped classroom" design. In this model, students would access brief (~10 minute) online videos to learn new concepts on their own time. The content could be viewed by the students as many times as necessary to master the knowledge in preparation for classroom time facilitated by expert faculty leading dynamic, interactive sessions where students can apply their newly mastered knowledge.The authors argue that the modern digitally empowered learner, the unremitting expansion of biomedical knowledge, and the increasing specialization within the practice of medicine drive the need to reimagine medical education. The changes that they propose emphasize the need to define a core curriculum that can meet learners where they are in a digitally oriented world, enhance the relevance and retention of knowledge through rich interactive exercises, and facilitate in-depth learning fueled by individual students' aptitude and passion. The creation and adoption of this model would be meaningfully enhanced by cooperative efforts across medical schools.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]



교수개발 연구의 리프레이밍(Acad Med, 2011)

Reframing Research on Faculty Development 

Patricia S. O’Sullivan, EdD, and David M. Irby, PhD





의학교육에서 FD는 1950년대에 시작되었고, 이후 수십년간 AAMC의 Curriculum and Assessment 의 활동과 HRSA의 재정지원을 통해서 발전되어왔다. FD에 대한 연방 재정지원은 일차의료교육을 지원하였으며, 주로 일반내과와 가정의학 분야를 지원하였다.

Faculty development in medical education began in the 1950s and advanced in subsequent decades through the activities of the Association of American Medical Colleges’ Curriculum and Assessment unit (formerly the Division of Medical Education) and the funding of the Health Resources and Services Administration.2 Federal funding supported faculty development for teaching in primary care, particularly in general internal medicine and family medicine,

FDP는 여러 유형의 교사에 대하여 다양한 교육 니즈를 위해 진행된다.

Faculty development programs address a variety of instructional needs for four different types of teachers:

  • 학생, 레지던트, 펠로우 (1) students, residents, and fellows who are required to teach but have little expertise and/or are launching their medical education careers,
  • 교육에 약간만 참여하는 교수 (2) faculty members who teach at universities or community-based sites, but for whom teaching is a small component of their responsibilities,
  • 교육이 주 역할인 교수 (3) faculty members who have a major teaching role, and
  • 의학교육자와 교수개발자가 되고자 하는 교수 (4) faculty members who want to become medical education researchers and faculty developers. Programs vary depending on which groups are being targeted.

이러한 FDP에 참여하는 것은 교수들에게 교육에 대한 열정을 공유하는 유사한 마인드를 가진 새로운 지적, 사회적 커뮤니티에 들어오게 한다.

Participation in such faculty development programs should provide faculty members with entry into a new intellectual and social community of like- minded individuals who share a passion for teaching.

FDP의 다양한 기능을 고려하였을 때, 그리고 연구가 실천을 이끌 수 있다고 할 때, 어떻게 연구의 틀은 어떠해야 하는가?

Given these multiple functions of faculty development and the need for research that can guide practice, how should the research be framed?

교수개발 프레임워크와 관련 연구 접근법

Faculty Development Frameworks and Associated Research Approaches

이 그림에서 연구 모델은 선형적이다. 프로그램이 교수에게, 교수는 피훈련자에게, 피훈련자는 환자와 건강 성과에 영향을 준다.

In this figure, the research model is defined in a linear manner: The programinfluences the faculty member, who influences trainees, who in turn impact patient care and health outcomes.


의학교육에서 교수개발 프레임워크

Faculty development framework in medical education

Fig 1에 보여진 것처럼, 이 모델은 교육이 한 명의 교수가 학습자에게 하는 행동에 직접적인 영향을 미칠 것을 함의하고 있으며, 이것이 결국 환자 진료에 대한 변화로 이어질 것을 가정하고 있다. 그러나 이러한 선형적 인과관계와 점차 희석되는 일련의 사건의 효과를 기대하는 것은 비현실적일 수 있다.

As shown in Figure 1, this model implies a direct impact of the education of one faculty member on the behavior of learners, who then bring about change in patient care. It may be unrealistic to attribute linear cause and effect to such an attenuated chain of events.

교사 교육의 전문성개발 프레임워크

Professional development frameworks in teacher education

전통적인 의학교육의 교수개발 모델에서, Webster-Wright는 최근의 리뷰를 통해서 교수개발을 '전문성개발(professional development)'에서 '지속적인 전문성 학습(“continual professional learning.”)'의 개념으로 옮겨가야 한다고 강조했다.

In contrast to the traditional model of faculty development in medical education, Webster-Wright14 in a recent review emphasized a shift fromfaculty development, frequently called professional development, to “continual professional learning.”

이러한 관점은 근무지(workplace)에서 전문성개발에 대한 지원이 얼마나 중요한가를 강조한다. 근무지에서는 교육이 이루어지면서 다른 사람과의 연결(connection)이 생기고, 그러한 근무지 세팅에서 학습의 시간이 있기 때문이다. 따라서 FD연구는 어떻게 교사들이 학습하고, 일상적인 교육 행위적 맥락에서 어떻게 의미를 함께 만들어가는가(co-construct)에 초점을 둬야 한다.

This perspective highlights the importance of support for professional development in the workplace, connection with others in the settings in which teaching occurs, and time for learning within the work setting.15,16 Therefore, faculty development research, including medical education, should include a focus on how teachers learn and co-construct meaning in the context of everyday teaching practice.

고등교육에서 다른 사람들은 'communities of practice (COP)' 를 전문성학습을 강화하는 강력한 프레임워크라고 주장한다. Desimone의 모델을 활용하면, FD는 (교실과 진료실에서의) 교육행위에 들어가있어야(be embedded)있어야 하며, 연구를 통해 밝혀야 할 것은 다음과 같은 것들이다.

Others in higher education and professions education embrace the concept of “communities of practice” as a powerful framework for enhancing professional learning.17–20 Using Desimone’s21 model, faculty development should be embedded in teaching practice (classroomand/or clinical), and research should investigate

  • 어떻게 교사가 새로운 교육과 관련된 내용과 스킬을 개인/집단으로서 학습하는가
    how teachers learn new pedagogical content and skills individually and together,
  • 어떻게 교사가 스스로의 학습에 적극적으로 참여하는가
    how teachers can be actively engaged in their own learning, and
  • 어떻게 교사의 지식과 신념이 기대되는 변화와 연결될 수 있는가
    how teacher knowledge (about successful education methods) and beliefs (about how students and residents learn and the forces that influence and motivate learning) can be connected with expected changes.

FDP는 충분한 효과를 낼 수 있을 만큼 충분한 기간 만큼 진행되어야 하며, 학생의 배움을 향상시키려면 가능하기만 하다면 실제 교실의 교육환경에서 교육에 관여하는 다른 사람들도 참여하게끔 해야 한다(즉, FDP에 참여하는 사람 뿐 아니라 참여하지 않는 교사와 직원까지). 이러한 접근법은 교육의 맥락에서 동떨어져있던 FDP를 교육 환경과 변화 프로세스의 핵심적 요소로서의 FDP로 바꾸어줄 것이다.

Faculty development programs should be of sufficient duration to make a significant impact, and, wherever possible, facilitators should seek to engage others involved in the local classroom teaching environment (not just participants in faculty development programs but also nonparticipating teachers and support staff) in order to improve student learning. This approach reflects a shift away from faculty development removed from the context of teaching and toward faculty development as an integral component of the instructional environment and change process.

추가적으로, 연구의 초점이 개인에서 벗어나 개선을 위한 좀 더 협력적인, 관계-중심적  모델로 옮겨갈 필요가 있다. 더 포괄적인 이러한 모델은 어떻게 FDP가 근무지에 심어질(embed) 수 있는가를 밝힐 수 있을 것이다.

Additionally, there is a shift from the individual as the focus of investigation to a collaborative, relationship-centered model as a mechanism for improvement. This broader model, which allows for a breadth of research possibilities exploring how faculty development can be embedded in the workplace, should be applied to medical education research in faculty development.


질향상(QI) 프레임워크

Quality improvement framework

QI movement는 의료의 질을 향상시키기 위한 목적으로 상당히 개발된 모델이다. 이러한 접근법은 근거에 기반하여 최고의 의료행위로 알려진 것과 지금 조직에서 실천하고 있는 것 사이의 격차를 발견해냄으로부터 시작된다. 이 모델은 네 단계(plan, do, study, act)를 거친다.

The quality improvement movement has a well-developed model for enhancing health care, as described by Ogrinc and Headrick.22 Their approach begins by identifying the quality gap between what are known to be best practices based on best evidence and what is actually done in the organization. The model consists of four steps: plan, do, study,

FD는 QI 프레임워크로부터  배울 점이 많다. 예컨대 교사의 학습과 실천 사이의 gap은 종종 그것을 입증해줄 수 있는 평가 없이 스스로 발견해야 하는 것으로 생각되며, FDP를 통해서 배운 것을 적용하는 것의 효과에 대한 systematic한 연구는 별로 강조되고 있지 않다. 최고의 근거들이 FDP를 진행할 때나 참가자에게 교육할 때 활용되기도 하고 그렇지 않기도 한다. 이렇게 개개인의 참가자에만 배타적으로 초점을 두는 것은 근무환경은 물론 같은 교육환경에서 근무하는 다른 사람들의 중요성과 힘을 받아들이는데 실패하는 것이다. 참가자들은 FDP프로그램을 마칠 때 명확하게 정의된 향상목표를 가지고 나가야 하며, 그것을 평가하기 위한 측정 절차를 가지고 나가야 한다. 마지막으로 어떻게 새롭게 배운 전략을 가장 잘 적용할 수 있는지를 알기 위한 목적으로 교실이나 임상현장의 구조를 연구하여야 하는데 수행되지 않고 있다.

The quality improvement framework has much to offer faculty development. For example, the learning/performance gap of teachers is often assumed to be self- identified without any effort to substantiate that assessment, and little emphasis is placed on systematically studying the impact of implementing what was learned in the faculty development program. Best evidence may or may not guide faculty development programs and may or may not be shared with participants. The exclusive focus on individual faculty participants fails to appreciate the power and importance of the work environment and other people who work in that same educational setting. Rarely do participants leave a faculty development program with clearly defined improvement goals and measurement procedures for assessing them. Finally, faculty development programs tend not to examine the structure of work in classroom or clinical settings to determine how best to implement newly learned strategies.


CME 프레임워크

Continuing medical education framework

코크란 리뷰에 따르면, CME의 참가자들은 전문직업적 행위에 있어서 small-to-moderate 정도의 향상을 보이며, 환자진로 outcome에 있어서는 smaller 향상과 연결된다. 상호작용적인 것과 강의적 자료를 모두 사용하는 세션의 성과가 가장 좋으며, 상호작용(interactive session)만 하는 것이 가장 효과가 적다. 다른 CME에 대한 리뷰와 달리 코크란 리뷰에서는 교육미팅만 하는 것과 대비하여 multifaceted intervention(outreach services, reminders, feedback, support services, and educational materials)의 유의미한 효과는 찾아내지 못했다.  저자들은 CME프로그램에 참여하지 않는 사람들을 대상으로 할 것을 권고했는데, 왜냐하면 이런 것에 참여하는 사람들은 이미 잘 하고 있을 가능성이 높기 때문이다.

According to the most recent Cochrane review,4 participation in continuing medical education meetings makes a small-to-moderate improvement in professional practice with associated smaller improvement in patient care outcomes. Sessions that included both interactive and didactic material had the best outcomes; interactive sessions alone were the least effective. In a surprising contrast to other reviews of continuing medical education, this Cochrane review did not find any statistically significant effect of multifaceted interventions— such as outreach services, reminders, feedback, support services, and educational materials—compared with educational meetings alone. The authors of the report recommended targeting activities to those who do not choose to participate in continuing medical education programs, because those attending may already be performing well.

FD와 CME는 공통점이 많으며 의사들은 종종 두 개 프로그램에 모두 참여한다.

Faculty development and continuing medical education share much in common, and physicians often participate in both types of programs.

근무지 학습 프레임워크

Workplace learning framework

지난 10년간 많은 연구가 임상현장의 학습과 연관되어있다. 이러한 연구에서는 근무지 기반 학습에 참여하는, 그리고 그 결과로 학습과 실천을 가져오는 세 가지 요인을 강조한다. (과제, 관계, 업무연습)

A surge of research in the past decade on learning in the workplace23,24 is directly relevant to clinical learning in medicine and other health professions. This body of research suggests that three factors (tasks, relationships, and work practices) affect participation in the workplace and, consequently, learning and practice.

  • 학습자가 하도록 선택된 과제, 할당된 책임, 그러한 과제의 순서 등이 학습자가 직무에 얼마나 중심(또는 변두리)에 참여할 수 있게 되는가에 영향을 준다.
    The tasks that are selected for the learner, the responsibilities assigned, and the sequencing of those tasks all impact how centrally or peripherally a learner will be able to participate in the work.
  • 커뮤니티 내에서의 관계가 보다 inviting한 환경, 적절한 지도(guidance), 개인의 관심(engagement) 등을 만들거나 향상시켜서 참여를 강화한다.
    Relationships within the practice community can enhance participation by creating an inviting environment, providing guidance, and encouraging personal engagement.
  • 직무의 구조, 시간의 압박, 근무량, 직무 흐름 등
    The structure of the work, time pressures, workload, and work flow all influence participation.

FD 모델의 리프레이밍

Reframing the Model for Faculty Development in Medical Education



이 모델에서 참가자는 FDP에 관여되는 사람들을 모두 말하며 교실이든 진료실이든 FDP에 참여하는 사람과 같이 근무하는 교사, 의료전문직, 직원을 포함한다. 이 모델은 다른 개인들과의 사회적 커넥션의 중요성을 강조한다.

Participants in this model, while referring to those involved in the faculty development program, inevitably extend out to include other teachers, health professionals, and staff members who work with these participants in their classrooms or clinics. This model emphasizes the importance of the social connections among all of these individuals.

교사교육과 관련한 문헌에서의 권고를 보면, 다음을 장려함

Recommendations, particularly from the teacher education literature, encourage

  • 스스로의 교육행위와 타인의 교육행위에 대한 성찰
    participant reflection on their own teaching and that of others,
  • 프로그램에 참여한 다른 교육자들은 물론 실제 교육환경에서의 다른 사람과의 협력
    collaboration with other educators in the program and in their local setting,
  • 새로운 활동에 대한 지지 및 참여 지원
    supportive and guided participation in the new activities, and
  • 교육이 이뤄지는 커뮤니티 내에서의 지속적 학습과 개발
    ongoing learning and development embedded within the community of teaching practice.



프로그램이란 FD에서 제공하는 교육과정, 내용, 활동 등을 말한다. FDP는 최고의 근거(교육내용과 instructional design)와 요구 사정(performance gap, instructional problem)에 기반하여 유도(guide)되어야 한다.

“Program” refers to the curriculum, content, and activities of the faculty development offering. Drawing on the quality improvement literature, we recommend that faculty development programs should be guided by best evidence (to select curricular content and instructional designs) and by needs assessment (based on identified performance gaps or instructional problems/opportunities).



Borko가 지적한 바와 같이 퍼실리테이터의 지식과 스킬은 프로그램의 성공에 필수적이나 전통적인 FD연구에서 빠져왔다. FDP프로그램을 이끄는 것 말고도 퍼실리테이터는 지속적인, 온라인 커뮤니티를 형성하고 (프로그램 내에서 형성되었더라도) 이것을 근무지 세팅까지 이어갈 수 있다. 어떤 사람들은 peer coaching을 통해 현장-멘토링을 하기도 한다.

Facilitators are another essential component of faculty development. As Borko26 points out, the facilitators’ pedagogical knowledge and skills are critical to the success of a program yet absent from traditional faculty development research. In addition to leading the faculty development program, facilitators can establish an ongoing, online community that is initiated in the program but can extend to the work setting. Others have established on-site mentoring through peer coaching.27

조직 맥락

Organizational context

마지막으로 조직 맥락이 FDP에 큰 영향을 주고, FDP에 이은 근무지에서의 성공 여부에도 큰 영향을 준다. Baker 등은 조직 프로세스와 맥락의 중요성을 설명하면서 다음을 언급했다.

Finally, the organizational context has a large influence on faculty development programs (held in the classroom, clinic, or at a national meeting) and on the participants’ subsequent success in the workplace (classroomor clinical setting). Baker and colleagues29 address the importance of organizational process and context, including

  • 근무 환경의 물리적, 사회적 특성
    examining the nature of the physical and social work environment (e.g., number of exam rooms in a clinic, conference roomspace, and number of teammembers for inpatient teamconferences),
  • 직무의 구조 그 자체
    the structure of the work itself, and
  • 교사와 학습자의 상반된 압박
    the competing pressures on the teachers and learners.


조직문화는 조직이 제정한 가치, 교육에 대한 인센티브-디스인센티브, 리더십의 지지-비지지 등을 통해 교육변화를 지지하기도, 억제하기도 한다. 프로그램은 행정적 지원과 동료들의 동의를 종종 간과한다.

The organizational culture either supports or inhibits educational change through the enacted values of the organization, the incentives and disincentives for teaching, and the supportive or unsupportive nature of leadership. Programs rarely recognize and address administrative support and peer buy-in.

교육 연구 프레임워크과 논쟁

Educational Research Frameworks and Debates

지금까지 FD연구에서 성공을 측정하기 위해 사용된 척도는 다음과 같다.

To date, the methods used in faculty development research, both quantitative and qualitative, have included the following measures to indicate program success: 

  • Participant satisfaction with the faculty development programs 
  • Participant self-report of use of knowledge and skills 
  • Analysis of participants’ curricula vitae 
  • Interviews with participants and sometimes with their learners 
  • Learner rating of participants’ teaching 
  • Observations of participants’ simulated and actual teaching 
  • Changes in participants’ learners’ performance on examinations 
  • Changes in participants’ learners’ impact on patient care outcomes

이 연구들은 퍼실리테이터, 프로그램, 맥락, 다른 사람과의 관계에 대한 통찰이 결여되어 있다.

These studies lack much of the insight needed about facilitators, programs, contexts, and relationships to help others craft successful faculty development programs.

연구자들은 지난 20년간 교육 연구의 특성과 퀄리티에 대한 많은 논쟁을 해왔다. NRC의 보고서에 따르면 전통적인 실험적, 유사-실험적 설계를 활용한 연구의 성과와 무작위배정을 포함한 교육 연구에서 엄격한 연구법의 성과를 리뷰하였다. 많은 교육커뮤니티에서는 NRC보고서에 관하여 우려를 표시하였는데, 왜냐하면 여기서는 전통적인 연구 설계와 성과에 초점을 맞추었기 때문이며, 교육의 프로세스와 맥락이라는 중요한 차원을 설명하지 못했기 때문이다. 유사한 논쟁이 IOM의 보고서에서도 따랐으며, 이 보고서는 책무성, 최선의 근거, 엄격한 교육연구 방법의 사용 등이 중심이었다.

Researchers have engaged in a vigorous debate over the nature and quality of educational research during the last two decades. The report fromthe National Research Council (NRC)30 reviewed outcome studies that employed traditional experimental and quasi-experimental designs and rigorous methods in educational research including randomization.31 Many in the education community voice concerns about the NRC report because of its focuses on outcomes and traditional research designs, which fail to address the important dimensions of educational process and context.32,33 A similar debate accompanies Institute of Medicine reports,34,35 which center on accountability, best evidence, and use of rigorous educational research methods.36

Albert는 의학교육연구의 논쟁을 정리하며, 인식론, 방법론, 목적, 퀄리티에 대한 것이라고 요약했다. 그는 의학교육연구는 두 종류의 연구자 사이에서 고군분투하고 있는데, 하나는 지식의 진보와 이론의 성립을 중요시하는 집단과, 실제로 교육을 하는 사람들이 필요로 하는 니즈에 따르는 집단이 있다.

Albert37 summarizes these debates in medical education research as being about epistemology, methodology, purpose, and quality. He depicts medical education research as a struggle between two groups of researchers: those who seek to advance knowledge and build theories versus those who are responsive to practitioners’ needs for guidance.

최근, 의학교육연구자는 생의학연구의 표준에서 벗어나길 요구하면서 이 분야 연구에 적합한 높은 퀄리티의 방법을 사용할 것을 강조한다. Howe와 같은 교육연구자들은 교육연구에서 과학적 정설(scientific orthodoxy)의 점차 강조되는 것에 우려를 표한다. 이는 scientific orthodoxy가 의학에서의 근거-기반 의학과 유사한 성격을 지니면서 무엇이 가장 효과적인가를 결정하는데 가치/선호/지역의 규범/정치와 같은 것을 모두 배제하기 때문이다. Bredo는 환원주의(전체를 이해하기 위해서 개개의 부분으로 나누고 고립시키는 것)와 전체론(개별적인 것으로 나눌 수 없는 전체를 연구하는 것, 왜냐하면 분절된 부분들은 전체로서의 의미를 상실하기 때문)의 긴장관계를 언급했다.

Recently, medical education researchers have called for a shift away fromthe standards used in biomedical research,38–40 emphasizing a need to employ high- quality methods appropriate for the study.39 Educational researchers, such as Howe,41 express concern about the growing scientific orthodoxy in educational research that parallels medicine’s evidence-based movement, which excludes important aspects such as values, preferences, local norms, and politics in deciding what works best. Bredo42 describes the tension between reductionism, which examines and isolates individual parts to understand the whole, and holism, which studies the indivisible whole because to study isolated parts is to lose the meaning of the whole.

Bredo는 모든 연구방법들은, 엄격하게 적용되기만 한다면, 모두 사용될 수 있으며, 굳이 엄격하게 환원주의 또는 전체론에 제약될 필요가 없다고 말한다. Bredo는 또한 다양한 관점을 순환적(cyclical)으로 사용하면서 단 하나의 접근법이 지배하거나 연구 노력을 제한하지 않게끔 해야 한다고 했다.

Bredo concludes that all research methods, when rigorously applied, should be employed, rather than being constrained by strict adherence to reductionistic or holistic paradigms. Importantly, Bredo suggests employing different perspectives in a cyclical manner to guide and constrain the exploration so that no single approach dominates and limits the research endeavor.

일반 교육연구 커뮤니티에서 실험주의자와 맥락주의자(experimentalist, contextualist) 사이의 논쟁은 일상의 의학교육에서도 나타난다.

The controversies within the general educational research community between experimentalists and contextualists are mirrored in the practitioner community of day-to-day medical teaching, where university-based educational research is often viewed as inconclusive, impractical, and irrelevant.43

두 가지 권고

We make two recommendations related to the nature of the research on faculty development and its use. 

  • 1. Promote high-quality, thematic, sustained, and cumulative research programs using various methods/models/paradigms in medical education. 
  • 2. Embrace the use of an incremental and cyclical approach to research, as advocated by Bredo,42 in order to develop a deeper understanding of how faculty development actually works.

새로운 FD 모델을 위한 연구 질문들

Educational Research Questions for a New Model of Faculty Development

우리는 holistic 관점과 reductionist 관점의 연구를 모두 권고한다. 각 요소들간 관계와 연결을 밝히는 것, 그리고 각 요소들이 어떻게 도달하고자 하는 프로세스와 성과를 이루는지 등을 모두 연구해야 한다.

We encourage research on the overall model (a holistic perspective) and on each separate component (a reductionist perspective), on the relationships or associations among the components, and on how each component leads to desired process and performance outcomes.

Steinert 등은 엄격한 연구방법을 활용하여 프로세스-지향 연구를 요구하였다.

Steinert and colleagues,11 in a systematic review of faculty development, called for process- oriented studies and the use of rigorous research methods.

이러한 프로세스-지향 연구는 프로그램 내에서의 관계와 근무지 내에서의 관계 모두에 대한 것이다. FD연구는 전통적으로 개인에 초점을 두어왔지만 이제는 근무현장에서의 팀과 communities of teaching의 역할을 연구해야 한다.

This process-oriented inquiry leads to research on relationships within the program and within the academic workplace. Faculty development research has traditionally centered on the individual but now must also examine the role of the teams and communities of teaching practice in the workplace.

For example,

  • does it make a difference if participants in faculty development programs come as members of an intact work team(e.g., a team-taught course leadership team, a residency program leadership team, or a curriculum committee)?
  • What are the relationships within the faculty development program and within the workplace?
  • How do these relationships impact the achievement of desired outcomes?
  • What happens if only one individual froma particular course or clinical education program participates in a faculty development program?
  • How do they engage their colleagues?


This line of research would put us a step closer to understanding how change in practice occurs within the teaching environment.

CME와 QI연구로부터, 교수개발은 변화를 평가하기 위한 다양한 척도를 개발할 필요가 있다.

Drawing on the continuing medical education and quality improvement literature, faculty development programs need to develop a wide set of measures to assess change. Examples might include

  • process measures related to program implementation,
  • participant networks established through the program and subsequent organizational support for education and change, and
  • the creation of a faculty development community or a teaching commons.9,10

참가자들에 대한 연구

While studying participants, we encourage researchers to test this expanded faculty development model as it applies to different career pathways, including the paths that students, residents, fellows, all teaching faculty, and those specializing in medical education may choose to take. Questions might focus on,

  • What is the community with which each type of participant interrelates?
  • What is the developmental trajectory of each individual or cohort of teachers?
  • What are the differences in skills needed based on the role of the participant in the faculty development program?

우리는 또한 조직과 맥락적 요인을 봐야 한다.

We also assert that organizational and contextual factors strongly shape the success of faculty development programs and should be studied. This is critical because the context often is quite complex, uniquely local, and embedded in patient care. Research questions might include,

  • How do teachers make changes in these contexts?
  • How would the new teaching approaches impact the teacher’s relationships with others in that environment?
  • How does the local workplace culture impact changes in teaching and learning?


Faculty development programs not only need to provide participants with optimal approaches and best teaching practices but also need to support participant interactions within their teaching context. If this were done, would it result in the desired learning outcomes?


Finally, our model calls for illuminating the underexplored role of the facilitator. Whereas articles in the literature discuss the notion of mentor and coach, research on the facilitator is not as well developed in faculty development. Questions to be addressed might include,

  • Who serves in this facilitator role?
  • How can this role be operationalized and sustained?
  • How does this role impact the other programmatic components and result in change?

However, these questions provide the reader with a coherent narrative about research across these interesting and related arenas and lead to two additional recommendations.

  • 3. Test this expanded model of faculty development examining all the components and interrelationships with an emphasis on studying processes to better ascertain their impact on desired outcomes. 
  • 4. Test the application of the expanded faculty development model to various learners and career paths.

Educational Research and Financing

펀딩과 관련한 권고

Regarding research funding, we offer these further recommendations:

  • 5. Establish a National Institute or Center for Health Professions Education Research with associated training, career development, investigator-initiated research, and centers of excellence funding mechanisms. Such a center should be multidisciplinary and interprofessional. 
  • 6. Advocate state, local, and private funding to support educational research and faculty development.






38 Bligh J, Brice J. What is the value of good medical education research? Med Educ. 2008; 42:652–653. 

39 Eva KW. Broadening the debate about quality in medical education research. Med Educ. 2009;43:294–296. 

40 Monrouxe LV, Rees CE. Picking up the gauntlet: Constructing medical education as a social science. Med Educ. 2009;43:196–198.

 2011 Apr;86(4):421-8. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0b013e31820dc058.

Reframing research on faculty development.

Author information

  • 1Department of Medicine, and director of educational research and faculty development, Office of Medical Education, UCSF School of Medicine, San Francisco, California 94143-0410, USA. patricia.osullivan@ucsf.edu


Research on faculty development has focused primarily on individual participants and has produced relatively little generalizable knowledge that can guide faculty development programs. In this article, the authors examine how current research on faculty development in medical education can be enriched by research in related fields such as teacher education, quality improvement, continuing medical education, and workplace learning. As a result of this analysis, the authors revise the old model for conceptualizing faculty development (preferably called professional development). This expanded model calls for research on educational process and outcomes focused on two communities of practice: the community created among participants in faculty development programs and the communities of teaching practice in the workplace (classroom or clinic) where teaching actually occurs. For the faculty development community, the key components are the participants, program, content, facilitator, and context in which the program occurs and in which the faculty teach. For the workplace community, associated components include relationships and networks of association in that environment, the organization and culture of the setting, the teaching tasks and activities, and the mentoring available to the members of that academic and/or clinical community of teaching practice. This expanded model of faculty development generates a new set ofresearch questions, which are described along with six recommendations for enhancing research, including establishment of a national center forresearch in health professions education.

© by the Association of American Medical Colleges.

OSCE에 대한 오해(Med Teach, 2015)

Misconceptions and the OSCE


AMEE, Dundee, UK

OSCE에 반대하는 이유로 가장 흔하게 언급되는 것은 비용에 대한 것이다.

The most frequently cited argument against the use of the OSCE relates to cost

Walsh가 언급한 바와 같이 의료전문직 교육은 비용이 많이 들며, 영국에선느 매년 £5bn 이상의 비용을 할당한다.

As noted by Walsh (2015), healthcare professional education is expensive, with £5bn allocated in England to this each year.


Brown 등은 평가와 관련한 비용을 이해하는데 유용한 기여를 하였다. Aberdeen, UK에서 운영되는 최종 총괄 OSCE의 서로 다른 요소들의 비용을 정량화하였다. 추정된 비용은 학생당  £355 였다. 이는 매우 작은 부분이며, 아마 한 명의 의사를 양성하는데 들어가는 전체 비용의 0.1%에도 미치지 못할 것이며, 최종 시험의 비용으로는 합당해보인다. 왜냐하면 Brown이 지적한 바와 같이 사회와 전문직에게 있어서 위음성(역량있는 의사의 탈락)은 물론 심지어 위양성(역량 부족한 의사의 합격)결과가 의과대학 최종 시험에서 나오는 것은 매우 크기 때문이다.

Brown et al. (2015) have made a useful contribution to our understanding of cost in relation to assessment by quantifying the cost of the different components of a summative final year OSCE as organised in Aberdeen, UK.The estimated cost was £355 per student. This represents a small proportion, probably <0.1% of the total budget for training a doctor and seems a reasonable expense for a final examination given that, as pointed out by Brown et al. (2015), the costs to society and the profession of false negatives (failing a competent doctor) or even more so false positives (passing an incompetent doctor) in the final assessment of a student are high.

이러한 목적으로 사용되는 도구의 스펙(specification)은 부담이 크다. 그러나 우리가 해야 할 질문은 그보다 비용이 덜 들어가는 평가도구가 과연 존재하느냐는 것이다. 답은 절대적으로 '그렇지 않다'이다.

The specification of a tool which can be used for this purpose is demanding. The question has to be asked, however, as to whether there is a less costly tool available. The answer is almost certainly no.

OSCE의 비용-효과에 대해 고려할 때, OSCE와 관련된 다른 이점들을 생각해 봐야 한다. 여기에는 시험이 학생의 학습에 가지는 긍정적인 영향을 포함하여, 학생들의 지식 습득은 물론 임상스킬 발전에 관한 학습을 더 장려한다는 것이다.

In a consideration of the cost benefit ratio for the OSCE, it is important also to take into account the other advantages associated with an OSCE These include the positive impact that the examination has on student’s learning, encouraging students to focus their attention on the development of clinical skills as well as on the acquisition of knowledge

두 번째는 수험생의 환자 진료에 대한 전체적인 접근이 아니라 분절된 일부 부분만 평가한다는 것이다.

A second argument cited against the use of the OSCE is that it does not assess the examinee’s overall approach to the care of the patient and fragments or compartmentalises medicine.

이러한 우려는 만약 OSCE가 유일한 평가도구였다면 타당한 우려였을 수 있다. 그러나 실제에서는 OSCE는 평가자의 도구상자에서 여러 평가도구 중 하나일 뿐이며 포트폴리오나 다른 근무지기반 평가도구들과 함께 쓰이는 것일 뿐이다.

This would be a legitimate concern if the OSCE was used as the only assessment tool. In practice, however, the OSCE should be seen as only one of the tools in the examiners tool kit, used alongside portfolios and other work-based assessment instruments (Friedman Ben-David et al. 2001).

이와 관련된 다른 근거는 OSCE가 실제 임상상황에서의 평가가 아니며(authentic assessment), 시험 스테이션에서의 것이 의사의 실제 직무에서 기대되는 스킬을 평가하지 못한다는 것이다. 

A related argument against the use of the OSCE is that the examination is not an authentic assessment of students’ competence and that the stations in the examination do not assess skills expected of a doctor in clinical practice.

네 번째 오해는 평가자의 역할에 대한 것이다. 평가자의 역할은 학생을 관찰하고 체크리스트를 가지고 수행결과를 평가하는 것으로 제한되는 기계적인 것으로 보일 수도 있다. 그러나 체크리스트를 채우는 것 외에도 평가자는 학생의 역량에 대한 전반적인 판단을 내려야 하며, global rating scale의 점수를 줘야 한다. 그들은 매우 우수한 수행능력을 보인 학생에게는 보너스 점수를 줄 수 있는 자유도 있다.

A fourth misconception about the use of the OSCE relates to the role of the examiner. The task of the examiner may be seen as a mechanistic one with the role restricted to the observation of a student and the scoring of their performance using a checklist and tick boxes, each representing an element of the performance. In addition to completing a check list, however, the examiner may be asked also to come to an overall judgement of the student’s competence and to score a global rating scale. They may also have the freedom to award bonus points, where excellent performance is demonstrated.

시험을 더 발전시킴에 있어서 평가자는 스테이션의 설계에도 기여할 수 있으며, 어떤 역량을 평가할 것인지, 그리고 어떻게 이것이 OSCE 스테이션에서 구현될 수 있는가에 기여할 수 있다.

In advance of the examination, the examiner can also contribute to the design of the station, the competences to be assessed and how this is achieved in the OSCE station.

시험에 이어서 평가자는 학생에게 개인적으로 그리고 전체적으로 피드백을 제공하는 역할을 한다.

Following the examin- ation, the examiner also has an important role to play in the provision of feedback to the students individually and to the class as whole.

OSCE와 관련된 다섯 번째 문제는 OSCE가 학생에게 스트레스를 유발한다는 것이다. 학생들이 여러 개의 스테이션을 거쳐가며 시험을 본다는 것이 상당히 스트레스를 받는 일이고 매우 피곤할 수 있다. 그러나 오랜 시간에 걸쳐서 학생을 평가하는 상황 자체가 의사가 실제 임상상황에서 격는 것과 비슷하다. 스트레스는 모든 평가의 특징이며, OSCE에서만 유독 나타나는 것이 아니다.

A fifth problem attributed to the OSCE relates to a concern about the OSCE as a cause of stress to the student. It may be

seen as excessively stressful or tiring for the student particularly if the student is assessed over a large number of stations. It can be argued however that to assess a student over an extended period of time itself reflects the pressures challenging a doctor in clinical practice. While stress may be a feature of any assessment, in general it has not featured as a particular concern for students in an OSCE.

이러한 오해는 전통적인 의과대학에서 더 두드러지는데, 그러한 곳에서는 임상 스킬의 엄격한 평가에 대한 지원이 충분하지 않고, 교수개발에 최소한의 관심만 기울이곤 한다.

Such misunderstandings may be more evident in a traditional school, where the climate does not support the rigorous assessment of clinical skills and where minimum attention is paid to faculty development (Troncon 2004).

 2015 Jun 15:1-3. [Epub ahead of print]

Misconceptions and the OSCE.

Author information

  • 1AMEE , Dundee , UK.
[PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

의사국가시험이 필요한가, 아니면 필요하지 않은가? 그것이 문제로다 (Med Educ, 2016)

National licensing exam or no national licensing exam? That is the question

Brian Jolly

이 commentary에서 의사국가시험(NLE)가 최근의 몇 가지 걱정스러운 문제들을 해결하는 최선의 방식이라는 NLE 지지자들에게 이의를 제기하고자 한다.

In this commentary I wish to chal- lenge the case that proponents have used to support the idea that national licensing examinations (NLEs) are the best way to tackle a number of recent troubling find- ings.

첫째로, 모든 평가는 규제를 위하여 도입된 것이 아니라 교육과정 전략의 한 부분이라는 점, 그리고 어떤 평가든 그것이 도입될 때는 기존의 교육과정 설계 프로세스에 주요한 영향을 줄 것이라는 점이다. 둘째로, 앞서 문제가 되는 것으로 제기된 것들은 그다지 '명백한' 것들이 아니다. 세번째로, NLE를 필두로 한 전략이 적합한지에 대해서 생각해보기 전에 다양한 의과대학 간 기준을 정하는 작업이 선행되어야 한다.

First, that any assessment has to be part of a curricular strategy rather than a regulatory imposition, and that to impose any assessment will have a major impact on the exist- ing curriculumdesign process. Second, that the evidence that is quoted as troubling is far from clear-cut. And third, because of this, more work needs to be done on benchmarking across different schools before we could even begin to think that an NLE-focused solu- tion would be adequate.

우리는 '평가가 학습을 유도한다'라는 것을 알고 있다. 이 문구는 의학교육의 예배식(liturgy)에 매우 뚜렷한 것이었다. 한 개인의 능력을 좌절시키고, 또한 일부 사람들의 숙달(master)하고자 하는 동기부여를 꺾는 과목을 학습하고자 노력하는 것의 불가피한 결과로서 받아들여지고 있다.

We know that ‘assessment drives learning’. It is widely appreciated as the inevitable consequence of trying to learn a discipline that defeats anyone’s capacity, and some people’s motivation, to mas- ter it.

현실에서는 '평가는 학습되어지는 것을 유도한다'라고 보는 것이 보다 정확할 것이다. 비록 평가 자체가 실제의 교수-학습 프로세스를 유도할 수도 있지만, 대부분은 그러하지 않다. 프로그램이 가진 목적과 관련해서, 평가는 의과대학에서 요구되는 중요한 성과나, 임상 환경에서의 상호작용, 공감하고 공정한 의료를 실천하기 위해 배우고자 하는 헌신, 지속적인 전문성 개발을 위한 윤리적/사회적 책임 등의 정의를 설정하는 것이 아니라 그것을 뒷받침하는 역할을 한다.

In reality it might be more precise to say that assessment driveswhat is learned. Although assess- ment can drive the actual learning and teaching process, it usually does not. In relation to the goals of the programme, assessment is sup- posed to serve rather than establishthe definition of the overarching outcomes required of medical schools, the interactions in the clin-ical environment, the dedication tostudy and to delivering compas- sionate and equitable health care, and the ethical and social responsi- bility for continual professional development.

평가가 교육과정 전략의 한 부분으로서 들어가지 않으면, 그것을 종합적이면서 충분한 해결책이 아니다. 

'좋은 의사'를 양성하는 한 방법으로 NLE를 사용하는 것은 불가피한 것의 영역으로서의 지위를 공고히 하고 있어 보인다. Swanson and Roberts가 수행한 NLE의 트렌드에 대한 리뷰에서 NLE는 '좋은 것'인 것으로 굳건히 가정되고 있다.

The belief that one way to deal with the global need for ‘good doctors’ is to develop national licensing examinations (NLEs) also seems to be crystallising into the realm of being inevitable.3 In Swanson and Roberts’ stimulating and scholarly review of the trends in NLEs there seems to be a fairly firmly held assumption that NLEs are ‘a good thing’.

저자들은 의과대학 간 차이를 보여주는 여러 흥미로운 연구들을 인용하며, 여러 의과대학 졸업생들 사이에 vocational training examinations 혹은 기존의 NLE에서 성취한 정도의 차이가 다양함을 보여주었다.

The authors quote a number of very intriguing studies that show variation between medi- cal schools in the degree of suc- cess that their graduates have in vocational training examinations or existing NLEs.4–6

그러나 이들 중 적어도 두 연구는(그 차이가 가장 크게 드러난 연구들은) 의과대학을 졸업한 시점과 시험을 치른 시점 사이에 상당한 기간을 두고 있다. 적어도 1년의 preregistration 시기가 있었고, 그리고 1년 혹은 그 이상이 지난 후에 vocational training을 들어갔다. 내가 근무했던 모든 의과대학은 (역량-지향 평가에서 흔히 기대할 수 있듯)최종시험결과가 상당히 오른쪽으로 치우쳐(skew)있었으며, 이는 의과대학을 졸업할 때 학생들이 상당히 (적어도 한 의과대학 내에서는) 균질화된다는 것을 시사한다.

However, in at least two of these (the ones with the biggest differences) there is a considerable period between leav- ing the medical school and taking the examination. There is at least 1 year of preregistration activity, and potentially one or more years after that, before entering voca- tional training. Every medical school in which I’ve worked has final year assessment data that are always strongly skewed to the right, as would be expected in a compe- tence-oriented assessment, suggest- ing that the students when they leave medical school are a pretty homogenous group (at least within the school).

따라서 비용이 많이 드는, 대규모의, 속박하고(constraining), 균질화시키는(homogenizing) NLE 시험이 이 시점에 과연 필요한지를 가정하기 전에, 이들 연구로부터 우리는 가장 잘 하는 학교와 가장 못 하는 학교 간 더 효율적인 비교(benchmarking)이 필요하며, 기준(standard)에 집중해야 한다.

So maybe we should be looking at more efficient benchmarking between the best and worst performing schools in these studies, and a concentration on standards, before we assume, that a costly,large and potentially constraining and homogenising examination is needed at that point. 

또한 우리는 평가를 변화를 촉진하는 도구라는 관점으로 바라보아야 하며, NLE의 도입은 이러한 관점을 왜곡한다. 다수의 교육과정 이론가들은 평가를 교육과정 설계의 핵심 요소로 본다. 그러나 여기에 NLE를 덧대어 놓으면 그 교육과정의 다른 필수적 요소에 어떤 영향을 미칠 것이며, 누가 그것을 제공할 것이며, 어떤 linkage와 alignment가 요구되는가?

Additionally, we should be putting assessment in perspective as a tool to promote change, which the imposition of NLEs tends to distort. Numerous curriculum theorists have identified that assess- ment is best viewed as a vital element of curriculumdesign. But if we have a superim- posed NLE, what impact does this have on the other vital features of local curricula, and who is provid- ing those, and the linkages and alignment that they demand?

수년 전, 전공과목 학회들은 향후 그 학회 구성원이 될 의사들에게 지원자들이 합격해야 하는 시험을 제공하는 것 외에는 주는 것이 없었다. 그러나 이것이 전문성 개발에 있어서 궁색한 접근법이라는 것은 널리 인식되고 있으며, 대부분의 학회들은 이제 CanMEDS와 같은 프레임워크를 가지고 있으며, 이 프레임워크는 National exit exam의 개념이 처음 도입될 당시의 그 어떤 교육과정보다 더 넓은 범위를 아우른다.

Years ago, specialty colleges had very little to offer a prospective member other than a series of assessments that the appli- cant had to pass. It was universally recognised that this was a rather impoverished approach to specialty development, and almost all col- leges now have frameworks (e.g. CanMEDS10) that are much more encompassing than any curricula were when the national exit exami- nation was first conceptualised.

이 프레임워크는 더 넓은 목적과 지향점, 교육훈련 전략과 지원체계를 가지고 있으며, 이와 더불어 더 확대된, 재개발된, 그 질이 보장된 평가법을 포함하고 있다. 더 나아가 work-based assessment와 같은 현재 사용되는 일부 평가법이 의사들을 위한 더 넓은 목표에 대한 평가를 할 수 있지만, 그러한 평가가 표준화된 전 국가적 차원의 형태로 수행가능하지 않다. 따라서 NLE를 의과대학에 그저 툭 던져놓는 것은 퇴행적 방식이다.

These frameworks include broader aims and objectives, training strate- gies and support mechanisms, alongside expanded, redeveloped and quality-assured assessments. Furthermore, even though some of the current assessment strategies, such as work-based assessment, are capable of tackling the appraisal of those wider goals for practitioners, such assessments would not be deliverable in a standardised national form. So plonking NLEs down on medical schools must be seen as a retrograde step.

이 논문의 저자들은 'NLE에서 더 잘 한다는 것이 환자를 더 잘보는 것과 연관된다는 것은 매우 설득력이 있으며, 우리는 NLE를 더 광범위하게 활용해야 한다고 생각한다'라는 것을 확신하는 듯 하다. 그러나 적어도 대학교육에 오랜 역사를 지닌 선진국에 있어서는 NLE가 보건의료를 개선할 것이라는 것에 대한 의심이 있다. 

The authors of the paper seem convinced that ‘The evidence that better performance in NLEs is associated with better patient care seems compelling and, we think, aids in justifying more widespread use of NLEs’.3 However, there is some considerable doubt, at least in most developed countries with a long history of established universi- ties, that NLEs will improve health care substantially over and above what is currently done.

Archer 등에 의한 최근의 systemic review에서는 '일부 연구자들은 면허시험이 환자안전을 더 강화해주고, 의료의 질을 향상시킨다고 주장하나, 이러한 주장에 대한 근거는 NLE와 환자 outcome의 결과의 직접적 연결성을 보여주는데 실패하고 있다' 라고 결론지었다.

A recent systematic review by Archer et al.11 concludes ‘Some authors claim to provide evidence that licensing examinations ensure greater patient safety and improved quality of care .... The evidence for these claims however is based on correlations of performance that fail to establish a direct link between national licens- ing examinations and improve- ments in patient outcomes’.

의사에 대한 불만은 점차 늘어나고 있는데, 과연 그 불만이 의과대학에서 준비를 덜 시킨 것 때문일까? 30세 이하의 의사, 새롭게 면허를 딴 의사, 그리고 여성 의사는 더 나이가 많고 전문의를 딴 의사보다 컴플레인을 받을 가능성이 낮다.

Complaints against doctors are rising,12 but are these being caused by inade- quate medical school preparation? Doctors under 30, the newly quali- fied and women have a much lower probability of being com- plained about than older or spe- cialised doctors.12

더 나아가서, 호주에서 3%의 의료인력이 49%의 컴플레인을 받고 있고, 1%가 1/4의 컴플레인을 받고 있다.

Furthermore, in Australia, 3% of the medical work- force accounts for 49% of com- plaints, and 1% accounts for a quarter of complaints.13

이는 의과대학간 variability로 인해서 NLE가 중요하다는 주장이 타당하지 않음을 보여준다. 의과대학에서의 컴플레인에 대해서 연구한 것은 거의 드물고, 특정 학교에서 poor한 의사가 집단으로 나온다는 것도 그럴듯하지 않아 보인다. 그러나 고소를 당한 의사에 대한 한 연구에서는 특정 10년의 기간동안 고소를 당한 의사를 많이 배출한 3개의 미국 의과대학은 그 다음 10년에도 비슷한 비율로 그러한 의사를 배출했다는 결과가 있다.

This would seem to make any argument that suggests NLEs are important because of variability across medi- cal schools a lame one. It is rare to find studies of complaints analysed by medical school of origin, and it seems unli- kely that there would be clusters of poor doctors emanating from particular schools. However, one study looking at doctors who were sued in three US states found that medical schools that passed more of these doctors in one decade, also passed a similar proportion in the next decade.14


또한 우리는 법적 소송의 여부는 지식보다는 'soft skill'에 달려있음을 잘 안다. 따라서, 심지어 OSCE style에서조차 거의 지식-기반의 평가인 NLE는 그 대안이 될 수 있을까?

We also know that liti- gation is much more related to ‘soft skills’ than knowledge,15 so where are largely knowledge-based, or even OSCE-style, NLEs going to provide that scope?

따라서 NLE의 지위를 보다 잘 이해하려면 NLE의 효과를 (인턴으로 이어지는) 현재의 의과대학-기반 평가 프로세스와 비교할 필요가 있다.

So, to be in a better position to ex- plore NLEs, we should be able to compare the impact of NLEs ver- sus the impact of the current school-based assessment process paired with ensuing internships.

이러한 비판이 NLE의 대안이 될 수도 있다. 예컨대, (지금은 살짝만 다루는 것으로 보이는(light touch)) 의과대학에서 사용하는 평가과정에 대한 '지속가능한' 인증, 혹은 강화된 인증이 더 효과적이면서 덜 비용이 들까?  단지 우리가 환자를 놓칠 것 같다는 두려움을 갖고 있다는 것, 그리고 우리가 지도를 가지고 있다는 것이 우리가 지금까지 해온 방식을 그대로 해도 된다는 것은 아닐 것이다.

Such a critique would also address the potential alternatives to NLEs.16 For example, would beefed up or ‘sustainable’17 accreditation of the assessment process utilised within medical schools (which currently seems to have become more ‘light touch’ in many jurisdictions) be both more effective and less expensive? Just because we are scared of failing our patients, and we have a map, doesn’t mean we have to charter a course along previously travelled routes, at least not quite yet.

 2016 Jan;50(1):12-4. doi: 10.1111/medu.12941.

National licensing exam or no national licensing exam? That is the question.

Author information

  • 1Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia.
[PubMed - in process]

교육스킬 교수개발: 집중 장기 모델(Acad Med, 2004)

Faculty Development in Teaching Skills: An Intensive Longitudinal Model

Karan A. Cole, ScD, L. Randol Barker, MD, ScM, Ken Kolodner, ScD, Penelope Williamson, ScD, Scott M. Wright, MD, and David E. Kern, MD, MPH

교육스킬(TS)을 가르치는 것은 임상가-교육자(clinician-educator)의 professional development에 중요한 단계이다. TS프로그램은 효과적인 것으로 보고되고 있으며, 지난 15년간 그 availability에 있어서 엄청난 발전을 이루어왔다. 그러나 최근의 국내 조사결과를 보면, 의대 교수들에 대한 TS에 관한 FD활동이 계속 진행중인 교육병원은 39%에 불과하며, 평균적으로 50% 이하의 교수만이 참여한다.

Training in teaching skills is a critical step in the professional development of clinician– educators. 1–5 Teaching skills programs have been shown to be effective,6–18 and considerable progress has been made in increasing their availability in the past 15 years. However, according to a recent national survey, only 39% of teaching hospitals have ongoing faculty development activities in teaching skills for their department of medicine faculty, and, on average, fewer than 50% of their faculty participate.19

TS프로그램에서 사용되는 교수법 중 흔한 것으로는 강의, 토론, 원격교육, 코칭, 스킬연습(실습)이 있으나 성찰을 사용한다고 보고한 결과는 적다.

Among teaching skills programs that include more common teaching approaches (lecture, discussion, distance learning, coaching, and skills practice),6–11,16,20 few report using reflection.6–8 

성찰이란 한 사람의 경험에 대해 생각/감정/신념/행동을 인식하고 의식적으로 해석을 위해 주의를 기울이는 것이다.

Reflection is defined as giving conscious attention to one’s interpretations of expe- rience through awareness of thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and behaviors.21

자신의 발전속도에 맞춰(자기주도학습) 스스로 니즈, 리소스, 성장, 발전을 깨달을 때, 그리고 다른 사람에게 지지(지원)를 받을 때 Experiential learning 혹은 Reflective learning에 더 참여할 가능성이 높다.

Individuals are more likely to engage in experiential or reflective learning if they identify their own needs, resources, and improvement, progress at their own pace (self-directed learning), and feel supported by others.24

도전의 기회를 주면서도 지지적인 학습환경이 변화의 가능성을 더 높이는데, 이는 새로운 기술을 연습하고, 스스로 평가하고 그 결과를 정직하게 밝히며, 다른 사람의 의견과 피드백을 구할 수 있게 도와주기 때문이다.

A learning environment that simultaneously provides opportunities for challenge and is supportive further enhances the potential for change because it helps individuals practice new skills, self-appraise and disclose honestly, and solicit others’ opin- ions and feedback.25

자아-발견과 학습의 위험을 감수할 정도의 신뢰관계를 형성하기 위해서는 시간이 필요하다. 그러나 대부분의 TS 프로그램은 짧은 워크숍 과정인 경우가 많고, 더 긴 프로그램의 경우에는 그 빈도나 길이가 다양하다(4주~2년)

Time is required to build the type of trusting relation- ships26 that support taking risks in self-discovery and learn- ing. However, most teaching skills programs are short work- shops or courses.19 Longer programs vary in frequency and duration (four weeks to two years).6–11,16,20

이 논문에서 우리는 성찰적 학습에 필수적인 프로세스(experi- ence, reflection, self-direction, learner-centeredness, and re- lationship development.)를 복합적으로 강조한 TS에 대한 집중(주당 3.5시간), 장기(9개월) FD프로그램을 다루고자 한다.

In this article, we describe an intensive (3.5 hours weekly), longitudinal (nine months) faculty development program in teaching skills that emphasizes a combination of processes that are essential for reflective learning, including: experi- ence, reflection, self-direction, learner-centeredness, and re- lationship development.


임상가-교육자를 위한 존스홉킨스 FDP는 1987년 처음 만들어졌으며, 1997년 교육과정과 교육방법의 개선을 거쳐서 현재까지 지속되고 있다. TS와 교육과정개발(CD), 퍼실리테이터-훈련 프로그램, 의학교육 펠로우십, 상담 서비스 등을 운영한다.

The Johns Hopkins Faculty Development Program for Cli- nician–Educators was established in 1987, underwent curric- ular and methodologic revisions in 1997, and continues to be implemented at present. It includes programs in teaching skills (TS) and curriculum development (CD), a facilitator- training program, a medical education fellowship, and a consultation service.

TS는 임상가-교육자의 학생/환자/동료에 대한 태도/신념/행동에 대한 변화를 향상시키고자 설계되었다. 프로그램의 목표는 다음과 같다.

The TS portion is designed to promote change in clini- cian-educator attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors towards learn- ers, patients, and colleagues. Program goals are to enhance participants’ 

  • (1) teaching effectiveness, 
  • (2) professional ef- fectiveness beyond teaching, 
  • (3) teaching enjoyment, and 
  • (4) learning effectiveness.

프로그램 설계

Program Design

프로그램 구조: 다음에 대한 지속적 기회의 제공

The program structure assists learning by providing ongoing opportunities for 

    • (1) 관계 개발과 협력을 통한 참가자와 퍼실리테이터 간 신뢰 구축
      building trust among participants and facilitators through relationship development and collabora- tion, and for 
    • (2) 관찰-실습-수업 내 TS적용-성찰 의 사이클
      cycles of observing, practicing, and applying teaching skills in the classroom and in work settings, and reflecting upon these experiences. 

The program runs from Sep- tember to June each year, for 3.5 hours weekly. Participants spend the majority of this time in stable working groups that include one or two facilitators and four to eight participants.

종합적 목표

The program’s overall learning goals are for participants to experience, value, and improve skills in 

    • (1) 자기주도학습과 자아발견의 촉진
      facilitating self- directed learning and self-discovery, and 
    • (2) 협력적, 지지적, 그러나 도전을 불러일으키는 학습환경 만들기
      creating a col- laborative, supportive, yet challenging learning environ- ment.

내용 영역

Seven content areas are addressed in individual sessions, or modules, which are five to seven weeks in duration. Each module builds upon and incorporates skills learned previ- ously. For each, specific learning objectives are provided, to- gether with targeted readings.

Content areas include: 

    • 성인학습 개념 Adult learning concepts 
    • 시간 관리 Time management 
    • 피드백 제공과 피드백 끌어내기 Feedback provision and elicitation 
    • 소그룹 리더십과 참여 Small-group leadership and participation 
    • 환자-의사 소통 Physician–patient communication 
    • 임상상황에서 가르치기(precept) Precepting in clinical settings 
    • 강의 Lectures 
    • 팀 내에서 리더십과 운영 Leadership and management of work teams

기본적 교육 전략: 다음의 병렬적 프로세스

A fundamental educational strategy for the program is the implementation of a parallel process whereby 

    • 퍼실리테이터가 참가자들이 학습할 스킬을 정함(model)
      facilitators model the skills that are being learned by program partici- pants, 
    • 참가자와 퍼실리테이터의 신뢰 구축
      develop trust among themselves, and 
    • 스스로의 지식/태도/기술을 바탕으로, 경험, 자기평가, 피드백을 통한 협력적 작업
      use experience, self-appraisal, and feedback to work collaboratively on their own knowledge, attitudes, and skills.

교육 방법

Educational methods used across content areas include 

    • 정보제공 in- formation provision (readings, demonstration, presenta- tions), 
    • 성찰을 동반한 경험학습 experiential learning with reflection (role-play, sim- ulated learners, real-life applications, and videotaping, all of which are learner centered and self-directed, and involve self-appraisal, feedback, problem solving, and discussion), and 
    • 자기-인식 시간 personal awareness sessions (sharing of meaningful ex- periences with emotional content).

단일 모듈에 관한 설명

Description of One Module (skip)

The feedback module illustrates how structural components, learning goals, parallel processes, and specific educational methods are applied to a content area to support learning (see Figure 1). 

    • Prior to this module, participants have been introduced to the concepts of adult learning
    • The first of the five sessions in this module begins with videotaping each participant while he or she is providing feedback to a standardized learner. 
    • A demonstration follows, from which participants identify those behaviors that are more or less effective. 
    • Discussion then bridges to a didactic summary of core concepts and skills that incorporate adult learning concepts. A syllabus names expected participant outcomes and contains selected readings, a detailed skills glossary, and scenarios for skills practice. 
    • Participants then observe their videotapes, self-assess, get feedback from the facilitator and each other, and identify learning strengths, needs, and resources for improving their skills throughout the module.

The first hour of most subsequent small-group sessions is reserved for the participants to share meaningful aspects of their professional and personal lives. 

    • These personal awareness sessions utilize a process described by Novack and colleagues.27 
    • The emphasis of these unstructured sessions is to focus on feelings with the chance to observe and practice active listening and emotion-handling skills (not interrupting, validating and empathizing with feelings). 
    • The reflection and self-disclosure that occur often help participants to recognize and address attitudes, beliefs, and feelings that influence their capacity to use new skills and concepts. 
    • In addition, these sessions reduce the sense of isolation that so often accompanies the professional life of a clinician–educator.28

In the skills session that follows, participants describe recent or distant real-life experiences with feedback

    • Group members help their fellow participants identify accomplishments, learning needs, and ways to address them. 
    • Participants choose resources for their learning, such as discussion of readings, problem solving, solicitation of other members’ thinking and experience, skills practice (usually in role plays based upon self-selected situations), or observation of videotapes. 
    • They also direct their learning by asking for specific feedback about their performance
    • Personal reflection and learning may occur if they also explore related attitudes and feelings.

Participants identify their progress in providing effective feedback and new learning needs based upon their selfappraisal and others’ feedback. 

    • There is time for two or three participants to go through this process in a single session. 
    • Usually, more than one participant’s needs are met in learning activities that focus upon on the needs of one participant. 

A self-summary of significant learning completes each session and informs planning for the next week.

Among participants, providing “negative” feedback is universally identified as difficult

    • In addition to practicing skills, individuals are helped to recognize and explore their thoughts and feelings about providing negative feedback and to hear others’ perspectives. 
    • They also experience other members’ support and empathy. New insights and motivation for change occur.

Throughout the module, a parallel process is applied. 

    • Facilitators use effective feedback skills and support learnercentered participant discovery and learning while they lead the experiential and reflective activities. They keep the group focused on each individual’s stated needs, and help individuals build relationships and learn from each other. 
    • Participants observe these skills, and also have direct experience with the methods as learners. 
    • Following each session, co-facilitators of each small group use reflective learning by meeting to talk about their co-facilitation, their beliefs and feelings related to challenges encountered, and alternative ways to respond. They also plan for the next session.

The final feedback session includes 

    • videotaping each participant providing feedback to a standardized learner, 
    • reviewing these videotapes (as in the first session), 
    • summarizing participants’ learning, and 
    • planning for future applications. 

Group members explore their shared experience and the relative helpfulness of the learning and facilitation methods, and complete an evaluation instrument. 

At the end of the module, all facilitators meet as a team, share new insights, and use the verbal and written input from the participants to plan for upcoming modules. A module on small-group leadership, participation, and process follows that offers opportunities for continued practice and application of feedback skills.


Study Population

131명의 TS프로그램 참가자와 131명의 비-참가자

All 131 TS program participants and 131 program nonpar- ticipants between 1988 and 1996 were recruited for the present study.

Design and Methodology

사전-사후 연구 설계. 일부 post-only 연구설계

A pre–post study design with comparison group measured changes in participants’ and nonparticipants’ self-assessments of perceptions and skills, and a post-only study design with- out a comparison group measured the participants’ assess- ments of programmatic components.

Outcome Variables, Instruments, and Measures

개인 수준 성과변인

Individual outcome variables.

    • 교육 효과성 Teaching effectiveness, measured as skill levels for deter- mining learner needs, actively involving learners, lectur- ing, small-group teaching, one-on-one teaching, teaching in the presence of the patient, giving feedback, evaluating learners, and global teaching 
    • 전문직으로서의 효과성 Professional effectiveness other than teaching, measured as skill levels for working in groups, time management, and administration 
    • 교육 즐김 Teaching enjoyment 
    • 학습 효과성 Learning effectiveness, measured as self-directed learning competence, a mean score of nine items assessing individ-ual self-perceptions as a nondependent learner, the ability to relate collaboratively with peers and teachers as helpers, an understanding of the assumptions of self-directed learn- ing, and the ability to utilize the various stages of the self-directed learning process.

프로그램 수준 성과변인

Program evaluation outcome variables.

    • 전반적인 프로그램 질 Overall program quality 
    • 교육법, 퍼실리테이션, 학습환경 Educational methods, facilitation, and learning environment 
    • 참여의 교육적, 전문가적 능력에 대한 효과 Impact of participation on teaching and professional abilities.

Data Analysis


Response Rate

Baseline Sample Characteristics

Outcome Variables at Baseline

Pre- and Postprogram Comparisons

Program Evaluation

프로그램 효과의 눈에 띄는 결과는 참가자의 교육스킬과 전문직스킬(professional skill)이 비참가자의 베이스라인 이상으로 올라갔다는 것이다. 

A noteworthy measure of this program’s effectiveness is that it brought participants’ appraisals of their teaching and professional skills up to the baseline level of nonparticipants’ self-appraisals of their teaching and professional skills; more of the nonparticipants had reported prior training in teach- ing skills.

또 다른 눈에 띄는 결과는 교육-즐김(teaching enjoyment)가 참가자 그룹 내에서 유지된 반면, 대조군에서는 감소한 것이며, 이는 프로그램이 임상가-교육자가 직면하는 문제에 대해서 완충 효과가 있을 수 있다는 것을 시사한다. Gerrity 등은 20개의 임상가-교육자의 커리어 만족도에 대한 연구에서 교육에서 오는 만족도를 상쇄시키는 2 개의 공통적 요인을 발견했는데, 하나는 교육과 진료 사이의 긴장(tension)이었고, 다른 하나는 교육스킬에 대한 의구심이었다.

Also remarkable is the finding that teaching enjoyment was maintained in the participant group while it declined in the comparison group, suggesting that the program may buffer some of the challenges faced by clinician–educators. In Gerrity and colleagues,31 review of 20 studies on clini- cian–educator career satisfaction, two commonly expressed factors that counterbalance the satisfaction derived from teaching were found to be the tension between teaching and patient care, and doubts about teaching skill.

참가자들이 성찰을 동반한 경험적 학습법을 정보-제공 방식보다 더 선호한다는 것이 고무되었다.

We were encouraged that participants rated experiential learning methods with reflection significantly higher than they rated information provision.

자기인식(personal awareness) 세션이 정보-제공에 비해서 낮게 나온 결과는 7명의 '전혀 유용하지 않음' 응답 결과를 제외하면 통계적으로 차이가 없다.

The lower rating of personal awareness sessions compared with information provision was no longer significant once seven participants who rated personal awareness sessions as “not at all useful” to their teaching were omitted from the analysis.

비록 상대적으로 낮은 평가에도 불구하고 자기인식(personal awareness)세션은 평균적으로 참가자들의 학습에 중간 이상 정도로 유용하다는 평가를 받았다. 우리는 이 세션이 참가자간 합력적, 지지적 관계를 형성하고 위험을 감수하게끔 해주는 데 중요하다고 생각한다. 또한 자기인식을 촉진시켜서 교육효과성을 향상시킬 수도 있을 것이다.

Notwithstanding their relatively lower rating, personal awareness sessions were rated, on average, as more than moderately useful to participants’ learning. We believe that they were important for promoting the collaborative and supportive relationships among our participants, enabling them to take risks,25 and to promote their personal aware- ness, which can enhance their teaching effectiveness.23

이 프로그램을 다른 장기-프로그램과 구분짓는 요소는 구조(매주, 3.5시간, 9달, 그룹 안정성)와 관계-협력-학습자중심-경험-성찰을 결합적으로 강조하는 것에 있다. 비록 다른 프로그램들이 이 요소들의 일부를 가지고 있었지만, 모두를 가진 것은 없었으며, 교육/전문직/학습효과와 관련된 영역을 모두 다룬 것도 없었다.

Key aspects that distinguish this program from other lon-gitudinal ones6–8,16 are its structure (weekly, 3.5-hour ses-sions for nine months in stable groups), and the combinedemphasis on relationship, collaboration, learner self-direc-tion, experience, and reflection. Although each of the otherprograms has some of these elements, none has all, nor doesany cover the breadth of content area related to teaching,professional, and learning effectiveness.

우리는 잦은 빈도로, 지속적으로, 집중적으로, 같은 참가자들에게 미팅을 하고, 또한 관계의 중요성을 강조한 것이 학습그룹 내에서 신뢰를 형성하는데 중요했다고 생각한다. 또한 각 세션의 길이는 스킬을 연습하고 다양한 수준의 성찰을 하기에 충분했으며, 이것들 각각만으로 가능한 효과보다 더 큰 효과를 얻을 수 있었다고 생각한다. 이러한 구조가 Schon이 reflective practice라고 말한 action과 reflection-on-action의 지속적 사이클을 가능하게 했으며, 프로그램 참가자들이 이러한 프로세스를 지속적으로 사용할 수 있게끔 해주었다.

We believe that frequent, ongoing, intensive meetings among the same individuals, with an emphasis on relationships are important to achieving trust in learning groups. In addition, the length of each session allows for time to engage in both skills practice and multiple levels of reflection, which may have more impact than any of these alone. This structure also facilitates suc- cessive cycles of action and reflection-on-action described by Schon33 as reflective practice, and could promote ongoing use of this process by program participants.

우리는 성찰학습의 성과가 있었는지는 알 수 없다(insights and reassessment of assumptions that, according to Mezirow,34 result in a shift in perspective, or transforma- tional learning 등). 그러나 참가자들이 프로그램을 마치고 나갈 때 관계의 중요성과 태도/신념/감정에 대한 성찰의 중요성, 그리고 학습자와의 연결성이 높아질 가능성, 학습자의 자기주도성에 대한 지지, 학습자들이 비판적 성찰이 가능해게 도와주는 것 등을 알게 되었을 것이다. 이것은 관점의 변화를 가져오며, 궁극적으로 구체적 스킬의 향상보다 더 중요하다.

We also do not know whether reflective learning outcomes (insights and reassessment of assumptions that, according to Mezirow,34 result in a shift in perspective, or transforma- tional learning) occurred. However, we speculate that par- ticipants leave our program with 

  • an increased valuing of relationships and of reflection on attitudes, beliefs, and feel- ings, and 
  • an increased likelihood of connecting with learners, of supporting their self-directedness, and of helping them be critically reflective. 

These anticipated shifts in perspective may ultimately be more important than enhancement of specific skills.

 2004 May;79(5):469-80.

Faculty development in teaching skills: an intensive longitudinal model.

Author information

  • 1Johns Hopkins Faculty Development Program in Teaching Skills, and Division of General Internal Medicine, Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine, Bayview Medical Center, Baltimore, MD 21224, USA. kcole@jhmi.edu


Although reflection contributes to the personal growth of clinician-educators and is important for effective teaching, few teaching skills programs report its use. The Johns Hopkins Faculty Development Program in Teaching Skills, first implemented in 1987 as a theoretically grounded,longitudinal model for faculty development of clinician-educators, comprises a set of conditions intended to promote reflective learning. This paper describes the program and reports evaluation results for 98 participants and a comparison group of 112 nonparticipants between 1988 and 1996. Participants met with facilitators weekly for nine months for 3.5 hours, in stable groups of four to six individuals. Educational methods used across seven content areas emphasized relationships and collaboration, and included information provision, experiential learning with reflection, and personal awareness sessions. A pre-post evaluation design with comparison group measured changes in self-assessed teaching and professionalskillsteaching enjoyment, and learning effectiveness. A post-only evaluation design appraised overall program quality, educational methods, facilitation, learning environment, and perceived impact of participation. Program participants had significantly greater pre-post-change scores than nonparticipants for all 14 outcomes (p <.05). Multiple regression modeling indicated that program participation was associated with pre-post improvement in all outcomes except administration skills, controlling for all participant and nonparticipant baseline characteristics (p <.05). All measured programmatic characteristics were highly rated by participants. Experiential methods with reflection were rated significantly higher than information-provision and personal awareness sessions (p <.001). Evaluation results demonstrate a positive impact of this alternative approach tofaculty development on clinician-educator perceptions of their attitudes and behaviors towards learners and colleagues.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

CBME의 가능성, 위혐, 문제점, 그리고 진보(Med Educ, 2016)

The promise, perils, problems and progress of competency-based medical education

Claire Touchie1,2 & Olle ten Cate3

10년 전, 우리는 의학교육자들에게 있어서 21세기의 시작은 역량-바탕 교육훈련의 10년일 것이라 예상했다.

Ten years ago, we predicted that the start of the 21st century would be remembered by medical edu- cators as the decade of competency-based training in medicine.1 

수만명의 교수, 레지던트, 의대생에게 역량이란 단어는 마치 늘 의학교육을 가이드 해 온 것과 같이 익숙하다. 그러나 '개념'과 '실천'은 서로 다른 것이다. 묘비를 옮기는 것 만큼이나 어렵다고 인식된 의학교육과정의 변화가 지금은 빠르게 진행되고 있으며, 이는 사회의 요구와 규제, 임상환경의 변화, 근무시간에 대한 기준 변화, 과학적 지식의 축적과 기술의 진보에 따른 것이다.

Hundreds of thousands of fac- ulty members, residents and medical students across the globe are now so familiar with the language of competencies it is as if it has always guided medical education. However, concepts and practice are two very different things. Change in medical curricula, formerly considered as difficult as moving a ceme- tery,2 now happens rapidly, forced by societal demands and regulations, change in clinical prac- tice, shifting norms for working hours, scientific knowledge accumulation and technological advances.



CBME는 '하나 혹은 그 이상의 역량에서 유능함을 갖춘 의료전문직 양성을 위한 교육'이면서 '기본적으로 졸업시의 능력이 무엇인에 목적을 두고, 사회와 환자의 요구분석을 통한 역량을 중심으로 조직된 의료행위를 할 수 있는 의사를 만드는 접근법'이다. CBME는 시간-기반 교육훈련을 지양하며, 더 큰 책임, 유연성, 학습자-중심성의 가능성을 열어둔다.

Competency-based medical education has been defined as ‘education for the medical profession that is targeted at a fixed level of proficiency in one or more medical competencies’6 and ‘an approach to preparing physicians for practice that is fundamen- tally oriented to graduate outcome abilities and orga- nised around competencies derived from an analysis of societal and patient needs; it de-emphasises time- based training and promises greater accountability, flexibility, and learner-centredness’.7

CBME의 두 가지 특징이 두드러진다. (1)역량을 갖춘 의사에 대한 정의 (2)역량을 갖춘 졸업생 확보에의 초점

Two features of CBME stand out: (i) a redefinition of what a compe- tent doctor is and (ii) a focus on securing competent graduates.

의사는 무엇인가에 대한 일반적인 게슈탈트가 구체적인 설명서를 필요로 하는 것은 아니지만, 지난 세기 의료행위의 엄청난 변화는 더 이상 전통적인 모습과는 잘 맞지 않는다. 교육훈련을 마쳤을 때, 의사는 다양한 전문의 혹은 세부전문의가 되며, 그들 간 공통의 정체성, 공통의 의료행위, 공통의 언어, 공통의 환자이해는 감소한다.

Although the general gestalt of what a doctor is had never required a detailed specification,the substantial changes in health care practices in the last half century are no longer compatible with that traditional picture. By the end of their training, medical practitioners become a variety of medical specialists and subspecialists with a decreased com- mon identity, common practice, common language and common understanding of patient problems. 

RCPSC는 1996년 CanMEDS. 이 정의는 1978년의 권고를 따르는 방향으로 1999년 ACGME의 Outcome project에 의해서 보충된다. "규정된 수준 이상으로 능숙하게 의료행위를 할 수 있는 보건의료전문직의 의도한 목적은 지역의 조건(condition)과 지역의 요구(needs)에 따르는 것이다." CBME로의 전환 움직임은 패러다임 전환이라 불려왔으며, 더 안전하고 더 양질의 의료를 기약했다.

The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC) took the initiative in 1996 to define the multiple roles of the doctor of a new era, with the support of significant societal stakeholders. The resulting CanMEDS framework was quickly recognised in many other countries and imple- mented or adapted. This redefinition was supple- mented in 1999 by the Outcome project of the US Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME)8 following a recommendation dating back to 1978: ‘The intended outcome is a health-professional who can practice medicine at a defined level of proficiency, in accord with local conditions, to meet local needs’.9 The move to com- petency-based medical education has been called a paradigm shift10,11 holding great promise for safer and higher quality health care.

위협과 문제점


CBME의 위협은 Leung의 말로 요약할 수 있다. '부적절하게 활용될 경우, CBME는 동기부여를 저해하고, 최소한의 기준을 만족시키는 것에만 초점을 두며, 행정적 부담을 가중시키고, 교육 내용의 감소만 가져올 것이다'

The perils of CBME may be best summarised with Leung’s words. ‘If applied inappropriately, [compe- tency-based training] can result in demotivation, a focus on minimum acceptable standards, increased administrative burden and a reduction in the educa- tional content.’12

개념적 이슈

Conceptual issues

Grant와 Brooks는 CBME가 환원주의적 접근이며, 행동주의에 뿌리를 둔 것이라 경고한다. '행동적 목표, 혹은 역량은 절대로 복잡한 인간의 행동을 그려낼 수 없다. 전문직이 무엇을 하는가는 '역량'의 용어로 기술될 수 있는 그 부분의 합보다 한참 더 큰 것이다'. Brooks는 더 나아가서 '의학은 근본적으로 도덕성을 추구(moral pursuit)하는 것이다. 그것의 핵심에는 환자-의사 관계가 있고, 이는 두 사람 사이의 관계이다. 원자화되고 행위에 초점을 둔 역량의 개념으로는 이러한 의학의 관점을 담아낼(embody) 수 없다.' Hodges는 CBME를 시간-기반 교육과정에서의 'tea-steeped' 의사에서 역량바탕프로그램의, 공장에서 만들어진 i-Doc으로의 전환이라고 묘사했다. The Question of Competence이라 불리는 최근 호에서 Leung은 어떻게 의사의 'competent mind'라는 것이 상황 인식, 메타인식, attentive automaticity, 협력적 직무에 대한 분배적 인식 등과 같이 쉽게 '측정가능한 역량'으로 잡히지 않는 것들을 포함하고 있는가를 설명하였다. 이러한 개념 수준의 비판은 의사의 역량의 분석적 접근방법에 대한 비판이 될 수 있으며, 의사에 대한 개념을 통합적, 전체적 개념으로 바라보지 않고, 세세한 요소의 부분으로서 훈련시키고 평가하는 것에 대한 비판이 된다.

Both Grant and Brooks have eloquently warned that competency-based training is a reductionist approach, rooted in behaviourism. ‘Behavioural objectives, or competences, can never describe com- plex human behaviour. The sum of what profession- als do is far greater than any of the parts that can be described in competence terms.’1,3 Brooks goes on to say that ‘medicine is fundamentally a moral pursuit.3 At its heart is the physician-patient rela- tionship, a relationship between two people. The atomistic and action focused concept of competency does not embody this view of medicine’. Hodges describes the CBME movement as a shift from a ‘tea-steeped’ doctor trained using a time-based pro- gramme, to a factory-produced i-Doc emerging from a competency-based programme.13 In a recent vol- ume called The Question of Competence, Leung et al.14 explain how the ‘competent mind’ of the doctor also includes qualities such as situation awareness, metacognition, attentive automaticity and shared or distributed cognition in collaborative work, not easily captured in measurable competencies. This conceptual criticism may be summarised as acting against the analytical approach to doctor compe- tence, with the desire to train and assess (just) its detailed component parts, while ignoring the syn- thetic or holistic concept of the doctor as a whole.15

평가 관련 이슈

Assessment issues

체계적 문헌고찰에서 Lurie는 역량을 타당하게 평가할 수 있는 도구가 없음을 팔견하고, 이후 '비록 '역량'이란것이 조직의 사회적 미션을 전체적으로 정의하는데는 유용할 수 있으나, 그러한 역량이 실제 근무환경이란 맥락에서 측정가능하고, 서로 구분지어지는 것(distinct)으로 오해되어서는 안된다.' 라고 했다.

In a systematic literature review, Lurie et al.16 found no instruments that can validly assess competencies and conclude in a later commentary that ‘although competencies may prove useful in defining an overall social mission for organisations, such competencies should not be mistaken for measurable and distinct attributes that people can demonstrate in the con- text of their actual work’.17 Brooks comments that:

'역량 모델은 (탑-다운 방식이며, 무언가를 지시하는 방식으로서) 스스로 하고 있다고 주장하는 객관적인 교육평가의 프레임워크를 제공하지 못하고 있다. 나는, 다른 의사들과 마찬가지로 (그가 얼마나 많은 논문을 내었든) 내 가족 근처에는 얼씬도 못하게 할 다른 의사를 알고 있으며, 반대로 내가 가진 세부전공 자격증은 없더라도 내 전공에 대해서 나보다 더 잘 아는 의사도 무수히 많이 알고 있다"

‘the competency model—which tends to be top- down and prescriptive—does not provide the framework for objective educational assessment that it claims to provide... I, like all other prac- ticing physicians, know other physicians whom I wouldn’t let near me or my family members, regardless of the number of pieces of paper they might sport. Conversely, I know a number of physicians who are superior to me in my chosen field, despite the fact that they lack the subspe- cialty certification that I have’.3

실천적 이슈

Practical issues

Brook의 코멘트는 의료행위를 할 준비를 할 수 있도록 훈련되었는가를 평가하는 것이 아니라, 체크리스트에 체크하는 방식으로 CBME를 경험한 다른 사람들의 것과 유사하다. Malone과 Supri는 CBME는 관료주의적이며 부담이 크고, 다양한 서식과 많은 체크리스트를 비롯한 엄청난 양의 문서를 필요로 한다고 지적하며 '교육자의 역할을 서식을 채우는 관료로 격하시킨다'라고 하였다. 또한 CBME가 광범위한 의학교육과정을 측정가능한 의학의 지식과 술기 역량을 준비시키는 것으로 제한시키며, 교육자들은 '시험을 위한 교육'을 하게 될 것이라 지적했다. 또한 '최소기준'에 초점을 두는 것, 학생이 아니라 규제(regulator)에 신경을 쓰는 것에 대해서, 그리고 CBME가 교육기간을 단축시킬 것이라는 내포된 가정에 대해서 지적했다.

Brook’s comment resonates with others who experi- ence the practice of competency-based training as checking boxes on checklists rather than assessing the outcome of training in preparation for prac- tice.2,5 Malone and Supri comment that CBME is bureaucratic and burdensome, and requires exten- sive written materials with forms and checklists, ‘de- valuing the role of educators into that of form-filling bureaucrats’. They also comment on the risk that CMBE limits broad medical curricula to knowledge and skills that prepare for measurable competencies, and educators will ‘teach to the test’.18 Others have commented on the focus on minimum standards, on the rationale for predominantly serving regula- tors rather than students, and on the implicit assumption that CBME will reduce the length of training.4



15년간의 상당한 비판에도 불구하고, 의학교육계의 상당부분은 CBME 개발을 지지한다. 이유는 명확하다. 사회, 의료, 의학교육의 맥락이 바뀌었으며, 교육 프로그램은 그에 부응해야 하기 때문이다. 비판이 부당한 것이 아니다. 대부분의 지적은 사실이며, 그러나 문제는 그 지적 중 사실상 어떤 것도 나아갈 방향을 제시하지 못한다는 것이다. 대부분은 '하던 것을 그대로 할 것'을 은유적으로 내비치며, 혹은 도제식 교육의 복귀를 말할 뿐이다.

Despite 15 years of substantial criticism, the vast majority of the medical education community has supported the development of CBME. The reasons seem clear. Society, health care and the context of medical education have changed and education programmes simply must respond to this. It is not that critics do not have their points. Most of the comments bear truth, but virtually none of the com- ments include a clear way forward; most of them actually implicitly recommend no change, or the reinstatement of apprenticeships.3

비록 CBME를 도입하는 교육과정은 지속적으로 늘어나지만, 역량-바탕 교육의 더 고차원적인 목표를 지지하는 새로운 개념이 등장하고 있으며, milestone과 EPA가 그것이다.

Although programmes continue to implement CBME, new concepts to support the higher goals of competency-based education and assessment have emerged, namely milestones and entrustable profes- sional activities (EPAs).20,21



마일스톤이란 한 역량 내에서의 발달단계에 관한 행동묘사용어이다. 이는 피교육자를 평가하는 의사를 돕기 위한 것이며, ACGME가 역량에 대한 전문가적 발달의 5단계라는 논리적 궤적을 따라 개발한 것이다. 효과적인 평가의 기준점으로서 개발되었으며, ACGME 마일스톤은 미국 내 모든 PGME를 위해 만들어졌고, 2013년 3월과 2014년 3월에 발표되었다. 마일스톤은 수련을 받는 일련의 단계에 걸쳐 레지던트 행동의 전형적 모습을 짧게 묘사한 것이며, 그 전공에 처음 들어왔을 때부터, 의료행위를 위해서 수련을 마쳤을 시점에 필요한 수준(level 4), 그리고 일부 매우 우수한 전공의들만 달성하는 수준(level 5)까지를 아우른다.

‘Milestones’, concrete behavioural descriptions aligned with developmental steps in one domain of competence, to assist clinicians in the assessment of medical trainees, is terminology introduced by the ACGME to establish a 5-step logical trajectory of professional development within competencies. Developed as benchmarks for effective assessment,21 ACGME milestones are written for all postgraduate medical disciplines in the United States of America (USA) were published in the Journal of Graduate Medical Education in March 2013 and March 2014. They are short descriptions of typical resident beha- viours at sequential stages of training, following matriculation into a specialty, targeted at an advanced level for graduation to practice (Level 4, proficient), and ending at an aspirational level to be achieved only by exceptional residents (Level 5, expert).22

CanMEDS 역할 중에서 medical expert, communicator and collaborator가 필요하다고 할 때, 어떻게 EPA가 역량과 통합될 수 있는가를 보여준다. EPA는 평가의 초점으로서 제시되었다. '병력 청취'라는 단순한 행동 하나에도 의사소통, 프로페셔널리즘, 의학 지식, 임상추론 등이 얼마나 복잡하게 엮여 있는지를 보여준다. 이 역량을 하나 하나 나누어 평가하는 것은 의미가 없으며, 그 업무를 어떤 맥락 안에서 전체적으로 평가하는 것이 합당하다.

As this activity particu- larly reflects the CanMEDS roles of medical expert, communicator and collaborator, it exemplifies how EPAs integrate competencies. EPAs are proposed to be the focus of assessment. Even a simple activity such as ‘taking a history’ illustrates how inextricably communication, professionalism, medical knowl- edge and clinical reasoning skills are integrated within a conversation with a patient. Assessing any of these competencies separately is meaningless, whereas assessing the task as a whole within a con- text is sensible.

RCPSC는 CanMEDS 2015 버전을 내놓으면서 이 과정을 밟았는데, 일곱 개의 CanMEDS 역량역할 아래의 'enabling competency'를 를 '피수련자 혹은 의사가 전문직 발달의 특정 단계에서 갖춰야 할 것으로 기대되는 능력의 묘사'라고 정의했다. 이것은 피교육자와 교육자로 하여금 피교육자가 '제대로 트랙을 밟아 가고 있는가'를 판단하기 위한 것이다. ACGME의 마일스톤은 전공에 따라 다르게 설계되었으며, RCPSC는 마일스톤은 일반적인 것이며, 하나의 형태를 가진 문서이지만 모든 전공에 걸쳐 적용가능한 것으로 설명하였다. 미국의 마일스톤과 달리 CanMEDS의 마일스톤은 일곱 개의 미리 정의된 교육단계에 맞춰져 있다.

      • medical school fundamentals, 
      • early clinical activity, 
      • transition to discipline, 
      • foundations of discipline, 
      • core of discipline, 
      • transition to practice and 
      • continuing professional development

The RCPSC followed this course by introducing milestones into the CanMEDS 2015 version, defined as ‘descriptions of the abilities expected of a trainee or physician at a defined stage of professional devel- opment’ of each of the ‘enabling competencies’ under the seven CanMEDS competency roles, to guide learners and educators in determining whether learners are ‘on track’.23 Whereas ACGME milestones have been designed by specialty associa- tions, the RCPSC suggested that milestones are gen- eral, being described in one document as applicable across all specialties. Unlike the USA milestones, the CanMEDS milestones are bound to seven prede- fined stages of the educational continuum (medical school fundamentals, early clinical activity, transition to discipline, foundations of discipline, core of discipline, transition to practice and continuing professional development).23


Entrustable professional activities

Ten Cate와 Scheele은 EPA를 근무지 교육과정 개발과 평가의 보다 전체적인 접근법이라 제시하였다. EPA는 전문직의 행위의 광범위한 단위이다(즉, '피훈련자가 일단 충분한 구체적 역량을 갖추었다면 감독받지 않는 상태에서 수행할 수 있도록 위탁가능한 업무나 책임'이다.)

Ten Cate and Scheele have proposed entrustable professional activities (EPAs) as a more holistic approach to workplace curriculum development and assessment.24 EPAs are broad units of profes- sional practice (i.e. ‘tasks or responsibilities to be entrusted to the unsupervised execution by a trai- nee once he or she has attained sufficient specific competence’).25

EPA의 한 예시는 합병증이 없는 경우의 분만을 수행하는 것이다. 이는 가정의와 산부인과 전문의에 의해서 수행되며, 수련단계의 어떤 시점에서는 - 수련생이 궁극적으로는 그것을 관리감독 없이도 수행할 수 있어야 하므로 - 수련생에게 위탁될 필요가 있다. 이를 위해서는 구체적인 지식, 스킬, 행동이 푤요하며, 수련과정에서 능숙해져야 한다. 이것은 직접적으로 관찰가능하며 역량을 반영한다.

An example of an EPA is conducting an uncomplicated delivery. This activity, performed by family doctors and obstetrics-gynaecology specialists, needs to be entrusted to a trainee at some point in their training, as the trainee eventually will need to conduct it without supervision; it requires specific knowledge, skills and behaviours; proficiency is acquired through training; it is directly observable and reflects competencies.20

EPA들의 집합은 전문직의 필수영역 혹은 세부전공의 핵심영역을 포괄할 수 있다. EPA와 연결된 것이 Entrustment decision making이다. '위탁'을 위해서는 능력을 인정하고, 감독이 없는 상태에서의 수행을 허가해야 하며, 의료행위의 책임을 다하게 해야 한다. 진정한 CBME는 역량이 적절한 수준으로 보여지는 즉시(adequately demonstrated) certification을 주어야 한다. EPA는 전문직 행위의 여러 유닛에 대해서 '위탁'에 관한 판단을 가능하게 해주며, 수련이 끝나는 마지막 날이 아니라 수련과정의 전문행위의 점진적이고 합법적(legitimate)참여를 가능하게 해준다. frame of reference를 '전통적인 평가'에서 '위탁가능여부 결정'으로 바꿔준다. 'trust'가 높아질수록 'supervision'은 감소한다.

A comprehensive set of EPAs can thus cover the core of a profession or cover focus areas of subspe- cialty practice. Allied to the EPA concept is the pro- cess of entrustment decision-making. Entrustment serves to acknowledge ability, and provide permis- sion to act unsupervised and to enact duties in health care practice. True competency-based medi- cal education grants certification as soon as compe- tence is adequately demonstrated. EPAs allow decisions regarding entrustment to be made for separate units of professional practice, resulting in agradual, legitimate participation in professional practice, rather than on the last day of training. It transforms traditional assessment into entrustment decisions as a frame of reference.26 As trust increases, the level of supervision can decrease. 



마일스톤과 EPA가 역량과 잘 통합되지 않거나 서로 잘 통합되지 않으면, 근무지 교육의 일과된 모델을 구성할 수 없고 비판도 증가할 것이다. 마일스톤과 EPA에 대한 의구심이 제기되고 있다. 많은 연구자들이 역량의 환원주의적 관점을 경고하고 나섰으며, 의료에 있어서 통합적 접근(holistic approach)가 부족함을 지적했고, 의사의 역량을 점수와 숫자로만 잡아내는 것의 근본적 한계를 지적했다. 분명히 이러한 방향으로 가려는 것은 아니다. 마일스톤과 EPA가 새로운 체크리스트가 된다면, 우리가 얻는 것은 아무 것도 없을 것이다.

We believe that if the concepts of milestones and EPAs are not well integrated with competencies andwith each other, constituting a coherent model of education in the workplace, criticism may increase. Doubts about the milestones and EPAs have been raised.38–40 Many authors have warned of the risk ofa reductionist view of competencies and the lack of a holistic approach to medicine, and the fundamen-tal limitations of capturing the competence of a doctor in scores and numbers. Clearly this is not the way to go. If milestones and EPAs serve as the new checklists, we have not won anything. 

그러나 만약 역량, 마일스톤, EPA의 개념이 잘 통합된다면, 학습자의 진전에 대한 실현가능하고 통합적인 전문가의 판단이 설 자리를 마련해줄 것이며, 그 때 진정한 의학교육의 발전이 있을 것이다.

However, if the concepts of competencies, mile- stones and EPAs are well integrated, and provide space for feasible, holistic expert judgement of a learner’s progression, then the chances are that medical education has truly made progress.

마일스톤의 미국 버전은 학습자를 전공-특이적 역량 개발과정에 두었고, 다섯 개의 Dreyfus 단계로 묘사했다. 우연인지, EPA와 관련된 supervision의 수준 역시 다섯 단계이다. 추가적으로, 네 번째 탈-감독 수준(distant supervision)과 4수준의 마일스톤과 잘 맞으며 두 가지 모두에서 5단계는 모든 졸업생에게 요구할 것이 아니라는 것에 합치한다.



 advanced beginner

 direct supervision


 indirect supervision


 distant supervision


 providing supervision

The USA version of milestones describes the development of the learner in spe- cialty-specific competencies, related to the five Drey- fus stages (novice, advanced beginner, competent, proficient and expert).22 Coincidentally, the levels of supervision related to decisions about EPAs, also show development in five steps (observation, direct supervision, indirect supervision, distant supervision and providing supervision). In addition, the focus on the fourth level as the target for unsupervised practice for any learner and the level 4 milestone also align, whereas level 5 on both scales reflects an aspiration that is not required for all graduates.

EPA, 역량, 마일스톤, 감독의 단계에 대해서는 그림 1에 묘사되어 있다. 어떻게 EPA가 구체적인 역량을 요구하며, 이는 마일스톤의 description을 활용하여 평가할 수 있다. 두 개의 역량이 합치한다면, 그 학습자는 indirect supervision에 준비가 되었다는 결론을 내릴 수 있을 것이다.

This operational integration of EPAs, competencies, milestones and levels of super- vision is depicted in Fig. 1, borrowed from Ten Cate et al.42 What the figure shows is how an EPA requires specific competencies; these may be evaluated using the descriptions of behavioural milestones. If both competencies match (e.g. at the level 3 milestone), then a conclusion may be drawn that the learner is ready for indirect supervision (Fig. 1).

이것이 좀 기계적으로 들릴 수는 있을 것이다. 그러나 실제에서는 각 사건의 순서는 단순하고 매우 인간적일 것이다. 간접-슈퍼비전에 준비되었다는 슈퍼바이저의 판단이 먼저 내려질 것이며, 이후에 마일스톤의 description을 보고 그 판단에 부합하는가를 체크한다. 이는 환자에 대한 임상추론 과정과 비슷한데, 가설이 먼저 오고 그 다음에 verification이 일어나는 것이다.

This all sounds rather mechanistic, as if a machine can draw a conclusion. In practice, however, the sequence of events can be simple and very humanis- tic. A supervisor’s judgement about the readiness for indirect supervision of a learner is likely to be made first, after which an optional check with a milestone description can confirm the judgement, much like the process of clinical reasoning about a patient’s case. First a hypothesis comes to mind, then a verification takes place.

많은 임상 맥락에서 위탁결정은 매일매일에 걸쳐 슈퍼비전의 감소를 가져올 것이다. '나는 이 학생/인턴/레지던트/펠로우를 혼자 놔둬도 되겠어'라는 생각은 종종 그 전에 학습자가 보여준 신뢰 또는 전반적인 첫인상에 기반할 수 있으며, 이는 presumptive trust 나 initial trust라는 용어로 표현된다. 총괄적인 위탁 결정은 자율의 방향으로 한 발 더 공식적으로 나아가는 것이며, 능력 뿐만 아니라 권한과 의무를 인정하는 것이다. 의료에서 EPA라는 총괄적인 위탁결정은 새로운 운전면허와 같다 그 순간부터 학습자는 관리감독 없이 수행할 수 있는 신뢰를 얻는 것이다.

In many clinical contexts, entrustment deci- sions resulting in decreased supervision happen every day. The ‘I can probably leave this student/ intern/resident/fellow alone’ thought is often based on prior credentials and global first impres- sions, recently referred to as presumptive trust and initial trust.26 A summative entrustment decision, formalising a further step toward autonomy, acknowledges not only ability, but also the right and duty to act. Summative entrustment decisions about EPAs in health care are like a new driver’s license. From that moment on, the learner is being trusted to act unsupervised.

따라서 역량은 종종 '개방형'이다. heart failure가 어떤 식으로 나타날지 모든 가능성을 다 정해놓을 수는 없다. 비록 역량과 마일스톤 description에 노력이 들어갔더라도, 진정한 위탁결정은 일부 통합적, 전체적이고 직관적 판단에 따를 수 밖에 없다. 관찰된 행동과 평가를 기반으로 한 신뢰는 위탁결정의 타당도에 일부만 기여할 뿐이다. 대부분은 전문가로서의 판단, 동료의 판단에 기반하게 되며, 이는 전문직 교육의 근본적 특성이고, 적절한 슈퍼비전과 멘토링을 필요로 한다.

Competence is thus open ended; one cannot specify in advance the range of possible presentations of heart failure.44 Despite all the effort put into competencies and milestone descriptions, true entrustment decisions are in part holistic and based on gut feeling. The grounding of trust through observed behaviour and rated eval- uations can only partly support the validity of entrustment decisions. Much is based on expert, collegial judgement, which is inherent to profes- sional education, and requires adequate supervision and mentoring.

총괄적인 위탁결정은 파기시한이 정해진 STAR(Statement of Awarded Responsibility)가 되어야 한다. 심사숙고한 위탁의 과정은 매일매일의 implicit한 신탁 결정을 보다 explicit하게 만들어주며, 교육과 평가가 임상의료행위와 더 잘 align되게 해준다.

Summative entrustment decisions should lead to STARs (Statements of Awarded Responsibility24) with an expiration date.42,45 A deliberate entrustment process essentially makes the everyday implicit entrustment decisions more explicit, and aligns education and assessment bet- ter with clinical practice.43,46–48

학부교육과 졸업후교육의 주요 발전단계를 보았을 때, 그리고 수련을 마치고 무엇을 해야하는가에 대해 생각해 보았을 때, EPA의 포트폴리오는 그/그녀가 현재 시점에서 인정받은 능력이 한 의사로서의 역량을 규정하는 작은 한 걸음임을 인정하는 것이다.

Given the major developments in undergraduate and postgraduate education, and the desire to grad- uate medical trainees based on what they can actu- ally do in practice, a portfolio of EPAs that reflects his or her current acknowledged abilities is a small step forward in defining a doctor’s competence.

핵심 위탁 행위(Core EPA)가 정의되면, 레지던트에 들어오는 의사들은 프로그램 관리자가 믿고 의지할 수 있는 역량을 갖출 것이 요구(기대)되며, 부가적으로 일부 가장 우수한 학생들은 elective EPA를 갖출 것이다. 의과대학생 혹은 레지던트 졸업생이 갖추고 있는 역량의 다양한 변이를 하나의 학위나 하나의 등록증으로서 보여주기는 충분하지 않을 것이다.

With core entrustable activities defined, doctors at entry to residency have a concrete, expected competence that programme directors should be able to rely on, optionally supplemented with addi- tional elective EPAs that the most advanced stu- dents have also been able to master. A single diploma or registration may not be sufficient to portray the rich variations in competence that med-ical students and residents graduate with.

저자들은 모든 의대생, 레지던트, 의사가 전자 포트폴리오를 가지고 역량을 보여주는 시대가 오는 것이 단순히 시간문제일 것이라고 생각한다. 감독자, 고용자, 동료, 기타 보건의료직, 심지어 대중들도 EPA와 STAR로 translate된 문서에 접근가능하게 될 것이다. 의사의 필수 EPA와 전문의의 EPA는 면허 또는 등록의 요건이 될 수 있다. 추가적으로 elective EPA는 수련 기간 혹은 수련 이후에 추가될 수도 있다. 실제로, 비록 현재와 같은 전문직 역량의 유지와 certification의 유지 모델에 대한 불만이 있지만, re-certification 역시 EPA에 기반할 수 있다. EPA certification을 읽는 것이 부끄러운 것이 전혀 아니며, 전혀 수행하지 않는 것이라면 그럴 수도 있고, 새로운 EPA certification을 받는 것의 가치가 있을 것이다. 결국 EPA의 포트폴리오는 대중들이 의사에 대한 신뢰를 가질 수 있게 한 의사의 총괄적/진실적/현시적 역량을 보여줄 것이다.

The authors hypothesise that it is likely to be simply a matter of time before all medical students, resi- dents and practising doctors use an electronic port- folio to attest competence. Supervisors, employers, colleagues, other health care professionals and maybe even the public could have access to docu- mentation translated into EPAs with STARs. The core EPAs of doctors and specialty EPAs could reflect license and eligibility for registration. In addition, elective EPAs can be added during or after training. Indeed, although discussions about maintenance of professional competence and certi-fication show dissatisfaction with current models49 51 , recertification could also be based on EPAs. There should be no shame in losing EPA certifica- tions if activities are simply never practised, and there should be value in adding certification for new EPAs, thus resulting in a portfolio of EPAs that reflects the full, true, current competence that the public can trust the doctor possesses.

의사 역량의 미래는 투명하고 역동적인 EPA의 포트폴리오로 정의될 것이며, 이것이 실제 역량을 진실되게 반영하는 것으로서 의료의 질과 안전을 담보할 것이다. 이것이 CBME를 CBMP(ractice)로 만들어줄 것이다.

A future in which a doctor’s competence is defined by a transparent, dynamic portfolio of EPAs, gen- uinely reflecting actual competence, may well serve the quality and safety of patient care. This may extend competency-based medical education into competency-based medical practice.

2 Talbot M. Monkey see, monkey do: a critique of the competency model in graduate medical education. (6):587–92. Med Educ 2004;

13 Hodges BD. A tea-steeping or i-Doc model for medical education?  (9 Suppl):S34–44. Acad Med 2010; 85

 2016 Jan;50(1):93-100. doi: 10.1111/medu.12839.

The promiseperilsproblems and progress of competency-based medical education.

Author information

  • 1Medical Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
  • 2University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
  • 3Center for Research and Development of Education, University Medical Center, Utrecht, the Netherlands.



Competency-based medical education (CBME) is being adopted wholeheartedly by organisations worldwide in the hope of meeting today's expectations for training a competent doctor. But are we, as medical educators, fulfilling this promise?


The authors explore, through a personal viewpoint, the problems identified with CBME and the progress made through the development of milestones and entrustable professional activities (EPAs).


Proponents of CBME have strong reasons to keep developing and supporting this broad movement in medical education. Critics, however, have legitimate reservations. The authors observe that the recent increase in use of milestones and EPAs can strengthen the purpose of CBME and counter some of the concerns voiced, if properly implemented.


The authors conclude with suggestions for the future and how using EPAs could lead us one step closer to the goals of not onlycompetency-based medical education but also competency-based medical practice.

© 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

[PubMed - in process]

최고의 FDP를 인정해 줄 시기 (Med Teach, 2015)

Is it time to recognize excellence in faculty development programs?

David M. Irby, Patricia S. O’sullivan & Yvonne Steinert

FP은 피할 수 없는 것이나 종종 그 가치가 절하되는 기관적 자원이다. 교수의 역량과 조직의 활력을 진전시키는 것이 필수적

Faculty development is an indispensable and often under- valued institutional resource. Yet, it is essential for the advancement of faculty competence and organizational vitality.

FD는 다음의 것을 뜻한다. FD의 목표는 교수들로 하여금 다양한 학문적 역할을 잘 할 수 있도록 하고, 활력과 수월성을 갖춘 조직을 만드는 것이다.

Faculty development refers to "all activities health professionals pursue to improve their knowledge, skills and behaviors as teachers and educators, leaders and managers, and researchers and scholars (Steinert 2014)". The goal of faculty development is to empower faculty members to excel in their varying academic roles, and to create organizations characterized by vitality and excellence (Wilkerson & Irby 1998; McLean et al. 2008).

최근, AMEE는 ASPIRE award를 만들어서 교육의 특정 영역에서 수월성을 인정해주며, 대학의 연구랭킹의 대안을 만들었다.

Recently, AMEE established the ASPIRE awards program to recognize excellence in selected areas of education and to create an alternative to research rankings of universities (http://www.aspire-to-excellence.org/).

국제적 전문가들이 수월성의 기준을 만들고, 각 영역에서의 수월성의 성취수준을 보여주는 지원서를 평가하였다. 

Panels of international experts have established criteria for excellence and have reviewed applications for demonstrated achievement of excellence in each area.

우수한 FD평가를 위한 작업은 2015년 Third Annual International Conference on Faculty Development in the Health Professions과 함께 열린 APMEC에서 시작되었으며, 23명의 교수개발자들이 참여하여 다음의 여섯 가지 만듬.

Work on the creation of criteria for excellence in faculty development began at the Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference, which was held in conjunction with the Third Annual International Conference on Faculty Development in the Health Professions, in Singapore in February 2015. Twenty-three faculty developers from aroundthe world participated in a small group process generating sixgeneral criteria for excellence in faculty development. 

(1) FDP는 인증받은 전문직 대학에서 시행되어야 하며, 조직의 미션과 목표와 합치되어야 하며, 그 미션을 달성하

는데 필요한 지원을 받아야 한다.

(2) FDP는 조직적, 체계적으로 설계되어야 하고, 근거에 기반해야 하고, 교육, 리더십, 학술역량의 향상에 초점을 두어야 한다.

(3) FDP는 넓고, 깊고, 다양한 접근법을 제공해야 하며, 학습기회의 장기적 진전이 되어야 한다.

(4) FDP는 FD에 전문성을 가진 교수가 진행해야 하며, FD를 제공할 수 있는 기술을 가진 개인의 수를 확장시킬 수 있는 능력이 있어야 한다.

(5) FDP는 지속적인 프로그램 평가를 수행해야 하며, 개인, 조직에 대한 영향력을 평가하고, 가능하다면 지역사회에 대한 영향도 평가해야 한다.

(6) FDP는 FD 및 교수-학습의 혁신, 그리고 관련 학술역량을 촉진해야 한다.

(1) The faculty development program takes place in an accredited professional school, is aligned with organiza- tional mission and goals, and receives the support needed to achieve its mission. 

(2) The faculty development program is systematically designed, evidence-based, and focused on improving educational practice, leadership and scholarship. 

(3) The faculty development program offers breadth, depth, diversity of approaches, and longitudinal progression of learning opportunities. 

(4) The faculty development programis conducted by faculty members with expertise in faculty development and builds capacity by expanding the number of individuals skilled in offering faculty development. 

(5) The faculty development program engages in ongoing program evaluation and examines impact on individuals, organization and where possible the community. 

(6) The faculty development program promotes innovation and scholarship in faculty development, and teaching and learning.

 2015 May 29:1-2. [Epub ahead of print]

Is it time to recognize excellence in faculty development programs?

Author information

  • 1University of California , USA .
[PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

교수개발에서 프로젝트의 진정한 가치(Acad Med, 2010)

The Essential Value of Projects in Faculty Development

Maryellen E. Gusic, MD, Robert J. Milner, PhD, Elizabeth J. Tisdell, EdD, Edward W. Taylor, EdD, David A. Quillen, MD, and Luanne E. Thorndyke, MD

교수개발에는 좁은 개념과 넓은 개념이 있지만, 교수 개발에 대해서는 필요하며 긍정적이다라는 것에 대해서는 보통 동의한다. FD는 다음과 같이 정의된다 FD는 또한 교수에게 활력을 불어넣고 조직을 새롭게 하기 위한 전략이다.

There are both narrow and broad conceptions of faculty development in the literature and the academic medical community, but it is generally agreed that developing faculty is both positive and necessary. Faculty development has been defined as “any planned activity designed to improve an individual’s knowledge and skills in areas considered essential to the performance of a faculty member.”1 Faculty development is also a strategy to promote faculty vitality and institutional renewal.2


비록 Bland가 교수의 다양한 역할 책임(의사, 연구자, 행정가, 교사)에 대해서 블루프린트를 발전시켰지만 한 기관의 모든 미션을 아우르면서 교수의 니즈에 따라 운영한 종합적인 FDP의 구조와 성과에 대한 연구는 부족하다.

And although Bland9 advanced a blueprint to prepare faculty for their various role responsibilities (practitioner, researcher, administrator, teacher), there is little published information on the structure and outcomes of comprehensive faculty development programs that are responsive to the needs of faculty across all missions of an institution.10,11

기존의 FDP의 특징 중 하나는 공식적 프로젝트를  활용하는 것이다. 프로젝트란 구체적인 목표와 성과를 가지는 계획된 활동이며, 참가자의 학습과 개발을 향상시키기 위한 전략이다. 이들 프로그램 내에서 프로젝트는 학습내용 활용을 위한 연습부터 능동적 학습을 위한 기회, 더 나아가 과목 내에서 교육 제품(product)를 만들고 연구와 관련된 실험에 이르기까지 다양하다.

A feature of several existing faculty development programs is the use of formal projects—planned activities with specific goals and outcomes—as a strategy to enhance participant learning and development.3,7,8,11–13 Within these programs (Table 1), projects have ranged fromapplication exercises12 and opportunities for active learning and experimentation8,13 within courses to creation of educational products and scholarship.3,4

아홉개의 교육 펠로우십 프로그램을 검토한 결과 "모든 프로그램이 펠로우들로 하여금 학습한 원칙을 실제 세계의 문제에 적용하는 것을 가능케하는 프로젝트를 개발할 것"을 요구한다는 것을 알아내었다. 

A review of nine educational fellowship programs found that “all of the programs require that fellows develop a project that would enable themto apply the principles learned in the programto a real-world problem relevant to the fellow and to the school.”6

프로젝트의 가치는 최근의 교육 FD 가이드에서 다룬 바 있다.

The value of projects was cited in a recently published guide for educational faculty development:

프로젝트- 혹은 태스크- 지향적 교수개발은 성인학습의 원리에 따르는 것이며, 다양한 이점을 제공한다. 즉각적 적용과 측정가능한 성과를 쉽게 찾게 하는 것 등. 프로젝트는 교수개발 프로그램을 기관 차원의 요구와 일치시켜주는 역할을 한다. 

Project- or task-oriented faculty development (Simpson et al. 2006; Rust et al. 2006), which draws on adult learning principles (e.g., Knowles 1980), offers a number of benefits: immediacy of application and ease of identifying measurable outcomes....Projects or tasks may also facilitate the alignment of faculty development with institutional needs.4


FDP에서 프로젝트의 활용을 보면, 가장 좋은 활용방식을 찾는 것이 과제이다. 

Given the use of projects within faculty development programs, the challenge is to identify best practices for effective incorporation of project work into such programs.

펜스테이트 JFDP에서 프로젝트 평가

Evaluation of Projects in Penn State’s JFDP

참가자들은 프로그램 진행 중 개별 프로젝트를 정한다. 프로젝트를 고를 때는 교수의 학문적 관심을 반영하며, 기초 혹은 임상 연구를 포함하 수도 있고, 연구비 준비, 새로운 임상 서비스 라인 생성, 교육 프로그램 개발 등도 포함될 수 있다.

Participants identify an individual project to work on during the program. The selection of a project reflects the faculty member’s academic interests and may involve basic and clinical research studies, grant preparation, creation of new clinical service lines, or development of educational programs.

프로젝트는 참가자들에게 있어서는 새로운 도전이 되는데, 참가자가 소속한 교실의 장이 승인해야 한다. 프로젝트의 목표는 현실적이여야 하며, 실현가능해야 하고, 중요한 것이어야 한다.

The project is expected to be a new venture for the participant, and it must be approved by the participant’s departmental chair. The goals of the project must be realistic, feasible, and significant.

시니어 교수가 참가자들의 가이드로서 선정되어 프로젝트 작업을 지원한다. 'functional mentoring'의 원칙에 입각하여, 멘토링 관계는 프로젝트를 중심으로 형성되며, JFDP프로그램과 프로젝트의 기대성과와 타임라인에 따라 이뤄진다.

A senior faculty mentor is selected for each participant to guide and support project work. Using the principles of functional mentoring,18 the mentoring relationship is centered around the project and driven by the expected outcomes and timelines of the project and the JFDP program.

설문지와 CV상에서 학문적 성과물을 찾아서 Morzinski and Schubot의 프레임워크에 따라 분석했다. 반구조화 면접.

The academic products reported on the survey and on curricula vitae were analyzed using a framework adapted from Morzinski and Schubot.17 Semistructured interviews were conducted with six volunteer respondents, representative of all project types and stages. We then analyzed the transcripts of the semistructured interviews and the responses to the open- ended survey questions using a grounded theory approach19 to categorize the information and identify common themes. Codes were assigned and discrepancies resolved through discussionamong the investigators.

프로젝트 진행

Progress on projects

프로젝트를 분류하기 위해서 Glassick의 접근법을 활용하였다: 계획-시행-평가

To classify the status of projects, we used Glassick’s20 approach to scholarship as a guide to identify three stages of progress on a project: planning, implementation, and evaluation.

프로그램이 종료된 시점과 설문이 시행된 시점 사이의 기간은 9개월부터 3년 반이며 평균은 2.2년 

The time interval between completion of the programand the survey ranged from nine months to three and a half years (average 2.2 years after program completion).

설문 시점에서 5명만 프로젝트가 계획 단계를 넘어서지 못했다고 했다. 이 그룹 중, 설문-프로그램 사이 기간은 평균 1.5년이었다. 프로그램 종료 시점에서는 3명만이 평가 단계에 도달했다고 했다. 그러나 설문  시점에서는 88%가 시행 또는 계획 단계에 이르렀다.

By the time of the survey, only five individuals (12%) reported that their projects had not moved beyond the planning stage. In this group, the average time fromcompletion of the programand time of the survey was 1.5 years. Only three (7%) had achieved the evaluation stage by the end of the program(Table 2). However, by the time of the survey, a majority of respondents (36/41; 88%) reported that their projects had advanced to implementation or evaluation.

프로그램 참가자들의 학문적 진전

Academic progress of program participants

프로젝트를 '평가'단계까지 진행시킨 응답자는 (계획 혹은 진행 단계의 응답자보다) 더 많은 출판/발표/연구비 를 달성했음을 보고했다. 개인 당 학업적 성취의 숫자는 평가 단계에 간 경우 2배 이상 높았다.

Respondents who had advanced their projects to the evaluation stage reported a greater number of publications, presentations, and grants related to their projects than those whose projects remained in the planning or implementation stages (Figure 1). The total number of academic achievements per individual was more than two times greater for those who achieved the evaluation stage than for their peers in the programwhose projects were at earlier stages.

CV의 분석도 비슷한 결과 

The analysis of participants’ curricula vitae (n 34) revealed a similar pattern to the project-related academic products reported in the survey.


프로젝트의 효과에 대한 인식

Participants’ perceptions of project impact

실재하는 성과를 만들어냄

Producing tangible outcomes.

중요한 장점 중 하나는 새로운 스킬과 지식을 습득하게 하고, 그것을 잘 조직화하여 실재하는 학업적 성과를 달성하게 해주는 것이다. "문헌 좃와 프로젝트 준비에 익숙해졌다" "설문 설계에 익숙해졌다"

An important benefit of the project identified by participants in the JFDP is that it helped themto obtain new skills and knowledge and to organize their efforts to achieve tangible academic products. “became familiar with literature search and preparation for project” and “became familiar with survey design.”

참가 교수들은 새로운 지식과 스킬의 습득, 연구비를 따내고 논문을 마치고, 리더십 위치에 가고, 논문을 출판한 것 등을 성과로 보았다.

Participating faculty identified the acquisition of new skills and knowledge, completed grants and manuscripts, and leadership positions and publications as products of their participation.

커리어 발전(리더 혹은 집행부 보직 맡게 됨)도 있었다.

Additional outcomes included career advancement, such as appointments to leadership and administrative positions.

설문에서 많은 응답자들이 커리어 진전에 대해서 리더십과 관련된 성과를 기술했다.

In the survey data, many respondents highlighted leadership outcomes related to their career progression,

커리어의 포커스를 개발함

Developing a career focus.

참가자들은 프로젝트를 학문적 포커스를 개발하고 노력을 집중하는데 중요한 도구였다고 응답

Participants viewed the project as an important tool to help themconcentrate their efforts and develop an academic focus.

프로젝트가 커리어의 포커스에 대해서 중요한 것으로 "내 연구의 새로운 문을 열어주었다" 가 있음.

The importance of the project on developing a career focus was revealed in survey responses such as “The project has opened a new door for my research”

만약 프로그램 기간의 성과가 없었더라도 프로젝트 작업을 하는 것의 가치를 인정했으며, 왜냐하면 학문적 커리어에 포커스를 제공했기 때문이라 했다.

Participants perceived value in working on a project even if it did not come to fruition during the program, because the project provided a focus for their academic career.

일부 참가자는 프로그램을 마친 후에도 지속될 포커스를 개발한 것을 언급했고, 그들의 이후 커리어에 중요하였다고 했음.

The project helped some participants develop a focus for work that continued after completion of the programand that has had important subsequent effects on their careers.


관계를 개발함

Developing relationships.

주니어 교수들에게 프로젝트의 중요한 가치 중 하나는 시니어 교수 혹은 동료들과 관계를 맺게 해준 것이다. 시니어 교수들의 멘토링 관계는 그들이 필요로 했던 전문성과 가이드를 제공해주었다.

Central to the value of the project was the opportunity for junior faculty to develop productive relationships with senior faculty and their peers. The mentoring relationship with senior faculty provided needed expertise and guidance.

프로젝트는 교수들이 여러 전공과간 커넥션을  만들고 협력적 상황에서 더 효과적으로 일하도록 해주었다.

Projects provided the opportunity for faculty to develop connections across disciplines and to become more effective working in collaborative situations.

FDP에서 프로젝트의 핵심 특징

Key Features of Projects in Faculty Development Programs

우리의 결과는 개인들의 학문적 성과를 이끌어냈음을 보여준다. 더 나아가 교수들은 프로그램이 끝나고도 프로젝트를 하면서 academic career의 focus를 개발했다.

Our findings indicate that work on projects within a comprehensive faculty development programleads to individual academic achievements. Further, faculty may continue to work on projects past the completion of the programand develop a focus for their academic career.

이는 교육 관련 FDP에서 프로젝트의 유용성에 대한 연구를 확장한 것이다. 학문적 발전에서 프로젝트가 효과가 있다면 그 특징은 무엇일까?

These findings expand the work of others who have demonstrated the utility of projects in educational faculty development programs.3,4,7,8 Given the impact of projects on academic development, what are the key features of projects in faculty development programs that lead to academic achievement?

프로젝트 작업의 이점은 다음과 같다.

The benefits of project work can be summed up as follows: 

  • 지식 기술 개발 Knowledge and skill development through application
  • 커리어-포커스 발견 Identification of a career focus 
  • 인정 Recognition within the department, institution, and profession 
  • 학문적 성취 Scholarly achievement and academic productivity 
  • 커리어 발전속도 촉진 Facilitation of career advancement (promotion, leadership position)
  • 시간 확보를 정당화해줌 Justification of protected time for academic work 
  • 멘토링 Development of mentoring relationships 
  • 협력적 네트워크 Formation of collaborative networks

FDP에서 프로젝트는 학습자들로 하여금 프로젝트에서 얻은 지식과 기술을 교육과정에 적용하게 해준다. 프로젝트의 성과는 학습의 적용을 보여준다.

Faculty development programs can provide knowledge and allow practice of skills. Project work enables learners to transfer the knowledge and skills gleaned fromthe curriculumand apply these in the contextof their projects. The outcomes of their projects demonstrate the application of their learning.

학문적 포커스 차원에서 교수들은 학업 커리어를 비교적 미분화된 상태에서 시작한다. 그리고 어쩌면 그들이 도달하고자 하는 것과 해야 하는 것 사이의 균형에 대해서 모호해할 수 있다. 프로젝트는 새로운 잠재적 포커스를 찾는 '시운전(test drive)' 기회가 될 수 있다.

Faculty begin their academic careers relatively undifferentiated in terms of anacademic or scholarly focus and may be uncertain as to the balance of mission responsibilities that they wish to assume. Project work provides the opportunity to “test drive” a potential new area of focus.

따라서 노력을 집중하여 기관 차원에서 도움이 되는 결과물(새로운 교육과정)을 만들 수도 있고, 전문성을 인정받을 수도 있다(과목 디렉터로 임명됨)

Thus, concentrated effort results in a product (a new curriculum) that benefits the institution (a new course) and leads to recognition of expertise (appointment as course director). 

JFDP의 경험은 프로젝트, 아카데믹 포커스, 전문성 인정, 커리어 개발, 승진와 리더십 지위 임명 등의 관계를 보여준다.

Our experience in the JFDP demonstrates this relationship between project work, academic focus, recognition for expertise, and career advancement, including promotion and appointment to leadership positions.

프로젝트를 요구하는 FDP는 교수들로 하여금 그들의 일을 학문적 인 것으로 translate하게 해준다. 그러나 프로젝트를 그 scholarship이 가져올 명확한 기대에 따라 구조화하는 것이 필요하다. Glassick은 학문적 접근(scholarly approach)에는 여섯 개의 요소가 있다고 했다.

A faculty development programthat requires projects enables faculty to translate their work into scholarship. However, it is essential to establish a structure for project work with the explicit expectation that scholarship will result. Glassick20 defined a scholarly approach as having six components:

  • clear goals,
  • adequate preparation,
  • appropriate methods,
  • significant results,
  • effective communication, and
  • reflective critique.


Glassick’s principles are embedded in the JFDP.

교수들은 시간 활용에 있어서 서로 상충하는 요구를 받으며, scholarly work에 투자할 시간이 없을 수도 있다.

Faculty face competing demands on their time and may not be able to devote effort to scholarly work.14 

프로젝트에 투자할 확보된 시간을 요구하는 FDP에 참여하는 것은 scholarly work를 촉진한다. JFDP는 시간과 노력의 공식적 헌신을 요구하며, 참가자가 이렇게 시간을 쓰도록 하게 주임교수 혹은 분과장 교수의 동의를 요구한다.

Participation in a faculty development programthat requires protected time to work on a project facilitates scholarly work. The JFDP requires a formal commitment of time and effort (at least four hours per week) and agreement to this release time by the participant’s chair or division chief.

교수의 성공은 더 경험이 많은 동료의 충고와 지지에 따라 달라질 수 있다. 그러나 교수들은 멘토링이나 지지를 얻는데 차이가 있다. functional mentoring의 개념에 따라서 JFDP의 프로젝트는 멘토를 찾는데 초점을 두고 멘토링 관계를 만든다.

Successful faculty depend on the advice and assistance of more experienced colleagues.24,25 However, they may have mixed experiences in securing mentoring and obtaining the support they need.26 Using the concept of functional mentoring,18 the project in the JFDP is the focal point for identifying a mentor and establishing a mentoring relationship. Project work provides the focus for mentoring.

Best Practices

FDP 프로젝트는 다음을 따르길 권고한다.

To achieve the benefits of project work for faculty, we recommend the following framework for incorporation of projects within faculty development programs:

  • 프로젝트에 쓸 확보된 시간을 제공하라 Provide protected time for project work 
  • 프로젝트를 교수가 투입하는 노력과 맞추라 Ensure projects are aligned with faculty effort assignments 
  • 프로젝트에 대한 학문적 접근의 프레임워크 구축 Establish a framework for a scholarly approach to projects 
  • 프로젝트 성과에 대한 공식적 기대 제공 Provide a formal expectation for scholarship as a project outcome 
  • 멘토링과 프로젝트에 관한 참가자의 니즈에 초점 Focus mentoring on participants’ needs for their projects 
  • 멘토링 관계의 모니터링, 멘토 지원 Monitor the mentoring relationships; provide support for mentors 
  • 프로그램 기간 내의 진전을 위한 지원 Provide support during the programto ensure progress 
  • 참가자들에게 명확한 성과를 요구 Require participants to define explicit outcomes 
  • 프로그램 기간 내에 진행상황 모니터링을 위한 타임라인과 마일스톤 설정 Establish timelines and milestones during the programto monitor progress 
  • 진행상황 검토와 발표를 위한 기회 제공 Provide opportunities for presentation and review of progress 
  • 성공을 인정해줌 Recognize success (formal presentation, certificate, celebration event) 
  • 성과에 대한 평가 Evaluate project outcomes

17 Morzinski JA, Schubot DB. Evaluating faculty development outcomes by using curriculum vitae analysis. FamMed. 2000;32:185–189.

18 Thorndyke LE, Gusic ME, Milner RJ. Functional mentoring: A practical approach with multilevel outcomes. J Contin Educ Health Prof. 2008;28:157–164.


 2010 Sep;85(9):1484-91. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0b013e3181eb4d17.

The essential value of projects in faculty development.

Author information

  • 1Department of Pediatrics, Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine, Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA.


Projects--planned activities with specific goals and outcomes--have been used in faculty development programs to enhance participant learning anddevelopmentProjects have been employed most extensively in programs designed to develop faculty as educators. The authors review the literature and report the results of their 2008 study of the impact of projects within the Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine JuniorFaculty Development Program, a comprehensive faculty development program. Using a mixed-methods approach, the products of project work, the academic productivity of program graduates, and the impact of projects on career development were analyzed. Faculty who achieved the most progress on their projects reported the highest number of academic products related to their project and the highest number of overall academic achievements. Faculty perceived that their project had three major effects on their professional development: production of a tangible outcome,development of a career focus, and development of relationships with mentors and peers. On the basis of these findings and a review of the literature, the authors conclude that projects are an essential element of a faculty development program. Projects provide a foundation for future academic success by enabling junior faculty to develop and hone knowledge and skills, identify a career focus and gain recognition within their community, generate scholarship, allocate time to academic work, and establish supportive relationships and collaborative networks. A list of best practices to successfully incorporate projects within faculty development programs is provided.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

차원, 담화, 차이: 피훈련자 입장에서의 리더십과 팔로우십(Med Educ, 2015)

Dimensions, discourses and differences: trainees conceptualising health care leadership and followership

Lisi J Gordon,1 Charlotte E Rees,2 Jean S Ker1 & Jennifer Cleland3

현대의 헬스케어 리더십은 조직의 다양한 레벨에 걸쳐 분배되어야 하며, 지위나 전문성과 무관하게 그 상황에 가장 적합한 사람에 의해서 수행되어야 하는 것으로 인식된다. 이를 통해서 환자 경험을 향상시키고, 실수, 감염, 사망을 줄이고, 직원의 사기를 높이고 직원의 결근과 스트레스를 줄이는 것으로 보고된다 그러나 세계의 다양한 맥락에서의 결과를 보면 헬스케어의 리더십에 근본적인 실패를 보여주며, 이는 전통적인 위계적 리더십과 관련되어 있음을 강조한다. 다른 말로는, 이론과 실천 사이에 갭이 있는 것이다.

Contemporary health care leadership is seen as something that should be distributed across many levels of an organisation and undertaken by those most appropriate to the situation, regardless of position or profession.1–3 This is reported to improve the patient experience, reduce errors, infection and mortality, increase staff morale, and reduce staff absenteeism and stress.4,5 However, reports from different contexts worldwide have illustrated fundamental failures in leadership in health care, highlighting that issues are related to traditional leadership hierarchies (e.g. the 2013 Francis Report1 in the UK and the 2008 Garling Report3 in Australia). In other words, there is a gap between theory and practice in health care leader- ship.

리더십을 개발할 수 있는 가장 효과적인 방법에 대해서 고려하기 전에, 이 주제에 대한 기존 문헌을 살펴볼 필요가 있을 것이다.

Before considering the most effective ways in which leadership can be developed, it is important to con- sider the health care literature on this topic.

우리가 사용한 '담화'라는 단어는 푸코가 '사고의 시스템'에 대해서 가졌던 관점이다. 담화를 이러한 방식으로 바라보는 것은 하나의 개념에 대해서 - 주어진 시간에 다양한 맥락에서 - 생각하고 대화하는 방식을 특징지어준다. 비록 우리가 문헌의 formal discourse analysis를 수행한 것은 아니지만 회색문헌(grey literature)와 학계 문헌에서 네 가지 포괄적인 리더십 담화를 ㄷ출했다.

The word ‘discourse’ is used here to describe discourse accord- ing to the Foucauldian view of discourse as a system of thought that is historically situated.6–8 Using dis- course in this way characterises a way of thinking and talking about a concept (such as leadership) that appears in a range of contexts (e.g. in research litera- ture or policy documents) at a given time.9 Although we did not conduct a formal discourse analysis of the literature, we identified four broad discourses of leadership in the grey and academic literature: indi- vidualist, contextual, relational and complexity dis- courses.

의학교육에서 리더십은 종종 배워야 하는 스킬이나 개발해야 하는 행동의 집합체로 정의된다.

In medical education, leadership is often defined as a skill to be learned or a set of behaviours to be developed.

예를 들어 영국에서 'Medical Leadership Competency Framework'가 2010년 개발되었고, 더 최근에는 'Healthcare Leadership Model'이 만들어졌다. 추가로 UK GMC는 모든 의사에게 있어서 '리더십과 관리'를 도달해야 하는 리더십 역량으로 지적하였다. 아마 이러한 역량의 관점에서 최근의 리더십 교육 프로그램에 관한 systematic review는 단지 지식/스킬/태도/행도의 교육훈련이 중등도(modest)의 효과만을 가짐을 보여주었다.

For example, within the UK context, a ‘Medical Leadership Competency Framework’ was developed in 2010 and more recently a ‘Healthcare Leadership Model’ has been created.24,27 In addition, the UK General Medical Council (GMC) document Leadership and Management for all Doctors pinpoints ways in which leadership ‘competencies’ can be met.28 Perhaps related to this competency focus, a recent systematic review of leadership education programmes described only a ‘modest’ impact of training on knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours.29

전통적으로 팔로워들은 리더십을 '받는 사람'으로 여겨지며, 리더십의 비전과 목표에 따라 행동하고 이를 조절(moderate)하는 사람으로 여겨졌다. 광범위한 리더십 문헌에서 팔로워십에 대한 구체적 논의는 없다.

Traditionally, followers are understood to be the ‘re- cipients’ of leadership who act on and ‘moderate’ the leader’s vision or goals.30 Within the wider lead- ership literature there is an acknowledged lack of specific discussion about followership, which is reflected in health care education research.31,32

헬스케어의 회색문헌은 공유된/전파된 리더십을 관계적 담화의 차원에 둔다. 그러나 경험적 연구를 보면 리더십 특성, 행동, 스타일 등을 만드는 것은 개인주의자적 담화와 잘 들어맞는다. 다른 연구 역시 이러한 개인주의를 관통하는데, 이 경우 좋은 리더를 만드는 것은 무엇인지, 어떤 사람에게 어떤 것이 필요한지 등에 초점을 둔다. 그러나 Fairhrst와 Uhl-Bein은 리더십 연구를 '개인에 기반을 둔 이론이나 설문을 넘어서 관계적 프로세스를 리더십의 핵심에 두어야 한다'라고 주장했다. 다른 사람들은 리더십의 정의를 보다 분명하게 할 것을 요구하면서, 맥락과 조직 시스템의 역할이 중요함을 인정했다.

The health care grey literature commonly argues for shared and distributed leadership, mapping to a relational discourse.33,34 However, empirical studies in health care have focused on establishing leader traits, behaviours and styles, aligned with an individ- ualist discourse (e.g.35,36). Other research perpetu- ates this individualism by focusing on defining what makes a good leader or what attributes belong to whom (e.g.37–39). However, Fairhurst and Uhl-Bein argue for leadership research approaches that ‘go beyond individual based theorising and survey approaches to the interactional processes at the heart of leadership’.40 Others have called for more distinct articulation of the definitions of leadership, recognising the important roles of context and organisational systems.41,42

종종 참가자들의 인터뷰로 헬스케어나 의학계에서 리더십 역할에 대해 다룬 적이 있다. 예를 들어 16명의 의학교육 리더를 인터뷰하여 Leiff와 Albert는 네 개의 핵심 리더십 수행 영역을 찾았으며, 리더들이 리더십 개발을 근무지와 연결시키는 것을 선호함을 밝혔다.

Often, participants of interview studies have already attained leadership roles within health care or academic medicine.43–45 For example, in interviews of 16 medical education leaders, Leiff and Albert45 found four key areas of leadership practice (intrap- ersonal, interpersonal, organisational and systemic) and reported that leaders preferred to link leader- ship development to the workplace.

Souba 등은 리더십이 어떤 맥락에서 개념화되는 방식이 그 리더십에 관한 대화와 그것이 시행되는 것에 영향을 준다고 했다.

Souba53 argues that the way in which leadership is conceptualised in a context affects how it is talked about and, indeed, enacted.



의미가 사회적 상호작용에 의해서 구성된다는 전데를 두고, 이 연구는 인식론적으로는 사회적 구성주의에 토대를 두고 있다. 이러한 인식론적 관점은 리더십이 사회적으로 구성되는 과정이며, 관계적이고 맥락적이라는 우리의 이론적 관점과 잘 맞는다. 현실에 대한 다양한 인식과 해석을 이해하는데 목적을 둔 연구질문에 대답하기 위해서 그룹 인터뷰와 개별 인터뷰의 thematic framework analysis 를 사용한 해석적 접은을 했다.

In line with the premise that meaning is con- structed through social interaction, this research is epistemologically grounded in social construction- ism.54 This epistemological stance aligns with our theoretical viewpoint that leadership is a socially constructed process that is both relational and contextual.40 In order to answer research questions aimed at understanding multiple perspectives and interpretations of reality, an interpretive approach using thematic framework analysis of group and individual interviews was employed.54,55

자료 수집

Data collection

A series of group and individual interviews were carried out at times and places convenient for par- ticipants. Individual interviews were offered when group interviews were not possible (e.g. as a result of work schedules). After they had provided written consent, participants were asked to complete an individual written data sheet, which included demo- graphic questions, plus space to provide free-text answers to the questions: ‘What is leadership?’ and ‘What is followership?’ 

An interview schedule was designed to provide guidance to the interviewers as to the structure of the interview for consistency in approach. Relevant to this paper, participants were asked about how they defined leadership and followership, and to explore their experiences of health care leadership and followership (at this point narrative interview techniques were used and are reported elsewhere [L.J. Gordon, C.E. Rees, J.S. Ker, J. Cleland. Exploring medical trainees’ experi- ences of leadership and followership through narratives of the health care workplace; unpublished paper 2015]). All interviews were audio-recorded (with permission) and along with the written answers to the free-text items, transcribed.

자료 분석

Data analysis

Thematic framework analysis was undertaken.55,57 Familiarisation with the data was achieved by listening to audio-recordings while reading transcripts. At this point, all transcripts were checked for accuracy, and paralinguistic features (e.g. pauses, laughter) were added and data were anonymised. The research team then developed a thematic framework through dis- cussion and negotiation of key themes. An initial cod- ing framework was drafted which included both what participants said and how they said it (this was done by listening to the interviews whilst reading tran- scripts). All data pertaining to trainees’ definitions of leadership and followership were coded as dimen- sions of leadership and followership (‘dimensions’ being akin to the ‘themes’ of the definitions) using ATLAS.ti Version 7.0 (Scientific Software Development GmbH, Berlin, Germany). New dimensions were added as and when identified (and agreed through further discussion within the research team).

In addition, we coded these definitions as either solicited (when participants were specifically asked to define leadership or followership) or unsolicited (when participants volunteered a definition of lead- ership or followership as part of the general discus- sion or within narratives). Differentiating between solicited and unsolicited definitions allowed us to make comparisons between structured and unstruc- tured parts of the interviews and perhaps identify differences in explicit/conscious and tacit/uncon- scious understandings of leadership and follower- ship.58 These definitions were then mapped to the discourses of leadership common in the literature: individualist, contextual, relational and complexity discourses (Table 1).

ATLAS.ti software allowed us to explore patterns in the data in terms of differences between trainee groups. It is increasingly common within qualita- tive research to numerically explore such patterns through the use of computer-assisted qualitative data analysis software (CAQDAS).59 We interro- gated the data according to four specialty groupings: 

    • (i) surgical (including trauma and orthopaedics, general surgery, ear, nose and throat [ENT], obstetrics and gynaecology); 
    • (ii) medical (including general medicine, emergency medicine, psychiatry, cardiology, renal medicine, acute medi- cine, paediatrics and core medical training); 
    • (iii) general practice (GP), and 
    • (iv) service specialties (including anaesthesiology, radiology and pathology). 

We also explored patterns in the data according to training stage: 

    • (i) early-stage (Foundation Programme [FP] trainees, core trainees and specialty trainees at or prior to the half-way point of specialty training), and 
    • (ii) higher-stage (trainees beyond the half-way point of specialty training up to certificate of completion of training).


리더십 차원: (행동)으로서의 리더십

Leadership dimension: leadership as behaviour 

리더십은 다음의 행동을 포함하는 것으로 정의된다: 효과적 의사소통, 효과적 위윔, 자신감, 조화, 사례 제시, 의사 결정 등

Leadership is defined as behaviour including: effective communication; effective delegation; confidence; coordination; setting example; decision making, etc.

리더십 차원: (역할)로서의 리더십

Leadership dimension: leadership as role

피훈련자들은 직군간 업무가 있는 상황에서, 의사로서 그들 자신을 리더로 기대했다. 피훈련자들은 또한 리더를 명명된 역할 혹은 단계-특이적인 것(GP혹은 컨설턴트가 리더이다)으로 말했다.

Trainees describe the expectation by themselves and others in the interprofessional workplace that as doctors, they are the leader. Trainees also talk about leader as a named role or described as stage-specific (e.g. GP or consultant equals leader)

리더십 차원: (위계)으로서의 리더십

Leadership dimension: leadership as hierarchy

리더십은 의료 혹은 직군간 위계의 한 부분이었다. 여기에는 주니어 피훈련자도, 만약 그 맥락에서 가장 시니어라면, 자동적으로 의사가 되는 상황도 포함한다.

Leadership is talked about as something that is part of the medical or interprofessional hierarchy. This includes when a junior trainee, as the most senior person within a context, will automatically be the leader

리더십 차원: (그룹 프로세스)으로서의 리더십

Leadership dimension: leadership as group process

이 영역은 팀워크와 관련된 것이며, 단직군, 다직군 상황에 모두 관련된 것이다. 피훈련자들은 리더십을 팀의 한 부분이 되는 프로세스라고 언급했으며, 소속감과 그룹의 목표에 초점을 두는 것을 통해 팀 수행능력과 긴밀히 연관된다고 했다.

This dimension is focused around team working that is both uni- and interprofessional. Trainees talk about leadership as a process that is part of team working and closely related to team performance through a sense of belonging and with a focus on group goals

리더십 차원: (인성)으로서의 리더십

Leadership dimension: leadership as personality

여기에 해당하는 사례는 인성 혹은 어떤 개인이 '타고난' 리더인 것이다. 다른 것으로는 리더 위치에 있기를 좋아하는 사람에 대한 것도 있다. 종종 이 영역에서 리더가 만들어지는 것인지 타고난 것인지에 대한 논의가 있었다.

Examples of this include trainees’ talk about dominant personalities or individuals being ‘natural’ leaders. Other data talks about people who prefer to be in leadership positions. Often within this dimension there was discussion about whether leaders were ‘born’ or ‘made’

리더십 차원: (원칙과 가치)으로서의 리더십

Leadership dimension: leadership as principles and values

피훈련자는 리더는 공정하고, 다가갈 수 있고, 코치해주고 지지해주며, 팔로워들이 개발과 학습할 수 있게 해주는 것이라고 했다.

Trainees talked about a leader being fair, approachable, coaching and supportive, and allowing followers to develop and learn

리더십 차원: (책임)으로서의 리더십

Leadership dimension: leadership as responsibility

피훈련자들은 리더십이 어떻게 임상적 책임과 동등한지 설명했다. 주어진 상황에서 궁극적인 임상적 책임을 갖는 사람이 리더였다.

Trainees describe how leadership equates to clinical responsibility. The person who has ultimate clinical responsibility within a given situation was perceived to be the leader

리더십 차원: (스킬)으로서의 리더십

Leadership dimension: leadership as skills

리더십을 협상기술, 위임기술이라고 묘사했다. 이는 구체적으로 어떤 스킬을 언급했다는 것에서 '행동'과는 차이가 있는데, 또한 구체적 임상 스킬 역시 한 개인을 리더로 규정하는 것이라 했다.

Trainees describe leadership as skills such as negotiation skills, delegation skills. This differs from behaviours in that there is specific mention of skills. Trainees also describe specific clinical skills that identify a person as the clinical leader

팔로워십 차원: (행동)으로서의 팔로워십

Followership dimension: followership as behaviours

이 영역은 팔로워십을 피훈련자가 임상 현장에서 일반적으로 지녀야 할 행동의 집합으로 보았다.

This dimension focuses on followership being a set of individual behaviours which trainees perceive to be typical within the health care workplace

팔로워십 차원: (능동적 참여자)으로서의 팔로워십

Followership dimension: followership as active participant

팔로워십을 주어진 상황에서 리더가 누군지 선택하거나 능동적으로 리더를 지지하는(혹은 지지하지 않는) 것이라 했음.

Trainees described followers choosing who the leaders are in a given situation or through actively supporting (or not supporting) the leader

팔로워십 차원: (프로세스)으로서의 팔로워십

Followership dimension: followership as group process

피훈련자는 팔로워들이 팀 내에서 행해야 하는 역할로 이해하였다. 여기서 팔로워는 팀 구성원 또는 팀 플레이어로 여겨졌다. 일부 피훈련자들은 '팔로워'를 '팀멤버'와 상호교환적으로 사용했다.

This dimension describes trainees’ understandings of the role that followers have to play within a team. Within this, followers are seen to be team members and team players. Some trainees used the terms ‘follower’ and ‘team member’ interchangeably

팔로워십 차원: (모르는 단어)으로서의 팔로워십

Followership dimension: followership as unknown term

피훈련자들은 팔로워십을 몰랐던, 혹은 새로운 단어라고 했다. 일부 피훈련자들은 이 연구를 위해 만든 단어가 아니냐고 물었다.

Here, trainees explicitly state that ‘followership’ is an unknown or new term. Some trainees questioned whether the term had been made up for the purpose of this study

팔로위섬 차원: (수동성)으로서의 팔로워십

Followership dimension: followership as passive

수동적인 것으로 보았다. 어떤 지시를 맹목적으로 따르거나 그룹 목표를 설정하는 데 참여하지 않는 것이다.

Here, trainees see followership as passive. Trainees describe following instructions ‘blindly’ and with no participation in decision making about group goals

팔로워십 차원: (위계)으로서의 팔로워십

Followership dimension: followership as hierarchy

만약 어떤 시니어가 존재하는 상황이 있다면, 그를 따라야 하며, 그래서 팔로워십이라고 하기도 함.

Trainees link followership talk about the clear- cut assumption that if there is someone more senior present, trainees will defer to them and are therefore followers

팔로워십 차원: (인성)으로서의 팔로워십

Followership dimension: followership as personality

한 사람의 인성과 관계된 것. 리더십 특성이 없거나, 그래서 기본적으로 팔로워가 될 수밖에 없는 것

Trainees talk about followership as something relating to someone’s personality. They were often seen to be lacking leadership traits and therefore by default they become a follower

팔로워십 차원: (역할)으로서의 팔로워십

Followership dimension: followership as role

다직군간 근무환경에서 주니어 의사를 팔로워가 되어야 한다고 기대했다. 이 영역은 피훈련자들의 다직군간 상황에서 누가 리드하고 누가 따르는지에 대한 역할과 기대에 대한 것이었다.

Trainees expect junior doctors to be the followers within the interprofessional health care workplace. This dimension is also relevant when trainees are talking about interprofessional roles and expectations of who should lead and who should follow (e.g. doctors as leaders and nurses as followers)

리더십과 팔로워십에 대한 담화

Discourses of leadership and followership

개인주의적 담화

Individualist discourse


가장 흔하게 드러난 것으로서 피훈련자들은 근무지에서 '한 명의 리더'를 특정해냈다. 리더십을 정의하는 데 있어서 개인주의적 아이디어는 개인의 행동, 인성, 리더십 스타일의 묘사로부터 드러난다. 피훈련자들은 또한 리더를 임명되는 것 혹은 직위와 같은 개인차원의 것으로 보면서, 한 개인이 가진 지식이나 전문성에 따라 어느 개인을 리더로 정의했다.

As the most commonly identified discourse mapped to talk across the dataset (Table 4), trainees would single out ‘the leader’ within their workplace. Individualist ideas about defining leadership were articulated through descriptions of individual behaviours, personality and leader- ship style. Trainees also described leaders individualistically with relation to designation and role, defining individuals as leaders as a result of their knowledge and expertise (Table 3, Quote 16).

맥락적 담화

Contextual discourse

어떤 것에 있어서 어떤 사람을 리더로 보고, 다른 것에 대해서는 다른 사람을 리더로 본다는 식의 접근이 있었다. 또한 어떻게 한 맥락에서 맥락 내에서의 지위와 책임의 적절성에 따라서 서로 다른 개인들이 리더십을 맡게 되는지를 설명했다. 리더는 상황에 따라서 리더십 스타일을 적용해야 하며, 예컨대 일상적 임상상황과 급성 심장마비 상황에서 달라야 한다고 했다.

Trainees explained that they might approach cer- tain leaders for certain things (e.g. to resolve con- flict) and others for different issues (e.g. career planning). Trainees also described how in certain contexts (e.g. surgical theatre), different individuals would take on leadership as it was appropriate to their position and responsibilities within that con- text (Table 2, Quote 7). Leaders were also seen to adapt their leadership style according to the situa- tion, for example, as they moved from routine clini- cal care to an acute cardiac arrest.

관계적 담화
Relational discourse

토론의 많은 부분에서 효과적인 팀워크와 어떻게 리더가 팀워크를 조절하고 촉진하는지가 언급되었으며, 특히 solicited definition에서 그러했다. 피훈련자들은 팀 구성원(팔로워)를 리더의 결정에 영향을 주는 핵심으로 보았다. 피훈련자들은 의료에서의 위계를 언급할 때 관계적 담화와 연결시켰으며, 이는 특히 그 위계에서 스스로의 위치를 정의하는 관점에서 그러하였다.

Effective team working and how leaders coordinated and facilitated this represented the focus of much discussion, particularly within solicited definitions. Trainees saw team members (or followers) as key to influencing a leader’s decisions; who the leaders and followers were in their workplaces were thought to remain static (Table 3, Quote 11). Trainees also aligned with a relational discourse when discussing the medical hierarchy, in particular from the per- spective of defining their own position within that hierarchy (Table 3, Quote 14).

복잡성 담화

Complexity discourse

피훈련자들은 리더십과 팔로워십을 개인에게 부여된 특성이라기보다는 프로세스로 보았다. 리더십은 헬스케어 팀에서 늘 움직이는 역동적인 것이며 상황에 따라 협상해야 하는 것이다. 여러 개인과 관계, 맥락의 복잡한 상호작용에 대해 언급하면서 그 즉각적 상황의 요구에 따라 '한 발 나아가기' '한 발 후퇴하기'를 하는 것이 리더십과 팔로워십이라고 했다. 복잡성 담화는 가장 적게 언급된 것이었다.

Trainees talked about leadership and followership as representing a process rather than as characteristics attributed to an individual. Leadership was seen as a dynamic entity that moved around the health care team and was negotiated according to the situation. Trainees talked about the complex interplay among individuals, relationships and context, and described ‘stepping forward’ or ‘stepping back’ into leadership or followership roles according to the needs of the immediate situation. Complexity was the discourse least mapped to talk across the dataset.




우리는 우리의 질문을 이전 리더십 연구에서 사용된 것과는 다르게 구성하였다. 개인의 행동, 특성, 기술에 초점을 두기 보다는 '무엇이 리더십이고' 무엇이 팔로워십이냐'를 물었고, '무엇' 혹은 '누구'가 좋은 리더냐고 묻지 않았다. 이러한 접근을 통해서 리더십과 팔로워십을 정의하는 다양한 방식을 찾았다. 여기서 드러난 영역의 폭이 넓지만 리더십을 이해할 때 보다 덜 복잡한 방식의 선호가 두드러졌다(행동, 위계, 인성). 특히 unsolicited talk에서 개인주의적 관점이 피훈련자의 이해를 지배하고 있었음을 강조한다.

We framed our questions differently from those used in previous leadership research. Rather than focus- ing on an individual’s behaviour, traits and skills,40 we asked participants to discuss ‘what is leadership’ and ‘what is followership’ rather than ‘what’ or ‘who’ makes a good leader. Through this approach, we explored the multiple ways in which leadership and followership can be defined. Despite the breadth of dimensions identified, the preference was for more unsophisticated ways of understanding leadership (such as behaviours, hierarchy and per- sonality), particularly in unsolicited talk, highlight- ing that an individualist focus dominates medical trainees’ understandings.

피훈련자들이 초반에 팔로워십의 정의에서 어려워했던 부분은 현대 문헌에서 리더-팔로워 관계의 묘사와도 echo한다. 예컨대 팔로워는 종종 리더십 과정에서의 능동적 참여자로 구성되어진다. 그러나 이 대화의 많은 부분은 본질적으로 가설적이고, 인터뷰가 unsolicited talk로 갈수록 팔로워십에 대한 설명은 줄어들었다. 이는 팔로워 혹은 팔로워십이라는 용어와 관련한 우리의 관찰결과가, 비록 현대의 리더십 문헌에서는 흔한 것이더라도, 헬스케어 영역에서는 많이 사용되는 것이 아님을 보여준다. 주자하건대, 팔로워 혹은 팔로워십이라는 용어는 '팀'이라는 용어로 대체된다.

Initial difficulties in getting trainees to define fol- lowership gave way to descriptions echoing contem- porary definitions of leader–follower relationships in the literature; for example, followers were some- times constructed as active participants in the lead- ership process.61 However, much of this talk was hypothetical in nature and as discussion moved on to unsolicited talk, explanations of followership became scarce. This may be related to our observa- tion that the terms ‘follower’ and ‘followership’, although commonplace within the contemporary leadership literature, are not widely utilised within health care spheres. Arguably, the terms ‘follower’ and ‘followership’ in health care are replaced by terms referring to ‘teams’.4,24,26

수련 단계에 따라 개념적 차이가 있는 것을 보면, 낮은 수련단계의 경우 높은 단계인 경우보다 리더십을 덜 복잡하게 개념화하고 있었다. 이는 리더십에 대한 직무 경험이 적고 formal 리더십 개발 프로그램에서 끌어낼 능력이 적은 것이 이유일 것이다.

Exploring differences in conceptualisations between training stages revealed that early-stage trainees held less sophisticated conceptualisations of leadership than higher-stage trainees. This may reflect their limited workplace experiences of leadership and their inability to yet draw on any formal leadership development programmes (these being typically reserved for higher-stage trainees in the UK).63


우리 연구는 피훈련자가 리더십을 개념화하는데 맥락의 영향 (전공 유형에 따라) 이 있음을 강조한다. Willcocks는 서로 다른 의료 전공 내에서 문화적 맥락에 영향을 주는 여섯 개 요인을 찾았다.

Our research also highlighted the influence of con- text (in terms of specialty grouping) on trainees’ conceptualisations of leadership. Willcocks identi- fied six factors that influence cultural context within different medical specialties, including

  • 역사적 배경 historical background,
  • 직무의 특성과 기술의 활용 the nature of the work and use of tech- nology,
  • 내적-외적 관계 internal and external relationships,
  • 개인주의와 동기 individu- alism and motivation,
  • 전공-간 상호작용과 의사소통 inter-specialty interaction and communication, and
  • 가치와 사회화 values and socialisation, and

그러면서 서로 다른 전공문화가 '매니지먼트'를 서로 다른 방식으로 경험한다고 했다.

argued that different specialty cultures experience ‘management’ (and thus possibly leadership) in dif- ferent ways.50


예를 들면 수술관련 전공

For example, surgery is well known for its traditional hierarchical practices. The use of various tools to rate surgeons’ leadership beha- viours, including example setting and individual performance indicators, might, for example, perpet- uate an individualist discourse with respect to surgi- cal leadership.51,52,64


각 전공 내에서 교육활동도 영향을 줄 것이다. 예를 들면 마취과에서 리더십은 non-technical skill이다. 이러한 요인을 고려하면, 전공 간 리더십을 서로 다르게 개념화하는 것은 놀랍지 않다. 다시 한 번, 전공 사이의 차이는 맥락과 교육이 리더십과 팔로워십을 개념화하는데 있어서 중요한 역할을 함을 강조한다.

Educational practices within specialties may also influence conceptualisations of leadership and followership; for example, within anaesthesia, leadership is seen as a non-technical skill to be learned.65 Given these factors, it is per- haps unsurprising that differences in conceptualisa- tions were identified across specialties.50 Again, the differences among specialty groups highlight the important roles that context and educational influence can play in how leadership and follower- ship are conceptualised.

24 National Health Service Leadership Academy. Healthcare Leadership Model: The Nine Dimensions of Leadership Behaviour. Leeds: NHS Leadership Academy 2013. 

25 Stoller JK. Commentary: recommendations and remaining questions for health care leadership training programmes. Acad Med 2013;88:12–5. 

26 Royal College of Physicians Canada. CanMEDs 2015: Stepping up emphasis on leadership competencies. Dialogue. http://www.royalcollege.ca/portal/page/ portal/rc/resources/publications/dialogue/vol13_10 /canmeds2015_leadership. [Accessed 8 October 2015.]


 2015 Dec;49(12):1248-62. doi: 10.1111/medu.12832.

Dimensionsdiscourses and differencestrainees conceptualising health care leadership and followership.

Author information

  • 1Medical Education Institute, School of Medicine, University of Dundee, Dundee, UK.
  • 2Faculty of Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.
  • 3Division of Medical and Dental Education, School of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, UK.



As doctors in all specialties are expected to undertake leadership within health care organisations, leadership development has become an inherent part of medical education. Whereas the leadership literature within medical education remains mostly focused on individual, hierarchicalleadership, contemporary theory posits leadership as a group process, which should be distributed across all levels of health care organisation. This gap between theory and practice indicates that there is a need to understand what leadership and followership mean to medical trainees working in today's interprofessional health care workplace.


Epistemologically grounded in social constructionism, this research involved 19 individual and 11 group interviews with 65 UK medicaltrainees across all stages of training and a range of specialties. Semi-structured interviewing techniques were employed to capture medical trainees' conceptualisations of leadership and followership. Interviews were audiotaped, transcribed verbatim and analysed using thematic framework analysis to identify leadership and followership dimensions which were subsequently mapped onto leadership discourses found in the literature.


Although diversity existed in terms of medical trainees' understandings of leadership and followership, unsophisticated conceptualisations focusing on individual behaviours, hierarchy and personality were commonplace in trainees' understandings. This indicated the dominance of an individualist discourse. Patterns in understandings across all stages of training and specialties, and whether definitions were solicited or unsolicited, illustrated that context heavily influenced trainees' conceptualisations of leadership and followership.


Our findings suggest that UK trainees typically hold traditional understandings of leadership and followership, which are clearly influenced by the organisational structures in which they work. Although education may change these understandings to some extent, changes inleadership practices to reflect contemporary theory are unlikely to be sustained if leadership experiences in the workplace continue to be based on individualist models.

© 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

[PubMed - in process]

테크놀로지-강화 학습 평가하기: 포괄적 프레임워크 (Med Teach, 2015)

Evaluating technology-enhanced learning: A comprehensive framework

David A. Cook & Rachel H. Ellaway

비록 우리가 이 전에 의학교육에서의 평가를 지적한 바 있지만, TEL의 검토와 평가에 대한 지속적 과제를 관찰 한 바 있다. 이것에는 다음의 것들이 포함된다.

Although we have both previously tackled the challenges of evaluation in medical education (Ellaway 2006, 2010a; Cook 2010), we have observed ongoing challenges in the review and evaluation of technology-enhanced learning (TEL), both in practice and in the literature. These challenges include 

  • a lack of comprehensiveness or a clear focus on the function of the evaluation, 
  • unclear relationships between what happened and what was evaluated, and 
  • the absence of a sound conceptual grounding for the subject or the methods of the evaluation. 

의학교육에서 다른 연구자들도 가이드라은과 구체적 도구를 제시한 바 있다. 

Previous authors in medical education have proposed guide- lines (Atkins & O’halloran 1995; Glenn 1996; Olson & Shershneva 2004) and specific instruments (Knight et al. 2004; Alyusuf et al. 2013) for judging the quality of computer- based learning materials. Standards and benchmarks for online instruction have also been proposed for education generally (Merisotis & Phipps 2000; Oliver 2000; Moore 2005; Quality Matters Program2014).

포괄적 평가를 위한 일반적 모델

A general model for comprehensive evaluation

Fig 1은 요구(목적과 가이드 질문)부터 원칙(개념 모델이나 문제 접근법), 실천(구체적인 요소와 평가정보, 정보수집)까지

Figure 1 illustrates a progression from needs (purpose and guiding questions), through prin- ciples (conceptual model or approach to inquiry), to practice (specific elements of desired and evaluation information, to collect this information) in a comprehensive activities evaluation.

TEL 평가의 중요성

The importance of evaluating technology-enhanced learning

TEL은 교육활동을 지원하고 중개하기 위하여 디지털 테크놀로지 활용의 모든 부분을 커버하는 넓은 분야이다. TEL은 웹 기반 기술, 모바일 디바이스와 어플, 컴퓨터, 테블릿, 기타 디지털 기기 등을 모함하며 완전히 디지털-기반으로 이뤄지는 것과 기술을 하이브리드 한 것 등을 포함한다.

TEL is a broad field that covers all uses of digital technology to support and mediate educational activities (Goodyear & Retalis 2010). TEL can involve web-based technologies, mobile devices and apps, computers, tablets, and other digital devices, and may include activities that are entirely digitally-mediated or those that integrate technology into hybrid or blended activities.

의학교육에서 TEL의 평가에 있어서 포커스를 둘 필요가 있다.
Yet, we see a need to focus on the evaluation of TEL in medical education for the following reasons: 

(1) 의학교육에서 새로운 모델의 등장은 불안을 야기한다. 새로운 기술은 이 불안을 증폭시키며, 특히 성공적으로 통합되기 위해서는 설비 투자와 교수개발이 필요하다. TEL활동의 철저한 평가는 이해관계자들의 우려에 잘 반응하는 것이 된다.
(1) There is often great anxiety about new models of medical education. Using new technologies tends to amplify this anxiety, especially given the investments in infrastructure and faculty development required for their successful 962 integration. Responding to these stakeholder concerns necessitates rigorous evaluation of TEL activities. 

(2) TEL의 여러 측면 - 활용가능성, 접근가능성, 자료의 기술적 신뢰도, 학습환경 - 등은 종종 평가의 주류에서 간과되는 것이며, 반면 TEL에서는 더 중요한 역할을 한다.
(2) Aspects of TEL such as usability, accessibility, and technical reliability of materials and learning environment are often overlooked in mainstream evaluation practice but play a much more substantial role in TEL evaluation. 

(3) TEL에서 교사와 학습자의 상호작용은 그 양상이 다르며, 비공식적 평가와 피드백에 관해서 교수-학생 관계는 전통적 방법에서와 그 기회가 다르다. 이는 TEL은 더 종합적 평가 접근법이 필요함을 제시한다.
(3) Because interactions between teachers and learners in TEL tend to be different (i.e. mediated by technology), teacher–learner relationships do not yield the same opportunities for informal evaluation and feedback as do traditional modalities. This suggests that TEL requires a more comprehensive evaluation approach than other educational activities. 

(4) TEL은 더 많은 자료를 만들어낼 수 있다. 다양한 교육적 분석과 빅데이터 분석 기술은 그 절차와 개념 모두에 있어 평가에 대한 새로운 접근법을 제시한다.
(4) TEL can generate much more data (and different kinds of data) than traditional educational approaches. The devel- opment of educational analytics and ‘‘big data’’ analysis techniques affords new approaches to supporting evalu- ation, both procedurally and conceptually (Ellaway et al. 2014b). 

(5) TEL이론과 실천에 관한 최근의 담화는 교육기술에 대한 평가와 다양한 활용맥락에서의 평가를 구분한다. 구체적으로 무엇을(어떻게) 평가하는지에 대해서 더 정밀함이 필요하다. TEL을 
    • 기술로서 평가하는 것(신뢰할 수 있는지, 안전한지, 지역 환경과 잘 맞는지, 지속가능한지), 
    • 교육 내용으로서 평가하는 것(정확한지, 최신의 것인지, 효과적 학습의 원칙을 따르는지), 
    • 더 넓은 범위의 교육활동의 한 부분으로서 평가하는 것(전체적 목표와 성과를 달성하는지)가 구분되어야 한다.
(5) Emerging discourses in TEL theory and practice distin- guish between evaluating an educational technology in its own right and evaluating it in different contexts of use (Ellaway et al. 2014a). A greater precision in what exactly is being evaluated (and how) leads to different lines of inquiry. There are clear differences between evaluating TEL as a technology (is it reliable, safe, aligned to local environment, and sustainable?), evaluating its educational content (is it accurate, current, and in adherence to principles of effective learning?), and evaluating it as part of an overarching educational activity (did it achieve overall objectives and outcomes?) (Ellaway 2014).

니즈, 활용, 질문

Needs, uses, and guiding questions

Box 1 summarizes several of the evaluation frameworks noted below.



평가의 목적은 총괄 혹은 형성 으로 구분될 수 있다.

The purposes of an evaluation can be broadly classified as summative or formative.

어떻게 교육 인터벤션이 성과에 영향을 주는지, 혹은 개별 참가자 수준/집단이나 교실 수준/기관 수준/전문직 집단 수준/사회적 수준 등 다양한 수준의 이해관계자에게 어떠한 경험으로 다가오는지를 고려해야 한다.

It is also helpful to consider how an educational interven- tion influences outcomes for, or is experienced by, stake- holders at the individual participant level, the group or class level, and the institutional, professional or societal level. 

    • 개별 학습자: 무엇을 경험하고 배웠나? At the level of the individual learner, cognitive events might be the primary consideration: what did they experience or learn? 
    • 집단: 학습자 간, 교수자 간, 기술 간, 교육자료 간 어떠한 일이 벌어졌나? 전체로서 어떠했는가?
      At the level of the group, observable activity and aggregate performance might be the foci (e.g. what went on amongst the learners and between learners, instructors, technologies, and other materials; and how well did they perform as a whole?). 
    • 기관, 사회: 그 인터벤션을 가져온 맥락과 교실 바깥의 사람들 혹은 시스템에 미친 영향
      At the level of the institution or society we might ask about the context that gave rise to the intervention, and the value or impact on people and systems outside the classroom (e.g. the contribution to the mission of a school or to the goals of a national initiative).




    • 묘사(무엇이 벌어졌는가?), 
    • 정당화(제대로 작동했는가? 비용은 얼마나 들었는가?), 
    • 명확화(어떻게, 왜 작동했는가, 어떻게 개선 가능한가) 로 구분가능하다. 명확화 질문은 더 나아가서 
      • 설명을 요구하는 것(어떻게 왜 작동했으며, 어떤 경험을 제공했는가)와 
      • 실험을 제안하는 것(어떻게 개선할 수 있는가?)로 구분 가능하다. 
    • 규범적 질문(무엇이 일어났어야 했는가?)도 할 수 있으며, 이를 '판단'이라고 부를 수도 있다. 

이는 평가 계획시 핵심 질문에 대한 5-영역 모델을 제시한다. (묘사, 정당화, 명확화-설명, 명확화-실험, 판단)

We can classify questions in terms of description (‘‘What was done?’’), justification (‘‘Did it work and at what cost?’’), and clarification (‘‘How or why did it work, and how can it be improved?’’) (Cook et al. 2008).Clarification questions can be further classified as those that seek explanation (‘‘How or why did it work, or how was it experienced?’’) and those that suggest experimentation (‘‘How can it be improved?’’). We can also ask normative questions such as ‘‘What should have happened?’’, which we might label ‘‘judgment’’. This suggests a five-domain model defining key questions for planning an evaluation (i.e. description, justification, clarification-explanation, clarification-experimentation, and judgment).

평가의 일반 모델
General principles of evaluation

목적-지향적 접근: 얼마나 기존 목적이 달성되었는가에 초점을 둠. 과목 목표와 관련 자료에는 등록자 수, 이수자 수, 학습목표, 총 수입과 지출 등이 포함될 수 있다. 목적-지향적 접근은 상대적으로 도입이 직관적이나, 좋은 쪽이든 그렇지 않은 쪽이든 기대하지 못한 발전을 잡아내는데는 실패할 수 있다.

Objectives-oriented approaches focus on how well a priori objectives were met. Course objectives and corresponding data might include enrollment and completion numbers, learning outcomes (knowledge, skills, attitudes), and net income and expenditures. The objectives- oriented approach is relatively straightforward in implementation, but tends to be poorly suited to capturing unexpected developments (good or bad) in the course. 

참가자-지향적 접근: 일반적으로 질적(종종 양적) 접근을 활용하며, 다양한 출처로부터 자료를 수집하고, 귀납적으로 무엇이 벌어졌는가를 넘어서, 왜 그 일이 벌어졌고, 어떤 경험을 가져왔는지를 밝혀준다. 이 접근법은 기대하지 못한 사건을 찾아주며, 큰 프로그램의 복잡성과 로컬-콘텍스트를 잡아내는데 충분한 유연성을 가지고 있다.

Participant-oriented approaches typically use qualitative, and occasionally quantitative, methods to collect data from multiple sources and inductively explore not only what happened, but why it happened and how it was experienced. This approach is responsive to unexpected events, and flexible enough to capture the complexity of large programs and local contexts.

절차-지향적 평가: 과목이나 프로그램의 전체 생활주기를 고려하여, 아이디어의 유래, 프로그램의 도입과 시행, 향후 재반복의 질에 관한 판단과 요약 등

Process-oriented evaluations consider the entire lifecycle of a course or program, from the inception of the idea, through implementation and delivery, to summative and decisions judgments about quality about future iterations.

접근법을 선택하는 것은 기대하는 활용과 관련 질문에 따라 이뤄지며, 혼합적 활용이 유용하다.

The choice of approach depends in large part upon the anticipated  uses and corresponding guiding questions.Combining approaches is often useful

CIPP모델은 절차와 목적 지향을 강조하는 흔한 평가 접근법으로 참가자-지향적 접근도 필요에 따라 포함가능하다. 

The Context-Inputs-Processes-Products (CIPP) model (Stufflebeam 2003) is a common evaluation approach that emphasizes the process (and objectives) orientation, and also accommodates a participant orientation if desired. 

  • Context addresses the needs, assets, and opportunities that prompted the change and the desired goals. 
  • Inputs consider alternative approaches, feasibility, and cost-effectiveness. 
  • Processes focus on the actual development and implementation. 
  • Products focus on both short- and long-term outcomes as well as the sustainability and transportability (i.e. practicability of adoption elsewhere) of the intervention. 

많은 경우, 전부는 아니더라도, 평가에 양적 자료가 들어간다. 이러한 성과는 커크패트릭 모델을 활용 가능하다.

Many (but not all) educational evaluations explore quantitative outcomes. Such outcomes can be classified using the hierarchy developed by Kirkpatrick (1996). 

그러나 Yardley and Dornan 는 "각 레벨에서 고려하는 수혜대상자가 다르다"라고 하였으며, 다른 사람들(교사 등)을 모두 배제하는 것 등은 커크패트릭 모델만 활용하는 것이 여러 맥락과 적용에 부적절함을 지적했다.

However, Yardley and Dornan (2012) observe that ‘‘different levels concern different beneficiaries’’ and omit others altogether (such as teachers),suggesting that Kirkpatrick-type outcomes alone will be inadequate for many contexts and applications. 

원칙부터 실천까지: 자료 수집을 위한 구체적 활동

Principles into practice: Specific activities to collect evaluation data

평가를 위해서는 정보가 필요하다. 분석할/해석할/행동을 할 근거가 될 정보가 필요하다. 실용적 관점에서 평가자는 이런것을 물어볼 수 있다 "나의 가이딩 질문에 대답하기 위해서 어떠한 정보가 수집되어야 하는가?" 에 이어서 "이 정보를 어떻게 수집해야 하는가?

Evaluation requires information – information that can be analyzed, interpreted,and acted upon. In a practical sense, then, the evaluator might ask: ‘‘What information should be collected to help answer my guiding questions?’’ (i.e. description, justification, or clarifica-tion), followed by, ‘‘How can I collect this information?’’

1. 요구분석과 환경 분석

1. Conduct needs analysis and environmental scan

형성 단계에서 요구분석은 변화의 필요성을 명확하게 해주고, (보건의료 시스템의 다른 요소와 비교해서) 교육적 변화가 옳은 해결책인지, 그리고 이 변화를 위해서 자원을 사용할 수 있는지를 확인하는 것 등에 도움이 된다.

A needs analysis in the formative stages helps to clearly identify the need for change,determine whether educational change (as con-trasted with adjustments to other components inthe healthcare system) is the correct solution, andconfirm that resources can be marshaled to imple-ment this change (Cook & Dupras 2004). 

변화의 필요에는 다음과 같은 것이 있다.

The need for change can be determined by considering 

    • 사회/조직에서 필요로하는 니즈와 능력 organizational/societal needs and capacities required (e.g. specific knowledge and skills by a school or hospital, or emerging regulatory requirements, political trends, and eco-nomic policies), 
    • 직업적 요구 occupational needs (the roles and specific capabilities required to meet new or existing organizational needs), and 
    • 개인적 요구 individual needs (the target group’s present performance, work environ-ment, and ability to participate in training) (Kernet al. 1998; Training and Executive Development Group 2014). 

이런 니즈는 원래 있었던 혹은 계획된 교육적 경험과 자원(공식 교육과정, 임상 경험, 온라인 지식 출처, 동료, 교수, 활용가능한 테크놀로지) 과 비교되어야 한다.

These needs should be contrasted with educational experiences and resources already exist-ing or planned, including formal courses, clinical experiences, online knowledge resources, peers, and faculty; and with available technology resources(infrastructure and human expertise). 

궁극적으로 변화의 필요성은 교육과정이나 교육방법의 갭(gap)을 확인하여 정당화될 수 있다.

Ultimately, a need for change can be justified by identifying a gap in the 

      • curriculum (i.e. inadequate depth or breadth in the specific clinical topic) or agap in the 
      • instructional approach (i.e. failure of existing instructional strategies to optimally facilitate learning or reach desired learners). 

2. 절차, 결정, 최종 결과물의 기록

2. Document processes, decisions, and final product

로컬 니즈와 문화에 유기적 반응과 함께 과목의 개발은 다음의 것들을 혼합하게 된다.

The development of a course typically blends

  • formal instructional design models (such as 4CID [van Merrie¨nboer et al. 2002],
  • conversational exchange [Laurillard 2001], or
  • significant learning [Fink 2003]) and
  • instructional design processes (such as the Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate (ADDIE) framework (Morrison et al. 2010)) with an organic response to local needs and culture. 

종합적 평가는 이 과정에서 각각의 활동과 결정을 잘 기록해야 한다.

A comprehensive evaluation will carefully document each activity and decision in this process. 


TEL과정을 개발하고 도입하는데 필요한 진짜 비용은 잘 잡히지 않는데, 그래도 잡아야 한다. 

The real cost of developing and implement-ing TEL courses is rarely captured, but should be;

구체적인 절차와 중요한 단계들을 기록하여야 하며, 구체적인 목적과 목표의 개발, 구체적인 교수법의 선택, 구체적인 테크놀로지의 선택과 배치등을 포함한다.

Specific processes or milestones that might be documented include the development of specific goals and objectives, the selection of specific instruc-tional approaches, and the selection and configur-ation of specific technologies. 

3. 활용가능성을 검사하라

3. Test usability

활용가능성은 모든 교육활동에서 중요하며, TEL에서도 마찬가지다.

Usability is likely important particularly in all educational activities, but it is relevant to TEL given its inherent artifacts.


dependence on technological mediating


활용가능성에 대한 평가는 테크놀로지가 의도한 대로 작동할 때 사용자가 기대한 활동을 얼마나 쉽게 수행할 수 있는가와 더불어 기능과 내용상의 오류를 찾아내는 것을 포함한다. Nielson은 다섯 개의 핵심 요소를 지적했다.

Usability evaluation considers both the ease with which the user can perform desired activities when the technology functions as intended, and also identifies errors in function or content (Krug 2000;Nielsen 2012). Nielsen identified five key elements ofusability (2012):

  • 학습능력: 사용자가 테크놀로지를 처음으로 활용하면서 마주하는 기본적 과제를 얼마나 쉽게 달성할 수 있는가
    Learn ability refers to how easily users can accomplish basic tasks the first time they encounter the technology.
  • 효율성: 어느 단계를 일단 배웠을 때 얼마나 과제를 잘 수행할 수 있는가.
    Efficiency looks at how well users can perform tasks once they have learned the steps.
  • 기억가능성: 한동안 그 테크놀로지 사용하지 않은 다음에 다시 활용할 때 얼마나 능숙하게 활용할 수 있는가
    Memorability refers to how easily learnerscan reestablish proficiency when they return to thetechnology after a period of not using it.
  • 에러: 에러의 수, 심각성, 복구 난이도
    Errors, interms of their number, severity, and ease of recoveryfrom, are a fourth key element.
  • 만족(사용자):
    Satisfaction (of users)constitutes the final element.

활용가능성에 대한 검사는 Mayer’s multimedia principles 등과 같은 근거에 기반한 교육 테크놀로지의 설계 등도 고려해야 한다.

Usability testing mayalso consider conformance to evidence-based stand-ards for the design of instructional technologies, suchas Mayer’s multimedia principles (Mayer 2005). 

그러나 무결점의 과정을 만들려는 열망은 오히려 생산성을 악화시킬 수 있다. 많은 경우에 개발자는 TEL 인터벤션을 가급적 빨리 내놓고(minimal viable product), 신중하게, 그리고 조심스럽게 결과를 평가하고, 빠르게 근거-기반 개선을 하는게 나을 것이다.

However, aspiring to create flawless course may be counterproductive (Cook2014). In many instances, a developer gains much from releasing a TEL intervention relatively early (the‘‘minimal viable product’’), carefully and deliberately evaluating the result, and then quickly makingevidence-based improvements (Ries 2011). 

4. 도입과 최종 결과물의 핵심 이벤트를 기록하라

4. Document key events during implementation and final product 

문서화는 도입 단계에서도 이어지며 이제는 실제로 버어진 일이 무엇인지에 대한 객관적 설명에 초점을 둔다.

Documentation continues into implementation, now focusing on objective accounts of what actually happens. 

비록 이 문서화 활동이 관찰된 사건을 객관으로 묘사하는 것이지만(다음 단계에서 참여자의 주관적 경험과 비교됨), 문서화를 누가 하는가가 중요한 과정이다. 다양한 사람들은 서로 다른 정보를 가지고 있으며, 서로 다른 것을 받아들이고, 같은 것을 다르게 해석한다. 교육팀의 멤버가 이 기능을 할 수 있으나 어떤 경우에는(distance learning) 학습자가 핵심 사건의 보고자 역할을 할 수 있다.

Although this Documentation activity is about objectively observed events (as compared with thesubjective experiences of participants described inthe next section), those doing part the of documentingconstitute an important the process.Different people may have access to different infor-mation, notice different things, or interpret the samething in different ways. A member of the instructor team would usually perform this function, but insome cases (e.g. distance learning) learners may need to be enlisted as reporters of key events. 

5. 참가자 경험과 만족을 평가하라

5. Assess participant experience and satisfaction

이 활동은 참가자의 TEL 활동에 대한 주관적 경험에 초점을 둔다. 또한 경험에 대하여 이들이 어떤 가치와 의미를 두는지, 그리고 그들이 사용한 자료나 도구의 질에 대한 인식은 어떠한지 등이 포함된다.

This activity focuses on the subjective experiences of participants in a TEL activity, the value and meaning they attribute to those experiences, and their per-ception of the quality of the materials or tools they used. 

6. 학습성과를 평가하라

6. Assess learning outcomes

교육 개입의 효율성과 효과성 평가에서 가장 중요한 요소이다. 교육훈련사건과 관찰된 결과의 관계는 2, 3, 4 레벨로 갈수록 더 어려워진다.

These arguably constitute the most critical element in determining the efficacy and effectiveness of an educational intervention. The link between the training event and the observed out- come becomes more difficult to establish as one progresses from level 2 to 3 to 4 (Cook & West 2013),


레벨 2~4의 성과를 타당화하는 것은 다른 연구에서 많이 다뤚ㅆ다.

Since the development and validation of level 2–4 outcomes have been extensively explored in other sources (Kirkpatrick 1996; Case & Swanson 2001; Cook & Beckman 2006; Kogan et al. 2009; Schuwirth & van der Vleuten 2011; Pangaro & ten Cate 2013), we will not discuss these further.

7. 비용, 재활용가능성, 지속가능성을 추정하라

7. Estimate cost, reusability, and sustainability

가장 무시되어왔던, 그러나 가장 중요하다고도 볼 수 있는 평가의 측면은 TEL 과정을 개발, 도입, 유지하기 위해 재정적, 인적, 시설적, 기타 자원 등에 대한 것이다. 각 요소를 찾아내고 그 가치를 매김으로써 교육활동의 진짜 비용을 평가할 때, Levin’s ‘‘ingredients’’ and (Levin 2001) the ‘‘total cost of ownership’’ (TCO) model (Ellaway 2010b) 등은 다음을 포함시킴

One of the most neglected (Zendejas et al. 2013), yet arguably one of the most important (Sandars 2010), aspects of evaluation focuses on the financial, per- sonnel, facilities, and other resource costs required to develop, implement, and maintain a TEL course 2002). (Clune 2002; Hummel-Rossi & Ashdown model Approaches such as Levin’s ‘‘ingredients’’ and (Levin 2001) the ‘‘total cost of ownership’’ (TCO) model (Ellaway 2010b) estimate the true cost of an educational activity by identifying and valuing each component, including costs related to

  • equip- ment and materials,
  • licensing,
  • personnel,
  • facilities and infrastructure,
  • 학습자가 부담한 비용 learner expenses (such as transporta- tion or meals),
  • 상실한 기회 lost opportunities (e.g. lost clinical revenue), and
  • 중지된 기존 활동이나 한 medium에서 다른 것으로 옮긴 것 stopping an existing activity or moving it from one medium to another (for instance when the hosting technology changes).

실제 적용

Practical applications

참가자 인식 평가를 위한 새로운 도구

New instruments to assess participant perceptions

To facilitate practical application of this model, we present three generic instruments for capturing the perceptions and experiences of learners and instructors following their partici- pation in a TEL course: the Evaluation of Technology- Perceptions Enhanced Learning Materials for Learner (ETELM-LP) and for Instructor Perceptions (ETELM-IP), and a shortened version of the ETELM-LP for use with very brief courses (ETELM-LP-S)see online supplemental materials.

귀납적, 연역적으로 개발함

We developed the ETELM instruments both deductively and inductively.

질문 중 일부만이 테크놀로지 이슈에 직접적으로 관계된다. 이는 테크놀로지가 TEL에 중요한 요소이지만, 평가는 전체 교육활동에 초점을 둬야 한다는 것.

We note that only some of the questions directly refer to technology issues. This reflects that while technology is an essential mediating factor in TEL, evaluation should focus on the whole educational activity.

간단한 TEL 평가 계획

A simple TEL evaluation plan

우리는 교육자들이 대부분 익숙하지 않음을 안다. 평가 '레시피'를 사용할 수 있다.

We acknowledge that most educators are not trained as evaluators, and may have difficulty planning a comprehensive evaluation (Oliver 2000). One potential solution to this challenge is the use of evaluation ‘‘recipes’’ (Harvey 1998) – brief outlines of evaluation plans designed to address a given audience and need.


The Evaluation Cookbook

The Evaluation Cookbook (available at http://www.icbl.hw.ac.uk/ltdi/cookbook/) lists additional evaluation recipes.

Fig 1, Table 1, Table 2 등 활용

In considering the applicability of this work, we note that our general model (Figure 1) and many of the specific activities information elements (Table 1) and evaluation (Table 2) are not specific to the TEL context. Moreover, the ubiquity of TEL in contemporary medical education suggests that in many instances TEL evaluation is becoming synonym- ous with educational evaluation in general. As such, we believe this work has application beyond TEL.



Cook DA, West CP. 2013. Reconsidering the focus on ‘‘outcomes research’’ in medical education: A cautionary note. Acad Med 88: 162–167.

Schuwirth LW, van der Vleuten CP. 2011. General overview of the theories used in assessment: AMEE Guide No. 57. Med Teach 33:783–797. 

Yardley S, Dornan T. 2012. Kirkpatrick’s levels and education ‘evidence’.Med Educ 46:97–106. 

Pangaro L, ten Cate O. 2013. Frameworks for learner assessment inmedicine: AMEE Guide No. 78. Med Teach 35:e1197–e1210. 


 2015;37(10):961-70. doi: 10.3109/0142159X.2015.1009024. Epub 2015 Sep 4.

Evaluating technology-enhanced learning: A comprehensive framework.

Author information

  • 1a Mayo Clinic College of Medicine , USA .
  • 2b Northern Ontario School of Medicine , Canada.



The absence of a standard, comprehensive approach to evaluating technology-enhanced learning (TEL) limits the utility of individual evaluations, and impedes the integration and synthesis of results across studies.


To outline a comprehensive framework for approaching TEL evaluation in medical education, and to develop instruments for measuring the perceptions of TEL learners and instructors.


Using both theoretical constructs of inquiry in education and a synthesis of existing models and instruments, we outlined a general model for evaluation that links utility, principles, and practices. From this we derived a framework for TEL evaluation that identifies seven data collection activities: needs analysis; documentation of processes, decisions, and final product; usability testing; observation of implementation; assessment of participant experience; assessment of learning outcomes; and evaluation of cost, reusability, and sustainability. We then used existing quality standards and approaches to develop instruments for assessing the experiences of learners and instructors using TEL.


No single evaluation is likely to collect all of this information, nor would any single audience likely find all information elements equally useful. However, consistent use of a common evaluation framework across different courses and institutions would avoid duplication of effort and allow cross-course comparisons.

[PubMed - in process]

OSCE에서 총괄점수(Global grade)와 체크리스트의 차이(Med Teach, 2015)

Investigating disparity between global grades and checklist scores in OSCEs


University of Leeds, UK

OSCE는 장점이 명확하다. 이 장점은 특히 기준확립에 적절한 방법을 쓴다면, 구체적 내용을 잘 정할 수 있으며, 표준화할 수 있고, 광범위한 측정이 가능하며, 평가의 질에 대한 사후 분석이 가능하다. 신뢰도에 대한 측정은 평가의 질을 결정할 때 흔히 사용되는 요소이며, 이 때 스테이션 수준에서 OSCE형식에서 다룬 여러 문항에 대해 분석하고 교정하는 것에 초점을 둔다.

OSCEs have clear strengths, especially when appropri- ate standard setting methodologies are employed, allowing careful specification of content, standardisation and an oppor- tunity to undertake extensive measurement and post hoc analysis to determine assessment quality. Measurements of reliability are routinely used as an element of determining assessment quality (Streiner & Norman 2003; Chapter 8), with an increasing focus on the value of station level metrics in the detection and remediation of a range of problems with OSCE formats (Pell et al. 2010; Fuller et al. 2013).

전통적인 시험 형식에서 OSCE는 각 스테이션마다 두 가지 평가 결과물이 나오는데, 체크리스트CL과 종합점수GG이다. 다른 형식의 OSCE는 CL을 없애기도 했는데, 예를 들면 미국의 주요 면허시험에서, 병력청취에 관한 CL은 분별력이 약하다는 이유로 사라졌다. 한 스테이션 내에서 CL와 GG의 alignment는 중요한 특징이며, 좋은 스테이션이라면 두 가지의 alignment가 강해야 한다.

In ‘‘traditional’’ test formats, OSCEs have two assessment outcomes within each station, a checklist score and a global grade (other formats of the OSCE have seen a move away from checklists, for example, in the USA’s main licensing exam, the history-taking checklist has been eliminated due to concerns regarding its poor discrimination). The alignment between the checklist/marking scheme score and overall global grade within a station is an important characteristic, and one would expect that in a high-quality station (i.e. one that is working well as part of a reliable and valid assessment), this alignment should be strong.

많은 연구에서 CL이나 GG의 불일치를 연구했으나, 한 스테이션 내에서 비교하고 그 의미를 찾아본 연구는 없다.

A number of studies have looked at checklist discrepancies and/or rating discrepancies (Boulet et al. 2003), but to our knowledge, none has investigated discrepancies between checklist scores and global ratings in a station and what this might mean.

어떤 식으로든 misalignment가 발생하면 스테이션 수준에서 "역량을 갖춘"학생을 떨어뜨리고 "역량이 부족한"학생을 합격시킬 가능성이 있다.

Any degree of misalignment increases the likelihood of failing ‘‘competent’’ students or passing ‘‘incompetent’’ students at the station level.

동시에, 이 분야의 연구는 이러한 수행능력 검사에서 평가자의 의사결정에 관한 복잡한 영역을 이해하기 위한 연구의 증가에 따라 더 풍요로워지고 있다. 평가에 대한 구성주의자적 관점을 적용하는 입장에서 이러한 연구는 평가자의 의사결정에 영향을 미치는 요인이 고도로 individualize, contextualize 되어있으며, 평가자의 경험이나 연공서열에 영향을 받는다는 것을 밝혔다. 이는 OSCE내에서 검사형식설계, 구조, 평가자 행동, 피평가자 수행능력이 복잡한 관계에 있음을 보여주며, 종종 변인의 '블랙박스'로 여겨지곤 한다. Misalignment가 발생했을 경우, 우리의 연구는 이 '블랙박스'를 이해하기 위한 것이다.

At the same time, research in these areas is complemented by a growing body of literature that seeks to understand the complex area of assessor decision making in performance testing (Sadler 2009; Govaerts 2011; Kogan et al. 2011; Yorke 2011). Employing constructivist views of assess- ment, this literature reveals that the factors affecting assessor decision-making can be highly individualised, contextualised and influenced by characteristics such as assessor experience and seniority (Pell & Roberts 2006; Kogan et al. 2011). This can be summarised as a complex interaction of test format design issues, construct, assessor behaviours and candidate perform- ances within the OSCE environment, sometimes described as a ‘‘black box’’ of variance (Gingerich et al. 2011; Kogan et al. 2011). Where misalignment occurs, our work seeks additional understanding of this ‘‘black box’’ with regard to this error variance.

'전통적인' CL평가에 대한 불만이 높아지는 가운데, 그리고 이와 함께 GG 기반 채점이 늘어나고 있으며 이는 GG가 CL점수보다 더 신뢰성있다는 연구에 근거하고 있다. 이 misalignment의 일부는 잘못된 CL설계에 기인하며, 또한 이 두 점수가 서로 다른 trait을 평가한다는 것을 반영한다. 

There is a growing dissatisfaction with ‘‘traditional’’ (i.e. reductionist) checklist marking schedules both in healthcare and wider education (Sadler 2009), with an accompanying growth in the use of global/domain based marking schema, supported by work that indicates that global grades are more reliable than checklist scores (Cohen et al. 1996; Regehr et al. 1998). It is important to note that some of the misalignment between scores and grades in a station can reflect poor checklist design, and that these two performance ‘‘scores’’ may measure quite different traits. 

이 접근법은 평가점수의 자연발생적 변인에 대한 우려, 즉 평가자 판단의 에러에 대한 것을 조사할 수 있는 능력이 없이는 평가의 진짜 가능성을 제대로 인식할 수 없음을 보여준다.

This approach poses the real possibility that assess- ments take place without an ability to investigate concerns about the nature of variance in marks, implying that error in assessor judgements may be more likely to go unrecognised.



Initial exemplification and exploration

Our OSCE format uses global grade year-specific descriptors (indexed as clear fail, borderline and three passing grades) alongside a specific marking schema that develops from a traditional checklist format in our junior OSCEs (third year) to a sophisticated ‘‘key features’’ format in the final, qualifying OSCE (fifth year).

Within each station, a pass mark is calculated from all the grades/marks within the station using the Borderline Regression Method (Kramer et al. 2003; Pell & Roberts 2006).

두 가지 유용한 통계수치는 '총 탈락률'과 '보더라인 점수자의 비율'이다. 여기서는 CL과 GG를 특히 보더라인 점수자에 대해서 비교했다.

The first useful statistical measures are the overall failure rate at the station (38/230 ¼16.5%) and the percentage in the ‘‘Borderline’’ grade (48/234 ¼20.9%), the latter of which is arguably high since in one in five encounters the assessors are unable to make a clear pass/fail global decision. The methods we develop will enable us to examine the congruence grades and between the two assessor judgements: global checklist marks, particularly within borderline categories.

Treatment of ‘‘Borderline’’ grades

Formulating measures of misclassification

degree of misalignment를 정량화하기 위한 표 만들었음.

One of the key areas of research in this study is to explore the possibility of developing useful metrics to quantify the degree of misalignment that is listed in Table 2 as a step towards highlighting stations that require further investigation.

Results – Application in practice

문제가 뚜렷하게 드러난 스테이션

Stations with established problems based on existing station-level metrics

점수를 못 받고도 합격한 학생이 점수를 잘 받고도 탈락한 학생보다 3배 많다.

As part of the validation of the new metrics, we examine their application where existing station-level metrics already high-light concerns about quality. In Table 3, station 3 shows a poor R-square value with an accompanying low value for the slope of the regression line (inter-grade discrimination), already suggesting that the station is not discriminating well between students based on ability. From this analysis, we would anticipate there to be a wide range of checklist marks for each global grade. The the pass/fail grid reveals a high times level of asymmetry in off-diagonal with three as many candidates (25:8) achieving a global pass grade from assessor but poor checklist marks compared to those not achieving a global pass whilst having good checklist marks. 

표면적으로는 문제가 없는 스테이션

Stations with no ‘‘apparent’’ problems

(GG에서 나타난) 평가자의 예측보다 (CL에서 나타난)수행능력이 더 낫다.

We now examine stations where the ‘‘standard’’ set of metrics would not highlight underlying quality issues in respect of assessor reveals decision central making theme: and judgements. This whole analysis achieve a candidates as a comparatively better performance (determined by the check-list score) than would be expected by assessors’ prediction(determined by the global grade). 

보더라인이 높게 나온 스테이션

Stations with relatively high numbers of‘‘Borderline’’ students

As a final part of the work examining the impact of them is alignment measure, we review stations where the propor-tion of borderline grades awarded is relatively ‘‘high’’. Station 8, which focusses on medico-legal responsibilities after the death of a patient, has the highest proportion of borderline grades (25.2% of the whole cohort) amongst the stations listed in Table 3. Review of traditional station level metrics (columns2–5) shows an acceptably performing station, but with a high number of student failures. 


수행능력 검사에는 많은 "노이즈"가 있으며, 최근 근무지-기반 평가에서는 이것을 "블랙박스"라고 개념화한 적이 있다.

Despite this, there remains a large degree of ‘‘noise’’ in performance testing, recently conceptua- lised within workplace assessment settings as a ‘‘black box’’ (Kogan et al. 2011).

연구자들은 이 "노이즈"를 해독하기 시작했으며, 보건의료계열 평가에서는 복잡하고 변화하는 OSCE 스테이션의 특성과 관련한 평가자의 행동과 의사결정에 초점을 두기 시작했다. 다른 전문직 영역에서는 GG와 CL사이의 긴장관계를 강조하며 평가자가 전체론적, 종합적 평가를 신뢰하면서 CL의 활용을 무시하는 것과 같은 적극적 "위법(transgression)"을 지적하고 있다. 다른 연구에서는 평가자가 기술어(descriptor) 내의 '안전' 혹은 '프로페셔널리즘'  과 같은 복합적인 구인을 이해하는데 있어서 GG만을 사용하는 것의 문제를 지적한다. 그러한 구인은 종종 한 단어로 대표되는데, 평가자 훈련에서 다양한 재해석이 판단의 변화를 가져오며, 일부 연구자들은 이를 '예상된 변동(anticipated variance)'이라고 개념화하면서, 단순한 에러와는 구분하고자 한다. 이러한 복잡한 역학이 일련의 관찰결과는 '불확정성'으로 개념화되면서, CL, rubric, grading scheme 사용에 대한 이론적 배경을 challenging하고 있다.

Researchers have begun to unpack this ‘‘noise’’, and work within healthcare assessment has focused on assessor behav- iours and decision making in the complex, changing nature of the OSCE station (Govaerts 2011). Work from other profes- sional disciplines has highlighted a wider tension between the balance of global grades and checklists/marking rubrics, revealing active ‘‘transgressions’’ as assessors trust of holistic, global judgements overrides their use of checklist criteria (Marshall 2000). Other work reveals the challenges of using global grades and descriptors alone, as assessors seek to make sense of complex constructs such as ‘‘safety’’ or ‘‘profession- alism’’ within descriptors. Such constructs are often repre- sented by single words, and despite assessor training, multiple re-interpretations lead to variation in judgements – with some researchers conceptualising this as anticipated variance, rather than just simply error (Govaerts et al. 2007). This complex dynamic has been conceptualised through a series of obser- vations as ‘‘indeterminancy’’, challenging the theoretical back- ground to the accepted use of checklists, rubrics and grading schemes (Sadler 2009).

OSCE에서 GG와 CL과 관한 연구는 많으나, 둘 사이의 alignment 연구는 적다.

Whilst an extensive literature exists in respect of the use of global grades and checklists within OSCEs (Cunnington et al. 1996; Humphrey-Murto & MacFadyen 2002; Wan et al. 2011), little has been done to explore the nature of the alignment between the two.

우리는 각 기관이 PM calculator 모델을 만들어서 각자의 자료로부터 가장 적절한 값을 내기를 권고한다.

We encourage other institutions to model the PM calculations using their own data to determine the most suitable value of the parameter M (formula 1) to meet local conditions.

이 연구는 평가자의 CL결정과 "예측(즉, GG)" 사이의 misalignment를 밝혔다.  부정적인(adverse) standard station-level metrics 을 가지는 한 스테이션 내에서 이 misalignment는 어느 지점에서 평가자가 스테이션과 CL에 불만을 갖는가를 보여준다. 도입부에서 언급한 것처럼 misalignment는 여러 문제에 기인할 수 있다(예컨대, 평가자 훈련, 보조자료, 까칠한 평가자 등). 그보다 더 중요한 것은 기존의 metrics에서 "수용가능한" 것으로 인정된 스테이션에 대한 더 깊은 이해이다. 이들 스테이션에 대한 불만족은 많은 경우 보더라인 집단에 대한 평가자 판단에 있다. 이 맥락에서의 misalignment는 서로 다른 '방향성(directionalities)를 보여주는데, 평가자는 '탈락'을 주는데 어려움을 겪으며, 보더라인 집단의 학생을 더 후하게 평가하는 경향이 있다는 것이다. 이러한 결과는 평가자가 "bestowed credit"을 준다는 기존 연구와 일치하는데, 즉 GG나 CL 시스템에 들어가있지 않은 피평가자의 행동에 대해서 벌점 또는 가점을 준다는 것이다. 이는 수행능력 평가에 대한 신뢰의 threat이다.

This study has revealed the extent of misalignment between assessors’ checklist decisions and their ‘‘predictions’’ (i.e. the global grades) across a range of different academic cohorts and levels of assessment in a large-scale OSCE. Within stations with ‘‘adverse’’ standard station-level metrics (Pell et al. 2010; Fuller et al. 2013), the misalignment measures complement these well, highlighting where assessors are dissatisfied with station and checklist constructs. As stated earlier in the introduction, the misalignment could be the result of a number of problems (including but not limited to, for example, assessor training, support materials, ‘‘rogue’’ assessors and so on). Of more importance is the deeper insight into stations that might have been judged as ‘‘acceptable’’ based on pre-existing metrics. The unsatisfactory characteristic of many of these stations lies in assessor judgement of the borderline group. Interpreting the misalignment measure in this context reveals different directionalities – with assessors showing difficulty in awarding fail grades and a tendency to over rate student performance in the borderline group. Such findings resonate with assessors awarding ‘‘bestowed credit’’ – rewarding or penalising other candidate activities that are not featured within grading and checklist systems, and an activity that has been identified as a threat to the fidelity of performance assessments (Sadler 2010).

보더라인 그룹의 합-불합 결과의 불일치 결과는 약 10%정도에서 발생할 것으로 추정한다. 다른 말로는, 보더라인 그룹의 대다수가 합격 결정을 받는 (또는 불합격 결정을 받는) 스테이션이 생긴다는 것이다. 그 결과 이들 보더라인 그룹의 평균점수는, 즉 borderline group method에 따른 커트라인은 the borderline regression method에  따른 점수보다 낮(거나 높)다. 

We estimate that the incidence of substantial asymmetry of pass/fail outcomes within the borderline group occurs in approximately 10% of stations. In other words, there are incidences where the large majority of candidates in the borderline group pass the station (or, conversely, fail the station). Hence, the mean mark for this borderline group, giving the cut-score as per the borderline group method, is lower (or higher) than that under the borderline regression method. We would argue from a quality perspective that this is further evidence in favour of BRM, since under the borderline group method these issues would remain unknown.

Gingerich A, Regehr G, Eva KW. 2011. Rater-based assessments as social judgments: Rethinking the etiology of rater errors. Acad Med 86:S1–S7.

Kogan JR, Conforti L, Bernabeo E, Iobst W, Holmboe E. 2011. Opening the black box of clinical skills assessment via observation: A conceptual model. Med Educ 45(10):1048–1060.

Yorke M. 2011. Assessing the complexity of professional achievement. Chapter 10. In: Jackson N, editor. Learning to be professional through a higher education. London: Sceptre. Available from: http://learningto- beprofessional.pbworks.com/w/page/15914981/Learning%20to%20be %20Professional%20through%20a%20Higher%20Education%20e-Book.

 2015 Dec;37(12):1106-13. doi: 10.3109/0142159X.2015.1009425. Epub 2015 Feb 16.

Investigating disparity between global grades and checklist scores in OSCEs.

Author information

  • 1a University of Leeds , UK.



When measuring assessment quality, increasing focus is placed on the value of station-level metrics in the detection and remediation of problems in the assessment.


This article investigates how disparity between checklist scores and global grades in an Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) can provide powerful new insights at the station level whenever such disparities occur and develops metrics to indicate when this is a problem.


This retrospective study uses OSCE data from multiple examinations to investigate the extent to which these new measurements ofdisparity complement existing station-level metrics.


In stations where existing metrics are poor, the new metrics provide greater understanding of the underlying sources of error. Equally importantly, stations of apparently satisfactory "quality" based on traditional metrics are shown to sometimes have problems of their own - with a tendency for checklist score "performance" to be judged stronger than would be expected from the global grades awarded.


There is an ongoing tension in OSCE assessment between global holistic judgements and the necessarily more reductionist, but arguably more objective, checklist scores. This article develops methods to quantify the disparity between these judgements and illustrates how such analyses can inform ongoing improvement in station quality.

[PubMed - in process]

보건의료인력의 글로벌 위기: 인력이 없이는 건강도 없다 (BMJ, 2013)

Challenges posed by the global crisis in the health workforce: No workforce, no health

James Buchan professor 1, Jim Campbell director 2

1Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh EH27 6UU, UK; 2Instituto de Cooperación Social Integrare, Barcelona, Spain

2013년 5월 World Health Assembly 는 보건의료인력의 위기가 universal health coverage를 통한 양질의 보건의료의 핵심이라는 것을 재조명 할 것을 인정했다. 다음 달 Third Global Forum on Human Resources for Health 은 모든 국가에서 이 위기를 극복하기 위해서 무엇을 해야 하고 할 수 있는가에 대한 합의를 이끌어내기 위한 자리가 될 것이다. 종종 단순히 보건의료인력의 숫자가 부족한 것으로 과도하게 단순화되고 있는 이 '위기'는 management, quality, location, and performance dimensions 을 모두 포함한 것이다. 이들 문제는 '적절한 인력을, 적절한 장소에, 절절한 시기에, 적절한 기술을'이라는 문구로 표현되는 바와 같이 인식되고 있지만, 효율적으로 다뤄지지 못하고 있다.

In May 2013, the World Health Assembly recognised that renewed attention to the “health workforce crisis” is central to achieving quality healthcare through universal health coverage.1 2 Next month, the Third Global Forumon Human Resources for Health will convene to agree on what can and should be done across all countries to solve the crisis.3 Often oversimplified as a numerical shortage of healthcare workers, the crisis also has management, quality, location, and performance dimensions. These problems have often been recognised (hence the much used phrase “right staff, right place, right time, right skills”) but rarely dealt with effectively.

경제가 발전하면서 보건의료인력 위기에 대한 모든 분석의 시작점은 다른 위기의 영향력에 대한 것이다. 예컨대 2008년의 세계금융위기와 그것이 보건의료 관련 지출과 인력시장에 미친 영향, 특히 유럽에서의 그것과 같은 것이다. 보건의료 관련 지출은 OECD국가에서 2000년부터 2009년까지 매년 평균 5%씩 증가해왔으나 금융위기 이후 정체되어 있는데, 이는 주로 정부의 의료관련 지출이 붕괴되었기 때문이다.

In advanced economies, the starting point for any analysis of the health workforce crisis is the impact of another crisis—the global financial meltdown in 2008 and its aftermath on healthcare spending and labour markets, notably in Europe. Healthcare spending grewon average by close to 5%each year from2000 to 2009 in OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) countries, but stagnation followed the financial crisis, mainly because of the “collapse” in the growth of government expenditure on health.

이 위기 극복에 대한 희망을 품고 21세기의 목적에 맞는 보건의료인력을 만들기 위해서는 문제에 대한 더 명확한 정의가 필요하다. 이는 단순히 숫자가 부족한 문제가 아니며, 설령 필요한 만큼 자금을 더 쓸 수 있다 하더라도 단순히 '더 많이 양성한다'는 답이 아니다.

To have any hope of solving this crisis and creating a healthcare workforce that is fit for purpose in the 21st century, a clearer definition of the problemis needed. It is not only the relatively simple problemof workforce deficits—even if sufficient funding were available, the solution is not just to “train more.”

단순하게 말하면, 더 발전된 경제하에서 해결해야 하는 의료인력 문제에는 네 가지 영역이 있다.

Put simply, there are four key problems regarding human resources for health that advanced economies need to deal with. 

  • 첫째, 많은 국가는 의사수의 총량은 충분하나, 의료접근성 측면에서 보자면 일부가 잘못된 장소에 있거나 잘못된 전공을 하고 있다.
    Firstly, many countries have a sufficient overall number of doctors, but some are in the wrong place or working in the “wrong” specialty to maximise access to care. 
  • 둘째, 간호사나 조산사 수 감소의 문제는 시급하게 다뤄져야 한다.
    Secondly, the likelihood of a fall in nursing and midwifery workforce numbers must be dealt with urgently. 
  • 셋째, 더 많은 정책과 재정적 노력이 인력을 붙잡는 것, 비용이 많이 들어가는 의료인력 attrition 줄이기, 국제 이민, 인력의 안정화 등에 쓰여서 새로운 스킬에 대한 투자가 재정적으로 확실할 수 있게 해야 한다. 이 노력은 변화하는 의료에 대한 요구를 반영해야 하며, 무엇보다 만성질환 관리와 일차의료가 중요하다. 
    Thirdly, more policy and funding effort is needed to improve retention of workers, reduce costly attrition and out-migration, and make the workforce stable enough to ensure that investment in new skills is financially prudent. These efforts are needed to meet changing patterns of healthcare demand, most notably in managing chronic disease and delivering primary care. 
  • 마지막으로, 의료인력의 수행능력은 현재의 기술, 스킬-믹스, 새로운 역할, 효과적 인센티브, 지지적 근무조건, 통합, 팀워크 등을 더 잘 활용함으로서 향상될 수 있다. 이 모든 것은 더 책임감있는 의료인력 계획, 더 향상된 교육제공자-고용자 간 alignment, 향상된 관리, 지속적인 정책 초점 등을 필요로 한다.
    Finally, improvements in workforce performance will have to be achieved through better use of current skills, improved skill mix, new roles, effective incentives, supportive working conditions, integration, and teamwork. This all speaks to the need for more responsive workforce planning, better alignment between education providers and the needs of employers, improved management, and a sustained policy focus.

선진국의 국가 내 차원의 해결책과 선진국-개도국간 국가 간 공조가 글로벌 포럼의 의제가 될 것이다. UHC에 대한 열망은 여러 국가가 변혁적 의료인력 의제에 대해서 함께 헌신하지 않고는 달성되지 못할 것이다.

Both the domestic solutions in advanced economies and international solidarity with emerging economies are on the agenda at the global forum.The aspiration for universal health coverage will not be achieved without global and shared commitment to a transformative health workforce agenda.

이 의제는 모든 국가와 모든 시스템에서 통용되는 한 가지 사실을 고려해야 한다. "인력 없이는 건강도 없다."

That agenda must take account of the universal truth in all countries and in all health systems: no health without a workforce.

7 Ono T, Lafortune G, Schoenstein M. Health workforce planning in OECD countries: a review of 26 projection models from18 countries. OECD Health Working Papers, No 62, OECD Publishing. 2013. http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/5k44t787zcwb-en

 2013 Oct 17;347:f6201. doi: 10.1136/bmj.f6201.

Challenges posed by the global crisis in the health workforce.

Author information

  • 1Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh EH27 6UU, UK.
[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

의학교육에서 교수개발, 교사 훈련과 교사 인증: 20년 후는 어떨까? (Med Teach, 2000)

Faculty development, teacher training and teacher accreditation in medical education: twenty years from now


Recanati School for Community Health Professions, Ben-Gurion University, Israel

의학교육에 이미 영향을 미치고 있는 사회적 요인 중 (   )은 점차 그 영향력이 더 커질 것이고, 누군가는 교육의 개인별 맞춤화와 강력한 자기-실현의 개념으로서 강조할 것이다. 의학을 가르치는 것은 더 이상 학생에게 흠잡을 데 없는 '구루'로서 보여지는 것은 아닐 것이다.

Among the sociological factors which already influence medical education and will influence it more and more, one may note the individualization of education as well as the powerful concept of self-actualization (Williams et al., 1999). Medical teachers will no longer be perceived by students as `gurus’ whose wisdom is irreproachable (Hardy & Conway, 1988).

더 나아가 사회는 의학교육 목표를 설정하고 우선순위를 정하는데 더 많이 관여할 것이다. '관리 의학교육(Managed medical education)'는 우리가 좋든 싫든 눈 앞에 와있다.

Furthermore, society will be involved more and more in setting and priori- tizing objectives for medical education. `Managed medical education’ is around the corner, whether we like it or not (Hafferty, 1999).

더 이상 의사가 팀워크로 협력해야 하는 다른 여러 전문직의 도움 없이 단독으로 환자를 볼 수 있는 시기는 끝날 것이다. 따라서 팀워크는 예외적인 것이 아니라 불가피한 것이다.

A point will be reached at which the physi- cian alone will not be able to manage a patient without a considerable number of other professionals who will have to cooperate in teamwork (Wahlstromet al., 1997). Teamwork, therefore, will become the unexceptional rather than the exceptional.

미래 의과해가

The future medical school

병원 밖에서 보내는 시간은 매우 늘어날 것이며, 병동에서 보내는 시간보다 더 많을 것이다. 학생들은 스스로의 학습 속도를 조절할 것이다. 현재와 같은 구조의, 시간이 제한된 교육과정은 사라질 것이다.

The time spent outside the hospital will be considerable, and may exceed the time on the wards. Students will pace their own learning (Ludmerer, 2000). The structured, time-restricted curriculum as we know it today will probably vanish.

그러나 의과대학의 두 가지 역할은 유지될 것이다. 하나는 질관리이다. 탈-중앙화된 학습은 개별 학생들로 하여금 자기자신의 전문가적 기술을 스스로의 속도에 맞춰 개발할 수 있게 해주며, 학습의 수단을 정하게 해준다. 이는 강력한 질-관리 메카니즘을 필요로 할 것이다.

Two roles of the medical school as we know it will, however, endure. One is quality control (Kamien, 1996; Kasselbaum et al., 1997). Decentralized studies will allow the individual student to develop his or her professional skills at he or she’s own pace, choosing a preferred modality for learning. This necessitates a strong quality-control mechanism.

또 다른 기능은 - 지금은 이차적인 목표이지만 - 도덕적 가이드를 제공하는 것이다. 다른 사람을 하나의 온전한 인간으로서 바라볼 수 있는 의사를 길러내는 데에는 엄청난 노력이 든다. 더 나아가 삶의 정서적, 심리사회적 문제를 해결하기 위해서는 더 많은 노력이 필요할 것이다. 학생의 스스로의 불안과 딜레마, 윤리적 불확실성에 대한 관심도 더 많이 필요할 것이며, 그 어떤 것도 지금보다 더 흔하고 더 심각할 것이다.

The other role, which is presently a secondary mission in spite of much rhetoric, is moral guidance. A lot of effort will be needed to educate a humane physician who can relate to another human being as a whole. Moreover, much effort will be needed to address the emotional and psychosocial problems of life, which will prevail. No less attention will be required to relate to the student’ s own anxieties, dilemmas and ethical uncertainties, which will be incomparably more frequent and more solemn than today.

미래의 의학교육자

The future medical teacher

미래 의학교육자(Medical Teacher)의 첫 번째 역할은 학생들에게 직접 가르치기 보다는 스스로 배울 수 있도록 기회를 제공하고 적절한 자원이 있는 곳을 가르쳐주는 것이다.

The prime role of the medical teacher of the future will be to provide his or her students with learning opportunities and to direct them to the proper resources rather than to `teach’ 

교사는 지금과 같이 지식의 일차적 출처로 남지 않을 것이며, "나도 잘 모르니 같이 찾아보자"라고 말할 수 없는 교사는 살아남지 못할 것이다.

Teachers who try to remain in the present position as the primary source of knowledge, and who will not be able to say ª I don’ t know; let’ s look it upº , will not survive.

두 번째로, 미래 의학교육자는 학생들의 미래의 삶의 도덕적, 정서적 미로로부터 학생들을 이끌 수 있어야 한다.

Second, the future medical teacher will have to be able to guide the student through the moral and emotional labyrinth of future life.

세 번째로, 미래 의학교육자는 학생들의 수행능력을 정교한 평가도구로 평가할 수 있어야 한다.

Third, the future medical teacher will have to be able to evaluate students’ performance by applying sophisticated evaluation measures.

교사의 유형은 다양한 의학교육자의 역할에 따라 구분될 것이다.

Instead, it may be envisaged that the differentroles of the medical teacher of the future will be split betweenseveral types of teachers

다수의 교수들이 단순한 학습자원의 리소스로서 활동할 것이다. 이들은 단순히 병동 혹은 외래에 기반을 둔 어떤 전공과목 혹은 특정 기술이나 테크놀로지의 전문가일 수도 있다. 그들은 학생 교육에 어떤 공식적인 역할을 담당하는 것은 아니지만 학습자원의 중요한 리소스로서 자기-학습 정보의 실제 상황에 적용을 돕는 '번역가(translator)'가 될 것이다.

The greater part of faculty members will probably act as merely resource persons. These will be mainly specialists in a clinical discipline, a specific skill or a particular technology, based in hospital wards and units as well as outpatient facilities. They will have no formal role in student education, yet they will be valuable resources and`translators’ of self-learnt information into real-life situa-tions.

두 번째 유형의 의학교육자는 평가자이다. 학생들의 역량을 평가하는 것이 그들의 유일한, 혹은 가장 중요한 책임이 될 것이다.

The second type of medical teachers will be evaluators.Assessment of students’ competences will thus be their sole,or at least main, educational responsibility.

소수의 교수들은, 그러나 지금은 거의 존재하지 않는 유형의 교사가 될 것이다. 이들은 멘토/코치/가이드로서 역할을 할 것이며, 정서적, 도덕적 이슈를 모두 다룰 수 있는 사람일 것이다.

The minority of faculty members, however, will become medical teachers of a genre that scarcely exists at present. The educational role of such teachers will be to act as mentors, coaches or guides.They will have to be both willing and capable to address emotional and moral issues.

그들의 학생의 정서, 우려, 의심, 불안을 다뤄주어야 할 것이다. 또한 학생의 거울이 되어주고, 대안을 제시하며, 위로/상담/지지를 해줘야 한다. 다른 말로는, 이들은 학생이 아무리 기술이 발전하더라도 다른 곳에서는 찾을 수 없는 것을 제공해주는 사람이 될 것이다.

They will also have to take care of their students’ emotions, concerns, doubts and anxi- eties. They will mirror behaviours to their students, suggest alternatives, console, consult and support. In other words, they will offer the only things that the student cannot find elsewhere, no matter how sophisticated the technology.

그러나 전문의와 달리 이들은 의학교육이 아니라도 어떤 분야의 전문가일 수 있으며, 학생들과 함께 탐색해나가는 과정(explorative process)를 편안하게 느껴야 한다. 따라서 이들은 '내용 전문가'가 아니라 '프로세스 전문가'라고 볼 수 있다.

However, unlike the specialists, they must not be experts in any field but education, and should feel comfort- able to take part in the explorative process of learning together with their students.They may be, therefore, regarded as `process’ rather than content experts (Kaufman &Holmes, 1998).

롤모델은 다양한 분야의 전문의일 것이다. 소위 '프로세스 교사'라고 불리는 이들에게는 추가적인 요구사항이 따를 것인데, 전통적인 권위적 교사의 모델에서 탈피해야 할 뿐만 아니라, 롤모델의 역할을 해야 한다.

The role models will thus continue to be the various specialists. This will put additional demands upon these so-called `process teachers’ ; not only will they have to relinquish the traditional authorita- tive status of a teacher, but they will be requested to forgo the position of a role model as well.

더 나아가 이러한 유형의 교사는 더 인간적이고, 더 돌봄을 중시하고, 의사소통을 중요시하는 명백한 사회의 요구로부터 나타난다. 미래에는 지금과 같은 불분명한 불만족이 보다 뚜렷해지고, 명확해질 것이다.

Moreover, this kind of teacher will emerge froman explicit societal demand for more humane, caring and communica- tive medicine. The presently murmured dissatisfaction will become blunt, clear and exacting in the future (Neufeld et al, 1998, 2000; Cohen, 1998).

그러나 우리는 이러한 유형의 의학교육자를 양성해야 하며, 우리가 그 지위에 적합한 역할을 부여할 수 있을 경우에만이 가능할 것이다. 이는 결국 우리가 어떤 교육훈련을 제공할 것인가에 달린 것이다. 교육훈련의 깊이, 진심, 프로페셔널리즘, 명망 등이 있다. 미래에 교사를 훈련시키는 것과 교수개발은 전례없는 중요성을 지닐 것이다.

However, we will be able to cultivate this kind of medical teacher if, and only if, we ascribe appropriate status to the role. This, in turn, depends also upon the training with which they will be provided, its depth, earnestness, profes- sionalism and prestige.Teacher training and faculty develop- ment in the future, therefore, will be of unprecedented importance.

오늘날의 교사훈련과 교수개발

Teacher training and faculty development today

지난 수백년간 교육은 과학이나 임상 전문가의 한 부분으로 인식되어왔다.

For centuries teaching expertise was assumed to be a part of clinical or scientific expertise (Irby, 1993;Wilkerson & Irby, 1998).

20세기 중반이 지나서야 의과대학에서의 교육이 내용전문성과 무관한 것임이 인정되기 시작했다.

Only in the second half of the 20th century has teaching in a medical school been acknowledged as a skill which is independent of content expertise.

그러나 교수개발의 개념은 더 천천히 전파되었다. 1977년 72개의 의과대학에서만 교수개발을 통한 교육 개선을 목적으로 하는 의학교육단위(medical education unit)가 있었다. 이는 그 당시 존재하던 의과대학의 4% 수준이다. 더 나아가 이 소수의 의과대학 중에서도 교수들 중 매우 일부만이 그런 프로그램에 참여했다.

The concept of teacher training and faculty develop- ment, however, was propagated slowly. By 1977 only 72 medical schools had established medical education units that attempted to improve teaching through teacher educa- tion (Jason & Westberg, 1982). This constitutes less than 4% of the medical schools which existed at the time. Moreover, even in these scarce schools only a small minority of the faculty members participated in any form of faculty development activities (idem).

교수개발 프로그램이 확산되기 시작한 것은 1970년대와 1980년대에 행동주의 이론이 확산되면서부터이다. 그 당시 학교들은 단기 워크숍, 세미나, 마이크로티칭 등을 통해서 교사들을 훈련시키기 시작했다.

The proliferation of teacher training programmes started in the late 1970s and the 1980s, alongside the dissemina- tion of behavioural theories. At that time schools started to train their teachers through short workshops, seminars and microteaching techniques (Wilkerson & Irby, 1998).

이런 행동주의적 접근법은 '저-추론(low inference)' 활동으로 강조되었으며, 이는 교사의 교실 내 행동에 대한 것임을 의미한다. 이 행동에는 목소리의 톤을 조절하는 것이나, 발표의 명확성, 요약하는 전략, 주요 개념을 강조하는 법, 보조자료의 활용 등이 있다. '교사 훈련'이라는 용어는 행동주의적 접근과 맞는다.

The behavioural approach has also stressed what was named `low inference’ activities (Murray, 1983), meaning teachers’ behaviours in the classroom. These behaviours range from time management to tone of voice, clarity of presentation, strategies of summing up and reinforcing major concepts, using teaching aids and so on. The term`teacher training’ concurred with the behavioural approach.

학생 중심으로 변화하기 시작한 것은 1980년대 인지 이론이 발전한 것과 일치한다. 교수개발활동의 초점이 변화하기 시작한 것인데, 의미의 적극적 구성과 개념 구조의 형성을 강조했다(construction of meaning, conceptual construct)

The shift to student orientation coincided with the flourishing of cognitive theories of education in the 1980s.A change in the focus of faculty development activity had occurred: the emphasis was now laid upon active construc-tion of meaning and the creation of conceptual constructs(Bruer, 1993;Wilkerson &Irby, 1998).

교사의 임무란 사실적 지식을 전달하여 학생들이 숨겨진 진실을 발견해낼 수 있도록 돕고, 지식에서 드러나는 개념을 조화시키고, 향후 학습을 위한 목적으로 활용할 수 있게 하는 것이 되었다. 다른 말로는 지향점이 '가르침' 에서 '배움'이 된 것이며, 이 패러다임에서 학생의 만족과 성공은 교사의 수행능력을 평가하는 주요 요인이 되었다.

The teacher’s mission was shifted from transferring factual knowledge to assisting students to discover hidden truths, to assimilate emerging concepts, and to put these into use for further learning (Shulmann, 1987). In other words, the orientation took another shift from teaching to learning. Under this paradigm students’ satisfaction and success had become a major component in assessing teachers’ performance.

친숙한 워크숍이나 세미나 외에 다양한 훈련 형태가 등장했다. 멘토링/상담/그룹토론/다른 교사와의 연결을 통한 위협적이지 않은 진실한 피드백 등이다.

 Various new training formats have emerged, in addition to the more familiar short workshops and seminars. These included mentoring, counselling,discussion groups and linking teachers with one another for non-threatening, sincere feedback (Skeff et al., 1997).

1990년대에는 교수개발활동이 단순한 훈련에서 더 나아가 개인과 조직의 성장과 발전의 과정으로 확장되었다. '교수개발'이라는 용어가 단순한 레토릭에서 벗어난 것은 바로 그 시기였다. 의학을 가르치는 사람이 된다는 것은 단순히 스킬을 익히는 것이 아니며, 이것은 교사, 학생, 직원으로 구성된 아카데믹 커뮤니티에 사회하되어가는 과정이라는 것이다.

The last decade of the century witnessed the first attempts to broaden the scope of faculty development activity from merely training into a process of personal and institutional growth and development. It was only then that the term `faculty development’ ceased to be simply rhetoric. It was argued that becoming a medical teacher is more than the acquisition of appropriate skills; instead, it is a socialization process into the academic community which comprises teachers, students and staff support personnel (Wilkerson & Irby, 1998). 

초보 교사는 더 노련한 교사와 지내면서 자기 자신의 기관 내 역할(institutional profile)을 만들어간다. 이러한 학습은 새로운 형태의 OTJ 학습이며, 교육 경험을 쌓아가며 시도와 실패 끝에 배우는 것과는 매우 다르다.

The neophyte teacher rubs shoulders with the older ones in shaping his or her own institutional profile (Benor & Mahler, 1987; Evans, 1995). Such learning of educational matters is a new sort of on-the-job learning, which is very different from learning by trial and error from teaching experiences.

현존하는 가장 효과적인 FDP는 'multiphasic'하다고 불리기도 한다. 여기서는 다양한 교육적 개념과 실천이 교사의 발달단계에 맞춰 서로 달라야 한다고 가정한다.

The most effective faculty development programmes which are currently comprehensive prevalent, programmes, however, sometimes are called the also `multiphasic’ (Bland & Stritter, 1988; Benor & Mahler,1989; Hitchcock et al., 1993; Quirk et al., 1998; Wilkerson& Irby, 1998). They assume that distinct educational concepts and practices are suitable for different stages of the teacher’ s development.

일부 대학에서 초기에 시도한 것은 학생들의 평가이용하는 것이며, 이것이 교수들이 교육을 개선하게 동기부여를 할 것이라고 그저 가정한 것이다. 그럼에도 이것은 교사-중심에서 학생-중심으로의 태도 변화의 전주곡이 되었다. 그러나 교사의 포트폴리오에 학생들의 평가가 포함되는데는 추가적인 20년 혹은 그 이상의 시간이 필요할 것이다.

These early attempts were accompanied in a few schools by students’ ratings of teaching, which were supposed to affect teaching merely by motivating teachers towards improvement (Eble & McKeachie, 1985). Nevertheless, these modest preludes signify the beginning of a major atti- tudinal change in education from teacher to student orienta- tion. It would take, however, another two decades or so to make students’ ratings of teaching a required component of the teacher’s portfolio.

초보 교사는 학계와 소속 기관의 커뮤니티에 사회화되어야하며, 이를 통해서 기관의 교육철학과 접근을 이해하고 그것에 동화되어야 한다. 일단 커뮤니티에 흡수되고 나면, 새로운 교수들은 기본적 교육 도구를 습득해야 하며, 교수학습의 이론을 대략이라도 접해야 한다. 더 경험이 많은 교사는 교육의 구체적인 측면에 대해서 추가적 훈련을 필요로 할 수 있다. 마지막으로 교육 리더는 교육과정 전체 혹은 일부를 관장하는 사람으로서, 의사결정자의 위치에 있을 경우 리더십은 물론 교육적 추론에 대해 또 다른 것을 알아야 한다.

The neophyte must be socialized into the academic and institutional community, both to understand and to assimilate the institutional educational philosophy and approaches. Once absorbed into the community, the new faculty member needs to acquire basic educational tools as well as a glance at the theory of teaching and learning. The more experienced teacher may need additional training in specific aspects of education, such as evaluation techniques, in order to develop further his or her skills, strengthen weaknesses and experiment with variations. Finally, educational leaders, who govern the medical school curriculum or parts of it, and who are in a decision-making position, need yet another kind of exposure to educational reasoning as well as to issues of leadership. A

따라서 포괄적, 다-시기적 접근법은 교육의 특징은 형태가 아니라 그 순서에 있는 것이며, 피훈련자의 'bite size'에 따라 점진적으로 차이가 난다. 다른 말로는 교육자들을 교육시키는 것이도 교육 원칙이 적용되어야 한다.

The unique- ness of the comprehensive, multiphasic approach is, therefore, not in the format but rather in the sequencing of the training, which is gradual in accordance with the `bite size’ of the trainee. In other words, the educational principles have been applied, at last, to education of the educators.

포괄적 교수개발 모델: Ben-Gurion 대학의 사례

A model of comprehensive faculty development: the case of Ben-Gurion University

오리엔테이션 시기에는 소그룹 활동 중심의 2일 워크숍을 한다.

This Orientation phase is a two-day workshop based on small-group activity. 

이 워크숍에서는 교육과정의 개괄과 승진과 테뉴어 정책에 이르기까지 학교 생활의 모든 측면을 다룬다. 이 프레임워크에서 참가자들은 학장과 핵심 교수들을 만나게 되며 학생도 만난다. 이 시기에서 기대하는 바는 태도의 변화이다. 새로운 교사들은 기관의 목적이 임의로 설정된 것이 아니며, 교육과정이 실제로 정해진 건강 요구에 대한 이해가능한 해결책임을 발견하게 된다.

The workshop then provides information on every aspect of the school’s life, from an overview of the curriculum to promotion and tenure policies. Within this framework the participants meet the dean and key faculty members, as well as students. The expected outcome of this phase is an atti-tudinal change. The new teachers discover that the institutional objectives are not arbitrary, and that the curriculumis indeed an understandable solution to definedhealth needs

두 번째 시기에는 '기초 교육 스킬'이라는 제목으로 3일짜리 집중적 워크숍을 한다.

The second phase, entitled Basic Instructional Skills, is an intensive three-day workshop. 

이 워크숍은 모듈 형태이며, 각 모듈은 단일한 교육 개념을 다루고 있다. 

The workshop is modular. Each module relates to a single major educational concept, such as 

  • defining and formulating educational objectives, 
  • selecting an appropriate teaching method from a wide-ranging menu, 
  • preparing teaching materials and, finally, 
  • evaluating attain- ment of the objectives.

세 번째 시기는 더 경험이 많은 교사들을 대상으로 설계된 것으로, 교육 프로그램의 모든 측면에서 다양한 활동을 제공한다. 

The third phase, designed for more experienced teachers, offers a variety of activities in all aspects of the educational programme. Among these are 

  • improving lecturing skills, 
  • raising the cognitive level of instruction, 
  • writing test items, 
  • designing clinical evaluation, 
  • activating student participation in learning, 
  • preparing audio-visual aids, 
  • teaching physical diagnosis, 
  • teaching communication skills, 
  • tutoring problem-based self-learning groups and more.
네 번째 시기에는 여러 교육 이론관 관련한 코스를 제공한다.

The fourth phase offers experienced teachers several theoretical educational courses, such as a course on 

  • evalua- tion in education, 
  • research design and 
  • other major issues of medical and health professions education.
이 시기는 명백하게 현재 혹은 미래에 의사결정자가 될 소수의 교육 리더를 대상으로 한다. 

This phase is explicitly targeted toward a small group of educational leaders, who are, or will be, in decision-making positions such as members of curriculum committees, coordinators of major courses, vice deans and the like. 

2020년의 교수개발

Teacher training and faculty development in 2020

교수개발은 일상적인 것이 될 것이다.

Faculty development will become commonplace.

이것은 더 많은 대중(public)의 참여를 통해 달성할 수 있다. 이는 학교는 물론 개별 교사에 대한 인증절차까지 가져오게 될 것이다. 정부, 대학, 의료공급자는 더 비용-효과적인 의학교육을 원할 것이고, 결국 더 효율적인 의학교육자가 필요할 것이다.

This will be achieved through more involvement of the public in education (Neufeld et al., 1998, 2000), which may also bring about accreditation procedures of both schools and individual teachers. Governments, universities and healthcare providers will prescribe a more cost-efficient medical education (Hafferty, 1999) which, in turn, will require efficient medical teachers.

반대로, Medical teacher의 시간은 지금보다, 그리고 점차 더 귀중하고 비싼 것이 될 것이다. 따라서 Teacher training도 비용효과적이고 경제적이고 시간-효율적이고 간결해야 한다.

On the other hand, the time of medical teachers will be valuable, scarce and expensive, no less than today and prob- ably more so. Thus teacher training will also have to be cost efficient, economical, time efficient and thus concise. 

어떤 식으로든 이런 훈련이 'all or none' type이 되지는 않을 것이다. 다른 말로는 종합적, 다-시기적, 맞춤형 접근법이 될 것이다.

By no means will training be an `all or none’ type. In other words, a comprehensive, multiphasic, almost `hand tailored’ approach is indicated (Figure 2).

그러나 모든 medical teacher을 대상으로 하는 두 가지 훈련활동이 있을 것인데, 하나는 기관과 학계에 관한 오리엔테이션이다. 모든 신임 교수들은 그들의 교육적 책임과 경험이 어떠하든 소속 기관과 그 기관의 미션, 접근법, 방법에 익숙해져야 한다. 그들의 교육적 역할이 무엇이든, '큰 그림'을 볼 수 있어야 한다. 또한 그들 자신을 이러한 기관 전체의 맥락 안에서 인식할 수 있어야 한다.

There are, however, two training activities that will aim at all medical teachers. The first is an orientation to the institution and to the academic community. All new faculty members, whatever their educational responsibility and experience, must be acquainted with their own institution and endorse its educational mission, approaches and methods. In order to identify with their educational role,they have to have `the big picture’ , and to perceive themselves within this institutional context.

두 번째 공통 활동은 정보 수집에 필요한 모든 테크닉에 능숙해지는 것이다. 그 교수의 미래 역할이 무엇이든, 이 기술이 반드시 필요할 것이다. 20년 후 대부분의 전문직은 이 기술을 - 기관의 도움이 있든 없든 - 어느 정도로는 마스터해야 할 것이다. 이 교육훈련은 따라서 이 기술을 습득하여 학생들에게 전수할 수 있게끔 하는데 있다. 다른말로는 학생들이 어떻게 정보의 능동적 '수렵자'가 될 수 있으며, 어떻게 습득한 정보를 크로스-체크 할 수  있는지, 어떻게 비판적 평가를 할 수 있는지, 어떻게 사용할지 등이다.

The second common activity will be acquiring proficiency in all techniques of information retrieval.Whatever the future role of the faculty member may be, it will include this particular skill. It may be envisaged that most of the profes- sionals 20 years from now will master this skill to some extent, with or without institutional intervention. The training will be aimed, therefore, at acquiring the capability to transfer this skill to students. In other words, to teach students 

  • how to be active `hunters’ of information, 
  • how to cross-check the data obtained, 
  • how to critically evaluate them, and, finally, 
  • how to use them.

단순히 학습자원의 리소스로 역할하게 될 대다수의 교수들은 추가적 교육훈련이 필요하지 않겠지만, 나머지, 즉 '평가자' 혹은 medical teacher를 전문으로 하는 사람은 추가적 입문 교육이 필요하다.

The majority of the faculty who are specialists and will serve merely as resource people for the students may be exempted from further training, unless they are interested. For the rest, namely the `evaluators’ and the `real’ , career medical teachers, another introductory activity is indicated.

교수개발 시스템의 주 노력은 '진정한' 혹은 '직업' medical teacher를 대상으로 해야 한다. 정의상 이들이 교육훈련에 쏟을 시간이 더 많을 것이다. 첫 번째 공통시기가 지난 이후, 이들 교사는 교육 스킬의 집중 훈련을 받아야 한다. 다른 말로는 지식의 리소스가 아니라 학습의 촉진자 역할을 받아들이고 수행하기 위해서 배워야 한다.

The main effort of the faculty development system should be directed, however, at the fewer `real’ , or career, medical teachers. By definition they will have more time for training,since teaching is their main thrust. After the first common phases, these teachers will have to have intensive training in tutoring skills. In other words, they have to learn, to accept and to practise the role of promoters and facilitators of learning rather than that of a source of knowledge

이후, 이 분야에서 일정한 경험을 쌓은 다음에 직업 교사들은 성인학습 프로세스에 대해서 배워야 한다. 이는 교육이론과 방법론에 대한 소개과정을 말한다.

Later on, after gaining some experience in the field, the career teachers will have to know more about adult learning processes.This means an introduction to educational theories and methodologies.

교육훈련의 마지막 단계는 기관을 위한 교육리더십 개발이다. 여기에 관심을 갖는 개인은 드물 것이다. 따라서 자원의 절약을 위해서 이러한 훈련은 지역/국가내/국가간 수준에서 이뤄져야 한다. 어떤 형태의 교사도 모두 리더가 될 수 있으므로, 앞에서 언급한 모든 phase를 이수한 사람만이 미래 지도자 교육을 받을 수 있다.

The last phase of training will be aimed at the develop-ment of educational leadership for the institution. The individuals concerned will, naturally, be but a few. Therefore,for conservation of resources, their training will probably be on a regional, national or even international level. Leaders can emerge from any type of teachers. The training of these future leaders should include, therefore, all the phases described earlier which they did not undertake. Only then may specific training start.

의학교육의 리더가 스스로 만들어지는 시기는 지났으며, 이제는 리더십에 대해서 알아야 할 것들이 있고, 따라야 할 실천들과 공유해야 할 경험이 있다.

The time when leaders of medical education were self-made people, or more or less born leaders, has passed. There are things to know about leadership, practices to follow and experiences to share. 

medical teacher의 자격과 인증

Certification and accreditation of medical teachers

슬쩍 보기에 의과대학은 교사훈련과 교수개발의 자기통제를 통해서 외부의 개입을 막아야 한다고 보일 수 있다.

At first glance it seems that medical schools should try their best to vanquish such external interference by self- regulation of teacher training and faculty development. 

그러나 최근의 추세는 외부의 평가자(국가 수준이든 어떻든)를 통해서 자격을 인정받는 방식이다. 이 프로세스는 의학교육을 해치거나 학교의 자율성을 위험에 빠뜨리기 보다는 그 반대이다. 외부 인증기관이 있는 국가에서 대학은 보다 명확하고 합의된 최소한의 가이드라인을 제공받을 수 있다.

However, the global trend today is to follow the American example, and endorse certification procedures via external examiners, whether nationwide or otherwise. This process did not harm medical education, and did not jeopardize schools’ autonomy. On the contrary: in those countries that have external certification, schools are provided with clear, agreed guidelines, which describe the minimal future professional.

우리의 아이들을 가르치는 선생님들은 자격증이 필요하다. 의사가 될 우리 학생들은 왜 동등한 특권을 누리지 못하는가?

The teachers of our children, while they are young, should be certified.Why should our children, who elect to become physicians,not have the same privilege? 

더 나아가, 의사에게 자격증을 부여하는 작업은 의사에 의해서 이뤄지고, 이들 역시 평가 전문가로서 의사의 역할에 대한 전문직간 포괄적 합의를 대표하는 사람이다.

Moreover, certification of physicians will be done by physicians, who are also evaluation experts, and who represent wide agreement between professionals on the doctor’ s role. 

더 나아가 medical teacher들은 외부 자격증에 관심을 가질 수도 있다. 전문직-역할 갈등에 대해서많은 것이 쓰여지고 논의된 바 있다.

Furthermore, medical teachers may be interested in such external certification. A lot has been written and spoken about the `profession-role conflict’ (Bazuin &Yonke, 1978).

최근 임상적, 과학적 역량을 바탕으로 고용되거나 승진한 의사들이 교사의 역할을 하는데 어려움을 겪는다. 교육은 부가적 업무가 되고, 가끔은 짐이며, 어떤 식으로든 그 개인의 가장 중요한 역할이 되지 않는다. 자격증을 주는 절차는 이 갈등을 줄여줄 수 있다. 그러한 과정을 겪는 medical teacher는 스스로를 교사-의사로서 더 인식할 것이며 교육 의무를 갖는 의사로서 덜 인식하게 될 것이다.

Nowadays the physician who has been hired and promoted for his or her clinical or scientific competences finds it hardto identify with a teacher’s role. Teaching becomes an extratask, sometimes a burden, but by no means the main thrustof the individual. A formal certification procedure may andwill alleviate this conflict.The medical teachers who undergosuch a procedure will perceive themselves more easily asteacher-physicians rather than clinicians who teach

자격증 시험을 떨어진 교수는 어떻게 되는가? 사실상 아무 일도 일어나지 않는다. 우리가 나아가는 이 경쟁적 세계에서 기관 그 자체는 교육을 자신의 주 진로로 선택한 교수의 숫자를 충분히 확보할 것이다. 다만 차이는 미래의 '아이비리그'가 의사면허시험에서 졸업생의 성공만을 고려할 것이냐 아니면 교사의 성공도 같이 고려할 것이냐일 것이다.

What will happen to faculty members who fail the certification examinations? In fact, nothing. In the competi-tive world toward which we are heading, the institutions themselves will guarantee both a sufficient number of faculty members who elect education as their main career path,and their success. The only difference, perhaps, would be that the Ivy League of the future would take into considera-tion not only graduates’ success in the national certification examinations, but also that of their teachers. 

 2000;22(5):503-12. doi: 10.1080/01421590050110795.

Faculty developmentteacher training and teacher accreditation in medical educationtwenty years from now.

Author information

  • 1Recanati School for Community Health Professions, Ben-Gurion University, Israel.


To address the issue of faculty development in the year 2020, an attempt is made to predict the structure of the future medical school and the profile of a future medical teacher. By projecting from the technological, sociological and structural processes that affect medical education, it can be envisaged that there will be several types of medical teachers, namely specialists, who will be resource people for the students, evaluators of student performance, and a minority of 'process teachers'. The role of the process teachers will be to tutor, facilitate learning, coach and guide the students in the only domain which cannot be self-learned by technological devices, namely: moral issues, interpersonal communication and crisis management. Each type of teacher requires a different training programme. All programmes, however, should be comprehensive, longitudinal or multiphasic, and lead the faculty member from orientation in both the institution and the educational field to a leadership position by successive approximations. It is further expected that societal demands will impose teacher accreditation and, perhaps, licensing. This, however, will remain in the medical profession's hands, and may bring about a resolution of the 'role-profession conflict', and a more favourable self-perception of facultymembers as teachers. Finally, an optimistic conclusion is drawn for the future of medical education.


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