학생의 개인적, 전문직업적 성장: PPD의 새 프레임워크(Med Educ, 2003)

Fostering students’ personal and professional development in medicine: a new framework for PPD

Jill Gordon


의료계의 직업과 소비자들은 이타주의, 책임감, 의무, 성실, 타인 존중 및 의사의 평생 학습의 중요성을 인식합니다. 이러한 속성 및 기타 속성은 전문성의 본질이라고 볼 수 있습니다 .1 이러한 전문적이고 사회적인 기대를 충족시키기 위해 학생들을 준비하는 과정에서 의대는 많은 어려움에 직면합니다.

The medical profession and consumers of health care recognise the importance of altruism, accountability, duty, integrity, respect for others and lifelong learning in doctors. These and other attributes are seen as the essence of professionalism.1 In preparing students to meet these professional and societal expectations, medical schools face a number of challenges.

개인적이고 전문적인 개발Personal and professional development은 고립된 커리큘럼 주제isolated curriculum theme 이상입니다. 전체 교육과정에 접근하는 방법입니다. 최근의 토론 기사에서 Howe6은 현대 의학 교육에서 가장 시급한 요구 사항 중 하나는 lifetimes practice을 위해 적절하게 견고한 전문 역량을 갖추게하는 전문 개발 이론 및 실습을위한 프레임 워크를 개발하는 것이라고 주장합니다. Educational, sociological 및 psychological 관점 (바람직한)은 바람직한 전문적 속성의 획득을 가져올 수있는 핵심 원칙을 명료하게 해줍니다. '라고 말하면서, 공식적인 교육만으로는 학생들이 유능하고 책임있는 의사가 될 수 없음을 인정합니다.

Personal and professional devel- opment is more than an isolated curriculum theme or strand; it is a way of approaching the entire course. In a recent discussion article, Howe6 argues that  one of the most pressing requirements for contemporary medical education is to develop a framework for theory and practice of professional development which results in the attainment of professional competencies suitably robust for a lifetime s practice… Educational, sociolo- gical and psychological perspectives (can) elucidate key principles which are most likely to result in acquisition of desirable professional attributes.’ In saying this, the author acknowledges that formal teaching alone is not enough to ensure that students will develop into competent and responsible doctors.

교육, 사회학 및 심리학에 관한 이론 외에도 PPD를 이해하는 다른 방법이 있습니다. 25 년 전에 존 아이젠 버그 (John Eisenberg)는 의사 행동 관찰을 기반으로 한 모델을 개발하여 비용 효과적인 진료를 홍보하는 방법을 평가하는 데 사용했습니다. 그는 진료행동의 주요 결정 요인 중 일부를 확인했습니다. 이는 교육, 피드백, 보상, 벌칙 및 참여로 요약 될 수 있습니다. Eisenberg는 교육만으로 행동에 대한 효과가 제한적이며 가능한 모든 요소의 조합이 가장 큰 힘을 발휘한다는 사실을 보여주었습니다 .8 개인 및 전문성 개발은 근본적으로 행동 변화에 관한 것이며, 학생들이 최고 수준의 profes - sionalism, 그들의 학습 환경은 공식적인 교육 프로그램에 포함 된 가치를 반영하고 강화해야합니다.

In addition to theories on education, sociology and psychology, there are other ways of understanding PPD. Twenty-five years ago, John Eisenberg developed a model based on observations of doctors’ behaviour and used it to evaluate methods of promoting cost- effective care.7 He identified some of the major deter- minants of behaviour in clinical practice. These can be summarised as education, feedback, rewards, penalties and participation. Eisenberg demonstrated that educa- tion alone has only limited effects on behaviour and that the combination of all available factors exerts the greatest force.8 Personal and professional development is fundamentally about behaviour change, and if we are to help students reach the highest standards of profes- sionalism, their learning environment must reflect and reinforce the values contained in the formal teaching programme.

학생 선발

Student selection

모델을 자세하게 고려하기 전에, 졸업생들의 바람직한 태도와 행동을 보장하는 가장 분명한 방법 중 하나가 이미 그러한 태도와 행동을 갖춘 학생들을 선발하는 것임을 인정하는 것이 중요합니다. Eisenberg의 용어에서, 학생 선택의 수정 방법은 원하는 결과를 지원하기위한 행정적인 변화로 분류됩니다. 영국의 의과 대학의 의회의위원회는 의과대학에 대한 접근성을 확대하여 의료 졸업생의 사회적, 문화적 및 민족적 배경이 그들이 봉사하도록 부름받은 사람들의 다양성을 광범위하게 반영하도록 권고했습니다..9 의학교육은 고등학교 졸업자보다 더 성숙한 직업 감각을 가진 나이든older 학생들을 받아 들여 이 개념을 확장하였다.

Before considering the model in detail, it is important to acknowledge that one of the most obvious ways of ensuring desirable attitudes and behaviours in gradu- ates is to select students who already demonstrate them. In Eisenberg’s terminology,7 modifying methods of student selection would be categorised as an  administrative change  to support a desired outcome. The Council of Heads of Medical Schools in the UK has recommended that access to medical school be widened so that  the social, cultural and ethnic backgrounds of medical graduates …reflect broadly the diversity of those they are called upon to serve .9 Programmes to widen access to medical education extend this concept by admitting older students who may have a more mature sense of vocation than school leavers.

PPD 교육과정의 실현가능성

The feasibility of a PPD curriculum

학생의 PPD를 육성하고 잠재교육과정을 제한하려는 도전은 과소 평가되어서는 안됩니다. 11 학생을주의 깊게 선택 했음에도 불구하고 학생들은 윤리적 침식을 경험할 수 있으며 의과대학이나 커리어상 실패할 위험을 초래할 수 있는 행동을 할 수도 있다. 바람직한 속성과 행동을 촉진 시키는데 분명히 효과적인 PPD 커리큘럼을 개발하는 것은 교수진이 커리큘럼 내용뿐만 아니라 학습 환경에 대해서도 성찰하도록 요구하는 과제입니다 .14 많은 반대 의견을 제기 할 수 있습니다 앞으로 커리큘럼 개혁을 고려하고있는 학교들은 그들을주의 깊게 고려하고 대처해야합니다.

The challenge of fostering students’ PPD and limiting  hidden curriculum  the negative influences of the should not be underestimated.11 Despite careful stu- dent selection, we know that students may experience  ethical erosion 12 and may engage in behaviours that place them at risk for failure in medical school or in their careers.13 Developing a PPD curriculum that is demonstrably effective in promoting desirable attrib- utes and behaviours is a challenge that requires faculty to reflect on the learning environment as well as the curriculum content.14 Many objections can be put forward, and schools that are contemplating curricu- lum reform need to consider and address them with care.

PPD 커리큘럼에 대한 반대 주장
Objections to a PPD curriculum

 충분한 시간이 없다.

 There is not enough time 

(교육과정은) 더 많은 주제를 추가하라는 압박과 함께 공식 교육 시간을 줄이고 자발적인 학습을 장려하는 방향으로 나아갔습니다 .15 

Alongside the pressure to add more topics has come a move to reduce formal teaching time and to encour- age more self-directed learning.15 For the didactically inclined, this change represents even less time to  get the message across .

 PPD는 가르 칠 수 없다.

 PPD is not teachable 

학생들은 서로 다른 기질, 태도 및 통찰력에 따라 다른 의대에 입학하고 퇴학합니다. 그들의 궁극적 인 진로 선택은 일반적으로 이러한 차이점을 반영할 것입니다 16 일부 관찰자들은 PPD 프로그램이 모든 학생에게 똑같은 Political correctness의 구속을 강제하도록 노력해서는 안된다고 주장합니다 . PPD를 배우는 것이 사실이나 임상 추론 기술을 습득하는 것과는 완전히 다르다는 우려가 있다

Students enter and leave medical school with different temperaments, attitudes and insights. Their ultimate career choices usually reflect these differences and it is  typical  not without good reason that we think of physicians, surgeons and so forth.16 Some observers argue that PPD programmes should not try to force all students into the same straitjacket of political correct- ness. There is a genuine concern that learning PPD is quite different fromacquiring facts or clinical reasoning skills.

학생들이 PPD를 속일 수도 있다. 예를 들어 학생들은 팀 혐오감을 유지하면서 필요한 팀웍 연습에 참여할 수도 있으며, 팀워크가 환자 치료에서 도움될 부분이 거의 없다는 신념을 갖고 있기도 하다.

Could students simply fake might, PPD? Students for example, participate in required teamwork exercises while maintaining a dislike of teams and a belief that teamwork has little to offer in patient care.

마지막으로 평가의 문제가 있습니다. PPD가 가르 칠 수 있다고하더라도, 논쟁은 계속되며, 평가되지 않으면 의미가 없지만, 수용 가능한 수준의 자기관리 또는 성찰 은 무엇입니까? 인지 또는 정신 운동 능력과 동일한 방식으로 이러한 자질을 해부하고 평가할 수 있습니까?

Finally, there is the problem of assessment. Even if PPD can be taught, the argument continues, it is meaningless unless it is also assessed, but what is an acceptable level of  self-care  or  reflectiveness ? Can and should these qualities be dissected and assessed in the same way as cognitive or psychomotor competencies?

'의과 대학은 PPD에 코스를 제공 할 준비가되어 있지 않습니다.'

‘Medical schools are not equipped to provide courses in PPD’

오늘날 대부분의 의사들은 PPD를 자신의 학부 경험의 명백한 구성 요소로 경험하지 않았습니다. 
윤리 강좌는 종종 졸업생들이 매일의 임상 실습에서 발생할 가능성이 거의없고 영향을 미치지도 않는 난해한 문제를 다루고 있습니다. 
윤리적 가치에 대해 토론하고 비교할 때 종교적, 문화적, 사회적 차이 구분을 만들 수 있습니다. 
학생들이 진정한 도전에 맞설 수 없으면 팀웍 연습은 인위적으로 느껴질 수 있습니다. 
국가 및 국제 규모의 보건 의료의 불평등은 너무나 힘이 들어서 교수 및 학생 모두가 무시하려고합니다. 
불행하게도, 다른 학문 분야에서 전문가를 수입하려는 전략은 정확하게 이것이 문제라는 인상을 준다.

Most of today’s doctors did not experience PPD as an explicit component of their own undergraduate experi- ence. Ethics lectures often dealt with esoteric issues that graduates were unlikely to encounter in day to day clinical practice and even less likely to influence. can create Religious, cultural and social differences divisions when it comes to discussing and comparing ethical values. Teamwork exercises are likely to feel artificial unless students can grapple with authentic challenges. Discussions concerning self-care run con- trary to the adolescent ⁄ young adult ethos of risk taking behaviour and personal invulnerability. Inequalities in health care on a national and an international scale are so daunting that both faculty and students are tempted to ignore them. Unfortunately, the strategy of importing experts from other academic disciplines confirms the impression that this is exactly what the problem is.

'어떤 것은 더 잘 알려지지 않은 채 남는 것이 낫다'

‘Some things may be better left unsaid’

과거의 위계적 의료 시스템보다는 덜 일반적이지만, 어떤 사람들은 약물 남용, 성적 경계, 휘파람 불기, 권위 주의적 구조 또는 의학적 관행의 상업적 측면에 관한 이야기는 의과대학에서 다룰만한 예의 바른polite 이야기가 아니라고 주장합니다 

Although it is less common than in the hierarchical medical care systems of years gone by, some still argue that talking about substance abuse, sexual boundaries, whistle blowing, authoritarian structures or the com- mercial aspects of medical practice are not really the stuff of polite medical school conversation.

PPD 교육과정을 지지하는 주장

The arguments in favour of a PPD curriculum

시간 요인

The time factor

학생들이 처음으로 의학에서의 복잡한 개인적 및 전문적 문제를 다룰 때 수행해야 할 과제의 어려움을 과소 평가하는 것은 쉽습니다. 시간이 짧고 커리큘럼이 복잡하지만 PPD에 대한 명확한 관심은 학생들의 학습 요구를 우선시하고 가능한 시간을 최대한 활용하는 데 도움이됩니다.

It is easy to underestimate the difficulty of the tasks that students undertake as they meet complex personal and professional issues in medicine for the first time. Although time is short and curricula are crowded, explicit attention to PPD should help students to prioritise their learning needs and make the best use of the time available.

학생들의 발달 단계가 다양하지만, 이것이 PPD를 배울 수 없다는 것을 의미하지는 않습니다. 의사 소통 기술의 가르침에 반대하여 유사한 논쟁이 제기되었지만,이 논쟁은 오랫동안 불신 해왔다.

While students vary in their developmental stages, this does not mean that PPD cannot be taught. A similar argument was posed in opposition to the teaching of communication skills, but this argument has long since been discredited.19



의대가 단순히 교육기간에 자연적으로 발생하는 PPD에 의존한다면 잠재교육과정의 영향이 팽배해질 위험이 있습니다 .11

If medical schools rely on the kind of PPD that simply happens  along the way, they may risk allowing the  hidden curriculum  to prevail.11

교수진 전문 기술

Faculty expertise

교사가 PPD를 필요로하는 새로운 기술에 대한 우려는 유효하지만 PPDcourses를 가르치는 교수는 자신의 참여와 의과대학에서 PPD의 일부 주제를 재발견하는 과정에서 이익을 얻는다 고 말합니다. 개인 및 전문 개발 프로 그램은 다른 보건 분야, 심리학, 사회학 및 철학에 의해 강화 될 수 있으나, 이는 의대 교수가 강의 세션의 품질 및 관련성에 대한 중심적인 책임을지는 경우에 한합니다.

Concerns about the new skills that teachers need forteaching PPD are valid, but faculty who teach on PPDcourses say that they also benefit from their involve-ment and fromthe process of rediscovering some of the milestones that were part of their own PPD in medicalschool. Personal and professional development pro-grammes can be enriched by other health disciplinesand by psychology, sociology and philosophy, providedthat medical teachers take a central responsibility forthe quality and relevance of the teaching sessions. 

개방성에 대한 태도

An attitude of openness

마지막으로, 어떤 것이 더 잘 언급되지 않는 편이 낫다는 주장은 가장 강하게 반론할 수 있다. 비밀스런 분위기를 지지하는 것은 전문적인 판단을 할 때 분리detachment와 청렴integrity의 필요성에 직접적으로 반대하는 것과 같다.

Finally, the argument that some things are better left unsaid needs the strongest rebuttal of all. An atmo- sphere of secrecy stands in direct opposition to the need for detachment and integrity in the exercise of profes- sional judgement.

그들은 또한 개인적인 탐욕, 일부에 대한 특별한 유혹을 발전시키기 위해 기밀을 사용할 수 있습니다. 상업 부문은 다른 비트에 맞춰 움직이며 학생들은 커뮤니티의 상업 및 전문 분야의 가치가 항상 반대되는 이유를 이해해야합니다.

They can also use secrecy to advance personal greed, a particular temptation for some. The commercial sector marches to the beat of a different drum, and students need to understand why the values of the commercial and professional sectors of the community will always be in opposition.21

PPD 교육과정의 구성요소 

The components of a PPD curriculum

의사소통 기술

Communication skills

의사-환자 의사 소통의 이론과 실제는 지난 20 ~ 30 년 동안 거의 모든 의료 프로그램의 필수적인 부분이되었습니다 .22 팀워크, 대규모 잠재 고객 발표 또는 서면 작성을 위해 필요한 다른 유형의 전문 의사 소통 커뮤니케이션은 PPD 커리큘럼의 일부로 점차 인정 받고 있습니다.

The theory and practice of doctor)patient communi- cation have become integral parts of virtually every medical programme over the past 20)30 years.22 Other types of professional communication, such as those required for teamwork, for presentations to large audiences or for written communication, are increas- ingly being recognised as part of a PPD curriculum.

인간적인 진료와 휴머니즘

Humane care or  humanism 

다양한 이름으로 불리는이 커리큘럼의 요소는 건강 심리의 생물 심리 사회적 관점을 홍보하는 것과 관련이 있습니다. 임상 교사가 학생들이 존경하는 행동을 모델링 할 때, 학생의 자율성 14을 지원하고 환자에 대한 존중을 표현하여 가르치고 배우는 데 적극적으로 참여하도록 격려할 때 가장 성공적 일 수 있습니다.

Called by various names, this element of the curriculumis concerned with promoting a biopsychosocial view ofhealth care. It is likely to be most successful when clinical teachers model behaviours that students admire,23 support student autonomy14 and demon-strate respect for patients by encouraging them to play an active role in teaching and learning.24 



많은 의과 대학은 의대생과 졸업생이 전형적으로 경험하는 특별한 스트레스를 인식하고 있습니다 .25 학생들은 의사가 소진, 알코올 및 기타 약물 남용 및 심리적 장애에 취약하다는 사실을 더 잘 알고 있습니다.

Many medical schools have recognised the particular stresses that medical students and graduates typically experience25 and students are now more aware that doctors are vulnerable to  burnout , the abuse of alcohol and other drugs and psychological disorder.

윤리와 법

Ethics and health law

자기 관리와 달리, 윤리 및 의학 법률 교육은 항상 의학 교과 과정에 필수적인 것으로 간주되어 왔지만 의과 대학 및 의학 기관이 명시적인 교과 과정 지침을 제 작함에 따라 교수 방법이 체계화되고 있습니다.

Unlike self-care, ethics and medico-legal teaching have always been considered essential to medical curricula, but teaching methods are becoming more systematic, with medical schools and medical organisations produ- cing explicit curriculum guidelines.26,27


Medical humanities

의학 인문학 연구 프로그램에 대한 관심이 높아지고 있으며 일부는 매우 성공적이라고 판명되었습니다 .30 아직 해결되지 않은 문제는 이러한 프로그램을 핵심 의학 교과 과정의 일부로 간주해야하는지 또는 특수 학습 모듈의 형식을 채택해야하는지 여부입니다 

There has been increasing interest in programmes of study in the medical humanities and some have proved very successful.30 An unresolved issue for many med- ical schools is whether such programmes should be considered part of the core medical curriculum31 or whether they should take the form of special study modules

PPD 프레임워크

A PPD framework

이미 커리큘럼 디자인에 영향을 미친 이론은 성인 학습 이론, 32자가 학습, 15 사회인지 이론 및 자기 효능감의 개념, 그리고 성찰적 실천 등에서 비롯된다 .구성 주의자는 학생들의 적극적인 경험 의미의 구축과 협력과 맥락의 역할을 강조한다. 이러한 이론적 인 견해는 Vermont의 프로세스 지향 교육의 모델에 포함되어 있으며, 기억력 형성 과정에서인지, 영향 및 메타인지의 보완적인 역할을 강조한다. 표 1은 이론 36과 경험적 연구 7 모두를 PPD 커리큘럼의 설계 및 전달을위한 프레임 워크에 배치합니다.

Theories that have already influenced curriculum design come from adult learning theory,32 self-directed learning,15 social cognitive theory and concepts of self- efficacy,33 and the idea of the reflective practitioner.34 approaches35 Constructivist acknowledge students’ prior experiences in the active construction of meaning and emphasise the roles of co-operation and context. These theoretical perspectives come together in Verm- unt’s model of  process oriented instruction ,5,36 which emphasises the complementary roles of cognition, affect and metacognition in the process of memory formation. Table 1 places both theory36 and empirical research7 into a framework for the design and delivery of a PPD curriculum.

Table 1 A framework for education for professionalism

교육을 통하여 PPD에 영향을 주기

Influencing PPD through education

무엇을 배울 것인가: PPD의 내용

What to learn: the content of PPD (A1)

위에 요약 된 것처럼 전통적인 PPD 교육 과정은 일반적으로 윤리 및 보건법, 의사 소통 기술, 인본주의 적 가치 및 자기 계발과 같은 개인 개발의 측면에 대한 주제를 다룹니다.

As outlined above, traditional PPD curricula usually cover topics in ethics and health law, communication skills, humanistic values and aspects of personal devel- opment such as self-care.

왜 배워야 하는가: PPD의 정의적 측면

Why to learn: the affective components of PPD (B1)

학생들이 환자의 관점에서 건강 관리를 볼 수 있는 기회를 얻게되면 PPD의 정서적 영향이 커집니. 우리 의대의 몇몇 사례는 마약 사용자와 청소년 환자에게 당뇨병을 주사하고 장기 기증과 관련된 가족을 기증자와 수혜자로 만나는 세션을 가르치는 것에 관심이 있습니다. 환자 중심의 치료 원칙은 환자가 도움이된다는 사실과 의사와 의대생과의 상호 작용에 해로운 것으로 보이는 것에 대해 이야기 할 때 생생하게 나타납니다. 환자는 또한 의사 소통 기술을 포함하여 다양한 임상 기술을 가르치는 데 참여할 수 있습니다 .24,38,39 교과 과정에서 효과적으로 사용 된 또 다른 접근 방법은 존경받는 임상 교사를 초청하여 개인적 및 전문적 개발에서 중요한 사건을 논의하는 것입니다. 우리의 상급 임상의 중 한 명이 우울 장애 또는 다른 질병의 형태로 개인적인 위기를 설명하거나 심각한 실수를 범한 경험을 말할 때 의사의 자기관리에 대한 통계는 새로운 의미를 갖습니다. 임상 교사가 자신의 오류 가능성을 시인하는 행동을 모델링 할 수 있다는 사실 자체가 학생들에게 가치있는 학습 경험입니다.

When students have the opportunity to see health care from the patient’s perspective, it adds to the emotional impact of PPD. Some examples in our own medical school concern teaching sessions that involve injecting drug users and adolescent patients with diabetes and meeting families involved in organ donations, both as donors and recipients. Principles of patient-centred care come alive when patients talk about what they found helpful and what they found harmful in their interactions with doctors and medical students. Patients can also be involved in teaching students a range of clinical skills including communication skills.24,38,39 Another approach that has been used effectively in our curriculum is to invite respected clinical teachers to discuss  critical incidents  in their own personal and professional development. When one of our senior clinicians describes a personal crisis in the form of a depressive disorder or other illness, or the experience of making a serious mistake, the statistics on doctors’ self-care take on a new significance. The fact that clinical teachers can model the behaviour of admitting to their own fallibility is in itself a valuable learning experience for students.

IPE은 PPD에 대한 또 다른 차원을 제공합니다. 왜냐하면 학생들이 다른 의료 제공자의 관점에 대해 더 많이 이해하고, 헬스케어를 향상시키기 위해 팀워크를 사용하기 때문입니다.

Interprofessional learning40 provides another dimen- sion for PPDbecause it enables students to understand more about the perspectives of other health care provid- ers and about using teamwork to improve health care.

어떻게 배울 것인가: PPD의 메타인지적 요소

How to learn: the metacognitive component of PPD (C1)

리플렉션을위한 가장 중요한 전제 중 하나는 보호 된 시간입니다. 이를 위해서는 교육 프로그램 내에서의 성찰을 위한 시간과 면대면 교습을 위해 할당 된 시간의 상한선을 설정해야 합니다. 시간 외에도 학생들은 실제 과정에 도움이 필요할 수 있습니다. 우리 의과 대학의 학생들은 모두 대학원 (의학전문대학원생) 진학생 임에도 불구하고, 그 전에 대학에서 학위를 받는 기간에는 일반적으로 그러한 기회가 없었으며, 많은 사람들이 프로그램에 참여할 때 자신의 학습 스타일과 자신의 가치를 알지 못합니다.

One of the most important preconditions for reflection is protected time. This requires the incorporation of time for reflection within the teaching programme and the setting of an upper limit on the time allocated for face to face teaching overall. In addition to time, students may need help with the actual process. Despite the fact that students at our medical school are all graduate entrants, their first degrees have not usually given them such opportunities and many are not aware of their own learning styles and their own values when they enter the programme.

피드백을 통해 PPD에 영향주기

Influencing PPD through feedback

형성적 평가를 통해 학생이 배워야 할 것을 Shaping해주기

Shaping what students learn through formative assessments (A2)

학생들은 보상을 주는 커리큘럼에 중점을 둡니다. 따라서 학생들이 기본 및 임상 과학에 대한 이해에 대한 정기적 인 피드백을 받지만 PPD 요소에 대해서는 그렇지 않는다면, 기초의학과 임상의학 과정에만 시간을 할애할 것입니다 . 학생들이 PPD 문제에 대한 지식과 이해에 대해 공식적으로 비공식적으로 피드백을받을 수있는 기회를 갖게 해야 한다.

Students focus on parts of the curriculum for which they are rewarded, so if students receive regular feedback on their understand- ing of the basic and clinical sciences but not on their knowledge of the PPDelements of the curriculum, they will spend their time on the former. The challenge is to find opportunities for students to receive regular informal and formal feedback on their knowledge and understanding of PPD issues.41

동기부여를 위한 피드백

Feedback for motivation (B2)

학생의 관점에서 볼 때 고품질 피드백을 얻는 것이 가장 문제가 되는 것 중 하나이다. 42 특히 의료 환경의 임상 영역에서 특히 그렇습니다 .43 즉각적인 피드백은 감정적 인 영향을 미칩니다. 불행히도 대부분의 학생과 의사는 자기 효능감을 높이기보다는 감축 된 피드백의 사례를 쉽게 기억할 수 있습니다. 학생은 학습에 동기를 부여하기 때문에 양질의 피드백을 중요시한다고 반복적으로 말하고 있지만, 임상실습에서는 일반적으로 체크리스트의 체크박스에 표시tick해주는 것 이상을 해주지 않는다. 45 교수개발을 위한 가장 어려운 도전 중 하나는 이러한 행동을 바꾸고 교수진이 사려 깊은 피드백에 대한 접근을 하게끔 장려하는 것이다.

From a student’s perspective, obtaining high quality feedback remains one of the single most problematic education,42 especially in clinical areas in medical settings.43 immediate Feedback has an emotional impact. Unfortunately, most students and doctors can easily remember instances of feedback that reduced rather than promoted a sense of self-efficacy.33 Stu- dents repeatedly tell us that they value good quality feedback44 because it motivates them for learning, but many standard rating forms used for clinical attach- ments include no more than a general measure of professional behaviour that usually receives an automatic tick in the appropriate box.45 One of the most difficult challenges for faculty development is to change this behaviour and encourage faculty to take a more thoughtful approach to feedback.

성찰을 장려하기 위한 피드백

Feedback that encourages reflection (C2)

피드백은 타당하고 신뢰할 수있는 관찰을 기반으로해야하기 때문에 교사는 학생들이 어떻게 자신과 자신의 전문직을 보고 있는지를 이해해야합니다. 이런 종류의 이해에는 시간이 걸리지만, 크기가 커지면서 수업을 듣는 것은 개별 학생을 얻는 것이 어렵습니다. 보다 큰 수업의 효과를 완화시키는 한 가지 방법은 커리큘럼을 구성하여 피드백을 제공하는 것입니다 .46 혁신적인 학생들은 전자 메일을 사용하는 것과 같은 동료 접근법을 제공 할 수 있습니다. 전자 메일은 적시에, 구체적으로 학습 목표에 연계시킴으로써좋은 피드백 기준을 충족하는 데 도움이 될 수 있습니다 

Because feedback must be based on valid and reliable observations, teachers need to understand how their students view themselves and their professional roles. This kind of understanding takes time, but with class to know increased sizes it is difficult to get individual students. One way of mitigating the effects of larger classes is to organise the curriculum so that feedback.46 Innovative students can provide peer approaches such as the use of E-mail47 can also be used, as E-mail can help fulfil the criteria of good feedback by making it timely, specific and linked to learning objectives.

우리는 자신의 가르침과 실습에 대한 피드백을 성찰 할 수있는 능력을 갖춘 교사가 PPD 과정의 또 다른 중요한 요소임을 알게되었습니다 .48 피드백을 억제하는 수비적인 교사와 제도적 구조는 프로세스에 방해가 되며, 학생들이 말하기를 꺼리는 것을 꺼려하게 만듭니다 .

We have found that teachers who model the ability to reflect on feedback on their own teaching and practice are another important element of the PPD process.48 Defensive teachers and institutional structures that discourage feedback can quickly extinguish the process and make students unwilling to risk speaking out.

보상과 인센티브를 통해 PPD에 영향주기

Influencing PPD through rewards and incentives

적절한 지식 기반을 갖추도록 하기

Ensuring an adequate knowledge base (A3)

학생들은 복잡한 이슈에 대한 숙달의 감각을 키울 때 보상을 받습니다 .33이 숙달은 PPD와 관련된 정보가 별도로 가르쳐지기보다는 다른 과목과 통합 될 때 강화 될 수 있습니다.

Students are rewarded when they develop a sense of mastery over complex issues.33 This mastery can be reinforced when information relevant to PPD is integ- rated with other subjects rather than being taught in isolation.

임상 전문 지식과 PPDissues에 대한 이해를 보여주는 임상 교사는 학생이 가장 신뢰할 수있는 역할 모델의 종류입니다 .23 공식적인 시험 구조 내에서 PPD의 타당하고 신뢰할 수있는 평가를하는 데 어려움이 있음에도 불구하고 PPD는 커리큘럼에서의 그 자리를 지킬 수 있어야 한다.

Clinical teachers who demonstrate clinical expertise and understanding along with concern for PPDissues are the kinds of role models whom students find most credible.23 Despite difficulties in making valid and reliable assessments of PPD within formal examination structures, PPD needs to be inclu- ded simply to establish its place in the curriculum.

PPD에 대한 정의적 보상과 인센티브

Affective rewards and incentives for PPD (B3)

학생들은 학습 환경이 지지적일 때, 학생들과 PPD 커리큘럼에 제시된 가치에 대해 보상을받습니다. 학생들은 이타적인 기회를 만족시키고 존경받는 역할 모델로부터 긍정적 인 피드백을 받아야합니다 .49 이러한 경험은 시간이 지남에 따라 더 큰 자율 의식에 기여하고 평생 학습 패턴을 따르도록 학생을 준비시킵니다 .14 이러한 과정은 내재적 보상이 외적인 보상보다 전문적인 행동을 유지하게 해주므로 중요하다

Students are rewarded when their learning environment is supportive, both of the students and of the values presented in the PPD curriculum. Students need to satisfy opportunities altruistic drives and receive positive feedback from admired role models.49 Over time, these experiences contribute to a greater sense of autonomy and prepare students to follow a pattern of lifelong learning.14 This process is important because intrinsic rewards are more likely to sustain professional behaviours than extrinsic rewards.49

성찰에 대한 보상과 인센티브

Rewards and incentives for reflection (C3)

성찰에는 시간이 걸리기 때문에 PPD 평가는 일반적으로 과정 내 평가, 포트폴리오 및 다양한 유형의 임기 또는 1 년 내 배정의 형태로 이루어져야합니다. 가족, 임상 서비스 또는 다른 단체에 장기간 첨부하면 학생들에게 자신의 아이디어를 개발하고 비평하고 개인적 및 전문적 역할에 대한 이해를 심화시킬 수 있습니다.

Because reflection takes time, PPD assessments will usually need to take the form of in-course assessments, portfolios and various types of term or year-long assignments. These allow for reflection both in action and on action.50 An extended attachment to a family, a clinical service or some other organisation can give students the opportunity to develop and critique their own ideas and deepen their understanding of their personal and professional roles.

불이익과 처벌을 통해 PPD에 영향주기

Influencing PPD through disincentives and penalties

PPD를 진지하게 다루기

Taking PPD seriously (A4)

학생들이 PPD 커리큘럼의 내용을 마스터하지 못하면 어떻게됩니까? 학생에게 가장 분명한 처벌은 평가에서 fail하는 것입니다. PPD에는 hard fact가 상대적으로 적지 만, 향후 평가를 위해 매우 중요한 윤리적 및 의학적 - 법적 원칙에 대한 질문을 포함해야합니다 .51 윤리적 추론과 같은 복잡한 기술을 평가할 때 신뢰성을 보장하기는 어렵지만 , 예를 들어, PPD 평가를 생략하는 대체 결정은 모두 잘못된 메시지를 발송합니다. 학생들의 PPD에 대한 신뢰할 수 있는 평가를 위해서는 다양한 measure에 관심을 가질 필요가 있다.

What happens if students fail to master the content of the PPD curriculum? The most obvious penalty for a student is to fail an assessment. There are relatively few hard facts in PPD, but assessments need to include questions on ethical and medico-legal principles that are critically important for future practice.51 While it is difficult to ensure reliability in the assessment of a complex skill, such as ethical reasoning, for example, the alternative decision to omit PPDassessment altogether sends out the wrong message. A reliable assessment of students’ PPD requires attention to a range of different measures.

문제행동을 하지 않을 동기부여

Motivation to stay out of trouble (B4)

잠재교육과정은 collegial하기 때문에 영향력이 크다. 잠재 교육과정은 당신이 설교 한 내용을 실행할 필요가 없으며, 상호 합의에 따라 전문가가 아닌 행동으로 벗어날 수 있다고 가르칩니다. 존경받는 역할 모델에 의한 건설적인 비승인은 높은 직업적 기준에 어긋나는 행동을 학생들에게 방해하는 한 가지 방법입니다. 학생들에게는 전문성이 무엇인지, 전문적이지 않은 사람이 무엇을 의미하는지, 전문의가 아닌 행동의 결과는 무엇인지를  의대에서 정한 표준의 관점에서 명확한 진술이 필요합니다 .54 단순한 립 서비스를 하는 것이 아니라, 학습 환경이 실제로 이러한 것을 반영한다는 것을 알아야합니다 

The hidden curriculum is influential because it is  collegial  – informal and it teaches that it is not necessary to practise what you preach and that one can get away with unprofessional behaviour by mutual agreement.  Constructive disapproval  by admired role models is one way of discouraging students from behaviours that are inconsistent with high professional standards. Students need a clear statement of what professionalism is, what it means to be  unprofessional  and what the results of unprofessional behaviour entail in terms of meeting the standards set by their medical school.54 They need to know that the learning envi- ronment actually reflects these standards rather than paying them mere lip service.

성찰하지 않은 행동의 결과

The consequences of unreflective behaviour (C4)

평가는 진정한 이해 없이 단순암기적 학습이나 사실적 리콜에 대한 증거를 제공해서는 안됩니다 (오히려 실제로 penalize해야 한다).

Assessments should not reward (and may actually need to penalise) evidence of rote learning or factual recall without understanding.55

학생 참여를 통해 PPD에 영향주기

Influencing PPD through student participation

학생의 교육과정 참여

Students’ involvement in the curriculum (A5)

학생들의 개인적 및 전문적 개발을 육성함에있어서 의학교육 프로그램 자체를 미래 졸업생들이 필요로하는 직업 기술의 리허설을 위한 공간으로 활용하는 것이 이치에 맞습니다. 우리 프로그램에는 peer teaching를 통한 참여 기회가 있으며 학생들이 다른 학생들을 위한 학습 기회를 구축하기 위해 자신의 경험을 활용할 것을 권장합니다. 매년 학생들은 의과대학 지원자를 위한 소개 세션을 제공하며 인터뷰 패널에는 학생 회원이 있습니다. 학생들은 또한보다 많은 1학년 의대생을 위한 동료 지원을 조직합니다. 교육위원회 대표는 학생들에게 커리큘럼 디자인 및 관리에 대한 공식적인 메커니즘을 제공합니다.

In fostering students’ personal and professional devel- opment it makes sense to use the medical programme itself as a space for rehearsing some of the professional skills that graduates will need in the future. In ourprogramme there are opportunities for participationvia peer teaching and we encourage students to usetheir own experiences to construct learning opportun-ities for other students. Each year students provide introductory sessions for applicants to the medical programme and each interview panel has a student member. Students also organise peer support for more junior medical students. Representation on educational committees gives students a formal mech- anism for participation in curriculum design and management.

참여를 통한 전문가로서의 성장 경험

Experiencing professional growth through participation (B5)

교수진이 적극적인 참여를 중시하는 학습 환경을 조성한다면 학생들은 PPD 커리큘럼에 진정한 참여자라고 느낄 수 있습니다. 전문직은 모든 ​​단계에서 모든 구성원의 실천 기준에 대한 책임을 공유하는 것이 특징입니다. 학생들이 초기 단계에서 이 책임감을 경험하도록 격려하면 팀워크 기술을 구축하고 파괴적인 경쟁을 줄일 수 있습니다 .14

Students can feel that they are genuine participants in the PPD curriculum if faculty create a learning environment that values their active involvement. Professions are characterised by a shared responsi- bility for the standards of practice of all members at whatever stage. Encouraging students to experience this sense of responsibility for one another from an early stage may help to build teamwork skills and reduce destructive competition.14

성찰적 과정에 참여하기

Participation in the reflective processes (C5)

우리 자신의 프로그램에서 지속적인 코스 개선에있어 가장 중요한 요소 중 하나는 온라인 피드백 시스템을 통해 수집 된 피드백입니다 .48 학생들은 프로그램의 모든 측면을 반영하도록 권장됩니다. 다양한 유형의 학습 경험에 대한 가치를 논의 할 때 상호 수용과 열린 마음mutual acceptance and open-mindedness이 있어야 학생들이 PPD 교육에 대한 새로운 아이디어를 탐색 할 수 있습니다. 특히 학생과 교사의 문화적, 사회적 및 종교적 가정 등 배경에 차이가 있을 때 그러하다.

One of the most important factors in continuous course improvement in our own programme is the feedback collected via an online feedback system.48 Students are encouraged to reflect on all aspects of the programme. When discussing the value of different types of learning experience, there needs to be an atmosphere of mutual acceptance and open-mindedness so that students can explore new ideas about the teaching of PPD, especially when there are differences in students’ and teachers’ backgrounds and their cultural, social and religious assumptions.

더 나아가서..

Further development

확립 된 행동 패턴을 변화시키는 것은 어렵습니다 .7 태도 행동이 의사에게 기대되는 기준과 일치하는 학생을 선택하는 것은 전문성을 증진시키는 데 바람직한 전략 중 하나입니다. 장기간의 결과 연구는 nature or nurture이 그 날 승리를 가져 왔는지를 입증하는 데 도움이되지만 확실한 해결책이 될 수는 없습니다. 선발 과정의 상대적 중요성과 연구 프로그램 자체가 무엇이든간에 의대가 학생들이 의대에 가져 오는 인본주의 자질을 보존하고 육성하는 것이 필수적입니다.

Established patterns of behaviour are difficult to change.7 and Selecting students whose attitudes behaviours are consistent with the standards expected of doctors is one desirable strategy for promoting professionalism. Longterm outcome studies will help to demon- strate whether  nature  or  nurture  wins the day, but there can be no definitive resolution. Whatever the relative importance of the selection processes and the programme of study itself, it is essential that medical schools preserve and foster those humanistic qualities that students bring with them into medical school.

 2003 Apr;37(4):341-9.

Fostering students' personal and professional development in medicine: a new framework for PPD.

Author information

  • 1Faculty of Medicine, University of Sydney NSW, New South Wales, Australia. jillg@med.usyd.edu.au



Altruism, accountability, duty, integrity, respect for others and lifelong learning are qualities that have been identified as central to medical professionalism. However, we do not have a systematically developed understanding of what is needed to optimise medical students' personal and professional development (PPD). We need some level of agreement on how to teach and assess PPD, but traditional educational methods may not be strong determinants of students' or graduates' actual behaviour in clinical settings.


This paper considers the factors that demonstrably influence doctors' behaviour as a contribution to the development of a model for considering PPD within the broader context of medical practice. The model presented acknowledges that behaviour change comes about through a number of influences including education, feedback, rewards, penalties and participation. These elements can be plotted against the cognitive, affective and metacognitive processes that are intrinsic to learning.


framework that promotes the consideration of all of these factors in PPD can provide guidance for schools undergoing curriculum reform and inform further research into one of the most important and challenging aspects of medical education.

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의과대학생들 사이에서의 Peer Nomination(동료지명) 예측: 사회적 네트워크 접근법 (Acad Med, 2016)

Predicting Peer Nominations Among Medical Students: A Social Network Approach

Barret Michalec, PhD, Douglas Grbic, PhD, J. Jon Veloski, MS, Monica M. Cuddy, MA, and Frederic W. Hafferty, PhD

동료지명은 의학교육 프로세스에서 학생의 임상역량/공감/연민/휴머니즘/프로페셔널리즘 등등 여러 긍정적 특성을 평가하기 위해 자주 사용되는 도구이다. 이러한 흔한 사용이 방법의 유용성을 보여준다. 예컨대 Pohl은 최소한 한 명 이상의 동료로부터 임상 혹은 인문의학적으로 뛰어나다고 평가받은 의과대학생들은 (그렇지 않은 학생에 비해서) 교수에 의해서도 임상역량을 인정받아으며, 공감점수도 더 높았다. 비슷하게 Dannefer, McMormack, Arnold 등도 동료평가의 응답이 내적일관성과 평가자간 신뢰도를 모두 갖추었다고 말했다.

Peer evaluation is a method frequently used within medical education to assess students’ clinical competence, empathy, compassion, humanism, professionalism, and other positive attributes and abilities. The frequent use reflects the method’s utility; for example, Pohl et al1 found that medical students who had been nominated by at least one of their peers as “the best” in areas of clinical and humanistic excellence were rated significantly higher in clinical competence by faculty and reported higher empathy scores compared with those students who received no nominations from peers. Similarly, work by Dannefer et al,2 McCormack et al,3 and Arnold et al4 (among others) shows that students’ responses to peer assessment scales display strong internal consistency and interrater reliability.

동료평가의 한 방식이 동료지명이다. 이는 "각 그룹원이 스스로 특정 퍼포먼스나 역량이 뛰어나다고 생각하는 다른 그룹원을 일정 수로 지명하는 방식"이다. 기본적 전제는 동료가 서로의 능력과 행동에 대한 unique observer이므로 시험/교수의 평가/자기보고 척도를 넘어서는 가치있는 정보를 줄 수 있다는 것이다.

One facet of peer evaluation is peer nomination, with “each group member naming a certain number of group members as the best along a particular performance dimension or quality.”5 The basic premise underlying this method is that peers serve as unique observers of each other’s abilities and actions and therefore offer valuable information beyond that ascertained by exams, faculty evaluation, and self-report measures.5–7

연구의 목적은

We undertook this study to explore

  • (1) what factors predict the likelihood of a student nominating another student; and

  • (2) what clusters, if any, occur among peer nominations.

의과대학 내에서, 다른 여러 social institution과 마찬가지로, 개개인들은 자신과 비슷한 집단과 associate하려는 경향이 있고, 이는 사회네트워크 문헌에서는 "homophily"라고 부른다. "유유상종“birds of a feather flock together.”"과 비슷한 의미기도 하다. 이러한 관점에서, 공통적 관심/경험/관점을 공유하는 개인들이 서로서로 더 connect하려고 하며, 이에 따라 상호작용의 기회도 많아지고, 서로 강력한 사회적 유대 significant social ties를 만든다.

Within medical school, much like in any social institution, individuals tend to associate and bond with others who are similar to them, a phenomenon referred to in the social network literature as homophily—something akin to the classic adage “birds of a feather flock together.”8 From this viewpoint, individuals who share common interests, experiences, and perspectives may be more likely to seek out and connect with one another, thereby increasing their opportunities to interact and, in turn, cultivate significant social ties with one another.

따라서, homophily의 원칙에 따라, 우리는 특정 인구통계학적 특성을 공유하는 학생 혹은 비슷한 학교-단위 특성(성적, 교과목 이수, 전공선택)을 공유하는 학생들이 같은 social network 안에 있을 것이라고 가정하였다.

Therefore, and following the homophily principle, we would assume that students who share certain demographic characteristics (such as gender, race, or age) or particular school-based characteristics (such as similar class rank, accelerated program status, or specialty choice) are likely to be nested within the same social network.




Study setting

The Sydney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University is a large private medical school located in an urban setting. We conducted this study in 2013 as part of the graduation survey administered as part of the Jefferson Longitudinal Study of Medical Education.10

측정, 과정

Measurements and procedure

"당신의 전문직적&개인적 발달에 유의한 긍정적 영향을 준 동료는 누구입니까?" 이 질문은 Arnold and Stern의 동료지명에 관한 질문표본을 기반으로 만들었다.

Students were asked to think back to their medical school experiences to answer the question, “Which of your classmates had significant positive influences on your professional and personal development?” This question is representative of questions that elicit peer nominations in that, following Arnold and Stern,5 “nominations consist of each group member naming a certain number of group members as the best along a particular performance dimension or quality.”



Using independent t tests and chi-square analyses, we found that these respondents were representative of the class with respect to age (P < .60), gender (P < .58), race/ ethnicity (P < .67),* membership in the accelerated program (P < .37), and specialty choice (P < .35). However, their mean scores on Step 1 (mean = 230)and Step 2 Clinical Knowledge (CK; mean = 241) of the United States Medical Licensing Examination were significantly higher (P < .001) than those of the nonrespondents’ means on Step 1 (mean = 218) and Step 2 CK (mean = 234). N

분석 전략

Analytical strategy

네트워크 밀도와 상호성을 측정함. 

At the descriptive level, we first examined network density, which is simply the proportion of all possible ties in the network that are, in fact, present. We also measured the extent of reciprocity—that is, of all pairs of students that have any tie, what percentage of these pairs have reciprocated ties, whereby student i nominates student j and vice versa.

  • If the nominations occur at random, then reciprocity would equal network density.
  • If reciprocity is greater than network density, then the network of nominations are likely conditioned by dependencies, such as common group membership, between pairs of students.

Relational contingency table (RCT) analysis 를 활용하여 within group와 between group의 density of ties의 차이를 분석함. 만약 "sameness"가 동료지명을 예측한다면, 이는 tie가 '집단 내'에서 더 발생할 가능성이 높음을 말한다. 따라서 RCT란 무작위로 지명했을 때에 비해서 집단-내 밀도와 집단-간 밀도의 차이가 어떻게 다른지를 보는 것이다.

We then employed relational contingency table (RCT) analysis to examine the differences in the density of ties (positive nominations) within groups versus between groups. (By “groups” we are referring to students within the same variable set—e.g., same age group, same gender, or same specialty choice.) If “sameness” predicts the presence of positive nominations, then ties will be more likely to occur within than between groups. RCT analysis therefore provides a global test of whether the within- and between-group densities differ from what we would expect if the nominations observed were randomly distributed across pairs of students (random distribution would mean that belonging to a particular group had no influence on whom one nominated).



학생 당 피지명된 숫자는 2~75였으며 중간값은 30이었다. 총 190명의 학생이 지명되었고, 최소 2명에서 최대 52명의 학생에게 지명을 받았다. 평균적으로 학생은 32명의 동료를 지명하였다. 네트워크의 밀도에서 dyadic connection은 0.151수준이며, 즉 모든 가능한 지명의 15.1%이 실제로 네트워크상에 존재했다. 상호성을 보면 25.3%에서 상호지명하였다. 즉 reciprocity가 density보다 높다.

The number of designations (i.e., nominations received) per student ranged from 2 to 75 with a median of 30. A total of 190 students (90%) were designated as being a positive influence by between 2 and 52 classmates. On average, students nominated 32 other students (31.7 students to be exact, with a standard deviation of 32.3). Examining the density of network of positive designations shows that the degree of dyadic connection is 0.151, or 15.1%. That is, 15.1% of all possible nominations are present within the network. An examination of reciprocated ties shows that 25.3% of all pairs of students with a tie reciprocated positive nominations. Thus, reciprocated ties occurred more often than they would have by chance, since reciprocity (0.253) is greater than density (0.151).

Table 1 provides results for the global tests of homophily. Results show a deviation of observed nominations from randomness for accelerated program (x2 = 243.97, P < .02) and specialty choice (x2 = 746.22, P < .02)




Table 2 shows the ratio of observed to expected nominations, derived from the RCT analysis, for the accelerated program versus nonaccelerated program groups, and for each specialty area choice group.





Table 3 shows the results from a test of whether patterns of within- and between-group ties differ across groups. For specialty choice, the probability of any one student nominating another student with a different specialty choice—that is, the probability of between-group ties—is 0.145, or 14.5%.



산부인과와 안과 학생들이 특히 집단-내 지명이 높았다. Accelerated program학생을 고려하면, 집단-간 지명의 가능성은 10.9%였다.

Ob/gyn and ophthalmology students had particularly high within-group nominations. Regarding the accelerated program students, the probability of between- group nominations is 0.109, or 10.9%.




비록 동료지명이 성별/연령/석차를 중심으로 모이지는cluster 않았으나, accelerated six-year program에 있는 ㄱㅇ우나 특정 전공과목에 들어간 경우 서로를 더 긍정적 영향을 주는 사람으로 선택하였다.

Although peer nominations did not cluster around gender, age, or class rank, those students within an accelerated six-year program, as well as those entering certain specialties, were more likely to nominate each other as a positive influence on their professional and personal development.

accelerated six-year program에 있는 학생이 서로를 더 선택하였는데, 의학교육이 일반적으로 정서적이나 심리적 긴장과 고난을 겪는 시기라고 본다면, accelerated six-year program이 이러한 스트레스를 더 악화시키거나 더 큰 영향을 주게 만들었다고 주장할 수도 있다. 비유적으로 본다면, 전통적 교육이 오븐이라면, accelerated program 은 전자레인지이다.

We found that students within the six-year accelerated program were more likely to nominate each other than students not in the accelerated program. Although medical education in general is considered to be rife with emotional and psychological tension and hardships,13–15 it could be argued that an accelerated program may actually exacerbate and/ or accentuate the impact of those stressors, given the program’s more condensed structure. Put metaphorically, whereas a traditional medical education program could be considered an oven, an accelerated program might be considered a microwave.

Michalec and Keyes는 1학년 학생(accelerated six-year program에 있지 않은)이 학교 처음부터 끝까지 정서적 well being이 낮아지고, social well being은 높아진다. 저자들은 1학년이 집단적으로 스트레스와 긴장을 겪기 때문에, 서 서로서로를 더 편안하고 지지적으로 느끼고, 따라서 사회적 connectedness를 강화시킨다고 주장하였다. 같은 현상이 (비록 더 두드러지게 나타나지만) accelerated program에서 있을 수도 있다.

Michalec and Keyes16 found that although first-year medical students (of a nonaccelerated program) decreased in emotional well-being from the beginning to the end of the school year, they actually increased in their social well-being. The authors posit that the first- year students experienced stressors and strains together as a group (not just as individuals) and thus found comfort and support among one another, thereby fortifying their social connectedness. It is quite possible that this same phenomenon—but at an even more pronounced level—occurred among the students in the accelerated program. 

우리는 또한 학생들이 같은 전공과목 계획을 가지고 있을 때 서로를 더 많이 지명하는 것을 보았다. 특정 전공과목에서 임상 일렉티브를 하는 것이 사회적 유대감social connection을 강화하는 '기회구조'가 되는 것이다. classic social theorist인 Robert Merton,에 따르면 “Opportunity structure designates the scale and distribution of conditions that provide various probabilities for individuals and groups to achieve specific outcomes.” 이다. 유사하게 Macintyre 등도 기회구조를 "사회적 상호작용과 관계를 촉진할 수 있는 물리적/사회적 환경에서의 사회적으로 패턴화된 특징"이라 하였다.

We also found that students were more likely to nominate peers with similar specialty plans as a positive influence on their personal and professional development than to nominate students in other fields. because the clerkship electives associated with given specialty areas serve as opportunity structures to cultivate and strengthen social connections. As noted by the classic social theorist Robert Merton,17 “Opportunity structure designates the scale and distribution of conditions that provide various probabilities for individuals and groups to achieve specific outcomes.” Similarly, Macintyre et al18,19 define opportunity structures as socially patterned features nested within the physical and social environment that can facilitate social interactions and social relations.

accelerated program처럼 어떤 임상실습은 interconnectedness를 강화시켜주었는데, 그 이유는 그런 임상실습은 정서적으로 강렬한 경험이나 상호작용을 주기 때문이다(출산 등). 이들의 공통적 경험이 학생 간 유대를 강화시켜주었을 수 있다.

Much like the accelerated program, certain clerkships (e.g., ob/gyn or surgery) may intensify a sense of interconnectedness among students because such clerkships are riddled with emotionally intense and evocative experiences and interactions (e.g., participating in delivering a baby). These shared encounters may strengthen bonds between individuals, with such heightened emotionality positively influencing their social cohesion.

homophily 원칙으로 돌아와서, 유사한 흥미나 성격을 가진 학생이 비슷한 과목에 이끌리게 되고, 서로를 더 잘 찾아내는 경향이 있고, 더 자주 상호작용한다. 이러한 이유로 전공과목이란 비슷한 성향을 가진 사람을 모으는 봉화beacon이나 자석이 되는 것이다. 우리는 전공과목 선택이 사횢거 연결을 강화시켜주는 강력한 힘이며, 임상실습 그 자체가 이러한 목적을 달성할 수 있게 기회구조를 제공한다고 해석한다. 그럼에도 불구하고 학생 간 유사성이나 공통의 관심이 근본적인 메커니즘일 수 있다.

Returning to the homophily principle, it is also possible that students of similar interests and/or personalities are drawn to similar specialties,20–23 and that students of similar interests and/or personalities tend to find each other and interact more frequently. As such, specialties may serve as a beacon or magnet for like-minded individuals. We interpret our findings to suggest that specialty choice is a strong force in fostering social connections, and that clerkships themselves serve as opportunity structures to this end. Nonetheless, shared interest and likemindedness among students (that drive them to the same specialty) may be a primary causal mechanism.

사회적 네트워크는 공통의 규범/정체성/집단적 행동을 길러주고 강화시킨다. 한 연구에서 병원의 특정 과가 그 과의 고유한 문화를 보호하고 유지하고자 하며, 그러한 고립된 문화siloed culture가 과간 협진interdepartmental care delivery에 영향을 줌을 밝힌 바 있다. 우리의 연구에서 이런 과-기반의 공유된 규범/정체성/문화가 이미 의과대학4학년때 나타남을 보여준다.

Social networks nurture and encourage shared norms, identity, and collective behavior.24 Previous research has shown that specific departments within care delivery institutions (e.g., hospitals) maintain and protect their own departmental cultures (which include language, norms, and care delivery tactics) and that such siloed cultures have an impact on interdepartmental care delivery.25 Findings from our study suggest that these department-based shared norms, identity, and general cultures could manifest themselves as early as the fourth year of medical school. 

기회구조와 이번 연구를 함께 생각하면, 동료지명은 상호작용의 양과 강도에 영향을 받는다.

These findings, and the accompanying discussion of opportunity structures, suggest that peers’ selections of others may be influenced by the amount and intensity (i.e., positive contact) of interactions among and between them.


 2016 Jun;91(6):847-52. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000001079.

Predicting Peer Nominations Among Medical Students: A Social Network Approach.

Author information

  • 1B. Michalec is associate professor, Department of Sociology, and assistant director of health research, Center for Drug & Health Studies, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware. D. Grbic is lead research specialist, Policy Research Studies, Research and Data Programs, Association of American Medical Colleges, Washington, DC. J.J. Veloski is director of medical education research and instructor in psychiatry and human behavior, Sidney Kimmel Medical College, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. M.M. Cuddy is measurement scientist, National Board of Medical Examiners, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. F.W. Hafferty is professor of medical education, Division of General Internal Medicine, Program in Professionalism and Values, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota.



Minimal attention has been paid to what factors may predict peer nomination or how peer nominations might exhibit a clustering effect. Focusing on the homophily principle that "birds of a feather flock together," and using a social network analysis approach, the authors investigated how certain student- and/or school-based factors might predict the likelihood of peer nomination, and the clusters, if any, that occur among those nominations.


In 2013, the Jefferson Longitudinal Study of Medical Education included a special instrument to evaluate peer nominations. A total of 211 (81%) of 260 graduating medical students from the Sidney Kimmel Medical College responded to the peer nomination question. Data were analyzed using a relational contingency table and an ANOVA density model.


Although peer nominations did not cluster around gender, age, or class rank, those students within an accelerated program, as well as those entering certain specialties, were more likely to nominate each other. The authors suggest that clerkships in certain specialties, as well as the accelerated program, may provide structured opportunities for students to connect and integrate, and that these opportunities may have an impact on peer nomination. The findings suggest that social network analysis is a useful approach to examine various aspects of peer nomination processes.


The authors discuss implications regarding harnessing social cohesion within clinical clerkships, the possible development of siloed departmental identity and in-group favoritism, and future research possibilities.

[PubMed - in process]

의과대학에서 공감을 유지하기: 가능하다 (Med Teach, 2013)

Maintaining empathy in medical school: It is possible


University of Western Sydney, Australia



의료에서, 환자에 대한 감정적 반응emotional response은 객관성을 위협하는 것으로 여겨지곤 한다. 그러나 환자들은 진정한 공감empathy를 필요로 하며, 의사들은 공감을 하고자 한다. 이러한 감정과 객관성 사이에서의 갈등을 해소하기 위하여 '프로페셔널한 공감Professional empathy'이란 전적으로 '인지적' 기반을 둔 공감으로 정의되었다. 이 정의는 '다른 사람의 감정적 상태를 직접 경험하지 않고도 정확히 인지acknowledge하는 행위the act of correctly acknowledging the emotional state of another without experiencing that state oneself’ 와 같다.


이러한 'detached concern'모델에서는 환자가 어떤 감정적 상태에 있는 것을 아는 것은 '환자가 어떻게 느끼는가how the patient feels'를 아는 것과 다르지 않다. 그러나 공감의 기능은 단순히 감정의 상태에 이름을 붙이는labelling것 이상이며, 무언가를 경험하는 기분이 어떤 것인지를 인식하는 것이다. 공감은 동정/연민sympathy와 종종 혼동되곤 하는데,

  • 동정/연민이란 '다른 사람의 감정을 경험하는 것'으로 정의되며,

  • 공감이란 '그러한 감정을 수용하고 상상하는 것'으로 정의된다.

일부 저자들은 환자를 '동정/연민'하는 의사들은 환자의 고통을 공유하며, 이는 감정적 피로와 객관성의 상실로 이어진다고 하였다.

In medicine, emotional responses to patients are seen as threats to objectivity. Yet, patients are in need of genuine empathy and doctors would like to provide it. To address this conceived conflict between emotions and objectivity, ‘professional empathy’ was defined on a purely ‘cognitive’ basis. It was defined as ‘the act of correctly acknowledging the emotional state of another without experiencing that state oneself’ (Markakis et al. 1999). This model of ‘detached concern’ assumes that knowing ‘how the patient feels’ is no different from knowing that the patient is in a certain emotional state. However, the function of empathy is to recognise what it feels like to experience something rather than merely labelling emotional states (Halpern 2003). Empathy is sometimes confused with ‘sym- pathy’, which is defined as experiencing another’s emotions; whereas empathy is appreciating or imagining those emo- tions. Some authors indicate that doctors who sympathise with their patients share their suffering which could lead to emotional fatigue and lack of objectivity (Halpern 2003).

어떤 사람들은 공감의 감정적 요소가 동정/연민과 같은 것이라고 말하기도 한다. 임상 상황에서 Stepien and Baernstein 는 문헌에서 사용된 다양한 정의를 합하여 공감의 확장된 정의를 내렸는데, 여기에는 도덕적/감정적/인지적/행동적 차원이 들어간다. 이 네 가지가 조화를 이뤄서 환자의 benefit이 된다.

Others imply that the emotional component of empathy is nothing other than sympathy in context (Lancaster et al. 2002). In the clinical context, Stepien and Baernstein (2006) combined the different definitions within the literature to put forward an expanded definition of empathy, which includes moral, emotive, cognitive and behavioural dimensions. All four dimensions should work in harmony to benefit the patient.



공감의 힘

The power of empathy

감정적으로 몰입emotionally engage 하는 의사가 환자와 더 효율적으로 의사소통하고, 환자의 coping과 불안을 줄여주고, 치료적 효과를 향상시키며, 전반적으로 더 나은 outcome을 가져온다는 근거가 쌓이고 있다. 반대로 공감이 부족할 경우 환자가 더 불만족하게 되고, 의료과오malpractice로 고소를 당할 가능성이 높아진다.

There is growing evidence that emotionally engaged physicians communicate more effectively with patients thereby decreasing patient patient coping, greater anxiety and improving leading to therapeutic efficacy and an overall better outcome (Rietveld & Prins 1998; Beck et al. 2002). On the other hand, lack of empathy increases patient dissatisfaction and the risk of malpractice suits (Beckman & Frankel 2003).

Halpern 은 난감한 상황에서의 공감의 중요성을 강조했다. 환자-의사 간 갈등이 있는 어려운 환자 혹은 어려운 상황에서 갈등해결접근법conflict resolution approach의 활용이 권장된다. 이를 위해서 의사는 환자 및 보호자와 공감해야 한다. Egener가 말한 바와 같이, 공감은 의사와 환자 사이의 분열을 매워준다bridge the divide. 또한 환자에 대한 부정정 판단이나 의견 충돌을 잠시 치워두는데 도움이 되고, 환자 돌봄의 효과성과과 만족도를 높이는데 도움이 된다. Halpern은 의사가 감정적 반응을 의료를 향상시키는데 활용하는 방법을 묘사한 바 있다.

Halpern (2007) sheds light on the importance of empathy in difficult circumstances. In managing difficult patients and in situations where there is a patient–physician conflict, it is recommended taking a conflict resolution approach. To do so, physicians have to empathise with patients and family members (Fetters et al., 2001; Back & Arnold 2005; Stivers 2005; Elder et al. 2006). As stated by Egener (2003), empathy helps us bridge the divide between clinicians and patients. It also helps us put aside our negative judgement or disagreement with patients and enhances the effectiveness of care and patient satisfaction. Halpern (2003) elegantly illustrates ways by which physicians can capitalise on their emotional responses to enhance medical care.

회의론자들은 만약 의사가 '단순히 공감하는 척 행동하면' 어떤지를 물을 수 있다. Halpern은 이에 대해서 환자는 의사가 진정으로 공감emotionally attuned하고 있는지를 느낄 수 있으며, 환자는 진정으로 공감하는 의사를 신뢰하며 그러한 의사의 진료에 더 잘 따른다고 하였다.

The ‘skeptic’ may even ask if physicians can ‘just behave empathically’ without the emotional response. Halpern (2003) answers this question by emphasising that patients sense whether physicians are ‘emotionally attuned’ and that patients trust ‘emotionally attuned’ physicians and adhere better to their treatment.

여러 연구에도 불구하고, 의학교육자와 의료전문직들 사이에서는 의대생들이 의과대학을 다니는 동안 공감이 저해된다는 것에 대한 우려가 늘고 있다. 일부 연구에서는 이러한 하락이 후반부에 가장 두드러진다고 말하며, 다른 연구자들은 의과대학의 초반에 감소한다고 말한다. 일반적으로 합의된 것은 의과대학 기간에 공감이 하락한다는 것이다. 최근에서야 그러한 하락이 정말 유의미한지, '지나치게 과장된 것'이 아닌지에 대한 의문이 제기되고 있다.

Despite rigorous research, there is still increasing concern among medical educators and medical professionals regarding the decline in medical students’ empathy during medical education (Bellini et al. 2002; Hojat et al. 2004; Sherman & Cramer 2005; Chen et al. 2007; Newton et al. 2008). Some studies suggest that the decline is mostly pronounced in the later years, while others suggest that it occurs in the early years of medical education (Austin et al. 2007; Hojat et al. 2009). The general consensus was that empathy declines during medical education. Only recently have studies started ques- tioning whether such a decline is of significant magnitude or ‘greatly exaggerated’ (Colliver et al. 2010).




This is a cross-sectional study of all medical students enrolled at the University of Western Sydney’s School of Medicine (UWS SoM) during the academic year 2011.



자발적/익명/자기보고식 설문

Participation in the study was voluntary and anonymous. All medical students enrolled in first through fifth year in 2011 were eligible to participate in the study. The instrument used (a self-assessment survey) was distributed to medical students between April and June 2011. First and second year students were surveyed in April (towards the beginning of the academic year) during problem-based learning (PBL) classes where attendance was mandatory. Third through fifth year students were surveyed during conference weeks in May and June (towards the middle of the academic year) where attendance was recommended but not mandatory.




설문지 구성/JSPE-S, 20문항 척도

The research instrument consisted of a survey containing questions on demographics, stage of medical education, previous particular education and level of completion of programmes that aim at promoting personal and professional development (PPD) and an empathy scale. The scale employed to measure empathy among medical students was the Jefferson Scale of Physician Empathy, Student version (JSPE-S) (Hojat et al. 2003). The JSPE-S is a 20-item psycho-metrically validated instrument. Respondents indicate theirlevel of agreement to each item on a 7-point Likert Scale(1 ¼strongly disagree, 7 ¼strongly agree). The JSPE-S totalscore ranges from 20 to 140 with higher values indicating ahigher degree of empathy. 

3개 이상 미응답 항목시 non-responder 처리. 2개 이하는 평균값 사용.

Students who failed to return the survey were considered as non-responders. In addition, surveys with more than two missing responses to the items of the scale were discarded. For those with one or two missing responses, the mean score to their present responses was used to replace the missing ones.

JSPE는 긍정문 부정문이 모두 있어서 '묵종하는acquiescent 응답 스타일'을 낮춰줌

Another advantage to the JSPE is the balance between positively and negatively worded items (10 each). The use of positively and negatively worded items is a method usually used in psychology tests to decrease the confounding ‘acqui- escent response style’, for example, a tendency to constantly agree or disagree with statements (Ray 1979; Hojat et al. 2003).



Statistical analyses

All computations were done using the IBM SPSS Statistical Software version 20 (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA). Non- parametric tests were used in all analyses due to the absence of normality in the distribution of empathy levels amongst medical students participating in the study. Tests included the Kruskal–Wallis and Mann–Whitney tests.



응답률 Response rates





사회인구통계학적 특성 Socio-demographic characteristics


기술적 특성 Descriptive characteristics of the scale



그룹간 비교 Group comparisons of the Jefferson Scale of Physician Empathy scores






공감과 성별

Empathy and gender

우리의 관찰 결과와 마찬가지로 여자 의과대학생이 남자 의과대학생보다 더 JSPE-S점수가 높다. 이러한 성별 간 차이는 모든 학년에서 관찰되며, 다만 여학생이 더 높게 나타나지 않은 일부 연구가 있으며, 이는 표집 편향 때문에 생긴 것으로 설명하곤 했다. 우리의 연구결과는 여성이 공감이 더 높다는 여러 연구결과들과 일치한다.

According to our findings, female medical students scored significantly higher on the JSPE-S than male medical students. These gender differences occurred at all stages of undergradu- ate medical education (i.e. years one to five). While a few studies failed to demonstrate higher empathy scores among female students, reportedly due to sampling bias (Di Lillo et al.2009; Rahimi-Madiseh et al. 2010; Roh et al. 2010; Paro et al.2012), our findings are consistent with the results of a number of studies which suggest that gender differences, in favour of women, exist concerning empathy (Hojat et al. 2001, 2002a,2002b, 2002c, 2003; Austin et al. 2007; Kataoka et al. 2009;Rosenthal et al. 2011). 

공감은 인지적 차원과 정서/감정적 차원이 있다. 인지적 차원은 '환자의 내면의 경험과 관점을 이해하는 능력, 그리고 이러한 이해를 의사소통하는 능력'이며, 정서적 차원은 '환자의 감정과 관점을 상상하는 능력'이다. 성별간 약간의 차이가 있으며, 여성이 조금 더 높게 나오고, 특히 정서적 요소를 측정하는 JSPE에서 그러했다(11개 중 7개). 반대로 성별간 차이가 없었던 문항은 주로 인지적 공감 문항이었다(9개 중 6개).

Empathy encompasses cognitive and affective/emotional dimensions. The cognitive dimension refers to ‘the ability to understand the patient’s inner experiences and perspective, and a capability to communicate this understanding’ (Hojat et al. 2003); whereas the affective dimension refers to the ability to imagine the patient’s emotions and perspectives (Stepien & Baernstein 2006). Significant gender differences, in favour of women, were particularly observed in JSPE items which measured the affective component of empathy (7 out of 11). On the other hand, items which showed no significant differences between genders were predominantly cognitive in nature, that is, items which measured the cognitive component of empathy (six out of nine).

여성이 더 공감이 높은 것에 대해서 여러가지 설명이 있으나, 확정적인 것은 없다. 여성이 감정적 신호에 더 수용적이라고 보기도 하며, 이러한 이유로 (상대방을) 더 잘 이해하게 되고, 더 나은 공감적 관계를 갖게 된다.

Several explanations have been offered for gender differ- ences in empathy, but, none have been conclusive. It has been suggested that women are more receptive to emotional signals than men, which can lead to better understanding and, therefore, a better empathic relationship (Hojat et al. 2002a).

애정과 감정적 지지를 동반한 부모의 양육 스타일이 친-사회적 발달과 공감을 강화시켜주는 것으로 보인다. 반대로, 단호하고 적대적인 양육은 공격성을 촉진한다. Carlo 등은 양육스타일과 성별의 비교를 통해서 애정과 가족의 지지적 관계에 여성이 더 애정에 수용적receptive이라고 보고했다.

Parenting styles characterised by affection and emotional support seem to enhance pro-social develop- ment and empathy. On the other hand, rigid and hostile parenting facilitates aggression. Carlo et al. (1999) analysed parenting styles in relation to gender and reported that girls seem more receptive to affection and support in family relationships.


공감과 학년

Empathy and year of medical education

본 연구의 결과에서 학년간 공감의 차이는 없었다. 이는 이전 연구와 다른 결과인데, 비록 통계적으로 유의하지는 않으나 학생들은 학교를 다니는 동안 공감이 더 향상되었다. Kataoka의 단면연구역시 비슷한 결과를 보여준다.

The results of this study showed no significant difference in empathy scores in relation to year of medical course. This finding is contrary to many previous studies which observed a decline in the mean empathy scores, during education, in various health disciplines (Chen et al. 2007; Hojat et al. 2009; Nunes et al. 2011; Ward et al. 2012). Although insignificant, it seems that students may have even developed more empathy as they progressed in their training. A cross-sectional study by Kataoka et al. (2012) showed similar findings in Japanese medical students.

Empathy and Personal and Professional Development

Possible limitations.


Colliver JA, Conlee MJ, Verhulst SJ, Dorsey JK. 2010. Reports of the decline of empathy during medical education are greatly exaggerated: A reexamination of the research. Acad Med 85:588–593.




 2013 Dec;35(12):1002-8. doi: 10.3109/0142159X.2013.802296. Epub 2013 Jun 19.

Maintaining empathy in medical school: it is possible.

Author information

  • 1University of Western Sydney , Australia.



Empathy is an indispensable skill in medicine and is an integral part of 'professionalism'. Yet, there is still increasing concern among medical educators and medical professionals regarding the decline in medical students' empathy during medical education.


This article aims at comparing the levels of empathy in medical school students across the different years of undergraduate medicaleducation. It also aims at examining differences in empathy in relation to gender, year of study, cultural and religious backgrounds, previous tertiary education and certain programmes within the curriculum.


The Jefferson Scale of Physician Empathy, Student version (JSPE-S) was employed to measure empathy levels in medical students (years one to five) in a cross-sectional study. Attached to the scale was a survey containing questions on demographics, stage of medicaleducation, previous education, and level of completion of particular programmes that aim at promoting personal and professional development (PPD).


Four hundred and four students participated in the study. The scores of the JSPE-S ranged from 34 to 135 with a mean score of 109.07 ± 14.937. Female medical students had significantly higher empathy scores than male medical students (111 vs. 106, p < 0.001) across all five years of the medical course. There was no significant difference in the total empathy scores in relation to year of medical education. Yet, the highest means were scored by year five students who had completed personal and professional development courses.


Our findings suggest that there is a gender difference in the levels of empathy, favouring female medical students. They also suggest that, despite prior evidence of a decline, empathy may be preserved in medical school by careful student selection and/or personal and professional development courses.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

성격 검사와 의학교육 및 의료행위 관련 성과(AMEE Guide No.79)

Personality assessments and outcomes in medical education and the practice of medicine: AMEE Guide No. 79


Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University, USA

“In the physician or surgeon no quality takes rank with imperturbability [which] means coolness and presence of mind under all circumstances and the physician who has the misfortune to be without it loses rapidly the confidence of his patient.”

Sir William Osler, 1922, pp. 34




At least two major complementary components contribute to the performances of physicians-in-training and in-practice.

l  One component includes a set of “cognitive” abilities, which are often reflected in intellectual capabilities, performances on examinations of recalling factual information and tests of declarative knowledge.

l  The other component, often described under the rubric of “noncognitive” or personal qualities, includes features such as personality attributes, attitudes, interests, values and other personal characteristics (Gonnella et al. 1993, 1998).



Personality in the context of medical education and patient care


성격Personality의 정의

In the context of medical education and patient care, we define personality as a configuration of characteristics and behavioral tendencies that comprise an individual's unique features, developed based on a combination of several interacting elements such as constitutional predisposition, rearing environment, quality of early attachment relationships, interpersonal and critical life event experiences, social and cultural environment as well as formal and informal education.


성격의 설명력

It is reported that intellectual abilities account for about 35% of the variance in performance, but inclusion of personality information increased the common variance to 75% (Walton 1987). In a longitudinal study of internal medicine residents, Girard and Hickman (1991) found that 48% of the variation in clinical ranks and 38% of the variation on American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) examinations could be explained by psychological and personality variables.


In our own study with medical students, we noticed that a set of personality measurers (e.g.

l  appraisal of stressful life events,

l  general anxiety and test anxiety,

l  external locus of control,

l  intensity and chronicity of loneliness experiences,

l  extraversion,

l  self-esteem,

l  perceptions of early relationships with parents and peers and

l  measures of over- or under-confidence)

could significantly predict performance on medical licensing examinations (Hojat et al. 1988).


Also, we found that higher scores on measures of self-esteem and extraversion, lower scores on loneliness, and perceptions of satisfactory relationship with parents in childhood (Hojat et al. 2004a) could predict global ratings of clinical competence in core clerkships in medical school. Furthermore, inclusion of a set of the aforementioned personality measures to the prediction model could substantially increase (from 0.32 to 0.56) the magnitude of correlations between academic attainment predictors already in the statistical model (previous academic grades and scores of the Medical College Admission Test, the MCAT) and the criterion measure (scores on Part 1 of the examinations of the National Board of Medical Examiners) (Hojat et al. 1988).


In another study, we noticed that ratings of interpersonal skill, assigned by residency program directors, were significantly and positively correlated with reports of satisfactory early relationships with mothers and peer prior to medical school, but negatively associated with scores on measures of anxiety, neuroticism, and loneliness (Hojat et al. 1996a). However, research findings, using a variety of personality measures to improve the predictive validity of academic performance have not been consistent (Pollock et al. 1982; Aldrich 1987; Weiss et al. 1988),



A number of personality instruments have been used in medical education research such as the NEO Personality Inventory (e.g. Lievens et al. 2002; Ferguson et al. 2003) for measuring the big five factors of personality; the California Psychological Inventory (e.g. Hobfoll et al. 1982; Tutton 1993, 1996); the Eysenck Personality Inventory/Questionnaire (EPI/EPQ; e.g. Roessler et al. 1978; Lipton et al. 1984; Westin et al. 1986); the 16 Personality Factor (16PF) Questionnaire (e.g. Lipton et al. 1984; Green et al. 1993; Peng et al. 1995); the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI; e.g. Turner et al. 1974; Tharp 1992); and the Jefferson Scale of Empathy (JSE; e.g. Hojat et al. 2002a, 2002b, 2002c; Hojat 2007), among others.


A paradigm of physician performance


This multidimensional conceptualization of physician performance (depicted in Figure 1)



Conventional approaches to obtain personality information in medical education


Admissions interview


medical students themselves, without any training, sometimes perform interviews with new applicants in order to supplement the staff and faculty resources needed for interviewing a large number of applicants. Interestingly, no significant difference has been observed between faculty and students interview ratings (Gelmann & Stewart 1975; Elam & Johnson 1992; Eddins-Folensbee et al. 2012).


Letters of recommendation


There is no convincing empirical evidence in support of the predictive validity of letters of recommendation in medical schools.



Personal statements, letters of intent and essay


In one study, the content of candidates' personal statements was analyzed, and no evidence was found to support its predictive validity (cited in Ferguson et al. 2002).


Because of the aforementioned shortcomings, Haque and Waytz (2012) suggest that one appropriate approach for the assessment of personality of physicians-in-training is to administer psychometrically sound personality instruments.



A benign neglect


It is interesting to note that despite the recent emphasis placed on personal qualities relevant to professionalism in medicine (Stern 2006; Veloski & Hojat 2006), and in spite of the accumulating volume of research by psychologists on the importance of personality in professional development and personal, social and professional behaviors, there seems to be a lack of enthusiasm among medical education leaders, faculty and researchers to take a fresh and serious look at the assessment and cultivation of personal qualities in medical education and in patient outcomes.


First, some have lingering doubts about the role of personality in the performance of medical students and physicians. Proof is needed for supporting the link between personality, academic performance, clinical competence and the quality of patient care.


Second, a variety of personality instruments have been used over the years in medical education research.


This ambiguity leads to confusion about choosing specific personality measures with strong associations with medical education and patient outcomes.


Third, some skeptics may believe that there is no need for independent assessments of personality attributes, because, they maintain that, indicators of intellectual capability, such as academic attainment and professional achievements require specific personal qualities such as achievement motivation, interest, and self-esteem, which are inseparable factors in academic success. According to this view, personality factors are assumed to be embedded in any assessment of academic attainment;


Fourth, there are those who believe that personality attributes are not amenable to change. Therefore, there is no point to assess those personal traits or implement programs to enhance those personality features that have already been formed based on genetic predisposition and early life experiences.


Fifth, some believe that items of personality tests are often transparent, and can thus be “faked” or answered in a way that is recognized as socially desirable. According to this belief, results of self-reported personality tests are not valid because respondents can manipulate their answers to intentionally produce a socially desirable image of themselves.






Selected personality instruments frequently used in medical education


(1) Measurement of the five factors of personality

A review of the literature on personality and its measurement indicates that a great volume of published research in recent years examined specific personality attributes under a rubric of the five-factor model (FFM) of personality. These factors are often referred to as Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness and Neuroticism (or emotional stability which is the opposite of neuroticism). The acronym OCEAN was used by Hoffman and colleagues (2010) to represent these big-five factors of personality, respectively.


The five factors were originally extracted based on an extensive psycho-lexical analysis of thousands of English words describing personality, supported subsequently by empirical findings resulting from factor analytic research (Goldberg 1990, 1992; Costa & McCrae 1992). The FFM is based not only on theories of personality but is also grounded on a variety of biological, psychological and social perspectives, and an integration of both nature and nurture underpinnings of personality development (McCrae & Costa 1989, 1997; Goldberg 1993; De Raad & Perugini 2002). Evidence suggests that at least some components of the five factors are inherited (e.g. excitability component of the Neuroticism factor) which supports the view on biological roots of some personality attributes (Jang et al. 1996).


The FFM, or some variant of it, currently a popular model of personality among psychologists, has been studied extensively and used by many personality researchers (Musson 2009). Each of the five factors includes a number of facets or components.

l  For example, the Openness factor includes facets such as fantasy, aesthetics, feelings, ideas, actions, imagination, preference for variety, curiosity and intellectual qualities (Costa & McCrae 1992).

l  The Conscientiousness (C) factor includes components such as competence, dutifulness, achievement striving, self-disciplined, deliberation and order.

l  The Extraversion (E) factor includes facets such as sociability, warmth, activity, positive emotions, assertiveness, gregariousness and excitement- seeking.

l  The Agreeableness (A) factor encompasses facets such as trust, compliance, straightforwardness, altruism, tender-mindedness and modesty; and

l  the Neuroticism (N) factor includes components such as anxiety, anger, depression, hostility, self-consciousness, impulsiveness and vulnerability (Costa & McCrae 1992).



The NEO-PI-R, which has been widely used in personality studies and in medical education research, is one of the instruments available for the assessment of the big five factors. This instrument, developed by Costa and McCrae (1992) is the first published instrument designed specifically to measure the big five factors of personality (De Raad & Perugini 2002). The original inventory was developed to measure the three factors of Neuroticism, Extraversion and Openness, hence named NEO Personality Inventory (PI) which was revised (NEO-PI-R) to include two additional factors of the FFM (Agreeableness and Conscientiousness).



The revised self-report form of this instrument consists of 240 items answered on a five-point scale, measuring not only the big five personality factors (48 items per factor) but also six personality facets within each factor (eight items per facet). A shorter version of this instrument (NEO-FFI, 60-item) is also available for measuring the big five factors without detailed measurement of the facets within each factor (Costa & McCrae 1992). Other personality instruments, such as the Zuckerman-Kuhlman Personality Questionnaire (ZKPQ, Zuckerman 2002), were also developed to measure the big five factors or some variant of the FFM.





The associations between the five personality factors and academic performance have been addressed in a number of studies. For example, in their cross-sectional and longitudinal studies, Lievens and colleagues (2002) administered the Flemish translation of the NEO-PI-R to 785 students in five Flemish universities and found that the chance of success in the pre-clinical years of medical school was better for students who scored high on the Conscientiousness factor. High scores on the Openness factor significantly predicted the final scores in the third year of medical school (Lievens et al. 2002).


It was also found that more

l  proactive facets of the Conscientiousness factor such as “self-discipline” and “achievement striving” could predict medical students’ academic achievement better than more

l  regulatory facets of the Conscientiousness factor such as “order,” “deliberation” and “dutifulness.” (Lievens et al. 2002).



The Extraversion factor was the only factor that negatively correlated with examination results in the first year of medical school, suggesting a restricting effect of this factor at the beginning of the academic career (Lievens et al. 2002). These investigators concluded that significant variation exists among medical students in terms of personality, reflected in the FFM, which is linked to academic success. In particular, they placed an emphasis on the findings that scores on the Conscientiousness factor could strongly predict students’ success in preclinical years of medical school (Lievens et al. 2002).



In a study by Helle and colleagues (2010), the five factors of personality inventory and a test of visual perceptual skills, designed to assess an individual's visual perception (Martin 2006) was administered to 150second-year medical students at the University of Turku in Finland. Results showed that the Conscientiousness factor and one element of visual perceptual ability (spatial relationship awareness) predicted performance on the diagnostic classification in microscopic observation in an undergraduate course in pathology at the beginning of the course. In a study of 176 students attending the Nottingham Medical School in the UK, Ferguson and colleagues (2003) found that the Conscientiousness factor was the best predictor of academic performance in the pre-clinical phase of medical education. In a meta-analytic review, the Conscientiousness factor was found to be a significant predictor of job performance in other occupations as well (Tett et al. 1991).



In a longitudinal study, Lievens and colleagues (2009) followed up on students who participated in their original study (Lievens et al. 2002). It was found that grade point averages in the first year rather than personality factors were the most important predictors of attrition in preclinical years. However, as the students progressed through medical school, the Openness, Conscientiousness and Extraversion factors became increasingly important predictors of academic success in the clinical phase of medical education. Consistent with these findings, McManus and his colleagues (2004) in a 12-year longitudinal study of medical students who attended five medical schools in the UK reported that perception of stress and burnout were predicted by scoring high on the Neuroticism, low on the Extraversion factor, and low on the Conscientiousness factor.



The Conscientiousness factor has long been recognized as a crucial predictor of job performance in medicine as well as in other professions (Barrick & Mount 1991; Behling 1998; Hurtz & Donovan 2000). Also, research findings suggest that sociability, a prominent feature of the Extraversion factor, is an important mediating variable in the clinical performance of medical students (Ferguson et al. 2003; McManus et al. 2004; Hojat et al. 2004a; Knights & Kennedy 2007; Tyssen et al. 2007; Lievens et al. 2009). However, their results on the Extraversion factor are less consistent in the preclinical than clinical phases of medical education (Piedmont et al. 1991; Lievens et al. 2002).


Lievens and colleagues (2009) used the expressions of “getting along” as a reflection of the Extraversion and Openness factors, and “getting ahead” as a reflection of the Conscientiousness factor. Extraversion and Openness to experiences are two personality attributes that facilitate physician-patient interpersonal relationships, and thus can contribute to optimal clinical outcomes. The importance of the Extraversion and Openness factors in clinical performance has also been confirmed in a study by Piedmont and colleagues (1991).



In a study by Haight and colleagues (2012), the relationships between personality measures and medical student preclinical and clinical performances in 175 students at the Saint Louis University School of Medicine were examined. It was found that scores of the MCAT correlated with academic examinations, whereas scores on the Conscientiousness and Extraversion factors correlated with indicators of clinical performance and humanism nominations. More specifically, the Conscientiousness factor could predict clinical skills, but the Extraversion factor was a significant predictor of indicators of clinical skills that relied heavily on interpersonal interactions. In a review article, Doherty and Nugent (2011) examined the relationships between personality and academic performance in medical school. They concluded that the Conscientiousness factor can predict long-term success in medical education, and the Extraversion factor is an important mediating factor in clinical performance.



In a longitudinal study to examine changes in the validity coefficients of personality in predicting academic performance of an entire 1997 cohort of medical students in six Flemish universities in Belgium, Lievens and colleagues (2009) reported that the Openness, Conscientiousness and Extraversion factors (and most of their facets) showed an increase in the magnitude of the their validity coefficients as students progressed through medical school. For example, the validity coefficient for the

l  Extraversion factors shifted from a negative correlation of 0.11 in the first year of medical school to a positive correlation of 0.31 in the last year of medical school.

l  The changes in the validity coefficients from the first to the last year of medical school were from 0.18 to 0.45 for the Conscientiousness,

l  0.02 to 0.30 for the Openness,

l  0.01 to 0.17 for the Agreeableness and

l  0.03 to 0.07 for the Neuroticism factors (Lievens et al. 2009).



The significant change in the validity coefficient of the Openness factor from the preclinical to the clinical years of medical school deserves some explanations. Openness has been linked to academic ability and divergent thinking (Goff & Ackerman 1992; McCrae 1996). However, the magnitude of its validity coefficients in predicting academic achievement has not been impressive (Hough 1992; Barrick et al. 2001). Openness is a personality factor that facilitates acceptance and adequate adjustment to the wide variation of changes (LePine et al. 2000) that is encountered during the clinical phase of medical education. Lievens and colleagues (2009) suggested that although there may be no advantages to being open to new experiences in the preclinical years of medical school, this personality attribute increasingly becomes relevant in clinical education and in applied settings. Therefore, openness to experiences seems to be more beneficial in the clinical phase of medical education, which requires interpersonal interaction with patients.



With regard to the findings on variation in the magnitude and direction of validity coefficient for the Extraversion factor, Lievens and colleagues (2009) speculated that while it might not be beneficial for medical students to be extraverted during the preclinical years, this quality becomes important later in the clinical years when human interaction is required for achieving optimal outcomes. Consistent with this notion, Rolfhus and Ackerman (1999) found that extraverts, compared to introverts, obtained lower scores on knowledge tests. Thus, the negative correlation between extraversion and performance in the preclinical phase of medical education could be due to the fact that extraverted students are likely to spend more time socializing (Chamorro-Premuzic & Furnham 2003) and be involved in nonacademic activities such as sports and social events. Instead, introverted students may spend more time reading the high volume of course materials in the preclinical years. In addition, it has been reported that extraverts are more likely than introverts to be easily distracted, while introverts are more likely to focus on cognitively demanding tasks (Entwistle & Entwistle 1970), which help them to obtain better grades on tests of acquisition of factual information; a key feature of examinations in the preclinical years (Sanchez et al. 2001).



Conversely, it has been reported that extraverts are more likely to obtain better assessment marks in the activities performed in group settings, clerkships, practicums or seminar classes (Furnham & Medhurst 1995). Thus, extraverts seem to have the personality attributes needed to perform better in educational environments that require interpersonal interactions (Ferguson et al. 2000). Therefore, one can expect that those who score high on the Extraversion factor would not perform as well as their introverted counterparts in the preclinical phase of medical education. This can explain the change of the validity coefficient of the Extraversion factor from negative in preclinical to positive in the clinical years of medical school.



The lack of predictive validity for the Neuroticism factor in medical school found in the Lievens and colleagues study (2009) is not surprising. Those high in Neuroticism are prone to anxiety; thus, less likely to perform well on academic tests that require concentration and recall of factual information. In addition, high scorers on Neuroticism are more vulnerable to test-taking anxiety and evaluation apprehension during examinations of recalling factual information early in medical school. Some studies on emotional stability, the opposite of neuroticism, have shown positive relations between emotional stability and performance in college students (e.g. Cattell & Kline 1977; Lathey 1991; Sanchez et al. 2001) and in medical students (Barratt & White 1969).



The facets of the Agreeableness factor such as trust, altruism, modesty and tender-mindedness (Costa & McCrae 1992) can facilitate physician-patient relationships, thus it is expected that scores on the Agreeableness factor predict the clinical competence of medical students. The facets of the Agreeableness factor are positively associated with clinical performance in medical students (Gough et al. 1991; Shen & Comrey 1997). However, findings on relationships between this factor and performance in medical school are not consistent.



Among the big five factors, the Conscientiousness factor has been found most consistently to predict academic achievement in both preclinical and clinical phases of medical education (Costa & McCrae 1992; Goff & Ackerman 1992; Blickle 1996; De Raad 1996; De Raad & Schouwenburg 1996; Busato et al. 2000) and performance in the work environment (Barrick & Mount 1991; Salgado 1998; Dudley et al. 2006; Burch & Anderson 2008). Obviously, facets of this factor such as achievement striving, competence, dutifulness, self-discipline, order and deliberation (Costa & McCrae 1992) can provide a plausible explanation as to why the Conscientiousness factor is the best predictor of academic success in undergraduate college students (Wolfe & Johnson 1995), as well as graduate college students (Wiggins et al. 1969), and in medical school (Lievens et al. 2009).



Tyssen and colleagues (2007), in a six-year longitudinal study of 421 students who were accepted into four medical schools in Norway reported that low levels of Conscientiousness combined with high levels of Neuroticism and low levels of Extraversion could increase susceptibility to stress in medical school, thus negatively affecting academic performance.


Career interest


Personality attributes contribute to an individual's behavior, preferences and interests including career choices. Empirical studies provide support for the notion that personality is linked to specialty interests in medical students and physicians.

l  For example, Borges and Savickas (2002) found that scores on extraversion and openness to new experiences could distinguish surgeons from other physicians.

l  It was also reported (Borges & Savickas 2002) that physicians in nonsurgical specialties were less adaptive to change (e.g. low on the Openness factor).

l  Myers and Davis (1976) found that pathologists were less extraverted, and experienced more negative effects in their career due to lower levels of sociability and less dominating personalities.

l  Psychiatrists were described as being imaginative, curious, looking for variety and experiencing deep feelings which are among features of the Openness and Agreeable factors (Borges & Savickas 2002).



l  Anesthesiologists, surgeons and psychiatrists, compared to obstetricians/gynecologists, showed a common feature by sharing a higher mean score on the Openness factor.

l  Family physicians were found to be mixed in this factor (Borges & Savickas 2002).

l  Lower scores on the Extraversion factor were shared by anesthesiologists and surgeons, but family physicians and psychiatrists were more Agreeable than obstetricians/gynecologists and surgeons (Borges & Savickas 2002).

l  Family physicians, who were characterized as sympathetic, trusting, cooperative and altruistic, showed higher scores on the Agreeableness and Conscientiousness factors, but varied regarding the Openness factor (Borges & Savickas 2002).



l  Hoffman and colleagues (2010) studied a group of 204 residents (in surgery, medicine, pediatrics and anesthesiology), and another group of 207 medical students, and compared their scores on the big five factors with norms for the general population. They found that surgery residents scored higher on the Conscientiousness, and Extraversion factors but lower on Openness.

l  Medical students scored on average high on Extraversion which placed them in the same group as students who studied law, economics, psychology, education, and political and social sciences. Conversely, medical students' extraversion scores were significantly higher than students of other academic majors such as sciences and applied sciences (Lievens et al 2002). In a study by Magee and Hojat (1998), using the NEO PI-R, it was found that male and female physicians who were nominated as positive role models in medicine, compared to the general population, scored significantly higher on the Conscientiousness Factor, and on personality facets such as achievement striving, activity, competence, dutifulness, trust, assertiveness and altruism. They scores lower than the general population on the vulnerability facet of personality.

l  In another study, internal medicine residents, compared to the general population, scored higher on the Openness Factor, and on the idea, achievement striving, excitement seeking, fantasy, feelings and deliberation facets (Hojat et al. 1999c).



Chibnall et al. (2009) compared 133 third-year medical students at Saint Louis University School of Medicine with 163 police officer recruits. Discriminant function analysis showed that the factors of Conscientiousness, Neuroticism and Openness could accurately classify 77% of medical students and police recruits. Medical students scored higher on Openness and Neuroticism but lower on the Conscientiousness factor than police recruits. This pattern of findings, according to study investigators can be explained by the fact that Openness and Neuroticism, in contrast to Conscientiousness, do not seem to be virtues for police and security personnel. A high level of Conscientiousness in police recruits can be expected, considering facets of this personality factor such as order, dutifulness and self-discipline which are desirable characteristic for police recruits (Chibnall et al. 2009).



l  Barrick and Mount (1991) examined the relationship between the five personality factors and indicators of job performance in five occupational groups which included professionals (physician were in this occupational group), police, managers, sales persons and skilled/semi-skilled workers). Results showed that the Conscientiousness factor consistently predicted performance in all occupational groups.

l  Extraversion predicted performance in two occupational groups that required social interaction, such as managers and sales persons and training proficiency in all occupations was linked to the Openness and Extraversion factors (Barrick & Mount 1991).

l  Medical students, compared to students in philosophy, languages and history scored significantly higher on the Consciousness and Extraversion factors (Lievens et al. 2002). Medical students compared to humanities students scored lower on the Extraversion and Openness factors (Bunevicius et al. 2008).



The FFM of personality has received attention among personality researchers, and is recognized as the most parsimonious and comprehensive model of normal adult personality (Costa & McRae 1992; Yamagata et al. 2006). Although its use in medical education research is not yet widespread, its potential for providing useful information for personality research in medical education is worthy of consideration (Chibnall et al. 2009).



Overall, the results of the FFM in medical education research generally suggest that among all big five factors, the Conscientiousness factor seems to be a more consistent predictor of academic performance in medical school, and the Extraversion factor appears to be linked to preferences in some “people-oriented” specialties that require more intense patient-physician interaction.



l  The NEO-PI-R is a widely used instrument in personality research for the assessment of the big five personality factors: Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness and Neuroticism.

l  The Conscientiousness factor and its facets (achievement striving, deliberation, dutifulness, order, and self-discipline) are conceptually more relevant to performance of physicians-in-training and in-practice.

l  Empirical data support the link between scores on the Conscientiousness factor and performance measures in the preclinical and clinical phases of medical education.



(2) The 16 Personality Factor Questionnaire


The 16 Personality Factor Questionnaire (16PF) is a well-known instrument developed by Cattell (1943, 1946, 1947, 1948), Cattel & Kline (1977) and Cattell et al. (1993). It is one of the oldest personality instruments, first published in 1949, revised several times with the most recent version released in 1993. It contains 185 items which provide scores for the 16 primary personality factors.



The 16 personality factors were determined and based on an extensive factor analytic study of a large number of personality attributes derived from a psycho-lexical hypothesis suggested by Allport and Odbert (1936), based on the assumption that if a word exists for a personality attribute then that attribute must be real. The primary 16 factors are

1.      Warmth,

2.      Reasoning,

3.      Emotional Stability,

4.      Dominance,

5.      Liveliness,

6.      Rule-Consciousness,

7.      Social Boldness,

8.      Sensitivity,

9.      Vigilance,

10.   Abstractedness,

11.   Privateness,

12.   Apprehension,

13.   Openness to Change,

14.   Self-reliance,

15.   Perfectionism and

16.   Tension.


Higher order factor analysis of the primary 16 personality factors resulted in the five global personality traits which resemble the FFM of personality. These five global personality traits are:

l  Openness-Tough Mindedness (analogous to the Openness factor in the FFM),

l  Self-Control (analogous to the Conscientiousness factor in the FFM),

l  Extraversion (similar to the Extraversion factor in the FFM),

l  Independence-Accommodation (analogous to the Agreeableness factor in the FFM), and

l  Anxiety (analogous to the Neuroticism factor in the FFM) (Conn & Rieke 1994; Hofer & Eber 2002).


The 16PF Questionnaire enjoys strong psychometric support (Cattell et al. 1970). It is one of the most frequently used instruments in a large volume of personality studies, and has also been used in medical education research.





In a study by Manuel et al. (2005), 206 medical students at the University of Cincinnati, School of Medicine completed the 16PF Questionnaire. The scores on the Warmth factor were positively correlated with indicators of clinical data gathering skills. However, scores on the Abstractedness and Privateness factors were negatively correlated with the assessment of clinical skills. In addition, measures of communication skills correlated positively with Warmth, Emotional Stability and Perfectionism factors and negatively with the Privateness factor. The investigators concluded that some personality factors from the 16PF questionnaire can predict medical students’ clinical skills (Manuel et al. 2005).



In explaining their findings, Manuel and colleagues (2005) speculated that

l  high scorers on the Warmth factor are likely to have the following features: attentive to others, easy-going and likeable;

l  high scores on the Emotional Stability factor are likely to be adaptive, mature and in control; and

l  high scorers on the Perfectionism factor are likely to be self-disciplined, socially precise and organized.

All of the aforementioned personality attributes contribute positively to clinical skill assessments. In addition, those investigators suggest that high scorers on the Abstractness factor of the 16PF Questionnaire are likely to be impractical, and high scorers on the Privateness factor are likely to be discreet and shrewd. Thus, these personality attributes were expected to be negatively related to assessments of clinical competence (Manuel et al. 2005).



In another study by Green et al. (1991), the 16PF Questionnaire was administered to 129 medical students at the University of Wales, College of Medicine. No relationship was found between personality scores, performance in medical school, and subsequent academic success. It was concluded that the 16PF questionnaire would be unlikely to help in the assessment of applicants and medical students (Green et al. 1991). Similar findings were obtained in another study of 146 students at the University of Wales, College of Medicine by the same investigators (Green et al. 1993).



Contrary to findings reported by Green and colleagues (1991), a study in Malaysia by Peng and colleagues (1995) showed that the 16PF Questionnaire could make a distinction between students who were at risk of academic failure and their counterparts who were not. In their study, 101 students completed the Bahasa Malaysian translation of the 16PF Questionnaire at the beginning of medical school. The relationships between personality scores and academic success at the end of the second year of preclinical training in medical school were examined.

l  Personality attributes such as being enthusiastic (a feature of the Liveliness factor), venturesome (a feature of the Social Boldness factor), imaginative (a feature of the Abstractedness factor) and experimenting (a feature of the Openness to Change factor) correlated positively with indicators of success.

l  A personality attribute such as being self-assured (a feature of the Apprehension factor) was negatively correlated with performance measures (Peng et al. 1995). Students who were academically in trouble were more likely to be reserved, less emotionally stable, and more apprehensive than others.

The authors concluded that the 16PF Questionnaire is a useful instrument for identifying the personality profile of students who are likely to have academic problems (Peng et al. 1995).



Huxham et al. (1985) administered the 16PF questionnaire and the EPI (Eysenck & Eysenck 1964, 1975) to a cohort of 142 medical students in Australia in the second and sixth years of medical school. These investigators were interested in examining changes in personality during medical school. They concluded that during the study period, medical students became brighter, more mature, more venturesome, more tough-minded, more trusting, more self-assured, more self-controlled and more extraverted (Huxham et al. 1985).



Career interest:


The 16PF Questionnaire has also been used to examine specialty differences.

l  For example, Reeve (1980) used the 16PF to compare anesthesiologists and general practitioners. It was found that the former group was more likely to be self-sufficient (a feature of the Self-Reliant factor), dominant (a feature of the Dominance factor), tense (a feature of the Tension factor) and introverted.

l  In another study, Borges and Osmon (2001) used the 16PF questionnaire to investigate personality differences among anesthesiologists compared to family physicians and general surgeons. Anesthesiologists seemed to have a different level of suspiciousness and skepticism (features of the Vigilance factor) than the other two groups of physicians.

l  Family physicians differed significantly from general surgeons and anesthesiologists with regard to Rule-Consciousness and Abstractedness factors which indicate that family physicians were more rule bound and imaginative, which is somewhat consistent with Taylor (1993), and the Taylor et al. (1990) description of family practitioners.



l  By using the 16PF questionnaire, Chowdhury and colleagues (1987) showed that internal medicine residents had a tendency to be skeptical and aloof.

l  Residents in psychiatry were characterized by greater tolerance for frustration, emotional maturity, and stability. Psychiatry residents were also found to be more tender-minded, compared to internal medicine residents who were more realistic and practical. Psychiatry residents showed a high-level capacity for abstract thinking, faster learning and a quicker grasp of ideas (Borges & Savickas 2002).



Findings on the 16PF Questionnaire generally suggest that the instrument has limited success in predicting academic performance in medical school or in predicting specialty interest of medical students.



l  The 16PF Questionnaire which provides scores for 16 primary personality factors is one of the oldest personality instruments used in medical education research.


l  Although this instrument generally enjoys strong psychometric support in personality research, its success in predicting specialty interest and performance of physicians-in-training and in-practice is limited.



(3) The California Psychological Inventory


The California Psychological Inventory (CPI) is a frequently used self-report personality instrument, originally developed by Harrison Gough, which has been revised three times. It is a lengthy instrument, and its current form includes 434 items measuring 20 folk scales:

1.      Dominance,

2.      Capacity for Status,

3.      Sociability,

4.      Social Presence,

5.      Self-acceptance,

6.      Independence,

7.      Empathy,

8.      Responsibility,

9.      Socialization,

10.   Self-control,

11.   Good Impression,

12.   Communality,

13.   Well-being,

14.   Tolerance,

15.   Achievement via Conformance,

16.   Achievement via Independence,

17.   Intellectual Efficiency,

18.   Psychological Mindedness,

19.   Flexibility and

20.   Femininity-Masculinity (Gough 1987).


The scales were not developed based on factor analytic research; however, a factor analytic study of the CPI suggests that the big five factors of personality can also be measured by the CPI (Soto & John 2009).


The CPI has been used in a number of medical education studies in predicting academic performance and specialty interest. In a review article, Ferguson et al. (2002) claimed that the CPI was the most commonly used personality instrument in medical education.




Gough and colleagues reported several studies using the CPI with medical students and residents to predict their performances (Gough et al. 1963, 1964, 1991). Gough and Hall (1967) reported that the CPI could differentiate cognitive performance of successful from unsuccessful students in medical school. Reich et al. (1999) demonstrated that certain scales of the CPI were associated with poor clinical performance among residents.



In a study with all applicants to the School of Medicine at Ben-Gurion University, statistically significant correlations (albeit low in magnitude), were found between interview ratings and scores of the following scales of the CPI: Dominance, Self-acceptance, Well-being, Tolerance, Responsibility and Achievement via Conformance (Hobfoll et al. 1982). Interview ratings were based on a global judgment of overall assessment of attributes such as empathy, responsibility, personal integrity, intellectual flexibility and tolerance of ambiguity.



In a discriminant analyses, it was also found that scores of the CPI scales of Achievement via Independence, Self-acceptance, Dominance and Achievement via Conformance were the best overall predictors of cognitive performance and teaching staff ratings (Hobfoll et al. 1982). Teaching staff ratings were based on the judgment of five teaching staff on whether a student fits an idealized model with regard to personality attributes such as self-initiative, interpersonal sensitivity and intellectual flexibility. No significant correlation was found between scores of the CPI and ratings of clinical competence (Hobfoll et al. 1982).



Ferguson and colleagues (2002) in their review article reported that the following eight scales of the CPI had more consistently emerged as significant predictors of success in medical education: Dominance, Tolerance, Sociability, Self-acceptance, Well-being, Responsibility, Achievement via Conformance and Achievement via Independence. Their summarized review findings indicate that scores on the Dominance scale correlated negatively with undergraduate multiple choice examination grades (r=0.26); Tolerance correlated negatively with the ability to use numerical information (r=0.25); and Well-being and Achievement via Conformance correlated positively with success in oral examinations (0.22 and 0.32, respectively) (Ferguson, et al. 2002).



In a study by Hodgson and colleagues (2007), it was found that physicians who demonstrated unprofessional behavior during medical school, compared to those who did not, scored significantly lower on four CPI scales. Results were in agreement with findings in which indicators of unprofessional behavior of medical students, extracted from the excerpts of negative comments in medical students’ academic records, could be grouped into domains of irresponsibility, lack of self-improvement and poor initiative (Papadakis et al. 2005).



The level of professionalism in medicine was found to be significantly associated with scores of the CPI scales of Responsibility (r=0.53), Communality (r=0.50) and Well-being (r=0.46) (Hodgson et al. 2007). Significant differences were observed on scores on the CPI scales of Responsibility, Sociability, Self-control, Communality and Well-being between those who had a record of unprofessional behavior and their counterparts without such a behavior (Hodgson et al. 2007). These findings suggest that the CPI, administered at matriculation to medical school, could predict unprofessional behavior during medical school (Hodgson et al. 2007).



Career interest:


l  Gough et al. (1991) administered the CPI to first-year anesthesiology residents and reported that they were self-confident, had superior interpersonal skills, and were goal seeking as indicated by their high scores on the CPI scales of Dominance, Social Presence and Achievement via Independence, respectively.

l  Coombs et al. (1993) compared surgical and nonsurgical specialists who graduated from the University of California, School of Medicine. They administered the CPI and other personality scales at the beginning and at the end of medical school, and found no pronounced difference between the two groups on any of the CPI scale scores (Coombs et al. 1993).



Overall, regarding the above-mentioned findings on the use of the CPI in medical education research, we agree with the concluding remarks by Hobfoll and colleagues (1982) that this personality instrument has a limited value in predicting students’ performance in medical school and the specialty interest of physicians in training.


l  The California Psychological Inventory (CPI) is a lengthy instrument and one of the most commonly used personality inventory in medical education research.


l  Despite a large volume of research, the CPI seems to have a limited value in predicting specialty interest and performance of medical students and physicians.


(4) The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator


The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a widely used personality instrument developed in the 1950s by Isabel Briggs Myers and her mother Katherine Cook Briggs based on Carl G. Jung's psychological typology (Jung 1933, 1971; Myers 1962; Myers & Caully 1985). The test includes 144 forced-choice items (in a longer Form Q and 93 items in a shorter Form M) designed to measure four bipolar personality types and their combinations:

l  Introversion-Extraversion (I or E type),

l  Sensing-Intuition (S or N type),

l  Thinking-Feeling (T or F type) and

l  Judging-Perceiving (J or P type).


Based on the scores on the aforementioned personality types, the test taker can be further classified into one of the 16 combined personality types. For example, higher scores on Introversion (as opposed to Extraersion), Intuition (as opposed to Sensing), Thinking (as opposed to Feeling), Judging (as opposed to Perceiving) will classify individual's combined personality type in the Introversion-Intuition-Thinking-Judging category, or the INTJ type.


The MBTI has been widely used in educational counseling, human resource management and in medical education research. In an early large-scale study, Myers and Davis (1965) used data from the MBTI collected in the 1950s from 45 medical schools on 5355 students. It was found that there were approximately equal numbers of medical students in all of the personality types; thus, it was concluded that medicine is a diverse field that can benefit from a variety of personality types; each can match a desirable personality constellation for a particular specialty. In another large-scale study, a total of 7190 medical students completed the MBTI and it was reported that there were more Intuitive, Feeling and Judging types among medical students compared to the general population (McCaulley 1977, 1981).




Some studies using the MBTI reported a link between personality types and academic performance in medical students. For example, in one study medical students who were classified as the Sensing-Thinking (ST) type obtained the highest scores in a neurochemistry course (Wild & Skipper 1991). In another study with 114 students at the University of New Mexico, School of Medicine, the failure rate was highest in the medical licensing examination (National Board of Medical Examiners, Part 1) among those who were classified as the Intuitive-Feeling (NF) type (O’Donnell 1982). In a study by Tharp (2009), the highest grades in an undergraduate physiology course were achieved by students with a Sensing preference. Kim (1999) reported that medical students with a Thinking preference performed better in medical school than their counterparts with a Feeling preference.


The MBTI was administered to 263 osteopathic medical students at Midwestern University/Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine to examine the relationship between personality types and performance on the MCAT (Sefcik et al. 2009). No significant correlation was obtained between personality types and performance on the MCAT. However, the NF personality type students were more likely to score lower on the Comprehensive Osteopathic Medical Licensing Examination-USA (COMLEX-USA, Level 1) (Sefcik et al. 2009).


In a study by Ornstein and colleagues (1987), the association between personality types, and residents’ laboratory test ordering behavior was examined. Participants included 39 family medicine residents at the University of South Carolina Medical Center in Charleston who treated 1326 hypertensive patients in 14 006 visits, and ordered 7361 laboratory tests. Results indicate that the Introvert and Intuitive types were likely to order more tests than the Extravert and Sensing types; however, the findings did not reach the traditional level of statistical significance (Ornstein et al. 1987). McNulty and colleagues (2006) examined the relationships between personality types and learning style. Findings showed that although the use of computer-aided instruction was positively correlated with the Sensing rather than Intuitive personality types, higher use of discussion forums (as opposed to lecture and tutorial) was associated with Perceiving-Judging type. From their study with 137 medical students, Wild and Skipper (1991) concluded that the relationships between personality types and academic performance may be more complicated than had been discussed in the literature.


Career interest


Twelve schools expressed their willingness to share data. Findings on the available data linking personality types with specialty choice showed that the Thinking type students were likely to choose primary and non-primary care specialties at about the same rate; however,

l  the Feeling type students were significantly more likely to select primary care specialties. Similarly, the Extravert type students chose primary and non-primary care specialties at about the same rates.

l  Those who pursued family medicine were more likely to be the Feeling rather than Thinking type (Stilwell et al. 2000).

l  Also, the Feeling types chose surgical specialties at a significantly lower rate than did the Thinking types. Finally, the Introvert types pursued surgical specialties at a significantly lower rate than did the Extravert types (Stilwell et al. 2000).

l  These investigators further divided those who chose non-primary care specialties into two groups of surgical and nonsurgical specialties. Their findings suggest that gender, EI and TF types could predict interest in surgical specialties (e.g. being male, extraverted and thinking types) (Stilwell et al. 2000).


l  The personality types of applicants to an otolaryngology residency program were compared to those of the general population and physicians in other medical specialties (Zardouz et al. 2011). It was found that otolaryngology applicants were likely to have an Extravert-ST-Judging personality profile. These investigators also reported that Thinking (T) and Judging (J) types were more common than Feeling (F) and Perceiving (P) types among the otolaryngology residency applicants (Zardouz et al. 2011).


l  A study by McCaulley (1978) showed that those who were attracted to ophthalmology and otolaryngology had similar personality types. However, those choosing ophthalmology were more people-oriented and those choosing otolaryngology were more technology-oriented. The proportion of Extravert-ST-Perceiving type was significantly higher in otolaryngology residency applicants (8%) than the general population (3%) (Zardouz et al. 2011).

l  In different studies, personality types of physiatrists (Sliwa & Shade-Zeldow 1994), pediatric residents (Lacorte & Risucci 1993) and emergency department staff have been compared (Boyd & Brown 2005), and no pronounced differences in their personality types have emerged.


Harris and Ebbert (1985) used the MBTI to examine differences in personality types between first-year family medicine residents and rural primary care physicians. Results showed that the residents were significantly more Intuitive (as opposed to Sensing) and more Feeling (as opposed to Thinking) types. The authors concluded that family medicine residents differed from rural primary care physicians in how they gather information. Family medicine physicians also tend to rely on their intuition (N) rather than sensing (S) perception when gathering information (Myers & Davis 1976; Harris & Ebbert 1985; Friedman & Slatt 1988; Taylor et al. 1990).



l  Obstetricians and gynecologists have been described by Myers and Davis (1976) as being more likely to be Extravert and Sensing types.

l  Findings of a longitudinal study using the MBTI (McCaulley 1978) showed that the obstetrics-gynecology specialty attracted individuals with a Sensing type, whereas Friedman and Slatt (1988) found that medical students who entered obstetrics-gynecology tended to score high on ST-Judging dimensions.

l  Myers and Davis (1976) reported that pediatricians showed a large proportion of the Extraversion-Sensing-Feeling-Judging type, as well as Introverted-Sensing-Feeling-Judging types.

l  However, Friedman and Slatt (1988) found that medical students interested in pediatrics yielded less distinctive MBTI profiles. They also found that medical students who were interested in psychiatry were more likely to display an Introverted-Feeling-Perceiving personality type (Friedman & Slatt 1988).



l  Myers and Davis (1976) found that surgeons were more likely to display the Extraverted and Sensing (S) type, whereas Friedman and Slatt (1988) found that students interested in surgery yielded less distinctive MBTI types.

l  Findings of a longitudinal study (McCaulley 1978) showed that the surgical subspecialties of general, orthopedic and obstetrics/gynecology, which deal with straightforward problems requiring technical skill, attracted individuals with a Sensing (S)-type personality.



l  The Sensing type has often been reported to be common among obstetricians (Myers & Davis 1976; McCaulley 1978), general surgeons and orthopedic surgeons (McCaulley 1978).

l  Neurological, plastic and thoracic surgeons (McCaulley 1978) often score high on the Intuitive dimension and thus could be characterized as imaginative, curious and having a need for variety (Borges & Savickas 2002).

l  Although hospital-based and support specialties, such as pathology and radiology have not received as much attention in MBTI studies, some researchers have addressed personality types in these specialties. For example, Myers and Davis (1976) reported that pathologists tended to be the Introvert, Intuitive and Thinking type; and Friedman and Slatt (1988) reported that students interested in pathology did not display a distinct personality type in the MBTI. Using the MBTI,

l  Myers and Davis (1976) showed that anesthesiologists were characterized as both Introverted-ST-Perceiving and Introverted-Sensing-Feeling-Perceiving types.



It has been reported that compared with data from the 1950s, the type distribution of physicians has remained relatively unchanged, with the exception of a trend toward more Judging types. It is also reported that women in medicine, today as compared to those in the 1950s when medicine was more male-dominated, are more representative of the general population in the Feeling personality type (Stilwell et al. 2000). From the published studies, it seems that Feeling type students and women were more likely to choose primary care specialties.



l  Although research findings on the link between personality types from the MBTI and specialty interest do not provide a consistent and clear picture, a more frequently reported conclusion that can be drawn from the MBTI studies is that surgeons are more likely to be the E type (extraverted) (Myers & Davis 1976; McCaulley 1978; Stilwell et al. 2000), suggesting that they tend to be sociable and active.

l  Another frequently reported finding from MBTI studies of medical specialists is that family physicians are likely to have a Feeling personality type (Harris & Ebbert 1985; Friedman & Slatt 1988; Taylor et al. 1990; Stilwell et al. 2000; Borges & Savickas 2002), which can be helpful at least in medical students’ career counseling.



Despite the large volume of medical education research in which the MBTI has been used, one cannot determine with confidence which personality type performs better in medical school, and which personality type predicts interest in a specific specialty and subspecialty. In addition, some of the findings on personality types and specialty choice seem counter-intuitive such as family physician's Introvert and surgeons Extravert personality types because intuitively, family physicians require more social skills than surgeons to maintain long-term relationships with their patients.



Overall, the MBTI does not seem to be a useful instrument in predicting academic performance in medical school. Although the MBTI has been widely used in medical education research and in career counseling, this instrument has little credibility among research psychologists (APA 2007, pp. 604605).


l  The MBTI probably is the most widely used personality instrument in medical education research on career counseling and specialty choices.

l  Despite the large volume of research, this instrument does not have high credibility among psychologists and personality researchers.



(5) The Jefferson Scale of Empathy


The Jefferson Scale of Empathy (JSE) (20 items) was specifically developed for measuring empathy in the context of medical education and patient care, relying on the conceptualization of empathy as a predominantly cognitive (as opposed to affective or emotional) attribute that involves an understanding (as opposed to feeling) of patients’ pain, experiences, concerns and perspectives, combined with a capacity to communicate this understanding, and an intention to help (Hojat 2007, 2009; Hojat et al. 2009). This conceptualization makes a distinction between empathy (predominantly a cognitive attribute) and sympathy (predominantly an effective attribute). The two concepts have different consequences in patient care (Hojat 2007; Hojat et al. 2011b). For example, empathy in abundance is always beneficial in patient care, while sympathy in excess can be detrimental, causing emotional dependency in patients and leading to emotional exhaustion, burnout and compassion fatigue in physicians (Hojat 2007, Hojat et al. 2011b). This distinction was recognized by Nightingale et al. (1991) in their empirical study in which they observed that physicians’ empathy had a different measurable effect than sympathy on their clinical decision making behavior.



Three versions of the JSE are available:

l  One for administration to medical students (S-Version),

l  one for administration to physicians and other health professionals (HP-Version) and

l  one for administration to students in any health profession fields other than medicine (HPS-Version).


These versions are similar in content with slight changes in wording to reflect students’ orientation toward empathy in medical education (S-Version), other health profession education (HPS-Version), and behavioral tendencies toward empathic engagement in patient care (HP-Version) in physicians and other health professionals. For example, an item in the S-Version that reads “It is difficult for a physician to view things from patients’ perspectives” reads as “It is difficult for me to view things from my patients’ perspective” in the HP-Version, and reads as “It is difficult for a health care provider to view things from patients’ perspectives” in the HPS-Version.



In exploratory factor analytic studies, three factors of

l  “perspective taking,”

l  “compassionate care” and

l  “walking in patients’ shoes”

have emerged in samples of medical students and physicians in the United States (Hojat et al. 2001a, 2002c) and abroad (Alcorta-Gaza et al. 2005; Di Lillo et al 2009; Kataoka et al. 2009; Rahimi-Madiseh et al. 2010; Roh et al. 2010; Shariat et al. 2010).


The three-factor model was also reproduced in confirmatory factor analytic studies with medical students in England (Tavakol et al. 2011) and in medical students in Iran (Shariat & Habibi 2013). Ample evidence has been reported in support of the validity and reliability of the JSE in medical and other health profession students, physicians, and other practicing health professionals. The JSE has enjoyed broad international attention by medical education researchers, has been translated into 43 languages thus far, and used in over 60 countries. It has been described as one of the most researched and widely used instruments in medical education (Colliver et al. 2010). Information about the JSE is posted at: www.tju.edu/jmc/crmehc/medu/oempathy.cfm).



To our knowledge, before the development of the JSE, no psychometrically sound instrument was available to measure empathy specifically among medical students, residents and physicians. There was a need for such an instrument, and in response the JSE was developed to measure empathy in the context of patient care. A few instruments exist for measuring empathy in the general population (for a review, see Hojat 2007, pp. 6374). However, none of those instruments is content-specific and context-relevant to medical education and patient care.


다른 instrument

The following four of these instruments have been frequently used in medical education research.

l  The Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI, Davis 1983) includes 28 items tapping both cognitive and emotional empathy, and contains four scales: perspective-taking, empathic concern, fantasy and personal distress. A sample item (from the perspective-taking scale) is “I sometimes try to understand my friends better by imagining how things look from their perspective.”

l  Another instrument is the Empathy Scale (Hogan 1969) which includes 64 items. A sample item is “I have seen some things so sad that I almost felt crying.”

l  The third instrument is the Emotional Empathy Scale (Mehrabian & Epstein 1972) which includes 33 items intended to measure “emotional empathy” (synonymous to sympathy). A sample item is “It makes me sad to see a lonely stranger in a group.”

l  There is another instrument, the Balanced Emotional Empathy Scale (BEES, Mehrabian 1996), which includes 30 items, and according to its author intended to measure “vicarious emotional empathy.” A sample item is “Unhappy movie endings haunt me for hours afterward.” As indicated before, and reflected in the content of the sample items, none of these instruments seem to have “face” and “content” validity specific to medical education and patient care. With the exception of the BEES, extensive psychometric data have been published for the other three instruments in the general population (Hojat 2007, pp. 6669, 7273). Thus, the JSE is the only instrument featuring “face” and “content” validities in the context of medical education and patient care.





l  A significant association has been reported between medical students’ scores on the JSE and medical school faculty's global ratings of students’ clinical competence in core clinical clerkships in the third year of medical school (Hojat et al. 2002a). This association can be explained by the fact that the ability to communicate with patients and understand their concerns (key features in the conceptualization of empathy) is often taken into consideration in the assessments of students’ global clinical competence.

l  No significant association was observed between scores of the JSE and grades on objective (multiple-choice) examinations of medical knowledge (Hojat et al. 2002a), which was consistent with findings reported by other researchers (Hornblow et al. 1977; Kupfer et al. 1978; Diseker & Michielutte 1981; Austin et al. 2005).

l  In a group of Mexican medical students, significant associations were found between scores of the JSE and academic performance in medical school (Alcorta-Garza et al. 2005).



Significant associations have been found between JSE scores on the one hand, and simulated patients’ evaluations of students’ empathic engagement in objective structured clinical exam stations (OSCE, Berg et al. 2011a, 2011b), peer nominations on professionalism attributes (Pohl et al. 2011), and scores of attitudes toward interprofessional collaboration (Hojat et al., 2012c; Ward et al. 2009), on the other hand.



Career interest:


Scores of the JSE have been associated with specialty choice. For example, several studies reported that physicians in “people-oriented” specialties (e.g. general internal medicine, family medicine, pediatrics and psychiatry) scored higher on the JSE than others who were practicing “technology-oriented” or “procedure-oriented” specialties (e.g. pathology, radiology anesthesiology, surgery) (Hojat et al. 2002b, 2002c).



This pattern of finding was observed not only among practicing physicians (Hojat et al. 2002b, 2002c), but also among first year medical students who completed the JSE on the first day of medical school (orientation day) before being exposed to medical training (Hojat et al. 2005). In addition to completing the JSE, these students were asked about the specialty they were planning to pursue after graduation from medical school. Students planning a “people-oriented specialty (e.g. family medicine, general internal medicine, general pediatrics, psychiatry) scored higher on the JSE than their peers who chose “technology/procedure-oriented” specialties (e.g. pathology, anesthesiology, radiology, surgery) (Hojat et al. 2005).



The significant differences in the mean scores of the JSE observed among physicians in “people-oriented” and “technology/procedure-oriented” specialties can be partially explained by the fact that physicians with different degrees of interpersonal skills are naturally inclined to pursue specialties that demand certain degrees of interpersonal skills (Harsch 1989). The differences might also be a function of medical training by the amount of emphasis that is placed on interpersonal skills training in different specialties. Obviously, the “people-oriented” specialties, such as general internal medicine, require a higher degree of interpersonal skills than “technology/procedure-oriented” specialties, such as pathology, diagnostic radiology or anesthesiology. However, our findings that entering medical students with higher scores on the JSE, before being exposed to formal medical education, are interested in pursuing “people-oriented” specialties suggest that interpersonal skills training in medical school may not be the only factor that prompts students to pursue specialties that require such skills.



In addition, among consistent findings was the gender difference in mean scores of the JSE in the favor of female medical students (Hojat et al. 2001a, 2002a, 2002b) and in practicing physicians (Hojat et al. 2002c) in the United States and abroad (Hsiao et al. in press; Alcorta-Garza et al. 2005; Kataoka et al. 2009; Shariat et al. 2010; Suh et al. 2012; Zenasni et al. 2012). This pattern of finding for women's higher empathy is consistent with those reported in the general population. Several explanations can be offered for a gender difference in empathy.

l  For example, it has been suggested that women are more receptive to emotional signals (Trivers 1972), a quality that can contribute to a better understanding and hence to a greater empathic engagement.

l  Also, on the basis of the evolutionary theory of parental investment (Trivers 1972), women are inclined to invest more than men in the caring for their children and develop more caring attitudes toward their offspring which is also reflected in their social relationships.

l  The findings on gender differences in empathy are also in agreement with the reports on the practice style of female physicians who are likely to spend more time with their patients (Bertakis et al. 1995), and render more preventive and patient-oriented care (Maheux et al. 1990; Hojat et al. 1995a). All of these factors can lead to forming an empathic engagement in patient care.



Other correlates:


l  Significant associations have been reported between scores of the JSE and some personality measures. For example, in a study with medical students (Hojat et al. 2005b), we found that the scores of the JSE were significantly and positively correlated with Sociability scores (measured by the Zuckerman-Kuhlman Personality Questionnaire [ZKPQ], Zuckerman 2002).

l  In addition, a significant but negative correlation was observed between the JSE and Aggressive-Hostility scores from the ZKPQ.

l  Furthermore, higher scores on the JSE were significantly associated with higher levels of students’ self-reported satisfaction with their early relationships with their mothers (Hojat et al. 2005b), which provides support for the notion that empathy is nurtured by the quality of the early mother-child attachment relationship (Hojat 1998, 2007).



A statistically significant correlation has been observed between scores of the JSE and a measure of patients’ perceptions of physician empathy among physicians in a family medicine residency program (Glaser et al. 2007).


Clinical outcomes:


Clinical outcome is a complex notion because it depends not only on physician performance, but also non-physician factors, such as insurance regulations, governmental policies, patients’ social-cultural background and beliefs, environmental, technical and human resources that contribute to the quality of patient outcomes (Gonnella et al. 1993). Perhaps because of this complexity, there is a scarcity of empirical evidence on the clinical outcomes of personality measures in medical education research. However, there are studies that report some indicators of empathy in the context of patient care to be associated with patient outcomes. For example, it was shown that specific features of empathic engagement in patient care, marked by understanding, communication, positive language, appropriate touching, eye contact and bodily posture, can lead to

l  patient satisfaction (Hall et al. 1988; DiMatteo et al. 1993; Zachariae et al. 2003; Kim et al. 2004),

l  greater compliance (DiMatteo et al. 1986; Falvo & Tippy 1988; Squier 1990),

l  patients’ feelings of being important (Colliver et al. 1998),

l  accuracy of diagnosis (Barsky 1981),

l  accuracy of prognosis, (Dubnicki 1977) and

l  lower rates of malpractice litigation (Beckman et al. 1994; Levinson et al. 1997).



l  It has been reported that physicians’ understanding of their patients’ perspective, a key feature in the conceptualization of physician empathy (Hojat 2007), enhances patients’ perceptions of being helped (Eisenthal et al. 1979), improves patients’ empowerment (Street et al. 2009), and increases patients’ perception of a social support network (Eisenthal et al. 1979; Hojat 2007; Street et al. 2009).

l  In a study with diabetic patients, dietitians’ empathy was found to be predictive of patient satisfaction and successful consultations (Goodchild et al. 2005). Physicians’ understanding of their diabetic patients’ beliefs about their illness was associated with better self-care outcomes such as improved diet and increased blood glucose self-testing (Sultan et al. 2011).

l  In a study with internal medicine residents, a lower level of empathy was associated with a higher rate of incidents of medical errors (West et al. 2009).



l  To our knowledge, there are only two empirical studies in which a direct link between scores of a validated measure of empathy developed in the context of patient care (JSE) and tangible clinical outcomes has been reported. In one study with 29 family medicine physicians and their 891 patients with diagnoses of diabetes mellitus, it was found that physicians’ scores on the JSE were predictive of optimal clinical outcomes in the patients (indicated by medical test results of hemoglobin A1c <7.0% and LDL-C<100) (Hojat et al. 2011a).

l  In another large scale study with 242 primary care physicians and their 20 961 patients diagnosed with diabetes mellitus in Italy, it was found that physicians’ higher scores on the JSE were significantly associated with lower rates of metabolic complications (coma, diabetic ketoacidosis, hyperosmolar state) that required hospitalization of their patients (Del Canale et al. 2012).



In a recent editorial, we indicated that empathic engagement in patient care revolves around reciprocity and mutual understanding that evokes “psycho-socio-bio-neurological” responses in both physicians and patients (Hojat et al. 2013). These mechanisms provide plausible explanations for the observed associations between physician empathy and clinical outcomes.

l  For example, at the psychosocial level, empathic engagement lays the foundation for a trusting relationship. Constraints in communication will diminish when a trusting relationship is formed. In the secure space of a trusting relationship, the patient begins to tell the tale of his/her illness without concealment. This in turn leads to a more accurate diagnosis and greater compliance, which ultimately will result in a better quality of care.

l  At the bio-neurological level, empathic engagement is analogous to a synchronized dance between involved parties, which is orchestrated by bio-neurological markers. For example, the interpersonal attunement in empathic engagement can activate some pro-social endogenous neuropeptides or hormonal changes (e.g. oxytocin, vasopressin) (Heinrichs & Domes 2008). In addition, a set of neurons, known as the mirror neuron system (MNS) is discharged when observing another person performing a goal-directed act, as if the observer is performing the act (Rizzolatti et al. 1996; Gallese 2001). In other words, the same set of neuron cells that is discharged in the acting person, will be implicated in the person who observes the act, without actually performing it. The MNS is believed to play an important role in understanding the experiences of others, which is the key ingredient of empathic communication. Of course, more research will further clarify the associations between physician empathy and clinical outcomes in a variety of diseases and settings and the underlying mechanisms.



Overall, findings of studies in which the JSE was used showed that empathy scores were significantly associated with indicators of clinical competence and were predictors of tangible patient outcomes. Furthermore, it was found that scores on the JSE were associated with career interest and specialty choices. Also, research findings confirmed that empathy can be enhanced and sustained by targeted educational programs (Hojat et al. 2012a; Van Winkle et al. 2012). The psychometric support and empirical findings suggest that the JSE is a promising instrument for measuring a personality attribute that is conceptually relevant to patient care, and empirically linked to clinical performance in medical school, career interest and patient outcomes.


l  The JSE was specifically developed to measure empathy in the context of medical education and patient care.

l  The JSE is supported by strong evidence in support of its validity and reliability in medical students, physicians and other health professions students and practitioners.

l  Empirical data support the associations between scores of the JSE and indicators of clinical performance in medical school, and interest in broad areas of “people-oriented” and “technology/procedure-oriented” specialties.

l  Empirical evidence is available in support of a link between physicians’ scores on the JSE and tangible clinical outcomes.



(6) The Eysenck Personality Inventory


The Eysenck Personality Inventory (EPI) (Eysenck & Eysenck 1964) and its successor The Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ) (Eysenck & Eysenck 1975) have been used in a number of medical education studies. The EPQ includes three scales of Extraversion, Neuroticism, and Psychoticism. It also contains a “Lie” scale to detect a “faking good” tendency.

l  In a study with students at Jefferson Medical College (Fenderson et al. 1999), it was found that students in the top 20% of the class who declined an invitation to participate in an honors program in pathology scored higher on the Neuroticism scale of the EPQ.

l  In another study, we found that medical students who received lower marks on clinical competence were more likely to score lower on the Extraversion scale of the EPQ (Hojat et al. 2004a).

l  It was also found that those who were in the top half of their class in clinical competence evaluations scored significantly lower on the Neuroticism scale of the EPQ (Hojat et al. 1996a).


In a study by Ashton and Kamali (1995), second year medical students at the University of Newcastle in the UK completed the EPQ and a questionnaire about their alcohol, tobacco, cannabis and other illicit drug consumption, and their physical fitness. Compared to a previous study conducted about a decade earlier, no significant change was observed in students’ personality, prevalence of cigarette smoking, levels of caffeine consumption and participation in sports. However, students’ use of cannabis and other illicit drugs increased two-fold (Ashton & Kamali 1995). Golding and colleagues (1983) and Golding and Cornish (1987) reported significant correlations between personality factors and drug abuse in students. Specifically, tobacco and alcohol consumption and experience with cannabis and illicit drugs, which is detrimental to academic attainment, correlated with scores of the Psychoticism scale of the EPQ.


(7) The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory


The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) is a widely used personality instrument, primarily for the assessment of mental health (Tellegen & Ben-Porath 2008).

l  It has also been used in medical education research. For example, John et al. (1976) reported that poor academic performance in medical students was predicted by MMPI scores.

l  In their study of medical students, Schonfield and Donner (1972) observed a link between higher scores of the masculine pole of the masculinity-femininity scale of the MMPI and interest in the technology-oriented specialties.

l  In their comparisons of medical and law students, Solkoff and Markowitz (1967) used the MMPI and found that medical students were more introspective and idealistic and more sensitive to the needs of others, whereas law students were more likely to be extroverted and masculine oriented.

l  It has also been reported that scores on the MMPI could predict physician burnout (McCranie & Brandsma 1988).


The MMPI was used in a study comparing accelerated and traditional students at three points in time: matriculation, after ten weeks, and after 62 weeks of medical school (Nathan et al. 1989). No significant difference was observed between the two groups of students. These investigators concluded that concerns about the relative immaturity of younger accelerated students and a corresponding inability to cope with the stressful environment of medical school might be unfounded (Nathan et al. 1989).



(8) The Profile of Mood States


The Profile of Mood States (POMS; McNair et al. 1981) measures six mood-related dimensions:

l  “Tension-Anxiety,”

l  “Depression-Dejection,”

l  “Anger-Hostility,”

l  “Vigor-Activity,”

l  “Fatigue-Inertia” and

l  “Confusion-Bewilderment.”

The POMS also assesses an overall personality attribute of mood disturbance by adding the scores of the six mood-related scales. A consistent pattern of findings that emotions vary throughout the school years was observed in eight studies (Mitchell et al. 2005). In two studies (Ford & Wentz 1984; Uliana et al. 1984), it was found that “Anger-Hostility” scores rose during the first year of residency training. Another study reported that scores on an additional scale such as Fatigue-Inertia worsened throughout the year (Gordon et al. 1986). In yet another study, Bellini and colleagues (2002) found that scores on Anger-Hostility, Fatigue-Inertia and Depression-Dejection all rose by the fifth month of internship.



These attributes are amenable to change by targeted programs. For example, in one of our studies, we noticed that a course in “mindfulness-based stress reduction” could reduce any psychological stress of students reflected in their significantly lower mean posttest scores on Tension-Anxiety and Confusion-Bewilderment, and higher mean scores on Vigor-Activity (Rosenzweig et al. 2003). In a similar study with primary care physicians who participated in a mindfulness meditation and self-awareness course, improvements in the POMS scores were observed (Krasner et al. 2009).



(9) The Temperament and Character Inventory


The Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI), developed by Cloninger (1986, 1987) is a self-report instrument that measures four temperament and three character dimensions of Cloninger's personality model (Cloninger 1986, 1987; Cloninger et al. 1991, 1993).

The four independent temperament dimensions are

l  “Novelty Seeking,”

l  “Harm Avoidance,”

l  “Reward Dependence” and

l  “Persistence.”

The three character dimensions are

l  “Self-Directedness,”

l  “Cooperativeness” and

l  “Self-Transcendence.”



In one study in Japan, the TCI was administered to 119second year medical students at Osaka City University Graduate School of Medicine (Tanaka et al. 2009). It was found that scores on Persistence, Self-Directedness, Cooperativeness and Self-Transcendence were positively associated with a measure of intrinsic academic motivation. In a multiple regression analysis when adjustments were made for age and gender, it was found that scores on Persistence, Self-Directedness and Self-Transcendence were positively associated with intrinsic academic motivation that can lead to better academic performance in medical school (Tanaka et al. 2009).



In another study by Jiang and colleagues (2003), associations between the TCI scores, anxiety and fatigue were examined in 162 first-year and 89 fifth-year students from Saga Medical School in Japan.

l  Significant and positive correlations were found in the TCI scores on the Harm Avoidance and scores on measures of anxiety and fatigue (general fatigue, psychological fatigue and physical fatigue).

l  In addition, scores on Self-Directedness were negatively correlated with scores on trait anxiety and fatigue (Jiang et al. 2003).

The TCI scores on Harm Avoidance and Self-Directedness, as predictors for fatigue-related disorders in medical students (Jiang et al. 2003), can influence academic performance in medical school. The associations between TCI scores and anxiety and depression have been addressed in other studies (Cloninger 1986; Crowley et al. 1993; Joffe et al. 1993; Tanaka et al. 1997, 1998; Hansenne et al. 1999).



(10) The Personal Qualities Assessment

The Personal qualities Assessment (PQA) was developed in Australia, designed to assess personal qualities considered important for the study and practice of medicine and other health professions. The PQA questions are grouped into three scales.

l  The first is a measure of individual differences in cognitive skills;

l  the second is a measure of being involved or detached (empathy, self-confidence, narcissism and aloofness); and

l  the third is a measure of ethical or moral orientation (Munro et al. 2005; Powis et al. 2005; James et al. 2009).


In their study with Scottish medical students, Lumsden and colleagues (2005) found that students’ cognitive ability was similar in men and women, but women were more empathic and had better communication orientation.


Also, no significant differences were observed on any of the PQA measures between those who attended the state-funded or independent schools. Those with a deprived family background tended to score lower on the scale of cognitive skills. The study investigators concluded that fairness in the medical school admissions process might be improved by using personality instruments to objectively identify desirable qualities in future doctors (Lumsden et al. 2005).



(11) The Maslach Burnout Inventory


The Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) is a 22-item self-administered instrument that measures three components of burnout:

l  “Emotional Exhaustion,”

l  “Depersonalization” and

l  “Personal Accomplishment” (Maslach et al. 1996).


Three studies used the same data collected from family medicine residents to analyze different aspects of burnout (Rafferty et al. 1986; Purdy et al. 1987; Lemkau et al. 1988).

l  Findings indicate that family medicine residents, regardless of gender, exhibited moderate to high levels of burnout, especially on Emotional Exhaustion and Depersonalization scales.

l  In another study, it was reported that 76% of internal medicine residents met criteria for burnout (Shanafelt et al. 2002).

l  These studies suggest that burnout in different specialties is an important factor that must be taken into consideration to improve patient outcomes. It has been reported that burnout not only negatively can influence performance in medical school, but also can exert adverse impact on professionalism in medicine (Bellini et al. 2002; Shanafelt et al. 2002; Thomas 2004).



This instrument has been used for the assessment of educational programs to reduce psychological distress. For example, in a study with primary care physicians, it was found that a course in mindful meditation and self-awareness could cause a significant decrease in Emotional Exhaustion and Depersonalization, and an increase in the Personal Accomplishment component (Krasner et al. 2009).



(12) The Medical Specialty Preference Inventory


The Medical Specialty Preference Inventory (MSPI): Career preference in medical specialty and career indecision have been studied in medical education by using the MSPI (Zimny 1979, 1980, Sodano & Richard 2009). The revised version of the MSPI (150 items, revised in 2002) calculates interest scores for six major specialties (family medicine, internal medicine, obstetrics/gynecology, pediatrics, psychiatry and surgery). Borges and colleagues (2005) reported that physicians whose specialty interest (measured by the MSPI) was congruent with their actual area of practice were more satisfied with their job than those with incongruent match between specialty of interest and of practice.



Career indecision can also be determined by the pattern of scores on this inventory (Richard 2005). For example, Walters (1982) examined the relationship between career indecision and academic performance. It was found that

l  students who were classified as “low-interest undecided” obtained significantly lower medical school grades compared to “decided” students;

l  whereas “high-interest undecided” students did not differ from the “decided” students.


Another study examined the association between career indecision and personality.

l  Students classified as “low-interest undecided” showed less personal integration compared with “decided” students (Walters 1982).

Furthermore, as suggested by Walters (1982), a lack of commitment to a career in medicine (reflected in the low interest category) could negatively influence academic performance in medical school. Some reported that vocationally undecided students were more likely to perform poorly in medical school than their vocationally decided counterparts (Rose & Elton 1971; Lunneborg 1975, 1976).



Students in the “low-interest undecided” group obtained significantly higher scores on measures of the impulse expression scale of the Omnibus Personality Inventory (OPI, Heist & Yonge 1968) and obtained significantly lower scores on measures of personal integration, personal bias and altruism, measured by the OPI compared to students in the “high-interest undecided” students (Walters 1982). In a longitudinal study of predictive validity, Glavin et al. (2009) reported that the MSPI scorers could correctly predict medical students’ future specialty choice 58.1% of the time.


(13) The Jefferson Scale of Attitudes Toward Physician-Nurse Collaboration


This 15-item scale was developed to measure orientation toward collaboration and teamwork between physicians and nurses (Hojat & Herman 1985; Hojat et al. 1997a, 1999a). The scale was developed in response to a need for a validated instrument to measure an important aspect of professionalism in medicine, namely teamwork and interprofessional collaboration (Veloski & Hojat 2006).



Psychometric evidence in support of this scale has been reported among American (Hojat et al. 1997a, 1999a; Ward et al. 2008), Mexican (Hojat et al. 2001b), Italian and Israeli samples (Hojat et al. 2003b). This scale has been translated into several languages (e.g. Spanish, Hebrew, Persian/Farsi, Turkish, Japanese, and Chinese) and used by medical and nursing education researchers in different countries (Yildirim et al. 2005; Ardahan et al. 2010; Hansson et al. 2010; El Sayed & Sleem 2011; Onishi et al. 2012). In a review article, this scale was listed among the recommended instruments for measuring physician-nurse collaborative relationships (Daugherty & Larson 2005). Three underlying factors of

l  “shared education and teamwork,”

l  “caring as opposed to curing” and

l  “physician authority”

emerged in factor analytic studies of this scale (Hojat et al. 1999a).

A significant correlation has been found between scores on this scale and the JSE (Ward et al. 2009). Also, scores of this scale was significantly correlated with scores of a validated measure of attitudes toward physician-pharmacist collaboration (Hojat et al. 2012c).



(14) The Jefferson Scale of Physician Lifelong Learning


This is a 16-item instrument developed to measure another element of professionalism in medicine, namely, lifelong learning (Veloski & Hojat 2006). Data are available in support of the psychometrics of this instrument (Hojat et al. 2009, 2010, 2012b). Factor analytic studies show three reliable factors in this instrument:

l  “learning beliefs and motivation,”

l  “attention to learning opportunities” and

l  “skills in seeking information.” (Hojat et al. 2006, 2009, 2010, 2012b).


These factors correspond to the key features of lifelong learning often described in the literature, were empirically supported in a study with medical students (Brahmi 2007).



In a large-scale study of 3195 physicians who graduated from Jefferson Medical College, we collected survey data from physicians who were classified into three groups: Full-time clinicians (n=1127), academic clinicians (n=1612) and others (n=456). The reliability coefficients (coefficient alpha and test-retest) of the instrument ranged from 0.72 to 0.86 in these groups of physicians.

l  We found that the academic clinicians scored significantly higher on the lifelong learning scale than the full-time clinicians (Hojat et al. 2009, 2010, 2012b).

l  A Significant association was observed between scores of the lifelong learning scale and medical school class rank in both groups of academic clinicians and full-time clinicians (Hojat et al. 2009, 2010, 2012b).


Also, significant correlations were found between scores on this instrument and the criterion measures of

l  reported commitment to lifelong learning,

l  learning motivation,

l  information seeking skills,

l  professional accomplishments,

l  career satisfaction and

l  academic performance

in both full-time clinicians and academic clinicians (Hojat et al. 2009, 2010, 2012b).



Professional accomplishments such as publishing in a professional journal, research presentation at national professional meetings, and receiving professional awards and honors were significantly associated with scores of the Jefferson Scale of Physician Lifelong Learning in both groups of physicians (Hojat et al. 2009, 2010, 2012b).

l  No significant gender difference was observed on the scores of lifelong learning.

l  However, we noticed that physicians in internal medicine scored higher than others, and

l  those with combined MD-PhD degrees had higher scores on this scale (Hojat et al. 2009, 2010, 2012b).

The Jefferson Scale of Physician Lifelong Learning has also been adapted for administration to medical students with satisfactory psychometric support (Wetzel et al. 2010).


l  Although the EPI, MMPI, POMS, TCI, PQA, MBI, MSPI, Physician-Nurse Collaboration and Physician Lifelong Learning are all useful exploratory instruments in medical education research, the last four are more specific than others for physicians-in-training and in-practice.

l  The last two instruments (Physician-Nurse Collaboration and Physician Lifelong Learning), plus the JSE which was previously described, are particularly important as measures of oft mentioned elements of professionalism in medicine.





However, we noticed that the literature on the link between personality and specialty interest is somewhat sketchy with no consistent results.


Because common personality attributes are found in physicians in different specialties, it seems that no specific personality attribute uniquely fits any specific specialty (Borges & Savickas 2002). Empathy though may be an exception when broader specialty areas are taken into consideration (e.g. “people-oriented” and “technology/procedure-oriented”).



Validity concerns


One noticeable finding on the link between personality and performance is that the reported predictive validity coefficients are often modest in magnitude. Perhaps this is one of the reasons that some have questioned the utility of personality measures in medical education. The modest validity of personality measures in medical education research, though, should not be surprising, given the conceptual and methodological issues involved in studying the relationships between personality measures on the one hand, and criterion measures on the other hand.


(1) Multidimensionality of personality

Personality is not unidimensional. Different personality researchers have devised different sets of personality constructs, as by its very nature the field requires.


(2) Construct dissimilarity

Construct similarities and dissimilarities between personality attributes and criterion measures can contribute to the magnitude of correlations among them. Obviously, a correlation of a larger magnitude is expected between two conceptually relevant variables, such as scores on empathy and ratings of interpersonal skills,


(3) Changes in predictor-criterion matching

Poor predictor-criterion matching in medical education research (Hough et al. 1990; Hough 1992) can contribute to the underestimation of validity of personality measures (Lievens et al. 2009). An important issue related to the observed variation in the predictive validity of personality measures during the course of medical education is that the nature of the criterion measures (performance indicators) changes from preclinical to clinical phases of medical education.


The conventional medical school curriculum has been divided into preclinical and clinical phases.

l  Early in medical school, during the preclinical phase, students take courses related to the sciences that are basic to medicine (e.g. anatomy, physiology, biochemistry). These courses are typically assessed by examinations of recalling factual information and declarative knowledge.

l  Later in medical school, the curriculum shifts to the clinical phase, and medical students rotate across various clerkships that often require patient contact. Students’ performance is usually assessed by faculty's ratings of clinical competence, or by standardized or simulated patients in OSCE stations, oral examinations or other methods.


Different sets of ability or skills are often involved in the performance of medical students during preclinical and clinical phases of medical education.

l  For example, the ability to recall, compartmentalize and organize factual information, as well as test-taking skills, under the rubric of “cognitive” abilities, often contribute to success in the preclinical phase.

l  However, communication and interpersonal skills, bedside manner, attitudes, personal qualities or characteristic (referred to as “noncognitive” attributes), often contribute to the assessments of competence in the clinical phase (Haight et al. 2012).


l  In our own research, we noticed that measures of cognitive abilities contributed more than those of the noncognitive attributes to the prediction of performance in the preclinical phase of medical education.

l  However, a shift toward a higher validity coefficient was observed when personality measures were included to predict clinical competence in the clinical phase of medical education (Hojat et al. 1993).



The oft-reported findings of the increase in the predictive validity of personality measures from the preclinical to clinical phase of medical education can be explained by the trait-activation theory (Lievens et al. 2009). In other words, personality traits that are important for clinical performance manifest themselves during the clinical phase of medical training. This notion is consistent with the view in organizational psychology about different components required for performance in various jobs (Borman & Motowidlo 1993). The theory of trait-activation provides a plausible explanation as to why measures of academic abilities prior to medical school (e.g. grades on examinations of declarative knowledge, scores on entrance examinations such as the MCAT) have shown a declining predictive validity as students progress from preclinical to clinical phases in medical school; while the predictive validity of personality measures increases in the clinical phase of medical school training (Humphreys & Taber 1973; Lin & Humphreys 1977; Lievens et al. 2009).



(4) Proximal and distal criterion measures

Based on the aforementioned discussion, one can reasonably expect that personality measures are more likely to predict the “distal” performance (in clinical phase) rather than “proximal” criterion measures (in the preclinical phase) in medical school. Accordingly, the predictive validity and utility of personality measures would be underestimated when using the “proximal” criterion measures, which leads us to another issue; the time interval between recording of predictors and criterion measures.


Personality measures are often administered early in medical school sometimes during the admission process. Measures of performance in the clinical phase of medical education in North America are recorded usually after completion of the second year of medical school. This is a relatively long time interval to examine predictive validity. Specific experiences or events occur during this time period that can confound the predictive validity. The time interval between administering the personality test and recording criterion measures in the personality research reported in the psychological literature is usually a few months and rarely exceeds a year or two (Lievens et al. 2009). However, in this particular situation, distal performance (measures of clinical competence) is more relevant to personality attributes than proximal performance (grades on sciences basic to medicine). Therefore, the confounding effects of the time interval between testing and the criterion measure, subsequent to gaining new experiences, could suppress the true relationships between personality measures and distal performance, adding to the complexity of validity research on personality testing in medical education.



(5) Restriction of range

Another reason for the modest validity coefficient of personality measures in medical school is that a correlation coefficient is highly dependent upon the range and variability of the measures. Restriction of range, due to selection and attrition, can shrink validity coefficients. Therefore, inferences drawn from correlation coefficients may be misleading; because all things being equal, the more restricted the range of scores, the lower the validity coefficient. The true relationships between correlated measures cannot be captured when only those who successfully completed their medical training are included in the final statistical analyses; thus, eliminating those in the bottom tail of the score distribution who could not successfully completer medical school. The resulting “ceiling effect” would lead to a lower validity coefficient (Gough et al. 1963).



(6) Nonlinear relationships

A nonlinear relationship between some measures of personality and some indicators of academic attainment can lead to a decrease in predictive validity. When the nature of a relationship is nonlinear, the magnitude of the Pearson correlation coefficient will become negligible. A curvilinear relationship (i.e. inverted U shape) has been reported between anxiety and performance in medical school (Shen & Comrey 1997; Ferguson et al. 2002), which is consistent with the arousal theory (Yerkes & Dodson 1908) suggesting that individuals perform better at their optimal arousal level, below and above which performance is likely to fall. In almost all validity studies on personality measures in medical education research, the linearity assumption has not been tested (Shen & Comrey 1997).


(7) Multicollinearity

The genuine relationship between predictors (personality measures) and criterion measures (performance indicators) cannot be captured when predictors are themselves highly correlated. This phenomenon, known as multicollinearity, contributes to underestimating the predictive validity of personality attributes. The modest contribution of some personality measures in multiple regression analyses could be an artifact of multicollinearity, which must be taken into consideration when assessing the validity of personality measures.


(8) Volunteer bias

Volunteer bias in research can also confound validity coefficients. Medical students’ willingness to voluntarily participate in medical education research varies by gender, ethnicity and academic achievement (Callahan et al. 2007). We have shown that research volunteers in medical school, on average, perform better during and after medical school, compared to their unwilling classmates (Callahan et al. 2007). This finding suggests that volunteer participants in medical education research cannot fairly represent the entire population of medical students. This leads to the self-section bias and raises question about the validity of research in medical education when participation is voluntary. This issue is exacerbated by the requirement of voluntary participation in human subject research for granting approval by most universities’ research ethics committees (e.g. the institutional review board, IRB). Nevertheless, high participation rates and evidence of the representativeness of the volunteer sample in relation to the population being studied can provide support for the validity.


(9) Variation in methods of assessment

Variation in methods of assessment is another factor that can contribute to the modest validity coefficients between personality and criterion measures in medical school. Self-report personality measures rely mostly on Likert-type scales. Criterion measures of cognitive performance in medical school are often assessed by multiple choice or true-false formats (in the preclinical phase) and by observational methods, ratings of clinical competence by the faculty or assessments by simulated patients in the clinical phase of medical education.


(10) Gender effects

Gender is another variable that can confound predictive validity assessments (Hojat et al. 1999b). Gender was not an important factor in early studies of medical education when medical students and physicians were predominantly male (Zeldow & Daugherty 1991). The influx of women to medicine in the later part of the past century and gender differences observed in personality, performance, career motivation, and specialty preference suggest that gender must be considered as a contributing variable in validity studies in medical education research.


It has been reported that women on average fall behind their male counterparts during the preclinical phase of medical education, but they usually catch up to or sometimes surpass men on some measures of clinical competence during the clinical phase of medical education (Hojat et al. 1997b; Halpern et al. 1998; Ferguson et al. 2002).


In addition, female physicians are rated higher on personal qualities such as

l  helpfulness,

l  human relationships,

l  expressiveness,

l  intrinsic career motivation,

l  family responsibility and

l  job security;


while men obtained higher marks on personality features such as

l  independence,

l  decisiveness,

l  self-confidence,

l  extrinsic career motivation and

l  orientation toward income and prestige (Buddedberg-Fischer et al. 2003).


Gender differences have also been observed in career choices (Hojat et al. 1999b). For example,

l  historically women have been more likely to choose “people-oriented” specialties that require intensive patient contact,

l  while men have been more likely to prefer “technology-oriented” specialties that require performing complicated procedures (Buddedberg-Fischer et al. 2003; Hojat 2007).


A detailed discussion of whether the underlying reasons for gender differences are the results of social learning (Bandura 1986), or hard-wired gender specific inclination (Halpern 1992, 1997; Valian 1999) is beyond the intended scope of this Guide. Regardless of the reasons for gender differences, it is important to examine and control gender effects for a fair assessment of predictive validity of personality measures in medical education research.


(11) Race and ethnicity effects

In addition to gender, race and ethnicity can contribute to the validity of personality measures. Given the changing demographic and ethnic composition of medical students and physicians, particularly in the United States, and the emphasis placed on ethnic diversity in the medical workforce (AAMC 2004; Nickens et al. 1994), it is important to control for ethnic status as a possible intervening variable in the validity studies. Our research findings suggest that ethnicity contributes significantly to the assessment of cognitive (Rosenfeld et al. 1992; Veloski et al. 2000) and noncognitive measures (Berg et al. 2011a) in medical education research.


A number of studies also confirm the role of ethnicity in medical school admissions and academic attainment (Rosenfeld et al. 1992; Esmail et al. 1995; McManus et al. 1995; Ready 1995; Crump et al. 1999; Tekian 1997; Girotti 1999; Hardy 1999; Lumb & Vail 2000; Giordani et al. 2001; Ferguson et al. 2002).



Reasons for optimism


Despite all of the aforementioned conceptual and methodological limitations, the findings of the modest predictive validity of personality measures in medical education and practice are still encouraging



Social desirability response bias

In addition to the issue of modest validity, another reason for hesitation to use personality instruments in the assessment of physicians-in-training and in-practice is the issue of social desirability response bias that can also be relevant to the validity of personality tests.


The degree to which socially desirable responses have a confounding effect on test scores can be a function of the test taker's perception of the purpose of personality testing.


There are very few studies on the effects of “faking” in personality test outcomes (Hough et al. 1990). We conducted an empirical study to examine the possible effect of socially desirable responses (Hojat et al. 2005b) in which we administered the JSE and other personality tests, including the ZKPQ to 422 first-year medical students. The ZKPQ includes an “Infrequency” subscale that was developed to detect intentionally false responses by identifying respondents with an invalid pattern of responses (Zuckerman 2002). Scores on this subscale can be regarded as indicators of social desirability response bias. Attempts to give socially desirable responses were determined by a cutoff score of 3, which the test's authors suggested would identify respondents whose patterns of responses were of questionable validity. An examination of the distribution of scores on this subscale indicated that 4.9% of the respondents attempted to give false “good impression responses” or to respond carelessly without regard for the truth (Hojat et al. 2005b).


Second, we used the analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) method to control the effect of giving false responses on the research outcomes by using the “infrequency” score as a covariate. Again, we noted no substantial change in the general pattern of results. These findings suggest that social desirability response bias did not distort the validity of the JSP score.


Our findings were consistent with the results of an earlier study by Matthews and colleagues (1981), who reported that their derived index of empathy was not affected by social desirability response bias or by scores on a “good impression” scale.


One approach that may minimize the effect of social desirability response bias is reminding the respondents to reply truthfully, since their intentionally false responses can be detected by a scale embedded in the test which will invalidate the test results. One of the available measures (e.g. Infrequency subscale from the ZKPQ) could be used for that purpose. For example, pattern of endorsement of items such as “I never met a person I did not like” or “I have always told the truth” (from ZKPQ) can give a clue as to whether a respondent is honest in completing the test.



Are personality attributes amenable to change?

l  Proponents of nature over nurture place great emphasis on the notion that genetic predisposition has an undeniable role in the development of human behavior. Some developments in the Human Genome Project have provided more fuel in support for that argument (Collins 1999).

l  However, proponents of nurture over nature use Watsonian classical conditioning (Watson 1924), Skinnerian operant conditioning (Skinner 1938) and Bandura's (1986) social learning theory as evidence that personality can be molded by principles of behavior modification, personal experiences, social learning and educational interventions; thus, they conclude that environment and learning could have a prominent role in the development of personality.


However, most scholars today are of the opinion that it is the interaction of nature and nurture that contributes to the development of personality. Human beings are born with some potential for “engageability,” which is triggered and developed to a certain degree by environmental, social, experiential, and educational factors (Neubauer & Neubauer 1990). Abundant research evidence has been accumulated in support of the proposition that social and educational environments play an important role in the development of personality including the shaping of interpersonal skills and caring attitudes (Hojat 2007). There are empirical studies showing that some personality attributes can be changed as a result of positive or negative educational experiences in medical school. This notion is supported by the findings on the erosion and enhancement of empathy during medical school.


Erosion of empathy during medical education


A number of studies have shown that during the course of health professions education, a person's capacity for empathy can undergo positive, negative, or no change (see Hojat 2007, pp. 181184 for a review).

l  Some studies have reported a significant decline in the scores of the JSE during the clinical phase of medical education (Hojat et al. 2004b, 2009, Chen et al. 2007; Hojat 2007, Newton et al. 2008).

l  In our more recent longitudinal study of four classes of medical students at Jefferson Medical College (Hojat et al. 2009), a significant decline in scores of the JSE was observed in third-year medical students when the curriculum shifts to clinical training and patient care, and the decline did not rebound during the rest of medical school training.


Such a decline on the scores of the JSE was also noticed in another study with internal medicine residents as they progressed through residency training (Mangione et al. 2002). However, the decline in empathy in this study did not reach the conventional level of statistical significance. The findings of erosion of empathy during medical education are consistent with those reported by Whittemore and colleagues (1985), Bellini and colleagues (2002) and Bellini and Shea (2005). A similar decline in empathy scores also was observed among nursing students who had more exposure to patient care than others (Ward et al. 2012).


Consistent with the above-mentioned findings, an early study by Becker and Geer (1958) reported that medical students become somewhat cynical during the course of medical education.

l  By the third year of medical school, according to Becker and Geer (1958), the students realized that they were no longer motivated by an idealized view of medicine, leading to a hedonistic shift, shown also by Whittemore and colleagues (1985), and by Feudtner and colleagues (1994).

l  In a study by Zeldow and colleagues (1987), a modest but “unmistakable” shift (according to the study authors) toward hedonism between the freshman and junior year of medical school was observed in two cohorts of students. According to the investigators, these changes perhaps reflect a less idealized view of the self and a less sentimental view of the medical profession (Zeldow et al. 1987).


In explaining changes in empathy, medical students reported

l  a lack of positive role models,

l  lack of time to form an empathic relationship with patients,

l  excessive workloads,

l  disrespectful and overly demanding patients,

l  over-reliance on computer-based diagnostic and therapeutic technology, and

l  a market-driven health care system

as factors that contribute to erosion of empathy (Hojat et al. 2009) and the escalation of cynicism (Hojat 2007).


Despite the overwhelming evidence of the erosion of empathy during medical education, skeptics have raised concern about the significance of these findings in undergraduate and graduate medical education (Colliver et al. 2010), but such critics have not been left unchallenged by our team (Hojat et al. 2010) and other empathy researchers in medical and dental education (Newton 2010; Sherman & Cramer 2010).


Findings of erosion of empathy in undergraduate (Hojat et al. 2004b, 2009; Chen et al. 2007) and graduate medical education (Bellini et al. 2002; Bellini & Shea 2005; Mangione et al. 2002) suggest that if a personality attribute, such as empathy, can decline by negative educational experiences, it can also be enhanced by positive educational experiences and targeted interventions.


Enhancement of empathy in medical education


The link between empathy, clinical competence and patient outcomes (Hojat et al. 2011a; Del Canale et al. 2012) makes it critical that we nurture empathy in physicians-in-training and physicians-in-practice. The cultivation of empathy in undergraduate medical education has been listed among learning objectives endorsed by the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC 2008). Also, the ABIM recommended that humanistic qualities such as empathy be instilled and assessed as an essential part of graduate medical education (ABIM 1983).


The reported decline in empathy during undergraduate and graduate medical education coupled with the findings that empathy should be viewed as a component of physician competence that has implications for patient outcomes, beg for the development of targeted educational programs to sustain and enhance empathy among physicians-in-training and physicians-in-practice. Research has shown that empathy must be considered as an important component of a health care provider's overall competence and is a significant factor in optimal patient outcomes (Hojat et al. 2009; Del Canale et al. 2012).


These findings suggest that leaders and faculty at all levels of health profession education (e.g. undergraduate, graduate and continuing education) must implement targeted educational remedies to enhance and sustain empathy in all students and trainees, and assess the educational outcomes. Research shows that empathy can be enhanced with targeted educational programs. For example, the following 10 approaches have been described (Hojat 2009) for improving empathy among health professions students and practitioners:

1.      Improving interpersonal skills;

2.      analyzing audio or video taped encounters with patients;

3.      being exposed to role models;

4.      role-playing (e.g. aging games);

5.      shadowing a patient (e.g. patient navigator);

6.      experiencing hospitalization (e.g. getting admitted to a hospital by presenting fabricated symptoms);

7.      studying literature and the arts;

8.      improving narrative skills;

9.      watching theatrical performances and

10.   engaging in small group discussion about difficult patients, e.g. Balint (1957) method.


l  In a study with pharmacy students, Chen et al. (2008) reported enhancement in the JSE scores among students who participated in an empathy training program.

l  Also, Fernandez-Olano and colleagues (2008) reported a significant increase in the JSE among Spanish medical students and residents who participated in a communication skills training program.

l  However, Cataldo and colleagues (2005) found no significant increase in the JSE scores as a result of Balint training among residents in a family medicine residency program.

l  In a qualitative and quantitative study with 40 staff physicians at the Cleveland Clinic, it was found that a faculty development program using guided narrative writing could influence, to a limited extent, the empathy of practicing physicians (Misra-Herbert et al. 2012).


l  In one study, it was found that watching a short theatrical play (depicting problems facing elderly patients) could significantly increase scores of the JSE in medical and pharmacy students (Van Winkle et al. 2012). The increase in empathy scores, however, did not last for a long time.

l  In another study, it was reported that shadowing patients by first-year emergency medicine residents in the emergency room for a short period of time prevented decline in empathy. The empathy scores of the control group who followed their routine training schedules declined during the study period (Forstater et al. 2011).

l  In a study with primary care physicians, it was found that participation in a course of mindful meditation and self-awareness could significantly increase scores of the JSE (Krasner et al. 2009).


In our latest study to examine if enhanced empathy can be sustained, we showed medical students video clips of patient encounters selected from three movies. Students were encouraged to present their views on positive and negative episodes of the encounters in the video clips, and discussed the feedback. Enhanced empathy was observed among all students who watched and discussed the video clips of patient encounters (as compared to a control group who did not). A few weeks later, those who watched and discussed the video clips were divided into two groups. One group participated in a lecture and discussion session on the importance of empathy in medical education and patient care. The other group watched a documentary movie. Enhanced empathy could be sustained in the first group, but not in the second group. It was concluded that the enhanced empathy could be sustainable when reinforced by additional intervention, but will dissipate without such reinforcement (Hojat et al. in press). We are exploring approaches not only to enhance but also sustain empathy by additional reinforcement during the course of medical education.


The aforementioned findings suggest that targeted educational programs can significantly improve empathy in the context of medical education and patient care. In all of our experiments, we noticed significant variation in the magnitude of changes among participants. Not everyone could equally be influenced by negative experiences (Hojat et al. 2003a, 2009) or equally benefit from the educational programs (Van Winke et al. 2012), which may suggest that constitutional factors provide a window of opportunity for changes, but the size of that window varies among participants. Personality attributes are indeed unevenly distributed in the population. Some people possess some of the personality attributes (positive or negative) in abundance; some in meager amounts, depending upon many factors including genetic predisposition, early relationships experiences, family and social environment, and of course learning and educational factors. Some people seem to have a larger window than others for personality changes; not all seeds sowed in a garden bed grow at the same rate.


Based on the aforementioned findings, we propose that some personality attributes are amenable to change by targeted educational programs, but the degree of change depends on constitutional factors, early attachment experiences, exposure to positive role models and social and educational factors.




Conceptual relevancy and empirical evidence

The crucial question raised by many is how can we identify the pertinent personality attributes for medical training and practice? We believe that at least two factors could be considered.

l  First, the selected attribute must be conceptually relevant to components of physician performance, and theoretically linked to optimal patient outcomes. A lack of clear conceptual relevancy between a selected personality attribute and a defined outcome measure will undermine the potential value of personality measures in medical education and make it totally unacceptable to society.

l  Second, in addition to conceptual or theoretical relevancy, selection of desirable personality attributes must be evidence-based, meaning that convincing empirical support must be available to back the significant associations between selected personality measures and indicators of performance.


Therefore, our first task is to choose a manageable number of personality measures that meet the conceptual relevancy, and empirical support requirements. Ease of administration, time needed to complete, and cost-benefit factors can also be taken into consideration.



Selected personality measures


The conscientiousness factor


At the conceptual level, it seems reasonable to concur that personal qualities such as responsibility, competence, dutifulness, achievement striving, self-discipline, deliberation and order are relevant to a physician performing his or her roles as a clinician, educator and manager (Figure 1). These are all among the facets of the Conscientiousness factor of the big FFM of personality (Costa & McCrae 1992).


In addition to the findings, we previously reported in describing the FFM of personality, the Conscientiousness factor was found to be a significant predictor of professional success not only in medicine, but also in a variety of other occupational settings (Tett et al. 1991). The Conscientiousness factor is not only a positive predictor of competence in the clinical phase of medical training, but also a significant predictor of performance in the preclinical phase of medical education, even when statistical control was made for previous academic performance (Ferguson et al. 2002). In their meta-analytic research, Barrick and Mount (1991) concluded that conscientiousness is a universal predictor of job performance. The universality of the Conscientiousness factor in academic and professional success has been confirmed in a variety of disciplines and in different academic settings (Hurtz & Donovan 2000; Noftle & Robins 2007; Poropat 2009; Haight et al. 2012), and in predicting healthy behavior (Bogg & Roberts 2004). Thus, conscientiousness is the first personality attribute we selected as being relevant to medical education and the practice of medicine. The scores of the Conscientiousness factor of the NEO PR-I (Costa & McCrae 1992) can well serve as a psychometrically sound measure of this personality attribute.


Empathy in patient care


There is another set of personal qualities such as communication skills, understanding, ethnic and cultural sensitivity, perspective taking ability, teamwork, collaboration and personal and professional ethics that seem desirable for the practice of medicine and in improving clinical outcomes. These are all ingredients of empathy as we conceptualize it (Hojat 2007, 2009; Hojat et al. 2009). We have shown that medical students’ empathy is significantly linked to global ratings of clinical competence (Hojat et al. 2002a). We also showed that medical students’ self-report empathy scores (measured by the JSE) were predictive of ratings of empathic behavior and interpersonal skills (given by the directors of postgraduate medical education programs) about three years later (Hojat et al. 2005a).


Furthermore, and more importantly, we have shown that scores on physician empathy (measured by the JSE) were significantly associated with tangible clinical outcomes in diabetic patients (Hojat et al. 2011a; Del Canale et al. 2012). These findings provide convincing evidence to confirm that empathy is an important component of overall competence for medical students and physicians, and a significant factor in optimal patient outcomes, suggesting that empathy must be placed in the realm of evidence-based medicine. Therefore, we selected empathy as the second personality attribute relevant to the clinical performance of medical students and physicians as well as optimal patient outcomes. The JSE can serve as a psychometrically sound instrument for measuring this attribute.


Other personality attributes


We are not fully satisfied with the two-attribute personality profile. There may be other pertinent personal characteristics that deserve more attention.

l  As an example, in our own research, we noticed that students’ retrospective report of their perception of early relationships with their parents, especially the mother, was a significant predictor of ratings of clinical competence and interpersonal skills given by the directors of postgraduate medical education programs to physician residents (Hojat et al. 1996a).

l  We also found that such positive perceptions of the early relationships with the mother were associated with a positive personality profile (e.g. lower loneliness, lower depression, lower anxiety, higher self-esteem) (Hojat 1998) and also with more positive appraisals of stressful life events, as well as success in medical school (Hojat et al. 2003a).

l  Medical students’ reports of maternal unavailability in childhood were associated with higher scores on the intensity and chronicity of loneliness experiences, more depression, lower self-esteem and more negative appraisal of stressful life events (Hojat 1998; Hojat et al. 2005b).


These findings are in agreement with some human social-emotional development theories, including John Bowlby's attachment theory (Bowlby 1969). Of course more empirical evidence (preferably in longitudinal studies) to show that the quality of early relationships with a primary caregiver can significantly predict clinical performance of physicians-in-training and in-practice would add to our confidence to consider the early relationship information as an important attribute in the personality assessments. Considering the available evidence, however, at the present time, we suggest that the two selected personality attributes be used as potential indicators of success in medical education and the practice of medicine until further research suggests additional measures.


There are other personal qualities that seem conceptually relevant to performance in the context of medical education and patient care. For example, indicators of emotional intelligence, tolerance of ambiguity and emotional regulations seem desirable for optimal clinical performance and patient care, but more convincing empirical evidence is needed to connect these features of personality directly to measures of success in medical school and in the practice of medicine. Empirical confirmation of these links should be placed on the agenda of future research.


It is also interesting to contemplate the idea that similar to the “g” factor in intellectual abilities, there might be a general, or a “g” factor in the personality of competent medical students and physicians. It would be a break-through in personality research in medical education if such a “g” factor was discovered for predicting success among physicians-in-training and in-practice. The possibility of the existence of such a general factor should be examined in future medical education research.




Identifying applicants who are likely to become competent physicians is a crucial responsibility of academic medical centers (Haslam 2007; Gonnella & Hojat 2012). The assessment of personality is one step toward achieving this goal. Based on our discussion of the reported findings in this Guide, we suggest that attention be given to applicants’ scores on measures of conscientiousness and empathy at undergraduate and graduate medical education levels to identify those applicants with a more “suitable” personality profile for medical practice. At the least, these measures could be used as potential “tie breakers” in the admission decisions for those applicants with relatively similar profiles on other admission requirements.


However, in the admission process, serious legal and socio-political concern exists as to whether society is prepared to accept the use of personality assessments for excluding an applicant from medical education and denying the opportunity to become a physician.


Lingering doubts and hesitation to take bold action in utilizing personality assessments in the selection and professional development of trainees in medicine, result in a futile and never-ending search for additional evidence which would be counterproductive for medical education and the practice of medicine; because, waiting to certainty is waiting for eternity.


Final remarks


First, in response to the importance of personality in the process and outcomes of medical education, we have shown in this Guide that personality plays a significant role in the performance of physicians-in-training, and in-practice. While we may not be as certain about the role of personality in specialty choice and selection, a large volume of empirical studies provides convincing evidence, which adds to our confidence, on the importance of personality attributes in predicting performance in medical school and the practice of medicine.



Second, in response to identifying a manageable number of personality attributes most relevant to medical education outcomes, after our review of the literature we have selected the two personality attributes of “conscientiousness” and “empathy” because of their conceptual relevance to physician competence as well as support from a number of empirical studies. Of course, there might be as well additional personality attributes that can serve a similar purpose. Further research is needed to provide convincing and consistent evidence about the validity and utility of such additional personality measures.



Third, in response to the notion of redundancy or overlapping cognitive and noncognitive aspects of performance, we have shown that the two constructs of academic aptitudes and personality are separate entities (Hojat et al. 1988) that uniquely contribute to prediction of performance in undergraduate (Hojat et al. 1988) and graduate (Hojat et al. 1996a) medical education outcomes. In other words, they are complementary, not redundant.



Fourth, in response to the idea of the amenability of personality attributes to change, as an example we have described approaches that enhance empathy in undergraduate and graduate medical education. We reported that even short workshops can influence empathy of trainees in undergraduate (Hojat et al. 2012a) and graduate medical education levels (Forstater et al. 2011), and that the enhanced empathy can be sustained by additional educational reinforcements (Hojat et al. 2012a).



Fifth, in response to the issue of the possibility of “faking” in personality testing, we reported some studies that suggest social desirability response bias may not substantially distort the results when the test is administered in a “non-penalizing” situation. However, the production of an intentional “good impression” in responses is always a possibility; proper instructions and examinations of response pattern on specific items to detect socially desirable responses can be helpful in minimizing “faking” and to identify those with invalid responses.


Because of the contribution of personality to all aspects personal and professional of human behavior, we strongly believe that medical education and medicine can profoundly benefit from seriously considering the potential of pertinent personality attributes in the selection and education of intellectually qualified applicants to undergraduate and graduate medical education as well as in professional development of physicians to better perform their roles as clinicians, educators and resource managers.



Medicine which was considered by the public as one of the most highly respected professions of all, is losing ground (Thomas 1985) partly because of the failure of some physicians to preserve their altruistic image (Schlesinger 2002). At the turn of 20th century, George Bernard Shaw equated the image of the medical profession to the faith in God by declaring that “We have not lost faith, but we have transferred if from God to the medical profession.”


However, in the past few decades, profound changes in medical education and the health care services,

l  an imbalance in teaching the science and the art of medicine,

l  unduly monetary considerations to contain cost,

l  increasing commercialization of medical care,

l  health insurance policies formulated by nonmedical administrators,

l  the emergence of “defensive” medicine, and

l  loss of the human presence in caring for the patients by its replacement with computerized diagnostic and therapeutic technology

have transformed the image of physicians, and eroded the public's trust in medicine (Schlesinger 2002).


Perhaps medicine can regain some of its well-deserved reputation, and physicians can reclaim their altruistic image by greater attention to the role of personality in the selection, education, practice and professional development of physicians.

 2013 Jul;35(7):e1267-301. doi: 10.3109/0142159X.2013.785654. Epub 2013 Apr 25.

Personality assessments and outcomes in medical education and the practice of medicineAMEE Guide No. 79.

Author information

  • 1Center for Research in Medical Education and Health Care, Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA 19107, USA. mohammadreza hojat@jefferson.edu


In a paradigm of physician performance we propose that both "cognitive" and "noncognitive" components contribute to the performance of physicians-in-training and in-practice. Our review of the relevant literature indicates that personality, as an important factor of the "noncognitive" component, plays a significant role in academic and professional performances. We describe findings on 14 selected personality instruments in predicting academic and professional performances. We question the contention that personality can be validly and reliably assessed from admission interviews, letters of recommendation, essays, and personal statements. Based on conceptual relevance and currently available empirical evidence, we propose that personality attributes such as conscientiousness and empathy should be considered among the measures of choice for the assessment of pertinent aspects of personality in academic and professional performance. Further exploration is needed to search for additionalpersonality attributes pertinent to medical education and patient care. Implications for career counseling, assessments of professional development and medical education outcomes, and potential use as supplementary information for admission decisions are discussed.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

보건의료인 교육에서 성찰과 성찰적 실천: systematic review (Adv in Health Sci Educ, 2009)

Reflection and reflective practice in health professions education: a systematic review

Karen Mann Æ Jill Gordon Æ Anna MacLeod


성찰적 실천reflective practice의 근거를 제시하는 것이 의료인에게 공식적인 요건이 되고 잇으며, 면허와 재인증 절차의 부분이 되고 있다.

Formal requirements for practitioners to provide evidence of reflective practice are becoming part of licensing and revalidation processes (Catto 2005; College of Family Physicians of Canada 2007; General Medical Council 2005).

첫째, 자신의 경험으로부터 효과적으로 배우는 것이 평생 진료practice에 필요한 역량을 개발하고 유지하는데 중요하다. 대부분의 성찰에 대한 모델은 학습요구를 발견하게끔 해주는 경험과 실천에 대한 비판적 성찰을 포함한다.

First, to learn effectively from one’s experience is critical in developing and main- taining competence across a practice lifetime. Most models of reflection include critical reflection on experience and practice that would enable identification of learning needs (Scho¨n 1983; Boud et al. 1985).


둘째, 전문직으로서의 정체성이 개발되어가면서 전문직 문화의 맥락에서 스스로의 개인적 신념, 태도, 가치에 대해서 이해할 필요가 많아진다. 성찰은 이들의 통합에 있어서 명시적explicit 접근법이다.

Secondly, as one’s professional identity is developed, there are aspects of learning that require understanding of one’s personal beliefs, attitudes and values, in the context of those of the professional culture; reflection offers an explicit approach to their integration (Epstein 1999).


셋째, 통합된 지식을 쌓는 것은 기존의 이해를 위한 능동적 접근이며, 기존 지식과의 연결 과정이다.

Thirdly, building integrated knowledge bases requires an active approach to learning that leads to understanding and linking new to existing knowledge.


마지막으로, 자기-인식 하는 능력이 있는 전문직이 이러한 능력을 가지고 있다고 할 수 있으며, 이는 곧 자기-모니터와 자기-조절을 할 수 있는 전문직을 말한다.

Finally, taken together, these capabilities may underlie the develop- ment of a professional who is self-aware, and therefore able to engage in self-monitoring and self-regulation (Bandura 1986).


Boud는 '성찰적 실천의 emergence'는 학생이 한 과목을 배우는 동안 프로페셔널하고 행동하고 사고하는 것이 학습에 중요한 부분이라는 필요성을 인정하는 변화의 한 부분이라고 주장하였으며, 학생이 practice를 하기에 앞서서 이론을 먼저 배워야 한다고 주장하지 않았다.

Boud (1999) has asserted that the emergence of reflective practice is part of a change that acknowledges the need for students to act and to think professionally as an integral part of learning throughout courses of study, rather than insisting that students must learn the theory before they can engage in practice.

(성찰에 관한) 교육과정 인터벤션 혹은 혁신을 지지하는 근거들은 대체로 이론에 머물고 있으며, 무엇이 효과가 있는지 불분명하다.

The evidence to support and inform these curricular interventions and innovations remains largely theoretical and it is unclear which approaches may have efficacy or impact (Andrews 2005).



성찰의 정의

Reflection defined

1933년 Dewey는 성찰을 다음과 같이 정의했다.

As early as 1933, Dewey defined reflection as

‘‘active, persistent and careful consid- eration of any belief or supposed form of knowledge in the light of the grounds that support it and the further conclusion to which it tends’’ (p. 9).


이러한 점에서 성찰은 '비판적 사고'와 유사하다. Moon은 성찰을 다음과 같이 묘사했다.

In this sense, reflection shares similarities with our understanding of critical thinking. Moon (1999) describes reflection as

‘‘a form of mental processing with a purpose and/or anticipated outcome that is applied to relatively complex or unstructured ideas for which there is not an obvious solution’’ (p. 23).

Boud 등은 성찰을 이렇게 정의했다.

Boud et al. (1985) define reflection as

‘‘a generic term for those intellectual and affective activities in which individuals engage to explore their experiences in order to lead to a new understanding and appreciation’’ (p. 19).


이 세 가지 정의 모두 목적을 가지고 지식과 경험에 대하여 비판적으로 분석하는 것을 강조하며, 이를 통해 더 깊은 의미와 이해를 찾는 것이다. Boud의 정의는 보다 명시적으로 개인의 경험을 성찰의 대상으로 초점을 두고 있으며, 성찰에서 감정emotion의 역할을 보다 명시적으로 언급하고 있다.

All three definitions emphasize pur- poseful critical analysis of knowledge and experience, in order to achieve deeper meaning and understanding. Boud’s definition more explicitly focuses on one’s personal experience as the object of reflection, and is more explicit about the role of emotion in reflection.

Schon은 성찰적 실천가reflective practitioner라는 개념을 도입하였고, 이를 학습을 위하여 경험을 재방문revisit하는 도구로서, 그리고 불분면하고 복잡한 전문직의 문제의 프레이밍을 위한 도구로서 성찰을 사용하는 사람이라고 했다. '의미meaning'은 전문직 담화의 커뮤니티community of professional discourse에서 구성되는 것이며, 학습자들로 하여금 그들의 경험의 직관적 측면에 대해서 비판적 통제를 성취하고 유지할 수 있게 하는 것이다.

Scho¨n(1983) introduced the concept of the ‘‘reflective practitioner’’ as one who uses reflection as a tool for revisiting experience both to learn from it and for the framing of murky, complex problems of professional practice. Meaning is constructed within a community of professional discourse, encouraging learners to achieve and maintain critical control over the more intuitive aspects of their experience.

성찰과 성찰적 실천에 대한 모델

Models of reflection and reflective practice

성찰적 실천에 대한 대부분의 모델은 성찰을 니즈를 인식하거나 일상적 실천이 파괴disruption될 때 성찰이 활성화된다고 말한다. 이것은 복잡하거나 일상적이지 않은non-routine 상황에서 일어나기 마련있데, "어떻게 해야할지 앎‘‘knowing-in-action’’" 혹은 습관적 행동이 문제를 프레이밍하거나 해결하는데 부적절할 때 일어나게 된다. 이들의 공통된 전제는 경험으로 돌아와서 그것을 살펴보는 것, 의도적으로 (지금) 배운 것이 미래에 (비슷한) 상황의 가이드가 되도록 하는 것, 그리고 그것을 자신의 기존 지식에 포함시키는 것 이다.

Most models of reflective practice depict reflection as activated by the awareness of a need or disruption in usual practice. This tends to happen in complex or non-routine situations where the individual’s ‘‘knowing-in-action’’ (Scho¨n 1983), and/or habitual action are inadequate to frame or resolve the problem. Their common premise is that of returning to an experience to examine it, deliberately intending that what is learned may be a guide in future situations, and incorporating it into one’s existing knowledge.

성찰 모델에는 두 개의 주요한 차원이 있다.

There are two major dimensions to the models of reflection we reviewed, as follows:

반복적 차원iterative dimension. 경험에 의해 성찰의 프로세스가 시작되고trigger, 새로운 이해를 만들어내며, 미래의 경험에 따라 다르게 행동하려는 잠재력 혹은 의향으로 이어지는 것.

a: as an iterative dimension, within which the process of reflection is triggered by experience, which then produces a new understanding, and the potential or intention to act differently in response to future experience. Among the models that conceptualize reflection as an iterative process are Boud, Keogh and Walker (1985) and Scho¨n (1983).

수직적 차원vertical dimension. 성찰에 다양한 층위를 포함시키는 것. 표면적 층위는 기술적이고 덜 분석적이며, 깊은 층위는 분석적이고 비판적 통합이다. 깊은 층위는 도달하기 어렵고, 덜 흔하게 관찰된다.

b: a vertical dimension, which includes different levels of reflection on experience. Generally the surface levels are more descriptive and less analytical than the deeper levels of analysis and critical synthesis. The deeper levels appear more difficult to reach, and are less frequently demonstrated. The models which focus on the depth and quality of reflective thinking include Dewey (1933), Hatton and Smith (1995), Mezirow (1991) and Moon (1999).





선택 과정

Selection process

리뷰 과정

Review procedure

  • Do practicing health professionals engage in reflective practice?
  • What is the nature of students’ reflective thinking?
  • Can reflective thinking be assessed?
  • Can reflective thinking be developed?
  • What contextual influences hinder or enable the development of reflection and reflective capability?
  • What are the potential positive or negative effects of promoting reflection?



의사/간호사 등은 성찰적 실천을 하는가?

Do practicing health professionals engage in reflective practice?

성찰적 실천과 관련된 두 가지: 진료practice 기간이 늘어나면 성찰적 실천이 감소한다. 의료행위의 과학적 기반이 강요되지 않는 곳에서 성찰적 실천이 감소한다.

Mamede and Schmidt (2004, 2005): Two correlates of reflective practice emerged (Mamede and Schmidt 2005); reflective practice appeared to decrease with increased years in practice, and in practice settings where the scientific basis of clinical practice was not reinforced.

성찰적 실천의 구조는 다섯 가지 요인으로 되어 있다.

Mamede and Schmidt (2004) found that reflective practice in medicine in their study had a five-factor structure:

  • 의도적 귀납: 친숙하지 못한 문제에 대해서 시간을 가지고 성찰해봄
    deliberate induction, which involves the physician taking time to reflect upon an unfamiliar problem;
  • 의도적 연역: 여러 가능한 가설로부터 논리적으로 결과를 연역해보는 것
    deliberate deduction, which occurs when a physician logically deduces the consequences of a number of possible hypotheses;
  • 검증: 발견된 문제에 대한 예측을 평가하는 것
    testing, which involves evaluating predictions against the problem being explored;
  • 성찰에 대한 열린 태도: 친숙하지 못한 상황에 닥쳤을 때 건설적 활동에 참여하는 것
    openness to reflection, occurring when a physician is willing to engage in such constructive activity when faced with an unfamiliar situation; and,
  • 메타-추론: 스스로의 사고과정에 대한 비판적 사고
    meta-reasoning, which means that a phy- sician is able to think critically about his or her own thinking processes.


이 다섯 가지 요인은 순차적으로 이뤄지는 것은 아니며, 각 요인이 unique dimension이다.

This five-factor model is not a step-by step process; rather, each factor is a unique dimension, overlapping and occurring during and following an event.

"habits of action"이라는 두 가지 distinct한 접근법을 제안했다.

Klemola and Norros (1997, 2001) suggested two distinct approaches to practice, or ‘‘habits of action’’:

  • 세계는 예측불가능하다는 신념에 기반한 '해석 지향적 접근'
    the ‘‘interpretive orientation’’ guided by a belief in an unpredictable world, and
  • 세계는 예측가능하다는 신념에 기반한 '반응 지향적 접근'
    the ‘‘reactive orientation,’’ guided by a belief in a predictable world.


해석지향적 접근이 성찰과 비판적 능력에 기여하며, 반응지향적, 객관주의적 접근은 이의 발달을 저해한다.

The authors suggested that the interpretive orientation contributed to the development of reflective and critical capabilities, but the reactive or objectivistic orien- tation hindered their development.

성찰의 세 phase

Two studies of reflection in clinical teaching in medicine were found (Pinsky and Irby 1997; Pinsky et al. 1998). They identified three phases of reflection:

  • 예측적 성찰: 과거 경험을 가지고 교육활동을 계획하는 것
    anticipatory reflection, which used past experience for planning teaching activities;
  • 행동 중 성찰: 교육하는 동안에 유연성을 유지하는 것
    reflection-in-action, which involved maintaining flexibility during teaching; and,
  • 행동 후 성찰: 경험에 대해서 심사숙고하여 분석하는 것
    reflection-on-action, which involved thoughtful analysis of the experience.

간호사들 역시 의사와 마찬가지로 예측적 성찰 혹은 예비-성찰pre-reflection이 중요하다고 하였다. 행동 중- 행동 후- 성찰도 모두 언급하였다. 성찰에 있어서 지도guidance와 감독supervision이 핵심이었다.

Two studies are reported of reflection in practicing nurses (Gustafsson and Fagerberg 2004; Teekman 2000). Similar to the physician studies, nurses described an anticipatory or pre-reflection, occurring before an activity, as central to their practice. They also described reflection both ‘‘in’’ their practice and ‘‘on’’ it. They reported guidance and supervision as key to reflection.

감독supervision이 성찰에 핵심 요인이었다. 세 가지 위계적 수준을 발견함.

Teekman (2000) studied ten registered nurses, Supervision was a key factor. Teekman identified three hierarchical levels of reflection:

  • thinking-for-action (what to do here and now);
  • thinking-for-evaluation (integrating multiple view- points); and,
  • thinking-for-critical-inquiry.

이 연구들을 보면...

  • 성찰은 예측 단계를 포함하며, 이 단계에서는 과거의 경험을 가지고 계획을 세운다.
  • 성찰은 적절한 supervision이 있을 때 더 잘 일어난다.
  • 성찰은 기존의 지식knowledge-in-action이 적합하지 않는 새롭거나 도전적인 상황에서 일어난다.

These exploratory studies reveal some aspects, functions and uses of reflective practice.

  • Reflection appears to include an anticipatory phase, where past experience informs plan- ning;
  • it is encouraged by appropriate supervision;
  • it appears to occur most often in novel or challenging situations, where the professional’s knowledge-in-action is not adequate to the situation.


의사와 간호사 모두 성찰을 통해서 의료행위에 필요한 정보를 습득하며, 그러나 한 개인에 있어서, 혹은 여러 개인 간 일원화된unitary 현상은 아니다.

The findings of these few studies suggest that physicians and nurses use reflection to inform practice, but that it is not a unitary phenomenon either within or across individuals.


학생들의 성찰적 사고의 특성은 무엇인가?

What is the nature of students’ reflective thinking?

네 단계를 찾음

Niemi (1997): Based on content analysis, they described four levels:

  • 헌신적 성찰
    committed reflection
    (n = 14), meaning an analytical consideration of the experiences and observations made inthe health care centre;
  • 정서적 탐구
    emotional exploration
    (n = 27), an exploration characterized by self-consciousness, emotional expressions and embarrassment;
  • 객관적 보고
    objective reporting
    (n = 27), an exploration focused on objective events, clinical facts and performance; and,
  • 보고 회피
    or avoidant reporting
    (n = 23) meaning reporting which is scant, empty, avoidant ordiffuse. 

포트폴리오와 관련하여 세 카테고리 도출

Pearson and Heywood (2004): Three categories emerged in relation to the portfolio:

  • 성찰자
    reflectors, those who recorded data in the portfolio, reflected on that information and/or discussed it;
  • 기록자
    recorders, those who used the portfolio to record data; and,
  • 비-사용자
    non-users, those who did not record data in the portfolio.

Wong et al. (1995): 


  • 비성찰자는 묘사적이고, 비-분석적이었음.
  • 성찰자는 경험을 묘사하고 기존 경험과 연결지었으며, 새로운 학습 기회를 개발하였다.
  • 비판적 성찰자는 가정을 검증validate하고 종종 관점을 전환하였음transformations of perspectives


  • Non-reflectors were descriptive and non-analytic;
  • reflectors described and related experi- ence, and developed new learning opportunities;
  • critical reflectors validated assumptions and sometimes transformations of perspectives occurred.

학생들은 일정한 경험이 쌓인 뒤에야 성찰적으로 사고하는 능력과 자신감이 개발된다고 생각함.

Hallett (1997): Students believed that confidence and the ability able to think reflectively about their practice developed only after some practice experience.

16문항 설문을 통하여 Mezirow의 네 가지 구인을 평가하였음

Kember et al. (2000) used a 16-item questionnaire to measure reflective thinking instudents, assessing four constructs as described by Mezirow (1991):

  • 습관적 행동 habitual action;
  • 이해 understanding;
  • 성찰 reflection; and,
  • 비판적 성찰 critical reflection.


습관적 행동은 자동적으로, 거의 의식하지 않고도 일어나는 것. 나머지는 점차 성찰적 사고의 깊이가 깊어지는 것

Habitual action represents action that is automatic or with little conscious thought;

the remaining constructs represent increasing depth of reflective thinking.

의료진과 마찬가지로, 학생들도 성찰에 대한 서로 다른 지향, 그리고 다양한 성찰적 사고의 층위를 보여주었다. 깊은 층위는 도달하기 어렵다. 성숙한 전문직에 대해서 관찰한 결과가 학생에게도 적용되는 듯 보였으며, 그러나 학생은 의료진과 동일한 실제 상황authentic setting에서의 성찰적 실천의 기회가 없다.

As with practitioners, students demonstrated different orientations to reflection and different levels of reflective thinking; similarly, the deeper reflective levels appeared most difficult to achieve. The observations made about mature professionals seem to apply equally to students, despite the fact that students do not have the same opportunities for reflective practice in authentic settings.

성찰적 사고가 평가될 수 있는가?

Can reflective thinking be assessed?

Sobral (2001): Students (n = 196) completed the 14-item Reflection-in-Learning Scale(RLS) along with the CVI and the Approaches to Study Inventory (ASI) (Richardson1990). The RLS is a self-report questionnaire. Each item is appraised via a seven-pointresponse scale ranging from ‘never’ = 1 to ‘always’ = 7. 

Leung et al. (2003): Students from all years of study in a health science faculty (n = 402) completed the Revised Study Process Questionnaire (Biggs et al. 2001), and the Reflection Questionnaire (Kember et al. 2000). The authors found that the surface learning approach was correlated with habitual action (r = 0.65), while deep learning approaches were correlated with understanding (r = 0.33), reflection (r = 0.49), and critical reflection (r = 0.50).

Mamede and Schmidt (2004) developed an instrument to understand the nature of reflection in medical practice.

Wong et al. (1995) attempted to develop and test coding systems for written reflective journals, based on the models of reflective thinking of Boud et al. (1985) and Mezirow (1991). Boud et al. (1985) categorized six stages of increasing depth of reflection:

  • attention to feelings,
  • association,
  • integration,
  • relationship-seeking,
  • validation,
  • appropriation and outcome.


The journals were also categorized using Mezirow’s categories into non- reflectors, reflectors and critical reflectors.

Kember et al. (2000) developed a four scale 16-item questionnaire to measure reflective thinking, based principally on Mezirow,

성찰은 평가할 수 있으며, 서로 다른 층위의 성찰이 구분될 수 있다. 이론적으로 일관된 방향으로 다른 척도와도 상관관계를 보인다. 학생은 실제 상황에 대한 성찰의 기회가 없기에, 일부 질문들이 타당한 지표인지에 대한 의문이 남음.

From the studies reviewed, it appears that reflection can be assessed and different levels of reflection discerned. Further, the studies demonstrate that measures of reflection cor- relate with other measures in theoretically consistent ways. Students do not have the same opportunities as professionals do for reflective practice in authentic settings and therefore some questions remain regarding whether what is being measured (e.g. text) is a valid indicator of reflective activity, when one considers the influences of context and culture.

성찰적 사고가 개발될 수 있는가?

Can reflective thinking be developed?

일렉티브 기간동안의 성찰적 사고의 개발

Sobral (2000) studied the development of reflective thinking based on activities designed to foster reflection during an elective experience.

성찰적 사고의 향상. reflection-in-learning은 다음과 관련됨 (자기조절학습에 대해 스스로 인식하는 역량, 학습경험의 유의미한 정도)

Eighty-one percent of participating students had increased scores for reflection in learning compared with 45% in the comparison group; also, the level of reflection-in-learning was significantly associated with

  • self-perceived competence for self- regulated learning (r = -.60; p = 0.001), and with the
  • meaningfulness of the learning experience (r = 0.38; p = 0.001).

reflection-in-learning이 높을수록 GPA도 높음. 자기-보고식 진단역량 점수와도 상관관계

Further, those with higher reflection in learning skills had higher GPAs. Higher scores were associated with higher scores on self-reported diagnostic competence (r = 0.34; p = 0.001).

포트폴리오를 준비하는 것이 성찰적 사고의 포럼과 자극이 되며, 변화의 플랫폼이 된다.

Beecher et al. (1997): The authors concluded that the process of port- folio preparation provided a forum and stimulus for reflective thinking, as well as a platform for change.

일정한 인터벤션을 통해서 성찰적 사고는 개발될 수 있다. 성찰적 사고의 발달은 학습과 전문직 개발의 다른 측면과도 연결되는 것으로 보임. 주로 관찰적, 분석적 연구방법 사용. 그러나 대조군 있는 연구가 별로 없어서 전이가능성이 불확실. 또한 성찰은 자동적spontaneous으로 일어나지 않았으며, 교육 맥락에 따라 의도적deliberate 자극을 받음.

The findings of these few studies suggest that reflective thinking may develop in association with certain interventions. It also appears that the development of reflective thinking is related to other aspects of learning and professional development. The methods employed were usually observational and analytical, and appropriate to the questions asked. However, only one of these studies had a comparison group, so the transferability of the interventions and results across contexts is unclear. In addition, reflection was not spontaneous, but was deliberately stimulated by the educational context. Although it seems likely that events occurring naturally in an authentic professional context would stimulate a similar response, this has not been demonstrated.

성찰과 성찰적 능력의 개발을 장려하거나 방해하는 맥락적 영향은?

What contextual influences hinder or enable the development of reflection and reflective capability?

성찰을 위해서 더 많은 노력을 할수록 더 긍정적인 학습경험과 연결되며, 학습에 대한 성찰은 자기조절학습에 대한 준비, (학습)경험의 유의미함과 관련된다.

Sobral (2000): He suggests that a greater effort at reflection is associated with a more positive learning experience, and that reflection in learning is related to readiness for self- regulated learning, and to the meaningfulness of the experience.

임상환경의 시간 압박이 성찰의 장애요인이 된다. 복잡한 문제가 성찰적 사고를 촉진하며, 특히 진료의 과학적 토대를 지속적으로 염두에 두었을continuously revisited 때 더 그러하다. 또한 경험이 늘어날수록 한 사람이 가진 knowing in action이 대부분의 임상상황을 프레이밍하고 풀어나가기 충분해질 것으로 추측함.

Mamede and Schmidt (2005) found two correlates of reflective practice: reflection appeared to decrease with increasing years in practice, and was lower in practice settings where reflective thinking was not reinforced. The authors noted that time pressure in a busy clinical environment can act as a barrier to reflection. They suggested that complex problems stimulate reflective thinking, especially if the scientific basis of clinical practice is continuously revisited. They also speculated that, as experience increases, one’s ‘‘knowing in action’’ may be sufficient to frame and address most clinical situations.

지지적 트레이너, 명확한 목표, 충분한 시간이 있을 때 포트폴리오 활용이 강화됨

Pearson and Heywood (2004) found that portfolio use was enhanced with a supportive trainer, clear objectives, and sufficient time.

성찰적 학습을 촉진하는데 포트폴리오가 핵심 요인은 아닐 수 있음. '멘토링 관계mentoring relationship'가 포트폴리오 그 자체포다 성찰을 자극하고 가이드하는데 더 중요할 수 있음. 간호사에 대한 두 연구에서 supervision이 성찰의 핵심 요인으로 밝혀진 바 있음.

Portfolios may not be the key factor in promoting reflective learning; the mentoring relationship, which can be expressed in a number of different ways, may be more important than the portfolio itself in stimulating and guiding reflection. Two studies of practicing nurses (Teekman 2000; Gustafsson and Fagerberg 2004) identified supervision as a key factor promoting reflection in practice.

병동의 위계적 조직, 특히 의료진의 권위가 성찰을 비정상적abnormal 인 것으로 보여지게 함. 그 결과 성찰은 간호사 개인의 시간과 공간으로 국한됨. 이는 성찰적 실천에 있어서 IPE가 당면한 문제를 강조함.

Mantzoukas and Jasper (2004): It appeared that the organizational hierarchy of the ward, specifically the authority of the medical staff, portrayed reflection as an abnormal method of practice and knowledge development. As a result, reflection became confined to nurses’ personal time and space. The study underscored some of the challenges that face inter-professional education in relation to reflective practice.


간호의 복잡성과 비판적 이론화critical theorizing에 대한 학습자의 변화에 기여하는 요인

Francis et al. (1998): The study explored the change in learners’ appreciation of the complexity of nursing and consideration of critical theorizing. Several factors contributed to change:

  • prior experience of journal writing,
  • viewing reflection as including reflection-on-action as well as in-action,
  • having prior models of reflection (e.g. everyday reflection),
  • expectation of nursing as a complex practice involving both science and communication, and
  • having comfort in trying things out in the group session.


journal writing의 경험이 없는 경우 성찰이 in action 에만 일어났고, 성찰에 대한 사전 모델이 없었음.

Those who reported no change had had no previous experience of journal writing, viewed reflection as occurring only in action, and had no prior models for reflection. They viewed personal and professional thinking as separate, lacked comfort in the group setting, and were focused on individual evaluation.

성찰과 성찰적 실천을 가능하게 해주는 가장 중요한 요인은..

Across all of the diverse settings and methods, it appears that the most influential elements in enabling the development of reflection and reflective practice are

  • a supportive environment, both intellectually and emotionally;
  • an authentic context;
  • accommodation for individual differences in learning style;
  • mentoring;
  • group discussion;
  • support; and,
  • free expression of opinions.


Additional enabling factors include

  • perceptions of relevance,
  • positive prior experience,
  • organizational climate, including respect between professionals, and
  • time for reflection.

성찰 촉진의 긍정적/부정적 효과는?

What are the potential positive and negative effects of promoting reflection?

deeper learning 촉진, 학습경험에 대한 긍정적 태도

Sobral (2000) suggests that the ability to form associations and integrate information may result in deeper learning, facilitating students having a more positive learning experience.

교사-학습자의 관계 개선, 교육의 퀄리티 향상

Reflective practice may also improve relationships among teachers and learners and teaching quality.

적절한 타이밍과 감독supervision support가 있을 때 효과적

Hallett’s (1997) study suggests that the benefits of reflection may rely on appropriate timing of the intervention as well as supervisor support.

성찰에 필요한 시간과 관련한 우려, 구조적 접근법의 영향력에 대한 우려, 일시적 유행이라는 생각 등

Concerns were expressed about the time required and the limiting influence of a structured approach. Still others worried that reflection was a ‘fad.’ Similar to Strawson (2004), the authors questioned the extent to which, in reflecting, we can remember events as they actually were.

부정적 효과에는 학습자의 진정한 학습요구와 동떨어진 활동에 참여하게 요구하는 것에 대한 분노. "busy work"로 인식할 수 있음.

While no study in medicine directly addressed negative effects, some may be hypoth- esized from studies such as those of Pearson and Heywood (2004) and Dornan (2002). These might include resentment at being required to participate in activities that seem disconnected from the learner’s true learning needs or usual methods of learning and practice. Learners may perceive such activities as ‘‘busy work.’’



현 연구 상황

Current state of the research

The research literature on the effectiveness of strategies to foster reflection and reflective practice is still early in development. We identified only 29 studies, the majority of which were observational in nature. Comparison groups were rarely included. At the time of ourreview, no randomized controlled studies were identified. 

초기 단계이므로, qualitative and explorative 접근법이 구인, 공통의 정의, 용어에 대한 일반적 이해를 높이는데 적절할 수 있다.

Because of the early stage of development in this area, qualitative and exploratory research approaches are appropriate to use to develop general understanding of the con- struct, common definitions and terminology.

연구마다 용어가 다양한 것은 한계점

One particular challenge of the review was the use of varied terminology across studies and fields. This hindered interpretation, comparison and synthesis of the data. Many studies did not identify the definition of reflection being used by the authors. Secondly, the terminology used to describe and classify reflective thinking drew on several fields, and so reflected different professional and disciplinary discourses.

결과 요약

Summary of our findings

성찰에 관한 여러 모델과의 관계

Relationship of the literature to the models

Knowing-in-action and surprise

복잡한 문제로부터 자극되는데, 진료경험기간이 늘수록 성찰 경향이 낮다는 것은, 복잡한 문제에 대한 'surprise'가 줄어들기 때문일 수 있다.

Scho¨n’s premise that reflection was stimulated in response to complex problems was supported by the studies of Mamede and Schmidt (2004, 2005). These studies also sup- ported the role of surprise in generating reflection, and it appears that surprise may occur in the form of a new or unrecognized, complex problem. The 2004 study showed a negative relationship between the tendency to reflect and years in practice. As reflection was reported as a strategy for dealing with complex problems, one explanation might be that the ‘‘surprise’’ of a complex problem occurs less often with increasing experience.


'해석지향성'을 보이는 의사가 환자의 실시간 변화에 더 민감하게 반응

the physicians who demonstrated an ‘‘interpretive orientation’’ responded to minute-by-minute changes in their patients’ condition

교사들도 reflection-in-action을 함.

The Pinsky et al. (1997, 1998) studies also supported ‘‘reflection-in-action’’ among teachers in the course of their teaching.

그러나 학생에 대한 연구에서는 reflection-in-action을 찾기 쉽지 않다.

Notably, reflection-in-action was not explored or evident in studies of students, possibly because these studies were not reflecting on actual experience as it occurred.


교사들에 의한 reflection-on-action이 드러남

Reflection-on-action was also described, particularly by teachers.

성찰의 여러 층위가 있음

Several studies demonstrated differences in the level of reflection achieved, supporting the models that suggest that levels of reflection, from the more superficial to critical reflective analyses, can be reliably discerned.

Boud는 성찰에 감정적emotinoal 측면을 포함시킴

Boud et al. (1985) explicitly include in their model the idea that reflection should include the emotional aspects of experience.

연구에 대한 함의

Implications for research

Does reflection enhance learning?

Does reflection improve self-understanding?

Is reflection most effective when shared?

What is the role of ‘‘reflection-in-action?’’

Does reflection enhance self-assessment?

Does reflection alter clinical behaviour?

Does reflection improve patient care?

Can reflective practice be taught and learned?

Are there negative effects of reflection?

교육에 대한 함의

Implications for educational practice

성찰은 학습전략으로 바라보는 관점에서 가장 유용하다. 이렇게 사용했을 때 학습자들이 새롭게 배운 것을 기존의 지식과 스킬에 연결/통합시키게 도울 수 이 있다. 성찰은 학습자들이 정서적affective측면을 학습에 명시적으로 통합시킬 수 있게 도와줌. 임상환경에서 이는 특히 도움이 될 것임.

Reflection may be most useful when viewed as a learning strategy. Used in this way, it may assist learners to connect and integrate new learning to existing knowledge and skills. Reflection may also assist learners to explicitly integrate the affective aspects of their learning. This may be particularly beneficial in the clinical learning environment,

학습에 있어서 성찰의 역할은 학습자에게 명확하지 않을 수 있다. 또한 경험이 많은 의료진에게도 tacit process이다. 따라서 교사가 해야할 중요한 일은 자신의 교육에 성찰을 넣는model reflection것이다. 즉, 성찰활동을 명시적으로 만드는 것이다. 더 나아가서 학습자들이 여기에 기여하게끔 하여서 성찰이 개인적인 것일 뿐 아니라 협동적인 것임을 보여줄 수 있다. 협동적 성찰의 경험은 interprofessional team 참여를 대비하는 의미로 중요하다.

Reflection, and its role in learning, may not be obvious to learners; it may also be a tacit process in experienced practitioners. An important task for teachers may be to model reflection on their own practice; i.e., to make their own reflective activities explicit. Fur- ther, including learners and inviting their contribution may demonstrate that reflection can be a collaborative, as well as an individual, experience. Experience with collaborative reflection may be important as a preparation for participation in interprofessional teams,

특히 초기 단계에는 성찰 활동을 가이드해줄 구조가 필요하다. 성찰의 내용 뿐 아니라 프로세스에 대한 피드백이 필요하고 RIA와 ROA에 대한 피드백이 필요하다.

As with other skills, learners may need a structure to guide this activity, especially early in their learning. They may require feedback on both the content and the process of their reflection, both ‘‘reflection-in-action’’ and ‘‘reflection-on-action.’’

여러 문헌에서 지속적으로 guidance와 supervision이 성찰의 핵심이라고 제안하고 있다.

The literature suggested repeatedly that guidance and supervision are key to reflection and are factors that learners perceived to be beneficial to their learning. Therefore, as educators, we will want to ensure that when reflection is used as a learning strategy, the process is guided appropriately.

교수-학습 환경도 중요하다. 이 학습전략에 가치를 두지 않는 문화나 환경에서는 성찰이 활용되지 않을 것이다.

The environment for teaching and learning about reflection will be important. If the culture and environment do not value and legitimize this learning strategy, reflection may not be used, potential benefit may be lost, and negative reflective experiences may result.

성찰에 관련된 연구의 핵심 가정은 이것이 역량을 향상시킬 것이라는 기대이나, 이를 지지하는 근거는 아직 없다.

A key assumption underlying the literature on reflection is that it will enhance com- petence. As noted, to date there is no evidence to support or refute that assumption. Such a finding may suggest to some that attempts to teach reflection are fruitless, and should be abandoned.

그러나 기존 문헌을 보면 비록 방식은 다를지라도 전문직은 성찰을 한다.

The existing literature reveals that professionals reflect, albeit in different ways, and to different degrees. It also suggests that there may be improvements to learning and to learning from experience associated with reflection.


 2009 Oct;14(4):595-621. Epub 2007 Nov 23.

Reflection and reflective practice in health professions education: a systematic review.

Author information

  • 1Division of Medical Education, Faculty of Medicine, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada B3H4H7. karen.mann@dal.ca


The importance of reflection and reflective practice are frequently noted in the literature; indeed, reflective capacity is regarded by many as an essential characteristic for professional competence. Educators assert that the emergence of reflective practice is part of a change that acknowledges the need for students to act and to think professionally as an integral part of learning throughout their courses of study, integrating theory and practice from the outset. Activities to promote reflection are now being incorporated into undergraduate, postgraduate and continuing medical education, and across a variety of health professions. The evidence to support and inform these curricular interventions and innovations remains largely theoretical. Further, the literature is dispersed across several fields, and it is unclear which approaches may have efficacy or impact. We, therefore, designed a literature review to evaluate the existing evidence about reflection and reflective practice and their utility in healthprofessional education. Our aim was to understand the key variables influencing this educational process, identify gaps in the evidence, and to explore any implications for educational practice and research.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

의과대학생 중 잠재적 관계-지향적 리더 찾아내기: 동료에 대한 긍정적 영향의 역할(Med Teach, 2015)

Identifying potential engaging leaders within medical education: The role of positive influence on peers


1University of Delaware, USA, 2Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University, USA

앞선 연구에서 의과대학생들 사이에서의 리더십을 배양하는 것이 가치있고 필요한 일임을 지속적으로 강조한 바 있다. 중요한 특징들

Previous research consistently highlights the value and neces- sity of cultivating leadership qualities among medical students (O’Connell & Pascoe 2004; Veronesi & Gunderman 2012).

  • Emotional intelligence,
  • confidence,
  • creativity,
  • practical know- ledge and competence,
  • interpersonal communication,
  • motiv- ation and encouragement of others,
  • fostering a sense of community,
  • social appraisal skills, and
  • cognitive abilities among others


are frequently offered as vital leadership skills and characteristics

이전 연구들은 주로 교과목, 전략, 프로그램, 세미나 등을 통해서 의과대학생들에게 리더로서의 기술과 리더십의 특성 등을 '가르치는' 것에 초점을 두어 왔다. 그러나 연구결과를 보면 프로페셔널리즘과 관련된 긍정적 특성들을 향상시키려는 시도들은 (거의 틀림없이 리더십에 대한 것도) 학생들의 반발push-back, 과목 스케쥴 조정의 딜레마, 더 포괄적 차원에서의 조직문화와 관련된 장애 등을 겪게 된다.

The focus on this research has been almost exclusively on developing courses, strategies, programs, and seminars to ‘‘teach’’ medical students the traits, characteristics, and skills of leaders and leadership (Crites et al. 2008; Goldstein et al. 2009; Varkey et al. 2009; Long et al. 2011; Straus et al. 2013). Studies have shown, however, that attempts to foster positive attributes such as those related to professionalism (which are arguably akin to attributes related to leadership) are met with push-back from students, course scheduling dilemmas, and barriers related to the overarching organizational culture (West & Shanafelt 2007; Finn et al. 2010; Michalec & Hafferty 2013).

'탐색-기반identification-based' 접근법을 통해서 의과대학생 중 '리더'를 이해하려는 시도는, '양성-기반cultivation-based' 접근법과 달리 이미 근본적인 리더십 자질과 능력을 보여주고 있는 학생들을 더 격려하여 더 발전할 수 있게 해주는 것에 노력을 쏟는다. 따라서 탐색-기반 접근법은 전체 학생을 대상으로 하는 프로그램이나 과목을 통해서 이미 포화상태인 교육과정에 리더십을 '배양farming'해야 하는 필요를 없애주거나, 적어도 최소화시켜줄 수 있다.

An identification-based approach to understanding‘‘leaders’’ within medical school, as compared with what appears to be an engrained cultivation-based approach, would concentrate efforts to encourage and further advance individ-uals that have already exhibited fundamental leadership qualities and capabilities. An identification-based approach would thereby eliminate, or at least minimize, the need of leadership ‘‘farming’’ that is proposed through grade cohort-wide programs and classes, and lift some of the burden on already saturated curriculums

유사하게, 현재의 '의학교육에서의 리더십'에서는 동료들에게 좋은 영향을 미치고 있는 학생들을 어떻게 효과적으로 찾아낼 수 있는지가 빠져있다. 이것의 핵심에는, '리더십은 영향력에 관한 것이다'라는 명제가 있다. 예를 들면 "다른사람들이 무엇을 해야 하고 그것을 어떻게 해야 하는지 이해하고, 거기에 동의할 수 있는 영향력 프로세스" 혹은 "공동의 목표를 달성하기 위해서 개인이 다른 개인들에게 영향을 미치는 프로세스"라는 말로 설명된다.

Similarly, what appears to also be absent from the current state of the leadership-in-medical-education literature is an emphasis on constructing effective mechanisms to identify those with the ability to be influential with others (peers).At its core, leadership is about influence – as showcased in prominent conceptualizations of the term: (a) ‘‘...the process of influencing others to understand and agree about what needs to be done and how to do it ...’’ (Yukl 2006), and(b) ‘‘...a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal’’ (Northhouse 2007).

리더십에 있어서 타인-지향성other-orientation은 Alimo-Metcalfe와 Alban-Metcalfe가 제안한 관계-형성적engaging 모델에서도 보여진 바 있다. Alimo-Metcalfe는 리더십의 가장 중요한 영역은 "타인에 대한 진정한 관심genuine concern"이라고 하였다. 전통적인 리더십이 '영웅적', 카리스마잇는, 고독한distant 리더십과 같이 리더(개인 수준)의 가장 중요한 파워를 강조했다면, 관계-형성적 관점에서의 리더십은 리더가 다른 사람을 향하고, 개개인의 접근가능성, 열망, 지지, 다른 사람들로 하여금 스스로의 영향력과 모험심을 표현할 수 있게 해주는 능력 등에 가치를 둔다.

The emphasis of other-orientation in regard to leadership qualities and capabilities is showcased in the engaging model of leadership proposed by Alimo-Metcalfe and Alban-Metcalfe(2005, 2006) and Alimo-Metcalfe et al. (2008) who argue that perhaps the most significant dimension to leadership can be classified as showing ‘‘genuine concern for others’’. Whereas traditional leadership ‘‘heroic’’, charismatic, and ‘‘distant’’ models of place the crux of power with the leader(individual-based), the engaging perspective of leadership emphasizes an individual’s other orientation and promotes the value of the individual’s accessibility, inspiration, support, and their ability to enable and encourage others to express their own influence and enterprise. 


Study setting


766명 학생 중 630명

A total of 630 (82%) of 766 students in three fourth-year classes(2011, 2012, and 2013) responded.

Measurements and procedure

상위 10%를 '고긍정영향' 으로 구분하고, 80명이 해당됨

Students in the top 10% of this distribution for each class were designated as ‘‘high positive influence’’ and these 80 students were compared with 686 classmates. 

'긍정영향'의 개념이 어떠한지 주관식으로 응답하게 함. 다음의 네 가지가 나옴.

(a) support,

(b) academic/organizational competence,

(c) role model, and

(d) fostering a positive/fun climate. 

To examine how medical students’ conceptualized thenotion of the ‘‘positive influence’’ they experienced fromthose they selected, we added an open-ended item to the2013 survey. Students were asked to think about who theyselected as having a significant positive influence, andrespond to the question, ‘‘In what way(s) have they [thestudent(s) they selected] had the a positive influence?’’Approximately one-half of students provided words,phrases, or short sentences. These were read by one of theauthors to identify the most frequently appearing conceptsand categories. Four categories were identified: (a) support,(b) academic/organizational competence, (c) role model, and(d) fostering a positive/fun climate. 





고긍정영향 집단은 공감점수가 더 높았음 

High positive influencers were found to have a significantly higher (p50.01) mean empathy score (mean¼117.1, SD¼9) compared with that of other students (mean¼113.5, SD¼11).



'긍정영향'의 개념에 대해서 모든 응답은 친사회적 행동과 학업/조직 이해에 대한 것이었다. 58%는 지지Support로 분류되었고, ‘‘helpful’’, ‘‘supportive’’, ‘‘encouraging’’, ‘‘listening’’, and ‘‘offering advice.’’ 등으로 묘사됨. 두 번째로 많은 것은 '학업/조직 역량.

Regarding students’ conceptualization of the ‘‘positive influence’’, all the comments referred to types of prosocial behavior and academic/organizational understanding. The majority (58%) of terms were categorized as

  • Support, as the comments related to substantive personal interactions such as being ‘‘helpful’’, ‘‘supportive’’, ‘‘encouraging’’, ‘‘listening’’, and ‘‘offering advice.’’ The second most occurring categories (15%) were
  • Academic/Organizational Competence (e.g., ‘‘brilliant’’, ‘‘challenging’’, and ‘‘shared knowledge’’) and
  • Role Model (e.g., ‘‘positive role model’’, ‘‘ability to balance work/life’’, and ‘‘exemplified commitment’’).

Finally, 12% of the terms were categorized as

  • Fostering a Positive/Fun Climate, as comments related to ‘‘fun’’, ‘‘enthusiasm’’, ‘‘great team member’’ and ‘‘positive attitude’’.


인구통계학적, 학업적 차이

Demographics and academic performance differences

남성-여성에는 차이 없었음. 리더십의 핵심이 '영향력'에 근간을 둔다는 것을 고려하면, 이것은 약간 놀라운데, 왜냐하면 기존 연구에서는 전문직이나 대학의학에서 여성이 리더십 지위에 있는 경우가 드물다고 보고하고 있기 때문이다. 그러나 교실/학교/대학에서는 남성과 여성 중 누가 더 '공적official' 지위에 있을 가능성이 더 높은가에 차이가 있을 수 있다. 또한 여성의 리더십 역할과 지위에 대한 무의식중의(종종 의식적인) 편견이 잇을 수 있다.

Interestingly, there were no significant differences found in the rates of being designated as a positive influence between men or women. Given that the crux of leadership is rooted in influence, this finding somewhat surprising as the literature consistently points to the glaring lack of females in leadership positions in professional and academic medicine (Morahan et al. 2011; Rosenthal et al. 2013; Valantine & Sandborg 2013; Bell et al. 2014). However, there could be differences between the men and the women in regard to which sex is more likely to serve in ‘‘official’’ (nominated and elected) positions within the classes, school, and University. Perhaps there continues to be an unconscious (and even at times conscious) bias towards women regarding leadership roles and positions.

더 나이가 많은 학생들의 어떤 생애경험이 동료들에게 더 도움을 주고 지지해주고자 하는 의지를 높여주었을 수도 있다. 이는 더 나이가 많은 학생이 결혼을 하였거나 자녀가 있거나 하여 이러한 추가적인 사회적 관계가 그들의 타인-지향성을 배양시켜주고 다른 사람에 대한 encouragement, engagement 특성을 강화해주었을 수 있다.

Perhaps certain life experiences these older with students gained (compared the age-typical medical student) cultivated their willingness and ability to be support- ive and helpful to their peers. It could also be suggested that because older students may be more likely to be married and/ or have children that these possible additional social relation- ships have cultivated their other-orientation, enhancing their attributes of encouragement of and engagement with others.

타인에 대한 진정한 관심

Genuine concern for others


고긍정영향 그룹이 평균 공감점수가 더 높았다. 이는 Pohl등의 보고와도 일치하는데, 여기서는 동료들에게 '프로페셔널리즘'에 있어서 더 많이 지명당한 학생일수록 더 공감점수가 높았다. 고긍정영향그룹은 모의환자시험에서 환자들에게 더 높은 점수를 받았는데, Berg등은 (JSE점수에서) 대인관계 기술이 더 높은 학생이 모의환자에서 더 높은 평가를 받았음을 보고한 바 있다.

Students within the high positive influence group had a significantly higher average empathy score than all other students in the sample. This finding is consistent with that reported by Pohl et al. (2011) who found that medical students who were nominated by their peers on professionalism attributes obtained a significantly higher mean empathy High scores than their other classmates. influencers also received significantly higher scores from the ‘‘patients’’ during their simulated patient experiences. Similar findings are reported by Berg et al. (2011) who found that medical students with higher interpersonal skills (reflected in their scores on the JSE) received higher ratings of competence by simulated patients.

종합하면, 동료들에게 고긍정영향자로 인식되는 학생은 타인에 대한 진정한 관심을 보이며, 이는 관계-형성적 리더십 모델의 토대이다.

Taken together these findings suggest that indeed students perceived by their peers as being a positive influence also reflect a genuine concern for others – the foundation of the engaging leadership model.

이 자료에 따르면 고긍정영향자는 타인에 대한 진정한 관심을 보이고, 동료에 의해서 영향력이 높은 학생으로 인정받는 학생들은 Alimo-Metcalfe and Alban-Metcalfe’s model of engaging leadership 을 잘 반영한다. 이러한 관점에서 높은 영향력을 미치는 이들 학생들은 조직변화의 에이전트로서 가능성이 있다.

The data suggest that high positive influencers do show both a genuine concern for others and that students identified by their peers have the ability to be influential do indeed reflect the tenets of Alimo-Metcalfe and Alban-Metcalfe’s model of engaging leadership – and in this sense these influential students could in fact be agents of organizational change waiting to be tapped.

리더십에 있어서 '영향력'의 역할을 보여주며, 의과대학 기간 내에 관계-형성적 리더를 찾을 수 있음을 보여준다. 비록 의과대학 입학위원회가 뛰어난 GPA나 MCAT점수를 완전히 무시하지는 않더라도, 이와 같은 시험점수에서 뛰어나지는 않아도 추천서 등을 통해서 팀-지향적, 협동적, 동료에 대한 격려 peer-encouragement, 일반적 지지적 행동 등을 보이는가를 유심히 볼 필요가 있다. 더 나아가서 동료평가가 의학교육에서 리더를 찾는데 유용하고 가치있는 도구임을 보여준다. 다른 연구에서도 동료-평가, 동료-지명 방식이 프로페셔널리즘과 프로페셔널 개발과 관련하여 타당한 지표임을 보여준 바 있다.

The findings featured in this specific study promote the role of influence as it relates leadership and that engaging leaders can be identified during their years in medical school. Although we are not suggesting that medical school admis- sions committees completely disregard applicants with stellar GPAs and MCAT scores, there is something to be said to possibly paying special attention to those students who may not stand-out test-wise but present letters of recommendation that speak of team-orientation, cooperation, peer-encourage- ment, and general supportive behavior. Furthermore, we argue that peer-assessment appears to be a worthwhile and reliable tool to identify leaders within medical education. This inference has also been reached in other studies that have also found peer-assessment/nomination to be a valid indicator of attributes related to professionalism and professional development (Holmboe & Hawkins 1998; Pohl et al. 2011).

이 연구는 단면적 연구이다.


Similarly, this study was cross-sectional, only a longitudinal approach would identify whether these high influencers/leaders possess these other- oriented and organizational knowledge-based attributes and characteristics when they arrive at medical school (or even before), and if/how these attributes are sustained.




 2014 Aug 26:1-7. [Epub ahead of print]

Identifying potential engaging leaders within medical education: The role of positive influence on peers.

Author information

  • 1University of Delaware , USA .


Abstract Background: Previous research has paid little to no attention towards exploring methods of identifying existing medical student leaders. Aim: Focusing on the role of influence and employing the tenets of the engaging leadership model, this study examines demographic and academic performance-related differences of positive influencers and if students who have been peer-identified as positive influencers also demonstrate high levels of genuine concern for others. Methods: Three separate fourth-year classes were asked to designate classmates that had significant positiveinfluences on their professional and personal development. The top 10% of those students receiving positive influence nominations were compared with the other students on demographics, academic performance, and genuine concern for others. Results: Besides age, no demographic differences were found between positive influencers and other students. High positive influencers were not found to have higher standardized exam scores but did receive significantly higher clinical clerkship ratings. High positive influencers were found to possess a higher degree of genuine concern for others. Conclusion: The findings lend support to (a) utilizing the engaging model to explore leaders and leadership within medical education, (b) this particular method of identifying existing medical student leaders, and (c) return the focus of leadership research to the power of influence.

[PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

공감과 다른 인적특성과 긍정적인 사회적 영향력으로 의과대학에서 잠재적 리더를 찾아낼 수 있을까? (Acad Med, 2015)

Can Empathy, Other Personality Attributes, and Level of Positive Social Influence in Medical School Identify Potential Leaders in Medicine?

Mohammadreza Hojat, PhD, Barret Michalec, PhD, J. Jon Veloski, MS, and Mark L. Tykocinski, MD

리더십 학자들에 따르면 긍정적인 사회적 영향은 효과적인 리더십의 핵심 특징이다. 리더십은 개인이 함께 공동의 목표를 위해서 일할 때 상호관계적 상호작용으로부터 나온다. Eberly 등은 리더십을 '사회적 네트워크 분석을 통해서 밝힐 수 있는 사회적 영향력의 행사'라고 정의했다. 이러한 접근법은 잠재적 리더를 밝혀내는데 활용되어왔다.

Positive social influence, according to leadership scholars, is a core feature of effective leadership.1–3 Leadership emerges from interpersonal interactions that occur when individuals work together to achieve a common goal.3 Eberly and colleagues1 have defined leadership as an exertion of social influence that can be examined through social network analysis. This approach has also been used to identify the emergence of potential leaders.4–6

효과적인 리더에 대한 또 다른 접근은 리더의 개인적 특성에 대한 분석이다.

Another approach to identifying effective leaders is studying leaders’ personality attributes.1 For example,

  • certain cognitive abilities,
  • empathy,
  • emotional intelligence,
  • sociability,
  • tolerance of ambiguity, and
  • social appraisal skills

have been reported to foster effective leadership across a variety of situations.7–12

특히 개인의 "관계-지향적" 특성, 즉 공감empathy, 적극적 참여active engagement, 자기 확신self-confidence 등은 효과적인 리더십에 기여하는 것으로 보고되고 있다. 반대로 "참여적 스타일engaging style" 리더십과는 상반되는 특성도 있는데, 고립isolation, 고독loneliness, 신경증neuroticism, 충동impulsiveness, 공격성aggression 등이 사회적 관계에 해로워서 효과적인 리더십에도 해롭다고 보고된 바 있다.

In particular, “relationship-oriented” personality attributes such as empathy,7–9,12,13 active engagement,14 and self-confidence14 have been reported as being conducive to effective leadership.11,15–19 In contrast, there are other personality attributes that are at odds with the “engaging style” of leadership.20 For example, isolation, loneliness, neuroticism, impulsiveness, and aggression have been reported as being detrimental to social relationships21,22 and, by extension, to effective leadership.1–3

리더십에 관한 이들 연구는 개인의 특징에 초점을 두고, 리더십의 개인주의적 모델에 초점을 두고 있다.

Much of the previous research on leadership has focused on the personality profile, or the individualistic model of leadership.7–11

리더십이 '사회적 영향력의 행사'라는 가정하에, 그리고 사회적 영향력은 개인적 특성들의 함수라는 가정하에 본 연구를 수행

On the basis of the assumptions that leadership is an exertion of social influence1–3 and that social influence is a function of pertinent personality attributes,7–19 we designed this study




긍정적 사회적 영향의 측정

Instrument to measure positive social influence

관계-형성적(relationship-building) 인적 특성 측정

Instruments to measure engaging (relationship-building) personality attributes



We used the Jefferson Scale of Empathy (JSE), a 20-item validated instrument specifically developed to measure empathy in the context of patient care in medical and other health professions students and practitioners. We used the S version of the JSE, which was developed for administration to medical students.24 Evidence in support of the JSE’s validity25–29 and reliability25,29 has been reported, and the instrument has been translated into 43 languages and used in more than 60 countries.30 The possible score range is 20 to 140; a higher score on this scale indicates a greater orientation toward empathic engagement in patient care. The typical Cronbach alpha coefficient for this instrument, which has been reported in many studies, hovers around 0.75.24,25,29,30



We used a seven-item scale from the short form of the Zuckerman– Kuhlman Personality Questionnaire (ZKPQ) to measure sociability.31,32 (The ZKPQ was developed to measure five basic factors of personality that have a strong biological–evolutionary basis.31) Evidence in support of the validity and reliability of this scale in male (α = 0.78) and female (α = 0.79) college students has been reported.31 A higher score on this scale indicates a more sociable personality.



We used a seven-item scale from the short form of the ZKPQ that measures a tendency to be active and to prefer challenging work.31 Evidence in support of the validity and reliability of this scale in male (α = 0.67) and female (α = 0.72) college students has been reported.31 A higher score on this scale indicates a higher degree of preference for challenging work.



We used an abridged, five-item version of the Rosenberg Self- Esteem Scale,33 which is a measure of the self-acceptance aspect of self-esteem.34 This abridged scale has been used with medical and other health professions students.35–37 The reliability coefficient of this abridged scale among health professions students has been reported as 0.72.36 A higher score on this scale indicates a higher degree of self-esteem.

관계-회피성 인적 특성 측정

Instruments to measure disengaging personality attributes



We used an abridged, five- item version of the UCLA Loneliness Scale, which is a global measure of loneliness experiences.38 The abridged version has been used previously with medical and other health professions students,35,36 and its psychometric support in medical students has been reported.37 The reliability coefficient of the abridged scale among health professions students has been reported as 0.87.36 A higher score on this scale indicates a greater experience of loneliness and a lack of satisfaction with social relationships.



We used a seven-item scale from the short form of the ZKPQ that measures a tendency to be tense, to worry, to be overly sensitive to criticism, to be easily upset, and to be obsessively indecisive.31 Evidence in support of validity and reliability of this scale in male (α = 0.70) and female (α = 0.72) college students has been reported.31 A higher score on this scale indicates a more neurotic personality.



We used a seven- item scale from the short form of the ZKPQ that measures a tendency to express verbal aggression and to show rudeness, thoughtlessness, vengefulness, spitefulness, a quick temper, and impatient behavior.31 Evidence in support of the validity and reliability of this scale in male (α = 0.66) and female (α = 0.67) college students has been reported.31 A higher score on this scale indicates a higher degree of aggression and hostility.


Impulsive sensation seeking.

We used a seven-item scale from the short form of the ZKPQ that measures a tendency to act quickly on impulse without planning, often in response to a need for thrills and excitement, change, and novelty.31 Evidence in support of validity and reliability of this scale in male (α = 0.62) and female (α = 0.71) college students has been reported.31 A higher score on this scale indicates a higher degree of impulsiveness and thrill-seeking behavior.




This study, determined to be exempt from review by the Thomas Jefferson University institutional review board, was conducted with graduating medical students between 2011 and 2013 as part of the Jefferson Longitudinal Study of Medical Education.39,40

학생 명단을 주고 "어떤 반 동료가 당신의 전문적/개인적 성장에 유의미한 긍정적인 영향을 주었나요?" 라고 질문하고, 복수의 학생을 선택할 수 있게 함.

To identify students’ degree of positive social influence among their peers, we asked students in each graduating class to complete a peer nomination instrument, which included the names of all students in the class listed in alphabetical order. Students were told that these nominations would be used in a study designed to enhance understanding of personal connections. The instrument’s instructions asked students to think back on their medical school experiences and respond to the following question: “Which of your classmates had significant positive influences on your professional and personal development?” The instructions specified that students were to consider all of their classmates who had positive influences on them and to check as many names as they deemed necessary.

통계 분석

Statistical analyses

We used multivariate analysis of variance, followed by univariate analyses of variance and Duncan post hoc multiple range tests, to examine the significance of the difference between the top and bottom influencers (the independent variable) on each of the dependent variables (empathy, sociability, activity, self-esteem, loneliness, neuroticism, aggression-hostility, and impulsive sensation seeking). We also calculated Cohen d as an estimate of the effect size of the differences.41,42





가장 많은 영향력을 가진 학생집단은 더 공감적/사회적/적극적이었다. 성공적 리더십의 관계-지향적 특성과 맞는다.

Our findings suggest that students identified as the top influencers (i.e., those with the most positive influence nominations from their peers) are more empathic, sociable, and active than the bottom influencers (i.e., those with the fewest nominations). These personality attributes are indicative of an engaging, relationship-building personality, which is a prominent feature of successful leadership.7–9,11,12,14–19,43

긍정적인 사회적 영향과 높은 공감 사이의 정적 관계는 이전 연구와도 일치함. 프로페셔널리즘을 갖추었다고 동료에 의해서 많이 지명받은 학생이 JSE에서 높았다. 긍정적인 사회적 영향력과 공감 사이의 관계가 있으며, 공감적 리더는 팔로워의 일체감belonging에 대한 요구를 고려할 수 있는 사람이며, 팔로워의 소속감에 대한 요구를 자극하며, 팔로워의 감정을 인지하고, 팔로워의 우려를 이해하며, 이타적 행동으로 팔로워와 관계를 맺는다.

Our finding of a significant association between positive social influence and higher empathy is consistent with the findings of a previous study in which medical students who were nominated by their peers as displaying qualities related to professionalism obtained a significantly higher mean score on the JSE than their classmates.44 This significant association between positive social influence—described as the foundation of leadership2—and empathy was expected, given previous findings that empathic leaders are able to take into consideration their followers’ needs for belongingness,7 to stimulate their followers’ needs for affiliation,45 to recognize their followers’ emotions,13 to understand their followers’ concerns,19 and to make connections with their followers through altruistic action.8

이전 연구에서 긍정적 사회적 영향력을 미치는 의사들이 간호사로부터 환자 진료와 관계된 정보를 얻을 가능성이 더 높고, 진료의 질이 따라서 더 높아짐을 보여준 바 있다. 이는 긍정적 사회적 영향력이 더 나은 임상 결과를 가져다줌을 시사한다. 또한 긍정적인 영향을 주는 것으로 동료로부터 인정받는 것이 교수들이 학생의 임상적 역량에 대해 평가한 것과 유의미한 연관이 있었다.

Prior work has shown that physicians who exert positive social influence are more likely to receive pertinent information from nurses, consequently resulting in higher-quality patient care,46 which suggests that positive social influence can lead to better clinical outcomes. Additionally, in a recent study, we found a statistically significant association between peer recognition of positive influence and faculty ratings of medical students’ clinical competence in third-year core clinical clerkships.47

인성검사도구를 시행한 시점과 동료 지명 검사를 시행한 시점 사이의 간격이 제한점이 된다. 의과대학생의 인적특성이 의과대학 기간동안 변할 수 있다. 이러한 의견도 타당하나, 본 연구에 사용된 핵심 인적특성 - ZKPQ로 측정한 것들 - 이 생물-진화론적 토대를 두고 있기에, 특정한 개입 없이 쉽게 바뀌지 않기에 이런 시간 간격의 효과는 제한적이었을 것이다. 의과대학 기간 동안 이러한 측면에 목표를 둔 체계적인 프로그램은 없었음.

The time interval between the administration of the personality assessment instruments and the peer nomination instrument may be considered another limitation of this study. It could be argued that medical students’ personality attributes may have changed during medical school. Although there is merit to this argument, the effect of the time interval may be mitigated by the fact that some of the key personality attributes used in this study, such as those measured by the ZKPQ, have a biological–evolutionary basis31 and are not easily amenable to change without intervention. In addition, because there were no systematic or goal-directed programs to change students’ personality attributes during medical school, any changes would likely be random, rather than systematic, and thus would not substantially confound our findings.

효과크기가 좋게 봐줘야 중등도 정도여서 임상적(실용적) 유의미성이 있다고 보기 어려울 수 있다.

Because the effect size estimates were, at best, moderate, it could be argued that the clinical (practical) significance of our findings would be questionable.41,42

효과크기가 작긴 하나 평균적인 인성 연구와 비추어 보면 실망할 정도로 작은 것은 아니다.

However, the range of effect size estimates of statistically significant differences in our study (from 0.21 to 0.57) should not be discouraging, given that the average effect size estimate in personality research, according to a large meta-analytic study, is 0.21,48 and the average validity coefficient in undergraduate medical education research is 0.30.49

동료 지명Peer nomination은 의과대학생의 프로페셔널리즘의 지표로서도 유용했으며, 간호대학에서도 잠재적 리더를 선발하는데 권고된 바 있다. 의과대학의 잠재적 리더를 찾고, 효과적인 리더십을 배양해주는 것은 전문직과 사회를 위하여 좋을 것이다.

Peer nomination has also been found to be an indicator of qualities that are related to professionalism in medical students44 and in medical practice,50 and it has been recommended as a method for selecting potential nursing leaders.51 Identifying potential leaders in medicine and cultivating qualities that foster effective leadership in physicians-in-training would be beneficial to the profession and to society at large.52,53





긍정적인 사회적 영향력과 효과적인 리더십을 촉진하는 형성적 인성 사이에 유의미한 관계가 있다. 이러한 결과는 의과대학의 잠재적 리더를 양성farming하는 것보다 탐색identifying하는 것이 더 유용함을 시사한다. 이러한 탐색-기반 접근법은 의과대학으로부터 새로운 교육 프로그램을 설계하고 자원을 할당하는 부담을 줄여준다.

In addition, our findings, which suggest a significant link between positive social influence and engaging personality attributes that foster effective leadership (e.g., empathy), have important implications for identifying, rather than “farming,”47 potential leaders in medical school. Not only may this identification- based approach relieve schools from the burden of designing and allocating resources for a new educational program (as in a more traditional cultivation- based approach),

31 Zuckerman M. Zuckerman–Kuhlman Personality Questionnaire (ZKPQ): An alternative five-factorial model. In: de Raad B, Perugini M, eds. Big Five Assessment. Seattle, Wash: Hogrefe & Huber Publishers; 2002:377–396.

49 Ferguson E, James D, Madeley L. Factors associated with success in medical school: Systematic review of the literature. BMJ. 2002;324:952–957.

39 Gonnella JS, Hojat M, Veloski J. AM last page. The Jefferson longitudinal study of medical education. Acad Med. 2011;86:404.

 2015 Apr;90(4):505-10. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000000652.

Can empathyother personality attributes, and level of positive social influence in medical school identifypotential leaders in medicine?

Author information

  • 1Dr. Hojat is research professor of psychiatry and human behavior, Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, and director, Jefferson Longitudinal Study of Medical Education, Center for Research in Medical Education and Health Care, Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Dr. Michalec is assistant professor, Department of Sociology, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware. Mr. Veloski is director, Medical Education Division, Center for Research in Medical Education and Health Care, Sidney Kimmel MedicalCollege at Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Dr. Tykocinski is provost and executive vice president for academic affairs, Thomas Jefferson University, and Anthony F. and Gertrude M. De Palma Dean and Professor of Pathology, Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.



To test the hypotheses that medical students recognized by peers as the most positive social influencers would score (1) high on measures of engaging personality attributes that are conducive to relationship building (empathy, sociability, activity, self-esteem), and (2) low on disengaging personality attributes that are detrimental to interpersonal relationships (loneliness, neuroticism, aggression-hostility, impulsive sensation seeking).


The study included 666 Jefferson Medical College students who graduated in 2011-2013. Students used a peer nomination instrument toidentify classmates who had a positive influence on their professional and personal development. At matriculation, these students had completed a survey that included the Jefferson Scale of Empathy and Zuckerman-Kuhlman Personality Questionnaire short form and abridged versions of the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale and UCLA Loneliness Scale. In multivariate analyses of variance, the method of contrasted groups was used to compare the personality attributes of students nominated most frequently by their peers as positive influencers (top influencers [top 25% in their class distribution], n = 176) with those of students nominated least frequently (bottom influencers [bottom 25%], n = 171).


The top influencers scored significantly higher on empathy, sociability, and activity and significantly lower on loneliness compared with the bottom influencers. However, the effect size estimates of the differences were moderate at best.


The research hypotheses were partially confirmed. Positive social influencers appear to possess personality attributes conducive to relationship building, which is an important feature of effective leadership. The findings have implications for identifying and training potentialleaders in medicine.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

갑옷 선택하기: 사회과학으로서 의학교육 세우기 (Med Educ, 2009)

Picking up the gauntlet: constructing medical education as a social science

Lynn V Monrouxe1 & Charlotte E Rees2

최근 Bligh and Brice는 다음과 같이 주장했다. bibliometric analysis만으로 평가되는 위협에 대응하기 위해서는 우리는 반드시 새로운 측정지표를 활용하여 우리에게 연구를 위임하는(commission) 사람들에게 의학교육연구의 가치를 보여주어야 한다.

The challenge presented by Bligh and Brice1 is as follows: to counter the threat of bibliometric analysis alone, we must demonstrate the value of medical education research through new measurement indicators for those who commission our work.

의과학인가 사회과학인가?

should it be constructed as a medical or social science?



Bligh and Brice는 세 가지 이유를 언급했다.

Bligh and Brice1 offer a three- pronged perspective, suggesting that:

  • 첫째, 영국에서 의학교육연구는 흔히 의과학으로 보고 있으며, 이 때문에 앞으로도 의과학으로 볼 것이며 양적 지표로 평가하는 REF의 세 가지 의과학 분류 중 하나로 들어갈 것이다.
    firstly, medical education research in the UK is commonly viewed as a medical science, and as such ‘It appears probable that medical education research in the UK will continue to be viewed as a medical science rather than a social science’ and will therefore be cate- gorised within one of the REF’s three medical science categories and measured by quantitative indica- tors;
  • 둘째, 의학교육연구의 target audience는 임상가와 과학자이며, 우리는 실용적인 성과를 보여주어야 한다.
    secondly, that the target audi- ence for (and users of) medical education research consists of cli- nicians and scientists and we should demonstrate practical outcomes such as improved patient care in order to appease them, and,
  • 셋째, 의학교육연구에서 사용되는 방법론의 soft 한 특징 때문에 (RCT 등과 다른), 재정 지원 수준이 낮다.
    thirdly, that the ‘soft’ nature of the methodologies used by medical education researchers (rather than methods consistent with a medical paradigm, such as randomised controlled trials) result in the attainment of low levels of funding.

우리는 첫째로, Bligh and Brice의 의학교육연구가 'soft'사회과학이라기보다는 앞으로도 꾸준히 'hard'의과학일 것이라는 주장이 부분적으로 불완전하다고 생각하며, 둘째로 이러한 주장은 의학교육연구가 연구의 실용적 결과를 소비하는 사람들에게만 가치있는 것이라고 보는 관점이 위험하다고 생각한다.

We argue that, firstly, the premise through which Bligh and Brice1 reach their conclusion is partial, incomplete and comprises part of the problematic perspective through which medical education research continues to be con- structed as a ‘hard’ medical science, rather than a ‘soft’ social science, and, secondly, that restricting our sights to considering only the value that medical education research has for those who use or consume it for practical outcomes is detrimen- tal.

우리는 의학교육연구가 어떻게 의과학으로 만들어지는가에 대해서 관심을 가져보고자 한다. Bligh and Brice는 의학교육저널이 사회과학이 아니라 의과학으로 분류되며, 그 이유를 JCR을 근거로 삼았다. 그러나 JCR을 자세히 들여다보면 일부 저널들은 사회과학 DB에도 포함된다. 더 나아가 Thomson IS citation index는 이 세 가지 주요 의학교육저널에 논문을 출판하는 저자들이 SCI와 SSCI 목록에 모두 포함되어있음을 보여준다. 그리고 영국 바깥을 보면 Excellence in Research for Austra- lia (ERA) initiative와 같이 교육과정과 교육법 등으로 분류된 저널들이 있으며, 이는 사회과학/행동과학/경제과학으로 분류된다.

We begin by turning our attention to the construction of medical education research as a medical science. Bligh and Brice1 claim that the core medical education jour- nals (e.g. Medical Education, Aca- demic Medicine, Advances in Health Sciences Education, Medical Teacher, etc.) are identified with ‘hard’ medical rather than ‘soft’ social science because they appear in the ‘Science’ listings of Thomson’s journal citation reports (JCR). However, a closer look at the JCR shows that some journals (e.g. Advances in Health Sciences Educa- tion) appear in the social science database. Furthermore, the Thom- son IS citation index (which con- siders author citations, rather than journal citations) reveals that authors who publish in all of the core medical education journals appear in both the science and the social sciences citation index list- ings. And when we look outside the UK, for example, to the new Excellence in Research for Austra- lia (ERA) initiative,4 we find that these same journals have been labelled under curriculum and peda- gogy, which are categorised as social, behavioural and economic sciences.

흥미롭게도, 연구를 bibliometric 분석으로 보는 관점에서 의학교육연구는 의과학이나 생명과학의 주요 분야로 분류되지 않으며, 오히려 사회과학/행동과학으로 분류된다. 따라서 Bligh and Brice의 주장과 달리 의학교육연구는 사회과학으로 construct된다.

Interestingly, in the scoping study for the bibliometric analysis of quality in research3 cited by Bligh and Brice,1 medical education research is not classified under the major field of medical and life sci- ences; rather it is categorised under social and behavioural science (subfield: educational science ‘education, scientific disciplines’). Therefore, contrary to Bligh and Brice’s1 claim, medical education research is commonly constructed as a social science.

비록 우리가 과학자와 임상가가 의학교육연구의 중요한 사용자라는 것을 인정하더라도, 그들이 유일한 소비자는 아니다. 

Although we recog- nise scientists and clinicians to be bona fide users of medical education research, they are not the only legitimate users.

실제로, 여러 국제 저널에 나온 의학교육연구의 결과를 보면 다양한 독자층을 대상으로 하는 것을 볼 수 있다. 따라서 비록 우리가 우리의 연구가 환자 성과를 향상시키는데 중요하다고 인식하더라도, 우리는 의학교육연구가 다른 학문에 새로운 지식을 기여하는 바가 있으며, 사회과학의 방법론적/이론적 발달에도 동등하게 기여한다고 생각한다.

Indeed, with this in mind, findings from medical education research have been published across a range of international journals with dif- ferent target audiences (e.g. edu- cationalists and social scientists).5–8 Thus, although we recognise the importance of our research for improved patient outcomes, we assert that medical education research leading to the creation of new knowledge for other academics and contributing to methodologi- cal and theoretical developments in the social sciences is equally legiti- mate.9,10

독자층에 대한 우리의 관점을 좁게 잡으면, 그리고 우리 연구의 이론적 성과를 무시한다면, 우리는 우리 연구의 질을 손상시키는 것이다. 우리는 이것이 우리가 funding을 적게 받는 이유라고 생각한다. 그러나 pres- tigious award bodies로부터 완전한 funding (full economi- cally costed funding awards)을 받는 것도 가능하며, 이는 오직 이론적, 실제적, 정책적 성과가 명확하게 고려되고 의도되었을 때만 가능하다.

We believe that by restricting our attention to a narrow range of users (i.e. scientists and clinicians) and by ignoring the theoretical out- comes of our research (along with the theoretical underpinnings of educational research), we compro- mise the quality of the outcome of our research; we think this is the reason why we typically attract only low levels of funding.11 However, it is possible to obtain full economi- cally costed funding awards (i.e. funding that covers direct, indirect and total overhead costs) for med- ical education research from pres- tigious award bodies, but only when theoretical, practical and policy outcomes are explicitly considered and attended to.

예컨데 우리는 여러 의학교육연구비를 따낸 적이 있다. 

For example, we have made successful (and unsuc- cessful but alpha-rated) grant applications to various bodies for medical education research (e.g. the British Academy, the Nuffield Foundation, the Economic and Social Research Council).

중요한 것은 그러한 기관에서 지원받는 funding을 soft 연구방법론에만 쓰는 것이 대규모의 empirical 연구 프로젝트를 개발하는데 심각한 장애가 된다고 보여지는 것이다.

Importantly, all the funding received from such organisations has been for studies using the ‘soft methodological’ approaches (focus groups, individ- ual interviews, audio diaries, obser- vation etc.) cited by Bligh and Brice1 as representing serious bar- riers to the development of larger- scale empirical research projects.

의학교육연구가 다른 사회과학 연구와 유사하다고 보는 인식은, professional identity와 같은 문제에 있어서는 레토릭적으로는 유용한 이슈라고 본다. 예컨대 epistemic culture의 개념에 대해서 - 즉 서로 다른 과학(학문) 커뮤니티가  서로 다른 연구문화와 연구행태를 보인다 - 다루는 것이 있다. Albert 등은 많은 생의학자는 사회과학에서 사용되는 연구방법론을 잘 받아들이려 하지 않는데, 그 이유는 이 방법이 reliable하고 valid한 결과를 내지 못한다고 생각하기 때문이다. 따라서 의학에서 '황금률'인 RCT를 교육연구에도 적용할 수(그리고 적용해야) 있다는 관점은 임상가들의 professional identity를 유지시키는 것을 더 확실하게 해 주는 것일 뿐이다.

The perception that medical education research is akin to any other scien- tific research is, we think, rhetori- cally useful for issues such as professional identity. For example, drawing on the concept of ‘episte- mic culture’,12 which asserts that different scientific communities hold differing research cultures and practices, Albert et al.13 found that many biomedical scientists were unreceptive (or ambivalent) towards the research methods used within the social sciences as they believed these methods to be inadequate for producing reliable and valid results in the way that the experimental paradigm can. Therefore, the continued belief that the ‘gold standard’ of research in medicine – the randomised control trial – can (and should) be applied to educational research ensures that aspects of clinicians’ professional identities (that is, the science part) are upheld.

의학교육연구는 의학연구와 'poor relation'에 있는데, 이것은 애초에 사촌간이 아니기 때문이다(not a relation at all). 이 둘은 전혀 다른 두 가족에 속해있다.

Medical education research is not the ‘poor relation’ of medical research15 because it is not a rela- tion at all. Instead, it belongs to a different family altogether.

 2009 Mar;43(3):196-8. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2923.2008.03272.x.

Picking up the gauntletconstructing medical education as a social science.

Author information

  • 1Divisionof Medical Education, School of Medicine, Cardiff University, Room 158 Upper Ground Floor, B-C Link Corridor, Heath Park, Cardiff CF14 4XN, UK. monrouxelv@cardiff.ac.uk
[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

의학교육에서 윤리의 역할 강화하기 (CMAJ, 2003)

Strengthening the role of ethics in medical education

Peter A. Singer

어떻게 의학교육에서 윤리의 역할을 더 강화할 수 있을까? 한 가지 방법은 입학당시에 윤리적인 의사가 될 가능성이 더 높은 학생을 뽑는 것이다.

How can we strengthen the role of ethics in medical ed- ucation? One way of course is to select, at the time of ad- mission to medical school, students who are most likely to become ethical physicians.

두 번째 방법은 의과대학과 전공의 기간에 효과적인 윤리 교육을 하는 것이다. 도덕 추론을 기반으로 한 접근법은 중요한 한계가 있다. 이것은 퍼즐의 한 조각일 뿐이다. 여러가지 상황에 잘 대처하려면 의사는 상황 자체를 윤리적 딜레마로서 인식해야 한다. 또한 관련된 지식과 규범, 법과 정책을 알아야 하며, 어떻게 지식을 앞에 놓인 상황에 적용할 것인지 분석애햐 하며, 실제 상황에서 협상과 의사소통에 필요한 스킬을 발휘해야 한다. 도덕적 추론이 필요하긴 하나, 최종적으로 필요한 것은 수행이다.

A second way is to provide effective ethics training dur- ing medical school and residency training.3 Approaches based on moral reasoning have an important limitation: they are only one piece of the puzzle. To address effectively the disclosure of bad news, informed consent, confidential- ity, dishonesty, research ethics, end-of-life care, resource allocation and the like, the doctor must recognize situations as an ethical dilemma; possess the relevant knowledge of norms, laws and policies; analyze how this knowledge ap- plies to the situation at hand; and demonstrate the skills needed to communicate and negotiate this situation in practice. Moral reasoning is required, but the final com- mon pathway is performance.

윤리성에 대한 수행능력을 평가하는 것은 세 번째 방법이다. 명백하게, 그러한 평가에 있어 결정적인 순간은 실제로 환자와 의사가 대면하는 순간이다.

Evaluation of performance in ethics is a third way to strengthen the role of ethics in medical education. Obvi- ously, the moment of truth in such evaluations is the actual patient–doctor encounter. 

의사 뿐 아니라 동료/간호사/환자/가족의 평가가 중요하다.

It will be important to evaluate not only attending physicians’ assessments of the ethics and pro- fessionalism of students and residents but also the assess- ments by peers, nurses and, especially, patients and families.

네 번째 방법은 윤리적 학습 환경을 만드는 것이다. 학생-연구자는 거의 동료 학생의 절반이 임상상황에서 비윤리적으로 행동해야 할 것 같은 압박을 느꼈다고 보고했다. 행동은 외부와 단절된 상태(in a vacuum)에서 일어나는 것이 아니다. Patenaude 등은 'hidden curriculum'을 가능한 설명의 하나로 언급했다.

About 2 years ago a group of medical students, working with the support of faculty, highlighted the fourth way to strengthen the role of ethics in medical education: create an ethical learning climate. The student-researchers found that nearly half of their fellow students reported clinical sit- uations in which they felt pressured to act unethically.5 Per- formance does not occur in a vacuum. Indeed, Patenaude and associates cite the “hidden curriculum” as a possible explanation for their findings.

의사 헌장 physician charter.

This topic of professionalism has recently been ad- dressed in the form of a physician charter.8

8. Medical professionalism in the new millennium: a physician charter. Ann In- tern Med 2002;136:243-6.

 2003 Apr 1;168(7):854-5.

Strengthening the role of ethics in medical education.

Author information

  • 1University of Toronto Joint Centre for Bioethics, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON. peter.singer@utoronto.ca
[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] 
Free PMC Article

차원, 담화, 차이: 피훈련자 입장에서의 리더십과 팔로우십(Med Educ, 2015)

Dimensions, discourses and differences: trainees conceptualising health care leadership and followership

Lisi J Gordon,1 Charlotte E Rees,2 Jean S Ker1 & Jennifer Cleland3

현대의 헬스케어 리더십은 조직의 다양한 레벨에 걸쳐 분배되어야 하며, 지위나 전문성과 무관하게 그 상황에 가장 적합한 사람에 의해서 수행되어야 하는 것으로 인식된다. 이를 통해서 환자 경험을 향상시키고, 실수, 감염, 사망을 줄이고, 직원의 사기를 높이고 직원의 결근과 스트레스를 줄이는 것으로 보고된다 그러나 세계의 다양한 맥락에서의 결과를 보면 헬스케어의 리더십에 근본적인 실패를 보여주며, 이는 전통적인 위계적 리더십과 관련되어 있음을 강조한다. 다른 말로는, 이론과 실천 사이에 갭이 있는 것이다.

Contemporary health care leadership is seen as something that should be distributed across many levels of an organisation and undertaken by those most appropriate to the situation, regardless of position or profession.1–3 This is reported to improve the patient experience, reduce errors, infection and mortality, increase staff morale, and reduce staff absenteeism and stress.4,5 However, reports from different contexts worldwide have illustrated fundamental failures in leadership in health care, highlighting that issues are related to traditional leadership hierarchies (e.g. the 2013 Francis Report1 in the UK and the 2008 Garling Report3 in Australia). In other words, there is a gap between theory and practice in health care leader- ship.

리더십을 개발할 수 있는 가장 효과적인 방법에 대해서 고려하기 전에, 이 주제에 대한 기존 문헌을 살펴볼 필요가 있을 것이다.

Before considering the most effective ways in which leadership can be developed, it is important to con- sider the health care literature on this topic.

우리가 사용한 '담화'라는 단어는 푸코가 '사고의 시스템'에 대해서 가졌던 관점이다. 담화를 이러한 방식으로 바라보는 것은 하나의 개념에 대해서 - 주어진 시간에 다양한 맥락에서 - 생각하고 대화하는 방식을 특징지어준다. 비록 우리가 문헌의 formal discourse analysis를 수행한 것은 아니지만 회색문헌(grey literature)와 학계 문헌에서 네 가지 포괄적인 리더십 담화를 ㄷ출했다.

The word ‘discourse’ is used here to describe discourse accord- ing to the Foucauldian view of discourse as a system of thought that is historically situated.6–8 Using dis- course in this way characterises a way of thinking and talking about a concept (such as leadership) that appears in a range of contexts (e.g. in research litera- ture or policy documents) at a given time.9 Although we did not conduct a formal discourse analysis of the literature, we identified four broad discourses of leadership in the grey and academic literature: indi- vidualist, contextual, relational and complexity dis- courses.

의학교육에서 리더십은 종종 배워야 하는 스킬이나 개발해야 하는 행동의 집합체로 정의된다.

In medical education, leadership is often defined as a skill to be learned or a set of behaviours to be developed.

예를 들어 영국에서 'Medical Leadership Competency Framework'가 2010년 개발되었고, 더 최근에는 'Healthcare Leadership Model'이 만들어졌다. 추가로 UK GMC는 모든 의사에게 있어서 '리더십과 관리'를 도달해야 하는 리더십 역량으로 지적하였다. 아마 이러한 역량의 관점에서 최근의 리더십 교육 프로그램에 관한 systematic review는 단지 지식/스킬/태도/행도의 교육훈련이 중등도(modest)의 효과만을 가짐을 보여주었다.

For example, within the UK context, a ‘Medical Leadership Competency Framework’ was developed in 2010 and more recently a ‘Healthcare Leadership Model’ has been created.24,27 In addition, the UK General Medical Council (GMC) document Leadership and Management for all Doctors pinpoints ways in which leadership ‘competencies’ can be met.28 Perhaps related to this competency focus, a recent systematic review of leadership education programmes described only a ‘modest’ impact of training on knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours.29

전통적으로 팔로워들은 리더십을 '받는 사람'으로 여겨지며, 리더십의 비전과 목표에 따라 행동하고 이를 조절(moderate)하는 사람으로 여겨졌다. 광범위한 리더십 문헌에서 팔로워십에 대한 구체적 논의는 없다.

Traditionally, followers are understood to be the ‘re- cipients’ of leadership who act on and ‘moderate’ the leader’s vision or goals.30 Within the wider lead- ership literature there is an acknowledged lack of specific discussion about followership, which is reflected in health care education research.31,32

헬스케어의 회색문헌은 공유된/전파된 리더십을 관계적 담화의 차원에 둔다. 그러나 경험적 연구를 보면 리더십 특성, 행동, 스타일 등을 만드는 것은 개인주의자적 담화와 잘 들어맞는다. 다른 연구 역시 이러한 개인주의를 관통하는데, 이 경우 좋은 리더를 만드는 것은 무엇인지, 어떤 사람에게 어떤 것이 필요한지 등에 초점을 둔다. 그러나 Fairhrst와 Uhl-Bein은 리더십 연구를 '개인에 기반을 둔 이론이나 설문을 넘어서 관계적 프로세스를 리더십의 핵심에 두어야 한다'라고 주장했다. 다른 사람들은 리더십의 정의를 보다 분명하게 할 것을 요구하면서, 맥락과 조직 시스템의 역할이 중요함을 인정했다.

The health care grey literature commonly argues for shared and distributed leadership, mapping to a relational discourse.33,34 However, empirical studies in health care have focused on establishing leader traits, behaviours and styles, aligned with an individ- ualist discourse (e.g.35,36). Other research perpetu- ates this individualism by focusing on defining what makes a good leader or what attributes belong to whom (e.g.37–39). However, Fairhurst and Uhl-Bein argue for leadership research approaches that ‘go beyond individual based theorising and survey approaches to the interactional processes at the heart of leadership’.40 Others have called for more distinct articulation of the definitions of leadership, recognising the important roles of context and organisational systems.41,42

종종 참가자들의 인터뷰로 헬스케어나 의학계에서 리더십 역할에 대해 다룬 적이 있다. 예를 들어 16명의 의학교육 리더를 인터뷰하여 Leiff와 Albert는 네 개의 핵심 리더십 수행 영역을 찾았으며, 리더들이 리더십 개발을 근무지와 연결시키는 것을 선호함을 밝혔다.

Often, participants of interview studies have already attained leadership roles within health care or academic medicine.43–45 For example, in interviews of 16 medical education leaders, Leiff and Albert45 found four key areas of leadership practice (intrap- ersonal, interpersonal, organisational and systemic) and reported that leaders preferred to link leader- ship development to the workplace.

Souba 등은 리더십이 어떤 맥락에서 개념화되는 방식이 그 리더십에 관한 대화와 그것이 시행되는 것에 영향을 준다고 했다.

Souba53 argues that the way in which leadership is conceptualised in a context affects how it is talked about and, indeed, enacted.



의미가 사회적 상호작용에 의해서 구성된다는 전데를 두고, 이 연구는 인식론적으로는 사회적 구성주의에 토대를 두고 있다. 이러한 인식론적 관점은 리더십이 사회적으로 구성되는 과정이며, 관계적이고 맥락적이라는 우리의 이론적 관점과 잘 맞는다. 현실에 대한 다양한 인식과 해석을 이해하는데 목적을 둔 연구질문에 대답하기 위해서 그룹 인터뷰와 개별 인터뷰의 thematic framework analysis 를 사용한 해석적 접은을 했다.

In line with the premise that meaning is con- structed through social interaction, this research is epistemologically grounded in social construction- ism.54 This epistemological stance aligns with our theoretical viewpoint that leadership is a socially constructed process that is both relational and contextual.40 In order to answer research questions aimed at understanding multiple perspectives and interpretations of reality, an interpretive approach using thematic framework analysis of group and individual interviews was employed.54,55

자료 수집

Data collection

A series of group and individual interviews were carried out at times and places convenient for par- ticipants. Individual interviews were offered when group interviews were not possible (e.g. as a result of work schedules). After they had provided written consent, participants were asked to complete an individual written data sheet, which included demo- graphic questions, plus space to provide free-text answers to the questions: ‘What is leadership?’ and ‘What is followership?’ 

An interview schedule was designed to provide guidance to the interviewers as to the structure of the interview for consistency in approach. Relevant to this paper, participants were asked about how they defined leadership and followership, and to explore their experiences of health care leadership and followership (at this point narrative interview techniques were used and are reported elsewhere [L.J. Gordon, C.E. Rees, J.S. Ker, J. Cleland. Exploring medical trainees’ experi- ences of leadership and followership through narratives of the health care workplace; unpublished paper 2015]). All interviews were audio-recorded (with permission) and along with the written answers to the free-text items, transcribed.

자료 분석

Data analysis

Thematic framework analysis was undertaken.55,57 Familiarisation with the data was achieved by listening to audio-recordings while reading transcripts. At this point, all transcripts were checked for accuracy, and paralinguistic features (e.g. pauses, laughter) were added and data were anonymised. The research team then developed a thematic framework through dis- cussion and negotiation of key themes. An initial cod- ing framework was drafted which included both what participants said and how they said it (this was done by listening to the interviews whilst reading tran- scripts). All data pertaining to trainees’ definitions of leadership and followership were coded as dimen- sions of leadership and followership (‘dimensions’ being akin to the ‘themes’ of the definitions) using ATLAS.ti Version 7.0 (Scientific Software Development GmbH, Berlin, Germany). New dimensions were added as and when identified (and agreed through further discussion within the research team).

In addition, we coded these definitions as either solicited (when participants were specifically asked to define leadership or followership) or unsolicited (when participants volunteered a definition of lead- ership or followership as part of the general discus- sion or within narratives). Differentiating between solicited and unsolicited definitions allowed us to make comparisons between structured and unstruc- tured parts of the interviews and perhaps identify differences in explicit/conscious and tacit/uncon- scious understandings of leadership and follower- ship.58 These definitions were then mapped to the discourses of leadership common in the literature: individualist, contextual, relational and complexity discourses (Table 1).

ATLAS.ti software allowed us to explore patterns in the data in terms of differences between trainee groups. It is increasingly common within qualita- tive research to numerically explore such patterns through the use of computer-assisted qualitative data analysis software (CAQDAS).59 We interro- gated the data according to four specialty groupings: 

    • (i) surgical (including trauma and orthopaedics, general surgery, ear, nose and throat [ENT], obstetrics and gynaecology); 
    • (ii) medical (including general medicine, emergency medicine, psychiatry, cardiology, renal medicine, acute medi- cine, paediatrics and core medical training); 
    • (iii) general practice (GP), and 
    • (iv) service specialties (including anaesthesiology, radiology and pathology). 

We also explored patterns in the data according to training stage: 

    • (i) early-stage (Foundation Programme [FP] trainees, core trainees and specialty trainees at or prior to the half-way point of specialty training), and 
    • (ii) higher-stage (trainees beyond the half-way point of specialty training up to certificate of completion of training).


리더십 차원: (행동)으로서의 리더십

Leadership dimension: leadership as behaviour 

리더십은 다음의 행동을 포함하는 것으로 정의된다: 효과적 의사소통, 효과적 위윔, 자신감, 조화, 사례 제시, 의사 결정 등

Leadership is defined as behaviour including: effective communication; effective delegation; confidence; coordination; setting example; decision making, etc.

리더십 차원: (역할)로서의 리더십

Leadership dimension: leadership as role

피훈련자들은 직군간 업무가 있는 상황에서, 의사로서 그들 자신을 리더로 기대했다. 피훈련자들은 또한 리더를 명명된 역할 혹은 단계-특이적인 것(GP혹은 컨설턴트가 리더이다)으로 말했다.

Trainees describe the expectation by themselves and others in the interprofessional workplace that as doctors, they are the leader. Trainees also talk about leader as a named role or described as stage-specific (e.g. GP or consultant equals leader)

리더십 차원: (위계)으로서의 리더십

Leadership dimension: leadership as hierarchy

리더십은 의료 혹은 직군간 위계의 한 부분이었다. 여기에는 주니어 피훈련자도, 만약 그 맥락에서 가장 시니어라면, 자동적으로 의사가 되는 상황도 포함한다.

Leadership is talked about as something that is part of the medical or interprofessional hierarchy. This includes when a junior trainee, as the most senior person within a context, will automatically be the leader

리더십 차원: (그룹 프로세스)으로서의 리더십

Leadership dimension: leadership as group process

이 영역은 팀워크와 관련된 것이며, 단직군, 다직군 상황에 모두 관련된 것이다. 피훈련자들은 리더십을 팀의 한 부분이 되는 프로세스라고 언급했으며, 소속감과 그룹의 목표에 초점을 두는 것을 통해 팀 수행능력과 긴밀히 연관된다고 했다.

This dimension is focused around team working that is both uni- and interprofessional. Trainees talk about leadership as a process that is part of team working and closely related to team performance through a sense of belonging and with a focus on group goals

리더십 차원: (인성)으로서의 리더십

Leadership dimension: leadership as personality

여기에 해당하는 사례는 인성 혹은 어떤 개인이 '타고난' 리더인 것이다. 다른 것으로는 리더 위치에 있기를 좋아하는 사람에 대한 것도 있다. 종종 이 영역에서 리더가 만들어지는 것인지 타고난 것인지에 대한 논의가 있었다.

Examples of this include trainees’ talk about dominant personalities or individuals being ‘natural’ leaders. Other data talks about people who prefer to be in leadership positions. Often within this dimension there was discussion about whether leaders were ‘born’ or ‘made’

리더십 차원: (원칙과 가치)으로서의 리더십

Leadership dimension: leadership as principles and values

피훈련자는 리더는 공정하고, 다가갈 수 있고, 코치해주고 지지해주며, 팔로워들이 개발과 학습할 수 있게 해주는 것이라고 했다.

Trainees talked about a leader being fair, approachable, coaching and supportive, and allowing followers to develop and learn

리더십 차원: (책임)으로서의 리더십

Leadership dimension: leadership as responsibility

피훈련자들은 리더십이 어떻게 임상적 책임과 동등한지 설명했다. 주어진 상황에서 궁극적인 임상적 책임을 갖는 사람이 리더였다.

Trainees describe how leadership equates to clinical responsibility. The person who has ultimate clinical responsibility within a given situation was perceived to be the leader

리더십 차원: (스킬)으로서의 리더십

Leadership dimension: leadership as skills

리더십을 협상기술, 위임기술이라고 묘사했다. 이는 구체적으로 어떤 스킬을 언급했다는 것에서 '행동'과는 차이가 있는데, 또한 구체적 임상 스킬 역시 한 개인을 리더로 규정하는 것이라 했다.

Trainees describe leadership as skills such as negotiation skills, delegation skills. This differs from behaviours in that there is specific mention of skills. Trainees also describe specific clinical skills that identify a person as the clinical leader

팔로워십 차원: (행동)으로서의 팔로워십

Followership dimension: followership as behaviours

이 영역은 팔로워십을 피훈련자가 임상 현장에서 일반적으로 지녀야 할 행동의 집합으로 보았다.

This dimension focuses on followership being a set of individual behaviours which trainees perceive to be typical within the health care workplace

팔로워십 차원: (능동적 참여자)으로서의 팔로워십

Followership dimension: followership as active participant

팔로워십을 주어진 상황에서 리더가 누군지 선택하거나 능동적으로 리더를 지지하는(혹은 지지하지 않는) 것이라 했음.

Trainees described followers choosing who the leaders are in a given situation or through actively supporting (or not supporting) the leader

팔로워십 차원: (프로세스)으로서의 팔로워십

Followership dimension: followership as group process

피훈련자는 팔로워들이 팀 내에서 행해야 하는 역할로 이해하였다. 여기서 팔로워는 팀 구성원 또는 팀 플레이어로 여겨졌다. 일부 피훈련자들은 '팔로워'를 '팀멤버'와 상호교환적으로 사용했다.

This dimension describes trainees’ understandings of the role that followers have to play within a team. Within this, followers are seen to be team members and team players. Some trainees used the terms ‘follower’ and ‘team member’ interchangeably

팔로워십 차원: (모르는 단어)으로서의 팔로워십

Followership dimension: followership as unknown term

피훈련자들은 팔로워십을 몰랐던, 혹은 새로운 단어라고 했다. 일부 피훈련자들은 이 연구를 위해 만든 단어가 아니냐고 물었다.

Here, trainees explicitly state that ‘followership’ is an unknown or new term. Some trainees questioned whether the term had been made up for the purpose of this study

팔로위섬 차원: (수동성)으로서의 팔로워십

Followership dimension: followership as passive

수동적인 것으로 보았다. 어떤 지시를 맹목적으로 따르거나 그룹 목표를 설정하는 데 참여하지 않는 것이다.

Here, trainees see followership as passive. Trainees describe following instructions ‘blindly’ and with no participation in decision making about group goals

팔로워십 차원: (위계)으로서의 팔로워십

Followership dimension: followership as hierarchy

만약 어떤 시니어가 존재하는 상황이 있다면, 그를 따라야 하며, 그래서 팔로워십이라고 하기도 함.

Trainees link followership talk about the clear- cut assumption that if there is someone more senior present, trainees will defer to them and are therefore followers

팔로워십 차원: (인성)으로서의 팔로워십

Followership dimension: followership as personality

한 사람의 인성과 관계된 것. 리더십 특성이 없거나, 그래서 기본적으로 팔로워가 될 수밖에 없는 것

Trainees talk about followership as something relating to someone’s personality. They were often seen to be lacking leadership traits and therefore by default they become a follower

팔로워십 차원: (역할)으로서의 팔로워십

Followership dimension: followership as role

다직군간 근무환경에서 주니어 의사를 팔로워가 되어야 한다고 기대했다. 이 영역은 피훈련자들의 다직군간 상황에서 누가 리드하고 누가 따르는지에 대한 역할과 기대에 대한 것이었다.

Trainees expect junior doctors to be the followers within the interprofessional health care workplace. This dimension is also relevant when trainees are talking about interprofessional roles and expectations of who should lead and who should follow (e.g. doctors as leaders and nurses as followers)

리더십과 팔로워십에 대한 담화

Discourses of leadership and followership

개인주의적 담화

Individualist discourse


가장 흔하게 드러난 것으로서 피훈련자들은 근무지에서 '한 명의 리더'를 특정해냈다. 리더십을 정의하는 데 있어서 개인주의적 아이디어는 개인의 행동, 인성, 리더십 스타일의 묘사로부터 드러난다. 피훈련자들은 또한 리더를 임명되는 것 혹은 직위와 같은 개인차원의 것으로 보면서, 한 개인이 가진 지식이나 전문성에 따라 어느 개인을 리더로 정의했다.

As the most commonly identified discourse mapped to talk across the dataset (Table 4), trainees would single out ‘the leader’ within their workplace. Individualist ideas about defining leadership were articulated through descriptions of individual behaviours, personality and leader- ship style. Trainees also described leaders individualistically with relation to designation and role, defining individuals as leaders as a result of their knowledge and expertise (Table 3, Quote 16).

맥락적 담화

Contextual discourse

어떤 것에 있어서 어떤 사람을 리더로 보고, 다른 것에 대해서는 다른 사람을 리더로 본다는 식의 접근이 있었다. 또한 어떻게 한 맥락에서 맥락 내에서의 지위와 책임의 적절성에 따라서 서로 다른 개인들이 리더십을 맡게 되는지를 설명했다. 리더는 상황에 따라서 리더십 스타일을 적용해야 하며, 예컨대 일상적 임상상황과 급성 심장마비 상황에서 달라야 한다고 했다.

Trainees explained that they might approach cer- tain leaders for certain things (e.g. to resolve con- flict) and others for different issues (e.g. career planning). Trainees also described how in certain contexts (e.g. surgical theatre), different individuals would take on leadership as it was appropriate to their position and responsibilities within that con- text (Table 2, Quote 7). Leaders were also seen to adapt their leadership style according to the situa- tion, for example, as they moved from routine clini- cal care to an acute cardiac arrest.

관계적 담화
Relational discourse

토론의 많은 부분에서 효과적인 팀워크와 어떻게 리더가 팀워크를 조절하고 촉진하는지가 언급되었으며, 특히 solicited definition에서 그러했다. 피훈련자들은 팀 구성원(팔로워)를 리더의 결정에 영향을 주는 핵심으로 보았다. 피훈련자들은 의료에서의 위계를 언급할 때 관계적 담화와 연결시켰으며, 이는 특히 그 위계에서 스스로의 위치를 정의하는 관점에서 그러하였다.

Effective team working and how leaders coordinated and facilitated this represented the focus of much discussion, particularly within solicited definitions. Trainees saw team members (or followers) as key to influencing a leader’s decisions; who the leaders and followers were in their workplaces were thought to remain static (Table 3, Quote 11). Trainees also aligned with a relational discourse when discussing the medical hierarchy, in particular from the per- spective of defining their own position within that hierarchy (Table 3, Quote 14).

복잡성 담화

Complexity discourse

피훈련자들은 리더십과 팔로워십을 개인에게 부여된 특성이라기보다는 프로세스로 보았다. 리더십은 헬스케어 팀에서 늘 움직이는 역동적인 것이며 상황에 따라 협상해야 하는 것이다. 여러 개인과 관계, 맥락의 복잡한 상호작용에 대해 언급하면서 그 즉각적 상황의 요구에 따라 '한 발 나아가기' '한 발 후퇴하기'를 하는 것이 리더십과 팔로워십이라고 했다. 복잡성 담화는 가장 적게 언급된 것이었다.

Trainees talked about leadership and followership as representing a process rather than as characteristics attributed to an individual. Leadership was seen as a dynamic entity that moved around the health care team and was negotiated according to the situation. Trainees talked about the complex interplay among individuals, relationships and context, and described ‘stepping forward’ or ‘stepping back’ into leadership or followership roles according to the needs of the immediate situation. Complexity was the discourse least mapped to talk across the dataset.




우리는 우리의 질문을 이전 리더십 연구에서 사용된 것과는 다르게 구성하였다. 개인의 행동, 특성, 기술에 초점을 두기 보다는 '무엇이 리더십이고' 무엇이 팔로워십이냐'를 물었고, '무엇' 혹은 '누구'가 좋은 리더냐고 묻지 않았다. 이러한 접근을 통해서 리더십과 팔로워십을 정의하는 다양한 방식을 찾았다. 여기서 드러난 영역의 폭이 넓지만 리더십을 이해할 때 보다 덜 복잡한 방식의 선호가 두드러졌다(행동, 위계, 인성). 특히 unsolicited talk에서 개인주의적 관점이 피훈련자의 이해를 지배하고 있었음을 강조한다.

We framed our questions differently from those used in previous leadership research. Rather than focus- ing on an individual’s behaviour, traits and skills,40 we asked participants to discuss ‘what is leadership’ and ‘what is followership’ rather than ‘what’ or ‘who’ makes a good leader. Through this approach, we explored the multiple ways in which leadership and followership can be defined. Despite the breadth of dimensions identified, the preference was for more unsophisticated ways of understanding leadership (such as behaviours, hierarchy and per- sonality), particularly in unsolicited talk, highlight- ing that an individualist focus dominates medical trainees’ understandings.

피훈련자들이 초반에 팔로워십의 정의에서 어려워했던 부분은 현대 문헌에서 리더-팔로워 관계의 묘사와도 echo한다. 예컨대 팔로워는 종종 리더십 과정에서의 능동적 참여자로 구성되어진다. 그러나 이 대화의 많은 부분은 본질적으로 가설적이고, 인터뷰가 unsolicited talk로 갈수록 팔로워십에 대한 설명은 줄어들었다. 이는 팔로워 혹은 팔로워십이라는 용어와 관련한 우리의 관찰결과가, 비록 현대의 리더십 문헌에서는 흔한 것이더라도, 헬스케어 영역에서는 많이 사용되는 것이 아님을 보여준다. 주자하건대, 팔로워 혹은 팔로워십이라는 용어는 '팀'이라는 용어로 대체된다.

Initial difficulties in getting trainees to define fol- lowership gave way to descriptions echoing contem- porary definitions of leader–follower relationships in the literature; for example, followers were some- times constructed as active participants in the lead- ership process.61 However, much of this talk was hypothetical in nature and as discussion moved on to unsolicited talk, explanations of followership became scarce. This may be related to our observa- tion that the terms ‘follower’ and ‘followership’, although commonplace within the contemporary leadership literature, are not widely utilised within health care spheres. Arguably, the terms ‘follower’ and ‘followership’ in health care are replaced by terms referring to ‘teams’.4,24,26

수련 단계에 따라 개념적 차이가 있는 것을 보면, 낮은 수련단계의 경우 높은 단계인 경우보다 리더십을 덜 복잡하게 개념화하고 있었다. 이는 리더십에 대한 직무 경험이 적고 formal 리더십 개발 프로그램에서 끌어낼 능력이 적은 것이 이유일 것이다.

Exploring differences in conceptualisations between training stages revealed that early-stage trainees held less sophisticated conceptualisations of leadership than higher-stage trainees. This may reflect their limited workplace experiences of leadership and their inability to yet draw on any formal leadership development programmes (these being typically reserved for higher-stage trainees in the UK).63


우리 연구는 피훈련자가 리더십을 개념화하는데 맥락의 영향 (전공 유형에 따라) 이 있음을 강조한다. Willcocks는 서로 다른 의료 전공 내에서 문화적 맥락에 영향을 주는 여섯 개 요인을 찾았다.

Our research also highlighted the influence of con- text (in terms of specialty grouping) on trainees’ conceptualisations of leadership. Willcocks identi- fied six factors that influence cultural context within different medical specialties, including

  • 역사적 배경 historical background,
  • 직무의 특성과 기술의 활용 the nature of the work and use of tech- nology,
  • 내적-외적 관계 internal and external relationships,
  • 개인주의와 동기 individu- alism and motivation,
  • 전공-간 상호작용과 의사소통 inter-specialty interaction and communication, and
  • 가치와 사회화 values and socialisation, and

그러면서 서로 다른 전공문화가 '매니지먼트'를 서로 다른 방식으로 경험한다고 했다.

argued that different specialty cultures experience ‘management’ (and thus possibly leadership) in dif- ferent ways.50


예를 들면 수술관련 전공

For example, surgery is well known for its traditional hierarchical practices. The use of various tools to rate surgeons’ leadership beha- viours, including example setting and individual performance indicators, might, for example, perpet- uate an individualist discourse with respect to surgi- cal leadership.51,52,64


각 전공 내에서 교육활동도 영향을 줄 것이다. 예를 들면 마취과에서 리더십은 non-technical skill이다. 이러한 요인을 고려하면, 전공 간 리더십을 서로 다르게 개념화하는 것은 놀랍지 않다. 다시 한 번, 전공 사이의 차이는 맥락과 교육이 리더십과 팔로워십을 개념화하는데 있어서 중요한 역할을 함을 강조한다.

Educational practices within specialties may also influence conceptualisations of leadership and followership; for example, within anaesthesia, leadership is seen as a non-technical skill to be learned.65 Given these factors, it is per- haps unsurprising that differences in conceptualisa- tions were identified across specialties.50 Again, the differences among specialty groups highlight the important roles that context and educational influence can play in how leadership and follower- ship are conceptualised.

24 National Health Service Leadership Academy. Healthcare Leadership Model: The Nine Dimensions of Leadership Behaviour. Leeds: NHS Leadership Academy 2013. 

25 Stoller JK. Commentary: recommendations and remaining questions for health care leadership training programmes. Acad Med 2013;88:12–5. 

26 Royal College of Physicians Canada. CanMEDs 2015: Stepping up emphasis on leadership competencies. Dialogue. http://www.royalcollege.ca/portal/page/ portal/rc/resources/publications/dialogue/vol13_10 /canmeds2015_leadership. [Accessed 8 October 2015.]


 2015 Dec;49(12):1248-62. doi: 10.1111/medu.12832.

Dimensionsdiscourses and differencestrainees conceptualising health care leadership and followership.

Author information

  • 1Medical Education Institute, School of Medicine, University of Dundee, Dundee, UK.
  • 2Faculty of Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.
  • 3Division of Medical and Dental Education, School of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, UK.



As doctors in all specialties are expected to undertake leadership within health care organisations, leadership development has become an inherent part of medical education. Whereas the leadership literature within medical education remains mostly focused on individual, hierarchicalleadership, contemporary theory posits leadership as a group process, which should be distributed across all levels of health care organisation. This gap between theory and practice indicates that there is a need to understand what leadership and followership mean to medical trainees working in today's interprofessional health care workplace.


Epistemologically grounded in social constructionism, this research involved 19 individual and 11 group interviews with 65 UK medicaltrainees across all stages of training and a range of specialties. Semi-structured interviewing techniques were employed to capture medical trainees' conceptualisations of leadership and followership. Interviews were audiotaped, transcribed verbatim and analysed using thematic framework analysis to identify leadership and followership dimensions which were subsequently mapped onto leadership discourses found in the literature.


Although diversity existed in terms of medical trainees' understandings of leadership and followership, unsophisticated conceptualisations focusing on individual behaviours, hierarchy and personality were commonplace in trainees' understandings. This indicated the dominance of an individualist discourse. Patterns in understandings across all stages of training and specialties, and whether definitions were solicited or unsolicited, illustrated that context heavily influenced trainees' conceptualisations of leadership and followership.


Our findings suggest that UK trainees typically hold traditional understandings of leadership and followership, which are clearly influenced by the organisational structures in which they work. Although education may change these understandings to some extent, changes inleadership practices to reflect contemporary theory are unlikely to be sustained if leadership experiences in the workplace continue to be based on individualist models.

© 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

[PubMed - in process]

의학교육에서 자기성찰(reflection) 가르치기 위한 12가지 팁(Med Teach, 2011)

Twelve tips for teaching reflection at all levels of medical education

Louise Aronson

Ti p 1 Define reflection

Critical reflection은 Mezirow는 다음과 같이 묘사했다.

Critical reflection,by contrast, has been described by Mezirow as follows:

어떻게, 그리고 왜 우리의 예상(presupposition)이 우리가 세상을 인식하고 이해하고 느끼는 방법을 제한하는지 비판적으로 인식하는 과정이다. 또한 이러한 이러한 가정(assumption)을 재형성하여 더 수용적이고, 사리분별이 있고, 투과가능하고, 통합적 관점을 만드는 과정이다. 또한 이러한 새로운 이해에 작용하는 의사결정을 내리는 과정이다. 더 수용적이고, 사리분별이 있고, 투과가능하고, 통합적 관점은 성인이 선택할 수만 있다면 선택하는 우월한 관점이며, 왜냐하면 이것이 그들의 경험의 의미를 덛 잘 이해할 수 있게 동기를 부여하기 때문이다.

...the process of becoming critically aware of how and why our presuppositions have come to constrain the way we perceive, understand, and feel about our world; of reformulating these assumptions to permit a more inclusive, discriminating, permeable and integrative perspective; and of making decisions or otherwise acting on these new understandings. More inclusive, discriminating, permeable and integrative perspectives are superior perspectives that adults choose if they can because they are motivated to better understand the meaning of their experience (Mezirow 1990).

단순히 말하자면, 비판적 성찰은 경험을 분석하고, 경험에 대하여 의문을 가지고, 그것을 경험을 재구성하는 평가를 수행하여 학습(성찰적 학습)을 하고 실천을 개선(성찰적 실천)하는 것이다.

Simply put, critical reflection is the process of analyzing, questioning, and reframing an experience in order to make an assessment of it for the purposes of learning (reflective learning) and/or to improve practice (reflective practice).

효과적인 성찰이란, 따라서, 시간과 노력, 의지를 필요로 한다. 행동에 대한 의문을 가져야 하고, 잠재된 신념과 가치에 의문을 가져야 하며, 다양한 관점을 추구하는데 필요하다. 이 트리플-루프 접근법은 단순히 미래의 비슷한 경험에 대한 대안을 찾는 것(싱글-루프), 또는 결과의 이유를 찾는 것(더블-루프)를 넘어서 그 기저에 깔린 개념틀과 힘의 시스템에 대한 의문을 갖는 것이다.

Effective reflection, then, requires time, effort and a willingness to question actions, underlying beliefs and values and to solicit different viewpoints. This ‘‘triple loop’’ approach moves beyond merely seeking an alternate plan for future similar experiences (single loop) or identifying reasons for the outcome (double loop) to also questioning underlying conceptual frameworks and systems of power (Argyris & Scho¨n 1974; Carr & Kemmis 1986).


성찰을 실천하기 위한 학습 목표를 결정하라

Ti p 2 Decide on learning goals for the reflective exercise

학습 목표를 설정할 때, 교육자들은 다음의 질문을 생각해봐야 한다. 더 집중해야 하는 핵심 역량/태도/내용/기술이 있는가? 어떻게 성찰을 통해서 학습자들이 (1)기존의 지식과 새 학습내용을 통합하고, (2) 인지적 경험과 정서적 경험을 통합하며, (3) 과거와 현재, 현재와 미래를 통합하는지를 배울 수 있을 것인가? 성찰적 학습 또는 성찰기술이 explicit focus가 되어야 하는가?  등등 
In selecting learning goals, educators should answer the following questions: Are there key competencies, attitudes, content areas, or skills in need of greater attention or assessment? How can the exercise be used to help learners integrate (1) new learning with existing knowledge; (2) affec- tive with cognitive experience; and/or (3) past with present or present with future practice? Will reflective learning or reflective skill building be an explicit focus of the exercise? Is one of the goals to identify learning or practice needs and strategies to address them?

성찰을 자극하는 것은 어떤 형태든지 가능하지만, 가장 유용한 것은 학습자로 하여금 "혼란을 주는 딜레마"를 선택하게끔 하는 것이다. 즉, 이 전의 문제해결전략으로는 해결되지 않는 상황을 말한다. 이와 같은 딜레마는 다음과 같은 상황에서 발생한다 (1) 충분한 지식과 기술을 갖추지 않은 상황 (2) 잘 진행되었지만, 왜 그렇게 잘 되었는지 확신하지 못하는 상황 (3) 복잡하거나 놀라운, 임상적으로 불확실한 상황, (4) 개인적, 전문직적으로 도전을 느끼는 상황

Prompts can take any number of forms but are most useful if they ask the learner to choose a ‘‘disorienting dilemma,’’ i.e. a situation that cannot be resolved using previous problem solving strategies (Mezirow 2000). Such dilemmas generally arise from experiences which such triggered questions or concerns, as: (1) a situation where they did not have the necessary knowledge or skills; (2) a situation that went well but they are not entirely sure why; (3) a complex, surprising, or clinically uncertain situation; or (4) a situation in which they felt personally or professionally challenged (Scho¨n 1983).

성찰을 위한 적절한 교수법을 선택하라

Ti p 3 Choose an appropriate instructional method for the reflection

분명히, oral 성찰은 Schon이 말한 "reflection-in-action" 혹은 Eva와 Regehr가 "self-monitoring"이라고 말한 것에 가장 적합하다. 이는 당황스럽거나 곤란한 상황 중에 일어나는 성찰을 말한다. 의학교육에서 대부분의 성찰은 "reflection-on-action"으로 어떤 사건이 벌어진 이후에 일어나는 것이다. 이러한 유형의 성찰에서는 written 연습과 일부 디지털 기록 미디어가 장점이 될 수 있다.

Certainly, oral reflection is most suitable to what Scho¨n called reflection- in-action and what Eva and Regehr call self-monitoring, reflection that occurs during a surprising or troubling experi- ence (Scho¨n 1983; Eva & Regehr 2008). In medical education, most reflection is reflection-on-action which occurs after the event. For this type of reflection, written exercises and perhaps some of the new digitally recorded media offer multiple advantages.

성찰 자극 상황을 만들기 위해서 구조화된 혹은 비구조화된 접근법을 사용할 것인지 결정하라

Ti p 4 Decide whether you will use a structured or unstructured approach and create a prompt

성찰에 대한 교육이나 가이드 없는 상황에서 대부분의 학습자는 학습이 결여된 일화의 기록물만 생성한다. 이것이 일부 학습자 - 그리고 일부 교육자 - 들이 성찰을 거부하는 이유이며, 대부분의 초보 성찰자가 '무성찰'에서 '비판적 성찰'의 연속체 속에서 낮은 위치에 있음을 감안하면, 더 효과적인 방법은 솔직한 가이드와 피드백을 주는 것이다.

Absent guidance and education about reflection, a majority of learners produce reflections which are largely anecdotes devoid of learning (Wong et al. 1995; Niemi 1997). This may in part be why learners – and some educators – object to reflection. given the low placement of most novice reflectors on the continuum of non-reflection to critical reflection, the more efficient approach is to provide both upfront guidance and feedback.

이는 구조화된 자극상황을 활용함으로써 가능한데, 이것은 비판적 성찰의 요소들을 더 명확하게 만들어준다.

This can be done by using a structured prompt which makes explicit the compo- nents of critical reflection: 

  • discussion of processes and assumptions as well as actions and thoughts; 
  • consideration of the role of associated emotions and relevant past experi- ences; 
  • solicitation of feedback and review of relevant literature where appropriate; 
  • explicit notation of lessons learned; and 
  • creation of a plan to improve future behavior and outcomes.

구조화된 성찰에 반대하는 논리들은 그러한 구조가 성찰에서 끌어내고자 하는 응답을 제약하고 비뚤어지게 하며, 통찰력있는 분석보다 생각없이 "정해진 칸을 채워넣는"것만 하게 만들 위험이 있음을 우려한다. 이러한 우려를 낮출 수 있는 한 가지 방법은 자유기술로부터 시작해서 구조화 분석으로 이어지게 하는 것이다. 

Arguments against structured reflections include concerns that structure limits and distorts the very response the exercise is designed to elicit and that it risks encouraging mindless ‘‘recipe following’’ rather than insightful analysis (Boud & Walker 1998; Branch & Paranjape 2002). One potential strategy to mitigate these concerns is to start with a free write approach and follow that with a structured analysis.

윤리적, 정서적 우려에 대한 계획을 마련하라

Ti p 5 Make a plan for dealing with ethical and emotional concerns

성찰은 치료가 아니다. 교육자들은 이것을 처음부터 명확하게 함으로써 부적절한 폭로를 방지해야 한다. 그러나 이렇게 조심하더라도 성찰일지를 읽는 사람은 종종 우려스러운 폭로를 접하곤 한다. 여기에는 작성자의 심리적 스트레스, 부적절한 행위에 대한 기록, 불법적 사실, 작성자 혹은 다른 사람의 문제의 소지가 있는 행동이나 기술 등이 포함된다. 교육자들은 반드시 그러한 내용을 어떻게 다룰 것인지 미리 계획을 세워야 한다. 접근법을 계획할 때 성찰일지가 단순히 상황에 대한 한 가지 관점만 보여준다는 것을 명심해야 하며, 부정확하거나 사실을 호도할 가능성이 있다는 것도 생각해야 한다. 동등하게 불법행위나 학습자/환자/기타 사람들에게 위험이 될 만한 가능성이 기록되어 있을 때 이를 무시하는 것 역시 무책임한 것이 될 수 있다.
Reflection is not therapy. Educators should make this clear at the outset of the exercise so as to avoid inappropriate disclosures. Even with this caveat, however, readers of reflections sometimes will come across concerning revelations. These typically consist of psychological distress on the part of the writer or depictions of unprofessional, illegal, or trouble- some statements or actions by the writer or others. Educators must plan in advance for how they will handle such material. In deciding on an approach, it is crucial to remember that a reflection presents just one viewof a situation and as such may be misleading or inaccurate. Equally, it would be irresponsible to disregard comments which suggest the possibility of illegality or danger to the learner, patients, or others.

이러한 상황에 대한 가장 적절한 대처는 실용적인 혹은 기관 차원의 가이드라인을 마련하여 개개 교육자가 그 다음에 어떤 일을 해야할지를 조직 차원의 지원이 없는 상태로 개별적으로 결정하지 않아도 되게 해주는 것이다. 가이드라인에는 다음의 것이 포함되어야 한다.

The best way of dealing with such situations is to develop programmatic or institutional guide- lines so individual educators do not have to decide on next steps under trying circumstances and manage the situation without organizational support. Some key considerations in designing guidelines include:

  • 작성자의 스트레스 상황: 자기 자신이나 타인에게 위험한 상황인가 아니면 단순히 도움이 필요한 것인가? 도움이 필요한 것이라면 성찰연습을 돕는 교육자가 그 도움을 줄 수 있는가?  In cases of reflector distress: Is the reflector of danger to self or others or merely in need of support? If in need of support, is the educator for the reflection exercise qualified to provide that support and if not, who is? 
  • 부적절 행위: 법적 문제가 있는가? 프로페셔널적인 문제라면 이것이 학습 기회가 되는가? 혹은 징계위원회에 회부되어야 하는가? 아니면 둘 다인가? In cases of inappropriate behavior: Is this a legal issue or a professional one? If the latter, is this a learning opportunity or an occasion for referral to a disciplinary body (or both)? 
  • 노골적/암시적 비난: 누가 어떻게 팩트를 확인할 것인가?  If accusations have been made, implicitly or explicitly, who will determine the facts of the situation and how?

학습자의 후속 계획을 추적할 메커니즘 만들기

Ti p 6 Create a mechanism to follow up on learners’ plan

성찰이란 반복적인 것이다. 성찰의 목표는 경험으로부터 배우는 것이지만, 무엇을 배웠고, 무엇이 유용했는지를 알기 위해서는 다시 현실에 적용되어야 한다. 구조화된 프롬프트에 따른 것이든, 피드백에 의한 것이든 학습자는 학습-격차를 해소하고 스스로 분석을 통해서 행동-가설을 점검해야 한다. 이상적으로는 성찰자는 개인의 경험 차원을 넘어서서 어떻게 그들의 행동이 해당 주제와 관련이 있는지를 명확히 해야 한다. 만약 그렇게 하지 않으면 교육자 혹은 동료가 피드백 시간에 더 넓은 시야에서 보게 도와줘야 한다.

Reflection is iterative. The goal is to learn from experience, but in order to ascertain whether what was learned was useful, it needs to be applied (Kolb 1984). Either in the reflection itself, perhaps with the help of a structured prompt, or in the feedback, the learner should be encouraged to make a plan to address learning gaps or test out behavioral hypotheses generated by their analysis. Ideally, the reflector will state explicitly the relevance of the topic to their practice beyond the individual described experience. If not, educators and/or peers can help them see the larger issue in the feedback session.

학습에 도움이 되는 환경 조성(면학 분위기 조성)

Ti p 7 Create a conducive learning environment

성찰 연습이 성공하기 위해서는 긍정적인 학습환경을 만들어줘야 하며, authentic context를 사용하고, 성찰을 위한 안전하고 지지적인 환경을 조성해줘야 한다. 성찰연습의 authenticity는 성찰연습이 더 넓은 차원의 교육 프로그램, 그리고 성찰연습을 하는 시점에서 학습자의 니즈와 얼마나 잘 연결되어 있는가와 연관된다. 학습자의 현재 활동을 성찰과 연결시키는 데 있어서 좋은 학습목표는 필요조건이지만 충분조건은 아니다. 예를 들어 수술 술기에 대한 성찰은 외과-로테이션 도중에 일어나는 것이 적절하며, 로테이션이 끝나고 외과 지식에 대한 지필고사 전날에는 덜 유용할 것이다.

To succeed, reflective exercises require the establishment of positive learning climate through the use of an authentic context and creation of a safe and supportive environment for reflection. The authenticity of the exercise depends on how well it is tied into the larger educational program and the individual learners’ needs at the time of the exercise. Good learning objectives are necessary but not sufficient to link reflection to the learners’ current activities. For example, reflecting on surgical skills would be appropriate partway through a surgical rotation but less useful at the conclusion of the rotation on the eve of pen-and-paper test of surgical knowledge.

다른 중요한 환경적 요소

Other critical environmen- tal elements include 

  • 충분한 시간 providing enough time for the reflective activity, 
  • 그룹토의 집단의 존중과 지지적 치료 insistence upon respectful and supportive treatment of others in group discussions of reflection, 
  • 후판단 비뚤림 인정, 자신이 바라는 모습이 아니라 진짜 모습을 드러내는 것 explicitly acknowl- edging hindsight bias and the inclination to present an expected rather than an authentic persona, and 
  • 누가 어떤 목적으로 성찰에 접근권한을 가지며 누가 피드백을 주고, 평가는 형성평가인지 총괄평가인지 making clear at the outset who will have access to the reflection and for what purposes, who will provide feedback, and whether assessment will be formative or summative.

성찰을 하라고 시키기 전에 성찰에 대해서 가르치기

Ti p 8 Teach learners about reflection before asking them to do it

reflection과 critical reflection의 융합(conflation)은 교육자들로 하여금 학습자에게 어떻게 성찰을 해야 하는지 가르쳐주지 않고 성찰을 시켜도 된다는 오해를 낳았다. 성찰연습을 시작하기 전에, 교육자들은 학습자들에게 있어 성찰(혹은 비판적 성찰)이 무엇인지 정의해주어야 하며, 성찰의 교육적, 실용적 이점이 무엇인지 근거를 제시해야 하며, 좋은 성찰의 요소가 무엇인지 알려줘야 한다.
The conflation of reflection and critical reflection has led to the misperception that educators can ask learners to reflect without teaching them how to do so first. Before initiating a reflective exercise, educators need to define reflection, (or preferably, critical reflection as discussed above) for their learners, provide them with evidence of the educational and practice-related benefits of reflection, and outline the components of good critical reflections, such as 
  • (1) linking past, present, and future experience; 
  • (2) integrating cognitive and emotional experience; 
  • (3) considering the experience from multiple perspectives; 
  • (4) reframing; 
  • (5) stating the learning or lessons learned; and 
  • (6) planning for future behavior.

피드백과 후속 조치 제공

Ti p 9 Provide feedback and follow-up

피드백은 개인/그룹/교수/동료 등이 가능하며 어떤 피드백도 없는 것 보다는 낫다. 논문을 보면 shared reflection 이 개인차원의 성찰보다 나으며, 자기-평가는 종종 부정확하다. 성찰에 있어 타인은 자신이 보지 못하는 것을 볼 수 있다. 잘 이뤄지면 피드백은 경험에 대한 다양한 관점을 제공해주며, 정서적/인지적 경험의 통합을 도와주며, 경험의 무비판적 수용을 억제해주며, Eva 와 Regehr가 "자기주도적 평가 탐색"을 가이드해준다.

Feedback can be individual, group, faculty, or peer and any feedback is better than none. The literature shows that shared reflection is better than individual and self- assessment is often inaccurate (Branch & Paranjape 2002; Eva & Regehr 2008). In reflection, others often see things the reflector cannot see. When done well, feedback provides multiple perspectives on the experience, supports integration of affective and cognitive experience, discourages uncritical acceptance of experience and guides what Eva and Regehr have called ‘‘self-directed assessment seeking.’’

피드백의 장점(관련된 학습을 도와주고 성찰 기술을 발전시켜줌). 교육자들은 피드백을 제공할 때 내용 뿐만 아니라 학습자의 성찰기술에 대해서도 제공해줘야 한다. 성찰의 다양한 측면에 대해서도 코멘트를 줄 수 있다. 피드백의 목표는 광범위한 피드백이 아니라, 압도적인 피드백이 아닌 도전적일 수 있고/학습목표와 연관되며/교육적으로 유용해야 한다. 2~3개의 핵심 교육 포인트를 목표로 해야 하며, 그 중 하나는 학습자의 성찰기술과 관련되어야 한다.

The nature of the feedback merits note as well since reflective exercises often serve two purposes: addressing the relevant learning objectives and developing reflective skill. Educators should provide feedback not just on the content of a reflection but on the learner’s reflective skill as well. Often, it will be possible to comment on many different aspects of the reflection. The goal should not be comprehensive feedback but feedback which is challenging rather than overwhelming, aligned with the learning objectives, and educationally useful. Aim for 2–3 key teaching points, one of which addresses the learner’s reflective skill.

성찰을 평가하라

Ti p 10 Assess the reflection

평가는 피드백과 연결될 수도 있고 별개로 이뤄질 수도 있다. 피드백의 목표는 심층학습이다. 평가의 목표는 학습을 포함할 수도 있지만, 학습자가 해당 주제에 대해서 했던 성찰에 대한 평가가 될 수도 있다. 평가는 narrative하게 될 수도 있고, validated and reliable한 점수표에 따를 수도 있다. 

Assessment can be linked to or distinct from feedback. The goal of the feedback is deeper learning. The goal of assessment may include learning but also involves evaluation of the learners’ abilities in the topic areas of the reflection and/or in reflection itself. Assessment can be done in narrative by stating judgments about the learners’ abilities or engage- ment with the exercise or by using validated and reliable scoring rubrics (Learman et al. 2008; Wald et al. 2009).

교육자는 평가가 형성평가가 되는지(학습자의 능력 개발을 목표로 함), 학점 결정/진급여부 결정/CME credit 부여 등의 목적을 가지는 총괄평가가 되는지 결정해야 한다. 일부는 성찰의 목표가 피훈련자의 스킬을 배양하고 그것을 직업이 되었을 때 적용할 수 있게 하는 것이므로 성찰에 대한 평가는 반드시 저부담, 형성평가가 되어야 한다고 한다. 어떤 사람들은 온전히 형성평가인 경우에 복잡한 주제 혹은 부정적 평가에 대한 걱정 없이 프로페셔널한 약점에 초점을 둘 수 있다. 그러나 이러한 주장은 성찰-기술에 대한 평가와 성찰자에 대한 평가를 혼동한 것이다. 여러 자료를 보면 평가가 학습을 유도한다.

Educators must decide whether assessment will be forma- tive, with the exclusive goal of developing learners’ abilities, or summative and used for grading purposes in courses or clerkships, advancement in a training program or certification process, or award of continuing medical education (CME) credit. Some have argued that the goal of reflection is to nurture a skill the trainee or practitioner can apply throughout their career so its assessment should always be low stakes and formative. Others believe an exclusively formative approach encourages focus on complex topics and professional vulnerabilities without fear of negative evaluations. But such arguments confuse evaluation of reflective skill with evaluation of the reflector. Extensive data demonstrate that evaluation drives learning.

성찰연습을 더 넓은 차원의 교육과정의 일부가 되게 하라

Ti p 11 Make this exercise part of a larger curriculum to encourage reflection 

피훈련자에게 있어서 최선의 접근법은 지속적-통합-교육과정으로서, 학습자가 교육과정을 거치면서 성찰기술과 실제 적용 모두에 대한 다양한 이정표를 달성하게끔 하는 것이다. 학생 수준에서 잠재적 궤적은 다음과 같다.

For trainees, the best approach to developing reflective skills may be a longitudinal integrated curriculum with different mileposts in terms of both reflective skills and application contexts as the learner moves through their professional program. At the student level,with for example, one potential trajectory might 

  • 비판적 성찰의 요소를 이해 begin understanding the components of critical reflection, 
  • 이들 요소를 학습전략/임상관련기술에 적용하는 능력을 시범보여주며, 전임상 시기에 연습할 수 있게 함
    move to demonstrating the ability to apply those components to learning strategies and/or clinically relevant skills which can be practiced in the preclinical years such as leadership or teamwork, then 
  • 비판적 성찰을 임상실습과 임상추론에 적용함
    apply critical reflection to clinical practice and clinical reasoning, and 
  • 수련기간의 발달에 대해서 마지막으로 비판적으로 성찰함 
    finally critically reflect on their development over the course of the training period.

성찰 교육 과정을 성찰하기

Ti p 12 Reflect on the process of teaching reflection

당신이 가르치는 기술을 실제로 적용하라

Practice the skills you are teaching

피드백을 받을 수 있는 사람을 찾아라. 구조화된 접근법의 피드백 사용한다면, 그 사람으로 하게끔 당신의 성찰에 대해서 코멘트 할 때 그 포멧을 사용하게끔 하라

Identify someone from whom to seek feedback. If you will take a structured approach to feedback, have that person use your format to comment on your reflection.

그리고나서 당신의 성찰연습을 다시 점검하고 더 효과적으로 수정하며, 잠재적 오류를 회피할 수 있게끔 하라.

You can then re-examine your reflective exercise and modify it to more effectively avoid the potential pitfalls described by Boud and Walker, including: 

  • recipe following, 
  • reflection without learning, 
  • mismatch between the exercise and its learning context, 
  • intellectualizing, 
  • inappropriate disclosure,
  • uncritical acceptance of experience, and 
  • raising issues beyond the educator’s expertise (Boud & Walker 1998).

 2011;33(3):200-5. doi: 10.3109/0142159X.2010.507714. Epub 2010 Sep 27.

Twelve tips for teaching reflection at all levels of medical education.

Author information

  • 1Department of Medicine, Division of Geriatrics, University of California, 3333 California St, Suite 380, San Francisco, CA 94118, USA. aronsonl@medicine.ucsf.edu



Review of studies published in medical education journals over the last decade reveals a diversity of pedagogical approaches and educational goals related to teaching reflection.


The following tips outline an approach to the design, implementation, and evaluation of reflection in medical education.


The method is based on the available literature and the author's experience. They are organized in the sequence that an educator might use in developing a reflective activity.


The 12 tips provide guidance from conceptualization and structure of the reflective exercise to implementation and feedback and assessment. The final tip relates to the development of the faculty member's own reflective ability.


With a better understanding of the conceptual frameworks underlying critical reflection and greater advance planning, medicaleducators will be able to create exercises and longitudinal curricula that not only enable greater learning from the experience being reflected upon but also develop reflective skills for life-long learning.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

글로벌 의사 만들기: 무언가 해야 할 시간?(Med Teach, 2011)

Developing a global health practitioner: Time to act?


1Swansea University, UK, 2United Emirates University, UAE

“여전히 대다수의 의과대학 교육과정에 인간의 건강을 전 지구적 차원에서 바라볼 수 있게끔 하는 교육은 거의 부재하다. 그러나 전 세계가 가까워지는 미래 진료 환경에서 집단간의 갈등, 빈곤, 환경 파괴 등이 건강에 미치는 영향을 이해하는 것은 의사들에게 필수적이다.”

To consider the health of humanity on a global scale is rarely part of the medical curriculum, yet understanding the health effects of conflict, damage essen- poverty and environmental is tial for doctors practising in our shrinking world (Anon).

국제화와 세계화는 의학교육과 고등교육에서 흔히 사용되는 용어이다.

Globalisation and internationalisation, words commonly used in medical and higher education,

적절한 의료의 제공을 위해서 의학교육기관은 글로벌하게 사고하면서 로컬하게 행동할 수 있는 의사를 양성해야 한다. 또한 이들은 어디서 의료를 하든 지역사회와 인구의 변화하는 요구에 따를 수 있어야 한다.

Institutions should thus be producing medical graduates who can think globally but act locally to deliver appropriate healthcare and adapt to the changing needs of communities and populations, irrespective of where they practice medicine – a global health practitioner.

글로벌 의료인력은 무엇을 생각할 수 있어야 하는가?

What should a global health practi- tioner need to be aware of?

작아진 지구: 상호연결된 글로벌 커뮤니키

A shrinking world: An interconnected global community

우리가 사는 지구는 점점 더 좁아지고 있다.

The world in which we live is shrinking,

지금의 학생은 Net Generation의 '디지털 네이티브'라고 할 수 있으며, 멀티미디어와 함께 자라나고 정보에 즉각적 접근이 가능하다. 

Our students are the‘digital natives’ of the Net Generation, having grown up with multimedia and instant access to information (Morris & Kanter (2008) McKimm 2009). suggests that for today’s student:

컴퓨터라는 것을 통해서 보자면, 디지털 네이티브는 어떤 장소에서든 볼 수 있고, 어떤 사람과도 연결될 수 있으며, 어떤 개념에 대해서도 정보에 접근할 수 있다. 그들은 마치 이곳이 자신들의 방인 양 살고 있으며, 다니는 곳은 세상의 모든 곳이고 모든 기록된 역사이다. 

By looking through a computer window, they are able, instantaneously, to see almost any place, to connect to almost any person, and to access infor- mation about almost any concept... The space in which they move around, as if it were their own room, is the entire world and all recorded history (p. 115).

Kanter는 '상호연결성'이란 느낌이 강화되면서 학생들과 졸업생이 다른 문화권에서의 경험을 더 의도적으로 찾아나서고 있다.

Kanter (2008) believes that it is this feeling of enhanced connectedness on a global scale – the sense of global community that leads students and graduates to deliberately seek educational experiences to enrich their understanding of the practice of medicine in other cultures.

글로벌 헬스: 국제적 이슈

Global health: An international issue

이 '상호연결성'이라는 개념으로부터 국제보건이라는 개념이 등장했고, 협력적 행동으로 최선의 대응이 가능한, 국가 경계를 넘어는 보건 이슈가 등장했다. 국제보건 문제를 예상하고, 예방하고, 개선하기 위한 싸움에 참여하지 못하는 것은 건강 영역에서 미국의 지위는 물론 자기 자신의 보건, 경제, 안보까지 위험에 빠뜨릴 것이다.

Emerging from this ‘connectedness’ is the notion of global health – health issues and concerns that transcend national boundaries which are best be addressed by co-operative actions (United States Institute of Medicine 1997) – The failure to engage in the fight to anticipate, prevent, and ameliorate global health problems would diminish America’s stature in the realm of health and jeopardise our own health, economy,and national security (p. 4). 

기후변화, 갈등, 건강불평등

Climate change, conflict and healthcare disparities

환경 문제, 특히 기후 변화는 건강 불평등을 더 악화시킬 것이다. 

Environmental issues, climate change in particular, will further widen healthcare disparities. The health consequences of climate change include 

    • compromised food security through flooding and droughts in an already sensitive agricultural sector, 
    • increased mortality from extreme weather events, 
    • water scarcity during droughts, 
    • diarrhoeal diseases during flooding and 
    • the spread of infectious diseases due to changing patterns of insect vectors (World Health Organization 2008).

Costello 등은 기후변화가 21세기 국제보건의 가장 큰 위협이 될 것이라 했다.

Costello et al. (2010) believe that climate change has been the greatest global health threat of the twenty-first century,

개발기구의 원조 대부분은 빈곤문제를 완화시키고, 강건한 보건 인프라 구축을 통해서 핵심 건강 이슈 - 만성질병, 감염병, 모자보건 - 를 해결하는 데 있다. 이러한 행동의 중심에는 적절하게 수련받은 보건의료인력이 있다. 태평양 국가와 같은 여러 나라에서 '효과적인' 보건의료인력은 그 지역에서 수련받은 의료전문직과, 지역사회/토착 보건인력, 보다 일시적이긴 하나 해외에서 온 의료전문인력의 팀으로 구성된다.

Much of the work of aid and development agencies focuses on alleviating poverty and establishing a robust health infrastruc- ture and adequate resources to address key health issues such as chronic and communicable diseases and maternal and child health (WHO 2007). Central to such activities is an appropri- ately trained health and community workforce. In many countries (for example in the Pacific islands), an ‘effective’ health workforce comprises a team of locally trained health professionals, community and indigenous health workers as well as a more transitory group of overseas-trained health professionals (Bedford & Hugo 2008).

글로벌 질병부담

Global burden of disease

Murray와 Lopez의 '글로벌 질병부담'을 업데이트 하면서 Mathers와 Loncar는 2020년에는 감염질환으로 인한 사망과 5세미만 사망자는 더 줄겠지만, 예방가능한 질병(주로 흡연과 관련한)들이 HIV/AIDS, 우울, 협심증, 차 사고 등보다 더 많은 사망자를 낼 것으로 예측했다. 교육과 의료는 이러한 사망을 예방해야 한다.

In their update of Murray and Lopez’ (1996) Global Burden of Disease study, Mathers and Loncar (2006) predict that in 2020 while fewer children under 5 years will die and deaths from communicable diseases will decrease, preventable diseases (many tobacco-related) will claim more lives than HIV/AIDS, depression, ischaemic heart disease or road traffic accidents. Education and access to healthcare are therefore vital for preventing such deaths (Mathers & Loncar 2006).

힘을 얻는 글로벌 사회적 책무성

Global social responsibility and accountability gaining momentum

1990년대 이후, 의학교육자들은 의학교육의 사회적 책무성을 더 강조했다.

Since the 1990s, medical educationalists have been promoting socially accountable medical education (Woollard 2006; Boelen & Woollard 2009). Social accountability has been described as:

의과대학은 교육/연구/진료활동을 통해서 지역사회, 지역, 국가의 건강과 관련된 우선순위 문제를 먼저 해결해야 한다. 우선적 건강문제는 정부/보건기관/보건전문가/대중 등이 협력해서 밝혀야 한다.

the obligation of medical schools to direct education, research and service activities towards addressing the priority health concerns of the community, region or nation that they are mandated to serve. The priority health concerns are to be identified jointly by governments, healthcare organizations, health pro- fessionals and the public (Boelen & Heck 1995, p. 3).

WFME의 기본기준에도 의학교육-진료-보건시스템의 연관성을 강조한다.

A WFME (2003) basic standard reflects a linkage between medical education, medical practice and healthcare systems.

WFME는 특히 local, national, regional and global contexts에 관심을 둘 것을 강조한다.

The WFME (2003) specifically states that attention should be paid to local, national, regional and global contexts.

글로벌 의사 양성의 장애물

Challenges of producing a global health practitioner

의학교육의 글로벌 불평등

Global disparities in medical education

26개의 SSA 국가는 의과대학이 없거나 1개 있고, 24%의 질병부담은 아프리카에 있으나, 3%의 인력만이 이 곳에 있다. 부유한 국가에는 의학교육에 대한 접근권에 격차가 있는데, 20%의 미국 의과대학생만이 하위 60% 출신이다.

That 26 sub-Saharan African countries have none or one medical school only and that Africa carries 24% of the world’s disease burden but only 3% of the global work healthcare force (Mullen et al. 2010),highlights the disparities in health education and healthcare.Disparities in access to medical education also exist in more affluent nations – only 20% of US medical students originate from families in the lowest three quintiles (AmericanAssociation of Medical Colleges 2005). 

교육과정에 대한 지역사회 참여 부족

Lack of community engagement in curricula

의과대학의 미션선언문, 비전선언문, 진급과 테뉴어 가이드라인, 행정구조에 지역사회-참여 학술활동를 얼마나 포함하고 있는가 대한 최근 북미 의과대학 설문 결과를 보면, 그 격차가 크게 들어난다. 많은 의과대학이 여전히 자신이 속한 지역사회를 포용하겠다는 개념을 포함하고 있지만, 글로벌 사회에 대한 책임에 대해서는 얼마나 기대할 수 있는가? ICRAM은 질병부담이 높아지고, 빈곤, 글로벌화, 혁신 등이 늘어나는 이 시기에, 대학의학이 글로벌 사화에 대한 책임을 인식하지 못하고 있다고 지적했다.

A recent survey of North American and Canadian medical schools, however, highlights significant gaps in the integration of community-engaged scholarship into medical school mission and vision statements,promotion and tenure guidelines and administration structures(Goldstein & Bearman 2011). With many medical schools still to embrace the notion of serving their own local communities,how feasible is it to expect a global social responsibility? The International Campaign to Revitalise Academic Medicine notes that at a time of increasing health burden, poverty, globali-sation, and innovation, academic medicine seems to be failing to realize its potential and global social responsibility(Clark 2005, p. 101). 

다국가 사업이 된 의료전문직 교육

Health professions education: An international business

세계적으로 의료전문직에 대한 요구를 충족시키기 위해서 해외 국가에서 간호사나 의사를 수입하는 경우가 늘고 있다. 또는 교육과정이나 전체 의과대학이 해외로 나가기도 하는데 Weill Cornell medical school in Qatar 가 그 사례이다. 그런데, 여기서 교육받은 학생은 어느 사회를 위한 의사인가?

The worldwide demand for healthcare professionals has culminated in many medical and nursing colleges producing graduates for other countries (e.g. India and the Philippines), whereas in other contexts, curricula have been bought or entire medical schools have been off-shored, the Weill Cornell medical school in Qatar being an example (Hodges et al. 2009). It is, however, pertinent to ask for which communities are these students being trained?

미래의 글로벌 의료인력 양성

Developing tomorrow’s global health practitioner

문화적 역량

Cultural competence

너무 오랫동안 'medical culture'는 서구의 문화를 의미해왔다. 그러나 이러한 ethos는 졸업생이 국가의 경계를 넘나들어 'think globally but act locally'해야 하는 상황에서 바뀌고 있다. WHO와 UN은 건강권에 대해서 문화적으로 적합한 의료시스템에 대한 접근권이라고 했다. Stout과 Downey는 여기에 여러 형태의 치료 (전통치료, 치료행위) 가 포함된다고 했다. McKimm은 문화적 요인에 기인하는 의료 불평등은 여러 수준 -사회/기관/전문직/개인 간 - 에서 나타난다고 주장했다.

For too long, ‘medical culture’ has meant Western culture. This ethos is, however, changing with the increasing recognition that graduates need to cross cultural boundaries and to ‘think globally but act locally’ (Taylor 2003). The WHO and United Nations declarations on the right to health encompass access to a culturally appropriate healthcare system, which, for Stout and Downey (2006) includes access to different forms of treatment (such as traditional medicine or healing practices). McKimm (2011) asserts that inequalities in healthcare result- ing from cultural factors may need to be addressed at many levels: societal, organization, professional and interpersonal (p. 56).

건강은 여전히 '사회적'인 것이다

Health remains ‘social’: Advocacy

건강상태는 의료/정치/경제/교육/환경 등 여러 요인의 상호작용에 따라 결정된다.

Health status is determined by the interrelationship of many factors: medical, political, economic, educational and environ-mental, the bases of the current global health inequalities(Evert et al. 2008; Boelen & Woollard 2009). 

Woollard는 21세기에 '역량을 갖춘 의사'란 상당한 다른 사람에게 ethos of service를 전달할 수 있는 사람, 즉 사회적, 환경적 정의의 지지자가 되어야 한다고 했다. Woollard는 Boyer의 네 개의 scholarship과 함께(teaching, discovery, integration, application) 학문 참여의 중요성을 강조했는데, 이를 통해서 사회적/시민적/환경적/윤리적 문제를 해결해야 한다고 했다.

For Woollard (2006), the twenty-first century brings the challenge of not only creating skilled and competent graduates but practitioners who are capable of transmitting a profound ethos of service to the welfare of others (p. 302) – advocates of social and environ-mental justice. Woollard (2006) also emphasises the impor-tance of promoting the scholarship of engagement, alignedwith Boyer’s other four scholarships (teaching, discovery,integration, application) in order to understand and address pressing social, civic, environmental and ethical problems facing communities across the world. 

글로벌 핵심 교육과정

A global core curriculum

글로벌 의료인력 양성: 핵심 이슈

Developing a global health practi-tioner: Key issues 

의학교육의 변혁

Transformation of medical education

GIC는 제3세대 교육 변화를 이야기했다.

A Global Independent Commission proposes a third generation of reform:

모든 나라의 건강전문직은 지식을 동원할 수 있어야 하고, 비판적 추론을 할 수 있어야 하고, 윤리적 행동을 할 수 있어야 한다. 이를 통해서 locally responsive, globally connected team으로서 환자와 인구집단 중심의 건강시스템에 참여할 수 있어야 한다.

All health professionals in all countries should be educated to mobilize knowledge and to engage in critical reasoning and ethical conduct so that they are competent to participate in patient and population-centred health systems as members of locally responsive and globally connected teams (p. 33). 

GCSAMS는 의과대학이 건강한 의료시스템은 튼튼한 일차의료적 접근 위에 세워져야 하며, 1차의료가 2차, 3차 의료와 적ㅈ러한 균형을 이뤄야 한다고 했다.

The Global Consensus for Social Accountability of Medical Schools (GCSAMS 2010) recently advocated that medical schools recognise that a sound health system is founded ona solid primary healthcare approach, with proper integration of the first level of care with secondary and tertiary levels and an appropriate balance of professional disciplines to serve people’s needs

개개 의사들은 유능할 수 있으나, 이 전문성이 다-전문가 팀에서 통합되어 효과적인 환자-중심, 인구-기반 의료를 제공할 수 있어야 한다.

While individual professions have distinctive and perhaps complementary skills, it is imperative that this expertise coalesces such that multiprofessional teams are effective inpatient-centred and population-based health care (Frenk et al.2010). 

이는 WHO의 FCIE와도 일치하는 것이다.

This view is echoed Practice in and the WHO’s Framework for Collaborative Interprofessional Education(WHO 2010) which emphasises the need for health profes-sions’ education to produce a practice-ready workforce able to work flexibly and collaboratively in a range of contexts, cultures and countries to improve health outcomes.

지역의 요구에 부응하며 동시에 국제보건 강조하기

Promoting global health while meeting local needs

협력과 네트워크

Collaboration and networks

(a) Academic collaborations: faculty and student exchange;student electives or in-service learning (often in devel-oping countries); research; complementary degree and graduate programmes and education and health networks (e.g. Towards Unity for Health (TUFH)http://www.the-networktufh.org/home/index.asp; FAIMER (the Foundation for the Advancement of Research,International Medical Education and www.faimer.org). 

(b) Philanthropic organisations: e. g. the Gates and Kellogg Foundations which provide funding for health education and training initiatives (Philibert 2009). 

(c) Partnerships with communities, governments, development agencies: establishing new medical schools in partner countries; working with local communities on health projects and consultancy on aid-funded education and training projects. 

Conclusions and next steps

사회적책무성은 소수의 주변부 관심에서 의과대학의 당연한 핵심 이슈로서 그 자리를 옮겨왔다고 Woollard가 믿었으나, 만약 우리가 글로벌 의사를 양성하려면, 이러한 과정을 더 가속화하여 각 교육기관이 더 책임감을 갖게 해야 한다. Boelen and Woolllard은 의학교육기관이 질/평등/관련성/효율성의 기본 원칙에 충실함으로써 사회에 미치는 영향을 보다 뚜렷하게 하고, 건강시스템 발전에 적극적으로 참여하는 근거를 제공해야 한다고 했다. 건강전문직에 있어서 사회적 책무성은 세 가지 상호의존적 영역으로 측정해야 한다.

While Woollard (2006) believes that social accountability is moving from the peripheral concern of a few to its rightful place as a central issue of medical schools, if we are serious about producing global health practitioners, we need to accelerate the process and make institutions more account-able. Boelen and Woolllard (2009) propose that educational institutions should be required to verify their impact on society by following basic principles of quality, equity, relevance and effectiveness and by providing evidence of active participation in health system development. Social accountability should then be measured in three interdependent domains concern-ing health professionals: 

  • 개념화: 교육기관의 역할 conceptualisation (role of the institu-tion), 
  • 생산: 바람직한 전문직 production (in terms of the desired professional) and 
  • 활용성: 사회적 요구 충족 utilisability (needs of society addressed). 

Woollards의 책임감 있는 아카데믹 파트너십의 위계에도 global을 넣어야 한다. (Municipal, local, national)

Woollard’s (2006) hierarchy of responsible academic part-nerships (e.g. municipal, local, national) should also include‘global’. 

Boelen C, Woollard B. 2009. Social accountability and accreditation: A new frontier for educational institutions. Med Educ 43:887–894.

 2011;33(8):626-31. doi: 10.3109/0142159X.2011.590245.

Developing a global health practitionertime to act?

Author information

  • 1College of Medicine, Swansea University, Grove Building, Singleton Park, Swansea SA2 8PP, Wales, UK. j.mckimm@swansea.ac.uk


Although many health issues transcend national boundaries and require international co-operation, global health is rarely an integral part of the medical curriculum. While medical schools have a social responsibility to train healthcare professionals to serve local communities, the internationalisation of medical education (e.g. international medical students, export of medical curricula or medical schools) makes it increasingly difficult to define it as 'local'. It is therefore necessary to produce practitioners who can practice medicine in an ever-changing and unpredictable world. These practitioners must be clinically and culturally competent as well as able to use their global knowledge and experience to improve healthand well-being, irrespective of where they eventually practice medicine. Global health practitioners are tomorrow's leaders, change agents and members of effective multiprofessional teams and so need to be aware of the environmental, cultural, social and political factors that impact onhealth, serving as advocates of people's rights to access resources, education and healthcare. This article addresses some of the difficulties ofdeveloping global health practitioners, offering suggestions for a global health curriculum. It also acknowledges that creating a global healthpractitioner requires international collaboration and shared resources and practices and places the onus of social accountability on academic leaders.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

예술은 삶의 모방이다: TV 드라마에 담긴 Hidden Curriculum (BMC Med Educ, 2015)

Life imitating art: Depictions of the hidden curriculum in medical television programs

Agatha Stanek1, Chantalle Clarkin2, M Dylan Bould2, Hilary Writer2 and Asif Doja2*

잠재적 교육과정(hidden curriculum, HC)란 다음과 같다.

The hidden curriculum is a 

    • set of influences that function at the level of organizational structure and culture [1–6]. 
    • It is comprised of processes, pressures and constraints which fall outside the formal curriculum, and are often unarticulated or unexplored [2]. 

요약하자면, 한 교육기관이 스스로 가르치고 있다고 생각하지도 않는 새에 가르치고 있는 것

In essence, the hidden curriculum represents what an institution tea- ches without intending or being aware it is taught.

비공식 교육과정과는 차이가 있음. 그러나 전통적인 형태의 교육, 그리고 학생들이 실제로 배우는 것 사이에 차이가 있다는 점에서는 공통적.

This differs from the infor- mal curriculum, which takes place in interpersonal forms of teaching, such as among medical faculty and students. Such teaching is typically unscripted and ad hoc in nature [1–6]. Both the hidden curriculum and in- formal curriculum however, suggest the existence of a discrepancy between traditional forms of teaching and what the student retains.

늘 의과대학생과 전공의 사이에 존재해왔으며, 공식 교육과정보다 더 영향을 줄 수도 있다.

The hidden curriculum can be considered to be ever present among medical students and residents [7] and, as argued by Hafferty, the hidden curriculum may im- pact medical trainees more than the formal curriculum itself, [8, 9].

문화, 절차, 구조에 담겨있다.

The hidden curriculum can be observed in the cul- tures, processes and structures inherent in the practice of medicine. 

    • An example of cultures in medicine would be the unspoken hierarchy regarding the manner in which trainees are quizzed on inpatient rounds. In North America, usually the easier questions are targeted to- wards junior trainees, whereas more difficult questions are addressed towards more senior trainees. In North America, the “rule” which must be learnt is that it is considered improper for a more junior trainee to answer a question directed at a more senior trainee. 문화의 사례로는 위계가 있고, 북미에서는 암묵적으로 아래 연차 전공의가 윗 연차 전공의에게 한 질문에 대답하는 것은 부적절하다고 여겨진다.
    • Processes refer the manner in which the daily practice of medicine is carried out. For example, medical students are often told to spend significant amounts of time with patients to obtain not only the medical history, but to pursue the patient’s perceptions of illness and the impact disease has had on their lives. However, when they get to the clinical setting, trainees sometimes find they are told they are taking too long, and need to improve their effi- ciency in a busy outpatient clinic or the emergency room.  의대생들은 병력청취 뿐 아니라 질병에 대한 환자의 인식과 삶에 미친 영향까지 청취해야 한다고 배우나, 실제로 진료실에서는 너무 시간이 오래걸린다며 바쁜 외래에서는 효율성을 높여야 한다는 이야기를 듣는다.
    • Structures can be thought of as the way in which larger organizations govern medical practice. An ex- ample of these would be the physical layout of some emergency rooms, which is often dictated by hospital budgets. Students are often surprised to find that while patient privacy is stressed in medical school, often the only thing separating two patients in the emergency room is a thin curtain, which significantly limits how “private” a physician-patient conversation can be in that environment. 응급실의 구조를 살펴보면 환자의 사생활이 의과대학에서 아무리 강조되더라도, 응급실에서 두 환자 사이를 구분해놓는 것은 커튼 한 장에 불과하다는 것을 보게된다.

사회적 수준에서 TV 프로그램이 교육에 영향을 줄 수 있고, 환자-의사 의사소통에 영향을 준다는 것이 보여진 바 있다. 그 외에도 다음 것들에 영향을 줌.

At a societal level, medical television programs can act as educational agents, and have demonstrated the ability to shape patient-physician communication [15]. They can also influence patient expectations of their physicians and resulting satisfaction [16, 17]. Literature attests to the po- tential of medical television dramas and reality programs to provide health information regarding medical diseases for its viewers [18]. More recently, studies suggest medical television may also serve as a tool in educating physicians in training [19]. Hirt and colleagues formulated a guide that summarizes eight popular television dramas and their specific potential for implementation in medical education [19].

TV프로그램 선택 

Selection of television programs

Three television programs were chosen for the study: the highest-rated medical drama from the 1990’s(ER), the highest-rated medical drama fromthe 2000’s(Grey’s Anat- omy) and the highest-rated medical comedy from the 2000’s(Scrubs) (http://tviv.org/Nielsen_Ratings/Historic/ Network_Television_by_Season/2000s) [20–22].

시청 원칙

Viewing protocol 

All episodes of each respective season for the three med- ical dramas were viewed by one investigator (AS). 22 episodes of ER, 24 episodes of Grey’s Anatomy, and 24 episodes of Scrubs were watched, for a total of 70 epi- sodes. Notes were taken at 10-min time intervals to en- sure a minimum consistent amount of note taking.

데이터 수집과 분석

Data collection and analysis 

We conducted a summative content analysis that was both inductive and deductive in nature, to identify depic- tions of the hidden and informal curriculum in the tele- vision medical programs [23].

A preliminary inductive glossary of terms relating to the hidden curriculum was developed by content experts based on the literature, and served as the initial coding scheme for data abstraction (Additional file 1) [1, 4, 13, 14, 19]. Throughout data collection, the coding scheme was revised to reflect emergent themes derived from the medical dramas. Specific examples of the hidden and informal curriculum were abstracted, documented and described in detail in a spreadsheet. For each occurrence of the hidden curriculum, the following data were recorded: episode number, scene length and timing, and major themes or conflicts being demonstrated in the scene (Additional file 1). This process allowed us to systematically condense a large volume of raw television data into categories and latent themes based on interpretation [24].

To enhance the trustworthiness of the findings, a second re- viewer (CC) independently reviewed a subsample of epi- sodes selected at random from each series (n = 6). These episodes were reviewed using the established coding scheme and procedures. The two reviewers then met to discuss their initial interpretations and coding, and areas of divergent interpretation were discussed at length until agreement was reached.


사례는 세 가지 종류로 분류하였다.

Exemplars of the hidden curriculum were tabulated and subjectively rated as poor, moderate, or excellent to re- flect the quality of the depiction of the hidden curricu- lum. These ratings were developed by the authors in terms of their ability to serve as teaching tool vignettes. 

  • Excellent exemplars demonstrated key aspects of the hidden curriculum and did not require an understanding of character or plotline.
  • Moderate exemplars required some additional context for understanding.
  • Poor exemplars featured nuanced enactments of the hidden cur- riculum that were character or plot driven.

The Hierarchical nature of medicine 

The hierarchical nature of medicine was the most fre- quent depiction of the hidden curriculum; the concept of a pyramidal system of superiority was common to all of the medical dramas.


Unprofessionalism was the second-most frequent example of the hidden curriculum among the three viewed medical television dramas. Unprofessionalism was noted in scenes that promoted a sense of complacency regard- ing professional standards and behaviors, and during times of personal and professional conflicts.

Patient dehumanization 

Patient dehumanization encompasses impersonal med- ical routines surrounding patient care that lack dignity, empathy, or privacy. Patient dehumanization is commonly noted at times when patients are vulnerable, in cases of sedation, confusion, or awaiting an invasive procedure. When multiple members of a health teamare discussing a patient’s case without acknowledging that patient’sverbal or nonverbal behavior, this theme also comes to light.

Work-life balance 

Issues relating to difficulties establishing and maintain- ing a sense of work-life balance are readily depicted in both Grey’s Anatomy and ER, but are not featured in the viewed season of Scrubs. The challenge experienced by medical personnel to find a balance between personal commitments and their professional responsibilities is highlighted during times of promotion or transitional stages in careers. The tensions between professional and personal commitments are also emphasized during spe- cial moments in personal lives or times of increased family responsibilities, for example, the care of young children.

Role modeling 

Role modeling can be portrayed both positively and negatively.

드라마의 묘사와 실제의 차이

Fictional depictions of the hidden curriculum vs reality 

현실을 반영한다.

Fictional depictions of the hidden curriculum identified in television programs reflect real-life examples of the hidden curriculum.

기존 연구와 많은 부분 중첩된다.

All themes established in this study overlap with those in pre- vious literature examining real-life examples of the hidden curriculum among medical trainees. The themes of hier- archy, personal versus professional life balance, ‘faking it’, staging, the competitive nature of medicine,androle mod- eling were readily identified in many studies [12, 13, 25].

이름만 다르게 붙은 것도 있다.

Interestingly, there were certain themes described in other studies of the hidden curriculum that overlapped with those in our study; we labeled these themes differ- ently than the other studies, but the themes reflected similar content.

Differing semantics, which may reflect the subjective process of identifying themes of the hidden curriculum, may account for such discrepan- cies. Despite these differences, there is substantial overlap of content of the hidden curriculum among tele- vision programs and actual medical trainee experiences.

의료에서 나타나는 잠재적 교육과정

Differing depictions of the hidden curriculum in medicine

There are several themes of the hidden curriculum discussed in the literature, which were not identified among television programs in this study. These themes included: positive experiences of human connection; haphazard teaching; the power differential and a delega- tion of patient’s emotional needs to nurses [12, 13, 25].

TV 프로그램에서만 나타나는 잠재적 교육과정

Unique depictions of the hidden curriculum in medical television programs

We identified several unique themes of the hidden curriculum particular to television programs, which have not been well documented in studies on real life examples of the hidden curriculum.

다양한 프로그램에서 나타나는 교육적 가치의 비교

Comparing and contrasting educational values of various programs

위계, 비-전문직업성, 환자의 비인간화 등에서 차이가 주로 드러난다.

Depictions of the hidden curriculum were common to medical dramas, most notably representations of hier- archy, unprofessionalism, and patient dehumanization.

Previous literature has supported the use of televi- sion programs to enrich medical education. Hirt and colleagues, systematically analyzed 177 episodes from eight popular medical programs, three of which included Grey’sAnatomy, Scrubs,andER for their po- tential use in medical education in academic settings [19]. Grey’sAnatomywas shown to have numerous ap- plications in areas related to “hospital environments, communication skills, teaching and learning, ethics, professionalism, and interpersonal conflict” (p. 238, [19]). Interestingly, the authors stated that this televi- sion show in particular includes numerous interac- tions among health professionals of various levels, with a “learn-by-humiliation approach” (p. 240, [19]). Our findings regarding hierarchy, unprofessionalism, and issues of life balance support this previous work, and reveal its applicability for teaching purposes spe- cific to the hidden curriculum as well.

Our findings expand upon another study which exam- ined the frequency of professionalism issues portrayed in the television dramas Grey’s Anatomy and House M.D. [1]. Czarny and colleagues found a deficiency in the number of commendable portrayals of professionalism, in contrast to a much higher incidence of professional- ism breaches, among the two studied medical dramas [1]. Our research uncovered several examples of unpro- fessionalism regarding truth disclosure, ethical concerns in practice and quality of life issues. In contrast, it was rare for us to find positive examples of professionalism and professional conduct. This may be due in part to the nature of the television shows themselves and dramatic techniques employed to enhance viewer interest.

교육 관련

Relevance to education

Ornelas and Parikh [26] have argued that because of negative portrayals of physicians in medical dramas – spe- cifically unethical and unprofessional behaviors – televi- sion shows should not be used for educational purposes. We would argue, however, that the fact that the programs depict fictional characters engaging in these behaviors makes them a perfect tool for education. The fact that they are fictional representations allows for trainees to reflect and have open discussions on the behaviors related to the hidden curriculum that are observed, without the “passing judgment” worry that they are on actual individuals.

Additional file 1: Emergent coding scheme and hidden curriculum examples by series, episode and time. (DOC 94 kb)

23. Hsieh HF, Shannon SE. Three approaches to qualitative content analysis. Qual Health Res. 2005;15(9):1277–88.

 2015 Sep 26;15(1):156. doi: 10.1186/s12909-015-0437-8.

Life imitating artDepictions of the hidden curriculum in medical television programs.

Author information

  • 1Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa, 451 Smyth Rd, Ottawa, ON, K1H 8M5, Canada. Astan095@uottawa.ca.
  • 2Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario, 401 Smyth Rd, Ottawa, ON, K1H 8L1, Canada. cclarkin@cheo.on.ca.
  • 3Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario, 401 Smyth Rd, Ottawa, ON, K1H 8L1, Canada. dbould@cheo.on.ca.
  • 4Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario, 401 Smyth Rd, Ottawa, ON, K1H 8L1, Canada. hwriter@cheo.on.ca.
  • 5Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario, 401 Smyth Rd, Ottawa, ON, K1H 8L1, Canada. adoja@cheo.on.ca.



The hidden curriculum represents influences occurring within the culture of medicine that indirectly alter medical professionals' interactions, beliefs and clinical practices throughout their training. One approach to increase medical student awareness of the hidden curriculum is to provide them with readily available examples of how it is enacted in medicine; as such the purpose of this study was to examine depictions of thehidden curriculum in popular medical television programs.


One full season of ER, Grey's Anatomy and Scrubs were selected for review. A summative content analysis was performed to ascertain the presence of depictions of the hidden curriculum, as well as to record the type, frequency and quality of examples. A second reviewer also viewed a random selection of episodes from each series to establish coding reliability.


The most prevalent themes across all television programs were: the hierarchical nature of medicine; challenges during transitional stages in medicine; the importance of role modeling; patient dehumanization; faking or overstating one's capabilities; unprofessionalism; the loss of idealism; and difficulties with work-life balance.


The hidden curriculum is frequently depicted in popular medical television shows. These examples of the hidden curriculum could serve as a valuable teaching resource in undergraduate medical programs.

[PubMed - in process] 
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미국 의과대학 입학생의 불확실성에 대한 내성 (Acad Med, 2014)

Ambiguity Tolerance of Students Matriculating to U.S. Medical Schools

Marie Caulfield, PhD, Kathryn Andolsek, MD, MPH, Douglas Grbic, PhD, and Lindsay Roskovensky

앞으로 다가올 삶의 우울한 특징은 우리의 과학과 예술 뿐 아니라 우리를 사람으로서 존재하게 하는 희망과 공포에 대한 것들에까지 존재하는 불확실성이다. 절대적 진실에는 도달할 수 없ㄷ으며, 우리는 부서진 일부를 찾는데 만족해야 한다. - 윌리암 오슬러

A distressing feature in the life of which you are about to enter … is the uncertainty which pertains not alone to our science and art, but also to the very hopes and fears which make us men. In seeking out the absolute Truth we aim at the unattainable, and must be content with finding broken portions. —Sir William Osler1

지난 수십년간 수많은 문헌에서 불확실성에 대한 내성이 의사의 중요한 역량이라고 해왔다.

A substantial body of literature over the past several decades suggests that tolerance for ambiguity is an important competency for physicians.2–4 As Geller4 recently pointed out, 

진료에서 개개인의 불확실성에 대한 낮은 내성은 검사 오더를 더 많이 내리게 만드는 결과를 가져오고, 근거중심 가이드라인을 따르지 않는 결과를 가져온다. 스크리닝 맘모그램의 recalling이 높아지고, 환자 비용이 높아지고, 유전자 검사의 음성 결과를 withhold하고, 오진에 따른 소송에 대한 공포가 높아지고, 죽음과 애도에 대해서 불편해하게 된다.

in medical practice, an individual’s low tolerance for ambiguity has been associated with … increased test- ordering tendencies and failure to comply with evidence-based guidelines,5 greater likelihood of recalling screening mammograms,6 increases in patient charges,7 withholding negative genetic test results,3 fear of malpractice litigation and defensive practice,8 and discomfort in the context of death and grief.9,10

불확실성에 대한 낮은 내성이 안좋은 결과를 가져오는 것과 함께, 높은 내성은 낮은 내성으로 인한 안좋은 결과를 줄임과 동시에 반대로 좋은 결과를 가져온다.

In addition to negative factors related to low tolerance for ambiguity, there also may be specific positive factors related to having a high tolerance for ambiguity, in addition to minimizing the negative factors

각 기관에서 강조하는 것.

  • 의과대학 입학생 The Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) includes tolerance of and adaptation to stressful or changing environments as part of the Resiliency and Adaptability competency, which is one of the core competencies for entering medical students.17 
  • 의과대학 졸업생 It also includes comfort with ambiguity in its published Core Entrustable Professional Activities,18 believed essential for graduated students entering residency programs. 
  • 소아과 레지던트의 milestone The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) considers tolerance for ambiguity as an essential “reporting milestone” under the Professionalism competency for pediatrics residents19;

분명히, 우리가 아는 어떤 연구도 학생의 불확실성에 대한 내성을 종단적으로 분석한 적은 없다. 독일에서 의과대학 지원자를 대상으로 한 단면연구가 평균 이하의 내성을 확인시켜준 바 있으나, 서로 다른 학년 사이에 차이는 없었다.

Notably, no studies that we know of followed students longitudinally to examine stability of tolerance for ambiguity over time; a cross-sectional study that assessed students enrolled in medical school in Germany20 found below-average tolerance for ambiguity, with no differences across the students enrolled in the different years of school during that academic year.

전공 선택에 대한 영향에 대한 연구 결과는 다양하다.

Empirical studies have produced mixed findings regarding whether tolerance for ambiguity influences specialty preference.4

1993년 Geller 등은 불확실성에 대한 내성에 관한 변형된 스케일을 개발하였다. 이 저자들은 Budner의 정의를 사용하였다. 

In their 1993 study, Geller et al3 developed a modified scale for tolerance for ambiguity. The authors quote Budner’s24 definition of intolerance for ambiguity: 

“the tendency to perceive situations that are novel, complex or insoluble, as sources of threat.” 

그들은 18개의 설문 문항을 병합하였고, 국가 설문조사에 포함시켰다. 이중 7개 문항이 'good fit'을 보였다.

They combined 18 survey items from various measures developed in prior research and included them in a national survey of physicians’ knowledge and attitudes about genetic testing. 

Psychometric analyses found that 7 of the 18 items were a “good fit” for the data.

Purpose and hypotheses

2013년 처음으로 MSQ에 불확실성 내성(TFA) 스케일이 포함되었다.

In 2013, the modified tolerance for ambiguity (TFA) scale described above was, for the first time, included in the AAMC Matriculating Student Questionnaire (MSQ).25 Our study,

Participants and procedures

MSQ에는 다양한 설문문항이 포함된다. 2013년, 미국 내 140개 의과대학에 합격한 모든 학생에게 MSQ에 참여하도록 권고.

The MSQ contains a wide range of survey items, 

  • including premedical experiences, 
  • the medical school selection process, 
  • personal characteristics and attitudes, and 
  • specialty preferences and career plans. 

In 2013, individuals accepted for admission to any of the 140 U.S. medical schools that were accredited at that time by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education and that enrolled students in 2013 were invited by the AAMC to participate in the MSQ between June and mid- September.


구성은 7개 문항

The seven-item TFA3 scale is a measure of one’s ability to cope with situations of uncertainty.

높은 점수가 높은 내성

Thus, higher scores are correlated with higher tolerance for ambiguity.

스트레스 인식 조사인 PSS도 MSQ에 포함됨. 이것은 10개 문항, 4점척도. 

The Perceived Stress Scale (PSS)26 is widely used for measuring the perception of stress. This 10-item scale measures the degree to which situations in one’s life are considered stressful. The PSS was included in the 2013 MSQ. PSS scores are calculated by summing across the 10 items, which are measured on a 0- to 4-point scale (never = 0, very often = 4).

TFA scale item 

  • It really disturbs me when I am unable to follow another person’s train of thought. 
  • If I am uncertain about the responsibilities involved in a particular task, I get very anxious. 
  • I am often uncomfortable with people unless I feel that I can understand their behavior.
  • Before any important task, I must know how long it will take. 
  • I don’t like to work on a problem unless there is a possibility of getting a clear-cut and unambiguous answer. 
  • The best part of working on a jigsaw puzzle is putting in that last piece. 
  • A good task is one in which what is to be done and how it is to clear.

'일차의료, 취약지에서 일할 의사가 있는가?' 문항도 포함됨

The survey also included the following item: “Do you plan to work primarily in an underserved area?” Response options were yes, no, and undecided.

Analytical approach 

신뢰도 분석(Cronbach alpha)

We first examined the internal consistency of the TFA and PSS scales using the Cronbach alpha test of reliability.27

남성과 여성의 차이가 줄어든 것은 밀레니엄 세대의 특징일 수 있다. (1980년~1999년 사이 출생) 이들 세대에서는 성 역할과 성 간 구분이 사라진다.

The narrowing of any difference between men and women may be due to the generational influences of the “Millennial generation.” Ninety- eight percent of the 13,867 survey participants who responded to the TFA items are in the Millennial age group of those born between 1980 and 1999. Some research suggests that gender distinctions and gender roles may be diminishing among those in the Millennial cohort.29

취약지에 근무하고자 하는 학생은 불확실성에 대한 내성이 높았다. 의료 접근성에 대한 격차가 커지고 SES, 인종, 민족, 지역에 따라 그 차이도 커지면서 의료취약지에 거주하는 사람들을 위한 의료인력에 대한 요구가 지속될 것이다. 따라서 의과대학은 TfA가 높은 학생을 입학절차에서 우선순위로 삼아야 한다.

Respondents who expressed an interest in working in an underserved area had higher tolerance for ambiguity than those who did not express such an interest. With disparities of health care access and outcomes recognized by socioeconomic status, race and ethnicity, and geography, there will continue to be a need for clinicians dedicated to patients living in underserved areas.30,31 Therefore, medical schools committed to addressing these problems may consider prioritizing personal characteristics such as tolerance for ambiguity in the admission process to enhance the likelihood that the future health care workforce will better address disparities in health care access.

이번 연구가 어떤 전공을 선택하느냐에 대해서 어떤 예측을 하는가를 보여주진 않았지만 설명적 분석 결과는 일관된다. 예컨대 TFA가 높은 학생들이 선호하는 분야는 의학유전학, 응급의학, 정신건강의학 등이었다.

Although the present study did not make predictions about which specialty preferences would be associated with different levels of tolerance for ambiguity, the exploratory analysis was consistent with some prior work in this area. For example, we found that the specialty preferences associated with the highest levels of tolerance for ambiguity included medical genetics, emergency medicine, and psychiatry;

스트레스에 대한 인식 역시 TFA와 연관되어 있었고, 스트레스를 많이 느낄수록 TFA가 낮았다.

Perceived stress was also associated with tolerance for ambiguity, as students with lower tolerance for ambiguity reported higher perceived stress levels.

의과대학생의 스트레스에 대한 대부분의 프로그램이 정신건강 서비스와 웰니스 프로그램이다. 그러나 이런 프로그램이 TFA 수준에 따라서 똑같이 효과적일지 혹은 이러한 프로그램이 TFA를 높일 수 있을지는 아직 모른다.

Most interventions to address medical student distress have focused on access to mental health services and wellness programs38; cognitive, behavioral, and mindfulness-based strategies39; and, more recently, curricular changes.40 It is

unknown whether these interventions are equally efficacious for students with different levels of tolerance for ambiguity or, relatedly, whether such interventions could increase an individual’s tolerance

25 Association of American Medical Colleges. 2013 MSQ All Schools Summary Report. ttps://www.aamc.org/data/msq/. Accessed July 9, 2014.

 2014 Nov;89(11):1526-32. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000000485.

Ambiguity tolerance of students matriculating to U.Smedical schools.

Author information

  • 1Dr. Caulfield is manager of data operations and services, Association of American Medical Colleges, Washington, DC. Dr. Andolsek is professor of community and family medicine, Duke University School of Medicine, Durham, North Carolina. Dr. Grbic is senior research analyst, Association of American Medical Colleges, Washington, DC. Ms. Roskovensky is senior database specialist, Association of American Medical Colleges, Washington, DC.



To examine the psychometric adequacy of a tolerance for ambiguity (TFA) scale for use with medical students. Also, to examine the relationship of TFA to a variety of demographic and personal variables in a national sample of entering U.Smedical students.


The authors used data from the 2013 Association of American Medical Colleges Matriculating Student Questionnaire in which questions on TFA were included for the first time that year. Data from 13,867 entering medical students were analyzed to examine the psychometric properties of the TFA scale. In addition, the relationships of TFA to sex, age, perceived stress, and desire to work in an underserved area were analyzed. Finally, the relationship of TFA to specialty preference was examined.


The TFA scale was found to be psychometrically adequate for use in a medical student population. TFA was found to be higher in men and in older students. Lower TFA was associated with higher perceived stress levels. Students with higher TFA were more likely to express desire to work in an underserved area. Different levels of TFA may be associated with certain specialty preferences.


These findings support the assessment of TFA to understand how this personal characteristic may interact with the medical school experience and with specialty choice. Longitudinal work in this area will be critical to increase this understanding.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] 
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비판적 사고를 비판적으로 바라보기: 능력인가 기질인가? (Med Educ, 2011)

Thinking critically about critical thinking: ability, disposition or both?

Edward Krupat,1 Jared M Sprague,2 Daniel Wolpaw,3 Paul Haidet,4 David Hatem5 & Bridget O’Brien6

의학교육의 성과에 대해서 이야기할 때 비판적 사고는 흔히 나오는 주제 중 하나이다. 그러나 'critical thinking'이라는 용어 자체는 LCME에도 ACGME에도 GMC에도 CanMEDS에도 나오지 않는다.

When discussing the desired outcomes of medical education, it is common for educators to voice the hope that their graduates will excel at critical thinking. However, for all the rhetoric directed toward this topic in academic medicine, the actual term ‘critical thinking’ is not once mentioned in the accreditation standards of the US Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME),1 the six competencies of the US Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME),2 the outcomes and standards for undergraduate medical education of the UK General Medical Council (GMC) 3 or the CanMEDS doctor competency framework.4

반면 AACU는 CT를 중등교육 이후 교육에서 다루어야 할 주요 지적, 실용적 기술이라고 했으며, NLN은 CT를 학사과정 수준에서 반드시 길러야 할 필수 요소로 보았다.

By con- trast, the Association of American Colleges and Universities5 lists critical thinking as one of the major intellectual and practical skills to be fostered by post- secondary education and the National League of Nursing has identified critical thinking as an essential component of baccalaureate-level education that must be fostered and assessed as a criterion for continuing accreditation.6

의학 인증기준과 목적에서 CT에 대한 명확한 레퍼런스가 없는 것은 그것과 의미가 중복되는 보다 구체적인 용어를 사용하기 때문이다. LCME는 critical judgement, GMC는 critically evaluate- 등의 용어를 사용한다.

The absence of formal reference to ‘critical thinking’ in medical accreditation standards and goals can be partially accounted for by the adoption of more specific reference terms that have a clear overlap, such as the LCME’s interest in ‘critical judgement’ and the GMC’s expectation that doctors should be able to ‘…integrate and critically evaluate evidence’.1,3

이러한 관심에도 불구하고 CT는 개념적으로 명확하지 않고, 이에 대한 많은 질문에 대한 답도 불명확하다. 

Despite this interest, critical thinking suffers from a lack of conceptual clarity and numerous questions about it go unresolved. 

  • Is critical thinking something one is ‘born with’, as has been implied by some commentators for interpersonal skills? 
  • If it comes naturally – or if it does not – can it be acquired or enhanced through learning and practice prior to or during medical training? 
  • If critical thinking can be ‘taught’, a term that subtly implies a particular perspective on it, how and when should this be done? 
  • Where in the curriculum should it appear?15–19 
  • And if educators verbally encourage high-level analysis and broad inquiry while instruction and assessment focus on facts and memorisation, do these conflicting messages about critical thinking become part of the hidden curriculum20–22 of medical school?

비판적 사고의 정의내린 문헌들을 보면 넓은 분야를 포괄하고 있다.

A review of definitions of critical thinking reveals a wide range of perspectives. 

Scriven and Paul,23 for instance, have described critical thinking as ‘the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skilfully conceptualising, applying, synthesising, and⁄ or evaluating information…’ 

Kurland24 indicates that critical thinking ‘is concerned with reason, intellectual honesty, and open-mindedness as opposed to emotionalism, intellectual laziness, and closed-mindedness’.

만약 의학교육자들이 좋은 비판적 사고자를 길러내고자 하는데 서로 다른 생각을 하고 있다면, 지원자를 가려내는 방식도, 교육과정에 대한 접근 방식도, 평가에 대한 방식도 다 다를 것이다.

If medical educators state the goal of graduating good critical thinkers with different definitions in mind, it is likely that they will use different methods to screen applicants, apply different curricular approaches to the fostering of critical thinking and devise different approaches to its assessment.

각 대학에서 우리는 의과대학생 교육에 활발하게 참여하면서 다양한 임상에서도 활동하고 있는 교수들을 purposefully sample하였다.

At each school we purposefully sampled doctor faculty members who were both actively involved in medical student education and maintained active clinical practices in a variety of specialties. 

  • The former inclusion criterion was used to maximise the likelihood that respondents had previously been involved in thinking or discussion about critical thinking. 
  • The latter was used so that the examples given by respondents might be directly rooted in years of observation and direct experience, and derive from a heterogeneous sample of medical perspectives.

질적 내용분석을 수행했다. 어떤 이론이나 프레임워크 없이 시작했으며, 카테고리에 대한 사전에 정해진 생각도 없었다. 대신 답변들을 읽으면서 내용에 따라 카테고리를 만들고 주요하게 드러나는 주제들을 찾아냈다. 

For the multiple purposes defined above, we used qualitative content analysis, a research method that interprets the content of text through ‘the systematic classification process of coding and identifying themes or patterns’.25 Consistent with Hsieh and Shannon’s ‘conventional’ approach,26 we did not start with any guiding theory or framework nor did we have any preconceived ideas about categories into which the definitions might be placed. Rather, we read the responses with the goals of creating coding categories based on content and identifying the predominant themes as they appeared.27 Only one definition, which consisted more of a rambling commentary than a definition, could not be coded.

진행 과정

  • We coded respondents’ definitions of critical thinking using an iterative process in which three authors (JMS, EK, BO’B) independently read the same sample of six definitions, proposed categories, and compared, discussed and consolidated lists to create a coding scheme. We then applied the codes to 42 definitions to refine, clarify and finalise the coding scheme and then to reconcile any coding differences in the initial 42 definitions. One author served as the primary coder (JMS) and two others (EK, BO’B) each coded two randomly selected samples of 12 definitions (24 in total) to check for consistency in coding.
  • In the first, broader level of analysis, the primary and secondary coders were in agreement in the vast majority of cases. In the relatively few instances in which disagreement occurred, discrepancies concerned whether a definition should be double-coded rather than indicating a lack of consensus about the category into which the definition fell. In each of these cases, consensus was reached through discussion among the coders. 

시나리오 분석
  • These authors (EK, JMS, BO’B) used a similar approach in their coding of the scenarios. After an initial review of the scenarios, the first level of coding,on which this paper primarily focuses, asked if fundamental themes could be found in the scenarios describing critical thinking and those in which it was absent. A more in-depth analysis of the scenarios led us to create a set of categories of specific behaviours described as characterising critical think- ing and a set of behaviours illustrating its absence. 
  • Initially, we attempted to code the actions described in the scenarios according to the categories used for the definitions, but found that these categories did not adequately capture the content of the scenarios. Thus, we randomly selected a sample of 12 scenarios and generated a new set of coding categories by having each of the three authors independently generate a list of categories which was then discussed,refined and consolidated. We applied this coding scheme to an additional set of scenarios, discussed and reconciled our coding, and added sub-categories to primary categories as needed. One author (EK) coded all 97 scenarios; a second author (JMS) coded 32, and a third author (BO’B) coded 15 of the scenarios to check for coding consistency. As with the definitions, the coders were in agreement most of the time for the primary coding dimension (which concerned the fundamental differences in the thinking and actions of those described as demonstrating critical thinking and those described as not doing so). In the few incidents of disagreement, the coders reviewed, discussed and reconciled the differences.

Definitions of critical thinking

가장 흔한 정의는 Process에 대한 것

We found three distinct ways in which respondents framed the definition of critical thinking. The most common way of describing critical thinking was as a process (n = 42).

두 번째는 Skill이나 Ability로 보는 관점

Almost as common were those definitions that framed critical thinking as a ‘skill’ or ‘ability’ (n = 40),

Process나 Ability는 Bloom의 기준에 따르자면 고차원적인 정신행동이 포함됨

Both the ‘process’ and ‘ability’ definitions made consistent reference to higher-order mental activities (e.g. synthesis, analysis, interpretation) involved in making sense of information, much like those described by Bloom.28

세 번째 종류는 개개인의 특질(trait)이나 습관(habit)으로 보는 것.

The third type of definition stood out as very different in character in that it referred to characteristics of the individual, personality traits or habits of mind rather than to process or ability. We refer to these as dispositional definitions.

혼합된 정의를 내린 사람도 있음.

Examples of hybrid definitions follow. The first of these describes a combination of process and dispo- sitional definitions and the second refers to a com- bination of disposition plus ability:

Manifestations of critical thinking in clinical practice


In the cases they provided, the vast majority of respondents described biomedical clinical challenges that involved formulating diagnoses or making treat- ment decisions. 


However, a minority of respondents described, alone or in combination with standard biomedical challenges, scenarios that involved efforts...

    • to activate and engage patients, 
    • to assure patient safety, 
    • to deal with ethical or professional challenges, or 
    • to resolve conflicts around the use of limited resources.

The presence of mindful and self-reflective behaviour emerged somewhat more strongly in the scenarios than in the definitions.

Manifestations of the absence of critical thinking in clinical practice

위와 단순 반대되는 사례도 있었으나 완전히 다른 것도 있었음.

Although some descriptions of doctors who did not exhibit critical thinking were exact opposites of the above, the majority of these characterisations were notably different.

Numerous instances were offered in which doctors failed to look beyond the obvious and demonstrated behaviour that was neither self-aware nor self-critical.

Although not common, the absence of critical thinking sometimes reflected a poor knowledge base or an inability to manage complexity (‘…would not be able to produce a broad differential...cannot analyse the available information to determine the correct diagnosis’). 

In the vast majority of scenarios, however, questions about knowledge or skills did not arise because the clinicians described acted by rote, failed to look beyond the obvious, neglected to collect adequate information or made overly quick decisions.


이 연구의 추동력: CT에 대한 다양한 관점, 합의의 부재, 이런 것으로 인한 생산적 토론의 어려움

The impetus for this project grew out of the casual observation that many differing viewpoints about critical thinking exist, and the belief that this unacknowledged lack of consensus constitutes a major block to productive discussion and the development of successful strategies to foster and assess critical thinking.

CT를 세 가지 다른 식으로 정의내리고 있었음.

In this study, clinician-educators defined critical thinking in three different ways. The two predominant perspectives, which focus on process and ability, have a great deal of overlap. 

  • Process: The former describes what critical thinking entails (the processes of syn- thesis, analysis, etc.), 
  • Ability: whereas the latter extends this definition a step further by indicating that engaging in these processes involves some form of ability. 
    • 이렇게 정의내릴 때는 가르칠 수 있다고 생각한다는 의미
      Defining critical thinking as an ability suggests that, like other skills and abilities, it can be ‘taught’ and ‘learned’ through some form of instruction. 
  • Disposition: By contrast, conceptualising critical thinking as a disposition has very different implications about what lies at its heart, where it comes from and whether it is appropriate to conceive of it as a ‘teachable skill’.
    • 이렇게 정의내릴 때는 가르칠 수 있는지에 대해서 관점이 다름

Ability-Disposition의 구분은 Teaching-as-transmission과 Teaching-as-enculturation의 차이이기도 하다.

The ability-disposition distinction highlights the difference between teaching knowledge and skills, referred to as teaching-as-transmission, versus teaching attitudes, modifying personality and changing behaviour, referred to as teaching-as-enculturation.29,30 

지식을 준다고 향상되지 않는 것들이 있다. Dispositional 한 관점에서는 정보를 주거나 사실을 바로잡아 주는 것과는 다른 접근이 필요하다.

Traits such as open-mindedness, flexibility and curiosity are not likely to be increased by giving people knowledge to absorb or cognition-based tasks to master. According to the dispositional perspective,we would foster critical thinking by 

    • encouraging self-awareness and mindfulness, 
    • modelling open discussion and inquiry, 
    • accepting doubt and uncertainty, and 
    • encouraging students to value the activity of asking the right questions, 

rather than giving them information or assessing them according to the factual correctness of their answers. 

disposition 관점에서 대답한 의사의 수는 매우 적어서 시나리오가 아니었다면 이러한 정의는 주석에 그칠 뻔 했다. 그러나 시나리오에서 의사들은 CT를 다양한 범위의 기술과 disposition으로 묘사했다.

Because so few of the participating doctors used the dispositional interpretation in their definitions, it would represent little more than a footnote were it not for the content of the scenarios. In the scenarios, clinicians demonstrating critical thinking were described as demonstrating a range of desirable skills and dispositions:

시나리오에서 드러난 CT를 하지 않는 의사의 모습. 인지적 수전노(cognitive miser)처럼 행동한다. 문제를 푸는데 인지적 노력을 거의 들이지 않고 지름길만 찾음.

The pattern of behaviours described for those who did not exhibit critical thinking was clear and consistent, but quite different. These doctors typically acted as ‘cognitive misers’,31 a term used by social psychologists to describe people when they take mental shortcuts and engage in heuristic thinking, thereby expending the minimum cognitive effort necessary to solve a problem.

Perkins의 '좋은 사고'에 대한 프레임워크. 

the triadic framework offered by Per- kins et al.32,33 provides a conceptual scaffolding upon which all of the responses can be placed. The conceptual framework described by Perkins et al.,32,33 which they call ‘good thinking’, was developed completely outside of medicine; however, it encom- passes virtually all of our findings. Perkins et al.,32,33 propose that good (i.e. critical) thinking requires three elements: 

(i) sensitivity; 

(ii) inclination, and 

(iii) ability. 

각 요소는 그 이전 단계의 요소가 없다면 불가능하거나 무관해진다.

Without each prior element, the next becomes impossible or irrelevant.

    • Sensitivity has to do with awareness of the flow of events, such as ‘a possibly hasty causal inference, a sweeping generalisation, a limiting assumption to be challenged…’32 When clinicians are insensitive, they lack a basic awareness that there is something to be gained by collecting additional information, that alternatives exist beyond those that present them- selves immediately, or even that there is value in considering the full range of alternatives. They seem not to have a metacognitive capacity. Without this foundation, critical thinking is unlikely to occur and good clinical reasoning is unlikely to be exhibited.
    • Once clinicians are aware or sensitive, however, they must be ‘…inclined to invest effort in thinking the matter through…’.32 If the clinician is not sufficiently committed to making such a cognitive or emotional investment, if he or she acts as a cognitive miser, then the third factor will never come into play. 
    • Finally, ability refers to the ‘capability to think effectively about the matter in a sustained way…’.32 In medicine, this involves knowing how to frame questions and the ability to integrate information and apply one’s knowledge. This implies the need for a strong knowl- edge base, but goes well beyond it.

시나리오 사례에서 보면 3번째 보다는 첫번째 혹은 두 번째 요소가 부족한 경우가 많음.

In most instances, however, the clinicians described as not thinking critically in our respondents’ scenarios failed to demonstrate one of the first two elements rather than the third.

CT가 잘 발휘되기 위해서도 위의 세 가지 요소는 마찬가지이며, 다만 피로나 시간의 압박 같은 상황적 요인들이 CT의 발현을 억제할 수도 있긴 하다.

However, according to Perkins et al.,32,33 in order for cognitive processes and abilities to become relevant, we must first presume that sensitivity and inclination have been satisfied. If students and doctors do not have sufficient self-awareness of and sensitivity to complexity, and unless they are motivated not to settle for the obvious and are willing to commit the effort required to engage in the work of critical thinking, their knowledge, skills and abilities may never come into play. Parenthetically, it is interesting to note that although situational factors such as fatigue and time pressure play significant roles in exacerbating tendencies toward imperfect information processing,38–41 the non-critical thinking clinicians in the scenarios were almost never characterisedas being rushed or tired. 

입학, 교육, 평가에 대한 함의

In light of the model described by Perkins et al.,32,33 we believe that the findings have potentially broad implications for medical school admissions, curricu- lum and assessment protocols. 

  • 첫째, CT를 세 가지 중 무엇으로 볼 것이냐? 입학때 스크리닝 해야 할 것인가?
    First, we can ask whether critical thinking, as a personal predisposition or a cognitive ability, should be considered as part of the admissions and screening process for prospective medical students.
  • 보다 복잡성과 불확실성을 포용하게 해야함.
    Second, the model proposed by Perkins et al.32,33 suggests that teaching cognitive skills to students who lack sensitivity and inclination is not likely to bring about the desired results. To foster critical thinking, and thereby good clinical reasoning, we should teach students to embrace complexity and be open to uncertainty, rather than to shy away fromor eliminate these issues.
  • 평가방법때문에 misguide될 수 있음.
    Third, our current assessment methods may also be misguided in that they place students in testing situations that focus almost exclusively on cognitive skills and leave little space in which sensitivity or in clination might manifest themselves.

 2011 Jun;45(6):625-35. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2923.2010.03910.x.

Thinking critically about critical thinkingabilitydisposition or both?

Author information

  • 1Center for Evaluation, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts 02115, USA. ed_krupat@hms.harvard.edu



The objectives of this study were to determine the extent to which clinician-educators agree on definitions of critical thinking and to determine whether their descriptions of critical thinking in clinical practice are consistent with these definitions.


Ninety-seven medical educators at five medical schools were surveyed. Respondents were asked to define critical thinking, to describe a clinical scenario in which critical thinking would be important, and to state the actions of a clinician in that situation who was thinking critically and those of another who was not. Qualitative content analysis was conducted to identify patterns and themes.


The definitions mostly described critical thinking as a process or an ability; a minority of respondents described it as a personaldisposition. In the scenarios, however, the majority of the actions manifesting an absence of critical thinking resulted from heuristic thinking and a lack of cognitive effort, consistent with a dispositional approach, rather than a lack of ability to analyse or synthesise.


If we are to foster critical thinking among medical students, we must reconcile the way it is defined with the manner in which clinician-educators describe critical thinking--and its absence--in action. Such a reconciliation would include consideration of clinicians' sensitivity to complexity and their inclination to exert cognitive effort, in addition to their ability to master material and process information.

© Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2011.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

의료 커뮤니케이션 교육에서 도전과제: 개인적 경험과 성찰을 토대로

Challenges in Communication Skills Education in Medicine: Based on Personal Experience and Reflection


Young-Mee Lee

고려대학교 의과대학 의학교육학교실

Department of Medical Education, Korea University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea

환자와 효과적으로 커뮤니케이션 하는 것은 의사가 갖추어야 할 기본적 임상 자질에 하나임은 주지의 사실이며 체계적인 교육을 통하여 커뮤니케이션 기술과 대인관계 형성 능력은 학습되고 유지될 수 있다는 것 역시 잘 알려져 있는 사실이다[1]. 이제 국내에서도 커뮤니케이션 교육과정은 의과대학에서 당연히 가르쳐야 하는 교과목으로 자리를 잡아가고 있다. 그러나 국내 의료 커뮤니케이션 교육은 도입 초기단계로 교육자료, 교수방법, 평가 및 대학의 재정적 지원 등 여러 방면에서 지속적인 연구와 발전이 필요한 분야이다.

1. 커뮤니케이션 기술 교육은 행동의 변화를 유도해야 하는 것이므로 '경험학습'이 중요하다

이 말은 커뮤니케이션에 관한 선행연구 및 권장사항이나 합의서에서 빠지지 않고 나오는 말이다. 이는 실제로 교육과정 목표 달성의 성패를 좌우하므로 커뮤니케이션 교육을 하고자 한다면 반드시 기억해야 한다. 필자의 대학에서는 2개 학년에 걸쳐 커뮤니케이션 교육과정을 운영해오고 있는데, 한정된 자원을 나누어 할애하다보니, 일개 학년에 대해서는 경험학습을 제공할 수 없었고, 다른 학년의 학생들의 수업에서는 경험학습을 제공할 수 있었다. 경험학습의 제공 여부에 따라 학생들의 동기, 수업태도, 만족도는 매우 달랐고 학습 성과 역시 달랐다. 경험학습의 기회가 늘어날수록 학생들의 수업만족도와 교육목표 달성도는 훨씬 높았다.

1) 표준화 환자를 이용한 면담 실습

경험학습이라 함은, 실제 환자와 면담기회를 주던, 모의환자와 대화할 수 있는 기회를 주던, 학생들이 실제로 업무를 수행하게 될 상황과 유사한 교육환경을 제공하고, 학생들이 실제로 말하고 표현하고 느끼고 행동하게 하는 것을 말한다. 임상실습 전 의과대학 교육에서 가장 효과적인 커뮤니케이션 교수방법으로 제안되는 것이 역할극과 비디오 촬영을 이용한 경험학습이다[2]. 필자의 대학에서도 의학과 2학년 학생들을 대상으로 표준화 환자를 이용하여 면담을 시행하는데 주제에 따라 혹은 가용 가능한 자원에 따라 일대일 면담과 그룹면담을 복합적으로 사용하지만, 가능한 일대일 면담의 기회를 제공하는 것이 효과적이다.

2) 피드백

표준화 환자와 면담 실습만으로 학생들의 행동변화를 유도 하는데 한계가 있다. 면담 후에는 피드백과 자기성찰이 반드시 뒤따라야 한다. 피드백은 교수와 표준화 환자 모두에 의해 제공될 때 가장 효과적이다. 현실적으로 튜터 교수의 확보에 어려움이 있기 때문에, 매 면담 시마다 교수의 피드백을 제공하는 것은 현실적으로 불가능하다고 하더라도, 수업 초기에 새로운 행동요소를 가르칠 때 혹은 반드시 임상경험이 풍부한 의사들의 조언이 필요한 주제의 경우(예로, 감정이 격앙되어 있는 환자에 대처하는 법, 나쁜 소식을 전달해야 하는 사례의 경우), 교수의 피드백만큼 학생들의 피부에 와 닿는 가르침은 없다. 표준화 환자의 피드백은 환자의 목소리를 학생들이 편안한 분위기에서 직접적으로 들을 수 있는 귀중한 시간 이다.

3) 자기 성찰

교수와 환자의 피드백은 행동 수정을 위한 유용한 피드백이지만, 자기 성찰은 태도와 인식의 전환을 통한 자기 변화에 있어 가장 강력한 도구이다. 표준화 환자와 면담을 비디오 촬영하는 것은 바로 자기 성찰을 위한 것이다. 그러나 어떤 형식도 없이 학생들에게 자기 성찰을 요구할 경우, 이는 시간 낭비가 될 수 있다. 필자의 대학에서는 커뮤니케이션 행동 요소로 구성한 채점표를 제공하고 녹화한 비디오 영상을 보면서 스스로 자신의 행동을 점검하게 하거나, 자유기술형식의 자기성찰일지(reflective journal)를 작성하게 하여 제출하게 한다. 이러한 활동은 개별 혹은 그룹 활동으로 수행되며, 책임교수의 디브리핑을 시간을 이용하여 학생들에게 피드백 된다. 자기 성찰과 평가는 학생들에게 때로는 귀찮은 과제로 여겨질 수 있다. 그러나 자신의 모습을 거울에 비추어 보지 않고는 내 얼굴에 검댕이가 묻어 있는지 알 수조차 없는 것이다. 더구나 성인들은 타인의 피드백보다는 자기 평가와 반성을 통하여 배움의 필요성을 자각할 때 더 많이 배울 수 있다. 학생들에게 귀찮은 과제를 수행하게 하는 목적과 이유를 분명히 설명하고 설득한다면 충분히 이해할 것이다.

개인의 인식 변화를 통한 행동의 변화는 ‘실습-피드백-자기 성찰’이라는 일련의 학습과정을 통해서 이루어질 수 있다[3].

2. 대학은 '경험학습'을 지원할 의지를 가지고 있어야 하고 필요한 자원을 제공해야 한다

1) 대학의 새로운 학습 방법에 대한 의지와 행·재정적 지원이 필요하다

2) 수업 참여 교수의 모집과 확보는 대학의 공식적인 시스템을 이용해야 한다

3) ‘교수개발’ 과정이 적절히 제공되고 있는가?

3. 학습자 수준과 요구사항에 맞추어 수업내용과 방법을 편성해야 한다.

커뮤니케이션 교육을 받을 대상 학생이 의예과 학생인지, 임상실습 전 학생인지, 임상실습과정 중인지, 전공의인지에 따라 대인관계술이나 커뮤니케이션 기술에 대한 인식과 필요성의 정도는 매우 다르다. 의예과 학생들의 경우, 진료와 관계된 커뮤니케이션 능력에 대해서는 관심도가 낮은 것은 당연하겠지만, 일상에서의 커뮤니케이션 기술에 대한 관심도 역시 높지 않은 것을 경험할 수 있었다. 즉, 필자의 대학에서는 의학과 진입 전 의예과 학생들에게 일반적인 커뮤니케이션 기술을 교육할 경우, 대인관계 및 소통능력을 향상시키고 의학과에서 학습하게 되는 환자와 커뮤니케이션 기술을 배우는 과정과의 연계성을 확보할 수 있을 것이라는 취지에서 의예과 2학년 과정에서 커뮤니케이션 교육과정을 운영한 경험이 있다. 그러나 의예과 학생들의 대다수는 자신의 커뮤니케이션 능력 수준을 향상시켜야겠다는 요구 자체가 높지 않았으며 이러한 학생들에게 ‘타인에 대한 공감’ 등을 강조하고 효과적인 대인관계 및 커뮤니케이션 기술이 좋은 의사의 기본적 자질임을 설득하는 것은 결코 쉽지 않았다.

반면 임상실습을 눈앞에 둔 의학과 학생들의 경우, 커뮤니케이션 수업에 대한 인식 및 요구도가 높았다. 또한 이론 강의에 지쳐있었던 학생들에게 역할극, 표준화 환자 면담, 교수하고 토론하면서 환자에 의해 제공되는 피드백 등의 경험학습은 신선한 자극이 되었다. 자신의 행동 변화를 모니터링하면서 수업의 몰입도도 높았다.

교육의 대상이 되는 학습자의 상태와 요구를 정확히 분석하는 것은 교육과정 편성과 계획 시 기본 중에도 기본이다. 그러나 때론 가장 기초적인 것을 간과하는 경우가 있다. 기본은 지키지 않으면, 가장 큰 장애요인이 된다. 장애물을 처음부터 제거하지 않고 뛰는 경주는 완주할 수도 이길 수도 없다.

4. 학교 수업과 진료현장에서의 일관성 있는 메시지를 전달하는 것이 필요하다

필자는 환자를 보지 않는 기초교수로서 ‘의료 커뮤니케이션’수업을 운영하면서, 이런 질문을 받는다. “선생님이 지금 가르치시는 것이 임상현장에서 실제 가능한 것인가요?” 행동 요소 하나하나를 따지자면 가능한 것도 있고 가능하지 못한 것도 있을 것이다. 가령 ‘환자에게 공감’하라고 가르치고, ‘공감’을 표현하는 방법에 대한 행동 요소를 구체적으로 제시하지만, 바쁜 진료현장에서 그 행동 하나하나를 전부 실행할 수도 없을 것이며 의사마다 그것을 구현하는 방식 역시 다를 것이다. 그러나 환자를 최우선으로 하는 마인드를 가지고 환자와 공감하려고 노력하는 마음은 결코 이론과 실제가 다를 수 없다. 병력 청취를 할 때, 열린 질문을 하고 환자의 말을 경청해주고 인정해주라고 가르친다. 그러나 실제 현장에서는 환자와 면담이 폐쇄형 질문으로 이루어지고 환자가 말할 기회는 거의 주어지지 않는다. 학생들은 ‘mixed message’에 혼돈스러워 한다.

학교에서 이루어지는 수업은 임상현장에서 학생들이 환자를 볼 때 행동으로 구현되는 것을 최종목표로 기획되고 운영된다. 따라서 수업에서 가르치고 배운 것들은 임상현장에서 일관성 있는 메시지로 반복·심화되어야만 예비 의사들의 가치와 행동에 녹아들어갈 수 있다. 교수개발이 필요한 이유가 여기에 또한 존재한다. 더 많은 임상 의사들이 커뮤니케이션 기술과 수업에 관심을 가지고 진료현장에서 모범을 보여 줄 수 있도록 교수개발이 활발히 이루어져야 할 것이다.

Korean J Med Educ > Volume 24(1); 2012 > Article

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사람들은 무엇 때문에 실수를 받아들이지 않는가? 의료과오를 드러내는 것에 관한 요인설문조사(factorial survey)

What makes an error unacceptable? A factorial survey on the disclosure of medical errors


University Witten/Herdecke, Health Policy & Management, Witten, Germany

배경: 환자에게 의료과오에 대해 밝히는 것이 중요하다는 것에 대해서 논쟁이 있지만, 그 과오를 다루는 것과 관련된 여러가지 특성과 그 과오에 대해서 환자와 의사소통 하는 것이 미치는 영향에 대해서는 알려진 바가 별로 없다.

Background. Although the importance of disclosing medical errors to patients has been argued, little is known about the relative effect of different attributes of error handling and communication on patients’ judgments about errors.

목적: 의료과오의 다양한 특성과 그 후 의사가 그 의료과오를 어떻게 다루는가가 환자가 그 사건을 판단하는데 미치는 영향을 살펴보았다. 또한 이러한 환자의 태도가 그 이후의 결과에 대한 환자들의 태도, 그리고 의사들에 대한 처벌에 대한 태도에 어떤 영향을 미치는지를 보았다.

Objectives. This study investigates how different characteristics of medical errors and of physicians’ subsequent handling of errors contribute to patients’ evaluations of the incident and their attitudes towards potential consequences and sanctions for the physician.

방법: vignette technique를 이요한 factorial survey를 활용하였다. 인터넷을 활용하여서 일반 대중에 대한 의료과오 상황을 포함한 가상적 시나리오를 제시하였다. 1017명의 German Internet survey panel이 참여하였다. 

Materials and methods. A factorial survey using the vignette technique presented hypothetical scenarios involving medical errors to members of the general public in an Internet-based study. Members of a German Internet survey panel participated (n = 1017). Multiple ordered logistic regression models were estimated to explain citizens’ judgments of error severity and their attitudes towards reporting of errors, wishing for referral to another physician, and supporting sanctions against the health professional involved as a response to characteristics of the presented errors.

결과: 의료과오로 나타난 결과의 심각도가 가장 중요한 단 한가지 요인으로 나타난 가운데, 의료과오에 대한 전반적 평가와 그 이후 결과를 고려하는데 있어서는 의료진의 과오에 대한 접근방식이 중요한 것으로 나타났다. 심각한 결과를 초래하는 과오에 대해서 정직하고, 공감적이고, 책임감있는 접근이 환자가 의사에 대해 강한 책임을 물을 가능성을 낮춰 주었다. 응답자의 특성은 판단에 거의 영향을 주지 않았다.

Results. While the severity of the outcomes of errors remains the most important single factor in the choice of actions to be taken, the professional’s approach to the error is regarded as essential in the overall evaluation of errors and the consideration of consequences. In errors with a severe outcome, an honest, empathic, and accountable approach to the error decreases the probability of participants’ support for strong sanctions against the physician involved by 59%. Judgments were only marginally affected by respondents’ characteristics.

결론: 의료과오에 대해 어떻게 대처하는가가 사람들이 의료과오에 대해 어떤 행동을 취할 것인가에 큰 영향을 주었으며, 사람들은 그러한 사건을 'error'라고 부르지 않는 것에 민감한 반응을 보였다. 과오에 대한 탈개인화된(de-individualized), 시스템중심의(systems-oriented) 접근법의 성공을 위해서는 의료진이 환자에게 분명한 책무성을 보여주는 것이 중요하다.

Conclusions. The handling of errors strongly contributes to citizens’ choice of actions to be taken, and they are sensitive to failures to name the incident as an ‘error’. For the success of de-individualized, systems-oriented approaches to errors, communication of clear accountability to patients will be crucial.

의료과오는 보건의료시스템에서 가장 심각한 질적 문제 중 하나이며, 건강 관련 유해(harm)과 상당한 연관이 있고, 경제적 부담을 초래한다. 의료과오는 환자와 의사 관계를 해칠 수 있고, 보건의료 시스템에 대한 환자의 신뢰를 저하시킨다. '인간은 실수하기 마련이다'라는 말과 과오를 예방하기 위하여 온갖 효과적인 방법을 사용하더라도 어떤 의료과오는 의료에서 불가피한 부작용이다. 과오를 예방하는 것과 별도로 보건의료직에 종사하는 사람들은 의료과오를 접근함에 있어서 환자들이 보건의료시스템에 신뢰를 잃지 않도록 하는 것이 중요하다. 많은 연구자들이 환자들에게 과오에 대하여 설명하고, 사과하고, 정직하고, 돌봄의 의사소통을 하는 것을 강조해왔다.

Medical errors are among the most serious quality problems in health care systems and are associated with considerable health-related harm and economic burden [1]. Medical errors also have the potential to compromise the physician–patient relationship and to undermine patients’ trust in the health care system as a whole. ‘To err is human’, and even if all effective measures were taken to prevent errors, the occurrence of some errors has to be accepted as an inevitable side-effect of medical care. Besides the prevention of errors, it is therefore essential that health care professionals approach errors in a way that allows patients to preserve confidence in the health care system. A number of authors have stressed the importance of disclosure of errors to patients, the role of apologizing, and the need for honest and caring communication [2,3]. 

기존의 연구를 보면 환자들은 의료 과오를 밝히는 것을 대단히 선호하며, 거기에 깔린 원인, 결과, 그리고 재발 예방에 대한 정보를 제공받고 싶어한다. 이러한 사건이 생겼을 때, 의료진이 그것을 어떻게 다루는가가 그 일을 당한 환자에게 주는 결과에 영향을 준다는 근거도 있다. 의료진에 의해서 생긴 트라우마가, 그 트라우마를 진지하고 민감하게 다루지 않는 의료진의 태도와 겹쳐지면 그 의료진에 대한 법적 대응을 할 가능성이 높아진다. 그러나 의료과오의 어떤 특징 (결과의 심각성), 이후의 의료진의 접근 어떤 접근 태도가 환자의 그 사건에 대한 평가와 이후 결과에 대한 태도에 영향을 주는가는 알려져 있지 않다. 

Empirical studies have shown that patients have strong preferences towards the disclosure of errors and the provision of information about underlying causes, consequences, and prevention of recurrences [4,5]. There is also evidence that the way the incident is handled by health care professionals influences whether and which consequences are drawn by affected patients (or their families) [6]. If the trauma of being harmed by a health care professional is followed by the trauma of not being taken seriously and communicated with sensitively, the likelihood of taking legal actions against the involved persons increases [7,8]. However, very little is known about how different characteristics of a medical error, such as outcome severity, and of the subsequent approach to this error contribute to patients’ evaluations of the incident and their attitudes towards potential consequences. We conducted a factorial survey using the vignette technique [9] that presented hypothetical scenarios involving a medical error to members of the general public. The main objective was to investigate how characteristics of the error itself and the way the error is handled relate to citizens’: (i) judgments of error severity; (ii) wishes to be referred to another physician; (iii) attitudes towards reporting of errors; and (iv) requests for sanctions for the involved health professional.

 2004 Aug;16(4):317-26.

What makes an error unacceptable? A factorial survey on the disclosure of medical errors.



Although the importance of disclosing medical errors to patients has been argued, little is known about the relative effect of different attributes of error handling and communication on patients' judgments about errors.


This study investigates how different characteristics of medical errors and of physicians' subsequent handling of errors contribute to patients' evaluations of the incident and their attitudes towards potential consequences and sanctions for the physician.


A factorial survey using the vignette technique presented hypothetical scenarios involving medical errors to members of the general public in an Internet-based study. Members of a German Internet survey panel participated (n = 1017). Multiple ordered logistic regression models were estimated to explain citizens' judgments of error severity and their attitudes towards reporting of errors, wishing for referral to another physician, and supporting sanctions against the health professional involved as a response to characteristics of the presented errors.


While the severity of the outcomes of errors remains the most important single factor in the choice of actions to be taken, the professional's approach to the error is regarded as essential in the overall evaluation of errors and the consideration of consequences. In errors with a severe outcome, an honest, empathic, and accountable approach to the error decreases the probability of participants' support for strong sanctions against the physician involved by 59%. Judgments were only marginally affected by respondents' characteristics.


The handling of errors strongly contributes to citizens' choice of actions to be taken, and they are sensitive to failures to name the incident as an 'error'. For the success of de-individualized, systems-oriented approaches to errors, communication of clear accountability to patients will be crucial.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] 

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의료에서의 감성지능 : ACGME 역량에 기반한 리뷰

Emotional intelligence in medicine: a systematic review through the context of the ACGME competencies

Sonal Arora, Hutan Ashrafian, Rachel Davis, Thanos Athanasiou, Ara Darzi & Nick Sevdalis


감성지능은 감성을 인지하고, 처리하고, 통제하고, 관리하는 것을 포함한다. 이 연구는 ACGME역량에 따라 의료와 관련된 EI의 근거에 대하여 정리하였다.

Emotional intelligence (EI) involves the perception, processing, regulation and management of emotions. This article aims to systematically review the evidence for EI in medicine through the context of the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) competencies.


MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsycINFO, the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials were searched for English-language articles published between January 1980 and March 2009. The grey literature was also searched and experts in the field contacted for additional studies. Two independent reviewers selected articles which reported empirical research studies about clinicians or medical students. Conceptual articles and opinion pieces and commentaries were excluded. Information about the measure used to assess EI, the study parameter or domain, and the educational or clinical outcome (with specific relation to the ACGME competencies) was extracted.


문헌조사로부터 485개의 문헌을 찾았고, 초록을 검토하여 24개로, 그 중 16개가 최종 검토 대상이 되었다. 11개의 연구는 졸업후과정, 4개는 학부과정, 1개는 의과대학 지원자에 대한 것이었다. 7개 중 6개 연구는 여성이 남성보다 EI가 더 높다고 보고하였다. EI가 높은 것은 환자-의사 관계, 공감, 팀워크와 의사소통 기술, 스트레스 관리, 조직에 대한 헌신과 리더십 등과 상관관계가 있었다.

The literature search identified 485 citations. An abstract review led to the retrieval of 24 articles for full-text assessment, of which 16 articles were included in the final review. Eleven studies focused on postgraduates, four on undergraduates and one on medical school applicants. Six out of seven studies found women to have higher EI than men. Higher EI was reported to positively contribute to the doctor-patient relationship (three studies), increased empathy (five studies), teamwork and communication skills (six studies), and stress management, organisational commitment and leadership (three studies).

    • Quality assessment
      • Table 1 displays the quality assessment scores for included papers. Once again, there was an excellent level of agreement between the two raters using the quality assessment scale (j = 0.80).
    • Study characteristics
      • Table 1 shows the characteristics of the included studies. Regarding study design and methodology, the vast majority of reviewed studies were surveybased, employing self-report EI questionnaires (n = 14).
    • How EI was measured
      • As we highlighted in the Introduction, if we are to understand and apply EI, we must first be able to measure it in a robust, comprehensive manner.
    • Effect of gender on EI
    • Effect of age and experience on EI
    • The doctor–patient relationship and EI
    • Empathy and EI
    • The role of EI in teamwork, communication and interpersonal skills
    • EI and academic performance
    • The role of EI in workplace stress, leadership and organisational commitment


EI척도는 근대 의학 교육과정이 추구하는 다양한 역량과의 관련성을 보여주고 있었다. 훈련으로 EI가 향상될 수 있을 것인지, 또한 이로 인해 교육적/임상적 성과가 증진될 것인지 연구가 필요하다.

Measures of EI correlate with many of the competencies that modern medical curricula seek to deliver. Further research is required to determine whether training can improve EI and thus augment educational and clinical outcomes.

 2010 Aug;44(8):749-64. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2923.2010.03709.x.

Emotional intelligence in medicine: a systematic review through the context of the ACGME competencies.



Emotional intelligence (EI) involves the perception, processing, regulation and management of emotions. This article aims to systematically review the evidence for EI in medicine through the context of the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) competencies.


MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsycINFO, the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials were searched for English-language articles published between January 1980 and March 2009. The grey literature was also searched and experts in the field contacted for additional studies. Two independent reviewers selected articles which reported empirical research studies about clinicians or medical students. Conceptual articles and opinion pieces and commentaries were excluded. Information about the measure used to assess EI, the study parameter or domain, and the educational or clinical outcome (with specific relation to the ACGME competencies) was extracted.


The literature search identified 485 citations. An abstract review led to the retrieval of 24 articles for full-text assessment, of which 16 articles were included in the final review. Eleven studies focused on postgraduates, four on undergraduates and one on medical school applicants. Six out of seven studies found women to have higher EI than men. Higher EI was reported to positively contribute to the doctor-patient relationship (three studies), increased empathy (five studies), teamwork and communication skills (six studies), and stress management, organisational commitment and leadership (three studies).


Measures of EI correlate with many of the competencies that modern medical curricula seek to deliver. Further research is required to determine whether training can improve EI and thus augment educational and clinical outcomes.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

의료윤리교육 내실화 방안

Quality Improvement Strategies of Medical Ethics Education in Korea


단국의대 가정의학교실/의료윤리학교실

Yoo-Seock Cheong, M.D., Ph.D.

Department of Family Medicine, Medical Ethics, Dankook

University Medical College, Cheonan, Korea

책임저자 주소: 330-715, 충남 천안시 동남구 망향로 201

단국대학병원 가정의학과

Tel: 041-550-6385, Fax: 041-565-6167

E-mail: drloved@hanmail.net

한국 사회에서 의료윤리가 언급되는 상황은 주로 배아복제나 줄기세포치료와 같은 첨단의료기술의 적용이나 연명치료 중단, 임신중절 시술의 윤리성 등 딜레마 상황과 관련한 내용들이 주를 이루어 왔다. 그런데 최근들어 리베이트 관련 문제, 연구논문 조작, 수면내시경 시술시의 성추행 등 새로운 윤리 문제들이 주목받게 되었다. 

    • 전자의 경우는 새로운 기술이 의료현장에 적용될 때 필수적으로 따라야 하는 윤리물음에 답하기 위한 것으로 긍정적 현상이다. 하지만, 
    • 후자의 경우는 의사 단체에 대한 시민들의 불신을 조장하고 의사-환자 관계 전반에 악영향을 주는 안타까운 상황이라 할 수 있다.

국내 의과대학의 의료윤리 교육은 1980년대에 소수의 의과대학에서 시작되었다. 이미 1970년대에 의료윤리 교육이 시작된 미국의 경우보다 다소 늦은 감이 있지만 이후 빠른 속도로 확산되고 정착하였다. 2005년 의과대학교육현황을 보면 41개 대학중 40개 대학이 의료윤리과목을 채택하고 있었다[1].


1. 의료윤리교육의 목표

전통적으로 의료윤리교육의 목표는 크게 두 가지로 나누어지는데, 

      • 첫째는 선한 의사, 또는 덕스러운 의사를 만드는 수단이 되어야 한다는 것이고, 
      • 두 번째는 윤리적 문제를 분석하고 해결할 수 있는 능력을 가르쳐야 한다는 것이다.

여기에 이미 자신의 가치관이 분명한 의과대학생들에게 선한 성품을 강요하는 것이 교육을 통해 가능하겠는가 하는 회의적인 시각도 있다. 

      • Freedman,Wilson, Pellegrino와 Thomasma 등은 선한의사 만들기야 말로 의료윤리교육의 최종목표라고 주장한다[2-5]. 그들은 의학은 태생적으로 도덕성을 담보로 해야하며, 의사의 덕성은 의료윤리를 배우고 훈련함에 의해서 함양될 수 있다고 주장한다.
      • 반면, Miles, Gross 등은 의료윤리 교육의 최종 목표는 임상 진료에 있어서 문제를 인식하는 ‘실제적 지혜(practical wisdom)’를 가진 의사를 키우는 것이며 환자 진료 과정에서의 윤리적 결정을 내리는 지식과 도구를 제공하는 것이라고 하였다[6,7]. 이들은 의과대학생들의 도덕적 특성은 입학시점 이전에 이미 결정되어 있는 것으로 보고 이들을 더 선한 의사로 만들려는 목표는 비현실적이라는 견해를 표명하였다. 

2000년대 초반 북미지역 87개 학교들을 대상으로 의료윤리 관련 교과목의 교육목표를 조사한 James 등의 연구에 의하면, 북미의 의과대학들은 평균 3가지의 학습목표를 가지고 있었으며, 이중 ‘의료윤리문제들에 친숙해지기’(77%)와 ‘윤리적 판단력/ 문제해결능력 배양’(64%)의 두 개 항목만이 전체 코스의 절반이상에서 채택되었다[8].

2006년에 발표된 최은경 등의 연구에 의하면 국내 의과대학에서 다루는 의료윤리의 주요 주제 상위 5가지는 

      • 의료윤리의 기본개념, 
      • 죽음과 관련된 윤리, 
      • 출생에 관련된 윤리, 
      • 의사환자관계 윤리, 
      • 첨단 의학과 관련된 윤리였다[1]

그 다음으로 의학연구윤리, 특수 환자 관련 윤리, 동료의료인 관련 윤리 등이 뒤를 잇고 있었는데 이는 북미 의과대학들의 학습주제와 크게 다르지 않다. 따라서 국내 의과대학들도 의료윤리교육의 목표로서 다분히 실용적인 노선을 추구하고 있을 것으로 추측할 수 있다.

2. 의료윤리의 교육자

의료윤리교육을 누가 담당해야 하는가? 라는 질문은 교육의 목표를 어디에 둘 것이냐에 상당 부분 좌우된다. 전기한 바와 같이 국내 대부분 의과대학에서 의료윤리교육의 목표로 윤리적 감수성과 문제해결 능력이라는 현실적인 목표에 비중을 두고 있다면 임상 경험이 있는 의사 교원의 참여가 국내 의과대학에서 흔하다는 점은 강점으로 보인다. 하지만, 국내의 경우 임상 교수들 대부분은 학부시절과 수련기간에 의료윤리를 배운 경험이 거의 없다는 점이 문제이다. 이러한 상황은 미국도 다르지 않아서 Smith 등은 의료윤리 교육의 중요한 장벽중 하나는 교수진 스스로가 이 분야에 대하여 전문성이 없다고 생각하는 점이라고 하였다. 따라서, 임상 교수들을 위한 의료윤리 교육가 양성 과정의 필요성이 절실하다고 하였다[9]. 

조금 다른 각도의 문제점은 의료윤리만을 전담하여 가르치는 전임교원의 유무에 관한 문제이다. 이는 각 의과대학이 의료윤리과목을 얼마나 중요하게 생각하고 있느냐에 대한 간접적인 지표로 볼 수 있다.

이는 의료윤리 전임 교수 충원율이 70%인 북미의 경우와 확연히 비교가 되는 부분이다[8]. 이상적으로야 윤리학자, 법학자, 임상 의사가 팀이 되어 의료윤리를 가르치는 것이 가장 바람직하겠지만, 여건이 성숙하기 까지는 관심 있는 교원 누군가는 윤리교육에 집중 할 수 있는 환경을 조성해 주는 것이 시급한 일이다

3. 의료윤리교육 시기

2006년 조사에 의하면 국내 의과대학의 의료윤리강의 시간은 평균 20시간(최소 2-52시간)이었고 부여된 평균 학점은 1학점이 48%, 2학점이 24%의 순이었다[1].

현실적으로는 의료윤리 고유 과목의 시간 배정은 저학년과 고학년에 한 번씩 도합 두 번 정도가 적당할 것으로 보는데, 이 경우 

      • 저학년 과정은 윤리/철학자가, 
      • 고학년 과정에서는 임상 의사가 교육의 중심이 되는 것이 좋을 것이다[10].

4. 의료윤리교육 방법론

국내 의과대학에서 흔히 진행되는 의료윤리 수업방식은 

      • 강의 91.9%, 
      • 전체 토론 64.9%, 
      • 소규모 증례토론 62.2%, 
      • 디오 상영 40.5%의 순이었다[1]. 

북미 의과대학의 경우는 

      • 토론 84%, 
      • 자료읽기와 에세이작성 83%, 
      • 강의 64%의 순이었다[11].

미국의 John Curley 재단에서는 의대생들을 대상으로 의료윤리 교육에 대한 에세이를 제출하게 한 바 있는데, ‘의대생들의 윤리적 사고와 행동을 발전시키기 위해서 어떻게 해야 하는가?‘ 라는 물음이 포함되어 있었다. 이들의 견해를 요약해보면, 부분의 학생들은 강의식보다는 스스로의 견해를 마음껏 피력할 수 있는 소그룹 토의 형식을 원했다[13]. Perkins 등은 입원환자에 대한 윤리적 자문 활동(ethical consultation), 집중 임상윤리 과정(intensive clinical ethics course), 의료윤리 집담회(ethics rounds)라는 세 가지 교육방법에 대한 의견을 제시하였는데, 각 방법마다 장단점이 있지만 의료윤리 집담회가 가장 효율적이라고 하였다[14]. 

결론적으로 저학년 시기의 의료윤리 강의는 윤리이론 전반에 관한 읽기자료와 에세이작성 등을 보조적으로 사용하는 강의식 수업형태로 하고, 고학년의 경우 사례와 영상자료 등에 대한 소그룹 토론, 의료윤리 집담회의 운영 등을 활용하는 것이 바람직하다고 본다.

5. 국내 의료윤리교육 내실화의 걸림돌

국내 의료윤리교육 내실화를 기하는데 몇 가지 걸림돌이 있다. 첫째는 임상 경험과 윤리적 전문성을 갖춘 교육 전문가가 부족하다는 점이다. 이는 현재 의과대학 교수진들의 대부분이 학부시절과 전공의 시절에 의료윤리과목을 배울 기회가 없었다는 점에 근본 원인이 있다.

두번째는 공통의 학습목표와 교과서가 없다는 점이다. 한국의료윤리교육학회가 발간한 의료윤리교과서의 초판이 나온지가 10여년이 되었지만 아직 신간이 나오지 않았고 각 대학마다 외국의 교재들을 짜집기 하여 나름의 커리큘럼을 진행하고 있는 형편이다.

세번째는 평가의 문제인데, 의료윤리 과목의 도입에 있어서 의과대학 인증평가가 결정적인 계기가 되었듯이 의료윤리 과목의 내실화를 위해서는 의사 국가고시, 혹은 전문의 고시에 의료윤리 문항을 반영할 필요가 있다. 이를 위해 표준화된 학습목표와 교과서의 발행이 선행되어야 함은 아무리 강조해도 지나치지 않다.

마지막 논점은 의료윤리 교육을 의과대학 학생들에게만 필요한 것으로 국한해서는 안된다는 점이다. 따라서 졸업 후에도 전공의 시절과 그 이후의 평생의학교육의 과정에서도 윤리 교육은 지속되어야 한다. 한국의료윤리학회가 발간한 전공의를 위한 의료윤리 교과서는 세부 전문과목에 관한 내용보다는 의사라면 누구나 알아야 할 ‘서바이벌 윤리’를 강조하고 있어 일부 의과대학에서도 학습교제로 그 유용성을 인정받고 있다[15].

Quality Improvement Strategies of Medical Ethics Education in Korea
의료윤리교육 내실화 방안

단국의대 가정의학교실/의료윤리학교실
Yoo-Seock Cheong, M.D., Ph.D.
Department of Family Medicine, Medical Ethics, Dankook University Medical College, Cheonan, Korea

In the past twenty years, medical ethics has emerged as a priority within medical schools in Korea. This article contains important messages about the general overviews and current status, such as the educator, teaching method, and goals of medical ethics education in medical schools. The author suggests ideas of improvement and qualification of the medical ethics education in Korea. There are two points of view regarding the purpose of teaching medical ethics: (1) that it is a means of creating virtuous physicians; and (2) that it is a means of providing physicians with a skill set for analyzing and resolving ethical dilemmas. The field would benefit from further theoretical work aimed at better delineating the core content, core processes, and core skills relevant to the ethical practice of medicine. They are in agreement that a multidiciplinary team of ethicist-philosophers and physicians should teach medical ethics, and ethics education should be integrated longitudinally throughout the 4 years of medical school. Within a few decades the number of Korean medical schools requiring medical ethics has increased in volume. Further progress in ethics education may depend on medical schools’ willingness to devote more curricular time and funding to medical ethics for faculty development and resources. 

Educational Benefits of Diversity in Medical School: A Survey of Students

Dean K. Whitla, PhD, Gary Orfield, PhD, William Silen, MD, Carole Teperow, Carolyn Howard, MEd, and Joan Reede, MD, MPH

지난 30년간 소수자 학생들이 대학과 대학원에 진학하는데 있어서 배키판결은 큰 영향을 주었다. 1978년 판결이 내려졌을 때 Supreme Court가 결정을 내린 근거 중 하나는 모든 학생들의 교육적 경험에 있어서 학생의 다양성이 중요하다는 것이었다. 법원은 '인종'을 학생을 선발하는 다양한 요인 중 하나로 보았으며, '정원'을 활용하는 것은 금지하였다. 그러나 일부 주에서, 그리고 5th District Court지역에서는 대학 입학에 있어서 인종에 대한 제한을 두고 있다. affirmative action을 비판하는 사람들은 affirmative action이 백인에게 공평하지 못할 뿐만 아니라, 애초에 기대했던 교육적 효과도 거두지 못하고 있다고 주장한다.

(The Bakke case : 배키 판결: 소수인종 학생을 입학시키기 위해 우수한 백인 학생의 입학을 거부한 것은 위헌이라는 판결)

The Bakke case has influenced admissions of minority students to college and graduate schools for the past three decades.1 In its 1978 ruling, the Supreme Court rested its decision on the importance of a diverse student body for the educational experience of all students. The Court stated that race could legally be considered only as one of a number of factors in selecting a class but forbade the use of quotas. However, in some states (California, Florida, Georgia, and Washington) and in the 5th District Court area (Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas) both ballot initiatives and lower court decisions have placed restrictions on using race as a factor in higher education admission decisions. Critics of affirmative action argue not only that affirmative action is unfair to whites but also that such polices have not produced the educational gains for students that were anticipated.2,3

이 연구는 다양성의 교육적 효과에 대한 새로운 이해를 열기 위한 노력이라 할 수 있다. 이는 특히 의학교육에 대한 것이며, 2002년 12월 Supreme Court가 affirmative action admission정책을 리뷰하면서 이 분야 연구 중요성이 더 높아졌다.

This study represents an effort to add a new level of understanding to the educational effects of diversity, especially in medical education. The December 2002 decision of the Supreme Court to review affirmative action admission policies enhances the importance of these research efforts.

[중요]학생 다양성이 높은 경우 학생들이 서로 정보를 교환하고 서로의 가치 체계를 공유함으로서 문화적 민감성의 토대를 키울 수 있다. affirmative action이 의과대학 입학에 갖는 주요한 장점은 의료전달체계를 취약한 인구집단까지 확장시킴으로서 개개인의 의사에게 돌아가는 혜택을 넘어서는 사회적 이익을 창출한다는 점이다. 여러 연구에서 URM의사들이 더 소수의, 가난한, Medicaid인구를 돌본다는 것이 보고된 바 있다. 또한 북미의 소수민족들은 같은 민족의 의사를 찾아 가는 경향이 많으며, 이는 지역적인 이유 때문이라기보다 그들이 받는 서비스, 즉 상호 이해와 신뢰에 기반한 서비스, 때문이다. 같은 인종의 의사에게 진료를 받은 African-American 환자들이 의사를 평가할 때 좀 더 참여적으로 의사결정을 내린다고 평가하였다. 또한 의료만족도는 얼마나 환자가 의사의 지시를 잘 따르는가에 달려있기 때문에, 연구자들은 URM의사의 수를 늘리는 것이 다른 모든 의사들의 문화적 역량을 키우는 것을 넘어서서 그 소수인종들의 건강을 더 개선하는데도 도움이 될 것이라고 생각하고 있다. Jordan Cohen의 말을 빌리자면, 현재 AAMC의 president의 anti-affirmative action은 전 국가적 건강에 도움이 안 된다고 할 수 있다.

A diverse student body enables students to exchange information and share value systems of different cultures as a basic foundation for cultural sensitivity.4 A major benefit of affirmative action in medical school admissions is the ability to expand health care delivery to traditionally underserved communities, generating social benefits that go beyond the individual physician.5 Research indicates that underrepresented minority (URM) physicians are more likely to serve minority, poor, and Medicaid populations than are their majority counterparts.6,7,8 Moreover, minorities in North America tend to choose physicians of their own races, due not only to geographic location but also to the nature of the care they receive—care based on mutual understanding and trust.9,10 African American patients who see physicians of their own race tend to rate their physicians' decision-making styles as more participatory.11 Because satisfaction with health care is positively associated with patients' treatment compliance, researchers believe that increasing the pool of URM physicians, and improving cultural competence among all physicians, may lead to better health outcomes for minority populations.12,13 To paraphrase Dr. Jordan Cohen, current president of the Association of American Medical Colleges, anti-affirmative action would be bad for our collective national health.13


데이터 수집은 매우 어렵다. 전화 인터뷰 활용.

Data collection from medical students, because of their complicated and overloaded schedules, is very difficult. Of the various methods of data collection—e-mails, personal interviews, questionnaires, telephone interviews—we decided from prior experience with surveys of law students at eight U.S. law schools 14 and the Bowen and Bok research effort,15 that telephone interviewing was the most effective method of collecting responses. The deans of the two participating medical schools, Dean Debas of the University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine and Dean Martin of Harvard Medical School, approved of the project. Their representatives provided telephone numbers of each school's enrolled undergraduates. The Harvard Committee on the Use of Human Subjects approved the project. We employed The Gallup Organization to the complete phone interviews. Although a phone call even from a professional polling organization does not guarantee anonymity, research conducted using this method has normally been sanctioned as meeting this qualification. As such, “implicit informed consent” meets the review standards of the two medical schools.

전문가가 설문 작성

A committee with expertise in questionnaires and medical education constructed the survey instrument, drawing on previous work in this area. Previous questionnaires by the National Science Foundation, the American Medical Association, the Canadian Federation of Medical Students, and the Institute of Ethics were examined. The instrument, a series of five-point Likert-type questions asking students to rate the importance of diversity in the student body in a number of areas, was pilot tested with a small group of graduate students in the medical sciences. “Diversity” was defined for students as being limited to racial and ethnic diversity. The construct validity of the instrument was deemed appropriate and adequate from the pretest results and by the oversight of a team of psychometricians and medical educators. The internal consistency of the series of items focusing on attitudes toward diversity was found to be substantial (Cronbach's alpha = .87).

갤럽 설문조사 

In May and June of 2000, Gallup interviewers phoned students enrolled in all four years of the Harvard and UCSF medical schools. Interviewers made up to five calls per student, and if no contact occurred, that instance was deleted from the total number. The response rate, taking into account these deletions, was 97%. However, due to the infrequency of actual student contact, only 55% of the total enrolled student body at both schools could be sampled. Interviewers also recorded students' explanatory remarks in response to the questions.

총 데이터 수집 

Our data represent the views of 639 students, 338 from Harvard and 301 from UCSF. The responders consisted of roughly equal numbers of students in each of the four years of medical school study. The response patterns and the demographics of the Harvard and UCSF medical students were not found to be significantly different. Therefore, the responses from the two samples were combined in the analyses. The racial and ethnic characteristics of the UCSF and Harvard samples were also typical of the total enrolled student populations at the two schools (chi-square test p = .87). Furthermore, the composition of the combined sample did not differ from the U.S. population of enrolled medical school students (chi-square test p = .71). There were 2% more African Americans in the study sample than were enrolled nationally (9% versus 7% nationally); 6% more Asians (26% versus 20% nationally); 3% more Latinos (9% versus 6% nationally); 0.3% fewer Native Americans (0.5% versus 0.8% nationally); and 10% fewer others (56% versus 66% nationally). Approximately 93% of those surveyed (597 students) were U.S. citizens, and just over 6% (42) were foreign nationals. Because the sample was representative of the enrolled students at UCSF and Harvard and the U.S. medical school population, there may be some inferences that can be drawn from the findings that have national implications.


    • Interactions with Those of Different Race or Ethnicity
    • Classroom Dynamics
    • Impact of Diversity on Policy Matters



두 가지 중요한 결론.

There are two important findings in this study. 

다른 인종과 민족을 만날 기회가 대학교 때보다 그 전에 더 부족하다. 이는 의과대학에서 더 컸다. 인터뷰를 했을 때 60%를 넘는 학생들이 3명 이상의 가까운 다른 인종/민족 친구가 있다고 응답하였다. 이러한 관계와 우정이 후에 의술을 행할 때 매우 중요할 것이다.

First, students typically had less contact during their formative years with those of different races and ethnicities than they did during their college years. Student cross-cultural and cross-racial interactions increased even more during medical school. When interviewed, over 60% of the students stated that they had three or more close friends who differed racially and ethnically from themselves. Such collegial relationships and friendships are critical given the multicultural society in which they will later practice medicine.

두 번째 결론은 하버드와 UCSF 모두에서 학생의 다양성이 의과대학에서의 학습경험을 더 향상시켜줬다고 응답하였다. 이러한 현재의 affirmative action policies를 유지할 것을 지지했다.

The second and perhaps even more important finding is that both Harvard and UCSF students reported that the interaction with a diverse student body greatly enhanced their educational experiences in medical school. These students strongly supported maintaining or strengthening current affirmative action policies in admissions at their respective schools.

학생들은 이러한 다양성으로부터의 장점을 잘 이용하려고 노력하고 있다. 학장들은 학생들이 준비가 덜 되어있다고 응답하고 있고, 교육과정에서 충분히 다뤄지지 못하고 있으며, 전문의학회에서도 강조하고 있다. 다양성은 교실 내에서 토론의 폭을 넓히고, 교육적 기반을 확장한다.

The frequency with which the majority of students study with those from different racial groups suggests that students attempt to take advantage of the diverse student body medical school provides. The consistently low numbers of minority faculty in medical school compounded with the dearth of cultural sensitivity training suggests that students' interactions—both inside and outside the classroom—provide one of the few arenas in which students can gain cultural awareness before they mingle with a multicultural patient population. 

In a recent poll of 98 medical schools, many school deans felt that their recent graduates were only “somewhat prepared” to provide culturally sensitive clinical care.18 Although cultural competence is included in some medical curricula, it is too often a rather sterile course taught from a syllabus. Medical students and faculty from diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds teach each other about the cultures, beliefs, and values of their communities.4,16 Indeed, the core curriculum guidelines of the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine, approved by the Academy of Family Physicians, recognize the need to teach respect and tolerance for cultural and social class differences in a pluralistic society by setting forth a three-tier approach: attitude, knowledge, and skills development.19 Diversity among students clearly improves the breadth of class discussion, a fundamental educational benefit and a basis for learning culturally competent health care.

학생들은 서로 중요한 이슈에 대해서 가르친다는 가설을 지지하는 결과 역시 있는데, 생화학이나 해부학 교육에는 해당되지 않을 수 있지만, 아시아 학생은 미국 학생으로부터 배우고, 이렇게 서로의 문화에 대한 이해가 나중에 의사가 되어서 환자의 compliance향상에도 도움이 될 것이다.

That students gave high ratings for a diverse student body supports the hypothesis that students regularly educate each other on important issues, such as differences among the cultures and how to best respond to those differences. The teaching dynamic in a biochemistry or anatomy class may be less affected by the racial and ethnic diversity of students. However, students' understanding of patients and colleagues is likely to be affected when, for example, an Asian student learns from a Native American student about tribal views of healing. Furthermore, treatment compliance may be positively affected if, for example, a Caucasian student from an affluent, predominantly Caucasian suburb learns from an African American inner-city colleague how to better engage African American inner-city patients in following a course of treatment through the public health clinic.


현재 입학정책에 갖는 affirmative action의 의의도 살펴볼 필요가 있다. 학교마다 주는 가중치가 많이 다르며, 과거에 남성위주의 학생에서 여성이 다수를 차지하는 상황으로 잘 이행해왔다. 비슷한 변화를 인종/민족 구성에서도 이룰 수 있다.

For medical schools to accomplish the goal of increasing the diversity of the physician population to mirror that of the general population, the academic community will need to reconsider the current stand on affirmative action in admissions.20 

In a recent survey of 15 medical schools, researchers found that the weights given to qualitative factors such as URM status in the admission process vary widely from school to school.20 

However, the transition from a predominantly male profession to one today in which women make up a majority of medical students has been accomplished without compromising medical education in any way. Thus, it should be possible to make a similar shift in the racial and ethnic composition of students as well. 

Students in the present survey expressed in parenthetic remarks that there should be more socio-economic as well as racial and ethnic diversity in the student body. Looking at national demographics, one can see the opportunities to broaden the student base and, certainly, the need for physicians to become culturally competent.11,16


일부 부정적이며 우려스러운 의견을 보인 학생도 있었으나 다수는 지지하고 있었음. 많은 학생들이 '다양성'이 학교를 선택한 주요한 이유 중 하나라고 말했음.

Despite the support for a diverse student body and affirmative action in admissions, we should mention that a number of students responded to the open-ended question about affirmative action with statements about the importance of merit in the selection process (8% of total responses), and a few were concerned about standards. However, 57% of the students responding to the open-ended section gave responses that were overwhelmingly in favor of affirmative action in admissions, and these students further commented upon the need to continue using such measures. Many of the majority students mentioned that the diversity of students was one of the more important reasons in their choice of a school. They encouraged other schools that have not achieved such diversity to be more aggressive in recruiting URM students and expressed that it was a privilege to have been admitted to a school known for such efforts.


URM학생 중 누구도 '대변인'이 되어야 한다는 것의 부담이 있다고 응답하지는 않았음. 

None of the URM students expressed concern about being burdened with the mantle of “spokesperson” for their racial or ethnic groups. In our work with undergraduates, that reaction frequently occurs—more in response to classroom interaction—but it was absent in the responses in this medical school survey.

학생들은 매우 affirmative action을 지지하고 있었으며, 의과대학생의 다양성이  교육경험을 향상시키고 문화적으로 다양한 기회를 준다고 믿고 있었다. 서로 다른 인종/민족간 사이에 가까운 관계를 유지하고 있었으며, 이것이 의료를 더 잘 이해하고 나중에 더 잘 진료할 수 있게 해준다고 응답하였음.

In summary, students enrolled in Harvard and University of California, San Francisco, medical schools overwhelmingly supported affirmative action in admissions. They strongly believed that diversity enhanced their educational experiences and provided them with culturally rich opportunities. They had established close collegial and personal friendships with students of different races and ethnicities. These students stated that such ties contributed greatly to their understanding of medical practice and, ultimately, would better train them for service in a multicultural society.

 2003 May;78(5):460-6.

Educational benefits of diversity in medical school: a survey of students.



Many U.S. medical schools have abandoned affirmative action, limiting the recruitment and reducing the admission of underrepresented minority (URM) students even though research supports the premise that the public benefits from an increase in URM physicians and that URM physicians are likely to serve minority, poor, and Medicaid populations. Faculty and students commonly assume they benefit from peer cultural exchange, and the published evidence for the past two decades supports this notion. This research examined the students' perceptions of theeducational merits of a diverse student body by surveying medical students at two schools.


In 2000, medical students from all four years at Harvard Medical School and the University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine were enrolled in a telephone survey about the relevance of racial diversity (among students) in their medical education. Students responded to the interviewer's questions on a five-point Likert-type scale.


Of the 55% of students who could be located, 97% responded to the surveyStudents reported having little intercultural contact during their formative years but significantly more interactions during higher education years, especially in medical schoolStudents reported contacts with diverse peers greatly enhanced their educational experience. They strongly supported strengthening or maintaining current affirmative action policies in admissions. The responses and demography of the Harvard and UCSF students did not differ significantly, nor did they differ for majority studentsand URM students-all groups overwhelmingly thought that racial and ethnic diversity among their peers enhanced their education.


Diversity in the student body enhanced the educational experiences of students in two U.S. medical schools.





[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

의학 전문직업성 평가 척도의 탐색적·확인적 요인분석

건양대학교 의과대학 의학교육학교실

이금호, 허예라


우리나라에서 의사에 대한 인식은 단순히 생계만을 목적으로 하는 직업이라기보다 환자의 병을 고치고 생명을 살리는 귀한 직업, 존경받을 만한 직업 등으로 인식되며 그에 따른 권위를 가졌다. 그러나 언론을 통해 심심치 않게 들려오는 성추행 사건, 리베이트 문제, 최근 정부의 포괄수가제 정책 시행과 관련된 수술 거부와 파업 등으로 인하여 의사들에 대한 불만과 비난 여론이 생겨나면서 의사들의 도덕성 문제가 이슈가 되기도 하였다. 오늘날 사회에서는 의사들에게 단순히 병을 잘 고치고 수술을 잘 하는 것만을 원하는 것이 아니라 환자의 입장에서 이해해주고 공감해줄 수 있는 의사를 원하고 있다. 따라서 질병뿐만 아니라 환자에게 관심을 기울이는 의학이 되어야 하고 이를 위해 질병에 대한 의학적 지식과 함께 인간이나 환자에 대한 인문학적 지혜를 배양하는 의학 교육의 필요성이 지적되고 있으며[1], 국내 의학교육에서는 의료인문학 교육의 중요성이 대두되면서 의사국가고시에 포함시키려는 움직임도 있다[2]. 이는 의사들의 전문직업성을 향상시키고 바람직한 의사를 양성하기 위해서이다.

의학 전문직업성과 관련된 연구는 국내외에서 활발히 이루어져왔다. 그러나 의학 전문직업성에 대한 개념이나 정의, 요소 등에 대한 표준화된 내용은 없다. Passi et al. [3]은 의학 전문직업성에 대한 1998년부터 2008년까지 영어로 발표된 134편의 논문들을 조사하였다. 교육과정 설계, 학생 선발, 교수-학습방법, 역할 모델링(role modelling), 의학 전문직업성의 평가 등 5가지 항목으로 논문들을 구분하여 살펴본 결과, 의학 전문직업성은 다각적인 개념(multifaceted concept)이며, 의학 전문직업성에 대한 합의된 정의가 없는 것은 교육과정 설계에 있어 어려움이 있으며 전략이나 평가에 대한 증거기반이 없다는 점을 지적하고 있다.

국내에서도 의학 전문직업성의 개념이나 교육 방법, 평가 방법, 교육 현황을 알아보는 연구가 활발히 진행되고 있고[4,5,6,7], 그 중요성은 점점 더 강조되고 있으며, 의료인문학 교과목 개설은 증가하고 있는 추세이다[5]. 그러나 우리나라 의과대학생 또는 의사가 갖추어야 할 의학 전문직업성은 어떠한 것이 있는지, 이를 어떻게 가르치고 평가할 것인지에 대한 합의된 내용이나 구체화된 내용은 없다. 의료윤리의 경우 국내 많은 의과대학에서 정규 교육과정으로 운영하고 있으며 한국의료윤리교육학회에서 학습 목표를 개발하고 이를 바탕으로 한 교과서를 발간하여 각 대학들에서 어느 정도 공통된 내용의 교육이 이루어지고는 있지만 그 외의 의학과 관련된 의료인문학 교육과정은 대학마다 그 내용과 분량이 매우 다양하여 공통성을 발견하기는 어려운 실정이다[8,9].

특히 의사가 갖추어야할 필수적인 자질인 의학전문성을 잘 가르치고 이를 잘 습득하였는지 평가하는 것은 매우 중요한 일이다. 이를 위해서는 우리나라에서 요구되는 의학 전문직업성의 요소는 무엇인지 파악해볼 필요가 있다. 또한 이를 토대로 의학 전문직업성을 평가할 도구를 개발하여 의학전문성을 어느 정도 습득하였는지 학생 스스로 또는 교수자가 평가할 수 있도록 할 필요가 있다.

따라서 본 연구에서는 Hur [10]의 연구에서 델파이 조사를 통해 규명된 의학 전문직업성 31개 요소에 대한 요인분석을 통해 의학 전문직업성 평가 척도를 타당화하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 이에 따른 구체적인 연구 문제는 다음과 같다. 

1) 의학 전문직업성 평가 척도의 하위 요인은 어떻게 구성되어 있는가? 

2) 하위 요인 간의 관계는 어떠한가? 

3) 하위 요인에 대한 모형의 적합도는 어떠한가? 

4) 의학 전문직업성 평가 척도의 신뢰도는 어떠한가?

대상 및 방법

1. 연구 대상 및 도구

2005년~2012년 7년에 걸쳐 한국의 의과대학생 및 의학전문대학원생 총 1,508명(10개 의과대, 1개 의학전문대학원)을 대상으로 하였으며, 학년별로 1학년 37.2%, 2학년 28.0%, 3학년 21.2%, 4학년 13.6%의 비율이었다. 1학년에는 다른 의과대학에서 의예과 과정에 해당되는 1학년 학생들이 포함되어 있는데, 해당 의과대학의 경우 6년제로 운영되므로 교육과정을 고려하여 1학년에 포함시켰다. 검사도구는 Hur [10]의 델파이 조사를 통해 추출해 낸 의학 전문직업성 요소를 바탕으로 작성된 의학 전문직업성 평가 척도를 사용하였다. 의학 전문직업성 평가척도는 총 31문항이며, 5점 척도로 학생이 자신의 의학 전문직업성 수준을 평가하도록 하였다.

2. 분석 방법

의학 전문직업성 평가 척도의 요인을 알아보기 위해 SPSS version 20.0 통계프로그램(IBM, Armonk, USA)을 이용한 탐색적 요인분석 AMOS version 20.0 프로그램(IBM)을 이용한 확인적 요인분석을 실시하였다. 또한 수집된 자료는 SPSS version 20.0 통계프로그램을 통해 기술통계분석, 상관 분석, 신뢰도 분석을 실시하였다. 탐색적 요인분석은 주성분 분석으로 고유값이 1.0 이상인 요인을 추출하였으며 varimax방식으로 요인구조를 파악하였는데, 총 6개의 요인이 추출되었다. 확인적 요인분석은 탐색적 요인분석에서 나타난 6개 요인 구조가 적합한지를 판단하기 위해 실시되었다.


1. 탐색적 요인분석 결과

1) 유효 요인수와 최종 요인구조

2) 요인 해석과 명명

3) 요인 간 상관관계

2. 확인적 요인분석 결과

탐색적 요인분석에서 밝혀진 의학 전문직업성의 6개 요인구조가 적합한지를 검증하기 위해 확인적 요인분석을 실시하였다. 모형의 적합도 검증 결과, χ2은 3,015.768 유의확률은 0.000으로 모형과 자료가 일치한다는 영가설이 기각되었다. CFI값은 0.878, TLI값은 0.856, RMSEA값은 0.064로 양호한 적합도를 나타내어 6개 요인 구조가 수집된 자료에 잘 부합된 모형이라고 볼 수 있다(Table 3).

Fig. 1에 제시된 모형의 표준화된 계수 추정치는 유의수준 0.001에서 모두 통계적으로 유의하게 나타났다. 6개의 의학 전문직업성 하위요인들은 0.33~0.76의 표준화된 계수 추정치를 나타냈는데, ‘학문적 역량’은 다른 5개의 요인들과의 관계에서 ‘이타심과 책무’와는 0.33, ‘자기계발능력’과는 0.39, ‘대인관계능력’과는 0.43, ‘고등사고능력’과 ‘삶과 자신에 대한 태도’와는 각각 0.56, 0.65로 다른 5개의 요인들과의 관계보다 낮은 표준화된 계수 추정치를 나타내고 있다. 이는 앞서 요인간 상관관계에서 살펴보았듯이 ‘학문적 역량’은 다른 요인들과 낮은 정적 상관을 나타내고 있다. 6개 요인과 31개 문항의 관계에서는 0.41~0.80의 값을 나타냈다.

3. 문항 및 요인의 기술통계분석과 신뢰도 분석결과

의학 전문직업성 평가 척도의 31개 문항에 대한 평균 및 표준편차를 살펴본 결과, 평균은 2.37~3.56, 표준편차는 0.827~1.064의 값을 나타내어 극단적인 값이 없고 비교적 유사한 수준으로 나타났다. 가장 높은 점수를 나타낸 문항은 ‘사명감’(평균, 3.56; 표준편차, 0.891)이었으며 ‘보완대체의학에 대한 이해’ (평균, 2.37; 표준편차, 1.064)가 가장 낮은 점수를 나타냈다. 6개 요인의 평균은 요인 3 ‘학문적 역량’이 2.57 (표준편차, 0.66)로 가장 낮게 나타났으며, 나머지 5개의 요인들은 비슷한 평균을 나타냈다(Table 4).

의학 전문직업성 평가 척도의 신뢰도를 알아보기 위해, 31개 문항과 6개 요인에 대한 Cronbach-α 계수를 산출하였다(Table 4). 의학 전문직업성 평가 척도의 전체 신뢰도는 0.932로 매우 높게 나타났으며, 6개 요인들의 신뢰도 역시 0.718~0.864의 범위로 나타나 양호한 분포를 보였다.


의학교육에서는 의과대학생에게 사회에서 요구되는 다양한 자질을 잘 가르쳐서 바람직한 의사를 만드는 것이 무엇보다도 중요한 일이다. 잘 가르치기 위해서는 얼마나 습득하였는지를 평가하고 이에 대한 피드백을 주어 부족한 부분을 채워나갈 수 있도록 도와주어야 한다. 이를 위해서는 적절한 평가 도구가 필요한데, 본 연구에서는 의학 전문직업성을 평가할 수 있는 척도의 타당화를 위한 요인분석을 실시하였다.

탐색적 요인분석을 통해 6개의 요인이 추출되었는데, 

요인 1은 ‘이타심과 책무’로 의학 전문직업성에 대한 설명량은 34.60%로 가장 많이 차지하고 있어 가장 중요한 요인임을 알 수 있었다. 특히 의료윤리는 의료인문학 교육과정에서 가장 중시되는 내용으로, 무엇보다도 타인에 대한 존중과 환자에 대한 이해와 관심이 윤리적인 의료행위를 위해서 선행되어야 할 요건으로 볼 수 있을 것이다. 

요인 2 ‘자기계발능력’, 요인 4 ‘대인관계능력’은 요인 1과 함께 의사가 갖추어야 할 전문직업성의 중요한 요소로 태도적인 측면에 해당되는 요인이다. 평생학습을 하고 질 좋은 치료를 제공하기 위해 필요한 의학적 지식, 임상술기 등을 유지해야하는 책임을 지는 것은 의사가 지녀야 하는 중요한 역량 중 하나인 것이고[11], 대인관계 능력은 환자 진료와 의료서비스의 질적인 수준에 영향을 주는 중요한 요인 중 하나이며[12], 동료와의 관계에서도 중요한 요인이 된다.

요인 3 ‘학문적 역량’은 의학적 지식과 기술적인 측면 또한 ‘전문가’로서 의사가 갖추어야 할 핵심요소일 것이다. 요인 5 ‘고등사고능력’은 이러한 학문적인 역량을 갖추기 위해 필요한 측면으로 문제바탕학습, 소그룹 학습 등 다양한 교육방법을 통해 의과대학생들에게 배양시키려고 하는 학습을 하는데 있어서 중요한 요소이다.

요인 6은 삶에 대한 태도, 자기 자신에 대한 존중감 등에 관한 것으로 ‘삶과 자신에 대한 태도’로 삶의 질이나 주관적 안녕감과 관련된 내용으로 볼 수 있다. 의과대학생들은 많은 학업량과 긴 학업기간, 유급제도 등으로 스트레스를 받는 것은 널리 알려져 있는 사실이다. 좋은 의사를 만들기 위해 의사의 전문 능력 및 사회적 역량을 기르는 것도 좋지만 개인 심리상태의 근본적 문제를 해결하지 못한 채 이러한 것만 강조한다면 의학교육은 진정으로 행복한 의사를 양성하기 어렵다. Dyrbye et al. [13]에 따르면 의과대학생들의 정신건강상태와 전문직업성은 높은 상관을 보이는데, 긍정적인 정신건강(positive mental health)은 전문적인 행동과 신념을 강화하며 의과대학생들이 ‘전문성 소진(professional burnout)’이 되지 않도록 도와주는 것뿐만 아니라 정신적인 건강을 위한 대처방안을 배우도록 하는 것은 학생 개개인뿐만 아니라 사회를 위해서도 이익이 되는 것이다. 따라서 자신의 심리건강 상태에 관심을 갖도록 행복, 자아 성찰, 목표 설정 등을 포함하는 보다 다양화된 교육과정이 필요할 것이다[14].

탐색적 요인분석으로 추출된 6개의 요인을 토대로 모형의 적합성을 확인적 요인분석을 통하여 살펴보았는데, CFI, TLI, RMSEA 등 적합도 지수가 모형이 적합하다고 나타내주어 본 연구의 의학 전문직업성 평가 척도의 타당성을 검증할 수 있었다. 신뢰도도 높게 나타나 의학 전문직업성 평가 척도는 신뢰롭고 타당한 도구라고 할 수 있다.

여섯 개 하위 요인 간의 상관관계에서 요인 3 ‘학문적 역량’은 다른 요인들과의 상관이 대체로 낮게 나타났으며, 확인적 요인분석에서의 표준화된 계수 추정치도 낮게 나타났다. 이를 제외한 다른 5개의 요인들은 태도적인 측면을 측정하고 있기 때문으로 판단된다. 31개 문항의 평균과 표준편차를 알아본 결과에서도 ‘학문적 역량’에 해당되는 문항들은 모두 3점 미만으로 다른 문항들보다 낮게 나타났다. Hur et al. [15]의 연구에서도 역시 낮은 수준으로 나타나는데, 학년별로 비교한 결과를 보면 고학년이 되면서 기본적 의학지식과 기본 술기에 대한 문항의 점수는 상승하는 반면, 보완대체의학, 의사학/한국사회, 인문사회의학, 의료정책에 대한 문항 점수는 별다른 변화가 없거나 상승폭이 매우 작게 나타나고 있었다. 이러한 내용은 의료인문학 교육과정과 관련이 있는 것으로 이와 관련된 교육이 강화될 필요가 있을 것이다.


첫째, 델파이 조사를 통해 규명된 의학 전문직업성 평가 척도는 6개의 하위 요인을 가지고 있으며, 우리나라 의과대학생들이 배우고 습득해야할 의학 전문직업성 핵심요소라고 볼 수 있다. 

둘째, 이 척도에는 이타심이나 책임감 등 태도적인 측면과 고등사고능력, 대인관계능력, 자기계발능력 등과 함께 의학적 지식과 기술도 포함하고 있다. 전통적으로 의학 전문직업성 요소로 정직성, 윤리성, 자기규제 등 태도적인 측면이 강조되었으나, 최근에는 ‘전문가’로서 의사가 반드시 지녀야 하는 의학적 지식과 술기 측면도 의학 전문직업성의 핵심 요소로 포함되고 있다[16]. 

셋째, 의학 전문직업성을 배양할 수 있는 교육 과정의 개발과 적용뿐만 아니라 이를 지속적으로 학생 스스로 평가할 수 있도록 하여 부족한 자질을 파악하고 이를 보완할 수 있도록 도와주는 데 의학 전문직업성 평가 척도를 활용할 수 있을 것이다.



Evaluating the professional attributes of medical students is critical, because medical professionalism is an essential quality of a good doctor. But, few studies have examined the tools for assessing such attributes. This study analyzed factors of medical professionalism in medical students to develop standards that can assess medical professional attributes.


A total of 1,508 medical students in Korean medical schools or colleges answered a self-assessment survey of medical professionalism elements from 2005 to 2012 that we developed. The survey consisted of core 31 attributes on a 5-point Likert scale. Factor analysis was performed using SPSS version 20.0 and AMOS version 20.0.


Exploratory factor analysis revealed six factors with total variance of 59.56%. The factors were termed 'empathy and accountability,' 'self-development skills,' 'academic competence,' 'interpersonal skills,' 'high intelligence,' and 'attitude towards oneself and life.' These factors showed statistically significant correlation (0.310~0.663). From the confirmatory factor analysis a six-factor model were appropriate (CFI=0.873, TLI=0.853, RMSEA=0.065). Cronbach-alpha of six factors ranged from 0.718 to 0.864.


Good doctors need to have not only appropriate standards of medical knowledge but also skills to understand and communicate well with patients, as well as self-management skills, which should not be overlooked in the medical education curriculum. By optimizing the results of this study, a more refined assessment tool of professionalism can be exploited.

의학전문대학원생이 스스로 평가한 커뮤니케이션 능력점수와 표준화 환자가 평가한 의학전문대학원생의 커뮤니케이션 능력 점수의 일치도

부산대학교 의학전문대학원 1인문사회의학교실, 2재활의학과

제민지1, 이수현1, 이창형2, 김성수1



(AAMC)는 2015년부터 의학전문대학원 입학 시험(the Medical College Admission Test)에 사회 과학(social science) 영역을 50% 가량 출제하여 의예과(pre-med) 학생들의 인문학적 소양을 평가하겠다고 밝혔다[1]. 또한 Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME)와 American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS)에서는 의사가 갖추어야 할 6가지 핵심 능력 중 하나로 대인관계 커뮤니케이션 기술(interpersonal and communication skills)을 제시하고 있다[2]. 이처럼 미국의 의료계에서는 의료서비스 질의 개선을 위해 의사의 공감능력과 커뮤니케이션 기술에 대한 평가가 중요함을 강조하고 있다[3]. 

국외 선행 연구에 의하면, 의료진의 커뮤니케이션 능력은 환자에게 긍정적인 효과를 주는 것으로 보고되고 있다.

의료진의 커뮤니케이션 능력을 파악하는 데 핵심이 되는 공감 능력을 측정하는 방법에는 의료진이 스스로 본인의 공감 능력을 평가하는 방법환자가 의료진의 공감 능력을 평가하는 방법이 있다. 이 때 환자가 평가한 의료진의 행동을 분석하는 것이 의료진의 환자에 대한 태도를 바꾸는 데 있어 효과적이다[7]. 

  • 왜냐하면 의료진의 공감 능력을 측정할 때, 의료진의 자가 평가(self-reporting)만을 반영할 경우 환자가 실제로 느끼는 감정이 배제될 수 있으며 환자의 치료 결과에도 부정적인 영향을 미칠 수 있기 때문이다[8]. 
  • Stewart et al. [9]은 환자가 측정한 의료진의 커뮤니케이션 능력 수준과 다른 관찰자가 분석한 의료진의 커뮤니케이션 능력 수준을 비교․분석한 연구에서, 환자가 측정한 결과만이 환자의 긍정적인 치료 결과와 유의미한 관련이 있다고 보고하였다. 
  • 또한 Kruger & Dunning [10]은 개인의 커뮤니케이션 능력 수준을 측정할 때 자가 평가 방식만을 이용할 경우, 상대방이 느끼는 것보다 자신의 능력을 더 높게 평가하는 경향이 나타난다고 보고한 바 있다.

국외에서는 의료진이 스스로 측정한 본인의 커뮤니케이션 능력 수준과 다른 관찰자가 측정한 의료진의 커뮤니케이션 수준 간의 차이를 비교하거나 일치도를 분석하는 연구가 진행되고 있다. 레지던트를 대상으로 한 Millis et al. [11]의 연구에 의하면, 표준화 환자(standardized patient, SP)에게 자신의 커뮤니케이션 능력을 낮게 평가를 받은 레지던트들이 본인의 능력을 높게 평가하는 경향이 있는 것으로 보고되었다[11].

최근 국내에서도 의사의 지식 영역뿐만 아니라 환자를 대하는 태도 영역까지 종합적으로 평가하기 위해 2009년 의사 국가고시부터 실기시험을 시행하고 있으며, 그 중에서도 의료커뮤니케이션 영역은 임상수행시험(clinical performance examination)에서 10%의 비중을 차지하고 있다[12]. 

또한 Kim et al. [8]의 연구에 의하면, 의사의 공감적 커뮤니케이션 능력과 환자의 만족도 및 치료 순응도 사이에는 높은 상관관계가 있으며, 특히 의료진의 정서적 공감 능력이 높을수록 환자의 만족도와 치료 순응도가 높아지는 것으로 나타났다. Yoo et al. [14]의 연구에서는 의사의 환자 중심형 커뮤니케이션 스타일은 환자의 진료 만족도와 의사 신뢰도를 높여 환자의 재방문 의도에 간접적인 효과를 주는 것으로 나타났다.

대상 및 방법

1. 연구 대상

2. 연구 방법

1) 측정 도구

본 연구에서는 의학전문대학원생의 커뮤니케이션 능력 수준을 알아보기 위해 Kim et al. [8]이 개발한 의사의 공감적 커뮤니케이션 능력 측정 도구와 Millis et al. [11]이 재구성한 레지던트의 대인관계 커뮤니케이션 능력 측정 도구를 수정․ 보완하여 사용하였다.

2) 측정 방법

본 연구에서는 의학전문대학원생이 스스로 평가한 본인의 커뮤니케이션 능력 점수와 SP가 평가한 의학전문대학원생의 커뮤니케이션 능력 점수의 일치도를 분석하기 위해, MedCalc version 12.3.0 (MedCalc Software, Mariakerke, Belgium)을 이용하였다.

일반적으로 두 집단의 비교를 설명할 때에는 t-test, Pearson r, intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC), 최소자승법(least square method) 등의 방법을 주로 사용한다. 하지만 이러한 방법들은 두 집단이 서로 일치하는지를 측정할 때 일치하는 범위를 과장하거나 상관관계가 낮을 수도 있는 단점이 있다[11]. 특히 두 변수를 비교할 때 주로 쓰는 Pearson r의 경우, 코더 간 신뢰도(inter-coder reliability)에서 가장 큰 문제점을 보인다[15]. 다시 말해 두 변수 사이의 선형 관계를 평가할 때 쓰이는 Pearson r은 곡선형의 관계인 두 변수의 관계에서는 매우 낮은 상관이나 ‘0’에 가까운 상관을 나타낼 수도 있다[15]. 그렇다고 해도 이 두 변수 사이에 관계가 없다고 단정 지을 수는 없다. 

반면 Lin’s concordance는 Pearson r의 결점을 보완하여, 관찰된 새로운 값들이 기존의 값들을 얼마나 잘 설명하는지를 보여준다. Lin’s concordance는 원점을 통과하는 하나의 기울기를 가지므로 값들의 일치 정도에 대한 정확도와 신뢰도가 높아지는 장점이 있다[15]. 일반적으로 Lin’s concordance는 최근 의학통계에서 새로운 기구나 측정 방법의 효율성을 평가할 때 많이 사용하는 기법이다. 하지만 본 연구처럼 동일한 정보에 대한 복수의 관찰자를 활용할 때에도 Lin’s concordance를 이용하는 것이 값들의 일치도를 파악하는 데 있어 더욱 타당하다고 할 수 있다.

Lin’s concordance는 측정된 값들의 산포도를 그렸을 때 데이터들이 기울기가 1인 직선(the 45-degree line)에 가까울수록 두 집단의 데이터가 일치하는 것으로 본다. 또한 Lin’s concordance의 rc값(Lin’s concordance correlation coefficient)은 관찰된 데이터가 기울기가 1인 직선으로부터 얼마나 떨어져 있는지를 정확하고 정밀하게 알아볼 수 있게 한다. 결국 rc는 기울기가 1인 직선에 근접할수록 함수로서 가치가 높아진다고 할 수 있다. rc는 Pearson’s r (the measure of precision)과 Cb (the measure of accuracy)의 곱으로 계산되며, rc와 Cb가 1에 가까울수록 두 집단이 서로 상관관계가높은 것이다.

rc값(Lin’s concordance correlation coefficient)으로 의학전문대학원생의 자가 평가 점수와 SP 평가 점수 간의 일치 정도를 파악하였다.


1. 의학전문대학원생의 커뮤니케이션 능력 수준

Table 1은 의학전문대학원생이 스스로 평가한 커뮤니케이션 능력 수준과 SP가 평가한 의학전문대학원생의 커뮤니케이션 능력 수준을 각각 최상, 상, 중, 하, 최하로 분류하여 분석한 결과이다. 

공감적 커뮤니케이션 능력 중 인지적 공감 능력에 대해서는, 

공감적 커뮤니케이션 능력 중 정서적 공감 능력에 대해서는,

대인관계 커뮤니케이션 능력에 대해서는,

이를 통해 볼 때, 의학전문대학원생이 인식하고 있는 본인의 커뮤니케이션 능력 수준과 SP가 인식한 의학전문대학원생의 커뮤니케이션 능력 수준에는 차이가 있다는 것을 알 수 있다.

2. SP가 평가한 의학전문대학원생의 공감적 커뮤니케이션 능력과 대인관계 커뮤니케이션 능력 간의 상관관계

Table 2는 SP가 평가한 의학전문대학원생의 공감적 커뮤니케이션 능력과 대인관계 커뮤니케이션 능력 간의 상관관계를 분석한 결과이다. SP에게 인지적 공감 능력을 높게 평가받은 의학전문대학원생일수록 정서적 공감 능력(r=0.869, p<0.01)과 대인관계 커뮤니케이션 능력도 높게 평가받았다(r=0.840, p<0.01).

이를 통해 볼 때, SP에게 공감적 커뮤니케이션 능력을 높게 평가받은 의학전문대학원생일수록 대인관계 커뮤니케이션 능력 역시 높게 평가받은 것을 알 수 있다(Table 2).

3. 의학전문대학원생이 스스로 평가한 커뮤니케이션 능력 점수와 SP가 평가한 의학전문대학원생의 커뮤니케이션 능력 점수의 일치도

Table 3은 의학전문대학원생이 스스로 평가한 커뮤니케이션 능력 점수와 SP가 평가한 의학전문대학원생의 커뮤니케이션 능력 점수의 일치 정도를 알아보기 위해 Lin’s concordance를 이용하여 분석한 결과이다.

이상의 Lin’s concordance의 결과를 볼 때, 의학전문대학원생이 스스로 평가한 커뮤니케이션 능력 점수와 SP가 평가한 커뮤니케이션 능력 점수 간에는 매우 낮은 일치도를 보이고 있다는 점을 알 수 있다.


의료진이 자신의 커뮤니케이션 능력을 이해하는 것은 의료면담을 보다 효과적으로 진행하는 데 도움을 줄 수 있다. 의료진이 자신의 커뮤니케이션 능력을 향상시키기 위해서는 환자가 평가한 의료진의 커뮤니케이션 능력 수준을 분석하여 반영하는 것이 효과적이다[7].

의학전문대학원생의 자가 평가 점수와 SP 평가 점수가 커뮤니케이션 능력의 3가지 하위 요소(인지적 공감 능력, 정서적 공감 능력, 대인관계 커뮤니케이션 능력)에서 모두 불일치하였다.

의학전문대학원생의 자가 평가 점수와 SP 평가 점수의 불일치는 기존에 알려진 자기 고양 편향(self-enhancement bias)으로 설명할 수도 있다. 자기 고양 편향은 전체적으로 자신을 지나치게 긍정적으로 평가하는 경향성을 일컫는 것으로, 자신의 능력을 측정할 때뿐만 아니라 성격을 측정하는 데에서도 매우 일반적으로 일어나는 현상이다[16]. 이러한 현상이 나타나는 이유는 자기 자신을 실제보다 더 낫다고 보는 환상이 개인의 정신 건강 및 심리적 안녕감에 긍정적인 영향을 미치기 때문이다[17]. Epley & Dunning [16]의 연구에서도 타인의 행동을 평가할 때보다 본인이 스스로 자신의 행동을 평가할 때 더 큰 오류를 보이는 경향이 있었다.

한 가지 척도만으로도 측정하고자 하는 목적을 이룰 수 있다면 여러 가지 도구를 모두 사용하는 것보다 연구의 효율성을 높일 수 있다. 특히 본 연구의 결과에서는 공감적 커뮤니케이션 척도와 대인관계 커뮤니케이션 척도는 매우 높은 정적 상관관계를 보이고 있었다. 이러한 사실은 두 도구가 측정하고자 하는 초점이 다름에도 불구하고 실질적으로는 유사한 내용을 측정하고 있다는 점을 보여준다. 그러나 기존 연구에서 의사-환자 간의 대인관계 커뮤니케이션의 핵심 요소로 공감 능력을 꼽고 있다[11]. 그러므로 의학전문대학원생의 커뮤니케이션 능력을 평가함에 있어서도 공감 능력에 초점을 맞추는 것이 중요하다고 할 수 있다. 즉, 의학전문대학원생의 커뮤니케이션 능력을 측정함에 있어 대인관계 커뮤니케이션 척도보다는 인지적 공감 능력과 정서적 공감 능력을 구체적으로 평가하는 공감적 커뮤니케이션 척도를 우선적으로 적용하는 것이 더 효율적이라고 할 수 있을 것이다.

또한 의료진의 커뮤니케이션 능력에 대한 의사와 환자의 인식 차이를 줄이기 위해서는 의학전문대학원생의 교육과정에서부터 커뮤니케이션 능력을 향상시킬 수 있는 실질적인 프로그램 모듈의 개발이 필요하다. 예를 들어, Riess et al. [20]은 레지던트의 공감 능력을 향상시키기 위해 the three 60-minute empathy training modules을 개발하였다. The three 60-minute empathy training modules는 공감에 대한 기본적 개념 교육, 어려운 환자(difficult patient)를 위한 공감 능력, 공감 능력과 나쁜 소식 전하기 등의 3가지 모듈로 구성되어 있다.

Concordance between Self and Standardized Patient Ratings of Medical Students' Communication Skills
Min Ji Je,1 Su Hyun Lee,1 Chang Hyung Lee,2 and Sung Soo Kim1
1Department of Social Studies of Medicine, Pusan National University School of Medicine, Yangsan, Korea.
2Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Pusan National University School of Medicine, Yangsan, Korea.

Corresponding Author: Sung Soo Kim. Department of Social Studies of Medicine, Pusan National University School of Medicine, 49 Busandaehak-ro, Yangsan 626-815, Korea. Tel: +82.51.510.8036, Fax: +82.51.510.8026, Email: tigerkss@pnu.edu 
Received October 29, 2012; Revised December 28, 2012; Accepted January 31, 2013.



The purpose of this study was to examine the concordance between self and standardized patient (SP) ratings of medical students' communication skills.


Forty-three students interviewed SPs. The students were asked to complete a communication skills questionnaire that comprised 2 measures (empathy and interpersonal communication) before the interview. After each student's interview with the SP, the latter completed the same questionnaire as the students.


Based on Lin's concordance coefficient, there was strong disconcordance between students' self-ratings and the SPs' ratings. With regard to empathic communication, more than 50% of students who considered themselves higher than middle level were regarded by SP as low level. On interpersonal communication, 39% of students who assessed themselves as higher than middle level were scored low level by SPs.


There was strong disconcordance between students' self-ratings and the SPs' ratings-students tended to overevaluate themselves regarding their communication skills. These differences might result in patient dissatisfaction and noncompliance. Further, it could become a serious hindrance to the development of a good doctor-patient relationship. Medical educators should make sincere efforts to reduce this gap by teaching medical students the importance of the patients' perception of his doctors' communication skills.

Keywords: Empathic communicationInterpersonal communicationLin's concordanceStandardized patientsOverevaluation of communication skill

스트레스 대처방식이 의과대학생들의 주관적 안녕감에 미치는 영향

경희대학교 의과대학 의학교육학교실


서 론

현재의 의학교육 시스템은 학생들의 정신 건강에 심각하게 부정적인 영향을 주고 있다. 학생들은 우울감, 불안, 그리고 많은 스트레스를 경험한다(Guthrie et al., 1998; Mosley et al., 1994). 의대생들이 훈련과정에서 느끼는 스트레스의 수준은 보통 사람들이 경험하는 것보다 크게 높은 것으로 보고되고 있다(Helmers, et al., 1997). 의과대학에 다니는 동안 경험하는 스트레스는 학생의 심리적 태도 변화에 크게 영향을 주며, 졸업 후 직업생활에서의 정서문제로 이어진다. 이는 결국 환자를 다루는 능력의 저하로 나타나게 된다 (Shanafelt et al., 2002; Wolf et al., 1989; Krakowski, 1982).

최근 AAMC (Association of American Medical College, 2004)에서는 의학교육 개선방향 중 하나로서 모든 의학교육기관에서 ‘학습자의 건강과 심리적 안녕’을 반드시 고려할 것을 요청하는 등 제도적인 노력을 시작하였다.

가. 주관적 안녕감

주관적 안녕감 (subjective well-being)은 학자들에 따라 다양하게 정의된다. 

Szalai (1980)는 주관적 안녕을 개인이 생활의 여러 측면에서 느끼는 행복감 혹은 만족감으로 정의하였으며, 

Veenhoven (1991)은 자신의 삶의 질적 수준에 대하여 호의적으로 판단하는 정도로 설명하였다. 

Campbell et al. (1976)에 의하면 자신의 삶의 질에 대한 판단은 정서적 측면과 인지적 측면을 통합하여 내리게 된다. 

정서적 측에서는 자신이 경험하는 정서들의 유쾌한 정도(hedonic level)를, 

인지적 측면에서는 스스로 욕망이 성취되었다고 지각하는 정도를 평가한다. 

주관적 안녕감을 구성하는 정서적 측면인지적 측면은 각각 긍정적/부정적 정서반응생활만족도로 치환될 수 있다. 즉, 주관적 안녕긍정적인 정서 (Positive Affect: PA), 부정적인 정서 (Negative Affect: NA) 그리고, 삶의 만족 (Life Satisfaction: LS)등 세 가지 요인으로 구성된다 (Andrews & Withey,1976).

나. 스트레스 대처방식

대처 (coping)란 자신이나 외부 환경으로부터 오는 스트레스를 최소화하기 위해 행하는 노력이다.

Lazarus와 Folkman (1984b)은 스트레스 대처행동문제중심대처 (problem-focused coping)정서중심대처 (emotion-focused coping)로 구분하였다.

스트레스의 원인이 무엇이든 스트레스 대처가 목표하는 바는 적응이다. 어떤 대처방식을 선택하는가에 따라 상황에 적응하거나 부적응을 겪는 결과로 이어진다. 대처방식에 따른 적응수준의 차이를 분석한 결과에 따르면 문제중심 대처방식을 사용하는 학생들이 가장 잘 적응하며, 회피지향 대처방식을 사용하는 학생들의 적응 수준이 낮다. Billings와 Moos (1984)는 우울한 사람들이 문제해결을 위한 노력을 덜 하며, 정서중심적 대처를 더 많이 택한다는 것을 발견하였다. 

스트레스 대처방식과 주관적 안녕감의 관계를 분석한 Billing과 Moos (1981)는 문제중심대처는 심리적 안녕과 정적인 관계가 있다고 보고하였고, Lazarus와 Folkman (1984a)의 연구에서는 문제중심 대처와 정서중심대처가 모두 긍정적, 부정적 정서의 변화와 관련이 있는 것으로 나타났다.

대상 및 방법

가. 대상

나. 도구

스트레스 대처방식 척도는 Lazarus & Folkman (1984b)이 개발한 스트레스 대처방식 척도 (The Ways of Coping Checklist) 67개 문항을 토대로 Kim 과 Lee (1985)가 요인분석을 통해 재구성한 62개 문항의 척도를 사용하였다. 연구에 사용한 척도는 대처방식을 적극적 대처소극적 대처로 구분하고, 전자에 속하는 유형으로 문제중심대처, 사회적 지지추구 대처후자에 속하는 유형으로 정서중심대처,회피지향대처(소망적 사고)를 제시하였다.

주관적 안녕감 긍정적 정서부정적 정서, 그리고 생활만족도로 구성되어 있다. 긍정적 정서와 부정적 정서는 정서적 안녕감을, 생활만족도는 자신의 삶에 대한 인지적인 평가를 나타낸다. 이 연구에서는 정서적 안녕감을 측정하기 위하여 정서질문지(Positive and Negative Affect Scale: PANAS)를 사용하였고 생활만족도의 측정은 생활만족척도 (Satisfaction with Life Scale: SWLS)를 사용하였다.

정서질문지는 Watson, Clark & Tellegen (1988)이 제작한 척도를 번역하여 사용하였으며, 긍정적인 정서를 나타내는 단어 10개와 부정적인 정서를 나타내는 단어 10개로 구성되어 있다.

생활만족척도는 Diener et al. (1985)이 개발한 것을 번역하여 사용하였다.

다. 분석방법

결 과

가. 스트레스 대처방식의 활용 빈도 분석

나. 의학과의 의전원 학생들의 대처방식 활용양상 비교

다. 주관적 안녕감을 설명하는 스트레스 대처방식 규명

고 찰

의과대학생들이 자주 활용하는 스트레스 대처방식은 회피와 문제중심으로 나타났다. 스트레스 대처방식에 대한 연구에 의하면 문제중심과 회피는 상반된 전략이다. 여러 연구에서 문제중심 대처방식을 사용하는 학생들이 스트레스 상황에 잘 적응하였고, 회피지향 대처방식을 사용하는 학생들의 적응 수준이 낮았다고 보고하고 있으며, 대체로 우울감이 높은 사람들이 회피 전략을 더 많이 선택하는 것으로 알려져 있다 (Billings & Moos, 1984; Coyne, et al.,1981).

주관적 안녕감 인식과 스트레스 대처방식 간 상관분석 결과 유의한 상관관계가 있었다. 이를 전제주관적 안녕감을 높이는 스트레스 대처방식이 무엇인지 알아보기 위하여 주관적 안녕감의 3개 하위항목을 각각 종속변인으로 하여 다중회귀분석을 실시하였다. 분석결과에 따르면...

긍정적 정서는 문제중심과 사회적 지지추구 대처방식을 많이 선택하는 학생들에게서 높게 나타났고, 

생활만족도는 문제중심 대처방식을 자주 선택하는 학생들이 높았다. 

부정적 정서문제중심 대처방식을 더 자주 선택하고, 회피 대처방식을 적게 선택하는 학생들이 높은 것으로 나타났다.

소속에 따른 차이를 분석한 결과에 따르면, 

의학과 학생들은 회피, 문제중심, 사회적 지지추구, 정서완화의 순서로 대처방식을 사용한 반면, 

의전원 학생들은 문제중심, 회피, 사회적 지지추구, 정서완화의 순서로 사용하였다. 

의학과 학생들이 회피지향 대처를 문제해결 대처보다 더 많이 사용한 결과나 

의전원 학생들이 사회적 지지추구 대처를 의학과 학생보다 유의하게 더 많이 사용한 결과는 

의전원 학생들이 의학과 학생들 보다 심리적 안정감이 상대적으로 높음을 의미한다. 

이와 같은 해석은 주관적 안녕감 차이분석에서 의전원 학생들이 의학과 학생들보다 생활만족도가 높고, 부정적 정서가 낮은 것으로 나타난 결과를 통해 다시한번 지지되었다.

다만 의대의 ‘잠재적 교육과정 (hidden curriculum)'속의 냉소주의가 학생들의 주관적 안녕감을 낮춘다는 Hafferty (1998)와 Kassebaum & Cutler (1998)의 주장을 바탕으로 의학과 학생들이 상대적으로 더 오랜 시간 의대의 ‘잠재적 교육과정'에 노출됨으로써 높은 부정적 정서와 낮은 생활만족도를 보이는 것으로 연구진은 조심스럽게 유추하였다.

Korean J Med Educ. 2007 Sep;19(3):225-233. English.
Published online 2007 September 20.  http://dx.doi.org/10.3946/kjme.2007.19.3.225 
Copyright © 2007 The Korean Society of Medical Education
The Effects of Coping Style on Subjective Well-Being Among Medical Students
Jinkyung Ko, PhD, Tai-Young Yoon, MD, PhD, MHA and Jaehyun Park, MD, PhD
Department of Medical Education, School of Medicine, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea.



This study aims to explore which coping strategies medical students use more often, and how coping styles account for medical students' subjective well-being.


Subjects included 249 medical students from undergraduate and Graduate Entry Programme of a medical school in Seoul, Korea. Coping style was measured using the Ways of Coping Checklist. Subjective well-being was measured with Positive / Negative Affect Scale and Satisfaction with Life Scale. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used to compare four coping strategies, and stepwise multiple regression was used to analyze the accountability of each of the coping strategy for subjective well-being.


Medical students used avoidance and problem-focused coping strategy more often than they used emotion-focused coping strategy and seeking social support. Graduate Entry Programme students used avoidance less often and seeking social support more often than undergraduate students. Among subscales of subjective well-being, positive affect can be accounted for by problem-focused coping and seeking social support, and negative affect can be accounted for by problem-focused coping and avoidance. Life satisfaction can be accounted for by problem-focused coping as well.


The results of this study showed that medical students had high adaptability as well as strong anxiety toward stressful situations in medical school. Moreover, three among the four coping strategies accounted for medical students' subjective well-being. These findings should be considered as a baseline for future research looking into additional variables affecting medical students' well-being.

Keywords: StressCopingCoping styleSubjective well-beingMedical educationAdjustment.

의과대학생의 정신건강과 스트레스 대처방식

건양대학교 의과대학 1의학교육학교실, 2간호학과, 3의과학대학 치위생학과, 4재활복지교육대학

사회복지학과, 5의과대학 약리학교실

이금호1, 고유경2, 강경희3, 이혜경4, 강재구5, 허예라1


대학생활을 하게 되는 20세 전후는 청년기에 접어드는 시기로 Erikson은 이 시기를 심리사회적 유예기간(psychosocial moratorium)이라고 하였는데, 이 기간 동안 사회의 한 구성원으로 인정받기 위해 여러 가지 역할들을 경험해보고 자신의 정체감을 형성해나가게 된다[1].

특히 의과대학생들은 많은 학습량, 긴 학업기간, 유급 및 성적에 대한 불안감 등으로 많은 스트레스를 겪고 우울증 등 심리적 문제를 겪는다는 선행연구들을 찾아볼 수 있다. Saipanish [2]는 60% 이상의 의과대학생들이 심각한 스트레스를 경험하고 있다고 보고하였고,

유급에 대한 불안감 등 학업과 관련된 것으로 알려져 있다[6,7,8,9]. 그러나 이 외에도 불충분한 휴식시간, 낮은 자아존중감, 수면부족 등도 의과대학생들의 스트레스 요인으로 작용하고 있다[6,7,9,10].

의사나 의과대학생들은 낙인, 오명으로 인해 정신과적 도움을 받는 것도 쉽지 않은 일이다[13].

첫째, 의과대학생들의 우울, 스트레스, 자아존중감은 어떠하며 학년에 따라 차이가 있는가? 

둘째, 의과대학생들의 학업 스트레스는 어떠하며 학년에 따라 차이가 있는가? 

셋째, 의과대학생들의 스트레스 대처방식은 무엇이며 학년별, 상하집단별 차이가 있는가? 

넷째, 우울, 일반 스트레스, 자아존중감,학업 스트레스는 어떠한 관계가 있는가?

연구 대상 및 도구

Rosenberg가 개발한 자아존중감 척도(Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, RSE)는 10문항으로 4점 Likert 척도로 이루어져있으며 0.92의 거트만 척도 재생산 계수를 가지고 있다[14].

Zung이 개발한 자기평가 우울반응척도(Self-Rating Depression Scale, SDS)는 우울의 세 가지 측면(파급적인 영향, 생리적인 부수현상, 심리적인 부수현상)을 조사하기 위해 고 안된 도구.

스트레스의 경우 Cohen 등이 개발한 지각된 스트레스 척도(Perceived Stress Scale, PPS)를 사용하였는데, 개인의 일상생활에서 건강을 위협하거나 또 다른 대처를 요구하는 스트레스의 전반적인 인지상태를 사정하는 도구로 신뢰도(Cronbach’s α=0.78)와 타당도가 검증된 도구이다[16].


학년에 따른 우울을 비교해 본 결과, 3, 4, 5학년 학생들이 다른 학년보다 우울 정도가 심각하였는데, 미국 의과대학생을 대상으로 한 Chandavarkar et al. [17]과 Levine et al. [18]의 연구 결과에서도 1학년에 비해 학년이 올라갈수록 우울증이 심해진다는 연구 결과와 일치한다

이러한 연구결과는 임상실습 교육을 할 때 학생들의 스트레스가 가장 높다는 Radcliffe & Lester [19]의 연구와 일치한다.

Mental Health and Coping Strategies among Medical Students
Keum-ho Lee,1 Yukyung Ko,2 Kyung-hee Kang,3 Hye-kuyung Lee,4 Jaeku Kang,5 and Yera Hur1
1Department of Medical Education, College of Medicine, Konyang University, Daejeon, Korea.
2Department of Nursing Science, College of Medicine, Konyang University, Daejeon, Korea.
3Department of Dental Hygiene, College of Medical Science, Konyang University, Daejeon, Korea.
4Department of Social Welfare, College of Rehabilitation & Welfare & Education, Konyang University, Daejeon, Korea.
5Department of Pharmacology, College of Medicine, Konyang University, Daejeon, Korea.

Corresponding Author: Yera Hur. Department of Medical Education, Konyang University College of Medicine, 158 Gwanjeodong-ro, Seo-gu, Daejeon 302-718, Korea. Tel: +82.42.600.6416 Fax: +82.42.600.6417, Email:shua@konyang.ac.kr Corresponding Author: Jaeku Kang. Department of Pharmacology, Konyang University College of Medicine, 158 Gwanjeodong-ro, Seo-gu, Daejeon 302-718, Korea. Tel: +82.42.600.6415 Fax: +82.42.600.6415, Email: jaeku@konyang.ac.kr 
Received November 22, 2011; Revised December 08, 2011; Accepted December 19, 2011.



Recently, concern of the college students' mental health has increased due to their continuous psychologic problems such as suicidal attempt. This study aimed to examine the correlation among depression, stress, self-esteem, and coping strategies of the medical students and also according to the academic year.


The subject was 384 medical students of K medical school in Korea. Self-rating depression scale, stress scale, self-esteem scale was used for the survey, and academic stress and coping strategies of the students were asked. Frequency analysis, one-way ANOVA, t-test, correlation analysis was carried out.


Third year students were under most stress (F=5.67, p=0.000) and had the most students who were moderately (22.9%) and mildly depressed (6.3%). Stress form academic studies and grade was also the highest in third year students. For English fluency, freshmen students scored the top. Academic career stress and school culture stress were higher for year 3, 4, 5, 6 than year 1, 2 students. Differences of the coping strategies by academic year was significant in emotional display. Students who showed high level of depression and stress, also students with low self-esteem used emotional display as their major coping strategy.


Depending on their academic year medical students' level of depression and stress was different, and they did not use a variety of coping strategies. Therefore, a program which can give a diverse access to variety of coping strategies to relieve students' stress should be developed taking their characteristics of academic year into consideration.

Keywords: StressCoping strategiesMedical students.

귀인성향, 스트레스, 대처효능감이 의학전문대학원생의 학업적응에 미치는 영향

1부산대학교 교수학습지원센터, 2가천의과학대학교 의학전문대학원 의학교육실, 3부산대학교 의학전문대학원 의학교육실

윤소정1, 박귀화2, 정욱진2, 이상엽3


단순히 의과대학 상황이 아니더라도, 높은 능력 수준을 갖춘 학생들로만 구성된 동질집단 내의 학습자들은 일반 학교에서는 겪지 못한 학업적 효능감의 저하나 어려움이 나타날 수 있다[2]. 이러한 현상은 문화적 보편성을 띄는 ‘Big-fish little pond effect’ 이론으로 설명될 수 있다. 즉, 다양한 수준의 학생들과 함께 교육받는 것에 비해 유사한 능력 수준을 가진 우수한 학생들끼리 교육을 받는 경우 상대적으로 학업적 자아효능감이 낮아질 수 있다는 것이다[1].

많은 연구에서 의대생들은 높은 학업능력과 학업동기를 지니고 의과대학에 입학하지만, 과도한 학습량, 잦은 시험, 성적 저하로 인한 유급 등과 같은 학업과 관련한 심리적 스트레스를 많이 겪고 있는 것으로 밝혀졌다[5].

또한 학생들이 학업적 어려움의 원인을 지각하는 방식은 스스로의 노력 부족과 같은 내적 요인(내적 귀인성향) 또는 타인이나 환경과 같은 외적 요인(외적 귀인성향)으로 설명할 수 있다. 이러한 귀인성향으로 인해 학업 실패 이후 행동의 변화 및 학업적응에 차이를 가져올 수 있다. 특히, 내적 귀인성향이 높을수록 학업적응이나 학업성취가 높으며, 의과대학생들의 임상에서의 유능감에도 영향을 미친다[7].

연구 도구

1) 학업적응 척도(Academic adjustment scale)

Baker & Siryk [9]이 개발 제작한 것을 Jung [10]이 우리나라 실정에 맞게 번안한 4개 하위 척도(학업적응 척도, 사회적응 척도, 개인-정서적응 척도, 대학환경적응 척도) 중 연구목적과 관련이 있는 학업적응 척도만을 사용하였다

2) 귀인성향 척도(Attribution tendencies scale)

Levenson [11]이 개발한 귀인성향 척도를 An [12]이 우리의 실정에 맞게 번안한 것을 사용하였다

3) 의학스트레스 척도(Medical stress scale)

의과대학에서 느끼는 스트레스의 정도를 측정하기 위해 Vitaliano et al. [13]이 개발한 척도를 An et al. [14]이 우리의 실정에 맞게 번안한 9문항을 사용하였다

4) 대처효능감 척도(Coping efficacy scale)

대처효능감은 복잡하고 어려운 상황을 대처하거나 관리할 수 있다는 자신감 정도를 말하는 것으로, 본 연구에서는 Klink et al. [15]이 의과대학생을 대상으로 개발한 대처효능감 척도를 사용하였다

결과 분석

본 연구에서 사용된 결과 분석 방법은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 성별에 따른 학생들의 학업적응, 귀인성향, 스트레스, 대처효능감의 차이를 살펴보기 위해 t-test를 실시하였다. 둘째, 학생들의 학년에 따른 학업적응, 귀인성향, 스트레스, 대처효능감의 차이를 살펴보기 위해 ANOVA를 실시하였다. 셋째, 귀인성향, 학업스트레스, 대처효능감이 학업적응에 미치는 영향을 분석하기 위해 단계적 다중 회귀분석(stepwise multiple regression analysis)을 수행하였다.


남학생이 여학생보다 학업적응, 내적 귀인성향, 대처효능감이 높았으나, 스트레스는 여학생이 남학생보다 높았다. 즉, 학생이 여학생에 비해 스트레스에 대처할 수 있다는 자신감이 높고, 행동결과의 원인을 자신에게서 찾는 경향과 학업적응도 또한 높다는 것을 말해준다. 반면, 여학생은 남학생보다 스트레스가 높은 것으로 나타났다. 이는 이미 많은 연구에서 밝혀진 바와 일치하는 결과이며[16], 동일한 상황이나 환경에 대해 여학생이 남학생보다 더 민감하고 인색하게 반응하는 경향에 기인하는 것으로 볼 수 있다.

Radcliffe & Lester [17]의 연구에서는 학생들은 의과대학 입학, 임상실습 시작과 같은 전환기 시점(transition periods)에 가장 스트레스를 받는 것으로 보고하였다.

The Effects of Attribution Tendencies, Academic Stress, and Coping Efficacy on Academic Adjustment of Medical Students
So-Joung Yune,1 Kwi Hwa Park,2 Wook-Jin Chung,2 and Sang-Yeoup Lee3
1Center for Teaching and Learning, Pusan National University, Busan, Korea.
2Department of Medical Education, Gachon University School of Medicine, Incheon, Korea.
3Department of Medical Education, Pusan National University Medical School, Busan, Korea.

Corresponding Author: Kwi Hwa Park. Department of Medical Education, Gachon University School of Medicine, 196-6 Guwol-dong, Namdong-gu, Incheon 405-760, Korea. Tel: +82-70-7120-7931, Fax: +82-32-464-4004, Email: ghpark@gachon.ac.kr 
Received March 23, 2011; Revised June 07, 2011; Accepted June 13, 2011.



This study investigated the relationship among types of attribution tendencies, academic stress, coping efficacy, and academic adjustment in medical students and identified the means by which the academic adjustment of medical students can improve.


Four hundred forty-two subjects from 2 medical schools in Korea were analyzed; 202 were male, 206 were female, and 34 did not identify their gender. We surveyed their academic adjustment, attribution tendencies, academic stress, and coping efficacy. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, and stepwise multiple regression analysis.


The male group scored higher on academic adjustment, internal attribution tendency, and coping efficacy but lower on academic stress than the female group. Coping efficacy and internal attribution tendency affected the academic adjustment positively while academic stress influenced it negatively.


The study indicates that students with higher scores on coping efficacy and internal attribution tendency and who have lower scores on academic stress tend to adjust better academically in medical school. Therefore, these findings may be helpful for medical schools in designing effective academic adjustment programs to improve coping efficacy and internal attribution tendency and reduce academic stress. Further, these findings have important implications for planning learning consultation programs, especially in Year 1.

Keywords: Academic adjustmentAttribution tendenciesAcademic stressCoping efficacyMedical student.

보건의료(의료보험)기만행위와 프로그램 진실성에 대한 교육 확장시키기

Expanding Physician Education in Health Care Fraud and Program Integrity

Shantanu Agrawal, MD, MPhil, Bruce Tarzy, MD, Lauren Hunt, MPH, Julie Taitsman, MD, JD, and Peter Budetti, MD, JD

건강보험 프로그램에 대해 지속적으로 사기(fraud)행위를 하는 의사는 매우 적지만, 그 외에 것들(남용abuse, 실수error, 과용waste)에 대해서는 거의 대부분의 의사들이 기여하고 있다. 이러한 현상에 의한 영향력을 고려하면 프로그램 진실성(Program Integrity)에 대한 의사들의 의식 수준을 높이는 것이 무척 중요하다. 

Program integrity (PI) spans the entire spectrum of improper payments from fraud to abuse, errors, and waste in the health care system. Few physicians will perpetrate fraud or abuse during their careers, but nearly all will contribute to the remaining spectrum of improper payments, making preventive education in this area vital. 

Despite the enormous impact that PI issues have on government-sponsored and private insurance programs, physicians receive little formal education in this area. Physicians’ lack of awareness of PI issues not only makes them more likely to submit inappropriate claims, generate orders that other providers and suppliers will use to submit inappropriate claims, and document improperly in the medical record but also more likely to become victims of fraud schemes themselves.

저자들은 현재 여기에 대한 교육이 어떻게 되고 있는지를 포함한 전반적인 PI 이슈들을 살펴보고, PI 교육을 위한 교과과정을 제안하였다.

In this article, the authors provide an overview of the current state of PI issues in general, and fraud in particular, as well as a description of the state of formal education for practicing physicians, residents, and fellows. Building on the lessons from pilot programs conducted by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and partner organizations, the authors then propose a model PI education curriculum to be implemented nationwide for physicians at all levels. 

They recommend that various stakeholder organizations take part in the development and implementation process to ensure that all perspectives are included. Educating physicians is an essential step in establishing a broader culture of compliance and improved integrity in the health care system, extending beyond Medicare and Medicaid.

Module 1: Overview of health care fraud and broader PI issues

This module introduces physicians to the spectrum of PI issues, including waste, abuse, and fraud, with vivid case examples and a discussion of known fraud schemes. 

The module also includes a discussion of the legal and regulatory considerations for PI issues, including the civil and criminal penalties for fraud. 

Finally, the module describes the response of health care and law enforcement organizations to these issues to contextualize the daily activities of physicians within the broader PI framework.

Competencies and learning objectives:

• Learn the spectrum of PI issuesincluding the scope and variety of fraud and common fraud schemes and systemic issues such as conflicts of interest and perverse incentives.

• Learn the legal framework for PI issues.

• Learn how public regulatory agencies, law enforcement, and organized medicine are responding to PI issues.

Module 2: Preventive strategies to improve PI

This module provides physicians with a host of preventive approaches and tools to protect their medical identitiesto institute practice safeguards and compliance activities, and to improve their communication with patients about PI issues. 

This module includes a discussion of a range of practice settingsincluding the use of midlevel providers, the corporate practice of medicine, practices in academic centers, and the use of alternative payment models.

Competencies and learning objectives:

• Learn the risk factors for and strategies to avoid medical identity theft.

• Learn the key elements of compliance programs to avoid fraudulent or abusive billing.

• Learn how to help patients avoid and identify fraud schemes.

• Learn how to access resources for further education or reporting of PI issues.

Module 3: Documentation and billing best practices

This module specifically addresses documentation and billing issues, with an emphasis on developing best practices and error prevention strategies, as well as understanding the consequences of shortcomings in these areas. 

The module also addresses the various types of payment and financial audits of physician practices, discussing the differences between them and how they differ from fraud investigations. As in Module 2, special attention is paid to the range of practice settings and major innovations and trends in health care.

Competencies and learning objectives:

• Learn the importance of accurate documentation and billing, including typical issues, relevant fraud schemes, and error prevention strategies.

• Learn about the various payer audits of physician practices and fraud investigations, including potential consequences.

• Learn documentation and billing best practices.

 2013 Aug;88(8):1081-1087.

Expanding Physician Education in Health Care Fraud and Program Integrity.


Dr. Agrawal is medical director and director of data sharing and partnership, Center for Program Integrity, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Baltimore, Maryland. Dr. Tarzy is lead medical consultant, Medical Review Branch, California Department of Health Care Services, Sacramento, California. Ms. Hunt is health insurance specialist, Center forProgram Integrity, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Baltimore, Maryland. Dr. Taitsman is chief medical officer, Office of the Inspector General, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, DC. Dr. Budetti is deputy administrator for program integrity and director, Center for Program Integrity, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Washington, DC.


Program integrity (PI) spans the entire spectrum of improper payments from fraud to abuse, errors, and waste in thehealth care system. Few physicians will perpetrate fraud or abuse during their careers, but nearly all will contribute to the remaining spectrum of improper payments, making preventive education in this area vital. Despite the enormous impact that PI issues have on government-sponsored and private insurance programs, physicians receive little formal education in this area. Physicians' lack of awareness of PI issues not only makes them more likely to submit inappropriate claims, generate orders that other providers and suppliers will use to submit inappropriate claims, and document improperly in the medical record but also more likely to become victims of fraud schemes themselves.In this article, the authors provide an overview of the current state of PI issues in general, and fraud in particular, as well as a description of the state of formal education for practicing physicians, residents, and fellows. Building on the lessons from pilot programs conducted by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and partner organizations, the authors then propose a model PI education curriculum to be implemented nationwide for physicians at all levels. They recommend that various stakeholder organizations take part in the development and implementationprocess to ensure that all perspectives are included. Educating physicians is an essential step in establishing a broader culture of compliance and improved integrity in the health care system, extending beyond Medicare and Medicaid.

음악 수업 : 음대와 의대의 학습문화 비교

Music lessons: revealing medicine’s learning culture through a comparison with that of music

Christopher Watling,1 Erik Driessen,2 Cees P M van der Vleuten,2 Meredith Vanstone3 & Lorelei Lingard4


의학분야에서 학습에 대한 연구는 주로 개개인의 학습자에 초점이 맞춰져 있지만, 학습의 과정이 어떠한지에 대한 이해에도 관심을 갖고, 학습이 실제로 일어나는 장소의 문화적 맥락의 영향도 바라볼 필요가 있다. 이 연구에서 우리는 두 개의 학습문화 - 음대와 의대 - 를 비교하여 의대 문화에서는 당연하게 여겨지는 가정들을 파헤쳐보고자 하였다.


우리는 constructivist grounded theory 접근법을 활용하여 두 문화간 학습의 경험이 어떻게 다른지를 보고자 하였다. 우리는 아홉 개의 focus group(두 명의 의대생, 세 명의 레지던트, 네 명의 음대생)과 네 명의 개별 인터뷰(임상-교육자 1명, 음악 교육자 1명, 의사-음악가 2명)를 수행하였다(총 37명). 정보를 모으는 동시에 분석이 진행되었고, 지속적 비교(constant comparison)을 통해서 주제들을 지속적으로 반복 확인하였다.


학습이 일어나는 장소가 어디인지, 어떤 학습 성과가 요구되는지, 학습이 어떻게 촉진되는지에 따른 문화적 관점의 차이가 드러났다. 대부분의 의대에서 학습은 learning by doing으로 일어나는 반면, 음대에서는 learning by lesson을 높게 평가했다. 의대에서는 competence가 그 목적인데 비해서, 음대에서는 연주실력(performance)이 끊임없이 향상되는(ever-better)것을 중요시했다. 의대에서는 선생님들의 임상술기를 교수능력보다 더 가치있게 평가하는데 반해, 음대에서는 가르치는 능력을 더 중시했다. 자기평가는 두 문화 모두에서 학습자의 도전의식을 자극했으나 의대생들은 자기평가를 '발전시킬 수 있는 기술'로서 생각한 반면, 음대생들은 '외부적 피드백이 항상 필요하다'라고 생각했다.


이번 비교 분석을 통해 의대와 음대는 교수-학습에 대해서 서로 다른 문화적 가정을 가진다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 두 문화의 차이로부터 의대 문화의 취약점(competence-focused approach, 선생님(teachers)에게 가하는 제약)을 알 수 있었다. 이러한 취약점을 드러냄으로서 우리는 의대 교육을 새롭게 상상하고 바꾸어나갈 자극을 제공하고자 하였다.

(출처 : http://blogs.cornell.edu/city/2011/02/17/on-music-and-medicine/)

International Journal of Qualitative Methods 5 (1) April 2006

 Printable PDF Version

The Development of Constructivist Grounded Theory

Jane Mills, Ann Bonner, and Karen Francis


Jane Mills, RN, MN, BN, Grad Cert Edu, MRCNA, Doctoral Candidate, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Gippsland Campus, Monash University

Ann Bonner, RN, PhD, MA , BAppSc, MRCNA, Senior Lecturer, School of Nursing Sciences and Midwifery, Cairns Campus, James Cook University

Karen Francis, RN, PhD, MHlth Sc (Nsg), MEd, Grad Cert Uni Teach/Learn, BHlth Sc (Nsg), Dip Hlth Sc (Nsg), Professor of Rural Nursing, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Gippsland Campus, Monash University

Abstract: Constructivist grounded theory is a popular method for research studies primarily in the disciplines of psychology, education, and nursing. In this article, the authors aim to locate the roots of constructivist grounded theory and then trace its development. They examine key grounded theory texts to discern their ontological and epistemological orientation. They find Strauss and Corbin’s texts on grounded theory to possess a discernable thread of constructivism in their approach to inquiry. They also discuss Charmaz’s landmark work on constructivist grounded theory relative to her positioning of the researcher in relation to the participants, analysis of the data, and rendering of participants’ experiences into grounded theory. Grounded theory can be seen as a methodological spiral that begins with Glaser and Strauss’ original text and continues today. The variety of epistemological positions that grounded theorists adopt are located at various points on this spiral and are reflective of their underlying ontologies.

Keywords: grounded theory, constructivism, constructivist, methodology, nurse/nursing


Authors’ note 
Jane Mills acknowledges the financial support of the Queensland Nursing Council.


Mills, J., Bonner, A., & Francis, K. (2006). The development of constructivist grounded theory. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 5(1), Article 3. Retrieved [date] from http://www.ualberta.ca/~iiqm/backissues/5_1/html/mills.htm

 2013 Aug;47(8):842-50. doi: 10.1111/medu.12235.

Music lessonsrevealing medicine's learning culture through a comparison with that of music.


Department of Clinic Neurological Sciences, Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada.



Research on medical learning has tended to focus on the individual learner, but a sufficient understanding of the learning process requires that attention also be paid to the essential influence of the cultural context within which learning takes place. In this study, we undertook a comparative examination of two learning cultures - those of music and medicine - in order to unearth assumptions about learning that are taken for granted within the medical culture.


We used a constructivist grounded theory approach to explore experiences of learning within the two cultures. We conducted nine focus groups (two with medical students, three with residents, four with music students) and four individual interviews (with one clinician-educator, onemusic educator and two doctor-musicians), for a total of 37 participants. Analysis occurred alongside and informed data collection. Themes were identified iteratively using constant comparisons.


Cultural perspectives diverged in terms of where learning should occur, what learning outcomes are desired, and how learning is best facilitated. Whereas medicine valued learning by doing, music valued learning by lesson. Whereas medical learners aimed for competence, musicstudents aimed instead for ever-better performance. Whereas medical learners valued their teachers for their clinical skills more than for their teaching abilities, the opposite was true in music, in which teachers' instructional skills were paramount. Self-assessment challenged learners in both cultures, but medical learners viewed self-assessment as a skill they could develop, whereas music students recognised that external feedback would always be required.


This comparative analysis reveals that medicine and music make culturally distinct assumptions about teaching and learning. The contrasts between the two cultures illuminate potential vulnerabilities in the medical learning culture, including the risks inherent in its competence-focused approach and the constraints it places on its own teachers. By highlighting these vulnerabilities, we provide a stimulus for reimagining and renewing medicine's educational practices.

© 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

[PubMed - in process]

(출처 : http://psychcentral.com/news/2008/09/12/train-young-physicians-on-emotional-intelligence/2927.html)

정서지능의 네 영역 

- 감정 인지, 감정 활용, 감정 이해, 감정 관리 - 

는 대인관계와 의사소통 기술의 구성요소이다.

The four components of emotional intelligence 

— the abilities to perceive, use, understand and manage emotions — 

are building blocks for interpersonal and communication skills.

정서지능(EI)는 스스로의 감정에 대해 인지하는 능력과 다른 사람의 감정을 인지하는 능력, 그리고 그것을 적절히 다루는 능력을 포괄한다. Payne은 공포, 고통, 욕망에 대한 EI를 분석하여 개인지능(personal intelligence)라는 용어로서 논의했다. 

Emotional intelligence (EI) is refers to an individual’s awareness on his or her own emotions, together with an awareness of the emotions in others and the ability to manage them and act appropriately. The term is usually attributed to Payne [1] who explored EI with respect to fear, pain and desire, and it was discussed in terms of personal intelligences [2] at a similar time. 

정서지능은 "자신과 타인에 대한 감정을 정확히 평가하고 표현할 수 있는 능력, 자신과 타인의 감정을 통제할 수 있는 능력, 그리고 동기부여, 계획, 성취을 위해 감정을 활용할 수 있는 능력에 대한 종합적인 기술" 이라고 정의되기도 한다. 이러한 개념은 그 후 IQ 또는 직장에서의 우수한 수행능력과 연결되기도 했다.

A robust explanatory framework as defined as “a set of skills hypothesized to contribute to the accurate appraisal and expression of emotion in oneself and in others, the effective regulation of emotion in self and others, and the use of feelings to motivate, plan, and achieve in one's life.” [3]. The concept was then linked to IQ and superior performance at work [4-6].

EI를 측정하기 위한 도구는 EI를 어떠한 특질(trait)나, 능력(ability)로 개념화한다. 특질로서의 EI(Trait EI)는 개인적 성격의 다섯 가지("Big Five")요소들과 연결된다 

Neuroticism, Agreeableness, Openness, Extraversion, and Conscientiousness

Instruments for measuring EI include those that conceptualize EI as a trait [7], and as an ability [8,9]. Trait EI strongly correlates with the “Big Five” personality traits (Neuroticism, Agreeableness, Openness, Extraversion, and Conscientiousness) [10]. 

TEIQue는 네 개의 요소로 구성되어 있다. Petrides와 Furnham은 Trait EI와 Ability EI를 구분하는 근본적인 것은 측정에 대한 접근법이라고 하였다. Trait EI는 자기기입식 설문지로 측정되며, Ability EI는 정답과 오답이 있는 시험으로서 측정된다고 하였다.

The Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue) [11] is composed of four factors (well-being, self-control, emotionality and sociability). Petrides and Furnham [7,11] proposed that the primary basis for discriminating between trait EI and ability EI is the measurement approach and not theoretical domains. The trait EI is measured through self-reported questionnaires, whereas ability EI should be measured through maximum performance tests with correct and incorrect answers.

이 연구 결과는 TEIQue-SF(Short Form)의 측정이 아시아 의과대학생에게 적절하게 활용될 수 있음을 보여준다. 정신건강 워크숍은 의과대학생들의 EI를 발달시키는데 도움이 되었고, 성별이나 국적에 따른 약간의 차이가 있었다. 정서 인지의 즉각적 효과는 특히 남학생들과 비일본인 그룹에서 두드러졌다. 장기적인 효과는 여학생들과 일본인에서 두드러졌다. 일본 여학생들은 정서(emotionality)에 대해서 특히 민감(conscious)했다. 정서 기반(emotion driven) 의사소통 훈련은 학생의 EI발달에 장기적으로 영향을 줄 것이다.

This study found the measurement of TEIQue-SF is appropriate and reliable to use for Asian medical students. The mental health workshop was helpful to develop medical students’ EI but showed different results for gender and nationality. The immediate impact on the emotional awareness of individuals was particularly significant for male students and the non-Japanese group. The impact over the long term was notable for the significant increase in EI for females and Japanese. Japanese female students were more conscious about emotionality. Emotion-driven communication exercises might strongly influence the development of students’ EI over a year.

 2013 Jun 7;13:82. doi: 10.1186/1472-6920-13-82.

Expressing one's feelings and listening to others increases emotional intelligence: a pilot study of Asian medical students.


School of Medicine, College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK. Phillip.Evans@glasgow.ac.uk.



There has been considerable interest in Emotional Intelligence (EI) in undergraduate medical education, with respect to student selection and admissions, health and well-being and academic performance. EI is a significant component of the physician-patient relationship. Theemotional well-being of the physician is, therefore, a significant component in patient care. The aim is to examine the measurement of TEIQue-SF inAsian medical students and to explore how the practice of listening to the feelings of others and expressing one's own feelings influences an individual's EI, set in the context of the emotional well-being of a medical practitioner.


A group of 183 international undergraduate medical students attended a half-day workshop (WS) about mental-health and well-being. They completed a self-reported measure of EI on three occasions, pre- and post-workshop, and a 1-year follow-up.


The reliability of TEIQue-SF was high and the reliabilities of its four factors were acceptable. There were strong correlations between the TEIQue-SF and personality traits. A paired t-test indicated significant positive changes after the WS for all students (n=181, p= .014), male students(n=78, p= .015) and non-Japanese students (n=112, p= .007), but a repeated measures analysis showed that one year post-workshop there were significant positive changes for all students (n=55, p= .034), female students (n=31, p= .007), especially Japanese female students (n=13, p= .023). Moreover, 80% of the students reported that they were more attentive listeners, and 60% agreed that they were more confident in dealing withemotional issues, both within themselves and in others, as a result of the workshop.


This study found the measurement of TEIQue-SF is appropriate and reliable to use for Asian medical students. The mental health workshop was helpful to develop medical students' EI but showed different results for gender and nationality. The immediate impact on the emotional-awareness of individuals was particularly significant for male students and the non-Japanese group. The impact over the long term was notable for the significant increase in EI for females and Japanese. Japanese female students were more conscious about emotionality. Emotion-driven communication exercises might strongly influence the development of students' EI over a year.

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