의학교육에서 교수개발의 발전: A Systematic Review (Acad Med, 2013)
Advancing Faculty Development in Medical Education: A Systematic Review
Karen Leslie, MD, MEd, Lindsay Baker, MEd, Eileen Egan-Lee, MEd, Martina Esdaile, MA,
and Scott Reeves, PhD, MSc
지난 수십년에 걸쳐서, 교수에게 "창의적이고 효과적인 teacher, 성공적인 researcher, 생산성 높은 clinician"이 될 것을 요구하는 광범위한 변화들이 있어왔다.
Throughout the last few decades, extensive changes have resulted in increasing demands on faculty to be “creative and effective teachers, successful researchers, and productive clinicians.”2
Stritter는 FD를 교수들의 교육수행능력 향상을 위한 전략strategies to improve faculty members’ teaching performance이라고 개념화했다. 이후 리뷰에서는 교수의 확장된 역할(행정가, 스칼라십, 리더십)을 포함한 더 포괄적인 FD의 정의가 요구되었다. 그러나 캐나다의 FD변화에 대해서 추적한 지난 30년간 진행된 일련의 설문을 보면, 비록 그러한 프로그램이 교수들의 요구를 충족시키기 위하여 시작되었지만, 여전히 주로 교육수행능력 향상에 초점을 두고 있다.
Stritter4 initially conceptualized FD as strategies to improve faculty members’ teaching performance. Subsequent reviews5,6 have called for a broader definition of FD, based on the expanding scope of faculty roles, including administration, scholarship, and leadership. However, a series of surveys1,7,8 conducted over the past 30 years, which described and tracked changes in FD programs in Canadian medical schools, indicate that although such programs have begun to address the breadth of faculty members’ needs, their focus remains on strategies to improve teaching performance.
Our specific objectives were threefold:
(1) to provide an account of the nature and scope of FD programs,
(2) to provide an assessment of the quality of FD studies, and
(3) to identify in what areas and through what means future research can purposefully build on existing knowledge.
Eligibility criteria
We included articles that reported program evaluations of FD initiatives for both basic science and clinical faculty in academic medicine.
We included only peer-reviewed articles published between January 1989 and December 2010.
We excluded articles that had been included in previous FD reviews (e.g., by Steinert and colleagues12) to avoid repetition and to build on their findings.
연구문헌 탐색과 선택
Search strategies and selection methods
We used two approaches to locate articles for inclusion in our review. First, we searched for relevant articles published in the past 21 years (January 1989 to December 2010) using the electronic databases MEDLINE, CINAHL, and ERIC. We chose these three databases because they span the health professions.
Second, we conducted manual searches of three leading medical education journals that publish articles on FD initiatives (Academic Medicine, Medical Education, and Medical Teacher) for the same period (January 1989 to December 2010).
데이터 추상화, 분석, 종합
Data abstraction, analysis, and synthesis
Building on Barr and colleagues’15 and Steinert and colleagues’12 use of the Kirkpatrick model, we further modified our list of outcomes to the following seven categories:
(1) learner reaction (level 1),
(2) modification of attitudes/perceptions (level 2a),
(3) acquisition of knowledge/skills (level 2b),
(4) behavioral change (level 3),
(5) changes in organizational practice (level 4a),
(6) benefits to students/residents (level 4b), and
(7) benefits to patients/ communities (level 4c).
질 평가
Assessing the quality
두 가지 차원에 대해서 5점척도로 평가: 연구 자체의 퀄리티, 연구에서 도출한 결과의 퀄리티
We calculated scores (out of five points) along two dimensions—the quality of the study and the quality of the information provided in the article.16 Only articles that attained at least three points on both dimensions were eligible for inclusion in our review.
Of the 22 articles, 15 reported on FD initiatives that took place in the United States,17–31 3 in Canada,32–34 and 1 in each of Israel,35 Sweden,36 and Germany.37 One described an international collaboration between the United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico.38
Nearly all the articles (n = 21) were published from 2001 to 2010 (one was published in 199023).
Although the majority of articles used the term faculty development (n = 20), other terms used included staff development,36 teaching workshop,32 consulting program,38 and tutor-training program.27 However, only two articles provided a definition for the term they used.23,33
프로그램의 중복여부
Two articles described the same program30,31; therefore, we reviewed 22 articles but 21 programs.
Of the 21 programs, the most common format described was series/longitudinal (n = 12).18–21,24,25,28–31,36–38 These programs were either a series of workshops or a longitudinal program that participants attended over a prolonged length of time (ranging from 10 days to 2 years). Four programs were single workshops (one day or less),17,27,33,35 2 were short courses (less than one week),22,32 and 1 was a fellowship program (1 year).23 Two programs did not fit into these categories—the first involved observations of workplace teaching followed by feedback,26 and the second involved a combination of a workshop, a series of peer writing groups, and independent study.34
교육의 대상
The majority of programs were intended for individual learners (n = 19)17–21,23–37 rather than teams (n = 2).22,38 Fifteen were intended for physicians only,17– 20,22–24,26–29,33,35,37,38 whereas 6 included a mix of health professionals (including nursing, pharmacy, public health, dentistry, basic science, and rehabilitation science).21,25,30–32,34,36
프로그램의 범위
The scope of the programs ranged from local (n = 11) to national (n = 9) to international (n = 1).
이론 프레임워크
The articles did not explicitly discuss a theoretical framework for the FD activities, with the exception of Sullivan and colleagues,30,31 which mentioned the use of adult learning theories in the instructional design of their program.
프로그램의 목표
Many of the included studies had multiple aims.
The most common program aim was to improve teaching effectiveness; 15 of the 21 programs included this goal as one of their primary objectives.17–20,23–27,30–33,35–37
The second most common program aim (n = 8) was scholarship,21,23–25,28,33,34,37 which encompassed such activities as curriculum design and the development of research skills.
Four programs had the development of faculty developers as an objective22,28,29,38; that is, participants attended the initiative to become faculty developers themselves and to implement FD initiatives at their home institutions.
In addition, 4 programs described career development as an objective20,23–25; they aimed to nurture participants’ professional effectiveness, professional academic skills, career management, and administration skills.
Finally, 3 programs noted leadership as an aim,24,28,29 including enhancing participants’ ability to understand and influence change in their local setting, gaining leadership skills, and creating leadership focused on changing culture.
평가 접근법
Evaluation approaches
Table 1 provides a summary of the evaluation designs, data collection methods, and data analysis approaches employed by the studies in our review. Although 8 of the studies reported the use of mixed methods19,25,26,28,30,34,37,38 and 2 studies employed qualitative methods only,29,36 the focus remained predominantly on quantitative approaches, with 12 studies employing only quantitative methods.17,18,20–24,27,31–33,35 Only 4 studies mentioned a theoretical or conceptual framework for the evaluation design.24,25,33,37
A number of studies employed longitudinal designs—6 with more than three data collection points over time.22,24,27,29,32,34 Fifteen studies included some follow-up component, ranging from 2 months to 13 years post intervention. In addition, 9 studies included a control or comparison group in their design.17,19–21,23,26,27,32,35
Although 9 studies used more than one method of data collection, 13 studies relied on only one data collection method. Not surprisingly, surveys were the most popular method to collect data (n = 18).17,19–24,27–35,37,38 These ranged from complex research instruments to “happy sheets,” which gathered participants’ immediate reactions to the program. Six of these studies used a previously validated instrument. In addition, 3 evaluations analyzed data from interviews25,36,37 and focus groups,37 which were recorded and transcribed, 3 collected observational data,26,34,38 and 3 analyzed the curriculum vitae of participants.24,25,34 Other methods described included analyzing teaching scores, student marks, and progress reports.
자료원의 숫자
Half of the studies used more than one data source (n = 11).17,19–21,23,26,29,32,34,35,38 In general, participants were the most common source of data (n = 21). However, at times, data collected from participants were augmented by data gathered from comparison groups (n = 8), students (n = 6), and facilitators (n = 2).
결과 보고
Reported outcomes
1. 반응
Level 1: reaction.
Nine studies assessed outcomes at this level, which included participants’ satisfaction, perception of program usefulness and acceptability, and value of the activity.20,24,28,30,32–34,37,38 Participants’ reactions were usually measured with a survey immediately following the program.
2a. 태도/인식
Level 2a: attitudes/perceptions.
Fourteen studies addressed participants’ attitudes, which included motivation, self-confidence, enthusiasm, and conceptions of teaching and learning.17,19–21,23,25,26,28,30–33,36,37 This outcome was largely self-reported (n = 12); however, students and residents observed and reported shifts in faculty member participants’ attitudes in 2 studies.26,32 This outcome also was most often measured using surveys (n = 9).17,20,21,23,28,30–33 In addition, 6 of these studies recruited a comparison group of faculty to either fill out the survey themselves or to have their students/residents complete it with them in mind. Finally, in 3 studies, interviews were used to collect data about participants’ attitudes.25,36,37
2b. 지식/스킬
Level 2b: knowledge/skills.
Sixteen studies evaluated outcomes related to participants’ knowledge and skills.19–21,24–33,35–37 Although self-reported data were most common (n = 12), 5 studies presented data related to participants’ knowledge and skills as observed by others (e.g., expert medical educators). Surveys were the most common data collection method, used in 11 of the 16 studies.20,21,23–35 In addition, interviews were employed in 3 studies.25,36,37
3. 행동
Level 3: behavior.
By far, the most commonly reported outcome was participants’ behavior change, measured in 21 of the 22 studies.17–19,21–38 Behaviors measured included delivery of workshops, educational practices and teaching skills, and research productivity. Fourteen studies presented self- reported behavior outcomes, whereas 7 reported participants’ behaviors as observed by others (e.g., students). Two studies included both self-reported and non-self-reported outcomes.19,29
다양한 자료수집방법이 활용됨
In comparison with the other reported outcomes, a variety of methods were used to gather data about participants’ behavior change, including surveys (n = 16)17,19,21–23,27–35,37,38 and interviews with participants (n = 3),25,36,37 the collection of observational and video data (n = 2),18,26 the analysis of curriculum vitae to track career achievements (n = 3),24,25,34 and the analysis of narratives written by participants to illustrate the influences of the FD process on their behavior (n = 1).19
4a. 조직 행동
Level 4a: organizational practice.
These outcomes measured changes that affected the organization in some way, such as the development of new programs or new curricula; the retention of faculty; new hires; and culture changes. Organizational changes were reported in 9 studies19,22,24,26,28,29,31,33,38 and were mostly captured by self-reported follow-up surveys (up to 24 months after participation in the FD initiative) and progress reports submitted by participants.
4b. 학생의 이득
Level 4b: student benefit.
Three studies assessed the benefits to students of FD programs.19,27,29 All three reported the results of surveys completed by individuals other than the FD program participants.
4c. 환자의 이득
Level 4c: patient benefit.
Two studies included the self-reported benefits to patients.31,37 Participants completed surveys about how the changes they made in their clinical practices as a result of the FD program affected the quality of their patient care.
Steinert등, Sambunjak 등의 연구결과와 비교하면 최근들어 FD이니셔티브의 범위scope나 평가방법이 확장됨을 알 수 있었다. 예컨대, 본 연구에서는 FD프로그램이 교육스행능력에만 초점을 두던 것에서 벗어나서 다양한 목적을 가지기 시작했으며, 한 프로그램 내에서도 그러했다. 프로그램은 점점 스칼라십/리더십/교수개발요구 등을 지원하고 있었다. 이러한 변화는 변화하는 의학교육와 의료시스템의 환경에 따라 교수들의 요구가 진화한 것에 대한 반응으로 보여진다. 흥미롭게도, 교수개발자들의 개발은 여러 프로그램의 목표였으며, 어떻게 build capacity를 할 것인가에 대한 지식을 확장시키고자 하는 요구addressing the need to extend knowledge about how best to build capacity라고 할 수 있다.
Our review found some expansion in both the scope of FD initiatives in recent years and the evaluation methods employed by researchers, compared with the findings of Steinert and colleagues12 and Sambunjak and colleagues.11 For example, our findings suggest that FD programs are beginning to move away from a focus on teaching performance alone toward a variety of objectives, often within the same program. Programs are increasingly aiming to assist faculty with their scholarship, leadership, and career development needs, in addition to their teaching skills. This shift may mirror the evolving needs of faculty in response to the changing landscape of medical education and the health care system.2,3 Interestingly, the development of faculty developers was an aim in several of the programs, addressing the need to extend knowledge about how best to build capacity.
가장 흔한 형태는 시리즈 혹은 장기 프로그램이었다. 비록 이러한 활동이 단순히 워크숍 시리즈인 경우가 많긴 했으나, 시리즈 또는 장기 프로그램이 가장 흔한 형태라는 결과가 보여주는 바는 FD이니셔티브의 설계자들이 전통적인 single, one-time workshop의 형태에서 벗어나고 있다는 점이다. 이러한 변화는 이 분야의 리더들이 practice의 변화를 위해서는 장기적 노출prolonged exposure이 필요하다는 점을 인정했음을 보여준다(이러한 장기적 노출을 통해서 학습에 대한 적용의 기회, 학습과 실천에 대한 성찰이 가능해진다).
그러나 FDP의 다수는 여전히 관점이 협소했는데, 대체로 팀이 아니라 개인에 초점을 두고 있었고, 한 종류의 직군(의사)만을 대상으로 했고, 한 장소에서 이뤄졌으며, 그 지역local에서만 참가자들이 있었다. 더 나아가서 FD이니셔티브의 개발은 여전히 이론적 근거 없이 이뤄지고 있어서 이 설계방법의 개념적 프레임워크를 제시한 연구는 거의 없었다.
The most common format for FD initiatives was a series or longitudinal program (see Appendix 1). Although these initiatives often were simply a series of workshops that participants could attend, that we found them to be the most common format indicates that the designers of FD initiatives are moving away from the traditional format of single, one-time workshops. This shift may indicate an acknowledgement by leaders in the field that prolonged exposure (with the opportunity for the application of and reflection on learning and for reflection on practice) is often necessary for change in practice.39 The majority of the FD programs, however, remained narrow in scope. They were largely focused on individuals as opposed to teams, were mostly offered to a single profession (physicians), at single sites, and to local participants only. Moreover, the development of FD initiatives appears to remain largely atheoretical, with few studies identifying a conceptual framework that informed its design.
하나 빼고는 모두 지난 10년간 발표된 논문이었는데, 프로그램을 평가하는 caliber가 최근 향상되고 있음을 보여주었다. 비록 이러한 변화가 긍정적이나 여전히 개선의 여지가 있다. 소수의 프로그램만이 이론적, 개념적 프레임워크 기반을 가지고 있었다. 또한 비록 질적, mixed-method가 점점 널리 사용되고 있지만, 여전히 대부분은 양적연구방법만 사용한다. 이는 가용자원의 제약 때문일 수 있으나(시간과 돈), 한편으로는 의학교육자들이 전통적인 양적연구방법에 익숙하다는 것을 보여준다. 그러나 우리는 post-intervention 연구들이 longitudinal evaluation으로 변화하는 모습을 관찰할 수 있었다. 추가적으로, 많은 연구들이 통제군/대조군을 포함시켰다.
With respect to program evaluation methods, all but one of the articles included in our review were published in the last decade (see Appendix 1), suggesting that the caliber of evaluation work has improved in recent years. Although this change is promising, there is still room for improvement. A small number of studies based their evaluations on a theoretical or conceptual framework. In addition, although qualitative approaches and mixed-method approaches to program evaluation are becoming more prevalent, the majority of studies only employed quantitative methods (see Appendix 1). This practice may be due to resource issues, including time and money, but it also may reflect medical educators’ traditional preference for undertaking quantitative research work. We did, however, notice a shift from postintervention studies toward longitudinal evaluations. In addition, a growing number of studies are employing control or comparison groups in their designs. These practices indicate that quality evaluations are becoming more rigorous.
연구자들은 자료수집 시에 한 가지 방법에만 의존하는 경우가 많다. 인터뷰/관찰/CV분석 등을 활용하기도 했지만, 가장 흔한 것은 unvalidated survey였다. 유사하게, 두 개 이상의 자료출처를 사용하는 경우가 늘어나고는 있지만, 프로그램 참가자가 가장 주된 자료출처이다. 자기보고자료에 의존하는 것이 FD문헌의 common thread였다.
Our findings also illustrate that researchers continue to rely on a single method of data collection (see Appendix 1). Although some studies used interviews, observations, and curriculum vitae analysis, the most common form of data collection was the use of unvalidated surveys. Similarly, despite an increasing number of studies employing more than one data source (including students and FD program facilitators), program participants remained the predominant source of data. This reliance on self- reported data is a common thread in the FD literature over the years.12
마지막으로, 흔히 사용되는 성과척도는 다음과 같은 것들이 있다. 반응reaction에 의존하던 모습이 변한 것은 긍정적이지만, 교육 프로세스나 맥락적 요인의 상호작용interplay는 비교적 관심을 받지 못하였다 O'Sullivan과 Irby는 전통적인 FD연구의 선형모델에서 벗어나야 한다고 했다.
Finally, our findings indicate that the most common outcomes measured included participants’ self-reported behavior changes, acquisition of knowledge and skills, and changes in attitudes and perceptions (see Appendix 1). Although this shift from relying on reaction outcomes is a welcome change, little focus has been placed on the educational process or the interplay of contextual factors that affect the success of FD. Perhaps, as O’Sullivan and Irby40 suggest, it is time to move away from the traditional linear model of FD research that focuses on the individual participant. They offer instead a new model that is more cyclical in nature and that focuses on the interaction between the FD community and the workplace community.
우리의 연구 결과에 근거해서 다음을 권곻ㄴ다.
On the basis of our findings, we propose the following recommendations for future FD research
양정, 질적 방법
First, researchers must continue the trend toward more rigorous approaches to program evaluation. The growing use of mixed methods should be encouraged because such approaches provide for comprehensive and robust studies that produce rich data. Combining both qualitative and quantitative perspectives allows researchers to generate findings that focus on both the teaching processes and the outcomes of those processes.
Related to this trend is the need for the use of theoretical frameworks in designing evaluation studies. Grounding such studies in the broader literature is necessary if FD scholarship is to engage in dialogue and align with the health professions education research community as a whole.
참가자 말고도 퍼실리테이터의 역할 등에 대해서도. 전문직간 팀, 실천공동체, 어떻게 행동변화가 일어나는가 등
Second, researchers must expand beyond studying solely participants’ outcomes; they also must include multiple sources of data. For example, only a small percentage of the studies included in our review employed facilitators as data sources, and those that did usually used them to provide their perceptions of the changes in participants rather than to share their own experiences. Others support our call to explore further the role that facilitators can play in measuring the success of FD programs.40,41 Similarly, FD research currently overlooks the role of interprofessional teams and communities of practice in the workplace. Furthering this line of research would put us a step closer to understanding how behavior change occurs within the practice environment.
다기관 연구
Finally, the bulk of FD evaluations are completed at a single institution, which limits the inferences one can draw from such studies. More multisite studies are needed to produce more compelling empirical research. Multisite studies also would explore the complex ways in which different organizational and contextual factors shape the success of FD programs.
Acad Med. 2013 Jul;88(7):1038-45. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0b013e318294fd29.
Advancing faculty development in medical education: a systematic review.
- 1Centre for Faculty Development, University of Toronto, Li Ka Shing International Healthcare Education Centre, St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. lesliek@smh.ca
To (1) provide a detailed account of the nature and scope of faculty development (FD) programs in medical education, (2) assess the quality of FD studies, and (3) identify in what areas and through what means future research can purposefully build on existing knowledge.
The authors searched MEDLINE, CINAHL, and ERIC for articles reporting evaluations of FD initiatives published between 1989 and 2010. They applied standard systematic review procedures for sifting abstracts, scrutinizing full texts, and abstracting data, including program characteristics, evaluation methods, and outcomes. They used a modified Kirkpatrick model to guide their data abstraction.
The authors included 22 articles reporting on 21 studies in their review. The most common program characteristics included a series/longitudinal format, intended for individuals, and offered to physicians only. Although the most common aim was to improve teaching effectiveness, several programs had multiple aims, including scholarship and leadership. Program evaluation focused on quantitative approaches. A number of studies employed longitudinal designs and included some follow-up component. Surveys were the most popular data collection method, participants the most common data source, and self-reported behavior changes the most commonly reported outcome.
Although the authors' findings showed some recent expansion in the scope of the FD literature, they also highlighted areas that require further focus and growth. Future research should employ more rigorous evaluation methods, explore the role of interprofessional teams and communities of practice in the workplace, and address how different organizational and contextual factors shape the success of FD programs.
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