의학교육의 국제화와 미래: 글로벌 관점(Acad Med, 2006)
International Medical Education and Future Directions: A Global Perspective
Ronald M. Harden, MD
Friedman은 이렇게 말했다. "21세기 초반은 기억될 것이다. 군사적 갈등이나 정치적 사건 때문이 아니라 세계화의 완전히 새로운 시대가 열렸기 때문이다. 세계가 "flattening"하고 있다."
The beginning of the 21st century will be remembered, Friedman1 argues, not for military conflicts or political events, but for a whole new age of globalization—a “flattening” of the world.
오늘날, 거의 대부분의 국가가 고등교육에 대해서 세 가지 야망을 가지고 있다.
Today, almost every country has three ambitions regarding higher education.3
- 첫째는 접근성을 높이는 것이다. 즉 더 많은 학생이 대학에 다니게 하는 것이다.
The first is to provide greater access—that is, to admit more students to a university. - 둘째는 국제시장에서 경쟁력을 갖도록 고등교육을 향상시키는 것이다.
The second is to improve higher education to compete in an international market. - 셋째는 대학 자체의 평등을 향상시키는 것으로, 소외계층의 학생이 그들의 사회, 문화, 인종적 배경으로 인해서 손해를 보지 않게 하는 것이다.
The third is to increase equity—to offer university education to students disadvantaged because of their social, cultural, or ethnic background.
마틴루터킹 주니어는 1968년 이렇게 말했다. "It really boils down to this" "모든 생명은 서로 연결되어 있다. 우리는 빠져나갈 수 없는 상호성의 네트워크에 잡혀 잇으며, 하나의 운명이라는 옷으로 묶여 있다. 하나에 영향을 주는 것은 무엇이든 모든 것에 간접적으로 영향을 준다." 교육도 예외는 아니다.
“It really boils down to this:” argued Martin Luther King, Jr5 in 1968, “that all life is interrelated. We are all caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied into a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.” Education is not exempt.
국제화를 촉진하는 요인들
Factors Encouraging Internationalization
의료의 국제화
Globalization of health care delivery
국제 의료인력 시장의 어떤 특징들은 상당한 우려를 갖게 하며, 의료인력의 불균등한 분포는 거의 전세계적인 문제이다. 개발도상국에서 의료인력이 유출되는 것은 지구 많은 곳에서 의료인력의 부족을 가져왓으며, 거의 모든 사하라이남 국가에서 의사-인구 비율은 1960년 이후 정체되어있다.
Certain features of the international health care labor market have given rise to concern, and the maldistribution of health care workers is a near-universal problem.7 Migration of physicians from developing countries has created serious shortages of medical manpower in many parts of the world,8,9 and the physician to population ratio has stagnated or declined in nearly every Sub-Saharan country since 1960.
정부의 압박
Government pressures
유럽에서는 예를 들면 '볼로냐 프로세스'가 있으며, 그것의 목적은 가입국가간 유럽의 고등교육에 있어서 학습성과, 교육 프로세스, 인증 등을 공유하는 것이다.
In Europe, for example, the “Bologna process” has, as an objective, the creation of a European higher education area where learning outcomes, the educational process, and accreditation are shared by the member states.
이 탑-다운 접근법에서, 고등교육기관은 정부기관의 도구로서 여겨지며, 자율성을 가진 배역이 아니다. 2001년 프라하 컨퍼런스에서 "고등교육은 공공재이며, 정부는 공공제를 제공할 책임이 있는 사회의 대리인이다"라고 했다.
In this top-down approach, higher-education institutions are seen as instruments of government policy, not as autonomous actors. The communique´ froma conference held in Prague in May 2001 stated explicitly that “higher education is perceived as a public good and governments are the agents in society that are responsible for providing public goods.”11
커뮤니케이션 채널의 발전
Improved channels of communication
- The eighth conference was hosted by the National Board of Medical Examiners in Philadelphia; and the 12th conference, in May 2006 in New York, attracted about 1,000 participants from 55 countries.
- The annual international meeting on medical education organized by the Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE) now attracts about 2000 participants frommore than 80 countries.
- The third Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference in Singapore in 2006 attracted more than 400 participants fromthe region.
공통의 언어 개발
The development of a common vocabulary
공통의 용어 사용의 중요성은 IIME가 인식하고 용어를 개발, 출판하였다.ㅋ
The importance of common usage of terms in medical education was recognized by the International Institute of Medical Education (IIME). This led to the development and publication of a glossary.14
상대적으로 새로운 온라인 자료원도 있다(MedEd Central)
A relatively new online medical education information source and glossary, “MedEd Central” (www.mededcentral.org), has been developed by AMEE in collaboration with MEDINE, the European Union (EU) medical education thematic network.
성과기반 교육과 스탠다드
Outcome-based education and standards
In Scotland, the five medical schools published learning outcomes that have now been adopted in a number of other countries in Europe.16
The competencies and learning outcomesset out by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada17 and
the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education in the United States18 have also had a significant international impact.
IIME19 has identified the “Global Minimum Education Requirements” with the express purpose of defining the minimumcompetencies that all physicians must have regardless of where they receive their general medical education or practice.
The World Federation for Medical Education20 has played an important role in internationalization of medical education through its development, publication, and dissemination of standards in basic medical education, postgraduate medical education, and continuing medical education.
The European Credit Transfer System was introduced to encourage a greater cross- recognition. Within Europe, the acceptance of the principle of “equivalence” of higher education programs has contributed to the pressures for globalization and the move toward a European higher education space.21 However, there have been diverse national policies regarding europeanization, internationalization, and globalization of higher education, particularly in medical education; Finland is often identified as widely accepting the supernational policies, and the United Kingdom and Greece are often considered least supportive.
The Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research24 has had a significant impact in this area over the past five years through its faculty development programs; it is hoped that these efforts will help increase production of physicians in countries where there is an undersupply.
경쟁력과 상업화
Competitiveness and commercialization
실제로 IAU는 고등교육의 국제화에 있어서 경쟁력이 세계화의 가장 중요한 요인임을 밝혔다. 대학은 국제학생을 또 다른 수입원으로 발견해냈다. 많은 국가에서 국제 활동을 상업적 이익을 가져다주는데 도움이 된다는 인식으로 바뀌고 있으는데, 예를 들면 호주에서는 고육은 이제 국가의 9번째 큰 수출산업이 되었다.
Indeed, the IAU6 found competitiveness to be the most important factor driving internationalization in institutions of higher education—a major shift fromearlier findings. Universities have discovered international students as an alternative source of income.25 In many countries, a shift has occurred from seeing international activities as aid to perceiving themas providing commercial advantage. In Australia,26 for example, education is now recognized as the nation’s ninth largest export earner and an industry of 4.2 billion (Australian) dollars.
교육에서의 세계화를 바라보는 관점
Views of Internationalization in Education
The student
유네스코의 1997년 자료는 빈곤국가 혹은 개발도상국 학생이 상대적으로 부유한 국가에서의 수학을 선택하는 경향을 확인해주었으며, 이는 더 양질의 고등교육을 찾아가는 것이거나, 현지에서의 노동시장에 접근하기 위한 것일 수 있다. 그러나 이러한 학생 수출(?)의 문제는 Broadhead와 Muula가 지적한 바 있다 "당신네들의 어린 학생을 중등교육 이후 곧바로 보내는 것은 그들이 교육을 마치고 돌아오지 않을 위험을 감수하는 것이다. 이를 보여주는 단적인 사례가 1980년대에는 - 사실에 가까운 - 이러한 농담이 있었다. '맨체스터에는 말라위 인구 전체보다 더 많은 수의 말라위 출신 의사가 있다'"
The UNESCO199721 data confirmed that students fromrelatively poor or developing countries tended to opt for study in a relatively rich country, hoping to gain access to a more advanced quality of higher education and possibly access to the labor market of the host country. The problemof sending students from developing to developed countries for their education, however, has been stated by Broadhead and Muula27: “Sending young students abroad immediately after their secondary education and in their formative years risks their not coming back when they qualify. This proved to be the case. By the 1980s, the joke—ironically true—was that there were more Malawian doctors practising in Manchester than in the whole of Malawi.”
학생 이동의 문제는 선진국 간에서도 발생한다. 그러나 많은 연구 결과는 그렇게 해외에서 교육을 받는다고 그 학생이 더 세계화적 마인드를 가지게 된다거나, 짧은 해외 수학기간만으로 고등교육을 받은 국가에 더 친숙하게(frendlier) 되는 것은 아님을 보여준다.
This movement of students also takes place between developed countries that are more or less on equal terms. Many research projects, however, have shown that students become neither more internationally minded nor friendlier to their host country during a short period of study abroad.21
많은 미국 시민들이 외국으로 의학을 배우러 나가고, 진료를 위해서 미국으로 다시 돌아온다. 현재, 약 25%의 레지던트과 25%의 미국 내 진료의사는 의학사 학위를 미국이나 캐나다 외부에서 취득했다.
Many U.S. citizens study medicine abroad and return to the United States to practice.28 Currently, approximately 25%of all residents and 25%of practicing physicians in the United States obtained their medical degrees outside the United States or Canada.
중국에서 16만명의 학생이 1978년과 1999년 사이에 해외로 나간 것으로 추산된다. 또한 2000년 중국 내 해외 학생의 수는 44711명 정도였다.
In China,29 it is estimated that 160,000 private students went abroad between 1978 and 1999 and that they studied in 103 countries. China has also tried hard to attract foreign students. In 2000, the number of foreign students in China was estimated as 44,711; the students came from164 countries, with 71%of the students fromAsia, 14%fromEurope, 11%fromAmerica, and 3%fromAfrica.
콸라룸푸르의 국제의과대학은 새로운 국제협력의 모델을 제시하는데, 첫 2년은 말레이시아에서 수학한 이후 22개 파트너 대학 중 하나로 이동하여 그 국가에서 학위를 받게 된다.
The International Medical University in Kuala Lumpur offers an interesting model of international collaboration. Students complete the first two and a half years of their study in Malaysia. They then transfer to one of 22 partner schools in Australasia, Europe, and North America and are awarded the medical degree of the university in the country where they satisfactory complete their training.
The teacher
2000년 이후, 영어로 쓰인 무수한 교과서가 중국에 도입되었고, 2002년에는 중국 내 가장 유명한 10개 대학에서 하버드, 스탠포드, MIT에서 사용했던 거의 모든 교과서를 수입하는 것으로 결정했다.
From 2000 onward, large numbers of textbooks written in English were imported and introduced into China,29 and in 2002, 10 of the most famous universities in China decided to buy and use almost all of the textbooks, including medical ones, used at Harvard University, Stanford University, and MIT.
IVIMEDS는 16개국 30개 의과대학이 공유하는 학습자원이다.
For example, in the International Virtual Medical School (IVIMEDS),30 schools in 16 countries share learning resources.
학습목표는 작은 학습자료 부분부분이 모여서 만드는 교육 프로그램이다. 이-러닝의 혁신자인 Hodgins는 레고를 사용하는 것에 비교했다
Learning objects are small chunks of learning material—such as a diagram, a clinical photograph, or a short instructional sequence—that can be combined to make up a learning program. Hodgins,31 a leading innovator in e-learning, has compared this approach to the use of the toy Lego, in that
- 작은 교육의 조각을 쌓아서 큰 교육의 구조를 만들 수 있으며, 그 교육의 조각은 또 다른 교육구조를 만드는데도 쓸 수 있다.
small pieces of instruction (Lego blocks) can be assembled (stacked together) into a larger instructional structure (eg, a castle) and reused in other instructional structures (eg, a spaceship). - 어떤 학습목표도 다른 학습목표와 결합가능하며, 학습목표는 학습자의 요구에 따라서 어떤 식으로든 교육 프로그램을 만드는데 사용할 수 있다.
Any learning object (Lego block) is combinable with any other learning object (Lego block), and the learning objects (Lego blocks) can be assembled however users choose to create educational programs (toys) to meet their needs.
The curriculum
The first approach is the use of a local curriculum, a program of studies developed by local teachers for use by local students. This is the traditional approach to which most of us are accustomed.
The second approach is a curriculum developed for an institution in one country and exported for use in a different country.
- in Malaysia with Monash University and with the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland,
- in Qatar with Cornell University, and
- in Singapore with Duke University.
호주는 특히 해외캠퍼스와 쌍둥이-관계를 늘려가고 있는데, 1996년에는 50개 정도에서 2001년에는 1000개 이상으로 늘어났다. 브렌치-캠퍼스에서의 교육과정은 메인-캠퍼스에서의 교육과정과 동등(parallel)하게 설계되어 있으며, 종종 프로그램을 동등하게 하려는 노력이 두 교육과정을 거의 구분 불가능하게 만들기도 한다.
Australia, particularly, has seen a dramatic increase in the number of offshore campuses and twinning arrangements, from about 50 in 1996 to more than 1,000 in 2001.26 The curriculum at the branch campus usually is designed to parallel that at the “main” campus, and often for the purpose of equivalence the program is made as indistinguishable as possible from that at the main campus.
There is a third option for curriculum development. It is the development of a truly international— better described as transnational or global—curriculum that, while considering the local students’ needs relating to the topics covered, has a strong international basis. In such a curriculum, local issues are put into international context.
3차원적 모델
A three-dimensional model
Transnational 의학교육
Transnational Medical Education
이 모든 것을 가능하게 하는 것은 인터넷과 새로운 교육 접근법이다. Horton은 "웹과 인터넷이 우리 세계를 바꾸고 있으며 몇 년 전에는 상상만 가능했던 기회를 가능하게 했다. 교육과 훈련보다 이 기회가 더 열려있는 곳은 없다"
What makes all of this possible is the rapid development of the Internet and new pedagogical approaches. “Web and Internet technologies,” Horton33 has said, “are transforming our world, presenting opportunities we could only imagine a few years ago. Nowhere are these opportunities greater than in training and education.”
Koehn과 Swick은 현재 미국이 강조하는 cultural competence에서 transnational competency로 옮겨가야 한다고 주장했다.
In the article “Medical education for a changing world: moving beyond cultural competence into transnational competence,” Koehn and Swick38 advocate moving fromthe current emphasis in the United States on cultural competence to a specified set of transnational competencies.
"transnational education"이라는 용어에 대한 혼란이 있다.
There has been terminological as well as conceptual confusion about the term“transnational education.”
A report from Council of Europe/UNESCO40 included in transnational education “all types of higher education study programmes, or sets of study, or educational services (including those of distance education) in which the learners are located in a country different fromthe one where the awarding institution is based.”
의학교육이 transnational/global 모델로 나아가고자 할 때 논쟁이 되는 점은 공동학위에 대한 인정에 관한 부분이다. 공동(협동)학위(Joint degree)는 서로 다른 국가에 위치한 다수의 고등교육기관이 협력함으로써 나타나는 결과인데, 비록 일부 기관에 이것은 위협이 되는 것으로 보일 수 있으나, 엄청난 잠재력을 가지고 있다. EU는 이 방향으로 움직이고 있다. Erasmus Word 프로그램은 90개의 대학간 네트워크를 통해서 250개의 공동석사과정을 만들었다.
A controversial aspect of moving toward a transnational/global model of medical education is that it could lead to calls for the award and recognition of joint degrees. Joint degrees resulting from cooperation among several higher education institutions located in different countries, although appearing threatening to some institutions, have considerable potential.41 The EU has already moved in this direction. The Erasmus World program42 included the development of about 90 inter-university networks to provide 250 joint master’s courses to students around the world.
미국은 National Geographic Society survey 등에 따르면 교육적 고립의 상태를 지적받고 있다. 설문의 대상이 된 8개 국가의 학생 중, 미국 학교에 다니는 학생이 국제적 문제나 지리에 관한 정보를 두 번째로 적게 제공받고 있었다. 다행히 우리는 의학교육에서는 다른 양상을 발견할 수 있으며, ECFMG는 국제적인 차원의 리더십을 제공하고 있다.
The United States, for example, has been criticized for its educational isolation as evidenced by the findings of a National Geographic Society survey.35 Among students fromeight countries surveyed, those attending American schools were the second most poorly informed about world affairs and geography. Fortunately, in medical education we see a different picture, with the ECFMGproviding leadership in what can be achieved internationally.
이-러닝의 국제적 관점에 대해서 Carr-Chellman은 이렇게 말했다.
Writing on global perspectives on e-learning, Carr- Chellman43 challenged us that
지난 10년간의 변화는 느릴 것이다. 아마 '터벅터벅 걷는다' 라는 정도로 표현할 수 있을 것이다. 테크놀로지를 비판적으로 보는 사람들은, 지금까지 이-러닝의 실패가 성공보다 더 두드러졌다는 점으로부터 우리가 새로운 것을 만들고 혁신하는데 어려움을 겪을 것이라고 생각한다. 궁극적으로, 그러나, 언제, 어디서나 학습을 하고자 하는 열망은 저항할 수 없을 것이며, 교육적으로는 물론 경제적으로도 그럴 것이다.
progress over the next decade is likely to be slow, probably best described as plodding. The technology’s sceptics, emboldened by the fact that, to date, e- learning’s failures have been much more prominent than its limited successes, will challenge each new product and innovation. Ultimately, however, the lure of anywhere-anytime learning will prove irresistible—educationally as well as financially.
14 Wojtczak A. Medical education terminology. Med Teach. 2002;24:357.
38 Koehn PH, Swick M. Medical education for a changing world: moving beyond cultural competence into transnational competence. Acad Med. 2006;81:548–56.
Acad Med. 2006 Dec;81(12 Suppl):S22-9.
International medical education and future directions: a global perspective.
Author information
- 1International Virtual Medical School, Dundee, U.K. r.m.harden@dundee.ac.uk
- 17086041
- [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
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