"내가 의대에 적합한걸까?" 1학년 학생들의 확신결여 현상에 대한 이해(Med Teach, 2015)
‘‘Am I cut out for this?’’ Understanding the experience of doubt among first-year medical students
1Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, USA, 2Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center, USA, 3Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics, USA, 4University of Utah School of Medicine, USA
의과대학생들이 느끼는 정신적 고통의 수준은 높은 편인데, 그로 인해 우울, 탈진, 의욕상실 등을 경험한다. 의과대학생의 distress는 유급부터 자살충동까지 여러 부정적 결과를 초래한다.
Medical students experience high rates of distress, often taking the form of depression, burnout, and loss of empathy over the course of medical training (Compton et al. 2008; Hojat et al. 2009; Dyrbye et al. 2011a). Medical student distress is further associated with negative personal consequences, ranging from thoughts of dropping out to suicidal ideation (Dyrbye et al. 2010c).
의과대학생들이 distress를 받는 한 가지 이유는 샘솟는 '의구심'이다. 의과대학생들이 노출된 여러 스트레스 요인들에는 사회적 지지가 결여된 환경에서의 생활, 재정 문제, 수면 부족, 과도학 학습시간, 인간이 겪는 고통과 죽음에 대한 대면 등이 있다.
One source of medical student distress that has not been adequately studied is emergence of doubt. Medical students are exposed to a range of stressors that include living away from social supports, financial debt, lack of sleep, long hours of study, and encountering human suffering and death (Compton et al. 2008).
연구 설계
Study design
mixed-methods study를 수행하였다.
We conducted a mixed-methods study involving a survey and focus groups examining the phenomenon of doubt among first-year medical students at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine (JHUSOM) in June, 2012.
We asked students to answer 13 questions embedded in an annual, online advising program survey:
- nine questions about doubt were developed based on literature review of medical student well-being, and
- four questions reflecting other measures of distress from a validated well-being index (Table 1) (Dyrbye et al. 2010b, 2011b).
For the focus groups, we created a semi- structured interview guide based on literature review and expert opinion. We tested the guide in a pilot focus group, then revised it prior to use. One study team member (R.L.) served as the focus group facilitator. Questions in the survey and interview guide addressed types of doubt, coping with doubt, and impact of doubt. The distress questions on the survey addressed burnout, depression, stress, and loss of empathy.
자료 분석
Data analysis
처음 세 문항을 가지고 두 그룹으로 분류, 이후 logistic regression 시행
For the survey items, we dichotomized students based on their responses to the first three items (Table 1, questions 1–3). Students who responded ‘‘agree’’ or ‘‘strongly agree’’ to at least two of these items were classified into the moderate/high doubt group, and the remaining students into the low/no doubt group. We then used logistic regression to compare the likelihood of these groups ‘‘agreeing’’ or ‘‘strongly agreeing’’ with statements about coping with doubt and impact of doubt (Table 1, questions 5–9), and to compare the likelihood of these groups experiencing the four types of distress (Table 1, questions 10–13).
포커스그룹 자료 분석
For the focus groups, one author (R.L.) transcribed the audio-recordings and then four members of the study team (R.L., R.S., J.C., G.G.) independently coded the transcripts. Each transcript was read by at least two readers, and coded using an editing style of analysis (Miller 1999). We iteratively reviewed our codes to identify major themes.
질적 결과
Quantitative Results
1번 문항에 대해서는 46%가, 2번 문항에 대해서는 39%가, 3번 문항에 대해서는 51%가 스스로 의심을 표했다.
Forty-six percent (51/112) of students doubted (agreed or strongly agreed) whether medical school was the right choice for them, 39% (44) doubted whether JHUSOM was the right choice, and 51% (57) doubted their ability to succeed in the academic environment of medical school.
이 세가지에 기초하여 20%는 고의심, 29%는 중증도 의심, 22%는 저의심, 29%는 무의심 집단으로 구분.49%-51% 정도의 비율
Based on response patterns for these three items, 20% (23) experienced high doubt, 29% (32) moderate doubt, 22% (25) low doubt, and 29% (32) no doubt. In sum, 49% (55) experienced moderate/ high doubt, while 51% (57) experienced low/no doubt.
저의심/무의심 집단에 비해서, 중등도의심/고의심 집단은 우울, 무기력 등을 겪을 가능성이 두 배 이상 높음
Compared to those withlow or no doubt, students with moderate or high doubt weretwice as likely to experience being down, depressed, orhopeless and to experience emotional hardening.
Qualitative Results
Student responses werecategorized into three broad themes: types of doubt, ways ofcoping with doubt, and impact of doubt (Table 5)
확신결여의 유형 Types of doubt
내가 정말 의사가 되고 싶은가? Do I want to become a doctor?
내가 의사가 될 만큼 유능한가? Am I capable of becoming a doctor?
의심에 대처하는 자세 Coping with doubt
의심의 영향 Impact of doubt
'의심'의 경험과 그것을 관리하는 것이 의과대학생의 웰-빙에 중요한 요인이다. 1학년 학생 중 doubt의 유병률이 매우 높다는 것이 놀라운 결과로서, 거의 절반이 중등도- 고- 의심 상태임을 확인할 수 있었고, 이는 주로 의과대학 진로에 대한 자신의 열망이나 능력에 대한 것이었다. 더 나아가서 고의심 집단은 스스로의 정체성이나 목적에 대해서도 의심하는 경향이 높았다.
Our results suggest that the existence of doubt and its management are indeed important components of medical student well-being. A striking finding from this study is the high prevalence of doubt among first-year medical students. Nearly half of these students reported moderate to high levels of doubt, largely related to uncertainty about their desire or ability to pursue a career in medicine. Furthermore, students who experienced higher levels of doubt were more likely to question their sense of identity and purpose.
질적, 양적 결과를 조합하면 의과대학생이 받는 스트레스를 '의심'의 한 현상으로 이해하는 것도 가능한데, 이 때 의심은 catalyst나 mediator, 혹은 독자적인 형태로 존재할 수 있다
The combination of quantitative and qualitative results linking doubt to other forms of distress enriches our understanding of medical student distress by including the phenomenon of doubt, either as a catalyst or mediator of known forms of distress, or as a distinct form of distress.
연구결과는 개인의 목적이나 자기자신이 누군가에 대한 의심이 만연해 있음을 지적하는데, 의과대학이 개인적 성장과 전문직정체성형성(PIF)에 결정적 시기임이 보여진 바 있다. Cohen 등은 PIF에 부정적 영향을 줄 수 있는 훈련과정으로서 높은 기대, 지식/술기 부족에 대한 내적 공포, 배제적이고 위계적 문화, 고통과 죽음을 직면하는 정서적 무게감 등을 꼽았다. 이번 포커스그룹에서 학생들은 이러한 이슈에 대해서 비슷한 이야기를 많이 했다. 의학교육계가 정체성형성에 초점을 둔다면, 학생이 의심과 관련해서 이를 인식하고 극복하고자 하는 노력에 관심을 기울이는 것이 유용할 수 있다.
Study participants indicated that pervasive doubt led them to question both their personal purpose and their sense of who they were. Previous work has shown that medical school is a critical time for personal development and professional identity formation (PIF) (Cohen et al. 2009; Holden et al. 2012). Cohen et al. identified several aspects of the training process that may negatively influence PIF, including pressures like high expectations and internal fear of inadequate know- ledge or skills, the exclusive and hierarchical culture of medicine, and the emotional weight of facing suffering and death (Cohen et al. 2009). Our focus group participants raised many of these same issues, supporting the idea that doubt is an important factor in medical students’ PIF. As the medical education community increases its training focus on identity formation, adding students’ perceptions and struggles with doubt to the discourse may be useful (Jarvis-Selinger et al. 2012).
포커스그룹에서는 의심의 긍정적 측면과 파괴적 결과가 모두 나타났다. 긍정적 측면은 의심을 어떻게 다루어야 하는지 의과대학 초기에 경험할 수 있어서 미래의 진료 상황에서도 비슷한 불확실성에 대응할 수 있다는 것이다.
Focus group participants described both helpful and destructive consequences to their experiences with doubt. On the positive side, learning how to manage a sense of doubt early in medical school could prepare students to deal with future uncertainty in the context of patient care
이번 연구에서 우려되는 점은 학생들이 의심을 품고 있을 때 탈진이나 우울에 빠질 수 있다는 것이다.
A concerning finding of our work, however, is that students felt harboring doubtcould lead to burnout and depression.
그렇다면, 어떻게 학생들이 의심을 건설적으로 다루고, 성장할 수 있도록 도울 수 있을 것인가? 이다.
A critical question, then, is how to help students manage their doubt constructively, enhancing their growth in the face of inevitable uncertainty, rather than letting it overwhelm and discourage them.
Dunn 등이 연구한 의과대학생의 모델에서는 '대응력 원천(coping reservoir)'를 제안했다. 각 학생은 각각의 개인적 원천이 있는데 성격/기질/대응방식에 따라 달라진다. 이 원천은 건강하거나 불건강한 대응방법으로 인해 채워지거나 비워질 수 있다. 더 나아가서 스트레스와 같은 요인은 원천을 고갈되게 할 수 있고, 사회적 지지는 이것을 채워준다. 이 모델은 본 연구와 일치하는데, 학생들이 말한 '고갈 요인'은 많은 경우 의심의 형태로 존재했으며, '충전 요인'은 의심을 대처하는 효과적인 방법이었다. 의과대학생과 의사의 회복탄력성이 강조되고 있다. 의심을 의과대학에서 받는 스트레스의 중요한 요인으로 바라볼 때 학생들의 탈진을 예방하고 회복탄력성을 길러줄 수 있을 것이다.
One model of medical student well-being by Dunn et al. (2008) introduces the idea of a coping reservoir. Each student has an individual reservoir, determined by personal traits, temperament, and coping style. The reservoir can then be filled or drained by healthy or unhealthy coping methods. Furthermore, other factors like stress can drain the reservoir, while social support can fill it. This model corresponds to the processes described by students in our study. Students described many of the ‘‘depleting factors’’ as types of doubt, and many of the ‘‘replenishing factors’’ as helpful ways of coping with doubt. There is increasing recognition of the importance of physician resilience and of training medical students to be resilient (Epstein & Krasner 2013; Nedrow et al. 2013; Zwack & Schweitzer 2013). Addressing doubt as an important component of medical student distress may help educators guide students towards resilience rather than burnout during a grueling training process and challenging career.
Coping reservoir:
A term used to describe the positive and negative strategies used to cope with stress and how they interact. Dunn LB, Iglewicz A, Moutier C. 2008.
A conceptual model of medical student well-being: Promoting resilience and preventing burnout. Acad Psychiatr 32(1):44–53.
Identity formation:
The development of the distinct personality of an individual regarded as a persisting entity in a particular stage of life; a person’s mental representation of who he or she is in which individual characteristics are possessed and by which a person is recognised or known. Erikson EH. 1950. Childhood and society. New York: W. W. Norton. Josselson R. 1987. Finding herself: Pathways to identity development in women. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Jarvis-Selinger S, Pratt DD, Regehr G. 2012. Competency is not enough: integrating identity formation into the medical education discourse. Acad Med 87(9):1185–1190.
Med Teach. 2015 Dec;37(12):1083-9. doi: 10.3109/0142159X.2014.970987. Epub 2014 Oct 16.
"Am I cut out for this?" Understanding the experience of doubt among first-year medical students.
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- [PubMed - in process]
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