Composed by M. van Santen and S.J. van Luijk, in cooperation with the cluster coordinators: H. Crijns, T. Delhaas, E. Heineman, R. Geesink and T. Schmidt;
the coordinators of non-cluster-related education: R. Ottenheijm, J. van Eijk, J. Schouten, R. Houtepen, J.-J. Rethans, J. van Dalen; C. van der Vleuten and other members of the Department of Educational Development and Research

The educational starting points of the third year are stated in the booklet about the New Maastricht Curriculum.1 The content of the third year is based on ‘Blueprint 2001: training of medical doctors in the Netherlands’.2,3
요약하자면, 교육과정의 목적은 학생이 장차 의사로서 역할을 하면서, 점차 높아지는 독립성과 책임을 능숙히 다룰 수 있게 하는 것이다.
In summary, the aim of the curriculum is that students can handle increasing independence and responsibility in their role of medical doctor.
Teaching staff의 역할은 학생이 독립적인 전문직으로 성장하기 위하여 필요한 지식과 술기를 습득하는 과정을 도와주는 코치의 역할이다. 학생들이 이론과 실제를 따로 배우는 것이 아니라 같이 학습하는 것이 중요하다.
The role of the teaching staff is mainly that of a coach who helps the student to acquire the knowledge and skills he or she needs to become a self-reliant professional. In order to learn effectively, it is important that the student does not explore theory and practice separately but in relation to each other.
평가는 학습의 한 과정으로, 교육과정의 마지막이 아니라 교육의 한 부분이다. 과학적인 훈련과 전문직으로서의 바람직한 행동은 교육과정을 꿰뚫는 중요한 요소이다.
Assessment guides the learning process and is therefore not a final part but an integrated part of education. Scientific training and professional behaviour are the main threads throughout the curriculum.
3학년 교과과정에서는 학생의 책임과 능동적인 자세로 여러 환자를 만날 것을 강조함으로서 이러한 starting point를 반영하고 있다. Teaching Staff는 학생들이 환자와 접촉하게 되는 것을 준비할 수 있게 도와주고, 피드백을 주고, 과제를 평가한다. 이를 위해서 teaching staff는 튜터로서 뿐만 아니라 해당 분야에서 전문가여야 한다. 학생들은 피드백을 통해 필요한 학습목표를 설정하고 이로부터 지식/술기/전문직업성을 학습한다.
In year 3 these starting points are reflected in the emphasis on the student’s responsibility and the large number of patient encounters in which the student takes on an active role. The teaching staff helps the students to prepare for the encounter, provides feedback and assesses assignments. This requires the teaching staff to be experts in their field as well as skilled tutors. The feedback students receive should stimulate them to formulate useful learning goals that enhance their knowledge, skills, and professionalism.
평가의 한 부분으로서 cluster-related portfolio와 year portfolio를 작성하게 함으로서 학생들이 독립적으로 활동할 수 있는능력을 키워주고자 했다. 또한 학생들은 다양한 그룹과 환경에서 협력적으로 학습한다. Critical Appraisal of a Topic (CAT) assignments을 통해서 과학적 접근방법을 배운다. CAT에서 학생들은 임상에서 어떤 선택을 하고 진료를 하는 '근거'를 비판적으로 탐색하게 되며, 이 프로그램은 학생과 teaching staff 모두에게 그 아이디어와 initiative가 열려 있다.
As part of the assessment, the students’ ability to work independently is reflected in the responsibility to build a cluster-related portfolio and a year portfolio. Moreover, the students learn to work together in different groups and circumstances, for example in general practices, outpatient clinics, homes and care centres, or at a patient’s house. A scientific approach is particularly trained in the Critical Appraisal of a Topic (CAT) assignments, in which the students are to search critically for ‘evidence’ as a basis for clinical choices and practice. The programme is open to ideas and initiatives of both the students and the teaching staff.
3학년 : 만성 질환
각각의 교육과정은 핵심 주제가 있다. 2001 교육과정에서 1학년은 급성질환을, 2학년은 생애 주기를, 3학년은 만성질환을 다루게 된다.
Each curriculum year has its central theme. Where the first year of the 2001Curriculum focuses on acute disorders and the second year on the stages of life, the third year is centred around chronic disorders. The general starting points are the four areas of a medical doctor’s competence as stated in ‘Blueprint 2001: training of medical doctors in the Netherlands’: the doctor as a medical expert, scientist, health care worker and person.2
이 프로그램에는 다음의 것들이 포함된다.
The programme includes...
the clinical aspects of chronic disorders,
the effect on the patient’s life and the people around him,
and the role of a doctor as care giver.
만성질환과 모든 측면에 있어서 임상표현이 학생에게 주어지는데, 이들 임상표현은 최대한 실제와 비슷한 것으로 사용한다.
Clinical presentations are used to confront the students with all aspects of chronic disorders. The presentations are as authentic as possible and deal with the problems patients see their doctor about. This means a lot of learning is based on the context of daily practice in health care.
3학년은 10주단위로 된 4개 클러스터로 나눠진다. 각각의 클러스터에서는 아래의 것들을 다룬다.
The year is divided into four clusters of 10 weeks, each cluster covering a particular field with various themes and addressing several pathophysiological aspects. In addition, each cluster pays attention to general lines of knowledge, skills and personal aspects as well as disorders that fit into more than one particular cluster. Finally, the clusters include generic aspects with regard to the consequences of chronic disorders that are relevant in the patient encounters in general practice and in the longitudinal patient encounters.
수업 구성
3학년의 내용은 네 개의 클러스터로 나눠진다. 한 학년은 네 그룹으로 나눠져서 서로 다른 순서로 네 개 클러스터를 돌게 된다.
The content of the third year is divided over four clusters of ten weeks, each focussing on a particular subject area. The year group is split into four groups of students who will follow the clusters in a different order. So, each cluster is repeated four times during the year. The subject areas are:
Locomotor apparatus,
Circulation and lungs, and
Psychomedical problems and mental health care.
정규 수업 구성은 다음의 것들이 있다.
Regular instructional formats in year 3 include outpatient encounters (OPE) in a student-centred outpatient clinic at azM/base group meetings, field contacts, year patient programme (YPP)/simulated patients encounters (SPE)/Intervision, Health Law and Ethics, and Critical Appraisal of a Topic (CAT).
추가로 다음의 것들이 있다.
In addition, lectures, practicals and skills training programmes are offered. The educational formats are discussed below. The diagram outlines the organisation of the educational programme in year 3.

복부/Locomotor/Circulation에서는 OPE가 있음. 특별히 마련된 학생중심의 외래에서 수행되며, 만성질환의 질환특이적 측면을 보게 됨. 학생은 서로 짝이 되어 한 사람은 의사, 다른 사람은 관찰자 역할을 해서 병력청취와 신체검진을 수행. OPE직후에 의사가 피드백을 제공.
During the clusters dedicated to Abdomen, Locomotor apparatus and Circulation and lungs,
weekly outpatient encounters (OPE) take place a special student-centred outpatient clinic at azM.
These encounters focus on the disease-specific aspects of chronic disease.
In pairs, the students practice on a patient; one student acts as the doctor, the other observes.
They take the patient’s history and examine the patient.
Immediately after each OPE, a doctor of the outpatient clinic provides feedback on the students’ performance.
Base group은 아래와 같다.10명의 학생과 1명의 클러스터 코치. 한 클러스터동안 동일하고, 매주 4시간 모임. 학생들은 한주간의 OPE경험을 바탕으로 발표.
Subsequently, the students have approx. two days for self-study and preparation to report on their OPE in their base group. A base group consists of ten students and a cluster coach. The group remains the same during one cluster and has fourhour meeting every week.
During these meetings, the students present their findings based on their OPE or field contact in that week. The last hour of the meeting is used to prepare for the OPE of the following week. More detailed information about this educational format can be found in the text boxes below.




Psychomedical 클러스터에서의 field contacts
정신건강병원(mental health care institution) 등에서 field contact가 있음.
There are no outpatient encounters in the psychomedical clusters, instead the students have field contacts in a mental health care institution, nursing home or general practice. The students work along with someone at their field contact address for one day a week.
처음에는 학생은 관찰만 하지만 점차 참여가 늘어난다. OPE와 마찬가지로 base group meeting에서 발표하고 평가한다.
First, the student only observes, but gradually his or her active participation increases. Similarly to the outpatient encounters, the field contacts are prepared and evaluated in the base group meetings. The focus is on gaining in-depth knowledge of aetiology, differential diagnosis, course and treatment options.
nursing home이나 general practice의 field contact는 학생들로 하여금 정신건강병원 바깥에서 이뤄지는 것을 가르치려는 목적임. 마지막 주간에 학생들은 plenary presentation을 함.
The field contacts in nursing homes and general practices aim to teach the students to recognize psychomedical problems outside the setting of a mental health care institution. During the last week of the psychomedical cluster, the students give plenary presentations.
모든 클러스터에서의 Field contact
일년간 모든 학생은 한 general practice를 10~12회 방문하여 해당 클러스터 주제와 관련된 환자를 만난다. 이러한 general practice에서의 접촉은 직접적으로 질병과 관련되지 않은 만성질환의 일반적 문제를 경험하게 한다.
During the year, every student visits one general practice 10 to 12 times and meets patients with problems that are relevant to the subject area of the present cluster. In addition, these contacts at general practices enable the students to deal with generic aspects of chronic disease that are not directly disease-related.
매 방문마다 학생은 2~5명의 환자를 보고, GP코치로부터 피드백을 받는다. 이 GP는 학생의 리포트에 대해서도 평가를 하고, 이 리포트는 클러스터 포트폴리오에 포함된다.
For each cluster period, goals and tasks have been formulated with respect to these aspects. During each visit, the student sees two to five patients and receives subsequent feedback from the ‘coaching’ GP. This GP also provides feedback on the student’s reports of his visits to the practice. The reports are included in the cluster portfolio.
Field contact는 base group meeting에서 준비하고, 이 미팅에서 평가한다. 매 10주마다 만성질환의 특정 한 측면이 주어진다. 전체 1년간 1. Epidemiology and chronic disorders 과 2. Disease management 로 나뉘어서 만성질환의 진행/원인/치료에 대해 초점을 두게 된다.
Field contacts are prepared and evaluated in the base group meetings. Every ten weeks, special attention is given to one particular generic aspect of chronical disease, both in the field contacts and in the year patient programme. During the entire year, attention is paid to the course, cause and therapy of chronic disorders, divided into 1. Epidemiology and chronic disorders and 2. Disease management (longitudinal aspects, care plans and care chains). These aspects are included in the theoretical part (in base groups) as well as in practice (in tasks with patients).
Locomotor와 Circulation에서는 재활센터에서의 field contact도 있다.
There are also field contacts in a rehabilitation centre during the clusters Locomotor apparatus and Circulation and lungs.
이 부분은 실제 환자/가상 환자 등과 만나고 토론을 하게 된다. 10명의 학생과 일년간 맡아줄 코치가 한 그룹을 이룬다.
These parts of the educational programme include contacts with real patients, simulated patients and discussions in YPP/SPE/Intervision groups. These groups consist of 10 students and a year coach, and remain the same for the entire year.
각각의 그룹에는 모든 클러스터의 학생들이 모두 속해있기 때문에 각각의 학생들은 서로 다른 경험을 가지고 있다. 코치는 일년간 이 그룹을 담당하기 때문에 학생의 발달을 꾸준히 따라갈 수 있다. 1년간 8회의 YPP 9회의 SPE/인터비전 미팅/1회의 시작미팅/1회의 최종미팅이 있다. 각 미팅은 일년 코치 외에 또 다른 teaching staff이 같이 진행한다.
Each group contains students of every cluster, so the students in each group have different content-related learning experiences. Since the year coach works with the same group of students for an entire year, he or she is well able to follow the student’s development (including professional behaviour) during the year. YPP, SPE and Intervision are explained in more detail below. In total there are 19 meetings: eight YPP-meetings and nine SPE/Intervision-meetings under the supervision of the year coach, and one introductory and one final meeting, that are lead by someone from the teaching staff other than the year coach.
통년 환자 프로그램
모든 학생은 일년 내내 담당할 환자와 짝을 이룬다. 환자와의 접촉은 'assignment'를 기반으로 이루어지며, 매10주마다 field contact의 주제와 연관된 assignment와 activities가 주어진다.
Every student is paired with a patient that he or she has to follow during the entire year. This enables the student to gain insight into the course of a chronic disorder. The contacts with the patient are based on assignments. Every ten weeks the assignments and activities are tailored to a topic coinciding with the generic themes of the field contacts in the general practices.
주제는 다음과 같다.
1. Physical, cognitive and emotional restrictions due to chronic disease;
2. Social participation;
3. Problem solving ability of patients;
4. Context of being chronically ill.
The topics are: 1. Physical, cognitive and emotional restrictions due to chronic disease; 2. Social participation; 3. Problemsolving ability of patients; 4. Context of being chronically ill.
학생들은 정기적으로 설문조사와 health and costs diaries를 활용하여 '만성질환'에 대한 일반적인 측면에 대한 자료를 조사한다. 여기에 포함되는 것은 다음과 같다.
the disablement process,
self-management, mood problems,
continuity of care and
cost effectiveness of care.
The student regularly records data about generic aspects of chronicity by means of questionnaires and health and costs diaries. These aspects include the disablement process, self-management, mood problems, continuity of care and cost effectiveness of care.
학생은 general practice나 병원이나 환자의 집에서 환자를 만날 수 있으며, 이 assignment는 학생 10명이 한 그룹으로 수행한다. assignment의 결과는 그룹 내에서 분석/평가된다. 리포트에 대한 코멘트를 받고 포트폴리오에 넣는다. YPP그룹은 일년에 8명 모이며, 각각의 모임은 90분정도 소요된다.
The student can see the patient in a general practice, in hospital or at the patient’s house. The assignments are prepared in groups of ten students. The results of the assignments are analysed and evaluated in the group. The reports are commented and included in the portfolios. The YPP-groups meet eight times a year, the meetings take 90 minutes.
매 년 시작시점에서 모든 학생들은 만성질환을 가진 가상환자를 만나게 된다. 학생은 SP의 주치의로서 역할을 하면서, 한 해동안 이 환자를 관찰하게 된다. 따라서 학생은 SP와 다음 약속을 잡아야 한다. 학생에게는 이런 것을 할 별도의 시간이 주어진다.
At the beginning of the year, all students (in pairs, one observer) see a simulated patient (SP) with a chronic disorder who has a complaint. The student has the role of the SP’s general practitioner and has to monitor the patient during the year. So, the student is expected to make new appointments with the SP. The students are given time to do this.
매번 환자를 만나고 난 이후 SP는 학생에게 피드백을 준다. SP를 프로그램으로 짤 수 있기 때문에(programmability) 학생은 1년에 걸쳐서 SP를 수 회 이상 만나야 하며, 최소 4회는 만나게 된다. 환자에 대한 follow up을 위해서 실제 환자 기록이 만들어져야 한다.
After each contact, the SP provides feedback to the student. Because of the SP’s programmability, it is expected that the SP has to be seen several times in one year, probably with a minimum of four times (once every cluster). In order to follow the patient, a real patient record has to be made.
학생들은 그 기록을 지속적으로 추적하고, 일년간 정보를 수집해간다. 이 정보에는 환자를 만나서 얻는 정보 뿐만 아니라, 검사결과와 specialist letter도 포함된다. SP와의 후속 만남을 통해 학생은 만성질환을 가진 환자를 대한다는 것이 작은 문제를 푸는 것이 아님을 알게 된다. SP와의 만남을 통해 학생은 YPP에서 실제 환자를 만났을 때 필요한 술기를 훈련할 수 있게 해준다.
The students keeps the record and adds information to it during the year. The record should not only contain information about the encounters, but also the possible (simulated) lab results and specialist letters. The follow-up contacts with the SP will show the students that dealing with patients with chronic disorders is more than just solving a small problem. The contacts with simulated patients enable the students to train the skills they need in the encounters with real patients in the year patient programme (YPP).
SPE에서 다뤄지는 토픽은 YPP에서 다뤄지는 토픽과 동일하며, 한 해동안 학생들은 SP의 질병과 경험을 추적하게 된다. SP와 면담하는 것을 비디오 녹화(30분)하여 그룹의 모든 구성원과 함께 보면서 평가한다. 90분짜리 미팅을 9회 하게 된다.
The themes covered in SPE are the same as in the YPP. During the year the student thus follows the course of the disease and the experiences of the simulated patient. Video recordings of the simulated patient encounters (30 minutes) are watched and evaluated by all members of the group. There are nine meetings of 90 minutes each.
인터비전 미팅은 항상 SPE미팅과 바로 연결된다. 학생들은 SP환자와 실제환자 접촉에서 얻은 경험을 공유한다. 90분 미팅이 9회 있다.
The Intervision meetings are always directly linked to the SPE-meetings. Students exchange the experiences they have gathered from simulated and real patient encounters. There are nine meetings of 90 minutes.
주제 비판평가
CAT은 임상활동의 과학적 접근을 연습하기 위한 것이며 다음의 단계를 밟는다.
CATs are meant to practise adopting a scientific approach to clinical acts (referral and test requests, choice of therapy). A CAT contains the following steps:
임상 시나리오 묘사
시나리오와 관련된 임상 질문 구성
검색 과정을 묘사 (자료 출처, 키워드, 배제 기준)
어떻게 과학적 연구를 구성하고 수행하는지 묘사. 연구의 질에 대한 평가
근거의 수준 표시
CAT과 구성된 결과에 대한 코멘트, 어떻게 적용될 수 있는가에 대한 코멘트.
Describe a clinical scenario (based on a patient of the OP encounter)
Formulate a relevant clinical question based on the scenario
Describe the search process with data sources, key words, and exclusion criteria for the articles found
Describe how a scientific study is set up and executed and assess the quality of the study
Indicate the degree of evidence
Comment on the CAT and formulate a conclusion about how the findings can be applied to the clinical scenario.
3학년의 CAT은 다음의 네 관련 영역이 있음.
관련 정책 평가
The CATs in year 3 refer to four clinically relevant domains:
Therapy and (contra)indications
Evaluation of applied policy.
각 클러스터 기간동안 모든 학생들이 이 영역 중 하나 이상에 초점을 맞춘다. 즉 어떤 학생은 abdomen에서 진단을 하는 반면 다른 학생은 locomotor의 진단에 대해서 한다는 의미이다.
During each cluster period the entire year group focuses one of these domains. This means that some students will do their CAT about diagnostics in a patient with intestinal complaints (Abdomen) whereas other students will do their CAT about diagnostics in a patient with shoulder complaints (Locomotor Apparatus).
구성은 모든 학생에 대해서 동일하다.
an introductory lecture,
a four-hour practical,
one CAT the students set up as a group and
one individual CAT.
The organisation of this part of the programme is the same for all students: an introductory lecture, a four-hour practical, one CAT the students set up as a group and one individual CAT.
CAT은 OPE를 기반으로 하며, 개별 CAT은 클러스터 포트폴리오에 포함되고 '과학자로서의 의사'의 역량을 평가하는데 활용된다.
The CATs are based on the patient encounters (OPE) in the student-centred outpatient clinic and in practice. The individual CAT is included in the cluster portfolio (see assessment) and is used to assess the competence level of the doctor as a scientist.
(출처 : http://members.home.nl/h.e.stoffers/UM_med_year3_2001.pdf)