효과적인 의학교육자에게 필요한 특성과 책임(Acad Med, 2011)

The Educational Attributes and Responsibilities of Effective Medical Educators 

Charles J. Hatem, MD, Nancy S. Searle, EdD, Richard Gunderman, MD,

N. Kevin Krane, MD, Linda Perkowski, PhD, Gordon E. Schutze, MD,

and Yvonne Steinert, PhD

20세기 초반부터 미국 의학교육자들의 초점은 교육으로부터 연구와 진료로 변해왔고, 교육은 뒷전으로 밀려났다. 그러나 의학교육 연속체에 걸쳐서 교육스킬을 정교화refine해야 한다는 요구가 늘고 있고, 이와 관련된 교육 프로그램도 등장하고 있다. 교수들은 가르치는 법을 모른다는 사실만은 분명해 보인다.

Since the beginning of the 20th century, the focus for U.S. medical educators has shifted from teaching to research and clinical enterprise with teaching as a background activity.1,2 However, there are increasing calls for refinement in the teaching skills of faculty across the medical education continuum and relevant training programs have emerged.3–5 Clearly, faculty cannot not teach.

우리는 다른 북미의 의학교육 리더들과 함께 2020 Vision of Faculty Development Across the Medical Education Continuum에 참석하였으며, 의학교육연속체의 모든 level에서 효과적인 교육자가 되기 위해 요구되는 태도/지식/술기를 정의하였다.

We were invited along with other medical education leaders from North America to participate in the 2020 Vision of Faculty Development Across the Medical Education Continuum7 conference, and we participated in the working group that dealt with the topic of faculty development and defining the desirable attitudes, knowledge, and skills (AKS) of effective teachers at all teaching levels of the medical education continuum.

Medical Teacher의 특성과 역량을 개발하기 위한 프레임워크

Frameworks for the Development of Medical Teacher Characteristics and Competencies

Harden and Crosby는 효과적인 선생님의 skill set를 outline하면서 "교육은 부담이 크고demanding 복잡한complex 것이다"라고 했다.

Harden and Crosby,8 in an early study outlining the skill set of effective teachers, emphasize that “[t]eaching is a demanding and complex task.”

네덜란드의 TF는 핵심 교육 역량에 대한 포괄적인 프레임워크를 만들었다.

a national task force in the Netherlands offered a comprehensive framework of core teaching competencies, which allows for local institutional modification.9

Harden and Crosby는 교사의 레파토리를 반영하는 6개의 핵심 영역과 그에 따른 12개의 역할을 밝혔다.

Harden and Crosby8 identified 6 key areas and 12 derivative roles that reflect the teacher’s repertoire.

교사들은 시스템에서 하나 이상의 역할을 맡게 되는 경우가 흔하다.

teachers may, and frequently do, have one or more roles in the systemas well as in any given teaching encounter.

교육 스킬 발달과 관련해서 Skeff 등은 교육 프로세스를 분석하는 다음의 일곱개 카테고리 프레임워크를 기반으로 개발한 FD를 만들었다.

Regarding teaching skills development, Skeff and colleagues10 have created a highly successful faculty development effort fashioned around a seven-category framework for analyzing the teaching process:

  • (1) 긍정적인 학습분위기 구establishment of a positive learning climate,

  • (2) 교육 세션에 대한 통제 control of the teaching session,

  • (3) 학습 목표 소통 communication of educational goals,

  • (4) 지식의 이해와 유지의 촉진 promotion of understanding and retention of knowledge,

  • (5) 학습자 평가 evaluation of the learner,

  • (6) 학습자에게 피드백 제공 provision of feedback to the learner, and

  • (7) 자기주도학습의 촉진 promotion of self-directed learning.10


이 영역과 하위요소들을 가지고 교육효과성을 강화의 지표가 되는 행동을 도출하였다.

These domains and their subcomponents serve to identify behaviors indicative of enhanced teaching effectiveness

Hesketh 등은 임상교육자를 위한 또 다른 세부젝 프레임워크를 개발하였다.

Hesketh and colleagues12 offered another very detailed framework for the development of clinical educators. Their framework includes
  • (1) 의사가 교사로서 할 수 있어야 하는 것
    the tasks the doctor as teacher is able to do—
    • 대규모 소규모 교육 teach in large and small groups,
    • 임상상황에서의 교육 teach in a clinical setting,
    • 교육과정 계획 plan curricula,
    • 학습리소스의 개발과 활용 develop and work with learning resources,
    • 학습의 촉진과 관리 facilitate and manage learning,
    • 피훈련자 평가 assess trainees,
    • 과목 평가 evaluate courses, and
    • 교육 연구 수행 undertake research in education,
  • (2) 의사가 교육에 접근하는 방식
    how the doctor approaches his or her teaching—
    • 교육원칙 이해 with understanding of principles of education,
    • 적절한 태도 with appropriate attitudes,
    • 윤리적 이해와 법적 인지 ethical understanding and legal awareness, and
    • 적절한 의사결정 기술과 근거기반 교육행위 with appropriate decision-making skills and best evidence-based education practices, and
  • (3) 전문직 교사로서의 의사
    the doctor as a professional teacher—
    • 트레이너의 선생님으로서의 역할 the role of teacher or trainer,
    • 소속 대학과 자기자신의 교육과 관련한 발달 developing within the university and personally with regard to teaching.

태도와 특질

Attitudes and Attributes

모든 교사에게 있어서 효과적인 교육이란 단순히 테크닉이 아니라, 배움과 이해가 달성되었느냐에 대한 것이다. 따라서 바람직한 skill set는 본질적으로 태도에 대한 것이다.

For all teachers, effective teaching is defined not by technique but by whether learning and understanding have been achieved. The bedrock of our desired skill set therefore is indeed a matter of attitude.

효과적인 교육의 목표는 효과적인 배움과 이해임을 인정한다.

Acknowledges that the goal of effective teaching is effective learning and understanding.

교육은 단순한 테크닉 이상이다. 교수의 역할은 팩트를 전파하는 사람이 아니라 understanding and retention을 위해 자료를 조직화하는 사람이며, transfer를 위해서 나중에 그 정보를 recall할 수 있게 해줘야 한다.

Teaching is more than technique, The challenge for the teacher is not to be the dispenser of facts but to be the organizer of material for understanding and retention such that it can be recalled for future use to enhance transfer—

교육의 대변인이 된다

Advocates for education.

교육을 대변하고 대표하는 사람이 없이는 리소스의 배분 결정과 교육의 퀄리티가 고통받을 수 밖에 없다. 따라서 교사는 동료들에게 '교육의 mission을 remind'하는 것에 있어서 부끄러워 하지 말아야 한다.

Without advocacy and representation for this part of the mission in resource allocation decisions, the quality of education stands to suffer. Therefore, teachers must not shy away from reminding their colleagues about the mission of education.1

의학을 가르치는 교사로서의 윤리규범

Believes in a teacher’s code of ethics for teaching medicine.

Reiser는 교사를 위한 윤리규범을 저술하였다. 여기서 교사의 학생에 대한 책임은 정직함/신뢰/존중으로 학생을 대하는 것이며, 유사하게 교사에 대한 학생의 책임은 호혜성/정직성/개방성 등이다.

Reiser19 wrote a code of ethics for teachers In part, this code states that teachers’ duties to students should revolve around the attributes of candor, trust, and respect. Similarly, students’ duties to teachers are those of reciprocity, honesty, and openness.

교사로서의 열정을 보여주어라

Demonstrates passion as a teacher.

Wassermann은 t와 T의 교육을 구분할 것을 요구했다. t는 테크닉이며, T는 교육에 대한 열정으로, 호기심을 자극하여 학습자의 자기주도학습을 촉진하는 것을 포함한다.

Wassermann20 reminds us of the need to distinguish in our teaching the difference between t and T—between technique (t) and passion for teaching (T), including stimulation of curiosity along with fostering self-directed learning in the learners.

모든 대인관계interaction에서 친절하라

Demonstrates kindness in all interactions.

Osler의 숨겨진 모토는 "친절하게 하고, 가장 먼저 하라"이다. Osler가 친절에 대해서 지닌 감각은 환자와 피훈련자 모두에게 잘 알려져 있었는데, 왜냐하면 Osler가 "학우 여러분fellow student"라고 불렀기 때문이다.

A contemporary of Osler’s said that Osler’s unspoken motto seemed to have been, “Do the kind thing and do it first.”21 Indeed, Osler’s sense of kindness was well known to his patients and his trainees, whom he referred to as his “fellow students.”

Reilly는 임상교육에 대해서 다음과 같은 통찰력있는 기술을 한 바 있다.

Reilly,22 p710  who has written so insightfully about clinical teaching, offers enormously helpful observations:

궁극적으로, 교육은 전적으로 학습자에 대한 것이며, 교사에 대한 것이 아니다. 따라서 효과적인 임상교육자는 이타성을 지녀서 친절이 학습자에게 드러나도록 tangible expression해야 하며, 특히 학생을 평가할 때(피드백을 줄 때) 그러해야 한다. 친절함은 가장 가혹한 비판도 희망차게 만들며, 학생이 학습을 덜 압박스럽게 느끼게 함으로서 학생에게 힘을 주고empowering, 환자를 더 만족하게 하며, 교사는 더 효과적이 되고, 학습자는 더 수용적이 된다.

Ultimately, teaching is all about the learner, not the teacher. Thus, effective clinical teachers aspire to a sort of selflessness whose tangible expression is kindness to learners, especially when assessing them(giving feedback). Kindness makes even the toughest criticism hopeful, empowering the learner by making learning less oppressive … kindness makes patients more satisfied, teachers more effective, and learners more receptive.


자신의 한계를 인식하고 "나도 잘 모른다"라고 말하기를 두려워하지 말기

Demonstrates awareness of own imitations and is not afraid to say “I don’t know.”

"나도 잘 모른다"라는 말을 하는 것이 학생들에게 좋은 롤모델이 될 수 있는 것임에도, 많은 교육자들이 그렇게 마하는 것이 자신의 약점을 드러내는 것이라 생각한다. 그러나 학생이 그들처럼 교수도 '한계가 있구나limitation'라는 것을 이해했을 때, 이후에 더 발전해나갈 수 있는 공통 기반을 인식하게 된다.

Although using the phrase “I don’t know” is good role modeling for students, many educators feel that doing so is a sign of weakness. But once learners understand that a teacher has limitations just as they do, they begin to recognize a common ground on which to build.15

학습자들이 접근가능한 사람이 되라

Is accessible to learners.

교사는 (공식적으로 정해진 교육 시간 외에) 학생들이 접근가능한 사람이어야 하며, 이를 통해 학생에게 피드백을 주고, 평가를 하고, 간단한 조언을 줄 수 있다. 학습자는 어려운 질문이나 상황이 발생했을 때 교사를 만나는 것을 편안하게 느껴야 한다.

Teachers must be available to their learners to provide feedback, evaluation, or simple advice beyond the time set aside specifically for teaching. Learners should feel comfortable contacting teachers at any time if difficult questions or situations arise.

호기심을 자극하고 드러나게 하라

Manifests and stimulates curiosity.

교사가 지속적으로 호기심을 보이는 것은 효과적인 교수학습의 주된 촉매이다. 모든 것을 아는 듯한 인상을 주는 것 보다 모든 (학습)기회에서 지식을 진실되고 능동적으로 탐구해나가는 모습이 더 바람직하다.

Curiosity, on constant display by the teacher, is a prime catalyst for effective teaching and learning. Cultivating an image of omniscience is less appropriate than sincerely and actively seeking out knowledge at every opportunity.

학생을 이해하라

Seeks and obtains knowledge of learners.


사람의 상호작용을 보여주는 가장 근본적인 것 중 하나는 다른 사람의 이름을 알고 부르는 것이며, 이는 교육에서 특히 중요한 개념이다. Ferguson은 이렇게 표현했다.

One of the fundamentally validating human exchanges is to know— and use—another’s name, a particularly important precept in the educational arena. Ferguson,24 makes the point eloquently:

학생의 이름을 모르고서는 학생과 실질적인substantive 교류를 기대할 수 없다. 이것은 인간 본질의 법칙과 같은 것이다. 무엇의 이름을 아는 것은 그 것에 대한 흥미를 보여주는 근본적 의미이다.

You cannot hope for a substantive exchange with your students if you do not know their names. This amounts to a near law of human nature: your knowledge of the name is a primal signification of your interest….

안전한 교육 환경을 만들라.

Values and establishes a safe learning environment.

안전한 교육환경이란 조롱받을지도 모른다는 두려움이 없는 환경이다. '안전'을 느낌으로서 지식을 더 받아들일 수 있고, 자신이 모르는 것이 무엇인지 더 탐구할 수 있다.

The fear of being ridiculed should not have a place in the safe educational environment. From the feeling of safety comes a receptivity for knowledge and a willingness to explore one’s own ignorance.12,25

효고적인 롤모델이 되어라

Values and functions as an effective role model.

Albert Schweitzer는 "모범Example이란 타인에게 영향을 주는 주된 것이 아니다. 그것은 '유일한' 것이다." 라고 했으며, 이것은 '(교사가) 말하는 것'이 아닌 '(교사가 하는) 행동'의 힘을 보여준다.

Albert Schweitzer’s26 oft-quoted remark—“Example is not the main thing in influencing others. It is the only thing”—is a testament to the power of what we do versus what we say.



학생을 하나의 인간으로서 이해하지 않고서는, 교육을 이끄는 사람으로서 교사의 능력은 성공할 수 없다.

Without an understanding of students as persons, the teacher’s ability to succeed as an educational guide is compromised.

기본적 교육 원칙을 인식하고 있음을 보여주고, 암시적 또는 명시적으로 활용하라

Demonstrates an awareness of and tacitly or explicitly employs basic pedagogic principles.

교육 프로세스는 교사가 가진 암시적 또는 명시적 지식에 따른다.

The teacher’s tacit and explicit knowledge informs the teaching process,

there is reason to believe that good knowledge and understanding of the basics of pedagogy can...

sensitize teachers to the process of learning,

provide logic for understanding repeated successes and failures, and

serve a critical function in informing teaching practice.28 p118 

최근의 신경과학과 인지심리학적 연구결과를 근거로 교육 테크닉을 활용하라

Displays awareness of and uses teaching techniques in line with current neuroscience and cognitive psychological findings.

기본적인 교육 원칙에 기반한, 인지 신경과학 연구가 늘어나고 있고, 이러한 내용이 교수개발 프로그램에 포함되어야 한다.

well-founded basic educational principles, and a growing body of literature links cognitive neuroscience findings with educational practice.28–31 ought to be included in faculty development programs

자신의 분야를 잘 알고, 최신지견을 알아야 한다.

Is knowledgeable and up-to-date in one’s discipline.

Irby는 임상 교사가 알아야 하는 것에 대해서...

Irby,16 p333  in studying what clinical teachers need to know, notes

Educational researchers assert that knowledge for teaching requires an in- depth and flexible understanding of subject matter. Teachers need to know their subject well enough to make connections within the subject, across disciplines, and with their learners. Alternative conceptions of content help teachers switch back and forth between the student’s, the discipline’s, the textbook’s, and their own conceptions.

스칼라십을 촉진하라

Promotes scholarship.

교사teaching는 전문직이며, 교수-학습의 지식적 기반은 교수가 개발해야 하는 두 번째 전문분야가 되어야 한다. Scholarly teacher는 자신의 교육을 성찰하고, 수업평가 테크닉을 활용하고, 동료들과 교육에 대하여 토론하고, 새로운 것을 시도해보고, 자신의 분야에서 교수-학습과 관련된 논문을 읽고 적용해야 한다.

Teaching is a profession, and the knowledge base of teaching and learning should be a second discipline in which teachers develop expertise. Scholarly teachers

  • reflect on their teaching,

  • use classroom assessment techniques,

  • discuss teaching issues with colleagues,

  • try new things, and

  • read and apply the literature on teaching and learning in their discipline.32




지식의 효과적인 소통을 통해서 학습자가 relevant하게 만들라

Communicates knowledge effectively and makes it relevant to the learner.

"기전mechanism을 임상과 분리시키는 교육은 가치가 없다"라고 했다. 창의적 교육과정이란 학습자가 기초과학 정보를 임상에서 recall하고 apply할 수 있는 능력을 강화시켜주는 것이다.

Indeed, “instruction that divorces mechanisms from clinical correlates will likely be of little value.”34 pS127  Creative curricula have been defined to enhance the learner’s ability to recall and apply basic science information at the bedside.35

교육 세팅에서의 리더십을 보여주라

Demonstrates leadership in educational settings.

새로운 리더십 스킬을 기르고, 발전시켜야 하며, 기관의 전반적 이익overall good을 위해 필요하다면 리더십 지위position을 기꺼이 맡아야 한다.

They should also be able to grow and develop new leadership skills and willingly take leadership positions that may be required for the overall good of the institution.

효과적인 강의 스킬, 소그룹- 대그룹- 토론의 촉진 스킬

Demonstrates the basic skills for effective lecturing and facilitating small- and large- group discussion.

질문하고, 경청하교, 효과적으로 반응하라

Questions, listens, and responds effectively.

Self-reflection, peer review, learner input, and a well- organized framework for questioning, listening, and responding

"교육과 지속적 학습의 프로세스의 가치를 중시하는" 학습 커뮤니티를 설립하라

Establishes a learning community “that values education and the process of continual learning.”42 p387 

Osler가 학생을 "학우 여러분"이라고 칭한 것은 그가 교수-학습을 "쌍방향적 지적 교환"으로 바라본 신념을 훌륭하게 나타내주는 말이다. 이러한 마음가짐은 교수와 학생 사이에 공유되는 공동의 책임을 시사한다.

Osler’s referring to his learners as “fellow students”43 p247  wonderfully captures the spirit of the bidirectional intellectual exchange found in teaching and learning. This mindset implies a communal responsibility for education shared among its members.

학습자와 교육계약을 맺고, 학습자의 요구를 확인하고, 교사가 기대하는 것을 명확히 한다.

Establishes an educational contract with learners, identifying learners’ needs and clarifying the teacher’s expectations.

Pratt and Magill는 교육계약의 개념을 이미 30년 전에 도입했다. 이 개념은 teaching encounter의 네 가지 핵심 요소를 드러내는 것이다

Pratt and Magill44 p463  introduced the concept of educational contracts nearly three decades ago. This concept of identifying four key elements in the teaching encounter—

  • 학습자의 니즈 needs of learner,

  • 교사의 기대 expectations of teacher,

  • 역할에 대한 토론 discussion of roles, and

  • 과목 내용에 대한 토론 discussion of course content—

교육계약이란, 학생과 제일 처음 만나는 그 시점에서, 교사가 학습자를 프로세스의 파트너로서 초청하는 것이다.

It is, at the very beginning of the educational encounter, a tangible expression by the teacher of inviting the learner to be a partner in the process.

다섯 째 요소는 학습기간동안 상호 피드백을 예정하는 것이다. 이것이 교육 계약에 포함되어야 한다. 교육 계약은 한번 정해지면 끝나는 것이 아니라, 시간에 따라 니즈나 기대가 변하면서 다시 보고viewed, 유기적으로 활용되어야 한다. 

A fifth crucial element—arranging for mutual feedback during the learning period—must also be added to the educational contract. Educational contracts are not static devices; they ought to be viewed and used organically as needs or expectations change over time.


학습자가 받아들일 수 있는 방식으로 비판적 피드백과 칭찬을 하라

Gives praise as well as critical feedback in a manner acceptable to the learner.

적시에, 민감하게, 아끼는 마음가짐으로 학습자가 받아들일 수 있게 긍정적/비판적 피드백을 주어야 한다. 

Teachers must deliver both positive and critical feedback in a timely, sensitive, caring manner acceptable to learners.45

자기성찰적, mindful한 교사

Is a reflective, mindful teacher.46

reflection과 mindfulness를 위해서는 안전한 교육 환경이 필요하다

Reflection and mindfulness require a safe learning environment, as we’ve noted.

집중력을 끌어내고 유지할 수 있는 교사

Is able to capture and maintain attention.

많은 경우, 가르치는 것은 공연performing art과 같다. Timpson and Burgoyne는 "teaching을 준비하는 방법으로 공연performing보다 나은 것은 없다. 왜냐하면 그 두 가지의 과제는 똑같기 때문이다. 사람들의 이목을 끌고 집중을 유지시키는 것이다"

In many ways, teaching is a performing art. Timpson and Burgoyne48 p15  suggest, “There is no better preparation for teaching than performing because the challenges are the same—getting people’s attention and holding it.”

교육적 리스크를 지는 것을 두려워하지 말아야 하며, engaged teaching의 즐거움을 보여주는 것을 망설이지 말아야 한다. 교사는 훌륭한 스토리텔러이다.

They are not afraid to take educational risks, nor are they reluctant to demonstrate the joy of engaged teaching. Teachers are good storytellers.

변통성 있고 유연한 사람 

Is adaptable and flexible.

교사는 어떤 내용을 가르칠지는 정할 수 있지만, 교육 상황의 요소(장소, 학습자의 지식수준 등)은 갑자기 변할 수 있다.

Teachers can control which material they decide to teach, but components of the educational encounter, such as the venue or the level of knowledge of the learner, can suddenly change the method that should be used and the information that should be transferred.

비판적 사고를 촉진하라

Promotes critical thinking.

'비판적 사고는 교육하고 학습할 수 있는 인지적 기술이다'

it has been suggested that “[c]ritical thinking is a cognitive skill that can be taught and learned,”49 p342  though not without its own challenges.50

Harasymand 등은..다음과 같은 방법을 사용할 수 있다고 했음

As Harasymand colleagues49 p350  note,

There are multiple educational strategies that teachers can use …

    • student-focused, active learning,

    • type of assessment methods,

    • early patient exposure,

    • integration of basic and clinical sciences,

    • learning objectives …

    • multiple learning methods, and …

    • broad picture first followed by details, or details presented first to create the broad picture.

자기주도 학습을 촉진하는 교사

Promotes self-directed learning.

적시에 총괄평가를 시행하는 교사

Provides timely summative evaluation.

부담스럽더라도, 교사는 총괄평가를 효율적으로, 진실되게 수행해야 한다. 그리고 교육경험이 종료되는 시점과 총괄평가가 진행되는 시점 사이의 시간은 짧아야 한다(?)

Despite multiple time demands, teachers are responsible for doing this efficiently, honestly, and with the least amount of time between the end of the educational experience and the submission of a summative statement.31

정보테크놀로지를 효과적으로 활용

Uses information technology effectively.

기본적 원칙에 충실해야 한다.

Because these technologies evolve rapidly, faculty members need to focus on fundamental principles of teaching and learning rather than specific technologies.52

교육 AKS 촉진을 위한 교수개발

Faculty Development to Promote Educational AKS

다음의 권고안.

the following recommendations concerning teacher competencies emerged fromthe 2020 Vision of Faculty Development Across the Medical Education Continuum conference7:

1. Institutions must fund and value a cadre of faculty whose central responsibility is to teach in the same way they value faculty with the responsibility of clinical care and research.

2. Institutions must provide evidence that they have addressed both individual and organizational needs by employing a variety of faculty development programs.

3. External funding must be available for centers of excellence in faculty development.

4. A nationally derived, evidence-based set of competencies for teaching across the medical education continuum must be established and promulgated. (Our list of AKS could serve as a starting point.)

5. Accrediting bodies must require institutions to ensure that teachers develop and demonstrate the achievement of evidence-based teaching competencies.



The literature underscores that comprehensive faculty development programs cannot focus solely on individual improvement; they must also address the increasingly complex institutions in which teaching and learning occur.52,53 And, vitally, all teachers need to bear in mind their important responsibilities to ensure that academic health centers remain true to medical education as one of their core missions. It is ironic that in an academic environment one must make the argument for demonstrated teaching abilities as a necessary prerequisite to their exercise.

7 Baylor College of Medicine. Faculty Development Conference: A 2020 Vision of Faculty Development Across the Medical Education Continuum; February 26–27, 2010; Houston, Tex. http://www.bcm.edu/ fac-ed/?PMID 15709. Accessed December 17, 2010.

17 HatemCJ, Lown BA, Newman LR. Strategies for creating a faculty fellowship in medical education: Report of a 10-year experience. Acad Med. 2009;84:1098–1103. http://journals. lww.com/academicmedicine/Fulltext/2009/08000/ Strategies_for_Creating_a_Faculty_Fellowship_in. 28.aspx. Accessed December 17, 2010.

18 Norman G. Teaching basic science to optimize transfer. Med Teach. 2009;31:807–811.

22 Reilly B. Inconvenient truths about effective clinical teaching. Lancet. 2007;370:705–711.

39 Newman L, Lown B, Jones R, Johansson A, Schwartzstein R. Developing a peer assessment of lecturing instrument: Lessons learned. Acad Med. 2009;84:1104–1110. http://journals.lww. com/academicmedicine/Fulltext/2009/08000/ Developing_a_Peer_Assessment_of_Lecturing. 29.aspx. Accessed December 17, 2010.

List 1. The Attitudes and Attributes, Knowledge, and Skills of Competent Teachers

Attitudes and Attributes

• Acknowledges that the goal of effective teaching is directed at effective learning and understanding.

• Advocates for education.

• Believes in a teacher’s code of ethics for teaching medicine.

• Demonstrates passion as a teacher.

• Demonstrates kindness in all interactions.

• Demonstrates awareness of own limitations and is not afraid to say, “I don’t know.”

• Is accessible to learners.

• Manifests and stimulates curiosity.

• Seeks and obtains knowledge of learners.

• Values and establishes a safe learning environment.

• Values and functions as an effective role model.


• Demonstrates an awareness of and tacitly or explicitly employs basic pedagogic principles.

• Displays awareness of and uses teaching techniques in line with current neuroscience and cognitive psychological findings.

• Is knowledgeable and up-to-date in one’s discipline.

• Promotes scholarship.


• Communicates knowledge effectively and makes it relevant to the learner.

• Demonstrates leadership in educational settings.

• Demonstrates the basic skills for effective lecturing and facilitating small- and large-group discussion.

• Questions, listens, and responds effectively.

• Establishes a learning community that values education and the process of continual learning.

• Establishes an educational contract with learners, identifying learners’ needs and clarifying the teacher’s expectations.

• Gives praise as well as critical feedback in a manner acceptable to the learner.

• Is a reflective, mindful teacher.

• Is able to capture and maintain attention.

• Is adaptable and flexible.

• Promotes critical thinking.

• Promotes self-directed learning.

• Provides timely summative evaluations.

• Uses information technology effectively.

 2011 Apr;86(4):474-80. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0b013e31820cb28a.

The educational attributes and responsibilities of effective medical educators.

Author information

  • 1Academy Center for Teaching and Learning, Harvard Medical School, and Mount Auburn Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts 02138, USA. chatem@mah.harvard.edu


Of the many roles that the academic-educator may fulfill, that of teacher is particularly challenging. Building on prior recommendations from the literature, this article identifies the skill set of teachers across the medical education continuum-characteristics of attitude and attributes, knowledge, and pedagogic skills that permit effective teaching to be linked with effective learning and understanding. This examination which characterizes teachers' attitudes, knowledge, and skills serves to reemphasize the centrality of teaching within medical education, provides direction for faculty and institutions alike in the discharge of academic responsibilities, and makes educational accountability clear. This listing of teacher attitudes andresponsibilities was vetted in 2009 by medical education leaders from across North America during a national conference on faculty development.A set of recommendations concerning faculty development issues for medical teachers is offered. The recommendations are intended to establish an academic culture in medical education that values and rewards-academically and fiscally-those centrally committed to the role of teacher. The challenges of defining skills, developing and funding programs, and ongoing evaluation must be faced to achieve success in teaching throughoutmedical education, now and in the future. Faculty members, fellow learners, and patients deserve no less.

© by the Association of American Medical Colleges.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

의학교육에서 변화하는 교육 테크놀로지 역할에 대한 준비(Acad Med, 2011)

Preparing for the Changing Role of Instructional Technologies in Medical Education

Bernard R. Robin, PhD, Sara G. McNeil, EdD, David A. Cook, MD, MHPE, Kathryn L. Agarwal, MD, and Geeta R. Singhal, MD, MEd

고등교육기관이 진화하면서, 변화하는 트렌드에 따라서 급진적인 변화를 겪게 된다.

As institutions of higher education evolve, it is obvious that they, need to undergo radical changes to deal with the converging trends


Christensen이 Forum for the Future of Higher Education에서 지적한 바와 같이, 학교들이 교육내용의 전달에 대해서 다시 생각하고 다시 구조화할 때가 되었다. "이 리빌딩 작업을 위해서는 자신이 속한 과나 분과를 대표하지 않으면서, 현재의 조직 구조를 벗어나 생각할 수 있는 전문가 팀이 필요하다"

As Christensen1 notes in the Forum for the Future of Higher Education, schools must completely rethink and restructure the way they deliver educational content: “The rebuilding task demands a team comprising experts who don’t represent their departments or divisions and who can think outside the current organizational structure.”

미래 예측의 어려움

The Challenge in Predicting the Future

1936년 H.G. Wells는 "전 세계의 흩어지고 비효과적인 정신적 재산"을 위한 해결책으로 일반인을 위한 "World Encyclopaedia"라고 부르는 것을 제시했다. "World Encyclopaedia"는 각 분야의 권위자들이 집필assemble하며 (내용의) "집중, 명확, 종합"이 될 것이며, "전 세계를 정신적으로mentally 모아줄 것이다". Well이 말한 "World Encyclopaedia"는 2001년 Jimmy Wales와 Larry Sanger가 시작한 오늘날의 위키피디아와 매우 비슷하다.

In 1936, H.G. Wells3 suggested that the solution to “all the scattered and ineffective mental wealth of the world” was what he called a “World Encyclopaedia” for the common man. The World Encyclopaedia would be assembled by authorities in each subject area and would be “a concentration, a clarification, and a synthesis” designed to “hold the world together mentally.” Wells’ World Encyclopaedia sounds remarkably like today’s Wikipedia, a multilingual, Web-based, free-content encyclopedia project based on an editable, collaborative model begun in 2001 by Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger.4


1945년 Vannevar Bush는 과학 커뮤니티의 연구결과를 관리하고 전파하는 것이 어렵다는 것을 느끼고 memex를 제안하였는데, 이것은 "개개인이 자신의 책/기록/커뮤니케이션 등을 저장하는 장치로서, 엄청나게 빠른 속도와 유연성으로 그 자료를 가지고 논의consult with 할 수 있게 해주는 장치"이다. 이 memex는 오늘날의 컴퓨터 또는 인터넷과 연결된 스마트폰과 매우 비슷하다.

In 1945, Vannevar Bush5 described the difficulty in managing and disseminating the results of research to the scientific community. He proposed the memex,a device in which “an individual stores all of his books, records, and communications, and which is mechanized so that it may be consulted with exceeding speed and flexibility.” The memex sounds surprisingly like today’s handheld computers and Internet- connected smartphones.


그러나 미래에 대한 예측이 늘 옳은 것은 아니다.

Yet not all predictions of the future are this accurate.


외과의사인 John Eric Erichsen는 1873년..."언제나 새로운 수술 필드fresh field가 있을 수는 없다...(후략)"이라고 했다

John Eric Erichsen,6 appointed Surgeon Extraordinary to Queen Victoria, stated in 1873: “There cannot always be fresh fields for conquest by the knife. There must be portions of the human frame that will ever remain sacred from its intrusion—at least, in the surgeon’s hand.”


William Thomson 는 X-ray는 사기이다 라고 했다. Kanter의 경고를 따르자면, "미래를 예측하는 것은 점쟁이의 역할이며, 우리는 의학교육을 발전히키기 위해서 미래에 어떤 기회가 있을지 예측하는 것이 최선이고, 혹은 최악의 경우에는 세계가 우리를 남겨두고 발전해 나갈 수도 있다."

William Thomson (Lord Kelvin), an English physicist and inventor, stated in 1899 that “X-rays will prove to be a hoax.”7 Acknowledging Kanter’s8 caution that predicting the future is best left to fortune tellers, we need to do our best to predict future opportunities to improve medical education, or worse, be left behind as the world moves on without us.

우리에게는 두 가지 중요한 과제가 남았다. 하나는 변화를 충분히 일찍 수용하여 결과에 영향을 미치는 것이고, 둘째는 변화를 활용하여 교육을 향상시키는 것이다.

We face two important tasks: first, to adapt to change early enough to influence outcomes; and second, to harness change to enhance education.

의학교육에 영향을 주고 있는 변화 트렌드

Converging Trends in Technology That Are Affecting Medical Education


1. 새로운 정보의 폭발

Trend 1: The explosion of new information

전 세계의 지식의 총체는 엄청난 속도로 빠르게 증가하고 있다. 1800년에서 1900년이 되면서 두 배가 되었으나, 1940년에는 20년이면 두 배가 되었고, Cornall은 2015년이 되면 35일마다 두 배가 될 것이라고 예상했다

The rate of growth of the world’s collective body of knowledge has been accelerating at an extraordinary pace. The world’s body of knowledge doubled between 1800 and 1900, by 1940 the doubling rate was every 20 years,9 and Cornall10 has postulated that by 2015, the body of knowledge in the world will double every 35 days.

2. 모든 정보의 디지털화

Trend 2: The digitization of all information

Google Health 는 모든 사람들이 자신의 의무기록, 처방 등을 모으고, 이 데이터를 가족이나 의사나 다른 사람들과 온라인으로 공유할 수 있다.

Google Health (https://www.google.com/health) now allows people who create an account to collect their medical records, prescriptions, and other health data and share them with family members, health care practitioners, and others online.

이것은 한 가지 사례일 뿐이며, 이러한 hyperconnectivity는 의학교육자들과 의료정책에 광범위한 사회적/개인적/윤리적 이슈에 관한 심각한 질문을 던지며, 이 질문은 사용자/부모/정책개발자/교육자들에게 tension을 일으킬 것이다.

Yet this growth of hyperconnectivity to the Internet and the Web prompts medical educators and policy makers to ask serious questions about a broad range of social, personal, and ethical issues that will almost certainly provoke tension among users, parents, policy makers, and educators.

파괴적 테크놀로지의 중요한 특징 중 하나는 권력이 (중앙화된 사전에 결정된 사용/통제가 아니라) 사용자 개인에게 넘어간다는 것이다.

One of the significant characteristics of disruptive technologies is that they turn the power over to the user rather than maintaining centralized, predetermined use/control.

예컨대, 디지털카메라가 값싸고 쉽게 사용할 수 있는 물건이 되면서 이제 누구나 '사진가'가 되었다. 

inexpensive, easy-to-use digital cameras allow anyone to be a “photographer.”

학습자가 방대한 양의 디지털 정보에 접근가능하게 되면서, 이 정보센터의 파괴적 영향력을 활용하는 교육자만이 성공할 수 있게 되었다. Bonk는 "(교육)기관들은 지식을 생성하고/서포트하고/전파하고/소비하는 방식에 대한 새로운 기전을 만들어야 할 것이다"라고 했다.

As learners gain access to and control over increasing amounts of digital information, successful educators must take advantage of the disruptive effects this information creates. In Bonk’s14 view, “institutions will need to create new mechanisms for the way knowledge is created, supported, disseminated, and consumed.”

3. 새로운 세대의 학습자

Trend 3: New generations of learners

오늘날 대부분의 의학교육자들은 세 가지 카테고리로 구분된다.

Most medical educators today fall into one of three categories: “digital immigrants,” “digital settlers,” or “traditionalists.”

  • "디지털 이주자": Prensky가 만든 용어로서, 공식교육을 받는 기간에는 컴퓨터를 접하지 못했다가 그 이후에 테크놀로지를 활용하게 된 집단. 대부분은 디지털 테크놀로지를 사용하나 약간의 "사투리with an accent"가 있다.
    “Digital immigrants,” a term coined by Prensky,15 describes those who learned to use technology after finishing a formal education without continuous access to computers. Most of these people now use digital technologies, but they do so “with an accent,” typical of someone who learned a new language as an adult.

  • "디지털 정착자": Palfrey and Gasser는 이들을 "디지털 세상에서 태어나지는 않았으나" "디지털 세상에서 살아가는" 사람들이라고 묘사했다. 이들은 많은 테크놀로지에 익숙하고, 이들의 "사투리"는 "디지털 이주자"의 그것보다는 덜 심하다. 
    A smaller number of adults, including many educators and health care professionals, are “digital settlers,” described by Palfrey and Gasser16 as those who were not “born digital” but who “live digital” nonetheless. These adults feel comfortable using many technologies for professional and personal productivity, and their accent is decidedly less pronounced than that of their digital immigrant cousins.

  • "전통주의자": 테크놀로지 없이 태어났으며, 교육 방법으로 테크놀로지를 수용하지 않음
    Another group, the “traditionalists,” grew up without technology and have not embraced it as a core part of their teaching.


"디지털 네이티브": Norris and Soloway는 교육이 혁신적 교육 전략을 집중적으로 활용하여 Prensky가 "디지털 네이티브"라고 말한 집단의 학생을 참여시킬 수 있어야 한다고 주장하였다. 이 세대가 의과대학에 들어오면서 세 가지 중요한 질문이 등장했다.
Educators such as Norris and Soloway17 suggest that change in educational practices should focus on innovative instructional strategies to reach and engage those students whom Prensky described as “digital natives.”
As this generation of learners reaches medical schools, there are three important questions to consider:

  • 어떤 유형의 학습자인가? What type of learners will these “digital natives” be?

  • 이들은 교육 구조에 어떤 변화를 가져올 것인가? What changes will they precipitate in the way education is structured?

  • 의학교육자들은 어떻게 이 학생들의 기대를 다룰 것인가? How will medical educators deal with these students’ growing expectations to integrate new technologies in the curriculum?

4. 새로운 교육 테크놀로지의 등장

Trend 4: The emergence of new instructional technologies

의학교육자들의 과제는 새로운 테크놀로지를 화교적으로 활용하여 보다 협력적인 학습과 개별화된 학습으로 만들고, 새로운 세대의 학습자를 inspire할 수 있는 경험을 만드는 것이다. Bonk는 테크놀로지의 새로운 시대를 "언제든 누구에게서든 무엇이든 배울 수 있는 시대(Anyone can now learn anything from anyone at anytime)"라고 했다.

The task for medical educators is to use these new technologies effectively to transform learning into a more collaborative, personalized, and empowering experience that can inspire a new generation of learners. Bonk14 captures the essence of this new age of technology tools for education by stating, “Anyone can now learn anything from anyone at anytime.”

디지털 비디오 클립은 거의 모든 주제를 다루고 있으며, 방대한 시청자가 능동적으로 비디오 평가에 창며하고, 비디오에 대한 반응을 올린다. 여기서 중요한 것은 사용자가 단순히 수동적 관람자가 아니라, 능동적으로 새로운 형태의 커뮤니케이션과 표현에 참여한다는 것이다.

Digital video clips on almost any topic can command a sizeable audience that also actively participates in the rating of the videos and the posting of video responses.18 The significance of this is that these users are not just passive viewers; many of them are actively engaged in a new form of communication and expression.

Web 2.0은 새로운 온라인 도구와 리소스를 말하는 것으로, 다양한 SNS, 가상환경, 위키, 블로그, 팟캐스트 등을 말한다.

Web 2.0, a term used to describe an evolving set of online tools and resources, includes a wide variety of social networking sites, virtual environments, wikis, blogs, and podcasts.20

웹을 글로벌한 서포트 그룹으로서 가능하게 하는 프로젝트에는 Patients Like Me21와 같은 것이 있다.

A project that enables using the Web as a global support group illustrates one of the disruptive effects of these new types of resources. Patients Like Me21

여러 Web 2.0 도구 뿐 아니라, Hi-Fi 시뮬레이터나 가상환자 등도 불과 몇 년 전만 해도 상상조차 못했던 새로운 학습경험을 제공해줄 수 있다.

In addition to the many Web 2.0 tools, new technologies such as high-fidelity simulators and virtual patients can provide new learning experiences that were unimaginable just a few years ago.

5. 점점 더 빨라지는 변화속도

Trend 5: Accelerating change

마이크로소프트는 2008년 'Being Human: Human–Computer Interaction in the Year 2020'에서 다음 10년간 개개인은 수천대의 컴퓨터, 즉 사실상 자신이 착용하고 있는 모든 것과 상호작용하게 될 것이다라고 했음

A 2008 report from Microsoft, Being Human: Human–Computer Interaction in the Year 2020,24 predicts that within the next decade, individuals will interact with thousands of computers as virtually every piece of equipment we use,

Gaudin는 2020년에는 키보드와 마우스가 더 이상 필요없어질 것이라 했음

Gaudin25 postulated that by 2020, the keyboard and mouse will no longer be needed to control a computer.



권고 1: 테크놀로지를 활용하여 학습을 서포트하라

Recommendation 1: Use technology to support learning

교수는 (테크놀로지가 없었다면) 불가능했었을 경험을 학습자에게 제공하고 그러한 경험을 지원하여야 한다. 테크놀로지는 면대면 경험의 대체제가 아니라 그것의 보완제이다.

Faculty should use technology to provide and support experiences for learners that are not otherwise possible—not as a replacement for face-to-face experiences but as a supplement to them.


종종, 가장 효과적인 교육 디자인은 전통적인 것과 테크놀로지-강화 방법을 함께 사용하는combination 것이다. 그렇다면 질문은 "테크놀로지를 활용해야 하는가"가 아니라 "언제 어떻게 테크놀로지를 활용해야 하는가"이다.

Often, the most effective instructional designs involve a combination of traditional and technology-enhanced methods. The question, then, is not whether we should use technology to support education, but when and how to employ these technologies.


권고 2: 기본에 충실하라

Recommendation 2: Focus on fundamentals

테크놀로지가 빠르게 진화하면서 교수들은 (특정 테크놀로지가 아니라) 교수학습의 기본원칙에 더 충실해야 한다.

Because technologies evolve rapidly, faculty members should focus on fundamental principles of teaching and learning rather than specific technologies in isolation.

"테크놀로지"는 교육자들이 필요에 따라 적절한 도구를 선택하여 사용할 수 있는 도구상자의 역할을 해야 한다.

“Technology” thus assumes its appropriate role as a toolbox fromwhich educators may select the appropriate tool (or combination of tools), depending on the needs at hand.


권고 3: 다양한 리소스를 활용하라

Recommendation 3: Allocate a variety of resources

의과대학은 교육 테크놀로지의 적절한 활용을 지원하기 위하여 다양한 리소스를 할당해야 한다.

Medical schools should allocate a variety of resources to support the appropriate use of instructional technologies.

이러한 리소스에는.. 

Such resources might include

  • 교육 디자이너 instructional designers with expertise in various technologies,

  • 적절한 시간 adequate time for faculty to learn and create curricular materials enhanced with technology, and

  • 적합한 소프트웨어와 하드웨어 suitable software and hardware.


교수들은 내용전문가가 되어야 하나, 꼭 기술전문가가 되어야 하는 것은 아니다.

Faculty members should be content experts, but they do not necessarily need to be technology experts.

권고 4: 교수들이 새로운 테크놀로지를 도입하는 것을 지원하고 인정하라

Recommendation 4: Support and recognize faculty as they adopt new technologies

대부분의 의과대학은 교수들이 새로운 테크놀로지를 도입하도록 서포트해야한다.

Medical schools should support faculty members as they adopt new technologies.

Ruiz 등은 "e-learning을 위해서는 전통적인 교수활동을 넘어서는 교수의 역량을 필요로 한다"라고 지적했다. 새로운 교육방식을 도입하기 위해서는 과목 개발에 대한 연구비grant 뿐 아니라 새로운 테크놀로지를 배울 시간이 필요하다.

Ruiz et al35 note that “e-learning requires faculty competencies that go beyond traditional instructional activities.” Course development grants as well as adequate time to learn new technologies are necessary if faculty members are to adopt new ways of teaching.

권고 5: 협력을 장려하라

Recommendation 5: Foster collaboration

National organizations should provide funding and leadership to enhance a national/global infrastructure to foster collaboration to develop and share resources as well as discuss instructional ideas in medical education.

  • HEAL Several online resources provide ideas for how this online community can be structured. For example, the Health Education Assets Library (HEAL), developed in conjunction with members of the International Association of Medical Science Educators, is a digital repository that “allows medical educators to discover, download, and reuse over 22,000 medical education resources.”36 HEAL gives medical educators access to a wide range of multimedia resources that can support health care education.

  • MedEdPORTAL MedEdPORTAL, a free, peer-reviewed publication service and repository for health-related teaching materials, assessment tools, and faculty development resources, is an example of an excellent online publication service designed to help educators publish and share teaching materials.37,38 The structure of MedEdPORTAL differs slightly from HEAL in that it typically publishes more complete, stand-alone resources such as tutorials, virtual patients, simulation cases, lab guides, videos, podcasts, and assessment tools.36

  • BioMedExperts “BioMedExperts” is not a repository of resources but, rather, an online community that generates expert profiles by analyzing PubMed publications. It then connects researchers with similar expertise and interests to create professional networks and support collaboration and interdisciplinary research.39

미래는 이미 와 있다

The Future Is Here

비록 우리가 미래를 확실하게 예측하지는 못하지만 한 가지는 확실하다: 우리는 테크놀로지를 수용하고, 테크놀로지에 적용하고, 테크놀로지를 활용하여(embrace, adapt to, and harness) 현재와 미래 의료전문직의 요구에 부응해야 한다.

Although we cannot predict the future with certainty, one thing is clear: We must embrace, adapt to, and harness technology in order to meet the needs of present and future health professionals.

2 Baylor College of Medicine. Faculty Development Conference: A 2020 Vision of Faculty Development Across the Medical Education Continuum; February 26–27, 2010; Houston, Tex. http://www.bcm.edu/ fac-ed/index.cfm?pmid 15709. Accessed December 8, 2010.

 2011 Apr;86(4):435-9. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0b013e31820dbee4.

Preparing for the changing role of instructional technologies in medical education.

Author information

  • 1Department of Curriculum and Instruction, and director, Master's of Education in Teaching Program With an Emphasis in the Health Sciences, College of Education, University of Houston, Houston, Texas 77204-5027, USA. brobin@uh.edu


As part of an international faculty development conference in February 2010, a working group of medical educators and physicians discussed thechanging role of instructional technologies and made recommendations for supporting faculty in using these technologies in medical education. The resulting discussion highlighted ways technology is transforming the entire process of medical education and identified several converging trends that have implications for how medical educators might prepare for the next decade. These trends include the explosion of new information; all information, including both health knowledge and medical records, becoming digital; a new generation of learners; the emergence of new instructional technologies; and the accelerating rate of change, especially related to technology. The working group developed five recommendations that academic health leaders and policy makers may use as a starting point for dealing with the instructional technology challenges facing medical education over the next decade. These recommendations are (1) using technology to provide/support experiences for learners that are not otherwise possible-not as a replacement for, but as a supplement to, face-to-face experiences, (2) focusing on fundamental principles of teaching and learning rather than learning specific technologies in isolation, (3) allocating a variety of resources to support the appropriate use of instructional technologies, (4) supporting faculty members as they adopt new technologies, and (5) providing funding and leadership to enhance electronic infrastructure to facilitate sharing of resources and instructional ideas.

© by the Association of American Medical Colleges.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

학습에 관한 신경생물학으로부터 의학교육자들이 배워야 할 것(Acad Med, 2011)

What Can Medical Education Learn From the Neurobiology of Learning?

Michael J. Friedlander, PhD, Linda Andrews, MD, Elizabeth G. Armstrong, PhD, Carol Aschenbrenner, MD, Joseph S. Kass, MD, Paul Ogden, MD, Richard Schwartzstein, MD, and Thomas R. Viggiano, MD, MEd

지난 50년간 학습과 기억에 관한 생물학적 기초에 대한 이해가 크게 확장되었다.

Over the past 50 years, there has been an explosion in our understanding of the biological basis of learning and memory.

학습의 분자세포적 기초

A Brief Look at the Molecular and Cellular Basis of Learning

다양한 유형의 학습이 있다. 비연관nonassociative 학습, 연관associative학습, 지각perceptual학습, 운동motor학습 등.

There are many types of learning, including various forms of nonassociative and associative learning, perceptual learning, and motor learning.11–13

비록 기억이 일반적으로 과거 경험의 stable and precise representation으로 여겨지지만, 정확히 그 반대이다. 즉, 기억은 제시된 정보가 개인적 경험과 학습환경, 이후 일어나는 사건, 집중 정도, 스트레스 등 적용(영향)을 받는 역동적 프로세스이다.

Although memories are generally considered as stable and precise representations of past experiences, they are often anything but that.2,13,16 That is, memory is a dynamic process where the information represented is subject to our personal experiences, the context of the learning environment, subsequent events, levels of attention, stress, and other factors.17–19

학습은 뉴런 사이의 네트워크에 기능적이고 구조적 변화를 일으킨다.

Learning leads to functional and structural changes in the interconnected cellular networks between neurons (synapses) at a variety of sites throughout the central nervous system.20–22

  • 화학적 시냅스 전달의 변화 changes in the efficiency of chemical synaptic transmission

  • 단백질의 번역후 modification posttranslational modifications of proteins located in proximity to synaptic contacts

  • 시냅스-후 신경에 대한 시냅스-전 신경의 활동전위 presynaptic nerve impulse (action potential) at the postsynaptic neuron.

이러한 연구결과들이 strength와 정보의 반복 사이의 관계를 알려주었다.

This type of experimental work provides a direct link between the strength and/or repetition of the information

예를 들면, 일정 간격을 두고 연습을 하여 신경pathway의 반복적 activation을 줄 경우, 분자신호의 cascade를 일으키는데, 이것은 짧은, 소수의 연습을 했을 때의 것과는 다르며, 더 지속적이다.

For example, repeated activation of neuronal pathways participating in learning with appropriately spaced trials leads to a cascade of molecular signals that are different and more persistent than those that accompany briefer or fewer trials.26–28

개별 뉴런과 뉴런 네트워크간 커뮤니케이션의 효과성이 기능적으로 변화하면 뇌의 구조적 서킷circuitry에도 변화가 생기고, 예전에는 성인에서는 뇌의 구조적 서킷은 고정된 것hard wired라고 여겨졌었다.

The functional changes in the effectiveness of communication between individual neurons and networks of neurons are also accompanied by substantial changes in the structural circuitry of the brain,5,29 once thought to be hard-wired in adults.

교육과 교육과정 개발에 대한 함의

Implications for Medical Teaching and Curricular Development




선생님들은 예전부터 늘 반복의 중요성을 강조했다. 

Teachers have long appreciated the value of repetition

그러나 의과대학 교육과정은 과목이나 영역 간 '중복redundancies'을 회피하고자 한다.

However, medical curricula avoid perceived “redundancies,” or overlap, between classes or sections.

학습이론과 학습과 기억에 대한 신경생물학의 연구결과를 보면, 더 깊은 수준으로 학습함going depper으로써 더 기억이 오래 유지되고 이해가 더 깊어진다. 반복 혹은 계획된planned 중복을 통해서 신경프로세스의 여러 요소들이 더 효과적으로 변할 수 있다. 또한 적절한 '간격을 둔 반복적 연습'의 중요성에 대한 근거가 많다.

Learning theory and the neurobiology of learning and memory suggest that going deeper is more likely to result in better retention and depth of understanding.40 With repetition or planned redundancies, many components of the neural processes that are engaged become more efficient .38,41 There is also considerable evidence for the importance of appropriate spacing of repetitive trials.27,42 

보상과 강화

Reward and reinforcement

보상은 인생의 모든 단계에서 학습에 필수적 요소이다. 더 나아가 뇌의 내적 보상 시스템이 학습된 행동의 강화에 중요한 역할을 한다.

Reward is a key component of learning at all stages of life44,45 Moreover, the brain’s intrinsic reward system plays a major role in reinforcement of learned behaviors.47

흥미롭게도, 인간의 두뇌의 신경서킷은 temporal discounting을 겪는다. 즉, 어떤 선택의 상대적 가치는 즉각적인 보상더 먼 미래의 보상 사이에서 계산기를 두드린다.

Interestingly, the neural circuitry of the human brain engages in temporal discounting50—that is, the calculation of the relative value of a choice to realize a reward of a certain value in the immediate future versus a reward of a greater value in the more distant future.

학습understanding을 통해서 더 즉각적인 목표에 대한 만족과 기쁨을 얻는 학생이 의학교육과정을 거치면서 보상신호 제공과 관련한 뇌의 능력을 활요할 가능성이 더 높으며, 따라서 학습 프로세스도 더 촉진될 것이다. 비슷하게, 이러한 생물학적 기능을 더 잘 활용하는 교육과정이나 교수자들이 드문드문 존재하는 보상에 대한 고부담의 기회에만 의존하는 경우(rely only on sparsely distributed and high-stakes opportunities for reward)보다 더 성공적일 것이다.

The students who derive joy and satisfaction from the more immediate goals of understanding as they proceed through their medical education may have a greater chance of using the brain’s capacity to provide reward signals on an ongoing basis, thus effectively facilitating their learning process. Likewise, the curricula and instructors that provide a venue and process to tap into this biologic function may be more successful than those that rely only on sparsely distributed and high-stakes opportunities for reward.




시각화는 외과의사나 운동선수에게는 잘 알려진 프로세스이다.

Visualization is a process well known to surgeons51 and athletes,52,53

학습이 외부 세계에서 일어나는 어떤 사건에 대한 반응으로 여겨지곤 하지만, 들어오는 정보를 수집하고 기억을 구성하는 신경네트워크는 그 정보가 외부로부터 온 것인지 내부로부터 생성된 것인지를 신경care 쓰지 않는다.
Although learning is routinely considered as a process that occurs in response to certain events in the outside world , the neuronal networks that assemble the incoming information and construct memories shouldn’t “care” about the source (whether externally or internally generated)

따라서 어떤 사건과 관련한 내부로부터의 자극은 강력한 학습 신호가 될 수 있다. 마찬가지로 상상/시각화/다른 기억의 환기/감정 등과 같이 내부로부터 생성된 활동 역시 학습 프로세스에 기여할 수 있다.

Thus, internal stimuli associated with certain events can be powerful learning signals. Likewise, internally generated activity in the brain from thoughts, visualization, evocation of other memories, and emotions should be able to contribute to the learning process.47

자기성찰은 연습했던 행동이나 사고의 강화에 기여할 수 있는 중요한 요소이다. 실제로, 최근의 신경생물학 근거를 보면, 그러한 프로세스에 기여할 수 있는 "거울 뉴런"의 네트워크를 제안한다.

Introspection and self-reflection are important components of any such process and can contribute to the strengthening of rehearsed actions or thoughts. In fact, recent neurobiological evidence suggests that networks of “mirror neurons” in the brain may contribute to such processes.57

학습자가 성공적으로 시각화 테크닉을 활용하여 학습을 강화할 수 있는지 여부는 학습자의 경험 수준에 달려 있다. 예컨대, 연습이나 경험의 양이 심리연습 혹은 시각화를 통해 얻을 수 있는 (수행능력)향상의 정도와 관련되어 있다. 신규 학습자는 상대적으로 지식이나 전문성이 떨어지고, 이것은 제약 요인으로 작용할 수 있다. 따라서 시각화와 같은 학습전략은 교육프로세스의 후반단계에서 더 효과적일 것이다. 즉, 어떤 procedure를 관측하거나 참여해본 다음에 하는 것이 낫다.

The ability of a learner to successfully employ visualization techniques to enhance learning may depend on the degree of experience of the learner. For example, the amount of practice or experience can affect the degree of improved motor performance gained through mental practice and visualization.60 The level of knowledge and expertise of the relatively new learner in a given field (e.g., first- year medical student) may be a limiting factor, and such strategies as visualization may be more effective in later stages of the education process—for example, after having witnessed and participated in procedures.

능동적 참여

Active engagement

실제로, 의학교육은 최근 수십년간 이 방향으로 움직여왔다.

Indeed, medical education has moved in this direction over recent decades

의학에서는 '선생으로서의 학생(가르치는 학생)'의 전통을 예전부터 존중해왔다. 의학교육 프로세스에서 능동적인 학습기회를 생성하는 전략에는 다음과 같은 것이 있다.

Medicine has long cherished the tradition of the student as teacher. Throughout the medical education process, strategies that create active learning opportunities include

  • 선생의 역할을 해볼 수 있는 기회 learners’ having multiple opportunities to assume the role of teacher,

  • 교사-학생간 상호작용과 질문을 장려하는 학습장소venue learning venues that encourage interaction/questioning between learners and teachers,

  • 정보의 탐색에 대해 개인이 책임이 있음을 강조 learners’ taking personal responsibility for discovery of information, and

  • 학습자에게 피드백 feedback to learners of the information they have assembled and its validity.



너무 높은 스트레스는 반대 결과를 낮는다. 소규모의, 상호작용이 풍부한 교육형태가 스트레스를 규칙적으로 시스템에 도입하는 현명한 방법이다.

However, particularly high levels of stress can have opposite effects.64 The small, interactive teaching format may be judiciously employed to moderately engage the stress system on a more regular basis.



휴식과 수면이 기억을 강화시키고, 작업기억으로부터 장기, 안정적 형태로 만든다는 근거가 많이 있다.

There is increasing evidence of the importance of rest/sleep for the consolidation of memories and the enhancement of their representations from working memory stages into a long- term stable form.65

더 나아가서 이 연구결과들은 많은 집중력을 요하는 문제해결 세션이나 세밀한 양적 추론 스킬이 필요한 그룹 활동 사이에는 적절한 휴식기downtime을 갖는 것이 중요하다는 것을 강조한다.

Moreover, this research suggests that it is important to have appropriate downtime between intense problem-solving sessions or group venues where detailed quantitative reasoning skills are required.



운전을 하는 것과 같은 신체활동이 cognitive distraction을 일으키는 것은 명확하다. 그러나 운전 중 핸드폰을 조작하는 것 같은 신체활동 뿐 아니라, 대화를 하는 것과 같은 인지적 경쟁cognitive competition도 수행능력을 저하시킨다.

The data are clear on the subject of cognitive distractions while performing physical activities like driving a car: It’s not just the physical act of managing a cell phone that diminishes driving performance but also the cognitive competition between attending to the conversation and the driving that further degrades performance.67

따라서 교육에서 다양한 형태의 정보를 통합하는  방법이 중요하며, 이는 집중력을 흐뜨리기보다는 향상시켜서 서로 관련성있는 relevant converging 정보에 대한 몰입을 만들어낸다.

Thus, it is important that educational methods integrate multimodal information relevant to the topic; this encourages engagement of relevant converging informational mechanisms by enhancing rather than dispersing attention.

개별 학습 스타일

Individual learning styles

많은 유형의 학습자와 학습 스타일이 있다.

It is well appreciated that there are many different types of learners and learning strategies.68

다양한 (학습스타일에 따라) 개개인의 신경 반응도 다양하고, 이것이 모든 학습자를 위하여 다양한 학습스타일을 인정해야 하는 이유이다. 이를 통해서..

The neural responses of these different individuals also show variability, and that is the rationale for embracing multiple learning styles to provide opportunities for all learners

  • 효과적으로 목표를 달성하고 to be most effectively reached,

  • 긍정적 피드백과 성공의 기회를 주고 to provide opportunities for positive feedback and successes, and

  • 어떤 식의 접근법에서도 뛰어난 모습을 보이는 학생에게조차 다양한 수렴적 전략multimodal convergent 으로 정보를 강화할 수 있다.  to reinforce information with multimodal convergent strategies, even for those who excel equally with all approaches.

능동적 참여

Active involvement

실험실과 시뮬레이션은 학습프로세스를 위한 풍요로운 장소이며, 경험에 기반하여 정보를 기억에 저장할 수 있다. 다른 말로는, 이 곳에서 하는 것doing이 곧 배우는 것learning이며, doing/learning의 성공은 자신감을 가져온다.

Laboratory and simulation environments are rich venues for the learning process and for storing information into memories based on those experiences. In other words, doing is learning. And success at doing/learning builds confidence,

멀티미디어나 다양한 감각기관을 통한 정보의 재경험

Revisiting information/concepts through multimedia/sensory processes

같은 정보를 다양한 감각기관을 활용하여 다시 접하는 것은 학습 프로세스를 강화한다.

Multiple teaching approaches addressing the same information using different sensory processes are likely to enhance the learning process,

이제 어떻게 해야 하는가?

Where Do We Go From Here?

교육자들이 학생들에게 왜 특정 접근법을 활용하는지를 설명해주면, 학생들은 그것을 이해하고, 그 접근법을 받아들여서 상호존중관계를 쌓아나갈 수 있을 것이다. 이러한 관계는 학습강화의 보상 시스템으로 작용할 수 있다. 학생이 '의학을 배우는 것으로부터 즐거움을 얻을 수 있는 능력' 아니라 '교사가 선택한 교육프로세스의 rationale를 이해하는 학생의 지적능력'에도 호소함으로써 학생은 진정으로 동기부여될 수 있다.

If educators take the time to explain to students why certain teaching approaches will be used, the students may understand and accept the approaches and develop a mutually respectful relationship with their instructors. That relationship may also serve as a reward systemfor learning enhancement. By appealing not only to students’ capacity to derive pleasure from learning about medicine but also to their intellectual capacity for understanding the rationale for the educational process selected by the instructor (based on various principles, including those derived from the neurobiology principles of learning), real motivation can be engendered.


의학교육자를 위한 권고

Recommendations for Medical Educators

  • Apply the current knowledge of the neurobiology of learning to the lifelong education of health care professionals.

  • Base faculty development practices on current knowledge of the neurobiology of learning.

  • Share with the learner the underlying neurobiological principles that shape the pedagogy of the learning experience.

  • Establish a toolbox of evidence-based practices for medical education that applies current knowledge of the neurobiology of learning.

  • Develop a shared research agenda between neurobiologists and medical educators.

 2011 Apr;86(4):415-20. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0b013e31820dc197.

What can medical education learn from the neurobiology of learning?

Author information

  • 1Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute, and professor of biological sciences and biomedical engineering, Virginia Tech, Roanoke, Virginia 24016, USA. friedlan@vt.edu


The last several decades have seen a large increase in knowledge of the underlying biological mechanisms that serve learning and memory. The insights gleaned from neurobiological and cognitive neuroscientific experimentation in humans and in animal models have identified many of the processes at the molecular, cellular, and systems levels that occur during learning and the formation, storage, and recall of memories. Moreover, with the advent of noninvasive technologies to monitor patterns of neural activity during various forms of human cognition, the efficacy of different strategies for effective teaching can be compared. Considerable insight has also been developed as to how to most effectively engage these processes to facilitate learning, retention, recall, and effective use and application of the learned information. However, this knowledge has not systematically found its way into the medical education process. Thus, there are considerable opportunities for the integration of current knowledge about the biology of learning with educational strategies and curricular design. By teaching medical students in ways that use this knowledge, there is an opportunity to make medical education easier and more effective. The authors present 10 key aspects of learning that they believe can be incorporated into effective teaching paradigms in multiple ways. They also present recommendations for applying the current knowledge of theneurobiology of learning throughout the medical education continuum.

© by the Association of American Medical Colleges.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

바이오인포메틱스: 의사가 알아야 할 것, 의사가 배우는 방법의 변화(Acad Med, 2011)

Biomedical Informatics: Changing What Physicians Need to Know and How They Learn (Acad Med, 2011)

William W. Stead, MD, John R. Searle, PhD, Henry E. Fessler, MD,

Jack W. Smith, MD, PhD, and Edward H. Shortliffe, MD, PhD

바이오인포메틱스는 다학제간interdisciplinary과학의 한 분야로서 과학적 탐구/문제해결/의사결정/의사소통을 위하여 자료/정보/지식을 효과적으로 활용하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 비록 이 분야가 1950년대부터 시작되긴 했지만, 의과대학에서는 자주 다뤄지지 않았는데, 비교적 최근까지 의과대학 학장들은 공학이나 컴퓨터과학 분야에서 주로 다루는 것이라고 생각했기 때문이다.

Biomedical informatics is the interdisciplinary scientific field that studies and pursues the effective use of data, information, and knowledge for scientific inquiry, problemsolving, decision making, and communication. Although the field dates to the 1950s,1 until relatively recently because deans of medical schools saw it as a disciplinary priority of other schools such as engineering or computer science.

생의학의 복잡성이 크게 늘어나면서 의학적 의사결정의 패러다임이 '한 사람의 두뇌'에서 'systems of brains의 협력적 힘'으로 옮겨가기 시작했다

At this juncture, the explosive growth of biomedical complexity calls for a shift in the paradigm of medical decision making—from a focus on the power of an individual brain to the collective power of systems of brains.

한 사람의 두뇌에서 두뇌의 시스템으로

Shifting the Paradigm From Individual Brains to Systems of Brains

오늘날 의학교육 프로세스와 교육과정은 개개인을 전문가로 발달하게 한다.

Today’s medical education processes and curricula lead to the development of individual experts.

"개인 전문가individual expertise"에 의존하는 의료행위는 자율성/자신감/다양한 현실에서의 우아한 적응 등을 발생시킨engender다

This practice of depending on individual expertise engenders autonomy, self-confidence, and gracious acceptance of variability in practice.3

그러나 한 사람의 두뇌가 가진 인지적 용량은 한 차례의 의사결정 당 다섯 세트의 팩트만을 관련지을 수 있을 뿐이고, 이는 전문성-기반 의료의 한계로 작용한다. 하나의 돌연변이와 하나의 질병간의 관계만을 보여주는 single genetic test와 달리, full genetic sequence는 개인의 질병에 대한 취약성과 어떤 사람이 특정 진단을 받을 가능성을 변화시킬 수 있는 다수의 low-power association 정보를 제공한다.

However, the cognitive capacity of individual brains, which can correlate only about five sets of facts in a single decision,4 limits expert-based medicine. Unlike single genetics tests, which strongly associate one mutation with one disease phenotype, the full genetic sequence will provide many low- power associations that in combination change prior probabilities about both an individual’s susceptibility to disease states and the likelihood of that individual carrying a specific diagnosis. Specialization is not a viable approach to managing this complexity.




'전문성-기반 의료Expert-based practice'의 초점은 개인의 능력에서 시스템-기반 진료로 옮겨갈 것이며, 이는 시스템의 능력에 초점을 둔다는 것을 의미한다. 여러 사람으로 이뤄진 팀과, 잘 정의된 프로세스와 IT가 합해져서 하나의 시스템으로서 결과를 도출할 것이다. 무엇인가를 빼먹거나 실수가 있다면 이 역시 정보로서 제공되어 시스템의 향상 방향을 알려줄 것이다. 학문-중심 교육과정은 환자돌봄을 위한 systems approach를 활용하는 학습 프로세스와 align되는 방향으로 바뀔 것이다. 성공적으로 도입된다면, 다학제간팀interdisciplinary team이 자신의 일을 하는 동안 학습은 필수불가결하게 이뤄질 것이다. 팀은 개인과 팀의 역량을 평가할 것이며, 학습모듈, 전문가 원격접속, 시뮬레이션 등을 활용하여 부족한 부분을 매워갈 것이다. 성과 데이터는 곧바로 역량평가와 개선점 탐색에 활용될 것이다. 인포메틱스 토대가 의료와 의학교육을 모두 지원해줄 것이다.

Expert-based practice, with its focus on the individual’s performance, will shift to system- supported practice, with a focus on the system’s performance. Teams of people, well-defined processes, and IT will work as a system to produce the desired result. Each omission or error will provide data to guide iterative improvement of the system.7 Discipline-specific curricula will shift to align with a learning process that utilizes the systems approach to care.8 If successful, learning will become an unavoidable outcome as interdisciplinary teams go about their work. The teams will assess individual and team competency against upcoming work, and they will be able to use learning modules, remote access to experts, and simulation to close gaps. Outcomes data will be readily available to assess competency and identify areas for improvement. An informatics foundation will support both medical practice and medical education.7,8

인포메틱스 환경에서의 학슴, 환자돌봄, 연구

Learning, Clinical Care, and Research in Informatics-Rich Environments


초창기의 컴퓨터-기반 학습환경은 단순히 기존의 교수법을 따라하는 것에 불과했으며, 테크놀로지 없이도 가능한 교육에 테크놀로지를 활용하여 동일한 것을 한 것에 불과했다.

Early computer-based learning environments merely mimicked established teaching methods, using technology to perform the same teaching tasks that had been possible without it;

더 근래의 접근법은 현대의 인포메틱스와 학습을 도입하였다. Beaumie and Reeves는..

More recent approaches have attempted to couple modern informatics and learning. Beaumie and Reeves9 propose that a 

학습자가 (학습)도구는 낮은 수준의 과제(자료 보여주기, 의사결정 옵션 제공하기)를 수행하는 동안 높은 수준의 인지활동(방향 결정하기, 의사결정, 평가결과를 기반으로 접근법을 바꾸는 것)을 하는 것

learner performs higher-level cognitive activities (e.g., executing directions, making decisions, and/or changing approach based on assessment results), while the tool performs lower-level tasks (e.g., visually representing data or providing decision options).

인포메틱스는 교육과정과 학습(과정)을 서포트 할 수 있다. Denny 등은 교육과정 내용을 검색할 수 있는 웹-기반 리소스를 묘사한 바 있다. 교수와 학생은 리소스로부터 교육프로그램이나 학년의 경계를 넘나들며 어떤 개념에 대해서 검색할 수 있으며 가상과목virtual course처럼 관련된 자료만 볼 수도 있다.

Informatics can support curricula and learning more broadly as well. Denny and colleagues describe a Web-based resource to search curricular content.10 Faculty and students may then search the resource to find concepts across programand school year boundaries, and they can browse the related material as a virtual course.10


어떤 사람들은 EHR을 의료행위와 의학교육을 연결시켜주는 용도로 제안하기도 했다. Stead는 EHR과 임상인포메틱스 도구를 활용하여 학습을 서포트하는 네 단계 프레임워크를 제안하였다.

Others, too, have suggested uses for the EHR to link medical practice and medical education. Stead proposes a framework of four tiers through which the EHR and related clinical informatics tools could support learning.13

  • 리소스 소모를 측정하고 그룹 내intragroup 차이를 identify 한다.
    The processes that both measure variation in resource consumption (e.g., length of inpatient stays, tests performed, medications used) and identify intragroup variation in practice provide the framework’s foundation.

  • EHR자료를 활용하여 인지적 에너지를 확보하여 정보의 통합synthesis에 초점을 둔다. 인포메틱스는 의사가 자신의 의료행위와 환자outcome을 연결시킬 수 있게 도와주며, open-loop practice에 피드백을 줌으로써 closed-loop 으로 만들어준다.
    In the next tier, physicians use data from the EHR to free their cognitive energy to focus on synthesis; the informatics allows them to tie their own practices to their own patient outcomes, converting their open-loop practice into a closed loop with feedback.14

  • 예상하지 못한 상황의 탐지와, 의사결정지원시스템의 활용가능성(경보, 환자-특이적 변화, 근거 link)
    The capacity to detect unexpected events and the availability of decision-support systems (with alerts and reminders, patient-specific information about changes in practice, and links to evidence) together make up the third tier.

  • EHR과 바이오뱅크의 추출물extract을 통해서 상관관계를 찾고 가설을 설정함
    In the fourth tier, extracts from the EHR and bio-banks combine to support correlation and hypothesis generation.

다른 요약

  • 의료행위의 variation을 측정 That is, first, measure practice variation;

  • 개개인에게 맞춘 피드백을 제공 second, provide individual feedback on practice and outcomes;

  • 의사의 손바닥fingertips에 지식과 정보를 제공하여 진료 향상 third, improve individual practice by placing knowledge and information at physicians’ fingertips; and

  • Care의 향상을 위해 검증가능한 가설을 제공하여 의학을 진보시킴 finally, support advancement of medical science by suggesting testable hypotheses to improve care.

일부에서는 이미 EHR이 광범위하게 활용되고 있다. Veterans Health Administration (VHA) 에서는 EHR을 활용해서 학습을 더 빠르게 하려는 목적으로 national laboratory를 제공하고 있다. VHA는 시스템 차원의 장기적 자료를 활용하여 care management의 효과를 정량화하고 site-to-site varation이 physician-to-physician variation보다 더 크다는 것을 보여주었다. 더 나아가서 EHR은 시판 후 약제의 pharmacovigilence를 도와주어서 시판 전에 알지 못했던 약물유해사건을 감지할 수 있게 도와준다. EHR은 임상가설을 생성해주기도 한다. Hanauer 등은 유전자-매핑 소프트웨어를 활용하여 자연어free-text 임상문제 기술서로부터 잠재적 연관성을 찾기도 하였다.

Some have already begun to use the EHR extensively. The Veterans Health Administration (VHA) has provided a national laboratory on the use of EHRs to accelerate learning. The VHA has used system-wide, longitudinal data to quantify the impact of care management and to show that site-to-site variation is more significant than physician-to- physician variation within sites.15 Further, EHRs have the potential to support comprehensive postmarket pharmacovigilence and to accelerate detection of unrecognized adverse drug events.16 EHRs also have the potential to generate clinical hypotheses. Hanauer and colleagues demonstrated the feasibility of using gene-mapping software to identify potential associations among free-text clinical problem statements in their EHR.17

인포메틱스 환경의 장점과 단점

Beneficial and Deleterious Effects of Informatics-Rich Environments

이 많은 것들이 EHR로의 변화를 겪어본 사람에게는 친숙할 것이다.

Many of these are familiar to those who have experienced a transition to EHRs.

(학생들이) 주치의의 source data에 직접 접근이 가능해지면 정보를 통합하기 전에 비판적으로 생각해야 할 필요성이 줄어들고, 노트를 copy and paste하는 능력 등이 줄어드는데, 이런 것들은 학생들이 무엇을 어떻게 기록으로 남길지 결정해야 할 필요성이 줄어들게 만들고, 의료기록에서 narrative를 위협한다.

Some potential problems include attendings’ direct access to source data, which reduces the need for students to think critically beforehand to synthesize and present the data, and the abilities to copy and paste notes and to access results instantaneously, both of which, first, reduce the need for students to decide what and how to document and, second, threaten the narrative in the medical record.


문제는 테크놀로지 그 자체가 아니라 그것을 활용하는 방식이다.

We believe the problems lie not in the technology per se, but in its application.

Patel 등은 인지와 의사결정지원 사이의 관계를 살펴보았다. IT가 단순히 의사결정 프로세스를 향상시킬 뿐만 아니라, 인지용량에 지속되는 영향을 주어서 의사결정 프로세스 자체를 완전히 바꾸어놓기도 한다. Eddy and Gigerenzer의 연구결과를 바탕으로 의사에게 자료를 제시하는 구조가 의사의 판단에 영향을 줌을 보여주었다. 즉, 자료가 제시되거나 시각화되는 방식이 의사가 그 자료를 해석하는 방식에 영향을 준다는 것이며, 그 자료에 기반하여 이뤄는 당장의 의사결정 뿐 아니라 비슷한 유형의 자료에 의해서 내려지는 미래의 의사결정도 영향을 받게 된다.

Patel and colleagues review the relationship between cognition and decision support. They show that IT does not merely support or enhance the decision process, but fundamentally transforms it, having an enduring effect on cognitive capacity.21 They draw on work by Eddy22 and Gigerenzer22 to show that the very structure of the presentation of data to a physician affects the physician’s judgment. That is, the way data are shown or visualized strongly influences the way physicians interpret the data, the decisions they make based on the data, and even future decisions they will make based on similar data they later encounter.

미래 의사를 위한 인포메틱스 역량

Informatics Competencies for Future Health Professionals

2003년 IOM의 HPES에서는 의료전문직이 갖춰야 할 핵심 역량 영역 중 하나로 인포메틱스 활용을 꼽았다.

In 2003 the Institute of Medicine’s Health Professions Education Summit identified utilizing informatics as one of the five domains of core competency for health care professionals.24

EHR을 이상적으로 활용하기 위해서는 특별한 능력을 필요로 한다.

The optimal use of the EHR at the bedside does require some special skills,

의사들은 확실히 이러한 능력을 습득할 수 있다. Morrow 등은 학생을 두 그룹으로 무작위로 구분하고 한 그룹만 EHR-특이적 커뮤니케이션 스킬을 훈련하였는데, intervention group이 10개의 EHR-특이적 스킬 중 6개에서 더 나은 수행능력을 보여주었다.

but physicians can certainly learn these. Morrow and colleagues 25 The researchersthen randomized students into two groups: one group received training in EHR-specific communication skills, and the other did not. The intervention group performed better on 6 of 10 EHR-specific skills

2008년 AMIA와 AAHC는 공통의 의사결정역량을 개발하였다.

In 2008, the American Medical Informatics Association and the Association of Academic Health Centers convened representatives of 14 health professions in a DesignShop at the Vanderbilt Center for Better Health to develop a common informatics competency framework.26




교수개발을 위한 단계들

Broad Steps for Faculty Development

computational techniques의 강점과 약점을 충분히 이해함으로써 의사들이 인포메틱스 도구가 제시한 결과를 언제 수용하고, 언제 기각해야 하는가를 결정하는데 도움이 될 수 있다.

Sufficient understanding of the strength and weaknesses of the computational techniques will help physicians decide when to accept, and when to override, the results of their informatics tools.


의과대학의 투자와 지원이 인포메틱스-강화 의료의 진화를 더 빠르게 만들 수 있다. 다음의 네 가지 큰 단계를 제안한다.

Investment and support by medical schools can hasten the evolution to informatics-enhanced patient care and learning. We suggest the following four broad steps:


(1) 바이오메디컬 인포메틱스를 위한 학문단위academic unit을 만들라
create academic units in biomedical informatics;

(2) AHC의 IT인프라를 연구실testing laboratories로 개조adapt하라 adapt the IT infrastructure of academic health centers (AHCs) into testing laboratories;

(3) 의학교육자들이 바이오메디컬 인포메틱스의 활용모델을 만들 수 있게 충분히 설명해주라 introduce medical educators to biomedical informatics sufficiently for them to model its use; and

(4) AHC교수들이 바이오메디컬 인포메틱스에 의해서 가능해진 systems approach에 기반한 헬스케어로의 전환을 이끌도록 하라
retrain AHC faculty to lead the transformation of health care based on a new systems approach enabled by biomedical informatics.

1. 새로운 학문단위

Create academic units in biomedical informatics that have a seat at both the academic and operational tables.

A critical mass of faculty who understand biomedical informatics can provide the nucleus to teach noninformatics faculty and students how to use informatics techniques and tools in their work.

2. IT인프라

Adapt the IT infrastructure of AHCs into testing laboratories to evaluate and utilize emerging biomedical informatics techniques for data aggregation, systems analysis, and visualization support.

AHCs with informatics units can supplement simple automation by using

  • computational techniques such as connectivity, social networks that connect people to one another and to systems;

  • statistical decision support, in which multiple weak signals contribute to robust answers; and

  • data mining, through which relationships are discovered among data from diverse highly dimensional data sets.

These approaches allow the clinical information system infrastructure to serve as a laboratory where physicians, physician educators, and physicians-in-training may evaluate and apply informatics “interventions.”29

3. 의학교육자
Introduce medical educators to biomedical informatics sufficiently for them to model its clinical and research uses, to modernize curricula appropriately, and to evaluate trainees and teaching methods.

This shift changes curricular priorities as well as learning and evaluation strategies. One strategy, for example, is using clinical outcomes to measure the effectiveness of a learning intervention.

4. 교수
Retrain faculty in AHCs to lead the transformation to health care that incorporates systems approaches enabled by biomedical informatics.

 The first step is to build awareness within the leadership and faculty of academic medicine that the change is unavoidable. Like many changes, this one offers opportunities— Growing dissatisfaction with current roles, under the dual pressures of cognitive overload and payment reform, may ignite the burning platform and motivate the leap needed to reach a sustainable next generation model for the profession.

26 Designing the informatics component of an IOMchasmhealth professions core competencies curriculum. Vanderbilt Center for Better Health. American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) Design Session, AMIA Academic Forum, and American College of Medical Informatics. Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, 2008. Available at: https://www.mc.vanderbilt.edu/ vcbh/ds/081001amia/index.html. User id: 081001_amia, Password: grant.



 2011 Apr;86(4):429-34. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0b013e3181f41e8c.

Biomedical informaticschanging what physicians need to know and how they learn.

Author information

  • 1McKesson Foundation Professor of Biomedical Informatics, and professor of Medicine, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee 37232-2104, USA. bill.stead@vanderbilt.edu


The explosive growth of biomedical complexity calls for a shift in the paradigm of medical decision making-from a focus on the power of an individual brain to the collective power of systems of brains. This shift alters professional roles and requires biomedical informatics and information technology (IT) infrastructure. The authors illustrate this future role of medical informatics with a vignette and summarize the evolving understanding of both beneficial and deleterious effects of informatics-rich environments on learning, clinical care, and research. The authors also provide a framework of core informatics competencies for health professionals of the future and conclude with broad steps for faculty development. They recommend that medical schools advance on four fronts to prepare their faculty to teach in a biomedical informatics-rich world: (1) create academic units inbiomedical informatics; (2) adapt the IT infrastructure of academic health centers (AHCs) into testing laboratories; (3) introduce medical educators tobiomedical informatics sufficiently for them to model its use; and (4) retrain AHC faculty to lead the transformation to health care based on a new systems approach enabled by biomedical informatics. The authors propose that embracing this collective and informatics-enhanced future of medicine will provide opportunities to advance education, patient care, and biomedical science.

© by the Association of American Medical Colleges.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

변화의 도구로서의 교수개발: 전문직업성 교육에 관한 사례연구(Acad Med, 2007)

Faculty Development as an Instrument of Change: A Case Study on Teaching Professionalism

Yvonne Steinert, PhD, Richard L. Cruess, MD, Sylvia R. Cruess, MD, J. Donald Boudreau, MD, and Abraham Fuks, MD

"전문직교육의 어려운 점은 어떻게 분석적사고/능숙한행동/현명한판단의 복잡한 조화를 가르치느냐는 것이다"

The challenge for professional education is how to teach the complex ensemble of analytic thinking, skillful practice, and wise judgment upon which each profession rests. 

—WilliamM. Sullivan, Work and Integrity: The Crisis and Promise of Professionalismin America, 2005

어떤 대규모 조직에서든 변화를 일으키는 것은 어려우며 의대도 마찬가지다.

Effecting change in any large organization is difficult, and faculties of medicine (i.e., medical schools) are no exception.

일부 관측자들은 '본질적으로 보수적인', '현재 상태에 매몰된' 등의 용어로 의료전문직에서 변화를 일으키는 것의 어려움에 대해 코멘트한 바 있다. 이들을 지지원하기 위하여 어떤 교수들은 외부의 컨설턴트를 고용해서 변화 프로세스에 공식적 관리테크닉을 도입하고자 했다.

Several observers have commented on the difficulty of implementing change within the medical profession and its institutions, which have been described as being inherently conservative and devoted to the status quo.1–4 To assist them, some faculties of medicine have used outside consultants to bring formalized management techniques into the change process.5,6

McGill 의과대학은 변화의 8단계 모델이 유용하다고 보았다.

We at the Faculty of Medicine at McGill University have found it useful to apply an eight-stage model for implementing change,7,8


교수개발은 컨센서스를 만들고, 열정과 지지를 끌어내고, 변화 이니셔티프를 도입하는데 도움이 된다. 또한 공식/비공식/잠재 교육과정을 바꿔서 조직의 문화를 변화시키는데 기여할 수 있다.

Faculty development can help to build consensus, generate support and enthusiasm, and implement a change initiative; it can also help to change the culture within the institution by altering the formal, informal, and hidden curricula.9,10


교수개발은 다음과 같이 정의.

Faculty development has been defined as

  • that broad range of activities that institutions use to renew or assist faculty in their roles.11
  • That is, faculty development is a planned program, or set of programs, designed to prepare institutions and faculty members for their various roles.12
  • 점차 포괄적인 교수개발 프로그램이란 개인의 발전 뿐 아니라 점점 더 복잡해지는 조직(의 발전)에 대해서도 다뤄야 한다고 인정받고 있다.
    For some years, it has been recognized that comprehensive faculty development programs cannot focus solely on individual improvement; they must also address the increasingly complex institutions in which teaching and learning occur.13,14

프로페셔널리즘의 중요성

The Importance of Professionalism

지난 수십년간 의사와 환자 사이에 상당한 불편함이 있었다. 의사들은 그들의 환자에 대한 태도와 의료기술을 강조하는 것에서 '하지 말아야 할 것을 한 죄와 해야 할 것을 하지 않은 죄'에 모두 책임이 있는 것처럼 느꼈다. 동시에 환자들은 근대과학에 기반한 의료에 예전 의사들이 보여주던 compassion을 더한 진료를 원했다. 환자는 의사들로부터 자신들의 자율성/책무성/투명성을 모두 요구했고, 모든것보다도 '유능한 치유자'로서의 봉사service를 원했다.

The past few decades have witnessed the development of a profound sense of unease amongst physicians and patients. Physicians feel that they are being “held to account for sins of both commission and omission,”15 for their attitudes towards patients and for their emphasis on medical technology. At the same time, patients express a strong desire for care that is based on modern scientific medicine combined with the compassion of the physician of yesteryear. They wish respect for their own autonomy, accountability and transparency from their physicians, and, above all, the services of a competent healer.15

의료계는 이에 화답했다.

The medical profession has responded.18

이 문제를 해결하기 위해서 McGill의과대학은 일찍부터 프로페셔널리즘을 가르치는 것은 하나의 과목이나 포커스가 좁고 목표가 제한적인 특정 교육과정활동만으로는 해결되지 못할 것임을 인지하였다.

In addressing these issues, McGill’s Faculty of Medicine realized early on that the teaching of professionalism could not depend solely on the establishment of a single course or selected curricular activities with a narrow focus or limited objective.

프로페셔널리즘 교수-학습

Teaching and Learning Professionalism

프로페셔널리즘은 전통적으로 존경받는 롤모델을 통해서 한 세대에서 다음 세대로 전해진다. 이러한 방법은 부분적으로는 성공적이었는데, 왜냐하면 의료전문직은 상당히 균질한 집단이었고, 일부 세대차이가 있더라도 규범적으로 공통된 가치가 있었기 때문이다. 오늘날의 놀라울 정도의 복잡한 세상과 사회에서는 더 이상 '공통의 가치'라는 것을 가정할 수 없으며, 현대 보건의료시스템에 있어서 전통의 가치에 대한 도전은 생소한 것이었다. 따라서 롤모델링이 여전히 강력하고 필수적인 수단이긴 하나 더 이상 충분하지는않았다. 프로페셔널리즘은 명시적으로 교육되어야 했다. 더 나아가서 교육기관의 환경이 프로페셔널리즘에 심대한 영향을 준다는 인식이 늘어났다.

Professionalism was traditionally transmitted from one generation to the next by respected role models.32–34 It is believed that this method was successful, in part, because the medical profession was fairly homogeneous and, despite some generational differences, shared values were the norm. In today’s wonderfully complex and diverse society, one can no longer assume shared values, and the challenges to the traditional values of the medical profession posed by modern health care systems are new. It has therefore been concluded that role modeling, while remaining a powerful and essential tool, is no longer sufficient.24,34 Professionalism must be taught explicitly. Furthermore, there has been increased recognition that the environment within the teaching institution has a significant effect on the teaching of professionalism and must be addressed.9,10,35,36

프로페셔널리즘을 효과적으로 가르치고 학생들에게 내면화하기 위한 몇 가지 접근법이 있었다. 또한 프로페셔널리즘을 명시적으로 가릋야 한다고 강조한 사람들도 있었다. 이 때 조작적 정의를 사용할 수도 있고, 특성이나 성격의 목록으로 개념을 개요적으로 서술하기도 했다. 어떤 사람들은 프로페셔널리즘 교육이 '도덕적 노력moral endeavor''로서 접근해야 한다고 하면서, 이타성과 봉사정신을 강조했다. 우리와 다른 사람들은 두 가지 접근법이 모두 필수적이라고 생각했다. 인지적 기반을 반드시 정의해야 하며, 이것을 의사들이 프로페셔널리즘의 본질을 이해하고, 의료의 사회적 계약과 무슨 관계인지 알아야 하고, 프로페셔널리즘이 생존하려면 충족되어야 하는 의무가 무엇인지를 이해하게끔 소통해야 한다고 생각했다. 추가적으로, 정기적regular basis으로 '자기성찰'과 'mindfulness'를 촉진하기 위하여 경험학습의 기회가 제공되어야 함, 이를 통해 프로페셔널리즘이 단순히 이론이나 동떨어진marginal개념으로 남게 하지 말아야 한다고 보았다. 따라서 의학교육에서는 경험을 쌓고/성찰하고/프로페셔널리즘의 개념과 원칙을 습득하기 위한 다수의, 단계적 접근법을 제공해야 했다.

The literature indicates several approaches that must be considered if professionalism is to be taught effectively and internalized by students. There are those who have emphasized that professionalism needs to be taught explicitly, using either operational definitions or outlining the concept as a list of traits or characteristics.19,20,22 Others have stated that the teaching of professionalism should be approached as a moral endeavor, emphasizing altruism and service.29,30 We, and others,24,35,36 believe strongly that both approaches are essential. The cognitive base must be defined and communicated so that physicians understand the nature of professionalism, its relation to medicine’s social contract, and the obligations that must be met if professionalism is to survive. In addition, opportunities for experiential learning must be provided on a regular basis to promote self-reflection37 and “mindfulness,”23 so that professionalism will not remain a theoretical or marginal concept. Professional identity arises from a combination of experience and informed reflection on experience.38 Therefore, a major objective of medical education should be to provide multiple, stage- appropriate opportunities for gaining experience in, and reflecting on, the concepts and principles of professionalism.25,29,30

전문직은 동료간의 협력collegiality을 공통의 목표를 향한 합의를 도출하고, 그들간의 추종compliance를 장려하기 위한 수단으로 사용한다. 존경받는 롤모델로서 동료가 주는 압박은 강력한 수단이다. 반대로 합당한 기준을 충족시키지 못하는 롤모델의 부정적인 효과도 강력하다. 롤모델들이 그들이 보여줘야 하는 역할과 가치관에 대해서 명확히 이해했을 때에야 롤모델이 효과적인 수단이 될 수 있다. 우리에게, 이것은 프로페셔널리즘 교수학습을 촉진기 위한 FDP를 설계하고 도입하기 위해 가장 설득력있는 주장이었다. 추가적으로 우리는 교수들의 자기성찰을 촉진하고 프로페셔널리즘이 중요하다는 강력한 메시지를 던짐으로서 공식 교육과정과 잠재 교육과정에 모두 영향을 주고 싶었다.

Professions use collegiality as a means of obtaining agreement on common goals and encouraging compliance with them.39 The peer pressure of respected role models remains an enormously powerful tool. Conversely, the destructive effects of role models who fail to meet acceptable standards can be equally strong.29,30,40 To be effective, it seems axiomatic that role models must understand and be able to articulate the roles and values that they are expected to demonstrate. To us, this was the most cogent argument for creating and implementing a faculty development program designed to promote the teaching and evaluation of professionalism. In addition, we hoped that it would positively influence both the informal and hidden curricula9,10 by promoting self-reflection in faculty members and sending a strong message that professionalism is important.

변화의 Context

The Context for Change


McGill 의과대학는 4년제, 통합, 시스템-기반 학부 프로그램을 운영한다.

The Faculty of Medicine at McGill University offers a four-year, integrated, systems-based undergraduate program.

프로페셔널리즘에 대한 인식은 거의 없었고, 매우 소수의 교수들만이 교육 프로그램에 참여 가능한 수준이었다. 따라서 교수들의 지지buy-in을 위해서는 포괄적이고 체계적인 교수개발 이니셔티브가 필요했다. 교육의 목표와 내용에 대한 컨센서스를 쌓고, 교수들이 프로페셔널리즘을 더 효과적으로 가르치고 평가할 수 있도록 훈련해야 했다.

there was little faculty awareness of professionalism, and few faculty members were knowledgeable enough to participate in an expanded teaching program. It was therefore decided that a comprehensive and systematic faculty development initiative was needed to promote faculty “buy-in,” to develop consensus on educational goals and content, and to train faculty members to teach and evaluate professionalismmore effectively.

'변화주도'의 사례로서의 교수개발

Faculty Development as an Example of “Leading Change”

우리가 비록 FDP를 계획하는데 있어서 Kotter의 모델을 사용한 것은 아니나, 우리는 곧 이 모델의 단계를 따르고 있다는 것을 인식했다.

Although we did not use the Kotter model in planning this faculty development program, we soon realized that we had followed the steps recommended by Kotter for transforming organizations.8

긴박함 인식

Establish a sense of urgency

Kotter는 긴박함을 인식하게 하는 것이 변화에 필요한 협조cooperation을 얻는데 매우 중요하다고 보았는데, 왜냐하면 현 상태에 만족하는 수준이 높을수록 목표를 달성하기 위한 변화노력이 실패할 가능성이 높기 때문이다. 더 나아가서 긴박함에 대한 인식을 높이기 위해서는 현 상태에 만족하게 만드는 요인을 제거하거나 그 효과를 최소화해야 한다. 내부의 system of measurement를 바꾸거나 더 높은 기준을 설정함으로써 후자가 다성될 수 있다.

Kotter states that establishing a sense of urgency is critical to gaining needed cooperation, because transformation efforts fail to achieve their objectives when complacency levels are high.7,8 Moreover, establishing urgency demands that the sources of complacency be removed or their impact minimized; the latter can be achieved by setting higher standards or changing the internal systems of measurement.



McGill의 사례

  • In our own setting, and indeed in most medical schools, this sense of urgency was provided by the widespread belief that medicine’s professionalism and professional status were being threatened by contemporary health care systems, whose values are difficult to reconcile with those traditionally associated with medicine.1,4,16,17
  • Without question, the actions of licensing and accrediting bodies reinforced the sense of urgency felt by the faculty and provided a potent stimulus for change.
  • The recognition of professionalism as an essential competency by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada,45 the American Board of Medical Specialties,46 the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education,47 as well as the support of the Association of American Medical Colleges48 and the American Board of Internal Medicine,49 created a need for timely action on the part of medicine’s educational institutions.
  • However, the knowledge, attitudes, and skills to do this effectively were not readily apparent.
  • In our own context, this sense of urgency was communicated to our faculty members through the leadership of the faculty of medicine as well as through a series of educational activities sponsored by the faculty development office, starting with medical education rounds in 1997.

강력한 지도연합체 형성

Form a powerful guiding coalition

Kotter 는 "major change를 달성하기는 너무나 어렵기 때문에, 그 프로세스를 지속시키기 위해서는 강력한 힘이 필요하다"라고 했다. 또한 '변화 이니셔티브'를 관장할 팀의 특성을 강조했는데, 여기에는 지위/권력/전문성/신뢰성/리더십(position, power, expertise, credibility, and leadership)이 포함된다.

Kotter eloquently states that “because major change is so difficult to accomplish, a powerful force is required to sustain the process.”8 (p51) He also highlights the key characteristics of a teamthat can direct a change initiative. These characteristics include position, power, expertise, credibility, and leadership.




McGill의 사례



In our own setting, in June 1999, the dean initiated the process of creating a powerful guiding coalition by inviting 25 educational leaders, consisting of the associate deans responsible for undergraduate and postgraduate medical education, members of the faculty development team, key departmental chairs, program directors at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels, and local content experts, to a half-day “think tank.”


무엇을 목표로

The goal of this session was

  • to highlight the importance of professionalism,
  • to begin to develop consensus among diverse educational leaders, and
  • to discuss ways of reaching out to faculty members across the basic science and clinical teaching sites.


무엇을 하였나

To achieve its objectives, the think tank started with

  • a brief overview of the core content of professionalism and
  • a review of how professionalism was being taught at all levels of the undergraduate curriculum.



After a lively debate and exchange of ideas,

  • consensus on the importance and content of teaching professionalism was reached.
  • A plan for a faculty development workshop was also developed.



비전 창조

Create a vision

"비전이란 (왜 사람들이 그 미래를 창조하기 위해 노력해야 하는가에 대한 묵시적/명시적 코멘터리가 더해진) 미래에 대한 그림이다" 더 나아가 비전은 변화의 방향을 명확하게 해주고 사람들에게 동기를 부여해주며 핵심 플레이어key players를 정렬align해준다.

“Vision refers to a picture of the future with some implicit or explicit commentary on why people should strive to create that future.”8 (p68) Moreover, vision clarifies the direction of the change and helps to both motivate and align key players.



McGill의 사례


싱크탱크가 비전을 창조

At McGill, the think tank described above helped to create the vision for teaching and evaluating professionalism.


More importantly, however, an invitational half-day workshop, which grew out of this first session and focused on teaching professionalism, led to the creation of a vision that we could then articulate faculty-wide.


모든 과의 과장과 전공의교육프로그램 디렉터들 워크숍 수행. 워크숍은 세 가지 파트로 구성

In December 1999, the dean invited all department chairs and undergraduate and postgraduate program directors to a half-day workshop designed to examine the working definition of professionalism and its attributes and to determine the strengths and weaknesses of diverse teaching methods. More specifically, the workshop was organized into three parts:

  • 프로페셔널리즘의 핵심 내용 the core content of professionalism,
  • 참여자들의 관점과 신념 the participants’ personal views and beliefs, and
  • 교육 전략 strategies for teaching.44


워크숍의 성과(1)

By the end of this session, we had

  • developed a broad agreement regarding the importance of professionalism and its core content,
  • discussed ways of implementing the teaching of professionalism in specific departments and sites, and
  • developed a plan for a faculty-wide workshop.


워크숍의 성과(2)

We had also

  • prepared a cohort of small- group facilitators for future workshops and teaching sessions and
  • devised a series of recommendations regarding the teaching of professionalism that were presented to the undergraduate and postgraduate curriculum committees.


이 워크숍의 핵심 메시지: (1)프로페셔널리즘 교육을 명시적으로 해야 한다 (2)롤모델이 중요하다.

The two key messages of this workshop were

(1) the need to make the teaching of professionalism explicit, and

(2) the importance of role modeling.

비전의 소통

Communicate the vision

Kotter 는 "비전의 진정한 힘은 (변화활동에) 관계된 대부분의 사람이 목표와 방향에 대한 공통된 이해를 가지고 있을 때 드러난다"

Kotter states that “the real power of a vision is unleashed only when most of those involved in an activity have a common understanding of its goals and direction.”8 (p85)



McGill의 사례


전체교수대상 워크숍 진행

The vision for teaching and evaluating professionalismat McGill was communicated through the support given by the dean and the associate deans. It was also promulgated by another faculty-wide workshop on teaching professionalism that accommodated 65 health care professionals representing the basic sciences and all major medical specialties. This workshop, which was held in December 2000, was designed

  • 프로페셔널리즘의 중요성을 강조하고 to highlight the importance of teaching professionalism and
  • (다음을 토대로) 교육을 향상시키기 위함 to improve such teaching by
    • transmitting core content,
    • discussing effective teaching strategies, and
    • developing an action plan for each department.


워크숍의 성과

This workshop resulted in

  • increased buy-in among the educational leaders who participated, and it led to the
  • development of new content experts and an array of educational resources that could be used for teaching purposes.



비전을 공유하기 위한 추가적인 활동으로 이어졌음

It also led to a number of other activities designed to communicate the vision for change, including

  • educational sessions for residents,
  • hospital grand rounds,
  • departmental workshops, and
  • high-profile activities outside McGill such as peer-reviewed publications and presentations at national and international meetings.


다른 사람들이 비전을 따라 행동할 수 있는 권한 부여

Empower others to act on the vision

Kotter 는 다른 사람들이 변화를 가져올 수 있게effect change 하는데 필수적인 요소 다섯가지 중 하나로 '트레이닝 제공provision of training'을 꼽았다.

Kotter specifically identifies the provision of training as one of the five essential ingredients to empower people to effect change.7




McGill의 사례



교수개발이 변화를 위한 주된 vehicle중 하나였음

In our context, faculty development has been one of the major vehicles for empowering others to lead the change initiative.


해당 이슈의 중요성이 널리 퍼짐

Knowledge of the importance of the issues became widely recognized as a result of the think tanks and workshops, during which workable solutions appropriate to McGill’s culture and environment were developed.



워크숍에 다양한 방법 활용

Methods used in the workshops, which included case vignettes, organizing frameworks for matching content to methods, and opportunities for experiential learning and reflection, empowered our educational leaders and colleagues.



교수들이 다음에 대한 합의를 가지게 됨

In many ways, the faculty development program allowed our faculty members to agree on

  • the cognitive base of professionalism,
  • the attributes and characteristics of the professional, and
  • the behaviors to be encouraged among students, residents and faculty.


어떻게 'healing'이라는 개념이 교육 프로그램에 통합될 수 잇는가

It also provided us an opportunity to explore further how healing, a concept that is essential to the medical mandate, could be integrated into our teaching program.19


교수들이 다음을 인식하게 됨

Faculty members came to realize

  • 학생들과 cognitive base를 소통해야 한다 that the cognitive base of professionalism and healing must be communicated to students, and
  • 다양한 교육법, 평가법이 활용되어야 한다 that diverse teaching and evaluation strategies should be used.


의사의 두 가지 역할(전문직 and 치유자)에 기반한 학부교육과정의 리뉴얼을 위한 비전

This reflection and discussion also led to a vision for renewal of the undergraduate medical curriculum based on the dual roles of the physician: professional and healer

단기 성공의 성취

Generate short-term wins

Kotter 는 단기 성공이 다음에 중요하다고 강조함

Kotter highlights the importance of short-term wins in

  • 변화 촉진 promoting change,
  • 노력에 대한 강화(더 노력하게끔) providing reinforcement for the efforts taken,
  • 비전과 전략의 미세한 조정 helping to fine-tune the vision and strategies implemented, and
  • 모멘텀 수립 building momentum.7,8



McGill의 사례

In our context, we experienced the following short-term gains:

  • 학생 교육과정 The design and implementation of small-group teaching sessions on professionalism in the first, second, and fourth years of the undergraduate curriculum 
  • 레지던트 프로그램 The development of a faculty-wide residency teaching program on professionalism 
  • 병원에서 Grand Round Departmental grand rounds in local hospitals, reaching out to the departments of medicine, pediatrics, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, orthopedic surgery, cardiac surgery, thoracic surgery, anesthesia, and emergency medicine 
  • 장소-특이적site-specific 워크숍 The delivery of site-specific workshops in diverse hospital departments (e.g., anesthesia, medicine, obstetrics/ gynecology, ophthalmology, surgery)

프로페셔널리즘 평가로 초점을 옮겨감

Our early efforts to promote the teaching of professionalism also led to the need to focus on the evaluation of professionalism.

  • 비록 평가를 하고 있지만 개선되어야 함 Although aspects of professionalism were being assessed routinely on in-training evaluations, improvement was needed.
  • 또 다른 싱크탱크 Thus, several years after this change initiative started, we held another think tank, this time on evaluating professionalism. It was clear to us that for teaching to be successful, professionalism would need to be evaluated in a more systematic way.
  • 20명의 리더와 내용전문가와 함께 워크숍 Thus, we invited 20 educational leaders and content experts to examine methods of evaluating professionalism and to develop the content and methodology of a workshop in this area. At the time, we
    • 전문직으로서의 의사와 치유자로서의 의사의 특성이 통합되어야 함 realized that the attributes of a physician as professional and healer had to be integrated for evaluations to be comprehensive; we therefore
    • 정의의 수정 added a definition of healing, including the attributes of the physician as healer, which had been developed and agreed on by a work group on healing (as outlined in List 1 and List 2).


  • 워크숍의 결과로 또 다른 전체교수 워크숍의 세부 계획이 나옴 The outcome was a detailed plan for a faculty-wide workshop, called Evaluating the Physician as Healer and Professional, in May 2002.

전체교수 워크숍. 다음을 수행함 

This workshop was attended by 95 faculty members and focused on developing methods for evaluating the physician as healer and professional at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels by

  • defining specific, observable behaviors for each attribute,
  • examining different approaches to evaluating professionalism,26,27,50 and
  • assessing the benefits and limitations of different evaluation methods (e.g., global rating scales; portfolios; critical incidents).


Organizing frameworks 을 활용함.

Organizing frameworks were also used to guide the identification of desirable and undesirable behaviors, the “matching” of methods to behaviors, and the feasibility of different assessment approaches.


워크숍의 성과

This workshop

  • 평가개선에 대한 합의 led to a consensus on the need to improve the evaluation of professionalism at McGill, and it
  • 권고안 resulted in a series of recommendations that were presented to the Faculty of Medicine.



Kotter가 말한 단기성공의 세 가지 특징: 눈에 보이는 성공, 모호하지 않은 성공, 변화 이니셔티브와 명확히 관련된 성공

According to Kotter, short-term wins usually have three characteristics:

  • they are visible,
  • they are unambiguous, and
  • they are clearly related to the change initiative.



이 특징을 만족하였다.

In our own setting, these characteristics were achieved. The short-term wins also helped to demonstrate the value of our early efforts, gave us the opportunity to celebrate early successes, and brought additional players into the fold.

성취를 굳히고 더 많은 변화를 만들어내기

Consolidate gains and produce more change

Kotter는 "너무 빠르게 성공을 선언하는 것"이 초반의 성공을 훼손시킬 수 있다고 보았다. 따라서 성취를 굳히고 더 많은 변화를 만들어내는 것이 중요하다. 새로운 프로젝트, 주제, 변화에이전트가 이 과정에 힘을 실어줄 수reinvigorate 있다.

Kotter states that the declaration of “early victory” and resistance to change can undermine early success.8 It is therefore critical to consolidate gains and, often, to produce more change. New projects, themes and change agents can reinvigorate the process.


McGill의 사례


성취 굳히기의 방법

In our setting, the consolidation of gains occurred in a number of ways.


첫번째 워크숍 후 디브리핑 세션이 있었음. 추가적인 활동이 필요하다는 컨센서스가 생김

After the first faculty development workshop on teaching professionalism, a debriefing session took place that involved the workshop planners, the associate deans, and the small-group facilitators. In addition to discussing the workshop process, a consensus emerged that further faculty action was required to ensure that students understood professionalism and behaved according to its precepts.


학장단에 보고서가 전달되고, physicianship이라는 용어를 통해서 서로 분리되었지만 상호보완적인 접근법을 갖춘 (교육)프로그랭미 필요함을 권고함.

Thus, a report to this effect was sent to the dean and the associate dean responsible for undergraduate education, emphasizing the need to teach the principle that the physician fulfills two roles: that of healer and professional. This report, which used the word physicianship—a term already used by Cassell51 and Papadakis and colleagues52 to refer to these dual roles— recommended that a distinct program on physicianship be established, based on separate, but complementary, approaches to the healer and the professional. It also included numerous detailed suggestions for teaching strategies across all four years of the curriculum.

보고서는 교육과정 위원회가 검토함. 세 개의 working group을 설립함.

This report was reviewed by the curriculum committee, which is chaired by the associate dean responsible for undergraduate education. This committee chose to establish three working groups consisting largely (but not entirely) of individuals who had been involved in the faculty development program on professionalism.

  • The mandate of the first was to recommend a curriculum on teaching professionalism.
  • The second working group focused on the teaching of the healer role.
  • The third was established to look at new ways of evaluating the physician as healer and professional, as it was recognized that a system of evaluating students had to be linked to the teaching of physicianship.

이 working grup의 권고안은 이후 교수개발활동의 근간을 이룸. 권고안의 주요 내용은 다음과 같음.

The recommendations of these working groups, some of which evolved directly from the faculty development workshops, and all of which enjoyed the strong support of the dean, formed the basis of subsequent faculty development activities aimed at supporting and informing curricular change. Briefly, these recommendations suggested that we should:

  • establish a longitudinal four-year program on physicianship that would include specific activities devoted to teaching the roles of the healer and the professional; 
  • create new learning experiences and regroup existing successful activities under the umbrella of physicianship; and 
  • revise McGill’s evaluation system.53

이 권고안에서 강조한 것들은.. 

These recommendations also stressed

  • Physicianship의 인지적 토대를 명시적으로 교육할 것 that the cognitive base of physicianship be taught explicitly and
  • Physicianship에 대해서 성찰할 기회를 교육과정 전반에 걸쳐 제공하기 that opportunities for reflection on physicianship be provided throughout the curriculum.
  • 치유자와 전문직의 두 가지 역할을 모두 하기 위한 의사소통기술의 중요성 The importance of communication skills to the dual roles of healer and professional was also recognized,


의사소통기술에 대한 전체교수 워크숍. Calgary–Cambridge model을 도입함

and a faculty-wide workshop on teaching communication skills was organized in February 2004.

The goal of this workshop, which welcomed 80 faculty members, was to introduce and explore different models of teaching communication skills, and after the workshop, a newly established committee recommended that we implement the Calgary–Cambridge model,54,55 a successful model of teaching communication skills, at McGill.


교육과정 개편을 위한 구체적이고 세부적인 권고안 작성을 위한 task force 설립

Finally, the recommendations of the three working groups, as well as the committee on teaching communication skills, were discussed by a special task force mandated to make specific, detailed recommendations for curricular renewal. The task force report56 was approved by the curriculum committee, the dean, and the faculty executive; it was also endorsed by the entire faculty leadership, including departmental chairs, at a retreat specifically devoted to curricular change.

(조직)문화에 새로운 접근법을 고정시키기

Anchor new approaches in the culture


Kotter에 따르면 조직을 변화시키기 위한 마지막 단계는 새로운 접근법을 조직의 문화에 institutionalize하는 것(institutionalize the new approaches in the culture of the institution)이다. 새로운 행동과 문화적 규범을 연결(connections between new behaviors and cultural norms)시키고, 리더십 개발과 연속성을 확고하게 하는 것(ensure leadership development and succession)을 말한다

According to Kotter,7 the final step in transforming an organization is to institutionalize the new approaches in the culture of the institution. This refers to articulating the connections between new behaviors and cultural norms and developing the means to ensure leadership development and succession.



부분적으로는 FD워크숍에서 나온 제안들을 바탕으로 학부교육과정의 major revision이 이뤄짐

New approaches are being anchored in the culture of the Faculty of Medicine at McGill University by implementing a major revision to the undergraduate curriculum based, in part, on the different suggestions made during the faculty development workshops. Moreover, endorsement of curricular renewal at the Faculty of Medicine retreat led to the following recommendations, all of which have now been implemented.

▪ The overall organization of the scientific and clinical aspects of the systems-based curriculum should remain unchanged.

▪ A longitudinal four-year course, addressing the role of the healer and the professional, should be established under the umbrella of physicianship.

▪ There should be separate activities devoted to teaching the roles of the physician as healer and professional.

▪ There should be class-wide “flagship activities” devoted to physicianship on a regular basis throughout the four years of instruction; these would include the body donor service and the white coat ceremony.

▪ Existing and successful learning experiences should be regrouped under a series of courses on physicianship; this would include the teaching of ethics, spirituality, and palliative care medicine.

▪ Emphasis should be placed on providing a cognitive basis for the role of the healer and the professional and creating regular, stage-appropriate opportunities for experiential learning and reflection on the two roles throughout the four years of undergraduate education.


▪ A mentorship program, using respected role models, should be established. The mentors, called Osler Fellows, would work with six medical students, who would remain with themfor four years. A separate series of faculty development workshops, specifically designed for the Osler Fellows, would help to build a sense of community, ensure understanding of the objectives and methods of the proposed program, and foster the acquisition of new skills such as narrative medicine57 and reflective practice.38


▪ The mentors should supervise the creation of a physicianship portfolio for each student. The portfolio,58 which would include material relevant to the roles of the healer and the professional, should be paper based, designed to promote self-reflection, and not used for summative evaluation.

▪ Each student should be required to pass the physicianship course before proceeding to the next year.

▪ It would be important to establish a revised system of evaluating professional behaviors. A pilot study of a new method, the Professionalism Mini-Evaluation Exercise (P-MEX),59 a modification of the mini-CEX60 that grew directly out of the workshop called Evaluating the Physician as Healer and Professional, has been completed. A revised global assessment form, using the behaviors identified in the workshop, has been designed and is now being used in the undergraduate program. We are also considering the implementation of a system for student evaluation of faculty professionalism.

▪ The associate dean responsible for undergraduate medical education should complete his term and become the director of the office of curriculum development. Several faculty members would be chosen to serve as directors of different aspects of the new physicianship program.

▪ A review of many of the elements of the clinical method (e.g., the template for the written case report; the physical examination) should be undertaken by the Faculty of Medicine.

▪ A revised and expanded course on communication skills should be instituted, based on the Calgary– Cambridge guides to the medical interview.54,55

▪ External consultants, including Drs. Eric Cassell and Rita Charon, should assist in the implementation of the new curriculum and the evaluation of its impact.



중요한 점들

Clearly, a number of factors, including strong support from the dean and other educational leaders, have played a critical role in this change initiative. It must also be stressed that the curriculum has evolved during the past 10 years, and many of the flagship activities had been in place for several years and were functioning well.


평가는 이르다

It is also too early to assess the results of our curriculum, which is still a “work in progress.” Although the educational blueprint is in place, additional activities need to be planned and implemented, and, as is true with any curriculum, there will undoubtedly be unforeseen events requiring adjustments.


앞으로 할 일

In the short term, we need to introduce activities into each major academic unit of the curriculum to allow for experiential learning of the roles of healer and professional. Also, the importance of residents in the learning experience of medical students has led us to recognize that further education of residents as role models is required.


The identification of behaviors indicative of professional values and the development of the P-MEX has allowed us to begin to address the issue of evaluation, but we, along with most of the profession, must still do better, and we must begin to evaluate the professionalismof our faculty members.

54 Kurtz S, Silverman J, Benson J, Draper J. Marrying content and process in clinical method teaching: enhancing the Calgary– Cambridge guides. Acad Med. 2003;78: 802–809.

56 Faculty of Medicine, McGill University. Report of Task Force on MDCMCurriculum Renewal. Available at: (http://www.medicine. mcgill.ca/physicianship/reports.htm). Accessed July 26, 2007.

59 Cruess R, McIlroy JH, Cruess S, Ginsburg S, Steinert Y. The professionalismmini- evaluation exercise: a preliminary investigation. Acad Med. 2006;81:S74–S78.

60 Cruess SR, Johnston S, Cruess RL. “Profession”: a working definition for medical educators. Teach Learn Med. 2004; 16:74–76.


 2007 Nov;82(11):1057-64.

Faculty development as an instrument of change: a case study on teaching professionalism.

Author information

  • 1Centre for Medical Education, Faculty of Medicine, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. yvonne.steinert@mcgill.ca


Faculty development includes those activities that are designed to renew or assist faculty in their different roles. As such, it encompasses a wide variety of interventions to help individual faculty members improve their skills. However, it can also be used as a tool to engage faculty in the process of institutional change. The Faculty of Medicine at McGill University determined that such a change was necessary to effectively teach and evaluate professionalism at the undergraduate level, and a faculty development program on professionalism helped to bring about the desired curricular change. The authors describe that program to illustrate how faculty development can serve as a useful instrument in the process ofchange. The ongoing program, established in 1997, consists of medical education rounds and "think tanks" to promote faculty consensus and buy-in, and diverse faculty-wide and departmental workshops to convey core content, examine teaching and evaluation strategies, and promote reflection and self-awareness. To analyze the approach used and the results achieved, the authors applied a well-known model by J.P. Kotter for implementingchange that consists of the following phases: establishing a sense of urgency, forming a powerful guiding coalition, creating a vision, communicating the vision, empowering others to act on the vision, generating short-term wins, consolidating gains and producing more change, and anchoring new approaches in the culture. The authors hope that their school's experience will be useful to others who seek institutional change via facultydevelopment.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

교수개발 프로그램의 종류(The Journal of Higher Education, 1978)

Types of Faculty Development Programs

John A. Centra 

교수개발의 이론과 실제를 이해하기 위하여 다양한 모델이 활용되어왔다. Bergquist and Phillips 는 이 분야의 개념적 아이디어를 처음 제공한 사람 중 한 명이다. 이들에 따르면 세 개의 교수개발 관련 요소가 있다.

As a way of better understanding the theory and practice of faculty development, various models have been offered. Bergquist and Phillips [1] were among the first to offer some conceptual ideas about the field. Their model described three related components of faculty development:

  • instructional development,

  • personal development, and

  • organizational development.


  • 교육향상: Under the first category they included such practices as curriculum development, teaching diag- nosis, and training.

  • 개인적 발달: Personal development, they said, generally involved activities to promote faculty growth, such as interpersonal skills training and career counseling, while

  • 조직개발: organizational development sought to im- prove the institutional environment for teaching and decision making and included activities for both faculty and administrators. Team building and managerial development would be part of organizational development.

Gaff and Bergquist-Phillips 의 모델은 경험에 의거empirical했다기보다는 스스로 발견한heuristic 것이다. 따라서 이 개념이 실제 기관들이 하고 있는 것을 정확히 반영하느냐에 대한 의문, 더 적절한 방법이 없느냐는 의문이 있을 수 있다.

The Gaff and Bergquist-Phillips models are, for the most part, heuristic rather than empirical. One might therefore ask whether the concepts they have proposed are accurate reflections of what institutions are doing, or whether there are more appropriate ways to categorize the development activities of colleges and universities?

문헌 고찰의 결과 설문을 통해서 다음의 카테고리를 구분했다.

A review of the literature and discussions with people involved in faculty or instructional development resulted in a preliminary question- naire that was field tested. The final questionnaire included forty-five development practices grouped in the following categories:

  • (1) work- shops, seminars, or similar presentations;

  • (2) analysis or assessment pro- cedures;

  • (3) activities that involved media, technology, or course de- velopment;

  • (4) institution-wide policies or practices, such as sabbatical leaves or annual teaching awards; and

  • (5) a miscellaneous set of five practices.

(3)기관 차원의 정책을 제외하고, 나머지에 대해서 응답자들은 각 기관에서 교수들이 저것을 얼마나 활용하고 얼마나 효과적이라고 생각하는지를 응답했다.

For all but the institution-wide policies or practices, respondents esti- mated the percentages of faculty at their institutions that used the prac- tices and how effective they thought each to be. An activity might, of course, be effective even though it was used by only a small portion of the faculty.

다른 섹션에서는 펀딩과 organization of development activities, 참여하는 교수의 유형 등을 물었다.

Another section of the questionnaire elicited information about the funding and organization of development activities, the kinds of faculty members most involved in programs, and general characteristics of each institution, such as type and size.

결론과 고찰

Results and Discussion

활용에 따른 그룹화

Grouping Practices According to Approximate Use


Four factors or groups of development practices seemed to define pat- terns of estimated use of the practices among the institutions.

  • 1. 높은 교수 참여도 High faculty involvement. The development practices in this first group tend to involve a high proportion of the faculty at the colleges that use them.

  • 2. 교육 지원 Instructional assistance practices. Instructional development is an important aspect of this second group of practices,

  • 3. 전통적 방식 Traditional practices.

  • 4. 평가 강조 Emphasis on assessment.



효과성에 기반한 그룹화

Grouping Practices According to Rated Effectiveness

활용하는 교수의 비율이 높지 않아도 효과성을 높을 수 있다. 다음과 같은 흥미로운 차이가 있었다.

Types of development programs might be based not only on the extent to which practices are used among institutions, but also on how effective the respondents judged the practices to be. Because developmental prac- tices can be effective even when they are not being used by a large segment of the faculty, the structure of development programs based on rated effectiveness may be quite different. Indeed, there are some interest- ing variations.

  • 1. Instructional assistance practices.

  • 2. Workshops, seminars, and similar presentations.

  • 3. Grants and travel funds.

  • 4. Emphasis on assessment.

  • 5. Traditional practices.

  • 6. Publicity.

순위는 아래와 같음.

For each of the six groups of practices identified through the factor analysis of the respondents' ratings, a rough index of effectiveness was computed. The index was calculated by averaging the percentages of respondents who rated practices in the group as effective.

  • For example, for the grants and travel funds factor there were six practices with fairly high loadings; an average of 64 percent of the respondents reported these six to be effective or very effective, thereby ranking the factor first in effectiveness.

  • Ranked second was the group of instructional assistance practices (56 percent), followed by emphasis on assessment and tra- ditional practices, both with 53 percent.

  • Ranked fifth were workshops, seminars, and similar presentations, with an average of 46 percent of the respondents rating practices in this category as effective.

  • As previously discussed, the publicity group received the lowest rating.

조직과 펀딩

The Organization and Funding of Programs

교수개발 활동을 조율하고 계획하는 어떤 조직이나 시스템이 있어야 한다.

One recommendation that has been made regarding faculty develop- ment is that there should be some kind of unit or system on each campus to help coordinate and plan activities [3, 5]. Just under half (44 percent) of the 756 institutions in the sample reported having units or persons that coordinated the development activities on their campuses (Table 2).

대부분을 새로 생긴 조직이었다(2.3년)

Most of these units were fairly new, having existed a median of 2.3 years (Table 2).

재정적으로 제약을 받는 경우가 많았다. 약 70%의 예산은 institutional genearal fund였고, 연방정부 지원은 20%, 7%는 주 재정, 3%는 기타

Given present fiscal constraints, the cost of development practices is a concern at many institutions, small and large. According to estimates provided by the 700 institutions in the sample that had the data available, an average of 70 percent of the total budget for development activities came from their institutional general funds. Grants from foundations or the federal government averaged 20 percent, and an additional 7 percent came from state funds. The remaining 3 percent came from such other"




Concluding Remarks

요인분석을 통해서 여러 기관들이 사용하는 교수개발 행위practice의 네 그룹을 도출함

A factor analysis identified four groups of practices based on the extent to which they were used among the institutions.

이 네 가지는 기존의 heuristic 모델과 조금 다름

These four descriptions provide a somewhat different view of de- velopment programs than do the heuristic models discussed by Bergquist and Phillips [1] and by Gaff [4], though the instructional

어떤 대학은 최소한의 예산으로 소수의 조직화되지 않은uncoordinated 프로그램을 하고 있었으나, 몇몇 대형 기관은 아예 없다고 하기도 했음.

Judging by the further information provided by the institutions in the sample, programs in faculty development varied in other ways as well. Some colleges had a few uncoordinated practices with minimal budgets. It should be added, however, that several larger institutions reported that they did not have programs in faculty development.

어떤 교수개발 프로그램은 대학의 변두리on the fringes of에서 작동하기도 한다(최소한의 교수들의 참여).

Some development programs appeared to operate on the fringes of the schools they served: coordinators reported generally minimal faculty par- ticipation and, in some instances, that a significant part of their support came from foundations or the government.



 1997 Apr;29(4):237-41.

Types of faculty development programs.

Author information

  • 1Department of Family and Community Medicine, Eastern Virginia Medical School, Norfolk, USA. jau@worf.evms.edu


This paper offers an overview of faculty development program types, with references to specific programs described in the recent literature. Facultydevelopment programs have been categorized in a number of ways. This review uses a variation of those typologies and suggests six types offaculty development activities: 1) organizational strategies, 2) fellowships, 3) comprehensive local programs, 4) workshops and seminars, 5) continuing medical education, and 6) individual activities. While these categories provide a conceptual basis for distinguishing among programs, actual programs in use often contain elements of more than on type.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

The Journal of Higher Education

Types of Faculty Development Programs

John A. Centra
The Journal of Higher Education
Vol. 49, No. 2 (Mar. - Apr., 1978), pp. 151-162
DOI: 10.2307/1979280
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/1979280
Page Count: 12

프로페셔널리즘 교육과 평가를 위한 교수개발: 프로그램 설계에서 교육과정 변화까지 (Med Educ, 2005)

Faculty development for teaching and evaluating professionalism: from programme design to curriculum change

Yvonne Steinert, Sylvia Cruess, Richard Cruess & Linda Snell



의사들은 전통적으로 치유자healer와 전문직professional에게 부여된 가치가 위협받고 있음을 느꼈으며, 의료에 대한 불만이 늘어났다는 것도 느꼈다. 이 도전에 반응하여 프로페셔널리즘의 중요성이 대두되기 시작했다.

Doctors have felt that the values traditionally associated with healers and professionals have come under threat, and their dissatisfaction with the practice of medicine has increased. In response to this challenge, the importance of professionalism – for doctors and society – has been recognised.1–3

그러나 이 이니셔티브를 도입해야 할 의무가 있는 많은 교수들은 '전문직으로서의 의사'가 갖추어야 할 행동과 특성을 설명하는 것 조차 힘들어한다.

However, many of the faculty members who must implement these new initiatives are unable to arti- culate the attributes and behaviours characteristic of the doctor as a professional,

대부분의 의사는 자신을 전문직이라고 믿으며, 전문직업성을 가르치는 것은 직관적으로 가능하다고 생각한다. 사회와 전문직(집단)이 균질했을 때는 그들 사이에 (중요하다고 여겨지는)가치가 공유되었고, 효과적으로 롤모델링을 통해서 전달될 수 있었다. 그러나 의료행위가 복잡해지고, 의사들이 겪게 외는 윤리적 딜레마가 늘어나고, 사회와 의료전문직이 다양해질수록 더 이상 과거와 같지 않았다.

Most doctors believe that they are  professional  and that teaching professionalismis intuitive. When both society and the profession itself were reasonably homogeneous, values were shared and could be transmitted effectively through role modelling.10,14 The increasing complexity of the practice of medicine, the ethical dilemmas faced by contemporary doctors and the diversity of the med- ical profession and of society make this no longer true.

프로그램 설명


우리의 교수개발프로그램은 두 섹션으로 나뉜다: 지도원칙guiding principle과 프로세스(내용과 방법)

The description of our faculty development pro- gramme will be divided into 2 sections: guiding principles and process, which includes content and methods.


Guiding principles

이 이니셔티브의 설계는 핵심 지식을 전달하고, 내용을 교육행위로 실현하고, 평가에 앞서 '가르침'에 초점을 두고, 컨센서스를 이루고, 지지buy-in을 얻는 것이었다

The design of this initiative was guided by the need to transmit core knowledge, translate content into practice, focus on teaching before evaluation, and promote consensus and  buy-in .

핵심 지식의 전달

Transmission of core knowledge

프로페셔널리즘의 정의, 그것을 구분짓는 특성, 전문직에게 기대되는 행동에 대한 공통의 이해가 필요했음. 다양한 정의가 존재하기에 이 과정은 반드시 필요했으며, 교수들은 종종 프로페셔널리즘을 인지적 토대 없기 모호한 개념으로 보고 있었다. 추가적으로 교사들은 교육과 평가가 가능한 조작적 정의를 필요로 했으며 암묵적인 것을 명시적으로 만들어줘야 했다.

In order to teach and evaluate professionalism, faculty members need to develop a common understanding of the definition of professionalism, the characteris- tics that distinguish it, and the behaviours expected of a professional. This is essential, as diverse definitions exist,1–3,18 and teachers often see professionalism as a vague concept lacking a cognitive base. In addition, teachers need operational definitions that can be taught and evaluated, making the implicit explicit. We cannot tell students simply to  be like us .19

내용을 교육 행위로 실현

Translation of content into practice

의사들은 핵심 내용을 교육행위로 실현해야 하며, 적용가능성과 (직무)연관성을 알아야 한다. 우리는 전문직업성과 그것의 특징을 정의하고, 사례를 활용하고, 참여자들이 행동계획action plan을 작성하게 함으로써 후자의 목표를 실현했다. 또한 강력한 교육방법이자 전문직의 가치를 소통하는 수단으로 롤모델role modelling이 중요하다고 생각했다. 

Accordingly, clinicians need to translate the core content into practice and see its applicability and relevance. We chose to promote the latter by defining professionalism and its attributes, using case examples, and asking participants to complete action plans. We also believed that it was critical to conceptualise role modelling as a powerful teaching method14,20 and strategy for communicating professional values.

가르침에 대한 초점

A focus on teaching

거의 모든 인증, 면허, 자격부여 기관은 학생과 레지던트의 professional behavior를 평가할 것을 요구한다. 그러나 프로페셔널리즘을 평가하기 위해서는 먼저 그것을 가르쳐야 한다. 우리는 내부 전문성in-house expertise를 개발해서 교사와 학생들에게 전파시켰다. '전문직다워라being professional'라는 것에 초점을 두넌 것보다 '전문직업성을 가르치자teaching professionalism'에 초점을 두는 것이 덜 위협적일 것이라고 생각했다.

Virtually every accrediting, licensing and certifying body2,4–8 requires that professional behaviours in students and residents be evaluated. However, if professionalism is to be evaluated, it must be taught. We had also developed in-house expertise1,10,18 that needed to be transmitted to teachers and students, and we believed that a focus on teaching profession- alism would be less threatening to health care professionals than a focus on being professional.

컨센서스를 이루고 지지를 끌어냄

Promotion of consensus and buy-in

우리는 중요도, 가치, 정의에 대한 합의가 부족했기 때문에 전문직업성의 개념에 대한 저항이 있을 것으로 예상했다. 따라서 체계적인 접근법(씽크탱크/핵심 교육법 워크숍)을 선택하여 지지를 끌어내고자 했다. 참여자로부터 자신의 가치와 신념을 탐색하게 하고, 핵심 내용과 스킬을 습득하게 하고, 이 (교육)내용에 대한 ownership을 갖게 만들려고 했다.

We had expected some resistance to the concept of professionalism as a consensus on its importance, values and definitions was lacking. We therefore chose a systematic approach, consisting of think tanks and workshops as key educational methods, to promote buy-in. Both methods allowed participants to explore their values and beliefs, acquire core content and skills, and begin to take  ownership  of this content area.






프로페셔널리즘 교육을 위한 씽크탱크

Think tank on teaching professionalism

반나절, 25인 교육리더 워크숍

To initiate the discussion about teaching profession- alism, the dean invited 25 educational leaders in our medical school to a half-day session, to highlight the importance of this issue, develop consensus and discuss outreach to faculty members.



The think tank started with

    • a brief overview of the core content of professionalism and proceeded

    • to examine how professionalism was being taught at all levels of the curriculum. By the end of the session,

    • a plan for a faculty development workshop had been developed.


기타 성과로는..

Other outcomes included

    • a consensus on the importance of teaching professionalism,

    • a review of how professionalism was being taught, and

    • agree- ment on content


프로페셔널리즘 교육을 위한 초청워크숍

Invitational workshop on teaching professionalism

모든 교실의 주임교수와 프로그램디렉터 워크숍. 35명의 참가자. 다양한 교육법의 장단점을 논의하고 피드백을 받음.

Following the think tank, all departmental chairs and undergraduate and postgraduate programme direc- tors were invited to a half-day workshop called  The Teaching of Professionalism . This workshop was limited to 35 participants so that we could test out the working definitions of the attributes of professional- ism, examine the strengths and weaknesses of diverse teaching methods, and receive immediate feedback.

세 부분으로 구성됨

The workshop was organised into 3 parts:

    • 핵심내용 the core content of professionalism;

    • 개인적 관점과 신념 personal views and beliefs, and

    • 교육전략 strategies for teaching.

워크숍 성과

The workshop concluded with

    • 각 교실의 행동계획 the completion of an action plan for each department. By the end of the workshop, we had

    • 프로페셔널리즘의 중요성과 핵심 내용에 대한 컨센서스 broadened consensus regarding the importance of professionalism and its core content, and

    • 전체 교수 대상 워크숍 계획 developed a plan for a faculty-wide workshop. We had also

    • 소그룹 퍼실레테이터 코호트 prepared a cohort of small group facilitators for future workshops and teaching sessions, and

    • 프로페셔널리즘 교육에 대한 권고안의 개요 outlined a series of recommendations regarding the teaching of professionalism that would be presented to the undergraduate and postgraduate curriculum committees.


워크숍의 두 가지 핵심 메시지: 롤모델링의 중요성, 프로페셔널리즘 교육을 명시적으로 만들 필요성

The 2 key messages of this workshop were the importance of role modelling and the need to make the teaching of professionalism explicit.

프로페셔널리즘 교육에 대한 전체 교수 워크숍

Faculty-wide workshop on teaching professionalism


The faculty-wide workshop accommodated 65 health care professionals, representing all major specialties.


워크숍의 목적 The workshop’s goals were to

    • 중요성 강조 highlight the import- ance of teaching professionalism in the Faculty of Medicine and to

    • 핵심 내용 전달을 통한 교육의 향상 improve the teaching of this content area by transmitting core content,

    • 핵심 교육전략 논의 discussing key teaching strategies and

    • 각 교실의 행동계획 개발 developing an action plan for each department.


각각의 특성에 맞는 방법론을 매칭시키기 위한 표(Fig 2)

A written matrix, designed to facilitate the  matching  of methods to attributes, was developed to guide the discussion and highlight the value of examining the strengths and limitations of diverse approaches (Fig. 2).


워크숍 성과: 교수들 사이에서 지지를 끌어냈으며, 새로운 내용전문가가 생겼고, 교육에 사용가능한 교육리소스가 생겼다.

The outcome of this workshop was increased buy-in among the faculty members present, new content experts, and an array of educational resources that could be used for teaching purposes.



프로페셔널리즘 평가에 관한 씽크탱크

Think tank on evaluating professionalism

착수단계에서부터 평가가 더 체계적으로 이뤄져야 할 필요성을 느낌. 

We realised at the outset that, for teaching to be successful, professionalism would need to be evalu- ated in a more systematic way.

20명의 교육리더로 구성된 또 다른 씽크탱그를 구성하여 프로페셔널리즘 평가를 위한 방법을 조사하였음.

We therefore held another think tank with 20 educational leaders and content experts to examine methods for evaluating professionalism and develop the content and method of a workshop in this area. The outcome of this session was a detailed plan for a faculty-wide workshop.

'치유자이자 전문직으로서의 의사' 평가를 위한 전체 교수 워크숍

Faculty-wide workshop on evaluating the doctor as healer and professional

By the end of the workshop, we had developed consensus on the need to improve our evaluation of professional- ism, identified behaviours that described the attrib- utes, and developed a series of recommendations that were presented to the Faculty of Medicine (e.g. each attribute must be evaluated on a regular basis).



프로그램 평가

Programme evaluation


Context evaluation

(평가대상과 관련된) 교육환경의 다양한 요소들을 개념화하고, 그 교육맥락 속에 존재하는 문제/니즈/기회를 밝히기 위한 자료를 수집하는 것. 우리가 생각하기에, 사회적 요구와 교육적 불가피성으로 인해서 우리의 동료와 우리의 맥락은 프로페셔널리즘 교육과 평가에 대한 교수개발에 준비가 되어있는 상태였다. 학장과 부학장들도 서포트 해주었다.

Context evaluation involves an analytic effort to conceptualise the relevant elements of an educa- tional environment and gather empirical data that help identify the problems, needs and opportunities present in an educational context.22 In our estima- tion, and that of our colleagues, our context was ready for a faculty development effort on teaching and evaluating professionalism as a result of a renewed interest prompted by societal needs and educational imperatives. The dean and associate deans also supported the effort and our in-house expertise needed to be shared.


Input evaluation

맥락 평가의 결과로서 드러난 목적을 달성하기 위하여 해당 교육시스템이 이용가능한 역량을 확인하기 위한 작업. 이 단계에서 학습자의 특성(역할과 책임)도 파악하게 됨.

Input evaluation ascertains the available capabilities of the instructional system for achieving the objec- tives identified as a result of the context evaluation.22 It also assesses learner characteristics (e.g. roles and responsibilities).


우리는 잘 갖추고 있었음.

From our perspective, we had the necessary resources to conduct this initiative, inclu- ding

  • a well functioning faculty development office that supported professional development in this area,

  • local expertise,1,10,18 and

  • influential participants with key educational responsibilities.


The choice of think tanks followed by workshops was also deemed appropriate as the initial faculty development metho- dology.


Process evaluation

프로세스 평가는 교육프로세스의 모니터링과 평가이다. 참여자들로부터 워크숍 사후 평가를 받았으며, 워크숍의 형식과 유용성, 기대효과 등을 평가했다.

Process evaluation aims to monitor and assess the instructional procedures.22 We conducted a process evaluation by asking participants to complete a post- workshop evaluation that assessed their perceptions of the workshop’s format, usefulness and anticipated benefit.

주관식 응답은 세 부분으로

Narrative comments on the evaluation form were divided into 3 categories:

    • 유용성에 대한 전반적 인식 overall perceptions of the workshop’s usefulness;

    • 가장 유용한(무용한) 내용 identification of the most (and least) useful components, and

    • 변화의 의지 intent to change.


가장 유용한(무용한) 내용: 무엇이 가장 유용했느냐에 대한 응답은 워크숍 방법론과 내용으로 구분되었음

Participants’ responses to what was most useful about the workshop could be grouped into workshop meth- odology and content.

  • 워크숍 방법: 소그룹토론이 가장 좋았다. Regarding the former, the participants most valued the small group discussions as an opportunity to reflect, discuss this topic with their colleagues, and apply the content to their settings.

  • 내용: 핵심개념/교육과 평가를 위한 프레임워크/케이스 분석 Their comments regarding content supported the value of

    • defining core concepts,

    • providing a structured framework for teaching and evaluating professional- ism, and

    • analysing case vignettes.

변화의 의지: 미래에 어떻게 가르치겠냐는 질문에 대해서..

In response to the question of how the participants might teach professionalism in the future, the majority noted that they would try to incorporate these concepts into their clinical teaching and that role modelling would be their method of choice. Many commented that they would try to make their teaching more explicit and insert professional content into ongoing teaching.





Product evaluation

산출 평가는 교육프로그램으로부터 얻은 성과attainments를 측정하기 위한 목적이 있으며, 도출된 성과가 무엇인지를 특히 강조한다. 교수개발프로그램 뒤에 나타난 교육활동과 교육이니셔티브를 모니터링하였고, 워크숍 18개월 후에 워크숍 참석자로부터 개념과 스킬의 활용에 대해서 상찰하게끔 했다.

Product evaluation aims to measure the attainments yielded by an instructional programme, with a clear emphasis on the outcomes produced.22 We carried out a product evaluation by monitoring the educa- tional activities and initiatives that followed the delivery of our faculty development programme, and by asking workshop participants to reflect on their use of the concepts and skills, 18 months after the last faculty-wide initiative.

Table 2 summarises the formal educational activities and initiatives that took place after the workshop.

추가적으로 3문항짜리 후속 설문을 시행하였다.

In addition, a 3-item, follow-up questionnaire was sent to all the workshop participants in the autumn of 2003. A total of 67 individuals responded (45% response rate). Of these,

  • 배운 것을 자신의 진료활동에 사용했다. 61% said they had used what they had learned in their clinical practice,

  • 학생, 전공의 교육에 워크숍 자료를 활용했다 70% said they had used the workshop material in their clinical teaching with students or residents,

  • 공식 교육에 워크숍 자료를 적용했다 44% had applied the material in formal teaching, and

  • 프로페셔널리즘에 대한 CME나 FDP를 했다. 25% had conducted a continuing medical education or faculty development activity on professionalism.






첫째, 장기적 FDP를 설계하고 도입하는 것, 그리고 그것의 효과를 보는 것(가르치는 것 뿐만 아니라 교수들이 진료하는 것에까지)이 가능하다. 교수들은 프로페셔널리즘의 기반이 되는 인지적 토대가 무엇인지 알게 되고, 이것을 가르치고 평가하기 위한 전략을 알게 되면서 프로페셔널리즘 교육을 더 확장시킬 수 있게 되었다.

Firstly, it seems possible to plan and implement a longitudinal faculty development programme and have an impact, not only on what and how faculty members say they teach, but also on how they practise. Based on our preliminary results, it appears that our faculty mem- bers were able to expand their teaching of profes- sionalism, in part because they had become more knowledgeable about the cognitive base underlying professionalism, strategies for teaching this subject matter, and methods of evaluation.

둘째, 이 이니셔티브를 통해서 우리 의과대학은 프로페셔널리즘의 인지적토대cognitive base에 합의를 보았다(전문직의 특성과 자질, 학생과 전문의가 해야 할 행동). Whitcomb가 말한 바와 같이, (이러한 합의)는 프로페셔널리즘을 가르치기 위해서 필수적이다. 또한 이러한 인지적 토대가 학생과 공유communicated되어야 하며, 다양한 교수, 평가법을 고려해야 한다.

Secondly, this initiative allowed our medical school to agree on the cognitive base of professionalism, the attributes and characteristics of a professional, and the behaviours to be encouraged in students, residents and faculty. As Whitcomb23 said, this is key in order for professionalism to be taught. The faculty also came to realise that this cognitive base must be communicated to students and that diverse teaching and evaluation strategies should be con- sidered.

셋째, 이 이니셔티브는 교수개발이 교육과정변화를 시작하고 정착시키는 강력한 수단이 될 수 있음을 보여준다. Lanphear and Cardiff는 교육과정변화를 위한 교수개발의 필요성을 논의한 바 있다. 우리의 결과는 한 사례이다. 의심의 여지 없이, 인증, 면허, 허가(accrediting, licensing and certifying)기관이 주요 동기부여요인이었지만, 내부적으로는 이 이니셔티브가 교수들의 인식을 일깨워주었고 교수들이 이 쪽에 더 노력하게 해주었다. 많은 교육 이니셔티브가 현재 진행중이며, 이 프로그램의 자극과 방향제시가 없었다면 이렇게 빨리 진행되지 않았을 것이다. 이러한 결과는 Rubeck and Witzke이 말한 '교육과정변화를 촉진하기 위해서는 교수개발이 필요하다'는 것과도 비슷하다. Wilkerson and Irby도 조직변화를 시작하기 위해서는 교수개발이 필요함을 강조했다.

Thirdly, this initiative demonstrated that faculty development can be a powerful tool in initiating and setting the direction for curricular change. Lanphear and Cardiff24 talked about the need for faculty development to support curriculum change; this initiative is an example of faculty development leading to change. With- out question, the demands of accrediting, licensing and certifying bodies were major motivating factors, but within the local context, this initiative raised awareness and channelled the faculty’s efforts. Many of the educational initiatives currently underway (outlined in Table 2) would probably not have occurred as rapidly, or in their current form, without both the stimulus and the direction of this programme. This observation is in line with that of Rubeck and Witzke,25 who spoke of the need to develop teachers to facilitate curricular change. It also touches on the beliefs of Wilkerson and Irby,26 who highlighted the need for faculty development toinitiate organisational change.


우리의 결과를 뒤돌아보면 다음을 제안할 수 있다.

Upon reflection, we would suggest the continued use of

  • 컨센서스와 지지를 끌어내기 위한 싱크탱크의 활용 think tanks to promote consensus and buy-in, and

  • 인지적 기반을 전파하고(적용가능성, 전략, 흔한 문제에 대한) 토론를 위한 워크숍 활용 workshops to transmit a cognitive base and stimulate discussion around applicability, strategies and commonly encountered problems.


However, we would also suggest the use of

  • 더 많은 교수들에게 닿기 위한 교실-기반 활동 more department-based activities to reach larger numbers of faculty members, as well as

  • 지금까지 잘 활용되어오지 않은 피어코칭, 자기주도학습 이니셔티브의 활용 peer coaching28 and self-directed learning initiatives which, to date, have been underutilised educational strategies.

우리가 얻은 교훈들

In conclusion, we hope that some of the lessons we have learned can be applied to other contexts.

  • 개인 수준: 학습을 위한 동기부여, 저항을 극복하는 것, 암묵적인 것을 명시적으로 만드는 것의 중요성
    At the individual level, we need to remember the importance of building motivation for learning, overcoming resistance, and making the implicit explicit.

  • 프로그램 수준: 교육과 평가를 위한 내용과 방법에 초점. 적절한 교수개발 전략 활용, 개념적 프레임워크를 활용하여 특정 맥락에 성찰과 적용이 가능하게. 후속 과제와 활동 도입. 학습이 (실제 현실과) 관련되고 즐겁게 만들기
    At the programme level, we need to develop programmes that focus on content and methods, for teaching and evaluation. Appropriate faculty development strat- egies29 must be utilised, and conceptual frameworks must be provided to promote reflection and appli- cation to specific contexts. We should also incorpor- ate follow-up tasks and activities, and above all, make learning relevant and enjoyable.

  • 시스템 수준: 교수들의 지지 끌어내기, 조직문화와 환경 고려하기, 교수-학습의 기회 발견하기, 교육자교육 시키기, 전파를 촉진하기
    At the systems level, we need to promote buy-in, address the organisa- tional climate and culture, identify opportunities for teaching and learning, and train the trainers, thus facilitating dissemination.

교수개발활동은 단순히 교육의 향상을 넘어서서 개인/프로그램/시스템을 모두 타겟으로 해야 함

It has been said that faculty develop- ment activities should move beyond instructional improvement and target 3 levels: the individual, the programme and the system.27 This initiative has attempted to target all 3 levels.



 2005 Feb;39(2):127-36.

Faculty development for teaching and evaluating professionalism: from programme design to curriculumchange.

Author information

  • 1Centre for Medical Education, Faculty of Medicine, McGill University, Lady Meredith House, 1110 Pine Avenue West, Montreal, Quebec H3A 1A3, Canada. yvonne.steinert@mcgill.ca



The recent emphasis on the teaching and evaluation of professionalism for medical students and residents has placed significant demands on medicine's educational institutions. The traditional method of transmitting professional values by role modelling is no longer adequate, and professionalism must be taught explicitly and evaluated effectively. However, many faculty members do not possess the requisite knowledge and skills to teach this content area and faculty development is therefore required.


A systematic, integrated faculty development programme was designed to support the teaching and evaluation ofprofessionalism at our institution. The programme consisted of think tanks to promote consensus and "buy-in", and workshops to convey core content, examine teaching strategies and evaluation methods, and promote reflection and self-awareness.


The programme was evaluated using a CIPP (context, input, process, product) analysis. The institution supported this initiative and local expertise was available. A total of 152 faculty members, with key educational responsibilities, attended 1 or more facultydevelopment activities. Faculty participation resulted in agreement on the cognitive base and attributes of professionalism, consensus on the importance of teaching and evaluating professionalism, and self-reported changes in teaching practices. This initiative also led to the development of new methods of evaluation, site-specific activities and curriculum change.


faculty development programme designed to support the teaching and evaluation of professionalism can lead to self-reported changes in teaching and practice as well as new educational initiatives. It can also help to develop more knowledgeable faculty members, who will, it is hoped, become more effective role models.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

의학교육연속체에 걸친 교육역량의 프레임워크(Med Teach, 2009)

A framework of teaching competencies across the medical education continuum

Prof W. M. Molenaar MD, PhD, A. Zanting, P. van Beukelen, W. de Grave, J. A.

Baane, J. A. Bustraan, R. Engbers, Th. E. Fick, J. C. G. Jacobs & J. M. Vervoorn


지난 수십년간 일반적인 고등교육의 퀄리티, 그리고 의학교육의 퀄리티가 관심을 받아왔다. 학생들은 선생님들이 자신의 분야에서 전문가일 것 뿐만 아니라, 그들의 학습과정을 코칭해주고, 동기부여를 해주고, 롤모델의 역할을 해줄 것을 요구해왔다. 고등교육에서 Medical teaching은 특별한 위치에 있는데, 이것은 임상적 맥락, 근무지-기반 학습에 대한 강조, 긴 교육기간continuum(UME부터 전공의 수련, CME까지) 등 때문이다. 이는 '학생'이 점차 '선생'으로 이행하는 과정이기도 하다. 즉, 시니어 레지던트는 주니어 레지던트를 가르치면서 동시에 그 자신이 피교육자이다. 더 나아가서 대부분의 medical teacher들은 진료/연구/교육, 그리고 이제는 경영management까지 상충하는 과제를 수행해야 한다.

Over the past decades the quality of higher education in general and in medicine in particular has gained attention (Eitel et al. 2000; Harden & Crosby 2000; Hand 2006; McLean et al. 2008; Sutkin et al. 2008). Students request that teachers not only are experts in their fields, but also are able to coach them in their learning process, motivate them and serve as role models (Harden & Crosby 2000; Tigelaar et al. 2004; Sutkin et al. 2008). Medical teaching takes a special position in higher education, because of its clinical context, the strong emphasis on work place learning and the long educational continuum, from undergraduate through specialty training to continuing medical education. This also makes the transition from ‘student’ and to ‘teacher’ gradual, i.e. the senior interns residents will often teach/coach their juniors at the same time as being trainees themselves (General Medical Council 1999; Forum on Academic Medicine 2004). Moreover, most medical teachers have competing tasks in patient care, research, teaching and now become management.


교육은 점차 의사의 역할에서 필수적인 부분이 되어가고 있다.

Education has increasingly recognized as an essential part of the physician’s role.

  • CanMEDS In the widely used CanMEDS model of physician’s competencies it is integrated and specifically mentioned in the competency ‘scholar’ (2005).

  • GMC In the UK the General Medical Council has made the role of the doctor as teacher explicit (General Medical Council 1999, 2006); and

  • 교육역량에 관한 공식적 요건 formal requirements for the educational competencies of medical teachers are now being introduced (Purcell & Lloyd-Jones 2003).

  • 현대화된 히포크라테스 선서의 네덜란드 버전 In the modernized Dutch version of the Hippocratic Oath teaching is represented as well, translated as follows: ‘I shall advance the medical knowledge of myself and others’.


이렇게 medical teaching에 대한 인식이 확산되면서 교수개발 프로그램도 발달하였다. 그러나 이러한 프로그램은 내용, 방법, 프로그램이 다양하다. 마찬가지로 teacher에게 요구되는 역량에 대한 묘사도 분야마다 다르거나 특정 부분에 집중되어 있다.

This recognition of medical teaching has led to the develop-ment of educational staff training programs (Steinert et al. 2006;McLean et al. 2008). These teacher development programs vary widely both in relation to contents and in relation to their methods and programming. Similarly, the available descrip-tions of competencies for teachers in medicine and related fields use different approaches and often focus on clinical or undergraduate training or on specific medical specialties(Hesketh et al. 2001; Nelson 2002; Tigelaar et al. 2004; Hand2006). 


전체 프레임워크

The full framework of the competencies can be foundonline at www.medicalteacher.org.

Methods and procedures


The task force


The task force was composed of one representative from each of the eight Dutch medical schools, one from the only Dutch veterinary school and one from the Academic Center for Dentistry in Amsterdam (ACTA); the other two Dutch dental schools were covered by representatives of Medical Schools. Throughout the text ‘medical’ includes dentistry and veterinary medicine as well. 

일반 원칙

General principle

teacher의 역할은 continuum에 걸쳐서 매우 다양하지만, 다양한 역할을 위한 핵심 역량이 존재한다고 결론지음.

The task force was aware of the wide variation of teacher roles in the medical education continuum. Nevertheless, the task force concluded that the core competencies required for performing the various teaching roles are largely similar, provided that the descriptions of the competencies are general, leaving room for local detailing. 

프레임워크 개발

The development of the framework

(1) Domains: Six teaching domains, in which teachers/supervisors perform were defined, following the suggestion of the Association of Universities in The Netherlands:.

  • Development 

  • Organization 

  • Execution 

  • Coaching 

  • Assessment 

  • Evaluation 

  • 개발(기획) Development: 완전히 새로운 개발 또는 기존의 프로그램 도입
    This may concern both completely new development and adaptation of existing units/programs. 

  • 조직화 Organization: 교육과 관련된 모든 로지스틱스 및 조직에 대한 것
    This concerns all aspects of logistics and organization involving education. 

  • 수행 Execution: 실제 교육에 대한 것(개발은 완료되었고, 평가가 뒤따는 상황)
    This relates to the actual teaching (Development has been concluded; assessment and evaluation will follow). 

  • 코칭 Coaching: 학생의 학습프로세스의 코칭과 교사들의 교육활동에 대한 코칭에 대한 것
    This concerns the coaching of the learning process(cognitive, metacognitive and affective) of students/residents(micro level) and the coaching of the educational activities of teachers (meso- and macro-level). 

  • (학생)평가 Assessment: 형성평가와 총괄평가. 그리고 모든 종류의 평가법에 대한 것
    This domain relates to both formative (feed-back) and summative (decisive) assessment and to all assessment methods, such as written, oral, observations,reports and portfolio. 

  • (프로그램)평가 Evaluation: 모든 교육프로세스에 대한 평가이며, 질관리를 포함함.
    This concerns all aspects of the educational 
    process and includes quality assurance. Within each domain sub domains were distinguished(Table 1). 

Table 1에서 domains 과 sub-domains 은 교육 프로세스의 시간순서로 배열되어 있다.

Table 1 gives an overview of the teaching domains and sub domains in which teachers perform their activities.The main domains are indicated in the top row, whereas the columns indicate the sub domains identified for each of the domains; both domains and sub domains are ordered according to the chronology of the teaching process. The sub domain construction of exam (shaded) is worked out in more detail in Table 2. 


(2) Organizational level: 교사의 활동은 세 종료의 레벨로 구분될 수 있다
In contemporary higher educa-tion teachers perform at different levels in the organization. Therefore three levels were distinguished:

  • 마이크로(가르침): 작은 교육단위(강의, 소그룹, 개별학생에 대한 코칭, BST, 임상 컨퍼런스)
    Micro level (teaching): Primarily performing at the level of small teaching units, such as lecture, small groups, coaching individual students or residents,bed-side teaching, clinical conference. 

  • 메소(조화시킴): 교육과정/훈련 프로그램(과목, 블록, 임상실습, 일렉티브)의 서로 연관된coherent 부분을 조화시키고 개발하는 것
    Meso level (coordinating): Coordinating and devel-oping a coherent part of a curriculum or (residency)training program, such as courses, blocks, clerk-ships, lines, electives. 

  • 매크로(리더십): 교육과정의 주요 파트에 대한 책임
    Macro level (leadership): Responsible for (major parts of) a curriculum or (residency) training program. 

(3) Competencies: 많은 고등교육프로그램은 전문직으로서의 수행에 필요한 역량 습득을 중심으로 움직인다. 따라서 우리는 교사에게도 같은 원칙을 적용하였다. AUN의 가이드라인을 따랐다. 각 영역의 역량은 특정 맥락에서 관찰가능한 행동으로 묘사된다(does, shows). 역량은 다음의 세 가지로 구성된다
Many higher education programs are centred around the acquisition of competencies as hallmark of professional performance. We have there-fore chosen the same principle for the teachers, thereby also following the guidelines of the Association of Universities in The Netherlands and others (Nelson2002; Hand 2006). The competencies in each of the domains are described as observable behaviour in a specific context: the teacher/supervisor ‘does’, ‘shows’.It is assumed that the competencies are composed of: 

  • 지식(이론): 아는 것Knowledge (theory): the teacher/supervisor ‘knows’ 

  • 스킬: 할 줄 아는 것Skills: the teacher/supervisor ‘is able to’ 

  • 태도: ~라 생각하고 ~에 준비된 것Attitude (motivation): the teacher/supervisor‘thinks’, ‘is prepared to’ 




The framework

조직수준으로 진행할수록(좌->우) 교사는 점점 더 큰 교육단위의 책임을 가지게 된다. 즉, 강의나 학생의 관리(micro)에서, 블록이나 임상실습 로테이션으로(meso), 그리고 학부 또는 레지던트 교육과정으로(macro) 발전해나간다. meso 또는 macro 수준에서만 다른 (주니어)동료들에 대한 코칭과 서포트가 포함된다.

Progressing in organizational levels (from left to right) the teacher becomes responsible for increasingly larger units in a curriculum or training program, e.g. the own series of lectures or supervision of a medical student (micro level), a whole block or a clinical rotation (meso level) or (major parts of) an undergraduate curriculum or residency training program (macro level). Note that at meso and macro level, but not at micro level, coaching and supporting of other (junior) colleagues is introduced.

다양한 그룹에서 활용하는 방식(자세한 내용은 논문에)

Application by various groups

Teachers/clinical supervisors

Teacher trainers

For teacher qualification review committees

The framework may be used in internal and external quality assurance

For human resource managers, heads of departments and program directors

Institutional boards



우리는 학부교육과정 뿐만 아니라 전체 ME연속체에 대해서 만들었다. 

The decision to focus not only on the undergraduate curriculum, but on the whole medical educa- tion continuum proved very challenging, but necessary.

CanMEDS프레임워크에도 teacher/educator가 scholar 역할 아래 있지만, 주로는 의사의 역량에 대한 것이다. Harden과 Crosby도 teacher의 12개 역할을 밝힌 바 있지만, 여기서 assessor는 '학생'에 대한 평가자와 '교육과정'평가자를 모두 포함하는 개념이다. 우리 TF는 이 개념을 분명히 구분하고자 했다.

the CanMEDS (2005) framework is intended to describe the competencies of the physician and not primarily the educator, although the teacher/educator is represented in the role of ‘scholar’. In (undergraduate) medical education the 12 roles of the teacher described by Harden and Crosby (Harden & Crosby 2000) are well known. However, in these roles the ‘assessor’ includes both the students’ assessor and the curriculum evaluator, whereas the task force wanted to clearly distinguish these domains, following the guidelines of the Association of Universities in The Netherlands.

이 프레임워크에서 micro meso macro 수준은 다른 연구자들의 teaching pyramid의 서로 다른 위계에 대응된다.

The micro, meso and macro levels of the organization in this framework roughly correspond to the different levels of teaching earlier ranked by others in a teaching pyramid, starting from

  • teacher’, i.e. participating in teaching, to

  • ‘master teacher’ and

  • ‘educator’ to

  • ‘master educator’, i.e. being a recognized leader in education

(Sachdeva et al. 1999; Sherertz 2000; Collins 2004).

마지막으로, 역량을 교사의 자격qualification시스템으로 만들고 이것을 조직에 요구에 따라 도입하는 것에 대해서 말하고자 한다. 교사에게 필요한 기본 자격은 여기서 micro 수준에 해당하는 것이다. 그러나 더 자세하게 만들어야 할 필요가 있다. 같은 원칙이 senior 혹은 더 고위자격에 대해서도 적용된다. 스펙트럼의 반대 끝에는 의과대학생을 위한 'junior' teaching qualification이 있을 수 있다. 이러한 교육자격 도입은 의학교육의 사회에 대한 책무성을 강화해주고, 교사와 교육을 인정하고 그 지위를 높여줄 것이다.

Finally, the translation of competencies to a teacher qualification system and its implementation in the organization need to be mentioned. It is likely that the criteria for a basic teacher qualification will largely coincide with those here described for the micro-level. However, further detailing is needed, such as the required extent of competencies and the distribution over the teaching domains. The same holds even more for the definition of senior or other higher level qualifications. At the other end of the spectrum, the require-ments for a ‘junior’ teaching qualification for medical students can also be derived from the framework (Cate 2007).Implementation of teacher qualifications may enhance the accountability of medical education to society and help to raise the status and recognition of teaching and teachers (Benor2000;Purcell & Lloyd-Jones 2003). 


Cate OT. 2007. A teaching rotation and a student teaching qualification forsenior medical students. Med Teach 29:1–6. 

Collins J. 2004. Teacher or educational scholar? They aren’t the same. J AmColl Radiol 1(2):135–139. 

Purcell N, Lloyd-Jones G. 2003. Standards for medical educators. Med educ37(2):149–154. 

Sherertz EF. 2000. ‘Criteria of the ‘‘educators’ pyramid’’ fulfilled by medicalschool faculty promoted on a teaching pathway’. Acad Med75(9):954–956. 

Tigelaar CPM. DEH, 2004. Dolmans DHJM, Wolfhagen IHAP, Van der Vleuten The development and validation of a framework forteaching competencies in higher education. Higher Educ48(2):253–268. 

Sutkin G, Wagner E, Harris I, Schiffer R. 2008. What makes a good clinicalteacher in medicine? A review of the literature. Acad Med83(5):452–466. 


 2009 May;31(5):390-6.

framework of teaching competencies across the medical education continuum.

Author information

  • 1Center for Professional Development of Teachers, Institute of Medical Education, University Medical Center Groningen, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. w.m.molenaar@med.umcg.nl



The quality of teachers in higher education is subject of increasing attention, as exemplified by the development and implementation of guidelines for teacher qualifications at Universities in The Netherlands.


Because medical education takes a special position in higher education the Council of Deans of Medical Schools in The Netherlands installed a national task force to explore a method to weigh criteria for teacher qualifications of medical teachers.


framework was developed covering competencies of teachers throughout the medical education continuum and including medicine, dentistry and veterinary medicine.


The framework distinguishes 3 dimensions: (a) six domains of teaching (development - organization - execution - coaching - assessment - evaluation); (b) three levels in the organization at which teachers perform (micro, meso and macro level) and (c) competencies as integration of knowledge, skills and attitude and described as behaviour in specific context. The current framework is the result of several cycles of descriptions, feedback from the field and adaptations. It is meant as a guideline, leaving room for local detailing.


The framework provides a common language that may be used not only by teachers and teacher trainers, but also by quality assurance committees, human resource managers and institutional boards.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Medical teacher의 성장(Med Educ, 2005)

The development of medical teachers: an enquiry into the learning histories of 10 experienced medical teachers

Jane MacDougall1 & Mary Jane Drummond2


의사들은 전통적으로 다음 세대의 의사를 가르쳐야 할 책임이 있었다. 그러나 그들은 가르치는 내용에는 전문가였을지 몰라도, 대부분은 어떻게 가르쳐야 하는가에 대해서 거의 배운 바가 없었다.

Doctors have traditionally been responsible for teaching the next generation how to be doctors. Yet, although they are expert in what they teach, most have little or no training in how to teach.1–3

Medical teacher의 발달에 대한 대부분의 연구는 공식/(일반적으로)단기 과정에 참석함으로서 교육스킬을 습득, 향상시키는 것에 집중해왔다. 그러나 공식 과정의 영향을 제한적이다. 그리고 어떻게 개별 trainer들이 어떻게 그 스킬을 습득해왔는지에 대해서는 연구된 바도 없고, Medical teacher의 발달에 대한 명확한 이론적 프레임워크도 없다.

Most of the literature relating to the development of medical teachers concentrates on the acquisition and improvement of pedagogical skills by attendance at formal, generally short courses.6–8 Formal courses, however, may have limited impact.9 There has been little or no examination of how individual trainers have acquired the skills they have and no clear theoretical framework exists to describe how medical teachers develop.10

교사의 퀄리티를 향상시키기 위한 - 공식과정 외에 - 다른 방법이 있을까?

Are there other ways, apart from formal courses, of improving teacher quality? To answer this question we need to examinehow current medical teachers have learned to teach.



전반부에는 다음에 대해 질문. 다음의 것들의 역할과 가치

Questions were then asked about the role and value of

  • 공식과정 formal courses,

  • 멘토링 mentoring,

  • 롤모델 role models,

  • 피드백 feedback,

  • 기관의 서포트 institu- tional support,

  • 수월성에 대한 보상 rewards for excellence, and

  • 연구 참여 involve- ment in research.3,5,12,13


후반부에서는 교수-학습에 대한 자신의 접근법을 성찰하게 했다.

In the second half of the interview, these medical teachers were asked to reflect on their approach to teaching and learning.

인터뷰는 40~60분간 진행됨

Interviews lasted between 40 and 60 minutes.



Consultants were selected from different specialties (including surgery, psychiatry, gynaecology, medi- cine, paediatrics, radiology and public health). Six were men and 4 were women; their ages ranged from 35 to 60 years. All were experienced teachers working in a large teaching hospital and currently involved in teaching and training undergraduates, postgraduates or both. All currently or had held positions of responsibility in teaching (in the deanery, clinical school or hospital) or were members of the local or regional teaching faculty for trainers’ courses. None had completed any postgraduate training in medical education. They had been recruited individually following an informal approach and explanation of the project by the researcher (who was at the time a clinical tutor). No one thus approached refused to be interviewed.


연구방법: 시기, 동의, 기록

The interviews took place between December 2001 and April 2002. Consent was obtained verbally prior to starting the interview. A commitment was made to anonymise data, thus maintaining confidentiality. The interviews were taped; notes were also taken. There was 1 interviewer (JM), increasing reliability, and interviews were con- ducted in depth to increase their validity.15–17


Data were analysed as they were collected using grounded theory (where theory is derived from the data18), and narrative analysis (the use of life or career histories19). Transcribed data were studied (data immersion) and key categories identified. Data were reduced and coded (Appendix 2).20 Coded data were then grouped into themes. Care was taken to use data equally from all 10 interviews. Comments resulting from the use of the pictures were included in the analysis. We used local ethical guidelines for educational research.



교육 지식과 스킬의 습득

Acquisition of educational knowledge and skills


(1명을 제외하고는 모두 공식 teaching course를 참석했음에도) 교육이론에 대한 지식은 적었고, 그것을 습득할 레퍼런스도 적었다.

Knowledge of educational theory was limited and there was little reference to its acquisition, despite all interviewees, except 1, having attended formal teaching courses:

'학습자의 요구'를 자주 언급했으며, 그러한 지식은 커리어에 걸쳐서 관찰을 통해 습득했음을 시사했다.

The teachers made frequent references to learners’ needs, which suggests that such knowledge is acquired on route, possibly from observation, in a medical career:

환자 또는 동료와의 대화경험도 학습자를 이해하는 한 가지 방법이었다.

One way in which doctors may acquire this under- standing of learners is from their experience of communicating with patients and colleagues:

공식과정은 성찰을 할 수 있는 귀중한 시간이었다. 비슷한 생각을 가진 동료들과 토론할 기회가 되었다.

Formal courses were valued for the time they allow for reflection; they also provide opportunities to discuss issues with like-minded colleagues.

그러나 과연 공식과정 참석이 교육능력을 향상시켰는지를 평가할 성과척도가 부족함을 우려했다. 

However, many were concerned over the lack of outcome measures to assess whether attendance had improved teaching ability:

교육연구의 역할은 미미했다. 교육연구를 해본 교수는 거의 없었고, 중요하지 않은 것으로 치부하기도 했다. 

The role of educational research in medical teacher development was limited. Few had done any educa- tional research and those who had often dismissed it as unimportant:

higher qualifications 의 가치는 2명만이 언급했다.

The value of higher qualifications was discussed by only 2 interviewees.

교육스킬의 모델링과 실천

Modelling and practice of teaching skills

(교육자의) 학습자로서의 경험(그리고 이 경험이 자신의 교육 스타일에 미친 영향)과 교육선호teaching preference가 핵심 주제였다. 교사들의 학습 스타일은 매우 달랐다. 그러나 학습 경험은 매우 비슷했다. 가장 기억에 남는 학습경험을 물어봤을 때 모든 사람이 강의나 BST를 언급했다.

Teachers’ experiences as learners (and the influence this has on their teaching style) and teaching pref- erences were identified as key themes. The learning styles of these teachers varied considerably. Learning experiences, however, were similar. When asked to reflect on their most memorable learning experien- ces, all identified either lectures or bedside teaching, or both.

의과대학에서 경험한 교육은 기대치 이하였다.

Experiences of being taught in medical school were often suboptimal.

거의 모든 사람이 Poor teaching method를 인지하고 있었지만, '더 나은 방법'이 무엇인지에 대한 언급은 거의 없었다. 아마 이에 대해서는 modelled 된 경험이 없기 때문일 것이다.

Despite this almost universal recognition of poor teaching methods, there was little comment on a better way, perhaps because this had not been modelled:

교육 스타일은 비슷했다. 대부분은 자신을 learner facilitator, promoter of critical thinking이라고 묘사했다. 대부분 강의하는것은 별로 안 좋아하고 소그룹으로 가르치는 것을 선호했다.

Teaching styles used now were similar. Most of these teachers described themselves as learner facilitators andpromoters of critical thinking. Most disliked giving lectures and preferred teaching in small groups:

거의 모든 interviewee는 자신들의 medical teaching에 긍정적인 영향을 준 롤모델이 있었다. 또한 많은 경우 부정적인 롤모델도 있었다.

Role models who had positively influenced their approach to medical teaching were identified by all the teachers. Many, also identified negative role models:

OTJ 트레이닝 경험이 상당했다. 대부분은 다양한 교육 테크닉을 경험해봤다.

On-the-job training and experience was considerable. Most had experience of different teaching tech- niques, ranging from lectures to small group work and one-to-one supervisions.

격려해주는 것, 동기부여 요인

Encouragement and motivation of teachers

medical teacher의 커리어에서 멘토와 co-teacher는 자주 등장하지는 않는다. 피드백은 교사의 발달에 중요하나, 피드백이 오는 경우는 별로 많지 않고 별 도움이 되지 않는 경우도 많다. Interviewee는 피드백을 overt(대부분 특별히 요청해야 받을 수 있음)와 covert로 구분했다.

Mentors and co-teachers feature infrequently in medical teachers’ careers. Feedback was recognised as being important in teacher development, but rarely given and often unhelpful. Some interviewees subdivided feedback into the overt (which had to be specifically requested in most cases) and the covert (for example, being asked back to speak):

시상과 보상은 거의 없다. 

Prizes and rewards are rare.

일부 영역(특히 행정)에 대해서는 조금 있긴 하나 기관 차원의 서포트는 별로 없다.

Institutional support was limited, although there was recognition that some areas of teaching, particularly administrative,


긍정적인 감정적  경험(열정, 동기부여, 자신감)을 말했다.

Positive emotional dimensions of learning and teaching were described by all the doctors. These included enthusiasm, motivation and confidence.

대부분이 도전Challenge은 긍정적인 측면이라고 했다.

Challenge was almost universally considered as a positive aspect of medical teaching that could gen- erate its own rewards and enthuse teachers:

교수개발의 한계: 교육의 딜레마

Constraints on teacher development: the dilemmas of teaching

내적 제한요인으로는 두려움/내용에 대한 지식 부족/프로세스에 대한 이해 부족 등

Internal constraints deterring teachers include fear, lack of knowledge of content and poor understand- ing of process:

교육환경은 교사가 가르치는 것을 얼마나 즐기는지에 영향을 준다. 시간의 부족 역시 주요한 제약

The teaching environment was perceived as impacting on teachers’ enjoyment of teaching. Lack of time was seen as a major constraint by several consultants:

기관 차원의 제약도 있었는데, 특히 '교육이 별로 대접받지valued 못한다'는 느낌이 있었다.

Institutional constraints on teaching were discussed by all the doctors. There was a general feeling that teachers were not valued enough:





모든 교사는 과거에 학생이었다. 교사가 학습한 방법과 그들이 학습자로서 했던 경험이 그들의 교육에 영향을 준다. 분석 결과를 보면 개개인은 학습 스타일이 매우 다르지만, 어떤 의과대학에 다녔는지와 무관하게 모든 의사들은 비슷한 학습경험이 있었고, 그 대부분은 부정적인 것이었다. 유사하게, 교육 스타일과 선호 역시 (배경/전공/연경/성별과 무관하게) 그룹간 매우 비슷했다. 이는 학습자로서의 스타일보다 학습경험이 미래의 교육스타일을 결정지음을 제시한다.

There was a strong sense of narrative as these doctors described their development as teachers in parallel with their development as clinicians. All teachers have been learners first. The way that teachers learn and their experiences as learners inform their teaching.21 Analysis suggests that individuals have very different learning styles. In contrast, and regardless of which medical school they had atten- ded, all the doctors interviewed had had similar learning experiences as students, most of which had been negative. Likewise, teaching styles and prefer- ences were remarkably consistent across the group, despite their different backgrounds, specialties, ages and gender. This suggests that it is learning experi- ences rather than learner styles that influence future teaching styles.

롤모델은 medical teacher의 발달에 중요하다. 성인학습자와 성인학습자의 니즈에 대한 이해는 두 가지 방법으로 이뤄진다. 첫번째는 직접적 관찰이며, 두번째는 환자 및 동료와의 의사소통 경험이다. 지식과 스킬을 습득하는 것(어떻게 무엇을 가르칠 것인가)는 보다 어렵다. 인터뷰에 응한 모든 의사들이 교육과 수련에teaching and training 상당한 OTJ경험을 가지고 있었다. 그러나 거의 항상 unsupervised 였고 rarely assessed였다.

Role models are important in medical teacher development4,22,23 and this study confirms this. It also suggests that an understanding of adult learners and their needs is acquired in 2 ways: firstly, from direct observation, and, secondly, from the experience doctors have of communicating with patients and colleagues. Acquiring knowledge and improving skills (the what and how of teaching) may be more difficult. All the doctors in this study reported having acquired considerable on-the-job experience of both teaching and training. This was nearly always unsu- pervised and rarely assessed.

연구자들은 피드백, 멘토, 코-티칭을 활용한 스킬 향상을 주장한 바 있다. 그러나 본 연구는 이러한 것들이 거의 사용되지 않았음을 보여준다. Elton은 의학교육이 달라지고 향상되려면 연구가 필요하며, 연구는 '질문을 던지게' 해주기 때문이다. Interviewee들에 따르면 의사들은 educational research를 거의 하지 않는데, 이는 educational and social research의 원칙에 대한 이해가 부족하기 때문이며, 그렇기 때문에 더 marginalize된다.

Previous authors have advocated the use of feedback, mentors and co-teaching to improve the skills of medical teachers.3,24 However, this study suggests that these rarely featured in the development of these medical teachers. Elton (1998) also suggested that in order to  do  medical education differently and better, research is necessary, in that it encourages individuals to go on asking questions. According to the teachers interviewed here, educational research is rarely performed by doctors, possibly due to a lack of understanding of the principles of educational and social research, and when it is, it is marginalised.1

Teacher들의 커리어에 감정emotion이 중요하다는 것이 주류로 등장하는 것은 매우 느린 과정이었고, medical teaching에서는 다뤄진 바가 없다. 본 연구는 school teaching에서와 마찬가지로 medical teaching에서도 감정적 차원이 있음을 보여준다. 많은 medical teacher들은 동기부여가 되어있고, 열정이 있으며, 다른 non-teaching 동료들보다 스트레스를 덜 받는다. 이것은 아마도 교육으로부터 오는 긍정적 감정 때문일 것이다. interviewee들은 흥분/도전/즐거움/좌절/화 등의 감정을 묘사했다. Nias는 school teacher들로부터 비슷한 감정을 묘사한 바 있으며, 이것은 가르치는 것은 사람간 상호작용을 포함하기 때문일 것이다. 의학 역시 사람(환자/학생/동료)와의 소통을 필요로한다. 따라서 이 의사들이 teaching에 관한 emotion을 말한 것은 놀라운 일이 아니다.

Recognition of the importance of emotion in teach- ers’ careers has been slow to develop in mainstream teaching21,25,26 and has not been described in med- ical teaching. This study demonstrates that, as in school teaching, there is an emotional dimension to medical teaching. Many medical teachers remain motivated and enthusiastic, and less stressed than their non-teaching colleagues,27 perhaps because of the positive emotions resulting from their teaching. This small sample of consultants described emotions that included feelings of excitement, challenge, enjoyment, frustration and anger. Nias (1996), who described similar emotions in schoolteachers, sug- gested this is because teaching involves interactions among people.26 Medicine also involves communi- cation with people, be they patients, students or colleagues. So it is unsurprising that these doctors described emotions related to their teaching.

이들은 열정이 있었지만, 이것을 꺾는 제약사항도 있었다. 교육이 devalued되는 것, 중요성이 인정받지 못하는 것 등. Nias는 teacher의 감정에 political bias가 늘어난다는 것을 보여주었다. 즉 부정적인 감정이 peer와 superior를 향한다는 것이다. 이 연구에서 대부분의 긍정적 코멘트는 교육 그 자체와 관련된 것인 반면, 부정적 코멘트는 동료와 기관 차원에서 교육을 인정하거나 보상하는 것이 없음을 지적하는 것이었다.

Although these consultants were all enthusiastic about teaching, their enthusiasm was tempered by the constraints, mostly institutional, that they saw acting on all areas of teacher development. There was a particularly strong view that teaching is devalued within medicine and that its importance goes unrecognised. Nias (1996) described an increasingly political bias to teachers’ emotions, where their neg- ative emotions are directed towards peers and superi- ors.26 In this study, most positive comments were related to teaching itself, whereas negative comments were directed at the lack of rewards and recognition for teaching by peers and institutions.

Implications for faculty development



Interview structure


• Outline reasons for interview

• Structure of interview

• Tape recording ⁄ note taking

• Drawing

• Use of material: anonymised, confidential

• Verbal consent

Question areas

1. Tell me about your career history as a teacher? When did you start, etc.?

2. Role models?

3. Mentors?

4. Feedback from others? Have you ever received this? How did you feel about it?

5. Attendance at formal courses? Views on these if attended. Value of courses?

6. Institutional support: local, regional, national? Have you received this in the past or currently?

7. Have you ever received any rewards for your teaching (excellence)?

8. Have you ever done any educational research? If so, was this easy, useful, supported, and did it help your development as a teacher?


Now, I want to spend some time on some reflection of you as a teacher...

1 Draw me a picture of your career as a doctor (graph); show example


2 Draw me an annotated picture of yourself being taught as a medical student


3 Draw me a picture of yourself teaching; choose your favourite way of teaching ⁄ the way you do it best


4 Which of these pictures best illustrates you as a teacher? If none does, can you send me one that does? Show several pictures ⁄ cartoons


5 Which of these verbal images best describes you as a teacher?

• Fairy godmother

• Promoter of critical thinking

• Co-learner with students

• Juggler of theory and practice

• Collaborator with experienced colleague

• Rescuer

• Learning facilitator


6 When you started teaching, which best described you?

• Adventurer ⁄ survivor

• Changing from child to adult

• Bird learning to fly

• Chrysalis


Coding categories

1. Knowledge of educational theory

2. Knowledge of learners

3. Educational research as a development tool

4. Formal courses

5. Teaching experience (on-the-job training)

6. Role models

7. Mentors

8. Feedback

9. Prizes and rewards

10. Institutional support

11. Type of learner

12. Learning experiences

13. Positive emotional dimensions of learning and teaching

14. Negative emotional dimensions of learning and teaching

15. Type of teacher

16. Preferences in teaching

 2005 Dec;39(12):1213-20.

The development of medical teachers: an enquiry into the learning histories of 10 experienced medical teachers.

Author information

  • 1Postgraduate Medical Education Centre, Clinical School, Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge, UK. jane.macdougall@addenbrookes.nhs.uk



The aim of the study was to explore the different ways in which doctors have learned to teach and train.


There is no coherent theory of medical teacher development. Doctors are experts in what they teach; most have had little or no training in how they teach. Research has mostly concentrated on the acquisition and improvement of pedagogical skills by attendance at formal, generally short courses. These may have limited impact.


We carried out semistructured interviews with 10 experienced medical teachers. A review of the literature had suggested areas to explore. Interviews were transcribed and coded and thematic analysis and grounded theory used as the framework for qualitative analysis.


Four areas were identified as important in teacher development: acquisition of educational knowledge and skills; modelling and practice of teaching skills; encouragement and motivation of teachers, and constraints on teaching and learning.


The results suggest a model for teacher development that begins with doctors as learners, learning to learn and watching teachersteach. They then start to teach, acquiring and practising skills, and subsequently move on to reflect on their teaching. They can be encouraged to teach but may also be prevented from teaching.


This inductive study proposes a model for medical teacher development that attempts to explain how doctors learn to teach and train. More research is needed to clarify the findings. There are implications for faculty development.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Boyer의 스칼라십에 대한 확장된 정의, 스칼라십 평가의 표준기준, Scholarship of Teaching의 모호함(Acad Med, 2000)

Boyer’s Expanded Definitions of Scholarship, the Standards for Assessing Scholarship, and the Elusiveness of the Scholarship of Teaching

Charles E. Glassick, PhD

1990년에 발표된 직후 Scholarship Reconsidered는 Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching 의 베스트셀러가 되었다. Ernest Boyer는 Eugene Rice의 긴밀한 협력 끝에 고등교육의 아픈 곳을 건드렸다. 그들은 고등교육이 낡고 오래된 "교육 vs 연구"의 논란을 넘어서 scholarship의 정의가 연구(discovery) 뿐 아니라 integration, application, teaching까지 확장되어야 한다고 했다.

Almost immediately after its publication in 1990, Scholarship Reconsidered1 became a Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching ‘‘best seller.’’ Ernest Boyer, working closely with Eugene Rice, clearly had struck a nerve in higher education. They, of course, had proposed that higher education move beyond the tired old ‘‘teaching versus research’’ debate and that the definition of scholarship be expanded to include not only research (the scholarship of discovery) but also the scholarship of integration, the scholarship of application, and the scholarship of teaching. The meanings of these four forms of scholarship are separate yet overlapping. 

시의적절한 제안


Boyer and Rice 는 1989년의 교수들 뿐만 아니라 그 전부터 시간에 따라 어떻게 변화해왔는지를 관찰할 수 있었다.

Not only did Boyer and Rice have data regarding faculty values in 1989 but, because of the earlier studies, they also could observe changes over time. In his forward to the 1989 report, Boyer concluded:

What we need, then, in higher education is a reward system that reflects the diversity of our institutions and the breadth of scholarship, as well. The challenge is to strike a balance among teaching, research, and service, a position supported by two-thirds of today’s faculty who conclude that, ‘‘at my institution, we need better ways, besides publication, to eval- uate scholarly performance of faculty.’’2,p.xxi

70%이상의 교수가 교육에 관심이 있다고 했고, 또한 많은 교수들이 "교육 효과성이 승진의 주된 준거가 되어야 한다"라고 했다. 분명히, 대부분의 교수들은 교육이 핵심 미션이고 학생과 보내는 시간을 즐거워했다.

The data had pointed the way. Over 70% of the faculty said that their interests lay in teaching, and a significant percentage also concluded that ‘‘teaching effectiveness should be the primary criterion for promotion.’’ Clearly, the majority of faculty considered teaching to be a central mission and enjoyed the time they spent with students.

그러나 4년제 대학의 많은 교수들은 보상 시스템이 효과적인 교육이 아니라 연구와 출판에 따라 이뤄진다고 보고했다. 그리고 1/3이상이 논문출판이 "그 질은 따지지 않고 숫자만 센다"라는 의견을 지지했다. 심지어 대학조차 42%가 여기에 동의했다.

But most faculty at the four-year institutions also reported that the reward system was heavily weighted toward pub- lished research, not effective teaching, and more than one third of faculty supported the proposition that at their in- stitutions, publications were ‘‘just counted, not qualitatively measured.’’ Even at research universities, a surprising 42% agreed with this conclusion.2,p.xx

고등교육의 다른 위대한 리더들도 Boyer의 입장을 지지했다. Derek Bok은..

Boyer’s position was reinforced by another great leader in higher education. Derek Bok, in his Universities and the Future of America,4 had warned against the dangers of detachment. President Bok wrote that

armed with the security of tenure and time to study the world with care, professors would appear to have a unique oppor- tunity to act as society’s scouts to signal impending problems long before they are visible to others. Yet rarely have members of the academy succeeded in discovering emerging issues and bringing them vividly to the attention of the public. What Rachel Carson did for risks to the environment, Ralph Nader for consumer protection, Michael Harrington for problems of poverty, Betty Friedan for women’s rights, they did as inde- pendent critics, not as members of the faculty.

퀄리티 측정



Scholarship Assessed에서 "standards"라고 부른 것들

These themes, called ‘‘standards’’ in Scholarship Assessed, stated that for a work of scholarship to be praised, it must be characterized by

  • clear goals,

  • adequate preparation,

  • appropriate methods,

  • outstanding results,

  • effective communication, and a

  • reflec- tive critique.6,p.25



처음부터 scholarship of teaching을 묘사하기 위한 구체적인 워딩은 모호했고, 교수들은 'good teaching'과 'scholarship of teaching'을 구분하고자 노력했다. Shulman은 'scholarship of teaching'을 'scholarly teaching'과 구분하기 위해서는 다음의 기준을 만족해야 한다고 했다.

From the beginning, precise wording to describe the schol- arship of teaching was elusive as faculty members tried to differentiate good teaching from the scholarship of teaching. To separate the scholarship of teaching from scholarly teaching, Shulman states that to be scholarship, the work must meet these criteria:

  • 결과물이 공공에게 공개되어야 한다. The work must be made public. 

  • 결과물이 피어리뷰 가능해야 하며, 인정된 기준에 따른 비판의 대상이 되어야 한다. The work must be available for peer review and critique according to accepted standards. 

  • 결과물이 재생산되고 이를 기반으로 다른 학자가 연구할 수 있어야 한다. The work must be able to be reproduced and built on by other scholars.8


9. Cambridge B. The scholarship of teaching and learning. AAHE Bulletin. 1999;52(4):7.


 2000 Sep;75(9):877-80.

Boyer's expanded definitions of scholarship, the standards for assessing scholarship, and the elusiveness of the scholarship of teaching.

Author information

  • 1Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, Menlo Park, California, USA. ceglassick@aol.com


Debate about faculty roles and rewards in higher education during the past decade has been fueled by the work of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, principally Scholarship Reconsidered and Scholarship Assessed. The author summarizes those publications and reviews the more recent work of Lee Shulman on the scholarship of teaching. In 1990, Ernest Boyer proposed that higher education move beyond the tired old "teaching versus research" debate and that the familiar and honorable term "scholarship" be given a broader meaning. Specifically, scholarship should have four separate yet overlapping meanings: the scholarship of discovery, the scholarship of integration, the scholarship of application, and the scholarship of teaching. This expanded definition was well received, but from the beginning, assessment of quality was a stumbling block. Clearly, Boyer's concepts would be useful only if scholars could be assured that excellence in scholarly work would be maintained. Scholars at the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching addressed this issue by surveying journal editors, scholarly press directors, and granting agencies to learn their definitions of excellence in scholarship. From the findings of these surveys, six standards of excellence in scholarship were derived: Scholars whose work is published or rewarded must have clear goals, be adequately prepared, use appropriate methods, achieve outstanding results, communicate effectively, and then reflectively critique their work. The scholarship of teaching remains elusive, however. The work of Lee Shulman and others has helped clarify the issues. The definition of this form of scholarship continues to be debated at colleges and universities across the nation.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

의학교육자를 위한 교수개발: 장애요인과 미래방향(Acad Med, 2011)

Faculty Development for Medical Educators: Current Barriers and Future Directions

의학의 변화에 대응하기 위해서는 의학교육자들은 의학교육을 바꿔야 한다. 이것을 하려면 의학을 가르치는 사람을 바꿔야하고, 그들이 가르치는 내용, 방법, 의학교육연구를 하는 방법을 바꿔야한다. 이를 위해서는 교수개발이 바뀌어야 한다.

To respond appropriately to the coming changes in medicine, we medical educators need to change medical education. We can do this by changing the people who teach medicine—at all levels—and change what they teach, how they teach, and how they do research in medical education. To accomplish this, faculty development must change. What should modern and future faculty development look like?


Key Lessons Learned

이번 컨퍼런스에서는 medicine을 바꾸고 싶다면, medicine을 가르치는 사람을 바꿔야 한다는 것을 확인시켜주었다. 그리고 이것을 달성하기 위해서는 교수개발을 위한 구체적인 교육전략이 있어야 한다. 추가적으로 어떤 의과대학은 여러개의 우수한 FD를 갖춘 반면 어떤 대학은 매우 적다. 이번 컨퍼런스는 medicine을 가르치는 모든 사람에게 양질의 FD가 제공되어야 함을 강조했다. 또한 FD만을 위한 리소스 저장공간으로서 특정 웹사이트가 필요함을 권고했다.

The conference confirmed the idea that if you want to change medicine, you have to change those who teach medicine, and you can accomplish this with specific educational strategies for faculty development. In addition, whereas some medical schools have many excellent faculty development offerings, some schools offer very few. The conference reinforced the idea that quality faculty development must be made available to all who teach medicine. The conference also recommended creating a Web site specifically as a resource repository for faculty development.

의료의 모델이 바뀌면 FD도 함께 바뀌어야 한다. 다음과 같은 것을 알아야 한다.

As models of care change, faculty development will also need to change. We will need to examine

  • 어떻게 의료진을 훈련시키는지 how we train the health care team and improve
  • 어떻게 환자의 행동을 변화시키는지 how we change patient behaviors. We will need to
  • 교육과 진료에 새로운 테크노로지를 활용하기 위한 전략 develop strategies to harness new technologies to aid teaching and patient care.


통합생의학정보시스템을 활용한 교수와 학생이 제일 앞에서 인구집단의 건강이슈를 발견할 것읻.

Faculty and students with access to integrated biomedical informatics systems will be on the front lines of discovering health issues in the populations they serve and assessing the effectiveness of the health care systems in which they practice.

FD를 위한 펀딩

Funding for and Recognition of Faculty Development

위의 권고는 추가적 펀딩 없이는 불가능하다.

The recommendations listed above cannot be implemented without additional funds.

Molenaar 등은 모든 레벨의 교육자들은 다양한 유형의 훈련이 필요하다고 주장했다. 이러한 원칙에 따르면, 어떤 레벨에 있느냐, 그리고 그 레벨에서 필요한 역량이 무엇이냐에 따라 다양한 funding requirement가 있을 수 있다. 한 가지 경제적으로 teacher training을 하는 것은 웹-기반 교육모듈을 개발하는 것이다. FD를 할 교수가 매우 소수일 때 중요하다. 이러한 프로그램을 일정 수 이상 이수하면 “certified medical teacher.”이란 타이틀을 줄 수도 있다.

Molenaar et al4 state that educators at various levels need various types of training. Using this principle, funding requirements would vary, depending on the level of training and competence necessary at each teaching level. One way to economically provide teacher training is to develop Web-based teaching modules. This is especially important for those institutions that have few faculty development offerings. Passing a certain number of these courses could then entitle the learner to include a title on his or her curriculumvitae such as “certified medical teacher.”

교수와 기관 사이의 의사소통과 자료공유

Communication and Sharing of Materials Between Faculty and Institutions

Listserv가 필요하다.

(To join the Faculty Development Listserv, send an e-mail to listserv@listserv.uh.edu. Leave the subject line blank. In the body of the message, type sub FacDevMedEd, followed by your first name and last name.)

정보를 저장하고 (공유해서) "reinvent the wheel"하는 일이 없어야 한다.

Medical education faculty development needs a home where information can be stored so that all involved would not have to “reinvent the wheel.”

다른 기관/전문직과의 연결

Connections With Other Medical Organizations and Other Professions


간호/치의학/Allied health/공중보건/약학 등의 전문직과 교류connect해야 함.

We medical educators need to connect with what is being done in faculty development at institutions and medical specialty organizations and by educators in the other health professions such as nursing, dentistry, allied health, public health, and pharmacy. We also need to explore faculty development in other postsecondary disciplines

전 국가적 interdisciplinary conference가 필요하다.

To encourage collaboration with other disciplines, we call for a national interdisciplinary conference on faculty development.

1 Baylor College of Medicine. Faculty Development Conference: A 2020 Vision of Faculty Development Across the Medical Education Continuum; February 26–27, 2010; Houston, Tex. http://www.bcm.edu/fac-ed/ index.cfm?pmid 15709. Accessed December 20, 2010.

4 Molenaar WM, Zanting A, Van Beukelen P, et al. A framework of teaching competencies across the medical education continuum. Med Teach. 2009;31:390–396.

 2011 Apr;86(4):405-6. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0b013e31820dc1b3.

Faculty development for medical educators: current barriers and future directions.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

더 나은 가르침을 위한 전략: 교수개발의 포괄적 접근(Acad Med, 1998)

Strategies for Improving Teaching Practices: A Comprehensive Approach to Faculty Development 

LuAnn Wilkerson, EdD, and David M. Irby, PhD

의과대학 교수들에게 창의적이고 효과적인 교수자, 성공적인 연구자, 그리고 생산성이 높은 임상가 되어야 한다는 요구가 강해지고 있다.

Increasing demands are being placed upon medical school faculty members to be creative and effective teachers, successful investigators, and productive clinicians.

이러한 압박은 교과과정의 개혁, 의료시장의 경쟁 심화 등등에 기인한다.

These pressures derive from curriculum reform from competition in the health care marketplace, and from increasing competition for scarcer resources to support research. 

이러한 변화로 의대교수들은 새로운 지식, 기술을 습득해야 하는 입장에 놓였는데, 특히 교육적 상황에서 더욱 그러하다. 

Such changes require faculty members to acquire new knowledge, skills, and abilities-especially in the instructional arena. 

In their teaching roles, faculty members are being asked to develop

  • more time-efficient ambulatory care clinic instruction,

  • more small-group teaching,

  • more problem-based tutorials,

  • new types of case-based discussions, and

  • new computer-based instructional programs. 

어떠한 투자가 이루어져야 할까? 교수 개발을 위해서 취해야 할 전략은 무엇일까?

In order to promote academic excellence, what investments should be made to help faculty members master these new skills? Which faculty development strategies actually produce changes in faculty members' instruction?

20세기의 첫 절반동안, 잘 가르친다는 것은 내용을 잘 안다는 것의 한 부분과 같았다. 교수가 특정 학문에 대한 지식을 안다면, 그것을 가르칠 수 있다고 생각했다. 따라서 교수능력을 향상시키기 위한 주된 방법은 안식년, 연구비, 학회 참석 등등이었다.

During the first half of this century, teaching expertise was assumed to be part of content expertise. Thus, the primary mechanisms for enhancing teach­ ing were academic leaves, sabbaticals, research funding, and travel to professional meetings. 1

시간이 지나며, 가르친다는 것은 내용을 잘 아는 것과 연관은 있지만, 한편으로는 분리되어 있는 개념으로 변해갔다. 대부분의 교수들은 가르치는 법을 자신을 가르쳐준 선생님이 어떻게 가르치는가를 봄으로써 배웠다.

Over time, teaching has come to be recognized as a skill associated with, but separate from, content expertise.Most faculty members learn to teach not from learning their content but from observing it being taught.


Jason은 이 문제를 연구하면서 그의 보고서에 응답한 대부분의 교수들이 교사로서 공식적formal 준비 과정(경험)이 없음을 발견했다. Irby가 뛰어난 임상교사들에게 10년 뒤에 물었을 때, 그들은 여전히 teaching에 대해 가지고 있는 지식의 주 소스는 자신들이 학습자였을 당시에 관찰한 선생님들이라고 했다.

In the first study of this ques­ tion, by Jason, 2 most of the medical school faculty members responding re­ ported that they had experienced no formal preparation as teachers. When Irby3 asked distinguished clinical teach­ ers in medicine that question a decade later, they all reported that their pri­ mary source of knowledge about teach­ ing had been observing teachers when they were learners. 

이러한 관찰을 통한 도제식 교육으로 인하여 교수들은 점차 '통하는' 방법은 계속 사용하고, 잘 통하지 않는 방법은 버리는 식의 교육을 하게 되었다

This apprenticeship of observation re­ sulted in their emulating teaching practices that were help­ ful while rejecting ones that were not.

경험을 통해서 가르치는 법을 배우는 것은 느리고 고통스러운 과정이다. 교수개발 프로그램은 이러한 데에 들어가는 시간을 줄이고 교수 능력 향상을 위한 지침을 주기 위한 목적이 있다.

Learning to teach from experience alone can be a slow and painful process. Faculty development programs were be­ gun to reduce the time required to learn to teach. 

1975년 Gaff는 고등교육의 교수개발을 다음과 같이 정의했다.

In 1975, Gaff4 conceptualized faculty development in higher education as those

activities that help teachers improve their instruc­ tional skills, design better curricula, and/or improve the or­ganizational climate for education.

최근에는 학문적 커리어의 모든 측면과 관련한 훈련으로 정의되었다.

Faculty develop­ ment has also been defined more recently to mean

programs for training physicians in all aspects of their academic ca­ reers,6·7 generally at the postgraduate level, or for developing credentials for scientific productivity and academic promo­ tion.8

우리는 다음과 같이 정의하고자 한다. 

we define faculty development as

a tool for improv­ ing the educational vitality of our institutions through atten­ tion to the competencies needed by individual teachers and to the institutional policies required to promote academic excellence.

다양한 접근법이 등장했고, 이러한 접근법은 주로 학습에 관한 이론의 발전과 그 궤를 같이한다.

A variety of approaches to teaching improvement have emerged, generally in association with changing theories of learning.9


1970년대 : 행동주의 이론과 교수 향상

1970년대의 교수 향상 전략은 교수-학습과 관련된 행동주의적 접근의 영향을 많이 받았다. 학습은 '행동의 변화'라 정의되었고, 반복, 연습, 피드백, 행동교정강화를 거치는 작고 선형적인 과정을 통해서 이뤄지는 것이라 여겨졌다

Teaching-improvement strategies cre­ ated in the 1970s were strongly influ­ enced by behavioral approaches to teaching and learning.10 Learning was defined as a change in behavior and was believed to be facilitated by providing instruction in small, linear steps through drill, practice, and feedback, and by re­ inforcing correct responses. 

학습을 촉진하기 위한 필수적 교육 스킬

To facilitate learning, essential teaching skills included

  • 측정가능한 행동목표 기술 writing measurable behavioral ob­ jectives,

  • 교육자료를 잘 조직화하고 순서를 정하여 목표를 달성할 수 있게 delivering well-organized and sequenced educa­ tional materials designed to accomplish the objectives,

  • 연습의 기회를 주고 즉각적 피드백 pro­ viding practice opportunities coupled with immediate feedback, and

  • 목표에 따라 학습자의 행동을 평가 evaluating the learner's behavior based upon the objectives.


따라서 이 당시 교수개발은 다음과 같은 것을 포함하였다.

Faculty development practices included

  • 가장 좋은 교육적 행동 the behavioral description of best teaching practices,

  • 행동목표 서술하기 the writing of behavioral objectives,

  • 마이크로티칭 the use of micro-teaching with videotape review, professional consultation, and

  • 피드백 feedback.4 

교수들에게 '잘 가르친다는 것'은 어떤 특정한 기술을 연마하는 것과 같았다.

Faculty were taught that good teaching involved clearly defined skills such as...

  • creating an instructional set with objectives, 

  • providing learners with practice opportunities and feedback, 

  • increasing wait time after asking questions, 

  • and using various techniques for enhancing enthusiasm and motivation

전 국가적으로 학생들의 강의평가는 가르침(instruction)을 향상시키기 위한 목적으로 도입되었고, 문서로 된 피드백을 제공하면 자동적으로 향상될 것이라 기대했다

Students' ratings of teaching were instituted nationally to increase feedback to faculty members for the purpose of im­ proving instruction. By providing written feedback to in­ structors, we assumed that they would automatically know how to improve. 

피드백은 행동주의자들의 학습이론에서 핵심 교리tenet와 같았다.

Feedback, a central tenet of the prevailing behaviorist learning theories, was the essential ingredient.11

그러나 1970년대 초반의 일부 연구는 학생들의 강의평가로 제공되는 피드백만으로는 '가르치는 행동'을 향상시키지 못한다는 것을 보여줬다. 교수자들은 평가에 대한 해석을 곁들여 개개인에 대한 조언을 해줄 때 향상이 이뤄졌다.

Studies in the early 1970s by Centra12•13 in higher educa­ tion suggested that feedback from students' ratings alone was ineffective in modifying instructional behaviors. Teachers were more likely to change when provided with individual consultation on the interpretation of rating results and sug­ gestions for improvement.

메사추세츠 대학에서는 가르치는 기술에 대한 문제에 대해 진단과 치료의 개념을 접목한 자문 모델을 만들엇다. Skeff도 비슷한 자문 모델을 만들었는데, 그의 방법을 사용하면 집중적인 피드백을 통해서 교수법에 대한 다양한 자문을 할 수 있었다.

At the University of Massachusetts, The Clinic to Improve University Teaching developed a consultation model for improving teaching skills, based on a medical model with a variety of tools for the diagnosis and treatment of teaching problems.14 Skeff developed a similar consultation model in medical education.15 In his intensive feedback method, a facilitator...

  • helps the clinical teacher review feedback on teaching performance

  • offers a framework for analyzing teaching using clearly defined criteria, 

  • and plans for improvements that are then assessed through subsequent videotaping and students' ratings.

이러한 교수개발의 행동주의적 모델은 워크숍과 자문을 통해서 주로 이뤄졌고, 1970년대에 보편화되어 지금까지 이어져오고 있다. 1977년, 72개의 의과대학이 교수개발 프로그램을 제공하는 의학교육 부서(unit)를 만들었다. 그러나, 그 시기에 의대교수들을 대상으로 한 설문조사를 보면 그러한 프로그램에 참여한 교수는 거의 없고, 교육에 대한 공식 과정을 밟은 숫자는 더 적었다.

These behavioral models of faculty development, conducted mainly through workshops and consultation, were the norm in the 1970s and continue today. By 1977, 72 medical schools had established medical education units with some capacity to provide faculty development. 1r' However, a survey of medical school faculty members during that period indicated that few faculty members had participated in programs on teaching offered by these offices and fewer still had taken formal courses on education. 2


1980년대 : 인지이론과 교수 향상

학습에 대한 인지이론은 1970년대에 행동주의 이론과 경합하기 시작하여, 1980년대 들어서 교실에서 다룰 만한 주제가 되었다. 이 새로운 패러다임에 의하면, 학습은 자발적으로 의미를 재구성하는 것(active construction of meaning)이라고 할 수 있었다. 겉으로 드러나는 행동보다는 정신적인 과정과 개념적인 구조에 더 관심을 두었다.

Cognitive theories of learning began to compete with be­ havioral theories in psychology during the 1970s and en­ tered the classroom in the 1980s. In this new paradigm, learning involved the active construction of meaning. 17 Mental processes and conceptual constructs rather than overt behaviors became the focus of interest. 

이 이론에 기반한 필수적인 교수법 전략은...

=> 학습자가 이미 가지고 있는 개념(전개념, preconception)을 파악하고

=> 기존의 지식 위에 새로운 지식을 지어서

=> 새로운 지식에 대한 더 발전된 개념 틀을 만들어주고scaffolding

=> 그 맥락(환경, context)와 관련된 내용을 넣어주고embedding, 

=> 학습자가 그 내용과 활발히 작용할 수 있도록 자극하며

=> 학습자가 어떻게 학습할 수 있는가(learning how to learn, metacognition, 메타인지)를 학습하도록 하는 것이다.

Essential in­ structional strategies included

  • identifying learners' precon­ ceptions,

  • building new knowledge upon prior knowledge,

  • providing advanced organizers and conceptual scaffolding for new content,

  • embedding content in relevant context,

  • pro­ moting active learner engagement with content, and

  • teach­ ing learners how to learn (i.e., the executive monitoring and control functions of metacognition).

1980년대에 인지학습이론은 영향력이 점점 강해져서 교수들의 실용적 지식(practical knowledge)과 논리적 사고를 하는 기술은 교수향상 프로그램의 주된 타겟이 되었다. 1980년대 중반에 나온 교수자의 변화에 관련한 연구 프로젝트를 보면, Richardson은 "가르치는 것을 배우는데 있어서 교실에서의 활동(classroom action)은 실용적 지식에 비해서 덜 중요하다. 실용적 지식이 있어야 교수자들은 자신의 과거 경험과 비교하여 상황과 맥락을 판단하고, 지식에 근거한 행동을 할 수 있다."라고 했다.

In the 1980s, as cognitive learning theories grew in influence, teachers' practical knowledge and reasoning skills became the focus of teaching-improvement programs. In a report on a teacher-change research project in the mid-1980s, Richardson concluded that the literature on learning to teach "suggests that classroom actions are of less importance as a focus of change than the practical knowledge that drives or is a part of those classroom actions. Practical knowledge allows a teacher to quickly judge a situation or context and take action on the basis of knowledge gained from similar situations in the past."1H· 1' ·11 

더 나은 교수자가 되는 것은 단순히 특정한 교수법이나 교수 기술을 가르치는 것 이상이 되었다. 더 나은 교수자가 되는 것은 가르치는데에 필요한 실용적인 지식과 기술을 학습함으로서, 알고 있는 지식을 학생에게 의미가 있는 용어(term)이나 활동(activities)로 전환할 수 있는 능력을 의미했다. Shuhnan은 "pedagogical content knowledge"라는 용어를 도입했고 Irby는 같은 것을 의사에 대해 표현하면 "case-based teaching scripts"라고 했다.

Becoming a better teacher was viewed as more than mastering a set of specific teaching behaviors. Better teaching involved learning practical knowledge and skills for teaching and knowing how to translate content expertise into terms and activities that were meaningful to specific students. Shuhnan 19 termed this "pedagogical content knowledge" and lrby 1 named the same special form of teacher knowledge of clinicians "case-based teaching scripts." 

'가르치는 것'에는 어떻게 학생들이 학습하는지를 이해하고, 교실(또는 clinic, 외래)에서 교육에 필요한 활동을 조직하고, 학습을 최대화 할 수 있도록 하는 기술 등이 요구된다. 학습에 대한 교수자의 생각을 바꾸는 것은 새로운 교수 기술을 학습하는 것에 있어 필수적인 것이다. 교수 향상을 위한 주된 방법으로 등장한 워크숍이나 자문은 기술적인 훈련 뿐만 아니라 여러 교육행위의 기저에 깔린 학습원리에 대한 개념적 이해를 같이 발달시키는 쪽으로 가고 있다.

Teaching requires an understanding of how students learn and the ability to craft instructional activities in the classroom and the clinic to maximize learning.2° Changing teachers' beliefs about learning was viewed as an essential precursor to the acquisition of new teaching skills.21 Workshops and consultations, the emerging mainstays of teaching-improvement programs, began to couple skill­ training activities with discussions meant to assist faculty members in developing a conceptual understanding of the learning principles underlying various teaching behaviors.

(교수개발자들은) 교수개발 참여자들이 이러한 개념들을 어떻게 활용하는지에 대해서, 그리고 교육행위에 대해서 어떠한 바람직한 변화가 있었는지에 대해서 스스로 평가하게끔 했다. 참가자가 완성한 설문은 임상교육에 대한 태도 변화와 새로운 교수법을 도입하기 위한 의지가 어느 정도인지를 보여주었다.

Participants were asked to assess their own use of these concepts and to identify desirable changes in teaching practices. Questionnaires completed by partici­ pants indicated a change in attitude toward clinical teach­ ing and a willingness to implement new teaching ap­ proaches.


1990년대 : 사회학습이론과 교수 향상

고등교육에서의 교육을 향상시키기 위한 노력은 1990년대도 이어졌다. Academic institution에서 교육과 교육자들의 지위 향상과 더불어 scholarship에 대한 개념도 확장되었다. 이러한 접근법은 의미에 대한 사회학습이론으로부터 등장했다.

Efforts to improve teaching in higher education have con­ tinued into the 1990s wi[h a growing emphasis upon im­ proving the status of teaching and teachers in academic in­ stitutions, broadening the definition of scholarship to include

  • 가르침teaching,

  • 교육행위에 대한 성찰 촉진 promoting reflective teaching practices, and

  • 교육경험으로부터 학습을 위한 협력 developing collegial arrangements for learning from the experience of teaching.


These approaches grew out of a changing view of learning as the social construction of meaning.21

사회적 구성주의자의 시각에서 학습은 새로운 지식 커뮤니티에 속하여 사회화되는 과정과 같았다. 이러한 과정은 학생들이 커뮤니티에 활발하게 참여하고, 그 사회에서 구성(constructed)된 의미를 내재화시키는 과정이 필요했다.

In the social cnnstructivist view, learning is defined as so­ cialization into a new knowledge community. This process occurs through the student's active participation in the com­ munity and the internalization of socially constructed mean­ ing. 

대부분의 학습의 원천은 사회화경험, (새로운 구성원이 찾고 모방하는) 롤모델, 동료와의 협력적 학습, 학습환경의 신념/역할/권력/문화에 대한 직접적 개입 등이다.

Major sources of learning include

  • socializing experi­ ences,

  • role models that new members seek to emulate,

  • collaborative learning with peers, and

  • direct engagement with the beliefs, roles, power, and culture of the learning en­ vironment.

워크숍이나 자문에 대한 접근도가 높아졌음에도, 대부분의 대학과 의과대학 교수들은 대부분의 교수법을 직접 해보면서(on the job) 배웠다. 가르치는 중간에 가끔은 문제점이, 가끔은 가능성이 교수의 관심을 끌었다.

In spite of increasing access to workshops and consultations on teaching, the majority of university and medical school faculty members continue to learn the most about teaching from their "on the job" experiences. In the midst of teaching, a problem or possibility attracts the attention of the teacher. 

예를 들어, 교수들은 왜 학생들이 헷갈려하는지 궁금해했고, 그 혼동을 줄여주기 위해서 실험을 하기도 했다.

For example, a faculty member might wonder why students appear to be confused and might begin to experiment with various ways of reducing that confusion. 

각기 능력이 다른 교수들은 Schon이 말한 "reflection on action(행동 후 반성)"을 교수 향상의 기초로 삶았다.

Teachers differ in their ability to use what Shoen24 terms "reflection on action" as the basis for the ongoing examination of professional improvement.

교사들의 성찰능력reflective capacity를 향상시키기 위하여 설계된 교수개발활동은 주로 1990년대에 등장하였다.

Teaching- improvement activities designed to in- crease the reflective capacity of teachers have emerged in the 1990s.

Killen은 자신에 대한 성찰과정에서 성찰을 같이 할 수 있는 파트너를 활용하는 것에 대해 묘사했다. 여기에서의 파트너십은 두 명의 교수가 서로의 교육행동을 관찰하고 교육적/기술적/윤리적 기준에 따라 분석하고 토론한느 것이다.

Killen25 describes the usc of reflective partnerships for purposes of improving teaching. The partnership involves two faculty members in observing one an­ other's teaching and using educational, technical, and ethical criteria for ana­ lyzing and discussing what they observe.

AAHE는 교육의 피어리뷰에 관한 best practice를 도출하였다. 대부분은 '직접관찰'과 '교육행동과 교육신념에 대한 토론'을 포함한다.

The American Association for Higher Edu­ cation has identified the best practices for peer review of teaching, to either improve the teaching or evaluate it. Most of the practices involve direct ob­ servation and the discussion of teaching acts and the teacher's belief27

교수 향상에 대한 피어 코칭(Peer coaching)은 교수들이 연구를 하면서 논문을 쓰고 토론을 하는 것과 같이, 서로 교육에 대한 생산적인(formative) 토론을 하는 것과 같다.

Peer coaching for teaching improvc- ment27-29 involves faculty members in collaborative arrangements with one another in the formative discussion of teaching, just as one might take a research paper or grant to a colleague for purposes of garnering new insights.

교육활동에서 협력과 성찰을 향상시키기 위한 또 다른 교수개발활동으로는..

Other teaching-improvement activities designed to in­ crease collaborative and reflective teaching practices include

  • 워크숍에서 case study 활용 the usc of case studies in workshnps, 10 - 11

  • 승진결정에 사용된 교육포트폴리오를 위한 성찰기술서 준비  the preparation of reflective statements for teaching portfolios used in promo­ tion decisions,ll-l> and

  • 교실(교육)연구에 대한 교수의 참여 involvement of faculty members in classroom research. 16

교수법 향상 개입의 효과


어떤 교수개발 모델 혹은 개입방법을 사용할 것인가를 결정할 때, 관련 연구들의 결과를 참고하는 것이 도움이 된다. 교수법 향상에 관한 최근의 연구들은 과거의 연구와 비슷한 결론을 도출하고 있다. 교수향상을 위한 개입방법의 영향에 대한 실험논문은 많지 않지만, quasi-experimental 연구나 질적연구를 비롯한 다른 논문들이 많이 있다.

When considering which faculty development models and interventions to use, it is helpful to base these decisions upon the results of educational research. The most recent reviews of the research on instructional-improvement interventions in medical education17,18.are in accord with prior reviews.5,39-42 While there is a paucity of experimental research on the effects of teaching-improvement interventions, there is a large and growing body of quasi-experimental and qualitative research demonstrating the efficacy of longer workshops, students' ratings coupled with individual consultation, and faculty development fellowships

워크숍 Workshops

이틀 혹은 그 이상 길이의 워크숍은 한 가지 이상의 개입방법을 포함하고 있으며, 실제 수행과 피드백, Reminder가 교수자의 지식, 태도, 기술에 영향을 주는 것으로 연구되어 있다.

Workshops that are two days long or longer, involve more than one type of intervention, and are followed up with practice, feedback, and remin­ ders have demonstrated effects on teachers' knowledge, attitudes, and skills. 

이러한 결론은 Davis 등의 메타분석 결과와도 비슷하다.

This conclusion is similar to that reached by Davis and colleagues 57 in a meta-analysis of continuing medical education programs intended to change the practice, knowledge, attitudes, and skills of physicians

컨설팅을 동반한 교육에 대한 평가 Teaching Evaluations with Consultation

학생으로 하여금 교육을 평가하게 하는 것은 교육자의 행동을 바꿀 수 있으며, 특히 개개인에 대하여 평가결과를 해석해주고 (비위협적 환경에서) 어떻게 교육행동을 바꾸어야 하는지에 대한 자문이 더해질 경우 더욱 그렇다.

Evaluations of teaching by students can lead to changes in teaching behaviors, particularly if accompanied by individualized consultation in which the instructor is provided assistance in interpreting results and devising changes in teaching practice in a nonthreatening environment.w 

'피드백만 준 것 vs 피드백과 컨설팅을 같이한 것'을 비교해보면 후자가 일관되게 더 강력한 효과를 발휘한다.

Studies comparing feedback from ratings alone with feedback from ratings coupled with consultation have consistently demonstrated the power of feedback plus consultation to improve students' ratings from the middle to the end of a term and across tenns. 14 ·61 

임상 교육에 대한 최근의 연구 결과에서 평가 결과를 제공할 때 개별화된individualize 조언을 함께 하는 것의 중요성이 자주 강조되고 있다. 전향적인 무작위 시험에서 개개인에 대한 피드백을 준 것이 기술 향상과 평가 전-후의 차이가 가장 컸다.

Three recent studies in clinical education reinforce the importance of individualized advice in reporting ratings. A prospective, randomized trial of the effect of feedback on clinical teaching by Schum and Yindra63 suggests that individual feedback was associated with higher ratings on four skills and larger pre-post differences among participants than among controls

구체적인 컨설트 없이는(기술이든 구술이든) 피드백의 효과는 제한적이었다.

Without specific consultation, either written or verbal, the impact of ratings feedback we~s limited. In a similar study in higher education, 

Wilson은 가장 통계적으로 중요한 변화를 보인 평가 아이템들은 구체적이고, 자세하고, 행동에 관한 것(concrete, specific, behavioral) 이었다 라고 하였다.

Wilson found that rating "items on which the greatest number of faculty showed statistically important change were those for which the suggestions were most concrete, specific, and behavioral.69.

행동주의 이론과 마찬가지로 low-inference item과 구체적 제안사항이 있는 경우에 교육이 더 향상되었다.

In line with behavioral theory, low-inference items and specific suggestions for improving teaching may be both easier to implement and more susceptible to measurement.

교수개발 펠로우십 프로그램 Faculty Development Fellowship Programs

교수개발 프로그램에 대한 fellowship program은 더 자세하면서 포괄적인 기전을 다루고 있으며, 비교적 최근에 등장하였다.

Faculty development fellowship programs have emerged in recent years as a more in-depth and comprehensive mechanism for strengthening the instructional skills and scholarly abilities of faculty members

1년 혹은 2년의 파트타임/풀타임 연구

These often take the form of one- to two-year programs of part-time or full-time study. Such fellowships, offered nationally and locally, provide benefits of a longitudinal educational experience with a co­ hort of peers, and sufficient time to learn, practice, and (in some instances) publish research.5l·67·6H


전문가 개발 (Professional Development: Joining the Academy)

교수법 개발 (Instructional Development)

리더십 개발 (Leadership Development)

조직 수준 개발 (Organizational Development: Educational Policies and Procedures)

교수개발은 교육사업에 있어서 몇 단계에 걸쳐서 교수들을 참여시켜야 한다. 

시작 단계에서, 모든 교수들은 기본적인 교육 기술을 습득해야 하며, 그 기관의 학문적 가치, 규범, 기대에 대해 이해하고 있어야 한다.

Faculty development programs need to address the several levels of faculty involvement in the educational enter­ prise.67·69 At the entry level, all faculty members should pos­ sess basic teaching skills and be oriented to the academic values, norms, e~nd expectations of the institution. 

더 많은 교육책무를 지는 교수들에게는 더 고급의 교육관련 지식과 스킬이 요구된다.

More ad­ vanced instructional knowledge and skill would be expected of those who carry major teaching responsibilities. 

자신의 교육에 대한 성찰의 기회가 주어짐에 따라서 일부 교수들은 좀 더 교육학적 지식을 습득해야 하며 여기에는 다음과 같은 것들이 포함된다. 

With opportunities to reflect upon their teaching practices, a subset of teaching faculty will develop into teachers with more pedagogic content knowledge, 19 which integrates...

knowledge of content, learners, 

teaching skills, context, and, in medicine, patients. 

두 번째 단계는 다음의 결과로서 일어난다.

  • 더 발전된more advanced 교육 경험,

  • guided reflection,

  • 교육 이론과 실습에 대한 광범위한 노출

This second level occurs as a result of more ad­ vanced teaching experience, guided reflection, and broader exposure to educational theory and practice. Such teachers are sought out by learners and often assume major tee~ching responsibilities.

세 번째 단계에서 교육프로그램에 리더쉽을 발휘하는 교수들이 생겨난다. 임상실습이나 레지던트 프로그램의 책임자를 맡게 되며, 교과과정 위원회의 위원장이나 교육에 관심이 있는 주니어 스텦들의 멘토로서 역할을 할 수 있다.

At a third level, there are those faculty members who pro­ vide leadership to educational programs, serving as directors of clerkship and residency programs, as che~irs of course and curriculum committees, and as mentors to junior colleagues interested in teaching. 

일부 소그룹의 교수들은 Teacher-scholar의 네 번째 단계에 도달하며, 교육을 가르치는 것과 교과과정의 과정과 결과(process and outcome of teaching and the curriculum)으로 인식한다

A small group of fe~culty members constitutes a fourth level-teacher-scholars, who approach education with questions about the process and outcomes of teaching and the curriculum. 

이들 teacher-scholars는 무엇을 가르쳐야하고, 왜 가르쳐야 하며, 어떤 방식으로 가르쳐야 하는지에 대한 토론을 지속적으로 유발시켜야 한다. 교육과정 리더들과 teacher-scholars 들이 한 기관의 교육에 대한 비전을 결정하는데 참여한다.

These teacher-scholars stimu­ late continual discussion about what needs to be taught, why, and in what way. Both curricular leaders and teacher-scholars are in- volved in determining the institution's vision for education. 

마지막으로 학교에는 정책, 과정, 조직구조를 집행하며 의미있는 참여를 이끌어내고, 교육의 향상을 가져오는 일을 할 수 있는 일부 교수들과 집행부가 있다.

Finally, schools have a group of faculty members and administrators who are committed to and capable of creating policies, proce- dures, and organizational structures that encourage meaningful participation in and improvement of education.7

이러한 다양한 종류의 교육자들을 개발하고 유지하기 위해서 교수개발 프로그램은 넓은 범위의 활동을 포함해야 한다.

In order to develop and sustain the work of these various types of educators, faculty development programs should include a range of activities:6, 70- 72

Professional Development: Joining the Academy

academic community의 새로운 일원으로서, 교수는 academic profession에 대한 사회화가 되어야 한다. Benor와 Mahler는 "조직, 조직의 철학, 그리고 조직의 교육적 접근에 대한 개개 교수들의 정체성을 확립해야 한다"라고 강조했다.

As new members of the academic community, faculty members need to be socialized into the academic profession. Benor and Mahler stress the importance of "enhancing the identification of the individual teacher with the institution, its philosophy, and its educational approaches." 71 • 1'· 210 

Comprehensive 한 교수개발 프로그램은 신임교수들이 academic responsibilities 를 전체적으로 이해하고 승진을 위해서 무엇이 필요한지를 이해하게 해줘야 한다.

comprehensive faculty development program includes professional development activities that assist new faculty members to understand the full range of academic responsibilities and the expectations for promotion.

새로운 교수 구성원에 대해서 다뤄야 할 내용은 교수에게 요구되는 가치와 규범, 기대와 같은 것들이며, 특히 선생님으로서의 역할이 중요하다. 

Issues to be addressed for new faculty members include the values, norms, and expectations of the faculty, particularly as teachers; 

  • the skills of scholarship as defined by the institution; 

  • the establishment of a network of experienced and knowledgeable colleagues; 

  • and knowledge of the steps for academic advancement, including how to document accomplishments as a teacher.

Instructional Development

Initial teaching skills.

<초급 교육 기술 Initial teaching skill>

교육과정에서 교수가 수행해야 하는 역할과 연결되어있다. 이 단계의 교육훈련의 성과는 - 그 형태가 무엇이든 - 피훈련자들이 레퍼런스가 되는 행동과 스킬에 따라서 자신의 행동을 모니터할 수 있는 명확한 개념을 가지게 해 주는 것이 되어야 한다.

Such skills should he connected to the instructional roles that faculty members are asked to per­ form in the curriculum \1.\Z,i4.74 and pro­ vided to all beginning faculty mcmbers.71 According to Glicssman and colleagues, the principal outcome of training, no matter what its form, should be possession by the trainee of clearly delineated concepts by which he or she can monitor his or her usc of the referent behaviors or skills. 71 · pAO


교수 개발은 교수들이 기본적인 교육 기술을 학습하는 것으로부터 시작하며, 이는 교수에게 요구되는 교육적 역할과 연결이 되어야 한다. 

Faculty development 
should include opportunities for all faculty members to master basic teaching skills. Such skills should be connected to the instructional roles that faculty members are asked to perform 51, 52, 54, 74 
  • 발표와 토론 퍼실리테이션 presentation and discussion facilitation skills; 

  • 진료 도중 교육 전략 strategies for teaching during patient care; 

  • 교육 설계와 성찰 기술 instructional planning and reflection skills; 

  • 평가/피드백/스킬채점 evaluation, feedback, and grading skills; 

  • 정보기술 스킬 and information technology skills

Connecting teaching and learning.

<가르침과 배움을 연결시키기 Connecting teaching and learning.>

가르치는 것을 학습하는 것과 연결시킬 수 있어야 한다. 몇 년의 교육을 경험하고 나면 교수들은 왜 어떤 방법은 통하고 어떤 방법은 통하지 않는지에 대해 생각하게 된다. 그들은 학습자에 대해서 더 관심을 가질 수도 있고, 가르치는 사람인 본인에 대해서는 덜 신경을 쓸 수도 있다. 이 때야말로 교수-학습에 대한 것을 가르치기에 가장 좋은 때이며, 학습 이론과 교육 임무를 연계시키는 과정에 참여시킬 수 있는 기회이다. 교육수행을 되돌아보면서 교수들은 그들이 가르쳤던 경험으로부터 학습을 한다.

After several years of teaching, faculty members often begin to wonder why cer­ tain teaching methods work while others do not. They may also begin to focus more on the learners and less on them­ selves as teachers. This is the best time to introduce them to the literature on teaching and learning, and to engage them in the process of connecting learning theory to teaching practices. Reflective educational practices involve faculty members in learning from their experiences of teaching. 

실용적인 지식에 대한 토론과 교육에 대한 생각에 대해 이야기하고, 학습에 대한 연구를 리뷰하면서 경험이 많은 교수들은 어떻게 특정 내용을 특정 상황에서 특정 학습자에게 가르칠 수 있는가에 대한 자신만의 이론을 구성할 수 있다.

Through discussion of their practical knowledge and beliefs about teaching, and review of research on learning, more ex­ perienced teachers can begin to construct a personal set of principles to guide decisions76 about how to teach specific content to particular learners in distinct situations. 1 • 1 H,l~.Z7

교육과정의 변화와 새로운 교수법이 이들 교수들의 학습요구를 drive할 수 있다.

Changes in the curriculum and new educational methods may drive the learning needs of some of these teachers.72

Leadership Development

Curriculum development and leadership in medical edu­ cation.

<교과과정 개발과 리더십(Curriculum development and leadership in medical education)>

교육프로그램의 발전을 위해서는 그들이 이끌어 갈 집단의 사고체계를 Re-framing하고, 조직의 활력을 위해서는 변화를 유도하는 것이 필수적이라는 것을 일깨워 줄 수 있는 효과적인 리더가 필요하다.

Educational programs need effective leaders who arc capable of rcframing the thinking of those whom they guide and of encouraging change as an essential component of in­ stitutional vitality. iH 

공식적인 교육리더십 역할을 맡게 되면, 그 교수는 다음과 같은 과정에 큰 영향력을 발휘하게 된다. 비공식적 리더는 기관이 그 사람의 의견에 귀를 기울이며, 그들의 가치가 교육의 중요도를 결정짓는데 도움이 된다.

In taking on formal educational leader­ ship roles, faculty members exert significant influence over

  • 누가 입학하고 who is admitted to medical schools and residency programs,

  • 교육과정에는 뭐가 들어가고 what the curriculum entails,

  • 졸업생과 레지던트에게 요구되는 기준 what professional standards arc expected of graduating students and residents, and

  • 어떻게 자원을 배분하고 how in­ stitutional resources for education are deployed.


As informal leaders, their opinions arc heard throughout the institution, and their values help to determine the importance of educa­ tion at department and institutional levels. 

공식적이든, 비공식적이든 리더는 서로 다른 리더십 스타일을 이해하고 어떻게 사용해야 하는가를 알아야 한다.

Both types of leaders, formal and informal, need to understand different leadership styles and how to use them. 

다음과 같은 기술이 있어야 함

They need skills in

  • curriculum planning, stimulating, and managing curricular change, including

  • the ability to articulate a captivating vi­ sion and promote shared values. They need to

  • know how to usc the tools of continuous quality improvement, such as multidisciplinary teams and consensus-building strategies. Finally, they need to understand

  • how to assist their col­ leagues in developing as teachers.

교육 스칼라십 Instructional scholarship.

교육 리더들은 teacher-scholar처럼 그들이 지휘했던 교육 프로그램의 성과와 질을 평가할 책임이 있다. 프로그램 평가를 디자인하고 수행하는 능력은 지속적인 질적 향상에 필수적이다.

Educational leaders, as teacher-scholars, are responsible for evaluating the quality and outcomes of the teaching programs that they direct. Skills in the design and implementation of program evalua­ tion arc essential to the success of continuous quality im­ provement. 

프로그램평가의 목적을 위해서든 연구를 위해서든 이들 teacher-scholar는 다음의 스킬이 필요하다.

Whether for purposes of program evaluation or basic educational research, these teacher-scholars need skills in

  • 교육연구 설계 designing educational research studies,

  • 사회과학 자료의 수집과 분석 collecting and analyzing social science data,

  • 타당한 결론 도출 drawing sound conclu­ sions,

  • 결과의 기술과 발표 writing and presenting results, and

  • 스칼라십으로서의 습관(reading과 writing을 위한 시간 확보 기술) developing sound habits of scholarship such as protecting time for reading and writing.

On a national level, the Fellowship in Medical Education Research (FMER) sponsored by the Association of Ameri­ can Medical Colleges (AAMC), is a two-year program for faculty members nominated by their institutions as educa­ tional leaders and scholars.

Organizational Development: Educational Policies and Procedures

교수개발의 목적은 교수 구성원들이 교육자로서의 역할을 잘 하도록 하는 것이고, 이를 통해서 지속적 학습(continual learning)에 대해 보상을 하고 이를 장려하는 조직을 만드는 것이다. 교육 리더와 교수개발의 전문가들은 서로의 책임을 공유하고 교육적 미션과 가치를 공유하며, 교육과 관련된 의사결정과정에 교수들을 활발히 참여시켜야 한다. 

The goal of faculty development is to empower faculty mem­ bers to excel in their role as educators and in so doing, to create organizations that encourage and reward continual lcarning. 70 Educational leaders and professional faculty de­ velopers share the responsibility

  • for creating and promoting a shared educational mission and shared values,

  • for actively involving the faculty in decision making related to educa­ tion,

  • for providing opportunities for teaching improvement, and

  • for shaping the systems for evaluating and rewarding teaching.7

교수와 행정가들은 교육에 가치를 두고, 지속적 학습을 중시하는 조직의 분위기를 만들 수 있다. 

Faculty members and administrators can create an organi­ zational climate that values education and the process of continual learning. 

For example, a teaching-evaluation sys­ temHO,HI with established procedures for reporting educa­ tional contributions of faculty members such as the educa­ tor's portfolio11 can carry important messages about how teaching is valued and how faculty members should allocate their time. The commitment of resources to a formal men­ toring program fix new teachers demonstrates the impor­ tance of the educational mission of the department or insti­ tution.H2 Faculty development programs need to include efforts to formulate the policies and procedures that shape educational programs and guide faculty behaviors.


Faculty development targeted to the several roles of faculty members is the key to academic vitality.





 1998 Apr;73(4):387-96.

Strategies for improving teaching practices: a comprehensive approach to faculty development.

Author information

  • 1Department of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles 90095-1722, USA. lwilk@deans.medsch.ucla.edu


Medical school faculty members are being asked to assume new academic duties for which they have received no formal training. These include time-efficient ambulatory care teaching, case-based tutorials, and new computer-based instructional programs. In order to succeed at these newteaching tasks, faculty development is essential. It is a tool for improving the educational vitality of academic institutions through attention to the competencies needed by individual teachers, and to the institutional policies required to promote academic excellence. Over the past three decades,strategies to improve teaching have been influenced by the prevailing theories of learning and research on instruction, which are described. Research on these strategies suggests that workshops and students' ratings of instruction, coupled with consultation and intensive fellowships, are effectivestrategies for changing teachers' actions. A comprehensive faculty development program should be built upon (1) professional development (newfaculty members should be oriented to the university and to their various faculty roles); (2) instructional development (all faculty members should have access to teaching-improvement workshops, peer coaching, mentoring, and/or consultations); (3) leadership development (academic programs depend upon effective leaders and well-designed curricula; these leaders should develop the skills of scholarship to effectively evaluate and advance medical education); (4) organizational development (empowering faculty members to excel in their roles as educators requires organizational policies and procedures that encourage and reward teaching and continual learning). Comprehensive faculty development, which is more important today than ever before, empowers faculty members to excel as educators and to create vibrant academic communities that value teaching and learning.

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바쁜 교수들을 위한 교수개발 (ABC of Learning and Teaching in Medicine, 2010)

Making It All Happen: Faculty Development for Busy Teachers

Yvonne Steinert

McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada


What is faculty development?


Centra 1978은..

Faculty development, or staff development as it is often called, refers to that

'broad range of activities institutions use to renew or assist teachers in their multiple roles (Centra 1978).'


For the purpose of this discussion, faculty development will refer to

'all activities teachers pursue to improve their teaching skills in both individual and group settings.'

교수개발이 중요한 이유?

Why is faculty development important?

교육효과성 향상을 위한 교수개발 프로그램은 의사들에게 교수학습에 대한 새로운 지식과 스킬을 제공한다. 또한 교육에 대한 신념 또는 태도를 강화 또는 변화시키고, 지금껏 '직관적'으로 해왔던 것에 대한 개념적 프레임워크를 제공해주며, community of teachers에 들어가게 해준다.

Faculty development designed to improve teaching effectiveness can provide clinicians with new knowledge and skills about teaching and learning. It can also reinforce or alter attitudes or beliefs about teaching, provide a conceptual framework for what is often performed intuitively and introduce clinicians to a community of teachers (Steinert 2010a).

교수개발프로그램의 목적, 내용

Common faculty development goals and content areas

개인 수준에서 교수개발은 다음과 같은 것을 다룰 수 있다.

At the individual level, faculty develop- ment can

  • 교수학습에 대한 태도와 신념 address attitudes and beliefs about teaching and learning;

  • 교육 원칙과 교수 설계에 대한 지식  transmit knowledge about educational principles and instructional design; and

  • 교육, 교육과정 설계, 교육리더십 관련 스킬 개발 develop skills in teaching, curriculum design and edu- cational leadership.


조직 수준에서..

At the organisational level, it can help to

  • 학습의 기회 창출 create opportunities for learning;

  • 우수한 교수-학습을 인정하고 보상해줌 recognise and reward excellence in teaching and learning; and

  • 효과적인 교육을 위한 시스템적 문제 해결 address systems issues that impede effective educational practices (Steinert 2010b).

지금까지 대부분의 교수개발 프로그램은 teaching improvement에 초점을 두어왔으며, personal development, educational leadership and scholarship and organisational development and change에는 관심을 덜 두어왔다. 그러나 조직의 변화 없이 새로운 지식과 스킬은 도입되기 힘들다.

To date, the majority of faculty development programmes have focused on teaching improvement, however, less attention has been paid to personal development, educational leadership and scholarship and organisational development and change. Yet without organisational change, new knowledge and skills may be difficult to implement.

교수개발에 관한 개인 차원의 접근

Individual approaches to faculty development

경험으로부터 배우기

Learning from experience

교수로서의 책무의 특성에 따라 교수(교사)들은 교수개발프로그램에 참여하기 이전에 이미 'OTJ Training'을 통해서 배운다. 이들은 동료의 행동을 관찰하기도 하고 자신의 행동을 성찰하기도 한다.

Prior to engaging in organised faculty development programmes, teachers often learn through ‘on-the-job training’, by the nature of their responsibilities, observing their colleagues in action or reflecting on their experiences.



You need to do more than simply teach ... You need to reflect on your teaching, discuss your teaching with other educators, and try to analyze and improve what you are doing.

  • Reflection in action – 수행중인 일을 성찰 while performing an act/role, analysing what is being done 

  • Reflection on action – 수행한 일을 성찰 after performing the act/role, reflecting on the impact of the action on the student and yourself 

  • Reflection for action – 미래를 위한 성찰 reflecting on what has been learnt for the future


동료와 학생들로부터 배우기

Learning from peers and students

피어코칭이라고도 불리는 이것은, 임상의사들에게 특히 appeal하는데, 왜냐하면 실제 직무환경에서 이뤄지고, 개별화된 학습을 가능하게 해주고, 협력을 촉진시켜주기 때문이다.

Peer coaching, as this activity is sometimes called, has particular appeal for clinicians because it occurs in the practice setting, enables individualised learning and fosters collaboration (Orlander et al. 2000).

여러 측면에서 학생 또는 동료와 대화를 함으로써, 복잡한 교육활동을 이해가능한 요소들로 분해하고, 의도-행동-교육성과를 연결짓고link, 개인이 가지고 있는 가정을 검증해보고, 구체적인 교육활동의 효과성을 따져볼 수 있다.

In multiple ways, engaging in dialogue with students and peers can help clinical teach- ers to break down complex teaching activities into understandable components, link intent, behaviour and educational outcomes, facilitate the examination of personal assumptions and examine the effectiveness of specific teaching practices (Steinert 2010b).

교수개발을 위한 그룹 차원의 접근

Group approaches to faculty development

교수개발 워크숍에 참여함으로써

공동체의식, 자기인식, 동기부여, 현재 (나의) 교육행위와 교육신념의 검증에 도움이 되었다.

Participating in a faculty development workshop gives me

a sense of community, self-awareness, motivation and validation of current practices and beliefs.


구조화된 교수개발 활동

Structured faculty development activities

워크숍, 세미나, 단기코스 Workshop, seminars and short courses

펠로우십과 학위 프로그램 Fellowships and degree programmes

대부분의 영국 대학에서는 교수들이 교수-학습에 관한 인증certificate를 받게 요구한다.

Most universities in the United King- dom now require faculty members to undertake a certificate in teaching and learning

장기 프로그램 Longitudinal programmes


근무지 기반 학습

Work-based learning

다음과 같이 정의된다: 근무를 위한, 근무지에서의, 근무로부터의 학습 (learning for work, learning at work and learning from work )

Work-based learning has been defined as learning for work, learning at work and learning from work (Swanwick 2008).


근무지에서 이뤄지기 때문에 매일매일의 경험을 '학습경험'으로 보는 것이 중요하다.

Moreover, as learning usually takes place in the workplace, it is important to view these everyday experiences as ‘learning experiences’.

교수자 커뮤니티의 구성원 되기

Becoming a member of a teaching community

한 주니어 동료가 말한 바와 같이 '만약 자신을 한 그룹에 immerse할 수 있다면, 거기서 얻는 바는 매우 많다. 특히 여러가지 것들things를 '교육'이라는 안경을 쓰고 본다면 더욱 그렇다'. 이 인용구는 커뮤니티의 가치, 커뮤니티를 찾는 것이 주는 장점을 강조한다. 많은 경우 공통의 비전과 언어를 공유하는 것(그리고 교수자 커뮤니티의 구성원이 되는 것)은 교수개발의 중요한 단계이다.

As a junior colleague observed, ‘If you are able to immerse yourself in a group, it gives you so much. especially as you begin to look at things critically with education glasses on’ (Steinert 2010b). This quote underscores the benefit of valuing and finding community, as in many ways, sharing a common vision and language – and becoming a member of a community of teachers – can be a critical step in faculty development.

교수개발 프로그램이 차이를 만들어내는가?

Does faculty development make a difference?

효과적인 교수개발 프로그램의 특징

The BEME review also highlighted specific features that con- tribute to the effectiveness of formal faculty development activities. These ‘key features’ incorporated

  • 경험학습의 역할과 학습한 내용을 적용하는 것의 중요성 the role of experiential learning and the importance of applying what had been learnt;

  • 피드백 제공 the provision of feedback;

  • 효과적인 동료 관계. 롤모델링, 정보교환, 상호지지collegial support effective peer relationships, which included the value of role modelling, exchange of information and collegial support;

  • 교수학습의 원칙을 따르는 잘 설계된 인터벤션 well-designed interventions that followed principles of teaching and learning; and

  • 다양한 교수법 활용 the use of multiple instructional methods to achieve intended objectives.


Awareness of these components can help teachers to choose effective programmes.

당신에게 맞는 교수개발

Making faculty development work for you

자신의 니즈를 안다

Identify your needs

핵심 교육스킬은 다음과 같이 밝혀진 바 있다.

Core teaching skills have also been identified:

  • 긍정적 학습환경 구축 the establishment of a positive learning environment;

  • 명확한 목표와 기대치 설정 the setting of clear objectives and expectations;

  • 적시에, 적절한 정보 제공 the provision of timely and relevant information;

  • 질문 및 다른 교수법의 효과적 활용 the effective use of questioning and other instructional methods;

  • 적절한 롤모델링 appropriate role modelling; and

  • 건설적 피드백 제공과 객관적 평가 the provision of constructive feedback and objective-based evaluations.

선호하는 학습법을 결정한다

Determine your preferred method(s) of learning

자신에게 맞는 프로그램을 고른다

Choose a programme that works for you

멘토나 가이드를 찾는다

Identify a mentor or guide

교수자 커뮤니티를 찾는다

Find a community of teachers

종종 교육은 '팀 스포츠'라고 불린다. 교육적 수월성은 independently하게 달성하기 어려우며, 비슷한 생각을 가진 사람들의 커뮤니티를 찾고 그것의 가치를 알아야 한다.

It has often been said that teaching is a ‘team sport’. We must remember that achieving educational excellence cannot be accomplished independently and we must try to find – and value – a community of like-minded individuals.




네덜란드어로 교수개발은 '가르침의 전문직화'로 번역될 수 있다.

The Dutch term for faculty development, Docentprofessionalisering, loosely translates as the ‘professionalisation of teaching’.


Orlander J, Gupta M, Fincke B, Manning M, Hershman W. Co-teaching: a faculty development strategy. Medical Education 2000;34(4):257–65.

Steinert Y. Becoming a better teacher: From intuition to intent. In: J. Ende (Ed.). Theory and Practice of Teaching Medicine. Philadelphia: American College of Physicians, 2010 (b).

ABC of Learning and Teaching in Medicine, 2nd Edition

Peter Cantillon (Editor), Diana Wood (Editor)
ISBN: 978-1-4051-8597-4
96 pages
July 2010, BMJ Books
ABC of Learning and Teaching in Medicine, 2nd Edition (140518597X) cover image

교수개발: 워크숍에서 실천공동체까지 (Med Teach, 2010)

Faculty development: From workshops to communities of practice


Faculty Development Office and Centre for Medical Education, Faculty of Medicine, McGill University, Canada

Participating in a faculty development workshop gives me a sense of community, self-awareness, motivation and validation of current practices and beliefs .... 

Steinert (2008)


공식 프로그램과 비공식 학습이 있음.

To date, most faculty development initiatives described in the literature consist of formal (or structured) programmes such as workshops and seminars, longitudinal programmes and fellowships (Steinert et al. 2006). Moreover, although the most common definitions of faculty development refer to a planned pro- gramme to prepare institutions and faculty members for their academic roles (Bland et al. 1990), this viewpoint asserts that faculty development can occur in a variety of contexts and settings, and often begins with informal learning in the workplace.




경험으로부터 배우기

Learning from experience

교수개발의 접근법으로 여기지 않기도 하나, 자기-발전에 핵심적이다.

Although this form of learning, which may occur in the classroom or in the clinical setting, is not often considered an approach to faculty development, it is vital to self-improvement.

Learning by doing. 어떻게 우리가 (비록 롤모델이 하는 행동과 반대로 하더라도) 롤모델로부터 배웠는지를 기억할 수 있을 것이다.

Learning by doing is frequently described in the medicaleducation literature as experiential learning. However, it is equally neglected in discussions about faculty development. However, all of us can remember how we learned from role models, even if we sometimes try to exhibit behaviours in opposition to what our role models have demonstrated.


경험에 대한 성찰: 자기인식, 비판적 분석, 새로운 관점을 개발

Reflecting on experience enhances both learning by doing and observing. Whatever the nomenclature, self awareness, critical analysis, and the development of a new perspective are fundamental to the process of reflection,

다음이 도움이 될 수 있음(교육기록 로그, 나를 위한 노트, 동료의 행동 관찰)

At times, keeping a log of teaching encounters or a journal can initiate the process of analysis and reflection. At other times, ‘notes to self’ or viewing oneself on film can offer new insights into recurrent patterns or behaviours. Seeing collea- gues in action can also trigger reflection.


스스로에 대해서 일련의 비판적 질문을 던져볼 수 있다.

Whatever the venue, asking oneself a series of critical questions can help teachers begin to:

  • 복잡한 교육활동을 이해가능한 요소로 분해함 break down complex teaching activities into under- standable components;

  • 자신이 가지고 있는 가정에 대해 검사해봄 facilitate the examination of personal assumptions;

  • '실험'을 장려하고 새로운 접근법 시도 encourage ‘experimentation’ and try out new approaches to teaching;

  • 구체적 교육행위의 효과성 검사 examine the effectiveness of specific teaching practices; and

  • 계획성 높이기 increase intentionality (Steinert 2010),

동료와 학생들로부터 배우기

Learning from peers and students


Peer coaching, sometimes called co-teaching, enables individualized learning, and fosters collaboration (Steinert 2005).


동료와 레지던트로부터 피드백 받기

Soliciting feedback from students and residents can be equally worthwhile. In fact, the following questions can trigger a useful discussion after a specific teaching encounter:

  • 무엇을 배웠나요? What did you learn today?

  • 이번 encounter가 도움이 되었나요? What about this encounter was helpful to you?

  • 더 도움이 되려면 어떻게 다르게 해야할까요? What could we have done differently to make it more useful to you?


이러한 형태의 피드백이 루틴으로 사용되지 않는 것은 안타까운 일이다.

It is unfortunate that feedback of this nature is not routine (Steinert 2010),


워크숍, 세미나, 장기 플그램

Workshops, seminars and longitudinal programmes

워크숍은 다음과 같은 목적으로 자주 사용됨.

workshops are popular because of their inherent flexibility and promotion of active learning. Teachers value a variety of teaching methods within this format (Steinert et al. 2006), which is commonly used

  • to promote skill acquisition (e.g., lecturing or small-group teaching skills),

  • to prepare for new curricula (e.g., problem-based learning) or

  • to help faculty adapt to new teaching environments (e.g., teaching in the ambulatory setting).


Fellowships of varying length, format, and emphasis have also been utilized in many disciplines. More recently, integrated, longitudinal programmes have been developed as an alternative to fellowship programmes or sabbaticals. These programmes, in which faculty commit 10–20% of their time over 1–2 years, allow health care professionals to maintain most of their clinical, research, and administrative responsi- bilities while furthering their own professional development (Steinert 2010). Programme components typically consist of a variety of methods, including university courses, monthly seminars, independent research projects, and participation in staff development activities.

통합 장기적 프로그램

Integrated longitudinal pro- grammes,
such as a Teaching Scholars Program, have particular appeal because teachers can continue to practice and teach while improving their educational knowledge and skills (Gruppen et al. 2006; Steinert & McLeod 2006). In addition, these programmes allow for the development of educational leadership and scholarly activity in medical education.

인증 또는 학위 프로그램. 이것을 의학교육의 'professionalization'이라고 부르기도 하고, 의학교육자들이 '글로벌 스탠다드'를 위해 노력해야 한다고 주장한다. 그러나 어떤 사람들은 여기에 동의하지 않고 헌신적인 교육자의 권리를 박탈disenfranchise하는 것을 우려하기도 한다.

Certificate or degree programmes are also becoming increasingly popular in many settings. In part, this is due to what some authors have termed the ‘professionalization’ of medical education and several authors have argued for the need to certify medical educators and work to ensure global standards; others do not agree and worry about disenfranchiz-ing keen and committed educators (Eitel et al. 2000; Purcell &Lloyd-Jones 2003).

근무지 기반 학습과 실천공동체

Work-based learning and communities of practice

근무지 기반 학습은 "learning for work, learning at work, and learning from work"이며, 경험학습과 밀접하게 관련되어 있다. 일상의 경험을 '교육 경험'으로 봐야 한다.

Work-based learning, which is often defined as learning for work, learning at work, and learning from work (Swanwick 2008), is closely tied to the notion of experiential learning, as ‘learning on the job’ is often the first entry into teaching and education. It is therefore very helpful to view everyday experiences as ‘learning experiences’ and to reflect with colleagues and students on learning that has occurred in the work environment (Boud & Middleton 2003).

전통적으로 교수개발활동이 교사의 근무지에서 벗어난 곳에서 진행되어 왔다는 사실은 흥미롭다. 그 결과 참여자들은 프로그램에서 배운 내용을 각자의 맥락으로 가져가서 적용해야 했다.

It is also interesting to note that staff development activities have traditionally been conducted away from the teacher’s workplace, requiring participants to take their ‘lessons learned’ back to their own contexts. Perhaps, it is time to reverse this tradition and think about how we can enhance the learning that takes place in the work environment.

'실천공동체'개념은 근무지기반학습과 밀접하게 연결되어 있다. 다음과 같은 정의

The notion of a ‘community of practice’ is closely tied to that of work-based learning. Barab et al. (2002) have defined a community of practice as a


persistent, sustaining, social network of individuals who share and develop an overlapping knowledge base, set of beliefs, values, history, and experi- ences focused on a common practice and/or mutual enter- prise’.


더 자세하게는 Lave and Wenger 는 실천공동체의 성공에 중요한 다섯가지 요인을 밝힘.

More specifically, Lave and Wenger (1991) suggest that the success of a community of practice depends on five factors:

  • the existence and sharing by the community of a common goal;
  • the existence and use of knowledge to achieve that goal;
  • the nature and importance of relationships formed among community members;
  • the relationships between the community and those outside it; and
  • the relationship between the work of the community and the value of the activity.


커뮤니티는 공동의 리소스(언어, 스토리, 행동)을 공유한다. 실천공동체에 속한다는 것은 다양한 방식으로 협력관계collegiality를 쌓는 것이다. 그리고 이 협력관계는 임상에서 종종 목격하는 것이며, 교수개발의 중요한 장소venue이다.

A community also requires a shared repertoire of common resources, including language, stories, and practices (Wenger1999). In diverse ways, belonging to a community of practice builds on the collegiality that we often witness in clinical medicine and can be an important venue for faculty development, which in turn can lead to the development of a community of practice (Steinert et al. 2010).



의학교육자로서 동료들이 다음을 할 수 있게 도와야 한다.

As medical educators and faculty developers, we need to help our colleagues

  • 자신이 속한 커뮤니티의 가치를 소중하게 여기게 함 value the community of which they are a part(e.g., by celebrating its existence, members, and resources)and
  • 커뮤니티를 찾게 함 find community (e.g., by building new networks, creating opportunities for exchange and support, and sustaining relationships).



멘토는 guidance, direction, support, expertise 를 한다. 또한 조직의 문화를 이해하게 도와준다.

Mentors can provide guidance, direction, support, or expertise to faculty members in a variety of settings. They can also help teachers to understand the organizational culture in which they work and introduce them to invaluable professional networks (Walkeret al. 2002).


멘토십 모델의 핵심 요소들(서포트, 도전, 커리어 비전)

Daloz (1986) has described a mentorship model that balances three key elements: support, challenge, and a vision of the individual’s future career. 


Steinert Y. 2008. From teacher to medical educator: The spectrum of medical education. Unpublished report. Montreal: Centre for Medical Education.

Steinert Y. 2010. Becoming a better teacher: From intuition to intent. In: Ende J, editor. Theory and practice of teaching medicine. Philadelphia: American College of Physicians.

Cohen R, Murnaghan L, Collins J, Pratt D. 2005. An update on master’s degrees in medical education. Med Teach 27(8):686–692.


 2010;32(5):425-8. doi: 10.3109/01421591003677897.

Faculty development: from workshops to communities of practice.

Author information

  • 1Faculty Development Office and Centre for Medical EducationFaculty of Medicine, McGill University, Quebec, Canada. yvonne.steinert@mcgill.ca
[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

교수개발: 누구, 무엇, 왜, 어디서, 언제, 어떻게? (Am J Pharm Educ. 2014)

Faculty Development: Who, What, Why, Where, When, and How?

Stuart T. Haines, PharmD,a,b and Adam M. Persky, PhDa,c

aGuest Editor, Faculty Development Theme Issue, American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education

bSchool of Pharmacy, University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD

cEshelman School of Pharmacy, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC

교수개발프로그램은 흔히 프로그램의 목표가 무엇인지 명확히 기술하지 않고 이뤄진다. 또한 평가에 대해서 프로그램이 끝나고 나서야 생각해본다. Systematic review의 결과를 보면 교수개발 관련 문헌이 scientific rior가 부족하다. 또한 meaningful outcome을 측정하는 방법 또한 primitive하다.

All too often faculty development is undertaken without considering and explicitly stating what the program goals are. In many cases, evaluation is an afterthought. Sys- tematic reviews have concluded that the body of literature regarding faculty development in the health professions is far from robust and most reports lack scientific rigor.3,4 Admittedly, methods for measuring meaningful outcomes remain a bit primitive.

교수멘토십 프로그램 개발을 위한 체크리스트

For those institutions that wish to develop a faculty mentorship program or need to re-engineer an existing one, the manuscript entitled “A Checklist for the Development of Faculty Mentorship Programs” by Law and colleagues is an invaluable resource with a useful checklist of key con- siderations.5



5. Law AV, Bottenberg MM, Brozick AH, et al. A checklist for the development of faculty mentorship programs. Am J Pharm Educ. 2014;78(5):Article 98.

6. Lancaster JW, Stein SM, Garrelts-MacLean L, Van Amburgh J, Persky AM. Faculty development program models to advance teaching and learning within health science programs. Am J Pharm Educ. 2014;78(5):Article 99.

10. Edwards RA, Kirwin J, Gonyeau M, Matthews SJ, Lancaster J, DiVall M. A reflective teaching challenge to motivate educational innovation. Am J Pharm Educ. 2014;78(5):Article 103.



Faculty developmentwho, what, whywhere, when, and how?

Author information

  • 1Guest Editor, Faculty Development Theme Issue, American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education ; School of Pharmacy, University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD.
  • 2Guest Editor, Faculty Development Theme Issue, American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education ; Eshelman School of Pharmacy, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC.
[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] 
Free PMC Article

A Practical Guide for Medical Teachers  Chapter 45. Staff development

A Practical Guide for Medical Teachers  Chapter 45. Staff development

Y Steinert




  • "broad range of activities that institutions use to renew or assist faculty in their roles (Centra 1978)"

  • "a planned activity designed to prepare institutions and faculty members for their various roles (Bland et al 1990)"

  • "to improve an individual's knowledge and skills in the areas of teaching, research and administration (Sheets & Schwenk 1990)"

For the purpose of this discussion, staff develop­ ment will refer to that broad range of activities that institutions use to renew or assist faculty in their roles (Centra 1978). That is, staff development is a planned activity designed to prepare institutions and faculty members for their various roles (Bland et al 1990) and to improve an individual's knowledge and skills in the areas of teaching, research and administration (Sheets & Schwenk 1990).


교수개발은 institutional and faculty position과 관련된 스킬을 가르쳐서 현재와 미래의 생명력vitality을 유지하는 것이 목적이다.

The goal of staff development is to teach faculty members the skills relevant t o their institutional and faculty position, and to sustain their vitality, both now and in the future.

공통 실천과 도전과제

Common practices and challenges

핵심 내용영역



That is, they aim to improve teach rs '

  • 임상교육 스킬 skills in clinical teaching,

  • 소그룹 퍼실리테이션 small ­ group facilitation,

  • 대형그룹 발표 large-group presentations,

  • 피드백과 평가 feedback and evaluation (Steinert et al 2006).


They also target

  • 특정 핵심 역량(프로페셔널리즘 교육과 평가) specific core competencies (e.g. the teaching and evaluation of professionalism) ,

  • 새롭게 강조되는 교육적 우선순위(사회적 책무, 문화 인식과 겸손, 환자안전) emerging educational priorities ( e.g. social accountability; cultural awareness and humility; patient safety),

  • 교육과정 설계 curriculum design and

  • 테크놀로지의 활용 development and the use of technology in teaching and learning.

At the same time, less attention has been paid to

  • 보건의료전문직으로서 개인의 발달 the personal development of healthcare professionals,

  • 교육 리더십과 스칼라십 educational leadership and scholarship and

  • 조직개발과 변화 organiza­tional development and change.

다음과 같은 사람으로 개발하고자 한다.

That is,  we  need to  develop  individuals  who  will  be  able  to  

  • 교육 프로그램의 리더십을 발휘할 사람 provide leadership  to  educational programmes,  

  • 교육적 멘토로서 활동할 사람 act  as  educa­ tional mentors and

  • 혁신적 교육 프로그램을 설계하고 실행할 사람 design and deliver innovative edu­cational  programmes.  


교수개발 프로그램의 역할

Staff  development  also  has  a significant  role  to  play  

  • 학문적 활동scholarly activity로서의 교육의 촉진 in  promoting  teaching  as  a scholarly  activity  and  

  • 교육리더십/혁신/수월성을 장려하고 보상하는 교육적 분위기 조성 in  creating  an  educational climate  that  encourages  and  rewards  educational leadership,  innovation and excellence. 

"가르치는 시점에서 학생이 되지 않은 사람은 성공적으로 가르칠 수 없다"

,,.,, "It goes without saying that no man can teach successfully who is not at the same time a student."

Sir William Osler

조직변화 촉진의 유용한 도구가 될 수 있으며, 의과대학은 이 필수적 활동(조직개발)의 설계와 시행delivery의 근본역할을 맡는다. McLean 등이 말한 바와 같이 "교수개발은 사치품이 아니며, 모든 의과대학의 필수품imperative이다"

staff development can serve as a useful instrument in the promotion of organizational change and that medical schools can play a fundamental role in the design and delivery of this essential activity. As McLean and col­ leagues (2008) have said, 'Faculty development is not a luxury. It is an imperative for every medical school.'


교수개발 프로그램이 대상으로 하는 사람은..

Staff development initiatives should also  target

  • 교육과정 개발자 curriculum planners  responsible  for  the  design  and  delivery  of educational  programmes,  
  • 관리자/행정가 administrators  responsible for  education and practice,  and
  • 교수-학습에 관여하는 모든 보건의료전문직 all  healthcare profes­ sionals  involved  in  teaching  and  learning.  


비록 교수개발 프로그램 참여가 기본적으로 자발적이지만, 일부 의과대학은 '가르침의 전문화'professionalization' of teaching'를 인식하기 시작하면서 프로그램 참여를 (의무로) 요구하고 있다.

Moreover, although  staff development  is  primarily  a  voluntary  activity, some medical schools now require participation in this type of professional development as they increasingly recognize the 'professionalization' of teaching.

"교수를 가장 구분짓는 task중 하나는 교육이다. 다른 모든 task는 다른 세팅에서도 추구할 수 있다.
그러나 역설적으로 교수가 가장 덜 준비되어있는 것
(=교육)이 교수의 전형적인 핵심 책임이다."

"The one task that is distinctively related to being a faculty member is teaching; all other tasks can be pursued in other settings; and yet, paradoxically, the central responsibility of faculty members is typically the one for which they are least prepared." 

Jason & Westberg 1982



교육 형태


가장 흔한 형태는 워크숍/세미나/단기코스/안식년/펠로우십 등이 있다. 

The most common staff development formats include workshops and seminars, short courses, sabbaticals and fellowships (Steinert et al 2006).


워크숍은 가장 널리 쓰이며, 본질적으로 유연성이 좋고 능동적 학습을 유도한다. 실제로 교수들은 워크숍에서 활용되는 다양한 교육방법(상호작용적 강의, 소그룹 토론, 개별 실습, 역할극, 시뮬레이션, 경험학습)을 가치있다고 생각한다.

Workshops are one of the most popular formats because of their inherent flexibility and promotion of active learning. In fact, faculty members value a variety of teaching methods within this format, including interactive lec­ tures, small-group discussions, individual exercises, role plays and simulations, and experiential learning.

두 개의 차원으로 교수개발을 나눌 수 있다. (개인-집단, 공식-비공식)

We should also remember that staff development can occur along two dimensions: from individual (independent) experiences to group (collective) learning, and from informal approaches to more formal ones (Steinert 2010).

의과대학이 공식(구조화) 활동의 구성을 위한 주된 역할이 있으나, 비공식 세팅에서도 강력한 학습이 일어날 수 있음을 알아야 한다.

Although the medical school (as an institution) is primarily respon­ sible for the organization of more formal (structured) activities, we must be aware of the powerful learning that can occur in informal settings.


"살면서 가장 어려운 것 중 하나는 지식이 효과가 나타나게 하는 것, 즉 실용적 지혜로 바꾸는 것이다"

"The greatest difficulty in life is to make knowledge effective, to convert it into practical wisdom."

Sir William Osler

장기적 통합 프로그램

Integrated longitudinal programmes

펠로우십 프로그램의 대체제로서 개발되었다. 1~2년에 걸쳐 10~20%의 시간을 투자하여 임상/연구/행정 책임을 그대로 유지하는 동안 professional development를 해나가는 것. 다양한 방법으로 구현되는데 대학의 교과목/월간 세미나/독립연구프로젝트 등

Integrated longitudinal programmes have been devel­ oped as an alternative to fellowship programmes. These programmes, in which faculty members commit 10-20% of their time over 1-2 years, allow healthcare professionals to maintain most of their clinical, research and administrative responsibilities while fur­ thering their own professional development. Pro­ gramme components typically consist of a variety of methods: including university courses, monthly semi­ nars, independent research projects and involvement in a variety of staff development activities.

탈중앙화된 활동

Decentralized activities

교수개발은 종종 교실 중심으로 혹은 중앙 차원에서 조직된다. 그러나 지역사회 혹은 외래 환경에서 교육이 늘어나면서 교수개발은 대학의 바깥까지 '수출'되게 되었다. 탈중앙화된, (교육)장소-특이적 활동이 교수개발 프로그램에 참여가 어려웠던 사람들에게 도움이 될 것이다.

Staff development programmes are often departmen­ tally based or centrally organized (i. e. faculty-wide). Given the increasing use of community preceptors and ambulatory sites for teaching, staff development programmes should be 'exported' outside of the uni­ versity setting. Decentralized, site-specific activities have the added advantage of reaching individuals who may not otherwise attend staff development activities and can help to develop a departmental culture of self-improvement.


Peer coaching

피어코칭의 핵심 요소는..

Key elements of peer coaching include

  • 개인별 학습목표 도출 the identification of individual learning goals (e.g. improv­ ing specific teaching skills),

  • 동료에 의한 (평가대상) 집중 관찰  focused observation of teaching by colleagues, and

  • 피드백, 분석, 서포트 제공 the provision of feedback, analysis and support (Flynn et al 1994).


이 방법은 잘 사용되어오지 않았고, 코-티칭 혹은 동료관찰로 불리기도 한다. 이것이 특히 중요한 이유는 교사의 실제 수행환경에서 진행되기 때문이며, 개별화된 학습을 가능하게 하고, 협력을 촉진한다. 보건의료전문직이 서로 가르쳐주면서 서로에게 배울 수 있다.

This underu­ tilized approach, sometimes called co-teaching or peer observation, has particular appeal because it occurs in the t eacher's own practice setting, enables individual­ ized learning and fosters collaboration. It also allows healthcare professionals to learn about each other as they teach together.



멘토링은 교수의 사회화, 발달, 성숙을 촉진하기 위한 흔한 전략이다. 이 역시 가치가 있지만 잘 활용되어오지 않았던 교수개발 전략이다. Daloz는 멘토십 모델을 세 가지 핵심 요소의 균형이 있어야 한다고 했다 (서포트, 도전challenge, 미래 커리어에 대한 비전)

Mentoring is a common strategy to promote the socialization, development and maturation of aca­ demic medical faculty (Bland et al 1990), It is also a valuable, but underutilized, staff development strat­ egy. Daloz (1986) has described a mentorship model that balances three key elements: support, challenge and a vision of the individual's future career.


"멘토링은 새로운 리더와 새로운 리더십을 창출하는데 필수적이다" 

"Mentoring is vital to create new leaders and new kinds of leadership." 
Anderson 1999


Self-directed learning

교수개발문헌에서 자기주도학습 이니셔티브는 잘 언급되지 않는 내용이다. 그러나 명확히 RIA와 ROA를 촉진하는 자기주도학습의 위치가 있으며, 이 스킬이 효과적인 교수-학습에 중요하다. Ullian과 Stritter는 '교사는 자기성찰, 학생평가, 동료의 피드백을 통하여 자신의 니즈를 결정하게끔 권장되어야 하며, 자기 스스로 발달활동development activities를 설계하는 법을 배워야 한다'라고 했다.

Self-directed learning initiatives are not frequently described in the staff development literature. How­ ever, there is clearly a place for self-directed learning that promotes 'reflection in action' and 'reflection on action', skills that are critical to effective teaching and learning (Schon 1983). As Ullian and Stritter (1997) have said, teachers should be encouraged to deter­ mine their own needs through self-reflection, student evaluation and peer feedback, and they should learn to design their own development activities.

컴퓨터 활용 교육

Computer-aided instruction

웹-기반 학습을 통해 프로그램을 개인의 구체적 니즈에 따라 개별화하여 맞출 수 있고, 리소스를 공유할 수 있다.

Web-based learning can allow for indi­ vidualized programmes targeted to specific needs and the sharing of resources, as long as we do not lose sight of the value and importance of working in context, with our colleagues.

흔히 겪는 어려움


교수개발 프로그램은 다른 요소(기관 차원의 지원, 조직의 목표와 우선순위, 프로그램 기획을 위한 리소스, 개개인의 니즈와 기대)와 별개로 존재할 수 없다.

Staff development programmes cannot be designed or delivered in isolation from other factors that include institutional support, organizational goals and priorities, resources for programme planning and indi­ vidual needs and expectations.

교수개발자들이 맞닥뜨리는 흔한 문제

Common challenges faced by faculty developers include

  • 목표와 우선순위 설정 defining goals and priorities;

  • 개인과 조직의 니즈의 균형 맞추기 balancing individual and organizational needs;

  • 교수들이 교수개발 프로그램에 참여하게 동기부여하기 motivating faculty to participate in staff devel­ opment initiatives;

  • 기관 차원의 서포트와 지지buy-in 얻기 obtaining institutional support and 'buy in';

  • 교수학습에 대한 관심을 성찰하는 문화의 변화 이끌기 promoting a 'culture change' that reflects renewed interest in teaching and learning; and

  • 인적, 재정적 리소스 한계 극복하기 over­coming limited human and financial resources.


교수들에게 참여의 동기를 부여하는 것이 핵심 과제 중 하나이다

As motivating faculty to participate in staff development is one of the key challenges,

교사는 학생 또는 레지던트와 다르다. 경험이 더 많고, 더 자기-확립self-entrenched된 행동을 하며, 변화하기가 더 어렵다. 학습에 대해서 자동적으로 동기부여가 되지 않으며, 학습을 위한 시간이 배정되있지 않다.

Teachers  differ  from  students  and  residents in a number  of  ways.  They  have  more  life  experi­ences,  they  have  more  self-entrenched  behaviours, and change  may be seen  as  a  greater threat.  In  addi­tion,  motivation  for  learning  cannot be  assumed  andtime  for  learning  is  not  routinely  allocated.

교사들은 여러가지 이유로 교수개발 프로그램에 참여하지 않는다. 어떤 사람은 교육(혹은 교육 향상)을 중요하게 생각하지 않고, 어떤 사람은 자신이 소속된 조직이 그러한 활동을 지원하거나 가치있게 여기지 않는다고 생각한다. 많은 경우 교수개발 프로그램이 어떤 장점이 있는지 모른다.

Teachers do not participate in staff develop­ ment activities for a variety of reasons. Some do not view teaching - or teaching improvement - as impor­ tant; others do not perceive a need for improvement or feel that their institution does not support or value these activities. Many are not aware of the benefits ( or availability) of staff development programmes and activities.

교수들을 동기부여 하기 위해서는 professional develop­ment를 촉진, 권장하는 문화를 만들어야 한다. 동일한 목표를 달성하기 위한 다양한 접근법을 고려하고, 프로그램을 개인 및 조직의 니즈에 맞춰야 하고, (니즈와) 관련된 양질의 (학습) 활동을 추구해야 한다. (공통의) 흥미를 가지고 있는 개인들의 네트워크를 조직하고, 정보의 확산을 장려하고, 학생의 피드백을 활용하여 이들의 니즈가 무엇인지 파악하고, 교수개발 프로그램에 참여를 인정recognize해줘야 한다. 또한 가능하다면 자유시간release time을 줘야 한다. 또한 교수개발활동을 지속적 프로그램(병원 라운드, CME 활동)으로 만들어서 광범위한 활동과 (교육)방법을 운영하며, free and flexible 프로그램을 제공한다. 교수개발 전략이 조직의 규범과 가치를 지향한다면 기관 차원의 서포트는 매우 중요하다.

To motivate faculty, we need to develop a culture that promotes and encourages professional develop­ ment, consider multiple approaches to achieving the same goal, tailor programmes to meet individual and organizational needs and ensure relevant and 'high­ quality' activities. We must also build a network of interested individuals, encourage the dissemination of information, utilize student feedback to illustrate need, recognize participation in staff development and, if possible, provide 'release time'. Whenever pos­ sible, it is also helpful to link staff development activi­ ties with ongoing programmes ( e.g. hospital rounds, CME events), to provide a range of activities and methods and to offer free and flexible programming. Organizational support for these initiatives is also critical, as are staff development strategies that target organizational norms and values ( e.g. recognizing the importance of teaching and learning).

"교수개발의 목표는 교수들이 교육자로서의 역할을 더 잘 수행할 수 있게 하고,

그렇게 함으로써 지속적 학습을 권장하고 보상하는 조직을 만드는 것이다"

"The goal of faculty development is to empower faculty members to excel in their role as educators and, in so doing, to create organizations that encourage and reward continual learning."

Wilkerson & Irby 1998


프로그램 효과성


문제: 대조군 부재, 자기보고 척도에 의존

Common problems have included a lack of control or comparison groups, heavy reliance on self­ report measures of change and small sample sizes.

지식/술기/태도, 학생의 행동, 개인의 흥미와 열정, 자신감, 커뮤니티에 소속감, 교육리더십과 혁신

A number of studies have also demonstrated an impact on teachers' knowledge, skills and attitudes, and several have shown changes in student behaviour as a result of staff participation in faculty develop­ ment programmes (Steinert et al 2006) . Other ben­ efits have included increased personal interest and enthusiasm, improved self-confidence, a greater sense of belonging to a community and educational leader­ ship and innovation (Steinert et al 2003).

"My view of myself as a teacher has changed, from an information provider to a 'director' of learning."

McGill Teaching Scholar

교수개발 프로그램 설계

Designing a staff development programme


개인과 조직의 문화를 이해하기


교수개발프로그램은 구체적인 기관 혹은 조직의 맥락에서 이뤄진다. 많은 경우 문화적 맥락은 교수개발을 촉진하는 방향으로 활용할 수 있는데, 예컨대 교육 혹은 교육과정의 개편 시기에는 교수개발의 중요성이 더 커진다. 교수개발 활동을 위한 기관 차원의 서포트를 평가하여 적절한 로비도 해야 한다.

Staff development programmes take place within t he context of a specific institution or organization. In many ways, the cultural context can be used to promote r enhance staff deve.lopment ffmts. For example, staff development during times of educational or curricul ar reform can take on added importance (Rubeck & Witzke 1998). It is also important to assess institu­ tional support for staff development activities and lobby effectively. Staff development cannot occur in a vacuum.

적절한 목표와 우선순위 결정



요구사정을 수행하고 그에 맞는 프로그램이 되게끔 하기


설문지, 인터뷰, 포커스그룹, 교사의 행동 관찰, 문헌 고찰, 가용자원과 프로그램 스캔.

다양한 소스에서 정보를 얻고 'needs'와 'wants' 를 구분해야 함.

Common methods include written questionnaires or su rveys, interviews or focus groups with key informants (e.g. participants, students, educational leaders), observations of teachers 'in action', literature reviews and environmental scans of available programmes and resources. Whenever possible, it is worth acquiring information from multiple sources and distinguishing between 'needs' and 'wants '.



요구사정을 통하여 목표를 다듬고, 내용을 결정하고, (교수가) 선호하는 학습 형태를 찾고, Buy-in 촉진

Assess needs to refine goals, determine content, identify preferred learning formats and promote 'buy in'.

다양한 니즈를 맞출 수 있는 다양한 프로그램 개발



교수개발 프로그램에는 development, orientation, recognition and support 등이 모두 포함될 수 있으며, 다양한 프로그램을 활용하여 다양한 목표를 이룰 수 있다. 니즈가 변하면 프로그램의 내용과 방법도 함께 바뀌어야 한다.

Tn this context, it is also helpful to remember that staff dev lopment can include development, orientation, recognition and support, and different programmes are required to accommo­ date diverse objectives. Programme content and methods must also change over time to adapt to evolv­ ing needs.

성인학습과 Instructional design의 원칙 적용


  • • Adults are independent.

  • • Adults come to learning situations with a variety of motivations and definite expectations about par­ ticular learning goals and teaching methods. Adults demonstrate different learning styles.

  • • Much of adult learning is 'relearning' rather than new learning. 

  • • Adult learning often involves changes in attitudes as well as skills. 

  • • Most adults prefer to learn through experience.

  • Incentives for adult learning usually come from within the individual

  • Feedback is usually more important than tests and evaluations.

다양한 교육법 활용



아래와 같은 방법

Common learning methods include

  • interactive lectures,

  • case presentations,

  • small-group exercises and discussions,

  • role plays and simulations,

  • videotape reviews and

  • live demonstrations. (Many of these methods are described in earlier sections of this book.)


피드백이 동반된 연습이 중요.

Practice with feedback is also essential, as is the opportunity to reflect on personal values and atti­ tudes.


그 외

are additional methods to consider.

  • Computer-aided instruction,

  • debates and reac­ tion panels,

  • journal clubs and

  • self-directed readings


상호작용적 강의의 구성

In line with our previous example, a workshop on interactive lecturing might include

  • interactive plenaries,

  • small-group dis­ cussions and exercises and

  • opportunities for practice and feedback.


펠로우십 프로그램의 구성

A fellowship programme might include

  • group seminars,

  • independent projects and

  • structured readings.

경험학습, 성찰, 피드백, 즉각적 활용을 촉진

Promote experiential learning, reflection, feedback and immediacy of application.



교수의 Buy-in을 촉진하고 효과적으로 마케팅하기



교수개발 프로그램에 참여하겠다는 결정은 보이는 것처럼 단순하지 않다.

The decision to participate in a staff development programme or activity is not as simple as it might at first appear. It involves the individual's

  • 특정 프로그램에 대한 반응 reaction to a particular offering,

  • 구체적인 스킬 향상에 대한 동기부여 motivation to develop or enhance a specific skill,

  • 그 때에 시간이 가능한지 being available at the time of the session and

  • 자신의 needs를 인정하기까지의 심리적 장벽 overcoming the psychological barrier of admitting need (Rubeck & Witzke 1998).


이러한 주저함을 극복하고 우리의 '상품'을 잘 마케팅하여 그러한 저항resistance가 학습의 리소스가 되게 해야 한다. Targeted mailing, profes­sionally designed brochures, 'branding' to promote interest 이 효과가 있다.

As faculty developers, it is our challenge to overcome reluctance and to market our 'product' in such a way that resist­ ance becomes a resource to learning. In our context, we have seen the value of targeted mailings, profes­ sionally designed brochures and 'branding' of our product to promote interest.


그 외에도 Continuing education credits, free and flexible programming이 참석동기를 촉진시킬 수 있다.

Continuing education credits, as well as free and flexible programming, can also help to facilitate motivation and attendance.


'Buy in' 이란 중요성에 대한 동의, 폭넓은 지지support, 시간과 리소스의 헌신(개인 차원과 기관 차원에서) 등을 의미한다.

'Buy in' involves agreement on importance, widespread support, and dedication of time and resources at both the individual and the systems level and must be considered in all programming initiatives.


흔히 접하는 어려움 극복하기


기관 차원의 지원 부족, 리소스 제한, 교수 시간 제한

Common implementation problems, such as a lack of institutional support, limited resources, and limited faculty time

교수개발자들을 준비시키기


교수개발자들을 모집하고 준비시키는 것에 대해서 보고된 것은 많지 않다. 여러가지 방법으로 교수들을 참여시킬 수 있다. -퍼실리테이터, 프로그램 기획자, 컨설턴트 등.

The recruitment and preparation of staff developers are rarely reported. Faculty members can be involved in a number of ways: as co-facilitators, pro­ gramme planners or consultants.


새로운 교수에게는 다음과 같은 방법을 시도해볼 수 있다.

In our own setting, we try to involve new faculty members in each staff

  • 준비, 개발 단계 활동에서 내용과 프로세스의 검토를 위한 미팅
    conduct a preparatory development activity and meeting (or 'dry run') to review content and process,

  • 피드백을 달라고 함 solicit feedback and

  • Ownership을 갖게 함 promote 'ownership'.



각 활동을 'debriefing' 세션을 통해서 향후 계획을 세우기 위한 토론으로 마무리한다.

We also conclude each activity with a 'debriefing' session to discuss lessons learned and plan for the future.


가능하다면 교수개발자들은 동료에 의해서 존중받는 사람이어야 하며, 교육에 대한 어떤 전문성과 그룹 퍼실리테이션의 경험이 있어야 한다. '한 번 가르치는 것은 두 번 배우는 것과 같다'라는 말이 있으며, 이 원칙이 교수개발자들의 동기부여요인이 될 수 있을 것이다.

When­ ever possible, staff developers should be individuals who are well-respected by their peers and have some educational expertise and experience in facilitating groups. It has been said that 'to teach is to learn twice'; this principle is clearly one of the motivating factors that influence staff developers.

효과성의 평가와 효과 보여주기


다음을 고려해야 함.

In preparing to evaluate a staff development pro­ gramme or activity, we should consider

  • 평가의 목표 the goal of the evaluation (e.g. programme planning versus decision making; policy formation versus academic. inquiry),

  • 가용 데이터 소스 available data sources (e.g. participants, peers, stu­dents or residents),

  • 평가방법 common methods of evaluation (e.g. questionnaires, focus groups, objective tests, observations),

  • 평가를 서포트해주는 리소스 resources to support assessment (e.g. institutional support, research grants) and

  • 프로그램 평가의 모델 models of programme evaluation (e.g. goal attainment, decision facilitation).

최소한의 현실적이고 실현가능한 평가에는 다음의 것이 있음

At a minimum, a practical and feasible evaluation should include an assessment of

  • 유용성, 관련성 utility and relevance,

  • 내용 content,

  • 교수학습법 teaching and larning methods and

  • 변화의 의지 intent to change.


평가는 프로그램 기획 단계에서의 핵심 부분이며, 모든 프로그램의 초반에 개변화되어야 한다. 학습과 행동변화의 평가를 위한 질적, 양적 방법을 포함하여야 한다.

Moreover, as evaluation is an integral part of programme planning, it should be conceptualized at the beginning of any programme. It should also include qualitative and quantitative assessments of learning and behaviour change, using a vadety of methods and data sources.


내용 뿐 아니라 다음의 것에도 관심을 가져야 함.

ln looking to the future, we should focus on content areas that go beyond

  • 특정 교육 스킬의 향상 the improvement of specific teaching skill s (e.g. educational leadership and scholarship, academic and career development);

  • 다양한 교육 포멧의 활용 adopt diverse educational formats such as integrated longi­tudinal programmes, decentral ized activities and self­ directed learning;

  • 근무지 기반 학습과 실천공동체의 장점 고려. 교수개발 프로그램을 통한 공동체의식 배양 consider the benefits of work-based learning and communities of practice in promoting staff development as well as the value of staff devel­opment in fostering a sense of community;

  • 조직의 변화와 발전을 위한 교수개발 프로그램 use staff development programmes and activities t o promote organizational change and development; and

  • 효과성 평가를 통해서 practice informs research and research can inform practice하도록 evaluate the effectiveness of all that we do so that practice informs research and research can inform practice.

A Practical Guide for Medical Teachers

Elsevier Health Sciences2013. 5. 28. - 448페이지

This Fourth Edition of the highly praised Practical Guide for Medical Teachers provides a bridge between the theoretical aspects of medical education and the delivery of enthusiastic and effective teaching in basic science and clinical medicine. Healthcare professionals are committed teachers and this book is a practical guide to help them maximise their performance.

  • Practical Guide for Medical Teachers charts the steady rise of global interest in medical education in a concise format.

의과대학의 교수는 가장 중요한 자원이다(Acad Med, 2003)

The Medical School’s Faculty Is Its Most Important Asset

지난 20년간 교수들이 수행하는 연구와 진료 프래그램은 엄청나게 늘었다.

During the past two decades, the number and size of the research and clinical programs conducted by medical school faculties increased at a remarkable rate.

생의학 연구와 복잡한 환자진료를 위해서는 다양한 학문분야로부터의 기여를 조화시켜야 한다는 것을 인식하기 시작하면서 특정 연구와 진료를 위한 무수한 다학제 센터들을 설립하기 시작하였다.

Recognizing that coordinat- ing contributions from faculty members drawn from multiple disciplines was in- creasingly required for the conduct of biomedical research and the delivery of complex patient care services, medical schools responded to this challenge by establishing myriad multidisciplinary centers and institutes dedicated to the conduct of specific research or patient care programs.

더 최근에 학장들은 어떻게 의과대학교수가 교육미션을 수행하기 위해서 조직화되어야 하는가를 고민함

More recently, deans have begun to consider how the medical school faculty should be organized to conduct the institution’s medical education mission.

  • 첫 2년 first two years of the medical school curriculum with courses in which con- tent relevant to a specific topic is drawn from various disciplines and presented in an integrated fashion.

  • 임상경험 시기 clinical experien-ces that will allow content drawn from multiple disciplines to be integrated throughout those years more readily than now occurs during departmentally controlled clerkships. 

의과대학생의 교육에 가장 헌신하고 가장 참여하는 교수들을 professionally and financially 지원해주고 보상해주어야 한다라는 광범위한 합의가 있으며, 의과대학의 핵심 행정부가 핵심 역할을 해야 한다.

there is widespread agree- ment that those members of the faculty who are most committed to, and involved in, the education of medical students must be supported and rewarded, both professionally and financially, and that the central administration of the school must play a key role in seeing that this happens.

의과대학생 교육에 참여하는 교수들이 그 노력에 대해서 지원받고 보상받을 수 있는 정책을 도입해야 한다.

schools must adopt policies that ensure that those members of the faculty most involved in the education of medical students are supported and rewarded appropriately for their efforts.

기존의 의학교육자 집단에 더하여, 대학은 의학교육자로서의 커리어에 흥미가 있는 교수들을 위한 프로그램을 만들어서 더 효과적인 교육자가 될 수 있게 해주는 교육과 가르침에 대한 더 심화된 지식을 쌓을 수 있도록 도와줘야 한다.

In addition to being attentive to their existing cadre of medical educators, schools also must develop programs that will allow members of the faculty who are interested in pursuing careers as medical educators to acquire the in- depth knowledge about education and teaching that is required to be an effective educator.

의과대학의 가장 중요한 자산은 교수이다. 의과대학생 교육의 퀄리티를 유지하기 위해서 의과대학은 개별 교수의 수행능력 최적화를 목적으로 하는 programmatic activites에 투자해야 한다.

A medical school’s most important asset is its faculty. To maintain the quality of medical students’ education, schools must invest in programmatic activities that are intended to optimize the performances of individual fa- culty members who are involved in the educational program, regardless of whether they are educators or teachers.

 2003 Feb;78(2):117-8.

The medical school's faculty is its most important asset.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

교수개발에 대한 관점: 2020년까지 6/6을 목표로 (Perspect Med Educ (2012))

Perspectives on faculty development: aiming for 6/6 by 2020

Yvonne Steinert

미래 교수개발의 중요성에 대한 두 가지 최근 컨퍼런스가 있었다.

Two recent conferences addressed important issues related to the future of faculty development.

  • The first, entitled the 2020 Vision of Faculty Development Across the Medical Education Continuum Conference [1],

  • The second, entitled the First International Conference on Faculty Development in the Health Professions, was held in May 2011 and welcomed over 300 participants from 28 countries to Toronto.

교수개발 영역이 더 발전하기 위해 고려해야 할 실천과 연구에 대한 여섯가지 권고

I would like to highlight six recommendations for practice and research that we should consider as the field of faculty development moves forward:

  • (1) 이론적 프레임워크에 근거한 교수개발
    grounding faculty development in a theoretical framework;

  • (2) 의사와 기초의학자가 담당하는 다양한 역할로 교수개발의 초점을 확대하기
    broadening the focus of faculty development to address the various roles that clinicians and basic scientists play;

  • (3) 교육과정 변화와 조직변화에 대한 교수의 역할을 인정하기
    recognizing the role that faculty development can play in promoting curricular and organizational change;

  • (4) 공식적인 구조화된 활동 뿐 아니라 근무지-기반 학습과 실천공동체를 통해서 어떻게 교수가 발전, 향상되어 가는지에 대한 인식을 넓히기
    expanding our notion of how faculty members develop and moving beyond formal, structured activities to incorporate notions of work-based learning and communities of practice;

  • (5) 모든 교수들에게 교수개발을 요구expectation하기
    making faculty development an expectation for all faculty members; and

  • (6) 연구를 통한 실천이 이뤄지게끔 교수개발에서의 학문을 촉진하기 promoting scholarship in faculty development to ensure that research informs practice.

교수개발의 범위와 정의

The scope and definition of faculty development

FICFD in HP 컨퍼런스에서 교수개발의 정의는 '기관이 교수의 역할을 renew 혹은 assist 하기 위해서 활용하는 포괄적 활동'으로 정의했다. 여기에서는 '교수의 교사/교육자/관리자/리더/연구자 역할을 지원하기 위한' 활동의 중요성을 다시 한 번 강조하였다.

The call for proposals for the First International Conference on Faculty Development in the Health Professions defined faculty development as ‘that broad range of activities that institutions use to renew or assist faculty in their roles’ [3]. It also re-affirmed the importance of using these activities to‘assist faculty in their roles as teachers, educators, administrators, leaders and/or researchers’ [4].

동시에, 여러 문화에서 교수개발의 의미가 무엇인지 밝혔다.

At the same time, the meaning of faculty development across cultures was revealing. For example,

  • 네덜란드어로 docentprofessionalisering는 단순히 번역하자면 '가르침의 프로페셔널화'이며, 여기서는 가르치는 사람과 가르치는 행위teachers and teaching 모두의 전문직화를 강조한다. 이는 최근 강조하는 teaching의 표준화와 명확히 관련되어 있으며, 그러나 (교수의 다른 역할과 과업을 배제하고) '가르치는 것'에만 초점을 두었다는 한계가 있다.
    the Dutch term, docentprofessionalisering, loosely translates as the professionalization of teaching. This emphasis on professionalization, of both teachers and teaching, is intriguing and clearly aligns with a current focus on standards for teaching [5, 6]. The termis limited, however, inits emphasis on teaching(at the exclusion of other important faculty roles and tasks). In some ways,

  • 프랑스어로 formation professorale는 보다 포괄적인데, 여기에는 '가르치는 것' 외에도 전문직 역할의 형성formation을 강조한다.
    the French term, formation professorale,is more inclusive, as it is not restricted to teaching and refers to the ‘formation’ of the professorial role;

  • 독일어로 Personal- und Organisationsentwicklung 역시 흥미로운데, 이것은 개인과 조직의 발달을 모두 강조하는 용어로서, 교수개발의 또 다른 중요한 요소를 강조하는 것이다.
    the German term, Personal- und Organisationsentwicklung,is also of interest, as it emphasizes both individual and organizational development, another critical component of faculty development.

우리는 Webster-Wright가 말한 'professional development'에서 ‘continual professional learning’으로의 변화를 고려할 필요가 있다. '교수'라는 단어가 "연속체의 모든 단계에서/광범위한 맥락에서/학생의 교육과 supervision에 참여하는 모든 사람"을 포괄하여 의미한다는 것을 기억한다면, '지속적인 전문직으로서의 학습continual professional learning'이 교수개발의 궁극적 목표라 할 수 있다.

We should also consider Webster-Wright’s shift [8] from professional development to ‘continual professional learning’, which in many ways describes the ultimate goal of faculty development, as long as we remember that the word faculty is meant to be inclusive, referring to all individuals who are involved in the teaching and supervision of students in the healthprofessions, at all levels of the continuum, ina wide range of contexts (e.g., in the classroom, at the bedside, in the outpatient clinic) and settings (e.g., the university, the hospital and the community).

이론적 프레임워크에 기반한 교수개발

Grounding faculty development in a theoretical framework

MacDougall and Drummond 는 어떻게 medical teacher와 educator가 발달하는지를 설명하는 명확한 이론적 프레임워크가 없음을 보았다. 또한 교수개발 문헌들에서도 이론은 눈에 띌 정도로 부족했다. 그러나 다수의 교육이론이 교수개발과 교수들의 발달에 적용될 수 있다(구성주의, 사회적학습social learning, 자기효능감 등). 그러나 나는 상황학습situated learning이 가장 유용한 이론적 프레임워크라고 보며, 왜냐하면 이 이론에서는 '지식은 맥락적으로 놓여지며contextually situated, 근본적으로 그것(지식)이 활용되는 활동/맥락/문화에 영향을 받는다'라고 보기 때문이다. 지식을 이러한 관점에서 보는 것은, (즉 authentic context에 놓여있다고 보는 것은) 어떻게 교수들이 발달하는지 이해하는데 중요한 함의를 던진다. 이는 situated learning의 개별 요소들도 마찬가지이다.

MacDougall and Drummond [9] have observed that there is no clear theoretical framework to describe how medical teachers and educators develop. Theory is also noticeably absent from the faculty development literature [7]. And yet, a number of educational theories can be applied to faculty development and the development of faculty members, including constructivism[10], social learning [11], and self-efficacy [12]. However, in my opinion, situated learning [13] appears to be one of the most useful theoretical frameworks, as it is based upon the notion that knowledge is contextually situated and fundamentally influenced by the activity, context, and culture in which it is used [13]. This view of knowledge, as situated in authentic contexts, holds important implications for our understanding of how faculty members develop, as do the individual components of situated learning:

  • 인지적 견습생(모델린, 스캐폴딩, 페이딩, 코칭) cognitive apprenticeship (i.e., modelling, scaffolding, fading, and coaching),

  • 협력적 학습 collaborative learning,

  • 성찰 reflection,

  • 실천 practice, and

  • 학습스킬의 표현 articulation of learning skills [14].


실제로, 성찰은 (그리고 교수개발에서 성찰의 역할은) 미래에도 더 중요해질 것인데, 왜냐하면 성찰은 '이론적 개념을 실천으로 통합하는 것을 가능하게 해주며, 경험을 통한 학습을 도와주며, 복잡한 상황에서의 비판적 사고를 향상시키기 때문'이다. 성인학습과 경험학습의 원리도 교수개발 프로그램의 설계와 전달에 관련될 수 있다.

In fact, reflection—and its role in faculty development—will warrant more attention in the future, for reflection ‘allows for the integration of theoretical concepts into practice, increased learning through experience, and enhanced critical thinking in complex situations’ [15]. Principles of adult learning[16] and experiential learning[17] are also pertinent in the design and delivery of faculty development programmes.

situated learning과 밀접한 관련이 있는 개념은 '정당한 주변부 참여legitimate peripheral participation'이다. 이 social practice는 경험학습 및 견습/도제와 합해져서 단일한 이론적 관점을 만들었는데, 이와 같은 social practice가 초심자가 전문가가 되는 프로세스라는 것이다. 이 관점에서 학습자는 자신이 한 부분으로서 참여하는 커뮤니티에 점진적으로 참여해가면서 새로운 지식과 이해를 쌓아나가게 된다. 학습자로서 이들은 커뮤니티의 가장자리periphery에서 시작하고, 참여를 통해서 점차적으로 커뮤니티의 지식/태도/행동을 습득하게 된다. 교수들은 교사와 교육자의 역할을 받아들이는 과정에서 여러가지 방법으로 이 프로세스를 거치게 된다. Wenger에 따르면 커뮤니티 내에서의 social participation은 비공식학습의 핵심이며, 교수개발의 중심요소이다.

Closely tied to the notion of situated learning is the concept of ‘legitimate peripheral participation’ [18]. This social practice, which combines experiential learning and apprenticeship into a single theoretical perspective [19], is the process by which a novice becomes an expert. From this perspective, learners build new knowledge and understanding through gradual participation in the community of which they are becoming a part. As learners, they begin at the edge—or periphery— of the community, where because of their status as learners, they have what is called ‘legitimate peripheral participation,’ and through participation, they slowly adopt the knowledge, attitudes and behaviours of the community [20]. In many ways, faculty members go through this process as they take on their roles as teachers and educators. According to Wenger [21], social participation within the community is the key to informal learning; it is also a central ingredient in faculty development.

교수개발의 초점을 넓히기

Broadening the focus of faculty development

리더십에 초점

A focus on leadership

리더십과 관련한...

Although some faculty development programmes have targeted leadership skills for health care professionals by focusing on

  • 스킬 습득 skill acquisition [23],

  • 개인적 인식 personal awareness [24], and

  • 리더십 스타일과 조직 맥락 increased knowledge of leadership style and organizational contexts [25],

this area of professional development requires greater attention.


다른 주제도 있음

In fact, faculty development initiatives should systematically address a wide range of topics, including

  • 개인, 대인 효과성 personal and interpersonal effectiveness,

  • 리더십 스타일과 변화 관리 leadership styles and change management,

  • 갈등 해소와 협상 conflict resolution and negotiation,

  • 팀빌딩과 협력 team building and collaboration, and

  • 조직변화와 개발 organizational change and development [2].

스칼라십에 초점

A focus on scholarship

Boyer 는 스칼라십의 네 영역을 밝혔다.

Boyer [30] has identified four categories of scholarship.

  • 발견: 전통적 관점에서의 연구와 같음
    The scholarship of discovery
    is synonymous with research in the traditional sense.

  • 통합: 학문간 연결을 만들어내고, 자료로부터 흥미로운 사실을 드러냄
    The scholarship of integration
    has been defined as ‘making connections across the disciplines…illuminating data in a revealing way,’ whereas

  • 적용: 지식을 '서비스'와 연결시켜서 이론을 실천에 적용하는 것
    the scholarship of application
    has been likened to‘service’ in one’s own field of knowledge, the application of theory into practice[30].

  • 교육: 발견/적용/통합을 통해서 가능해지며, 지식과 스킬과 자신의 신념을 효과적으로 의사소통 하는 것. 교육이 스칼라십이 되기 위해서는 공적public이 되어야 하며, 즉 피어리뷰와 비평의 대상이 되어야 한다. 또한 재생산될 수 있어야 한다.
    The scholarship of teaching
    is made possible through discovery, application or integration, knowledge, and involves skills and the capacity to effectively communicate one’s own beliefs. It has also been said that teaching becomes scholarship when it is made public, is available for peer review and critique, and can be reproduced and built on by other scholars [31].

교수개발 프로그램은 스칼라십의 정의에 초점을 맞춤으로써, 동료들 사이에 스칼라십을 고취promote하고, 학문업적을 전파하고, '혁신을 학문으로 바꾸는moving from innovation to scholarship'것을 촉진해야 한다.

Moving forward, faculty development programmes could focus on definitions of scholarship, ways of promoting scholarship among colleagues and peers, methods of disseminating scholarly work, and ‘moving from innovation to scholarship’ [2].


진로개발에 초점

A focus on career development

교수개발에 대한 교수들의 참여를 다룬 최근 연구를 보면, 참여자들은 교수개발이 '교수로서의 일반적인 발달'을 의미하는 것으로 생각한다. 즉 이들은 교수개발을 한 명의 교수로서의 발달로서 생각하며 여기에는 개인적 발달과 진로개발을 포함한다. 단순히 교육/연구/행정에 대한 특정한 역량을 강화하는 것이 아니라는 것이다. 그러나 교수들이 진로목표와 가치를 찾고, 협력적 관계를 개발하고, 커리어career pathy를 더 진척시키기 위한 스킬 습득을 목표로 하는 기회를 반기고welcome있지만, 흥미롭게도 진로개발에 초점을 둔 교수개발 프로그램은 별로 없다.

A recent study on faculty members’ participation in faculty development [35] indicated that the study participants believed that faculty development referred to their general development as faculty members. That is, they saw faculty development as the development of themselves as faculty members, including personal and career development, and not merely the enhancement of specific competencies related to teaching, research or administration. Interestingly, however, the literature does not report many faculty development programmes focusing on career development [36, 37], despite the fact that faculty members welcome the opportunity to identify career goals and values, develop collaborative relationships, and acquire skills to further their career path [36, 38].

이 영역의 프로그램은 다음의 것을 포함할 수 있다.

Programmes in this area could focus on

  • 학문적 정체성 찾기 academic identity formation,

  • 진로 계획 career planning (including an overview of different career paths) and

  • 멘토십의 가치 the value of mentorship.


실제로 멘토십은 recruitement, retention을 촉진할 수 있고, academic role을 더 풍요롭게 하는 환경을 조성해준다. 따라서 멘토십은 교수개발에서 하나의 내용이면서 전략이 될 수 있다.

In fact, mentorship can enhance recruitment, promote retention, and create an environment that enriches the academic role [39, 40], and as such, should be viewed as both a content area and a strategy in developing faculty.


시간관리/번아웃 예방/웰빙 촉진

Time management, prevention of burnout, and promotion of well-being should also be considered as vital areas for faculty development.

교육과정과 조직의 변화를 촉진하는 역할로서 교수개발

Recognizing the role of faculty development in promoting curricular and organizational change

교수개발은 교육과정과 조직의 변화에 있어서 중요한 역할을 할 수 있다. 즉, 교수개발은 scholarly activity로서의 teaching을 촉진시켜주며, 교육리더십/혁신/수월성을 장려하고 보상하는 교육적 환경을 조성해준다. 또한, 교수개발은 합의를 도출하고, 열정을 불러일으키고, 교육과정 변화를 지지해줄 수 있다. 또한 공식/비공식/잠재 교육과정을 통해 조직의 문화를 바꿀 수도 있다. 조직의 역량organizational capacity를 강화하여 조직의 문화를 바꾸기도 한다.

Faculty development can play an important role in promoting curricular and organizational change [2]. That is, it can help to promote teaching as a scholarly activity and create an educational climate that encourages and rewards educational leadership, innovation and excellence [41]. In addition, faculty development can help to build consensus, generate enthusiasm, and support curricular change [42, 43]. It can also contribute to changing the institutional culture by addressing the formal, informal, and hidden curriculum [44], and by enhancing organizational capacities [45].


예를 들어, 교수개발은 우수한 교육을 지지하고 보상하는 기관 차원의 정책을 개발하게 하여서, 교수 구성원들이 프로페셔널리즘에 대해 어떠한 기대를 가지고 있는지에 대해 의사소통하게 하여서, 승진에 대한 기준을 다시 점검하게 하여서, 주니어와 시니어 교수에게 필요한 교육 자원을 제공하여서 문화를 바꿀 수 있다. 교육 자원의 제공은 행정적 지원의 형태가 될 수 있는데, 적시에 정보를 제공하고(온라인 교육 리소스), 새로운 전문직 개발professional development  기회를 제공할 수 있다.

For example, faculty development can promote culture change by helping to develop institutional policies that support and reward excellence in teaching, communicate the expectation of professionalism among all faculty members, encourage a re-examination of criteria for academic promotion if appropriate, and provide educational resources for junior and senior faculty members as needed. The latter might take the form of administrative support, timely provision of information (e.g., online educational resources), or new professional development opportunities.

Swanwick 는 교수개발이 '교사로서의 교육활동을 전문화하고, 교육 인프라를 강화하고, 미래를 위한 교육역량을 강화하는 전 기관차원에서의 목표pursuit'가 되어야 한다고 했다.

Swanwick [47] has stated that faculty development should be ‘an institution-wide pursuit with the intent of professionalizing the educational activities of teachers, enhancing educational infrastructure, and building educational capacity for the future.’


근무지-기반 학습과 실천공동체의 개념을 활용하기

Incorporating notions of work-based learning and communities of practice into faculty development

현재의 교수개발 문헌은 주로 공식적/구조화된 활동만을 다루고 있다. 그러나 다수의 최근 문헌을 보면 교수개발에서 비공식학습의 역할, 사회적 요인, 실천공동체 형성의 가치를 강조한다.

The current faculty development literature primarily describes formal, structured activities, such as workshops and seminars, fellowships and other longitudinal programmes, and degree programmes, as the major method of delivery [2]. However, a number of recent articles have indicated the role of informal learning [48] and social factors [49] in faculty development as well as the value of faculty development in building communities of practice [50].

WBL이란 learning for work, learning at work, and learning from work 를 말한다. 이는 임상현장과 교육현장에서 교육을 담당하는 교수들에게 매우 근본적인 것인데, 왜냐하면 많은 경우 '직무를 통한 학습'이 교육에 첫 발을 들여놓는 계기이기 때문이다. 실제로, 일상의 근무환경에서, 즉 교사들이 진료/연구/교육 활동을 하는 과정에서 자주 학습이 일어난다.

Work-based learning, which has been defined as learning for work, learning at work, and learning from work [47], is fundamental to the development of clinical and classroom teachers for whom ‘learning on the job’ is often the first entry into teaching. In fact, it is in the everyday workplace—where teachers conduct their clinical, research and educational activities—that learning most often takes place [7].

흥미롭게도, 교수개발활동은 지금까지 교사의 '근무지'와는 멀리 떨어진 곳에서 이뤄져왔다. 결국 참여자들은 '배운 내용lessons learned'를 자신의 맥락으로 가지고 돌아가야만 했다. 아마도 지금은 이러한 트렌드를 바꿔야 할 때이며, 어떻게 근무지 환경에서 일어나는 학습을 강화할 수 있을지를 생각해야 한다. 피어코칭(종종 co-teaching 또는 peer observation이라 불리는)은 개별화된 학습을 가능하게 하고, 협력과 협동적 문제해결을 높여줌으로써 근무지-기반 교수개발을 보완해줄 수 있다.

Interestingly, faculty development activities have traditionally been conducted away from the teacher’s place of work, requiring participants to take their ‘lessons learned’ back to their own contexts. Perhaps it is time to reverse this trend and think about how we can enhance the learning that takes place in the work environment [51]. Peer coaching [52], which is sometimes called co-teaching or peer observation, can also complement work-based faculty development, as it enables individualized learning, increased collaboration and joint problem-solving.

'실천공동체community of practice'의 개념은 근무지-기반 학습과 밀접하게 연관되어 있다. Barab등은 실천공동체를 다음과 같이 정의했다.

The notion of a ‘community of practice’ is closely tied to that of work-based learning. Barab et al. [53] have defined a community of practice as a


persistent, sustaining, social network of individuals who share and develop an overlapping knowledge base, set of beliefs, values, history and experiences focused on a common practice and/or mutual enterprise’.


앞서 언급한 바와 같이, 교육공동체의 구성원이 된다는 것은 더 나은 교사가 되는 중요한 스텝이다. Lave and Wenger 는 실천공동체의 성공은 다음의 다섯 요인에 달려있다고 하였다.

As mentioned earlier, becoming a member of a teaching community can be a critical step in becoming a better teacher. Lave and Wenger [18] suggest that the success of a community of practice depends on five factors:

  • 공동의 목표의 존재와 공유 the existence and sharing by the community of a common goal;

  • 그 목표를 달성하기 위한 지식의 존재와 활용 the existence and use of knowledge to achieve that goal;

  • 구성원간 관계의 특성과 중요성 the nature and importance of relationships formed among community members;

  • 커뮤니티와 커뮤니티 밖의 관계 the relationships between the community and those outside it; and

  • 커뮤니티가 한 일과 그 활동의 가치의 관계 the relationship between the work of the community and the value of the activity.


커뮤니티는 공동의 리소스(언어/스토리/실천)를 필요로 한다. 실천공동체에 속하는 것은 우리가 임상에서 종종 목격하곤 하는 collegiality에 기반하게 되며, 교수개발을 위한 중요한 venue가 될 수 있다. 의학교육의 리더들은 동료들이 자신이 속한 커뮤니티를 더 가치롭게 여기고(그 존재와 구성원과 리소스를 기념하고), 커뮤니티를 찾게끔(새로운 네트워크 개발, 상호교환과 지지를 위한 기회 창출, 관계 지속) 도와야 한다.

A community also requires a shared repertoire of common resources, including language, stories, and practices [54]. In diverse ways, belonging to a community of practice builds on the collegiality that we often witness in clinical medicine and can be an important venue for faculty development, which in turn can lead to the development of a community of practice [50]. As leaders in medical education, we need to help our colleagues value the community of which they are a part (e.g., by celebrating its existence, members and resources) and find community (e.g., by building new networks, creating opportunities for exchange and support, and sustaining relationships) [7].

모든 교수에게 교수개발을 요구하기

Making faculty development an expectation for all faculty members

최근 규제기구에서 교사와 교육의 인증에 관심을 가지기 시작했다. 이들은 교육자의 인증에 있어서 교수개발의 중요성과 의학교육의 전문직화를 강조하였다.

In recent years, regulatory bodies have started to pay attention to the accreditation of teachers and teaching [5, 6]; they have also highlighted the importance of faculty development in the certification of educators and the professionalization of medical education [55].

  • 영국: 교사의 역할은 핵심전문직역할로서 인식되고 있으며, 우연/적성/성향에 맡길 문제로 보고있지 않고, 교수개발 프로그램에 참여하는 것이 규범이다.
    In the UK, for example, the role of teacher is increasingly recognized as a core professional activity that cannot be left to chance, aptitude, or inclination [56], and participation in staff development is becoming the norm.

  • 북미: 교수개발 참여는 자발적으로 이뤄지며, 그래서 어떤 사람은 '가장 교수개발이 필요한 사람은 가장 참여를 안 한다'라고 말하곤 한다. 그 결과 많은 교육자들이 교수개발을 모든 교수들에게 요구해야 할 것인가를 고민하고 있다
    In North America, however, faculty development is a voluntary activity, and as some have said, ‘those who need faculty development the most attend the least’ [35]. As a consequence, many educators are now questioning whether faculty development should be made an expectation of all faculty members.

흥미롭게도, 2008년 AUN은 모든 대학 교사들이 교육에 있어서 'basic qualification'을 획득하는 것을 의무화하여 교육 트레이닝과 인증을 받게 stimulate했다.

Interestingly, in 2008, the Association of Universities in the Netherlands stimulated the educational training and certification of all university teachers by affirming that all teachers must attain ‘basic qualifications’ in teaching [57].

네덜란드나 영국의 경험을 살펴보는 것이 도움이 될 것이다.


우리는 McLean의 권고를 볼 필요가 있다. '교수개발은 모든 의과대학의 핵심integral 미션이 되어야 하며, 학생을 가르치는 모든 사람들을 위한 formal preparation이 있어야 한다. 그리고, 그러한 과정은 모든 교수들에 대해서 initial and ongoing professional development로 제공되어야 한다.'

In many ways, it would be worthwhile for other countries to look at both the Dutch and UK experience to see if some of the ‘lessons learned’ might be pertinent to local contexts. We should also heed McLean et al.’s recommendations [60], as they suggest that faculty development should be integral to the mission of every medical school, that there should be formal preparation for anyone who teaches students, and that provision should be made for initial and ongoing professional development of all faculty members.

연구에 바탕을 둔 실천을 위하여 스칼라십 촉진

Promoting scholarship to ensure that research informs practice

최근 O’Sullivan and Irby 는 교수개발 분야 연구에 대한 어젠다를 다뤘다. '교수개발 커뮤니티에게 있어서, 핵심 요소는 참여자/프로그램/내용/퍼실리테이터/프로그램의 맥락이다' 라고 했다. 근무지 커뮤니티에 대해서는 추가로 '근무지 환경 내에서의 관계와 네트워크, 근무지 세팅의 조직과 문화, 교육 활동, 활용가능한 멘토링' 등이 있다.

In a recent article, O’Sullivan and Irby [61] outlined an agenda for research in faculty development. As they state, ‘for the faculty development community, the key components are the participants, programme, content, facilitator, and context in which the programme occurs’ [61]. For the workplace community, associated components include ‘relationships and networks of association in that environment, the organization and culture of the setting, the teaching tasks and activities, and the mentoring available to that community’ [61].

2020년까지 6/6을 목표로.

Aiming for 6/6 by 2020

유럽에서 정상시력은 6/6, 미국에서는 20/20

Normal visual acuity is expressed as 6/6 in Europe and 20/20 in North America. It is hoped that, collectively, we will be able to reach this level of acuity in faculty development.


Kotter의 변화의 단계

To pave the way, a review of Kotter’s steps for ‘leading change’ might also be helpful [62]. These steps include:

  • establishing a sense of urgency;

  • forming a guiding coalition;

  • creating a vision;

  • communicating the vision;

  • empowering others to act on the vision;

  • generating short-term wins;

  • consolidating gains and producing more change; and

  • anchoring the change in the culture.

왜 특정 변화가 필요한지 스스로 물어야 한다. 만약 변화가 필요하다면 동료들과 함께 비전을 만들고 소통하기 위하여 노력해야 한다. 동의buy-in을 구하고, 어떤 기회와 위협이 있는지 찾고, 등등

As faculty developers, we should ask ourselves why a particular change is needed, and if it is, we should work together with colleagues to create and communicate our vision, promote buy-in, identify opportunities and threats, create short-term wins, and anchor the change in the culture before pursuing a new direction.

교수개발 프로그램은 종종 '시급한' 교육적 니즈를 위해서 설계되곤 하며, 커뮤니티에 대한 '서비스'가 첫 번째 우선순위가 되곤 한다. 이것이 아마 teaching improvement를 강조하는 현상 또는 개개인에 초점을 두는 현상을 설명해줄 수 있을 것이다.

Faculty development offerings are often designed in response to ‘urgent’ educational needs, and ‘service’ to the community is frequently the first priority. This observation might help to explain the emphasis on teaching improvement and the apparent focus on the individual.

동시에 연구를 위한 펀딩은 부족하다. 그 결과 프로그램 평가가 정교하게 설계된 연구보다 더 급한 문제가 된다. 그러나 의학교육연구에 train받은 사람이 늘어나고, 의학교육연구에 집중하는 센터가 늘어나고 있기에, 연구 프로그램에 더 집중하고 scholarly activity를 늘리는 것이 시의적절할 것이다.

At the same time, funding for research in this field is often limited, and as a result, programme evaluation may take precedence over more carefully designed research studies. However, with a significant increase in the number of individuals trained to conduct research in medical education, and a concomitant rise in centres dedicated to medical education research (which are the normin most medical schools in the Netherlands), a more focused research programme, and increased scholarly activity in this area, may be timely.

2000년에 기술한 바와 같이 ‘변화하는 교수의 역할과 교수가 근무하는 조직의 진화는 교수개발 (프로그램의) 실천의 특성을 변화시킬 것이다 the changing roles of faculty members will continue to drive the changing nature of faculty development practices, as will the evolution of the organizations in which we work’.


지역 local context 외에도 세계의 파트너와 협력해야 한다. 전문성을 공유하고 노하우와 리소스를 축적해야 한다. Swanwick은 교수개발의 세 가지 driver를 다음과 같이 요약했다.

As stated in 2000, ‘the changing roles of faculty members will continue to drive the changing nature of faculty development practices, as will the evolution of the organizations in which we work’ [41]. We must also remember to think about faculty development beyond our local contexts [2] and be prepared to collaborate with partners around the world, sharing our expertise, accumulated ‘know how’ and resources. Swanwick [47] outlined three drivers for faculty development in postgraduate medical education:

  • 증가하는 책무성 increasing accountability,

  • 수월성의 추구 the pursuit of excellence, and

  • 의학교육의 전문화 the professionalization of medical education.


• Faculty development has a key role to play in individual and organizational change. 

• Faculty development initiatives should address faculty members’ multiple roles. 

• Faculty development activities should be grounded in a theoretical framework. 

• Faculty development programs should include work-based learning and communities of practice. 

• Faculty development practices should be systematically assessed and informed by research findings.

1. Searle NS, Thibault GE, Greenberg SB. Faculty development for medical educators: current barriers and future directions. Acad Med. 2011;86(4):405–6.

2. Steinert Y. Commentary: faculty development: the road less traveled. Acad Med. 2011;86(4):409–11.

9. MacDougall J, Drummond MJ. The development of medical teachers: an enquiry into the learning histories of 10 experienced medical teachers. Med Educ. 2005;39(12):1213–20.

31. Glassick CE. Boyer’s expanded definitions of scholarship, the standards for assessing scholarship and the elusiveness of the scholarship of teaching. Acad Med. 2000;75(9):877–80.

35. Steinert Y, McLeod P, Boillat M, et al. Faculty development: a ‘field of dreams’? Med Educ. 2009;43(1):42–9.

41. Steinert Y. Faculty development in the new millennium: key challenges and future directions. Med Teach. 2000;22(1):44–50.

48. Steinert Y. Faculty development: From workshops to communities of practice. Med Teach. 2010;32(5):425–8.

50. Steinert Y, Boudreau D, Boillat M, et al. The Osler fellowship: an apprenticeship for medical educators. Acad Med. 2010;85(7):1242–9.

58. Molenaar WM, Zanting A, Van Beukelen P, et al. A framework of teaching competencies across the medical education continuum. Med Teach. 2009;31(5):390–6.

 2012 Mar;1(1):31-42. doi: 10.1007/s40037-012-0006-3. Epub 2012 Feb 10.

Perspectives on faculty development: aiming for 6/6 by 2020.

Author information

  • 1Centre for Medical Education, Faculty of Medicine, McGill University, Lady Meredith House, 1110 Pine Ave. West, Montreal, QC H3A 1A3 Canada.


Faculty development has a key role to play in individual and organizational development. This perspective on faculty development, which builds on the 2020 Vision of Faculty Development Across the Medical Education Continuum Conference and the First International Conference on Faculty Development in the Health Professions, describes six recommendations that we should consider as the field of faculty development moves forward: grounding faculty development in a theoretical framework; broadening the focus of faculty development to address the various roles that clinicians and basic scientists play; recognizing the role that faculty development can play in promoting curricular and organizational change; expanding our notion of how faculty members develop and moving beyond formal, structured activities to incorporate notions of work-based learning and communities of practice; making faculty development an expectation for all faculty members; and promoting scholarship in faculty development to ensure that research informs practice. Looking ahead, we should also consider strategies for leading change, collaborate across institutions and international borders, and work together to share lessons learned in research and practice.


Faculty development; Medical education

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의과대학에서 공감을 유지하기: 가능하다 (Med Teach, 2013)

Maintaining empathy in medical school: It is possible


University of Western Sydney, Australia



의료에서, 환자에 대한 감정적 반응emotional response은 객관성을 위협하는 것으로 여겨지곤 한다. 그러나 환자들은 진정한 공감empathy를 필요로 하며, 의사들은 공감을 하고자 한다. 이러한 감정과 객관성 사이에서의 갈등을 해소하기 위하여 '프로페셔널한 공감Professional empathy'이란 전적으로 '인지적' 기반을 둔 공감으로 정의되었다. 이 정의는 '다른 사람의 감정적 상태를 직접 경험하지 않고도 정확히 인지acknowledge하는 행위the act of correctly acknowledging the emotional state of another without experiencing that state oneself’ 와 같다.


이러한 'detached concern'모델에서는 환자가 어떤 감정적 상태에 있는 것을 아는 것은 '환자가 어떻게 느끼는가how the patient feels'를 아는 것과 다르지 않다. 그러나 공감의 기능은 단순히 감정의 상태에 이름을 붙이는labelling것 이상이며, 무언가를 경험하는 기분이 어떤 것인지를 인식하는 것이다. 공감은 동정/연민sympathy와 종종 혼동되곤 하는데,

  • 동정/연민이란 '다른 사람의 감정을 경험하는 것'으로 정의되며,

  • 공감이란 '그러한 감정을 수용하고 상상하는 것'으로 정의된다.

일부 저자들은 환자를 '동정/연민'하는 의사들은 환자의 고통을 공유하며, 이는 감정적 피로와 객관성의 상실로 이어진다고 하였다.

In medicine, emotional responses to patients are seen as threats to objectivity. Yet, patients are in need of genuine empathy and doctors would like to provide it. To address this conceived conflict between emotions and objectivity, ‘professional empathy’ was defined on a purely ‘cognitive’ basis. It was defined as ‘the act of correctly acknowledging the emotional state of another without experiencing that state oneself’ (Markakis et al. 1999). This model of ‘detached concern’ assumes that knowing ‘how the patient feels’ is no different from knowing that the patient is in a certain emotional state. However, the function of empathy is to recognise what it feels like to experience something rather than merely labelling emotional states (Halpern 2003). Empathy is sometimes confused with ‘sym- pathy’, which is defined as experiencing another’s emotions; whereas empathy is appreciating or imagining those emo- tions. Some authors indicate that doctors who sympathise with their patients share their suffering which could lead to emotional fatigue and lack of objectivity (Halpern 2003).

어떤 사람들은 공감의 감정적 요소가 동정/연민과 같은 것이라고 말하기도 한다. 임상 상황에서 Stepien and Baernstein 는 문헌에서 사용된 다양한 정의를 합하여 공감의 확장된 정의를 내렸는데, 여기에는 도덕적/감정적/인지적/행동적 차원이 들어간다. 이 네 가지가 조화를 이뤄서 환자의 benefit이 된다.

Others imply that the emotional component of empathy is nothing other than sympathy in context (Lancaster et al. 2002). In the clinical context, Stepien and Baernstein (2006) combined the different definitions within the literature to put forward an expanded definition of empathy, which includes moral, emotive, cognitive and behavioural dimensions. All four dimensions should work in harmony to benefit the patient.



공감의 힘

The power of empathy

감정적으로 몰입emotionally engage 하는 의사가 환자와 더 효율적으로 의사소통하고, 환자의 coping과 불안을 줄여주고, 치료적 효과를 향상시키며, 전반적으로 더 나은 outcome을 가져온다는 근거가 쌓이고 있다. 반대로 공감이 부족할 경우 환자가 더 불만족하게 되고, 의료과오malpractice로 고소를 당할 가능성이 높아진다.

There is growing evidence that emotionally engaged physicians communicate more effectively with patients thereby decreasing patient patient coping, greater anxiety and improving leading to therapeutic efficacy and an overall better outcome (Rietveld & Prins 1998; Beck et al. 2002). On the other hand, lack of empathy increases patient dissatisfaction and the risk of malpractice suits (Beckman & Frankel 2003).

Halpern 은 난감한 상황에서의 공감의 중요성을 강조했다. 환자-의사 간 갈등이 있는 어려운 환자 혹은 어려운 상황에서 갈등해결접근법conflict resolution approach의 활용이 권장된다. 이를 위해서 의사는 환자 및 보호자와 공감해야 한다. Egener가 말한 바와 같이, 공감은 의사와 환자 사이의 분열을 매워준다bridge the divide. 또한 환자에 대한 부정정 판단이나 의견 충돌을 잠시 치워두는데 도움이 되고, 환자 돌봄의 효과성과과 만족도를 높이는데 도움이 된다. Halpern은 의사가 감정적 반응을 의료를 향상시키는데 활용하는 방법을 묘사한 바 있다.

Halpern (2007) sheds light on the importance of empathy in difficult circumstances. In managing difficult patients and in situations where there is a patient–physician conflict, it is recommended taking a conflict resolution approach. To do so, physicians have to empathise with patients and family members (Fetters et al., 2001; Back & Arnold 2005; Stivers 2005; Elder et al. 2006). As stated by Egener (2003), empathy helps us bridge the divide between clinicians and patients. It also helps us put aside our negative judgement or disagreement with patients and enhances the effectiveness of care and patient satisfaction. Halpern (2003) elegantly illustrates ways by which physicians can capitalise on their emotional responses to enhance medical care.

회의론자들은 만약 의사가 '단순히 공감하는 척 행동하면' 어떤지를 물을 수 있다. Halpern은 이에 대해서 환자는 의사가 진정으로 공감emotionally attuned하고 있는지를 느낄 수 있으며, 환자는 진정으로 공감하는 의사를 신뢰하며 그러한 의사의 진료에 더 잘 따른다고 하였다.

The ‘skeptic’ may even ask if physicians can ‘just behave empathically’ without the emotional response. Halpern (2003) answers this question by emphasising that patients sense whether physicians are ‘emotionally attuned’ and that patients trust ‘emotionally attuned’ physicians and adhere better to their treatment.

여러 연구에도 불구하고, 의학교육자와 의료전문직들 사이에서는 의대생들이 의과대학을 다니는 동안 공감이 저해된다는 것에 대한 우려가 늘고 있다. 일부 연구에서는 이러한 하락이 후반부에 가장 두드러진다고 말하며, 다른 연구자들은 의과대학의 초반에 감소한다고 말한다. 일반적으로 합의된 것은 의과대학 기간에 공감이 하락한다는 것이다. 최근에서야 그러한 하락이 정말 유의미한지, '지나치게 과장된 것'이 아닌지에 대한 의문이 제기되고 있다.

Despite rigorous research, there is still increasing concern among medical educators and medical professionals regarding the decline in medical students’ empathy during medical education (Bellini et al. 2002; Hojat et al. 2004; Sherman & Cramer 2005; Chen et al. 2007; Newton et al. 2008). Some studies suggest that the decline is mostly pronounced in the later years, while others suggest that it occurs in the early years of medical education (Austin et al. 2007; Hojat et al. 2009). The general consensus was that empathy declines during medical education. Only recently have studies started ques- tioning whether such a decline is of significant magnitude or ‘greatly exaggerated’ (Colliver et al. 2010).




This is a cross-sectional study of all medical students enrolled at the University of Western Sydney’s School of Medicine (UWS SoM) during the academic year 2011.



자발적/익명/자기보고식 설문

Participation in the study was voluntary and anonymous. All medical students enrolled in first through fifth year in 2011 were eligible to participate in the study. The instrument used (a self-assessment survey) was distributed to medical students between April and June 2011. First and second year students were surveyed in April (towards the beginning of the academic year) during problem-based learning (PBL) classes where attendance was mandatory. Third through fifth year students were surveyed during conference weeks in May and June (towards the middle of the academic year) where attendance was recommended but not mandatory.




설문지 구성/JSPE-S, 20문항 척도

The research instrument consisted of a survey containing questions on demographics, stage of medical education, previous particular education and level of completion of programmes that aim at promoting personal and professional development (PPD) and an empathy scale. The scale employed to measure empathy among medical students was the Jefferson Scale of Physician Empathy, Student version (JSPE-S) (Hojat et al. 2003). The JSPE-S is a 20-item psycho-metrically validated instrument. Respondents indicate theirlevel of agreement to each item on a 7-point Likert Scale(1 ¼strongly disagree, 7 ¼strongly agree). The JSPE-S totalscore ranges from 20 to 140 with higher values indicating ahigher degree of empathy. 

3개 이상 미응답 항목시 non-responder 처리. 2개 이하는 평균값 사용.

Students who failed to return the survey were considered as non-responders. In addition, surveys with more than two missing responses to the items of the scale were discarded. For those with one or two missing responses, the mean score to their present responses was used to replace the missing ones.

JSPE는 긍정문 부정문이 모두 있어서 '묵종하는acquiescent 응답 스타일'을 낮춰줌

Another advantage to the JSPE is the balance between positively and negatively worded items (10 each). The use of positively and negatively worded items is a method usually used in psychology tests to decrease the confounding ‘acqui- escent response style’, for example, a tendency to constantly agree or disagree with statements (Ray 1979; Hojat et al. 2003).



Statistical analyses

All computations were done using the IBM SPSS Statistical Software version 20 (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA). Non- parametric tests were used in all analyses due to the absence of normality in the distribution of empathy levels amongst medical students participating in the study. Tests included the Kruskal–Wallis and Mann–Whitney tests.



응답률 Response rates





사회인구통계학적 특성 Socio-demographic characteristics


기술적 특성 Descriptive characteristics of the scale



그룹간 비교 Group comparisons of the Jefferson Scale of Physician Empathy scores






공감과 성별

Empathy and gender

우리의 관찰 결과와 마찬가지로 여자 의과대학생이 남자 의과대학생보다 더 JSPE-S점수가 높다. 이러한 성별 간 차이는 모든 학년에서 관찰되며, 다만 여학생이 더 높게 나타나지 않은 일부 연구가 있으며, 이는 표집 편향 때문에 생긴 것으로 설명하곤 했다. 우리의 연구결과는 여성이 공감이 더 높다는 여러 연구결과들과 일치한다.

According to our findings, female medical students scored significantly higher on the JSPE-S than male medical students. These gender differences occurred at all stages of undergradu- ate medical education (i.e. years one to five). While a few studies failed to demonstrate higher empathy scores among female students, reportedly due to sampling bias (Di Lillo et al.2009; Rahimi-Madiseh et al. 2010; Roh et al. 2010; Paro et al.2012), our findings are consistent with the results of a number of studies which suggest that gender differences, in favour of women, exist concerning empathy (Hojat et al. 2001, 2002a,2002b, 2002c, 2003; Austin et al. 2007; Kataoka et al. 2009;Rosenthal et al. 2011). 

공감은 인지적 차원과 정서/감정적 차원이 있다. 인지적 차원은 '환자의 내면의 경험과 관점을 이해하는 능력, 그리고 이러한 이해를 의사소통하는 능력'이며, 정서적 차원은 '환자의 감정과 관점을 상상하는 능력'이다. 성별간 약간의 차이가 있으며, 여성이 조금 더 높게 나오고, 특히 정서적 요소를 측정하는 JSPE에서 그러했다(11개 중 7개). 반대로 성별간 차이가 없었던 문항은 주로 인지적 공감 문항이었다(9개 중 6개).

Empathy encompasses cognitive and affective/emotional dimensions. The cognitive dimension refers to ‘the ability to understand the patient’s inner experiences and perspective, and a capability to communicate this understanding’ (Hojat et al. 2003); whereas the affective dimension refers to the ability to imagine the patient’s emotions and perspectives (Stepien & Baernstein 2006). Significant gender differences, in favour of women, were particularly observed in JSPE items which measured the affective component of empathy (7 out of 11). On the other hand, items which showed no significant differences between genders were predominantly cognitive in nature, that is, items which measured the cognitive component of empathy (six out of nine).

여성이 더 공감이 높은 것에 대해서 여러가지 설명이 있으나, 확정적인 것은 없다. 여성이 감정적 신호에 더 수용적이라고 보기도 하며, 이러한 이유로 (상대방을) 더 잘 이해하게 되고, 더 나은 공감적 관계를 갖게 된다.

Several explanations have been offered for gender differ- ences in empathy, but, none have been conclusive. It has been suggested that women are more receptive to emotional signals than men, which can lead to better understanding and, therefore, a better empathic relationship (Hojat et al. 2002a).

애정과 감정적 지지를 동반한 부모의 양육 스타일이 친-사회적 발달과 공감을 강화시켜주는 것으로 보인다. 반대로, 단호하고 적대적인 양육은 공격성을 촉진한다. Carlo 등은 양육스타일과 성별의 비교를 통해서 애정과 가족의 지지적 관계에 여성이 더 애정에 수용적receptive이라고 보고했다.

Parenting styles characterised by affection and emotional support seem to enhance pro-social develop- ment and empathy. On the other hand, rigid and hostile parenting facilitates aggression. Carlo et al. (1999) analysed parenting styles in relation to gender and reported that girls seem more receptive to affection and support in family relationships.


공감과 학년

Empathy and year of medical education

본 연구의 결과에서 학년간 공감의 차이는 없었다. 이는 이전 연구와 다른 결과인데, 비록 통계적으로 유의하지는 않으나 학생들은 학교를 다니는 동안 공감이 더 향상되었다. Kataoka의 단면연구역시 비슷한 결과를 보여준다.

The results of this study showed no significant difference in empathy scores in relation to year of medical course. This finding is contrary to many previous studies which observed a decline in the mean empathy scores, during education, in various health disciplines (Chen et al. 2007; Hojat et al. 2009; Nunes et al. 2011; Ward et al. 2012). Although insignificant, it seems that students may have even developed more empathy as they progressed in their training. A cross-sectional study by Kataoka et al. (2012) showed similar findings in Japanese medical students.

Empathy and Personal and Professional Development

Possible limitations.


Colliver JA, Conlee MJ, Verhulst SJ, Dorsey JK. 2010. Reports of the decline of empathy during medical education are greatly exaggerated: A reexamination of the research. Acad Med 85:588–593.




 2013 Dec;35(12):1002-8. doi: 10.3109/0142159X.2013.802296. Epub 2013 Jun 19.

Maintaining empathy in medical school: it is possible.

Author information

  • 1University of Western Sydney , Australia.



Empathy is an indispensable skill in medicine and is an integral part of 'professionalism'. Yet, there is still increasing concern among medical educators and medical professionals regarding the decline in medical students' empathy during medical education.


This article aims at comparing the levels of empathy in medical school students across the different years of undergraduate medicaleducation. It also aims at examining differences in empathy in relation to gender, year of study, cultural and religious backgrounds, previous tertiary education and certain programmes within the curriculum.


The Jefferson Scale of Physician Empathy, Student version (JSPE-S) was employed to measure empathy levels in medical students (years one to five) in a cross-sectional study. Attached to the scale was a survey containing questions on demographics, stage of medicaleducation, previous education, and level of completion of particular programmes that aim at promoting personal and professional development (PPD).


Four hundred and four students participated in the study. The scores of the JSPE-S ranged from 34 to 135 with a mean score of 109.07 ± 14.937. Female medical students had significantly higher empathy scores than male medical students (111 vs. 106, p < 0.001) across all five years of the medical course. There was no significant difference in the total empathy scores in relation to year of medical education. Yet, the highest means were scored by year five students who had completed personal and professional development courses.


Our findings suggest that there is a gender difference in the levels of empathy, favouring female medical students. They also suggest that, despite prior evidence of a decline, empathy may be preserved in medical school by careful student selection and/or personal and professional development courses.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

educational scholarship과 관련된 근거와 요소를 정의하여 교육자와 교육 발전시키기(Q2Engage) (Med Educ, 2007)

Advancing educators and education by defining the components and evidence associated with educational scholarship

Deborah Simpson,1 Ruth-Marie E Fincher,2 Janet P Hafler,3 David M Irby,4 Boyd F Richards,5

Gary C Rosenfeld6 & Thomas R Viggiano7



1990년대 초반, academic medicine 에서는 '승진'에 있어서 education/teaching/scholarship 등의 용어를 거의 쓰지 않았다. teaching은 승진에 있어서 필수(조건)이었지만 충분조건은 아니었다. teaching에 대한 이러한 관점이 대학의학을 지배하였고, 이는 특히 The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching 에서 Ernest Boyer’s Scholarship Reconsidered: Priorities of the Professoriate를 출판하기 전 까지는 더욱 그러하였다.

In the early 1990s, the academic medicine commu- nity rarely used the terms  education ,  teaching ,  scholarship  and  academic promotion  in combina- tion. Teaching was an expected aspect of academic citizenship, a necessary but insufficient element for academic promotion. This perspective on teach- ing dominated academic medicine specifically and higher education generally until The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching pub- lished Ernest Boyer’s Scholarship Reconsidered: Priorities of the Professoriate.1


Boyer는 당시 널리 퍼져있던 "누구나 가르칠 수 있다.everyone teaches"라는 개념에 도전하는 프레임워크를 통해서 교육자의 역할/교육자에게 기대되는 것/교육자의 recognition/교육자의 advancement등에 대한 논의를 확장시켰다. Boyer는 teaching이란 scholarly work의 한 가지 형태로서 탐구examine되어야 한다고 주장했다.

Boyer’s work reframed and expanded the discussion regarding roles, expecta- tions, recognition and advancement of educators by providing a framework from which to challenge the prevailing concept that  everyone teaches  with the suggestion that teaching be examined as a form of scholarly work.2


이 논의는 Scholarship Assessed의 출판과 함께 더 확장되었는데, 모든 형태의 scholarship을 판단하는 공통의 기준을 설명하였다.

The discussion was enriched by the publication of Scholarship Assessed,3 which articulated common criteria for judging all forms of scholarship:

  • clear goals;

  • adequate preparation;

  • appropriate methods;

  • significant results;

  • effective presentation, and

  • reflective critique.


가장 최근에는 The Advancement of Learning – Building the Teaching Commons라는 책이 있는데, 교수학습의 scholarship에 초점을 두는 교육자커뮤니티의 중요성을 강조하였다. 이러한 문헌들은 모두 education-related work가 visible하고 valued되기 위해서 필수적인 요소를 설명하고 있다.

The most recent contribution to this emerging literature is The Advancement of Learning – Building the Teaching Commons,4 which highlights the importance of a community of educa- tors focusing on the scholarship of teaching and learning. In combination, this literature outlines the critical elements needed to make education-related work visible and valued.

학교의 리더들이 교육자들을 전문직적/재정적으로 지원해야하고 보상해야 교육 미션을 지속할 수 있다는 것을 인식하게 되면서, 교육의 academic advancement에 대한 인식도 점차 등장하였다. 다음과 같은 것들..

As school leaders recog- nise that educators must be  supported and rewarded, both professionally and financially  to sustain the educational mission, recognition of education in academic advancement has begun to slowly emerge.9


  • 교수 트랙 Education as a viable faculty career track,10

  • 교육 포트폴리오 활용 the use of educator portfolios for academic promotion,11

  • 승진 위원회에서의 지속적 심사 the ongoing examination of the ele- ments used by promotion committees,12

  • 실습을 책임지는 교수에게 기대되는 바에 대한 유관기관의 기술 delineation by education-related professional organisations of expectations for individuals directing medical student clerkships,13

  • 전공의와 교사 간 계약compact의 발달 development of a compact between residents and their teachers,14 and

  • 학회의 번영 the proliferation of education academies and societies15

point to the emergence of education as a visible and valued activity.

예컨대, 1996년에 시작된 AAMC의 GEA는 의학교육의 scholarship에 관한 기준을 명확히 하고자 했다. GEA는 educational scholarship의 핵심 요소를 정의하고 교육자를 학자로서 지원하기 위해 필요한 자원과 인프라를 정의했다.

For example, beginning in 1996, members of the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Group on Educational Affairs (GEA) began to elucidate the criteria for scholarship in medical education with a series of case studies.16 The group then began to define the core elements of educational scholarship and the associated resources and infrastructure needed to support educators as scholars.15,17

그러나 교육자의 포트폴리오에 들어갈 교육 활동의 공통의 집합이 등장했음에도, 그것을 기록하는 방법이나 어떤 근거를 기록해야 하는지에 대해서는 다양한 의견이 있다.

However, despite the emergence of a common set of education activities presented within educators’ portfolios (


  • teaching,

  • curriculum development,

  • mentoring and⁄ or advising,

  • education leadership and⁄ or administration,

  • learner assessment),


the documentation methods and evidence presented in these portfolios were highly variable.11







교육자 활동 카테고리

Educator activity categories

The 5 education activity categories were re-affirmed as appropriate for academic promotion:

1 가르치기 teaching; 

2 교육과정 개발 curriculum development; 

3 조언과 멘토링 advising and mentoring; 

4 교육 리더십과 행정 education leadership and administration, and 

5 학습자 평가 learner assessment. 


교육자의 활동 기록:Q2Engage

Documenting educator’s activities: Q2Engage

교육의 수월성

Educational excellence

교육의 수월성에 대한 기록은 질과 양에 대한 것이어야 한다.

Documentation of educational excellence must present evidence associated with the quantity and quality of the education activity:

    • : 교육활동과 교육자역할의 유형과 빈도
      quantity: descriptive information regarding the types and frequencies of education activities and roles, and 

    • 질: 활동의 효과성과 수월성의 근거. 가능하다면 비교 자료 활용
      quality: evidence of effectiveness and excellence in the activity, using comparative measures when available.

두 번째 common documentation standard는 '교육커뮤니티 관여Engagement with the education community'이며, 이것에 대한 근거는 그 분야에서 이미 알려진 것이 무엇인고(학문적 접근), 그리고 시간에 따라 교육자가 그 분야에 어떻게 기여하는가 (교육적 학자됨scholarship)에 대한 것이다.

Engagement with the education community, the second common documentation standard, is dem- onstrated by presenting evidence that the educator’s work is informed by what is known in the field (a scholarly approach)21 and, how, over time, the educator contributes to the knowledge in the field (educational scholarship).

학문적 접근

Scholarly approach

교육자는 더 넓은 범위의 교육자 커뮤니티에 관여해야 하며, 다른 사람들의 work검토하고 이를 기반으로 (교육)해야 한다.

Educators become engaged with the broader community of educators by reviewing and building upon other educators’ work.

교육적 학자됨

Educational scholarship


학문 자원에서의 '관여'란 그 분야를 발전시키는, 새로운 피어-리뷰 리소스를 기여하는 것이다.

Educators engage in scholarship by contributing new, peer-reviewed resources that advance the field.

다음이 포함될 수 있다.

In general, activity documentation should include:

    • 교육자의 역할과 활동에 대한 간략한 묘사
      a brief description of the activity and the educator’s role (e.g. author, preceptor, lecturer or leader); 

    • 각 활동의 양quantity에 대한 근거. 누가/무엇을/언제/어디서/얼마나 자주/얼마나 많은 시간이 그 활동에 들어갔는가에 대한 질문에 답할 수 있도록 서술식 혹은 표로 보여줌
      evidence of quantity for each activity in a narrative or tabular display that highlights answers to ques- tions related to who(e.g. level of trainee, number of trainees), what, when, where, how often and how much time is devoted to the activity; 

    • 프로세스나 성과의 효과성과 관련된 질quality를 보여주는 근거. 학습자 평가 혹은 동료평가를 통한 norm-referenced 요약자료 (교육(수업)평가, 과목/로테이션 종료시 평가, 강의나 교육과정에 대한 동료평가, 교육위원회의 내부 평가), 서술식 자료의 짧은 발췌(편지, 인증 보고서, 학습자 코멘트), 수강통계, 시험통계(난이도, 변별력, 신뢰도), 외부 과/학고/대학/기관에서의 강의 초청, 학습자의 retention, 교육과정 변화의 지속가능성
      evidence of quality associated with the effective- ness of the process and⁄ or outcomes of each activity selected from an array of available datasets including norm-referenced summary data from learner or peer evaluations (e.g. teaching evaluations, end-of-course or rotation evaluations, peer reviews of lectures or curricu- lum, internal education committee ratings), short excerpts from narratives data (e.g. letters, accreditation reports, learner comments), enrol- ment or test statistics (e.g. difficulty, discrimina- tion, reliability), invitations to teach outside one’s own department, school, college and⁄ or institu- tion, impact on learner performance (e.g. pre)post improvement in test scores, successes of advisee), retention of learners, sustainability of curriculum change, and 

    • 교육커뮤니티에 관여한 근거. 교육자가 교육커뮤니티에서 이미 알려진 것에 근거하여 활동했다는 자료(기존 문헌, best practice, 분야/지역/국가/국제 수준에서의 자원, 그 분야의 리소스에 의존하는 정도(창립지원금, 교육과정에 대한 학장의 펀드), 이러한 결과가 visible하게 되고, 피어-리뷰 되는지, product의 형태(코스 패킷, 교육용 DVD, 학습자 평가 도구, 보고서)로 교육커뮤니티에 전파되고 기여하는 바가 있는지, established venue에서 배포되는지(지역 교육과정 위언회, 다른 교육자들에게 초청발표, 피어-리뷰 저널 등)
      evidence of engagement with the education community through documentation that the educator’s work is informed by what is known in the education community (e.g. existing literature, best practices, resources in the field, local, regional, national, and⁄ or international col- leagues), draws on resources from the field (e.g. foundation grants, dean’s fund for curriculum change) and⁄ or is made visible, peer-reviewed and contributes to the work of the education com- munity through dissemination of an educational product (e.g. course packet, instructional DVD, learner assessment instrument, paper), through established venues (e.g. local curriculum com- mittee, invited regional presentation to other educators, peer-reviewed paper in a journal, endurable educational product in AAMC MedEdPORTAL).

모든 교육활동 카테고리에 적용가능하나 구체적인 근거의 유형과 형태는 카테고리마다 다를 수 있다.

These documentation standards, encapsulated as Q2Engage, apply across all education activity cate- gories. However, the specific types and forms of evidence may vary by category.

기관 차원의 책무

Institution level responsibilities

Academic institution은 승진이나 테뉴어 결정에 교육자로서 수월성에 관한 기관-특이적 기대치와(질과 양), 교육자로서 'engagement'에 대한 기대치의 균형을 잘 잡아야 한다. 이러한 결정은 기관-특이적 미션 뿐 아니라 교육과 교육자를 지원하는 인프라에 기반하여 이뤄져야 한다.

All working groups recognised that each academic institution must determine the relative balance between institution- specific expectations for excellence as educators (quantity and quality) and the engagement expecta- tions for educators (scholarly approach and educa- tional scholarship) in promotion and⁄ or tenure decisions. These decisions should be based not only on institution-specific missions, but also on infra- structure support for education and educators. 

더 구체적으로는, 개인 수준에서 기관은 승진에 요구되는 것(promotion expectation)을 교수에게 부여되는 교육활동과 맞춰야 한다.

More specifically, at the individual level, institutions need to align promotion expectations with the education activities assigned to faculty members.





이 기준을 어떻게 활용하든간에, 교육활동은 더 이상 개인 차원의, 전통을 따르는, shared inquiry에 전혀 의존하지 않는uninformed, 어떤 것이 효과가 있는 가에 대한 이해가 없는 식으로 이뤄져서는 안된다. 적절한 교육 인프라와 잘 align된다면, 교수의 교육활동은 대중에게 공개되고 피어-리뷰 되어서 연구 커뮤니티의 동료들이 유사하게 따라해볼 수 있어야 한다paralleling.

Inde- pendent of their use, these standards emphasise that education activities can no longer be viewed as  largely private work, guided by tradition, but unin- formed by shared inquiry or understanding of what works .24 When aligned with the appropriate educa- tion infrastructure, a faculty member’s education activities can become public and open to peer review, paralleling the process used by our colleagues in the research community.

'연구를 지원하기 위해서 필요한 인프라'로부터 유추해본다면, 교육에 필요한 인프라가 무엇인지도 생각해볼 수 있을 것이다(멘토링, 펀딩, 시설, 간섭받지 않는 시간 등). 교육 인프라의 구성요소에 대한 문헌들이 등장하고 있다(의학교육학교실의 핵심 구성요소와 역할부터 의학교육 연구에 필요한 비용까지). Teaching commons가 있어야 한다. 이 인프라는 교육자를 비롯한 이해관계자들에게 물리적(가상적) 공간을 제공하여, 이곳에서 커뮤니티를 형성하고 중요한 대화를 나누며, 문헌에 기반한 정보를 얻고 교수학습 경험에 의해 guide되어야 한다.

Drawing inferences from the infrastructure typically available to support research,25 we can begin to identify the key infrastructure elements needed for education (e.g. mentoring, funding, facilities and uninterrupted time to devote to scholarly activities). Literature is also beginning to emerge that is specifically associated with the components of an education infrastructure ranging from key compo- nents and roles for departments of medical education26 to the costs associated with studies in medical education.27 Throughout the consensus conference, Patricia Hutchings, drawing on her work with Mary Huber,4,19 advocated for the creation of a  teaching commons . This type of infrastructure might provide a physical (or virtual) place for educators and other stakeholders to come together as a community to engage in crucial conversations, informed by the literature and guided by experience in teaching and learning.



• What are the essential institutional and⁄ or organisational structures (e.g. learning commu- nities, academies and societies) and infrastructure elements needed to support excellence and scholarship in education (e.g. peer observations, consultation and evaluations of teaching, psycho- metric analysis of learner assessment tools, faculty development)? 


• How can we initiate, expand and facilitate effec- tive dialogue among key constituencies (e.g. medical school deans, academic societies, teach- ing hospitals) nationally and internationally to develop an infrastructure that values educators and educational scholarship?

교육 커뮤니티에 대한 관여의 폭

Breadth of engagement with the education community

• What level of engagement must a successful candidate for promotion document to demon- strate meaningful involvement in the community of educators (e.g. internal or external, local or national)?

• Should engagement expectations vary by faculty rank and⁄ or available institutional resources (e.g. support for participation in national meetings)?

포함되어야 할 카테고리와 경계

Category inclusions and boundaries

How many inclusions are expected within an activity category for academic advancement? 


What level of sustained activity must an educator demonstrate to  count  in academic promotion decisions?

개인의 성취와 집단의 성취 판단

Judging individual versus group accomplishments

• In the USA and around the world, university- based promotion committees have longstanding traditions and standards for judging individual accomplishments and there is emerging recogni- tion of the need for rewarding collaborative initiatives.28 However, as many educators’ activities result from group effort, how should educators present and document evidence of group accomplishments?


2 Rice RE.  Scholarship reconsidered : history and con- text. In: O’Meara K, Rice RE, eds. Faculty Priorities Reconsidered: Rewarding Multiple Forms of Scholarship. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass 2005;17–38.

6 Benor DE. Faculty development, teacher training and teacher accreditation in medical education: 20 years from now. Med Teach 2000;33 (5):503–12.

9 Whitcomb M. The medical school’s faculty is its most important asset. Acad Med 2003;78:117–8.

15 Irby DM, Cooke M, Lowenstein D, Richards B. The academy movement: a structural approach to reinvigo- rating the education mission. Acad Med 2004;79:729–36.

17 Fincher RM, Simpson D, Mennin SP, Rosenfeld GS, Rothman A, McGrew MC, Hansen PA, Mazamanian PE, Turnbull JM. Scholarship in teaching: an impera- tive for the 21st century. Acad Med 2000;75:887–94.

19 Huber MT, Hutchings P, Shulman LS. The scholarship of teaching and learning today. In: O’Meara K, Rice RE, eds. Faculty Priorities Reconsidered: Rewarding Multiple Forms of Scholarship. SanFrancisco: Jossey-Bass 2005;34–8.


 2007 Oct;41(10):1002-9. Epub 2007 Sep 5.

Advancing educators and education by defining the components and evidence associated with educationalscholarship.

Author information

  • 1Office of Educational Services, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53226, USA. dsimpson@mcw.edu



This study aimed to establish documentation standards for medical education activities, beyond educational research, for academic promotion consistent with principles of excellence and scholarship.


In 2006 a Consensus Conference on Educational Scholarship was convened by the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Group on Education Affairs (GEA) to outline a set of documentation standards for use by educators and academic promotion committees. Conference participants' work was informed by more than 15 years of literature on scholarship, educator portfolios and academic promotion standards.


The 110 conference participants, including medical school deans, academic promotion committee members, department chairs, faculty and AAMC leaders, re-affirmed the 5 education activity categories (teaching, curriculum, advising and/or mentoring, education leadership and/or administration, and learner assessment), the contents of each category, and cross-category documentation standards. Educational excellence requires documentation of the quantity and quality of education activities. Documenting a scholarly approach requires demonstrating evidence of drawing from and building on the work of others, and documenting scholarship requires contributing work through public display, peer review and dissemination; both involve engagement with the community of educators. Implementation of these standards - quantity, quality and engagement with the education community - should occur in parallel with the development of an infrastructure to support educators, including sustained faculty development for educators, access to educational resources and journals, peer review mechanisms and consultation and support specific to each activity category.


Educators' contributions to their institutions must be visible to be valued. The establishment of documentation standards foreducation activities provides the foundation for academic recognition of educators.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

의사 역량 평가의 개념적, 실천적 어려움(Med Teach, 2015)

Conceptual and practical challenges in the assessment of physician competencies


1University of Toronto, Canada, 2Wilson Centre, Canada, 3Women’s College Hospital, Canada, 4Sunnybrook Health Sciences

Centre, Canada, 5University Health Network, Canada, 6Northern Ontario School of Medicine, Canada



평가에 대한 현재 모델은 우리의 사고와 실천을 발전시켜왔다. 그러나 이 모델들은 의료행위와 평가의 본성nature를 더 이해해가면서 점차 낡고 올이 다 드러났다.

Current models of assessment have served us well in advancing our thinking and practices, but they are becoming increasingly threadbare in light of our emerging understanding of the nature of medical practice and of the assessment of medical practitioners.



최근 의과대학 교육과정은 생의학적 기초에서 (이 전에는 암묵적으로만 다뤄져오던) 의사소통/프로페셔널리즘/리더십과 같은 역량에 이르기까지 확장되어왔다. 이러한 개념이 비공식 또는 잠재 교육과정에서 공식 교육과정으로 옮겨온 것은 단순히 내용만 더해진 것이 아니다. 이러한 변화는 형식이 없던 것에 형식을 부여했고, 새로운 형식을 위한 새로운 방법이 필요했다.

In recent years medical school curricula have broadened from their biomedical base to explicitly include previously tacit competencies such as communication, professionalism and leadership. Moving these concepts from the informal and hidden curricula of medical education to its formal curriculum is not just a matter of adding content; these changes require form to be given to the formless, and new methods to be put in place to match these new and emerging forms.

CanMEDS의 개발은 한 사례이다. Educating Future Physicians for Ontario (EFPO) project 가 CanMEDS의 근원이다.

The development of CanMEDS is an example of this shift. The roots of CanMEDS can be found in the Educating Future Physicians for Ontario (EFPO) project (Whitehead et al. 2011a).

EFPO프로세스에서 의사의 8개 역할이 개발되었다. 캐나다의 전문의들은 EFPO역할을 가지고 다시 작업하여 일곱개의 CanMEDS 역할로 만들었다. 8번째 역할인 "Person"을 제거하고, "Professional"을 넣었다.

Eight relatively distinct physician roles were developed in the EFPOprocess. Canadian specialist physicians took the EFPO roles and re-worked them into the seven current CanMEDS Roles (Medical Expert, Collaborator, Manager, Health Advocate, Communicator, Scholar and Professional) (Frank et al. 1996), in the process removing EFPO’s eighth role of ‘‘Person’’, embedding it instead in the Professional Role (Whitehead et al. 2011a, 2014).

이 역할에 깔려 있는 복잡한 개념을 고려했을 때, 각 역할을 학생과 trainee에게 인식시키는 것은 잘해봐야 근사치에 가까운 수준approximation 정도이다. 

Understandably, given the complex concepts that underpin the roles, the realization of each role in our students and trainees remains an approximation at best.

EFPO 와 CanMEDS 는 귀납적 프로세스의 결과물이다. 의료행위의 복잡성과 다원성을 단순하고 인식가능한 역할로 만든 것이다. 개별 역할의 집합(즉, 이상적인 의사의 완벽한 모습totality)이 CanMEDS 역량 프레임워크를 구성한다. 이제 CanMEDS는 공식화되어서 국가 및 국제적 인증 기준까지 공식화되고 확장되었다. 교육자들은 이렇게 성문화된now-codified, 표준화된 역할을 교육 및 평가를 위해 translate해야 한다. 의학교육자들은 이 역량을 평가하기 위한 실용적 접근법으로서 모든 가능한 도구들(채점기준/마일스톤/체크리스트)을 현장에 있는 임상교사들에게 제공해주기 위해서 설계/파일럿/의무화/도입에 열심히 노력했다.  교육자들이 수년간 이 프로세스에 몰입해온 동안 competency project는 교육리더들에게 있어서 "아직 걸음마 단계"라고 여겨지고 있다.

The EFPO and CanMEDS Roles were the result of an inductive process, rendering the complexities and pluralities of what it takes to be a medical practitioner into a set of simple and recognizable roles. The aggregate of the individual Roles (reflecting the totality of the ideal physician) comprises the CanMEDS competency framework. Now that CanMEDS has been formalized and expanded on in national and international accreditation standards, educators have been required to deductively translate the now-codified and standardized roles back into their teaching and assessment practices. Medical educators have risen to the challenge, working diligently to design, pilot, mandate and implement all manner of toolkits, rubrics, milestones and checklists to provide on-the-ground clinical teachers with practical approaches to learner assessment of these competencies (Bandiera et al. 2006; Sherbino et al. 2008; Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada 2014). While educators have already been engaged in this process for a number of years, the competency project is still considered by education leaders to be ‘‘in its infancy’’ (Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada 2012, p. 4).

일부 CanMEDs 역할(Medical Expert)는 상대적으로 가르치고 평가하기가 쉽지만, 다른 역할들은 그보다 어렵다. 교육자들이 효과적이고 relevant한 평가도구를 모든 역량에 대하여 가지고 있지 않는 이상, 평가는 평가하기 '손쉬운'영역으로 skew되고 말 것이다.

While some CanMEDS Roles or competencies (such as Medical Expert) have been relatively easy to teach and assess, others have proved to be more challenging (Verma et al. 2005; Leveridge et al. 2007; Bryden et al. 2010). Unless educators have effect- ive and relevant assessment tools for all competencies, assessment may end up skewed towards ‘‘easier’’ areas,

Competence와 Competency 이해하기

Understanding competence and competency

각각의 프레임워크는 복잡한 의료행위의 개별 요소들을 단순하게 구조화된 다이어그램으로 표현하며, 종종 그림으로 묘사되기도 한다. CanMEDS는 "Medical Expert"를 중심에 둔 일곱 개 역할을 꽃으로 표현했다. ACGME도 기능을 목록화 한 CanMEDS와 비슷한 모델을 가지고 있으며, Scottish Doctor은 세 개의 concentric ring을 가지고 의사가 무엇을 할 줄 알아야 하고, 그것을 어떻게 해야 하고, 전문직으로서의 역할이 무엇인가를 표현하였다. 이 모델들이 각각 사용한 언어가 다르고, 그것이 구현arrange된 방식이 다르지만, 이 모델은 모두 의사의 능력 또는 역량을 보여주기 위한 목적이 있다.

Each frame-work reduces the complexities of multiple individual compo-nents of medical practice diagram into or a simple structure, often based represented as a figure. CanMEDS is around seven roles represented as a flower with ‘‘MedicalExpert’’ at the centre (Frank & Danoff 2007), the AccreditationCouncil for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) (2006) has asimilar model to CanMEDS usually given as a list of functions,while the Scottish Doctor has three concentric rings repre-senting what the doctor is able to do, their approach to practice and their role as a professional (Ellaway et al. 2007).The language used and the way they are each arranged visually is different, although they all aim to represent a physician’s capabilities or competencies (ibid). 

또한, 맥락이 바뀌면 역량 프레임워크고 새로운 사회와 사회적 상황을 반영할 수 있게 달라져야 한다. 이에 우리는 역량 프레임워크의 적용은 상황-, 맥락- 특이적으로 이뤄져야 한다고 제안한다.

Furthermore, as contexts change, then, at least by implication, competency frameworks may also need to change to reflect new social and societal circumstances. We suggest, therefore, that the applicability of competency frameworks should be considered as situated and context- specific.

그러나 '추상화'로서, 이 역량 프레임워크는 그것이 보여주고자 하는 복잡한 아이디어와, 맥락의 변화에 반응하여 달라지는 의료행위의 변화 방식을 단순화한 버전을 제공할 수 밖에 없다. 따라서 어떤 프레임워크도 절대 "진실"일 수 없으며, 모든 프레임워크는 "근사치approximation"으로 장점과 함께 한계점이 분명하다.

As abstractions, however, they necessarily provide a simplified version of the complex ideas they represent and the ways that practice changes in response to the context in which it takes place. No framework, therefore, is ever ‘‘the truth’’, but instead all frameworks are approximations, and all will inevitably have limitations as well as strengths.


역량의 평가

Assessment of competencies

북미 교육에서 측정을 지배해온 전통은 psychometric 방법론 적용과 역량프레임워크의 개념에 초점을 두고 있고, 이것 때문에 평가와 측정에 관한 논의가 제한된다. Psychometric 기법은 한 개인 내에 stable trait로서 존재한다고 여겨지는 현상을 평가하기 위하여 처음 사용되었다. 예컨대 진실성/논리적 추론/시공간 능력 등이 있다. 인지심리학자들은 나중에 이 기법을 지식을 평가하는데 활용하였고, 더 나아가 수행능력 평가에까지 활용하였다. 'Psychometrically evaluated instruments'는 개인의 stable하고 latent한 특질을 평가하는데 유용했다. 교육자에게 이것은 real/measurable/underlying 심리특성을 평가함을 뜻했다.

The dominant tradition of measurement in education in North America has led to a focus on the application of psychometric methods and concepts to competency frame- works, thereby sometimes limiting discussion of assessment and capability to matters of measurement (Hodges 2013). Psychometric techniques were first used to evaluate phenom- ena that were thought of as stable traits that existed within a particular individual: things like truthfulness, logical reasoning and visual–spatial ability. Cognitive psychologists later expanded the use of these techniques to assess knowledge, and then further to assess performance. Psychometrically evaluated instruments are useful for assessing stable, latent traits within individuals. This implies that, as educators, we are assessing real, measurable, underlying psychological traits (Kuper et al. 2007).

psychometric approach 는 지식이나 테크닉적 스킬에 대해서는 잘 작동했다. 그러나 이 접근법이 개인의 특성으로서 stable하지 않은 construct에 대해서는 잘 작동하지 않았다. CanMEDS 역할 중 Advocate나 Collaborator는 어떻게 의료전문직이 다른 사람과 상호작용해야하는지에 대한 내용이나, 상호작용이란 본질적으로 맥락- 그리고 문화- 특이적인 것이다. 따라서 아무리 이 역량을 깔끔하게neatly 기술하다고 하더라도, 의사소통/협력/프로페셔널리즘/Advocacy 역량에 대한 개개인의 관점은 역사적, 상황적으로 달라지며 변화가능한 것이고, 배경과 문화가 다르면 달라진다.

A psychometric approach works well for constructs that relate to knowledge and technical skill. This approach does not, however, easily align with constructs that are not stable for individual traits. CanMEDS Roles such as Advocate and Collaborator, for example, depict how medical professionals should perform in their interactions with others – interactions that are intrinsically context- and culture-specific. Therefore, no matter how many attempts are made to neatly codify physician competence, individual views of competent com- munication, collaboration, professionalism and advocacy will be historically contingent, situational, changeable – and inevitably different from those from other backgrounds and cultures (Kuper et al. 2007).

추가적으로, medical training을 통해서 커뮤티니가 요구하고 바라는 것을 제공해야 할 사회적 책무성이 강조되고 있다. 따라서 평가 전략과 평가 행위는 반드시 광범위한 개념(공정성, 개인의 요구, 안전, 신뢰도와 타당도, 사회와 커뮤니티의 특수한 요구에 대한 반응)을 포괄해야 한다.

In addition, there is a growing call for socially account- able medical training to ensure that our graduates can provide what communities need and want (Boelen & Heck 1995; Frenk et al. 2010). Assessment strategies and practices must therefore embrace and encompass a wide range of concepts, including fairness, individual needs, safety, reli- ability, and validity and responsiveness to particular societal and community needs.

새로운 접근법을 받아들이려는 역사적인 전례가 있음을 안다. 하지만 이러한 도구들은 여러가지 측면에서 평가에 유용하기는 하나, 사회적, 문화적으로 결정되는 21세기 의사 역량에 대한 현재의 미묘한 차이current nuanced를 담아내기에는 이상적이지 않다.

We also know that there is historical precedent to the adoption of new approaches: We suggest, however, that these tools, while very useful for assessing many things, are not ideal for the more socially and culturally-determined roles that comprise the current nuanced 21st Century understanding of physician competence.

방법과 도구를 다시 생각하기

Rethinking methods and means

여기서 우리는 두 가지 구체적인 사례에 초점을 두고자 한다. EthonographyRealist evaluation이다 이 두 가지 모두 복잡한 사회적 구조를 평가하기 위한 것이다. 맥락과 사회적 위치location를 고려하며, 동일한 상황 내에서도 잠재적으로 가능한 다양한 subject position의 존재를 존중하고, 역량을 수행하는 것이 맥락에 따라서 달라질 수 있음에 개방적이다.

In this paper we focus on two specific examples: ethnography and realist evaluation, both of which were designed to assess complex social constructs. Each takes into account context and social location, honours the existence of multiple potential subject positions within the same situation, and is open to wide variability in the contextual performance of competence.


  • Realist inquiry explains the dynamics of complex systems in terms of various mechanisms in different contexts that lead to different outcomes (Wong et al. 2012; Pawson 2013). Realist inquiry also works with the concept of middle-range theory: demi-regularities within and around particular contexts rather than global phenomena. Realist assessment is therefore about explaining what individuals and groups are doing and how they are doing it rather than measuring a stable and predict- able construct.


  • Ethnographic assessment involves gathering data about social interactions, using tools including observation, discus- sions and the analysis of written artifacts. Originally deriving from the discipline of anthropology, ethnography examines social processes, perceptions and behaviours within and between groups (Reeves et al. 2008, 2013).

이 두 가지는 복잡한 사회적 construct 평가를 framing하기 위한 방법론의 사례일 뿐이다.

Ethnography and realist evaluation are only two examples of methodological approaches for framing the assessment of complex social constructs such as the non-Medical Expert (Intrinsic) Roles (Sherbino et al. 2011).1 

이 방법론들은 trainee의 수행능력을 사회적 영역social realm의 관점에서 바라보며, 신뢰도와 타당도에 초점을 맞춰온 지난 60년간 "노이즈"로 무시되어온 수행능력의 맥락을 다시 비춰준다.

These meth- odologies can illuminate aspects of trainee performance in the social realm, as well as the contexts of that performance, that have been ignored as ‘‘noise’’ within our almost 60-year focus on validity and reliability.

나아갈 방향

Ways forward

우리는 변화 없이 relevant하고 rigorous한 사회적으로 구성되는 Non-Medical Expert역할에 대한 평가는 불가능하다. 우리는 교육자들이 고의로 incongruent한 평가도구를 사용한다고 생각하지 않는다.

However, we contend that, without change, the assessment of the socially constructed, non-Medical Expert (Intrinsic) Roles cannot be relevant and rigorous. We do not think that choose educators will knowingly to use methodologically incongruent assessment tools, as in doing so they will fall short of the needs of learners, patients, the profession and society as a whole.

"우리가 평가하지 않으면 학생들은 그것을 중요하게 여기지 않을 것이다"라는 mantra가 교육자가 만들어내는 산출물의 어느 정도를 차지할까? 의학교육과 같은 Academic culture에서 교수들은 늘 강의를 끝낼 때 "학생들이 관심있어 하는 것은 시험에 뭐가 나올지 뿐이라는 것을 다 안다. 지금부터 알려주겠다"라는 식으로 강의를 끝내며, 이것이 test-focused 환경에서 만들어진 교사를 보여준다. 이러한 환경은 universal하지 않다. 예를 들면 덴마크에서는 레지던트 시험이 없다.

To what extent is the mantra ‘‘if we don’t assess it the students will not value it’’ a product of educators’ own making? Academic cultures, such as medical education, where professors routinely end lectures with statements like ‘‘I know all you care about it what is on the test, so now I will tell you’’ clearly implicate teachers in the construction of a test-focused environment. This environment is not universal; in Denmark, for example, there are no residency exams (Karle & Nystrup 1995; Hodges & Segouin 2008).



우리의 집단적 기억은 모하하고 부분적이다. 우리는 과거에 어땠는지를 빠르게 잊고, 어떻게 여기까지 왔는지를 잊어버린다. 우리는 우리가 지금 가지고 있는 것과 하고 있는 것을 정상으로 받아들인다normalize.  

Our collective memory tends to be rather vague and partial: we quickly forget where we have been and how we got here. We normalize what we currently have and do (in this case our current constellation of competencies, roles and frameworks)

non-Medical Expert (Intrinsic) Role의 평가에 대한 또 다른 가능한 평가방법으로는  case study methodology, critical discourse analysis and phenomenology등이 있다.

Other potential methodologies relevant to the assessment of the non-Medical Expert (Intrinsic) Roles include case study methodology, critical discourse analysis and phenomenology.

가능한 옵션을 늘리고 다양한 평가 접근법에 의존하는 것이 의학교육의 다른 트렌드와 부합한다. 평가방법론에 적용하는 논리도 같아야 한다.

Expanding our options and drawing on multiple assess- ment approaches fits with other trends in medical education. We need the same to apply logic to our assessment methodologies.

국제 커뮤니티가 평가에 대한 사회과학 기반의 접근법을 탐구하지 않는다면, socially-constructed non- Medical Expert (Instrinsic) Roles를 적절하게 평가할 수 있는 능력이 제한될 것이다.

If this international community does not explore the potential of social science- based approaches to assessment then there will remain limits to the ability to adequately assess the socially-constructed non- Medical Expert (Instrinsic) Roles.


Sherbino J, Frank JR, Flynn L, Snell L. 2011. ‘‘Intrinsic Roles’’ rather than ‘‘armour’’: Renaming the ‘‘non-medical expert roles’’ of the CanMEDS framework to match their intent. Adv Health Sci Educ Theory Pract 16(5):695–697.

 2015 Mar;37(3):245-51. doi: 10.3109/0142159X.2014.993599. Epub 2014 Dec 19.

Conceptual and practical challenges in the assessment of physician competencies.

Author information

  • 1University of Toronto , Canada .


Abstract The shift to using outcomes-based competency frameworks in medical education in many countries around the world requires educators to find ways to assess multiple competencies. Contemporary medical educators recognize that a competent trainee not only needs sound biomedical knowledge and technical skills, they also need to be able to communicate, collaborate and behave in a professional manner. This paper discusses methodological challenges of assessment with a particular focus on the CanMEDS Roles. The paper argues that the psychometric measures that have been the mainstay of assessment practices for the past half-century, while still valuable and necessary, are not sufficient for a competency-oriented assessment environment. New assessment approaches, particularly ones from the social sciences, are required to be able to assess non-Medical Expert (Intrinsic) roles that are situated and context-bound. Realist and ethnographic methods in particular afford ways to address thechallenges of this new assessment. The paper considers the theoretical and practical bases for tools that can more effectively assess non-Medical Expert (Intrinsic) roles.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

성찰에 대한 평가의 교란요인: 비판적 리뷰 (BMC Med Educ, 2011)

Factors confounding the assessment of reflection: a critical review

Sebastiaan Koole1*, Tim Dornan2, Leen Aper1, Albert Scherpbier3, Martin Valcke4, Janke Cohen-Schotanus5 and

Anselme Derese1



평생학습은 최신의 헬스케어 서비스 제공을 위해 필수적이다. 평생학습이 단순히 컨퍼런스 참석을 의미하는 것이 아니며, 오늘날 평생학습이란 지속적 프로세스로서, 일상의 전문직 행동에 embed된 것이다. 평생학습의 핵심은 자신의 행동에 대해서 성찰하는 능력, 치료의 과정과 성과를 검토하고, 새로운 학습목표를 세우고, 수월성을 추구하기 위한 미래의 행동을 계획하는 것이다.

Lifelong learning is, consequently, crucial to the provision of up-to-date healthcare services [1].Rather than just attending conferences, lifelong learning today is seen as a continuous process, embedded in everyday professional practice. At its core lies practi-tioners’ ability to reflect upon their own actions, con-tinuously reviewing the processes and outcomes of treatments, defining new personal learning objectives, and planning future actions in pursuit of excellence [2-5].

많은 교육기관에서 성찰능력을 직헙훈련 프로그램의 목표로 삼고 있으며, 성찰적 사고가 개발될 수 있다는 것이 전제이다.

As a result, many educational institutions incorporate the ability to reflect as an objective of their vocational pro- grams, premised on a belief that reflective thinking is something that can be developed rather than a stable personality trait [4,10,11].

그러나 성찰능력을 어떻게 가장 잘 개발하도록 도와줄 수 있는가는 불확실하다. 합의된 방법이 부족하다.

There is, however, uncertainty about how best to help people develop their ability to reflect [11]. Lack of an agreed way of assessing reflection is a particular obstacle


평가는 피드백의 원천으로서 motivation에 영향을 주며, 요구되는 수준의 역량이 달성되었는지를 언제 판단할지에 따라서도 영향을 준다. 어떻게 '성찰적 학습'을 조작화할 것인가는 더 심각한 문제이다. 서로 다른, 광범위하게 받아들여지는 서로 다른 방식의 성찰에 대한 정의가 평가에 있어서 성찰의 성과, 성찰의 차원, 성찰의 기준 등을 다양하게 한다. 그 결과 연구결과를 비교하기도 어렵다.

Assessment has also a motiva- tional influence as a source for feedback (formative assessment) and when to judge whether requisite levels of competence have been attained (summative assess-ment) [3,4,12]. The persisting lack of clarity about how to operationalise reflective learning is symptomatic of an even deeper problem. Different, widely accepted theories define reflection in different ways, consider different outcomes as important, define different dimensions along which reflection could be assessed and point towards different standards [11]. Consequently, research findings are hard to compare. This unsatisfactory state of affairs leaves curriculum leaders without practical guidelines,

논문의 목적

The purpose of this article is to review four factors,which confound the assessment of reflection: 

  • 1. Non-uniformity in defining reflection and linking theory with practice. 
  • 2. A lack of agreed standards to interpret the results of assessments. 
  • 3. Threats to the validity of current methods of asses- sing reflection. 
  • 4. The influence of internal and external contextual factors on the assessment of reflection.



1. '성찰'의 정의

1. Defining reflection


다양한 성찰의 정의 

  • Boe- nink 등은 '상황을 분석하는 서로 다른 관점의 숫자'로서 성찰을 묘사했다. 즉 하나의 관점에서부터 다수의 관점까지 다양할 수 있다.

  • Aukes 등은 자기성찰/공감적 성찰/성찰적 의사소통의 조합으로서 개인의 성찰을 개념화하면서, 정서적, 의사소통적 요소를 강조했다.

  • Sobral은 학습의 관점에서 reflection-in-learning을 강조했다.

Boe- nink et al [10] described reflection in terms of the num- ber of different perspectives a person used to analyse a situation. Reflection ranged from a single perspective to a balanced approach considering multiple relevant per- spectives. Aukes et al [13] emphasised emotional and communication components when they conceptualised personal reflection as a combination of self-reflection, empathic reflection, and reflective communication. Sobral’s [14] emphasis on reflection-in-learning approached reflection from a learning perspective.

이 세 가지 관점이 이 분야에서의 비일관성을 보여준다면 Dewey, Boud, Schön, Kolb, Moon, and Mezirow 의 연구는 공통점을 보여준다.

If those three perspectives exemplify inconsistency in the field, the work of Dewey, Boud, Schön, Kolb, Moon, and Mezirow exemplifies shared ground between reflec- tion theories and used terms.


  • Dewey is usually regarded as the founder of the concept of reflection in an educa- tional context. He described reflective thought as “active, persistent, and careful consideration of any belief or supposed form of knowledge in the light of the grounds that support it, and the further conclusions to which it tends” [15]. He saw reflective thinking in the education of individuals as a lever for the development of a wider democratic society.

  • In line with his work, Boud et al emphasised reflection as a tool to learn from experience in experiential learn- ing [16]. They identified reflection as a process that looks back on experience to obtain new perspectives and inform future behaviour. A special feature of their description of reflection in three stages -

    • 1. 경험으로 돌아가기 Returning to an experience;

    • 2. 감정에 집중하기 attending to feelings; and

    • 3. 경험을 재평가하기 re-evaluat- ing the experience - was the emphasis it placed on the role of emotions.

  • Moon described reflection as an input-outcome pro- cess [17]. She identified reflection as a mental function transforming factual or theoretical, verbal or non-verbal knowledge, and emotional components generated in the past or present into the output of reflection (e.g. learn- ing, critical review or self-development). (사실적 또는 이론적/ 언어적 또는 비언어적/ 과거 혹은 현재의 감정적 요소를 성찰의 output으로 만드는 것)

  • Schön’s concept of reflective practitioner the identi-fied reflection as a tool to deal with complex profes- sional situations [18,19]. Reflection in a situation (reflection-in-action) is linked to practitioners’ immedi- ate behaviour. Reflection after the event (reflection-on- action) provides insights that can improve future prac- tice. Those two types of reflection together form a con- tinuum for practice improvement.

  • The term ’ reflective learning describes reflection in the context of experiential learning. Kolb’s widely accepted experiential learning cycle describes four stages of learning:

    • 1. 경험을 한다(구체적 경험) having an experience (concrete experi- ence),

    • 2. 성찰적 관찰(경험을 성찰한다) reflective observation (reflecting on this experi- ence),

    • 3. 추상적 개념화(경험에서 배운다) abstract conceptualisation (learning from the experience) and

    • 4. 능동적 실험(배운 것을 시도해본다) active experimentation (trying out what you have learned) [20].

    • 이 네 단계는 나선형이다. These four stages are con- ceptualised as a spiral, each of whose turns is a step for- ward in a person’s experiential learning.

  • Lifelong learning is considered today as essential for maintaining a high standard of professional practice. Mezirow’s transformative learning theory described life- long learning in terms of learners’ transforming frames of reference, in which reflection is the driving force [21].

공통 요소의 '절충 모델'

Towards an ‘eclectic model’ of common elements

Atkins and Murphy 는 성찰을 다음과 같이 밝혔다.

Atkins and Murphy [22] identified reflec- tion as:

  • 1. 불편한 감정 또는 생각의 인지 ‘awareness of uncomfortable feelings and thoughts’, resulting in

  • 2. 감정과 지식의 분석 an ‘analysis of feelings and knowledge’, finally leading to

  • 3. 새로운 관점 ‘new perspectives’.

Korthagen의 ALACT 모델(’Action, Looking back on action, Awareness of essential aspects, Creating alternative methods of action, and Trial’)은 '인식하게 됨' 시기의 첫 두 단계를 보여준다. 일반적인 회상적 행동, 더 해석적인 행동

Korthagen’s ALACT model (’Action, Looking back on action, Awareness of essential aspects, Creating alternative methods of action, and Trial’)[23]describes the first phase of ‘becoming aware’ in two steps: a general retrospective action and a more interpretive action.

이 두 가지 이론을 통합하면 첫 번째 phase가 나온다(경험 검토’reviewing an experience’). 두 가지 하부 구성요소

Integrating those two theories, resulted in a first phase (’reviewing an experience’)with two subcomponents:

  • 1. 무슨 일이 일어났는지를 일반적으로 기술한다. generally describing what hap- pened and

  • 2. 생각/사고/맥락적 요인을 고려하여 본질적 측면을 밝힌다. identifying essential aspects by considering both thoughts, feelings and contextual factors.

그러나 단순히 경험을 검토하는 것이 효과적 성찰로 이어지지는 않는다. Bourner에게 있어서, 경험에서 더 정보를 얻기 위해서interrogate 탐색 질문을  활용하는 것은 '성찰'과 '생각thinking'의 차이였고, 그는 '성찰적 탐구reflective inquiry'를 성찰의 중요한 요소로 보았다. 성찰에 대한 이러한 관점은 Mamede and Schmidt가 성찰적 행동을 '성찰에 대한 개방성openness to reflection'으로 본 것과 마찬가지이다. Bourner는 탐색질문searching question을 하는 것만 강조했고, 그것에 대한 답을 구하는 것을 강조하지는 않았다. Korthagen의 접근법은 Bourner의 접근법에다가 질문에 대답을 하는 과정으로서 '대안적 행동방법 만들기creating alternative methods of action'를 추가하여 이를 보완해준다. 이렇게 추가한 것은 Boud가 분석을 association, integration, validation and appropriation의 조합이라고 한 것과 잘 맞는다.

Just reviewing an experience, however, does not neces- sarily lead to effective reflection. For Bourner [24], using searching questions to interrogate an experience was the key difference between reflecting and thinking and he saw ‘reflective inquiry’ as a crucial component of reflec- tion. This aspect of reflection was also represented in Mamede and Schmidt’s proposed structure of reflective practice as ‘openness to reflection’ [25]. Bourner only emphasised posing searching questions, however, not answering them. Korthagen’s approach supplements Bourner’s by contributing ‘creating alternative methods of action’ as a process of answering questions. This addition is compatible with Boud’s characterization of analysis as a combination of association, integration, validation and appropriation.


개인의 Frame of reference 안에서 이뤄지는 내면의 대화internal dialogue를 하는 것은 분석의 방향을 제시해주며, "감각적 인상을 거르는 가정과 기대의 구조"를 보여준다. 이러한 개인의 관점은 인식/인지/감정/성향(intentions, expectations and purposes) 등으로 구성되어 있으며, 우리의 감각 경험에 의미를 부여하는 맥락을 제공한다. 성찰의 첫 번째 phase가 경험을 묘사하고, 감정/생각/다른 측면을 인식하는 것이라면, 두 번째 phase는 성찰적 탐구reflective inquiry를 가지고 경험을 분석하여 개인의 독특한 Frame of reference 안에서 분석 프로세스를 trigger하는 것이다.

The internal dialogue that results is conducted within a ‘personal frame of reference’ that, according to Mezirow, directs the analy- sis and represents “the structure of assumptions and expectations through which we filter sense impressions” [21]. This personal perspective, made up of our percep- tions, cognitions, feelings and dispositions (intentions, expectations and purposes), creates a context in which we give meaning to our sensory experiences. If the first phase of reflection, then, is identified as the description of an experience and the awareness of feelings, thoughts, and other essential aspects, our second phase of reflec- tion is analysing experiences by reflective inquiry, which triggers a process of analysis within a person’sunique frame of reference.

Moon의 투입-산출 모델은 성찰이 '목적성을 가짐purposeful'을 강조한다. Atkins and Murphy에 의해 밝혀진 이 목적, 즉 세 번째 phase는 '새로운 관점의 발견identification of new perspectives'이다. Korthagen and Boud는 둘 다 추가 단계를 하나 더 넣었는데, 이 새로운 관점을 행동으로 옮겨서 새로운 성찰적 사이클의 시작점으로 삼는 것이다. Stockhau- sen의 성찰적 실천의 임상 나선 모델에서 '재건축reconstruction phase'가 같은 기능을 한다. 이 phase에서 성찰적 통찰reflective insights은 미래의 행동을 위한 계획으로 전환된다. 이러한 행동이 미래의 성찰로 이끌어줄 수 있으므로, 경험에 대해서 성찰을 하는 것은 중요한 경험을 well-informed practical action으로 전환시켜주는 순환적 과정이다.

Moon’s input-outcome model emphasises that reflec- tion is purposeful [17]. This purpose is identified by Atkins and Murphy in the third phase of reflection as the ‘identification of new perspectives’ [22]. Both Korthagen and Boud, however, included an additional stage - the conversion of those new perspectives into actions that are the starting point for new reflective cycles [16,23]. The ‘reconstruction phase’ of Stockhau- sen’s clinical learning spiral model of reflective practice among undergraduate nursing students in clinical prac- tice settings had the same function [26]. During this phase, reflective insights were transformed into plans for future actions. Since those actions could lead to further reflections, reflecting on experiences was identified as a cyclic process that transformed significant experiences into deliberate, well informed practical actions.


이러한 insight를 가지고 '새로운 관점의 발견'을 성찰 프로세스의 성과로서 정의했으며, 이 새로운 관점은 '성찰을 통한 미래의 행동'으로 이끌어준다. 이 phase를 연구자에 따라서는 행동-전-성찰reflection-before-action이라고 부르며, 이번 절충 모델에서는 성찰을 순환적 과정으로 만듦으로서 포함되었다. 이 모델에서 성찰은 과거의 성찰에서부터 나온 학습목표로부터 정보를 받고, 발달 프로세스로서 성찰의 중요성을 강조한다. Korthagen and Stockhausen은 모두 성찰나선reflection spiral이라는 용어와 함께 이 프로세스를 강조하였으며, 이를 통해서 더 높은 차원의 이해/실천/학습으로 갈 수 있는 길이라고 보았다.

We incorporated those insights into the eclectic model by defining the outcome of a reflection process as the iden- tification of new perspectives, which leads to future actions informed by reflection. Stockhausen also described a preparatory phase to establish objectives for a new clinical experience. This phase, which other authors have labelled as reflection-before-action [27,28], is incorporated into the eclectic model by representing reflection as a cyclical process. It allows reflection to be informed by learning goals arising from past reflections and stresses the importance of reflection as a develop- mental process. Both Korthagen and Stockhausen have highlighted this process with the term reflection spiral with each winding leading to a higher order of under- standing, practice or learning [23,26].


Reviewing the experience has two compo- nents:

  • description of the experience as a whole’,and

  • awareness of essential aspects based on the considera- tion of personal thoughts, feelings, and important con- textual factors’.

Critical analysis starts with

  • ‘reflective inquiry’ - posing searching questions about an experi- ence - and progresses to

  • searching for answerswhile remaining aware of the ‘frame of reference’ within which the inquiry is being conducted.

Reflective out- come comprises the

  • new perspectivesresulting from phase two, and the

  • ‘translation of those perspectives into behaviour that has been informed by reflection’.


모델을 만드는 것부터 성찰 평가를 위한 지표 개발까지

From model building to developing indicators for assessment of reflection


성찰 프로세스의 적절성 지표

indicator of the adequacy of reflection processes (table 2).






2. 성찰 평가 해석를 위한 기준

2. Standards to interpret reflection assessment

Boud의 이론에는 여섯 가지 항목이 있다.

Boud’s theory, had six items:

  • attending to feelings,

  • association,

  • integration,

  • vali- dation,

  • appropriation and

  • outcome of reflection.

Mezirow는 학생을 다음과 같이 나눴다.

Mezirow, labelled students as:

  • 비-성찰자 non-reflectors (no evidence of reflective thinking),

  • 성찰자(경험을 학습 기회에 연관짓기) reflectors (evidence of relating experience to learning opportunities) and

  • 비판적 성찰자(성찰의 결과를 전문직적 행동에 통합하기) critical reflectors (evidence of inte- grating reflective outcomes in professional behaviour).

연구자들은 Boud의 카테고리가 written material에 적용하기 어렵다는 것을 알았고, Mezirow의 것보다 신뢰도가 떨어졌다. 그러나 Mezirow의 카테고리는 세 개밖에 없어서 사람들 간 변별력이 떨어졌다. Kember 등은 이 문제를 finer-tuned을 통해서 해결하고자 했다. 이들이 제시한 7개 카테고리는

The researchers found Boud’s categories hard to apply to written materials, resulting in less reliable coding than using Mezirow’s scheme. With only three cate- gories, however, this latter scheme had a limited capa- city to discriminate between people. Kember et al [31] addressed this issue by using a finer-tuned coding scheme based on the work of Mezirow. Their seven categories ranged from

  • 비성찰적 사고 unreflective thinking (

    • 습관적 행동 habitual action,

    • 자기반성 introspection and

    • 사려깊은 행동 thoughtful action) to

  • 성찰적 사고 reflective thinking (

    • 내용 성찰 content reflection,

    • 과정 성찰 process reflection,

    • 내용과 과정 성찰 content and process reflection and

    • 전제premise 성찰 premise reflection).

Boenink 는 성찰을 1~10까지 순위를 매겼고, 이는 학생이 쓴 성찰적 반응에서 드러난 관점의 숫자을 기준으로 매긴 것이였다. 그러나 이 척도는 성찰의 한 가지 측면밖에 보여주지 못한다는 한계가 있다.

Boenink et al [10] used an alternative approach, which ranked reflections from 1-10. Their scale was based on the number of perspectives students described in short written reflective reactions to a case vignette describing a challenging situation. The scale was limited, however, by measuring only one aspect of reflection (being aware of the frame of reference used).


Duke and Appleton 는 8개의 스킬을 평가했다. Grade를 줌으로써 이 연구자들은 성찰적 스킬에 대한 기준을 처음으로 설정했으나, 어떻게 level을 grade로 연결했는지를 밝히지는 않았다.

Duke and Appleton [29]developed a broader marking grid to score reflectivereports. It assessed eight skills that support reflection,identified by a literature review, on five-level scales,‘anchored’ and linked to a grade (A, B+, B, C and F).By providing grades, these authors were the first to set standards for reflective skills , however, the authors did not disclose how they linked the levels to grades.

Boyd 는 성찰적 판단을 King and Kitchener가 제안한 7개의 지적발달을 기준으로 코딩하였다.

Boyd [32] assessed reflective judgement using a coding scheme based on seven stages of intellectual development described by King and Kitchener:

  • 전-성찰적 사고 Pre-reflective thinking (stages 1-3);

  • 유사-성찰적 사고 quasi- reflective thinking (stages 4 and 5); and

  • 성찰적 사고 reflective think- ing (stages 6 and 7).

Measurements made with the scale had an interrater reliability of 0.76 (Cronbach alpha).

접근법은 두 그룹으로 나눌 수 있다. 한 가지 접근법은 level에 따라 순위를 매기는 것이고, 다른 하나는 성찰 프로세스의 phase를 밝히는 것이다.

Based on the approach coding schemes can be divided into two groups. A first approach ranks reflections according to levels. The other approach is the iden- tification of phases in the reflection process considering items of reviewing an experience, analysis and reflective outcome based on the used model of reflection [29,30].

연구 결과에서 공통된 것은 학생들이 성찰에 숙달된 수준이 매우 낮고, 따라서 발전의 여지가 충분하다는 것이다. 

their results share a common feature. Within their own scale, all stu- dies demonstrate learners to have very limited mastery of reflection, indicating an apparent room for improve- ment.

충분한 성찰의 수준을 갖추고 있는 의사를 구분할 수 있는 기준이 나올 때 까지는, 이해관계자들에게 어떤 성찰스킬이 필요한지 명확하게 설명해주고, 학습자들에게 최대한으로 그것을 개발하게끔 해야 할 것이다. 

Until standards have been formulated that can identify practitioners whose level of reflection is adequate, it seems reasonable to clarify to stakeholders (curriculum developers, students, practitioners, assessors) what reflection skills are expected and urge learners to develop them as far as possible.

성찰적 학습을 촉진하기 위해서 성찰능력을 개발하는 것과, 성찰의 빈도를 늘리는 것 사이에 균형이 필요하다.

In promoting reflective learning, however, a balance has to be struck between developing an ability to reflect and increasing the frequency of reflection.

3. 평가를 어렵게 만드는 요인들

3. Factors that complicate assessment


성찰의 메타인지적 성격 때문에, 평가를 위해서는 '성찰'을 '글written words'로 바꿔야 한다 (인터뷰 기록, 포트폴리오 성찰일지 등)

The metacognitive nature of reflection is an important complicating factor of reflection assessment [4]. Sub-jects are most often asked to ‘translate’ their reflections into written words, which are assessed against coding schemes or scoring grids [29-31,38-40]. Other suggested methods to ‘visualise’ reflections include the verbalisa-tion in interviews [32,41,42], written responses to vign-ettes [10], or reflective writings in portfolios [34,43].


따라서 평가자는 성찰을 기록한 사람의 '선택적 묘사'에 대해서 그것이 과연 '적절한지'를 확인해보지도 못하고, 평가해야 한다. 이 때 (비)의도적 뒤늦은 깨달음, 자성적 능력의 부족 등으로 편향이 생길 수 있다. 기록된 것은 선택적으로 기록된 것이고, 불완전하다. 이런 측면에서 인터뷰가 장점이 있으나 여전히 주관적인 평가이며, 성찰활동에 대한 선택적 네러티브만 평가할 수 있다.

Assessors’ dependency on a person’s interpretative description is a serious threat to the validity of assess-ments of reflection because they have to judge selective descriptions without being able to verify their adequacy. Accordingly this approach fails to detect bias caused by a lack of (un)intentional hindsight and introspection ability [44,45], reflections being determined by the requirements of the assessment and selectivity and/or incompleteness of aspects they portray [44]. Interviews have the advantage that they can pose clarifying ques- tions and monitor a reflecting person’s reactions, but they still leave assessors to ground their judgements in potentially subjective and selective narrative accounts of reflective activity.

두 가지 문제가 있다. 

There are two related problems in that.

  • 성찰을 기술하는 의미론적 스킬semantic skill이 효과적인 성찰에 중요한 부분이긴 하지만, 성찰을 글 또는 말로 바꿔야 하기에, 순수한 성찰스킬이 아닌 다른 것(글쓰기 기술, 말하기 기술)에 영향을 받을 수 있다.
    Although the semantic skill of describing reflec- tions is considered integral to effective reflection [46], skills other than pure reflective skills are needed to turn reflection into writing and/or speech, which has a self- evident effect on reflective narratives [44].

  • 다른 문제는 평가를 위해서 written approach를 하는 것이 학습자가 선호하는 학습스타일과 맞지 않을 수 있다. 인터넷 세대의 학생들은 그룹-기반의 테크놀로지 멀티미디어 활동을 선호한다(블로그, SNS 등). 또한 창의적으로 멀티미디어를 사용하게 지지해주는 것이 성찰에 더 헌신하게끔 해주고, 더 효율적 성찰을 도와줄지도 모른다.
    The other problem lies in a decrease of motivation caused by the non-alignment between the written approach to assess- ment and a learners preferred learning style [12]. Find- ings of Sandars and Homer [47] suggest the discrepancy between ‘net generation’ students learning preference of group-based and technological multimedia activities (blogs, social networks, digital storytelling) and the text based approaches to reflective learning. Moreover, sup- porting learners to reflect with the creative use of multi- media, will likely increase their commitment to reflect and stimulate even more efficient reflection [48].

자기기입식 설문: 정확한 introspect가 요구된다. Eva and Regehr 는 자기-평가적 접근만 활용하는 것은 부정확한 결과를 가져오며, introspection에 대한 삼각측량이 필요함을 강조함.

Self-assessment questionnaires have the advantage of circumventing indirect observation [13,14,49,50], but their requirement to introspect accurately introduces another validity threat [22,51], because it is then unclear if it is reflection or the ability to introspect that is being tested. Eva and Regehr [45] concluded that it is best not to build solely on self-assessment approaches as they tend to be inaccurate and they recommended triangulat- ing introspection with other forms of feedback.

이러한 이유로 과연 성찰이 평가가능한 것인가라는 질문이 남는다. 두 가지 요소가 중요해보인다. 타당한 접근을 위해서 Bourner는 내용Content과 프로세스Process에 대한 평가가 서로 구분되어야 한다고 제안했다. 주관성 때문에 내용이 평가에 있어서 장애요인이 된다면, 프로세스는 더 일반적인 특징이 될 수 있다. 유사하게, Bourner는 관찰가능한 항목 (학습목표 기술 등)이 성찰능력을 보여주는 것으로 사용되어야 한다고 주장했다.

Since there are such serious validity threats, the ques-tion remains whether it is possible to assess reflection at all. Two elements appear to be important. In search fora valid approach, Bourner [24] suggested the content and the process of reflection should be viewed as two separate entities. While the content is a barrier to assessment because of its subjective nature, the process has a more general character. Similarly Bourner proposed that observa- ble items, like the ability to formulate learning goals, should be used to demonstrate a person’s capacity for reflecting.

4. 성찰의 평가에 영향을 주는 내적, 외적 맥락요인

4. Internal and external contextual factors affecting reflection assessment

성찰에 대한 평가는 성찰능력 뿐 아니라 맥락적 요인에 의해서도 영향을 받는다. Motivation은 학습과 성취의 중요한 매개인자이다. 기대-가치 모델Expectation-value model은 과제에 대한 개인의 가치와 그 과제를 성공적으로 수행했을 때의 기대치가 과업 수행의 주요 예측인자라고 하였다. 이것을 성찰에 적용시키면, practice에 있어 성찰을 얼마나 중요하게 생각하느냐가 성찰에 얼마나 많은 시간과 노력을 쏟는지를 결정할 것이다. 성찰이 주는 보상에 대해 긍정적인 기대를 하지 않는 사람은 깊이있고 비판적인 성찰을 하지 않을 것이다. 이 motivational model은 성찰적 학습에 대한 개인의 과거 경험과 성찰 과정에 대한 개인의 이해가 motivation에 영향을 미치고, 궁극적으로 행동에도 영향을 준다고 설명한다. 따라서 성찰의 가치를 frame하고 의도한 결과를 얻기 위해서는 introductory session이 중요하다.

The results of assessments of reflection are influenced by contextual factors as well as people’s ability to reflect. Motivation is considered to be an important mediator of learning and achievement in medical education [55,56]. The expectancy-value model proposed by Wigfield and Eccles identifies the subjective value of a task to a per- son and their expectation of performing it successfully as main predictors of task performance [57]. Applied to reflection, it predicts that the perceived importance of reflection for (professional) practice will determine the time and effort a person is willing to invest in it; those who do not expect a positive return are unlikely to reflect profoundly and critically [4]. This motivational model also explains how personal factors like prior experience of reflective learning and a person’sunder- standing of the reflection process will influence motiva- tion and consequently reflective behaviour. Hence introductory sessions are important to frame the value and intended outcomes of reflection [4].

과거에는 성찰을 지극히 개인적인 프로세스라고 보았다. 그러나 점차 사회적 상호작용에 의해서 촉진되는 프로세스라고 개념화하는 쪽으로 생각이 바뀌고 있다. supervision과 동료들이 학습자에게 정기적으로 피드백을 주고, 생각을 자극하는 질문을 함으로써 성찰을 향상시킬 수 있다. 퍼실리테이터는 비-판단적 질문을 통해서 (학습자가) 그 상황을 더 탐구하고, 대안적 관점과 solution을 찾고, 당연하게 여겼던 가정이 무엇이었는지를 알게 해줄 수 있다. 더 나아가서 situations 이 강력한 감정과 부정적인 생각을 불러일으켜서 효율적인 성찰을 방해할 수 있다. 퍼실리테이터는 이러항 강력한 감정들을 동화assimilate시키고 성찰 프로세스에 초점을 맞추게끔 도와줄 수 있다. 성찰적 사고, 감정, 정서 등을 완전히 탐구하기 위해서는 성찰을 하는 사람과 퍼실리테이터 사이에 안전한 환경이 마련되는 것이 중요하다. 다른 사람을 돕는다는 의미 외에도, 퍼실리테이터가 된다는 것은 자기자신의 성찰도 더 효과적으로 할 수 있게 됨을 뜻한다. 그러나 Schon은 학습자와 코치 사이의 관계가 균형잡히지 않았을 경우에, 그리고 맥락적 요인에 과도하게 영향을 받았을 경우에 성찰적 실천이 방해받을 수 있음을 경고하였으며, 방어적 태도defensiveness를 보일 수 있다고 하였다. 맥락적 요인의 강조와 더불어 Schaub 등은 성찰적 학습을 장려하는 교사의 능력을 평가하는 척도를 개발하였다. 여기서는 학습자에게 교사가 self-insight를 지지하는지, 안전한 환경을 조성하는지, 자기-조절을 장려하는지 등을 물어본다.

Whereas reflection was traditionally conceived of as a strictly individual process, ideas are shifting towards conceptualising it as a process facilitated by social inter- action [4,45]. A stimulating environment in which supervisors and peers give learners regular feedback and ask thought-provoking questions can, from that point of view, be expected to improve reflection. With non-jud- gemental questions, facilitators can encourage to fully explore the situation, to consider alternative perspectives and solutions, and to uncover taken-for-granted assumptions [3]. Furthermore, situations can provoke strong emotions and negative thoughts which could potentially form a barrier obstructing efficient reflection and reflection upon . A facilitator can help to assimilate these strong emotions and refocus on the reflection process [12,16]. To fully explore reflective thoughts, feelings and possible emotions, it is crucial to create a safe environment established between the reflecting person and the facilitator(s) [3]. Next to sup- porting others, being a facilitator is also reported as even more effective for a person’s own reflections[58]. Schön, however, warned that an unbalanced relationship between learner and coach and an undue influence of contextual factors could hinder reflective practice, as it could lead to defensiveness [18]. In line with this emphasis on contextual factors, Schaub et al developed a scale to assess teachers’ competence in encouraging reflective learning [59]. It asks learners to identify whether teachers support self-insights, create a safe environment, and encourage self-regulation.




성찰은 메타인지적 과정이므로, 성찰기록, 포트폴리오, 면접 등의 간접적으로만 평가될 수 있다. 이 방법에서 평가자들은 보고받은 성찰이 진실인지 확인하는 것verify이 어렵다. 자기평가식 설문지가 널리 사용되고 있는데 이 역시 마찬가지의 타당도 문제를 가지고 있고, 근본적으로 자기-평가의 문제도 있다. 이러한 타당도 문제를 해결하기 위하여, 평가는 주관적으로 미화된 성찰의 내용이 아니라 성찰의 프로세스에 초점을 맞춰야 한다는 주장이 제기되고 있다. 추가적으로, 성찰이 그 성찰을 자극triggering 상황적 맥락과 엮여 있기 때문에, 이러한 triggering situation에 대한 객관적 정보를 고려하는 것이 평가자로 하여금 묘사된 성찰을 verify할 수 있게 해준다. 성찰 프로세스는 내적(동기, 기대, 과거경험)과 외적(평가의 성격, 퍼실리테이터의 존재, 평가에 대한 introduction) 요인에 영향을 받는다. 이러한 요인들에 대해서 인식하는 것이 효과적인 교육 전략을 개발하고, 평가결과를 해석하고, 성찰 프로세스에 대하여 이해를 높이는데 중요할 것이다.

Because reflection is a metacognitive process, it can only be assessed indirectly; through written reflections in vignettes or portfolios, or spoken expressions in inter- views. These methods do not allow assessors to verify information related to the reflections reported, which is a serious limitation. The widespread use of self- assessment questionnaires shares both that validity pro- blem and the inherent limitations of self-assessment. To counter these validity threats, it has been proposed that assessment should focus on the process rather than the subjectively coloured content of reflection. In addition, as reflections are intimately entangled with their trigger- ing situational context, we suggest where possible to consider objective information about this triggering situation allowing assessors to verify described reflec- tions. The reflection process is influenced by internal (eg. motivation, expectancy and prior experiences with reflection) and external factors (formative or summative character of assessment, presence of facilitators and introduction to the assessment). Awareness of these fac- tors are important to develop effective educational stra- tegies, interpreting assessment results and finally the increase in understanding about the reflection process.

실용 가이드라인

practical guidelines

  • 1. Clearly define the concept of reflection and verify that all stakeholders (curriculum developers, students, assessors and supervisors) adopt the same definition and intended outcomes

  • 2. Be specific about what level of reflection skills is expected, identifying good and inadequate reflection and communicate this to all stakeholders

  • 3. Be aware of possible bias in self-assessment meth- ods, caused by inadequate ability to introspect. 

  • 4. Provide assessors with a perspective on the situation triggering the reflection to create the ability to verify the described reflections in an objective frame of additional information. 

  • 5. Consider and report contextual factors when asses- sing reflection and/or when engaging in reflective educa- tion in support to interpret the outcomes.




 2011 Dec 28;11:104. doi: 10.1186/1472-6920-11-104.

Factors confounding the assessment of reflection: a critical review.

Author information

  • 1Centre for Educational Development, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium. sebastiaan.koole@ugent.be



Reflection on experience is an increasingly critical part of professional development and lifelong learning. There is, however, continuing uncertainty about how best to put principle into practice, particularly as regards assessment. This article explores those uncertainties in order to find practical ways of assessing reflection.


We critically review four problems: 1. Inconsistent definitions of reflection; 2. Lack of standards to determine (in)adequate reflection; 3. Factors that complicate assessment; 4. Internal and external contextual factors affecting the assessment of reflection.


To address the problem of inconsistency, we identified processes that were common to a number of widely quoted theories and synthesised a model, which yielded six indicators that could be used in assessment instruments. We arrived at the conclusion that, until further progress has been made in defining standards, assessment must depend on developing and communicating local consensus between stakeholders (students, practitioners, teachers, supervisors, curriculum developers) about what is expected in exercises and formal tests. Major factors that complicate assessment are the subjective nature of reflection's content and the dependency on descriptions by persons being assessed about theirreflection process, without any objective means of verification. To counter these validity threats, we suggest that assessment should focus on generic process skills rather than the subjective content of reflection and where possible to consider objective information about the triggering situation to verify described reflections. Finally, internal and external contextual factors such as motivation, instruction, character of assessment(formative or summative) and the ability of individual learning environments to stimulate reflection should be considered.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] 
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설문지 선택, 설계, 개발 (BMJ, 2004)

Selecting, designing, and developing your questionnaire

Petra M Boynton, Trisha Greenhalgh

설문이 이렇게 유명해 진 것은 "응급조치"로 쓸수 있기 때문이다. 이렇게 남용된 방법론은 없었다.

The great popularity with questionnaires is they provide a “quick fix” for research methodology. No single method has been so abused.1

무슨 정모를 모으고자 하는가?

What information are you trying to collect?

간략히 말하자면, 연구분야에 대해서 충분히 잘 알지 못하거나, 가능한 응답의 범위를 예측하기 위한 특정 인구집단에 친숙하지 않고, 특히 그러한 자료가 문헌에 없다면 우선적으로 질적접근(포커스 그룹) 등을 통해서 영역territory를 파악하고, 핵심 영역을 파악해야 한다.

As a rule of thumb, if you are not familiar enough with the research area or with a particular population subgroup to predict the range of possible responses, and especially if such details are not available in the lit- erature, you should first use a qualitative approach (such as focus groups) to explore the territory and map key areas for further study.6

설문이 적합한 방법인가?

Is a questionnaire appropriate?

설문의 부적절한 활용 Table A

Table A on bmj.com gives some real examples where questionnaires were used inappropriately.1

기존 도구를 사용할 수 있는가?

Could you use an existing instrument?

시간과 자원을 절약할 수 있고, 다른 연구와 비교할 수 있다. 논문을 쓸 때도 개요만 적어주면 되고 논문 내기도 쉽다.

Using a previously validated and published question- naire will save you time and resources; you will be able to compare your own findings with those from other studies, you need only give outline details of the instru- ment when you write up your work, and you may find it easier to get published (box 1).

설문지가 타당성 신뢰성을 갖추었는가?

Is the questionnaire valid and reliable?

질문을 어떻게 보여줄 것인가?

How should you present your questions?

Open or Closed. 두 접근의 장단점(Table B)

Questionnaire items may be open or closed ended and be presented in various formats (figure). Table B on bmj.com examines the pros and cons of the two approaches.

  • 자료를 빠르게 정리하기는 좋으나, 잠재적 응답의 풍요로움이 낮다.
    Closed ended designs enable researchers to produce aggregated data quickly, but the range of pos- sible answers is set by the researchers not respondents, and the richness of potential responses is lower. Closed ended items often cause frustration, usually because researchers have not considered all potential responses (box 2).18 

  • 개방형 질문을 쓸 때는 사전에 어떤 식으로 분석할지 계획이 있어야 한다. 시간이나 전문성이 없다면 애초에 하지 마라
    If you plan to use open ended questions or invite free text comments, you must plan in advance how you will analyse these data (drawing on the skills of a quali- tative researcher if necessary).19 You must also build into the study design adequate time, skills, and resources for this analysis; otherwise you will waste participants’ and researchers’ time. If you do not have the time or expertise to analyse free text responses, do not invite any.

질문 외에 더 넣을 것은?

Apart from questions, what else should you include?

Table C 체크리스트. 도입부 혹은 설문 정보

A common error by people designing questionnaires for the first time is simply to hand out a list of the ques- tions they want answered. Table C on bmj.com gives a checklist of other things to consider. It is particularly important to provide an introductory letter or information sheet for participants to take away after completing the questionnaire.




어떤 식으로 보여야 하는가? (레이아웃)

What should the questionnaire look like?

연구자들인 물리적 레이아웃에 신경을 잘 안쓴다. 그러나 연구 결과를 보면, 낮은 응답률은 질문을 읽거나 따라잡기 어려워서 생기는 경우가 많다. 일반적으로 질문은 짧고, 요점을 바로 향해야 하며(12단어 이내), 민감하거나 내인적인 질문이 있어서는 안된다. 짧은 질문이 너무 abrupt하거나 threatening하다면, 더 긴 문장을 써도 된다.

Researchers rarely spend sufficient time on the physical layout of their questionnaire, believing that the science lies in the content of the questions and not in such details as the font size or colour. Yet empirical studies have repeatedly shown that low response rates are often due to participants being unable to read or follow the questionnaire (box 3).3w6In general, questions should be short and to the point (around 12 words or less), but for issues of a sensitive and personal nature, short questions can be perceived as abrupt and threatening, and longer sentences are preferred.w6

표본 선정

How should you select your sample?

Table D

Different sampling techniques will affect the questions you ask and how you administer your questionnaire (see table D on bmj.com).



무슨 승인을 받아야 하는가?

What approvals do you need before you start?

과학적으로 타당하지 않거나 의도하지 않은 offence나 트라우마를 유발하거나, 비밀유지를 깨거나, 사람의 시간이나 돈을 낭비하게 한다면 비윤리적인 것이다.

A study is unethical if it is scientifically unsound, causes undue offence or trauma, breaches confidential- ity, or wastes people’s time or money.



Table E 체크리스트

Table E on bmj.com gives a critical appraisal checklist for evaluating questionnaire studies.

Boynton PM, Wood GW, Greenhalgh T. Hands-on guide to questionnaire 7 research: reaching beyond the white middle classes. BMJ (in press).

Table E Critical appraisal checklist for a questionnaire study

Research question and study design

  • What information did the researchers seek to obtain?

  • Was a questionnaire the most appropriate method and if not, what design might have been more appropriate?

  • Were there any existing measures (questionnaires) that the researchers could have used? If so, why was a new one developed and was this justified?

  • Were the views of consumers sought about the design, distribution, and administration of the questionnaire?

Validity and reliability

  • What claims for validity have been made, and are they justified?
    (In other words, what evidence is there that the instrument measures what it sets out to measure?)

  • What claims for reliability have been made, and are they justified?
    (In other words, what evidence is there that the instrument provides stable responses over time and between researchers?)


  • Was the title of the questionnaire appropriate and if not, what were its limitations?

  • What format did the questionnaire take, and were open and closed questions used appropriately?

  • Were easy, nonthreatening questions placed at the beginning of the measure and sensitive ones near the end?

  • Was the questionnaire kept as brief as the study allowed?

  • Did the questions make sense, and could the participants in the sample understand them? Were any questions ambiguous or overly complicated?


  • Did the questionnaire contain adequate instructions for completion
    —eg example answers, or an explanation of whether a ticked or written response was required?

  • Were participants told how to return the questionnaire once completed?

  • Did the questionnaire contain an explanation of the research, a summary of what would happen to the data, and a thank you message?


  • Was the questionnaire adequately piloted in terms of the method and means of administration, on people who were representative of the study population?

  • How was the piloting exercise undertaken—what details are given?

  • In what ways was the definitive instrument changed as a result of piloting?


  • What was the sampling frame for the definitive study and was it sufficiently large and representative?

  • Was the instrument suitable for all participants and potential participants? In particular, did it take account of the likely range of physical/mental/cognitive abilities, language/literacy, understanding of numbers/scaling, and perceived threat of questions or questioner?

Distribution, administration and response

  • How was the questionnaire distributed?

  • How was the questionnaire administered?

  • Were the response rates reported fully, including details of participants who were unsuitable for the research or refused to take part?

  • Have any potential response biases been discussed?

Coding and analysis

  • What sort of analysis was carried out and was this appropriate?

  • (eg correct statistical tests for quantitative answers, qualitative analysis for open ended questions)

  • What measures were in place to maintain the accuracy of the data, and were these adequate?

  • Is there any evidence of data dredging—that is, analyses that were not hypothesis driven?


  • What were the results and were all relevant data reported?

  • Are quantitative results definitive (significant), and are relevant nonsignificant results also reported?

  • Have qualitative results been adequately interpreted (e.g. using an explicit theoretical framework), and have any quotes been properly justified and contextualised?

Conclusions and discussion

  • What do the results mean and have the researchers drawn an appropriate link between the data and their conclusions?

  • Have the findings been placed within the wider body of knowledge in the field (eg via a comprehensive literature review), and are any recommendations justified?


 2004 May 29;328(7451):1312-5.

Selectingdesigning, and developing your questionnaire.

Author information

  • 1Department of Primary Care and Population Sciences, University College London, Archway Campus, London N19 5LW. p.boynton@pcps.ucl.ac.uk
[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] 
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숙련된 운동능력에 대한 과도한 생각: 또는 왜 가르치는 사람은 할 수가 없는가 (Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 2008)

Overthinking skilled motor performance: Or why those who teach can’t do


University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan



University of St. Andrews, St. Andrews, Scotland

세계정상급 선수이든, 주말에만 즐기는 사람이든, 골프실력을 향상시키는 것은 마음으로부터 시작한다. 과도하게 샷에 대해 생각하는 것에서 벗어나서, 무의식에 맡겼을 때 무슨 일이 생기는지를 알면 놀랄 것이다.

Whether you’re a world-class player or a weekend en- thusiast, improving your golf game begins with your mind. You may be amazed to discover what happens when you free yourself from overthinking your shots and let your unconscious mind play the game. 

Marlin Mackenzie (1990)


운동능력을 숙달한 모든 사람은 절차적지식(Procedural Knowledge)을 묘사하는 것이 말로는 쉽지만 실제로 하기에는 쉽지 않다는 것을 알 것이다. 절차적 지식을 묘사하는 것이 어려운 것에는 그만한 이유가 있다. 무수한 인지심리학 연구와 인지 신경과학연구로부터 절차적지식과 서술적지식(declarative knowledge)가 서로 다른 표상(representation)에 의해서 support되고, 서로 별개의 신경시스템에 의해서 중재됨을 보여주고 있다. 그러나 만약 숙달된 운동선수에 대해서 보자면, 절차적지식과 서술적지식의 관계는 중립적인 것조차 되지 못한다. 즉, 자신의 운동능력에 대해서 의식적으로 성찰하는 것이 그것을 적절히 수행하는데 오히려 방해가 된다. 여기서, 우리는 이 negative한 관계를 살펴보고자 한다. 이미 잘 학습한 스킬의 요소요소에 집중하면서 동시에 그 스킬을 수행할 때 스킬 수행이 저하된다. 우리가 주장하는 것은, (스킬에 대해) 과도하게 생각하는 것의 부정적 효과는 생각-수행이 동시적으로 일어날 때online distraction 뿐만 아니라, 절차적 스킬을 말로 묘사하는 것이 장기적으로도 나중의 수행에 부정적 영향을 준다는 것을 보여주려하는 것이다.

Anyone who has mastered a motor skill appreciates that describing the procedural knowledge underlying one’s performance is, literally, easier said than done. Describing procedural knowledge is difficult with good reason. Abundant evidence from cognitive psychology and cognitive neuroscience indicates that procedural and declarative knowledge are supported by different repre- sentations and mediated by distinct underlying neural systems (e.g., Anderson, 1982; Fitts & Posner, 1967; Ga- brieli, 1998; Keele & Summers, 1976). But if skilled ath- letes are to be believed, the relation between procedural and declarative knowledge may be considerably less than neutral: Reflecting consciously on what one knows about a skill often undermines its proper execution. Here, we examine this putative negative relationship. There is em- pirical evidence that attending to the components of a well-learned skill can impair concurrent performance (Beilock, Carr, MacMahon, & Starkes, 2002; Gray, 2004; Jackson, Ashford, & Norsworthy, 2006). Our claim is that the negative effects of overthinking are not limited to online distraction, but also reflect a longer term im- pact of verbalizing procedural skills on later execution.


언어의 뒤덮음 효과Verbal Overshadowing Effect

The Verbal Overshadowing Effect

말로 표현하기 어려운 인식경험을 말로 표현하는 것이 기억의 유지retention을 손상시킨다는 연구가 있다. Schooler and Engstler-Schooler 는 은행강도 얼굴과 같은 말로 표현하기 어려운 자극을 묘사하는 경우에 나중에 (그것을 하지 않은 사람보다) 그 얼굴 인식을 더 못한다는 것을 보여줬다. 이러한 용어는 '언어의 뒤덮음 효과'라고 불리는데, '말로 표현하는 것'이 언어-기반 표상representation을 만듦으로서 말로 표현하기 어려운 perceptual memory를 덮어버린다는 것이다. 이 현상은 perceptual experience의 세부적 사항이 말로 표현될 수 있는 수준을 넘어설 때 발생한다. 말로 표현하는 것이 어렵지 않은 것(구두 진술) 또는 논리적 문제해결에 대해서는 verbalization이 방해가 되지 않고 오히려 가끔은 더 기억을 촉진한다. 방해 효과는 오직 개개인이 묘사불가능한 특성을 갖는 stimulus를 묘사하려고 시도할 때 발생한다. 언어의 뒤덮음 효과는 맛, 오디션, 지도지억, insight 문제해결 등에서도 나타나면서 시각적 기억에만 해당되는 것이 아님을 보여줬다.

There is a precedent for the hypothesis that verbaliz- ing ineffable perceptual experiences impairs later reten- tion. Schooler and Engstler-Schooler (1990) observed that participants who described a difficult-to-verbalize stimulus (the face of a bank robber) from memory were much worse at later recognizing that face than were par- ticipants who did not put their memory into words. This effect was termed verbal overshadowing, on the basis of the idea that verbalization creates a language-based representation that overshadows difficult-to-verbalize aspects of the perceptual memory. The phenomenon oc- curs when the details of a perceptual experience exceed what can be conveyed in words. For easy-to-verbalize tasks, such as recalling a spoken statement (Schooler & Engstler-Schooler, 1990) or logical problem solv- ing (Schooler, Ohlsson, & Brooks, 1993), verbalization does not impede and, in some cases, facilitates mem-ory. Disruption occurs only when individuals attempt to describe memory for a stimulus with indescribable qualities. Verbal overshadowing has been observed in such domains as taste (Melcher & Schooler, 1996), au- dition (Houser, Fiore, & Schooler, 2003), map memory (Fiore & Schooler, 2002), and insight problem solving (Schooler et al., 1993), establishing that the effect is not limited to visual memories per se.

언어로 묘사하는 행동이 언제나 perceptual experience의 기억을 손상시키는 것은 아니다. 예를 들면 Melcher and Schooler 는 이 현상이 그 영역에 대한 그 사람의 전문성(perceptual and verbal expertise)에 따라서 달라짐을 보였다. 와인 음주가에 대해서, 중등도 스킬을 가진 사람만이 맛을 묘사한 다음 와인을 더 못 맞췄으며, 이것이 보여주는 것이 perceptual expertise보다 verbal expertise보다 뛰어날 때만 발생함을 뜻한다. 후속 연구에서, 참여자들은 버섯에 대한 perceptual 훈련과 conceptual 훈련을 받았는데, perceptual training을 받은 사람에서만 verbal description이 인식능력의 저하를 보였다..

Verbal description does not always impair memories for perceptual experiences, however. For instance, Melcher and Schooler (1996) found that verbal overshadowing de- pends on one’s relative perceptual and verbal expertise in a domain. In a study of wine drinkers, only those at an inter- mediate skill level recognized a previously sampled wine less accurately after describing it, suggesting that impair- ment occurs only when perceptual expertise outstrips ver- bal expertise. In a later study (Melcher & Schooler, 2004), participants received either perceptual or conceptual train- ing on recognizing types of mushrooms, after which they described a target mushroom from memory. Importantly, verbal description impaired later recognition of the target mushroom only for participants who had received percep- tual training.

언어의 뒤덮음 효과가 처음 보고되었을 때, 언어로 표현하는 것이 기억을 손상시키는 기전은 사람으로 하여금 그 언어묘사과정에서 형성한 묘사에 기억을 의존하기 때문이라고 생각했다. 만약 어떤 사람의 외모에 대해서 그것을 묘사하면서 잘 못 기억하고 있다고 했을 때, 그러한 실수가 지속되어서 이후의 기억까지 왜곡시킬 수 있다. 이러한 재코딩recoding 간섭은 말로 묘사한 내용이 잘못된 기억의 가능성에 영향을 줄 수 있다는 점에서 부합한다. 예컨대, 확실하게 기억하는 내용에 대해서만 묘사하라고 하거나, 이름을 붙이기 어려운 encoding에 대해서 그것의 이름이 무엇인지 알려주면 이후의 기억 정확성이 향상된다.

When the verbal overshadowing effect was first re- ported, it was thought that verbalization impaired mem- ory by leading participants to rely on memory for their generated descriptions during the test. If participants misremembered an aspect of a person’s appearance while describing that person, the error might persist and distort later memory. This recoding interference account is con- sistent with findings that the contents of a verbal descrip- tion can influence the likelihood of misremembering. For example, warning participants only to describe details that they can confidently recall (Meissner, Brigham, & Kelley, 2001) or providing participants with the names that they generated at encoding for hard-to-name forms (Brandi- monte & Collina, 2008) have been shown to enhance sub- sequent memory accuracy.

그러나 몇몇 연구결과는 다른 기전이 언어의 뒤덮음 효과에 기여할 수 있음을 보여주었다. 

However, several findings suggest that other mecha- nisms must contribute to verbal overshadowing effects.

  • 첫째, 묘사의 정확성과 언어의 뒤덮음 효과 사이에 관계가 불명확하다
    First, there is often little relationship between descrip- tion accuracy and verbal overshadowing (Fallshore & Schooler, l995; Schooler & Engstler-Schooler, 1990; however, see Meissner et al., 2001).

  • 둘째, (기억해야 하는 얼굴 말고 다른) 얼굴을 묘사하거나, 심지어 차를 묘사하는 과제를 수행한 이후에도 이후의 target face에 대한 인식(능력)이 손상되었다.
    Second, describing a different face (Dodson, Johnson, & Schooler, 1997) or even describing a car (Westerman & Larsen, 1997) can impair later recognition of a target face.

이러한 결과는 언어의 뒤덮음에 대한 다른 관점을 제시한다. 구체적으로는, 인코딩 과정의 모드가 정상적인 외형처리모드configural processing mode 에서 의식적 특성-기반 처리 모드conscious, feature-based processing로 전환된다는 것이다. 이러한 전이-부적합 프로세스 이론transfer-inappropriate processing theory 에 따라서, 언어로 표현될 수 있는 것에 제한이 가해지고, 이것이 연구대상자들로 하여금 두드러지는 특징discrete feature의 묘사에 집중하게 하면서, 한편으로는 일상적으로 인식(능력)에 도움이 되는 자극요소stimulus component들 사이의 perceptual relationship을 배제시키는 것이다.

These findings led to an alternate view that verbal overshadowing re- flects a shift in the type of processing used to recognize a perceptual stimulus. Specifically, the effect may reflect a change from the normal configural processing mode engaged during encoding to conscious, feature-based processing during the test. By this transfer-inappropriate processing theory (Schooler, 2002; Schooler, Fiore, & Brandimonte, 1997), limits on what can be expressed with language lead participants to focus their descrip- tions on discrete features (e.g., eye color, size of the nose) while excluding perceptual relationships between stimulus components that normally support recognition.

본 연구

The Present Experiment

운동능력의 기저에 깔린 절차적지식은 언어로 표현될 수 있는 것을 한참 넘어서기 때문에, 숙련된 수행능력을 묘사하는 것은 perceptual experience를 묘사하는 것과 유사한 수준의 어려운 과제일 수 있다. 만약 그렇다면, 어떤 스킬을 묘사하는 것이 그것의 retention을 손상시킬 것이다. 이러한 의식적 성찰과 숙련된 행동 사이의 부정적 관계를 보여주는 근거들이 있다. 스킬 습득 연구에서 중요한 개념idea중 하나는, 전문성개발은 말로 표현하기 쉬운 서술적기억표상declarative memory representations 을 말로 표현하기 어려운 절차적지식으로 바꿔가는 과정이라는 것이다. 이러한 전환의 결과 중 하나는 전문가가 어떤 스킬을 수행하면서 초보적인 단계에 집중하면, 오히려 그 스킬의 수행에 어려움을 겪을 것이라는 점이다. 이러한 관점과 일치하게, Beilock, Carr 등은 경험이 많은 골프선수에게 스윙의 특정 요소에 집중하게 만들면 퍼팅 수행능력이 손상됨을 보여주었다. 반대로 초심자들은 어떤 스킬 수행의 요소element에 집중하는 것이 도움이 되었다.

Because procedural knowledge under- lying a motor skill typically far exceeds what can be expressed verbally, describing memory for skilled per- formance might pose difficulties similar to describing a perceptual experience. If so, perhaps describing a skill will impair its retention. There is evidence consis- tent with this negative relationship between conscious reflection and skilled action. An important idea in skill acquisition research (Anderson, 1982; Fitts & Posner, 1967) is that development of expertise involves a shift from declarative memory representations that are easy to articulate to procedural knowledge that is difficult to put into words. One consequence of such a change is that performance might suffer when experts attend to the elementary steps of their proceduralized skill dur- ing execution (e.g., Baumeister, 1984; Beilock & Carr, 2001; Lewis & Linder, 1997). Consistent with this view, Beilock, Carr, et al. (2002) found that requiring experi- enced golfers to attend to a specific component of their swing impaired their performance in a putting task. Nov- ices, by contrast, benefit from focusing attention on ele- ments of skill execution (Beilock, Carr, et al., 2002) or the internal production of movement (Perkins-Ceccato, Passmore, & Lee, 2003; but see Wulf & Su, 2007).

이러한 사례들은 모두 스킬을 수행하는 도중에 그 자체에 집중하는 것의 영향을 연구한 것이다. 그러나, 단순히 어떤 스킬을 수행한 이후에 그 스킬에 대해서 언어적으로 생각해보는 것조차도 이후 스킬 수행을 방해할 수 있는가는 불분명하다. 만약 어떤 스킬을 수행하는 방식을 묘사하는 것이 이후 수행에 방해가 된다면, 언어의 뒤덮음 현상이 절차적지식에까지 확장되는 것이다.

These examples all involve attention to a skill during its ex- ecution, however; it is unclear whether simply thinking verbally about a skill offline disrupts later skilled per- formance. If describing the manner in which a skill is executed impairs later performance of that skill, it would extend the verbal overshadowing phenomenon to the do- main of procedural memory.






설계와 절차

Design and Procedure

Forty participants each were randomly assigned to the verbaliza- tion and to the no-verbalization conditions. Within each condition, 20 participants were assigned to each of the lower and higher skill conditions on the basis of their self-reported nine-hole golf score.

In the learning phase, the putting task was explained, and all par- ticipants were allowed as many trials as necessary (within an unre- vealed limit of 20 min) to reach the criterion of three consecutive on-target putts.

After learning, verbalizers spent 5 min writing a detailed descrip- tion of how they performed the task. These participants were advised to think back to everything that they focused on while putting and were instructed to “record every detail that you can remember, re- gardless of how insignificant it may strike you.”


Control participants (nonverbalizers) performed a verbal distractor task for the same duration, providing valence ratings for words with no association to golfing.


In the final test, all participants returned to the putting task, and were again allowed as many trials as needed to reach three consecutive on-target putts. The number of trials to reachieve the criterion was measured.


Learning Performance


Test Performance



Characteristics of Verbalization Content







이번 연구에서, 단순히 숙련된 운동능력을 묘사하는 것 만으로도 이후 수행에 부정적 영향을 주었다. 숙달된 골퍼가 5분을 투자했을 뿐인데, 관련없는 과제를 수행한 대조군보다 2배의 퍼팅을 하게 되었다. 반대로, 초보 골퍼는 verbalization에 영향을 받지 않았고, 오히려 약간 이득이 있었다. 이러한 고스킬 골퍼와 저스킬 골퍼 사이의 차이는 verbalization한 양이나 유형에 영향을 받는 것은 아닌 것으로 보인다. 따라서, performer가 높은 수준의 proceduralized knowledge가 있지 않는 한 verbalization 그 자체가 스킬의 수행을 손상시키는 것은 아니다. 이러한 결과는 perceptual experience에서의 episodic memory연구 결과와도 마찬가지이다.

In the present experiment, we demonstrated that merely describing one’s skilled motor performance could impair the execution of that skill later on. When higher skill golf- ers spent 5 min describing their recent putting experience, they took twice as many putts to reachieve the putting criterion on a later test than did control participants who spent 5 min performing an unrelated verbal activity. In contrast, lower skill golfers were not measurably affected by verbalization and, if anything, slightly benefited rela- tive to lower skill control participants. This difference be- tween higher and lower skill golfers appears unrelated to the amount or type of verbalization content. Thus, verbal description by itself does not impair skill execution, un- less the performer possesses a higher degree of procedur- alized knowledge. These results accord well with verbal overshadowing findings concerning episodic memory for perceptual experiences.

비록 이전 연구가 운동능력을 지나치게 생각하는 것overthinking이 부정적인 효과를 가진다고 지적하긴 했지만, 이번 연구에서는 그러한 효과가 offline에서도 발생함을 보여준 첫 번째 연구이다. 스킬을 수행하는 동안 자신의 스킬에 대해서 생각하는 것이 이중-과제 간섭dual task interference를 일으키는 것은 직관적으로 생각했을 때 말이 되나, 스킬을 수행한 이후에 그것을 생각하는 것도 안 좋은 영향을 준다는 것은 놀라운 사실이다. 실제로, 고스킬 골퍼들은 수행능력이 떨어졌다. 이러한 offline impairment는 이중-과제 간섭에 대한 기존의 해석에 새로운 것을 제안한다. 이전에는 shared process 혹은 capacity의 경쟁 때문에 발생한다고 생각했다. 비록 이번 연구결과가 그러한 요인이 없다는 것을 보여준 것은 아니지만, 그것보다는 보다 지속적인 어떤 요인이 있는 것으로 보인다. 의식적 성찰conscious reflection은 기저의 표상에 지속적인 변화를 가할 수도 있다. 실제로, 그러한 지속적 효과는 episodic memory에 대한 언어의 뒤덮음 효과를 보여준 많은 경우에 유사하게 일어났다.

Although prior work has documented the negative ef- fects of overthinking on motor performance, the present study is the first to demonstrate that such effects occur after thinking about performance offline. Whereas it may seem intuitive that consciously reflecting on one’s skill during execution would cause dual-task interference, it is surprising that simply describing one’s skill after the fact can be so disruptive. Indeed, our higher skill golfers were reduced to the performance level of our lower skill golfers after verbalizing for only 5 min. The observation of such offline impairment suggests new interpretations of previ- ous work on dual-task interference in skilled performance, which previously would have been attributed to impaired execution resulting from competition for shared processes or capacity. Although the present findings do not negate such factors, they indicate that something more enduring may also occur: Conscious reflection may induce persist- ing changes in access to the underlying representations. Indeed, the prediction that such persisting effects might occur followed by analogy from the many instances of verbal overshadowing in episodic memory.

무엇이 이 지속적 손상을 일으키는 것일까?

What produces this enduring impairment?


  • 한 가지 메커니즘은 처리모드 간 경쟁이다. 절차적지식과 서술적지식을 처리하는 신경시스템은 경쟁적으로 상호작용한다. 서술적지식에 열심히 몰두vigorously engaging하는 것이 일시적으로 절차적학습 시스템을 방해할 수 있다. 이 관점에서 얼굴을 묘사하는 것이 묘사하지 않은 얼굴의 retention까지 손상시킨다는 연구결과와 같이, 언어로 묘사한 스킬 뿐 아니라 묘사하지 않은 스킬까지 손상시킬 수도 있음을 추측하게 한다. 이러한 결과는 또한 "숨막히는 압박choking under pressure"와 같이 스트레스 상황에서 숙련된 운동선수가 스킬에 초점을 둔 집중이 늘어날 수 있는 근거가 된다.
    One pos- sible mechanism is global competition between modes of processing analogous to that proposed by the transfer- inappropriate processing hypothesis of verbal overshad- owing (Schooler, 2002). In fact, research on learning sys- tems in animals and humans suggests such a hypothesis, indicating that the neural systems mediating procedural and declarative learning competitively interact (Poldrack et al., 2001; Poldrack & Packard, 2003). For example, le- sions to medial temporal lobe structures in animals im- prove procedural learning. Similarly, functional neuroim- aging studies have shown that humans disengage medial temporal lobe activity after practice on a skill-learning task. If Poldrack and colleagues’ hypothesis is correct, vigorously engaging declarative memory (as in a 5-min period of intensive verbal retrieval and description) should temporarily disrupt procedural learning systems. If so, the present effects may constitute the first behavioral evi- dence for the competitive learning systems hypothesis in humans. One intriguing prediction of this view is that ver- bal description should impair not only the described skill, but also other nondescribed skills acquired in the same session, much as verbally describing a face impairs reten- tion of nondescribed faces (Dodson et al., 1997). Compe- tition between explicit and implicit learning systems has also been investigated in categorization tasks that require integration of information according to rules that are dif- ficult to verbalize (Maddox & Ashby, 2004). Such differ- ential effects of rule-based and procedural learning have been suggested to contribute to “choking under pressure” (Markman, Maddox, & Worthy, 2006), which offers an in- teresting account of evidence that stressful situations can increase skill-focused attention in experienced athletes (Baumeister, 1984; Beilock & Carr, 2001; Gray, 2004).

  • 스킬에 초점을 둔 집중skill-focused attention의 파괴적 효과가 남아있을 수 있다. 절차화된 스킬 중 언어로 표현한 요소에 대한 집중attending이 남아있음으로써, 기저에 깔린 표상을 각각의 요소로 decompile하는 변화를 주었을 수 있다. 스킬의 요소 중 말로 묘사한 것에 집중하는 편향이 지속되면서 이후에 그것을 수행할 때 online interference를 일어킬 수 있다. 그러나 단순히 어떤 스킬의 요소에 집중하는 것 자체로는 충분하지 않으며, 그 행동에 대한 기억을 말로 표현하는 것verbalizing이 결정적이다.
    A second explanation for our results is a residual dis- ruptive effect of skill-focused attention prior to task ex- ecution. Verbalization required participants to focus atten- tion on the elements of their skilled performance, similar to instructions to continuously monitor one component of a golf putting or soccer dribbling task in the study by Beilock, Carr, et al. (2002). In our study, as in that one, attention to the component actions (as must occur during the act of verbalization) hurt skilled participants’ perfor-mance and modestly improved the performance of nov-ices. Perhaps attending to the (verbalizable) components of a proceduralized skill induces enduring changes to the underlying representation by decompiling it into its con-stituent parts, as proposed by Masters (1992). Alterna-tively, verbalization may not affect the procedural repre-sentation, but may instead induce a lingering attentional bias toward the described components of the skill. Simply paying more attention to what one has just described may cause online interference during the final test session, yielding results like those observed by Beilock, Carr, et al. (2002). We must emphasize, however, that attention to the components of the skill by itself may not be enough; verbalizing memory for the action may be critical for im-pairing later performance. In the verbal overshadowing domain, related findings have shown, for example, that mental imagery of a perceptual stimulus is not sufficient to produce verbal overshadowing, implicating verbal pro-cessing as integral to this kind of memory error (Fiore & Schooler, 2002; Schooler & Engstler-Schooler, 1990). 

교수자 자신이 스스로 가르치는 내용에 능숙해지는 만큼, 그 스킬에 대해서 성찰하고 그 스킬의 기본을 말로 설명하는 것이 수행능력에 안 좋은 영향을 줄 수 있다. 가르치는 사람은, 막상 그 만큼 잘 하지 못한다.

Whatever the mechanistic basis, the present finding in- dicates that simply verbally expressing one’s recent motor action may sow the seeds of poor execution during later performance. This observation may have repercussions for athletes, who depend on effective mental techniques to prepare for their events (e.g., implicit learning in a gym- nastics routine can be disrupted by verbalization, as shown by Brandimonte, Coluccia, & Baldanza, 2008). Equally, sports coaches and other physical activity instructors may wish to reconsider their opinions on strategies for impart- ing knowledge about motor control. Whereas verbalization assists in the early stages of acquiring a skill, it may im- pede progress once an intermediate skill level is attained. To the extent that instructors themselves are skilled in what they teach, the recurring need to reflect upon and articulate the basis of their skill may pose costs to their performance. Indeed, unless a concentrated effort is made to maintain one’s procedural expertise, the verbalization necessary for teaching may hasten a decline in skill, suggesting a new view of an old adage: Those who teach, cannot do.




 2008 Oct;15(5):927-32. doi: 10.3758/PBR.15.5.927.

Overthinking skilled motor performance: or why those who teach can't do.

Author information

  • 1Department of Psychology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109, USA. kflegal@umich.edu


Skilled athletes often maintain that overthinking disrupts performance of their motor skills. Here, we examined whether these experiences have a basis in verbal overshadowing, a phenomenon in which describing memories for ineffable perceptual experiences disrupts later retention. After learning a unique golf-putting task, golfers of low and intermediate skill either described their actions in detail or performed an irrelevant verbal task. They then performed the putting task again. Strikingly, describing their putting experience significantly impaired higher skill golfers' ability to reachieve the putting criterion, compared with higher skill golfers who performed the irrelevant verbal activity. Verbalization had no such effect, however, for lower skill golfers. These findings establish that the effects of overthinking extend beyond dual-task interference and may sometimes reflect impacts on long-term memory. We propose that these effects are mediated by competition between procedural and declarative memory, as suggested by recent work in cognitive neuroscience.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

의학교육자 되기: 동기, 사회화, 항해 (BMC Med Educ, 2014)

Becoming a medical educator: motivation, socialisation and navigation

Emma Bartle* and Jill Thistlethwaite


의학교육인력이 부족함에 대한 우려

There is increasing concern about a medical education workforce shortage [1].

의사들은 언제나 교육에 헌신해왔다. 실제로 이것은 의-전문직업성의 요소로서 인정받고 있다. 이러한 책무성은 영국의 fundation curriculum과 호주의 curriculum framework에도 나타나있으며, 'teaching'을 모든 junior의사의 핵심 역량으로 보고 있다.

Doctors have always had a commitment to teaching; indeed this is a well recognised component of medical professionalism. This responsibility is further professio- nalised in both the foundation curriculum in the UK (‘demonstrates the knowledge, skills, attitudes and beha- viours to undertake a teaching role’ [2]) and the Australian curriculum framework for junior doctors (‘plans, develops and conducts teaching sessions for peers and juniors; uses varied approaches to teaching small and large groups; incorporates teaching into clinical work; evaluates and re- sponds to feedback on own teaching’ [3]), which include teaching as a core competence for all junior doctors, re- gardless of their career choices.

대학의학은 교육/연구/진료라는 세 가지 상호관련된 기둥 위에 세워져 있다.

Academic medicine is founded on the three pillars of clinical service, research and teaching, and the interrela- tionships between them [4].

연구와 교육과 관련된 academic career를 선택하는데의 장애요인으로 다음이 연구된 바 있다.

The deterrents to pursuing an academic career both in relation to research and teaching have been summarised, for example by Walport in the UK, [5] as

  • 진입 경로 불분명 a lack of clear entry routes,

  • 구조화된structured 진로 structured career pathways,

  • (직장으로) 선택가능한 지역의 유연성 문제 flexibility in terms of the geography of available places,

  • 진료와 학문 업무(와 생활)의 균형 balance of work between service and academia (and life), and

  • 수련을 마칠 때까지의 적저한 구조와 재정지원 가능성 the availability of properly structured and funded posts on completion of training.

추가적으로, 임상교육자의 성공은 교육이 아니라 연구생산성과 진료을 기준으로 측정된다는 문제가 있다. Harmon이 지적한 바와 같이, '연구'는 전통적으로 대학에 기반을 둔 의료전문직만이 할 수 있는 독특한 기여unique contribution으로 인식되어 왔다. 또한 '의학교육자'의 정의에 대한 명확한 합의가 부족하다.

Additionally, as with academic careers in other sectors, the success of clinical educators is measured in terms of research pro- ductivity and clinical service rather than teaching. As Harmon notes, it is research that is traditionally perceived to be the unique contribution of university-based aca- demia to the medical profession and wider community [6]. We also note a lack of consensus as to the definition of a ‘medical educator’.

대학의학의 학문구조와 연구를 중시하는 문화가 연구보다는 교육을 선호하는 임상의사들의 inauthenticity와 marginalisation 감정을 유발한다는 것을 보여주는 연구

The study indicated that the discipline structure of academic medicine and the research-focused culture of academic and institutional expectations could engender feelings of inauthenticity and marginalisation for those clinicians who favour teaching over research.

연구의 Context

The context of this study 

호주 퀸스랜드. 지난 10년간 호주정부는 의과대학을 늘림으로써 의과대학생 수를 크게 늘렸고, 의대 졸업생 수도 늘어났다.

The setting for this study was Queensland, Australia. In the last decade the Australian government has signifi- cantly increased the number of medical students through the expansion of existing medical schools and funding of new schools. This has led to a marked rise in the number of medical graduates [8]

2007년, 퀸스랜드 보건부는 임상교육 및 훈련 영역의 역량 강화 필요성을 느껴서 2008년 Medical Education Registrar (MER) 프로그램을 만들었다. MWAC가 네 명의 MER에게 재정을 지원했다.

In 2007, Queensland Health (the funder and supplier of the state’s health service, with a network of 17 hospital and health service districts across Queensland) identified its own need to build capacity in the area of clinical education and training [10] and in 2008 developed the Medical Education Registrar (MER) scholarship pro- gram for this purpose (Table 1). Medical Workforce Advice and Coordination (MWAC) provided funding for four fulltime hospital-based MER positions per year across Queensland from 2008–2012.

12개월 프로그램

The MER positions were designed as a 12-month period of developmental experience for junior doctors, within the context of the registrar (resident) career continuum.


Table 1 The objectives of the MER position [11]


이론적 프레임워크

Theoretical framework

사회-인지-경력이론(socio-cognitive career theory , SCCT)를 따라서 데이터 분석

As discussed further below we adopted socio-cognitive career theory (SCCT) as a framework for the data analysis as we read through the transcripts.

Bandura의 사회-인지 이론으로부터 나온 SCCT개인의 진로흥미/진로선택/수행능력의 상호작용과 어떻게 개인요인(기대성과, 자기효능감, 목표)이 장애요인에 대한 맥락적/경험적 지지와 관계되는지 이해하도록 도와줌. SCCT에서는 뛰어난 수행능력을 갖추기 위해서는 개개인이 component skill과 강력한 자기효능감이 필요하다고 가정함.

Derived primarily from Bandura’s general social cognitive theory [13], SCCT provides a useful conceptual framework for understanding the interplay between an individual’s career interests, choice and performance, as well as understanding how personal factors, such as out- come expectations, self-efficacy beliefs and personal goals, can interrelate with contextual and experiential supports or barriers [12]. SCCT assumes that individuals require both component skills and a strong sense of self-efficacy to achieve competent performance [14].

자기효능감은 특정 역할을 수행하는 능력에 대산 스스로의 판단, 구체적인 상황에서 성공에 대한 판단 등이며 타인/관찰학습/행동/맥락요인에 영향을 받는다.

Self-efficacy is used to describe people’s self-judgements of their capability to perform a role and succeed in specific situations, and can be influenced by other people, observa- tional learning, behaviour and contextual factors [13,15].

자기효능감에 대한 신념은 활동의 선택/노력과 끈기/사고 패턴/감정적 대응에 영향을 미친다. 자기효능감은 학업과 진로 관련 선택 및 그 수행능력의 예측인자.

In particular, self-efficacy beliefs are thought to impact on an individual’s activity choice, effort and persistence, thought patterns, and emotional reactions [12]. Self-effi-cacy has been found to be predictive of academic andcareer-related choice and performance [16-18].

기대성과outcome expectation은 개개인이 주어진 맥락에서 구체적인 행동이 어떤 결과를 가져올 것인가에 대한 추측이다. 개인목표는 한 사람이 자신의 행동을 조직화하고 행동을 guide하기 위해서 설정한 개인적/전문직적/생활적 목표이다.

Outcome expectations refers to an individual’s estimate that a specific behaviour within a given context will lead tocertain outcomes [12,13]. Personal goals describe the per-sonal, professional and lifestyle goals set by individuals to organise their behaviour and guide their actions

진로 장애요인이란 희망 진로에 불협화음을 내는 개인적/맥락적 요인 등이며, 기대성과에 부정적 영향을 준다.

notion of career barriers, personal and contextual factors which result in dissonance among career aspirations, progress and achievement. Overall, car-eer barriers engender negative outcome expectations in those contemplating a particular career pathway [19]. 


임상연구 진로 개발에는 여러 어려움이 있다.

[20]. They found that the development of a clinical re- search pathway has many potential challenges, including

  • low self-efficacy beliefs,

  • over commitment,

  • negative out- come expectations,

  • ill-defined personal goals, and

  • the conflicting demands and expectations of the multiple environments an individual may inhabit.




자료 수집 

Data collection

1회 혹은 2회 

Interviews with participants were conducted at either one or both of two time-points:

인터뷰어 사이의 일관성 유지 

We developed an interview question guide, ensuring that a level of consistency in the broad topics covered was maintained across the three interviewers (the two authors and a research assistant).

자료 분석

Data analysis

프레임워크분석: 이미 정의된 연구질문에 기반하여 귀납적으로 접근함 

The interviews were transcribed verbatim and firstly analysed by the two authors and the research assistant using framework analysis [23], a deductive approach based on our defined research questions and the medical education workforce issues prompting the study.

주제 사이의 관련성, SCCT와의 비교, 결과의 해석 등을 논의하여 presented text를 최종 결정. RATS 가이드라인 따름.

The association between themes, compari- son with SCCT and interpretation of the findings were discussed by authors both to finalise the text presented. Our study adheres to the RATS guidelines for reporting qualitative studies.





진로 선택의 동기: 더 나은 교육을 위한 열망wanting

Motivation for career choice: wanting to provide better education


자신의 부정적인 경험이 (자신을 가르친 사람보다) 더 나은 방식으로 가르칠 수 있겠다는 관심을 갖게 해줌

Their negative experi- ences in particular motivated their interest in being able to teach better than their own teachers.


senior의사로서 교육이 기본 역할이라는 것을 알게 되면서, 교육스킬은 nurture가 필요한 것이며, natural하게 얻어지는 것이 아니라는 것을 알게 됨.

while identifying that teaching is a fundamental role of the senior clinician, they highlighted that it is a skill that needs nurturing ra- ther than something that would come naturally to a doctor:

Table 2 Themes arising from the data


개인의 목표, 기대, 자기주도성의 필요성

Personal goals, expectations and the need for self-direction


MER들은 커리어 목표가 있고, 더 나은 교육자가 되려는 동기부여 요인이 있었지만, 그 외에 이 프로그램에서 무엇을 기대했는지 고려하지 않았음.

While the MERs had career goals and the aim of deve- loping as better educators as motivating factors to undertake the MER position, many had not considered what they otherwise hoped to achieve during the post itself.

이러한 목표설정의 부재, 잘 정의되지 않은 목표는 이 프로그램을 시작할 때 방향설정orientation이 부족한 것, 그리고 이 포지션에 있으면서 무엇이 가능하고 허용되는지를 결정하는 것에 대한 자기주도성이 필요했던과 관련됨.

This lack of goal setting, or ill-defined goals, was partly related to the lack of orien- tation at the start of the post and partly due to the need for self-direction in determining just what was possible and permissible during the position itself:

그러나 자기주도성(이 요구되었던 것)을 후향적으로 성찰해볼 때 장점도 있음. 

However in retrospect this self-direction was seen as an advantage:

동료와 선배 의사들이 이 역할이 무엇인지 잘 이해하지 못함.

The lack of understanding of the role by their peers and more senior clinicians could be frustrating:

'일부 병원에서는 의학교육을 행정으로 보기도 하며, 어떤 전공의들은 명백히 자신의 역할이 아닌 행정업무를 하고 있었다.'

‘Some hospitals also interpreted medical education as medical admin and so we found that some registrars were doing administration which is not part of it obviously.’ (12b) 

임상 로테이션 중의 과도한 업무와 MER에서 요구되었던 자기주도성은 transition 기간을 더 어렵게 만들었는데, 시간이 너무 많아서, 혹은 그 포지션에서 맡은 역할들에게 요구되는 행동의 균형을 맞추기 위해서가 그 이유였다.

The contrast between the heavy workload of a clinical rotation and the self-direction required as a MER made for a difficult period of transition, either because of the luxury of time or the balancing act required for the number of roles within the position:


롤모델의 영향

The influence of role models

롤모델은 여러가지 위장된 형태로 존재한다.

Role models took many guises: 

'그들은 심지어 약 절반의 시간 동안 가르치고 있다는 것도 모른다. 그들에게는 이것이 너무 자연스럽고, 그들은 소수만 이해하는esoteric 것을 가르치는 것이 아니다. 내가 멘토/롤모델로서 생각하는 이 사람들은 중요한 것을 가르쳐 주었다.'

‘The fact that they don't even know they're teaching half the time, it comes so naturally to them and they're not teaching esoteric stuff. That's my point of view is that these people that I view as mentors or role models have taught me the important stuff.’ (4a)

롤모델을 찾은 다음, 초심자들은 이들 롤 모델의 특성과 행동에 비추어 성찰을 하고 발전한다.

Having identified their role models, novices need to reflect on those role models’ attributes and behaviour in order to improve:

정체성 찾기

Defining one’s identity

MER은 교육자로서의 신뢰성과 환자진료에 대한 헌신 모두에 대해서 임상적 정체성을 유지하는 것이 중요함을 강조했다.

The MERs emphasised the importance of continuing with their clinical identity in terms of credibility as an educa- tor and their commitment to patient care:

일부 응답자는 스스로를 다양한 정체성이 있다고 했으며, 그러나 다른 사람들은 의료계medical community에서 자신의 포지션에 대한 보다 고정된 생각을 갖는다고 했다.

Some respondents’ role saw themselves as having mul- tiple identities whereas others had much firmer ideas of their position in the medical community.

연구(자)는 보다 덜 중요한 정체성이었다. 

Research as a component of the role or their identity was much less important:

지지: 관리자supervisor와 멘토 

Supports: supervisors and mentors

지지support와 전문직적 가이드professional guidance 가 MERS에서 가장 중요한 특정이었는데, 종종 이것은 두 명의 관리자가 존재하는 것 때문에 복잡해지기도 했다. 한 사람은 의학교육분야의 관리자이고, 다른 사람은 전공과의 관리자이다.

In terms of support and professional guidance the super- visor was the most important figure for the MERS, though this was somewhat complicated by having two supervisors during the term: the one responsible for the medical education part of the role (and their experience varied) and the other the discipline supervisor:

교육에 대한 지식이 충분하지 않은 관리자를 두는 것은 힘든 일이었으며, 프로젝트에 대한 기대에 관련된 문제였다.

Not having a supervisor with sufficient knowledge of education was difficult and this was particularly an issue in relation to the expectation of doing the project:

'내가 가장 힘들었던 것은 mentorship 문제였다'

 ‘Probably part of the reason that it was so frustrating…was the mentorship.

교육을 계속 하는데의 장애요인: 연구

Potential barriers to pursuing education: the need for research

의학교육연구에 대한 열정은 많지 않았다. 연구 능력과 연구결과의 발표delivery는 academic career에서 기본적 요건이었고, 따라서 연구에 흥미가 없는 것은 academia에 남는 장애요인이었지만, 임상교육자로서의 역할에 대해서는 그렇지 않았다.

There was not much enthusiasm for pursuing medical education research. Research capability and delivery were seen as fundamental requirements for an academic career, and therefore the lack of interest in research was a barrier to academia but not necessarily to the clinician educator role.

의과대학에서 연구논문을 읽고 해석하는 과목이 있었지만 연구에 참여할 기회는 별로 없었다.

Even though there had been courses on reading and interpreting research papers during medical school, there had been little exposure or opportunity to get involved in research prior to the MER role:

evaluation을 수행할 자신감 혹은 능력의 부족

There was also lack of capability or confidence to undertake evaluation:



Despite their initial beliefs that they could perform better than their own teachers, as participants navigated the role there was gradual recognition that teaching is a skill that needs to be nurtured and developed and does not necessarily come naturally.

시니어 의학교육자로부터 교육 스킬을 배울 공식적 기회의 필요성. 임상에서 조금 멀어져 시간이 필요하나 이것이 부정적 영향을 줄 수도. 동료로부터 인정을 받아야 함. 주변에서 MER역할에 대해 명확한 이해가 부족했고, 이것이 주니어 의사가 교육자로서 professional socialisation 되는데 부정적 영향 가능성 있음.

Recent studies on the developmental needs of junior doctors entering academic medicine have identified the provision of role models and creation of research opportunities as key requirements [21,22,25,26], yet there has been little discussion on the need to develop teaching skills. Our findings testify to the need to provide formal opportunities for junior doctors to learn these from senior medical educators, to facilitate their development as medical educators. This could require time away from clinical work, something that could negatively impact a MERs motivation to participate in this type of activity. It would also require recognition by colleagues of the credibility of an education career pathway; our findings illustrate there was no clear understanding of the MER roles by others in the system and they can be seen as a soft option. The failure of colleagues to recognise the MER positions as credible, negatively impacted on the junior doctors’ professional socialisation as educators.

정체성 측면에서 '전문의로서 일하면서 교육에 흥미가 있고 스킬을 갖춘 의사'로 인정받고자 했고, 임상의에 대한 정체성이 첫 번째임, 교육자로서의 정체성은 두 번째였다. 동료로부터 인정을 받지 못하기도 했음. 개인적 요인과 맥락적 요인의 misalignment가 있을 때 부정적 결과가 나올 수도 있음.

The sense of identity emerged as a strong theme from the data. The MERs were not motivated by the chance to develop an academic career but wished to be seen as doctors with an interest and skill in education while working as specialists. These junior doctors primarily described themselves as clinicians; the identity of educator was seen as secondary to their main role. A consistent concern about the primacy of clinical work was expressed, and some respondents felt a strong pull back to full time clinical practice. When discussing identity, the role of an educator in a clinical environment, though often described as complementary, was almost always implicitly viewed as secondary to that of clinician. The lack of acknowledgement by peers of the validity of the role contributed to a dissonance between career aspirations and achievement. Misalignment between personal and contextual factors such as these have been reported to engender negative outcome expectations for those considering a specific career pathway [19,27].

병원에 따라 각자의 필요성에 맞춰 MER 포지션의 목적이 달라졌다. 이것이 일부 참여자에게는 힘든 일이었으나, 일부 자기-동기부여가 잘 되고 자신의 시간을 어떻게 사용할지 아는 참여자에게는 유용하기도 했음. 오리엔테이션이 도움이 될 것.

The purpose of the MER position in different hospitals varied between sites based on hospitals’ needs, while also being capable of being tailored quite closely to the motivations of each MER. This different experience of structure and autonomy than in clinical roles was challenging for some participants as they navigated the role. However the lack of a formal position description was useful for those who were self-motivated and able to decide how they wanted to pursue their time. Certainly orientation would have been helpful and particularly a chance to talk to others in the role of those who have had the role previously.

연구가 가장 큰 장애요인이었고, 연구에 대해서는 별 열정이 없었음. 실제 연구경험도 적었고, 어떻게 교육적 인터벤션을 평가할지에 대한 아이디어가 부족햇음. 그들은 자신의 병원에서 임상교육을 개선시키고 싶었으며, 교육에 관심이 있는 전문의가 되고 싶어했음. 또한 병원에 지원할 때hospital posts 다른 사람보다 걸출한 모습을 보여주고 싶었음. 이러한 결과는 "임상교육자의 등장을 더 촉진시키기 위해서는, 현재 연구를 중심으로 임상의사들을 의학교육분야로 사회화socialize시키는 방식이 변화할 필요가 있따"라는 Kumar 등의 권고와 부합함.

The need for research was the biggest barrier to participants when considering whether to continue on a medical education career pathway upon completion of the post. There was not much enthusiasm for pursuing medical education research. Unlike the findings of O’Sullivan et al. whose respondents spoke of early exposure to research opportunities, our participants had little practical research experience other than an introduction to critical appraisal at medical school. This meant they had limited ideas of how to evaluate educational interventions or indeed gauge the success of their own projects. Teaching, hands-on and development, was the main objective and there was no particular interest in research or academia. They want to enhance clinical teaching in the hospitals and become specialists with an interest in education. This interest may also be of use for them to stand out from others applying for hospital posts. These findings support the recommendations of Kumar et al.[7], who in a recent study of clinician educators at the University of Sydney concluded that to facilitate the rise of the clinician educator, the current focus on socialising clinicians into medical education in terms of research will need to change substantially.



 2014 May 31;14:110. doi: 10.1186/1472-6920-14-110.

Becoming a medical educatormotivationsocialisation and navigation.

Author information

  • 1Centre for Medical Education Research and Scholarship, School of Medicine, The University of Queensland, 288 Herston Road, Herston, QLD 4006, Australia. e.bartle@uq.edu.au.



Despite an increasing concern about a future shortage of medical educators, little published research exists on career choices inmedical education nor the impact of specific training posts in medical education (e.g. academic registrar/resident positions). Medical educators at all levels, from both medical and non-medical backgrounds, are crucial for the training of medical students, junior doctors and in continuing professional development. We explored the motivations and experiences of junior doctors considering an education career and undertaking a medical education registrar (MER) post.


Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with junior doctors and clinicians across Queensland Health. Framework analysis was used to identify themes in the data, based on our defined research questions and the medical education workforce issues prompting the study. We applied socio-cognitive career theory to guide our analysis and to explore the experience of junior doctors in medical education registrar posts as they enter, navigate and fulfil the role.


We identified six key themes in the data: motivation for career choice and wanting to provide better education; personal goals, expectations and the need for self-direction; the influence of role models; defining one's identity; support networks and the need for research as a potential barrier to pursuing a career in/with education. We also identified the similarities and differences between the MERs' experiences to develop a composite of an MER's journey through career choice, experience in role and outcomes.


There is growing interest from junior doctors in pursuing education pathways in a clinical environment. They want to enhance clinical teaching in the hospitals and become specialists with an interest in education, and have no particular interest in research or academia. This has implications for the recruitment and training of the next generation of clinical educators.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] 
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의과대학 2학년 학생의 동기부여신념, 정서, 성취(Med Educ, 2010)

Second-year medical students’ motivational beliefs, emotions, and achievement

Anthony R Artino,1 Jeffery S La Rochelle2 & Steven J Durning2


안타깝게도, 개개인을 성공에 이르게 하는 요인은 잘 이해된 바 없다. 더 나아가 의학교육 문헌들은 인지적 요인에 우선적으로 초점을 맞추고 있다(과거 학업성취, 표준화 시험 점수). 이들은 small to moderate 정도의 분산만을 설명해줄 뿐이다.

Unfortunately, the factors that lead to individual success are not well understood. Moreover, the medical education liter- ature tends to focus primarily on cognitive factors (e.g. prior academic achievement and standardised test scores), which typically explain only small to moderate amounts of variance in academic out- comes.2,3

최근, 정서적 요인의 중요성(동기부여와 감정)이 관심을 받고 있다. 이들 교육연구자들은 인지적 요인 단독의 효과를 넘어서 어떻게 감정이 성취성과에 영향을 주는지를 연구하고 있다. 본질적으로, 이들 연구자들은 인간의 마음은 단순히 정보를 처리하고 인지라는 것은 정보를 조작하는 것이며, 학습은 정보를 습득하고 저장하는 것이라는 식으로 학습을 컴퓨터에 비교하는 지나치게 단순화된 비유에 반대하는 것이다. 대신, 교육심리학자들은 인간의 사고는 훨씬 더 알쏭달쏭하며, 신축성있고, 동기부여와 감정에 영향을 받는다고 본다. 이러한 복잡성을 감안하면, 현재의 학습과 수행에 관한 모델은 정서적 요인을 고려해야 한다.

Recently, the importance of affective factors (e.g. motivation and emotion) has received greater emphasis among educators in fields outside medi- cine.4,5 In particular, these educational researchers have begun to explore how affect might ultimately influence achievement outcomes, above and beyond the effects of cognitive factors alone.6,7 In essence, these educators have argued against the over-sim- plified computer metaphor of learning, whereby the human mind is simply a processor of informa- tion, cognition primarily involves the manipulation of that information, and learning is merely the acquisition and storage of information. Instead, contemporary educational psychologists have proposed that human thinking is much more ‘fuzzy’ and flexible, and is subject to motivations and emotions that may serve multiple purposes at any given time.8 Given this complexity, current models of learning and performance often include consideration for affective factors.

이론적 프레임워크

Theoretical framework

사회인지이론에서는 인간의 기능functioning이 다음의 세 가지 요인이 역동적이고 상호작용는 것이라고 본다.

Social cognitive theory assumes that human functioning results from the triadic, dynamic and reciprocal interaction of

  • 개인적 요인(신념, 기대, 태도, 이전 지식)
    personal factors (e.g. beliefs, expectations, attitudes and prior knowledge),

  • 행동(개별적 행동, 선택, 말)
    behav- iours (e.g. individual actions, choices and verbal statements), and

  • 사회적, 물리적 환경(자원, 행동의 결과, 타인, 물리적 환경)
    the social and physical environment (e.g. resources, consequences of actions, other people and physical settings).9


따라서 그림 1의 모델은 학생이 자신의 능력과 학습활동의 가치에 대해서 갖는 동기부여적 신념에 영향을 주는 학습환경의 맥락적 특성들(과제 특성, 교육 자원, 사회-문화 요인)을 나타낸 것이다. 즉, 이들 신념은 감정에 영향을 미치는데 즐거움, 불안 등이 그것이다. 이 감정들은 다양한 학업성과와 연결되어 있다.

Thus, the model in Fig. 1 proposes that contextual features of the learn-ing environment (e.g. task characteristics, instruc- tional resources and other broader socio-cultural factors) affect students’ motivational beliefs about their capabilities and the value of learning activities. In turn, these beliefs influence discrete achievement emotions, such as enjoyment and anxiety,6 which then link to various academic outcomes, such as student achievement and satisfaction.

이 연구에서는 의과대학생의 학업적 성취를 예측하기 위하여 동기부여적 신념motivational belief와 성취관련 감정achievement emotion을 사용하였다. 동기부여적 신념에 대해서는 두 가지 구인을 고려하였다. 하나는 과제의 가치task value이고, 다른 하나는 학업적 자기효능감이다.

In this study, motivational beliefs and achievement emotions were used to predict medical students’ academic achievement in an introductory clinical reasoning course. In terms of motivational beliefs, two constructs were considered.

  • Task value: 어떤 과목이 얼마나 재밌고, 중요하고, 유용한지에 대한 학생의 판단. 비-의학 분야에서는 TV가 높을수록 다양한 주요 성과(미래 학습활동에 대한 선택, 학업 성취)가 높다.
    The first is task value, which can be defined as students’ judgements of how interesting, important and useful a course is to them.10 Research in non-medical contexts has typi- cally demonstrated that task value beliefs positively predict many important outcomes, such as choice of future learning activities10 and academic achievement.11

  • 학업적 자기효능감Academic self-efficacy: 특정 학업 과제를 성공적으로 수행할 수 있다고 판단하는 정도. SE가 높을수록 다양한 학업성과에 영향을 준다.
    The second motivational belief examined was academic self-efficacy, which can be defined as stu- dents’ judgements of their capabilities to successfully perform specific academic tasks.9 Generally, research has shown that self-efficacy beliefs positively influence many academic outcomes, including, for example, choice of activities,12 level of effort13 and academic achievement.14

성취감정Achievement Emotion은 개인적 요인의 두 번째 부분이다. Pekrun은 AE의 통제-가치 이론을 제안하였다. 통제-가치 이론Control-value theory은 AE가 성취-관련 활동과 연관된 개별 감정들이라고 정의했으며, 여기에는 즐거움(새로운 것을 배울 때의), 불안(고부담 시험에 대한), 지루함(길고 재미없는 강의) 등이 있다. Pekrun에 따르면, AE는 개인의 Motivational belief(SE, TV)에 의해 결정된다.

Achievement emotions represent the second set of personal factors in the conceptual model. Pekrun6 has proposed a control-value theory of achievement emotions. Control-value theory defines achievement emotions as discrete emotions that are associated with achievement-related activities such as, for example, the enjoyment that often comes from learning some- thing new, the anxiety associated with taking a high- stakes examination or the boredom that may occur during a long, uninteresting lecture. According to Pekrun,6 achievement emotions are determined, in part, by individuals’ motivational beliefs, such as self- efficacy and task value beliefs. Limited educational research in secondary schools and post-secondary universities has indicated that achievement emotions predict students’ use of learning strategies, choice of future courses and academic achievement.15,16

개념 모델에서 묘사된 관계는 상호적이다.

Finally, consistent with social cognitive theory, the relationships depicted in the conceptual model are assumed to be reciprocal.







F Edward He´bert School of Medicine의 2학년 학생. 미국의 유일한 federal medical school.

The participants were second-year medical students enrolled in the F Edward He´bert School of Medicine, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USU). The USU is the only US federal medical school and matriculates approximately 170 medical students each year.

교육 맥락

Instructional context

2학년 시작시 임상추론입문ICR 과목

The instructional context was a second-year course called Introduction to Clinical Reasoning (ICR). This course was chosen for the present study because it represents students’ first exposure to clinical decision making

진행: 강의와 소그룹 세션

Generally speaking, each ICR session

  • begins with an overview lecture on the topic,

  • which is followed by mandatory small-group sessions on the topic.


강의의 목표: 용어/병태생리/실제 접근

In the overview lecture (30–50 minutes), the general goals are:

  • to teach relevant terminology;

  • to review and reinforce pertinent pathophysiology, and

  • to illustrate a practical approach to the topic.


소그룹 세션의 목표(1)

In the small-group sessions, the general goals are two- fold:

  • to illustrate major diagnostic entities encom- passed within the topic, and

  • to teach typical ‘patterns’ of presentation for these diagnostic entities and key decision points to help students arrive at the diagnosis.

소그룹 세션의 목표(2)

This second general goal of the small-group session includes teaching students to

  • identify key findings,

  • recognise problems and construct problem lists,

  • build clinical vocabulary,

  • identify syndromes,

  • compare and contrast similar diagnoses seen with a given topic, and

  • formulate a differential diagnosis that the student can defend using the presenting data.







1/3 종료 후 설문

End-of-trimester 1 survey

MB를 다음을 가지고 측정

Students’ motivational beliefs were measured using two subscales adapted from Artino and McCoach:18

    • 1 a 6-item task value subscale assessed students’ judgements of how interesting, important and useful the clinical reasoning course was to them, and 

    • 2 a 5-item self-efficacy subscale assessed students’ confidence in their ability to learn the material presented in the course.

약간의 워딩 변화

Several minor wording changes were made to the motivational beliefs subscales;

2/3 종료 후 설문

End-of-trimester 2 survey

AE를 다음을 가지고 측정

Students’ achievement emotions were measured using a shortened version of the class-related emo- tions section of the Achievement Emotions Ques- tionnaire (AEQ):19

    • 1 a 4-item enjoyment subscale assessed students’ course-related enjoyment; 

    • 2 a 6-item anxiety subscale assessed students’ course-related anxiety, and 

    • 3 a 5-item boredom subscale assessed students’ 3 course-related boredom.

약간의 워딩 변화

Once again, changes were made to the original subscales to reflect the specific medical education context studied here.


Achievement outcomes

Course examination grade

National board shelf examination score



Prior to analysis, the data were screened for accuracy and missing values, and each survey item was checked for normality. Following data screening, three sets of analyses were conducted.

  • First, confir- matory factor analysis (CFA) techniques were used to validate the hypothesised survey structure and identify survey modifications that would result in a refined, more parsimonious measurement model.

  • Factors identified in the CFA were then subjected to reliability analysis, and descriptive statistics and Pearson correlations were calculated.

  • Finally, a causal model was estimated using structural equa- tion modelling (SEM). Built upon the multivariate techniques of factor and path analysis, SEM is a flexible and powerful statistical tool that allows researchers to test a priori hypotheses regarding the inter-relationships between both observed and latent variables (for a detailed explanation of SEM and its applicability in medical education research, see Violato and Hecker22).

In the present study, the aim of the SEM was to test the hypothesised linear relations between the latent beliefs and emotions variables and students’ academic achievement.

All CFA and SEM analyses were conducted using AMOS 7.023 and the remainder of the analyses were conducted using SPSS 16.0 (SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL, USA).




대부분의 종단연구에서 자료의 결측과 (연구대상자의) attrition은 흔한 문제이다.

In most longitudinal studies, missing data and attri- tion are frequent problems; this study was no excep- tion. Among the 174 students enrolled in the ICR course, 136 agreed to complete both surveys (giving a 78% response rate). The sample included 86 men (63%) and 50 women; their mean age was 24.9 years (SD = 1.5).



Confirmatory factor analysis

두 설문의 convergent와 discriminant validity를 검사하기 위하여 시행. MLE가 사용되었고, chi-square가 model fit을 평가하기 위해서 사용됨. 일반적으로 chi-square에서 유의하지 않은 결과가 good model fit을 의미한다. 그러나 chi-square 검사는 샘플 크기와 상관관계의 크기에 영향을 받기 때문에, 연구자들은 chi-square에만 의존하지 않는다. 여기에 몇 가지 추가적인 fit indices를 사용하는데, 여기에는 자유도 비율degrees of freedom ratio, CFI, RMSEA등이 있다.

A CFA was conducted to examine the convergent and discriminant validity of the two surveys. Maximum likelihood estimation was used to esti- mate the parameters and a chi-square test was conducted to assess model fit. Generally, a non- significant chi-square result indicates a good model fit.24 However, because the chi-square test is affected by the sample size and the size of the correlations in the model, researchers do not normally rely on the chi-square test as the sole measure of model fit. Therefore, several additional fit indices were considered together with the chi-square test. These indices included the chi-square : degrees of freedom ratio (also referred to as the normed chi-square statistic), the com- parative fit index (CFI), and the root-mean-square error of approximation (RMSEA).

26개의 문항을 다섯 개의 latent variable에 load함.

The 26 survey items used in this study were hypoth- esised to load onto five distinct latent variables: task value, self-efficacy, enjoyment, anxiety and boredom. Based on the model fit guidelines outlined by Hu and Bentler,25 the resulting goodness-of-fit indices indicated that the model fit the data only marginally well. In particular, the chi-square result was statisti- cally significant (v2 [289, n = 136] = 565.89, p < 0.001), and although the normed chi-square statistic (1.96) was < 3.0, the CFI (0.80) was < 0.90 and the RMSEA (0.08) was > 0.06 (the latter two statistics indicated a marginal model fit).

model fit을 개선하기 위해서 최종 solution을 위한 trimming시행. SE척도에서 하나 배제, Anxiety에허 두 개 배제.

Next, in an attempt to improve model fit, standar- dised residuals and modification indices were exam- ined and five items were identified as having large standardised residuals and⁄ or large modification indices. Because one of the objectives of the CFA was to further refine the measurement model, these five items were trimmed from the final solution (see recommendations in Brown).26 The trimmed items included one item from the self-efficacy scale (‘I’m confident I can learn in the context of the small-group sessions’), two items from the anxiety scale (‘I feel uneasy during the small-group discussion sessions’ and ‘I feel nervous during the small-group discussion sessions’) and two items from the boredom scale (‘I feel this course is fairly dull’ and ‘I’m generally uninterested in the course material’).

두 번째 CFA가 시행되었고, 결과가 향상됨.

Following the trimming procedure, a second CFA was conducted; all fit indices improved as a result of these modifications. The chi-square result remained statistically significant (v2 [179, n = 136] = 259.92, p < 0.001); however, the normed chi-square result (1.45) went down to < 3.0, the CFI (0.92) went up to > 0.90 and the RMSEA (0.05) went down to < 0.06, all indicating that the revised model was an adequate fit to the data. The survey items retained in the final solution are provided in Table 1, along with their means and SDs.

Descriptive statistics and Pearson correlations



Evaluating the structural equation model


의학 외 다른 교육연구에서는 정서요인을 중요하게 인정하고 있음.

Recently, educational researchers in fields outside medicine have acknowledged the critical role per- sonal affective factors, like motivation and emotion, play in learning and performance.4–8,11

이번 연구의 결과는 가설로서 제기한 일부 관계를 지지해줌. 특히 TV는 Enjoyment, Boredom과 연관이 있었음. 이것은 통제-가치 이론의 연구결과와도 부합하는 것으로, 그 과목이 흥미롭고 유용하다고 생각하는 학생일수록 그것을 공부하는게 즐겁고, 덜 지루하다. 유사하게 학생의 SE는 Anxiety와 부적 상관관계에 있었다. 즉, 더 그 과목을 잘 할수 있다고 생각하는 학생일수록 불안을 덜 느낀다. 이 역시 통제-가치 이론과 부합하며, Bandura가 원래 개념화한 자기효능감, 그리고 그것이 학습의 정서적 요소에 미치는 영향과도 부합한다. 더 나아가서 이들 연구결과는 의학교육자들이 학생의 TV와 SE를 가지고 학생의 성취 감정향상을 볼 수 있음을 시사한다.

Findings from this study provide some support for the hypothesised relationships. Specifically, task value beliefs were positive predictors of students’ course- related enjoyment and negative predictors of their reported boredom. Thus, the direction and magni- tude of these effects, which are consistent with previous empirical work using control-value theory,6,15,16 suggest that students who believed the course was interesting, important and useful were also more likely to enjoy it and less likely to become bored. Similarly, students’ academic self-efficacy was a negative predictor of anxiety, indicating that those who were confident they could learn the course material were also less likely to experience course- related anxiety. The direction and size of this effect is also consistent with control-value theory6,15,16 and Bandura’s9 original conceptualisation of self-efficacy and its influence on affective components of learn- ing. Further, these results suggest that medical educators may observe improvements in students’ achievement emotions by first addressing students’ task value beliefs and self-efficacy perceptions (for specific instructional recommendations, see Schunk et al.11).

성취감정에 있어서, Enjoyment는 NBME점수와, Anxiety/Boredom은 과목 성적과 관련이 있었음. 즉, '즐거움enjoyment'는 의과대학에서 진행되는 이후 성취도에 영향을 주며, Anxiety/Boredome은 보다 즉각적, 과목-관련 학업성취에 영향을 준다.

In terms of achievement emotions, course-related enjoyment was positively related to students’ NBME shelf examination scores, whereas both anxiety and boredom were negatively related to students’ course examination grades. These results suggest that enjoyment, a positive emotion, may have important direct effects on subsequent achievement outcomes in medical school. By contrast, anxiety and boredom, both negative emotions, may have direct effects on more immediate, course-related achievement outcomes.


이 정도의 medium effect size는 limited empirical evidence와 부합.

Finally, the overall effects for the model were R2 = 0.20 and 0.14 for the course examination grade and national board shelf examination score, respec- tively. These medium effect sizes are consistent with the limited empirical evidence linking achievement emotions to scholastic achievement.6,15,16

의학교육에 대한 함의

Implications for medical education

의대생들은 high-functioning하고 successful하며, 본질적으로 강력한 동기부여신념이 있고, 부정적 감정을 잘 조절할 수있는 대응기전을 갖추었다는 은연중의 가정이 있다. 비록 본 연구결과는 강력한 동기부여신념을 지지해줄지는 모르나, 부정적인 성취감정의 영향에 면역이 되어있지는 않다는 것을 보여준다.

There is an implicit assumption that medical students are predominantly high-functioning and successful, and possess inherently strong motiva- tional beliefs and advanced coping mechanisms with which they can assuage negative achievement emotions. Although the results presented here do confirm the presence of strong motivational beliefs, the findings suggest that medical students are not immune to the effects of negative achievement emotions.

교육자들은 과목의 구조/내용/교육법/점수체계 등을 고려하고, 이것들이 MB와 AE에 어떻게 영향을 주는지 고려해야 함.

In addition, these findings suggest that educators should consider course structure, content, teaching method and grading scheme – and how these factors might impact both motivational beliefs and achievement emotions over time – as these personal factors could potentially affect other important performance outcomes.

6 Pekrun R. The control-value theory of achievement emotions: assumptions, corollaries, and implications for educational research and practice. Educ Psychol Rev 2006;18:315–41.

22 Violato C, Hecker KG. How to use structural equation modelling in medical education research: a brief guide. Teach Learn Med 2007;19:362–71.





 2010 Dec;44(12):1203-12. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2923.2010.03712.x.

Second-year medical students' motivational beliefsemotions, and achievement.

Author information

  • 1Department of Preventive Medicine and Biometrics, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, 4301 Jones Bridge Road, Bethesda, MD 20814-4712, USA. anthony.artino@usuhs.mil



A challenge for medical educators is to better understand the personal factors that lead to individual success in medical school and beyond. Recently, educational researchers in fields outside medicine have acknowledged the importance of motivation and emotion in students' learning and performance. These affective factors have received less emphasis in the medical education literature.


This longitudinal study examined the relations between medical students' motivational beliefs (task value and self-efficacy),achievement emotions (enjoyment, anxiety and boredom) and academic achievement.


Second-year medical students (n=136) completed motivational beliefs and achievement emotions surveys following their first and second trimesters, respectively. Academic achievement was operationalised as students' average course examination grades and national board shelf examination scores.


The results largely confirmed the hypothesised relations between beliefsemotions and achievement. Structural equation modelling revealed that task value beliefs were positively associated with course-related enjoyment (standardised regression coefficient [β] = 0.59) and were negatively related to boredom (β= -0.25), whereas self-efficacy beliefs were negatively associated with course-related anxiety only (β = -0.47). Furthermore, student enjoyment was positively associated with national board shelf examination score (β = 0.31), whereas anxiety and boredom were both negatively related to course examination grade (β= -0.36 and -0.27, respectively). The overall structural model accounted for considerable variance in each of the achievement outcomes: R(2) = 0.20 and 0.14 for the course examination grade and national board shelf examination score, respectively.


This study suggests that medical students' motivational beliefs and achievement emotions are important contributors to their academic achievement. These results have implications for medical educators striving to understand the personal factors that influence learning and performance in medical training.

© Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2010.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

바다괴물 & 소용돌이: 의학교육에서 시험과 성찰 사이에서의 항해(Med Teach, 2015)

Sea monsters & whirlpools: Navigating between examination and reflection in medical education

Brian David Hodges


Homer의 Odyssey에서 Odysseus 는 Strait of Messina를 지나야 하는데 두 개의 큰 위협이 있다 하나는 스킬라(큰 바위 옆에 사는 머리가 여섯, 바링 열두 개인 여자 괴물)이고 다른 하나는 카리브디스(Sicily 섬 앞바다의 큰 소용돌이, 배를 삼킴)이다. 이러한 비유를 보다 시적으로 바꿔보면 "진퇴양난에 빠진caught between a rock and a hard place"것으로 지금 의학교육이 당면한 상황을 우화적으로 보여준다.

In Homer’s epic poem, the Odyssey, Odysseus must travel through the Strait of Messina, passing between two great threats: the Scylla and Charybdis. The Scylla, on one side of the strait, is a multi-headed monster that plucks sailors off the ship and eats them. On the other side of the strait lays the Charybdis, a deadly, sucking whirlpool that is invisible to all who approach it. This metaphor, a more poetic version of ‘‘being caught between a rock and a hard place’’, is useful allegory for the challenges facing medical education.

가장 우려되는 것은 "'책무성'이라는 담화에서 출발한 고부담의, 외부의 시험" 그리고 보다 최근에 강조되기 시작한 "자기주도성, 성찰과 같은 내적 동기부여에 대한 투자" 사이의 tension이다 나는 이 두 가지의 담화가 이론적/실제적으로 양립불가능하다고 주장한 바 있으마, 우리는 여전히 이 두 가지를 모두 추구하고자 한다. 가능할까?

One of the most worrisome is the growing tension between high stakes, external examinations driven by a discourse of ‘‘accountability’’ and a more recent, but no less passionate, investment in internally motivated notions of ‘‘self-direction’’ and ‘‘reflection’’. I have argued that these two discourses may be theoretically and practically incompatible, yet we persist (Hodges 2007). How did we get here?

'시험'이라는 문화의 폭발적 성장

The explosion of a culture of examination

19세기에 의학은 '길드' 였고 역량은 '옳은' 사람man 되는 것이었다(이 당시에는 여자 의사는 거의 없었다). 이 당시의 평가 시스템은 수련중의 발전과정에 대한 판단이며 사부master의 승인에 따라 고용여부가 정해졌다.

In the nineteenth century, medicine was a guild and compe- tence was linked to the notion of being the ‘‘right kind’’ of man (there were very few women doctors in the nineteenth century). The assessment system of the time was a judgement model in which progression in training and employment was based on approval of a master.


20세기에, 생명과학이 발전하고, 의과대학이 대학 안으로 들어가면서, '역량'이라는 개념은 character에 대한 종합적 판단이 아니라, 지식의 기반에 대한 것base of knowledge로 바뀌었다. '역량'을 보여주기 위해서 의과대학은 지필고사를 개발하였다. 20세기 초반 MCQ의 발명은 평가를 보다 효율적이고 쉽게 수행할 수 있게 해줬다.

In the twentieth century, the biological sciences flourished and medical schools were relocated into universities, heralding a shift in the concept of competence away from holistic judgement of ‘‘character’’ toward a rich base of knowledge. To confirm competence, medical schools developed written examinations. The inven- tion of multiple choice questions in the early twentieth century made assessment more efficient and easier to administer.


20세기 중반, 또 한번의 패러다임 전환이 있었는데, '수행능력으로서의 역량'의 개념이 나타났다. OSCE나 시뮬레이션 같은 수행능력 기반 평가는 평가의 face를 바꾸었다. 의학교육자들은 이제 '밀러의 피라미드'라는 것을 활용했다. 동시에 의학교육자들은 평가의 책임을 외부로 확장시켰는데, state 혹은 province 차원의 전문직 조직이 의과대학에 시험을 제공하고, 그리고는 국가적 수준의 고부담/표준화 시험을 보게 했다. 그 결과 의사가 되려고 하는 사람들이 일생동안 치뤄야 하는 시험은 엄청나게 많아졌다. 이러한 이야기는 의학교육 뿐만 아니라 20세기 자체가 서구 국가에서는 '시험의 폭발적 증가'의 시대였다.

By the mid-twentieth century, there was another paradigm shift and the notion of competence-as-performance was born. Performance-based assessments such as Objective Structured Clinical Exams (OSCEs) and simulations changed the face of assessment. Medical educators were climbing what is now called Miller’s pyramid: a competence ladder starting from a base of ‘‘knowing’’, rising to ‘‘knowing how’’, to ‘‘showing how’’ and finally to ‘‘doing’’ (Miller 1990). At the same time, medical educators distributed the responsibility for assessment outward, adding examinations given by state or provincial professional organizations to tests in medical schools, and then national, high stakes, standardized examinations. The net result was an enormous expansion of testing in the life of would-be physicians. This story is not limited to medical education, however; in the twentieth century there was an explosion of testing across Western countries.


무수한 시험들..

When we are born we have an Apgar Test and at the end of our lives, as we quietly slip away, someone will perform a Glasgow Coma Scale. In between we undergo all manner of elementary and high school tests, college exams, intelligence tests, driving tests, MCATs, SATs, LSATs and on and on. Our lives are punctuated by an endless series of written and performance assessments.


마이클 푸코는 시험examination은 고전시기classical age의 가장 눈부신 발명품이면서, 가장 덜 연구된 것이다 라고 했다. 시험이 늘어난 것에는 여러가지 장점도 있다.

Michel Foucault called ours an examined society and argued that the examination is one of the most brilliant, if least studied, inventions of the classical age (Foucault 1975/1995, pp. 184–185). There have been many benefits from the proliferation of testing. In medical education these include

  • 교육과 학습목표의 합치 greater alignment of teaching with learning objectives,

  • 대중에 대한 책무성 강화 more accountability to the public and

  • 학생에 대한 피드백 가능성 the possibility of better feedback to learners (although formative feedback tends to become rare as the stakes of testing get higher).

  • 새로운 평가도구의 개발 Further, educators have developed new testing tools and can assess a wider range of competencies.

  • 역량 프레임워크의 개발을 위한 긴밀한 협조 Finally, the rise of assessment has gone hand in glove with the elaboration of new competence frameworks such as the Canadian CanMEDS roles and the American ACGME competencies (Whitehead et al. 2013).


그러나 Hanson 은 이 모든 시험이 단순이 역량을 측정하는 것 이상의 기능을 하고 있다고 하며, 이 시험이 우리를 발명inventing us 한다고 했다.

However Hanson (1993) is among those who have cautioned that all those tests are doing more than just measuring competence: they are also inventing us (p. 210).

우리의 시험이 학생을 바람직한 방향으로 이끌고 있는가?

The question that drives my research is ‘‘Are our assessment methods shaping students in a desirable way?’’

'시험에 뭐가 나오나요'라고만 묻는 학생들에게 시험은 그냥 그 자체로 존재하는 것이며 다른 교육과의 관계는 아무런 의미가 없다. 내 동료들은 학생들이 '뭐가 시험에 나오나요'라고 물었다는 이야기를 들으면 놀라기보다는 모두 동의한다는듯 고개를 끄덕인다. 우리 모두는 시험에 따르는 안타까운 부작용을 잘 알고 있다. 시험은 종종 학생이 학습과는 잘 맞지 않는 행동을 하게 한다. 나는 이 부작용 - '의도하지 않은'이라 부르는 - 효과에 관심이 있다.

For this student the examination existed for its own sake only – devoid of any meaningful relationship to the pedagogy that preceded it. Far from shocking my colleagues, recounting this anecdote never fails to invoke a concerted nodding of heads. We all know about these unfortunate adverse effects of testing: examinations drive behaviours that are often at odds with learning. I am most interested in these adverse – let us call them ‘‘unintended’’ – effects of assessment.

우리는 왜 이 부작용을 감당하고 있는가? 파블로프의 보상-반응 행동을 의도하기 위한 시험을 의도적으로 노리는 선생은 본 적이 없다. 그러나 모든 의학교육자들은 '시험'이라는 문화에서 얻은 것도 많지만, 의도하지 않은 효과도 적지 않고, 실제로 팽배해있다는 것을 안다.

Why do we tolerate these effects? I cannot imagine any teacher setting out deliberately to create an examination that creates the Pavlovian reward-response effect illustrated by my student. And yet all medical educators know that whilst our intense testing culture has brought many gains, these unintended effects are not rare, but actually endemic.

Scylla and Charybdis 의 비유로 돌아가자. Scylla 는 시험을 과도하게 사용하는 우리가 마주한 위험이다. 이는 학생의 동기를 꺾고 외부의 강제/보상에 반응하게 만들며, 내적 동기부여와 자기주도성을 상실하게 한다. 우리는 지속적으로 평생학습의 중요성을 강조하지만, 그리고는 교육환경 자체는 매우 외적-동기부여만이 존재하게 만들고, 관리감독 중심으로 만들며, 보건의료직은 스스로의 학습을 guide해 나가는데 위협을 겪고 있다. 많은 교사들은 시험이 너무 많아서 학생들이 배웠으면 하는 것을 못 배운다고 하지만, 매우 최근까지도 그에 대한 해결책은 시험을 어설프게 바꾸는 것이었지, 패러다임을 변화시키는 것은 아니었다.

Returning to the Scylla and Charybdis metaphor, the Scylla of overusing examinations is a danger we ignore at our peril. It diminishes student motivation by pushing them to respond to external reinforcement/reward rather than fostering internally motivated, self-direction. We speak constantly of the centrality of lifelong learning but then construct an educational envir- onment that is so externally motivated, so surveillance- oriented, that health professionals risk developing neither the drive nor the skills to guide their own learning. Many teachers decry the fact that too many examinations drive students away from the things we wish them to learn, but until quite recently the solutions amounted to tinkering with examination tools rather than fomenting a paradigm shift.

과도하게 많은 시험이라는 Scylla 를 두려워하여 의학교육자들은 반대편을 보기 시작했다. 조용한 건너편 바다속에는 짙은 안개 속에 "자기-성찰"이라는 약속의 땅이 있었다. 나는 내 교육자 동료들이 "학생들이 학습에 대한 열정을 가지기를 바라는" 열망을 이해하며 나도 그 열망을 공유하고 있다. 개인의 발달 동력이 모두 내부로부터 오는 이 이상적인 세계에는 외부적 힘이 존재하지 않는다.

Fearing the Scylla of over-examination some medical educators are looking to the other shore What is over there? Off in the distant tranquil sea, shrouded in a gentle mist, is the promise of ‘‘self-reflection’’. I understand and share the desire of my educator colleagues who dream of a world in which students have an enduring inner passion for learning. In this paradise, no external forces are needed because learning and personal development will be driven from within.

'역량으로서의 성찰'의 등장

The rise of a discourse of competence-as-reflection

성찰이란 무엇인가?

What is reflection?

  • Dewey (1933) defined it as ‘‘active, persistent and careful consideration of any belief or supposed form of knowledge’’ (p. 9);

  • Boud et al. (1985) as ‘‘intellectual and affective activities in which individuals engage to explore their experiences in order to lead to a new understanding and appreciation’’ (p. 19); and

  • Wikipedia as the ‘‘capacity of humans to exercise introspection and willingness to learn more about our fundamental nature, purpose and essence’’ (Wikipedia 2014).

이 모든 정의는 약간씩만 달라 보이며, 연구자들은 성찰에 대한 정의가 분산되어있고, 성찰을 특징짓는 행동 역시 다양하다고 지적한다. 어떤 사람들은 taxonomy를 시도했다. 그리고 이러한 정의definition의 문제는 성찰을 가르치려고 할 때 더 극명해진다.

Worryingly, these definitions all sound a little different and several authors have pointed out the that dispersion of definitions and diversity of practices characterize ‘‘reflection’’. Some have attempted taxonomies (Kinsella (2012) presents a thoughtful, epistemologically- oriented categorization). The problem becomes even more apparent when one is asked to teach reflection.

교육자들이 얼마나 '성찰 행위의 목적이 무엇인가'를 명확히 하지 않고 성찰이라는 행위를 받아들였는지를 생각하면 정말 놀랍다. 이 이유는 '성찰'이 모든 상처를 낫게 하는 연고라고 봤기 때문이다.

It is striking the degree to which educators have embraced reflection as a practice without clearly articulating to what end the practices of reflection are being engaged. This may be because reflection has become a kind of generic salve to heal all wounds:

의학교육에서 성찰이란, 정말 많은, 그리고 이질적인 문제에 대한 해결책으로 존재해왔다. 이렇게 분산된 형태의 성찰행위와 맞물려서, 가장 널리 퍼져 있는 가정은 성찰이 어떤 긍정적인, 좋은, '의도하지 않은 효과'는 거의 없는 것이라는 것이다.

Reflection, in the way it is often taken up in medical education, seems stands in as the solution for so many different and disparate challenges that I have begun to wonder if we have any shared idea about it at all. Coupled with this dispersion of practices is an almost universal assumption that reflection is something positive, something good, with hardly a nod to the possibility of unintended effects.

Ng 은 서로 다른 이론가들과 학문분야에서 성찰행위reflective practice를 다양한 방식으로 이론화하고 적용해왔으며, 이것이 새로 이 분야에 들어온 사람이 거대한 문헌 속에서 혼란스럽게 만드는 이유라고 했다. 이러한 혼란으로 인해 성찰과 성찰행위를 오해하거나 지나치게 단순화할 가능성이 있다.

Ng (2012) has argued that different theorists and disciplines have theorized and applied reflective practice in a variety of ways, making it confusing for newcomers to navigate their way through the large body of literature. The danger in this confusion is the possibility for reflection and reflective practice to be dismissed, misinterpreted or oversimplified (p. 119).

그러나 성찰이 보건의료직에게 어떻게 관련되고 적용되어야 하는지를 고민한 학자들도 있다. 이들은 이론적 토대에 초점을 두었다.

Yet there are scholars who have given considerable thought to the idea of reflection and its relevance/application in health professions (Nelson & Purkis 2004; Kinsella 2008,2012; Mann e al. 2009; Nelson 2012; Ng 2012). These scholars focus on the theoretical underpinnings of reflection, drawingon theorists such as Dewey (1933), Habermas (1971), Kolb(1984) and Scho¨n (1983, 1987).

의학교육에서 무비판적으로 성찰을 활용할 때 있을 수 있는 문제 중 하나의 예를 들자면, 간호교육학에서 성찰을 활용할 때 Habermas의 '성찰의 주요 기능은 우세한 사고와 존재의 방식에서 해방되는 것이다'라는 주장을 무시했다는 것이다. 성찰의 목적이 권력구조에서 해방되어 현재상태에 도전하는 것이라면, "의무적 성찰"을 만들어서 점수를 주고 인증서를 주는 것은 이해할 수 없는 일이다.

the pitfalls of uncritical use of reflection in medical education. To take but one example, Nelson (2012) writes that the use of reflection in nursing education (largely reflective diaries for practice assessment) has ignored Habermas’ (1971) notion that a main function of reflection is emancipation from dominant ways of thinking and being. Yet if the purpose of reflection is to get free of power structures and to challenge the status quo, creating ‘‘mandatory reflection’’ for grading and certification is incomprehensible.



메타인지로서의 성찰

Reflection as metacognition

인지심리학에서 발달한 것으로, 기본이 되는 생각은 '우리는 자신의 인지 프로세스를 인식할 수 있다'이다.

Reflection as metacognition is a concept that arose in cognitive psychology and is based on the idea that we can become aware of our own cognitive processes (Flavell 1979).

  • Think aloud 프로토콜: 자신의 생각을  말로 표현해서, 어떻게 자기가 생각하는지를 더 잘 이해하고, 불일치/예상밖의 변화/빈틈을 더 잘 이해함
    Practices associated with reflection as metacognition are variations on the think aloud protocol developed by cognitive scientists for research. The notion is that by articulating one’s thoughts(usually to another person, but possibly to the self) one is able to see more clearly the nature of how one thinks and byextension some of the inconsistencies, vagaries, traps and holes in our cognitive processes.

  • Medical error와 관계됨.
    For this reason, metacogni-tion has been associated with medical error and popularized inbooks such as How Doctors Think (Groopman & Prichard2007).

  • 자신의 사고를 관찰함으로써 어떻게 자신의 감정이 우리의 인지에 영향을 주는가를 알 수 있음
     Observing our own thoughts also opens a window onto the way our emotions affect our cognitions

메타인지 기반 교육의 문제는?

Could there be any problems with education based on meta-cognition?

  • 무의식적으로 (가능하지 않은) 펙트 혹은 자신의 인지(과정)을 '지어낼' 수 있음. 따라서 인지의 '진실성'을 지나치게 강조하면 오히려 문제가 될 수 있음.
    First, within the cognitive paradigm there is a well-known phenomenon that subjects asked to report or recall their thinking processes will unwittingly ‘‘invent’’ facts or cognitions that the think they used in their decisions but were not even available to them (Koole et al. 2011). Thus relying too heavily on the veracity of cognitions could present a problem, particularly if metacognition and ‘‘think aloud’’ were used for assessment.

  • 학생들이 지식형성과 지식활용의 사회-문화적 차원을 놓칠 수 있음. 지나치게 내면inward에 집중하는 것은 비용이 따른다.
    A second concern is that a cognitive focus might distract students from the socio-cultural dimensions of know- ledge formation and use. Kinsella (2012), for example, has cautioned that there is a cost to exclusively turning inward – an individual may become overly focused on their own thoughts and lose perspective on the importance of external, socio- cultural dimensions of knowledge (p. 43).

인지과정을 보고할 때 '진실성'을 지나치게 강조하는 것의 위험성을 인지하고, 학습자가 사회-문화적 시스템에 대한 시선을 놓치지 않게 해야 함.

The caution is to be aware of the slipperiness of ‘‘veracity’’ in reporting cognition and the need for vigilance that learners do not lose sight of the social and cultural systems in which they and their thoughts are embedded.

마음챙김으로서의 성찰

Reflection as mindfulness

'마음챙김mindfulness'란 ‘‘active, open attention to the present’’ and when one can ‘‘observe your thoughts and your feelings from a distance, without judging them, good or bad’’ 이다. 불교에 뿌리를 두고 있지만, 대부분의 종교는 어떤 식으로는 성찰적 기도와 명상을 강조하며, 일상적인 집착에서 벗어나 삶의 더 큰 관점을 보게 한다. 임상연구에서 mindfulness는 불안/스트레스/우울/심리증상에 효과가 있는 것으로 드러났다. 의학교육자들은 번아웃burnout때문에 관심을 가짐.

Mindfulness is a state of ‘‘active, open attention to the present’’ and when one can ‘‘observe your thoughts and your feelings from a distance, without judging them, good or bad’’ (Psychology Today 2014). Although mindfulness has roots in Buddhism, most religions promote some form of reflective prayer or meditation that helps shift away from quotidian preoccupations toward a larger perspective on life. In clinical research, mindfulness has been shown to be effective in reducing anxiety, distress, depression and other psychological symptoms. This is interesting to medical educators because of growing appreciation that our field is beset by burnout (Fralick & Flegel 2014).

치료적 활용 측면에서는 상대적으로 benign하나, 임상에서는 과거의 트라우마나 비인간화에 대해서 유의하는 측면이 있고, 의학교육자들도 마찬가지여야 할 것이다. 그러나 임상적인 이슈를 제쳐주면, 더 껄끄러운 질문은 어떻게 내면을 지향하는/비-판단적 접근이 '평가'와 합치될 수 있느냐이다 스스로에 대해서 비-판단적인 학습은 평가의 기풍ethos와 철학적으로 부합하기가 어렵다. 왜냐하면 '평가'란 그 정의상 '판단'이기 때문이다. mindfulness와 같은 비-판단적 형태의 성찰을 활용하는 교육자들은 그러한 교육법이 평가대상이 되어야 하는지, 혹은 그 교육법과 평가가 구분될 수 있는 것인지를 생각해봐야 한다

While considered relatively benign in therapeutic uses, clinicians using the method are vigilant for the emergence of past traumas and of depersonalization (Booth 2014) and medical educators should be as well. But clinical issues aside, the more prickly question that arises is how an inward looking, non-judgemental approach, aligns with assessment. Learning to be non-judgemental about oneself is difficult to square philosophically with the ethos of assessment, which by definition is a judgment – often a rather harsh and high stakes one in medical education. It is important for the educator using non-judgmental forms of reflection, such as mindfulness, to consider whether pedagogy should be assessed at all or whether pedagogy and assessment should be decoupled (Koole et al. 2011) as many schools do with student wellness/support and academic matters.

정신분석으로서의 성찰

Reflection as psychoanalysis

소크라테스는 '반성하지 않는 삶'은 살 가치가 없다고 했다. 한 세기의 정신분석은 한 사람의 inner life를 성찰하고 (종종 무의식인) 정신역학을 드러내는 것은 중요한 치유적 성격을 가진다고 본다. 오늘날, 많은 사람들은 정신-역동 formulation (꿈 분석, 어릴 때의 관계가 현재의 관계에 대한 감정의 전이 등)이 중요하다고 보며, 심리치료와 심리분석의 모든 산업이 이 역동을 드러내고 해석하여 적절한 효과를 내도록 설계되어 있다. 프로이드, 융, 그리고 그들의 후손들이 알린 정신분석적 개념에 의존하고 있다. 정신분석가들은 임상적 적용을 위해서 공식적인 훈련을 받았으나, 정신역동이란 개념이 널리 퍼지면서 많은 교사들도 교실에서 그것을 활용하고 싶어한다. 실제로 정신역동의 해석은 한 사람의 생애를 이해하게 도와주는 수단이 되며, 타인과 자신과의 관계는 의대생medical learner의 정체성 형성의 가장 중심에서 중요한 역할을 한다.

Socrates apparently said that the ‘‘unexamined life’’ is not worth living. A century of psychoanalysis has embraced the notion that reflecting on one’s inner life and uncovering the (often unconscious) psychodynamics of one’s relationship to the self and to others, is a valuable pursuit with healing properties. Today, many people believe in the importance of psycho- dynamic formulations (dream analysis, transference of emo- tions from earlier relations onto present relationships, deficits and traumas of the formation of self, etc.) and there is a whole industry of psychotherapies and psychoanalytic approaches designed to achieve felicitous effects by uncovering and interpreting these dynamics. The arts and humanities draw heavily on psychoanalytic concepts promulgated by Freud, Jung and their descendants. While only practicing psychoana- lysts are likely to have had formal training in the clinical applications, psychodynamic concepts are widespread in popular culture and many teachers will be tempted to bring them into the classroom. Indeed psychodynamic interpret- ations, which served as a means to help people to understand life’s journey, their relationship to others and to the self are valuable for medical learners who are deep in the midst of their identity formation.

그러나 흥미롭게도, 프로이드는 정신분석을 하는 것을 경계했는데 "분석자가 얼마나 다른 사람에 대하여 교사로서, 모델로서, 이상으로서 행동하고 싶든 간에, 그리고 대상자를 자신의 이미지대로 만들고 싶든 간에, 분석자가 잊지 말아야 할 것은 그것이 분석적 관계에서 자신의 역할이 아니라는 사실이다"라고 했다. mindfulness와 마찬가지로 정신분석의 임상적 활용이 평가에서의 교육적 활용과 잘 맞지 않을 수 있다. 정신과의사로서, 나는 introspection을 매우 중요하다고 생각하지만, 누군가의 분석가/치료자가 되는 것과 누군가의 교사가 되는 것 사이의 경계가 흐릿해지는 것을 우려한다. introspection을 shaping하는 것은, 특히 누군가가 다른 사람의 진로 궤적에 영향을 줄 수 있는 평가적 권력을 가진 경우 아주 복잡한 정신역동을 초래하며, 성찰의 개념을 뒤죽박죽으로 만들 수 있다.

Interestingly however, Freud (1940/1969) himself cautioned that in the practice of psychoanalysis, ‘‘However much the analyst may be tempted to act as teacher, model, and ideal to other people and to make men in his own image, he shouldnot forget that that is not his task in the analytic relationship’’ (p. 50). As with mindfulness, the clinical uses of psychoanalysis may not mix well with the pedagogical and the evaluative. As a psychiatrist myself, while I greatly value introspection, I worry about blurring the role of being some- one’s analyst/therapist and someone’s teacher. Shaping intro- spection, particularly when one has power (through assessment for example) over the career trajectory of students creates complex psychodynamics and muddles the notion of reflection.

정신역동을 교육의 프레임 안으로 가져오려는 모델이 있다. 예를 들어 Balint group이 활용된 바 있다. 그러나 이렇나 접근법ㄷ은 세밀한 training과 facilitation을 필요로 한다.

There are indeed models that bring psychodynamics into an educational frame, for example Balint groups have been used around the world to help practicing physicians under- stand their reactions to patients (Benson & Magraith 2005). But this approach requires sophisticated training and facilitation.

또한 심리분석가들은 잘 알텐데, 지나치게 inward focus하는 것은 narcissistic self-preoccupation을 초래할 수 있다.

Further, as psychoanalysts well know (and echoing Kinsella’s (2012) critique), too much inward focus can also lead to narcissistic self-preoccupation.

Kinsella 와 Ng은 모두 'self'라는 접두사를 'reflection'에 가져다 붙이는 문제를 제기한 바 있다. 이들은 '자기-성찰'이라는 용어가 의학교육에서 사용될 때, '비판적 성찰'과 'reflexivity'라는 개념으로부터 오히려 멀어지게 한다고 주장했다. 이 후자의 개념들은 개개인이 권력/문화/시스템적 불평등(차별과 같은)의 사회적 구성을 고려하는 것이며, 이러한 것은 '자기'를 우선시하는 경우에 강조되기 어렵다.

Kinsella (2012) and Ng et al. (in press) both highlight the problem of adding the prefix ‘‘self’’ to ‘‘reflection’’ and argue that the adoption of the term ‘‘self-reflection’’ in medical education moves us away fromconcepts of ‘‘critical reflection’’ and ‘‘reflexivity’’. These latter approaches, which allow indi- viduals to consider social constructions of power, culture and systematic inequities such as discrimination (following Nelson’s (2012) call to rediscover the Habermasian critical/ emancipatory functions of reflection) are not very well emphasized when prioritizing the ‘‘self’’.

고해confession으로서의 성찰

Reflection as confession

불교에서 '성찰'과 같이, '고해'는 가톨릭적으로 중요하다. Catholic Online에서는 고해를 하기 전에 "마지막 성사로서sacramental confession, 스스로의 치명적이고 부패한 잘못을 돌아보아야 한다review"라고 설명한다. 명상과 달리 고해는 다른 사람과 관계가 있다. 따라서 "만약 도움이 필요하면, 특히 일정 시간 떨어져 있었다면, 사제에게 요청하여야 하며, 그러면 그는 당신에게 다가와서 바람직한 고해를 할 수 있게 도와줄 것이다"라고 말한다. 교육에서의 평가와 고해를 비교하는 이론가들이 있다 예를 들어, 나는 최근 한 학생애게 "지금은 성찰할 시간이다. 종이를 꺼내서 이번 주에 한 일을 적어라. 프로페셔널리즘 문제일 수도 있고, 경험했던 어떤 문제, 혹은 보거나 가담했던 일일 수 있다. 스스로의 성찰과 무엇을 했는지에 대해 쓰고, 채점을 위해 제출해라. 다음주에 돌려주겠다"라고 한 교사를 봤다. 의학교육자들이 비록 실제 '고해'의 형태를 갖춰야 한다고 의미하는 것은 아니지만 나는 Fejes and Dahlstedt가 범죄자 처벌/교화와 같은 서구의 시스템은 '고해'행동에 중요한 의미를 부여한다. 즉, 고해와 속죄를 통해 종교적/도덕적 규범의 위반에 대한 '면제 선언'이 되는 것이다. 한 사례는 의학교육자들이 프로페셔널리즘과 관련해 학생들에게 리포트를 제출하게 하고, 그들의 '잘못'에 대해 속죄atone해주는 것이다.

Like meditation in Buddhist tradition, confession is important for those of Catholic faith. Catholic Online explains that before you go to confession, ‘‘you should make a review of your mortal and venal sins since your last sacramental confession’’ (Catholic on Line 2014). Unlike meditation, confession involves another person. Thus, ‘‘if you need some help, especially if you’ve been away for some time [you should] simply ask the priest and he will help you by ‘walking’ you through the steps to make a good confession’’ (Catholic on Line 2014). There are theorists who have compared what we do in educational assessment to confession (Fejes & Dahlstedt 2013). For example, I recently observed a teacher say to medical students, ‘‘It’s reflection time. Please take a piece of paper, write down an experience you’ve had this week – it could be a professionalism issue, a problem you’ve experi- enced, a lapse you saw or were part of. Write down your reflections and when you’re done, please turn them in for marking. I’ll have them back to you for next week’’. Though I do not mean to imply that medical educators are taking up the actual practice of confession, I agree with Fejes and Dahlstedt who argue, after Foucault (1975/1995), that western systems of criminal punishment/reform as well as education draw significantly on confessional practices: absolution of the transgression of religious or moral codes through confession and atonement. An example is the practice among medical education’s professionalism movement to have students report (or confess) and then perhaps atone for their professionalism ‘‘lapses’’ (Hodges et al. 2009).

고해와 다른 형태의 성찰이 가장 다른 점은, 외부의 판단 또는 '고해 신부'가 하는 중요한 역할이다. Frankford는 "성찰이 모든 사람이 기본적으로 갖춘 기술이라고 봐서는 안된다. 이 프로세스는 혼자서도 할 수 있는 것이긴 하나, 동료/퍼실리테이터 등과 함께 하는 성찰은 자각하는conscious한 성찰을 만들어 그 과정을 더 강력하게 해준다. 퍼실리테이터나 동료에게 요약해서 말함debrief으로써 '정확성'과 '객관성'을 체크할 수 있다

What differentiates confessional approaches from other forms of reflection is the pivotal role of the external judge or ‘‘confessor’’. Frankford et al. (2000) have written, for example, ‘‘it should not be assumed that reflection is a natural part of everyone’s skill set. This process can be done alone, of course, but reflection with facilitators, or peers, strengthens the process by ensuring that reflection is conscious. Debriefing with facilitators or peers can ‘‘provide a check’’ of accuracy and objectivity’’ (p. 712, emphasis added).

우리는 '정확성과 개관성'에 관심을 기울여야 한다. 고해성사를 도와주는 사제와 같이 교육에서 성찰이 '정확성과 객관성'을 갖게 하는데에는 'confessor'의 자질이 중요하다. 이것은 매우 흥미로운 현상인데, 왜냐하면 이 '고해의 퀄리티'에는 성찰이 외부의 평가를 충족시키기 위한 행동을 반영하기 때문이다. 만약 성찰을 shape/judge/grade하기 위해서는, 의학교육자들이 벗어나고자 하는 20세기의 유산인 '외부 통제'의 개념으로 돌아와야 할 것이다.

That we should be concerned with the ‘‘accuracy and objectivity’’ of reflection reveals something important. Like the priest who will help the penitent ‘‘walk through’’ confession, the medical educator who guides and shapes the ‘‘accuracy and objectivity’’ of reflection may take on qualities of a ‘‘confessor’’. This is a very interesting phenomenon because it is in this confessional quality that reflection comes back, full circle, to meet external examination. If we are to shape, judge and grade reflections, we are returning to a concept of external locus of control, precisely the twentieth century inheritance that some medical educators are trying to shake off.



아마도 가장 큰 과제는 성찰행위를 평가와 연결시키려는 노력일 것이다. 실제로 일부 교육자들은 성찰이 애초에 평가가능한 것이냐고 의문을 표한다. Murdoch-Eaton & Sandars는 성찰에 대해 지나치게 도구적인 관점에서 접근하면, 어떤 의미있는 통찰이 아니라 그냥 하나의 의식ritual을 만드는 것일 뿐이라고 지적한다. Ng은 "성찰의 본질과 목적은, 만약 그것이 비판적 담화critical dialogue가 아니라 지나치게 prescriptive한 방식으로 활용될 경우에, 그리고 공식적 평가의 대상이 될 경우에,  훼손될 것이다"라고 했다. 우리는 완전히 합치될 수 없는 두 개의 패러다임 사이에서 고통받고 있는 것으로 보인다. 메타인지/마음챙김/정신역학적 접근은 reflective pedagogy의 좋은 기반이 될 수 있다. 그러나 이들은 '시험'과는 잘 맞지 않는다. 고해confessional도 훼손될 수 있다.

Perhaps our biggest challenge is trying to square practices of reflection with assessment. Indeed some educators ask if reflection should be assessed at all (Sumsion & Fleet 1996; Stewart & Richardson 2000). Murdoch-Eaton & Sandars (2014) caution that adopting an overly instrumental approach to reflection results in the creation of rituals more than any meaningful insight. Ng et al. (in press) has argued that, ‘‘The very essence and purpose of reflection may be compromised when it is experienced in an overly prescriptive manner, and when it is subjected to formal evaluation, instead of critical dialogue’’ (p. 1). We are, it seems, torn between two paradigms that we cannot fully align. Metacognition, mindful- ness and psychodynamic approaches may be a good basis on which to base reflective pedagogy. But they do not align well with examination. Confessional practices may be the (dubious) compromise.

원래의 비유로 돌아오면, 나는 분명히 지금 이 시점에서 지나친 외부 평가를 벗어날 때라고 바란다. 그리고 우리는 우리 앞에 놓인 위협을 잘 알고 있다. 그 위협은 학생이 '시험에 나오는 것'만 공부하게 하는 것에서 벗어나는 것임과 동시에 무비판적으로, 무이론적으로, 잘 모르는 "자기"성찰에 맹목적으로 뛰어들지 않는 것이다.

To return to the metaphor of a sea-journey I hope that as we steer a course away from what was certainly a time of excessive external assessment, we are thoughtful (indeed reflective) about the dangers that may lie in front of us; that in charting a course away from forming students who are driven only by ‘‘what is on the exam’’ that we do not lurch headlong and blindly into an invisible whirlpool of uncritical, un- theorized ‘‘self’’-reflection.

Koole S, Dornan T, Aper L, Scherpbier A, Valcke M, Cohen-Schotanus J, Derese A. 2011. Factors confounding the assessment of reflection: A critical review. BMC Med Educ 11:1–9.

 2015 Mar;37(3):261-6. doi: 10.3109/0142159X.2014.993601. Epub 2014 Dec 19.

Sea monsters & whirlpoolsNavigating between examination and reflection in medical education.

Author information

  • 1University of Toronto , Canada .


The 16th International Ottawa Conference/Canadian Conference on Medical Education (2014) featured a keynote deconstructing the rising discourse of competence-as-reflection in medical education. This paper, an elaborated version of the presentation, is an investigation into the theoretical roots of the diverse forms of reflective practice that are being employed by medical educators. It also raises questions about the degree to which any of these practices is compatible with assessment.

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위험군 의과대학생을 대상으로 한 의무 인지기술 프로그램의 설계와 효과성(Med Teach, 2010)

An investigation into the design and effectiveness of a mandatory cognitive skills programme for at risk medical students

Kalman A. Winston, Cees P. M. Van der Vleuten & Albert J. J. A. Scherpbier


의사가 부족할 것이라는 인식이 의과대학의 수 증가로 이어졌다. 이는 의과대학에 대한 접근성 확대broaden access와 함께 의대생 숫자의 증가로 이어져서 다양한, 비-전통적 배경의, 다양한 준비도의 학생이 들어오게 되었다.

Recognition of the growing shortfall of physicians (Dill & Salsberg 2008) has resulted in calls to increase the number of medical schools (AAMC 2006; Howe et al. 2008). This rise in student numbers, along with attempts to broaden access to medical school, is resulting in admission of students from diverse, non-traditional backgrounds (Howe et al. 2008; Jolly et al. 2008), of varying levels of preparedness for a medical curriculum.

미국과 캐나다 의과대학의 설문 결과를 보면 대부분 의과대학은 학생들에게 어떤 형태로든, 자발적 참여 형태의 프로그램으로서, 학업지원서비스academic support service를 제공하고 있다.

A survey of US and Canadian medical schools (Saks & Karl 2004) showed that most do provide some form of academic support service, in a variety of voluntary programmes.

이러한 자발적 참여 프로그램voluntary program의 문제는, 도움을 가장 필요로 해야 하는 학업에 어려움을 겪는 학생weak student들이 도움을 주려는 뜻을 무시하여 잘 참여하지 않는 경우가 흔하다는 것이다. Weaker 한 학생일수록 안 좋은 성적에도 불구하고 스스로를 능력이 충분하다고 생각하며, 스스로의 능력, 자료의 습득정도를 과대평가한다. 반대로, 자신감이 부족한 것은 도전적인 상황을 회피하게 만들고, 특히 자신의 자기-신념self-belief가 도전받는 상황을 회피하려고 한다. 따라서 위험군 학생들은 종종 자신의 실패를 학습문제가 아니라 개인적 이유때문에 실패했다고 생각하여, 그 전에 사용한 성공적이지 못했던 전략으로도 시간만 더 많이 들이면 더 좋은 결과가 나올 것이라고 생각한다. 그럼에도 불구하고, 이 학생들은 같은 과목에서 계속 fail하며, 재교육 없이 다시 그 과목을 듣게 되면 접근법은 그대로 둔 채 그냥 더 열심히 공부할 뿐이고, 결국 또 fail을 받는다.

A key problem with such voluntary programmes is that weak students who most need assistance often fail to seek it (Judd 1985; Weinsheimer 1998; Devoe et al. 2007), ignoring communications offering help (Cleland et al. 2005). Weaker students frequently regard themselves as competent students despite exam results suggesting otherwise, overestimating their ability (Cleland et al. 2008), their performance (Albanese2006) and how well they have mastered the material (Pashleret al. 2007). Conversely, a lack of confidence can result in the avoidance of challenging situations (Fenollar et al. 2007),especially when one’s self-beliefs are challenged (Mackenzie2007). Thus, at-risk students often blame their failure onpersonal reasons rather than study skills (Cleland et al. 2005)or believe that simply putting more time into previously unsuccessful strategies will give better results (Loyens et al.2007). Yet, regardless of their cited reasons, these students typically fail in the same subjects (Sayer et al. 2002), and when allowed to repeat without remediation, often simply work more intensively rather than try to change their approach and thus fail again (Mattick & Knight 2007). 

여러 재교육 프로그램의 효과가 입증된 바 있지만, 이러한 프로그램에 '자발적으로' 참여하겠다고 결정한 것 자체가 성공한 학생의 특성이자 성공요인이었을 수 있다. 그렇다면 '의무 참여mandatory attendance'가 차이를 만들 수 있을까?

This was a significant effect (chi-squared, p50.023), but it is possible that the decision to attend voluntarily is simply indicative of the character and determi- nation to succeed. Could mandatory attendance make a difference?

Devoe 등은 소규모의 '선제적pre-emptive 의무적 인터벤션'의 결과를 보고했는데, 윗학년 학생에 의한 구조화된 스터디그룹에서 '어떻게 배워야 하는가' 대신 '내용'에 초점을 맞춰 진행한 것이 유의한 향상이 없었음을 보고했다. 그러면서 참여가 '의무화'되어서는 안되며, 다만 인터벤션은 '선제적'으로 이뤄져야 한다고 생각한다고 주장했다. 이것은 Alexander 등의 주장과 상반되는데, 이들은 선제적 프로그램은 이 학생들에게 딱지labelled를 붙이는 것이 되며, 이들은 프로그램에 대한 반감이 생긴다. 또한 fail을 예측하는 방식이 정밀하지 못하기crude 때문에, 우선 fail로 드러난 다음에 인터벤션을 하는 것이 더 효과적일 것이라고 주장했다.

Devoe et al. (2007) report a small pre-emptive mandatory intervention (13 students), with structured study groups led by upper-level students, focusing on content rather than learning howto learn: results showed no significant improvements over controls, and they conclude that participation should not be mandated, although they still feel that intervention should happen pre-emptively. This is contradicted by Alexander et al. (2005), who felt that pre-selection ‘labelled’ these students and resulted in antagonism toward the programme, concluding that, based on the crudity of attempts to predict failure, interventions are more effective once the need has become manifest.

일부 의과대학은 위험군 학생을 위한 '속도를 늦춘 프로그램'을 제공했는데, 대부분은 '속도 늦추기' 외에 다른 지원책을 제공하지 않았고, 높은 유급률이 지속되었다.

Some schools provide decelerated programmes for at-risk students, although the majority of these provide no other support than deceleration itself (McGrath & McQuail 2004), and continue to show high dismissal rates.

비학업적 인터벤션은 보통 성과를 내지 못하며, 성공적인 지원 프로그램이 되기 위해서는 학습스킬개발과 학습내용강화가 모두 있어야 한다는게 대강의 컨센서스이다.

Non-academic interventions typically fail to improve the there outcomes (Weinsheimer 1998), and seems to be a broad consensus that successful support programmes should focus on both skills development and content boosting (Saks & Karl 2004; Brigman & Webb 2007; Carroll & Feltham 2007; Mattick & Knight 2007).



Muraskin의 연구는 다섯 개의 모범적 지원 프로그램에 대한 것이다. 이 프로그램은 '학생-주도 튜터링'에 초점을 덜 두었고, 학생튜터가 아니라 skilled faculty교수 가 운영하였으며, 개개인에 대한 인터벤션보다 그룹단위 인터벤션에 초점을 두었고, 모든 프로그램은 학생의 진급 혹은 입학에 어떤 통제권한control을 가지고 있었다.

Muraskin’s (1997) study describes five exemplary support programmes used in (non-medical) colleges and universities. These programmes focus less on student-led tutoring than other less successful programmes, preferring to rely on skilled faculty than student tutors, and have in common a focus on group rather than individual interventions, as well as all having some control over student promotions and admissions.

학생을 그룹 단위로 구성하여 지원 프로그램을 운영하는 것은 한정된 인적자원에서 최대한의 효과를 낼 수 있으며, 정서적 지지도 제공할 수 있다. 의과대학 학생은 흔히 엄청난 양의 학습분량에 압도당하는 기분을 느끼고, 이 때 튜터와 동료로부터 사회적으로 고립되고, 아무도 자신을 도와주지 않는다는 느낌을 받게 된다. 학생을 그룹 단위로 묶는 것은 '협력'을 가능하게 하고, 이는 학습의 효과적인 도구로서 널리 장점을 인정받은 것이다. 이는...

Working with groups of students maximises the capacity of scarce human resources (Muraskin 1997), and provides opportunities for emotional support: medical students com- monly feel overwhelmed by the volume of material, unsup- ported and socially isolated from tutors and peers (Boulos et al. 2006). Using groups also enables the collaboration that is widely touted as an effective tool for learning (Gokhale 1995; Rogoff 1999; Terenzini et al. 2001),

  • 서로서로의 학습을 scaffold해줄 수 있으며
    allowing students to scaffold each other’s learning (Machado 2003),

  • 구성주의적 대화를 통해 생각을 공유하고 학습 전략에 대해 성찰하여, 높은 성과를 이루게 한다.
    share ideas and reflect on learning strategies through constructivist dialogue (Mercer 2000; Mackenzie 2007) which promotes higher achievement,

  • 높은 퀄리티의 추론
    higher quality reasoning,

  • 더 많은 메타인지
    more metacognition and

  • 더 많은 동기부여
    more intrinsic motivation (Reynolds et al. 2002; Pegler 2007).


또한 정기적인 참석을 통해서 그룹의 안정성이 유지되면 학생과 교수가 상호 신뢰를 쌓고 상호 이해를 하게 되어 프로그램이 성공적이 될 수 있다.

Furthermore, regular attendance promotes the group stability that is key to students and faculty building the mutual trust and understanding upon which the success of such programmes depends (Geertsma 1977; Tekian et al. 2000).


Research setting and methodology

연구대상: 인종, 연령, 배경, 성별 등이 다양함. 학기 단위 유급생. 20~50명/학기.

The population under study, diverse in ethnicity, age and background, with even gender distribution, is all students who repeat the first semester at the School (‘repeaters’) from 2007 onwards, which ranges from 20 to 50 students per semester. These repeaters now have, as a condition of their academic probation, a requirement to attend cognitive skills sessions.

'내용-전문가'는 아니지만 다양한 교육 및 과학 분야 출신의 경험이 많은 퍼실리테이터가 멘토 역할을 하여, 이들 학생을 지도하였다. 필요한 경우 개인별 세션을 하였다. 필요에 따라 일부 학생은 Counselling Department 로 의뢰하였다.

The department faculty members, who are all experienced facilitators with mixed education and science backgrounds (although not considered ‘content-experts’), act as mentors and guides for these students, and if necessary, individual sessions are arranged as needed. Where appropriate, some students are also referred to the Counselling Department for non-academic assistance.

The programme: Theory and description


학생 이해하기: 의과대학에서 fail하는 이유

The first step in course design has to be a good understanding of the learners. There seems to be agreement between the education literature and our own experience on the reasons for students failing at medical school. These include

  • 수동적 학습에 지나친 의존
    over- reliance on passive learning (Dolan et al. 2002; Burns 2006),

  • 내용 지식 또는 배경 지식 부족
    insufficient background and content knowledge (Slotnick 1981),

  • 언어능력, 수리능력, 학습기술, 시험수행전략, 비판적 사고 부족
    weakness in literacy, numeracy, study skills, test-taking strategies and critical thinking, (Pelley 2002a; Sayer et al. 2002; Alexander et al. 2005; Winston & Houghton 2006; Garrett et al. 2007) and

  • 학업성취와 관련된 일반적인 자기조절기술과 메타인지기술
    a general lack of the self-regulatory and metacog- nitive skills that are correlated with academic success (Cleland et al. 2005; Brigman & Webb 2007; Cao & Nietfield 2007; Carroll & Feltham 2007; Goldfinch & Hughes 2007; Loyens et al. 2007).

'전문성'에는 자기-인식과 지식을 더 크고 유의미한 패턴으로 조직화하는 것이 필요하다. Bourdieu는 학습자는 메타인지기술을 반드시 익혀야 하며, 비판적, 연역적, 성찰적 사고 프로세스에 관심을 기울여야 한다고 했다. 따라서 재교육 프로그램은 어떻게 개별 학생이 공부하고/생각하는지를 정기적으로, 오랜 시간에 걸쳐 바꿔야 한다.
Expertise requires self-awareness and organisation of knowledge into large, meaningful patterns (Glaser 1999). Bourdieu (1999) states that it is essential that learners acquire metacognitive skills, and pay attention to critical, deductive and reflective thought processes. Thus, a remedial programme needs to challenge how individuals study and think (Mattick & Knight 2007), regularly, over time.


피드백은 이 변화과정challenge에서 필수적인 부분이다. 그러나 학생이 능동적으로 자신의 사고 프로세스를 드러내지 않으면 피드백을 주기 어렵다. 이 과정에서 학생은 자신의 생각, 그리고 왜 이 대화가 학습의 중요한 매개요인인지를 설명하고, 정당화해야 한다. 이는 비판적 사고를 촉진하고, 지식의 construction을 촉진한다.

Feedback is an essential part of this challenge, However, it is impossible to give feedback unless students actively demon- strate their thought processes. This requires students to explain and justify their ideas (Hiebert et al. 1999), and is why dialogue and discourse are considered to be essential mediators of learning (Vygotsky 1978; Mercer 2000; Hicks 2003), fostering critical thinking (Freire & Macedo 1999) and knowledge construction (Murphy 1999).

반복적 주제

The recurrent themes are:

  • 자기조절 self-regulation;

  • 메타인지와 성찰 metacognition and reflection;

  • 대화, 추론과정 드러내기 discourse and making reasoning explicit;

  • 능동적 학습 active learning;

  • 피드백 giving and receiving feedback;

  • 기초과학내용과의 관련성 focus on relevance to basic science course content;

  • 말 조심, 사고의 정확성 care with language and accuracy of thinking; and

  • 감정과 동기부여 attention to affect and motivation.


이메일로 초청. 이메일에는 질문이 있음

Repeaters are initially emailed and invited to a ‘large’ group meeting of all first semester repeaters. This email includes a list of questions for

  • 감정 성찰 reflection on feelings,

  • 과거 fail/success의 이유 reasons for past failures and successes, and

  • 효과적/비효과적 공부법 effective/ineffective study methods.

이 질문들은 전체 그룹 미팅 시에 토론의 기초자료가 되며, 학생들은 '실패'를 인정하는데 약간의 편안함을 느끼게 되고, 자신이 혼자가 아니라는 느낌이 생기고, 유대감이 생기고, 자신의 상황과 학교에 대해서 감정을 환기할 기회가 됨.

These questions form the basis for discussion at the large group meeting, where students gain some comfort from the realisation ‘failure’, that they are not alone in and some solidarity quickly develops when they are given the opportu- nity to vent their feelings about their situation and the school.


  • '반복'에 대한 긍정적 태도 갖게하고, 의대공부 동기부여에 관한 긍정적 토론
    The session progresses towards positives about repeating and an appreciative discussion of their motivations for studying medicine.

  • 프로그램 자료는 공유
    Programme data is shared and our expectations are made very clear.

  • 매주 참석해야 하고, 학생은 과제를 제출해야 함. 성찰한 내용을 공유
    As well as weekly attendance, students have to complete weekly assignments relating to their basic science coursework, and to be prepared to share and reflect on ideas with their colleagues.

  • 서로의 숙제에 대해서 비판해야 함. 이를 통해 스스로에 대해서 객관적으로 바라볼 수 있음. 변화와 향상의 전제조건이 됨.
    Indeed, it is this critiquing of each others’ work that enables them to get a more objective view of their own work, an essential pre-requisite for change and improve- ment (McConnell 2002).

  • '특효약'을 주는 것이 아니며 여러 스킬의 부페에서 학생이 골라야 함.
    It is also made quite clear to the students that we are not providing them with a ‘magic bullet’: they are told that our objective is to present them with a smorgasbord of skills and techniques from which they can select the methods best suited to each particular person, subject and context.

  • 소그룹으로 나눠짐
    The session finishes with break-out into their assigned small groups, with their professor, to discuss the first assignment and arrange the time for the first small group session.

  • 주 단위 syllabus를 따름
    From then on, we follow the syllabus, in small groups, week by week. The titles of the different handouts we use with the students are ‘in italics’.

시간관리: 시간의 양보다 질이 중요함.

Good ‘Time Management’ is an important aspect of self-regulation, and has been shown to have a positive effect on exam scores (Vrugt & Oort 2008).

  • Students are asked to plan out their week in detail and then record how they actually spend their week (Hammer & McCarthy 2005).

  • When the discrepancies are discussed in the group, failings are admitted, successes are acknowledged and adjustments can be made.

  • This process gets repeated according to need and desire, and usually leads to a discussion on the quality of time spent, as opposed to quantity, a common source of confusion for ‘weak’ students (Loyens et al. 2007).

학습 팁: 짧은/반복식/분산된 학습

This handout, along with ‘Study Tips’,

  • introduces the idea that short, repeated, distributed study sessions are far superior for learning and memory than multiple hours on the same topic (Thalheimer 2003; Burns 2006; Larsen et al. 2008).

프리뷰: 새로운 지식을 옛 지식과 연결짓기

Then we practice techniques to ‘Preview’ for lectures, where the main goal is to stress the importance of linking new learning to prior knowledge (Harlen 2003).

  • 얼마나 이전 자료를 잘 이해했는지가 새로운 자료의 이해해 중요함을 강조함.
    How well prior material is understood is essential for building understanding of new material (Dewhurst et al. 2007; Hay et al. 2008;).

  • '이미 아는' 이란 단어를 명확히 정의해주고, 학생들에게 '스스로 생각하는 것 만큼 많이 알고 있지 않음'을 인정하게끔 함. '안다는 느낌의 환상'을 깨우치게 하며, '정의definition의 중요성', '명확한 언어를 사용하는 것의 중요성'을 반복적으로 강조함.
    When asked to clearly define terms they claim are ‘previously known’, students frequently struggle, and are then forced to acknowledge that they did not know as much as they thought, and here we begin to tackle the ‘illusion of knowing’ so common to weak students (Pashler et al. 2007). This focus on the importance of definitions and the need to use language accurately will be important throughout their careers as physicians (Groopman 2008), and is stressed repeatedly, most especially in


의학용어, 스스로 설명해보세요

work on ‘Medical Terminology’ and where clear ‘Explain yourself’, students are asked for terms,

  • 학생들이 과학 전문용어를 편하게 사용하나, 그러한 용어의 사용이 '이해'를 답보하지 않음을 발견함.
    with explanations of supplemented analogies. Commonly we discover that even when students appear comfortable using scientific language, when challenged, it turns out that this ‘reproduction of disciplinary language does not guarantee understanding’ (Anderberg et al. 2008).

  • '비유'를 사용하는 것의 중요성
    The use of analogy is an important aspect of getting at their thinking skills: making analogies has been claimed to be the ‘main business of human brains’ (Hofstadter 2007) – it deepens conceptual understanding, and certainly helps link new understanding to prior knowledge.

'핸드아웃 과제' '목록 조직화' '컨셉맵'

Similar themes of clarifying understanding by organising knowledge structures are continued in ‘Working with Handouts’, ‘Organizing Lists’ and ‘Concept Mapping’,

  • '학습결과물'을 만들게 하여, 지식을 물리적으로 드러나게 함.
    which introduce ideas for making ‘study products’, physical repre- sentations of knowledge that enable students to build conceptual relationships and contextualise their understanding (Pelley 2002b; Torre et al. 2007).

  • 컨셉맵을 협동적으로 구성하고, 같은 자료에 대한 개인의 생각을 서로 공유함
    The collaborative construc- tion of concept maps and the sharing of each others’ individual representations of the same lecture material (lists, summaries, tables, etc.) opens these students to each other’s ideas and increases reflection on their own work.

  • 무엇이 더 중요하고 덜 중요한지 알게 함.
    This introduction to various kinds of ‘study product’ also helps these students learn to identify which facts are more or less important from the vast volume presented to them, a common difficulty for weak students (Burns 2006; Garrett et al. 2007).


The process of exploring content and thinking skills, with its direct and obvious relevance to the students’ coursework, is continued in the exercise on ‘Asking Questions’,

  • Bloom taxonomy에서 상위 단계로
    which draws on enquiry-based learning and Bloom’s taxonomy to encour- age students to make use of higher level questioning to deepen their understanding (Harlen 2003; Thalheimer 2003; Pashler et al. 2007).

  • 질문을 하는 것은 괜찮은 것이며, 학습에 반드시 필요한 것임을 명확히 함.
    Typically, these students fail to question their professors or the material (Muraskin 1997), but here we make it clear that asking questions is not only okay, but essential for learning.



Critical thinking skills are further developed as we explore ‘Inferences’ and ‘Assumptions’.

  • 문제해결에 성공하는지 여부는 추상적 수준에서의 사고능력과 관계됨
    Success in problem-solving depends on the ability to think at the appropriate level of abstraction (Hofstadter 2007), and


in ‘Generalising’

  • 묘사의 수준을 일반적인 것-구체적인 것을 오가면서, 일반적 규칙의 새로운 사례를 찾음
    the challenge is to move between levels of description, generalising from specific examples in basic science coursework, and then finding new instances of the general rule.


암기/공식과 계산/듣기 기술

Other handouts include work on ‘Memory’ (Ellis 2003), ‘Equations and Calculations’ and ‘Listening Style’ (Worthington 2008).

객관식 문제에 대한 자료집

There are a number of handouts that deal with different aspects of tackling multiple choice questions (MCQs):

  • 문제 rephrase해보기 rephras- ing questions to ensure that the question is understood (Explicit Reasoning),

  • 정답과 오답 설명 explaining right and wrong choices,

  • 핵심 단어 찾기 identifying key words,

  • 다른 보기가 정답이 되게 바꿔보기 rewording questions to make alternate choices correct (Working with MCQs, MCQ learning) and

  • MCQ만들기 writing their own MCQs (NBME guidelines), often creating clinical vignettes (Add Your Patient).


미국 의대생이 보는 시험은 거의 MCQ이다. 따라서 학생들이 처음에는 인정하기 주저하더라도 주된 문제는 MCQ에 대한 것이며, 시험을 보는 기술에 대한 것이라는 것을 인정하게 함. 또한 연습문제를 가지고 공부하는 것이 실력 향상에도 도움이 될 뿐만 아니라, 학생의 이해수준을 파악하는데도 도움이 되고, knowledge gap을 발견하게 해주고, 프로그램의 다른 요소들을 활용하게 함.

US medical students are tested almost exclusively with MCQs from the beginning of medical school through to their licensing exams (USMLE), so the students see this as most relevant. Indeed, although repeaters are sometimes reluctant to admit other weaknesses, they are usually convinced that their main problem is the MCQ exams and test-taking skills. Thus, not only working with practice questions has been shown by much research to directly improve performance (Thalheimer 2003; Gibbs & Simpson 2004; Sivagnanam et al. 2006; Pashler et al. 2007; Larsen et al. 2008; Marcell 2008), this also is a valuable way of exploring students’ understanding, helping them to identify knowledge gaps, and persuading them that other elements of our programme can be brought to bear in improving their performance on MCQs.



매우 긍정적인 효과. '학습에 대한 접근법'은 가르칠 수 있는 것이며, 특히 학생에게 그것이 중요한 문제가 되었을 때 가르치면 효과적이다. 다른 연구에 비해서 표본 크기도 크고 이 인터벤션에 대한 의구심을 별로 없다.

The outcomes so far have been very encouraging, and have certainly made a difference to the progress of these at-risk students compared to controls, confirming the belief that approaches to learning can be taught (Lonka et al. 2008),especially when the skills are applied in situations that matter to the students (Goodyear & Zenios 2007). There seems little doubt that this intervention, with a relatively large sample size compared to other studies (216, against550) has already shown highly significant short-term gains. 

몇년에 걸쳐서 기초과학 과목에 변화가 있었다는 것이 confounding variable이 되지만, 이것은 모든 교육연구의 문제이기도 하다. 한 인터벤현의 효과를 무한한 인간과 과목의 상호작용에서 구분해내기는 어렵다. 그러나 실제로 fail한 학생의 수가 매년 어느정도 비슷하게 유지되었따는 사실은 학생에게 영향을 준 다른 요소가 별로 없었음을 뜻한다.

A confounding variable is variation in course presentation for basic science courses over time. This, of course, is a problem for all educational research – it is hard to isolate the effects of one intervention among the myriad human interac-tions and courses undertaken at a large school. This problem is largely mitigated by the simple fact that if other changes do result in great improvements in student learning, we would expect the actual number of failing (and thus repeating)students to decrease steadily. As yet, there has been no such trend. However, we acknowledge that use comparison with historical controls, rather than the of a randomised protocol, could be a source of bias. 

출석attendance이 높아지면 성과가 높아진다는 결과가 있고, 이 결과를 초반에 학생들에게 제시하면, 학생의 참여를 높일 수 있으며, 장기 학습성과에 긍정적인 효과를 줄 수 있다. 또한 낮은 출석률을 보이는 학생은 학생부학장과 면담을 해야 하는 professionalism card를 받게 된다

The replication of findings that increased attendance in support programmes correlates directly with improved out-comes (Muraskin 1997) is important, and presentation of this data to students at the beginning of the programme may help to improve their attitudes and increase their attendance, with positive effect on long-term outcomes. Currently, poor attendance is addressed individually with the student, after which, failing improvement, professionalism cards have been given, which result in meetings with the Dean for Student Affairs.

'개입은 빠를수록 좋다'라는 오래된 지혜가 있다. 그러나 어쩌면 학생이 medical career를 더 많이 밟아온 학생일수록, 더 잃을 것이 많아지므로, 마지막 학기에서 학생들이 더 수용적receptive해질 수도 있다.

The conventional wisdomis that the earlier the intervention the better (Weinsheimer 1998; Burns 2006; Devoe et al. 2007). This could be challenged on the basis that the further a student has progressed along the path to a medical career, the more they have invested and the more they have to lose, thus making later semester participants potentially more receptive making later semester participants potentially more receptive to new ideas. Indeed, the School’s data show that a failure in any semester is equally predictive of ultimate failure to graduate as a physician. 


 2010;32(3):236-43. doi: 10.3109/01421590903197035.

An investigation into the design and effectiveness of a mandatory cognitive skills programme for at-risk medical students.

Author information

  • 1Department of Academic Success, Ross University School of Medicine, Commonwealth of Dominica,West Indies. kwinston@rossmed.edu.dm



Many medical schools provide academic support programmes to aid increasing numbers of students from diverse backgrounds. There have been calls for research into successful intervention programmes, and for detailed descriptions of how they work.


To explore the efficacy of a mandatory intervention programme for at-risk medical students.


Students who failed and then repeated first semester were required to participate in a cognitive skills programme, following a syllabus based on principles drawn from both educational experience and multi-disciplinary theory and practice. Performance of programme participants was compared to the performance of students who repeated prior to the mandatory programme.


Of the participants (n = 216), 91% passed their repeat semester, compared to 58% (n = 715) for controls (p < 0.0001). This significant effect persisted for progression through the school for the subsequent three semesters (p < 0.0005).


mandatory programme that draws on a blend of theories and research-proven techniques can make a positive difference to the outcomes for at-risk medical students.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

성격 검사와 의학교육 및 의료행위 관련 성과(AMEE Guide No.79)

Personality assessments and outcomes in medical education and the practice of medicine: AMEE Guide No. 79


Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University, USA

“In the physician or surgeon no quality takes rank with imperturbability [which] means coolness and presence of mind under all circumstances and the physician who has the misfortune to be without it loses rapidly the confidence of his patient.”

Sir William Osler, 1922, pp. 34




At least two major complementary components contribute to the performances of physicians-in-training and in-practice.

l  One component includes a set of “cognitive” abilities, which are often reflected in intellectual capabilities, performances on examinations of recalling factual information and tests of declarative knowledge.

l  The other component, often described under the rubric of “noncognitive” or personal qualities, includes features such as personality attributes, attitudes, interests, values and other personal characteristics (Gonnella et al. 1993, 1998).



Personality in the context of medical education and patient care


성격Personality의 정의

In the context of medical education and patient care, we define personality as a configuration of characteristics and behavioral tendencies that comprise an individual's unique features, developed based on a combination of several interacting elements such as constitutional predisposition, rearing environment, quality of early attachment relationships, interpersonal and critical life event experiences, social and cultural environment as well as formal and informal education.


성격의 설명력

It is reported that intellectual abilities account for about 35% of the variance in performance, but inclusion of personality information increased the common variance to 75% (Walton 1987). In a longitudinal study of internal medicine residents, Girard and Hickman (1991) found that 48% of the variation in clinical ranks and 38% of the variation on American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) examinations could be explained by psychological and personality variables.


In our own study with medical students, we noticed that a set of personality measurers (e.g.

l  appraisal of stressful life events,

l  general anxiety and test anxiety,

l  external locus of control,

l  intensity and chronicity of loneliness experiences,

l  extraversion,

l  self-esteem,

l  perceptions of early relationships with parents and peers and

l  measures of over- or under-confidence)

could significantly predict performance on medical licensing examinations (Hojat et al. 1988).


Also, we found that higher scores on measures of self-esteem and extraversion, lower scores on loneliness, and perceptions of satisfactory relationship with parents in childhood (Hojat et al. 2004a) could predict global ratings of clinical competence in core clerkships in medical school. Furthermore, inclusion of a set of the aforementioned personality measures to the prediction model could substantially increase (from 0.32 to 0.56) the magnitude of correlations between academic attainment predictors already in the statistical model (previous academic grades and scores of the Medical College Admission Test, the MCAT) and the criterion measure (scores on Part 1 of the examinations of the National Board of Medical Examiners) (Hojat et al. 1988).


In another study, we noticed that ratings of interpersonal skill, assigned by residency program directors, were significantly and positively correlated with reports of satisfactory early relationships with mothers and peer prior to medical school, but negatively associated with scores on measures of anxiety, neuroticism, and loneliness (Hojat et al. 1996a). However, research findings, using a variety of personality measures to improve the predictive validity of academic performance have not been consistent (Pollock et al. 1982; Aldrich 1987; Weiss et al. 1988),



A number of personality instruments have been used in medical education research such as the NEO Personality Inventory (e.g. Lievens et al. 2002; Ferguson et al. 2003) for measuring the big five factors of personality; the California Psychological Inventory (e.g. Hobfoll et al. 1982; Tutton 1993, 1996); the Eysenck Personality Inventory/Questionnaire (EPI/EPQ; e.g. Roessler et al. 1978; Lipton et al. 1984; Westin et al. 1986); the 16 Personality Factor (16PF) Questionnaire (e.g. Lipton et al. 1984; Green et al. 1993; Peng et al. 1995); the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI; e.g. Turner et al. 1974; Tharp 1992); and the Jefferson Scale of Empathy (JSE; e.g. Hojat et al. 2002a, 2002b, 2002c; Hojat 2007), among others.


A paradigm of physician performance


This multidimensional conceptualization of physician performance (depicted in Figure 1)



Conventional approaches to obtain personality information in medical education


Admissions interview


medical students themselves, without any training, sometimes perform interviews with new applicants in order to supplement the staff and faculty resources needed for interviewing a large number of applicants. Interestingly, no significant difference has been observed between faculty and students interview ratings (Gelmann & Stewart 1975; Elam & Johnson 1992; Eddins-Folensbee et al. 2012).


Letters of recommendation


There is no convincing empirical evidence in support of the predictive validity of letters of recommendation in medical schools.



Personal statements, letters of intent and essay


In one study, the content of candidates' personal statements was analyzed, and no evidence was found to support its predictive validity (cited in Ferguson et al. 2002).


Because of the aforementioned shortcomings, Haque and Waytz (2012) suggest that one appropriate approach for the assessment of personality of physicians-in-training is to administer psychometrically sound personality instruments.



A benign neglect


It is interesting to note that despite the recent emphasis placed on personal qualities relevant to professionalism in medicine (Stern 2006; Veloski & Hojat 2006), and in spite of the accumulating volume of research by psychologists on the importance of personality in professional development and personal, social and professional behaviors, there seems to be a lack of enthusiasm among medical education leaders, faculty and researchers to take a fresh and serious look at the assessment and cultivation of personal qualities in medical education and in patient outcomes.


First, some have lingering doubts about the role of personality in the performance of medical students and physicians. Proof is needed for supporting the link between personality, academic performance, clinical competence and the quality of patient care.


Second, a variety of personality instruments have been used over the years in medical education research.


This ambiguity leads to confusion about choosing specific personality measures with strong associations with medical education and patient outcomes.


Third, some skeptics may believe that there is no need for independent assessments of personality attributes, because, they maintain that, indicators of intellectual capability, such as academic attainment and professional achievements require specific personal qualities such as achievement motivation, interest, and self-esteem, which are inseparable factors in academic success. According to this view, personality factors are assumed to be embedded in any assessment of academic attainment;


Fourth, there are those who believe that personality attributes are not amenable to change. Therefore, there is no point to assess those personal traits or implement programs to enhance those personality features that have already been formed based on genetic predisposition and early life experiences.


Fifth, some believe that items of personality tests are often transparent, and can thus be “faked” or answered in a way that is recognized as socially desirable. According to this belief, results of self-reported personality tests are not valid because respondents can manipulate their answers to intentionally produce a socially desirable image of themselves.






Selected personality instruments frequently used in medical education


(1) Measurement of the five factors of personality

A review of the literature on personality and its measurement indicates that a great volume of published research in recent years examined specific personality attributes under a rubric of the five-factor model (FFM) of personality. These factors are often referred to as Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness and Neuroticism (or emotional stability which is the opposite of neuroticism). The acronym OCEAN was used by Hoffman and colleagues (2010) to represent these big-five factors of personality, respectively.


The five factors were originally extracted based on an extensive psycho-lexical analysis of thousands of English words describing personality, supported subsequently by empirical findings resulting from factor analytic research (Goldberg 1990, 1992; Costa & McCrae 1992). The FFM is based not only on theories of personality but is also grounded on a variety of biological, psychological and social perspectives, and an integration of both nature and nurture underpinnings of personality development (McCrae & Costa 1989, 1997; Goldberg 1993; De Raad & Perugini 2002). Evidence suggests that at least some components of the five factors are inherited (e.g. excitability component of the Neuroticism factor) which supports the view on biological roots of some personality attributes (Jang et al. 1996).


The FFM, or some variant of it, currently a popular model of personality among psychologists, has been studied extensively and used by many personality researchers (Musson 2009). Each of the five factors includes a number of facets or components.

l  For example, the Openness factor includes facets such as fantasy, aesthetics, feelings, ideas, actions, imagination, preference for variety, curiosity and intellectual qualities (Costa & McCrae 1992).

l  The Conscientiousness (C) factor includes components such as competence, dutifulness, achievement striving, self-disciplined, deliberation and order.

l  The Extraversion (E) factor includes facets such as sociability, warmth, activity, positive emotions, assertiveness, gregariousness and excitement- seeking.

l  The Agreeableness (A) factor encompasses facets such as trust, compliance, straightforwardness, altruism, tender-mindedness and modesty; and

l  the Neuroticism (N) factor includes components such as anxiety, anger, depression, hostility, self-consciousness, impulsiveness and vulnerability (Costa & McCrae 1992).



The NEO-PI-R, which has been widely used in personality studies and in medical education research, is one of the instruments available for the assessment of the big five factors. This instrument, developed by Costa and McCrae (1992) is the first published instrument designed specifically to measure the big five factors of personality (De Raad & Perugini 2002). The original inventory was developed to measure the three factors of Neuroticism, Extraversion and Openness, hence named NEO Personality Inventory (PI) which was revised (NEO-PI-R) to include two additional factors of the FFM (Agreeableness and Conscientiousness).



The revised self-report form of this instrument consists of 240 items answered on a five-point scale, measuring not only the big five personality factors (48 items per factor) but also six personality facets within each factor (eight items per facet). A shorter version of this instrument (NEO-FFI, 60-item) is also available for measuring the big five factors without detailed measurement of the facets within each factor (Costa & McCrae 1992). Other personality instruments, such as the Zuckerman-Kuhlman Personality Questionnaire (ZKPQ, Zuckerman 2002), were also developed to measure the big five factors or some variant of the FFM.





The associations between the five personality factors and academic performance have been addressed in a number of studies. For example, in their cross-sectional and longitudinal studies, Lievens and colleagues (2002) administered the Flemish translation of the NEO-PI-R to 785 students in five Flemish universities and found that the chance of success in the pre-clinical years of medical school was better for students who scored high on the Conscientiousness factor. High scores on the Openness factor significantly predicted the final scores in the third year of medical school (Lievens et al. 2002).


It was also found that more

l  proactive facets of the Conscientiousness factor such as “self-discipline” and “achievement striving” could predict medical students’ academic achievement better than more

l  regulatory facets of the Conscientiousness factor such as “order,” “deliberation” and “dutifulness.” (Lievens et al. 2002).



The Extraversion factor was the only factor that negatively correlated with examination results in the first year of medical school, suggesting a restricting effect of this factor at the beginning of the academic career (Lievens et al. 2002). These investigators concluded that significant variation exists among medical students in terms of personality, reflected in the FFM, which is linked to academic success. In particular, they placed an emphasis on the findings that scores on the Conscientiousness factor could strongly predict students’ success in preclinical years of medical school (Lievens et al. 2002).



In a study by Helle and colleagues (2010), the five factors of personality inventory and a test of visual perceptual skills, designed to assess an individual's visual perception (Martin 2006) was administered to 150second-year medical students at the University of Turku in Finland. Results showed that the Conscientiousness factor and one element of visual perceptual ability (spatial relationship awareness) predicted performance on the diagnostic classification in microscopic observation in an undergraduate course in pathology at the beginning of the course. In a study of 176 students attending the Nottingham Medical School in the UK, Ferguson and colleagues (2003) found that the Conscientiousness factor was the best predictor of academic performance in the pre-clinical phase of medical education. In a meta-analytic review, the Conscientiousness factor was found to be a significant predictor of job performance in other occupations as well (Tett et al. 1991).



In a longitudinal study, Lievens and colleagues (2009) followed up on students who participated in their original study (Lievens et al. 2002). It was found that grade point averages in the first year rather than personality factors were the most important predictors of attrition in preclinical years. However, as the students progressed through medical school, the Openness, Conscientiousness and Extraversion factors became increasingly important predictors of academic success in the clinical phase of medical education. Consistent with these findings, McManus and his colleagues (2004) in a 12-year longitudinal study of medical students who attended five medical schools in the UK reported that perception of stress and burnout were predicted by scoring high on the Neuroticism, low on the Extraversion factor, and low on the Conscientiousness factor.



The Conscientiousness factor has long been recognized as a crucial predictor of job performance in medicine as well as in other professions (Barrick & Mount 1991; Behling 1998; Hurtz & Donovan 2000). Also, research findings suggest that sociability, a prominent feature of the Extraversion factor, is an important mediating variable in the clinical performance of medical students (Ferguson et al. 2003; McManus et al. 2004; Hojat et al. 2004a; Knights & Kennedy 2007; Tyssen et al. 2007; Lievens et al. 2009). However, their results on the Extraversion factor are less consistent in the preclinical than clinical phases of medical education (Piedmont et al. 1991; Lievens et al. 2002).


Lievens and colleagues (2009) used the expressions of “getting along” as a reflection of the Extraversion and Openness factors, and “getting ahead” as a reflection of the Conscientiousness factor. Extraversion and Openness to experiences are two personality attributes that facilitate physician-patient interpersonal relationships, and thus can contribute to optimal clinical outcomes. The importance of the Extraversion and Openness factors in clinical performance has also been confirmed in a study by Piedmont and colleagues (1991).



In a study by Haight and colleagues (2012), the relationships between personality measures and medical student preclinical and clinical performances in 175 students at the Saint Louis University School of Medicine were examined. It was found that scores of the MCAT correlated with academic examinations, whereas scores on the Conscientiousness and Extraversion factors correlated with indicators of clinical performance and humanism nominations. More specifically, the Conscientiousness factor could predict clinical skills, but the Extraversion factor was a significant predictor of indicators of clinical skills that relied heavily on interpersonal interactions. In a review article, Doherty and Nugent (2011) examined the relationships between personality and academic performance in medical school. They concluded that the Conscientiousness factor can predict long-term success in medical education, and the Extraversion factor is an important mediating factor in clinical performance.



In a longitudinal study to examine changes in the validity coefficients of personality in predicting academic performance of an entire 1997 cohort of medical students in six Flemish universities in Belgium, Lievens and colleagues (2009) reported that the Openness, Conscientiousness and Extraversion factors (and most of their facets) showed an increase in the magnitude of the their validity coefficients as students progressed through medical school. For example, the validity coefficient for the

l  Extraversion factors shifted from a negative correlation of 0.11 in the first year of medical school to a positive correlation of 0.31 in the last year of medical school.

l  The changes in the validity coefficients from the first to the last year of medical school were from 0.18 to 0.45 for the Conscientiousness,

l  0.02 to 0.30 for the Openness,

l  0.01 to 0.17 for the Agreeableness and

l  0.03 to 0.07 for the Neuroticism factors (Lievens et al. 2009).



The significant change in the validity coefficient of the Openness factor from the preclinical to the clinical years of medical school deserves some explanations. Openness has been linked to academic ability and divergent thinking (Goff & Ackerman 1992; McCrae 1996). However, the magnitude of its validity coefficients in predicting academic achievement has not been impressive (Hough 1992; Barrick et al. 2001). Openness is a personality factor that facilitates acceptance and adequate adjustment to the wide variation of changes (LePine et al. 2000) that is encountered during the clinical phase of medical education. Lievens and colleagues (2009) suggested that although there may be no advantages to being open to new experiences in the preclinical years of medical school, this personality attribute increasingly becomes relevant in clinical education and in applied settings. Therefore, openness to experiences seems to be more beneficial in the clinical phase of medical education, which requires interpersonal interaction with patients.



With regard to the findings on variation in the magnitude and direction of validity coefficient for the Extraversion factor, Lievens and colleagues (2009) speculated that while it might not be beneficial for medical students to be extraverted during the preclinical years, this quality becomes important later in the clinical years when human interaction is required for achieving optimal outcomes. Consistent with this notion, Rolfhus and Ackerman (1999) found that extraverts, compared to introverts, obtained lower scores on knowledge tests. Thus, the negative correlation between extraversion and performance in the preclinical phase of medical education could be due to the fact that extraverted students are likely to spend more time socializing (Chamorro-Premuzic & Furnham 2003) and be involved in nonacademic activities such as sports and social events. Instead, introverted students may spend more time reading the high volume of course materials in the preclinical years. In addition, it has been reported that extraverts are more likely than introverts to be easily distracted, while introverts are more likely to focus on cognitively demanding tasks (Entwistle & Entwistle 1970), which help them to obtain better grades on tests of acquisition of factual information; a key feature of examinations in the preclinical years (Sanchez et al. 2001).



Conversely, it has been reported that extraverts are more likely to obtain better assessment marks in the activities performed in group settings, clerkships, practicums or seminar classes (Furnham & Medhurst 1995). Thus, extraverts seem to have the personality attributes needed to perform better in educational environments that require interpersonal interactions (Ferguson et al. 2000). Therefore, one can expect that those who score high on the Extraversion factor would not perform as well as their introverted counterparts in the preclinical phase of medical education. This can explain the change of the validity coefficient of the Extraversion factor from negative in preclinical to positive in the clinical years of medical school.



The lack of predictive validity for the Neuroticism factor in medical school found in the Lievens and colleagues study (2009) is not surprising. Those high in Neuroticism are prone to anxiety; thus, less likely to perform well on academic tests that require concentration and recall of factual information. In addition, high scorers on Neuroticism are more vulnerable to test-taking anxiety and evaluation apprehension during examinations of recalling factual information early in medical school. Some studies on emotional stability, the opposite of neuroticism, have shown positive relations between emotional stability and performance in college students (e.g. Cattell & Kline 1977; Lathey 1991; Sanchez et al. 2001) and in medical students (Barratt & White 1969).



The facets of the Agreeableness factor such as trust, altruism, modesty and tender-mindedness (Costa & McCrae 1992) can facilitate physician-patient relationships, thus it is expected that scores on the Agreeableness factor predict the clinical competence of medical students. The facets of the Agreeableness factor are positively associated with clinical performance in medical students (Gough et al. 1991; Shen & Comrey 1997). However, findings on relationships between this factor and performance in medical school are not consistent.



Among the big five factors, the Conscientiousness factor has been found most consistently to predict academic achievement in both preclinical and clinical phases of medical education (Costa & McCrae 1992; Goff & Ackerman 1992; Blickle 1996; De Raad 1996; De Raad & Schouwenburg 1996; Busato et al. 2000) and performance in the work environment (Barrick & Mount 1991; Salgado 1998; Dudley et al. 2006; Burch & Anderson 2008). Obviously, facets of this factor such as achievement striving, competence, dutifulness, self-discipline, order and deliberation (Costa & McCrae 1992) can provide a plausible explanation as to why the Conscientiousness factor is the best predictor of academic success in undergraduate college students (Wolfe & Johnson 1995), as well as graduate college students (Wiggins et al. 1969), and in medical school (Lievens et al. 2009).



Tyssen and colleagues (2007), in a six-year longitudinal study of 421 students who were accepted into four medical schools in Norway reported that low levels of Conscientiousness combined with high levels of Neuroticism and low levels of Extraversion could increase susceptibility to stress in medical school, thus negatively affecting academic performance.


Career interest


Personality attributes contribute to an individual's behavior, preferences and interests including career choices. Empirical studies provide support for the notion that personality is linked to specialty interests in medical students and physicians.

l  For example, Borges and Savickas (2002) found that scores on extraversion and openness to new experiences could distinguish surgeons from other physicians.

l  It was also reported (Borges & Savickas 2002) that physicians in nonsurgical specialties were less adaptive to change (e.g. low on the Openness factor).

l  Myers and Davis (1976) found that pathologists were less extraverted, and experienced more negative effects in their career due to lower levels of sociability and less dominating personalities.

l  Psychiatrists were described as being imaginative, curious, looking for variety and experiencing deep feelings which are among features of the Openness and Agreeable factors (Borges & Savickas 2002).



l  Anesthesiologists, surgeons and psychiatrists, compared to obstetricians/gynecologists, showed a common feature by sharing a higher mean score on the Openness factor.

l  Family physicians were found to be mixed in this factor (Borges & Savickas 2002).

l  Lower scores on the Extraversion factor were shared by anesthesiologists and surgeons, but family physicians and psychiatrists were more Agreeable than obstetricians/gynecologists and surgeons (Borges & Savickas 2002).

l  Family physicians, who were characterized as sympathetic, trusting, cooperative and altruistic, showed higher scores on the Agreeableness and Conscientiousness factors, but varied regarding the Openness factor (Borges & Savickas 2002).



l  Hoffman and colleagues (2010) studied a group of 204 residents (in surgery, medicine, pediatrics and anesthesiology), and another group of 207 medical students, and compared their scores on the big five factors with norms for the general population. They found that surgery residents scored higher on the Conscientiousness, and Extraversion factors but lower on Openness.

l  Medical students scored on average high on Extraversion which placed them in the same group as students who studied law, economics, psychology, education, and political and social sciences. Conversely, medical students' extraversion scores were significantly higher than students of other academic majors such as sciences and applied sciences (Lievens et al 2002). In a study by Magee and Hojat (1998), using the NEO PI-R, it was found that male and female physicians who were nominated as positive role models in medicine, compared to the general population, scored significantly higher on the Conscientiousness Factor, and on personality facets such as achievement striving, activity, competence, dutifulness, trust, assertiveness and altruism. They scores lower than the general population on the vulnerability facet of personality.

l  In another study, internal medicine residents, compared to the general population, scored higher on the Openness Factor, and on the idea, achievement striving, excitement seeking, fantasy, feelings and deliberation facets (Hojat et al. 1999c).



Chibnall et al. (2009) compared 133 third-year medical students at Saint Louis University School of Medicine with 163 police officer recruits. Discriminant function analysis showed that the factors of Conscientiousness, Neuroticism and Openness could accurately classify 77% of medical students and police recruits. Medical students scored higher on Openness and Neuroticism but lower on the Conscientiousness factor than police recruits. This pattern of findings, according to study investigators can be explained by the fact that Openness and Neuroticism, in contrast to Conscientiousness, do not seem to be virtues for police and security personnel. A high level of Conscientiousness in police recruits can be expected, considering facets of this personality factor such as order, dutifulness and self-discipline which are desirable characteristic for police recruits (Chibnall et al. 2009).



l  Barrick and Mount (1991) examined the relationship between the five personality factors and indicators of job performance in five occupational groups which included professionals (physician were in this occupational group), police, managers, sales persons and skilled/semi-skilled workers). Results showed that the Conscientiousness factor consistently predicted performance in all occupational groups.

l  Extraversion predicted performance in two occupational groups that required social interaction, such as managers and sales persons and training proficiency in all occupations was linked to the Openness and Extraversion factors (Barrick & Mount 1991).

l  Medical students, compared to students in philosophy, languages and history scored significantly higher on the Consciousness and Extraversion factors (Lievens et al. 2002). Medical students compared to humanities students scored lower on the Extraversion and Openness factors (Bunevicius et al. 2008).



The FFM of personality has received attention among personality researchers, and is recognized as the most parsimonious and comprehensive model of normal adult personality (Costa & McRae 1992; Yamagata et al. 2006). Although its use in medical education research is not yet widespread, its potential for providing useful information for personality research in medical education is worthy of consideration (Chibnall et al. 2009).



Overall, the results of the FFM in medical education research generally suggest that among all big five factors, the Conscientiousness factor seems to be a more consistent predictor of academic performance in medical school, and the Extraversion factor appears to be linked to preferences in some “people-oriented” specialties that require more intense patient-physician interaction.



l  The NEO-PI-R is a widely used instrument in personality research for the assessment of the big five personality factors: Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness and Neuroticism.

l  The Conscientiousness factor and its facets (achievement striving, deliberation, dutifulness, order, and self-discipline) are conceptually more relevant to performance of physicians-in-training and in-practice.

l  Empirical data support the link between scores on the Conscientiousness factor and performance measures in the preclinical and clinical phases of medical education.



(2) The 16 Personality Factor Questionnaire


The 16 Personality Factor Questionnaire (16PF) is a well-known instrument developed by Cattell (1943, 1946, 1947, 1948), Cattel & Kline (1977) and Cattell et al. (1993). It is one of the oldest personality instruments, first published in 1949, revised several times with the most recent version released in 1993. It contains 185 items which provide scores for the 16 primary personality factors.



The 16 personality factors were determined and based on an extensive factor analytic study of a large number of personality attributes derived from a psycho-lexical hypothesis suggested by Allport and Odbert (1936), based on the assumption that if a word exists for a personality attribute then that attribute must be real. The primary 16 factors are

1.      Warmth,

2.      Reasoning,

3.      Emotional Stability,

4.      Dominance,

5.      Liveliness,

6.      Rule-Consciousness,

7.      Social Boldness,

8.      Sensitivity,

9.      Vigilance,

10.   Abstractedness,

11.   Privateness,

12.   Apprehension,

13.   Openness to Change,

14.   Self-reliance,

15.   Perfectionism and

16.   Tension.


Higher order factor analysis of the primary 16 personality factors resulted in the five global personality traits which resemble the FFM of personality. These five global personality traits are:

l  Openness-Tough Mindedness (analogous to the Openness factor in the FFM),

l  Self-Control (analogous to the Conscientiousness factor in the FFM),

l  Extraversion (similar to the Extraversion factor in the FFM),

l  Independence-Accommodation (analogous to the Agreeableness factor in the FFM), and

l  Anxiety (analogous to the Neuroticism factor in the FFM) (Conn & Rieke 1994; Hofer & Eber 2002).


The 16PF Questionnaire enjoys strong psychometric support (Cattell et al. 1970). It is one of the most frequently used instruments in a large volume of personality studies, and has also been used in medical education research.





In a study by Manuel et al. (2005), 206 medical students at the University of Cincinnati, School of Medicine completed the 16PF Questionnaire. The scores on the Warmth factor were positively correlated with indicators of clinical data gathering skills. However, scores on the Abstractedness and Privateness factors were negatively correlated with the assessment of clinical skills. In addition, measures of communication skills correlated positively with Warmth, Emotional Stability and Perfectionism factors and negatively with the Privateness factor. The investigators concluded that some personality factors from the 16PF questionnaire can predict medical students’ clinical skills (Manuel et al. 2005).



In explaining their findings, Manuel and colleagues (2005) speculated that

l  high scorers on the Warmth factor are likely to have the following features: attentive to others, easy-going and likeable;

l  high scores on the Emotional Stability factor are likely to be adaptive, mature and in control; and

l  high scorers on the Perfectionism factor are likely to be self-disciplined, socially precise and organized.

All of the aforementioned personality attributes contribute positively to clinical skill assessments. In addition, those investigators suggest that high scorers on the Abstractness factor of the 16PF Questionnaire are likely to be impractical, and high scorers on the Privateness factor are likely to be discreet and shrewd. Thus, these personality attributes were expected to be negatively related to assessments of clinical competence (Manuel et al. 2005).



In another study by Green et al. (1991), the 16PF Questionnaire was administered to 129 medical students at the University of Wales, College of Medicine. No relationship was found between personality scores, performance in medical school, and subsequent academic success. It was concluded that the 16PF questionnaire would be unlikely to help in the assessment of applicants and medical students (Green et al. 1991). Similar findings were obtained in another study of 146 students at the University of Wales, College of Medicine by the same investigators (Green et al. 1993).



Contrary to findings reported by Green and colleagues (1991), a study in Malaysia by Peng and colleagues (1995) showed that the 16PF Questionnaire could make a distinction between students who were at risk of academic failure and their counterparts who were not. In their study, 101 students completed the Bahasa Malaysian translation of the 16PF Questionnaire at the beginning of medical school. The relationships between personality scores and academic success at the end of the second year of preclinical training in medical school were examined.

l  Personality attributes such as being enthusiastic (a feature of the Liveliness factor), venturesome (a feature of the Social Boldness factor), imaginative (a feature of the Abstractedness factor) and experimenting (a feature of the Openness to Change factor) correlated positively with indicators of success.

l  A personality attribute such as being self-assured (a feature of the Apprehension factor) was negatively correlated with performance measures (Peng et al. 1995). Students who were academically in trouble were more likely to be reserved, less emotionally stable, and more apprehensive than others.

The authors concluded that the 16PF Questionnaire is a useful instrument for identifying the personality profile of students who are likely to have academic problems (Peng et al. 1995).



Huxham et al. (1985) administered the 16PF questionnaire and the EPI (Eysenck & Eysenck 1964, 1975) to a cohort of 142 medical students in Australia in the second and sixth years of medical school. These investigators were interested in examining changes in personality during medical school. They concluded that during the study period, medical students became brighter, more mature, more venturesome, more tough-minded, more trusting, more self-assured, more self-controlled and more extraverted (Huxham et al. 1985).



Career interest:


The 16PF Questionnaire has also been used to examine specialty differences.

l  For example, Reeve (1980) used the 16PF to compare anesthesiologists and general practitioners. It was found that the former group was more likely to be self-sufficient (a feature of the Self-Reliant factor), dominant (a feature of the Dominance factor), tense (a feature of the Tension factor) and introverted.

l  In another study, Borges and Osmon (2001) used the 16PF questionnaire to investigate personality differences among anesthesiologists compared to family physicians and general surgeons. Anesthesiologists seemed to have a different level of suspiciousness and skepticism (features of the Vigilance factor) than the other two groups of physicians.

l  Family physicians differed significantly from general surgeons and anesthesiologists with regard to Rule-Consciousness and Abstractedness factors which indicate that family physicians were more rule bound and imaginative, which is somewhat consistent with Taylor (1993), and the Taylor et al. (1990) description of family practitioners.



l  By using the 16PF questionnaire, Chowdhury and colleagues (1987) showed that internal medicine residents had a tendency to be skeptical and aloof.

l  Residents in psychiatry were characterized by greater tolerance for frustration, emotional maturity, and stability. Psychiatry residents were also found to be more tender-minded, compared to internal medicine residents who were more realistic and practical. Psychiatry residents showed a high-level capacity for abstract thinking, faster learning and a quicker grasp of ideas (Borges & Savickas 2002).



Findings on the 16PF Questionnaire generally suggest that the instrument has limited success in predicting academic performance in medical school or in predicting specialty interest of medical students.



l  The 16PF Questionnaire which provides scores for 16 primary personality factors is one of the oldest personality instruments used in medical education research.


l  Although this instrument generally enjoys strong psychometric support in personality research, its success in predicting specialty interest and performance of physicians-in-training and in-practice is limited.



(3) The California Psychological Inventory


The California Psychological Inventory (CPI) is a frequently used self-report personality instrument, originally developed by Harrison Gough, which has been revised three times. It is a lengthy instrument, and its current form includes 434 items measuring 20 folk scales:

1.      Dominance,

2.      Capacity for Status,

3.      Sociability,

4.      Social Presence,

5.      Self-acceptance,

6.      Independence,

7.      Empathy,

8.      Responsibility,

9.      Socialization,

10.   Self-control,

11.   Good Impression,

12.   Communality,

13.   Well-being,

14.   Tolerance,

15.   Achievement via Conformance,

16.   Achievement via Independence,

17.   Intellectual Efficiency,

18.   Psychological Mindedness,

19.   Flexibility and

20.   Femininity-Masculinity (Gough 1987).


The scales were not developed based on factor analytic research; however, a factor analytic study of the CPI suggests that the big five factors of personality can also be measured by the CPI (Soto & John 2009).


The CPI has been used in a number of medical education studies in predicting academic performance and specialty interest. In a review article, Ferguson et al. (2002) claimed that the CPI was the most commonly used personality instrument in medical education.




Gough and colleagues reported several studies using the CPI with medical students and residents to predict their performances (Gough et al. 1963, 1964, 1991). Gough and Hall (1967) reported that the CPI could differentiate cognitive performance of successful from unsuccessful students in medical school. Reich et al. (1999) demonstrated that certain scales of the CPI were associated with poor clinical performance among residents.



In a study with all applicants to the School of Medicine at Ben-Gurion University, statistically significant correlations (albeit low in magnitude), were found between interview ratings and scores of the following scales of the CPI: Dominance, Self-acceptance, Well-being, Tolerance, Responsibility and Achievement via Conformance (Hobfoll et al. 1982). Interview ratings were based on a global judgment of overall assessment of attributes such as empathy, responsibility, personal integrity, intellectual flexibility and tolerance of ambiguity.



In a discriminant analyses, it was also found that scores of the CPI scales of Achievement via Independence, Self-acceptance, Dominance and Achievement via Conformance were the best overall predictors of cognitive performance and teaching staff ratings (Hobfoll et al. 1982). Teaching staff ratings were based on the judgment of five teaching staff on whether a student fits an idealized model with regard to personality attributes such as self-initiative, interpersonal sensitivity and intellectual flexibility. No significant correlation was found between scores of the CPI and ratings of clinical competence (Hobfoll et al. 1982).



Ferguson and colleagues (2002) in their review article reported that the following eight scales of the CPI had more consistently emerged as significant predictors of success in medical education: Dominance, Tolerance, Sociability, Self-acceptance, Well-being, Responsibility, Achievement via Conformance and Achievement via Independence. Their summarized review findings indicate that scores on the Dominance scale correlated negatively with undergraduate multiple choice examination grades (r=0.26); Tolerance correlated negatively with the ability to use numerical information (r=0.25); and Well-being and Achievement via Conformance correlated positively with success in oral examinations (0.22 and 0.32, respectively) (Ferguson, et al. 2002).



In a study by Hodgson and colleagues (2007), it was found that physicians who demonstrated unprofessional behavior during medical school, compared to those who did not, scored significantly lower on four CPI scales. Results were in agreement with findings in which indicators of unprofessional behavior of medical students, extracted from the excerpts of negative comments in medical students’ academic records, could be grouped into domains of irresponsibility, lack of self-improvement and poor initiative (Papadakis et al. 2005).



The level of professionalism in medicine was found to be significantly associated with scores of the CPI scales of Responsibility (r=0.53), Communality (r=0.50) and Well-being (r=0.46) (Hodgson et al. 2007). Significant differences were observed on scores on the CPI scales of Responsibility, Sociability, Self-control, Communality and Well-being between those who had a record of unprofessional behavior and their counterparts without such a behavior (Hodgson et al. 2007). These findings suggest that the CPI, administered at matriculation to medical school, could predict unprofessional behavior during medical school (Hodgson et al. 2007).



Career interest:


l  Gough et al. (1991) administered the CPI to first-year anesthesiology residents and reported that they were self-confident, had superior interpersonal skills, and were goal seeking as indicated by their high scores on the CPI scales of Dominance, Social Presence and Achievement via Independence, respectively.

l  Coombs et al. (1993) compared surgical and nonsurgical specialists who graduated from the University of California, School of Medicine. They administered the CPI and other personality scales at the beginning and at the end of medical school, and found no pronounced difference between the two groups on any of the CPI scale scores (Coombs et al. 1993).



Overall, regarding the above-mentioned findings on the use of the CPI in medical education research, we agree with the concluding remarks by Hobfoll and colleagues (1982) that this personality instrument has a limited value in predicting students’ performance in medical school and the specialty interest of physicians in training.


l  The California Psychological Inventory (CPI) is a lengthy instrument and one of the most commonly used personality inventory in medical education research.


l  Despite a large volume of research, the CPI seems to have a limited value in predicting specialty interest and performance of medical students and physicians.


(4) The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator


The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a widely used personality instrument developed in the 1950s by Isabel Briggs Myers and her mother Katherine Cook Briggs based on Carl G. Jung's psychological typology (Jung 1933, 1971; Myers 1962; Myers & Caully 1985). The test includes 144 forced-choice items (in a longer Form Q and 93 items in a shorter Form M) designed to measure four bipolar personality types and their combinations:

l  Introversion-Extraversion (I or E type),

l  Sensing-Intuition (S or N type),

l  Thinking-Feeling (T or F type) and

l  Judging-Perceiving (J or P type).


Based on the scores on the aforementioned personality types, the test taker can be further classified into one of the 16 combined personality types. For example, higher scores on Introversion (as opposed to Extraersion), Intuition (as opposed to Sensing), Thinking (as opposed to Feeling), Judging (as opposed to Perceiving) will classify individual's combined personality type in the Introversion-Intuition-Thinking-Judging category, or the INTJ type.


The MBTI has been widely used in educational counseling, human resource management and in medical education research. In an early large-scale study, Myers and Davis (1965) used data from the MBTI collected in the 1950s from 45 medical schools on 5355 students. It was found that there were approximately equal numbers of medical students in all of the personality types; thus, it was concluded that medicine is a diverse field that can benefit from a variety of personality types; each can match a desirable personality constellation for a particular specialty. In another large-scale study, a total of 7190 medical students completed the MBTI and it was reported that there were more Intuitive, Feeling and Judging types among medical students compared to the general population (McCaulley 1977, 1981).




Some studies using the MBTI reported a link between personality types and academic performance in medical students. For example, in one study medical students who were classified as the Sensing-Thinking (ST) type obtained the highest scores in a neurochemistry course (Wild & Skipper 1991). In another study with 114 students at the University of New Mexico, School of Medicine, the failure rate was highest in the medical licensing examination (National Board of Medical Examiners, Part 1) among those who were classified as the Intuitive-Feeling (NF) type (O’Donnell 1982). In a study by Tharp (2009), the highest grades in an undergraduate physiology course were achieved by students with a Sensing preference. Kim (1999) reported that medical students with a Thinking preference performed better in medical school than their counterparts with a Feeling preference.


The MBTI was administered to 263 osteopathic medical students at Midwestern University/Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine to examine the relationship between personality types and performance on the MCAT (Sefcik et al. 2009). No significant correlation was obtained between personality types and performance on the MCAT. However, the NF personality type students were more likely to score lower on the Comprehensive Osteopathic Medical Licensing Examination-USA (COMLEX-USA, Level 1) (Sefcik et al. 2009).


In a study by Ornstein and colleagues (1987), the association between personality types, and residents’ laboratory test ordering behavior was examined. Participants included 39 family medicine residents at the University of South Carolina Medical Center in Charleston who treated 1326 hypertensive patients in 14 006 visits, and ordered 7361 laboratory tests. Results indicate that the Introvert and Intuitive types were likely to order more tests than the Extravert and Sensing types; however, the findings did not reach the traditional level of statistical significance (Ornstein et al. 1987). McNulty and colleagues (2006) examined the relationships between personality types and learning style. Findings showed that although the use of computer-aided instruction was positively correlated with the Sensing rather than Intuitive personality types, higher use of discussion forums (as opposed to lecture and tutorial) was associated with Perceiving-Judging type. From their study with 137 medical students, Wild and Skipper (1991) concluded that the relationships between personality types and academic performance may be more complicated than had been discussed in the literature.


Career interest


Twelve schools expressed their willingness to share data. Findings on the available data linking personality types with specialty choice showed that the Thinking type students were likely to choose primary and non-primary care specialties at about the same rate; however,

l  the Feeling type students were significantly more likely to select primary care specialties. Similarly, the Extravert type students chose primary and non-primary care specialties at about the same rates.

l  Those who pursued family medicine were more likely to be the Feeling rather than Thinking type (Stilwell et al. 2000).

l  Also, the Feeling types chose surgical specialties at a significantly lower rate than did the Thinking types. Finally, the Introvert types pursued surgical specialties at a significantly lower rate than did the Extravert types (Stilwell et al. 2000).

l  These investigators further divided those who chose non-primary care specialties into two groups of surgical and nonsurgical specialties. Their findings suggest that gender, EI and TF types could predict interest in surgical specialties (e.g. being male, extraverted and thinking types) (Stilwell et al. 2000).


l  The personality types of applicants to an otolaryngology residency program were compared to those of the general population and physicians in other medical specialties (Zardouz et al. 2011). It was found that otolaryngology applicants were likely to have an Extravert-ST-Judging personality profile. These investigators also reported that Thinking (T) and Judging (J) types were more common than Feeling (F) and Perceiving (P) types among the otolaryngology residency applicants (Zardouz et al. 2011).


l  A study by McCaulley (1978) showed that those who were attracted to ophthalmology and otolaryngology had similar personality types. However, those choosing ophthalmology were more people-oriented and those choosing otolaryngology were more technology-oriented. The proportion of Extravert-ST-Perceiving type was significantly higher in otolaryngology residency applicants (8%) than the general population (3%) (Zardouz et al. 2011).

l  In different studies, personality types of physiatrists (Sliwa & Shade-Zeldow 1994), pediatric residents (Lacorte & Risucci 1993) and emergency department staff have been compared (Boyd & Brown 2005), and no pronounced differences in their personality types have emerged.


Harris and Ebbert (1985) used the MBTI to examine differences in personality types between first-year family medicine residents and rural primary care physicians. Results showed that the residents were significantly more Intuitive (as opposed to Sensing) and more Feeling (as opposed to Thinking) types. The authors concluded that family medicine residents differed from rural primary care physicians in how they gather information. Family medicine physicians also tend to rely on their intuition (N) rather than sensing (S) perception when gathering information (Myers & Davis 1976; Harris & Ebbert 1985; Friedman & Slatt 1988; Taylor et al. 1990).



l  Obstetricians and gynecologists have been described by Myers and Davis (1976) as being more likely to be Extravert and Sensing types.

l  Findings of a longitudinal study using the MBTI (McCaulley 1978) showed that the obstetrics-gynecology specialty attracted individuals with a Sensing type, whereas Friedman and Slatt (1988) found that medical students who entered obstetrics-gynecology tended to score high on ST-Judging dimensions.

l  Myers and Davis (1976) reported that pediatricians showed a large proportion of the Extraversion-Sensing-Feeling-Judging type, as well as Introverted-Sensing-Feeling-Judging types.

l  However, Friedman and Slatt (1988) found that medical students interested in pediatrics yielded less distinctive MBTI profiles. They also found that medical students who were interested in psychiatry were more likely to display an Introverted-Feeling-Perceiving personality type (Friedman & Slatt 1988).



l  Myers and Davis (1976) found that surgeons were more likely to display the Extraverted and Sensing (S) type, whereas Friedman and Slatt (1988) found that students interested in surgery yielded less distinctive MBTI types.

l  Findings of a longitudinal study (McCaulley 1978) showed that the surgical subspecialties of general, orthopedic and obstetrics/gynecology, which deal with straightforward problems requiring technical skill, attracted individuals with a Sensing (S)-type personality.



l  The Sensing type has often been reported to be common among obstetricians (Myers & Davis 1976; McCaulley 1978), general surgeons and orthopedic surgeons (McCaulley 1978).

l  Neurological, plastic and thoracic surgeons (McCaulley 1978) often score high on the Intuitive dimension and thus could be characterized as imaginative, curious and having a need for variety (Borges & Savickas 2002).

l  Although hospital-based and support specialties, such as pathology and radiology have not received as much attention in MBTI studies, some researchers have addressed personality types in these specialties. For example, Myers and Davis (1976) reported that pathologists tended to be the Introvert, Intuitive and Thinking type; and Friedman and Slatt (1988) reported that students interested in pathology did not display a distinct personality type in the MBTI. Using the MBTI,

l  Myers and Davis (1976) showed that anesthesiologists were characterized as both Introverted-ST-Perceiving and Introverted-Sensing-Feeling-Perceiving types.



It has been reported that compared with data from the 1950s, the type distribution of physicians has remained relatively unchanged, with the exception of a trend toward more Judging types. It is also reported that women in medicine, today as compared to those in the 1950s when medicine was more male-dominated, are more representative of the general population in the Feeling personality type (Stilwell et al. 2000). From the published studies, it seems that Feeling type students and women were more likely to choose primary care specialties.



l  Although research findings on the link between personality types from the MBTI and specialty interest do not provide a consistent and clear picture, a more frequently reported conclusion that can be drawn from the MBTI studies is that surgeons are more likely to be the E type (extraverted) (Myers & Davis 1976; McCaulley 1978; Stilwell et al. 2000), suggesting that they tend to be sociable and active.

l  Another frequently reported finding from MBTI studies of medical specialists is that family physicians are likely to have a Feeling personality type (Harris & Ebbert 1985; Friedman & Slatt 1988; Taylor et al. 1990; Stilwell et al. 2000; Borges & Savickas 2002), which can be helpful at least in medical students’ career counseling.



Despite the large volume of medical education research in which the MBTI has been used, one cannot determine with confidence which personality type performs better in medical school, and which personality type predicts interest in a specific specialty and subspecialty. In addition, some of the findings on personality types and specialty choice seem counter-intuitive such as family physician's Introvert and surgeons Extravert personality types because intuitively, family physicians require more social skills than surgeons to maintain long-term relationships with their patients.



Overall, the MBTI does not seem to be a useful instrument in predicting academic performance in medical school. Although the MBTI has been widely used in medical education research and in career counseling, this instrument has little credibility among research psychologists (APA 2007, pp. 604605).


l  The MBTI probably is the most widely used personality instrument in medical education research on career counseling and specialty choices.

l  Despite the large volume of research, this instrument does not have high credibility among psychologists and personality researchers.



(5) The Jefferson Scale of Empathy


The Jefferson Scale of Empathy (JSE) (20 items) was specifically developed for measuring empathy in the context of medical education and patient care, relying on the conceptualization of empathy as a predominantly cognitive (as opposed to affective or emotional) attribute that involves an understanding (as opposed to feeling) of patients’ pain, experiences, concerns and perspectives, combined with a capacity to communicate this understanding, and an intention to help (Hojat 2007, 2009; Hojat et al. 2009). This conceptualization makes a distinction between empathy (predominantly a cognitive attribute) and sympathy (predominantly an effective attribute). The two concepts have different consequences in patient care (Hojat 2007; Hojat et al. 2011b). For example, empathy in abundance is always beneficial in patient care, while sympathy in excess can be detrimental, causing emotional dependency in patients and leading to emotional exhaustion, burnout and compassion fatigue in physicians (Hojat 2007, Hojat et al. 2011b). This distinction was recognized by Nightingale et al. (1991) in their empirical study in which they observed that physicians’ empathy had a different measurable effect than sympathy on their clinical decision making behavior.



Three versions of the JSE are available:

l  One for administration to medical students (S-Version),

l  one for administration to physicians and other health professionals (HP-Version) and

l  one for administration to students in any health profession fields other than medicine (HPS-Version).


These versions are similar in content with slight changes in wording to reflect students’ orientation toward empathy in medical education (S-Version), other health profession education (HPS-Version), and behavioral tendencies toward empathic engagement in patient care (HP-Version) in physicians and other health professionals. For example, an item in the S-Version that reads “It is difficult for a physician to view things from patients’ perspectives” reads as “It is difficult for me to view things from my patients’ perspective” in the HP-Version, and reads as “It is difficult for a health care provider to view things from patients’ perspectives” in the HPS-Version.



In exploratory factor analytic studies, three factors of

l  “perspective taking,”

l  “compassionate care” and

l  “walking in patients’ shoes”

have emerged in samples of medical students and physicians in the United States (Hojat et al. 2001a, 2002c) and abroad (Alcorta-Gaza et al. 2005; Di Lillo et al 2009; Kataoka et al. 2009; Rahimi-Madiseh et al. 2010; Roh et al. 2010; Shariat et al. 2010).


The three-factor model was also reproduced in confirmatory factor analytic studies with medical students in England (Tavakol et al. 2011) and in medical students in Iran (Shariat & Habibi 2013). Ample evidence has been reported in support of the validity and reliability of the JSE in medical and other health profession students, physicians, and other practicing health professionals. The JSE has enjoyed broad international attention by medical education researchers, has been translated into 43 languages thus far, and used in over 60 countries. It has been described as one of the most researched and widely used instruments in medical education (Colliver et al. 2010). Information about the JSE is posted at: www.tju.edu/jmc/crmehc/medu/oempathy.cfm).



To our knowledge, before the development of the JSE, no psychometrically sound instrument was available to measure empathy specifically among medical students, residents and physicians. There was a need for such an instrument, and in response the JSE was developed to measure empathy in the context of patient care. A few instruments exist for measuring empathy in the general population (for a review, see Hojat 2007, pp. 6374). However, none of those instruments is content-specific and context-relevant to medical education and patient care.


다른 instrument

The following four of these instruments have been frequently used in medical education research.

l  The Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI, Davis 1983) includes 28 items tapping both cognitive and emotional empathy, and contains four scales: perspective-taking, empathic concern, fantasy and personal distress. A sample item (from the perspective-taking scale) is “I sometimes try to understand my friends better by imagining how things look from their perspective.”

l  Another instrument is the Empathy Scale (Hogan 1969) which includes 64 items. A sample item is “I have seen some things so sad that I almost felt crying.”

l  The third instrument is the Emotional Empathy Scale (Mehrabian & Epstein 1972) which includes 33 items intended to measure “emotional empathy” (synonymous to sympathy). A sample item is “It makes me sad to see a lonely stranger in a group.”

l  There is another instrument, the Balanced Emotional Empathy Scale (BEES, Mehrabian 1996), which includes 30 items, and according to its author intended to measure “vicarious emotional empathy.” A sample item is “Unhappy movie endings haunt me for hours afterward.” As indicated before, and reflected in the content of the sample items, none of these instruments seem to have “face” and “content” validity specific to medical education and patient care. With the exception of the BEES, extensive psychometric data have been published for the other three instruments in the general population (Hojat 2007, pp. 6669, 7273). Thus, the JSE is the only instrument featuring “face” and “content” validities in the context of medical education and patient care.





l  A significant association has been reported between medical students’ scores on the JSE and medical school faculty's global ratings of students’ clinical competence in core clinical clerkships in the third year of medical school (Hojat et al. 2002a). This association can be explained by the fact that the ability to communicate with patients and understand their concerns (key features in the conceptualization of empathy) is often taken into consideration in the assessments of students’ global clinical competence.

l  No significant association was observed between scores of the JSE and grades on objective (multiple-choice) examinations of medical knowledge (Hojat et al. 2002a), which was consistent with findings reported by other researchers (Hornblow et al. 1977; Kupfer et al. 1978; Diseker & Michielutte 1981; Austin et al. 2005).

l  In a group of Mexican medical students, significant associations were found between scores of the JSE and academic performance in medical school (Alcorta-Garza et al. 2005).



Significant associations have been found between JSE scores on the one hand, and simulated patients’ evaluations of students’ empathic engagement in objective structured clinical exam stations (OSCE, Berg et al. 2011a, 2011b), peer nominations on professionalism attributes (Pohl et al. 2011), and scores of attitudes toward interprofessional collaboration (Hojat et al., 2012c; Ward et al. 2009), on the other hand.



Career interest:


Scores of the JSE have been associated with specialty choice. For example, several studies reported that physicians in “people-oriented” specialties (e.g. general internal medicine, family medicine, pediatrics and psychiatry) scored higher on the JSE than others who were practicing “technology-oriented” or “procedure-oriented” specialties (e.g. pathology, radiology anesthesiology, surgery) (Hojat et al. 2002b, 2002c).



This pattern of finding was observed not only among practicing physicians (Hojat et al. 2002b, 2002c), but also among first year medical students who completed the JSE on the first day of medical school (orientation day) before being exposed to medical training (Hojat et al. 2005). In addition to completing the JSE, these students were asked about the specialty they were planning to pursue after graduation from medical school. Students planning a “people-oriented specialty (e.g. family medicine, general internal medicine, general pediatrics, psychiatry) scored higher on the JSE than their peers who chose “technology/procedure-oriented” specialties (e.g. pathology, anesthesiology, radiology, surgery) (Hojat et al. 2005).



The significant differences in the mean scores of the JSE observed among physicians in “people-oriented” and “technology/procedure-oriented” specialties can be partially explained by the fact that physicians with different degrees of interpersonal skills are naturally inclined to pursue specialties that demand certain degrees of interpersonal skills (Harsch 1989). The differences might also be a function of medical training by the amount of emphasis that is placed on interpersonal skills training in different specialties. Obviously, the “people-oriented” specialties, such as general internal medicine, require a higher degree of interpersonal skills than “technology/procedure-oriented” specialties, such as pathology, diagnostic radiology or anesthesiology. However, our findings that entering medical students with higher scores on the JSE, before being exposed to formal medical education, are interested in pursuing “people-oriented” specialties suggest that interpersonal skills training in medical school may not be the only factor that prompts students to pursue specialties that require such skills.



In addition, among consistent findings was the gender difference in mean scores of the JSE in the favor of female medical students (Hojat et al. 2001a, 2002a, 2002b) and in practicing physicians (Hojat et al. 2002c) in the United States and abroad (Hsiao et al. in press; Alcorta-Garza et al. 2005; Kataoka et al. 2009; Shariat et al. 2010; Suh et al. 2012; Zenasni et al. 2012). This pattern of finding for women's higher empathy is consistent with those reported in the general population. Several explanations can be offered for a gender difference in empathy.

l  For example, it has been suggested that women are more receptive to emotional signals (Trivers 1972), a quality that can contribute to a better understanding and hence to a greater empathic engagement.

l  Also, on the basis of the evolutionary theory of parental investment (Trivers 1972), women are inclined to invest more than men in the caring for their children and develop more caring attitudes toward their offspring which is also reflected in their social relationships.

l  The findings on gender differences in empathy are also in agreement with the reports on the practice style of female physicians who are likely to spend more time with their patients (Bertakis et al. 1995), and render more preventive and patient-oriented care (Maheux et al. 1990; Hojat et al. 1995a). All of these factors can lead to forming an empathic engagement in patient care.



Other correlates:


l  Significant associations have been reported between scores of the JSE and some personality measures. For example, in a study with medical students (Hojat et al. 2005b), we found that the scores of the JSE were significantly and positively correlated with Sociability scores (measured by the Zuckerman-Kuhlman Personality Questionnaire [ZKPQ], Zuckerman 2002).

l  In addition, a significant but negative correlation was observed between the JSE and Aggressive-Hostility scores from the ZKPQ.

l  Furthermore, higher scores on the JSE were significantly associated with higher levels of students’ self-reported satisfaction with their early relationships with their mothers (Hojat et al. 2005b), which provides support for the notion that empathy is nurtured by the quality of the early mother-child attachment relationship (Hojat 1998, 2007).



A statistically significant correlation has been observed between scores of the JSE and a measure of patients’ perceptions of physician empathy among physicians in a family medicine residency program (Glaser et al. 2007).


Clinical outcomes:


Clinical outcome is a complex notion because it depends not only on physician performance, but also non-physician factors, such as insurance regulations, governmental policies, patients’ social-cultural background and beliefs, environmental, technical and human resources that contribute to the quality of patient outcomes (Gonnella et al. 1993). Perhaps because of this complexity, there is a scarcity of empirical evidence on the clinical outcomes of personality measures in medical education research. However, there are studies that report some indicators of empathy in the context of patient care to be associated with patient outcomes. For example, it was shown that specific features of empathic engagement in patient care, marked by understanding, communication, positive language, appropriate touching, eye contact and bodily posture, can lead to

l  patient satisfaction (Hall et al. 1988; DiMatteo et al. 1993; Zachariae et al. 2003; Kim et al. 2004),

l  greater compliance (DiMatteo et al. 1986; Falvo & Tippy 1988; Squier 1990),

l  patients’ feelings of being important (Colliver et al. 1998),

l  accuracy of diagnosis (Barsky 1981),

l  accuracy of prognosis, (Dubnicki 1977) and

l  lower rates of malpractice litigation (Beckman et al. 1994; Levinson et al. 1997).



l  It has been reported that physicians’ understanding of their patients’ perspective, a key feature in the conceptualization of physician empathy (Hojat 2007), enhances patients’ perceptions of being helped (Eisenthal et al. 1979), improves patients’ empowerment (Street et al. 2009), and increases patients’ perception of a social support network (Eisenthal et al. 1979; Hojat 2007; Street et al. 2009).

l  In a study with diabetic patients, dietitians’ empathy was found to be predictive of patient satisfaction and successful consultations (Goodchild et al. 2005). Physicians’ understanding of their diabetic patients’ beliefs about their illness was associated with better self-care outcomes such as improved diet and increased blood glucose self-testing (Sultan et al. 2011).

l  In a study with internal medicine residents, a lower level of empathy was associated with a higher rate of incidents of medical errors (West et al. 2009).



l  To our knowledge, there are only two empirical studies in which a direct link between scores of a validated measure of empathy developed in the context of patient care (JSE) and tangible clinical outcomes has been reported. In one study with 29 family medicine physicians and their 891 patients with diagnoses of diabetes mellitus, it was found that physicians’ scores on the JSE were predictive of optimal clinical outcomes in the patients (indicated by medical test results of hemoglobin A1c <7.0% and LDL-C<100) (Hojat et al. 2011a).

l  In another large scale study with 242 primary care physicians and their 20 961 patients diagnosed with diabetes mellitus in Italy, it was found that physicians’ higher scores on the JSE were significantly associated with lower rates of metabolic complications (coma, diabetic ketoacidosis, hyperosmolar state) that required hospitalization of their patients (Del Canale et al. 2012).



In a recent editorial, we indicated that empathic engagement in patient care revolves around reciprocity and mutual understanding that evokes “psycho-socio-bio-neurological” responses in both physicians and patients (Hojat et al. 2013). These mechanisms provide plausible explanations for the observed associations between physician empathy and clinical outcomes.

l  For example, at the psychosocial level, empathic engagement lays the foundation for a trusting relationship. Constraints in communication will diminish when a trusting relationship is formed. In the secure space of a trusting relationship, the patient begins to tell the tale of his/her illness without concealment. This in turn leads to a more accurate diagnosis and greater compliance, which ultimately will result in a better quality of care.

l  At the bio-neurological level, empathic engagement is analogous to a synchronized dance between involved parties, which is orchestrated by bio-neurological markers. For example, the interpersonal attunement in empathic engagement can activate some pro-social endogenous neuropeptides or hormonal changes (e.g. oxytocin, vasopressin) (Heinrichs & Domes 2008). In addition, a set of neurons, known as the mirror neuron system (MNS) is discharged when observing another person performing a goal-directed act, as if the observer is performing the act (Rizzolatti et al. 1996; Gallese 2001). In other words, the same set of neuron cells that is discharged in the acting person, will be implicated in the person who observes the act, without actually performing it. The MNS is believed to play an important role in understanding the experiences of others, which is the key ingredient of empathic communication. Of course, more research will further clarify the associations between physician empathy and clinical outcomes in a variety of diseases and settings and the underlying mechanisms.



Overall, findings of studies in which the JSE was used showed that empathy scores were significantly associated with indicators of clinical competence and were predictors of tangible patient outcomes. Furthermore, it was found that scores on the JSE were associated with career interest and specialty choices. Also, research findings confirmed that empathy can be enhanced and sustained by targeted educational programs (Hojat et al. 2012a; Van Winkle et al. 2012). The psychometric support and empirical findings suggest that the JSE is a promising instrument for measuring a personality attribute that is conceptually relevant to patient care, and empirically linked to clinical performance in medical school, career interest and patient outcomes.


l  The JSE was specifically developed to measure empathy in the context of medical education and patient care.

l  The JSE is supported by strong evidence in support of its validity and reliability in medical students, physicians and other health professions students and practitioners.

l  Empirical data support the associations between scores of the JSE and indicators of clinical performance in medical school, and interest in broad areas of “people-oriented” and “technology/procedure-oriented” specialties.

l  Empirical evidence is available in support of a link between physicians’ scores on the JSE and tangible clinical outcomes.



(6) The Eysenck Personality Inventory


The Eysenck Personality Inventory (EPI) (Eysenck & Eysenck 1964) and its successor The Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ) (Eysenck & Eysenck 1975) have been used in a number of medical education studies. The EPQ includes three scales of Extraversion, Neuroticism, and Psychoticism. It also contains a “Lie” scale to detect a “faking good” tendency.

l  In a study with students at Jefferson Medical College (Fenderson et al. 1999), it was found that students in the top 20% of the class who declined an invitation to participate in an honors program in pathology scored higher on the Neuroticism scale of the EPQ.

l  In another study, we found that medical students who received lower marks on clinical competence were more likely to score lower on the Extraversion scale of the EPQ (Hojat et al. 2004a).

l  It was also found that those who were in the top half of their class in clinical competence evaluations scored significantly lower on the Neuroticism scale of the EPQ (Hojat et al. 1996a).


In a study by Ashton and Kamali (1995), second year medical students at the University of Newcastle in the UK completed the EPQ and a questionnaire about their alcohol, tobacco, cannabis and other illicit drug consumption, and their physical fitness. Compared to a previous study conducted about a decade earlier, no significant change was observed in students’ personality, prevalence of cigarette smoking, levels of caffeine consumption and participation in sports. However, students’ use of cannabis and other illicit drugs increased two-fold (Ashton & Kamali 1995). Golding and colleagues (1983) and Golding and Cornish (1987) reported significant correlations between personality factors and drug abuse in students. Specifically, tobacco and alcohol consumption and experience with cannabis and illicit drugs, which is detrimental to academic attainment, correlated with scores of the Psychoticism scale of the EPQ.


(7) The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory


The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) is a widely used personality instrument, primarily for the assessment of mental health (Tellegen & Ben-Porath 2008).

l  It has also been used in medical education research. For example, John et al. (1976) reported that poor academic performance in medical students was predicted by MMPI scores.

l  In their study of medical students, Schonfield and Donner (1972) observed a link between higher scores of the masculine pole of the masculinity-femininity scale of the MMPI and interest in the technology-oriented specialties.

l  In their comparisons of medical and law students, Solkoff and Markowitz (1967) used the MMPI and found that medical students were more introspective and idealistic and more sensitive to the needs of others, whereas law students were more likely to be extroverted and masculine oriented.

l  It has also been reported that scores on the MMPI could predict physician burnout (McCranie & Brandsma 1988).


The MMPI was used in a study comparing accelerated and traditional students at three points in time: matriculation, after ten weeks, and after 62 weeks of medical school (Nathan et al. 1989). No significant difference was observed between the two groups of students. These investigators concluded that concerns about the relative immaturity of younger accelerated students and a corresponding inability to cope with the stressful environment of medical school might be unfounded (Nathan et al. 1989).



(8) The Profile of Mood States


The Profile of Mood States (POMS; McNair et al. 1981) measures six mood-related dimensions:

l  “Tension-Anxiety,”

l  “Depression-Dejection,”

l  “Anger-Hostility,”

l  “Vigor-Activity,”

l  “Fatigue-Inertia” and

l  “Confusion-Bewilderment.”

The POMS also assesses an overall personality attribute of mood disturbance by adding the scores of the six mood-related scales. A consistent pattern of findings that emotions vary throughout the school years was observed in eight studies (Mitchell et al. 2005). In two studies (Ford & Wentz 1984; Uliana et al. 1984), it was found that “Anger-Hostility” scores rose during the first year of residency training. Another study reported that scores on an additional scale such as Fatigue-Inertia worsened throughout the year (Gordon et al. 1986). In yet another study, Bellini and colleagues (2002) found that scores on Anger-Hostility, Fatigue-Inertia and Depression-Dejection all rose by the fifth month of internship.



These attributes are amenable to change by targeted programs. For example, in one of our studies, we noticed that a course in “mindfulness-based stress reduction” could reduce any psychological stress of students reflected in their significantly lower mean posttest scores on Tension-Anxiety and Confusion-Bewilderment, and higher mean scores on Vigor-Activity (Rosenzweig et al. 2003). In a similar study with primary care physicians who participated in a mindfulness meditation and self-awareness course, improvements in the POMS scores were observed (Krasner et al. 2009).



(9) The Temperament and Character Inventory


The Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI), developed by Cloninger (1986, 1987) is a self-report instrument that measures four temperament and three character dimensions of Cloninger's personality model (Cloninger 1986, 1987; Cloninger et al. 1991, 1993).

The four independent temperament dimensions are

l  “Novelty Seeking,”

l  “Harm Avoidance,”

l  “Reward Dependence” and

l  “Persistence.”

The three character dimensions are

l  “Self-Directedness,”

l  “Cooperativeness” and

l  “Self-Transcendence.”



In one study in Japan, the TCI was administered to 119second year medical students at Osaka City University Graduate School of Medicine (Tanaka et al. 2009). It was found that scores on Persistence, Self-Directedness, Cooperativeness and Self-Transcendence were positively associated with a measure of intrinsic academic motivation. In a multiple regression analysis when adjustments were made for age and gender, it was found that scores on Persistence, Self-Directedness and Self-Transcendence were positively associated with intrinsic academic motivation that can lead to better academic performance in medical school (Tanaka et al. 2009).



In another study by Jiang and colleagues (2003), associations between the TCI scores, anxiety and fatigue were examined in 162 first-year and 89 fifth-year students from Saga Medical School in Japan.

l  Significant and positive correlations were found in the TCI scores on the Harm Avoidance and scores on measures of anxiety and fatigue (general fatigue, psychological fatigue and physical fatigue).

l  In addition, scores on Self-Directedness were negatively correlated with scores on trait anxiety and fatigue (Jiang et al. 2003).

The TCI scores on Harm Avoidance and Self-Directedness, as predictors for fatigue-related disorders in medical students (Jiang et al. 2003), can influence academic performance in medical school. The associations between TCI scores and anxiety and depression have been addressed in other studies (Cloninger 1986; Crowley et al. 1993; Joffe et al. 1993; Tanaka et al. 1997, 1998; Hansenne et al. 1999).



(10) The Personal Qualities Assessment

The Personal qualities Assessment (PQA) was developed in Australia, designed to assess personal qualities considered important for the study and practice of medicine and other health professions. The PQA questions are grouped into three scales.

l  The first is a measure of individual differences in cognitive skills;

l  the second is a measure of being involved or detached (empathy, self-confidence, narcissism and aloofness); and

l  the third is a measure of ethical or moral orientation (Munro et al. 2005; Powis et al. 2005; James et al. 2009).


In their study with Scottish medical students, Lumsden and colleagues (2005) found that students’ cognitive ability was similar in men and women, but women were more empathic and had better communication orientation.


Also, no significant differences were observed on any of the PQA measures between those who attended the state-funded or independent schools. Those with a deprived family background tended to score lower on the scale of cognitive skills. The study investigators concluded that fairness in the medical school admissions process might be improved by using personality instruments to objectively identify desirable qualities in future doctors (Lumsden et al. 2005).



(11) The Maslach Burnout Inventory


The Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) is a 22-item self-administered instrument that measures three components of burnout:

l  “Emotional Exhaustion,”

l  “Depersonalization” and

l  “Personal Accomplishment” (Maslach et al. 1996).


Three studies used the same data collected from family medicine residents to analyze different aspects of burnout (Rafferty et al. 1986; Purdy et al. 1987; Lemkau et al. 1988).

l  Findings indicate that family medicine residents, regardless of gender, exhibited moderate to high levels of burnout, especially on Emotional Exhaustion and Depersonalization scales.

l  In another study, it was reported that 76% of internal medicine residents met criteria for burnout (Shanafelt et al. 2002).

l  These studies suggest that burnout in different specialties is an important factor that must be taken into consideration to improve patient outcomes. It has been reported that burnout not only negatively can influence performance in medical school, but also can exert adverse impact on professionalism in medicine (Bellini et al. 2002; Shanafelt et al. 2002; Thomas 2004).



This instrument has been used for the assessment of educational programs to reduce psychological distress. For example, in a study with primary care physicians, it was found that a course in mindful meditation and self-awareness could cause a significant decrease in Emotional Exhaustion and Depersonalization, and an increase in the Personal Accomplishment component (Krasner et al. 2009).



(12) The Medical Specialty Preference Inventory


The Medical Specialty Preference Inventory (MSPI): Career preference in medical specialty and career indecision have been studied in medical education by using the MSPI (Zimny 1979, 1980, Sodano & Richard 2009). The revised version of the MSPI (150 items, revised in 2002) calculates interest scores for six major specialties (family medicine, internal medicine, obstetrics/gynecology, pediatrics, psychiatry and surgery). Borges and colleagues (2005) reported that physicians whose specialty interest (measured by the MSPI) was congruent with their actual area of practice were more satisfied with their job than those with incongruent match between specialty of interest and of practice.



Career indecision can also be determined by the pattern of scores on this inventory (Richard 2005). For example, Walters (1982) examined the relationship between career indecision and academic performance. It was found that

l  students who were classified as “low-interest undecided” obtained significantly lower medical school grades compared to “decided” students;

l  whereas “high-interest undecided” students did not differ from the “decided” students.


Another study examined the association between career indecision and personality.

l  Students classified as “low-interest undecided” showed less personal integration compared with “decided” students (Walters 1982).

Furthermore, as suggested by Walters (1982), a lack of commitment to a career in medicine (reflected in the low interest category) could negatively influence academic performance in medical school. Some reported that vocationally undecided students were more likely to perform poorly in medical school than their vocationally decided counterparts (Rose & Elton 1971; Lunneborg 1975, 1976).



Students in the “low-interest undecided” group obtained significantly higher scores on measures of the impulse expression scale of the Omnibus Personality Inventory (OPI, Heist & Yonge 1968) and obtained significantly lower scores on measures of personal integration, personal bias and altruism, measured by the OPI compared to students in the “high-interest undecided” students (Walters 1982). In a longitudinal study of predictive validity, Glavin et al. (2009) reported that the MSPI scorers could correctly predict medical students’ future specialty choice 58.1% of the time.


(13) The Jefferson Scale of Attitudes Toward Physician-Nurse Collaboration


This 15-item scale was developed to measure orientation toward collaboration and teamwork between physicians and nurses (Hojat & Herman 1985; Hojat et al. 1997a, 1999a). The scale was developed in response to a need for a validated instrument to measure an important aspect of professionalism in medicine, namely teamwork and interprofessional collaboration (Veloski & Hojat 2006).



Psychometric evidence in support of this scale has been reported among American (Hojat et al. 1997a, 1999a; Ward et al. 2008), Mexican (Hojat et al. 2001b), Italian and Israeli samples (Hojat et al. 2003b). This scale has been translated into several languages (e.g. Spanish, Hebrew, Persian/Farsi, Turkish, Japanese, and Chinese) and used by medical and nursing education researchers in different countries (Yildirim et al. 2005; Ardahan et al. 2010; Hansson et al. 2010; El Sayed & Sleem 2011; Onishi et al. 2012). In a review article, this scale was listed among the recommended instruments for measuring physician-nurse collaborative relationships (Daugherty & Larson 2005). Three underlying factors of

l  “shared education and teamwork,”

l  “caring as opposed to curing” and

l  “physician authority”

emerged in factor analytic studies of this scale (Hojat et al. 1999a).

A significant correlation has been found between scores on this scale and the JSE (Ward et al. 2009). Also, scores of this scale was significantly correlated with scores of a validated measure of attitudes toward physician-pharmacist collaboration (Hojat et al. 2012c).



(14) The Jefferson Scale of Physician Lifelong Learning


This is a 16-item instrument developed to measure another element of professionalism in medicine, namely, lifelong learning (Veloski & Hojat 2006). Data are available in support of the psychometrics of this instrument (Hojat et al. 2009, 2010, 2012b). Factor analytic studies show three reliable factors in this instrument:

l  “learning beliefs and motivation,”

l  “attention to learning opportunities” and

l  “skills in seeking information.” (Hojat et al. 2006, 2009, 2010, 2012b).


These factors correspond to the key features of lifelong learning often described in the literature, were empirically supported in a study with medical students (Brahmi 2007).



In a large-scale study of 3195 physicians who graduated from Jefferson Medical College, we collected survey data from physicians who were classified into three groups: Full-time clinicians (n=1127), academic clinicians (n=1612) and others (n=456). The reliability coefficients (coefficient alpha and test-retest) of the instrument ranged from 0.72 to 0.86 in these groups of physicians.

l  We found that the academic clinicians scored significantly higher on the lifelong learning scale than the full-time clinicians (Hojat et al. 2009, 2010, 2012b).

l  A Significant association was observed between scores of the lifelong learning scale and medical school class rank in both groups of academic clinicians and full-time clinicians (Hojat et al. 2009, 2010, 2012b).


Also, significant correlations were found between scores on this instrument and the criterion measures of

l  reported commitment to lifelong learning,

l  learning motivation,

l  information seeking skills,

l  professional accomplishments,

l  career satisfaction and

l  academic performance

in both full-time clinicians and academic clinicians (Hojat et al. 2009, 2010, 2012b).



Professional accomplishments such as publishing in a professional journal, research presentation at national professional meetings, and receiving professional awards and honors were significantly associated with scores of the Jefferson Scale of Physician Lifelong Learning in both groups of physicians (Hojat et al. 2009, 2010, 2012b).

l  No significant gender difference was observed on the scores of lifelong learning.

l  However, we noticed that physicians in internal medicine scored higher than others, and

l  those with combined MD-PhD degrees had higher scores on this scale (Hojat et al. 2009, 2010, 2012b).

The Jefferson Scale of Physician Lifelong Learning has also been adapted for administration to medical students with satisfactory psychometric support (Wetzel et al. 2010).


l  Although the EPI, MMPI, POMS, TCI, PQA, MBI, MSPI, Physician-Nurse Collaboration and Physician Lifelong Learning are all useful exploratory instruments in medical education research, the last four are more specific than others for physicians-in-training and in-practice.

l  The last two instruments (Physician-Nurse Collaboration and Physician Lifelong Learning), plus the JSE which was previously described, are particularly important as measures of oft mentioned elements of professionalism in medicine.





However, we noticed that the literature on the link between personality and specialty interest is somewhat sketchy with no consistent results.


Because common personality attributes are found in physicians in different specialties, it seems that no specific personality attribute uniquely fits any specific specialty (Borges & Savickas 2002). Empathy though may be an exception when broader specialty areas are taken into consideration (e.g. “people-oriented” and “technology/procedure-oriented”).



Validity concerns


One noticeable finding on the link between personality and performance is that the reported predictive validity coefficients are often modest in magnitude. Perhaps this is one of the reasons that some have questioned the utility of personality measures in medical education. The modest validity of personality measures in medical education research, though, should not be surprising, given the conceptual and methodological issues involved in studying the relationships between personality measures on the one hand, and criterion measures on the other hand.


(1) Multidimensionality of personality

Personality is not unidimensional. Different personality researchers have devised different sets of personality constructs, as by its very nature the field requires.


(2) Construct dissimilarity

Construct similarities and dissimilarities between personality attributes and criterion measures can contribute to the magnitude of correlations among them. Obviously, a correlation of a larger magnitude is expected between two conceptually relevant variables, such as scores on empathy and ratings of interpersonal skills,


(3) Changes in predictor-criterion matching

Poor predictor-criterion matching in medical education research (Hough et al. 1990; Hough 1992) can contribute to the underestimation of validity of personality measures (Lievens et al. 2009). An important issue related to the observed variation in the predictive validity of personality measures during the course of medical education is that the nature of the criterion measures (performance indicators) changes from preclinical to clinical phases of medical education.


The conventional medical school curriculum has been divided into preclinical and clinical phases.

l  Early in medical school, during the preclinical phase, students take courses related to the sciences that are basic to medicine (e.g. anatomy, physiology, biochemistry). These courses are typically assessed by examinations of recalling factual information and declarative knowledge.

l  Later in medical school, the curriculum shifts to the clinical phase, and medical students rotate across various clerkships that often require patient contact. Students’ performance is usually assessed by faculty's ratings of clinical competence, or by standardized or simulated patients in OSCE stations, oral examinations or other methods.


Different sets of ability or skills are often involved in the performance of medical students during preclinical and clinical phases of medical education.

l  For example, the ability to recall, compartmentalize and organize factual information, as well as test-taking skills, under the rubric of “cognitive” abilities, often contribute to success in the preclinical phase.

l  However, communication and interpersonal skills, bedside manner, attitudes, personal qualities or characteristic (referred to as “noncognitive” attributes), often contribute to the assessments of competence in the clinical phase (Haight et al. 2012).


l  In our own research, we noticed that measures of cognitive abilities contributed more than those of the noncognitive attributes to the prediction of performance in the preclinical phase of medical education.

l  However, a shift toward a higher validity coefficient was observed when personality measures were included to predict clinical competence in the clinical phase of medical education (Hojat et al. 1993).



The oft-reported findings of the increase in the predictive validity of personality measures from the preclinical to clinical phase of medical education can be explained by the trait-activation theory (Lievens et al. 2009). In other words, personality traits that are important for clinical performance manifest themselves during the clinical phase of medical training. This notion is consistent with the view in organizational psychology about different components required for performance in various jobs (Borman & Motowidlo 1993). The theory of trait-activation provides a plausible explanation as to why measures of academic abilities prior to medical school (e.g. grades on examinations of declarative knowledge, scores on entrance examinations such as the MCAT) have shown a declining predictive validity as students progress from preclinical to clinical phases in medical school; while the predictive validity of personality measures increases in the clinical phase of medical school training (Humphreys & Taber 1973; Lin & Humphreys 1977; Lievens et al. 2009).



(4) Proximal and distal criterion measures

Based on the aforementioned discussion, one can reasonably expect that personality measures are more likely to predict the “distal” performance (in clinical phase) rather than “proximal” criterion measures (in the preclinical phase) in medical school. Accordingly, the predictive validity and utility of personality measures would be underestimated when using the “proximal” criterion measures, which leads us to another issue; the time interval between recording of predictors and criterion measures.


Personality measures are often administered early in medical school sometimes during the admission process. Measures of performance in the clinical phase of medical education in North America are recorded usually after completion of the second year of medical school. This is a relatively long time interval to examine predictive validity. Specific experiences or events occur during this time period that can confound the predictive validity. The time interval between administering the personality test and recording criterion measures in the personality research reported in the psychological literature is usually a few months and rarely exceeds a year or two (Lievens et al. 2009). However, in this particular situation, distal performance (measures of clinical competence) is more relevant to personality attributes than proximal performance (grades on sciences basic to medicine). Therefore, the confounding effects of the time interval between testing and the criterion measure, subsequent to gaining new experiences, could suppress the true relationships between personality measures and distal performance, adding to the complexity of validity research on personality testing in medical education.



(5) Restriction of range

Another reason for the modest validity coefficient of personality measures in medical school is that a correlation coefficient is highly dependent upon the range and variability of the measures. Restriction of range, due to selection and attrition, can shrink validity coefficients. Therefore, inferences drawn from correlation coefficients may be misleading; because all things being equal, the more restricted the range of scores, the lower the validity coefficient. The true relationships between correlated measures cannot be captured when only those who successfully completed their medical training are included in the final statistical analyses; thus, eliminating those in the bottom tail of the score distribution who could not successfully completer medical school. The resulting “ceiling effect” would lead to a lower validity coefficient (Gough et al. 1963).



(6) Nonlinear relationships

A nonlinear relationship between some measures of personality and some indicators of academic attainment can lead to a decrease in predictive validity. When the nature of a relationship is nonlinear, the magnitude of the Pearson correlation coefficient will become negligible. A curvilinear relationship (i.e. inverted U shape) has been reported between anxiety and performance in medical school (Shen & Comrey 1997; Ferguson et al. 2002), which is consistent with the arousal theory (Yerkes & Dodson 1908) suggesting that individuals perform better at their optimal arousal level, below and above which performance is likely to fall. In almost all validity studies on personality measures in medical education research, the linearity assumption has not been tested (Shen & Comrey 1997).


(7) Multicollinearity

The genuine relationship between predictors (personality measures) and criterion measures (performance indicators) cannot be captured when predictors are themselves highly correlated. This phenomenon, known as multicollinearity, contributes to underestimating the predictive validity of personality attributes. The modest contribution of some personality measures in multiple regression analyses could be an artifact of multicollinearity, which must be taken into consideration when assessing the validity of personality measures.


(8) Volunteer bias

Volunteer bias in research can also confound validity coefficients. Medical students’ willingness to voluntarily participate in medical education research varies by gender, ethnicity and academic achievement (Callahan et al. 2007). We have shown that research volunteers in medical school, on average, perform better during and after medical school, compared to their unwilling classmates (Callahan et al. 2007). This finding suggests that volunteer participants in medical education research cannot fairly represent the entire population of medical students. This leads to the self-section bias and raises question about the validity of research in medical education when participation is voluntary. This issue is exacerbated by the requirement of voluntary participation in human subject research for granting approval by most universities’ research ethics committees (e.g. the institutional review board, IRB). Nevertheless, high participation rates and evidence of the representativeness of the volunteer sample in relation to the population being studied can provide support for the validity.


(9) Variation in methods of assessment

Variation in methods of assessment is another factor that can contribute to the modest validity coefficients between personality and criterion measures in medical school. Self-report personality measures rely mostly on Likert-type scales. Criterion measures of cognitive performance in medical school are often assessed by multiple choice or true-false formats (in the preclinical phase) and by observational methods, ratings of clinical competence by the faculty or assessments by simulated patients in the clinical phase of medical education.


(10) Gender effects

Gender is another variable that can confound predictive validity assessments (Hojat et al. 1999b). Gender was not an important factor in early studies of medical education when medical students and physicians were predominantly male (Zeldow & Daugherty 1991). The influx of women to medicine in the later part of the past century and gender differences observed in personality, performance, career motivation, and specialty preference suggest that gender must be considered as a contributing variable in validity studies in medical education research.


It has been reported that women on average fall behind their male counterparts during the preclinical phase of medical education, but they usually catch up to or sometimes surpass men on some measures of clinical competence during the clinical phase of medical education (Hojat et al. 1997b; Halpern et al. 1998; Ferguson et al. 2002).


In addition, female physicians are rated higher on personal qualities such as

l  helpfulness,

l  human relationships,

l  expressiveness,

l  intrinsic career motivation,

l  family responsibility and

l  job security;


while men obtained higher marks on personality features such as

l  independence,

l  decisiveness,

l  self-confidence,

l  extrinsic career motivation and

l  orientation toward income and prestige (Buddedberg-Fischer et al. 2003).


Gender differences have also been observed in career choices (Hojat et al. 1999b). For example,

l  historically women have been more likely to choose “people-oriented” specialties that require intensive patient contact,

l  while men have been more likely to prefer “technology-oriented” specialties that require performing complicated procedures (Buddedberg-Fischer et al. 2003; Hojat 2007).


A detailed discussion of whether the underlying reasons for gender differences are the results of social learning (Bandura 1986), or hard-wired gender specific inclination (Halpern 1992, 1997; Valian 1999) is beyond the intended scope of this Guide. Regardless of the reasons for gender differences, it is important to examine and control gender effects for a fair assessment of predictive validity of personality measures in medical education research.


(11) Race and ethnicity effects

In addition to gender, race and ethnicity can contribute to the validity of personality measures. Given the changing demographic and ethnic composition of medical students and physicians, particularly in the United States, and the emphasis placed on ethnic diversity in the medical workforce (AAMC 2004; Nickens et al. 1994), it is important to control for ethnic status as a possible intervening variable in the validity studies. Our research findings suggest that ethnicity contributes significantly to the assessment of cognitive (Rosenfeld et al. 1992; Veloski et al. 2000) and noncognitive measures (Berg et al. 2011a) in medical education research.


A number of studies also confirm the role of ethnicity in medical school admissions and academic attainment (Rosenfeld et al. 1992; Esmail et al. 1995; McManus et al. 1995; Ready 1995; Crump et al. 1999; Tekian 1997; Girotti 1999; Hardy 1999; Lumb & Vail 2000; Giordani et al. 2001; Ferguson et al. 2002).



Reasons for optimism


Despite all of the aforementioned conceptual and methodological limitations, the findings of the modest predictive validity of personality measures in medical education and practice are still encouraging



Social desirability response bias

In addition to the issue of modest validity, another reason for hesitation to use personality instruments in the assessment of physicians-in-training and in-practice is the issue of social desirability response bias that can also be relevant to the validity of personality tests.


The degree to which socially desirable responses have a confounding effect on test scores can be a function of the test taker's perception of the purpose of personality testing.


There are very few studies on the effects of “faking” in personality test outcomes (Hough et al. 1990). We conducted an empirical study to examine the possible effect of socially desirable responses (Hojat et al. 2005b) in which we administered the JSE and other personality tests, including the ZKPQ to 422 first-year medical students. The ZKPQ includes an “Infrequency” subscale that was developed to detect intentionally false responses by identifying respondents with an invalid pattern of responses (Zuckerman 2002). Scores on this subscale can be regarded as indicators of social desirability response bias. Attempts to give socially desirable responses were determined by a cutoff score of 3, which the test's authors suggested would identify respondents whose patterns of responses were of questionable validity. An examination of the distribution of scores on this subscale indicated that 4.9% of the respondents attempted to give false “good impression responses” or to respond carelessly without regard for the truth (Hojat et al. 2005b).


Second, we used the analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) method to control the effect of giving false responses on the research outcomes by using the “infrequency” score as a covariate. Again, we noted no substantial change in the general pattern of results. These findings suggest that social desirability response bias did not distort the validity of the JSP score.


Our findings were consistent with the results of an earlier study by Matthews and colleagues (1981), who reported that their derived index of empathy was not affected by social desirability response bias or by scores on a “good impression” scale.


One approach that may minimize the effect of social desirability response bias is reminding the respondents to reply truthfully, since their intentionally false responses can be detected by a scale embedded in the test which will invalidate the test results. One of the available measures (e.g. Infrequency subscale from the ZKPQ) could be used for that purpose. For example, pattern of endorsement of items such as “I never met a person I did not like” or “I have always told the truth” (from ZKPQ) can give a clue as to whether a respondent is honest in completing the test.



Are personality attributes amenable to change?

l  Proponents of nature over nurture place great emphasis on the notion that genetic predisposition has an undeniable role in the development of human behavior. Some developments in the Human Genome Project have provided more fuel in support for that argument (Collins 1999).

l  However, proponents of nurture over nature use Watsonian classical conditioning (Watson 1924), Skinnerian operant conditioning (Skinner 1938) and Bandura's (1986) social learning theory as evidence that personality can be molded by principles of behavior modification, personal experiences, social learning and educational interventions; thus, they conclude that environment and learning could have a prominent role in the development of personality.


However, most scholars today are of the opinion that it is the interaction of nature and nurture that contributes to the development of personality. Human beings are born with some potential for “engageability,” which is triggered and developed to a certain degree by environmental, social, experiential, and educational factors (Neubauer & Neubauer 1990). Abundant research evidence has been accumulated in support of the proposition that social and educational environments play an important role in the development of personality including the shaping of interpersonal skills and caring attitudes (Hojat 2007). There are empirical studies showing that some personality attributes can be changed as a result of positive or negative educational experiences in medical school. This notion is supported by the findings on the erosion and enhancement of empathy during medical school.


Erosion of empathy during medical education


A number of studies have shown that during the course of health professions education, a person's capacity for empathy can undergo positive, negative, or no change (see Hojat 2007, pp. 181184 for a review).

l  Some studies have reported a significant decline in the scores of the JSE during the clinical phase of medical education (Hojat et al. 2004b, 2009, Chen et al. 2007; Hojat 2007, Newton et al. 2008).

l  In our more recent longitudinal study of four classes of medical students at Jefferson Medical College (Hojat et al. 2009), a significant decline in scores of the JSE was observed in third-year medical students when the curriculum shifts to clinical training and patient care, and the decline did not rebound during the rest of medical school training.


Such a decline on the scores of the JSE was also noticed in another study with internal medicine residents as they progressed through residency training (Mangione et al. 2002). However, the decline in empathy in this study did not reach the conventional level of statistical significance. The findings of erosion of empathy during medical education are consistent with those reported by Whittemore and colleagues (1985), Bellini and colleagues (2002) and Bellini and Shea (2005). A similar decline in empathy scores also was observed among nursing students who had more exposure to patient care than others (Ward et al. 2012).


Consistent with the above-mentioned findings, an early study by Becker and Geer (1958) reported that medical students become somewhat cynical during the course of medical education.

l  By the third year of medical school, according to Becker and Geer (1958), the students realized that they were no longer motivated by an idealized view of medicine, leading to a hedonistic shift, shown also by Whittemore and colleagues (1985), and by Feudtner and colleagues (1994).

l  In a study by Zeldow and colleagues (1987), a modest but “unmistakable” shift (according to the study authors) toward hedonism between the freshman and junior year of medical school was observed in two cohorts of students. According to the investigators, these changes perhaps reflect a less idealized view of the self and a less sentimental view of the medical profession (Zeldow et al. 1987).


In explaining changes in empathy, medical students reported

l  a lack of positive role models,

l  lack of time to form an empathic relationship with patients,

l  excessive workloads,

l  disrespectful and overly demanding patients,

l  over-reliance on computer-based diagnostic and therapeutic technology, and

l  a market-driven health care system

as factors that contribute to erosion of empathy (Hojat et al. 2009) and the escalation of cynicism (Hojat 2007).


Despite the overwhelming evidence of the erosion of empathy during medical education, skeptics have raised concern about the significance of these findings in undergraduate and graduate medical education (Colliver et al. 2010), but such critics have not been left unchallenged by our team (Hojat et al. 2010) and other empathy researchers in medical and dental education (Newton 2010; Sherman & Cramer 2010).


Findings of erosion of empathy in undergraduate (Hojat et al. 2004b, 2009; Chen et al. 2007) and graduate medical education (Bellini et al. 2002; Bellini & Shea 2005; Mangione et al. 2002) suggest that if a personality attribute, such as empathy, can decline by negative educational experiences, it can also be enhanced by positive educational experiences and targeted interventions.


Enhancement of empathy in medical education


The link between empathy, clinical competence and patient outcomes (Hojat et al. 2011a; Del Canale et al. 2012) makes it critical that we nurture empathy in physicians-in-training and physicians-in-practice. The cultivation of empathy in undergraduate medical education has been listed among learning objectives endorsed by the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC 2008). Also, the ABIM recommended that humanistic qualities such as empathy be instilled and assessed as an essential part of graduate medical education (ABIM 1983).


The reported decline in empathy during undergraduate and graduate medical education coupled with the findings that empathy should be viewed as a component of physician competence that has implications for patient outcomes, beg for the development of targeted educational programs to sustain and enhance empathy among physicians-in-training and physicians-in-practice. Research has shown that empathy must be considered as an important component of a health care provider's overall competence and is a significant factor in optimal patient outcomes (Hojat et al. 2009; Del Canale et al. 2012).


These findings suggest that leaders and faculty at all levels of health profession education (e.g. undergraduate, graduate and continuing education) must implement targeted educational remedies to enhance and sustain empathy in all students and trainees, and assess the educational outcomes. Research shows that empathy can be enhanced with targeted educational programs. For example, the following 10 approaches have been described (Hojat 2009) for improving empathy among health professions students and practitioners:

1.      Improving interpersonal skills;

2.      analyzing audio or video taped encounters with patients;

3.      being exposed to role models;

4.      role-playing (e.g. aging games);

5.      shadowing a patient (e.g. patient navigator);

6.      experiencing hospitalization (e.g. getting admitted to a hospital by presenting fabricated symptoms);

7.      studying literature and the arts;

8.      improving narrative skills;

9.      watching theatrical performances and

10.   engaging in small group discussion about difficult patients, e.g. Balint (1957) method.


l  In a study with pharmacy students, Chen et al. (2008) reported enhancement in the JSE scores among students who participated in an empathy training program.

l  Also, Fernandez-Olano and colleagues (2008) reported a significant increase in the JSE among Spanish medical students and residents who participated in a communication skills training program.

l  However, Cataldo and colleagues (2005) found no significant increase in the JSE scores as a result of Balint training among residents in a family medicine residency program.

l  In a qualitative and quantitative study with 40 staff physicians at the Cleveland Clinic, it was found that a faculty development program using guided narrative writing could influence, to a limited extent, the empathy of practicing physicians (Misra-Herbert et al. 2012).


l  In one study, it was found that watching a short theatrical play (depicting problems facing elderly patients) could significantly increase scores of the JSE in medical and pharmacy students (Van Winkle et al. 2012). The increase in empathy scores, however, did not last for a long time.

l  In another study, it was reported that shadowing patients by first-year emergency medicine residents in the emergency room for a short period of time prevented decline in empathy. The empathy scores of the control group who followed their routine training schedules declined during the study period (Forstater et al. 2011).

l  In a study with primary care physicians, it was found that participation in a course of mindful meditation and self-awareness could significantly increase scores of the JSE (Krasner et al. 2009).


In our latest study to examine if enhanced empathy can be sustained, we showed medical students video clips of patient encounters selected from three movies. Students were encouraged to present their views on positive and negative episodes of the encounters in the video clips, and discussed the feedback. Enhanced empathy was observed among all students who watched and discussed the video clips of patient encounters (as compared to a control group who did not). A few weeks later, those who watched and discussed the video clips were divided into two groups. One group participated in a lecture and discussion session on the importance of empathy in medical education and patient care. The other group watched a documentary movie. Enhanced empathy could be sustained in the first group, but not in the second group. It was concluded that the enhanced empathy could be sustainable when reinforced by additional intervention, but will dissipate without such reinforcement (Hojat et al. in press). We are exploring approaches not only to enhance but also sustain empathy by additional reinforcement during the course of medical education.


The aforementioned findings suggest that targeted educational programs can significantly improve empathy in the context of medical education and patient care. In all of our experiments, we noticed significant variation in the magnitude of changes among participants. Not everyone could equally be influenced by negative experiences (Hojat et al. 2003a, 2009) or equally benefit from the educational programs (Van Winke et al. 2012), which may suggest that constitutional factors provide a window of opportunity for changes, but the size of that window varies among participants. Personality attributes are indeed unevenly distributed in the population. Some people possess some of the personality attributes (positive or negative) in abundance; some in meager amounts, depending upon many factors including genetic predisposition, early relationships experiences, family and social environment, and of course learning and educational factors. Some people seem to have a larger window than others for personality changes; not all seeds sowed in a garden bed grow at the same rate.


Based on the aforementioned findings, we propose that some personality attributes are amenable to change by targeted educational programs, but the degree of change depends on constitutional factors, early attachment experiences, exposure to positive role models and social and educational factors.




Conceptual relevancy and empirical evidence

The crucial question raised by many is how can we identify the pertinent personality attributes for medical training and practice? We believe that at least two factors could be considered.

l  First, the selected attribute must be conceptually relevant to components of physician performance, and theoretically linked to optimal patient outcomes. A lack of clear conceptual relevancy between a selected personality attribute and a defined outcome measure will undermine the potential value of personality measures in medical education and make it totally unacceptable to society.

l  Second, in addition to conceptual or theoretical relevancy, selection of desirable personality attributes must be evidence-based, meaning that convincing empirical support must be available to back the significant associations between selected personality measures and indicators of performance.


Therefore, our first task is to choose a manageable number of personality measures that meet the conceptual relevancy, and empirical support requirements. Ease of administration, time needed to complete, and cost-benefit factors can also be taken into consideration.



Selected personality measures


The conscientiousness factor


At the conceptual level, it seems reasonable to concur that personal qualities such as responsibility, competence, dutifulness, achievement striving, self-discipline, deliberation and order are relevant to a physician performing his or her roles as a clinician, educator and manager (Figure 1). These are all among the facets of the Conscientiousness factor of the big FFM of personality (Costa & McCrae 1992).


In addition to the findings, we previously reported in describing the FFM of personality, the Conscientiousness factor was found to be a significant predictor of professional success not only in medicine, but also in a variety of other occupational settings (Tett et al. 1991). The Conscientiousness factor is not only a positive predictor of competence in the clinical phase of medical training, but also a significant predictor of performance in the preclinical phase of medical education, even when statistical control was made for previous academic performance (Ferguson et al. 2002). In their meta-analytic research, Barrick and Mount (1991) concluded that conscientiousness is a universal predictor of job performance. The universality of the Conscientiousness factor in academic and professional success has been confirmed in a variety of disciplines and in different academic settings (Hurtz & Donovan 2000; Noftle & Robins 2007; Poropat 2009; Haight et al. 2012), and in predicting healthy behavior (Bogg & Roberts 2004). Thus, conscientiousness is the first personality attribute we selected as being relevant to medical education and the practice of medicine. The scores of the Conscientiousness factor of the NEO PR-I (Costa & McCrae 1992) can well serve as a psychometrically sound measure of this personality attribute.


Empathy in patient care


There is another set of personal qualities such as communication skills, understanding, ethnic and cultural sensitivity, perspective taking ability, teamwork, collaboration and personal and professional ethics that seem desirable for the practice of medicine and in improving clinical outcomes. These are all ingredients of empathy as we conceptualize it (Hojat 2007, 2009; Hojat et al. 2009). We have shown that medical students’ empathy is significantly linked to global ratings of clinical competence (Hojat et al. 2002a). We also showed that medical students’ self-report empathy scores (measured by the JSE) were predictive of ratings of empathic behavior and interpersonal skills (given by the directors of postgraduate medical education programs) about three years later (Hojat et al. 2005a).


Furthermore, and more importantly, we have shown that scores on physician empathy (measured by the JSE) were significantly associated with tangible clinical outcomes in diabetic patients (Hojat et al. 2011a; Del Canale et al. 2012). These findings provide convincing evidence to confirm that empathy is an important component of overall competence for medical students and physicians, and a significant factor in optimal patient outcomes, suggesting that empathy must be placed in the realm of evidence-based medicine. Therefore, we selected empathy as the second personality attribute relevant to the clinical performance of medical students and physicians as well as optimal patient outcomes. The JSE can serve as a psychometrically sound instrument for measuring this attribute.


Other personality attributes


We are not fully satisfied with the two-attribute personality profile. There may be other pertinent personal characteristics that deserve more attention.

l  As an example, in our own research, we noticed that students’ retrospective report of their perception of early relationships with their parents, especially the mother, was a significant predictor of ratings of clinical competence and interpersonal skills given by the directors of postgraduate medical education programs to physician residents (Hojat et al. 1996a).

l  We also found that such positive perceptions of the early relationships with the mother were associated with a positive personality profile (e.g. lower loneliness, lower depression, lower anxiety, higher self-esteem) (Hojat 1998) and also with more positive appraisals of stressful life events, as well as success in medical school (Hojat et al. 2003a).

l  Medical students’ reports of maternal unavailability in childhood were associated with higher scores on the intensity and chronicity of loneliness experiences, more depression, lower self-esteem and more negative appraisal of stressful life events (Hojat 1998; Hojat et al. 2005b).


These findings are in agreement with some human social-emotional development theories, including John Bowlby's attachment theory (Bowlby 1969). Of course more empirical evidence (preferably in longitudinal studies) to show that the quality of early relationships with a primary caregiver can significantly predict clinical performance of physicians-in-training and in-practice would add to our confidence to consider the early relationship information as an important attribute in the personality assessments. Considering the available evidence, however, at the present time, we suggest that the two selected personality attributes be used as potential indicators of success in medical education and the practice of medicine until further research suggests additional measures.


There are other personal qualities that seem conceptually relevant to performance in the context of medical education and patient care. For example, indicators of emotional intelligence, tolerance of ambiguity and emotional regulations seem desirable for optimal clinical performance and patient care, but more convincing empirical evidence is needed to connect these features of personality directly to measures of success in medical school and in the practice of medicine. Empirical confirmation of these links should be placed on the agenda of future research.


It is also interesting to contemplate the idea that similar to the “g” factor in intellectual abilities, there might be a general, or a “g” factor in the personality of competent medical students and physicians. It would be a break-through in personality research in medical education if such a “g” factor was discovered for predicting success among physicians-in-training and in-practice. The possibility of the existence of such a general factor should be examined in future medical education research.




Identifying applicants who are likely to become competent physicians is a crucial responsibility of academic medical centers (Haslam 2007; Gonnella & Hojat 2012). The assessment of personality is one step toward achieving this goal. Based on our discussion of the reported findings in this Guide, we suggest that attention be given to applicants’ scores on measures of conscientiousness and empathy at undergraduate and graduate medical education levels to identify those applicants with a more “suitable” personality profile for medical practice. At the least, these measures could be used as potential “tie breakers” in the admission decisions for those applicants with relatively similar profiles on other admission requirements.


However, in the admission process, serious legal and socio-political concern exists as to whether society is prepared to accept the use of personality assessments for excluding an applicant from medical education and denying the opportunity to become a physician.


Lingering doubts and hesitation to take bold action in utilizing personality assessments in the selection and professional development of trainees in medicine, result in a futile and never-ending search for additional evidence which would be counterproductive for medical education and the practice of medicine; because, waiting to certainty is waiting for eternity.


Final remarks


First, in response to the importance of personality in the process and outcomes of medical education, we have shown in this Guide that personality plays a significant role in the performance of physicians-in-training, and in-practice. While we may not be as certain about the role of personality in specialty choice and selection, a large volume of empirical studies provides convincing evidence, which adds to our confidence, on the importance of personality attributes in predicting performance in medical school and the practice of medicine.



Second, in response to identifying a manageable number of personality attributes most relevant to medical education outcomes, after our review of the literature we have selected the two personality attributes of “conscientiousness” and “empathy” because of their conceptual relevance to physician competence as well as support from a number of empirical studies. Of course, there might be as well additional personality attributes that can serve a similar purpose. Further research is needed to provide convincing and consistent evidence about the validity and utility of such additional personality measures.



Third, in response to the notion of redundancy or overlapping cognitive and noncognitive aspects of performance, we have shown that the two constructs of academic aptitudes and personality are separate entities (Hojat et al. 1988) that uniquely contribute to prediction of performance in undergraduate (Hojat et al. 1988) and graduate (Hojat et al. 1996a) medical education outcomes. In other words, they are complementary, not redundant.



Fourth, in response to the idea of the amenability of personality attributes to change, as an example we have described approaches that enhance empathy in undergraduate and graduate medical education. We reported that even short workshops can influence empathy of trainees in undergraduate (Hojat et al. 2012a) and graduate medical education levels (Forstater et al. 2011), and that the enhanced empathy can be sustained by additional educational reinforcements (Hojat et al. 2012a).



Fifth, in response to the issue of the possibility of “faking” in personality testing, we reported some studies that suggest social desirability response bias may not substantially distort the results when the test is administered in a “non-penalizing” situation. However, the production of an intentional “good impression” in responses is always a possibility; proper instructions and examinations of response pattern on specific items to detect socially desirable responses can be helpful in minimizing “faking” and to identify those with invalid responses.


Because of the contribution of personality to all aspects personal and professional of human behavior, we strongly believe that medical education and medicine can profoundly benefit from seriously considering the potential of pertinent personality attributes in the selection and education of intellectually qualified applicants to undergraduate and graduate medical education as well as in professional development of physicians to better perform their roles as clinicians, educators and resource managers.



Medicine which was considered by the public as one of the most highly respected professions of all, is losing ground (Thomas 1985) partly because of the failure of some physicians to preserve their altruistic image (Schlesinger 2002). At the turn of 20th century, George Bernard Shaw equated the image of the medical profession to the faith in God by declaring that “We have not lost faith, but we have transferred if from God to the medical profession.”


However, in the past few decades, profound changes in medical education and the health care services,

l  an imbalance in teaching the science and the art of medicine,

l  unduly monetary considerations to contain cost,

l  increasing commercialization of medical care,

l  health insurance policies formulated by nonmedical administrators,

l  the emergence of “defensive” medicine, and

l  loss of the human presence in caring for the patients by its replacement with computerized diagnostic and therapeutic technology

have transformed the image of physicians, and eroded the public's trust in medicine (Schlesinger 2002).


Perhaps medicine can regain some of its well-deserved reputation, and physicians can reclaim their altruistic image by greater attention to the role of personality in the selection, education, practice and professional development of physicians.

 2013 Jul;35(7):e1267-301. doi: 10.3109/0142159X.2013.785654. Epub 2013 Apr 25.

Personality assessments and outcomes in medical education and the practice of medicineAMEE Guide No. 79.

Author information

  • 1Center for Research in Medical Education and Health Care, Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA 19107, USA. mohammadreza hojat@jefferson.edu


In a paradigm of physician performance we propose that both "cognitive" and "noncognitive" components contribute to the performance of physicians-in-training and in-practice. Our review of the relevant literature indicates that personality, as an important factor of the "noncognitive" component, plays a significant role in academic and professional performances. We describe findings on 14 selected personality instruments in predicting academic and professional performances. We question the contention that personality can be validly and reliably assessed from admission interviews, letters of recommendation, essays, and personal statements. Based on conceptual relevance and currently available empirical evidence, we propose that personality attributes such as conscientiousness and empathy should be considered among the measures of choice for the assessment of pertinent aspects of personality in academic and professional performance. Further exploration is needed to search for additionalpersonality attributes pertinent to medical education and patient care. Implications for career counseling, assessments of professional development and medical education outcomes, and potential use as supplementary information for admission decisions are discussed.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

지금까지의 평가에 문제가 있었다면? : Pumpkin Plan의 필요성 (Med Teach, 2015)

Have we got assessment wrong? Thoughts from the Ottawa Conference and the need for a Pumpkin Plan

Ronald M. Harden

Whitehead 는 북미에서 psychometric한 접근법이 거의 지배적이었지만, CanMEDS를 비롯한 역량 프레임워크에서 정의된다로 역량에 대한 평가를 align하는 것은 쉽지 않았다고 말한다. 신발의 짝에 대한 비유를 했다 "우리는 모두 가장 좋아하는, 과거에정말 좋아했던 신발이나 코트나, 아니면 머그잔이 있다. 우리는 그것들이 허물어져가도 사용하곤 하는데, 왜냐하면 그 물건에 대한 선호가 실용적인, 미적인 한계를 초월하기 때문이다. 그러나 조금 지나면 우리는 어쩔 수 없이 그 물건이 망가지고 있다는 사실을 인정해야 하며, 그 물건은 치워놓고 새롭게 시작해야 함을 인정할 수 밖에 없게 된다". "평가에 관한 현재 모델은 우리의 사고와 행위를 발전시키는데 크게 기여했다. 그러나 우리가 의료행위의 특성과 의료행위자의 평가에 대한 최근의 이해에 따라emerging understanding 현재의 방식은 빠른 속도로 낡은 것이 되어버렸다."

Whitehead et al. (2015) argue that while a psychometric approach has dominated assessment in North America, this does not align easy with assessment of competency as defined in CanMEDS and other competency frameworks. They use the metaphor of a pair of shoes ...‘‘We have all had a favourite pair of shoes, a coat, or perhaps a mug that has seen better days. We carry on using it even though it is falling apart as our fondness transcends its practical or aesthetic limitations. However, sooner or later, we are forced to admit its decayed state and we set it aside and start afresh.’’ They argue that ...‘‘Current models of assessment have served us well in advancing our thinking and practices, but they are becoming increasingly threadbare in light of our emerging understanding of the nature of medical practice and of the assessment of medical practitioners.’’

Hodges 는 '고부담 외부 시험이 학생들에게 가하는 압박'과 '내부적인 동기부여(자기주도성, 성찰)에 대한 더 많은 요구' 사이의 tension을 논한 바 있다. Hodges는 성찰에 대한 네 가지 접근법을 밝혔다.

Hodges (2015) high- lights in his paper the growing tension between the pressure on students from high stakes external examinations and the need for more involvement in internally motivated notions of ‘‘self-direction’’ and ‘‘reflection’’. Hodges identifies four approaches to reflection:

  • metacognition,

  • mindfulness,

  • psycho- analysis and

  • confession.


Hodges는 각각의 접근법의 일차적 활동으로서, 어떻게 practice가 좋은 의사를 만드는가, 교사의 역할은 무엇인가, 그리고 (가장 중요한 것으로서) 의도하지 않은 결과의 가능성 등을 설명했다. Hodges는 의학교육자들이 당면한 주요 문제는 '성찰의 실천practice of reflection'을 '평가'와 부합시키는 것이다. 우리는 "시험에 무엇이 나오나요?"라는 질문에 의해서 움직이는 학생을 만드는데 벗어나서 '무비판적, 무이론적' '자기' 성찰이라는 보이지 않는 소용돌이 속으로 무턱대로 들어가는 것에 대한 계획을 세워야 한다"

He describes the primary activity in each approach, how the practice will create a better doctor, the role of the teacher and, importantly, possible unintended consequences. Hodges continues by suggesting that a major challenge we face as medical educators is to square practices of reflection with assessment. We need to chart ‘‘...a course away from forming students who are driven only by ‘What is in the exam?’ to lurching headlong and blindly into an invisible whirlpool of un-critical, un-theorized ‘self’-reflection’’ (Hodges 2015).

2010년의 14th Ottawa에서 최선의 평가란 무엇인가에 대한 합의문을 개발하였다.

The development of consensus statements on current best practices in assessment was a feature of the 14th Ottawa held in Miami, USA in 2010. Topics addressed included

  • ‘‘Criteria for Good Assessment’’ (Norcini et al. 2011),

  • ‘‘Assessment for Selection’’ (Prideaux et al. 2011),

  • ‘‘Research in Assessment’’ (Schuwirth et al. 2011),

  • ‘‘Assessment of Professionalism’’ (Hodges et al. 2011),

  • ‘‘Technology Enabled Assessment’’ (Amin et al. 2011), and

  • ‘‘Performance Assessment’’ (Boursicot et al. 2011).

Mike Michalowicz 는 그의 책, The Pumpkin Plan에서 성공을 위해서는 다음을 인식해야 한다고 주장했다.

Mike Michalowicz (2012) in his book, The Pumpkin Plan, argues that for continuing success we need to recognise that

"모든 것에는 철이 있는 법이다. 호박은 영원히 유지되지 않는다. 심지어 가장 크고 우수한 호박도 죽는다. 궁극적으로 우리는 그 큰 호박에서 씨를 빼서 새로 심고, 새로 시작해야 한다. 모든 것이 다 그러할 것이다"

there is a season for everything. He describes that pumpkins do not last forever, even giant and great pumpkins die. Eventually we need to extract the seed from a giant pumpkin and use it to plant a new one and start again. The same is true, he suggests, in any endeavour.



Hodges BD. 2015. Sea monsters & whirlpools: Navigating between examination and reflection in medical education. Med Teach 37(3):261–266.

Whitehead CR, Kuper A, Hodges B, Ellaway R. 2015. Conceptual and practical challenges in the assessment of physician competencies. Med Teach 37(3):245–251.

 2015 Mar;37(3):209-10. doi: 10.3109/0142159X.2015.1010497.

Have we got assessment wrongThoughts from the Ottawa Conference and the need for a Pumpkin Plan.

Author information

  • 1AMEE , Dundee , UK.
[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

의학교육을 위한 교수역할과 관계의 분류학(Med Teach, 2016)

A typology of teaching roles and relationships for medical education


Emory University, USA

배경과 이론적 프레임워크

Background and conceptual framework


의학교육의 핵심 요소는 교수와 학습자 간에 일어나는 교육적 상호교환educational exchange이다. 비록 어떤 형태의 교육은 다수의 학생에게 지식을 전달하는데 초점을 두지만, (임상술기 훈련과 정체성 형성의 여러 측면에서 중요한) 인간적 상호작용personal interaction은 전문직의 훈련을 구분짓는 중요한 특징 중 하나이다. 무수한 맥락과 형태로 교육적 상호교환이 일어날 수 있으며 이것을 "발달적 상호작용developmental interactions"라는 용어로 설명한다.

A key element of medical education is educational exchanges that occur between a faculty member and one or more learners. Although some forms of teaching in medical educa- tion focus primarily on knowledge transmission to mass groups of students, the personal interaction, which is relied upon for many aspects of clinical skills training (Gifford & Fall 2014) and for identity formation, is a distinguishing character- istic of training professionals (Rabow et al. 2010). Educational exchanges may occur in a myriad of contexts and formats and can be generically termed ‘‘developmental interactions’’ (D’Abate et al. 2003).

여러 가지 용어로부터 오는 혼란을 줄이기 위하여 (교수의) 역할과 (학생과의) 상호작용 측면에서 가장 많이 사용되는 용어를 사용하고자 한다.

To alleviate the confusion caused by the array of terms that are used to describe interactions and the roles therein (Garvey 2004), this manuscript will describe the most common terms and will suggest a typology of them that may be useful in curriculum planning and faculty development.

발달적 상호작용

Developmental interactions

발달적 상호작용은 여러 근본적 특징이 있다.

A developmental interaction has several fundamental characteristics.

  • 첫째, 이것은 두 명 이상의 사람간에 이뤄지는 쌍방향적 상호교환이다. 반면, 설교didactics는 발달적이지만, 상호작용적이지 않다. 사회적 사건들은 상호작용적이지만, 반드시 발달적이지는 않다.
    First, it is a bi-directional exchange between two or more people (Eddy et al. 2006). By contrast, didactics are developmental but are not interactive. Social events are interactive, but are not necessarily intended to be developmental.

  • 둘째, 발달적 상호작용은 구체적인 성과를 목적으로 행동의 변화를 일으키는 것을 '의도'한다. 이 특징은 '계획된 교육과정'속에서 각자의 역할을 강조하며, '비의도적인' 또는 '우연적인' 학습을 배제한다. 즉, '잠재 교육과정'이라는 이름으로 불리는 성과가 그것이다. 발달적 상호작용에 관계되는 참여자들은 "학습자"와 "개발자developer"이다.
    Second, developmental interactions cause an intentional change in behavior towards a specified outcome (D’Abate et al. 2003). This characteristic emphasizes their role in a planned curriculum and excludes unintentional or coinciden- tal learning (Rock &Garavan 2006); i.e. those outcomes that are often termed as the ‘‘hidden curriculum’’. The participants in a developmental interaction are:

    • the ‘‘learner’’ who is responsible for making targeted behavioral changes in knowledge, skills or attitudes to achieve a designated outcome and purposes,

    • the ‘‘developer’’ – typically for a current faculty member – who assumes responsibility to induce the intended changes in the learner (Higgins & Kram 2001).

발달적 상호작용에서 교수자의 역할 분류

Typology of roles for developmental interactions


현 목적을 위해서, 우리는 developer의 역할에 초점을 맞췄다. 학습자의 기본적 역할은 이 developer의 행동에 반응하는 것이다. 우리는 이 분류를 최소 2명의 참여자가 있는 구조화된 교육적 맥락에 적용하고자 하였다. 따라서 독립적 혹은 평생학습 모델은 이 분류에 맞지 않는다. 분명하게, 학습자는 그들이 관여할 상호작용에 독립성을 가질 수 있다. 그러나 교육과정을 설계하고 그 내용을 전달하는 사람에 의해서 '발달적 상호작용'이라는 맥락과 어조tone가 설정되어야 한다.

For current purposes, we will focus on the role of the developer, making the assumption that primary role of the learner is to respond to the actions of the developer. We intend this typology to be applied in structured educational contexts with at least 2 participants. Thus, independent or life-long learning models do not fit into this typology. Clearly, learners have independence in the extent to which they will engage in interactions; however, the context and the tone for a devel- opmental interaction should be set by those who design the curriculum and deliver the instruction. For the typology, we identified 12 terms

교육적 목적

Educational purpose

"지식 전달"(1행)이라고 명명된 교육 목적은 '선언적 지식(펙트와 원칙)', '절차적 지식(자료분석과 운동감각기술)', '조건적 지식(주어진 상황에서 지식을 옳게 적용하기)'의 학습을 의미한다. 이 '지식 전달'의 개념에서 우리가 의도한 것은, 정보처리이론에서 가져온 것으로, 발달적 상호작용의 의도한 성과는 학습자가 (과거에는 몰랐던) 무언가를 알거나, (과거에는 하지 못했던) 무언가를 할 수 있게 되는 것을 말한다.

The educational purpose titled, ‘‘knowledge transmission’’ (Row 1) refers to the learning of declarative knowledge (such as facts and principles), of procedural knowledge (such as analyzing data or using kinesthetic skills) and of conditional knowledge (correctly applying knowledge to a given situ- ation). Our intention with this conception of knowledge transmission, which derived from the information processing theory (Bruning et al. 2004), is that it encompasses situations where the desired outcome of a developmental interaction is that the learner knows something or can do something that he or she previously did not know or could not do.

교육적 성과로서 전문직정체성형성(PIF, 2행)는 의과대학 교육과정에서 최근 몇 년간 강조되어 오는 것이다. 이 성과에는 가치/열망/사회에서 전문직 역할에 대한 감각/ 등을 포함한다. 본질적으로, 이 성과는 지식이나 술기가 아니라 인적특성이나 태도와 관련된 것이다. 정체성 형성에 관한 명시적 설명explicit instruction은 (didactic instruction보다) 발달적 상호작용에 더 의존한다.

Professional identity formation (Row 2), as an educational outcome, has been emphasized in medical school curricula in recent years (Cooke et al. 2010). This outcome incorporates values, aspirations and a sense of the professional’s role in society. In essence, it is an outcome of personal traits and attitudes rather than knowledge and skills. The explicit instruction on identity formation relies more heavily on developmental interactions than on didactic instruction (O’Brien & Irby 2013).

학습자가 활용가능한 자원을 최대한 이용하기 위해서는 교육이 일어나는 그 교육기관의 세팅을 따라 항해navigate해야 한다(3행). 의과대학이 작동하는 조직의 구조는 대개 매우 거대하고 복잡하고 탈중앙화 되어있다. 의과대학은 대학과 다양한 의료시스템과 무수한 행정 및 재정 구조의 interface에 위치하고 있다. 초심자는 그러한 친숙하지 않은 교육기관의 환경 속에서 최대한의 교육적 benefit을 얻기 위해서 어떻게 항해해야할지 배우는 것이 필수적이다. 이들 학생이 의과대학 구조 내에 존재하는 교육적 기회를 인지하고 활용하기 위해서는 경험이 많은 교수가 개별 학습자에게 맞추어서 가이드를 제공하고 상담을 해주는 식의 발달적 상호작용이 반드시 필요하다.

Learners need to navigate through the institutional setting in which education occurs (Row3) in order to take full advantage of the resources available. The organizational structure in which medical schools operate is typically large, complicated and decentralized (Wietecha et al. 2009). The school is often situated at the interface between a university, multiple healthcare systems and myriad administrative and financial structures. For novices to such an unfamiliar institutional milieu, learning to navigate through the system to reap the greatest educational benefit is essential. Developmental inter- actions in which experienced faculty members provide guid- ance and counsel that are personalized to individual learners are necessary for those learners to recognize and utilize the educational opportunities that are ensconced within the school structure.

학습자와 개발자 사이의 대인관계 상호작용(4행)을 촉진하는 것 역시 의도한 성과이다. 개발자-학습자 관계의 퀄리티가 나머지 세 개의 성과에 영향을 줄 것이나, '관계' 그 자체도 하나의 성과가 된다.

Fostering an interpersonal relationship (Row 4) between developer and learner is a desired outcome above and beyond the three aforementioned outcomes (Garvey 2004). Granted, the quality of the developer-learner relationship will influence the other three outcomes, but the relationship is an outcome in its own right (Healy & Welchert 1990).

내부 전문가와 외부 전문가의 역할

Intra- and extra-professional roles

개발자가 전문직 (내/외)와 관련하여 어떤 위치에 있는지는 학습자의 인식에 따라 달라진다. 교육 프로그램이 시작할 때, 학생은 그 교육 프로그램을 마친 모든 사람을 '내부인'으로 생각할 수 있다. 그러나 프로그램을 마치고 어떤 세부전공이나 직장을 가지게 되면 '내부인'의 정의는 더 협소해지며, 자신이 속한 전공분야 사람만 포함할 수도 있다.

It should be noted that characterization of the developers’ position within a profession may partially depend on the perception of the learner. At the outset of an educational program, students may see all the graduates from that degree program as being inside the profession. As they complete the programand move into a specialty or a vocation, they may narrow their definition of insiders to include only those in their own area of specialization.

용어의 분류

Classification of common terms


'teacher' 'master' 'tutor'는 '교수가 정보제공자 역할'을 하는 공통점이 있는 학습 맥락에서 활용된다. 이 용어들 간의 차이는 '의도한 성과'의 차이 또는 개발자의 역할에 따른 차이가 아니다. 이들 용어간의 차이는 명시적 의미denotation보다는 함축적 의미connotation의 차이이다. 여기에 속한 발달적 상호작용은 어떤 '특정 분야에서의 전문가'의 이미지를 떠올리게 하며, 한 명 혹은 다수의 학습자에게 직접적인 지시instruction을 내리는 사람의 이미지이다. 약간의 차이가 있다면, 학습자의 숫자 혹은 상호작용의 사회적 맥락과 관련된 차이이다. 예컨대 (비록 한 명의 developer에 둘 혹은 셋의 학습자가 있을 수도 있지만) 'tutor' 와 'master'는 일-대-일 관계를 함축한다. 반면, 'facilitator'는 직접적으로 교육/지시instruct를 하지 않으며, 내부자로서 갖추어야 할 스킬/전문지식/태도를 반드시 필요로 하는 것도 아니다. 'facilitator'는 학습자에게 기대하는 지식과 스킬을 습득할 수 있게 도와주는 발달적 상호작용을 manage하며, 주로 suggestion이나 question을 활용한다. 소크라테스라는 역사적 인물은 플라토가 묘사한 것처럼 능숙한 facilitator였다. 요약하면, 학습의 방향을 지시하는directing 발달적 상호작용에서 teacher의 역할은 facilitator보다 거리를 둔distant, 위계적hierarchical 관계가 된다.

The terms teacher, master and tutor refer to similar learning contexts, where the faculty member is an information provider (Harden & Crosby 2000). The difference between the terms is not related to the desired outcome or the role of the developer; the difference is more about connotation than denotation. These developmental interactions all conjure images of an expert in a field delivering direct instruction to one or many learners. The slight differences between the terms are related to the number of learners present or the social context of the interaction. For example, ‘‘tutor’’ and ‘‘master’’ suggest a one- to-one ratio, although there could feasibly be two or three learners with one developer – such as a master tradesman imparting knowledge and skills to an apprentice or a tutor giving private lessons. On the other hand, the ‘‘facilitator’’ does not directly instruct and does not need to possess the skills, of professional knowledge, or attitudes an insider. A facilitator manages the developmental interaction in a way that makes it possible for the learner to gain the expected knowledge and skills using the power of suggestion or by raising leading questions (Harden & Crosby 2000). The the historical Socrates, as depicted by Plato, would be the consummate facilitator. In short, developmental inter- actions for a teacher involve directing students’ learning, which entails a more distant and hierarchical relationship with students than would be expected from a facilitator.

두 번째 줄의 용어는 'developer가 누구인가'를 기반으로 일어나는 학습에 대한 발달적 상호작용이다. 여기서 developer는 관계에서 보다 수동적 역할을 한다. 이 때 성과는 학습자가 developer를 모방하면서 발생한다. 'guru'혹은 '롤모델'은 단순히 그 전문직에게 기대되는 바에 따라 행동할 뿐이다. guru라는 용어는 흔히 '영적 개발spiritual development'와 관련된 용어로 의학교육에서는 거의 쓰이지 않는다. 교육의 한 방법으로서 '롤모델링'은 교육과정이나 교육법에 기반한 것이 아니다. 롤모델은 단순히 직무를 적절한 사고방식과 행동방식에 따라 수행하며, 이를 학습자가 따라할 수 있게 함으로써 학생을 가르친다. 'counselor'는 어떤 전문직에 대해서 알고 있으나, 그 전문직의 구성원은 아니다. 이 유형의 발달적 상호작용에서 counselor는 학습자가 전문직정체성을 형성해나가는 과정을 지켜보고, 그 과정에 대해서 성찰한 내용을 들려준다. 롤모델은 전문직의 구성원으로서 기본적으로 학생에게 신뢰credibility를 받고 있으나, counselor는 학생이 조언을 받아들이게 하려면 반드시 신뢰관계를 구축해나가야 한다.

The terms in the second row apply to developmental interactions, in which the learning occurs based on who the developer is (Harden & Crosby 2000). In these, the developer takes a much more passive role in the interaction. It is assumed that the outcome will occur as the learner emulates the developer. The ‘‘guru’’ and the ‘‘role model’’ simply act in accordance with the expectations of their profession, albeit the term‘‘guru’’ is rarely used in medical education, since it is more commonly associated with spiritual development. As a teaching modality, role modeling is not based on a curriculum or pedagogy. A role model teaches students simply by doing the job with appropriate thoughts and behaviors for learners to emulate. In column B of this row in Table 2, the ‘‘counselor’’ knows the profession but is not a member of it. In this type of developmental interaction, a counselor observes the learners’ progress towards building a professional identity and can verbally reflect that progress back to the learner. As a member of the profession, a role model has inherent credibility with students, whereas a counselor must build a relationship of trust with the student such that the student will accept advice and counsel.


'advocate'는 학습자가 교육기관의 복잡한 조직 구조를 negotiate할 수 있게 도와주는 사람이다. advocate는 그 조직구조 내에서 일하면서, 그 기관의 이해관계자이며, 행정 프로세스를 더 신속히 처리함으로써 학습자가 전문직에 합류join할 수 있도록 도와주는 사람이다. 전문직의 구성원으로서 advocate는 학습자를 도와주기 위해서 개인의 경험을 기반으로 할 수도 있다. 한편, 'advisor'는 전문직의 바깥에 있는 사람이지만 그 기관의 구조 내에서 근무하여 학습자를 도와주는 사람이다. advisor는 전문직으로서 개인의 경험을 기반으로 할 수는 없지만, 기관에 대한 충분한 지식을 바탕으로 학습자에게 유용한 조언을 주고, 학습자의 이해를 대변할 수 있다.

An ‘‘advocate’’ is a developer within the profession who helps a learner to negotiate the intricacies of the educational institution’s organizational structure. The advocate works from within that structure, as a stakeholder in the institution, who expedites the administrative processes to help the learner to join the profession. As a member of the profession, an advocate can build on personal experience to assist learners. On the other hand, the developer is termed an ‘‘advisor’’ when the developer is an outsider to the profession but works within the institutional structure to aid the learner. An advisor cannot build on personal experience in the profession, but yet has sufficient knowledge of the institution to provide useful advice and to represent the learner’s interests to institutional entities.

학습자에게 'mentor' 혹은 'buddy'의 역할을 하는 developer는 학습자가 교육 프로그램을 마친 이후에는 '동료'가 될 것이다. '멘토'라는 용어는 교수개발프로그램에서의 한 부분이 되는 발달적 관계developmental relationship에 적용되는 용어이지만, 엄격하게 정의되지는 않는다. 최근 '멘토'라는 단어는 소그룹의 학생을 지도하는 faculty leader에 적용되고 있으며, 이들의 역할은 전문직정체성을 촉진foster하는 것이다. 의학교육에서 '멘토' 또는 다른 비슷한 용어에 대해서 널리 받아들여지고있는 understanding이 없음을 발견했다. '멘토'는 학습자와 동일한 진로 궤적을 공유하는 사람으로, 학습자보다 몇 단계 더 앞서 나가는 사람이다. '멘토'를 '롤모델'과 구분짓는 특징은 개발자-학습자의 관계에 대한 것이다. '멘토'는 발달적 상호작용 측면에서 '관계' 그 자체가 성과이다.

Developers who are a ‘‘mentor’’ or ‘‘buddy’’ to a learner will be peers of the learner once the learner completes the educational program. The term ‘‘mentor’’ is often applied to development relationships that are part of a faculty develop- ment program, (Ehrich et al. 2004; Sambunjak et al. 2006) but these remain loosely defined. More recently, the term ‘‘mentor’’ has been applied to the faculty leaders of small groups of students, which are designed to foster professional identity (Fleming et al. 2013). We found that there was not a widely accepted understanding of the term ‘‘mentor’’ or of the other terms that are in regular use in medical education (Healy & Welchert 1990; Harden & Crosby 2000; D’Abate et al. 2003; Sambunjak et al. 2006). It can be agreed that a mentor shares the same career trajectory as the learner, but is several stages ahead of the learner. Similarly, a buddy is a developer who is on the same trajectory as the learner but is only one stage ahead of the learner. The distinguishing characteristic of ‘‘mentor’’ from ‘‘role model’’ is the importance of the relationship between developer and learner. In these devel- opmental interactions, the relationship itself is a desired outcome (Gehrke 1988).

최근 문헌들은 의료와 의학교육의 발달적 상호작용에서 '코칭'이라는 용어를 강조하고 있다. 'coach'란 개발자 역할의 거의 모든 것을 아우르는 용어이다. 'coach'의 발달적 상호작용은 앞선 네 가지 outcome을 모두 포함할 수 있다. 그러나 '관계 형성'이라는 카테고리로 분류한 것은 '관계'가 성과로 다다르는 방법avenue이기 때문이다. 스포츠에서와 같이 coach는 최고 수준의 퍼포먼스를 이끌어내기 위해서 고군분투한다. 다양한 수단을 통해서 달성할 수 있다. 교육성과의 달성은 코치와 학습자 사이의 관계를 형성하는 것에 '이어서' 일어나는 것이다. coach의 역할을 하는 developer는 다른 developer역할에 비해서 학습자에게 더 adaptive해야 할 필요가 있다. 이를 통해 궁극적 목적을 향한 변화를 일으킬 수 있는 관계가 만들어진다.

Recent articles have emphasized the term ‘‘coaching’’ in developmental interactions in medicine and medical education (Gawande2011; Gifford&Fall 2014). The‘‘coach’’ is themost all- encompassing of the developer roles. Developmental inter- actions involving a coach may include elements of all the four outcomes. However, it is classified in ‘‘relationship building’’ because the relationship is the avenue to the outcome. As in sports, from which the metaphor is drawn, a coach strives to extract the highest level of performance possible from the learner. This can be accomplished by a wide variety of means that are as unique as the individual coaches and learners involved. Achievement of educational outcomes is subsequent to building the relationship between coach and learner. A devel- oper who is a coach needs to be more adaptive to the learner than is expected from other developer roles. This builds the relation- ship that causes change towards the ultimate objective.

coach는 전문직의 구성원일 수도 있지만, 반드시 그래야 하는 것은 아니다. 스포츠에서 훌륭한 coach가 그저그런 운동선수였던 경우도 많다. 이러한 경우 코치로서의 스킬은 경기에 대한 깊은 분석적 이해와 퍼포먼스의 동기부여를 하는 스킬에서 나오는 것이다. 이러한 측면에서 교육 프로그램에서의 coach는 전문직의 외부자이더라도, 객관적인/분석적인 관점을 가지고 학습자와 깊고 의미있는 관계를 쌓아나가는 사람으로서 학습자가 자기 노력으로 전문직이 될 수 있도록 도와주는 사람이다. 전문직의 내부자는 자기 자신의 퍼포먼스에 있어서는 전문가일 수 있지만, 개인이 전문성을 가지는 것과 다른 사람의 전문성을 끌어내는 능력은 별개이다. 실제로, 어떻게 스킬을 수행해야 하는가를 묘사하는 능력은 실제로 그 스킬을 수행하는 능력과 상반되곤 한다. 따라서 코치는 교육 스킬과 전문성을 모두 갖춘 전문직 내부자가 될 수도 있지만, 이 두 가지가 공존하는 경우가 드물기 때문이 이러는 경우는 흔하지 않다.

A coach could be a member of the profession, but is not necessarily so and is therefore categorized into column B of Table 2. In athletics, great coaches were often mediocre players – even at low-levels of the sport. In these cases, their skill as a coach is derived from their deep analytical under- standing of the game and their skill at motivating performance (Beilock 2011). In this respect, a coach in an educational program who is an outsider to the profession but who has an objective, analytical perspective and who builds deep, mean- ingful relationships with learners will help those learners to become professionals in their own right (Ericsson et al. 2007). The insider to the profession is an expert in her/his own performance, but personal expertise is distinct from the ability to generate expertise in others and, in fact, being able to describe how to perform a skill may be contradictory to actual performance of the skill (Flegal & Anderson 2008). Thus, although a coach could be a professional insider who has pedagogical skills; this is unlikely since the two skill sets are rarely concurrent in one person.


developer의 역할에 따라 어떤 title을 붙여야 하는지 consensus가 별로 없다. 각 역할에 대해서 어떤 기대를 하고 어떤 가정이 깔려있는지가 교수나 학생에게 명확히 설명되지 않는다. 이러한 상황에서 '학습자와 교수자의 관계', '교수자가 어떻게 progress에 도움을 줘야하는지에 대한 학생의 인식'의 오해가 학습성과의 달성에 방해가 되곤 한다.

Published literature in medical education and higher education does not indicate a consensus on titles that are given to the roles of developers in various developmental interactions. The expectations and assumptions for appropriate relationships in each of these roles are not always made explicit to either the faculty members or to the students. In such a situation, it would not be surprising, if achievement of learner outcomes is impeded due to misunderstandings about learners’ relation- ship with faculty and the learners’ expectations of how faculty will inspire their progress.

중요한 결정 중 하나는 어떻게 개발자와 학습자가 매칭되느냐이다. 예를 들어, 행정적으로 정해주거나, 무작위로 배정되거나, 개발자가 선택하거나, 학습자가 선택할 수 있다.

Further research and analysis of such considerations is warranted. Chief among such considerations is the decision about how developers and learners are matched. For example, learners and developers could be matched by administrative assignment, random assignment, developer choice, or learner choice

Flegal KE, Anderson MC. 2008. Overthinking skilled motor performance: Or why those who teach can’t do. Psychonom Bull Rev 15(5):927–932.

Harden RM, Crosby J. 2000. AMEE guide no. 20: The good teacher is more than a lecturer-the twelve roles of the teacher. Med Teach 22(4): 334–347.

Sambunjak D, Straus SE, Marusˇic´ A. 2006. Mentoring in academic medicine.JAMA 296(9):1103–1115.

Wietecha M, Lipstein SH, Rabkin MT. 2009. Governance of the academichealth center: Striking the balance between service and scholarship.Acad Med 84(2):170–176.


 2016 Mar;38(3):280-5. doi: 10.3109/0142159X.2015.1045848. Epub 2015 Jun 15.

typology of teaching roles and relationships for medical education.

Author information

  • 1a Emory University , USA.



Educational programs involve interactions between the instructors and the learners. In these interactions, instructors may play various roles. However, a nomenclature for relationships with learners appropriate to those roles has not been developed for medical education.


This article presents a typology of instructor's roles to facilitate the connection of outcomes with instructional methods and to inform training sessions for instructors.


Published articles in general education and medical education were searched for examples of terms used for instructor's roles in developmental interactions. Examples were grouped and classified to develop a two-dimensional typology.


The typology has eight categories on two dimensions. One dimension is the purpose for interaction: (1) knowledge transmission, (2) professional identity formation, (3) negotiating the institutional milieu, and (4) relationship building. The other dimension is dichotomous on whether the instructor is a member of the profession to which the learners aspire. Twelve terms were categorized: Advisor, Advocate, Buddy, Coach, Counselor, Facilitator, Guru, Master, Mentor, Role model, Teacher and Tutor.


Faculty instructors in medical education are often pressed for time, so clarifying role expectations is a low-cost scheme to enhance results. Using the typology can align instructor behavior with the desired learner outcomes and enhance efficient use of instructional time.

[PubMed - in process]

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