의학교육 개혁: 아시아의 경험(Acad Med, 2009)
Medical Education Reform: The Asian Experience
Tai Pong Lam, MBBS, MFM, PhD, MD, and Yu Ying Bess Lam, MA
로컬 커뮤니티의 의료에 대한 니즈가 변하고, 학생들의 학습 니즈가 변하면서 아시아 역시 다른 국가와 마찬가지로 의과대학에서 가르치는 내용과 의사가 실제로 필요로 하는 스킬 사이의 미스매치가 심해지고 있다.
As a result of changing health care needs of local communities and the learning needs of the students, Asia, like other parts of the world, is haunted by a mismatch between what is taught at medical school and the actual skills that are needed by doctors to provide health care service.1
Asia, the world’s largest and most populous continent, contains nearly three fifths of the world’s total population.2 According to the United Nations, Asia is divided into five subregions.
- China, Hong Kong, Macau, Japan, North Korea, South Korea, Mongolia, and Taiwan are known as Eastern Asia.
- Southern Asia includes Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Iran, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka.
- Brunei, Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnambelong to Southeastern Asia.
- Central Asia is composed of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan.
- Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Cyprus, Gaza, Georgia, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Palestine, and Yemen are located in Western Asia.
이렇게 인구가 많기 때문에 인종과 문화적 배경도 다양하며, 사회 개발 수준도 다양하다. 따라서 서구에서 영감을 받은 의학교육은 그 자체의 근원은 동일하나, 이것이 실제로 아시아 의학교육 개혁에 적용되었을 때는 지역이나 국가 간 균질성보다는 엄청난 차이를 보인다.
With such a huge population, varied racial and cultural backgrounds, and diverse social developments, it is not surprising that variation instead of uniformity is found in the Western-inspired medical education reforms that span over Asia in spite of their common origination from the West. As Hays and Baravilala3 pointed out, any reformeffort in Asia’s medical education must take into consideration the need for adjustment and adaptation in the local context. In other words, the direct and outright application of a Western medical education model or reformmay not be viable in the Asian context.
Eastern Asia
동아시아의 전통적 교육시스템은 유교에 근원을 두고 있으며, 이는 단순 암기, 시험-지향적 태도, 교사의 우월적 지위 등을 특징으로 한다. 이것이 교육 개혁의 장애로 지적된다. PBL을 아시아에 적용하는 데 있어서 PBL 자체가 도전을 받고 있고, PBL의 효과성이 아직 확고하지 않다는 것을 제외하고서라도, 어떻게 문화적 차이와 장벽에 의한 서구-기반의 개혁 적용시의 장애가 극복될 수 있는지에 대한 통찰을 제공한다.
However, the fact that the traditional education system in Eastern Asia is deeply rooted in Confucianism—an educational tradition characterized by rote learning, an examination-oriented mindset, and the superior status of the teacher—may present as a barrier to the implementation of education reforms. The experiences in applying problem-based learning (PBL) in the Asian setting, regardless of the facts that PBL is itself facing challenges6 and that evidence of its effectiveness is still limited, provide insights on howcultural differences and barriers which limit the application of Western-based reformmay be overcome by indigenous solutions.
대만의 Fu-Jen 의과대학. 교사가 우월적 지위에 있는 전통적 아시아 교육 모델로 인해, 아시아 학생들은 - 특히 동아시아 학생들은 - 높은 수준의 교사를 기대한다. 또한 교육 능력 외에 동아시아 사회는 교사들이 좋은 인격을 갖추기를 기대한다. Fu-Jen의 경험은, 아시아 학생의 관점에 있어서 PBL tutor의 질이 중요함을 제시한다.
Established in 2000, the Fu-Jen Medical School in Taiwan has adopted PBL across its entire curriculum. The emphasis PBL puts on student-centered learning signifies a significant deviation, if not violation from the traditional Asian model,7 which places the teacher in a superior position. Because of these traditions, students in Asia, especially Eastern Asia, expect high-quality teachers. Besides teaching abilities, the Eastern Asian society also expect their teachers to possess a positive personality.7 Fu-Jen’s experience suggests that studies on the quality of PBL tutors fromthe perspective of Asian medical students are important.
한국에서, 전통적인 의학교육 시스템 역시 새로운 사회적 요구에 따라 도전을 받고 있는데, 한국 의과대학생들은 직무-기반 훈련을 받기 전까지는 독립적으로 진료할 만큼 충분한 역량을 갖추지 못했다고 느낀다. 이들에게 있어서 학습스타일의 변화는 교수 스타일의 변화만큼이나 중요하다. 그들은 어떤 전통적 관점에서의 심리적, 행동적 특징이 - 예컨대 극도의 예절, 수동성, 교수에 대한 맹목적 존중 - 고등교육에서 학생 학습의 장애가 되며, 특히 서구식 의학교육에서 더욱 그러하다.
In Korea, the traditional education systemin medical schools also faces challenges in meeting new societal needs. Korean medical students feel that they are not competent enough to performsolo practice unless they have undergone task-based training. For them, changing the style of learning is as important as changing the style of teaching. They believe that certain traditional psychological and behavioral traits, such as extreme politeness, passiveness, and blind respect for teachers are hindrances to student learning in higher education, especially in modern Western medical education.8
일본에서도 학생-중심이 아닌 교수-중심의 교육이 흔하다. TWMU에서의 연구에서 - PBL 10년 이상 운영 - 교수-중심의 전통에서는 PBL 학습자들이 문제를 추출해내는데 어려움을 겪음을 발견했다. 이 상황을 극복하기 위해서 1학년 학생들에게 문제와 학습목표를 추출해낼 수 있게 동기부여를 하고 촉진하게끔 하는 전략적 인터벤션이 전통적 PBL을 개선하기 위해 사용되었다. 결과는 긍정적
The tradition of a teacher-directed rather than a learner-directed education is also prevalent in Japan. In a study conducted by the Tokyo Women’s Medical University, where PBL has been integrated as a component of the preclinical curriculumfor more than 10 years, it was found that PBL learners early in their training encountered difficulties in extracting problems under the influence of a teacher-directed tradition.9 To combat the situation, strategic interventions aimed to motivate and facilitate freshman students to extract problems and derive learning objectives were employed to modify the conventional PBL program. The results were positive,
Introduced by the University of Hong Kong in 1997, the new medical curriculumfocuses on integrating the basic and clinical sciences; courses in the traditional disciplines have been removedfromthe curriculum.10 The curriculum’s system-based approach with small-group,PBL is probably the most revolutionary of its kind in Asia today. The new curriculumencourages first-year medical students to transformtheir passive learning style into a self-directed, problem-based mode. To facilitate this change, a transitional course fromhigh school to medical school was developed and has been found to be helpful.11
중국에서 의학교육 변화는 중국의 경제 혁신에 비해서 그 폭이나 깊이가 늦다. 사회의 증가하는 니즈에 대응하기 위해서 중국 의학교육의 혁신은 중요하고 긴급한 문제가 되었다. 서구시 의학교육을 도입하고자 하면서, 사회, 문화적 배경의 차이가 상당한 장애를 가져왔다. 단순 암기와 시험중심 태도로 학습하는 것은 수백년간 중국에서 받아들여지고 실행되어 왔다. 유교적 가르침이 자기-통제를 중시하기 때문에 개성과 창의성의 발달은 무시당하거나 심지어 억압되어왔다. 그 결과로 중국인의 일반적 태도는 지나치게 조심하고, 위험을 두려워하고 상상력을 제한시키기 되었다.
In China, medical education reformlags behind its economic reformin depth and in scope. To cope with increasing societal needs, the innovation of medical education in China has become an urgent and important issue.13,14 In its attempt to adopt Western methodology in medical education, differences in social and cultural background have created considerable obstacles to the reform effort. Learning by rote has been widely accepted and practiced for hundreds of years in China, nourished by the exam-oriented mindset that has historically flourished in China.15 Because Confucian teaching emphasizes self-control, the development of personality and creativity is neglected and even suppressed. The result is a general mindset in China of being overcautious and fearful of risk, which limits imaginative thinking.
Since the 1990s, tertiary colleges in China adopting PBL have gradually increased, and the results are encouraging.16
A recent study also pinpointed that because of different cultural backgrounds between the Chinese and the Western students, despite the similarity of the teaching process and outcomes to Western experience, notable differences are found in the adoption of PBL in China.19
Apart fromcultural barriers, limited economic conditions, a huge population with a large percentage of rural inhabitants, a growing manpower shortage in the health care industry of rural China, and variations in training standards are ruling factors that hinder the development of medical education reformin China.15
Southern Asia
남아시아의 의과대학은 전통적으로 식민지의, 유럽에 근원을 두고 있다. 그 결과 교육과정은 서구의 단순 모방이며, 지역의 문화와 의료행위를 무시하여 종종 지역사회의 기대와 전혀 다르게 된다. 이에 따라 남아시아에서 의사의 양성은 그 지역의 커뮤니티 니즈를 정확히 이해하거나 대응하지 못한다.
Medical schools in Southern Asia have traditionally modeled their education systems on their colonial, European roots. The curriculum, as a result, is a direct imitation fromthe West, which neglects local cultures and practices and often falls short of community expectations. The medical training is inadequate so physicians in Southern Asia are unable to understand and respond to community needs in the region.1,21
자원의 부족으로 인해 남아시아 국가들은 의학교육 개혁을 통해 커뮤니티의 의료 요구를 충족시키고자 했다.
Faced with a lack of resources, developing countries in Southern Asia have focused on reforming medical education to fulfill the health care needs of their communities.
이런 개혁 중 일부는 국제기구의 도움을 받아서 진행되었다. 전통적으로 일방적 강의식, 교수-중심, 과목-중심의 교육과정을 지역의 구체적 요구에 대응할 수 있는 교육과정으로 변화시켰다. 지역사회-기반 교육 프로그램의 개발은 - 지역사회 세팅에서의 학습에 초점을 두고, 지역 인구의 건강 요구를 이해하는 것 - 좋은 방향으로 여겨진다.
Some of these reforms are carried out with help and support of international organizations. They have reoriented the traditional curricula which emphasize didactic, teacher-centered teaching and a discipline-based approach to a curriculumwhich is responsive to the specific needs of the community.20,22 The development of community-based educational programs,1,20,21,23 which focus on learning in community settings and understanding the health needs of local population groups as well as individuals in the community, is seen as a viable direction.24
Although variations in manpower and resources exist, tentative steps have been taken by medical schools in the region to introduce problem-based, community- oriented, integrated teaching for basic and clinical sciences in their curricula.
의학교육과 별개로, 일반인 건강교육 역시 커뮤니티에서 중요하게 여겨진다. 환자도 더 충분히 정보를 가지고 있고, 의사의 질도 더 향상될 때 커뮤니티의 건강이 향상될 것이다.
Apart from medical education, health education is also deemed important in the community. The interaction of better-informed patients and well-qualified doctors may significantly improve community health.25
Despite political and social challenges, Pakistan has a long history of practicing community-based medical education. Aga Khan University introduced a medical education curriculum20 years ago that addresses the health care needs of the community at large. Medical training is carried out in the communities at the grassroots level—community-based organizations and groups identify their own needs. On the basis of Aga Khan University’s successful experience, the Pakistani authority has formally extended its community-oriented teaching model to all medical colleges in the country.22
다른 지역에서도 지역사회 기반 의학교육이 좋은 결과를 남겼다. 스리랑카의 의학교육 개혁. 인도의 Kerala 주(India’s Kerala state) 경험 등.
Elsewhere, the practice of community- based medical education has also reaped impressive results. In 2005, the demand for medical education curricular reform emerged in Sri Lanka, and emphasis was put on community-based training. India’s Kerala state experienced similar medical education reform. Both Sri Lanka and the Indian state of Kerala have maintained policies to achieve gender and social equity. As a result, Sri Lanka and Kerala have the best health indicators,
The need for medical education reform in India, the second most populous country in the world, has sparked the urge for a more comprehensive approach to health care delivery.27 Although the Indian economy has grown steadily over the last two decades, its wealth distribution is uneven.1 Furthermore, the Indian communities are culturally, linguistically, and ethnically diverse. Special attention and cultural sensitivity are essential when addressing the unique problems of different communities. The research, training, and service missions of academic medicine in India need to be better linked up to provide appropriate health care services.26
In Nepal, though community-based learning has been carried out for many years, the majority of teaching is still conducted in acute hospital settings because of ongoing political conflicts within the country.28 Apart fromthe community diagnosis programs organized by the Institute of Medicine in Kathmandu, Kathmandu University School of Medical Sciences has revised its medical curriculumto include an emphasis on community-based learning by having students visit remote areas and neighboring districts to interact closely with local communities. Dismayingly, the community field trips have been gradually curtailed because of the waves of insurgency.28
In the past, postgraduate medical training programs in Southern Asia were rarely subjected to external review or internal quality control.29 However, medical schools in Sri Lanka and Pakistan have begun to invite external examiners from the United Kingdom, Australia, Singapore, and New Zealand to oversee their final exams.
Southeastern Asia
Amin이 지적한 바와 같이, 비록 지역의 대부분 국가들이 재정적 한계와 저항에 직면하고 있지만, 동남아시아의 의과대학은 교육과정 통합을 향해 움직이고 있다. PBL은 동남아 지역의 절반 이상의 의과대학에서 하이브리드 교육과정의 한 부분이다. 조기임상노출과 지역사회기반 교육 역시 지지를 얻고 있다.
As Amin et al22 remark, medical schools in Southeastern Asia are moving towards curriculumintegration, though most of the countries in the region are facing financial constraints and resistance to change. PBL is part of the hybrid curriculumin at least half of the medical schools in the region.21 Early clinical exposure and community-based education are also gaining ground, and assessment reformis under way.30
말레이시아(새롭게 산업화된 동남아 국가)는 다인종, 다문화, 다언어 사회로 인해 지역사회기반 헬스케어 서비스 제공을 강조한다.
Malaysia, a newly industrialized country in Southeastern Asia, puts emphasis on the provision of community-based health care service because of its multiethnic, multicultural, and multilingual society.
2003년 새롭게 지어진 Universiti Malaysia Sabah School of Medicine의 기초와 임상의 통합 교육과정은 Sabah 지역의 커뮤니티 맞춤형이다. Universiti Malaysia Sarawak 의 의과대학은 PBL, 통합교육, 지역사회 교육을 도입하여 구체적인 Sarawak 지역의 건강요구를 반영했다.
The integrated curriculumof basic medical sciences and clinical skills at the Universiti Malaysia Sabah School of Medicine, newly established in 2003, was tailored for the local community of Sabah.31 The medical school of Universiti Malaysia Sarawak adopted a PBL, integrated, community-based curriculum that reflects the specific health care needs of the people of Sarawak. For example, doctors have to be familiar with and sensitive to the beliefs and cultural practices of the 26 ethnic groups in Sarawak.32
싱가포르에서는 1999년 시작한 NUS의과대학(Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine)은 교수-중심, 강의-중심, 과목-지향 교육과정을 학생-중심, 통합, 상호작용적, 교육과정으로 변화시켰다. 전통적 영국식 교육과정과 비교하면, 새로운 교육과정은 학생들을 싱가포르 국민의 건강요구에 부합할 수 있는 의사를 키우도록 하고 있다. PBL은 새로운 교육과정의 핵심으로서 20%까지 활용된다. 전통적 방식의 교육에 익숙한 환경으로 인해서 PBL을 완전히 도입하지는 못하였다.
Starting in 1999, the National University of Singapore’s Faculty of Medicine (today known as the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine) implemented a new hybrid curriculumwhich shifted froma teacher-centered, lecture-based, discipline-oriented curriculumto a more student-centered, integrated, interactive, faculty-directed curriculum. Compared with its traditional British-style curriculum, the school hopes the new curriculumcan better prepare students to meet the challenges of health care needs for the people of Singapore. PBL is the key feature of the new hybrid curriculumand takes up 20%of the curriculum. But because of an environment deeply entrenched in traditional education, the Singapore medical school has decided not to fully adopt the PBL curriculum.33
주목할 만한 점은 남아시아와 동남아시아에 새롭게 등장하는 사립 의과대학이다. 필리핀, 인도네시아, 말레이시아, 파키스탄, 방글라데스 등에 사립의과대학들은 정부의 제약에서 벗어나 PBL, 지역사회 기반 교육등 새로운 교육의 장점을 빠르게 도입하고 있으나, 교육의 질은 심각한 우려 대상이다.
Worthy of note is the emerging phenomenon of private medical schools among the Southern and Southeastern Asian countries such as the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. While private medical schools enjoy the advantage of quick adaptation to education innovations such as problem-based, community-oriented teaching without hindrance from government bureaucracy, quality of training is a serious concern.25,35
중앙아시아와 서아시아
Central and Western Asia
중앙아시아에서 소련의 해체 이후 의학교육의 국제 기준을 만들고자 하는 시도가 있다.
In Central Asia, attempts have been made to reach international standards of medical education after the collapse of the former Soviet Union’s centralized medical education system.36
서아시아에서 학부 교육과정이 아직 강의-기반이긴 하나 서구의 의학교육과의 비교연구가 이뤄졌고 적절한 교육과정 변화가 있다.
In Western Asia, even though the undergraduate curricula in most of the medical schools remain lecture-based and teacher-centered, comparative studies with Western innovative medical schools have been done, and the appropriateness of curriculumreformis substantiated.37
In Bahrain, the College of Medicine and Medical Science of Arabian Gulf University adopted a full-scale PBL curriculumat its inception in 1982 and continues to refine the curriculum.
Despite the challenges, a number of important insights are revealed in there form effort undertaken by different regions in Asia.
개발도상국에서 가장 중요한 우선순위는 지역사회의 건강요구를 충족시키는 것이다. 이러한 관점에서 의료인력은 지역사회-기반 환경에서 수련받아야 하며, 지역 인구의 요구를 이해해야 하고, 지역 커뮤니티와 더 가까이 일해야 한다. 이것이 서구에서는 이미 다 발전한 경향이지만, 아시아 사회에서는 인종과 문화적 구성의 복잡성, 자원의 부족 등을 고려하면 의학교육 개혁을 지역사회의 맥락에 더 마주는 것이 중요하다.
In the developing countries, top priority is placed on fulfilling the health care needs of the community. In response, health care personnel should be trained in community-based environments so that they will be able to understand the needs of the local population and be able to work more closely with the local community. While this is already a growing trend in the West, the need to place medical education reformin the context of local community seems more pressing in Asian societies in view of the scarcity of resources and the greater complexity in ethnic and cultural composition.
더 나아가, 의학교육 연구를 촉진하고 연구와 교육의 격차를 줄이는 것이 중요하다. 이 지역의 의학교육에 대한 자료가 부족하나, 연구 결과가 점차 아시아 의과대학의 교육에 도입되어 간다는 것은 고무적이다.동남아시아 30개 의과대학 대상 연구에서 72%의 응답자가 의학교육실(medical education unit)을 가지고 있다고 했고, 대부분은 1990년 이후 설립되었다.
Moreover, promoting research in medical education and bridging the gap between research and education are crucial areas that Asian medical schools should seriously consider.34 While data pertaining to medical education in this region are limited,24 it is encouraging to see that research findings in education are gradually being incorporated into the practices of Asian medical schools.34 A survey of 30 medical schools in Southeastern Asia showed that 72%of the respondents have existing medical education units, most of which were established after 1990.21
1 Improving health by investing in medical education. PLoS Med. 2005;2:e424.
Medical education reform: the Asian experience.
Author information
- 1Family Medicine Unit, The University of Hong Kong, Ap Lei Chau, Hong Kong. tplam@hku.hk
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