논문 프로포잘 양식(질적 논문)

1. 연구제목 혹은 주제

2. 연구의 필요성과 목적

3. 연구 맥락을 이해하기 위한 문헌고찰 / 선행연구의 개관

4. 연구문제 / 연구 질문

5. 연구방법: 방법, 참여자, 표집, 자료수집방법, 분석방법, 연구의 윤리

6. 연구의 타당성

7. 예비결과

8. 연구의 의의

9. 참고문헌

10. 부록

※ 프로포잘 작성의 구체적인 예는 다음 자료를 참고하시기 바랍니다.

합의적 질적 연구법(Consensual Qualitative Research)을 사용하는 논문계획서 작성기준

● Przeworski와 Salomon(1988)은 모든 논문계획서를 심사하는 사람들이 다음 세 가지 질문에 대한 해답을 찾는다고 한다. 

1) 제안된 계획서의 결과로서, 지금까지 알고 있지 못했던 어떤 것을 우리는 알 수 있게 되는가? 

2) 왜 그것은 알만한 가치가 있는가? 

3) 그 결과가 타당하다는 것을 우리는 어떻게 알 수 있는가?

첫 번째와 두 번째 질문에 대한 해답은 연구자들이 자신이 연구하려고 하는 주제 에 대해 기존의 이론이나 선행연구들을 충실하게 검토하면 할수록 더 명확하게 전 달될 수 있다. 연구자들은 선행연구들을 존중하면서도 한편, 비판적인 안목을 갖고 그것의 한계와 문제점을 인식할 수 있어야 한다. 질적 연구에서는 선행연구 뿐 아 니라 연구자 자신의 개인적 경험에 대한 반성과 실천적 목적에 대한 고려도 중요하 다. 이러한 과정을 통해 나온 연구 질문이라야 자신의 연구의 정당성과 가치를 방 어하고 입증하기 쉬울 것이다. 또한, 연구는 어떤 현상에 대한 새로운 지식이나 통찰 그리고 가치와 의미를 제시할 수 있어야 한다.

세 번째 질문에 대한 해답은 질적 연구에서 특별한 의미를 갖는다. 연구의 타당 성을 확보하는 질적 방법론의 절차를 심사자들에게 이해시키기 위해서, 연구자는 양적 연구방법과 질적 연구방법의 철학적, 방법론적 차이를 명확히 이해하고 있어 야 한다. 타당성과 관련된 문제는 뒤에서 다룰 것이다.

● 논문계획서에는 연구자 자신의 아이디어를 논리적으로 전개해야 한다. 기존이론 이나 선행연구들, 연구방법론에 대한 지식을 백화점식으로 나열해서는 안 된다. 자 신의 연구문제를 도출해내게 된 개인적 경험, 실천적 이유, 그리고 기존이론 및 선 행연구들의 모순이나 한계를 보여주는 것이 더 설득력 있을 것이다.

CQR은 비교적 협소한 특정현상(예로, 상담관계에서 일어나는 전이현상)을 경험 한 소수의 참여자들을 집중적으로 연구하는데 적합한 질적 연구방법이다. 분석 데 이타는 대개의 경우 참여자들의 언어적 자료이며, 다수의 공동 평정자 및 감사들을 활용함으로써 연구의 타당성을 확보하려고 한다. 연구자는 자신의 연구목적을 달성 하는데 CQR이 적당한 방법인지 검토해야한다.

1. 서론 / 연구의 목적과 필요성

서론에는 연구자가 어떤 현상을, 왜 연구하고 싶은가에 대해 개요를 기술한다. 여기에서는 연구의 목적이 명확히 제시되어야 한다. 질적 연구의 목적은 연구적 목 적과 더불어 개인적 목적이 포함될 수 있다. 

  • 연구적 목적에는 특정한 경험을 가진 참여자들의 경험에 대한 의미의 이해, 그러한 경험을 발생시키는 맥락에 대한 포괄 적인 이해, 특정사건이 발생하는 과정에 대한 이해 등이 포함된다. 

  • 개인적 목적에는 연구자들이 이 연구를 하도록 동기화시키는 사적경험들, 실천적 이유들이 포함될 수 있다.

또한 연구의 필요성 혹은 정당성에 대해 설명하여야 한다. 기존의 이론이나 연구들의 한계(기존 연구의 부족도 포함) 혹은 기존 연구자들의 추후 연구를 위한 제안 사항, 개인적 경험 등이 연구의 필요성을 설명하기 위해 언급될 수 있다. 이 연구를 통해 얻을 수 있는 새로운 지식과 이해가 가치 있는 것인가? 누구를 위해 그리고 어떤 방식으로 유익한가에 대한 설득력 있는 논리를 개발하는 것이 필요하다.

2. 연구맥락 / 선행연구의 개관 및 문제점

자신이 연구하고자 하는 현상 혹은 문제에 대한 선행연구와 이론들을 논의한다. 그러나 이론이나 선행연구를 단지 요약하거나 제시해서는 안 되며, 자신의 연구에 대한 토대와 정당성을 확보하기 위한 근거로서 이들을 활용해야 한다. 질적 연구에 서 연구자는 문헌을 무비판적으로 따르기 보다는 비판적인 주관성을 갖고 문헌으로 부터 쟁점과 한계를 읽는 눈을 계발해야한다. 이를 위해 연구자는 연구현상에 대한 자신의 개인적 경험과 지식을 적절히 활용할 필요가 있다.

3. 연구문제 / 연구질문

연구 질문은 연구계획서의 가장 핵심적인 부분이다. 연구 질문은 연구의 목적이 나 필요성과 논리적으로 연결되어야한다. 즉, 이러한 연구 질문이 연구의 목적을 달 성할 수 있는 응답을 이끌어 낼 수 있는가 계속해서 질문해야 한다.

좋은 연구 질문은 명확하게 초점이 있어야 한다. 특히 CQR은 비교적 좁은 범위 의 현상을 집중적으로 연구하는 방법이므로 주제에 대한 물음들을 미리 만들어 보 는 것이 좋다. 그러나 명확하게 초점이 있는 질문과 지나치게 구체적인 질문 혹은 연구자의 의도를 이끌어내는 질문을 잘 구분해야한다. 질문은 개방적이어야 하지만 연구의 초점에 대한 일관성 없이 마구잡이식의 자료 수집은 곤란하다.

연구계획서에 포함될 초기 질문은 대략 3-5개 정도가 적당하다. 초심연구자들이 라면 초기질문에 대한 하위질문들을 미리 만들어보는 것이 좋다. 연구 질문은 인터 뷰가 진행됨에 따라 달라질 수 있으나, 초기 질문은 연구하려는 현상에 대해 연구 목적과 관계된 대답을 이끌어 낼 수 있도록 중요한 초점들을 담고 있어야 한다. 비연구를 수행하고 있다면, 인터뷰 전과 후에 연구자가 생각한 질문내용이 어떻게 변화했는지를 계획서에 제시하면 더 설득력이 있을 것이다. 이 밖에 연구 질문과 관련된 주의사항은 질적 연구 방법론 책들을 참고하기 바란다.

4. 연구방법 / CQR소개, 연구참여자, 표집, 자료수집방법, 분석방법, 연구의 윤리.

연구방법에는 우선 자신의 연구목적을 이루기 위해 왜 질적 연구를 그 중에서도 CQR을 선택했는가를 설명한다. 어떤 방법론을 선택할 것인가는 연구의 목적 그리 고 질문과 논리적인 연결이 이루어져야 한다.

연구 참여자들과 연구자간의 관계에 대해 제시한다. 만약, 이중적 관계(예를 들 어,연구자와 상담자 혹은 치료자)에 놓여있다면, 그로인한 윤리적 문제나 연구타당 성 문제를 어떻게 해결할 수 있는지 방안이 제시되어야 한다.

CQR에서 연구 참여자의 표집은 목적적 표본 추출 방법을 사용한다. 이것은 특정 한 기준에 부합되는 사람들을 연구 참여자로서 선정하는 것을 말한다. 연구 참여자 는 연구하려는 현상을 경험했어야 하며 그것을 적절히 표현할 수 있는 사람이어야 한다. 연구현상에 대한 경험이 최근이어야 한다(예로 3개월 이내)는 기준을 정할 수 도 있다. 중요한 점은 연구 참여자는 연구자가 연구 질문에 대한 대답 을 얻을 수 있는 사람이어야 한다는 것이다. 연구 참여자의 대표성 혹은 전형성은 연구의 타당성이나 일반화 가능성(물론 질적 연구에서 일반화가능성은 그리 중요한 이슈가 아니다)을 높일 수 있다. 계획서에는 왜 이 사람들을 특정한 세팅에서 인터 뷰하려고 하는지를 설명한다.

CQR에서 자료수집 방법은 대개 언어적 자료에 의존한다. 인터뷰를 통한 녹음, 메모 등이 주요도구가 된다. 그러나 자료수집에서 삼각검증(triangulation)으로 알려 진 다층적 자료 수집을 할 수 있다면, 결과의 타당성을 확보하는데 좋은 근거가 된 다. 예를 들어, 명상경험에 대한 질적 분석에서 참여자 뿐 아니라 지도자로부터도 자료를 모은다면 더 타당성 있는 결과를 얻을 수 있을 것이다.

CQR의 자료분석 방법은 체계적인 절차를 제공해주고 있으므로 초심자들도 비교 적 손쉽게 따라할 수 있을 것이다. 공동 평정자 팀 및 감사의 구성을 어떻게 할 것 인지 기술한다. 영역설정, 중심개념, 범주생성, 교차 타당화, 감사과정, 데이터의 패 턴 발견하기(예를 들어 영역들 간의 경로생성) 등의 자료 분석 절차를 간단히 제시 한다.

5. 연구의 타당성

연구자는 자신의 연구에서 타당성을 훼손할 수 있는 요소들을 제거하는데 최선의 노력을 해야 한다. 연구 설계 단계에서 타당성 위협요소를 통제하려는 양적 연구와 달리, 질적 연구에서 결과의 타당성과 관련된 가장 중요한 문제는 자료로부터 도출 된 연구결과(연구자의 해석, 설명, 도출한 패턴 등)와는 다른 대안적인 가설들을 어 떻게 배제시킬 것인가이다. 연구자는 우선 데이터를 분석하여 결론을 도출한 후, 도 출된 결론을 반증하는 데이터가 있는지를 면밀히 재검토해야 한다. CQR에서 이러 한 작업은 연구자, 공동 평정자 그리고 감사의 공동과업이기도 하다.

질적 연구의 타당성을 위협하는 가장 큰 문제는 연구자의 편견과 반응성이다. 연 구자들(공동 평정자와 감사를 포함한)은 연구하려는 현상(혹은 연구 참여자들)에 대 한 각자의 이론이나 선입관을 충분히 인지해야 하며(하나의 방법으로 자료 분석전 메모를 활용하여 편견들을 적고 함께 논의할 수 있다), 연구자가 연구 참여자에게 미치는 영향인 반응성에 대해서도 고려해야 한다. 질적 연구에서는 연구자가 연구 참여자에게 미치는 영향을 최소화하려는 노력을 하는 대신, 이를 이해하고 생산적 으로 활용하는 것이 중요하다(예를 들어 연구문제가 사회적 혹은 도덕적으로 민감 한 문제라면 면접에서 나온 결과보다는 질문지를 활용하는 것이 더 나을 수 있다).

이 밖에 질적 연구의 타당성을 확보하는 방법으로 삼각검증(자료수집의 다양화), 참여자선정에서 엄격한 기준제시, 다수평정자의 사용, 참여자 확인(도출된 결과를 참여자에게 확인하는 것), 양적인 자료들의 활용 등이 있다.

6. 예비결과

연구자가 이미 연구를 시작했다면, 지금까지의 연구과정과 잠정적인 연구결과 그 리고 본 연구를 위한 제안사항 등을 제시할 수 있다. 예비연구는 연구의 실행가능 성을 증가시키고, 연구 질문을 정교화하며, 연구의 필요성과 가치를 부각시킬 수 있 다는 점에서 적극 추천한다. 질적 연구에서는 1-2명 정도의 참여자를 대상으로 자 료를 모으는 것으로도 자신의 연구전반에 걸친 훌륭한 통찰을 얻어낼 수 있을 것이 다.

7. 연구의 의의

여기서는 앞에서 논의된 연구의 목적, 필요성, 그리고 연구의 예상되는 공헌 사항 들을 제시한다. 이와 같은 연구를 해서 무엇을 하자는 것인가? 에 대한 답변들이 있어야 한다.

8. 참고문헌

9. 부록

부록에는 연구 진행 계획표, 연구참여동의서, 설문지(참여자들의 인구통계학적 자 료수집을 위한), 인터뷰 질문항목들, 예비연구가 있다면 참여자 정보, 메모노트 등 이 포함된다.

160517 국문참고문헌 2. 논문 프로포잘 양식(질적연구 CQR).pdf

의학교육의 변화: CBME가 옳은 접근법인가? (Acad Med, 2016)

Transforming Medical Education: Is Competency-Based Medical Education the Right Approach?

Michael E. Whitcomb, MD

지난 15년간 미국 뿐 아니라 전 세계의 대학의학 커뮤니티의 많은 사람들이 CBME를 지지해왔다. 이 움직임은 1999년 ACGME가 새로운 GME프로그램 개발/시행/평가를 위한 여섯 개의 general competencies를 제안하면서 시작되었다.

During the past 15 years, various individuals within the academic medicine community have advocated for the development of a competency-based approach for reforming medical education in the United States, and around the world. The movement had its formal beginning in 1999 when the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education proposed a set of six general competencies that were to be used in establishing a new framework for designing, conducting, and evaluating graduate medical education programs.1

동시에, 의학교육계의 여러 사람들이 CBME는 ill-conceived하며 의학교육의 질을 저하시킨다고 주장했다.

At the same time, other members of the medical education community have argued that the CBME movement is ill conceived and actually threatens to undermine the quality of medical education.2

이번 호에서 ICBME Collaborators는 헌장charter를 제안하며 "CBME가 널리 도입되고 전세계 의학교육계가 이 여정과 함께할 수 있는 길을 구축하는 데" 도움이 되기를 바란다고 하였다.

In an article appearing in this month’s issue of the journal, a group of International Competency-Based Medical Education (ICBME) Collaborators have proposed a charter that they hope will help them “forge a path toward the goal of widespread implementation of CBME and to invite the worldwide medical education community to travel with [them] on this journey.”3

의학교육에서 CBME란 무엇인가?

What Does This Mean for Medical Education?

우선, 나는 의학교육을 변화시켜야 할 강력한 요구가 존재함에 동의한다.

To begin, I agree that there is a compelling need to transform medical education in this country to better prepare new physicians for the practice of medicine.

의학교육프로그램은 새롭게 양성되는 의사들이 진료를 시작했을 때 임상적 역량을 갖추었을 수 있게 설계되어야 한다고 믿는다. CBME를 도입하는 rationale이 "새롭게 양성되는 의사들이 진료practice에 준비될 수 있게 한다"라는 점은 말이 된다.

I believe that medical education programs should be designed and conducted in ways that aim to ensure that new physicians are clinically competent whenthey enter practice. Thus, the rationale for employing CBME in preparing new doctors for practice makes good sense.

내 관점에서, 의학교육계는 CBME지지자들이 말하는 것, 즉 임상역량의 결정은 졸업이나 수련을 마칠 당시에 한 차례의 총괄평가에만 기반해서는 안 되며, 각각의 역량 영역 - milestone - 에 대한 발전과정을 지속적으로 평가해야 한다는 것, 을 반드시 address해야 한다. 이러한 권고가 특히 문제가 있는 지점은, 각각의 역량을 individually 평가할 수 있다는 확실한 근거가 없다는 데 있다.

From my perspective, the medical education community must address the position advanced by CBME advocates that the determination of clinical competence may not be based solely on a summative assessment of a trainee’s ability to provide high-quality care at the time the trainee completes his/her training, but that indicators of progress in each of the competency domains—the milestones—must be continuously evaluated as the trainee progresses through each stage of the educational process. The approach recommended is particularly problematic because there is no convincing evidence that it is possible to assess each of the competencies individually.4

최소한, 스탶 의사들은 전공의들이 다양한 임상을 로테이션 하면서 수행능력 기준을 만족시키는지 평가하기 위해 더 많은 시간과 노력을 들여야 한다. CBME를 도입하는 과정에서 각 기관들이 해결해야 하는 과제는 어떤 기관들에게는 지나친 부담이 될 수 있다.

At the very least, staff physicians will have to commit more time and effort to assess whether residents have met the performance standards required for each of the milestones while rotating through various clinical services. The challenges that institutions will have to address in responding to the implementation of such a CBME framework may be overwhelming for some institutions.

CBME가 완전히 도입된다고 했을 때 생길 문제도 있다. 실제로 2010년 ICBME Collaborators는 CBME 시스템을 도입하기 위해서 극복되어야 할 "CBME의 일곱개의 주요 위험과 과제"를 제시한 바 있다. 이들은 의학교육계가 이 문제를 슬기롭게 해결하기 위한 노력에 동참해주기를 요청했다. 5년 이상이 지났지만, 여전히 그 문제는 해결되지 않고 있으며, 심지어 ICBME Collaborators는 이번 문헌에서 CBME가 더 나은 의사를 양성한다는 근거가 하직까지 없음을 명확히 밝히고 있다.

The reality that institutions will face a major challenge if a CBME system is fully adopted is well recognized. In fact, in 2010, the ICBME Collaborators presented a list of seven major “potential perils and challenges of CBME” that would have to be overcome to implement a CBME system, and they called on the medical education community to engage in efforts to determine how best to resolve the issues of concern.5 Now, more than five years later, those issues have not been resolved, and even more important, the Collaborators state clearly in their current article that there is currently no proof that the implementation of CBME would produce better doctors.


CBME를 지지하는 사람들의 주장의 타당성을 검증하는 것이 규제기구와 전문직기구가 CBME system의 도입을 강제하기 전에 이루어져야 한다. 왜냐하면 이를 위해서 엄청난 자원이 요구사항을 맞추기 위해서 투입될 것이기 때문이다. 그러나 현실에서 CBME시스템 도입을 지지하는 사람들의 입장은 theoretical construct에 머물고 있다.

I believe the claims being made by CBME advocates should be verified before steps are taken by regulatory and professional bodies to mandate the implementation of a CBME system that will require that substantial resources be committed to implement and conduct the system requirements. In reality, the position taken by those advocating for the implementation of a CBME system is so far based solely on a theoretical construct.

CBME가 더 나은 의사를 양성한다는 것을 보여줄 수 있는더 자세한 연구 아젠다가 필요하다.

A detailed research agenda that will provide a clear understanding of the value of CBME in producing better doctors is clearly needed.6

진정한 도전

The Real Challenge

나는 의료의 퀄리티가 낮은 것은 현재 진료중인 의사가 임상역량을 유지하는데 실패해서 생기는 경우가 더 흔하며, 학생이나 전공의가 그들의 교육과 수련을 마칠 때 임상적으로 충분한 역량을 갖추지 못했기 때문이라고 생각하지 않는다. 현재 진료중인 의사들의 의료행태를 모니터링하는 접근법은 매우 부족하다. certification과 relicensure에 필요한 프로세스는 의료의 질에 대한 진정으로 유의미한 그 어떤 척도도 포함하지 않고 있다.

I believe that medical care that is of poor quality is more often caused by practicing physicians who have failed to maintain their clinical competence, rather than by physicians who were not clinically competent when they completed their residency training and entered practice. The fact is that the approaches now in place for monitoring physicians’ practice behaviors are grossly inadequate. The fact is that the processes employed to grant maintenance of certification and relicensure do not include any truly meaningful measures of the quality of care being provided by physicians.7 At

4 Lurie SJ, Mooney CJ, Lyness JM. Commentary: Pitfalls in assessment of competency-based educational objectives. Acad Med. 2011;86:412–414.

5 Frank JR, Snell LS, Cate OT, et al. Competency-based medical education: Theory to practice. Med Teach. 2010;32:638–645.

6 Holmboe ES, Sherbino J, Long DM, Swing SR, Frank JR. The role of assessment in competency-based medical education. Med Teach. 2010;32:676–682.

 2016 May;91(5):618-20. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000001049.

Transforming Medical Education: Is Competency-Based Medical Education the Right Approach?

Author information

  • 1M.E. Whitcomb is a medical education consultant, Phoenix, Arizona.


There is growing recognition within the medical education community that medical education in this country needs to be changed to better prepare doctors for the challenges they will face in providing their patients high-quality medical care. A competency-based medical education (CBME)approach was endorsed by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education and the American Board of Medical Specialties approximately 15 years ago, and a self-designated group-the International Competency-Based Medical Education (ICBME) Collaborators-is now calling on members of the medical education community to join them in their effort to establish CBME as the approach to be used in transforming medical education, not only in the United States but also around the world.In response to an article in this issue by a group of ICBME Collaborators, the author argues that more evidence about the effectiveness of CBME is needed before a global shift to this approach is undertaken. It is time for major organizations and foundations that are committed to improving medical education to step forward and take the lead in partnering with the medical education community to conduct a critical evaluation of CBME. In addition, maintenance of certification, relicensure, and continuing medical education programs should be evaluated for their effectiveness in ensuring that physicians are clinically competent not only at the beginning of their career but also until the end.

[PubMed - in process]

CBME 진보: 임상가-교육자를 위한 헌장(Acad Med, 2016)

Advancing Competency-Based Medical Education: A Charter for Clinician–Educators

Carol Carraccio, MD, MA, Robert Englander, MD, MPH, Elaine Van Melle, PhD, Olle ten Cate, PhD, Jocelyn Lockyer, PhD, Ming-Ka Chan, MD, MHPE, Jason R. Frank, MD, MA(Ed), and Linda S. Snell, MD, on behalf of the International Competency-Based Medical Education Collaborators


국제적으로 CBME는 다양한 프레임워크로 도입되었음

Internationally, CBME is being adopted under a variety of frameworks, including

  • CanMEDS,3

  • the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education competencies,4

  • the Scottish Doctor Outcomes,5 and

  • the Australian Curriculum Framework for Junior Doctors.6


이 헌장에서는 ten Cate의 CBME정의를 적용함: 하나 혹은 그 이상의 의료역량medical competencies에 해당하는 적절한 수준의 능력을 목표로 하는 의료전문직을 위한 교육

For the purposes of this charter, we adapt a definition of CBME recently proposed by ten Cate7: education for the medical professional that is targeted at a necessary level of ability in one or more medical competencies.

CBME가 도입된 이후, resource-intensive한 교육시스템을 도입하는 것에 대한 우려가 많았으며, 그것이 정말 더 나은 의사를 만드는 것인가도 증명되지 않았다. 그러나 CBME의 효과성에 대한 공식적 근거가 부족하더라도 우리는 이 모델을 지향해야 할 두 지식체bodies of knowledge를 가지고 있다. 첫 번째는 CBME의 building block이라 할 수 있는 교육이론이다.

Since the introduction of CBME, many concerns have been raised about implementing a resource-intensive system of education and training that is as yet unproven as a means of producing better doctors.8 However, if formal evidence of the effectiveness of CBME is lacking, we do have two bodies of knowledge that support the move to this model. First are sound advances in education theory that serve as the building blocks of CBME:

  • 명확하게 정의된 성과 the importance of clearly defined outcomes,

  • 학습자가 authentic setting에서 능동적 역할을 담당 learners taking an active role in their education and assessment within an authentic clinical setting, and

  • 다수의 평가자와 다수의 방법을 이용한 형성적, 집중 피드백 formative and focused feedback from multiple assessors using multiple methods.9,10


두 번째는 우리는 우리의 현재 시스템이 최선의 의사를 양성하기에 부족하다는 근거가 충분하다. 의료과오에 대한 여러 문헌들.

Second, we have ample proof that our current system falls short of producing the best possible doctors:

  • An Institute of Medicine (IOM) report,11

  • the Canadian adverse events study,12 and

  • adverse events and near-miss reporting in the United Kingdom13

...have documented high rates of preventable medical errors.


현재까지 CBME 도입에 대한 여러 장애물이 있어왔다.

Major barriers to CBME implementation to date have included

  • (1) the time- and resource-intensive nature of competence assessment, which requires direct observation by multiple assessors in multiple settings;

  • (2) the need for faculty development in teaching and assessing the competencies;

  • (3) a misalignment between learning environments and learners’ chosen practice environments;

  • (4) the logistical challenges of introducing competency- based advancement into a traditionally time-based system (where advancement is primarily based on satisfactory completion of medical school and prescribed number of years of specialty training); and

  • (5) limited investment in health professions education, which accounts for less than 2% of expenditures globally in the health care industry.8,14,15

우리는 대중과 의학교육계에 CBME가 harm하지 않으며, 타당한 이론적 근거가 있고, 환자와 인구집단, 시스템 향상을 위한 습관을 체화시킨 의사 양성에 기여한다는 것을 보여줄 필요가 있다.

We need to demonstrate to the public and the medical education community that CBME does no harm, is based on sound educational theory, and contributes to the professional formation of physicians who embody the habits of working to improve patient and population care as well as systems of care.


The CBME Charter


서문 Preamble

Frank 등은 의학교육에서 성과바탕교육에 대해 다음과 같이 묘사했다. 

Frank et al16 have proposed the following description of competency-based education for medical education:

Competency-based education (CBE) is an approach to preparing physicians for practice that is fundamentally oriented to graduate outcome abilities and organized around competencies derived from an analysis of societal and patient needs. It de-emphasizes time-based training and promises greater accountability, flexibility, and learner-centeredness.


기본 원칙 Fundamental principles

교육은 반드시 serve하는 인구집단의 건강요구에 기반해야 한다.

Education must be based on the health needs of the populations served.

학부의학교육의 플렉스너적 전통에서는 quality gap과 의료 과오를 낳았다. CBME는 반대로 "해결되어야 할 건강 문제를 정의하고, 건강시스템의 퍼포먼스를 위하여 졸업생에게 필요한 역량을 밝히고, 교육과정이 역량을 달성하고, 성취와 부족한 점을 평가하도록 tailor되어야 한다"

Flexnerian tradition17 for undergraduate medical education (UME), The deficiencies that resulted from this education and training experience were explicitly brought to light by reports on quality gaps and medical errors.11–13,19 CBME, by contrast, “is a disciplined approach to specify the health problems to be addressed, identify the requisite competencies required of graduates for health-system performance, tailor the curriculum to achieve competencies, and assess achievements and shortfalls.”14

이 원칙의 중요성은 Berwick이 말한 "세 가지 목표"에 의해서 지지되며, '더 나은 건강, 더 나은 헬스케어, 그리고 낮은 가격'이다.

The importance of this principle is supported by the “triple aim” of Berwick et al21, which espouses better health, better health care, and lower cost.

교육과 훈련의 첫 번째 초점은 학습자에게 기대되는 성과가 되어야 하며, 교육시스템의 구조나 프로세스가 되어서는 안된다.

The primary focus of education and training should be the desired outcomes for learners rather than the structure and process of the educational system.


CBME는 강조점을 학습자가 어떤 지식을 적용할 수 있는 능력을 보여주게끔 하는데 둔다. CBME는 '기본 역량' 을 다양한 스펙트럼에서 요구하는데, 특정 역량은 직업 궤적에 따라서 선택되며, 학습자는 다음 단계로 나아가기 전에 반드시 역량을 보여주어야 한다. 이 원칙, 즉 "학습성과의 표준화와 학습 프로세스의 개별화" 는 최근 UME와 GME 개혁을 위하여 카네기 재단에서 발간한 보고서에 실린 네 가지 목표 중 하나이다. 또한 CBME에서 발달advancement한다는 것은 전문직정체성형성PIF 에도 근거를 두는데, 이것은 시간에 걸친 성숙 과정으로서 전문직업적 역량 개발의 핵심 요소이다.

CBME shifts the emphasis to the learner’s ability to demonstrate the application of that knowledge. CBME defines a broad spectrum of basic competencies, along with specific competencies aligned with chosen career trajectories, that learners must demonstrate before they advance to the next stage. This principle—“standardization of learning outcomes and individualization of the learning process”—is one of the four goals of the recent Carnegie Foundation report on reforming medical school and residency education.23 It is important to emphasize, that advancement in CBME predicated also on professional identity formation, a maturational process that occurs over time, is an integral component of the development of professional competence.24,25


의사의 양성은 교육, 훈련, 실천의 seamless 연속체에 있어야 한다.

The formation of a physician should be seamless across the continuum of education, training, and practice.


"종점을 염두에 두고 시작하라beginning with the end in mind"는 교육, 훈련, 실천의 전체 연속체가 "좋은 의사란 무엇인가"라는 질문의 공동의 비전으로서 informed될 수 있게 해준다. 이러한 shift는 입학시점부터 시작되어야 하며, 우리로 하여금 premedical candidate가 바람직하게 갖추어야 할 것이 무엇인지를 다시 검토하게 한다. 연속체의 정신을 떠올렸을 때, 이것은 기초의학을 전체 교육 훈련과정에 걸쳐서 통합시키는 것을 말하며, 환자 진료에 어떻게 적용되는지를 명시적으로 연결시켜야 한다.

Adopting a strategy of “beginning with the end in mind” will allow the entire continuum of education, training, and practice to be informed by a shared vision of what it means to be a good doctor. This shift must begin at the point of admission, requiring us to reexamine what we consider to be the desirable attributes of premedical candidates. In the spirit of the continuum, it also means focusing and integrating core basic science knowledge throughout education and training, and explicitly linking its application to patient care.23


교육과정과 평가의 연속성이 연속체에 걸친 학습을 더 효과적, 효율적, 의미있게 해줄 것이다.

Continuity of both curriculum and assessment across the continuum will make learning effective, efficient, and meaningful.


의학교육자들에게 요구되는 헌신

Commitments required of medical educators


도출된 넓은 범위의 역량을 포괄하는 교육, 평가, 롤모델링에 대한 헌신

Commitment to teaching, assessing, and role modeling the broad range of identified competencies.

Reaching beyond the traditional goals and objectives related to patient care and medical knowledge, these competencies include communication, professionalism, advocacy, scholarship, leadership, and practice and system improvement.3–6,28 For learners to embrace these compe- tencies as part of their professional formation, they must be made explicit in our curricula.


환자 안전과 학습자의 전문직업적 성장의 균형을 맞추는 supervision에 대한 헌신

Commitment to supervision that balances patient safety with the professional development of learners.

There is a basic core of knowledge and skills that faculty must learn to practice effective supervision Faculty must provide the structure and support to learners to facilitate their progression toward unsupervised practice.

모든 이해관계자들에게 투명성을 갖출 헌신

Commitment to transparency with all stakeholders.

환자. 학습자는 형성적, 건설적, 구체적 피드백을 환자/타 의료직종/동료/교수에게 받아야 하며, 학습자의 발달에 투자되는 모든 이해관계자와 협력해야 한다.

The voice of the patient—collectively and individually—must be attended In turn, the numerous stakeholders in health care deserve transparency regarding achievement of the targeted outcomes. To be able to improve their performance, learners need formative, constructive, and specific performance feedback from patients, other health care professionals, peers, and faculty, requiring collaboration with all stakeholders invested in learner development.


학습자를 empowerment해야 할 헌신

Commitment to the empowerment of learners.


학습자가 다른 것처럼 그들의 교육적 궤적도 모두 다르다. 이 원칙을 적용하기 위해서 우리는 '학습환경'을 '근무환경'까지 확장시켜서 학습자가 궁극적으로 근무할 곳에서 더 많은 시간을 보내게 해야 한다.

The expectation of CBME is that the teacher, the learner, and the learning environment will foster a learner-centered approach that includes individualized learning experiences, feedback, and guided reflection at every step along the career trajectory.30 As all learners differ, so should their educational trajectories. Applying this principle requires that we extend our notion of the learning environment to apply to the workplace, allowing learners to spend more time in the types of settings in which they will ultimately practice.

평가전략과 도구의 효과성과 효율성을 위한 헌신

Commitment to the effectiveness and efficiency of assessment strategies and tools.

다수의 평가자가 필요하다. 첫째, 다양한 이해관계자가 환자 진료에 관여되며 이들은 모두 서로 다양한 관점에서 중요한 기여를 한다. 둘째, 신뢰도를 높이는데는 샘플링이 많아져야 한다.

Multiple assessors are critical for two major reasons. First, many stakeholders are involved with patient care, and they each bring an important and different perspective. Second, reliability is dependent on broad sampling.32

Crossley and Jolly가 말한 바와 같이, 높은 수준의 평가는 '판단'의 문제이고, 이는 '옳은 질문'을 '옳은 방식'으로, '옳은 것'에 대해서, '옳은 사람'이 했을 때 더 가능하다. 즉, 우리의 평가 전략은 우리가 측정할는 construct와 잘 align되어 있어야 한다. 예컨대 팀워크를 평가하기 위해서 우리는 근무지에서의 협력적 행동을 구체적으로 평가할 수 있는 도구가 있어야 한다. construct alignment가 평가자간 일치도를 향상시키고, 저성과자와 고성과자를 구분하는데 도움이 된다는 근거가 있으며, 신뢰도있는 평가를 위해서 필요한 관측의 숫자도 줄여준다.

As Crossley and Jolly33 state, “Because high-level assessment is a matter of judgment, it works better if the right questions are asked, in the right way, about the right things, of the right people.” In other words, our assessment strategies must be closely aligned with the constructs (i.e., the behaviors in health care) we are attempting to measure. For example, if we want to assess teamwork, we need a tool that specifically addresses collaborative behaviors in the workplace.34 There is some evidence that this quality of construct alignment increases rater agreement around learner performance and the ability to discriminate between low and high performers while reducing the number of observations required for reliable learner assessments.35,36

우리가 사용하는 도구는 구조화된 평가 프로그램의 한 부분이 되어야 하며, 그 '효용성'에 의해서 정해져야 한다. van der Vleuten and Schuwirth32이 말한 바와 같이 “multiplicative product of their reliability, validity, cost-effectiveness, feasibility, and educational impact.”을 고려해야 한다.

The tools that we use should be part of a structured program of assessment37 and be guided by their “utility,” which is defined by van der Vleuten and Schuwirth32 as the “multiplicative product of their reliability, validity, cost-effectiveness, feasibility, and educational impact.”

시간이 아니라 역량에 따라서 이행여부가 결정되어야 할 헌신

Commitment to basing transition decisions on competence rather than time.


빠르게 학습하는 학습자는 competent 레벨이 아니라 그보다 더 상위 수준의 역량을 가지고 졸업할 수 있다.

Learners who are progressing quickly can be pushed furtheralong the developmental continuum from novice toward expert by the time of their transition from GME to practice.4 Thus, instead of graduating at a level of performance that is considered competent, they may graduate at a performance level of proficient or beyond in certain areas. 


근무지 평가, 프로그램 평가, 연구를 통한 CBME 발전을 이룰 헌신

Commitment to advancing CBME through workplace assessment, program evaluation, and research.

학습자를 개개인 수준에서 평가하는 것은 역량-기반 발달에 필수적이다. 그러나 집단의 역량collective competence가 평가의 중요한 단위로 떠오르고 있으며, '팀'에 대한 연구는 앞으로 이어질 연구에서 매우 중요한 영역이다. 따라서 우리는 CBME의 복잡성을 잡아내기 위하여 다양한 렌즈를 통하여 관점을 확장시켜야 한다. 교육 연구는 기존의 교육이론을 기반으로 해야 하며, 새로운 이론의 발달에 기여해야 하고, 무엇이 성공했으며, 무엇이 그러지 못하였고, 왜 그랬는지를 보여주어야 한다. 이에 따르면 이 연구는 가설 검증에만 집중해서는 안되며 어떻게 CBME가 adopted and adapted했는지에 대한 우리의 이해를 정교화시켜주어야 한다.

Assessment of learners at the individual level is critical to their competency-based advancement. However, collective competence is emerging as a critical unit of assessment, and the study of teams is an increasingly important area of continued research.39 Accordingly, we must expand our view, using a range of lenses—including multisite case studies41 and developmental42 and realist evaluation40—to capture the complexity of CBME. Education research must draw from and build on existing theories of education, as well as contribute to the development of new ones, in illuminatingwhat worked, what did not work, and why. 43 Accordingly, this research should not focus solely on hypothesis testing but should also elaborate our understanding of how CBME is adopted and adapted as an educational innovation over time.44 

교수개발에 대한 헌신

Commitment to faculty development.

최근에 졸업한 교수를 빼면, 다른 교수들은 자신이 배우거나 평가받지 않은 역량을 가르치게끔 요구받는다. 더 문제를 복잡하게 만드는 것은 20세기 모델에 뿌리를 둔 교육과 21세기 의사에게 필요한 역량의 격차이다.

Unless faculty are recent graduates themselves, they are being asked to teach about competencies that were not formally taught or assessed during their own training. Compounding the problem is the gap between practices rooted in 20th- century models and the required abilities of 21st-century physicians;

두 층위에서의 헌신이 필요하다.

Our commitment must be twofold:

(1) to provide faculty development in teaching and assessing the competencies required of learners, and

(2) to work with those responsible to transform care systems to models that align with our teaching about best practices.15,45

협력에 대한 헌신

Commitment to collaboration.

This collaboration should encompass all the international communities interested or involved in implementing CBME.

 2016 May;91(5):645-9. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000001048.

Advancing Competency-Based Medical Education: A Charter for Clinician-Educators.

Author information

  • 1C. Carraccio is vice president, Competency-Based Assessment, American Board of Pediatrics, Chapel Hill, North Carolina. R. Englander was senior director of competency-based learning and assessment, Association of American Medical Colleges, Washington, DC, at the time this was written. E. Van Melle is education researcher, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, and education scientist, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. O. ten Cate is professor of medical education and director, Center for Research and Development ofEducation, University Medical Center, Utrecht, the Netherlands. J. Lockyer is senior associate dean-education and professor, Department of Community Health Sciences, Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. M.-K. Chan is associate professor, Department of Pediatrics and Child Health, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, and clinician educator, CanMEDS & Faculty Development, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. J.R. Frank is director, Specialty Education, Strategy, and Standards, Office of Specialty Education, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, and director of educational research and development, Department of Emergency Medicine, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. L.S. Snell is professor of medicine, Centre forMedical Education, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, and senior clinician educator, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.


The International Competency-Based Medical Education (ICBME) Collaborators have been working since 2009 to promote understanding ofcompetency-based medical education (CBME) and accelerate its uptake worldwide. This article presents a charter, supported by a literature-based rationale, which is meant to provide a shared mental model of CBME that will serve as a path forward in its widespread implementation.At a 2013 summit, the ICBME Collaborators laid the groundwork for this charter. Here, the fundamental principles of CBME and professional responsibilities ofmedical educators in its implementation process are described. The authors outline three fundamental principles: (1) Medical education must be based on the health needs of the populations served; (2) the primary focus of education and training should be the desired outcomes for learners rather than the structure and process of the educational system; and (3) the formation of a physician should be seamless across the continuum ofeducation, training, and practice.Building on these principles, medical educators must demonstrate commitment to teaching, assessing, and role modeling the range of identified competencies. In the clinical setting, they must provide supervision that balances patient safety with the professional development of learners, being transparent with stakeholders about level of supervision needed. They must use effective and efficient assessment strategies and tools for basing transition decisions on competence rather than time in training, empowering learners to be active participants in their learning and assessment. Finally, advancing CBME requires program evaluation and research, faculty development, and a collaborative approach to realize its full potential.

[PubMed - in process]

과거를 되돌아보고 미래로: 새로운 세대의 의학교육자에게 보내는 메시지(Med Educ, 2011)

Looking back to the future: a message for a new generation of medical educators

Ronald M Harden


내 삶을 세 가지 시기로 나눠서 볼 것이다.

I will look at my journey in three phases.

  • The first 12 years, from 1960 to 1972, I spent in Glasgow, where I developed an interest in medical education that evolved alongside my training as an endocrinologist and my work in research in iodine metabolism and thyroid disease.

  • The second phase represents the 30 years from 1972 to 2002, spent in Dundee, where, while continuing to practise as a clinician and a clinical teacher, my interest and commitment increasingly turned to medical educa- tion.

  • The final phase of the journey covers the period from 2002 to the present, following my retirement from my post at the University of Dundee, when new opportunities arose.

This was a point made by Christopher Lawrence,2 medical historian to the Wellcome Museum, in a review of the book Retro- spectroscope: Insights into Medical Discovery by Julius H Comroe. Lawrence wrote: ‘His retrospectroscope (a barbarous neologism history) is not the finely honed tool he thinks, but a blunt instrument for bludgeoning the doubtful.’2

제1기: 글래스고에서 의학교육에 대한 관심을 품다


제2기: 던디에서 의학교육을 전공으로 삼다


효과적 학습을 위한 CRISIS 준거(Convenience, Relevance, Individualisation, Self-assessment, Independent learning, Systematic approach) 는 CME분야의 대규모 연구의 결과로부터 유도되었다. 비록 CME영역에서는 편의성, 관련성, 개별성, 자기평가, 관심과 동기, 시스템적 접근(convenience, relevance, individualisation, self-assessment, interest and motiva- tion and a systematic approach)이 확립되어 있었지만, 이러한 아이디어가 학부교육에도 동등하게 적용가능하다.

The CRISIS (Convenience, Relevance, Individualisation, Self-assessment, Independent learning, Systematic approach) criteria for effective learning were derived fromthe findings of large-scale implementation stud- ies inthe fieldof continuing medical education(CME) involving in excess of 50 000 general practitioners.20 Although the concepts of convenience, relevance, individualisation, self-assessment, interest and motiva- tion and a systematic approach were established in the context of CME, these ideas were found to be equally applicableinundergraduate education.


제3기: 지평을 넓히다.





Ian Stronach는 "승리의 서사"라고 부르는 것에서 성공의 중요성을 지나치게 강조하고, 그럼으로써 불가능한 선례만을 남겨놓고 후계자들에게 잘못된 선로를 놓는 것을 지적했다. 찬양성 글은 교육학적으로 막다른 길이다.

Ian Stronach23 attacked what he called ‘victory narratives’ for their over- emphasis of the importance of success, their laying of false trails and for the impossible exemplars they leave to those who follow. Departure eulogies, he argued, offer a pedagogic dead end for those who remain. I hope this account is not read as such a narrative of victory and I would be dismayed if it was.

교훈1: 사람이 중요하다

Lesson 1: people are important

놀라운 결론은 아니지만 언급할 가치는 있다. 모든 사람이 당신이 하려는 것에 공감하지 않을 것이라는 사실을 받아들여야 한다. 

This is not a surprising conclusion, but it merits stating. Much of what I have been able to achieve I attribute to the many powerful role models and outstanding colleagues with whom I have had the good fortune to work. I wonder how many professors of medicine today are similar role models, emphas- ising clinical practice at its best, and how many of them are enthusiastic teachers familiar with the names of all their students and personally committed to going out of their way to support their junior staff. Continuous exposure to working with individuals who encourage curiosity, new ways of thinking and, collectively, the sharing of knowledge is of the greatest importance. One has to accept that not everyone will be sympathetic to what one is trying to do, as is highlighted in the following extract from a personal letter I received from a professor in Dundee following the curriculum revision: ‘One wonders whether this will be the fate of medical education. Certainly I believe that Dundee’s current strategy will lead to disaster.’


만약 당신이 아무도 화나게 하지 않는다면, 아마도 당신은 어떤 중요한 것도 하고 있지 않은 것일지도 모른다.  사람들, 그리고 그들이 무슨 생각을 하는지가 중요하다.

If you upset nobody, however, perhaps you’re not doing anything of significance. People, and what they think, are important.

교훈2: 의학교육의 혁신은 복잡하다.

Lesson 2: innovation in medical education is complex

좋은 학문-중심 교육과정이 제대로 통합되지 못한 교육과정보다  나으며, 잘 통합된 교육과정은 poor 한 학문-중심 교육과정보다 낫다.

At a conference organised by the Graves Audio- visual Library (an initiative well ahead of its time), I listened to the presentations of two papers onwhat, at the time, was a topical subject. The results, how- ever, simply reflected the expertise of the producer rather than the choice of media. More important than the educational or assessment technique adopted is the expertise with which it is employed. A good discipline-based curriculum is better than a poor integrated one, and a good integrated curriculum is better than a poor discipline-based one.

교훈3: 넛지가 중요하다.

Lesson 3: nudges are important

넛지란 특정 행동을 강요하기보다는 장려하는 방식의 정책 개입을 말한다. 비근한 예로 남자 소변기에 파리를 그려놓은 것과 같은 것이다. 의학교육은 본질적으로 과학적 토대를 둔 social discipline이라는 점을 잊어서는 안된다.

Nudges are defined as policy interventions that encourage rather than mandate certain types of behaviour. The authors cite, as a classic example, the painting of a fly on urinals at Amsterdam airport.24 The use of the pilot OSCE in Dundee to gain its acceptance for use as a formal part of the Dundee final examination is another example of a nudge. Medical education is essentially a social discipline with scientific underpinnings and we should not forget this. Nudges can be important.

교훈4: 학생도 중요한 플레이어이다.

Lesson 4: students are important players


교육과정에 대한 학생의 잠대력을 과소평가해서는 안된다. 이들은 중요한 이해관계자이며 교육과정을 계획하는데 중요한 기여를 할 수 있고, 변화의 동력이 될 수 있다.

It is important not to underestimate students’ poten- tial input to the curriculum. They are important stakeholders; they can make important contributions to curriculum planning and they can be drivers for change.

학생-중심 학습, 독립적 학습에 대해서 논할 때, self-directed learning보다는 directed self-learning을 목적으로 삼는 것이 중요하다. Jon Dron은 교사의 중요한 과제 중 하나는 학생의 발달 단계에 맞춰 학생에게 스스로의 학습에 대해 얼마나 많은 통제권을 부여할 것인가를 결정하는 일이라고 하였다.

When thinking about student-centred and indepen- dent learning, it is important to have as the aim directed self-learning rather than self-directed learning. In his book Control and Constraint in E-Learning, Jon Dron25 made the important point that one of the main challenges for the teacher is to decide at the different stages in students’ development how much control students should be given over their own learning.

학생에 대해 논할 때, 오늘날의 학생은 과거의 학생과 매우 다르다는 것을 인식해야 한다. 우리가 digital immigrants라면 지금의 학생은 digital native이다. 또 다른 점은 학생은 균일한 집단이 아니며 각자가 다른 니즈를 가지고 있다는 점이다. 미래의 핵심 트렌드는 개별 학생의 니즈에 맞는 adaptive learning을 개발하는 것이 될 것이다. 학교의 수월성의 척도 중 하나는 극단에 있는 학생을 어떻게 다루느냐가 될 것이며, 여기에는 고성취 학생과 struggler를 모두 포함한다.

When thinking of students, we need to recognise that students today are very different from the students with whom we studied medicine. We may be ‘digital immigrants’, but contemporary students, as described by Prensky,26 are ‘digital natives’. Another point worth remembering is that students are not homogeneous, They each have different needs. A key trend in the future will be the development of more adaptive learning that is customised to meet the needs of individual students. One measure of excellence of a school should reflect how well it deals with the extremes among its students, including both the high achievers and those who are struggling or in difficulty.

교훈5: 현실적인 해결책을 제공하라.

Lesson 5: offer practical solutions to problems

의과대학의 학장, 교사, 행정가들은 현실적 문제에 대한 답을 원한다.

The dean, teachers and administrators in the medical school expect answers to practical problems.

교훈6: 자기가 하고 있는 것 바깥에서 배울 점이 늘 있다.

Lesson 6: there is always something to learn outside one’s practice

교육자로서 우리는 같은 분야의 저널을 읽고, 학회에 참석하고, 사람들을 만난다. 미국의 교육학자 Royal van Horn은 일 년에 한 번은 관심 분야 외의 교육 컨퍼런스에 참여할 것을 권했다.

As educators, we have a tendency to read journals, attend conferences and communicate with people working in our own area. Royal van Horn, an eminent American educationalist, argued that, once per year, teachers should attend an education conference out- side their own immediate area of interest. I have tried to do just that.

만약 우리가 의학교육에서 진정한 진보를 이루고 새로운 패러다임을 개발하기 위해서는 내용전문가, 교육과정 개발자, 교육학자, 교육공학자, 교육설계가, 심리학자 등의 더 많은 협력이 필요하다. '메디치 이펙트'에서 강조한 것처럼 여러 학문의 교차점에서 진보가 이뤄질 것이다.

I argued that if we are to make real progress in medical education and develop new paradigms, we need to ensure greater collaboration between content experts, curriculum planners, educationists, learning technol- ogists, instructional designers and psychologists. As Frans Johansson27 highlighted in his book The Medici Effect, it is at the intersections between different disciplines that progress will be made.


교훈7: 출판하라.

Lesson 7: publish

내가 다시 산다 해도 내가 한 일을 기록하고 출판하는데 더 큰 우선순위를 둘 것이다. 오늘날에는 더욱 중ㅇ해졌다.

Although I have published well in excess of 400 papers in-peer reviewed journals, if I had to live my life again I would place greater priority on documenting what I did and publishing it. Publishing is even more important today, when professionalismand scholarship in medical education are crucial. As editor of Medical Teacher, however, I see how badly many authors approach the publishing challenge.

교훈8: 역사에서 배우라

Lesson 8: learn from history

Paul Saffo는 '우리의 역사적 거울을 미래를 예측하는 강력한 도구로 사용할 것이며, 과거 사건의 결texture이 현재의 지표가, 그리고 미래의 궤적의 신뢰성 있는 지도가 될 것이다. 다만, 충분이 과거를 돌아봤을 때 말이다'라고 했다.

Paul Saffo, writing in the Harvard Business Review, suggested that, when making a decision, we should look back twice as far as we look forward.28 He argued: ‘…used properly, our historical review mirror is an extraordinary powerful forecasting tool and the texture of past events can be used to connect the dots of present indicators and thus reliably map the future’s trajectory – providing one looks back far enough.’28

교훈9: 독립적인 펀딩을 확보하라

Lesson 9: obtain independent funding

Convincing commercial organisations, professional bodies, philanthropists, patient organisations and governmental funding agencies that they should fund research and development work in medical education was and remains challenging. Arguing the case for funding to the respective body was itself a challenge, but proved to be a useful exercise as it helped to ensure clarity of thinking. It should be recognised, however, that, at a time of financial constraint, the funding of work in medical education is not easy.

교훈10: 즐겨라!

Lesson 10: have fun!



비록 나에게 훌륭한 동료들이 있지만, 의학교육 혁신에 대한 나의 접근이 언제나 인정받았던 것은 아니며, 모든 사람이 편안해하는 것도 아니라는 사실을 받아들여야 했다. 내 철학은 Ian Stronach의 스펙트럼과 정반대에 있었던 듯 하다. 그는 "이끌지 않음으로써 이끌고, 통제하기보다는 동기를 부여하고, 주도권을 쥐기보다는 주도권을 만들어내고, 공간을 채우기보다는 공간을 만들고, 지시하기보다는 멘토링을 하고, 협력적이고 상대적으로 민주적인 기풍을 만든다'고 했다. 나는 사실 동제하려는 성향이 강하고 진행과정을 막는 사람에 대해서는 참아내지 않았다. 그러나 나를 이끌어준 것은 의학교육의 역할을 통해서 세계world를 도우려는 것이었다. 만약 내가 epitaph를 고른다면, 다음이 딱 적당할 것 같다.

Although I have had many wonderful colleagues, my hands-on approach to innovation in medical education has not always been appreciated and I have had to accept that not everyone is comfortable with it. I suppose that my own philosophy could be defined as located at the opposite end of the spectrum to that of Ian Stronach, who describes his view as one of ‘leading by not-leading, motivating rather than controlling, making rather than taking initiatives, creating spaces rather than filling them, mentoring rather than directing and developing a collaborative and relatively democratic ethos’.23 I have to confess to a more controlling tendency and an impatience with anyone who seems to obstruct progress. What has driven me, however, is more a desire to help to shape the world in so far as this is possible through a role in medical education, rather than to document what has been done in the field. If I had to choose an epitaph, I could think of nothing better than the following West Point Military Academy cadet maxim:

안전보다는 위험을 감수하라. 현명함보다 케어care에 신경쓰라. 현실적인 것을 넘어서 꿈을 꾸라. 가능한 것 이상을 상상하라

‘Risk more than others think is safe. Care more than others think is wise. Dream more than others think is practical. Expect more than others think is possible.’

Appendix S1 Looking Back to the Future: A message for a new generation of medial educators.

 2011 Aug;45(8):777-84. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2923.2011.03934.x.

Looking back to the future: a message for a new generation of medical educators.

Author information

  • 1Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE), 484 Perth Road, Dundee, UK. r.m.harden@dundee.ac.uk



Many changes in medical education have occurred during the author's 50-year career in the field. The aim of this paper is to describe 10 lessons worth recording for others engaged in the training of health care professionals.


The first phase in the author's career occurred during 1960-1972 in Glasgow, where an interest in medical education developed alongside an engagement in clinical medicine and research into iodine metabolism. The second phase took place during 1972-2002 in Dundee, where, after working for a period as a clinician, the author made a full-time commitment to medical education. The third phase, from 2002 to the present, has provided the opportunity to explore new horizons in medical education.


The following lessons have been learned. (i) People are important as role models and collaborators. (ii) Innovation in medicaleducation is a complex process and research findings can easily be misinterpreted. (iii) Nudges, interventions that encourage rather than mandate change, are valuable. (iv) Students are important players in planning, delivering and evaluating a curriculum. Each student has different needs and aspirations. They are the 'digital natives'. (v) Offer stakeholders practical solutions to problems that can be implemented. (vi) There is always something to learn outside one's own practice. Go to a conference or read a journal in a related field. (vii) Time spent recording one's work and publishing reports based on it is rewarding. (viii) Learn from history. We don't need to keep reinventing the wheel. (ix) Obtain independent funding. (x) Finally, and most importantly, have fun. Working in medical education can be exciting, fulfilling and hugely enjoyable.

© Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2011.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

보건의료 "제3의 커브"에 있어서 대학의학의 중요한 역할 (Acad Med, 2016)

Academic Medicine’s Critical Role in the “Third Curve” of Health Care

Harold L. Paz, MD, MS



With more than two decades of experience leading academic health systems and practices, I have watched the world of academic medicine steadily evolve against the backdrop of an enormous and unprecedented structural transformation of U.S. health care.

From the public health movement in the early part of the 19th century,

  • to the definition of health by the World Health Organization,2

  • the rise of community-based medical schools,

  • the conceptualization of the biopsychosocial model of health, and

  • measurement of social determinants of health, all in the latter part of the 20th century,

the core elements of this transformation in our health system have been in place for years. The convergence of this work with new payment models distinct from fee-for- service medicine has brought us to a post-Flexner era of population health.

Plotting the Curve of the U.S. Health System

보건의료전달체계 모델은 하나의 모델이 널리 받아들여지면서 성장했다가, 다른 모델이 그 자리를 대체하면서 감소taper하는 양상을 띈다. 커브I (fee-for-service)로부터 커브II (population health)로 옮겨왔으며, 우리는 이제 커브III (소비자-주도 보건의료consumer-directed health care)에 이르렀다. 첫 두 개의 커브가 건강을 제공자와 사업의 관점에서 보는 것이라면, 세 번째 커브는 개개인을 curated health ecosystem의 중심으로 본다.

Health care delivery models can be seen as graphed curves that rise as they are widely adopted and then taper off as another model begins to take their place.3 As quickly as we have moved from Curve I (fee-for-service) to Curve II (population health), we are now crossing over to a new form of consumer-directed health care, or what I call the third curve of health care (Curve III). While the first two curves look at health from a provider and business perspective, the third curve places the individual in the center of a curated health ecosystem.


의사가 아니라 환자가 그들 스스로의 건강을 소유own하고 있다는 인식이 확산되면서, 새로운 자원과 도구가 각 개개인의 소유권을 더 강화시키게끔 해 주었고, care plan에 더욱 adhere하게, 그리고 자신의 웰-빙에 더 책임을 갖는다고 느끼게끔 해주었다. 우리는 이 새로운 도구와 자원을 포용해야 한다(모바일 어플, 원격의료, 가정의료, urgicare 센터, 기타 등등) 의사와 보건의료시스템은 양보다는 질에 더 관심을 두어야 하며reward, 신체의 건강이 행동적 건강과 사회적 건강과 상호의존적임을 설명할 수 있어야 한다.

Recognizing that patients, not physicians, own their health, new resources and tools will enable each individual to take more ownership, become more likely to adhere to care plans, and feel more empowered to take charge of his or her well-being. We must embrace these new tools and resources, such as mobile apps, telemedicine, home health, “urgicare” centers, and other technologies to improve the health of our patients. Physicians and health systems must be rewarded for quality over volume and must be able to address the interdependencies of behavioral and social health on physical well- being.


커브III는 인터넷이나 소셜미디어 등을 통한 경험에 의해서 형성되는 소비자의 기대의 모든 변화에 면역immune이 될 수 없다는 인식으로부터 만들어졌다. 의심할 여지 없이 모든 세 개의 커브가 한동안은 공존할 것이지만, 대규모 데이터와 유전체 분석과 건강정보 분석이 환자-중심의 의료로 갈 것을 보여주고 있으며 우리는 이제 고작 막 상상을 할 뿐이다.

Curve III is shaped by the recognition that health care is not immune to overall changes in consumer expectations driven by experiences with the Internet, social media, and information transparency in other sectors of the economy. Undoubtedly, all three curves will, for a time, coexist, but the convergence of large data sets and analytics with genomics and health information will certainly make good on the promise of patient- centered care in ways we can only begin to imagine.

적응하여 살아남을 수 있는 의사 기르기

Training Physicians Who Can Adapt and Thrive

미래의 의사는?

What will the physicians of the future look like, and how will they operate?

컴퓨터는 공감능력이 없고, 이는 academic medical institutions들이 기술에 의해 남겨진 영역인 인성과 스킬 세트를 개발시키는 것에 중점look for을 둬야 한다는 압박을 주고 있다.

Computers do not offer compassion, and this will increase the pressure on academic medical institutions to look for and develop the personality and skill sets necessary to fill the void left by technology.

의사를 양성함에 있어서 이들이 전문직으로 이뤄진 팀의 리더 역할을 할 수 있게 준비되어야 하며, 보건의료 데이터 분석과 기술을 접목하여 개개인의 건강과 웰니스 경험을 만들어줄 수 있어야 한다. 리더십의 특성(공감, 신뢰, 의사소통, 의지determination, 용기, 진실성, 비전)은 다른 분야와 다르지 않다.

there must be an emphasis on preparing physicians to serve as leaders of teams of professionals that create a health and wellness experience for individuals that combines health care with data analytics and technology. The attributes of leadership, including empathy, trust,  communication, determination, courage, integrity, and vision, are no different in medicine than in any other field.

협력은 우리를 미래로 이끄는 핵심이다. 환자-의사 관계가 유지되기 위해서는 의사는 반드시 가능한 최대한 리더로서 역할을 할 수 있게 훈련되어야 한다.

Collaboration will be the key to leading us into the future. If the doctor–patient relationship is to be preserved, physicians must be trained to serve as leaders to the greatest extent possible.

 2016 May;91(5):613-4. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000001165.

Academic Medicine's Critical Role in the "Third Curve" of Health Care.

Author information

  • 1H.L. Paz is executive vice president and chief medical officer, Aetna, Hartford, Connecticut, and professor adjunct of internal medicine, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut.


Over the last several years, the health care landscape has changed at an unprecedented rate due to new economic and regulatory forces ushered in by the Affordable Care Act and the introduction of innovative technologies, such as personalized medicine, that are poised to open the door to consumer-driven health care. Tremendous pressure exists on academic health centers to rapidly evolve clinically while not abandoning their uniqueacademic mission. The convergence of personalized medicine, new digital technologies, and changes in health professionals' scope of practice alongside new payment structures will accelerate the move to a patient-centered health system. In this Commentary, the author argues that these new tools and resources must be embraced to improve the health of patients. With the traditional, fee-for-service model of care as "Curve I" and the post-Flexner era of population-based medicine as "Curve II," the author identifies the emergence of "Curve III," which is characterized by patient-centered, consumer-directed models of care. As the old models of health care undergo transition and the impact of technology and analytics grow, future practitioners must be trained to embrace this change and function effectively in the "third curve" of consumer-driven health care.

[PubMed - in process]

초심자부터 교육전문가까지: 교육자를 위한 TSP (Acad Med, 2006)

From Novice to Informed Educator: The Teaching Scholars Program for Educators in the Health Sciences

Yvonne Steinert, PhD, and Peter J. McLeod, MD

TSP는 흥미롭고 가치로운 여정의 시작일 뿐이다.

The Teaching Scholars Program is but a start on an interesting and worthwhile voyage—from novice to informed educator.

TSP는 Faculty of Medicine at McGill University, in Montreal, Quebec의 프로그램. 교육프로그램의 개발 및 도입과 관련된 교수들의 전문성을 향상시키고, 교육 리더십을 맡을 수 있도록

The Teaching Scholars Program for Educators in the Health Sciences was designed to promote the professional development of health science educators in the Faculty of Medicine at McGill University, in Montreal, Quebec, by increasing faculty members’ expertise in developing and implementing educational programs and taking on leadership roles in education.

1년 프로그램. 주요 주제는 아래 다섯 가지.

The Teaching Scholars Program(TSP), which has been previously described,1 is a year-long program that focuses on five major themes:

  • curriculum design and innovation,

  • effective teaching methods and evaluation strategies,

  • educational program evaluation,

  • research in medical/ health sciences education, and

  • educational leadership.


University of North Carolina2의 TSP에 inspired되어 시작하였으며, Faculty of Medicine(의학, 간호학, 물리-직업치료, 커뮤니케이션과학 등)의 교수들이 교육 관련 지식과 스킬을 강화할 수 있도록 만든 프로그램. 교육적 원칙과 교육방법에 대해서 배우고, 의학교육의 scholarship울 추구하고, 교육리더로서의 역할에 준비되게 도와줌.

This program was inspired by the Teaching Scholars Program at the University of North Carolina2 and was designed to enable faculty members in the Faculty of Medicine (which includes the schools of medicine, nursing, physical and occupational therapy, and communication sciences and disorders) to enhance their educational knowledge and skills while maintaining their clinical, teaching, and research responsibilities. More specifically, the TSP aims to respond to faculty members’ needs by helping them to learn more about educational principles and methods, pursue scholarship in medical education (through curriculum development, program evaluation, and educational research), and prepare for educational leadership roles.

TSP 개요

The Teaching Scholars Program


매년 3~6명의 펠로우. 1997년부터 총 34명 마침. 대부분은 주로 clinician이다.

The TSP accepts three to six faculty members annually. Since 1997, 34 faculty members from the following disciplines have graduated from this program:

  • The majority of teaching scholars have been clinicians, involved in teaching undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate students.

  • Two have been basic scientists.

  • At the time of entry, eight of the scholars held an administrative position in medical education (eg, undergraduate or postgraduate program director).

펠로우 모집

  • 대상자: 대학 및 협력 교육병원의 모든 보건전문직을 대상으로 함.
    Recruitment for the TSP targets individuals from all health professions in the university and affiliated teaching hospital.

  • 대상자: 소속 및 전공 
    Educators from all of the medical specialties, basic science departments, and schools of nursing, physical and occupational therapy, and communication sciences and disorders can apply.

  • 프로그램 홍보
    We circulate program descriptions to departmental chairs and divisional directors, undergraduate and postgraduate program directors, and faculty members involved in medical education.

  • 제출서류: 자기소개서
    We ask potential applicants to provide a letter outlining their anticipated goals for the program, a description of their proposed educational project, and an explanation of how their involvement in the program will benefit their division or department.

  • 제출서류: 추천서 (주임교수의 letter of support 포함)
    We also require two letters of reference, including a letter of support from the applicant’s departmental chair.

  • 선발위원회 구성
    The TSP selection committee includes the authors, members of the Faculty Development Office, and a representative from a basic science department, nominated by the dean.

  • 모든 지원자를 면접함. 면접 내용
    We interview all applicants and choose the teaching scholars based on

    • their stated interest in medical education,

    • their previous educational experience,

    • the potential value of their educational project to both their department and the Faculty of Medicine, and

    • the feasibility of the applicant acquiring “protected time” for the program.

  • 프로그램을 이수하기까지 필요한 서포트에 대한 과장 혹은 분과장의 written support 요구함.
    We also require written support from the departmental chair or divisional chief in order to ensure successful completion of the program.

펠로우들이 해야 하는 것: 최소 주당 하루, 1년간. 대부분은 1년 이상 소요됨. "보장된 시간"을 확보하는 것이 늘 문제인데, 그래서 18개월이 넘어가면 graduation을 hold함.

The teaching scholars are expected to devote a minimum of one day a week, for the duration of one year, to complete the program. Although all of the scholars have completed the program requirements, most of them require more than a year to achieve the program objectives; “protecting” time for their course work and independent study is an ongoing challenge. As a result, we hold the TSP “graduation,” which consists of individual presentations and a celebration of excellence, 18 months after the start of the program.

프로그램 참여를 위해서 돈을 내지 않으며, 임상 수입에 대한 손실을 보전받지도 않음. course work와 교육관련 미팅 참석은 지원받음. Annual cost는 약 25000달러.

The teaching scholars do not pay to participate in the program, nor do they receive a stipend for lost clinical income. However, their course work and travel to an educational meeting (or educational site of interest) are paid for by a private donation made to the Faculty of Medicine. The annual cost of this program, which includes course work, travel, and program administration by the Faculty Development Office, is approximately $25,000.

TSP 교육과정과 프로그램 특성

The TSP Curriculum and Program Specifics

모든 펠로우들은 다음의 요소들을 1년간 이수함

all scholars participate in the following four components over the course of a year:

  • 대학원 과목 두 개 ▪ two university courses, primarily in the Faculty of Education;

  • 월간 세미나  ▪ a monthly seminar, specifically designed for the teaching scholars;

  • 교육 프로젝트  ▪ an educational project, which typically consists of curriculum design and evaluation or a research study; and

  • 전체교수대상 FD활동 ▪ faculty-wide faculty development activities, which include workshops, seminars, and medical education rounds.

대학원 과목 두 개

University courses

Each scholar participates in two graduate courses in the Faculty of Education or another department at McGill University. Students in these three-credit courses typically meet once a week for three hours over the course of a semester. To date, the majority of scholars have taken courses in the Faculty of Education. These courses have included:

  • Teaching and Learning in Higher Education;

  • Instructional Design;

  • Cognition and Instruction;

  • Theories of Teaching and Learning;

  • Educational Evaluation;

  • Educational Research Methods;

  • Qualitative Research; and

  • Learning and Technology.

이론적 과목도 있고, 실용적 과목도 있음

A number of these courses address the theoretical underpinnings of teaching and learning and introduce the scholars to the foundations of pedagogy. Other courses are more practical in nature and help the scholars to develop a new course or educational program. For example, the course entitled Teaching and Learning in Higher Education systematically guides the scholars through the steps of course design, from the articulation of goals and objectives to the choice of content and teaching methods and the development of appropriate evaluation tools.1


자신만의 니즈와 교육 프로젝트에 관련된 것을 듣기를 권장함

At the same time, we encourage the scholars to choose courses that address their own educational needs and pertain to their educational project. Thus, they have also taken courses in the departments of

  • English (eg, The Meaning of Literacy),

  • philosophy (eg, Epistemology; Phenomenology),

  • music (eg, The History of Jazz),

  • epidemiology (eg, Randomized Clinical Trials), and

  • management (eg, Cross Cultural Management; The Art of Leadership).

The scholars appreciate the diversity of courses available to themas well as the flexibility in course selection.

(대학원 과목 이수에 대한) 피드백은 지속적으로 긍정적이다. 새로운 용어 익히고, 배운 내용을 적용시킴

Feedback on the university courses has been consistently positive. When scholars first return from their educational courses, they often report that they are overwhelmed by the “jargon” of pedagogy. However, in no time they are using a different “language” themselves and quickly impress their departmental colleagues with their new vocabulary (eg, concept maps; formative and summative evaluation). They also report that the pedagogical content applies directly to their own courses and projects and provides them with the foundation to pursue new educational initiatives from an informed perspective.

월간 세미나

Monthly seminar

We meet on a monthly basis with the teaching scholars as a group, to review their educational projects, to discuss issues of common interest (eg, methods of student evaluation; qualitative research methods), and to examine topics that arise from the university courses (eg, theories of teaching and learning). These two-hour meetings also facilitate the development of a “community of practice” among the scholars3 and help to promote reflection on educational issues and problems.

  • Once a year, we hold a teaching scholars “alumni meeting” and current scholars have an opportunity to hear what previous scholars have achieved. They also learn how the graduates’ educational projects and responsibilities have evolved over time.

  • In addition, we have incorporated educational journal clubs (where scholars review an educational article of interest to the group) and discussions with visiting speakers into the monthly seminars. Most meetings also provide opportunities for individual mentorship and peer support.


Feedback from the scholars has indicated that they appreciate the opportunity to sit behind closed doors with one another and reflect on teaching and learning, their educational projects, and their ongoing teaching encounters.


이러한 미팅의 장점

The scholars seem to particularly welcome

  • the mutually respectful nature of the meetings,

  • the time away from other professional responsibilities, and

  • the support they receive from their peers.

교육 프로젝트

Educational projects

처음에는 전체 펠로우에게 프로젝트를 요구하였으나, 현실적으로 가능하지 않아서, (1)교육 연구 프로젝트 (2)교육과정 개발과 평가 중 하나를 선택하는 것으로 바꿈.

Independent study is a key component of the TSP. Originally, we expected all scholars to design and conduct a research study in medical education. However, we quickly realized that many of the scholars wanted to design a new course or curriculum for their students, residents, or peers, and that a completed research project was not feasible within the constraints of a one-year program. Thus, we modified the parameters of independent study to include an educational research project or the development and evaluation of a curricular initiative To date, 22 (62%) of the scholars have focused on curriculum design and evaluation during the TSP.


프로젝트의 목적

The overriding goals of the educational projects are

  • to encourage the scholars to focus on a departmental need,

  • to buttress the principles discussed in the university courses, and

  • to promote scholarly activity in education.


개념과 경험의 통합 기회

they all value the opportunity to focus on a subject that is relevant to them and their department, that enables the integration of course concepts and educational experiences, and that promotes “learning by doing.” For many, their educational project is also a critical factor in their understanding of the value of research in medical education.

교수개발 프로그램

Faculty development activities

The Faculty Development Office in the Faculty of Medicine at McGill University sponsors a variety of activities designed to assist faculty members in their multiple roles (eg, educators, researchers, administrators) and to promote excellence in teaching and learning. Faculty-wide workshops and seminars form an important component of the TSP year, and teaching scholars are encouraged to participate as facilitators or participants.

3~4개 워크숍에 참여. 처음에는 소그룹의 구성원으로 참여. 나중에는 코-퍼실리테이터로 참여

All of the scholars participate in these activities, with each scholar averaging attendance at three or four workshops during the TSP year.

  • At the beginning of the program, the scholars generally participate as small-group members;

  • by the end of the year, the majority function as co-facilitators and participate in the design and delivery of the educational session.


펠로우의 피드백. 좋았던 점은...

Feedback on this activity has demonstrated the value of

  • 무대 뒤에서 일어나는 일을 보게 됨 witnessing what goes on behind the scenes,

  • 실제로 활동in action하는 전문가를 보게 됨 observing experts in action,

  • 새로운 스킬 습득 acquiring new skills, and

  • FD워크숍 설계 프로세스에 대한 이해 better understanding the process of designing a faculty development workshop.

의학교육라운드. 의학교육 연구와 혁신에 관심있는 교수들의 모임

The scholars also participate in medical education rounds, which are offered four to six times a year. These two-hour rounds, which bring together faculty members interested in innovations and research in medical education, have been particularly beneficial in introducing the scholars to a community of medical educators.

성과 평가

Outcome Evaluation

To assess the benefits and outcomes of the TSP, all scholars complete an end-of- year questionnaire. We also survey them one year after program completion and the program advisors maintain field notes. In addition to this ongoing assessment, we conducted a follow-up survey and curriculum vitae (CV) analysis of 26 scholars in 2003, with a focus on new educational initiatives, roles and responsibilities, and scholarly activities in medical education.

Evaluation data from the first three cohorts of scholars, which have been published previously,1 were organized in response to two guiding questions:

  • (1) what were the scholars’ and advisors’ perceptions of the program’s strengths and limitations (ie, process evaluation); and

  • (2) were the scholars able to accomplish what they had set out to do (ie, outcome evaluation)?

새로운 교육적, 학자적 실천

New educational and scholarly practices

The CV analysis of 26 scholars who participated in the program between 1997 and 2003 showed that 15 of the teaching scholars (60%) have taken on new roles and responsibilities in medical education since completing the TSP. Two former scholars (8%) became associate deans in the Faculty of Medicine, seven (27%) became program directors at the undergraduate or postgraduate level, six (23%) were named directors of major curricular initiatives, and one (4%) took on a major leadership role in a national organization.

Nine of the scholars (35%) became members of our renewed Centre for Medical Education, with two involved as Core Faculty (devoting one day a week to medical education activities at the Centre) and seven as Centre Members (devoting at least one day a month to Centre activities).

In addition to these new roles and responsibilities, 24 of the scholars (92%) who participated in the program between 1997 and 2003 became involved in new educational committees at multiple levels,

새로운 교육적 역할과 책임

New educational roles and responsibilities

Follow-up data indicated that the majority of teaching scholars continued their involvement in teaching

All of the scholars who had developed a course or program during the TSP continued to deliver their curricular initiative, with ongoing refinements and modifications. In addition, 20 scholars (80%) developed new courses, and 13 (50%) designed faculty development activities for their own departments. The majority also continued to participate in faculty-wide faculty development activities, as participants or facilitators. Sixteen scholars (62%) reported that they had become an important resource for their colleagues and were viewed as educational leaders in their own departments,

Twenty-three scholars (90%) have presented aspects of their TSP educational project at a national or international educational meeting. In addition, many became regular attendees of such meetings (eg, the annual meeting of the Canadian Association for Medical Education) and continued to present their scholarly work in these settings.

Eight of the scholars (31%) applied successfully for educationally related grants during the TSP. Six (23%) received additional grants after the completion of the program, and 13 (50%) continued their involvement in educational research. Nine individuals (35%) have published their teaching scholars’ projects in peer-reviewed journals, for a total of 18 publications. Five of the scholars (19%) have pursued advanced studies following their year as a teaching scholar. One completed a masters in education, one received a masters in business administration, and another concluded a masters in public administration. One scholar registered for our newly formed masters in educational and counselling psychology, with a focus on health professions education, and one is a PhDstudent in philosophy. In many ways, the TSP laid the foundation for further learning and professional growth for these scholars.


이득 혹은 성과라고 느낀 것들

Perceived benefits and outcomes

In reviewing the scholars’ year-end and follow-up questionnaires, we noted three major areas of perceived impact:

  • 지식과 스킬 향상 increased knowledge and skills,

  • 실천공동체에 들어옴 introduction to a “community of practice,” and

  • 새로운 커리어 기회 new career paths and opportunities.

Many also commented on the fact that the TSP “allowed” them to focus on developing these skills and characterized the TSP as a “transformational opportunity.”

Most of the scholars remarked upon the benefit of meeting “like-minded colleagues” and being introduced to a network of medical educators.

A growing awareness of a community of educators, and an increasing sense of belonging to this community, was noted by most of our teaching scholars.

Eighteen of the scholars (70%) observed that the TSP helped them to embark upon a new career path and develop new domains of academic activity.


기대하지 않았던 성과

Unanticipated consequences

The TSP has also had several unanticipated consequences at an organizational level. For example, interest in the TSP among residents and fellows has led to the development of a Postgraduate Fellowship in Health Sciences Education.

The TSP scholars’ participation in university courses, given by members of the Faculty of Education, has also opened channels of communication that have led to the development of a masters in educational and counselling psychology, with a focus on health professions education.



프로그램의 주된 제약사항은 '시간'이었고, 프로그램의 시간(기간)과 펠로우들의 시간 모두를 포함함. "이제 막 본격적으로 해보려고 할 때쯤 프로램이 끝났다"

The program’s major limitation is time, both in terms of the scholars’ time and the length of the program. As one scholar commented, “The program was over just as we were getting into our stride.”

Sir William Osler 는 "가르치는 시점에 학생의 입장에 있지 않은 자는 제대로 가르칠 수 없다"라고 하였다.

Sir William Osler once observed, “It goes without saying that no man can teach successfully who is not at the same time a student.” In many ways, this is the strength of our program.

 2006 Nov;81(11):969-74.

From novice to informed educator: the teaching scholars program for educators in the health sciences.

Author information

  • 1Centre for Medical Education, Faculty of Medicine, McGill University, Montreal, Canada. yvonne.steinert@mcgill.edu


The Teaching Scholars Program for Educators in the Health Sciences at McGill University, in Montreal, Quebec, was designed to promote the professional development of health science educators by increasing their expertise in developing and implementing educational programs and taking on leadership roles in education. This program, which was initiated in 1997 and is tailored to the individual needs of the participants, consists of participation in: two university courses; a monthly seminar; a research study or an educational project, consisting of curriculum design and evaluation; and faculty-wide faculty development activities. As of 2006, 34 scholars have completed this program. Outcome data indicate that the majority of teaching scholars have taken on new roles and responsibilities in medical education; maintained the changes implemented in theirteaching practices; continued to participate in faculty development activities; and presented their work at educational meetings. A number ofscholars have also applied successfully for educationally related grants and have published their educational projects. Five of the scholars have pursued advanced studies. This program, which aims to move beyond the improvement of teaching skills by providing a foundation for educational leadership and scholarship, resembles many others in its emphasis on independent study, peer support, and the maintenance of ongoing responsibilities. It is innovative in that scholars participate in university courses and are encouraged to attend an "outside" conference or course. The overall benefits of this program, as noted by the scholars, include increased knowledge and skills, introduction to a "community of practice," and new career paths and opportunities.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

교수개발을 위한 온라인교육: 문헌 리뷰(Med Teach, 2013)

Online learning for faculty development: A review of the literature


1Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, USA, 2McGill University, Canada



교수들이 그들의 다양한 역할을 잘 수행하게끔 준비시켜주고 renew시켜주는 FD이니셔티브는 여러가지 형태가 있을 수 있다. 그러나 다양한 방법들은 로지스틱한 문제, 사회적으로 고립social disconectedness된 느낌, 바쁜 임상 및 연구업무 등으로 제한이 되기도 한다

Designed to prepare – and renew – faculty members for their multiple roles (Bland et al. 1990), faculty development initiatives can take many forms. However, such approaches have been limited by logistical issues (scheduling and physical location), perceptions of social disconnectedness, and the workload of a busy clinical or academic practice (Steinert et al. 2009).

온라인 학습은 하나의 혁신이다.

Online learning may constitute one such innovation. (Sherer et al. 2003).

우리의 personal and professional lives에 컴퓨터와 인터넷 기술이 발달하면서 온라인학습이 지난 10년간 드라마틱한 성장을 한 것은 놀랄 일이 아니다. 한 연구결과를 보면 온라인 CME가 모든 CME활동의 절반을 차지할 것을 예상했다.

With the growing presence of computers and Internet technologies in our personal and professional lives, it is no surprise that online learning has shown dramatic growth over the past decade (Cook et al. 2010a). One study suggests that online continuing medical education (CME) may dominate over half of all CME activities by 2017 (Harris et al. 2010).

온라인 학습의 개요

A brief review of online learning

온라인학습은 일부 혹은 전체 학습자료와 활동을 인터넷이나 로컬인트라넷 형태로 전달하는 것이다. 교사들은 온라인 학습활동을 학습자가 정해진 목표를 달성하는데 도움이 되게끔 구조화하고 배열한다. 이 활동들은 다음의 것을 포함할 수 있다. 

Online learning is the process of learning with some or all instructional materials and activities delivered over the Internet or a local intranet. Teachers facilitate online learning by structuring and sequencing online activities to help learners achieve defined objectives. These activities might include

  • 교육 자료의 제시 the presentation of instructional materials (e.g. online tutorials) (Cook & Dupras 2004),

  • 학습자간 토론 communication among learners (computer-supported collaborative learning) (Sandars et al. 2012), and

  • 실제 상황을 컴퓨터로 시뮬레이션 computer simulations of real-life situations (Richman et al. 2001).


온라인 기술은 여러가지 장애물을 극복하는데 도움을 주었다.

Online technologies can help to overcome several barriers that confront traditional learning activities (Cook 2007).

  • 물리적 거리는 이제 아무런 문제가 되지 않는다.(한 주state 또는 국가 내 등)
    Physical distances become irrelevant with online learning. For example, faculty development courses have enrolled participants at multiple sites across a state (Langlois & Thach 2003), a country (Anshu et al. 2008; Wearne et al. 2011), and the world (McKimm & Swanwick 2010; Ladhani et al. 2011).

  • 규모의 경제를 실현해준다.
    Many online course designs permit economies of scale, with expanding enrollment requiring little or no additional instruc- tor time or institutional cost.

  • 시간에 따른 참여의 제약이 없다.
    Online learning also allows for flexibility in the timing of participation, as highlighted in the use of online technologies to teach busy surgical faculty (Pernar et al. 2012).

  • 교육을 받은 후 교육사이트를 레퍼런스로 활용가능하다.
    In addition, learners can use the site as a reference after the course has ended.

  • 필요에 따라 학습속도를 빠르거나 느리게 할 수 있다. 그리고 컴퓨터가 학습자에 대한 정보를 활용하여 학습경험을 최적화할 수 있다.
    Instruction can be individualized as learners control the pace of instruction by slowing down or speeding up as needed, or as the computer uses information about the learner (baseline knowledge, learning style, or motivation to learn) to alter and thus optimize the learning experience (computer-adaptive instruc- tion).

  • 맞춤형 피드백
    Online learning facilitates learner assessment and tools tailored feedback.

  • 게임/상호작용모델/컴퓨터시뮬레이션/에니메이션/오디오클립, 비디오클립 활용 등 다양한 창의적 교수법 활용가능
    Finally, online can be used to implement creative instructional methods such as games, interactive models, computer simulations, computer anima- tions, and incorporation of audio and video clips.

그러나 이러한 장점에도 불구하고 해결해야 할 문제들도 있다.

However, with these advantages come many challenges.

  • 개발하는데 시간과 돈의 투자가 많이 필요하다. 작은 수의 학습자들을 대상으로는 비효율적.
    Online tutorials and simulations typically require a large investment of time and money for development, making them relatively inefficient for small groups of learners (Cook 2007).

  • 온라인 토론은 교수자의 시간이 학습자가 늘어날수록 더 많이 필요해지므로 규모의 경제에 해당되지 않는다.
    Economies of scale are also less apparent in online discus- sions, in which demands on instructor time usually increase with each added learner.

  • 한 번 만들어진 것은, 기술적인 문제나 교수설계와 같은 것을 온라인에서는 쉽게 바꿀수가 없다irreversibly derail.
    Technical problems or deficient instructional designs can irreversibly derail an online activity, by contrast with a face-to-face course in which a talented instructor can, if needed, improvise and recover.

  • 학습자가 자신의 속도에 맞춰서 볼 수 있다고는 하나, 학습의 개별화는 이 정도를 넘지 못한다. Computer-adaptive instruction은 사실상 실현되지 않았으며, 근거도 부족하다.
    While learners can often govern the pace of progress through the course, individualization in an online course rarely goes beyond this; computer-adaptive instruction thus remains at present a largely unrealized possibility, with only sparse evidence evaluating its benefits (Cook et al. 2008a; Landsberg et al. 2012).

  • 면대면 접촉이 적어서 고립된 느낌이 있을 수 있다. '온라인 협력'을 포함하다고 해도, 면대면 접촉보다 더 만족socially fulfilling하지는 않을 것이며, 결국 이때문에 engagement와 satisfaction이 낮아진다.
    Finally, the lack of face-to-face interaction can create a sense of isolation, particularly for courses comprised of independent-learning tutorials and simulations. Even in courses involving online collaboration, some learners may find this less socially fulfilling than face-to-face interactions, and this in turn can impair engagement and satisfaction. Several authors have noted this to be an issue with faculty members as learners (Steinert et al. 2002; Dyrbye et al. 2009; Wearne et al. 2011).

이러한 잠재적 장점과 한계에도 불구하고 여러 연구자들은 온라인 학습이 전통적 방법에 비해서 어떤지를 연구해왔다. 이번 연구로부터 얻은 결과는, 평균적으로 보자면, 유의한 차이는 없다는 것이다. 일부 연구는 온라인이 더 낫다고 하고, 어떤 연구는 전통적 방법이 더 낫다고 하나, 평균적으로 보면 기본적으로 형식 간 거의 차이가 없다. 현재까지의 근거를 보면 온라인과 면대면 방식 중에서의 선택은 하나가 다른 하나보다 inherently 우월하기 때문이 아니라, 상대적인 장점 때문이다. 이것은 교육자들에게는 좋은 소식인데, 왜냐하면 우리가 각각의 접근법을 자신감있게 사용할 수 있음을 뜻하기 때문이다.

Given these potential advantages and challenges, numer- ous educators and researchers have attempted to determine whether online learning is better or worse than traditional approaches. The bottom line from this research is that there is, on average, no significant difference. Some studies favored online, others favored traditional, but on average outcomes were essentially the same between formats. Current evidence suggests that the choice between online and face-to-face approaches depends primarily on the relative advantages and disadvantages of each approach rather than an inherent superiority of one over the other (Cook & McDonald 2008). This is good news for educators, because it means that we can confidently use either approach (or both together in a blended learning course), depending on the needs of the situation.

교수개발의 온라인학습

Online learning for faculty development

온라인학습은 교수개발에 특히 잘 맞는다.

Online learning may be particularly well-suited for faculty development.

  • 교수들은 시간과 장소의 제약을 많이 받음
    Faculty members are affected by issues of time and location (Steinert et al. 2009).

  • 인터넷에 기반한 수단을 활용해 물리적, 시간적 거리separation를 초월한 실천공동체를 형성할 수 있다.
    Moreover, by bridging physical and temporal separations Internet-based tools can facilitate online communities of practice that would otherwise be impossible (Sherer et al. 2003).

  • 필요한 때에just-in-time제공, 규모의 경제 실현, 이수증 서류 등
    Other features such as just-in-time availability of resources, economies of scale, and documentation of completion are also helpful for faculty members (just as they are for other learners).

문헌 고찰

Literature review

온라인FD는 어떤 형태로 도입되어있는가?

How has faculty development been implemented online?


다음과 같은 형태

We identified 20 reports of online learning for faculty development These studies employed a wide variety of online modalities and instructional designs (Table 1), including

  • 튜토리얼 tutorials;

  • 온라인 토론 online discussion via discussion board, chat, and e-mail listserv;

  • 컴퓨터 시뮬레이션 computer simulations;

  • 비디오 클립 video clips; and

  • 원거리에서의 실시간 평가 live assessment of a training subject at a distance.


일부 연구는 single location의 참여자를 대상으로 했지만, 대부분은 멀리 떨어진(도시, 주, 국가) 학습자들을 대상으로 했음.

A few studies included partici- pants at a single location, but most enrolled learners separated by large distances – different cities, different provinces, and even different countries.

온라인FD 연구에서 배운 점은?

What do we learn from studies of online faculty development?


종합적으로, 온라인FD에 대한 근거는 흩어져있고 insubstantial하다. 그럼에도 불구하고 몇 가지 눈에 띄는 주제들이 있다.

In sum, the evidence base for online faculty development is sparse and insubstantial. Nonetheless, several salient themes emerge from this literature.


첫째, 온라인FD는 적어도 전통적인 방식과 비견될 만은 하다. 두 가지 연구가 있었는데, 하나는 작지만 유의하지 않은 차이를, 다른 하나는 유의한 지식의 향상을 보고함.

First, online faculty development appears to be at least comparable to traditional training.

  • Two studies made com- parison with traditional classroom training. One found small and non-significant differences (Coma del Corral et al. 2006); the other found significantly improved knowledge and skills for those trained online, perhaps due to increased intensity of the online training (Kobak et al. 2006).

둘째, 온라인FD는 아무런 intervention을 하지 않은 것보다 (늘 그런 것은 아니지만) 더 낫기도 하다. 한 연구에서는 no intervention보다 유의하게 나았다, 또 다른 연구는 전통적 방식에 virtual classroom을 더한 것이 유의한 향상을 가져왔다. 두 개에서는 차이가 없었다.

Second, online faculty development can be, but is not always, effective in comparison with no intervention. One study found that an online journal club was significantly more effective than no intervention (Macrae et al. 2004) while another found that adding a virtual classroom with online assignments to existing face-to-face lectures was associated with significantly improved scores (Dean et al. 2001). However, two studies evaluating the impact of a series of very brief e-mail messages (on topics of institutional review board guidelines [Kotzer & Milton 2007] and teaching effect- iveness [Pernar et al. 2012]) found only negligible differences.

셋째, 이들 비교연구로부터 떠오르는 질문이 있다. 온라인FD가 성공하기 위해서 중요한 특징은 무엇인가? 가장 눈에 띄는 것은 교수참여faculty engagement가 인터벤션간 차이가 크다는 것이다. 비록 일부 연구에서는 매우 효과적 방방법으로 참여를 장려했음에도, 많은 경우에 참여도가 매우 낮았다.

Third, the variability in these comparative studies raises the question: what features of the intervention, topic, and learners are critical to the success (or failure) of online faculty development? Most notably, faculty engagement varied widely for different interventions. Many courses were plagued by low participation, although some managed to effectively encourage faculty involvement.

  • 어떤 연구자들은 교수들이 스스로 인지한 니즈need perceived by faculty가 온라인학습과 맞을 때에야만이 시간과 에너지를 온라인코스에 쏟을 것이라고 제안했다.
    Some authors suggested that only when courses successfully meet a need perceived by faculty members will they invest the necessary time and energy to participate in an online course (Steinert et al. 2002).

  • 다른 연구자들은 기술적 문제를 잘 organization하고 assistant하는 것이 성공의 길이라고도 했다.
    Others felt that better organization and assistance with technical problems were keys to success (Langlois & Thach 2003; Dyrbye et al. 2009; Ladhani et al. 2011; Wearne et al. 2011).

  • 코스를 마치는데 필요한 시간, 명확한 요구(기대), 가까운 미래의 (교육)활동에의 관련성 등이 중요하다
    Yet, others identified that time to complete course activities, clear expectations, and relevance to near-future academic activities (e.g. teaching) were essential (Steinert et al. 2002; Lewis & Baker 2005; Paulus et al. 2010; Wearne et al. 2011).

  • FD일반에 대한 연구는 물론  온라인 CPD연구에서 보면, perceived professional need, immediate rele- vance, and institutional expectation and support 등이 중요하다.
    Research from the field of faculty development in general (i.e. not online-specific) confirms that meeting a perceived professional need, immediate rele- vance, and institutional expectation and support all encourage participation (Steinert et al. 2009, 2010) as does evidence from online clinical continuing professional development (Carroll et al. 2009).

커뮤니케이션과 사회적 상호작용social interactions 이 온라인FD의 장기적 성공에 중요하다. 여러 연구에서 사회적 사회작용을 핵심 주제로 도출했다. 온라인 커뮤니티는 (온라인 커뮤니티가 아니었으면 불가능했을) 상호작용을 강화하는 역할을 할 수 있으나, 만약에 온라인 상호작용이 면대면 상호작용을 대체해버리거나, 그 설계가 poorly structured 되어있다면, 오히려 역효과를 낳을 수도 있어서, 흥미나 참여가 떨어질 수도 있다.

Communication and social interactions also appear to be critical to the long-term success of online faculty development activities. Several studies identified social interaction and bonding as key themes: online communities can enhance such interactions if faculty members would not otherwise be able to meet, but if online interaction replaces face-to-face interaction or is poorly structured, it may meet with oppos- ition, disinterest, and lack of engagement (Steinert et al. 2002; Langlois & Thach 2003; Bramson et al. 2007; Anshu et al. 2008; Dyrbye et al. 2009; Anshu et al. 2010; Paulus et al. 2010).


토론그룹 사이에서 중재역할을 적극적으로 하는 Active moderation of discussion groups 이 특히 중요하다. 한 연구에서 참여자들은 온라인토론이 포함된 집단에서 (비록 그것이 면대면 접촉을 대체하기에 매우 적합한 것은 아니었으나not adequately substitute) self-reported understanding이 더 향상되었음을 보고함.

Active moderation of discussion groups may be particularly important (Fox et al. 2001; Anshu et al. 2008; Wearne et al. 2011).

  • One randomized trial evaluated an online tutorial with and without enhancement through an online discussion forum and found greater self-reported understanding (albeit statistic- ally non-significant) among the group with online discussion, although participants indicated this ‘‘did not adequately substitute for face-to-face contact.’’ (Fox et al. 2001).


커뮤니케이션과 관련된 문제를 지적한 연구가 있었는데, 목소리의 굴절이나 바디랭귀지가 없는 것 때문에 오해가 생기기도 한다. 비-온라인FD에서 연구들은 social connection과 실천공동체의 필요성을 지지한다.

Several studies noted problems with communication, such as the absence of voice inflection or body language, which leads to increased chance of misunderstanding. Again, research from non-online faculty development supports the need for social connections and communities of practice (Steinert et al. 2009, 2010).

마지막으로 (짧은 이메일 메시지, optional한 토론포럼 등과 같이) 매우 짧거나 단차원적인 인터벤션brief or uni-dimensional interventions 은 덜 효과적이다.

Finally, brief or uni-dimensional interventions, such as short e-mail messages (Kotzer & Milton 2007; Pernar et al. 2012) and optional discussion forums (Steinert et al. 2002) seem to be less effective.

Table 2. Lessons learned from 20 studies of online faculty development.

1. Online learning for faculty development has the potential to meet educational objectives, but participation rates are often low. 

2. Perceived advantages

  •    Convenience

  •    Flexibility

  •    Reduced isolation (if faculty cannot otherwise meet)

  •    Collaboration across disciplines and distance

  •    Experience of being an online student (can enrich subsequent teaching) 

3. Perceived disadvantages

  •    Increased isolation (if faculty are accustomed to meeting face-to-face)

  •    Communication problems

  •    Technical problems; lack of comfort with the technology

  •    Costly software development

  •    Trade-off between enhanced flexibility and strong sense of community 

4. Features of less effective courses

  •    Intervention too brief (e.g. weekly e-mail)

  •    Topic not perceived as important

  •    Faculty members not engaged

  •    Insufficient time to complete activities

  •    Lack of interaction

  •    Lack of instructors’ expertise in teaching online 

5. Perceived solutions and favorable features

  •    Optimize communication, including use of conversational discussion

  •    Address a need (i.e. learning deficit); relevance

  •    Ensure that course materials are well organized and easy to access

  •    Enhance social bonding; work in teams; invite quiet members to participate

  •    Optimize time management

  •    Set clear expectations, including time commitment


미래 연구에 대한 함의

Implications for current practice and future research

온라인학습은 다른 방법보다 우월하지도 열등하지도 않고, 그저 어떤 challenges를 극복하기 위한 방법이다. 온라인과 면대면 학습의 구분은 점차 모호해지고 있다. 이미 교사들은 blended experience를 루틴하게 활용중이다.

Online learning in general is neither superior to nor inferior to other approaches, but simply a method that overcomes some challenges while creating others. We expect that the distinction between online and face-to-face learning will increasingly blur, as educators take advantage of the strengths of both approaches to create blended learning experiences. Teachers already routinely create blended experiences – for example, using lecture, PowerPoint, video, small groups, and self-study to optimize learning according to specific objectives. Online learning adds one more tool (or, more accurately, a collection of tools) to the educator’s toolbox.

온라인 실천공동체의 발달을 장려할 수 있을 것이다. 그러나 단순히 FD프로그램을 온라인으로 만드는 것 만으로 성공을 담보하지는 못한다. 고의 계획과 가장 효과적인 프로그램조차 교수들이 능동적으로 학습프로세스에 참여하지 않는다면 실패로 끝날 것이다.

Online learning may be particularly effective in overcoming these barriers and encouraging the development of online communities of practice (Sherer et al. 2003). However, simply building a faculty development program or activity – online or otherwise – will not guarantee success. Even the best-laid plans and most highly-effective programs will come to naught if faculty members do not actively engage in the learning process. While online learning has the potential to overcome barriers results thus far are decidedly mixed.


 2013 Nov;35(11):930-7. doi: 10.3109/0142159X.2013.827328. Epub 2013 Sep 5.

Online learning for faculty development: a review of the literature.

Author information

  • 1Mayo Clinic College of Medicine , USA.



With the growing presence of computers and Internet technologies in personal and professional lives, it seems prudent to consider how online learning has been and could be harnessed to promote faculty development.


Discuss advantages and disadvantages of online faculty development, synthesize what is known from studies involving health professionsfaculty members, and identify next steps for practice and future research.


We searched MEDLINE for studies describing online instruction for developing teaching, leadership, and research skills among health professions faculty, and synthesized these in a narrative review.


We found 20 articles describing online faculty development initiatives for health professionals, including seven quantitative comparative studies, four studies utilizing defined qualitative methods, and nine descriptive studies reporting anecdotal lessons learned. These programs addressed diverse topics including clinical teaching, educational assessment, business administration, financial planning, and research skills. Most studies enrolled geographically-distant learners located in different cities, provinces, or countries. Evidence suggests that online faculty developmentis at least comparable to traditional training, but learner engagement and participation is highly variable. It appears that success is more likely when the course addresses a relevant need, facilitates communication and social interaction, and provides time to complete course activities.


Although we identified several practical recommendations for success, the evidence base for online faculty development is sparse and insubstantial. Future research should include rigorous, programmatic, qualitative and quantitative investigations to understand the principles that govern faculty member engagement and success.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

교육펠로우십 프로그램: 공통의 주제와 이슈(Acad Med, 2006)

Educational Fellowship Programs: Common Themes and Overarching Issues

Larry D. Gruppen, PhD, Deborah Simpson, PhD, Nancy S. Searle, EdD,

Lynne Robins, PhD, David M. Irby, PhD, and Patricia B. Mullan, PhD

Searle 이 언급한 바와 같이, 교육스킬을 강화하고 교육자 공통체를 만들고, 교육 리더를 양성하기 위한 펠로우십 프로그램이 여러개 늘어나고 있다.

As Searle et al.1 note in the opening article, there is a growing number of fellowship programs designed to augment teaching skills, create communities of educators, and develop educational leaders.

이러한 트렌드를 촉진하는 요인으로는 교육에 있어서 scholarship의 정의가 확장되었다는 것을 인지한 것, 개별 기관과 인증기구 수준에서의 (교육과정, 교육teacching, 평가와 관련된 의사결정은 교육원칙과 근거에 기반해야 한다는) 요구사항이 늘어나는 것progressive expectation 등이 있다. ACGME는 “careful study of existing research on general competencies for physicians” 가 필요하며, 이것을 위해서는 “increasingly more useful, valid and reliable methods of assessing resident’s attainment” 가 필요하다고 하였다 .이들 요인은 교수들에게 (교육)원칙과 교육에서의 최선의 실천을 잘 수행할 것을 요구하기에 이르렀다.

Factors fostering this trend include the growing awareness of education within a broadened definition of scholarship2–4 and the progressive expectation, at both institutional and accreditation levels,5,6 that curricular, teaching, and learner assessment decisions should be informed by educational principles and evidence. The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education derived its general competencies through a “careful study of existing research on general competencies for physicians” and requires “increasingly more useful, valid and reliable methods of assessing resident’s attainment” of these competencies.6 These factors have created a demand for faculty who are well versed in the principles and best practices in education.

교육과정 설계와 Educational Scholarship을 위한 포괄적 접근

A Systematic Approach to Curriculum Design and Educational Scholarship


이번 호에 실린 educational fellowship 프로그램을 본 독자들은 프로그램간 유사성에 매우 놀랄 것이다. 이와 관련된 요소들로는 다음이 있다.

A reader of the educational fellowship program descriptions in this issue will be struck by the similarities among the programs, which are derived from related elements:

  • 기관 차원에서 극복해야 하는 (도전)과제들 a pervasive set of institutional challenges,

  • 교육과정 설계를 위한 포괄적 접근 a systematic approach to curriculum design, and

  • (도전)과제들을 해결하기 위한 교육전략 educational strategies to meet these challenges.

교육 혁신 평가를 위한 준거

Criteria for Evaluating Educational Innovation

우리는 Glassick의 준거를 사용하고자 함

We used Glassick’s criteria8 for evaluating educational innovations

These include

  • 명확한 목표 clear goals;

  • 적절한 준비 adequate preparation (ie, providing access to existing scholarship in the field);

  • 적절한 방법 appropriate methods, including modifying methods when appropriate;

  • 유의한 결과 significant results;

  • 효과적 의사소통 effective communication (ie, effectively sharing ideas and findings); and

  • 성찰적 비평 reflective critique.

명확한 목표, 적절한 준비, 적절한 방법

Clear goals, adequate preparation, and appropriate methods

펠로우십 프로그램과 교육자들을 진척advancing시키기 위한 유사한 문제들로부터 시작했기에, 각 프로그램은 명확한 목적과 목표를 설정하였다. 각 프로그램의 교육과정 내용을 살펴보면, 모든 프로그램이 단순히 "교육스킬의 향상"만을 위한 것은 아님을 알 수 있다.

Stemming from the common problem of advancing educational programs and educators, each of the programs developed a clear set of goals and objectives for its curriculum. A review of each program’s curricular content reveals that all programs emphasize more than “just” teaching skills,

각 프로그램에서 참여자들의 선발은 프로그램의 목적과 목표에 따라 이루어졌고, 이것에 잘 부합하는 교수를 선발하는 준비과정이었다. 

For each program, participant selection is matched to program goals and objectives in order to prepare faculty who matched the targeted programmatic emphases in education.

프로그램의 기간과 빈도는 대체로 매주 혹은 매달 3시간 정도의 세션이 있었다. 1년 이상 2년 정도 진행되었고, 총 60~160시간 정도의 contact time이 있었다. 이들 프로그램의 집중적intensive 성격은 (한시간 짜리 워크숍과 같은 짧은 세션의 시리즈에서 달성될 수 있는 것보다) 교육원칙과 교육행위에 대한 더욱 심화된 이해와 통합적 이해를 달성하려는 것을 보여준다. 프로그램의 상대적 길이는 주제와 영역간 cross-polination과, 교육자 공동체의 발달을 고취시키고자 하였다.

Our examination of the duration and frequency of sessions across programs showed that sessions typically meet for three hours, either weekly or monthly. Programs usually extend over one to two years, providing between 60 and 160 total hours of contact time. The intensive nature of these programs illustrates the need for a more in-depth and integrated understanding of educational principles and practices than can be achieved in a brief series of one-hour workshops.10 The relative length of the programs promotes greater cross-pollination across topics and domains and also fosters the development of a community of educators within cohorts.11

모든 프로그램은 학습자-중심의 능동적 학습, 펠로우들의 참여를 강조하였다. 또한 모든 프로그램은 프로그램에서 배운 원칙을 자신과 관련된 real-world problem의 해결에 적용할 수 있는 프로젝트의 개발을 요구하였다. 대부분의 프로그램은 일정 수준의 멘토링을 제공하였으며, 이는 멘토를 공식적으로 지정해주는 것부터 프로그램의 스텝들이 펠로우들과 상호작용하는 과정에서 비공식적으로 이뤄지는 지도까지 다양했다.

All of the programs emphasize learner- centered, active learning practices in the conduct of sessions and the participation of the fellows. And all of the programs require that fellows develop a project that would enable them to apply the principles learned in the program to a real-world problem relevant to the fellow and to the school. Most of the programs also provide some degree of mentoring for the fellows, ranging from the formal assignment of a mentor to the more informal guidance provided through program staff interactions with the fellows.

프로그램 사이에 유사성이 매우 많았지만, 기관의 우선순위, 니즈, 리소스에 따라 나름의 독특한 특징이 있었다

In the midst of the numerous similarities among programs, the presence of unique features reflects particular institutional priorities, needs, and resources.

참여자 모집도 각 기관의 우선순위나 외부의 펀딩을 반영하기도 했다. 예를 들어 Universities of Washington and Michigan 는 명시적으로 국외 펠로우를 선발하였다.University of Iowa 는 교수개발의 전문성과 리소스를 전파하기 위한 “training-the-trainers” 를 강조하였다. Medical College of Wisconsin은 외부의 펀딩의 우선순위에 따라서 일차의료 전공(가정의학, 의학, 소아과학)을 선발하였다.

Recruitment of participants also reflects institutional priorities and/or extramural funding targets. For example, the Universities of Washington and Michigan have explicitly identified foreign fellows as a population from which to draw participants. The University of Iowa has a unique emphasis on “training-the-trainers” for disseminating faculty development expertise and resources. The Medical College of Wisconsin’s program, due to its external funding priorities, enrolls faculty from the primary care specialties of family medicine, medicine, and pediatrics.


유의한 결과와 효과적 의사소통

Significant results and effective communication

각 프로그램은 (효과를 보여주기 위해서) 각 목표와 관련된 증거를 제시하였다.

Each program report presents evidence associated with its specific objectives, including

  • 지원 현황 enrollment data,

  • 펠로우가 주도한 교육과정 이니셔티브 fellow- authored curriculum initiatives,

  • 리더십 보직 leadership positions, and

  • 학문 활동 scholarly activities (eg, numbers of peer-reviewed publications, presentations, acceptances of educational materials to peer-reviewed educational repositories).

대부분의 프로그램은 프로그램-특이적인 교육과정 구조와 교육자료와 교육성과를 disseminate하여 프로그램의 졸업생들에게 요구되는 scholarly approach를 modeling하고자 했다.

The majority of programs have also disseminated their program-specific curriculum structure, materials, and outcomes in professional presentations and publications thus modeling the scholarly approach expected of their graduates.

교육자 공동체 형성은 공통의 성과 중 하나였다. 초기의 공동체는 같이 트레이닝을 받는 집단으로만 구성되었으나 시간이 지남에 따라서 institution-wide한 효과가 나타났다.

A common outcome reported across all programs is the creation of a community of educators. Initially, this growth has occurred within training cohorts, but over time has evolved into an institution- wide effect.

정도의 차이는 있지만, 모든 프로그램은 interdisciplinary fellow cohorts가 있었다.

To varying degrees, all the programs have interdisciplinary fellow cohorts.

펠로우들의 status도 프로그램간 다양했다.

Variation in fellow status is also present across programs,


프로그램 차원의 interdisciplinary goals 은 교육 공동체 내에서의 connection 조성, 공동의 이니셔티브 촉진, 공동의 문제에 대한 해결책 제시 등이 있다. 실제로 이들 프로그램의 interdisciplinary한 특징은 참여 펠로우들로부터 가장 흔하게 언급되는 펠로우십 프로그램의 강점 중 하나이다. 이러한 결과는 Lenning and Ebbers12가 한 다음의 말과도 잘 부합한다. 프로그램 졸업생이 늘어남에 따라서 기관들은 교육자의 critical mass를 보유했음을 깨닫게 된다

The interdisciplinary goals of the programs represent an explicit effort to foster connections among members of the educational community and to stimulate shared initiatives and solutions to common problems. Indeed, the interdisciplinary nature of these programs is one of the strengths most frequently cited by participating fellows. This echoes the observation of Lenning and Ebbers12 that



“교수자들이 얻는 것은 faculty benefits (related to learning communities) include

    • 고립에서의 탈피 diminished isolation,

    • 교수 동료간 공동의 목표와 협력 a shared purpose and cooperation among faculty colleagues,

    • 교육과정 통합이 늘어남 increased curricular integration,

    • 개인의 전공학문에 대한 참신한 접근법 a fresh approach to one’s discipline, and

    • 학생의 학습에 대한 만족도 향상 increased satisfaction with their students’ learning.”


As the number of program graduates increases, institutions recognize that they have a critical mass of educators

성찰적 비평

Reflective Critique to Improve Educational Fellowship Programs

목표의 명확성에 대하여..

Clear goals

The nine programs, by virtue of their longevity, have each developed clear goals and objectives in response to their institutional, departmental, and faculty needs assessments. As programs mature, it is clear that these goals and objectives must be responsive to changing institutional priorities and needs. This evolutionary process is most apparent in the older programs (eg, the Medical College of Wisconsin), which have transformed considerably in response to changes in faculty workload and roles, but all programs have modified their curricula and structure on the basis of summative feedback from their fellows, faculty, and directors. This continuous improvement effort to identify goals in keeping with emerging institutional priorities ensures that each program has the opportunity to respond to changes in the environment and the fellows’ needs, with program redesign centered on clear goals aligned with institutional priorities.

적절한 준비와 적절한 방법에 대하여..

Adequate preparation and appropriate methods

이 이슈에서 말한 각 프로그램은 (주로) 각 의과대학의 교육전문가들이 기획/개발/시행한 것이다. 이 프로그램들에서는 외부 전문가들도 활용했다. 

Each of the programs described in this issue drew on educational experts within the medical school to plan, develop, and implement the program. The programs also make use of outside experts in providing expertise for individual sessions.

프로그램의 구조/형식/교육방법 등에 대한 선택도 면대면, 이러닝, 프로젝트 수행 등을 혼합한 형태로 점차 진화하고 있다. 새로운 교육 형태가 등장함에 따라서 펠로우십을 설계하고 수행하기 위해 필요한 전문성도 함께 진화해야 하며 이 부분을 과소평가해서는 안 된다.

Selection of the structure, format, and instructional delivery methods has continued to evolve, with programs used a blended format of face-to-face, e-learning, and project requirements. As new formats for delivering instruction emerge, the expertise needed to design and deliver fellowship programs must evolve. Institutions program should not underestimate the importance of such expertise



유의한 결과와 효과적 의사소통에 대하여..

Significant results and effective communication

따라서 프로그램의 성과가 명확히 드러나야 하며, 핵심 이해관계자들 사이에서 공유되어야 한다. 이 성과를 보여주어야 하는 이유는 자명한데, 왜냐하면 대부분의 프로그램에서 프로그램이 펠로우와 기관에 주는 impact를 심층적으로 평가하는데 몰두engaged in하고 있기 때문이다. 이 프로그램 평가는 "참가자 만족"이라는 단기 성과를 넘어서서 행동적 성과behavioral outcome 및 졸업생의 생산성과 같은 다른 근거들까지도 포괄한다. 구체적으로는, 각 프로그램이 참가자들의 CV를 분석하여 학문적 성취와 리더십의 변화를 분석하고 있으며, 펠로우의 네러티브, 인터뷰, 자기평가를 통한 질적 분석도 수행하고 있다.

Therefore the program outcomes must be clearly demonstrated and shared with key stakeholders. The need to demonstrate these outcomes is clear, as almost all of the programs have engaged in an in- depth assessment of their program’s impact on the fellows and the institution. These program evaluations have gone beyond the short-term levels of “participant satisfaction” and have included examination of behavioral outcomes and other evidence of graduates’ productivity.14 Specifically, the majority of programs have conducted analyses of participants’ curriculum vitae to measure academic productivity and leadership, and have carried out qualitative analyses of fellows’ narratives, interviews, and self-evaluations.

평가 자료를 집합적으로 분석함으로써 프로그램이 성공적이었는지를 알 수 있을 것이다.

Aggregated analysis of the evaluation data across programs reveals that the programs are successful in promoting and advancing graduates as individuals.

대부분의 프로그램은 이제 막 기관 차원의 효과(학습 환경, 넓은 맥락에서의 교육 변화)를 살펴보기 시작하였다. 개별 학자scholar 수준에서 몇몇 프로그램은 졸업생이 교육 행정 관련한 참여presence가 늘어났음을 보여주었다.

Most of the evaluations have only begun to look at institutional impact, in terms of learning environment and the larger context of educational change. At the individual scholar level, several programs note an increased presence of program graduates in the school’s educational administration:

모든 프로그램이 공통적으로 당면한 평가 관련한 네 가지 문제가 있다.

Four common evaluation challenges remain to be addressed by all programs independent of their focus on individual or institutional outcomes.


  • 첫째, 대조군의 부재
    First, the lack of a control or comparison group limits the scope of the conclusions.

  • 둘째, 각 프로그램은 프로그램의 결과로 어느 정도의 변화가 일어났는가를 조사해야 한다. 비록 그 과정에 온갖 복잡성과 교란요인이 있지만 관심을 둘 만한 분야이다.
    Second, programs must examine the extent to which student learning has changed as a result of these programs. Although this particular outcome measure is fraught with all of the complexities and confounding factors that plague patient- outcomes research, it is an area that warrants attention.

  • 셋째, 개인수준/기관수준/피훈련자수준에서 명확한 ROI를 보여주어야 한다. 교육평가에서 그러한 분석은 매우 드문데, 적어도 한프로그램에서는 노력은 하였다. 프로그램의 "비용"을 정량화하는 것은 복잡하며, 교수와 스텝의 시간, 공간활용, 리소스 분배에 대한 집중화와 공유, 임상 생산성의 저하 등등을 포함한다. 그럼에도 불구하고 교육 프로그램들은 여러 임상 프로그램과 연구 프로그램에서 시도하는 바와 유사하게 교육 프로그램에 대한 투자를 정당화할 수 있어야 한다.
    Third, programs need to demonstrate a clear return on the investment in the educational fellowship programs at the individual, institutional, and ultimately trainee levels. Such analyses are very rare in educational evaluation, but at least one program has made such an effort.15 As the program descriptions demonstrate, quantifying the “cost” of these programs is complex and raises questions of faculty and staff time, space utilization, centralized or shared resource allocation, lost fellow clinical productivity, and the like. Similarly, the outcomes can be defined in various ways and quantification of these outcomes is challenging. Nonetheless, educational programs should be prepared to justify the investments made in them in ways that many clinical and research programs are beginning to address.


  • 넷째, 프로그램 운영 기관들이 서로 고립isolation되어 있다. 프로그램 디렉터는 지역 또는 국가 수준의 교육미팅에서 비공식적으로 아이디어를 얻을지 모르겠지만, 이 프로그램의 효과성과 퀄리티를 향상시킬 수 있는 기회는 그것 말고도 많다. 예를 들면...
    The fourth evaluation challenge is associated with the isolation that exists between programs’ sponsoring institutions. Although program directors may share ideas informally at regional and national educational meetings, there are many opportunities for augmenting the effectiveness and quality of these programs. Possible strategies include

    • 교육과정 혁신에 관한 협력 collaboration on curricular innovations,

    • 내용 전문성과 세션 퍼실리테이터를 공유함 sharing content expertise and session facilitators, and

    • 특정 청중 혹은 요구에 대해 특화된 프로그램 개발exploring specialized programs for particular audiences or needs.

  • 추가적으로, 이들 프로그램은 다-기관 차원의 평가 연구 기회를 제공하며, 이를 통해서 효과적인 프로그램의 특성을 알게 될 수도 있다. 교육과정의 기간 또는 강도와 그 성취 사이에 dose-response relationship 가 있는가? 유의미한 성과를 얻기 위한 최소 수준의 교육instruction이 있는가? 등이 있다. 이 질문은 세심하게 다기관 연구를 설계하면 답을 얻을 수 있을지도 모른다. 아홉개 프로그램은 공통의 핵심 주제를 가지고 있었으며, 이는 리소스와 노력의 중복 투자를 의미하며, (공식적 경로이든 비공식적 경로이든) 실제 프로그램간 교육 내용의 공유는 별로 없을 것임을 시사한다. 대신, 각 프로그램이 "reinvents the wheel" 했을 것이다.
    In addition, these programs provide an opportunity for conducting multi-institutional evaluation studies, which might provide insights into program characteristics that are effective in attaining the desired outcomes. For example, is there a dose-response relationship between the duration or intensity of the curriculum and the program outcomes? Is there a minimal level of instruction that is necessary to obtain useful outcomes? These questions might be answered by carefully designed, multi- institutional studies of the programs. All of the nine programs we have analyzed have a common core of critical topics. This represents a duplication of resources and effort, but there is limited sharing of actual curricular content among the programs, either through formal or informal mechanisms. Instead, each program “reinvents the wheel” for numerous topics.

이후 발전을 위한 성찰적 비평

Reflective critique for future development

교육자 공동체를 형성하는 것은 일부 프로그램에서만 명시적으로 드러난 목표였지만, 결과적으로는 모든 프로그램에서 중요한 가치를 지니는 성과가 되었다. 그러한 공동체가 형성된 것은 기관의 전반적 환경에도 도움이 된다.

The development of a community of educators is an explicit goal for only some programs, but a clearly valued outcome for all. The development of such a community benefits the overall environment of the institution

여기서 중요한 질문이 남는다.

There remain important questions about sustaining and nurturing such a community:

  • 공동체가 생산력을 가지기 위해 필요한 critical mass가 있는가?
    is there is a critical mass necessary for such a community to be productive?

  • 어떤 이벤트나 이니셔티브가 공동체의 유지에 도움이 되는가?
    What events or initiatives help maintain the community?

  • 효과적인 공동체와 관련된 인프라, 리더십, 리소스는?
    What are the infrastructure, leadership, and resource requirements associated with effective communities?

  • 진료를 하는데 필요한 시간과 경쟁하는 가운데 어떻게 공동체가 유지될 수 있을 것인가?
    How can the community be sustained in the face of competing demands on faculty time from clinical responsibilities?

3 Fincher RE, Simpson DE, Mennin SP, et al. Scholarship in teaching: an imperative for the 21st century. Acad Med. 2000;75:887–894.

 2006 Nov;81(11):990-4.

Educational fellowship programscommon themes and overarching issues.

Author information

  • 1Department of Medical Education, University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-0201, USA. lgruppen@umich.edu


The trend toward intensive faculty development programs has been driven by a variety of factors, including institutional needs for educationalexpertise and leadership, as well as individual faculty members' motivation to augment their educational expertise, teaching skills, and leadership skills. The nine programs described in this issue possess several common features that can be ascribed to shared perceptions of pervasive needs coupled with feasible educational resources and strategies to meet these needs. All programs identify a clear set of goals and objectives for their respective curricula. Curriculum domains include not only teaching skills but also educational research, curriculum development, and educationalleadership. In spite of many similarities, each program reflects the unique character of its home institution, the faculty, educational resources, and the specific goals of the program. Each program has documented gains in such key outcomes as participant promotions, new leadership positions both locally and nationally, and scholarly productivity in the form of peer-reviewed papers and presentations. Evidence of institutional benefits includes the production of innovative curricula and a pool of educational leaders. The programs have also developed a community of knowledgeable scholars who interact with each other and serve as a catalyst for continuing change and educational improvement. Although each program was developed largely independently of the others, the common elements in their design provide opportunities to evaluate collaboratively the successful aspects of such programs and to share ideas and resources for program curricula between existing programs and with institutions considering implementing new programs.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

성년이 된 AHC: 교수들이 더 나은 선생, 변화에이전트가 되게 돕기(Acad Med, 2006)

The Academic Health Center Coming of Age: Helping Faculty Become Better Teachers and Agents of Educational Change

Charles J. Hatem, MD, Beth A. Lown, MD, and Lori R. Newman, MA

의학교육을 위한 기관들은 전통적으로 교수들이 교사로서의 책임을 다할 수 있게 준비시키는 것에는 매우 적은 시간만을 할애해왔다.

Institutions committed to medical education have historically spent an inordinately small amount of time preparing their faculty members for their responsibilities as teachers.

선구자적인 예외는 the Shapiro Institute for Education and Research at Harvard Medical School (HMS) and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC)이다.

A pioneering exception to the historic indifference to medical teaching was the prescient formation of the Shapiro Institute for Education and Research at Harvard Medical School (HMS) and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC). As described by the founders:

HMS와 BIH는 교육병원과 의과대학이 clinical business과 더불어 공통의 academic mission에서도 최고 선두이자 중심적 위치를 더 효과적으로 유지하기 위하여 1996년에 joint venture를 설립하였다.

In an effort to organize a teaching hospital and a medical school in a manner that would position them to maintain more effectively their common academic mission front and center with the clinical business, HMS and the Beth Israel Hospital (BIH) created a joint venture in 1996.


교육과 연구를 위한 이 새로운 비영리기관은 교육과 연구가 최우선의 (그리고 유일한) 미션이다. 이 기관은 추가적인additional 그리고 구체적인 academic leadership을 제공하기 위해, 그리고 academic mission을 위한 전략기획을 수행하기 위한 joint venture를 실현enable시키려는 목적으로 설계되었다.

The new nonprofit Institute for Education and Research has education and research as its top (and only) mission. It is designed to provide additional and specific academic leadership and to enable the joint venture to undertake strategic planning for the academic mission.1

1996년 BIH는 BIDMC가 되었다. 그리고 CareGroup이라는 새로운 헬스케어 독립체entity 아래에 join하였다.

In 1996, the BIHmerged with New England Deaconess Hospital to form BIDMC. Mount Auburn Hospital (MAH), another HMS teaching hospital, joined BIDMC under the umbrella of a new health care entity, CareGroup.

이 기관의 핵심적으로 집중하는 것 중 하나는 교수개발이다.

One of the Institute’s central commitments is faculty development.

Harvard Medical System 내에서의 의학교육 펠로우십

The Fellowships in Medical Education within the Harvard Medical System

1998년의 The Rabkin Fellowship in Medical Education

The Rabkin Fellowship in Medical Education was established in 1998 in honor of Mitchell T. Rabkin, MD, CEO emeritus of the BIH.

The Rabkin Fellowship은 하버드-협력 기관의 교수들에게 열려있음

The Rabkin Fellowship is open to faculty based at all Harvard-affiliated institutions and is designed to prepare future leaders in medical education.

1999년의 The Mount Auburn Fellowship in Medical Education. Rabkin 펠로우십과 교육과정은 같으며, 2004년에 modified version이 시작되었음.

The Mount Auburn Fellowship in Medical Education was established in 1999 and follows the same curricular structure as the Rabkin Fellowship. In 2004, a modified version of the Mount Auburn Fellowship was initiated for fellows of the Academy at HMS. 

펠로우십 프로그램의 목적은... 

The goals of the fellowship programs are to

  • ▪ help faculty develop and enhance their skills as educators;

  • ▪ provide faculty an opportunity to conduct scholarly research or an educational project in an area of interest and importance in medical education;

  • ▪ support the fellows as educational leaders and change agents within the AHC; and

  • create a community of educators who continuously strive to improve the field of medical education.

최초 펀딩 소스 

The initial funding of the fellowship came from philanthropic support and from the founding institutions (BIDMC and HMS), with subsequent underwriting from MAH.



2006년까지 63명의 졸업생 숫자. 다양한 과에 소속되어 있음. 초기에는 clinical faculty에 주로 집중하였으나 점차 확대됨.

As of June 2006, the three fellowships in medical education have graduated 63 physicians. The fellows represent a variety of clinical disciplines . At their inception in 1998 the fellowships focused on the clinical faculty, however, have always been open to all faculty who teach in both the preclinical and clinical years, as well as in graduate and continuing medical education.

다양한 경력(신임교수, 10년 이상 유경험자 등.)

Class size (2~8명). 이상적으로는 6명

Some fellows have participated in the program during the early stages of their careers, whereas others have had over 10 years of teaching experience. Class sizes have ranged from two to eight. It is our view that the ideal number for interactive seminars and effective group development is six.

선발절차와 제출서류 

The fellows are chosen through a competitive process, which begins with a request for applications. Candidates are required to submit

  • ▪ a personal statement outlining the applicant’s interest in teaching and/or academic leadership, and defining personal and/or professional goals in pursuing this year-long course of study;

  • ▪ a question or project to be undertaken during the fellowship;

  • ▪ a letter of support from the department or division chief;

  • ▪ a current curriculum vitae (CV); and

  • letters of reference.

펠로우들이 해야 하는 것들과 제공되는 것들

  • The medical education fellows are required to undertake an analytic study, an educational project, or research focusing on an important issue in medical education.

  • Fellows each select a mentor in addition to the fellowship faculty to help guide their project’s development.

  • The fellows also provide additional support and peer review for each others’ projects over the course of the year.

  • Finally, the fellows summarize their projects in written reports and formal presentations at a concluding symposium.


약 20%의 시간을 할애하게 됨

The fellowship is structured to occupy and compensate 20% of a fellow’s time.

교육과정 구조

Curriculum Structure

펠로우십 세미나는 세 장소에서 열림. (외부) 초청 전문가, 지원 인력

The fellowship seminars are conducted at three sites: the Center for Education at BIDMC, the MAH, and HMS. 

Invited experts ...

Staff support ...


진행 기간 및 주요 활동 내용

  • The fellows at the BIDMC and MAH meet weekly for 10 months (September through June) at separate sites for two- hour seminars during the academic year.

  • The program at HMS meets monthly for two-hour seminars also for 10 months of the academic year. The medical education curriculum was added to the existing Academy fellowships at HMS in 2004–05.

  • Previously the Academy fellowships were designed to support junior faculty projects, but did not have a component dedicated to ongoing seminars in medical education.

  • In 2004– 05 the fellowship directors began to meet monthly with the HMS Academy fellows using core elements of the Rabkin and Mount Auburn Fellowship curricula.

여러 개의 (의학교육 연구 관련) 세미나에 참석함

Fellows from all three programs come together for a number of seminars. A majority of these are dedicated to medical education research principles taught by local and national experts.


이전 펠로우와 현재 펠로우와의 만남

In addition, past and present fellows convene twice a year to reflect and discuss challenging issues in medical education. The past fellows also serve as project consultants for the current fellows.

교육과정 내용

Curriculum Content

  •  ▪ the historic evolution and financing of medical education;

  •  ▪ the skills needed for curriculum development, design, and evaluation;

  •  ▪ the application of adult learning theories to the clinical setting;

  •  ▪ the enhancement of teaching skills needed at the bedside, ambulatory, operating room, and classroom arenas, including exercises in peer review, lecturing, and small-group and case- based discussion;

  •  ▪ mentoring;

  •  ▪ the skills needed for educational administration and leadership;

  •  ▪ the relevance of the humanities to medical education;

  •  ▪ research in medical education;

  •  ▪ writing for publication;

  •  ▪ sources of educational funding;

  •  ▪ the role of technology/simulation in medical education; and

  •  ▪ the skills of self-reflection and self- renewal.

경험학습이 핵심 요소

Experiential learning is a key component of the fellowship. Fellows ....

  • conduct and report on master clinician–teacher observations,

  • are videotaped and given feedback on lecturing techniques,

  • engage in role plays providing difficult feedback to learners,

  • lead case-based discussions,

  • conduct peer reviews, and

  • submit written reports of memorable teaching and learning experiences.

서로 존중하는 분위기의 교수-학습 공동체를 만들기 위해서 노력함. 서로 피드백을 주고 받는 안전한 환경을 만들어줌.

We strive to create a respectful “learning and teaching community” committed to the goals of better teaching. The fellowship provides a safe environment in which the fellows give and receive feedback


HMS와 협력병원의 다른 교수개발 프로그램도 있지만, 주로 개별 강의, 워크숍, 3주과정, 멘토링 등으로 구성되어 있다. The Rabkin, Mount Auburn, and Academy fellowships은 HMS교수만을 위하여 설계된, 1년에 걸쳐 정기적으로 진행되며, 방대한 읽기reading과 계획된 교육활동, 교육 프로젝트 수행 등으로 구성된 독립적 프로그램

Other educational faculty development opportunities within HMS and its affiliated hospitals exist, but are predominately individual lectures, workshops, three-week courses, and mentoring. The Rabkin, Mount Auburn, and Academy fellowships, however, are the only stand-alone offerings designed solely for HMS faculty that meet regularly for the entire academic year and involve extensive readings, planned curricular activities, and completion of a required educational project.

교육과정 평가

Curricular Evaluation


  • 펠로우십 디렉터들은 매 세션 이후 만나서 debrief하고 이후 진행될 세미나에 대해서 계획을 세우며, 세션간 연관성을 가지게 하는 개념을 찾고, 펠로우의 니즈에 따라 교수계획을 설계함
    The fellowship directors meet after each session to debrief and plan upcoming seminars with particular attention to identifying connecting concepts between the sessions and designing teaching plans that meet the needs of the fellows.

  • 펠로우들에게 커리큘럼에 대한 피드백을 계속 요청하기도 하지만, 일년에 두 세션은 프로그램에 대한 심층적 성찰과 펠로우의 personal and professional development에 대한 영향을 논의함.
    In addition to soliciting ongoing feedback from the fellows about the curriculum, two sessions during the year are devoted to eliciting in-depth reflections about the program and its impact on the fellows’ personal and professional development.

  • 각 펠로우와 정기적으로 미팅을 잡아서 펠로우십 경험에 대한 피드백을 받고, 추가적 성찰을 위한 시간을 가짐. 프로젝트에 대한 심층적 토론
    Regularly scheduled meetings with each fellow throughout the year afford additional opportunities to garner feedback on the fellowship experience, provide time for further reflection, and allow for in-depth discussion of the fellow’s project.

  • 이 미팅들은 펠로우가 change agent가 되는 과정에서 겪는 어려움을 상담해주고 서포트해주는 기회이기도 함.
    These meetings are also natural opportunities to provide support and counsel to the fellow regarding the challenges of being a change agent in an academic environment.

프로그램 평가

Programmatic Evaluation

2004년부터 ongoing evaluation study를 수행

In 2004, the program directors began an ongoing evaluative study of the fellowship in medical education. The goal of the study is to examine the outcomes of the fellowship, including its personal and professional impact, using both qualitative and quantitative methods.

펠로우십 이후

After the Fellowship

기관 차원에서 교육과 관련된 중요한 역할을 맡게 되었으며, 트레이닝의 효과도 있을 것.

The fellows have assumed significant institutional educational roles after the completion of fellowship training, which we feel is due in part to that training.


 2006 Nov;81(11):941-4.

The academic health center coming of agehelping faculty become better teachers and agents of educationalchange.

Author information

  • 1The Academy Center for Teaching and Learning, Harvard Medical School, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. chatem@mah.harvard.edu


There is a growing appreciation of the need for educational faculty development within medical education. The authors describe the establishment and subsequent expansion of one such fellowship in medical education that arose from the cooperative efforts of Harvard Medical School, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, and Mount Auburn Hospital. Three resultant fellowships are outlined that share the common goals of enhancing the skills of the faculty as educators, providing an opportunity to conduct scholarly educational research, supporting the fellows as change agents, and fostering the creation of a supportive community dedicated to enhancing the field of medical education. Curricular structure and content are outlined as well as current approaches to curricular and programmatic evaluation. The fellowships have been well received and are widely perceived as transformative for the faculty, many of whom have assumed increased roles of organizational and educational leadership. Lastly, future directions for these fellowships are presented.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

의학의 교수-학습에 관한 논란을 바라보며(Med Teach, 2007)

Looking forward – looking back: aspects of the contemporary debate about teaching and learning medicine


Institute of Clinical Education, Peninsula Medical School, Plymouth, UK

가장 강한 종이 살아남는 것이 아니라, 변화에 가장 잘 반응하는 종이 살아남는다

‘It is not the strongest of the species that survives, but the one most responsive to change.’

Charles Darwin

Burns의 논문은 습관적 학습 패턴의 집합, 또는 되풀이되는 '신드롬'을 묘사하고 있다. Burns는 학생이 반복적으로 해부학을 assessment-driven 전략으로 공부하면서, 그 댓가로 생산적인 학습을 하지 못하고 있으며 '모든 것을 외우지만 이해하는 것은 거의 없는' 학습을 한다. 그는 (이를 극복하기 위해) 특정 주제에 관한 풍부한 컨텐츠에 국한하는 짧은, 집중적 학습시기를 교육에 포함시키는 전략을 활용하고자 했다.

Burns’ article describes a set of habitual learning patterns, or recurrent ‘syndromes’, Burns describes recurrent assessment-driven strategies in learning anatomy that students employ at the expense of more productive learning, such as ‘memorize everything – under- stand little’. He involve short, intense periods of learning of circum- scribed ‘rich’ content around specified themes, such as mitochondrial structure and function, under general narrative themes such as ‘Cell Biology’.


그러나 Burns의 접근법은 학습자에게 얼마나 도움이 supportive 되었든지간에, 일차원적이고 보수적이며, 협상불가능한 교육과정에 기반한 내용-중심, 교수자-중심 전략이다content-driven, teacher-centred strategy based on a non- negotiable curriculum

Burns’ approach, however supportive to learners, is educationally uni-dimensional and conservative, privileging a content-driven, teacher-centred strategy based on a non- negotiable curriculum.

D’Eon 등은 Burns가 지적한 여러 신드롬과 컨디션들은 사실 (의대생들은 단순히 반응하고 있는 것일 뿐인) 시스템적 문제의 증상이라고 지적하였다. 따라서 이것은 "Teaching Syndromes"이라고 지적하였으며, 이 용어는 Burns의 Learning syndromes에 대한 교묘한 중의적 표현이다.

D’Eon (a medical educationalist) and his colleagues Caroline Kosmas and Jamie MacMillan (both physicians) point out that ‘many of the syndromes and conditions’ listed by Burns ‘are in fact symptomatic of systemic problems to which the medical students are merely reacting’ (D’Eon et al. in press). Hence their title ‘Teaching Syndromes’ – a sly double-meaning dig in response to Burns’ ‘learning syndromes’, the latter read as having an iatrogenic effect.

D’Eon 은 학부의학교육과정이 factual science content로 과포하되어 있다는 점을 지적하며, 이것들 중 일부는 미래 의사에게 관련되어 있지 않으며 도태시켜도 되는 내용이다. 이 지적에 대해서 Burns의 반응은 그다지 설득력있지 못한데, 그는 단순히 교육과정의 내용이 '지속적으로 감시의 대상이 되고 있다'고 말했을 뿐이다. D'Eon은 '테크니션'이 아니라 '의사' 교육이 필요하다고 주장하며, 학생을 수동적 역할로서 사회화시키는 것은 자기주도성과 '이해를 위한 학습'을 길러주지 못한다고 했다. D'Eon 등은 Burns의 교수- 혹은 실라버스- 에 대한 antithesis로  학생- 혹은 학습자- 중심 관점을 제시했다.

D’Eon also points out that where the undergraduate medicine curriculum is overloaded with factual science content, some of it is not relevant to future practice as a doctor and could be culled. Burns’ response to this point is not convincing, where he merely says that curriculum content is ‘under constant investigation’ (Burns in press). D’Eon calls for an education of the ‘physician’ not the ‘technician’, pointing also to the paradox that socialising students into passive roles is not going to foster self-direction and ‘learning for under- standing’ (D’Eon et al. in press). D’Eon and colleagues thus describe a student- or learner-centred perspective that is the antithesis to Burns’ teacher- and syllabus-centred centred approach.

우리의 관점에서 두 가지 관점 모두 의학교육의 가장 중요한 요소를 빼놓고 있다. 그것은 바로 환자이다. 당연히, 하나의 연구질문으로 답을 내기에는 불가능하며, 왜냐하면 의학교육 인터벤션은 환자outcome과 연결시키기는 너무 복잡하기 때문이다.

In our opinion, both views ignore the most important factor in medical education – the patient (Bleakley & Bligh 2006). Of course, as a research question, it has been argued that it is unanswerable, because medical education interventions, are too complex to readily link to patient outcomes.


Donald Schon의 잘 알려진 구분을 적용해보자면, 의학교육은 기술-합리 전략technical- rational strategy이 아니라 기술-합리적 요소를 활용한 술적 기교의 실천practice artistry employing technical-rational elements이다. 이것이 의미하는 바는 의학교육이 근거-기반의 실천이 될 수 없다는 것이 아니다. 오히려 우리는 우리가 '근거'라는 용어로 무엇을 말하는지에 대해서 생각해보고자 한다. '근거'라는 것은 환자를 가장 중심에 둔 연구 의제agenda 없이는 앞으로 나아갈 수 없다는 것이다.

Medical education, to draw on Donald Schon’s well-known distinction, is not a technical- rational strategy, but primarily a practice artistry employing technical-rational elements. This does not mean that medical education cannot be an ‘evidence-based’ practice. Rather, we need to consider what we mean by ‘evidence’. Neither does it mean that we cannot move forward with a research agenda at the heart of which is the patient.

첫째, 우리는 현재 우리가 교육과정의 설계/도입/평가에서 활용하고 있는 것보다 환자를 더 많이 참여시킬involve 수 있다.

First, we can involve patients (and we are all patients at some time in our lives) much more than we currently do in designing, implementing and evaluating curricula, including assessment of learning and appraisal of practice.


둘째, 우리는 학생을 임상교육bedside learning에 더 일찍, 그리고 지속적으로 참여시킴으로써, 교실-기반 과학이 아니라 실제 우리의 행동과 관련된 과학science-in-action을 더 강조해야 한다.

Second, we can place more emphasis upon science-in-action, rather than classroom-based science, through early and sustained intro- duction of students to bedside learning.

학생들은 환자와 능동적인 대화를 통해서 (겉으로 드러난 증상에) '존재하는 것present' 뿐만 아니라 '비어있는 것absent'에 도달함으로써 진단을 내리고 치료계획을 세우는데 자신감을 기를 수 있는 지원을 필요로 한다. 무엇이 말로서 드러나지 않고, 무엇이 숨겨져 있는가What remains unsaid or unseen? 의과대학생은 반드시 사물thing을 관찰함에 있어서 keen하면서 suspended해야 한다. 환자가 indicator로 가득한 이야기를 펼쳐놓음으로서 알게 되는 서사적 이야기narrative의 흐름 속 깊이 관여하고 있는 겉으로 드러난 증상...??

Students need to be supported in gaining confidence in diagnosing and formulating a treatment plan through active dialogue with patients to get at the ‘absent’ as well as the ‘present’ or surface symptom. What remains unsaid or unseen? But the medical student must balance both keen and suspended observation of the ‘thing’, the presenting symptom with deep engagement in the running flow of narrative as the patient unfolds a story ripe with indicators.

이것은 단순히 환자-주도의 의학교육이 아니라 학습에 대한 프로세스-중심 접근법이다. 여기서, 교육자들은 반드시 (내용 성과 뿐 아니라) 프로세스 학습성과process learning outcomes 를 작성하고 이를 교육하는데 익숙해져야 한다. 예를 들면, 학생들은 '잘 모르는 것'의 모호함에 어떻게 대처하는가? 학생들은 이해를 위하여seeking understanding 어떤 전략을 사용하였는가?

This is not just a patient-led medical education but a process-led approach to learning. Here, educators must become adept in writing and working with process learning outcomes as well as content outcomes: for example, how did the students deal with the ambiguity of not knowing; what strategies did they employ in seeking understanding, such as collaborative engagement, seeking out a second opinion, and asking for clarification?

(의학을) 더 잘 이해하기 위하여 협력을 추구함에 있어서 마지막 포인트에 있어서, 우리가 Burns–D’Eon dialogue 에서 관찰한 것은 둘 모두 학습을 개인차원의individual, 영웅적heroic 노력의 프레임으로 본다는 것이다. 학습을 반드시 투쟁과 생존의 프레임에서 봐야만 하는가? 과학교육자들은 다윈주의 메타포를 인용하지 않을 수 없을 것이다. Social learning theories는 (지금까지) 지배적 지위에 있던dominance 개인주의적 '성인학습adult learning' 접근법에 도전장을 던지기에 이르렀다. 그 이유는 주로 Social learning theories가 팀 세팅에서 진행되는 현재의 의료행위의 규범norm을 더 잘 설명해주는 이론적 프레임임을 타당화validate하기 위한 연구의 기초를 마련했기 때문이다.

On this last point of seeking collaboration for greater understanding, our second observation on the Burns–D’Eon dialogue is that they both frame learning as an individual, indeed heroic, endeavour. Does learning have to be framed in terms of struggle or survival? Perhaps science educators cannot help but employ Darwinian metaphors. Social learning theories have come to challenge the dominance of individua- listic ‘adult learning’ approaches primarily because they have established a research base to validate theoretical frames that better explain the current norm of clinical practice in team settings (Bleakley 2006).



Social learning theories 는 학습을 지식과 스킬의 퇴적작용으로 보지 않으며, 전문직으로서의 정체성이 형성되고 실천공동체에 정당한 참여legitimate entry를 제공해주는 사회화 과정으로 본다. 학습이란 문화적, 역사적 현상에 달려 있는 것이며, 자기-지시적self-referential 사건으로서 거품처럼 발생하지 않는다. Social learning theories 는 학습을 자신과 문화와 역사적 가공품(언어나 컴퓨터)과 실천공동체 사이의 상호작용에 기반을 둔 역동적이고, 복잡하고, 불확실한 과정으로 묘사한다. 지식은 이제 주로 컴퓨터와 팀(또는 더 넓은 실천공동체)의 역사적 전통 속에 저장되어 있으다. 학습은 대체로 (맥락과 관련된) situated and distributed knowing에 대한 정당한 접근legitimate access에서 일어나는 메타-프로세스이다. 이는 개개인이 지식을 (머리속에) 저장해놓는 것의 가치를 평가절하하는 것이 아니다. 이것은 '지식의 저장'을 지식을 어떻게 배우고, 지식에 어떻게 접근할 것인지를 학습하는 더 광범위하고 긴급한pressing 맥락에 놓고자 하는 것이다. 이러한 것은 우리를 '협력collaboration'으로 이끌어주는데, 이 협력이란 (단순히 정보를 재생산하는 것이 아니라) 지식을 어떻게 협력적으로 생산할지를 아는 것이라고 할 수 있다.

Social learning theories do not explore learning as sedimentation of knowledge and skills, but as a socialisation process constructing a professional identity and providing legitimate entry into communities of practice. Learning is a contingent cultural and historical phenomenon – it does not occur in a bubble as a self- referential accident. Social learning theories describe learning as a dynamic, complex and uncertain process based on the interaction between self, cultural and historical artefacts (such as languages and computers), and communities of practice. Knowledge is now mainly stored in computers and in the historical traditions of teams or wider communities of practice. Learning is largely a meta-process concerning legitimate access to situated (context-linked) and distributed knowing. This is not to deny the value of one’s own store of knowledge, but to place this in the wider and more pressing context of learning how to learn or how to access knowledge. This brings us back to collaboration, knowing how to jointly produce knowledge, rather than simply reproduce information, whether this is with a patient, a clinical teacher, an anatomist, or a healthcare professional in a clinical team to which the student has legitimate access on study placement.

Burns는 '평생학습'에 대해서 이야기했지만, 독자들은 그의 논문에서 '평생학습'을 느낄 수 없는데, 왜냐하면 Burns가 말한 것은 개개인으로서 right technical way를 익히는 것 이상이 없기 때문이다. 이것은 '평생학습'을 '종신형'으로 만드는 것과 같This is to turn lifelong learning into a life sentence. D’Eon 등은 Burns의 접근법의 한계를 짚어내는 데 까지는 성공했지만, 이것을 contemporary learning theory까지 끌고오는데는 실패했다. 우리는 교수자-중심과 학습자-중심이라는 이분법으로부터 벗어나서 authentic work-based, patient-centred 접근법을 'new apprenticeship'으로서 중시하기를value 제안한다. 그러한 접근법을 알리기 위해서 의과대학은 social learning에 대한 연구를 더 하고, activity theory와 같은 모델을 적용하고 시험해야 할 것이다.

Although Burns talks of ‘lifelong learning’, the reader does not get a sense from his article that this consists of anything beyond picking up the right technical ways of gaining knowledge as an individual. This is to turn lifelong learning into a life sentence (Bleakley 2001). D’Eon and colleagues are right to point to the limitations of Burns’ approach, but they miss the opportunity to progress their argument to dialogue with contemporary learning theory. We suggest transcending the teacher-centred/learner-centred dichotomy to consider the value of an authentic work-based, patient-centred approach as a ‘new apprenticeship’. To inform such an approach, medical schools might consider the value of furthering research into social learning, applying and testing models such as activity theory (Bleakley 2006).

Burns and D’Eon 에 대한 우리의 세 번째의 핵심 관찰은 '더 큰 그림'에 대한 것이다. 즉, 미래 의학교육 그 자체에 대한 것이다. 의과대학생 교육이 과학적이고 근거-기반의 접근을 따라야 하는 것은 맞으나, 의과대학생들은 환자 진료에 대한 narrative-based approach도 배워야 한다. Burns and D’Eon 중 누구도 어떻게 cultural theory와 literary approach가 의학교육에 영향을 미칠 수 있다는inform 것을 지적하지 않았다. 예를 들면, 의사와 환자 사이의 대화의 특성을 이해하거나 이 대화 이후에 따라오는 텍스트(사례 노트, 리퍼 레터)의 특성을 이해하는데 도움이 된다.

Our third and central observation on Burns and D’Eon concerns the bigger picture – the future of medical education itself. We are aware that while a proper focus must be placed upon medical students learning a scientific, evidence-based approach, they must also learn a narrative-based approach to patient care. Neither Burns nor D’Eon touch on how cultural theory and literary approaches can inform medical education, for example, in helping us to understand the nature of talk that happens between doctor and patient and the nature of texts that follow from this talk, such as case notes and referral letters.

따라서 Burns의 설명은 학생이 교사에게 복종해야 한다는 관념적인 입장을 설명하고 있으며, D'Eon은 그 반대를 설명할 뿐이다. ideological networks와 같이 '관계'에 대한 설명을 풍부하게 하는 것은 이데올로기의 특성을 드러내주는 gaps, omissions, silences and contradictions 를 드러내는데 활용주된 방법이다. Burns’ and D’Eon’s 모두 교사와 학생 간의 관계를 설명하지만, 둘 다 환자와의 관계는 설명해주지 않고 있다. 우리는 이것을 의학교육의 '환자 결여patient absent' 접근법으로 보며, where the power structures in the apparatus the ideological paradoxically serve to exclude patient이다. 그러한 텍스트가 설명해주는 것은 있지만, 반쪽짜리only partial일 뿐이며, 현실을 묘사한다고는 하지만, 권력구조 내에 사람을 새겨넣은 것일 뿐이다. 그러나 이 power struggle은 죽음에 맞서 싸우는 공룡과 같고, 의학교육에서는 교사와 학생이 학습의 주도권을 놓고 벌이는 전투에 갖혀 있는 것이다

Thus, Burns’ account ideologically positions students as subordinate to teachers and D’Eon’s account reverses this. Rich accounts of relationships as ideological networks, such as ethnographies or literature, are primary methods used to expose the gaps, omissions, silences and contradictions that reveal the nature of ideology. Where Burns’ and D’Eon’s accounts position students and teachers in relation to each other, again neither positions these in relation to patients. We can think of this as a ‘patient absent’ approach to medical education, where the power structures in the apparatus the ideological paradoxically serve to exclude patient. Such texts claim to be explanatory but are only partial in their accounts, and claim to describe reality, but can be seen to inscribe persons in a power structure. But this power struggle describes dinosaurs fighting to the death – looking back to a traditional, but tired, medical education where teachers and students are locked in a battle for ownership of learning, or in literary terms, authorship of their texts.

텍스트는 '생산'되는 것이며 '저술'되는 것이 아니다. 환자는 그 저술물의 첫 번째 '독자'이며 환자나 의사는 '두 번째 독자'면서, 동시에 공-저자co-author가 된다. 텍스트는 지속적으로 생산된다.

Pierre Macherey (Macherey 1978) and Michel Foucault (Foucault 1977a) amongst others, challenge such a notion of authorship, suggesting that texts are ‘produced’ not ‘authored’. We can think of a patient’s notes or a doctor’s case notes as text, but these are produced after the first speaking of text that is the patient’s presenting narrative account. Importantly, production of text involves ongoing collaboration between author and reader. The patient her symptoms and ‘authors’ an account of his or is the first ‘reader’ of this account. The medical student or doctor then acts as second reader but also becomes a co-author. The text is in continuous production. We claim that such textual productions offer the primary resource for medical education (Bleakley & Bligh 2006).

네 번째이자, 마지막 관찰은  D’Eon’가 Burns’ ‘learning syndromes’ 에 대해서 비판한 것은 보수적이고 노골적으로 징벌적인 평가 시스템의 결과물일 수도 있다는 점이다.

Our fourth and final observation concerns D’Eon’s critique that Burns’ ‘learning syndromes’ may be a product of a conservative and frankly punitive assessment system,


어떻게 한 사람이 질문을 저항적 독립적 권력시스템으로...하여 새로운 정체성을 구성하는가. 

A more adventurous interpretation can be gleaned from the work of Michel Peˆcheux (Peˆcheux 1982) and Michel Foucault (Foucault 1977b) who describe how persons can created identities through interpellation into a resist sovereign power system (or a surveillance regime such as formal assessment), to construct a new identity. Here, where power is capillary (running through a system), it is not simply exerted as reproductive sovereign power but is productive, generating potentially thoughtful, critical resistance to a norma- tive approach.


만약 Burns가 말한 것과 달리, 학생들이 sovereign system 내에서 전략적으로 오발misfiring하는 것이 아니라면? 학생들은 어쩌면 빈약한 평가시스템에 대하여 정당한 집단적 저항적 움직임을 하고 있는 것일수도 있으며, 새로운 정체성을 형성하는 과정일 수도 있다. Burns는 (비록 암묵적이지만) 권력이 reproductive하다고 묘사하였으며, 여기서 학생들은 교사가 학생에게 바라는 것을 정직하게 스스로에게 적용시키는 것이라고 말하였다. 우리는 power can be productive of active and positive resistance that comes to shape new identities 라고 제안하고 싶다.

Returning to Burns’ students, what if they are not tactically misfiring within a sovereign system, as Burns suggests? They may instead be offering a legitimate collective resistance movement to poor assessment practices and explicit surveil- lance, and in the process creating new identities. Burns, albeit tacitly, then describes power as reproductive, where students must honestly apply themselves to learn what teachers want them to learn. We have suggested, following Foucault, that power can be productive of active and positive resistance that comes to shape new identities. There is a third, emerging context in assessment of learning, where power can also be seductive. Here, as in simulation contexts such as the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE), students may cleverly play the game, out-witting their teachers in smooth but simulated performance. These emerging contexts are not readily explained by current theories of learning, and are better illuminated by cultural theory of simulation (Bligh & Bleakley 2006).


Bligh J, Bleakley, A. 2006. Distributing menus to hungry learners: Can learning by simulation become simulation of learning? Med Teach (in press).

Bleakley A. 2006. Broadening conceptions of learning: the message from teamworking. Med Educ 40:150–157.

 2007 Mar;29(2-3):79-82.

Looking forward-looking backaspects of the contemporary debate about teaching and learning medicine.

Author information

  • 1Royal Cornwall Hospital, Institute of Clinical Education, Peninsula Medical School, Plymouth, UK. alan.bleakley@pms.ac.uk


Does the tired oppositional debate between student-centredness and teacher-centredness leave the patient stranded, where the patient is surely the focus of a medical education? How might an authentic patient-centred practice be shaped, informed and nourished theoretically? We describe an intellectual landscape of critical, interdisciplinary inquiry that, so far, many medical educators have not inhabited. For example, texts written to inform medical education rarely examine intellectual premises and ideological implications. We offer a number of theoretical frameworks that can inform critical practice, asking 'why do we do it this way?'; 'what are the alternatives?'; and 'how do we justify our approaches intellectually?' We conclude that medical education needs to take stock of its intellectual resources.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

의학교육 펠로우십의 Personal and Professional Impact (Acad Med, 2009)

The Personal and Professional Impact of a Fellowship in Medical Education

Beth A. Lown, MD, Lori R. Newman, MEd, and Charles J. Hatem, MD

학계가 점차 "과학 내용, 연구 및 임상 기술을 마스터 했다는 것 자체mastery가 반드시 교육 전문성과 바람직한 학습 성과로 변환되는 것은 아니라는 사실"을 인식하면서 FD가 점점 더 중요 해지고 있습니다.

Faculty development has become increasingly important as academic communities recognize that amastery of scientific content, research, and clinical skills does not in itself necessarily translate into educational expertise and desired learning outcomes.1

의학교육의 The Rabkin and Mount Auburn fellowships 은 두 개의 하버드 교육병원에서 시작되었다. (Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in 1998 and Mount Auburn Hospital in 1999) 성인학습, 경험학습, 성찰적 실천, 인본주의적 철학humanistic philosophy에 기반을 두고 있다.

The Rabkin and Mount Auburn fellowships in medical education were established at two Harvard teaching hospitals—Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in 1998 and Mount Auburn Hospital in 1999—to prepare faculty foracademic careers in medical education. These fellowships, are grounded in the principles of adult and experiential learning, reflective practice, and humanistic philosophy.16–20

중요한 질문이 남아있다. Palmer25 는 "우리는 우리 자신을 가르친다.we teach who we are"라고 하였다. 만약 그것이 사실이라면, 프로그램의 성과와 프로그램을 이수한 교수가 무엇을 하느냐 뿐만 아니라, 그들이

  • 하나의 인간으로서 어떻게 변하였으며, 교육자로서 자신을 어떻게 바라보고, 학생과 어떻게 상호작용하는가?

  • FDP가 참여자의 자기-인식과 행동을 변화시켰는가?

  • 학습공동체는 의학교육자의 발달에 어떠한 영향을 주었는가?

  • Personal and professional change를 촉진하는 FDP의 핵심 요소는 무엇인가?

Important questions remain. Palmer25 suggests that “we teach who we are.” If so, what is the impact of faculty development, not only on outcomes and what graduates do, but on whom they become as persons and how they view themselves as educators and their interactions with their students? Do faculty development programs change participants’ self-perceptions and behaviors? How do learning communities affect the development of the medical educator? What are the key elements of faculty development programs that foster personal and professional change?

연구 참여자와 모집 단계

Study Participants and the Recruitment Process

A letter of invitation and description of the study were sent by postal mail to eligible faculty. We were unable to locate one former Fellow. A follow-up inquiry was e-mailed to nonresponders one month later. Forty-two Fellows consented to participate in a telephone interview, but two were unavailable at the time of the scheduled telephone interview. Therefore, 40 of the 43 fellowship graduates participated in the semistructured interviews, which were conducted between June 2005 and February 2006.

Faculty members affiliated with Harvard Medical School are selected for one of the fellowships through a competitive application process that attracts persons from a variety of disciplines.


Fifty-six percent of the 43 Fellows who graduated between 1999 and 2005 were women;

80% self-identified as Caucasian, 16% as Asian, 2% as Latino, and 2% as African American.


반구조 인터뷰 과정

Semistructured interview process

We developed nine questions (List 1). A trained research assistant conducted audiotaped, standardized, semistructured interviews; each interview took approximately 30 minutes. The audiotapes were transcribed and deidentified.




We used qualitative, grounded theory methods to analyze and code the data and to build a theory from the data.26 We undertook multiple cycles of reading the transcripts, using the constant comparative method to group concepts within themes and to clarify and rename each theme until the data were fully described and categorized. Each author then independently coded all transcripts. We discussed coding discrepancies and revised the themes and their descriptions to better represent the data. Two of us (B.A.L. and L.R.N.) then independently recoded, discussed, and reached consensus on all 40 transcripts. We then entered the data into a qualitative analysis software program (HyperRESEARCH, version 2.6.1; ResearchWare, Randolph, Mass) to generate reports and to performtheme frequency counts. The themes are described in the Results section.

연구의 신뢰성trustworthiness을 위해서 다음을 활용

We used three methods to ensure the trustworthiness of our research.27

  • 우리는 의도적으로 각 주제에 대해서 긍정적인 측면과 부정적 측면을 모두 탐색하였으며, 이에 따라 코딩을 진행하였다. 예를 들면 롤모델과 멘토링에 대해서 "서포트와 모범(사례)를 인지함", "더 많은 멘토링 필요"가 있다.
    First, we conducted deliberate searches for positive and negative examples of each theme and coded these accordingly. For example, within the theme, “Role models and mentoring,” we identified 77 quotes in the transcripts that we coded as “Perceived support and examples” and 6 quotes that we coded as “Wished for more mentoring” (Table 1).

  • 둘째, 무작위로 선정된 25%의 transcript를 가지고 external audit을 수행하였다. 펠로우십에 아무런 역할이 없었던 질적연구자가 이 것을 가지고 review and code하였다.
    Second, we conducted an external audit of the data by randomly selecting 25%of the transcripts for independent review. A qualitative researcher with no role in the fellowships reviewed and coded this subset by using the final list of described themes.

  • 셋째, 문헌고찰을 통해서 연구의 주제와 다른 질적연구자들의 주제를 비교하였다. 최종 분석 단계에서 우리가 발견한 주제들간의 관계를 ㅈ사해보고, 우리의 주제를 기존의 것과 비교하였다.
    Third, we performed a literature review to compare our study’s themes with those of other qualitative researchers who had analyzed outcomes of faculty development in medical education. The search strategy and results are described in Appendix 1 and Appendix 2, respectively. During the final analysis process, we examined the relationships between our themes and compared our themes with those of previous investigators to build a grounded theory about the results.



개념과 스킬의 이해와 적용

The understanding and application of concepts and skills

Fellow들은 의학교육의 역사적 맥락, 성인학습의 원칙, 교육에서 사용되는 용어, 구체적인 교육 전략, 교수 기술을 배우는 것의 중요성에 대해 언급했다. 이 코멘트들은 Fellow들이 학습자-중심 교육의 핵심centrality를 이해한 것을 보여준다.

Fellows spoke about the importance of learning the historical context of medical education, the principles of adult learning, the language and vocabulary of education, and specific educational strategies and teaching skills. Their comments demonstrated their understanding of the centrality of learner-centered teaching.

참여자들은 펠로우십에서 연습한 구체적인 스킬에 대해서 언급했다.

Participants mentioned learning specific skills practiced in the fellowship, such as
  • lecturing,
  • creating educational contracts,
  • teaching at the bedside,
  • providing feedback,
  • developing curriculum, and
  • leading small-group discussions.


어떤 사람들은 메타인지스킬이 '교육행위를 하는 동시에 성찰하기' 위해서는 "참여-관찰자participant-observer"가 되는데 필요했다고 말하였으며, 이 스킬은 펠로우십 전반적으로 계속 강조되었던 것이다.

Some also described learning the meta- cognitive skills necessary to become a “participant-observer” in order to reflect during the act of teaching—skills emphasized throughout the fellowship.

일부 Fellow들은 배운 것들을 임상/행정/리더십 역할에까지 광범위하게 적용할 수 있었다고 말하였다.

Several Fellows commented that the lessons learned can be broadly applied, including in their clinical, administrative, and leadership roles.

동시에 어떤 펠로우들은 어떤 것이 펠로우십이 기여한 것이고 어떤 것이 다른 요인이 기여한 것인지 구분하기 어렵다고 했다.

At the same time, some Fellows had difficulty distinguishing between what was attributable to the fellowship and what was attributable to other significant faculty development activities.



대부분의 Fellow들은 펠로우십이 의학교육자로서의 정체성을 강화시켜주었다고 응답했다. 일부에게 있어서, 펠로우십은 초기 단계에 있었던 정체성 또는 기존의 교육자로서의 정체성을 명확히 해주었다고 하였으며, 또 일부는 전환transformation의 느낌을 이야기했는데, 펠로우십을 통헤서 불타오른kindle것이 시간이 지나면서 더 강해졌다고 하였다.

Most of the Fellows said that the fellowship enhanced their sense of identity as medical educators. For some, the fellowship clarified a nascent or preexisting identification as an educator. Others described a sense of transformation, kindled by the fellowship, that continued to evolve over time.

대부분의 펠로우는 목표(의식)과 헌신이 깊어deepened sense졌다고 했다. 자신의 역할에 대한 열정이 새로워졌고, 다른 사람을 inspire하고자 하는 열망이 생겼다.

Most Fellows described a deepened sense of purpose and commitment. They spoke of a renewed passion for their roles and a desire to inspire others.

Empowerment와 자기효능감을 새롭게 찾게 되었다. 일부는 자기자신을 변화에이전트change agent라고 하였으나, 어떤 펠로우는 자신의 역할을 리더/교육혁신가/협력가로 묘사하며, 이 용어에 대해서 양가감정을 보였다.

Many Fellows described a newfound sense of empowerment and self-efficacy. Several Fellows were willing to describe themselves as change agents. Others were ambivalent about the term“change agent,” describing their role instead as leader, educational innovator, and collaborator.




펠로우십 내에서 공동체의식이 성장하였다. 다른 학문분야나 다른 기관에서 온, 정기적으로, 마음이 잘 맞는 사람들과 만나는 것에 가치를 두었다. 펠로우십이 진행되며 신뢰trust가 쌓였으며, 개인의 학습과 집단적 학습을 진전advance시켰다.

The Fellows developed a sense of community within the fellowship. They valued the opportunity to meet regularly with like-minded people from other disciplines and institutions. They developed a sense of trust in the fellowship group over time that advanced both their personal and collective learning.

펠로우들은 (같은 용어를 사용하고 흥미가 공유하는) 더 큰 의학교육자 커뮤니티에 대한 connection을 느꼈다고 하였다. 일부에게 펠로우십이란 locally 또는 nationally, academic career로 가는 '입학증'과 같은 것이었다.

The Fellows also described a sense of connection to the larger community of medical educators with whom they shared a common language and interests. For some, it was an “admission ticket” to an academic career and a stimulus to network both locally and nationally.

동료 펠로우들이 다른 기관에서 근무하고 있으며, 시간적으로 한계가 있어서 connect할 시간이 더 있었으면 좋겠다고 하였다.

The Fellows commented on their wish for more time to connect, noting the difficulties of time constraints and the fact that the other Fellows were working in different institutions.

성찰적 실천

Reflective practice

성찰의 중요성에 대하여 말하였으며, 이는 지속적인 학습과 성장을 촉진하기 위한 것 뿐 아니라 life와 self-renewal에 대한 하나의 접근법이었다.

The Fellows discussed the importance of reflection, not only to facilitate their ongoing learning and improvement, but as an approach to life and self-renewal.

펠로우들이 사용한 주된 성찰전략은 피드백을 seeking하는데 능동적proactive이 되는 것이었다. 일부 펠로우는 자신의 교육과정 개발시에 이러한 내용을 포함시켰다.

The reflective strategy the Fellows used most frequently was to become proactive about seeking feedback. some have since incorporated into their own curriculum development efforts a requirement for written reflection.



대부분이 자신감 향상을 언급하였다. 그 근거로서, 교육적 도전과제나 리더십을 맡고자 하는 의지를 피력하였으며, 국가적으로 다른 의학교육자들과 네트워크 하고 싶은 것, 학습자 또는 동료에게 피드백을 받고 싶은 것, (다른 사람들에게) 교육 관련 상담을 제공해주고 싶은 것, (다른 사람들의) teaching을 향상을 도와주고 싶은 것 등을 언급했다.

Most Fellows expressed a sense of enhanced confidence. As evidence of this, they cited their willingness

  • to take on educational challenges or leadership positions,

  • to network nationally with other medical educators,

  • to ask for feedback from learners and peers,

  • to provide educational consultation, and

  • to help others improve their teaching.

펠로우에 따라서 펠로우십 기간에 얼마나 자신감이 향상되었는가는 차이가 있었다.

Confidence evolved over a period of time that varied, depending on the Fellow.

일부 펠로우는 자신감이 생김으로써 다음을 할 수 있는 유연성을 갖추었다고 했다.

Some Fellows cited confidence as a factor that gave them the flexibility

  • '학습자-중심'이 되기 to be learner-centered,

  • (교육)목표에 대한 권한control을 공유하고 교육 세션의 형태를 만들기 to share control of the goals and shape of teaching sessions, and

  • 한 (교육)전략이 잘 작동하지 않을 때의 변화 to shift course when particular educational strategies weren’t working well.

일부 펠로우들은 의학교육에 대한 이해가 깊어짐으로써 얼마나 더 많이 알고 해야하는지에 대한 감각이 향상되었다고 말했다. 이러한 인식이 자신감을 향상시켜준 것은 아니지만, '향상의 필요성'에 대한 예리한 감각acute sense를 주었다.

A few Fellows mentioned that their deepened understanding of medical education heightened their sense of how much more there was to know and do. This awareness didn’t necessarily increase confidence but, rather, created an acute sense of the need to improve.

커리어 발전

Career development

일부는 펠로우십의 결과라 하였지만, 일부는 펠로우십의 영향으로만 국한짓긴 어렵다고 했다.

While some described this occurring as a result of the fellowship, others acknowledged that it was difficult to attribute this solely to the fellowship.

일부는 펠로우십 이후에 의학교육을 하나의 가능한 커리어 패스로 고려하게 되었다.

Some described considering medical education as a viable academic career path for the first time after the fellowship.

펠로우십에서 (의학교육에) 노출되고, 인정을 받은 것이 새로운 커리어 기회에 기여한 요인이라고 보았다.

Many commented on the exposure and recognition resulting from the fellowship as a factor that contributed to new career opportunities.

롤모델과 멘토링

Role models and mentoring

많은 펠로우들이 (펠로우십 리더의) 멘토링 활동에 대해서 언급하였다. 펠로우십 리더가 continuous learning의 모범을 보여주고, 친절함과 긍정affirmation의 태도로서 모범을 보여준 것이 펠로우십의 주된 take-home lesson이었다.

Many Fellows described the mentoring activities of the fellowship leaders, including the establishment of expectations coupled with support. The fellowship leaders’ modeling of their own continuous learning and of attributes such as kindness and affirmation was also mentioned frequently as a primary take- home lesson of the fellowship.

펠로우십 리더들이 보여준 사례eaxmple은 의학교육 커리어가 가능하겠다는 믿음을 강화시켜 주었다.

The example set by the fellowship leaders strengthened Fellows’ belief that a career in which medical education was a significant component was feasible.

시간이 지나며, 펠로우들은 서로서로와 이전 펠로우들이 지지와 협력적 멘토링의 중요한 source임을 알게 되었다.

Over time, many of the Fellows came to regard each other and former Fellows as important sources of support and collaborative mentoring.

다른 사람의 인식

Perceptions of others

많은 펠로우들이 펠로우십을 이수한 증명서credential의 가치가 어떻게 인식되는지에 대해서 언급했다. 이 증명서로 인해서 펠로우들은 자신이 속한 과나 국가 단위에서 교육컨서턴트 혹은 교육전문가로 인정regarded 받게 된 것 같다고 하였다.

Many Fellows talked about the perceived value of the credential of having completed the fellowship, which they felt made them more widely regarded as education consultants and experts within their departments and nationally.

많은 사람들이 teaching excellence를 인정받고 상도 받았다. 펠로우들은 교육자로서의 자신감이 향상되어 다른 사람에 대해 더 긍정적으로 인식하게 되었으며, 이로 인해 자신의 목소리를 더 낼 수 있게, 그리고 새로운 role을 맡을 수 있게 되었다.

Many won awards in recognition of their teaching excellence. Fellows’ enhanced sense of confidence as educators contributed to the positive perceptions of others, which in turn further enhanced their willingness to voice their thoughts and assume new roles.



마음이 잘 맞는 사람들과 학습과 성찰을 할 수 있었던 보장된 시간이라는 사치luxury를 언급하면서, 더 만나고/읽고/경험하고/소하할 수 있는 시간이 있기를 바란다고 했다.

Fellows spoke both of the luxury of having protected time in which to learn and reflect with like-minded people and of the wish for more time to meet, read, experience, and digest the lessons of the fellowship.

일부에게 펠로우십은 특별한 기회의 시간이었다. 

For some, the fellowship came at a particularly opportune time in their careers.

프로젝트 진화

Project evolution

1년 과정이 지났을 때 프로젝트들은 각기 서로 다른 단계에 있었다. 

Their projects reach various stages of evolution over the course of the year.

많은 펠로우들은 자신이 속한 조직에 변화를 촉발하고 유지하기가 어렵다고 말했다. 이러한 어려움에는 자신이 원래 계획한 프로젝트의 범위scope에 의한 문제도 있었고, 필요한 리소스에 접근이 어렵다는 문제도 있었다.

Many Fellows noted the difficulty of initiating and sustaining change in their institutions. Factors contributing to this difficulty included the scope of their project as originally conceived and the barriers to accessing necessary resources.

여러 펠로우들이 자신의 기관에서 새로운 교육과정을 도입하고 있었고, 그 프로젝트의 결과로 기관 차원의 변화가 생겼다고 말했다.

Several Fellows had implemented new curricula at their institutions and described institutional changes that had resulted from their fellowship projects,

일반적 코멘트

General comments or suggestions for change

프로그램 개선을 위한 의견을 주었다.

Fellows shared their general reflections and offered suggestions for change, such as

  • implementing project benchmarks,

  • allowing for additional skills practice,

  • focusing more on medical education research design,

  • assigning project mentors, and

  • establishing writing and publication requirements.


이 의견 중 대부분은 이후에 펠로우십에 반영되었다. 어떤 펠로우들은 더 빡세rigor게 하길 바랐으나, 반면 기존의 펠로우십도 따라가기 벅차다는 의견도 있었다.

Most of these suggestions have since been incorporated into the fellowship. Some Fellows wanted more rigor, but others stated that they had difficulty in keeping up with the fellowship requirements, along with their other professional and personal responsibilities.



이전 연구에서 교수개발의 효과로는 진로-변경, 진로-확인, 진로-확장, 진로-중립 등이 있었다(career-altering to career- affirming and -expanding and to career- neutral). 전환Transformation을 느낀sense of- 펠로우들은 펠로우십이 그들의 커리어에 있어 특별한 기회의 시간이었으며, 이 시간은 그들의 사고와 모습에thinking and being 새로운 길을 열어주었다.

Prior research also noted a range of faculty development effects, from career-altering to career- affirming and -expanding and to career- neutral.28 Those Fellows who described a sense of transformation remarked that the fellowship had come at a particularly opportune time in their careers, when they were open to new ways of thinking and being.

이 변화가 유의미한 이유는 (학생과 선생 모두에 있어) 자기효능감에 대한 신념이 동기부여와 수행능력의 강화에 강하게 연관되어 있기 때문이다.

This change is significant because self-efficacy beliefs have been shown to be strongly correlated with motivation and enhancement of the performance of both teachers and learners.29

펠로우들은 자신감의 향상은 진화적evolutionary이라고 묘사했고, 이 진화는 개인적맥락/지식/능력/배운 것을 적용할 기회 등에 기반하였다. 긍정적인 피드백과 local expert로서 주변에서 인식해주는 것도 자신감을 향상시켰다. 대조적으로, 일부 펠로우는 지식이 늘고 자기에 대한 기대self-expectation가 높아지면서 오히려 자신감이 저하되었다. 이러한 발전과정은 Adam이 말한 "미인지된 비숙련"에서 "인지된 비숙련"“unconsciously unskilled” to “consciously unskilled”으로의 변화와 같다.

Fellows described the development of their self-confidence as evolutionary, based on their personal context, knowledge, ability, and opportunities to apply the lessons of the fellowship. Positive feedback and others’ perceptions of them as local experts further enhanced self-confidence. In contrast, for some, self-confidence decreased as their knowledge and self-expectations increased. This progression fromwhat Adams30 called “unconsciously unskilled” to “consciously unskilled”

교육자로서 더 넓은 커뮤니티에 연결connect되어있다는 느낌은 펠로우의 발달을 향상시켜주는데 중요했다. 각 펠로우십 그룹 내에서의 신뢰는 시간이 흐름에 따라서 향상되었으며, (자신의) 표현과 실험에 안전한 피난처가 되어주었다. 이 그룹의 한 구성원으로, 그리고 더 큰 범위에서 (비슷한 가치와 관심을 공유하는) "실천공동체"의 구성원으로서의 정체성self-identification을 갖게 되는 것은 sense of validation을 제공해주었으며, 커리어 상의, 네트워킹 상의 기회가 되었다. 실천공동체 내의 멤버십이 중요한 이유는 연구에 따르면 collegial network가 학문적 성공의 유의한 예측인자이기 때문이다, (전문직으로서의 삶에서 요구받는 것으로부터 벗어나) 자신과 비슷한 흥미를 가진 사람들과의 커뮤니티에 들어가서 공통의 흥미에 대해서 학습하고 토론할 수 있는 보호된 시간protected time은 "성찰의 작은 오아시스a little oasis of reflection" 되어준다.

Feeling connected with a larger community of educators was also instrumental in enhancing Fellows’ development. Trust within each fellowship group grew over time and provided a safe haven for expression and experimentation. Self-identification as a member of one of these groups and of a larger “community of practice”32 with similar values and interests provided a sense of validation, as well as career and networking opportunities. Membership in a community of practice is significant, because researchers have found that collegial networks are a significant predictor of academic success.32,33 Protected time to be in community with like-minded individuals and to learn and discuss issues of common interest, separate from the other demands of professional life, provided “a little oasis of reflection”

펠로우들은 같은 스킬의 발달을 언급하였는데,  여기에는..

The Fellows described the development of skills such as
  • 교육자로서의 유연성flexible while teaching을 갖추는 등과 being more flexible while teaching,
  • 학습자의 요구를 교육자의 지식과 기대와 결합하는 능력 combining learners’ needs with their own knowledge and expectations, and
  • (학습자의) 요구를 충족시켜주기 위해서 (강의)중간에 shifting gears. shifting gears in mid session to better meet these needs.


교육상황educational encounter에서 학습자-중심과 교수자-중심 사이를 유연하게 왔다갔다 하는 것은 "관계-중심적 교육"“relationship- centered teaching,”이라 부를 수 있으며, 이는 교육자의 어젠다 및 니즈와 학습자의 어젠다 및 니즈를 주어진 맥락 하에서 통합하고 종합하는 것을 말한다.

This ability to move fluidly between being learner- and teacher-centered during an educational encounter might be called “relationship- centered teaching,” and it represents the integration and synthesis of teachers’ and learners’ agendas and needs within a given context.

이 연구를 통틀어서 공통적으로 등장하는 theme은 의학교육 펠로우십 기간에, 그리고 그 후의 personal and professional development 에 기여하는 몇 가지 요인을 제시해준다.

Common themes across these studies and ours suggest several factors that contribute to personal and professional development during and after medical education fellowships.

  • 확보된 시간과 지지적 학습환경이 교수개발을 촉진하는데 필요한 조건을 마련해create준다.
    Protected time and a supportive learning environment create the conditions necessary to foster faculty development.

  • 정체성과 자신감의 변화에 영향을 주는 핵심 요인은 교육적 원칙과 관련 스킬applied skill에 대한 펠로우의 탄탄한 지식기반이다.
    Our analysis suggests that a key factor in changes in identity and confidence was a Fellow’s strong foundation of knowledge of educational principles and applied skills.

  • (정체성과 자신감의 변화에 영향을 주는) 또 다른 중요한 요인은 자기효능감, 타인에 의해서 신뢰받는 것, 자기성찰, 자기인식, 동료와 멘토 커뮤니티로부터의 서포트 등이 있다.
    Other important factors were an enhanced sense of self-efficacy, greater credibility as perceived by others, self-reflection and self-awareness, and support from a community of peers and mentors.

  • 정체성은 의학교육에 관심을 가진 소중한 동료들의 사회적 그룹의 구성원membership에 의해서 더 강화된다.
    Identity was further strengthened by membership in a social group of valued colleagues who are interested in medical education.

  • 대부분의 펠로우에게 있어서 personal development는 전문직으로서의 성장professional growth으로 이어졌는데 이것을 가능하게 해준 것은...다응메 대해서 펠로우가 자신의 능력을 느끼고felt enabled 힘이 생기는 것empowered이다.
    For most Fellows, this personal development led to professional growth, as they felt enabled and empowered

    • 새로운 도전과제를 맡는 것 to take on new challenges,

    • 의학교육과 관련한 커리어 궤적을 추구하는 것 to pursue career trajectories in which medical education responsibilities occupied an expanded role, and,

    • (가끔은) 조직의 변화에 영향을 주는 것 in some cases, to effect institutional change.

우리의 분석 결과는 위의 언급된 요소로부터 촉진된 정체성/자신감/자기효능감은 의학교육을 핵심으로 두는 커리어 궤적을 따르는 professional development를 촉진한다는 이론을 지지해준다.

Our analysis supports the theory that the evolution of personal identity, confidence, and self-efficacy fostered by the common themes mentioned above promotes professional development in a career trajectory that includes medical education as a central focus.


이 공통의 주제들이 교수개발 펠로우십의 '필수 요소'를 구성할 것이다.

We suggest that these common themes constitute “essential elements” in faculty development fellowships in medical education.

28 Armstrong EG, Barsion SJ. Using an outcomes-logic-model approach to evaluate a faculty development programfor medical educators. Acad Med. 2006;81:483–488.

 2009 Aug;84(8):1089-97. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0b013e3181ad1635.

The personal and professional impact of a fellowship in medical education.

Author information

  • 1Department of Medicine, Mount Auburn Hospital, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138, USA. blown@mah.harvard.edu



Faculty development is essential to fostering excellence in medical education and desired learning outcomes. Little is known, however, about the personal and professional impact of faculty development programs on participants, learners, and institutions. We explored the perspectives of medical education fellowship graduates on their skills, self-perceptions, participation in learning communities, and reflective practice. We also explored the results of the implementation of a scholarly medical education project.


The study was a qualitative analysis of semistructured interviews with 40 faculty from multiple disciplines who, between 1999 and 2005, had completed a yearlong fellowship in medical education.


Through qualitative analysis, we identified 11 themes. Study participants described postfellowship changes in knowledge, self-perceptions, and behaviors and institutional changes that resulted from education projects. With a foundation of principles and skills, the Fellows' confidence and identity as educators were strengthened by their sense of self-efficacy, others' perceptions of their credibility, and support from a community of peers and mentors. This change affected the graduates' professional career trajectories.


Common themes in this and other studies suggest that enhancement of knowledge about medical education and teaching skills, protected time, a supportive learning environment, relationships with peers and mentors, validation of educational expertise by others, community building and networking, and emphasis on self-reflection and awareness are essential elements of faculty fellowships in medical education. This analysis suggests that these elements foster the evolution of identity, confidence, and self-efficacy among fellowship graduates. This personaldevelopment promotes the professional development of the medical educator.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

오슬러 펠로우십: 의학교육자를 위한 견습(Acad Med, 2010)

The Osler Fellowship: An Apprenticeship for Medical Educators

Yvonne Steinert, PhD, J. Donald Boudreau, MD, Miriam Boillat, MD, Barry Slapcoff, MD, David Dawson, MD, Anne Briggs, and Mary Ellen Macdonald, PhD

우린느 멘토가 되고자 한다. 그리고 의과대학생들이 의학을 배우는 여정동안voyage 그들의 인간성를 유지하고 의료의 예술art적 측면에 대한 감각을 유지할 수 있게 이끌고자 한다.

We are trying to mentor, accompany, and guide medical students on a voyage that will preserve their humanity and their sense of appreciation of the art of medicine. (Osler Fellow, Class of 2009)

Physician Apprenticeship이라는 플래그쉽 과정은 학부교육 4년간 지속되며, 모든 학부생은 6그룹으로 나눠져서 정기적으로 시니어 학생과 Osler Fellow(이하 OF)라 불리는 의사를 만나야 한다. Sir William Osler는 McGill의과대학의 가장 저명한 졸업생이자 교수이다.

a flagship course, Physician Apprenticeship, which spans the four years of the undergraduate curriculum. all students (n  172) in each undergraduate class are divided into groups of six who meet regularly with two senior students and a practicing physician called an Osler Fellow, in honor of Sir William Osler, one of McGill University’s most prominent medical school graduates and faculty members.


오슬러 펠로우십 개요

Description of the Osler Fellowship

두 가지 핵심 요소

The Osler Fellowship consists of two key components:

(1) 4년간 정기적 미팅 regular meetings with students across the four years of their undergraduate education and

(2) OF를 서포트하기 위한 지속적 FDP a longitudinal faculty development program specifically designed to prepare and support the Osler Fellows in their role.

OFship의 핵심은 학생이 일반인layman에서 의사physician이 되기까지의 이행과정을 촉진facilitate하는 것이다.

The meetings with students, a vital aspect of the Osler Fellowship, help to facilitate each student’s transition from layman to physician.

표2에 11개 워크숍의 주제

Table 2 outlines the topics of the 11 half-day faculty development workshops,








참가자 모집

Participant recruitment

인터뷰 스케줄

Interview schedule

A research assistant with experience in qualitative research who was not associated with the Osler Fellowship conducted all of the interviews. The interview questions were pilot tested with members of the Centre for Medical Education and tapped three major areas of inquiry:

  •   What motivated clinical teachers to accept the invitation to be Osler Fellows?

  •   What was it like to be an Osler Fellow, and what was the impact of this experience?
  •   What were the Osler Fellows’ perceptions of the faculty development component of the Osler Fellowship, and how did this program differ from other faculty development initiatives in which they had participated?

Most questions were open-ended to enable participants to talk freely about the issues. Probes accompanied each question to stimulate thinking, to encourage detailed, expansive responses, and to solicit examples of more general observations. During the face-to-face interviews, which lasted 30 to 45 minutes, the interviewer took minimal field notes; he wrote more extensive field notes within 24 hours of the session to capture main themes and preliminary impressions. The interview questions evolved slightly as the process unfolded; when salient issues emerged in one interview, the interviewer reiterated them in subsequent conversations to test for relevancy.

데이터 분석

Data analysis

Following a recognized qualitative descriptive methodology,18 we transcribed all interviews using standard rules of transcription. We removed identifiers and names from the final transcripts and checked each transcript for accuracy. Thematic content analysis guided the data analysis.19 Two of us (Y.S. and D.B.) independently read all transcripts, identified recurrent themes through multiple, close readings, and agreed on the final themes by consensus. We noted similar themes across transcripts, assembling and analyzing these together. A third investigator (M.B.) read a third of the transcripts to contribute to the confirmation and refinement of the emerging themes; no new themes were added. The final step in the analysis included developing major themes and their component sub themes as well as identifying exemplar quotations to illustrate each theme.



A. 왜 clinical teachers들은 OF가 되어달라는 요청을 받아들였는가?

A. Why clinical teachers accepted the invitation to be Osler Fellows

선택되었다는 명예로움

The honor of being chosen.

Osler라는 이름의 명성cachet이 이러한 기분을 갖는데 중요한 역할을 했음

The cachet of Osler’s name also played a role in this sentiment of honor and recognition,

프로그램의 목표가 자신의 개인적/전문직업적 가치의 부합

The match between program goals and personal/professional values.

여기에 참여하는 것은...다음을 할 수 있는기회라 생각하였음

they saw their involvement as an opportunity

  • 의과대학에 reconnect되고 to reconnect to the faculty of medicine,

  • 학생을 알게되고 to get to know the students, and

  • 의학교육에 변화를 가져오는 to make a difference in medical education

그리고 이 기회는 (기존 교육과정에서는 놓치고 있던 부분인) '치유자이자 전문직으로서의 의사'에 초점을 맞춤으로써 가능한 것이라고 보았다. 또한 어떤 사람은 새로운 교육과정이 그것을 무시하기에는 너무나 중대하였기에, 참여하는것은 자신의 의무obligation이라고 보았다.

by focusing on the physician as healer and professional, a value they considered missing from the previous curriculum. Others commented that it was their “obligation” to participate, especially as the direction of the renewed curriculumwas too important to ignore.

학생과의 connection

The connection with students.

학생을 성장시키고 멘토링을 해주고자 하는 열망

학생들의 "이상주의에 대한 감각과 흥분"을 느끼는 것,

학생의 삶에 중요한 역할을 하고자 하는 것

a desire to nurture and mentor students, to feel their “excitement and sense of idealism,” and to play an important role in their lives.

B. 'OF가 된다는 것'이란

B. Perceptions on being an Osler Fellow

학생과 함께 학습working하는 즐거움

The joy of working with students.

학생과 함께 working함으로써, 그들이 시간에 따라 성장하고 발전해나가는 것을 바라보고, 의사가 되는 "여정"에서 학생을 도와준다.

joy of working with students, watching them“grow and develop” over time, and helping them in the “journey” of becoming a physician.

차이를 만들고자 하는 열망

The desire to make a difference.

의학교육과 학생의 삶에 차이를 만들고자 하는 열망이 있었다. 이것은 핵심 가치(치유자와 전문직으로서의 의사)를 addressing하고, 의학교육을 구제saving 또는 복원restoring하는(잃어버린 어떤 것을 찾는 것), 학생들이 어떻게 의사갈 되어야 하는가를 가르치는 것 등으로 이룰 수 있는 목표였다

desire to make a difference in medical education and their students’ lives by addressing core values (e.g., the physician as healer and professional), by “saving” or “restoring” medical education (and in so doing, returning something that was lost), and by teaching students how to be physicians.

성찰과 리뉴얼의 과정

The process of reflection and renewal.

성찰하고, 자신의 가치를 확인하고 복원하는 기회였다. 그리고 "새로운 기분을 느끼게 하는feel again" 기회였다.

opportunity to reflect, to confirm or restore their values, and to “feel again.”

OF는 어떻게 학생과 함께 working하는 것이 자신들로 하여금 스스로의 행동을 돌아보고, "학생의 눈을 통해" 자신을 바라보게 "강제forces"하였는가를 언급함.

Osler Fellows commented on how working with students “forced” them to reflect on their own behaviors and look at themselves “through their students’ eyes.”

커뮤니티의 형성

The building of community.

커뮤니티 의식과 협력관계collegiality가 발달하였다.

sense of community and collegiality that had developed among them:

C. OF를 위한 교수개발 프로그램에 대한 생각

C. Perceptions of the faculty development component of the Osler Fellowship

공동의 목표에 초점을

A focus on a common purpose.

OF들은 워크숍의 목표가 자신의 요구에 잘 부합하였고, 내용이 즉각적으로 적용가능하였으며, 그들에게 주어진 활동이 학생들과 함께 working하는데 유리함head start를 주었다고 했음.

They particularly appreciated the fact that the workshop objectives were relevant to their needs, that the content was immediately applicable, and that the activities gave them a “head start” in working with their students.

"뭔가 다른" 종류의 내용

A “different” kind of content.

내러티브 의학과 성찰적 실천을 강조하는 것은 "thinking outside the box"와 같았으며, 어떤 사람들은 치유자와 전문직업성을 강조하는 내용이 긍정적이라고 했다.

they saw the emphasis on narrative medicine and reflective practice as “thinking outside the box;” some also saw the content, with the emphasis on healing and professionalism, as a positive value.


A sense of continuity.

OF들 상호간, OF와 교수개발자, OF와 교육내용과의 관계가 전 세션에 걸쳐 지속되었다. 다수의 OF는 이 지속성을 다른 전통적 FDP와의 두드러지는 차별성이라고 강조했다.

with each other, with the faculty developers, and with the content that ran through the sessions. A number of the Osler Fellows highlighted continuity as a distinct difference when comparing these workshops with more traditional faculty development activities.

피어(동료)-멘토십의 기회

An opportunity for peer mentorship.

더 나아가서, 생각과 경험과 정보를 토론할 기회가 자신들이 옳게 하고 있다on the right track는 확신을 갖게 하는reassuring데 도움이 되었고, 또 "기반grounded"을 유지remain하는데도 도움이 되었다. 많은 경우에 (비록 두 가지가 모두 필요할지라도) 이러한 경험의 공유와 집단적 문제-해결은 정보의 전달보다 더 가치가 있었다고 하였다.

Moreover, the chance to discuss ideas, experiences, and information had the noted benefits of “reassuring” the fellows that they were on the right track and helping themto remain “grounded.” In many ways this sharing of experiences and collective problem-solving was considered more valuable than the transfer of information, though most felt that one would not have happened without the other.

이들은 롤모델링을 통하여(즉, 동료들과 그룹 퍼실리테이터를 봄으로써) 멘토링에 대하여 배우게 되었다고 느꼈다.  OF는 존중으로서 대하는 것with respect이 교수개발 이니셔티브의 중요한 점이라고 느꼈다.

They felt that they were learning about mentoring through role modeling—that is, by watching their peers and the group facilitators. The Osler Fellows also identified the notion of being treated with respect as an important aspect of this faculty development initiative.

공동체에 소속된다는 것

Belonging to a community.

여기에는 공동체에 소속되어있다는 느낌, 확신confirmation, 강화reinforcement, 공통의 목표와 가치 등을 포함한다.

This sense included the notion of belonging to a community as well as a confirmation, or reinforcement, of shared goals and values.



의학교육자들은 종종 교수들을 educational task를 위하여 모집하는 것이 어렵다고 말하며, 자유 지원제volunteerism에 이어서 번아웃의 가능성을 어려움으로 꼽는다. 놀라울 정도로 교수의 모집과 번아웃은 OF의 문제가 아니었다. OF라는 이름이 프로그램에 명확한 가치를 부여해주었다. 교수들이 느낀 명예로움과, 이 프로그램에 참여하는 것에 대한 recognition, 그리고 전체 프로그램에 걸쳐 축적된 reconnection의 느낌도 여기에 가치를 더해주었다.

Medical educators often talk about the difficulty of recruiting faculty members for educational tasks or the possibility of burnout secondary to volunteerism.20,21 Surprisingly, neither recruitment nor burnout was a challenge in the Osler Fellowship, For example, the name, Osler Fellow, endowed the program with a clear sense of value. The faculty members’ sense of honor and recognition in participating—as well as their sense of reconnection that accrued over the course of the program—also added value.

OF에 참여하는 것이 connection과 reconnection의 느낌을 가지게 해주었다는 것도 흥미로운 점이다. 학생과 함께 working하는 것이 교사들의 단절disconnect된 느낌을 줄여주었다는 것은 관심을 가질 필요가 있다. Brookfield는 비판적 성찰의 개념을 통해서 교수가 자기자신을 학생의 눈으로 바라보는 것이 리뉴얼에 필수vital적임을 강조하였다.

The observation that participation in the Osler Fellowship led to a sense of connection and reconnection is also of interest. The fact that working with students in a program that addressed teachers’ intrinsic values helped to mitigate this sense of disconnect merits attention Brookfield23 has described the concept of critical reflection, particularly the importance for faculty to see themselves through students’ eyes, as vital for renewal.

의학교육에서 최근 연구는 근무지-기반 학습(learning for work, learning at work, and learning from work)의 장점을 주장한다. 많은 경우 OF의 교수개발프로그램 요소들은 근무지-기반 학습의 예제example가 된다. OFship은 의과대학교수들이 학생들을 멘토링하고 가르치는 동안에 멘토링 스킬과 교육 스킬을 향상시키기 위한 프로그램이다.

Recent advances in medical education have purported the advantages of work-based learning, often defined as learning for work, learning at work, and learning from work.24 In many ways, the faculty development component of the Osler Fellowship is an example of work- based learning,25,26 The Osler Fellowship is a faculty of medicine program designed for participants to improve their mentoring and teaching skills while they mentor and teach medical students.

Situated learning 는 지식은 맥락적으로 존재contextually situated하며, 근본적으로 그것이 활용되는 행동/맥락/문화에 영향을 받는다는 개념에 근거한다. 지식이 authentic context에 situated되어있다는 관점이 OFship의 교수개발프로그램을 이해하는데 중요한 함의를 준다. 특히, OF들은 situated learning의 다수의 요소들을 강조하였다(cognitive apprenticeship, reflection, practice)

Situated learning is based on the notion that knowledge is contextually situated and fundamentally influenced by the activity, context, and culture in which it is used.27,28 This view of knowledge as situated in authentic contexts has important implications for our understanding of the faculty development component of the Osler Fellowship, especially as the participants’ observations highlight a number of the elements of situated learning: cognitive apprenticeship, reflection, and practice.29

situated learning과 밀접한 관련이 있는 것이 실천공동체communities of practice이다. Barab and colleagues의 정의는..“persistent, sustaining, social network of individuals who share and develop an overlapping knowledge base, set of beliefs, values, history and experiences focused on a common practice and/or mutual enterprise.” 이며, Lave and Wenger는 성공적인 실천공동체에게 중요한 다섯가지 요인을 제안하였다.

Closely tied to the notion of situated learning are communities of practice. Barab and colleagues30 define a community of practice as a “persistent, sustaining, social network of individuals who share and develop an overlapping knowledge base, set of beliefs, values, history and experiences focused on a common practice and/or mutual enterprise.” Further, Lave and Wenger31 suggest that the success of a community of practice depends on five factors: the existence and sharing of a common goal, the use of knowledge to achieve that goal, the nature and importance of relationships formed among community members, the relationships between the community and those outside it, and the relationship between the work of the community and the value of the activity.

실천공동체라는 개념은 아리스토텔레스가 phronesis라고 부른 철학적 전통이다. 실천지란, 영어의 prudence(신중, 사려분별)에 해당하는 것으로서, 다음과 같이 정의된다. "특정 개인, 특정 문제, 특정 사례의 구체적인 사항을 다루기 위한 실천적 지혜"이며, 환자-의사 관계가 그와 같다.

실천지(實踐知): 목적과 그 달성 수단을 결정하는 지혜.

The concept of a community of practice is, in part, rooted in a distinguished philosophical tradition dating to the Aristotelian idea of phronesis. Phronesis, often equated to “prudence” in English, has been defined as practical wisdom in dealing with particular individuals, specific problems and the details of practical cases or actual situations”32— such as in the doctor–patient encounter.


Dunne은 이론적 지식과 실천적 지식theoretical knowledge (sophia and episteme) and practical knowledge (techne and phronesis)을 구분하였다. 비록 학자들 사이에는 비이론적 지식의 구인nontheoretical knowledge constructs인 techne와 phronesis를 세밀하게 구분하려는 논쟁이 있으며, 의학에 있어서 각자의 자리place가 무엇인지에 대한 논쟁이 있으나, 의료행위의 phronetic한 특징은 점점 더 인정받고 있다.

Dunne33 has explored the distinction between theoretical knowledge (sophia and episteme) and practical knowledge (techne and phronesis). Although scholars debate the precise difference(s) between the nontheoretical knowledge constructs, techne versus phronesis, and their respective places in medicine, they increasingly recognize the phronetic character of medical practice, most notably in bioethics34 and clinical reasoning.35


MacIntyre,36는 신-아리스토텔레스 철학자로서, phronesis 를 핵심적 지적 미덕entral intellectual virtue이라고 부르면서, one that must be acquired through teaching and developed through practice or habitual exercise라 하였다. 또한 그는 이 지적 미덕이 the life of a city, or in other words, a political society or community, as well as in individuals에서 그것의 자리place를 찾을 수 있을 것이라 했다.

MacIntyre,36 a neo- Aristotelian philosopher, has described phronesis as a central intellectual virtue, one that must be acquired through teaching and developed through practice or habitual exercise. He also argued that this intellectual virtue could find its place in the life of a city, or in other words, a political society or community, as well as in individuals.


이러한 아이디어가 Physician Apprenticeship의 목표를 서포트해준다. MacIntyre의 실천에 대한 정의는 우리의 고찰과 밀접한 관련이 있다.

This idea is supportive of the goals of Physician Apprenticeship. MacIntyre’s definition of practice is also particularly germane to our discussion:

“[Practice is] any coherent and complex form of socially established cooperative human activity through which goods internal to that form of activity are realized in the course of trying to achieve those standards of excellence...with the result that human powers to achieve that excellence and human conceptions of ends and goods involved, are systematically extended.”36(p187)


OF의 경험은 MacIntyre가 말한 실천의 정의와 맞닿아 있다.

The experience of the Osler Fellows parallels MacIntyre’s definition of practice.

OFship에 참여함으로써 전문직으로서의 정체성이 깊어지고 풍부해졌다는 사실은 OF들의 ongoing work뿐 아니라 학생들의 임상행동clinical practice에서도 확인된다. Physician Apprenticeship 과 the Osler Fellowship의 맥락에서, "goods"라는 단어는 외부적인 것이든 내부적인 것이든 다음을 의미한다.

The deepening and enrichment of professional identity that has occurred by participating in the Osler Fellowship is reflected not only in the Osler Fellows’ ongoing work with students but in their clinical practices as well. In the context of Physician Apprenticeship and the Osler Fellowship, the word “goods” refers to purposes or ends, whether

  • 외부: 지역사회의 요구 충족
    external (e.g., meeting the needs of a community— provision of professional, ethical, compassionate medical care) or

  • 내부: 개인적 성향을 양육하고 증폭시킴
    internal (e.g., nurturing and amplifying personal inclinations and dispositions— self-reflection, renewal, community building).


이 정의는 agency and instrumentality라는 개념을 포함한다. 즉, 주체agent는 무엇인가를 하는 과정에서 변화하며, 실천practice그 자체가 practitioner의 수월성을 확장extend시킨다.

This definition also embraces notions of agency and instrumentality; that is, the agent changes in the act of doing and the practice itself extends the practitioner’s excellence.


Sir William Osler는 교수를 “senior student anxious to help his juniors.” 라고 묘사했다. 그는 또한 “When a simple earnest spirit animates a college, there is no appreciable interval between the teacher and the taughtboth are in the same class, the one a little more advanced than the others.” 라고 했다. 많은 경우, 우리의 OF들은 교수에 대해서 이와 같은 이미지가 강화되었reinforced으며, 각자의 발달에 있어서 apprenticeship의 가치도 강화되었다.

Sir William Osler38 portrayed the professor as a “senior student anxious to help his juniors.” He believed that “When a simple earnest spirit animates a college, there is no appreciable interval between the teacher and the taught—both are in the same class, the one a little more advanced than the others.” In many ways, our Osler Fellows have reinforced this image of the “professor” and the value of an apprenticeship in their own development.


 2010 Jul;85(7):1242-9. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0b013e3181da760a.

The Osler Fellowship: an apprenticeship for medical educators.

Author information

  • 1Centre for Medical Education, Department of Family Medicine, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. yvonne.steinert@mcgill.ca <yvonne.steinert@mcgill.ca>



As part of a renewed focus on the physician as healer and professional at McGill University, faculty members were recruited to teach in a four-year, longitudinal doctoring course called Physician Apprenticeship. The goal of this study was to examine the impact of this experience and the accompanying faculty development program on the teachers, known as Osler Fellows.


An interviewer conducted semistructured interviews with 23 clinicians to understand their experiences as Osler Fellows and ascertain their views on how the workshop-based faculty development program, designed to mirror student experiences, differed from other professional development activities.


The notion of connection and reconnection with the profession emerged as a major theme, consisting of four subthemes: the joy of working with students, the desire to make a difference, the process of reflection and renewal, and the building of community. Distinctive aspects of the faculty development program included the value of a common purpose, content that corresponded with core values, a sense of continuity, peer mentorship, and the emergence of a community of practice. Teachers also reported a sense of honor in being associated with Osler's name and a feeling of privilege in accompanying students on their journeys of discovery.


Participating in the Osler Fellowship, an example of situated and work-based learning, resulted in a sense of connection with students, medical education, core professional values, and colleagues. As medical educators continue to develop longitudinal mentoring programs, the authors hope that these findings will offer insights on faculty development, recruitment, and renewal.

Comment in

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Clinical teacher를 위한 효과적인 프로그램: 교수개발자의 역할(Med Teach, 2001)

Building an effective programme for clinical teachers: the role of the staff developer


Centre for Postgraduate and Continuing Medical Education, Queens Medical Centre, Nottingham, UK

교수개발자의 역할

The role of the staff developer

과거는 외국과 같다. 그 곳에서는 모든 것들이 다르게 작동한다.

The past is a foreign country: they do things differently there. (L.P. Hartley, The Go-Between)


의학교육은 이제 하나의 학문으로 자리잡았다. 그러나 교수개발자의 역할은 종종 어렵다.

Medical education is now established as a discipline in its own right, However, the role of the staff developer, whose job it is to implement the findings of such explorations, is often difficult.

교수개발자의 역할은 여러 가지 영역을 매개한다. 

The role of the staff developer is to act as a go-between in several spheres:

  • 교육의 전통적 모델과 대안적 모델
    to move from the traditional to an alternative model of education; 

  • 교수들을 공통의 목표를 가지고 묶어주기
    to bring together staff with a common aim; 

  • 교육시스템의 서로 다른 부분을 통합하기
    to integrate different parts of the educational system; 

  • 의학교육과 다른 교육영역의 interface에서
    to act as an interface between medical education and other educational arenas; 

  • 혁신의 rationale와 수단
    to offer a means and rationale for innovation.

이 다양한 중재자 역할을 수행하기 위해서는 교육이라는 영토에 서식하는 여러 동물들을 탑승on board하게 만들기 위한 전략이 필요하다. 동물의 왕국에 비유하자면...

To fulfil these different mediation roles, a range of strate- gies needs to be developed in order to bring on board the very varied inhabitants of the educational terrain. An analogy from the animal kingdom might be used to describe these:

  • 공룡
    dinosaurs, who thrived when the land offered them an appropriate climate, but who were unable to maintain their existence once the environment changed; 

  • 코알라
    koala bears, who survive under very limited environ- mental conditions, are somewhat slow and cumbersome, and live on a highly specific diet; 

  • 다람쥐
    squirrels, who can leap around or run on the ground, and are not particular about the type of nuts and berries they eat; 

  • sheep, who provide food and wool for clothing and are therefore immensely valuable, but who are essentially followers and live in flocks; 

  • 표범
    leopards, who are the hunters, the aggressors, with a range of habitats and running and climbing skills—but who may have difficulty changing their spots; 

  • 고슴도치
    hedgehogs, whose response to the unknown is to curl into a ball and wait for the danger to pass; 

  • 원숭이
    monkeys, who are inventive and able to learn and adapt, and will usually get their own way; 

  • 카멜레온
    chameleons, who instinctively blend into the landscape in order to remain safe.

위의 동물들 중 어떤 조합은 재앙을 초래할테지만, 어떤 조합이 안전한지를 이해하는 것, 그리고 어떤 식단이 적합하고 개별 종species의 특성을 어떻게 build on 할지를 하는 것이 성공적인 FDP의 핵심이다. 그러나 모든 사람을 만족시키는 하나의 접근법은 없다.

Bringing certain combinations of the above into the same place will result in disaster, but understanding which combinations are safe, what diet will be appropriate and how to build on the characteristics of individual species is one of the keys to a successful staff development programme. It is clear, however, that a single approach—will not meet the needs of everyone.  

의학교육의 전통적 모델

The traditional model of medical education

의학교육은 전통적으로 숙련된 교육자들로부터의 input이 별로 없었다. 임상교육은 '보고, 하면, 가르칠 수 있다‘see one, do one, teach one’ '이라는 영적 세례였다. 주니어 의사들은 삼투osmosis의 과정을 거쳐서 학습할 것이라고 기대되었다. 단순히 (교수의) 주변에 있고, (교수를) 보는 것 만이 배움의 핵심이었다.

Medical education has historically had little input from experienced educators. Clinical teaching has been characterized by the much quoted ‘see one, do one, teach one’ baptism of fire. Junior doctors have been expected to learn through a process of ‘osmosis’: simply being around and watching has been perceived as the key to learning.

의사들에게 교수-학습이라는 개념이 도입되기 시작한 것은 하루 혹은 이틀짜리 코스를 통해서였고, (막연히 교육의 효과가 있을 것이라 가정하면서) 교육의 효과를 어떻게 평가할지에 대한 follow-up은 거의 없었다. 교수-학습 이론에 약간 노출시키고, 마이크로티칭 연습 기회를 조금 가지면, medical teaching의 퀄리티 향상에 충분할 것이라고 생각한 것이다. 또한 어떤 코스를 이수하는 것이 학습이 일어났다appropriate learning taken place는 것의 지표라고 여겼다.

Where  efforts  have  been  made  to  introduce  doctors  to the  concepts  of  teaching  and  learning,  these have frequently been through the medium of a one- or two-day course,  with  little  or  no  follow-up  to evaluate how the learning,  which is assumed to have taken place, has been implemented or has led to changes in educational practice.The  perception  appears  to  be  that  some exposure to teaching and learning theory and  opportunities to practise micro-teaching  is  sufficient  in  itself  to bring about improvements  in  the  quality  of  medical  teaching , and it is  assumed  that  attending  the  course  is  an  indication  that appropriate learning has taken place.

의학교육의 전통적 모델은 한계점이 있었고, 그 한계점은 교수를 위한 교육의 한계와 정확히 일치parallel 했다.

The traditional model of medical education has many drawbacks, which are paralleled in the traditional model of teaching the teachers.

영국에서는 현재 진료행위를 하는 의사들에 대한 revalidation 쪽으로 움직이고 있는데, 이 (revalidation) 프로세스에서 다룰 것 중 하나가 teaching이다.

In the UK there are currently moves to assure and enhance the quality of performance of practising clinicians through revalidation (GMC, 2000), and teaching is one aspect of the individual’s work that will be addressed within this process.

학습에 대해서 우리가 아는 것은?

What do we know about how people learn?

Vygotsky (1978). 사회적 환경이 발달을 유도한다the social envi- ronment drives development. 교사의 역할은 학습자와 교육내용subject를 'zone of proximal development' 안으로 데려오는 것이다. 여기에는 교사가 학습자의 학습준비단계를 측정하여서, 학습자료를 가장 받아들이기 쉬운 방식으로 제시하는 것을 포함한다. 학습을 촉진하는 내부 프로세스가 시작되게 만드는initiating 핵심은 학습자를 encourage하여 학습환경 내에서 다른 사람과 상호작용하게 만드는 것이다.

Vygotsky (1978) takes the stance that the social envi- ronment drives development. He linked intelligence to the capacity to learn through instruction, and saw the role of the teacher as being to bring the learner and the subject to be learned within the ‘zone of proximal development’. This involves the teacher in gauging the stage of readiness of the learner to learn, and therefore presenting the material in a way in which it will most easily be accepted. A key to initi- ating the internal processes that will stimulate learning is to encourage the learner to interact with other people within the learning environment. 

Lave & Wenger (1991). 학습을 강화하거나 방해하는 환경의 영향에 대하여 강조하였음. '정당한 주변부 참여legitimate peripheral participation’이라는 개념에서 learning and doing은 서로에게 통합적으로 묶여있으면서, 이 두 개를 분리하는 것은 불필요하고 바람직하지도 못하다고 했다. 따라서 교사가 해야할 일은 주어진 (실제) 과제에 건설적으로constructive to the task in hand 학습자를 참여시키면서, 동시에 학습자의 니즈에 맞게 구조화하고 니즈에 관련된 참여를 시키는 것이다.

Lave & Wenger (1991) have highlighted the influence of the environment in enhancing or hindering learning. In exploring the concept of ‘legiti- mate peripheral participation’, they have posited the belief that learning and doing are integrally bound up in each other to the point that separation is unnecessary and unde- sirable. The challenge to the teacher is therefore to enable participation of the learner in roles that are constructive to the task in hand, but also structured and relevant to the learner’s needs.

Kolb (1984). 생각이 경험으로 accommodate되고, 경험이 기존 개념으로 assimilate 되어야만이 학습이 일어난다고 했다. 따라서 학습은 경험을 통해서 생각idea이 바뀔 때 일어나며, 펙트보다는 스킬의 습득에 기반한다고 주장하였다. 지식은 정체된 것이 아니며, 지속적으로 생성create되고 재생성recreate 되는 것이며, 개별 학습자의 해석에 따라 달라진다. 교수의 역할은 학습자의 발달에 holistic approach를 장려하는 것이며, 학습자와 학습환경의 상호작용을 장려하는 것이다.

Other key writers on adult learning are Kolb and Schön. Kolb (1984) describes how learning can only take place when ideas are accommodated into experience, and experi- ence is assimilated into existing concepts. Thus learning takes place through a modification of ideas through experi- ence, and will be based more on the acquisition of skills rather than facts. Knowledge is not static, but is continu- ally being created and re-created, and is subjected to interpretation by the individual learner. The role of the teacher is to encourage a holistic approach to learner devel- opment and the interaction of the learner and his/her environment.

Schön (1987). 성찰이 professional learning의 핵심이라고 주장하며, 'master' of the profession으로서 교수의 역할은 학습자와 교수자 사이의 상호적reciprocal 성찰 프로세스를 포함한다. 또한 능숙skilled해지기 위해서는 연습이 중요하다고 하였으나, 이러한 연습practice란 안전하고, 위험이 적은 환경에서 이뤄져야 한다고 강조했다. 교사는 그러한 상황을 만들거나 찾아내야 하고, 교수-학습 프로세스에 그러한 상황을 이용해야 한다.

Schön (1987) also emphasizes the concept of reflection as a key to professional learning, and suggests that the role of the teacher as ‘master’ of the profession should involve a reciprocal process of reflection between learner and teacher. He also stresses the importance of practice as a means of becoming more skilled, but emphasizes that this should take place within a safe, low-risk environment. The teacher is able to create or identify such situations, and capitalize on them for teaching and learning processes.

이 모든 것들이 교사들의 역할을 이해하고 수행하는데 잘 맞을지 모르나, 임상교사clinical teacher에게는 꼭 그렇지도 않다.  Perry(1970)는 대학생의 인지적 발달 단계를 identify하였다. 이 연구의 참여자는 전체 인구를 대변하지 못하며, 하버드 대학의 남학생이다.

Whilst  all  this  makes  perfect  sense  in  a  world  where teachers understand  their role and are able to carry it out, clinical teachers are not necessarily in this situation. Perry(1970) identified stages of cognitive development amongst undergraduates.  Although  his  participant  group  was  not representative of the learner population, being male under- graduates at Harvard,


의사로서 수련을 받는 과정에서 의사들은 길고 구조화된 수련의 결과로 이 단계들을 밟아나갈 것으로 여겨진다assume. 그러나, (의사가 아닌) 교사로서는 이 모든 단계를 밟아나가지 못했다. 따라서 교수개발자들에게 있어서 첫 두 단계에 해당하는 태도만 목격하는 것은 놀라운 일이 아니다. 그러나 학습자가 이후 단계로 나아갈 수 있다는 것을 이해한다면 이제 막 교사가 된 사람들budding teacher에 대한 인식을 확장시킬 수 있을 것이다.

In their training as clinicians, doctors naturally might be assumed to move through these stages as a result of their long and structured training. However, as teachers, they have not been led through all Perry’s stages. It is therefore not surprising that, as staff developers, we encounter atti- tudes relating to the first two stages—dualism and multiplicity. However, understanding that the learner can be taken through the latter stages may help frame a programme which will expand the perceptions of the budding teacher.

새로운 개념을 도입할 때(학습자-중심 접근법 등)  Rogers 가 제시한 프레임워크를 유의해야 한다. 다음의 특성을 가진 혁신이 가장 잘 받아들여진다.

In introducing new concepts—such as a learner-centred approach to medical teaching—any innovator would do well to take heed of the framework offered by Rogers (1983), who proposes that innovation will be most easily accepted if it can demonstrate the following features:

  • 상대적 변화: 기존의 것보다 나은가?
    Relative advantage—is the innovation better than what it is designed to replace? 

  • 호환성: 기존 문화에서 중시하던 가치와 일관되는가?
    Compatibility—is the innovation consistent with the existing values in the culture into which it is to be introduced? 

  • 시험가능성: 제한된 환경에서 실험해볼 수 있는가?
    Trialability—can it be, or has it been experimented on on a limited basis? 

  • 관찰가능성: 혁신의 결과가 관찰가능한가?
    Observability—will the results of the innovation be readily visible? 

  • 복잡성: 혁신을 도입하고 활용하는 난이도는 수용할 만 한가?
    Complexity—is the degree of perceived difficulty in implementing and using the innovation acceptable?


상대주의 Relativism 

  • 너와 동의하지는 않지만 네가 옳을 수도 있어. ‘I don’t agree with you but you may be right’ 

  • 다수의 타당한 대안이 있을 때는 결정을 내리는 것이 불가능해 ‘You can’t make a decision when there are several reasonable alternatives’

상대주의에 대한 헌신 Commitment in relativism 

  • 비록 나중에 새로운 주장에 대한 근거가 드러나서 결정을 바꾸더라도, 선택은 가능할 뿐더러 만드시 내려져야 한다.‘A choice can and must be made even if it has to be changed later in the light of new evidence or arguments’



의학교육의 영토에 살고 있는 부족의 특성은?

What are the characteristics of the tribes in the medical education territory?

Ashmore & Del Boca (1981)는 고정관념stereotype이란 반드시 부정적인 접근법만을 가져오는 것은 아니라고 하였고, Fiske는 유사한 성격을 가진 것들을 그룹으로 묶는 것은 그들이 누구인지 알고, 그들을 어떻게 대해야 하는가를 아는 것을 단순화하는 방식이라고 했다. Belbin은 선호하는 근무방식에 따라 개개인을 분류하는 프로세스를 만들었다.

However, as Ashmore & Del Boca (1981) have indicated, stereotyping is not necessarily a process which leads to a negative approach, and Fiske (1989) indicates that catego- rizing others into groups with similar characteristics makes it possible to simplify ways of knowing who they are and how they should be treated. Indeed Belbin (1981) intro- duced the process of characterizing individuals and the way in which they prefer to work,

(1) 개척자, Trailblazers, characterized by:

  • being visionary but few in number; 

  • being motivated by the desire to improve the quality of learning and to explore the frontiers of teaching and learning

  • preferring to work alone

  • being keen to give any innovation a high priority

  • moving on to the next task once the excitement has worn off.

(2) 선구자 Pioneers, characterized by:

  • being few in number; 

  • being motivated by the desire to improve the learning experience of others; 

  • lacking in skills, time or confidence;

  • being good collaborators

  • being keen to give a particular innovation high priority.

(3) 정착자 Settlers, characterized by:
  • being many in number; 

  • being generally poor collaborators

  • getting involved in innovation because of a new institu- tional policy, commitment or requirement; 

  • preferring to continue with current practice rather than prioritize innovation.

(4) 유목민 Nomads, characterized by:

  • being many in number; 

  • habitually moving in and out of teams

  • having few longer term aims

  • taking on short-term, ‘quick fix’ aspects of innovation.

각 그룹은 받고싶은 서포트의 타입이 무엇인지 제안하도록 했음

Each group was given a suggested list of types of support that they might use to frame their discussions:

  • how to create a climate for accepting change; how to clarify the nature, purpose and origin of a proposed innovation in teaching and learning; 

  • how to develop skills and understanding; 

  • what checklists, templates or guides might be used or developed; 

  • how individual support might be given to support plan- ning and development of an individual’s change of practice; 

  • how to establish a system of peer support; 

  • how practice could be monitored and evaluated.

Workshop outcomes



By their very nature, these people are hard to locate and pin down. But it may be possible to send scouts out to find them, or to track them down at watering holes—bars or social venues. If they are to become more involved with the work of others and disseminate their work, they will need to be offered incentives, such as some form of public recog- nition, and ample positive feedback. Because they are naturally reluctant to cooperate with others, especially each other, it may be necessary to track them by using people with group-working abilities, such as pioneers, in order to glean where the energy of the trailblazers has been used effectively.

Trailblazers generally enjoy being the centre of atten- tion, and this can be used to advantage by inviting them to give talks or run lunchtime seminar sessions. They will also benefit from being allowed to attend conferences to both disseminate their own ideas and to spot innovations which will be of use to their colleagues. Their ability to stimulate ideas and develop enthusiasm will be best harnessed in this public arena.

However, the downside of trailblazers is that their thirst for innovation can leave behind it a trail of destruction as others try to keep up with them, but become abandoned as the change agent moves on to new pastures. Their activity will therefore need to be carefully monitored and analysed so that their activities can be picked up and handed to others who will be able to follow through. Where possible, it might be useful to encourage them to participate in short staff development events where they can be helped to realize that not all their colleagues are at the same advanced point of thought as they are, but may be better equipped to support their proposed innovations. It will also be helpful to work with them individually, and try to target their activities so that they are focused on the needs of themselves, their colleagues, and the organization, and not simply on following their own path.



In many ways pioneers are the natural partners to work with the trailblazers’ ideas. Their ability to work in groups offers a means of translating innovative ideas into practice. However, it may be difficult to catch their interest in such a way that they work with an idea which is going to be useful to themselves, their colleagues and the organization.

Pioneers will benefit from the input of a staff developer through experiential group activity, and copious positive feedback. They will need to feel safe within the group, and be clear about what their task is, and what the expected outcomes are. Through the processes of sharing and reviewing their practice with others they will be able to build their confidence in implementation, and may be encouraged to reflect on what they have achieved in order to transfer their learning to new circumstances. This, in turn, will motivate them, and enable them to motivate others through their natural ability to work in groups. A commitment to change across a broader range of activities may then emerge, and enable them to move from working only on specific items of interest, to a more strategic approach.



This group presents a different kind of challenge to the staff developer. Settlers need to be brought to a point at which they can appreciate the world outside the limits of their own corral. Some of their reticence to become involved in innovation may result from a sense of being threatened in their secure environment. They will therefore need to be convinced of the benefits of any proposed changes to their current practice, and be given a forum to express their doubts and anxieties. This, however, must be tempered by a structure that prevents them from merely stating why the status quo should be maintained, or dwelling on a nostalgic view of the past. The staff devel- oper can use learner feedback quite effectively with this group. Whilst they are likely to be popular, and good at what they have always done, an analytical approach to feedback may indicate limitations to the way in which they seek information (not asking questions which might result in challenging answers) or they way in which they interpret it (‘it was just a personality clash’).

Settlers need to be treated with respect and sincerity. They are generally not trying to be difficult, but are genu- inely unable to understand why they should change. Bringing them into structured contact with pioneers to work on specific projects should help them to ease into a situation where they can appreciate the views of others and begin to realize the benefits, and possibly even the personal satisfaction, as well as the challenges of change.



Nomads, like trailblazers, are hard to pin down, but their energy, once captured, can be put to good use. Their apparently irritating habit of drifting from one area to another can be a strength as long as the staff developer knows where they are and what their current interests might be. At this level, they may be a useful vehicle for communication about the particular project they are involved in, and, with sufficient and appropriate encour- agement, may be able to help make connections between all the different environments in which they have participated.

If the aim is to change their behaviour in order to dwell long enough to become really involved in a longer term venture, they will need to be brought quite explicitly to realize the benefits of the plan/enact/evaluate/reflect cycle of learning. They may tend to stick on the first two stages. They need to be shown how they can best complement the attributes of the other inhabitants of the territory, and use their own strengths of clear-sightedness and problem solving to move a group forward. They are likely to respond well to honesty and constructive feedback about their performance, and will listen to arguments relating to their own learners’ needs. A well-developed appraisal system will help nomads to realize how their talents can best be harnessed.

적잡한 교수개발 프로그램 개발

Designing an appropriate staff development programme

첫 번째 과제는 위와 같은 분류(학)를 밝히는 것이다.

The first task is to identify the typologies, as described above.

새로운 혁신을 도입하고자 하는 목적으로 프로젝트 그룹을 시작할 때, 한 그룹 내에서 여러 유형을 혼합하는 것이 좋다.

In implementing a project group around the innovations to be introduced, it will then be important to ensure a mix of types within the group.

미래로 향하는 계획을 세우기 위한 프로젝트 그룹이라면 Pioneers와 Nomads가 핵심을 맡는 것이 좋을 것이다.

When setting up a project group to plan the way forward, it will probably be useful to have a core of pioneers and nomads

실제 혁신의 implementation을 위해서라면 Settlers가 핵심이 된다.

When it comes to actual implementation of the innovation, settlers will be of key importance,



Pioneers와 Settler는 혁신의 뼈대backbone이 될 수 있지만, Trailblazer와 Nomad가 아이디어의 확대와 확산에 영향을 준다면, 이로부터도 도움을 받을 수 있다.

Pioneers and settlers may form the backbone of innovation on the ground, but will benefit from the influences of trailblazers and nomads to ensure expan- sion of ideas and dissemination.

단기 코스는 앞으로도 교수개발활동의 핵심일 것이나, (교수개발 프로그램이) 자신과 관련이 없다고 생각하는 사람들에게는 다양한 마케팅 접근법이 필요하다. 예컨대 스스로를 '교사'라고 인식하는 사람은 '교수-학습'에 대한 프로그램에 관심을 가질 것이다. 비슷한 내용이 '피드백 주기', '교육에서의 슈퍼비전', '멘토링', '카운슬링 스킬' 등과 같은 이름으로 팔릴sold 수도 있다. (프로그램에 대해) 어떤 반응을 보일지는 (교사로서) 자기 자신의 역할과 학습에 대한 서포트 방식에 대한 생각에 따라서 달라지며, 용어terminology가 그 반응을 결정한다.

Short courses will probably continue to form the core of staff development activities, but a range of marketing approaches may help to bring in those who do not currently see their relevance. For instance, people who perceive them- selves as ‘teachers’ will be drawn to events with ‘teaching and learning’ in the title. On the other hand, similar ground may be covered in courses that are sold under the heading of ‘giving feedback’, ‘educational supervision’, ‘mentoring’ or even ‘counselling skills’. The terminology itself will dictate who responds, depending on how they identify their own roles and approaches to supporting learning.

이런 방식으로 두드러진 특성을 가지고 함께 팀으로 일할 사람들을 구성하는 것은 '같은 부족'이 모여서 거의 성과가 없거나 심지어는 혁신의 반대방향으로 가버리는 결과를 막아줄 수 있을 것이다.

However, it is hoped that this way of identi- fying salient characteristics of colleagues will serve as a means of forming groups who will work together as a team, and avoid some of the difficulties we often encounter when members of the same ‘tribe’ come together and end up achieving little or, even worse, simply back away from the proposed innovation.

CHALLIS, M. (2000) AMEE Medical Education Guide No 19: Personal learning plans, Medical Teacher, 22(3), pp. 225–236.

Research Article

Building an effective programme for clinical teachers: the role of the staff developer

Full access
Maggie Challisa

pages 270-275

설문 시행, 분석, 보고 (BMJ, 2004)

Administering, analysing, and reporting your questionnaire

Petra M Boynton

파일럿 시행


파일럿 검사를 시행할 때 일반적 형식에 대해서, 그리고 구체적 질문에 대해서 설문응답자들이 어떻게 반응하는가를 자세히 기록해야 한다.

During piloting, take detailed notes on how partici- pants react to both the general format of your instrument and the specific questions.

  • 얼마나 오래 걸리나 How long do people take to complete it?

  • 질문을 반복 또는 설명해줘야 하나 Do any questions need to be repeated or explained?

  • 어떻게 답을 골랐는가 How do participants indicate that they have arrived at an answer?

  • 특정 질문에 혼란 또는 놀랐는가 Do they show confusion or surprise at a particular response—if so, why? Short, abrupt questions may unintentionally provoke short, abrupt answers.

자료 수집 계획

Planning data collection

데이터 보호와 관련된 법률, 그리고 기관 차원의 규약code를 따라야 한다.

You should be aware of the relevant data pro- tection legislation and ensure that you follow internal codes of practice for your institution—

파일럿팅 단계에서는 설문을 어떻게 배포하고 다시 받을 것인지를 점검해야 한다.

The piloting phase should include planning and testing a strategy for getting your questionnaire out and back—for example,

  • 누구에게 응답을 요청할 것인가 who you have invited to complete it (the sampling frame),

  • 누가 응답해 주었는가 who has agreed to do so (the response rate),

  • 응답은 활용 가능한 형태로 왔는가 who you’ve had usable returns from (the completion rate), and

  • 언제 reminder를 줄 것인가 whether and when you needed to send a reminder letter.

행정적 실수도 연구 프로세스 진행을 방해hamper할 수 있다.

Administrative errors can hamper the progress of your research.



설문 시행

Administering your questionnaire

과학적, 윤리적 고려에는 다음을 포함해야 한다.

Scientific and ethical considerations should include:

  • 설문응답자의 니즈와 선호,
    The needs and preferences of participants,

  • (응답자는) 자신에게 요구되는게 무엇인지 알아야 함
    who x should understand what is required of them;

  • (응답자는) 설문 진행과정에서 흥미를 보이고 협조적이어야 함
    remain interested and cooperative throughout completion;

  • (응답자는) 적절한 질문을 받아야 하며, 응답이 잘 기록되게 해야 함
    be asked the right questions and have their responses recorded accurately; and

  • (응답자는) 설문 작성 중, 작성 후에 적절한 서포트를 받아야 함
    receive appropriate support during and after completing the questionnaire

Table A  Pros and cons of different options for administering a questionnaire  

Method of delivery



Practical notes

By post

Participants are sent a copy of the questionnaire by post and asked to complete it and return it to the researcher.w5


Quick and easy to distribute.


Relatively inexpensive.



They are not useful for the study of very personal issues (without first giving the participant the option of taking part in the study) and have a notoriously low response rate since you are relying on the goodwill and co-operation of individuals.

Remember to enclose a detailed introductory letter, a complete, contact address, and a stamped addressed envelope so the participant does not have to pay postage.


You may need to send reminder letters and questionnaires to slow/non-responders.

By telephone

The researcher calls participants and completes the questionnaire over the phone, with the researcher reading out the questions and recording the answers.w6


Quick and easy to complete.


Relatively inexpensive.



Due to ethical constraints and sample bias these are used less within health research.

You cannot control for participant refusal, which is often high.

Not suitable for those with hearing problems.

Can become laborious if calling someone who is lonely and wants to talk.

Remember to contact participants by letter in advance of your call – and offer them a chance to opt-out of your study (and avoid your phone call).


Many ethics committees won’t permit a study where cold calling is the main design.

By email

Questionnaires are sent to participants via email for completion.w7

Easy to design and send out.


Can keep track on who has responded and who hasn’t, and send reminders.



Only suitable for participants with email access, and who can download a questionnaire.


Can lead to confusion, where participants print out questionnaire and answer it by hand, rather than on the computer.

See telephone interview above.  Participants need an introductory email announcing the research and an opt-out option.  Follow data protection legislation, and check sending emails don't breach confidentiality.

By a website

The questionnaire is placed within a website and participants are directed to this and invited to complete it. w8

A simple questionnaire can be easily designed and placed within a website.  Since sites offer more space, it’s possible to have more opportunities for qualitative feedback using this measure.

Participants are only those with access to the Internet.   You may find they are a non-representative sample since they’ll have a special interest for visiting your site (e.g. your site is about testicular cancer and they have a particular view about it, or experience of illness).  It is difficult to stop the same person answering the questionnaire a number of times over.

Check your site regularly to ensure you can access the questionnaire and that there aren’t any ‘bugs’ in it. 


Encourage participants to report problems with accessing the questionnaire online.

Participant completion with researcher present

The researcher can answer questions the participants may have, but the participant answers the questions.w2

The researcher is on-hand to offer support and explain any questions participants might not understand. 


They can also be sure that questionnaires are completed and collected.

Participants can inadvertently be ‘led’ by asking the researcher for advice on how to answer the questions.

Ensure your staff have training and support in how to deliver and code questionnaires and manage participants.16

Researcher Administered

The researcher asks the question and fills in the appropriate answers as directed by the participant.w9

The researcher can be certain the questionnaires are fully and accurately completed, and collected.



The researcher may ‘lead’ participants by their tone of voice or phrasing of questions.


Participants may not understand what is required of them and not answer in a ‘standardised way’.

As above.


If you are using standardised measures researchers have to read these out in exactly the same order as they appear written in the questionnaire.

응답률 높이기

Maximising your response rate

적은 숫자의 좋은 퀄리티의 응답이 많은 숫자의 낮은 퀄리티의 응답보다 낫다.

Note, however, that it is better to collect fewer questionnaires with good quality responses than high numbers of questionnaires that are inaccurate or incomplete. The third article in this series discusses how to maximise response rates from groups that are hard to research.15

응답을 거부한 사람

Accounting for those who refuse to participate

설문연구는 종종 응답을 수행한 사람에 초점을 둔다. 그러나 참여하지 않은 사람도 마찬가지로 동등하게 중요하며, 이들의 특성을 기록해두어야 한다.

Survey research tends to focus on people who have completed the study. Yet those who don’t participate are equally important scientifically, and their details should also be recorded (remember to seek ethical approval for this).41617

응답률을 높이는 요인 

Box 2: Factors shown to increase response rates

• The questionnaire is clearly designed and has a simple layout5
 • It offers participants incentives or prizes in return for completion6
 • It has been thoroughly piloted and tested5
 • Participants are notified about the study in advance with a personalised invitation7
 • The aim of study and means of completing the questionnaire are clearly explained89
 • A researcher is available to answer questions and collect the completed questionnaire10
 • If using a postal questionnaire, a stamped addressed envelope is included7
 • The participant feels they are a stakeholder in the study11
 • Questions are phrased in a way that holds the participant’s attention11
 • Questionnaire has clear focus and purpose and is kept concise7811
 • The questionnaire is appealing to look at,12 as is the researcher13
 • If appropriate, the questionnaire is delivered electronically14

비-완료 비율을 줄이기 위한 방법은 시작부터 엄격한 exclusion criteria를 세우는 것이다. 그러나 접촉하기 힘든 연구대상 그룹을 systematically 배제하는 것은 비윤리적이며, 추가적인 전략이 필요할 것이다.

One way of reducing refusal and non-completion rates is to set strict exclusion criteria at the start of your research. However, research that systematically excludes hard to reach groups is increasingly seen as unethical, and you may need to build additional strate- gies and resources into your study protocol at the outset.15

비-참여자 대상 자료 수집은 연구 프로세스 모니터에도 도움이 된다.

Collecting data on non-participants will also allow you to monitor the research process.

초반의 거절률이 이례적으로 높으면, 전반적 접근법을 다시 생각해봐야 한다.

In addition, if early refusals are found to be unusually high, you might need to rethink your overall approach.10


자료 입력, 확인, 클리닝

Entering, checking, and cleaning data

상당히 일이 많다.

In reality, entering, checking, and cleaning the data account for much of the workload. Some principles for keeping quantitative data clean are listed on bmj.com.

연구가 진행될 때 같이 정리해야지, 다 끝나고 해야겠다고 생각해서는 안된다.

It is good practice to enter data into an electronic database as the study progresses rather than face a mountain of processing at the end.

양적자료 다듬기 

Ways of keeping quantitative data clean10


1. Be as careful and accurate as possible when entering data into a database.

2. Take breaks. Fatigue causes mistakes.

3. Double check your questionnaire against the data you have entered. You can either do this with every questionnaire, or by picking a random sample and checking how accurately the data in the database matches the answers on the questionnaire.

4. If possible, get a colleague to work with you (eg read out answers from questionnaires to put into a database, or double-enter the data). Some statistical packages include a warning message or tone for double data entry.

5. Run statistical frequencies on all items and scan the results for obvious anomalies. Are any data missing? Are there numbers that don’t seem right (for example, on a questionnaire when participants can only give answers in the range of 1-5, are there any numbers outside that group in your database?). Go back to your coding sheets and check all anomalous data.

6. Create codes for missing data. This allows you to locate errors quickly. For example, if participants refused to answer, or couldn’t answer a question, or only answered part of the study, you can build in codes to account for this. Remember to make each code distinct, so they cannot be confused with numbers elsewhere in database.

7. For questionnaires that have sections that should add up, ensure the answers tally.

8. When answers are missing or don’t add up, take time to locate incorrect answers. Check your database regularly as you add data, so that when errors arise it doesn’t take too much work to find them.

9. Make a note each time you clean your data, and flag where you’ve got up to each time you work on your database. That way, when you find errors, you will have a more precise idea where to locate the problem.

See also www.uiowa.edu/~soc/datarespect/data_training_frm.html

자료 분석

Analysing your data

어떤 분석을 할 것인지를 미리 생각해야 함.

You should be able to predict the type of analysis required for your different questionnaire items at theplanning stage of your study by considering the struc-ture of each item and the likely distribution of responses (box 3).1 Table B on bmj.com shows some examples of data analysis methods for different typesof responses.18 19 w1 

Table B: Analysis options18 19 w1  w10

Type of response required from participant on the questionnaire

You can analyse this data using…

Binary or yes/no answers

c2 (chi squared), Spearmans, Wilcoxon, Mann Whitney, Kruskal Wallis etc.

Rating or visual scales

Pearsons, t test, analysis of variance (ANOVA) etc.

Open-ended (free text) replies

Thematic content or discourse analysis.

논문 작성과 보고

Writing up and reporting

연구방법 부분

Methods section

연구방법 부분은 배제 기준을 구체적으로 기술해야 하며, 이것이 transferability에 주는 영향을 기술해야 한다. 거절refusal 혹은 적합하지 않은unsuitable 참여자가 있다면 이들을 제시하고 논의해야 하며, 참여자 모집 다이어그램을 활용하는 것이 좋다 통계적, 양적 분석법을 기술하고 justify하라.

The methods section should give details of your exclu- sion criteria and discuss their implications for the transferability of your findings. Data on refusals and unsuitable participants should also be presented and discussed, preferably using a recruitment diagram.w2 Finally, state and justify the statistical or qualitative analyses used.18 19 w2

연구결과 부분

Results section


연구결과 부분을 정리할 때, 원래의 연구질문으로 돌아가서 이것을 설명해주는 관찰결과를 정리set out해야 한다. 다른 말로는, 결과가 가설로부터 유도된 것이어야 한다hypothesis driven. 유의하지 않게 나온 결과를 보고하는 것을 두려워하지 않아도 되며, 실제로 유의한 결과만큼 중요할 수 있다. 모든 질문에 대해서 다 분석하고 보고하지 말아라

When compiling the results section you should return to your original research question and set out the find- ings that addressed this. In other words, make sure your results are hypothesis driven. Do not be afraid to report non-significant results, which in reality are often as important as significant results—for example, if partici- pants did not experience anxiety in a particular situation (box 4). Don’t analyse and report on every question within your questionnaire

가장 통계적으로 적합하면서 시각적으로 매력적인 형식의 그래프나 표를 사용하라. 그래프의 각각의 축에 대해서 라벨을 붙이고, 의미가 잇는 제목을 달아라. 표를 refer하고 주요 결과를 강조하라.

Choose the most statistically appropriate and visu- ally appealing format for graphs (table). w3 Label graphs and their axes adequately and include meaningful titles for tables and diagrams. Refer your reader to any tables or graphs within your text, and highlight the main findings.

개방형 질문을 했다면 결과 부분에서 cherry pick하지 말아라. 어떤 주제가 등장했는지를 outline해야 하며, 그 주제와 질적 관찰결과를 보충할 수 있는 quote를 사용해야 한다.

If you have used open ended questions within your questionnaire, do not cherry pick quotes for your results section. You need to outline what main themes emerged, and use quotes as necessary to illustrate the themes and supplement your quantitative findings.

고찰 부분

Discussion section

고찰 부분은 결과 부분으로 돌아와서 주요 결과가 무슨 의미인지를 제시해야 한다. 연구의 한계를 인정하고, 이 관점에서 couch the discussion해야 한다. 만약 설문 응답률이 낮으면, 이 preliminary result를 확인하기 위한 추가 연구를 제안해야 한다. 연구의 conclusion은 연구의 scope을 벗어나서는 안된다. 소규모의 지역에 국한된parochial 연구를 했다면, 국가적 정책을 제안해서는 안된다. 지속적으로 응답을 거절한 참여자, 혹은 기대했던 방향이 아닌 방식으로 응답한 것에 대해서 discussion해서는 안된다.

The discussion should refer back to the results section and suggest what the main findings mean. You should acknowledge the limitations of your study and couch the discussion in the light of these. For example, if your response rate was low, you may need to recommend further studies to confirm your preliminary results. Your conclusions must not go beyond the scope of your study—for example, if you have done a small, parochial study do not suggest changes in national policy. You should also discuss any questions your par- ticipants persistently refused to answer or answered in a way you didn’t expect.



심리적, 사회적 영향력을 고려하기

Taking account of psychological and social influences

설문 연구는 절대로 완벽하게 객관적일 수 없다. 연구자와 참여자는 인간이고 심리적/감정적/사회적 니즈가 있다. 너무 자주 우리는 이 요인을 연구의 계획/수행/분석에서 놓치곤 한다. 설문은 참여자와 응답자에게 서로 다른 식으로 해석될 수 있다. 연구자는 자료를 원한다. 잘 훈련되어있지 않은 상태에서 초보junior 연구진은 압박이 심할 경우 파일럿팅, 샘플링, 배포/수집/코딩에 실수를 저지를 수 있다.

Questionnaire research (and indeed science in general) can never be completely objective. Researchers and participants are all human beings with psychological, emotional, and social needs. Too often, we fail to take these factors into account when planning, undertaking, and analysing our work. A questionnaire means something different to participants and researchers.w4 Researchers want data (with a view to publications, promotion, academic recognition, and further grant income). Junior research staff and administrators, especially if poorly trained and supervised, may be put under pressure, leading to critical errors in

  • piloting (for example, piloting on friends rather than the target group),

  • sampling (for example, drifting towards convenience rather than random samples) and

  • in the distribution, collection, and coding of questionnaires.15


설문 시행을 위해서 고용된 연구원은 연구에 익숙하지 않을 수도 있고, 자신의 무지를 덮기 위해서 한 행동이 연구 전체를 망칠 수도 있다.

Staff employed to assist with a questionnaire study may not be familiar with all the tasks required to make it a suc-cess and may be unaware that covering up their igno- rance or skill deficits will make the entire study unsound.

연구 참여자들은 설문에 응답할 때 흥미가 있을 수도 있고, 지루할 수도 있고, 다른 사람을 돕고자 할 수도 있고, 해야 할 것 같아서 할 수도 있고...등등. 이것들이 모두 잠재적인 bias의 요인이다.

Research participants, on the other hand, may be motivated to complete a questionnaire through interest, boredom, a desire to help others (particularly true in health studies), because they feel pressurised to do so, through loneliness, or for an unconscious ulterior motive (“pleasing the doctor”). All of these introduce potential biases into the recruitment and data collection process.

15 Boynton PM., Wood GW, Greenhalgh T. Hands-on guide to questionnaire research: reaching beyond the white middle classes. BMJ (in press).

Ambiguity identified in a pilot study

Rena is a family planning trainee interested in sexual dysfunction. She wishes to explore this in a sample of young women. In a pilot study, she finds that participants interpret the question “Did you get wet during sex?” differently. Some have answered in terms of arousal (which is what Rena wanted to find out about), while others thought wet referred to sweat or urinary incontinence. Each participant answered consistently, but what they thought they were talking about differed between participants. In the final questionnaire, Rena included a short explanation of what wet meant.


Documenting data on refusals

Phuong is leading a study on new parents’ experiences of maternity services. She invites people to participate, and notes the age, sex, ethnicity, and reasons given for refusing to join the study. Most commonly, participants refuse because they are too busy, not interested in the research, or dislike the subject matter of the questionnaire. By keeping tabs on participants who refuse, Phuong can check that no particular subgroup of people is being excluded, and she can later formally compare the characteristics of responders with non-responders. An example of the form used for collecting exclusion/refusal data in Phuong’s study is shown below:




Maternity ward

Reason given for non-participation

Researcher’s name

 2004 Jun 5;328(7452):1372-5.

Administeringanalysing, and reporting your questionnaire.

Author information

  • 1Department of Primary Care and Population Sciences, University College London, London N19 5LW. p.boynton@pcps.ucl.ac.uk

Erratum in

  • BMJ. 2004 Aug 7;329(7461):323.
[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] 
Free PMC Article

CV분석을 통한 교수개발 성과의 평가(Fam Med. 2000)

Evaluating Faculty Development Outcomes by Using Curriculum Vitae Analysis

Jeffrey A. Morzinski, PhD; David B. Schubot, PhD

출판된 FD평가연구는 출판된 연구가 부족하다는 사실 외에도, 방법론적으로 참여자의 만족도와 자기-평가 학습수준만 측정했다는 것을 한계로 지적받는다. 아래와 같은 리뷰가 있었음.

Criticism of published FD evaluation research has targeted shortages of published studies, as well as meth- odological problems with studies that are often limited to measures of participants’ satisfaction and self- assessed learning.

  • Reviews by Irby and Hekelman,5

  • Sheets and Henry,6

  • Meurer and Morzinski,7 and

  • Reid et al8

고등교육평가와 연구, 커크패트릭 모델에서 지속적으로 요구된 것처럼, FD프로그램의 성과를 측정하기 위한 방법을 찾고자 했다. Bland 등은 참여자의 CV를 성과 평가로 사용할 것을 제안했다. 그러나 어떻게 체계적으로 CV를 평가할지에 대한 구체적인 방법은 없었다.

Consistent with calls for higher-level evaluation stud- ies and Kirkpatrick’s model,9 we looked for a method to assess FD program outcomes. Bland et al4 propose the use of program participants’ curricula vitae (CVs) for outcome evaluation. However, no methods specify how to systematically assess CVs

CV는 FD프로그램과 FD프로그램 이해관계자들이 중시하는 여러가지 활동에 관한 정보를 담고 있다. 따라서 CV평가는 FD프로그램 및 각 과의 이해관계와 잘 맞는다.

CVs hold information about many of the activities valued by FD programs and their stakeholders. Therefore, CV assessment is compatible with both FD program and departmental interests.

CV를 평가를 위한 기록물로서 사용하는 것은 추가적인 장점이 있다. CV를 분석하는 것이 비침습적 기록-검토 방법이기 때문이므로, 참여자들이 평가도구에 대해서 반응react할 필요가 없다. 프로그램 참여자들은 종종 감당못할 정도로 많은 평가 설문지를 요구받곤 하며, 이는 응답의 편항, 설문시행자에게 좌절, 시간-소모 등의 한계가 있다. 기록물(CV)분석과 같은 비-반응적 평가방법은 응답 편향을 줄여주는 장점이 있으며, 동시에 참가자들이 별도의 평가도구를 완수해야 할 필요성이 없어진다.

Using CVs as evaluation records has an additional advantage. Because CV analysis is a noninvasive record-review method, subjects are not required to re- act to an instrument. Program participants are often inundated with evaluation questionnaires that can be fraught with response bias, frustrating to administer, and time-consuming to complete. Nonreactive evalua- tion methods such as record (ie, CV) review have the benefit of reducing response biases10,11 while eliminat- ing the need for participants to complete another in- strument.



대상과 프로그램 맥락

Subjects and Program Context

The study subjects were all 17 participants enrolled in the first two cohorts of the Medical College of Wisconsin’s comprehensive 2-year FD program dur- ing the years 1991–1993 and 1992–1994.

총 기간

The overall program length is 2 years.


프로그램 기간 중 참가자가 해야 하는 것들

  • During each month, participants at- tend a day (about 5 hours) of group workshops and seminars focused on one or more domain areas.

  • Be-tween group meetings, participants meet with mentors and program staff who assist them with career advance-ment issues and work on academic projects.

  • To suc-cessfully complete the program, participants are re-quired to complete an organizational assessment project and implement or submit to a scholarly forum both an educational and a research project report. 

CV평가를 위한 수집

A standard procedure of our FD program evaluation is to request updated CVs from faculty members 2 years after completion of their FD program. These post-pro- gram CVs were the records used in this study.


CV는 세 가지 시기로 나눠서 평가: 프로그램 전 2년, 프로그램 기간(2년), 프로그램 후 2년

To determine the effect of the FD program on par- ticipants, we assigned participants’ CV entries to three time frames.

  • The first was the pre-program time frame, which consisted of 2 years (the calendar year prior to participants’ program entry and the calendar year of entry).

  • The second was the mid-program time frame (the full calendar year in the middle of the 2 academic years).

  • The third was the post-program time frame, which consisted of 2 years (the calendar year of par- ticipant graduation, as well as the following full calen- dar year).

도구 개발

Instrument Development

Based on a content analysis model described by Crabtree and Miller,12 we designed an instrument to code and inventory CV entries. We first developed a template for analyzing CVs, based on the medical school’s recommended CV format. Two program staff jointly analyzed 5 of the 17 CVs using the initial tem- plate and revised the template as necessary to accom- modate entries from those 5 CVs. The initial template design and pilot results were reviewed with the FD project director to ensure congruence between coding categories and program objectives. This use of a priori and iterative category development followed the method described by Constas.13 The category develop- ment process resulted in two products, the first of which was a list of 10 CV codes that would be applied to the remaining 12 graduates’ CVs (Table 1).

The second product from the category development process was a code book that provided inclusion, ex- clusion, and clarifying criteria for coding decisions. During the authors’ process of codebook development, a total of eight criteria were established to guide cod- ing decisions that pertained to the 10 codes of interest in this pilot study. These criteria are listed in Table 2.




After creation of the template and the code book, the remaining 12 CVs were randomly assigned to the two coders, who followed a systematic procedure for cod-ing them. This procedure included identifying with an “X” any CV entry for which a coding decision was uncertain due to missing or unclear information.

After the coding procedure was followed for all re- maining CVs, semi-structured interviews were con- ducted between the coders and the CV owners. These interviews rely on data review and input by study sub- jects after initial data collection to enhance the accu- racy and thoroughness of qualitative data.10 Interviews followed a written protocol that consisted of

  • a descrip- tion of the FD purpose for the study,

  • discussion and resolution of all items coded X, and

  • opportunities for subjects to ask questions about their own CVs.


We agreed that member-check interviews would not be used to solicit unreported products. However, if subjects of- fered new data ), the product would be entered on their CV and coded if it met inclusion criteria.

A final part of the data analysis consisted of a check for inter-rater agreement to determine the degree of concordance between the two CV coders.


평가자간 신뢰도

Inter-rater Reliability



Product Totals



평가 방법에서 기대하지 않았던 두 가지가 있음

At least two parts of this evaluation method’s appli- cation were unexpected.


첫째, 주니어 교수들의 CV는 기대보다 조직화와 완결성에 있어서 (개인별로) 차이가 컸다. CV는 우리 기관의 표준CV포멧을 따를 것으로 기대했으며, FD워크숍에서 제공한 가이드를 따를 것을 기대했으나, 대부분은 표준화되지 못한 방법으로 작성되었고, 종종 전반적인 퀄리티를 향상시키기보다는 낮추는 식으로 정리되어 있었다. 또한 불완전하거나 불분명한 entries (CV당 약 3개)가 있었다. 또한 참여자들의 코멘트와 인터뷰 동안의 "product recall"은 일부 활동은 CV에서 빠져있을 수도 있다는 것을 시사했으며, 특히 peer-reviewed presentation이나 위원회 위원 활동 같은 것들이 누락되어있을 가능성이 있었다. 우리의 경섬으로 보건대 CV는 전문가 조언에 따라 향상되지 않으며, 이것이 평가에 활용하는데 제약이 된다.

First, we found greater-than- expected variation in the organization and complete- ness of the CVs prepared by our junior faculty. CVs were expected to be based on our institution’s standard CV format, and guidance on CV preparation was pro- vided in an FD workshop, but most CVs were orga- nized in nonstandard ways, often distracting from, rather than enhancing, overall quality. We were surprised to find incomplete or unclear entries (about three per CV, coded with X). Also, subjects’ comments and “product recall” during interviews suggested that some activi- ties may have been underreported, especially in the ar- eas of peer-reviewed presentations and committee lead- ership activities. Our experience suggests that CVs are not fully improved by expert advice, and their short- comings limit their “as-is” use in evaluation.

두 번째로 놀라웠던 부분은 CV소지자와의 인터뷰에 필요한 시간을 과소평가한 것이다. 인터뷰의 시간은 교수들이 CV를 조직화하는 방법이라든가 어떤 product가 포함되어야 할지 말지를 물어보는 과정에서 더 길어졌다. 우리는 인터뷰 초반에 교수들의 CV development에 대해 컨설팅하는 것은 (비록 평가의 scope은 벗어나더라도) 시간을 좋은 방식으로 사용하는 것이라고 생각했다. 우리가 member-check interview를 미보고된 product를 적극적으로 알아내기 위해서 활용하지는 않았으나, 인터뷰를 통해서 다수의 product를 알게 되었다. 그러나 인터뷰를 자료 수집에 활용하는 것은 기록-검토 방record-review method의 비-침습성을 훼손하는 것이 된다.

The second surprise in this study was our underesti- mate of the time needed to interview CV owners. The length of the interview was often increased due to faculty member questions about CV organization and whether or not some products should be included. We agreed early in the interview process that faculty con- sultations on CV development, while outside the scope of the evaluation, were a good use of our time. While we did not use member-check interviews to actively solicit unreported products, such interviews may yield greater numbers of products. However, reliance on in- terviews for data collection further undercuts the noninvasive benefit of the record-review method.

연구의 한계

Other limitations are associated with this evaluation method.

  • CV data are subject to the limitations of self- report data.

  • Second, there are historical threats to this method’s validity. For example, participation in FD activities may have stimulated faculty to revise their strategies for CV entries over the years of interest.

  • Third, we did not include a control group, Further, the productivity of our subjects may not have been related to their participation in our FD program, per se.

  • A fourth limit of this method is the lag time be- tween the effort to produce a product and the product’s final entry on the CV.


 2000 Mar;32(3):185-9.

Evaluating faculty development outcomes by using curriculum vitae analysis.

Author information

  • 1Department of Family and Community Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin, USA. jmorzins@mcw.edu



Many faculty development (FD) programs depend on external private and public sponsors that routinely require systematic studies on FD outcomes. The results of evaluation studies can influence whether or not programs continue to be funded. To better evaluate program outcomes on academic productivity, this paper presents and illustrates an evaluation method that uses the curricula vitae (CVs) of FD program graduates.


The evaluation method is implemented by first preparing a record-review template of coding categories that is applied to FD graduates' updated CVs. Next, semi-structured interviews are held with subjects to resolve uncertain CV codes. Finally, coded data are entered into standardized forms and analyzed to yield descriptive findings. The method was piloted with two groups of FD graduates (n = 17) to determine its utility and limitations.


Results show excellent inter-rater reliability (Cohen's Kappa = .79). There was an overall increase in productivity, measured by the CV, during and after the FD program.


CV analysis can be a useful method for assessing FD program outcomes. Several limitations of the method, such as incomplete CVs and self-report bias, must be considered.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

협력적 고강도 교수개발 프로그램을 통한 Medical Teacher들의 요구와 우선순위 충족(Med Teach, 2006)

Addressing the needs and priorities of medical teachers through a collaborative intensive faculty development programme

Zubair Amin MBBS MHPE, Khoo Hoon Eng, Matthew Gwee, Tan Chay Hoon & Koh Dow Rhoon



의과대학에서 교육을 하는 모든 교수는 의학교육 워크숍/세미나/심포지엄에 의학교육전문성 개발을 위하여 반드시 access해야 하야 한다는 것이 제안되고 있다.

It was proposed that every teaching faculty member should have access to medical educational workshops, seminars and symposia as a part of the development of professionalism in medical education (Wilkerson & Irby, 1998).

(그러나 여러 장애요인이 있고) 이 challenge를 극복하기 위한 교육전략은 다음에 기반하고 있다.

Educational strategies to overcome these challenges should be based on a ‘‘coherent education theory that provides a descriptive and prescriptive framework’’ for understanding and improving teaching (Hewson, 2000).



프로그램은 3일에 걸쳐 진행되었고, 대학 내부, 외부 교수들이 참석하였다. 12세션으로 진행

The programme was run over 3 days and was attended by medical teachers within and outside the university. There were 12 sessions covering sequentially fundamental concepts in medical education, curriculum and module design, teaching and learning methods, and student assessment.


Evaluation instruments

두 가지 평가도구 사용. 그 중 첫 번째 도구는 두 가지 기능이 있다.

We used two programme evaluation instruments. The first set of instruments served two functions:

  • (a) 참가자의 현재 능력과 이상적 능력을 평가함
    it assessed participants’ perceived current level of ability and ideal ability in different topic areas; and

  • (b) 코스에 참여한 것이 능력을, 어느 정도로 향상시켰는지 평가함
    it determined whether, after attending the course, the participants improved their ability and to what degree (Bland, 1980). 

요구사정과 ability 습득

Needs assessment and attainment of ability

14문항짜리 자기인식에 관한 조사. 프로그램 시작 전에 참여자들은 현재 인식하는 ability의 수준과 이상적인 ability의 수준을 평가하였음. 프로그램 후에 참여자들에게는 유사한 설문도구로 현재 능력수준을 평가하게 했음.

This set of instruments was a 14-item self-perception questionnaire. The items corresponded to the programme topics and contained three statements that described different levels of ability. Before the programme, participants were asked to identify their perceived current level of ability and ideal level of ability for each topic using a scale (1¼least able, 9¼most able). In this way, the perceived gap in their ability was identified. After the programme, participants were given another instrument similar to the needs assessment instrument except that participants were asked to identify their ability now, i.e. after completing the programme.


Needs assessment and attainment of competence

Programme feedback

61%의 참여자가 질적 피드백을 주었고, 주로 드러난 것은 "이것을 모든 medical teacher에게 의무화해야 한다" 였다.

Many (61%) participants provided qualitative feed-back. The recurrent theme was that such a programme should be made mandatory for medical teachers.





우리의 프로그램의 coverage가 넓고, 다양한 학습법을 사용했다는 측면에서 contemporary 교수개발활동 중 상대적으로 드문 편이다. 미국 병원을 대상으로 한 최근 설문에서 5%의 병원만이 'advanced FDP'(10개 이상의 주제로 2일 이상 진행되는, 그리고 3개 이상의 교육법을 사용하는)가 있다고 하였다.

Our programme is a relative rarity in contemporary faculty development activities by its wide coverage of topics, duration and usage of varied learning methods. A recent survey among US hospitals with internal medicine programmes showed only 5% of all hospitals had advanced faculty development programmes as defined by offering 10 topics, lasting >2 days and using 3 learning methods (Clark et al., 2004).

HEWSON, M.G. (2000). A theory-based faculty development program for clinician-educators, Academic Medicine, 75, pp. 498–501. 


 2006 Feb;28(1):85-8.

Addressing the needs and priorities of medical teachers through a collaborative intensive faculty developmentprogramme.

Author information

  • 1Department of Paediatrics, Medical Education Unit, Faculty of Medicine, National University of Singapore. paeza@nus.edu.sg


Faculty development in medical education is crucial for developing and sustaining quality education in medical schools. However, examples of successful intensive programmes based on experiential and collaborative learning are generally lacking in the literature. The Medical Education Unit of National University of Singapore conducted a three-day intensive programme on core competences in medical education. This paper highlights the process of programme developmentprogramme structure, challenges faced and strategies adopted. It also describes the approach taken to educational programme evaluation along with the results. The programme structure was based on experiential and collaborative learning models. Participants contributed to all activities and emerged as facilitators and learners to gain first-hand experience of the complex educational processes. Each individual session was sequential with a brief plenary, demonstration, practicum and reflection. Pre-programme needs assessment showed that even the experienced teachers perceived a need to further improve their educational competencies.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

기능적 멘토링: 다수준 성과를 위한 실용적 접근(J Contin Educ Health Prof. 2008 )

Functional Mentoring: A Practical Approach With Multilevel Outcomes




멘토링은 professional development의 핵심적 요소이다. 멘토링은 supportive relationship 과 a teaching-learning process를 포괄한다. 또한 coaching, role modeling, assessing, and sponsoring. 등이 포함된다. 효과적인 멘토링은 professional socialization,8 career development,9 and faculty advancement을 강화시켜준다. (멘토링을 통하여) 기관차원에서는 교수의 생산성이 높아지고, 시니어 교수의 참여가 높아지고, 기관의 생명력vitality가 유지된다. 전통적으로 멘토링 관계는 개인적, 전문직적 관계에 따라 비공식적으로 발생하였다. 그러나 AMC들은 기관 차원의 멘토링 프로그램을 만들어서, 역사적으로 '빠져죽든지 헤엄쳐나오든지' 정신을 타도하고, 인적자원, 즉 교수가 조직의 가장 중요한 자본임을 인정하였다. 그러나 프로그램에 인력과 리소스를 투자하는 것은 ROI를 내야 하는 책임이 따른다.

Mentoring is a central component of professional develop- ment.1,2 Mentoring encompasses a supportive relationship and a teaching-learning process.2–6 It involves coaching, role modeling, assessing, and sponsoring.6,7 Effective mentoring enhances professional socialization,8 career development,9 and faculty advancement.1,4–6,10,11 Institutions benefit through enhanced faculty productivity, engagement of senior facul- ty,4 and sustained institutional vitality.10 Traditionally, men- toring relationships develop somewhat informally from personal and professional interactions.8 Alternatively, aca- demic medical centers have established institutional mentor- ing programs to combat the historically prevalent “sink or swim” mentality, recognizing that human resources— faculty—represent an organization’s greatest capital.12 In- vestment of personnel and resources in such programs, however, carries a responsibility to produce a return on investment.13,14

멘토링 프로그램은 다양하지만, 기관 차원의 프로그램은 페어링 프로세스와 로지스틱한 요소를 특히 강조한다. 프로그램은 흔히 주요 성과로 '성공적' 관계를 수립하는 것을 추구한다. 전통적 멘토링은 멘토와 제자 사이의 관계에 초점을 맞춘다. 멘토링 프로그램에 관한 메타분석에서 저자들은 '각 멘토링 프로그램이 '성공'했다고 언급하나, '성공'은 명확히 정의되지 않았다. 더 나아가서 '성공'을 측정하는 방법도 표준화되지 않았다'라고 지적하였다.

While there is variability in mentoring programs,2,4,5,8,15 institutional programs typically emphasize the pairing pro- cess and logistical components.15–17 The usual, primary out- come of these programs is the establishment of a “successful” relationship.1,18,19 Traditional mentoring focuses on the re- lationship between mentor and protégé ~FIGURE 1!. A meta- analysis15 of mentoring programs in academic medicine, authors indi- cate that “each . . . assumed the ‘success’ of their pro- gramme; but this term was not defined. Moreover, the method of measuring success has not been standardized.”


더 나아가서, 기관 차원의 impact는 이 프로그램의 기대성과가 아니기도 했다.

Furthermore, impact on the institution has not neces- sarily been an expected outcome of these programs.

우리는 멘토링에 대한 기존과는 다른 패러다임을 제시하고자 한다. Functional Mentoring은 전통적인 개념 및 형식과는 다르다. Functional Mentoring은 미리 정해진 프로젝트의 지도에 필요한 구체적인 전문성을 갖춘 멘토를 멘티와 연결시켜준다. Functional mentoring에서는 명확히 정의되고 실재하는 성과가 멘토링 관계의 목적이다. 멘토링의 효과성과 멘토링 프로그램의 impact는 멘토와 멘티의 공동 노력으로부터 얻어지는 work product이다.

We offer a different paradigm for mentoring, functional mentoring, as an alternative to traditional concepts and for- mats for mentoring programs. Functional mentoring is the pairing of a mentee with a mentor who has specific ex- pertise for guidance on a defined project ~FIGURE 1!. With functional mentoring, the objectives of the mentoring re- lationship are clearly defined and lead to tangible results. The effectiveness of mentoring and the impact of the men- toring program are measured by the work products result- ing from the joint efforts of mentors and mentees.

프로그램 설명

Description of the Program

the Penn State College of Medicine Junior Faculty Development Program

The mentoring program is a part of the Penn State College of Medicine Junior Faculty Development Program~JFDP!.12

멘토의 선발은 구조화되어있으며 목적이 분명하다. 한 세션의 멘토링 후에 참여자들은 프로젝트의 여러 측면을 고려하여 어떤 지도가 필요한지에 따라 그 전문성과 스킬을 갖춘 시니어 교수를 찾는다. 멘티들은 자신이 잘 모르거나, 지위나 명성때문에 접근하기 어려웠던 교수를 선택하는 것이 권장된다. 리더십 팀이 제안서suggestion을 검토하고, 멘티의 동의하에 멘토를 명단에 추가하기도 하여 최종 멘토 선발을 완료한다. 기관간 협력이 장려되며, 따라서 멘토가 소속된 과와 다른 과의 교수여야 하며, 기존에 멘티와 관계가 없어야 한다. 성별이나 인종은 고려대상이 아니다.

Selection of mentors is structured and purposeful. After a session on mentoring, participants determine aspects of their projects for which they need guidance and identify senior faculty who have corresponding skills0expertise. They are encouraged to consider individuals whom they do not know or might be reluctant to approach because of their posi- tion or reputation. The leadership team reviews the sug- gestions, may add to the list, and, with the approval of the mentee, finalizes the mentor selection. Cross-institutional collaborations are encouraged; thus the mentor should be from a different department than the mentee’s and have no preexisting mentoring relationship with him0her. Gender and ethnicity are not considered in identifying mentors or in pairings.

멘토의 역할은 명확히 정의되어 있다. 멘토는 멘티의 프로젝트를 지도하고 도와주어야 한다. 주니어 교수는 프로젝트의 목표를 정하고, 타임라인을 설정하고, 미팅을 잡는다. 멘토는 리뷰/비판/제안을 해준다. 이렇게 정해진 역할에서 관계가 발달한다. 커리어 카운슬링과 가이드는 프로젝트의 범위 밖이며 공식적으로 요구되는 것은 아니나, 그러한 논의도 있을 것으로 기대한다. 9개월 정도의 시간이 진행되며, 멘토링 관계는 그 이후에도 지속될 수 있으나, 멘토의 공식 의무는 프로그램 종료시까지이다.

The role of the mentor is clearly defined. The mentor is expected to guide and assist the mentee in work on his0her project. Junior faculty identify the goals for their projects, establish timelines, and schedule meetings. The mentor pro- vides review, critique, and suggestions for the project. These defined roles guide development of the relationship. While career counseling and guidance outside the project are not formal expectations, it is anticipated that such discussions occur. The time commitment is 9 months ~the duration of the JFDP!. Mentoring relationships may continue thereafter, but the mentor’s formal obligation ends with the program.

리더십팀은 멘토링 관계의 진전상황progress를 모니터하고, 문제가 생기면 돕는다. 멘토에게 보상은 없으며 참여는 자발적이다. 시니어 멘토의 커뮤니티를 build하고 멘토와 멘티의 상호작용을 강화시켜주는 몇 가지 기회가 있다. 멘토는 멘토링아카데미에 induction됨으로써 졸업식에서 recognized된다.

The leadership team monitors the progress of the rela- tionships and is available if problems arise. No compensa- tion is provided to the mentors; service is voluntary. Several social opportunities enhance the interactions between men- tors and mentees and build a community of senior faculty mentors. Mentors are recognized at the graduation cer- emony by induction into the MentoringAcademy of the Col- lege of Medicine.


Evaluation Methods

The evaluation methodology is outlined in FIGURE 2.





Reaction and Satisfaction

Junior faculty were highly satisfied with the program ~TABLE 2!.

Mentors also expressed satisfaction with the program~TABLE 3!.

Impact of the Mentoring Relationship

Skill Development

Individual Projects

Impact of the Project







Functional Mentoring은 정해진 프로젝트에 전문성과 스킬을 갖춘 멘토를 멘티와 연결시켜 주는 것이다. 관계를 쌓는 일은 프로젝트의 중심이 되며, 프로젝트에는 명확한 목표가 있고, 측정가능한 다수준의 성과를 내게끔 해준다. 문헌에서는 일부 개별 프로젝트를 다룬 교수개발 프로그램들이 있다. 그러나 functional mentoring의 특징적인 측면은 프로젝트에 focus를 두는 것이다. 프로젝트에 대한 니즈가 멘토의 선택을 drive하며, 프로젝트를 수행하는 것이 관계의 구조를 설정하고, 성공을 정의한다.

Functional mentoring is the pairing of a mentee with a men- tor who has the skills and expertise to provide guidance on a defined project. The work of the relationship is centered on the project, which has clear objectives and leads to mea- surable, multilevel outcomes. Some of the faculty develop- ment programs described in the literature have involved work on individual projects.8,22–25 However, the unique aspect of functional mentoring is the focus on the project. The needs for the project drive the selection of the mentor, and work on the project gives structure to the relationship and defines its success.

멘토링을 통한 프로젝트는 JFDP의 전반적 성공에 중요했다. JFDP는 기관의 리더로부터 강력한 서포트를 받았으며 주니어 교수들의 발달, 기관 미션의 advancement, 새로운 교수의 리쿠르트에 중요한 것으로 인정받았다. 프로그램의 효과성이 인정받음에 따라 주니어 교수들과 시니어 멘토들이 더 많이 지원하였다. 일부 주니어 교수들은 프로그램 chief나 chair로부터 프로젝트를 통해 그 과의 특정 목표를 달성할 것을 주문받기도 했다.

The mentored project is critical to the overall success of the JFDP. The JFDP receives strong support from in- stitutional leaders and is acknowledged as important for development of junior faculty, advancement of institu- tional missions, and recruitment of new faculty. Recogni- tion of the effectiveness of the program has led to continued enrollment of junior faculty and recruitment of senior fac- ulty mentors. Some junior faculty were identified for the program by chiefs0chairs to accomplish specific goals within the department through their mentored projects.

따라서, 이 멘토링 프로그램은 본래의 목표를 달성하였다. 주니어 교수가 프로젝트를 완수하여 professional dossier에 기여함, 궁극적으로는 학문적 발전을 이루는 것이다. 프로그램은 또한 주니어 교수들이 커리어에 걸쳐서 멘토링을 얻는데 필요한 스킬을 습득하게 해주었다.

Thus, this mentoring program achieves its major goal: to assist junior faculty in completing projects that contribute to their professional dossier and ultimately to their academic advancement. The program also provides junior faculty with the skills necessary to obtain mentoring throughout their ca- reer.


 2008 Summer;28(3):157-64. doi: 10.1002/chp.178.

Functional mentoring: a practical approach with multilevel outcomes.

Author information

  • 1Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine, Office of Professional Development, Hershey, PA 17033-0850, USA. lthorndyke@psu.edu



Mentoring is a central component of professional development. Evaluation of "successful" mentoring programs, however, has been limited and mainly focused on measures of satisfaction with the relationship. In today's environment, mentoring programs must produce tangibleoutcomes to demonstrate success. To address this issue, the authors advance the framework of functional mentoring combined with measurement of outcomes at multiple levels.


The mentoring program is embedded within an intensive, continuing medical education (CME) accredited faculty development program. Survey methodology is used to collect qualitative and quantitative data at the start, midpoint, and end of the program and longitudinally. Participants in 4 years of the program were surveyed.


In 4 years, 165 faculty participated in the program. Respondents were highly satisfied with the pairings: 85% of junior faculty believed their mentor had a significant effect on their projects. Junior faculty reported a significant enhancement of skills related to initiating and negotiating a new mentoring relationship (85%) and stated that their project would have a significant impact on their career (92%) and on the department or institution (86%).


The success of this mentoring program is demonstrated at multiple levels. The key outcome of functional mentoring is the project. Projects are aligned with professional responsibilities and with institutional missions. The project contributes to the individual's dossier and adds value to the institution. Functional mentoring is a practical approach that allows measurable results at multiple levels.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

나는 누구인가? 교수개발 프로그램에서의 학문적정체성 형성(Med Teach, 2012)

Who am I? Key influences on the formation of academic identity within a faculty development program


1University of Toronto in the Li Ka Shing International Healthcare Education Centre at St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 3University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 4McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 5University of California, San Francisco, California, USA



'정체성'이란 용어는 심리학/사회한/철학에서 다양한 의미를 가진다. 그러나 이 모든 의미가 '정체성이란 [개인이 스스로를 어떻게 이해하며, 경험을 어떻게 해석하고, 스스로를 어떻게 (겉으로) 드러내고present, 다른사람에게 어떻게 보여지기perceived를 바라고, 더 광범위한 차원의 커뮤니티에 의해서 어떻게 인식되기를 바라는지에 따라] 지속적으로 형성 및 재형성formed and reformed되는 역동적 구조'라는 전제에 기반한다.

The term ‘identity’ has taken on a great many meanings in psychology, sociology, and philosophy. All these descriptions, however, are based on the premise that identity is a dynamic construct which is continually formed and reformed (Luehmann 2007; Monrouxe 2010). Identity encompasses how individuals understand themselves, how they interpret experiences, how they present themselves and wish to be perceived by others and how they are recognized by the broader community (Gee 2001).

보건의료전문직에서는 '전문직 정체성professional identity'이 있으며, 이것은 직업 혹은 임상적 환경의 커뮤니티 내에 존재하는situated within 것이다. 대학의 교수 역시 'academic'한 전문직 정체성을 가지고 있으며, 자신이 속한 과나 교실의 맥락에 존재하는 것이고, 이 정체성은 교육자로서의 역할educational role을 포괄한다. 여러 문헌은 학문적 정체성academic identity(AI)가 보건의료교육자로서의 웰빙과 생산성에 핵심적 역할을 한다고 제시한다. 실제로 Stone 등은 의과대학 교수가 스스로의 정체성을 teacher로 가질수록 어떻게 더 가르치고자 하고/교육 스킬을 향상시키고자 하고/교육경험으로부터 만족을 얻고/궁극적으로는 학생의 학습을 향상시키는지에 대해서 강조한 바 있다. 유사하게, 비슷한 다른 연구들도 AI가 교육자의 자기효능감/동기/헌신/직무만족에 기여하며, 교실에서의 행동에 큰 영향을 준다는 것을 보여준 바 있다.

While health care professionals have a ‘professional iden- tity’ which is situated within the community of their profession or clinical setting, faculty members of a university also have an ‘academic’ professional identity, which is situated within the context of their faculty or academic department, and the many encompasses educational roles they provide (Arreola et al. 2009). The literature suggests that this academic identity (AI) plays an integral role in the well being and productivity of health professional educators. Indeed, Stone et al. (2002) highlight how medical faculty who identify as teachers are more likely to want to teach, improve their skills, acquire satisfaction from the experience of teaching and ultimately, student learning. Similarly, other studies have noted that AI contributes to the self-efficacy, motivation, commit-ment, and job satisfaction of educators and has tremendous impact on their behavior in the classroom (Flores & Day 2006;Taylor et al. 2007). 

연구 맥락

Study context

토론도의과대학의 ESP. 과장이 추천하여 위원회에서 선발함. 프로그램당 15~16명.

The Education Scholars Program (ESP) was developed in 2004 by the Centre for Faculty Development – a joint initiative between the University of Toronto, Faculty of Medicine and St. Michael’s Hospital. Potential candidates are nominated by their department chairs and clinical leaders and are then selected by a committee consisting of leaders within the education community. The program accepts on average 15–16 partici-pants per cohort.

세 가지 주제

The core curriculum is organized into three themes:

  • (1) teaching excellence;

  • (2) curriculum and scholarship; and

  • (3) leadership and career development.



AI에 대한 이해를 높이기 위해서 질적 사례연구 접근법 활용. 사례연구방법론의 장점.

To help inform our understanding of AI, we adopted a qualitative case study approach. Case study methodology isused for in-depth investigation of a single individual, group(s),or event(s). Case studies allow the researcher to engage in anongoing analysis of data collected from multiple sources with the purpose of enhancing understanding of a phenomenon of interest (Yin 2009)

참여자 Participants

자료 수집 Data collection

포커스그룹 설명(7~8명, 1.5시간, 총 19.5시간)

Each focus group consisted of seven or eight participants, was approxi-mately 1.5 h in length, and resulted in approximately 19.5 h of digital recording. These recordings were then transcribed and anonymized before analysis. 

자료분석 Data analysis

Thematic analysis

A thematic analysis of the data was conducted to explore emerging issues and themes related to AI. During the analysis, one researcher identified tentative issues and codes and organized them into preliminary categories. The research team met frequently to discuss and refine these initial codes and categories. Eventually, through an iterative process of relating and grouping of codes, the research team decided on a coding structure divided into major themes and factors (Glaser and Strauss 1967).


퀄리티 이슈 Quality issues

Trustworthiness 를 높이기 위한 방법. Confirmability / Dependability / Credibility

Trustworthiness of the data was enhanced in a variety of ways.

  • 각 수준의 분석에 대한 코드개발을 문서화함
    The development of codes at each level of analysis was documented to enhance confirmability.

  • 팀이 자주 만나서 분석을 논의하고 emerging theme을 다듬음
    The research team met frequently to discuss emerging analyses and refine themes being generated to enhance the dependability of the results.

  • 성찰기록물과 포커스그룹인터뷰 자료 둘 다로부터 theme을 삼각측량함
    Finally, triangulation of themes generated from both sources of data (reflection papers and focus group interviews) as well as across all three cohorts assisted in establishing credibility (Lincoln & Guba 1985).








여러가지 인지적, 정서적 요인이 ESP맥락에서 AI 발달에 기여하였음

The data highlighted many cognitive and emotional factors that contributed to the growth of the participants’ academic identities within the context of the ESP. 











이 연구결과는 정체성은 고정된 entity가 아니라 진행되는 프로세스라는 다른 사람들의 결과를 지지하는 것이다. AI발달의 프로세스는 자신을 특정 유형의 사람으로 해석하고, 자신을 그러한 사람으로서 드러내고, 주어진 맥락에서 그러한 사람이르 인정받는 것을 포함한다.

These findings support the work by others (e.g., 2007) that Coldron & Smith 1999; Luehmann who assert identity is an ongoing process rather than a fixed entity. The process of AI development involves

  • interpreting oneself as a certain kind of person,

  • presenting oneself as that person and

  • being recognized as such in a given context.



개인영역에서 보면, 본 연구결과는 정서적 요인과 인지적 요인이 AI에 기여하는 것을 강조한다. 스스로의 능력에 대해서 인식하는 것, 스스로의 행동에 대한 해석, 이전 경험에 대한 해석, 다양한 역할과 정체성을 관리manage하는 능력 등 모든 것들이 AI에 영향을 주었다. 대부분의 참여자에게 있어서, 교육자로서의 자신감은 프로그램이 진행되는 과정에서 요동쳤다. 자신감의 waxing and waning은 다른 연구자들도 비슷하게 묘사한 바 있다. 그러나 일반적으로, 참여자들은 자신감이 늘어남으로서 empowered 되었다고 말하였다. 즉 프로그램에 참여하기 전에는 감당하기 망설여졌던 새로운 교육자 역할new educational role에 대해서 실험해볼 자신감empowered to experiment가 생겼다는 것이다. 교육자로서의 자신감이 높아진 것은 AI에도 기여하였다.

Within the personal domain, the findings highlighted how emotional and cognitive factors contributed to AI. An individ- ual’s perception of their capabilities, interpretation of their actions, interpretation of prior experiences and their ability to manage multiple roles and identities all appeared to affect their AI. For most participants, their sense of self-confidence in their many roles as educators fluctuated throughout the program. This waxing and waning of self-confidence has been similarly described by other educational researchers (Skeff et al. 1992; Lown et al. 2009). In general, however, participants described being empowered by a growing self-confidence – empowered to experiment with new educational roles they were previ- ously reluctant to embrace. This enhanced sense of self- confidence as educators contributed to their growing sense of AI (Stone et al. 2002).


추가로, 프로그램을 통해서 새로운 교육적 관점을 얻게 되었으며, 자신의 학문적 태도와 신념에 대해서 질문해봄으로써 자신의 행동을 다른 방식으로 해석할 수 있게 되었다. 시간이 지나면서 새로운 관점이 스스로를 다르게 바라보게 해주었다. 또한 프로그램은 참여자들에게 다양한 새로운 학문적 역할academic role(리더/교수개발자/Scholar)을 알려주었다. 참여자들은 새로운 역할들을 알아가면서, 의사로서의 정체성과 교육자로서의 정체성 사이에 '내적 갈등'을 겪게 되었다고 말했다. Wenger가 어떻게 multi-membership이 우리의 정체성의 본질적 측면인가를 묘사하였으나, 이 다수의 정체성을 관리하는 것은 쉽지 않은 일이며, (어떤 정체성들은) 서로 상충하는 관계게 있기도 하다. 마지막으로, 연구결과에서는 과거 경험이 AI의 성장과 발달에 미치는 영향을 보여주었다. Stuart and Thurlow 의 연구에서, 교실에서의 행동과 신념이 교사의 어릴시적 경험에 크게 영향을 받는 것이 확인되었다. 그럼에도 불구하고, 참여자들은 과거 경험(personal 경험이든 professional 경험이든)이 자신을 바라보는 방식/자신의 의지(혹은 무의지unwillingness)/새로운 academic role로 변화하거나 이를 받아들이는데 주는 영향을 거의 인식하지 못하고 있었다.

In addition, the program introduced participants to a variety of new educational perspectives, prompting them to question their academic attitudes and beliefs and providing them with new ways to interpret their actions. Over time, these new perspectives enabled them to view themselves differently. Moreover, the program intro- duced participants to a variety of new academic roles (i.e., leader, faculty developer, and scholar). As participants began to identify with these new roles, many described an ‘internal conflict’ between their identity as a clinician and their identity as an educator. While Wenger (1998) describes how multi-membership is an inherent aspect of our identities, the management of these multiple identities may be challeng- ing as they either conflict or align with each other (Mishler 1999). Finally, the findings highlighted the impact of prior experiences on the growth and development of AI. In a study by Stuart and Thurlow (2000), it was revealed how classroom behaviours and beliefs teachers have about themselves were heavily influenced by prior childhood experiences. Nevertheless, participants were often unaware of the impact of their past experiences – both personal and professional – on how they viewed themselves and their willingness, or rather unwillingness, to change or embrace new academic roles.



관계적 영역에서, 참여자들은 소속감sense of belonging, 다른 사람과의 비교, 다른 사람이 어떻게 자신을 인식하는가 등에 따라 AI에 영향을 받았다. 참여자들은 프로그램에 참여한 것을 긍정적인 경험으로 묘사했으며, 더 큰 커뮤니티에 연결된connected 기분을 느꼈다고 했다. (교실커뮤니티, larger 커뮤니티에 대한) 소속감의 중요성은 기존에도 다뤄진 바 있다. 커뮤니티에 대한 소속감은 sense of validation을 부여해주며, 커리어 및 프로페셔널 네티워킹 기회도 제공해준다. 실제로, 커뮤니티 멤버십은 AI와 관련되어 있으며, 학문적 성공의 중요한 예측인자였다.

In the relational domain, the findings indicated that participant identities were influenced by feeling a sense of belonging, comparing themselves to others as well as others’ perceptions of them. Participants described their membership in the program as a positive experience in which they felt ‘con- nected’ to the larger community. The importance of a sense of belonging to both a classroom community and a larger community of practice has been well documented in the literature (Steinert & McLeod 2006; Lown et al. 2009). Belonging to a community may provide a sense of validation as well as career and professional networking opportunities (Lown et al. 2009). Indeed, membership in a community is related to one’s AI as it has been found to be a great predictor of academic success (e.g., Wenger 2000; Simpson et al. 2004).


연구결과에서 자기자신을 다른 사람과 비교하는 것은 emerging identity를 강화하거나 억제할 수 있음을 보여준다. 참여자들이 새로운 관점을 습득하고 새로운 언어를 배움에 따라서, 많은 경우 동료보다 자신이 교육적 역할에 더 능력을 갖추었다는 자신감을 가지게 되었으며, 이것이 자신감을 높이는데 기여하였다. 더 나아가, 참여자들은 프로그램 퍼실리테이터로 참여한 교수들 및 scholarly project의 어드바이저와 만나게 되었다. 참여자들은 자신을 이들 '전문가'와 비교하였는데, 어떤 참여자는 자신의 부족함inadequate을 느꼈지만, 대부분은 그들에게 inspired되고 동기부여되었다. 실제로 이 '전문가'교수들은 자신의 숨은 정체성을 찾고자 하는 참여자들에게 롤모델이 되어주었고, 참여자들이 되고자 하는strived to become 이상적 모습ideal을 보여주었다.

The findings also indicated that comparing oneself to others may have the potential to reinforce or inhibit emerging identities. As participants learned about new per- spectives and acquired a new language, many felt more capable in their educational roles than their colleagues, which appeared to contribute to an increase in self-confidence. participants Furthermore, were introduced to a large and diverse faculty who engaged as both program facilitators and advisors on scholarly projects. Participants compared them- selves to these ‘experts’ and while some participants felt inadequate, most felt inspired or motivated by them. Indeed, these ‘expert’ faculty appeared to serve as role models for participants who were trying to identify potential identities and served as an ideal to which participants strived to become (Ibarra 1999).



Contextual domain

마지막 영역에서, 프로그램 그 자체 뿐 아니라 참여자의 근무환경이 정체성 형성에 영향을 준다는 것을 발견했다. 프로그램 내적으로는 새로운 실천언어language of practice를 습득한 것이 교육자로서의 신뢰성과 정당성credibility and legitimacy를 느끼게 해주었다. 추가로, 참여자들을 scholar, educator, leader라고 명시적으로 라벨링한 것explicit labeling이 자신이 성공할 능력이 있다는 믿음을 갖게 해주었다. 교육과정 내에 포함된 여러가지 프레임워크들과 교육과정에서 성찰을 강조한 것이 정체성을 형성하는데 하나의 특정한 모델만 있는 것이 아니라는 것versatility을 enable해주었다. 마지막으로, 지지적환경의 중요성을 보여주었는데, 새로운 정체성을 '실천practice'할 수 있는 서포트가 없이는 새로운 정체성을 좌절을 겪고 만다. 시간이 부족하거나 의학교육에 가치를 두지 않는 것이 참여자들로 하여금 AI나 academic role을 추구하는 것을 막아섰다. 따라서 근무환경은 정체성 성장을 가능하게도, 불가능하게도 만들 수 있다는 점에서 정체성발달에 필수적 요소이다

In the final domain, the findings suggested that the unique features of the program itself as well as individual work environments of the participants can both influence the formation of their identity. Within the program, the acquisition of a language of practice conferred upon the participants a sense of credibility and legitimacy as educators. In addition, the explicit labeling of participants as scholars, educators, and leaders by faculty conveyed a belief in their ability to succeed (Tipping & Tiberius 1990). Furthermore, the multiple frame- works and perspectives embedded within the curriculum, as well as the emphasis on reflection, enabled versatility in identity construction as there was not one specific model being promoted. Finally, the importance of a supportive context was highlighted in our findings. Without support to ‘practice’ their new identities many felt discouraged. Multiple demands on time and lack of value for medical education at the faculty level prevented participants from pursuing academic interests and roles. Work environments are thus an essential component in identity development as they have the potential to either impede or enable its growth (Marks 1999).

교수개발에 대한 함의

Implications for faculty development

개인영역의 요인과 관련해서 보면, 교수개발의 퍼실리테이터들은 emerging AI로부터 형성되는 잠재적 갈등을 인식하고, 개개인들이 (그들에게 요구되거나 스스로 감당하고자 하는) 다양한 role을 관리하는것에서 오는 본질적 tension에 대해서 도움을 주어야 한다. 과거의 경험이 정체성 형성과 성장에 영향을 줄 수 있기 때문에 교수개발자들은 참여자들이 과거의 경험을 의식수준conscious level로 끌어올리게 하고, 그것을 안전한 환경에서 말해보고, 성찰적 토론을 통해서 더 examine해보로록 도와줘야 한다.

In relation to factors within the personal domain, faculty development facilitators need to be aware of the potential conflict generated from emerging academic identities and provide supports to help individuals consider the tension inherent in managing the multiple roles that may be asked by them or that they wish to embrace. With the influence prior experiences have on identity formation and growth, it is essential for faculty developers to assist partici- pants in bringing them to a conscious level and provide a safe environment in which to articulate and examine them further. (e.g., through reflection discussions).

교수개발은 여러 관계적 요인도 고려해야 핟나. 프로그램 내에서와 더 큰 의학교육커뮤니티에서의 소속감은 AI의 형성에 대단히 중요하다. 비공식적informal 토론 기회를 주고, 참여자간 관계 형성의 기회를 주는 것도 지지적 커뮤니티의 소속감을 갖게 해줄 수 있다. 추가로, 다수의 '전문가' 혹은 롤모델에 노출되는 것도 AI형성에 도움을 줁다. 실제로, 프로그램 퍼실리테이터의 선정은 정체성 형성에 personal and relational implication을 가진다. 퍼실리테이터를 선정할 때 관계 형성을 위해서는 폭넓은 경험이 있는 사람을 고르는 것이 좋으며, 참여자가 소속된 다양한 맥락을 반영할 수 있게 고르는 것이 좋다. 이 '전문가'에 노출됨으로써 비교comparison를 통해  자신감에 영향을 줄 수 있기 때문에, 이 잠재적 롤모델들을 초청invite하여 (전문가의) journey나 practice를 share하게 하는게 좋다. 마지막으로, 교수개발프로그램은 참여자들에게 외부의 압력과 기대에 대응 발달전략을 지원support해주어야 한다.

Faculty development programs must also consider a number of relational factors. Facilitating a sense of belonging both within the program and the broader medical education com- munity appears to be paramount in the formation of AI. Providing opportunities for informal discussion and relation- ship building (e.g., eating meals together) amongst participants can facilitate a sense of belonging to a supportive community. In addition, a sense of belonging to the greater community can be facilitated by exposure to multiple ‘experts’ and other role models in the field. Indeed, the choice of program facilitators may have both personal and relational implications related to identity formation. When choosing facilitators, it may be beneficial to introduce a wide variety of experienced indivi- duals in the field, purposely chosen to represent the various contexts of the participants, in order to facilitate relationship building. Moreover, with the knowledge that exposure to these ‘experts’ can lead to comparisons affecting confidence levels in participants, it may be helpful to invite these potential role models to share their journey or practices. It may be helpful to invite these potential role models to share their journey or practices. Finally, faculty development programs need to to provide participants with support developing strategies deal with external pressures and expectations fromtheir home environments.

교육과정 개발 활동을 할 때, 교수개발자들은 맥락적 요인을 고려해야 한다. 프로그램 내에서 사용되는 discourse는 emerging AI의 형성에 중요한 역할을 한다. 프로그램 개발자들은 따라서 FDP교육과정에서 discourse를 사려깊고 목적의식을 가지고 활용 및 도입introduction해야 한다FDP는 참여자들에게 다양한 교육적 프레임워크를 소개시켜주고, 그 프레임워크 내에서 작업하게 해줘야 한다. 이렇게 다양한 관점에 노출됨으로서 참여자들이 자신과 잘 맞는relates to 것을 찾을 수 있다. 또한 성찰을 연습하는 것도 교육과정의 중요한 요소가 되어야 하는데, 참여자들인 자신의 태도와 신념에 대해 질문해보고, 더 굳혀가는 venue가 되기 때문이다. 마지막으로, 참여자들의 근무환경이 고려되어야 한다. 소속 기관 또는 소속 과로부터 시간/재정 등의 서포트를 받으면 도움이 될 것이다. 그러나 참여자들이 새로운 정체성을 가지고 활동하려면 더 넓은 기관차원의 전략이 필요하다.

During curriculum development activities, it is important for faculty developers to also be cognizant of a number of contextual factors. The discourse used within the program – which participants may adopt to describe themselves, their actions and their newly acquired knowledge – has been shown to play a role in the formation of their emerging academic identities (Gee 2001). Program developers should therefore be thoughtful and purposeful about the use and introduction of discourse throughout the curriculum. FD programs should also take care to introduce participants to, and work within, a variety of educational frameworks throughout the curriculum. Exposure to these varied perspec- tives may help to ensure a greater likelihood participants will find one that relates to them. Furthermore, the practice of reflection appears to be an essential component of the curriculum as it has the potential to provide a venue to help participants both question and solidify their attitudes and beliefs. Finally, the work context of participants should also be considered. Support from home departments including protected time and tuition monies are helpful; however, it appears that more institution-wide strategies may be needed in order for participants to be able to act on their new identities when back in their home environments.


 2012;34(3):e208-15. doi: 10.3109/0142159X.2012.642827.

Who am I? Key influences on the formation of academic identity within a faculty development program.

Author information

  • 1Centre for Faculty DevelopmentFaculty of Medicine, University of Toronto in the Li Ka Shing International Healthcare Education Centre at St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. s.lieff@utoronto.ca



Professional identity encompasses how individuals understand themselves, interpret experiences, present themselves, wish to be perceived, and are recognized by the broader professional community. For health professional and health science educators, their 'academic' professional identity is situated within their academic community and plays an integral role in their well being and productivity. This study aims to explore factors that contribute to the formation and growth of academic identity (AI) within the context of a longitudinal faculty development program.


Using a qualitative case study approach, data from three cohorts of a 2-year faculty development program were explored and analyzed for emerging issues and themes related to AI.


Factors salient to the formation of AI were grouped into three major domains: personal (cognitive and emotional factors unique to each individual); relational (connections and interactions with others); and contextual (the program itself and external work environments).


Faculty development initiatives not only aim to develop knowledge, skills, and attitudes, but also contribute to the formation ofacademic identities in a number of different ways. Facilitating the growth of AI has the potential to increase faculty motivation, satisfaction, and productivity. Faculty developers need to be mindful of factors within the personal, relational, and contextual domains when considering issues ofprogram design and implementation.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

서로를 묶어주는 유대: 교수개발 프로그램 개발을 위한 네트워크 접근(Med Educ, 2010)

The ties that bind: a network approach to creating a programme in faculty development

Lindsay Baker,1 Scott Reeves,1–4 Eileen Egan-Lee,1 Karen Leslie1,5 & Ivan Silver1,4



의료가 입원환자에서 외래환자로, 커뮤니티-기반으로 변화하면서 의과대학들은 점차 학생과 전공의들에게 더 많은 커뮤니티-기반 placement의 기회를 제공하고 있다. 이러한 의학교육의 분산된 모델이 의미하는 바는, 임상교육이 더 이상 의과대학-기반 병원에 독점적인 것이 아니며, 더 작은 커뮤니티에서도 교육이 진행된다는 것이다.

 In response to a shifting emphasis in care from in-patient to ambulatory, community-based centres,1 medical schools are pro- viding increasing opportunities for students and residents to learn in community-based placements.2–4 These distributed models of medical education mean that clinical teaching is no longer exclusive to university-based sites, but can also take place in smaller communities.

학습자의 숫자 증가는 또 다른 변화의 촉매이다. 북미에서 현재, 그리고 미래에 예상되는 의사의 부족은 학생 수를 늘리는 결정으로 이어져서 학생들은 이제 더 다양한 배경과 더 다양한 니즈를 가지게 되었다.

A further catalyst in this move is steadily increasing number of learners. Current and projected doctor shortages in North America result in an expanding student body made up of an increasingly diverse set of learners with a diverse set of needs.

의학교육의 변화에 기여한 또 다른 요인은 사회의 요구와 기대의 변화이다. 1995년의 WHO 보고서에서는 사회적 책무성에 대한 새로운 관점을 명시했고 이에 AMFC는 SAI를 만들었다.

Also contributing to shifts in medical education are evolving societal needs and expectations. In response to a World Health Organization report in 1995, which made explicit the need for a new focus on social accountability,7 the Association of Medical Faculties of Canada developed the Social Accountability Initiative (SAI).

의학교육의 변화를 가져온 또 다른 것으로는 교육이론과 교육실천의 새로운 개념이다. 학습에 대한 최신 견해는 능동적이고 구성적인constructive 사회적, 자기성찰적 프로세스를 강조한다. 이것은 교육내용, 교육방법, 교육과정 구조, 평가접근법 등을 변화시켰다. 의학교육 프로그램은 점차 학습자-중심, 지식-풍요knowledge-rich하게 되었고, 평가와 학습자공동체 속에서 guide되었다(guided by assessment and situated in a community of learners).

Further changes in medical education are prompted by new concepts in educational theory and practice. Current research emphasising learning as an active, constructive social and self-reflective process10 has stimulated changes in content, instructional meth- ods, curricular structures and approaches to assess- ment. Medical education programmes have become increasingly learner-centred and knowledge-rich, guided by assessment and situated in a community of learners.



2002년 토론토의과대학은 세 개의 아카데미를 개설함.

In 2002 the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Toronto was configured into three academies which provided education in basic medical sciences and represented the main sites for most clinical clerkships.15 These academies were based across nine fully affiliated teaching hospitals and 15 community- affiliated hospitals, resulting in an expanding faculty of over 5000 members. 


프로그램의 형성: 7개의 핵심요인


요인1. 준비된 환경

Factor 1. Environmental readiness

국가적 환경, 로컬 환경, 재정 등

At the time of the programme’s formation, many elements combined to create favourable environ- mental conditions. This was reflected in national accreditation reports In addition, a large, local teaching and research hospital was looking to provide financial support to educational and staff development


요인2. 모빌라이저의 헌신과 비전

Factor 2. Commitment and vision of a mobiliser

비전은 "다양하고 분산된 교육스텝들의 요구를 충족시키고 health sciences에 걸쳐서 교수개발을 전반적으로 발전시키는데 기여하는 중심적 조직 형성"이었다.

The director’s vision for the CFD was to create a central organisation that could meet the needs of diverse and distributed teaching staff and contribute globally to advance faculty develop- ment across the health sciences.

요인3. 핵심 이해관계자와 리더 모집

Factor 3. Recruitment of key stakeholders and leaders

핵심 이해관계자와 리더를 찾고 유대를 형성form ties하는 것. 유대에 헌신하게 하고 네트워크를 강화시키기 위해서는 집단적 정체성, 즉 we-ness를 만들어야 했다. 구성원들의 배경이 다양했지만, 모두 교수개발에 관심이 있는 사람들이었다.

An important first task for the director was to identify and form ties with key stakeholders and leaders (n = 40), including department heads in the Faculty of Medicine and leaders at various local education centres and hospital sites (approximately 12 locations across the city). To ensure their commitment and strengthen their ties to the net- work, it was considered necessary to create a collective identity, or a feeling of ‘we-ness’.17 Although the members came from diverse backgrounds, they had all identified interests in faculty development.


요인4. 협력적 네트워크 구조의 성장

Factor 4. Growth of collaborative network structure

핵심 이해관계자와 리더의 유대는 CFD에 여러가지 장점을 가져왔다. Visibility, Legitimacy, 그리고 로컬 니즈에 대한 지식, local champion과 미래의 collaborator를 접촉하게 됨.

Ties to key stakeholders and leaders conferred numerous benefits on the CFD. These included enhanced visibility, increased legitimacy, knowledge of local needs and access to local champions and future collaborators.

네트워크의 구성원이 되기로 한 결정에는 여러가지가 있었다. 가장 흔한 것은, 멤버들간 협력이 상호 이해interest와 신뢰, 공동의 이익shared benefit이나 일반화된 호혜성generalized reciprocity, 또는 미래 언젠가에 도움을 받을 것이란 약속promise to return the favor 등에 기반을 두고 있었다. 이러한 호혜성 전략은 future returns 혹은 '미래의 그림자shadow of the future'가 충분히 길다는 것에 가치를 두었는지에 따라 달라진다.

The decision to become a member of the network was motivated by many reasons. Most frequently, collab- orations between members were based upon mutual interest and trust and were motivated by shared benefit or generalised reciprocity, or an unspoken or spoken promise to return the favour at some later date.20 The success of these reciprocity strategies was dependent on sufficient value being placed on future returns or a sufficiently long ‘shadow of the future’.21

요인5. 사회적 자본의 축적

Factor 5. Accumulation of social capital

네트워크 구조의 확장으로 scholarly output이 늘어났다(연구비, 출판 등)

The expanding network structure resulted in an increase in scholarly outputs, including grant captures and peer-reviewed publications (Fig. 3).

요인6. 정당성

Factor 6. Legitimacy

정당성은 전체 프로세스에 걸쳐서 핵심 역할을 했으며, 네트워크의 성공적인 형성과 성장에 필수적이었다. 중앙화된 FDP는 initial ties로부터 신뢰cridibility를 받아 정당화된 심벌legitimated symbol이 된다. 정당성은 첫 디렉터를 저명한 이 분야의 리더를 임명하여 더욱 강화된다. 센터의 지위와 신뢰를 더욱 높여준 것은 핵심 이해관계자 및 리더와의 파트너십이었고, 이들은 대부분 고위직에 있었으며, 그 분야의 전문가로 인정되는 사람들이었다.

Legitimacy played a key role throughout the entire process and was essential to the successful formation and growth of the network. The idea for a centralised faculty development programme had credibility from initial ties to legitimated symbols – the hospital and the university. This legitimacy was enhanced with the appointment of an inaugural director with a reputation as a leader in the field of continuing education. Further increasing the status and credibility of the Centre were the partnerships formed with key stakeholders and leaders, many of whom held high-profile positions and were viewed as experts in the field.

요인7. 유연

Factor 7. Flexibility

네트워크가 커지면서, 구성원과 구성원의 요구도 다양해졌다.

As the network grew, so too did the makeup of its members and their needs.







낚시바늘 모델


이 모델에서 첫번째 요인F1은 환경의 서포트와 기회의 존재(준비된 환경)이다. 모든 조직은 더 큰 사회적/정치적/경제적 맥락에 놓여있기 때문에, 외부 시스템에 의해서 영향을 받는다. '준비된 환경'은 진행되는 모든 프로세스를 아래에 두는 반원으로 묘사되었다.

In the model we refer to the first factor (F1) in the process, and the presence of support and opportunity in the environment, as representing environmental readiness. Because organisations are embedded within larger social, political and economic contexts, they are influenced by external systems, events and conditions.26,29 Environmental readiness is depicted as an overarching semi-circle to represent a supportive umbrella under which the entire process can play out.

두 번째 요인F2는 센터의 형성에 필수적인 것으로, 최초 디렉터의 헌신과 비전으로, 우리는 이 최초 디렉터를 '모빌라이저'로 보았다. '모빌라이저'는 'hub firms'로도 알려져 있으며, triggering entities이면서, network orchestrator이고, 어떤 조직의 시작과 형성과정을 적극적으로actively 지휘하는 사람이다. 성공하는 모빌라이저는 평판이 우호적이며, 과거의 관련 경험이 있고, 신뢰를 불어넣고 다른 사람에게 동기를 부여하여 새로운 조직에 유대감을 형성하고 리소스가 투입commit되게끔 하는 인격을 가지고 있다. 구체적으로, 모빌라이저는 다음을 갖추고 있다.

The second factor (F2) essential to the formation of the Centre was the commitment and vision of the inaugural director, whom we view as a ‘mobiliser’.30 Mobilisers, also known as ‘hub firms’,31 triggering entities27 and network orchestrators,32 are individuals who actively go about orchestrating the initiation and formation of an organisation. Successful mobilisers require a favourable reputation, relevant previous experience and specific personality traits in order to inspire trust and motivate others to form ties with the new organisation and commit resources.33 Specifi- cally, mobilisers are said to be

  • 헌신 committed,

  • 신뢰 trustwor- thy,

  • 창의성 creative,

  • 능력 competent and

  • 리스크 감당 tolerant of risk and to

  • 의사결정/리더십/대인관계 기술 possess superior decision-making, leadership and interpersonal skills.34


Most importantly, mobilisers must have

  • 강력한 비전 a strong vision,

  • 비전을 커뮤니케이션하는 능력 the ability to communicate this vision and

  • 다른 사람을 동기부여하는 능력 the ability to motivate others to action.

모빌라이저가 핵심 이해관계자와 리더를 모집하여(F3), 비록 이전에 서로 관계가 없었지만 공동의 이해interest를 가지는 사람들을 끌어모으게 된다. 기존에 관계가 없다는 것은 네트워크이론에서 'structural hole'이라고 부르는 것이며, 종종 'reinvention of the wheel'의 결과를 낳기도 한다. 이 개개인들을 모음으로써 모빌라이저는 'structural holes'을 매우고, 지식과 리소스의 공유를 위한 잠재력을 형성한다. 더 나아가서 초반의 파트너십은 CFD가 '신생조직의 취약성liability of newness'를 극복하는데 도움이 되었는데, 이 취약성은 새로 만들어진 조직이 오래된 조직보다 더 실패할 가능성이 높은지를 설명해주는 것으로서, 고립isolation과 관련된 것이다.

The mobiliser’s recruitment of key stakeholders and leaders (F3) brought together many individuals who, although they shared a common interest, had no previous connection with one another. This lack of connection, known as a structural hole in network theory, often results in the reinvention of the wheel. By bringing these individuals together the mobiliser essentially bridged these structural holes and created the potential for the sharing of knowledge and resources.35 Furthermore, these early partnerships helped the CFD overcome ‘liability of newness’, a phenomenon related to isolation that helps to explain why nascent organisations are more likely to fail than older organisations.36

사람과 집단이 embed된 사회적 네트워크가 조직의 성패에 중요하며, 특히 새로운 조직일 경우에 더욱 그러하다. 핵심 이해관계자와 리더들은 (이미 신뢰와 헌신과 열린 의사소통을 갖추고 있는) 자신들의 사회적 네트워크에 접촉할 수 있다. 따라서 초반의 유대가 (FDP제공에 동기부여가 되어있고 헌신하고자 하는) 개인들의 협력적 네트워크의 빠른 성장을 촉진하였다(F4).

There is much literature to suggest that the social networks within which people and groups are embedded have important consequences for the success and failure of their organisation and are particularly important to the success of new initia- tives.26,37–39 Key stakeholders and leaders allowed access to members of their individual social networks, with whom they had already established trust, com- mitment and open lines of communication. There- fore, these early ties facilitated the rapid growth of a collaborative network of individuals motivated by and committed to the provision of faculty development (F4).

네트워크 구조의 성장은 scholarly output의 증가로 이어졌고, 이것은 사회적 자본으로서 이해될 수 있다(F5). 사회적 자본은... 아래와같이 다양하게 개념화된다.

The growth of the network structure led to the accumulation of increasing scholarly outputs, which can be understood as social capital (F5). Social capital is conceptualised variously as

  • 사회적 커넥션을 통해서 가용한 리소스
    the resources available to people through their social connec- tions,33,40 as

  • 다른 리소스에 접근권한을 가지게 되는 메커니즘
    a mechanism to gain access to other resources41 and as

  • 집단 혹은 개인이 함께 일하면서 축적되는 능력
    the cumulative capacity of groups or individuals to work together.41

네트워크의 다른 사람들과 연결을 가지게 되면서, 혼자 했을 때보다 더 많은 것을 성취할 수 있게 된다. 사회적 자본은 모든 신생 조직의 생존과 성공의 주된 원동력driving force이다. 사회적 자본의 축적이 가져오는 다양한 장점에는 기존 구성원의 헌신이 높아지는 것, 새로운 멤버가 들어오는 것이 있다.

By making connections with others in the network, individuals were able to achieve more than if they had acted alone.20 Social capital is viewed to be a major driving force in the survival and success of any nascent organisation.33 The numerous benefits conferred by the accumula- tion of social capital led to escalating commitments with existing members27 and encouraged new members to join,


사회적자본F5와 협력적네트쿼크 구조의 성장F4는 서로 순환적인 관계이다 사회적 자본은 따라서 네트워크를 이어주는 풀glue이며, 네트워크 성장을 쉽게 해주고 에너지를 주는 기름oil과 같은 것이다.

This cyclical relationship between the accumulation of social capital (F5) and the growth of the collaborative network structure (F4) is illustrated in the fishhook model. Social capital is therefore both the ‘glue’ that binds to create a network and the ‘oil’ that eases and energises network growth.42


마지막 요인은 정당성과 유연성으로서, 전체 과정을 둘러싼 가장 외곽의 두꺼운 선으로 표현된다. 정당성은 주관적이다. 정당성이란 조직의 외부 관객이 어떤 것을 받아들일 것인가acceptance, 그것이 적절한가appropriateness, 바람직한가desirability에 대해 내리는 사회적 판단이다. 유대를 맺을지, 리소스에 접근을 허용할지에 대한 결정은 그 조직의 정당성에 대해서 어떻게 인식하느냐에 달려있다. 유연성은 네트워크가 변화하는 환경에 적응하고, 구성원의 니즈에 빠르게 반응하게 해준다.

The final factors, legitimacy and flexibility (F6 and F7), are represented by the thick outer arrow encircling the entire process. Legitimacy is a subjective issue; it represents a social judgement of acceptance, appropriateness and desirability made by an orga- nisation’s external audience.29,43 An individual’s decision to form ties with an organisation and to provide it with access to resources is strongly influenced by the perceived legitimacy of that organisation. Flexibility allows the network to adapt to the changing environment and respond quickly to the evolving needs of its members.




 2010 Feb;44(2):132-9. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2923.2009.03549.x. Epub 2009 Dec 21.

The ties that bind: a network approach to creating a programme in faculty development.

Author information

  • 1Centre for Faculty Development at St Michael's Hospital, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.



Current trends in medical education reflect the changing health care environment. An increasingly large and diverse student population, a move to more distributed models of education, greater community involvement and an emphasis on social accountability, interprofessional education and student-centred approaches to learning necessitate new approaches to faculty development to help faculty members respond effectively to this rapidly changing landscape.


Drawing upon the tenets of network theory and the broader organisational literature, we propose a 'fishhook' model of facultydevelopment programme formation. The model is based on seven key factors which supported the successful formation of a centralised programmefor faculty development that addressed many of the contemporary issues in medical education. These factors include: environmental readiness; commitment and vision of a mobiliser; recruitment of key stakeholders and leaders to committees; formation of a collaborative network structure; accumulation of networking capital; legitimacy, and flexibility.


Our aim in creating this model is to provide a guide for other medical schools to consider when developing similar programmes. The model can be adapted to reflect the local goals, settings and cultures of other medical education contexts.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

의학교육 펠로우십 개발 전략: 10년의 경험 (Acad Med, 2009)

Strategies for Creating a Faculty Fellowship in Medical Education: Report of a 10-Year Experience

Charles J. Hatem, MD, Beth A. Lown, MD, and Lori R. Newman, MEd

교수개발은 점차 academic medical enterprise의 필수적이고 핵심적인 요소로 인정받고 있다. 이에 따라 다수의 집중 FDP가 성공적으로 등장하였다.

Faculty development is increasingly recognized as necessary and central to the academic medical enterprise,1 Along with these developments, a number of intensive faculty development programs have successfully emerged.2–14

가르침teaching을 하나의 커리어로 보는 교수 또는 의과대학institution이 많아지면서, 우리는 세 개의 의학교육펠로우십을 만들었다. 지난 10년간 97명의 HMS 교수가 이 과정을 마쳤으며, 이 펠로우십은 HMS교수 중 한 명 또는 그 이상이 codirect한 것이다. 재정, 펠로우 선발, 로지스틱스에 대해서는 앞서 발표한 바 있다.

In response to growing faculty interest and institutional commitment to teaching as a career focus, we have established three medical education fellowships. During the past decade (1998–2008), 97 Harvard Medical School faculty have graduated from

  • the Rabkin Fellowship in Medical Education at the Carl J. Shapiro Institute for Education and Research at Harvard Medical School and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center,

  • the Mount Auburn Fellowship in Medical Education, Mount Auburn Hospital, and

  • the Harvard Medical School Academy Fellowship in Medical Education, Harvard Medical School,

all of which are codirected by one or more of us. We have previously published information concerning the funding, selection of fellows, and logistics of the programs.15

핵심 교육과정은 다음과 같다.

The core curriculum focuses on

  • 역사적 맥락 understanding the historical context of medical education’s funding and current challenges;

  • 교육과정 constructing, implementing, and evaluating curricula;

  • 성인학습원칙 applying adult learning principles to specific clinical settings (including the bedside and ambulatory arenas);

  • 소그룹/대형그룹 teaching small and large groups;

  • 리서치 doing research in medical education;

  • 인문학과 교육 recognizing the relevance of the humanities to teaching;

  • 리더십 demonstrating leadership skills; and

  • 전문가적 성장을 위한 자기성찰 practicing self- reflection in professional development.

온라인에 최근 버전의 curriculum이 있음

Fully appreciating that a curriculum is never finished, we provide a recent complete version of the fellowship curriculum online.16

열 가지 전략

The Ten Strategies

전략 1: 펠로우십의 교육철학, 가치, 목표를 정의하라

Strategy 1: Define an operating philosophy, values, and goals for the fellowship

펠로우십의 원래 목표는 바뀌지 않는다: "교육 스칼라십에 헌신하여서 교육리더와 변화에이전트의 역할을 할 수 잇는 능숙한 의학교육자들의 커뮤니티 개발". 매년 프로그램은 펠로우십 리더와 펠로우 사이에 교육계약을 설정함으로서 시작된다. 첫 세미나에서 제시되는 주제와 전략은 펠로우십의 철학/가치/목표를 널리 알리기 위한 것이다. 다음은 참가자들이 해야하는 것들이다.

The fellowships’ original goal remains in place: to develop a community of skillful medical educators devoted to educational scholarship who serve as educational leaders and agents of change. We begin each program year by establishing an educational contract between the fellowship leaders and fellows. The topics and strategies presented in the initial seminars promulgate the philosophy, values, and goals of the fellowship. The participants

  • 자신만의 교육철학을 기술하여 발표하고 토론한다.
      present and discuss personal written philosophies of education (which are compared with new iterations at the end of the fellowship year);

  • 교육의 핵심 가치와 학습자에게 헌신을 보인 훌륭한 선생의 이야기를 토론한다.
      discuss stories of exceptional teachers who demonstrated core values of teaching and commitment to learners;

  • 미국에서 20세기의 의학교육의 진화과정을 다룬 자료를 토론하여, academic medicine의 현재 맥락을 이해한다.
      discuss historical material covering the evolution of medical education in the United States in the 20th century17 to understand the current context of academic medicine;

  • 성찰적 경청과 언어적/비언어적 커뮤니케이션 모두에 집중mindful할 수 있는 스킬을 보여주고/토론하고/습득employ한다.
      demonstrate, discuss, and employ the skills of reflective listening and being mindful with attention to both verbal and nonverbal communication;

  • 그룹 내의 신뢰를 구축한다.   establish trust within the group;

  • 효과적인 교육계획, 기관계획의 기본원칙을 토론하고 습득employ한다.
      discuss and employ the basic tenets of effective educational and institutional planning (“What am I attempting to do?” “How will I do it?” “How will I know that I’ve accomplished my goals?”);

  • 효과적인 '의사됨'과 효과적인 '교사됨'의 유사성parallels를 이해한다.
      recognize the parallels between effective doctoring and effective teaching;

  • 자기성찰이 교육자로서의 성장에 중요함을 이해한다.
      understand the importance of self-reflection as essential to growth as an educator; and

  • 각 세션을 휴머니즘과 친절로 진행conduct한다.
      conduct each session w
    ith attention to humanism and kindness.


전략 2: 펠로우의 역할과 책임을 반영하는 교육과정

Strategy 2: Establish a curriculum that reflects the roles and responsibilities of fellows

따라서, 교육과정은 본질적으로 펠로우의 임상역할과 교육세팅을 수용accommodate해야 한다. 예컨대 우리는 수술장에서의 교육, 분과 클리닉에서의 교육, 응급상황의 교육 등의 세션을 설계했다.

Thus, the curriculum has naturally accommodated fellows’ clinical roles and teaching settings. We have, for example, designed sessions on teaching in the operating room, subspecialty clinic, and emergency department.

전략 3: 성인학습의 기본접근법을 도입하라

Strategy 3: Establish and employ a basic approach to adult learning

펠로우십 세미나 초반에, 우리는 교수-학습의 필수요소에 대하여 논의하였다. 

Early in the fellowship seminars, we discuss an approach to the essential elements of teaching and learning (List 2).

List 2 Essential Elements in Teaching and Learning of a Year-Long Faculty Fellowship in Medical Education* 

1. Know the learner. Acknowledge learners as persons and recognize where they are educationally and developmentally. 

2. Establish an educational contract. Contracts are essential for educational direction and feedback. 

3. Understand and use effective patterns of questioning and responding. Learn and demonstrate common and diverse strategies. 

4. Create a safe environment. Be kind, model respect, and adopt “I don’t know, but I will find out” as essential words for teacher and learner. 

5. Build a learning community. Create a setting where curiosity is valued and the challenges of being an educator can be discussed. This is the natural evolutionary endpoint of attending to the other elements.

펠로우의 학습요구를 이해하기 위해서 우리는 프로그램당 6명으로 숫자를 제한했다. 경험상 4명은 너무 적고, 8명은 경험적 측면을 강조하기에 너무 많다.

To best know and understand the learning needs of the fellows, we limit their number to six per program. Our experience has been that, while four fellows in a class are too few and eight too many to permit the experiential aspects of the curriculum,

펠로우들은 교육계약에 대해서 문헌적으로 배울 뿐 아니라 프로세서의 초반에 그러한 계약을 구성하고 (서로에 대한, 펠로우십교수에 대한) 계약을 고수함으로써 배우게 된다. 펠로우들은 곧 계약의 필수 요소에 대해서 인식한다.

The fellows learn about educational contracts not only from the relevant literature18 but also by engaging early on in the process of constructing and adhering to such contracts with each other and with the fellowship faculty. They soon realize that the key elements elaborated in the contract—

  • (가르치는 사람의) 기대(요구) expectations, 

  • (배우는 사람의) 니즈 needs,

  • (교육) 내용 content,

  • (학습자-학습자, 학습자-교수자) 관계 relationships, and

  • 피드백 제공 provision for feedback


—are essential in almost all teaching domains.

성찰적 교수자는 효과적으로 질문하고, 경청하고, 반응한다. 펠로우십은 질문을 효과적으로 사용하는 법을 심화적으로 배우며, 질문을 구성하는 다양한 taxonomies를 배운다.

Reflective teachers question, listen, and respond effectively.19 The fellowship explores in depth the use of effective questioning and various taxonomies for constructing questions.20

비록 학습자에게 지속적으로 집중하고, 교육계약을 맺고, 질문과 반응을 효과적으로 사용한다고 하더라도 (개개인의 측면에 근간을 둔 template), 교수자는 신뢰와 상호존중의 분위기를 조성하고 안전한 학습환경을 만들어야 한다. '안전함safety'란 실수를 받아들이고, 그룹 내 부족한 지식을 인정할 수 있는 공간을 마련해준다. 퍼실리테이터로서 우리는 "나는 잘 모릅니다"라고 말함으로서 이것을 model하였다. 우리 자신의 실수를 드러내고, 서로를 서포트해주는 것이다. 펠로우가 마침내 "break the ice"하고 결정적교육사건critical teaching incident을 공유했을 때 우리는 그 그룹이 상호신뢰의 한 가지 형태인 "안전한 곳"에 도달했음을 알게 된다. 학습커뮤니티의 진정한 가치reality는 그 때 드러난다.

Through consistent attention to knowing their learners, establishing educational contracts, and using effective patterns of questioning and responding—a template rooted in respect for the individual— teachers establish an atmosphere of trust and respect and a safe learning environment. Safety provides a space to admit mistakes or knowledge deficits to the group. As facilitators, we model this by saying, “I don’t know,” revealing our own mistakes, and supporting each other. When fellows finally “break the ice” and share critical teaching incidents, we know that the group has arrived in “a safe place,” one of mutual trust. The reality of a learning community then appears, one in which fellows

  • 세미나에 기여하는 동료의 가치를 인정한다. acknowledge their colleagues’ valued contributions to the seminar,

  • 펠로우십 프로젝트를 mindfully critique한다. mindfully critique the fellowship projects,

  • 다른 사람의 교육스킬에 대해 숙고하여 피드백을 준다. provide thoughtful feedback to each other on their teaching skills, and

  • 교육 딜레마를 제시한다. bring their educational dilemmas to the group.


이러한 조건에서 호기심이 존재할 수 있고 번창할 수 있다.

These are the conditions that allow curiosity to exist and flourish.



전략 4: '세미나에서 기술된 목표'와 '열린 토론' 사이의 균형

Strategy 4: Strive to achieve a balance between meeting the seminar’s stated objectives and staying open to discussion

모든 토론-기반 형식의 주된 문제는 세미나의 특정 목표라는 "원칙"과 매 순간순간 이슈를 파고드는 "자유" 사이의 균형을 맞추는 것이다. 그 균형은 그 순간의 지적, 정서적 맥락으로만 판단가능하다.

The central challenge of any discussion-based format lies in the attempt to balance the “discipline” of meeting a seminar’s particular goals with the “freedom” to explore the issues of the moment. The right balance can only be judged within the intellectual and emotional context of the moment.



효과적인 세션을 위한 기본적 프로세스 이슈 

basic process issues needed for the effective conduct of the sessions (List 3).


List 3 Basic Process Issues for the Effective Conduct of Sessions of a Faculty Fellowship in Medical Education* 

1. Assign a facilitator to lead the discussion, while encouraging all faculty to participate. 

2. Begin by briefly reviewing the topic and key concepts of the prior session. 

3. Solicit issues from fellows for discussion: educational dilemmas, questions, and current writings in the medical education literature. 

4. Interactively attempt to strike a balance between covering the session’s goals and allowing the fellows’ curiosity to steer the discussion towards other related topics. 

5. At the end of each session, identify unanswered questions to be discussed at the beginning of the next session. 

6. Debrief seminar leaders after each session to review what went well and what needs to be changed. 

7. Write a brief note about the content and process issues of the session to be kept in a journal for use in future years.




전략 5: 펠로우들이 스킬을 습득하고 연습해볼 수 있는 이상적인 학습기회 만들기

Strategy 5: Create optimal learning opportunities for the fellows to acquire and practice the skills of the curriculum

실천 없는 이론은 무익한 것이다.

Theory without practice is often a sterile exercise.

  • 강의 
    Lecturing: Fellows present 8- to 10-minute practice lectures, after which they receive feedback from the group.

  • 소그룹토론  
    Small-group discussion: Fellows prepare cases from their disciplines and teach them to the group with reflection and comment.

  • 피어리뷰  
    Peer review: In pairs, fellows observe each other teaching in a variety of venues, reflect with each other, and present process findings to the group.

  • 교육 프로젝트 
    Educational project: Fellows prepare and present project-management worksheets based on a well-known educational template.22 Each fellow’s educational project is a learning laboratory within which many aspects of the curriculum are practiced and applied. These skills include

    • developing curricula,

    • demonstrating the leadership and organizational know-how to elicit “buy-in” to educational innovations,

    • designing and evaluating educational research,

    • mastering various teaching methods, and

    • disseminating information through such media as posters, abstracts, oral presentations, and articles for publication.

  • 집중 연구 워크숍  
    Intensive medical education research workshops: Fellows learn

    • research strategies,

    • study design,

    • survey construction, and

    • the process of submitting applications to internal review boards.

  They prepare and present research prospectuses for commentary from faculty and peers.

  • 절차적 스킬 교육  
    Teaching procedural skills: Fellows demonstrate how to teach a procedure from their own discipline. Creative and memorable recent examples include using common household items to find the epidural space, performpunch biopsies, or tap a swollen knee.
  • 네러티브를 활용한 교육  
    Using narrative to teach: Fellows write and read aloud narratives about memorable teachers and patients. These stories are often profoundly moving and are exquisite reminders of those who have taught us. It is notable how often the memorable teacher is one from grammar or high school. These recollections poignantly and uniquely illustrate the formative power of teaching.

  • 변화에이전트로서의 펠로우 
    Fellows as agents of cha
    nge: Fellows discuss readings on leadership skills, negotiation strategies, and becoming an agent of change. Our institutions’ CEOs facilitate a number of these seminars, bringing real-world advice to bear and providing opportunities for themto get to know the fellows. The fellows bring their leadership dilemmas to the group for consultation and engage in challenging negotiation role-plays. Becoming an agent of change does not simply happen. We have found that mentoring relationships are important catalysts in this equation and that the fellows often return for advice from program directors, former fellows, or other mentors in the system.
  • 퍼실리테이터로 참여하는 이전 펠로우  
    Prior fellows as seminar facilitators: Fellowship graduates return to lead selected seminars as a way to refine and receive feedback on their teaching skills and reinforce a sense of community.

전략 6: 학제간 커뮤니케이션, 팀 발달, 학습 커뮤니티의 형성

Strategy 6: Foster interdisciplinary communication, team development, and the creation of a learning community

모든 펠로우십의 성공은 펠로우의 선발과 펠로우들 자신의 헌신에 달려있다. 우리는 그룹의 다양성을 위하여 다양한 전공/기관/학문적 수준의 펠로우를 선발하였다. 커리어 초반인 사람과 많은 경험이 있는 사람 모두 펠로우십에 지원할 수 있었다. 이런 것이 다양한 펠로우와 역동dynamics을 생성하고, 프로그램의 성공에 기여하였다.

The conduct and success of any fellowship rest on the selection and commitment of the fellows themselves. We ensure diversity of the group by admitting faculty from different specialties, institutions, and levels of academic advancement. We have made the fellowship available to faculty who are still early in their careers as well as those with considerable experience. This rich mix and the fruitful dynamic it creates within the seminars contribute enormously to the success of the program. 

Mt. Auburn fellowship에서 우리는 다른 전문직종에서 최대 2명씩을 포함하였다. 심리학/간호학/내과 치프 레지던트 등

In the Mt. Auburn fellowship, we have included up to two colleagues from other professions. To date, these colleagues have been from the fields of psychology, advanced practice nursing, and most recently, chief residents in internal medicine.

우리 프로그램과 같이 다양성이 높은 프로그램의 주요 과제는 교육이 끝나고 자기 기관으로 돌아간 이후 펠로우들간의 connection으 유지하는 것이다. 한 기관 내에서도 종종 다른 과의 사람들은 잘 모른다. 이 문제는 기관이 다양해지면서 더 중요해진다. 한 해결책으로서 우리는 매년 Building Bridges session을 여러 차례 만들어서 현재 펠로우와 졸업한 펠로우를 모이게 했다. 또한 펠로우들은 bio-sketches와 프로젝트 타이틀을 자기 기관의 웹사이트에 포스팅했다.

A central challenge in a system as diverse as ours is maintaining connections among former fellows as they migrate back to their institutions. Within one’s own institution, one often does not know colleagues in other departments (or one’s own if large enough). The problemis even more substantial across multiple institutions. As one solution, we gather our community of present and graduate fellows several times each academic year for Building Bridges sessions, We also invite newly appointed fellows to attend the graduating fellows’ end-of-the-year project presentations, Lastly, fellows post bio-sketches and project titles on their institutions’ Web sites as an additional means of communicating with the faculty-at-large.

전략 7: "비판적 자기성찰"의 원칙과 Mindfulness를 개발하기

Strategy 7: Develop mindfulness and the discipline of “critical self-reflection”

Mindfulness에 많은 저술을 한 Langer는 다음과 같이 정의했다.

Langer,23 who has written much about mindfulness, explains that

지속적으로 새로운 카테고리를 만드는 것, 새로운 정보에 개방적인 자세를 갖는 것, 하나 이상의 관점을 암묵적으로 인지하는 것.

“a mindful approach to any activity has three characteristics: the continuous creation of new categories; openness to new information; and an implicit awareness of more than one perspective.”

펠로우십 기간에 우리는 doctoring과 teaching사이의 유사성을 의도적으로 끌어냈다. 이 두 가지 모두 다양한 니즈를 다뤄야 하며 이 정보를 행동과 평가의 핵심 기반으로 활용해야 한다. 우리는 참가자들에게 익숙한 임상술기를 활용하고, 이것과 비슷한 교육 스킬parallel skills을 알려주는 것identifying이 임상가-교육자로서의 발달을 효과적으로 촉진한다는 것을 알게 되었다. 

During the fellowship, we explicitly draw parallels between doctoring and teaching: Both require eliciting different needs (doctor/patient; teacher/student) and using this information as the central basi sfor action and assessment. We have found that using the existing familiar clinical skills of the faculty and identifying the parallel skills of effective educational practice facilitate the development of the clinician–educator.


Epstein은 의료행위에 있어 "비판적 자기성찰의 프로세스는 Mindulness의 존재에 달렸다"라고 말하였다. 이 과정은 궁극적으로 "good practice"를 가능케 한다. 비슷하게, 우리는 mindfulness가 good teaching practice를 가능케 한다고 믿는다. 또한 우리는 의도적으로 이러한 관점을 펠로우십에 도입하였다. 성찰은 crucial skill이 되었다.

Epstein24 advises that, in clinical care, the “process of critical self-reflection depends on the presence of mindfulness.” This process, in turn, enables “good practice.” Similarly, we believe that mindfulness enables good teaching practice, and we intentionally bring this perspective to the fellowship. Reflection thus becomes a crucial skill.


전략 8: 체계적으로 각 세미나와 전체 교육과정의 구조와 프로세스 문제를 검토하라

Strategy 8: Systematically review the structure and process issues of each seminar and of the curriculum as a whole

펠로우십교수들은 각 세션을 마친 이후에 debrief하며, 교육과정을 매년 시작/중간/끝 시점에서 더 폭넓은 관점에서 면밀히 검토한다. 우리는 펠로우들에게 교육과정을 검토하고 새로운 교육자료를 알려달라고 부탁한다. 그리고 그들의 제안을 반영하기 위해서 후반기 세미나 토픽은 미리 정해두지 않는다.

The fellowship faculty debrief after each session, and they scrutinize the curriculum from a broader perspective at the beginning, middle, and end of the academic year. We also ask the fellows to review the curriculum and suggest new material for discussion. To accommodate these requests, we leave seminar topics open in the second half of the year.

펠로우들이 제안한 읽기자료 또는 디렉터들의 지속적으로 문헌을 검토하여 찾은 읽기자료들은 새로운 토픽을 발견하게 해준다. 읽기자료는 세미나 토론에 얼마나 도움inform이 되었는지와 펠로우들의 피드백에 따라서 retained, replaced, or removed 된다. 우리는 우리의 '교육 실험'이 어떻게 받아들여지는지에 늘 관심을 가지고 있으며, 그 혁신이 지속되어야 할지에 대해 펠로우들로부터 피드백을 받는다.

Readings, emerge from requests to explore new topics or from the directors’ constant review of the literature. They are retained, replaced, or removed depending on how well they inform seminar discussions or on direct feedback from the fellows. We are attentive to how our “educational experiments” are received and seek feedback from the fellows about whether these innovations should be retained.



전략 9: 펠로우십 성과를 평가한다.

Strategy 9: Evaluate fellowship outcomes

반구조화 인터뷰를 통한 질적 분석: 정체성과 자신감이 향상됨. 이 personal development는 professional development도 강화시켜주었고, 커리어 궤적에도 영향을 주었음.

Qualitative analysis of semi structured interviews with fellows suggests that their identity and confidence as educators, built on a foundation of educational knowledge and skills, is enhanced by

  • 피어와 멘토의 서포트 support from a community of peers and mentors,

  • 다른 사람의 인식을 통한 validation validation by others’ perceptions of them as local experts, and

  • 성찰적 실천과 인식 reflective practice and awareness.

This personal development, in turn, enhances professional development and affects their career trajectories as medical educators.28

CV analysis 를 통해서 양적으로 평가함

We also used CV analysis to quantitatively evaluate fellowship outcomes in key areas relevant to medical education and academic promotion.

  • Our findings showed significant changes in teaching activities, committee work, presentations, leadership, publications, and curricula implemented (manuscript in progress).

펠로우십 이수자들은 소속 기관에도 영향을 주었다. 

Fellowship graduates have also had an impact on their home institutions.

  • Fellows have provided leadership and specific curricular material that have substantially influenced programs across the continuum of undergraduate, graduate, and continuing medical education.

  • They have fashioned innovative institutional programs that have enhanced training and contributed greatly to the goals of quality improvement and patient safety.

  • Many of these contributions stemmed directly from the scholarly projects undertaken during the fellowship year.

HMS의 교수개발에도 영향을 주었다.

Lastly, our fellowship efforts also impact faculty development at Harvard Medical School.

전략 10: 미래를 위한 계획

Strategy 10: Plan for the future

FDP 재정 마련을 위한 경제적 위기가 계속되고 있다. 독지가들의 기부가 하나의 해결책이 될 수는 잇으나, 교육 커뮤니티는 교수개발을 위한 hard money를 찾아야 한다.

The economic challenges of financing faculty development programs in medical education and supporting medical educators are ongoing. We hope that philanthropic monies will be part of a solution, but the educational community must also find budgetary allocations of hard money to support faculty development.



  •   Leadership must be committed to the necessity of developing skillful educators for the system. 

  •   A recognized, respected leader (whether clinical, research, or education based) should organize, recruit, and facilitate such a program. 

  •   A curriculum and related programmatic strategies must be established or adapted from other sources, such as those offered in this article. 

  •   A program should be implemented that accommodates concomitant faculty responsibilities

  •   Opportunities should be created to establish and maintain a community of educators who serve to promote the enhancement of medical education within their institutions. 

  •   Scholarly accomplishments of the fellows should be celebrated and publicized to the wider academic center community. 

  •   Outcome evaluation should be considered from the start of the program’s design and development and attended to throughout the fellowship to ensure and demonstrate quality and efficacy to stakeholders.

We are exquisitely mindful of Scho¨n’s30 insight that

learning all forms of professional artistry depends, at least in part, on conditions similar to those created in the studios and conservatories: freedom to learn by doing in a setting relatively low in risk, with access to coaches who initiate students into the “traditions of the calling” and help them, by “the right kind of telling,” to see on their own behalf and in their own way what they need most to see.

Perhaps the key elements in successful educational faculty development and behavioral change are an experience rooted in kindness and safety, and a continued opportunity to practice, under programmatic or peer supervision, the skill set of an effective teacher.


2 Muller JH, Irby DM. Developing educational leaders: The teaching scholars programat the University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine. Acad Med. 2006;81: 959–964.

3 Robins L, Ambrozy D, Pinsky LE. Promoting academic excellence through leadership development at the University of Washington: The Teaching Scholars Program. Acad Med. 2006;81:979–983.

4 Frohna AZ, Hamstra SJ, Mullan PB, Gruppen LD. Teaching medical education principles and methods to faculty using an active learning approach: The University of Michigan Medical Education Scholars Program. Acad Med. 2006;81:975–978.

5 Wilkerson L, Uijtdehaage S, Relan A. Increasing the pool of educational leaders for UCLA. Acad Med. 2006;81:954–958.

6 Steinert Y, McLeod PJ. Fromnovice to informed educator: The teaching scholars programfor educators in the health sciences. Acad Med. 2006;81:969–974.

7 RosenbaumME, Lenoch S, Ferguson KJ. Increasing departmental and college-wide faculty development opportunities through a teaching scholars program. Acad Med. 2006;81: 965–968.

8 Simpson D, Marcdante K, Morzinski J, et al. Fifteen years of aligning faculty development with primary care clinician-educator roles and academic advancement at the Medical College of Wisconsin. Acad Med. 2006;81: 945–953.

9 Gruppen LD, Simpson D, Searle NS, Robins L, Irby DM, Mullan PB. Educational fellowship programs: Common themes and overarching issues. Acad Med. 2006;81: 990–994.

10 Searle NS, Thompson BM, Perkowski LC. Making it work: The evolution of a medical educational fellowship program. Acad Med. 2006;81:984–989.

16 Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. Web curriculum. Available at: (http://bidmc.harvard. edu/webcurriculum). Accessed April 23, 2009.

28 Lown BA, Newman LR, HatemCJ. The personal and professional impact of a fellowship in medical education. Acad Med. 2009;84:1089–1097.

29 The Academy at Harvard Medical School Web site. Available at: (http://hms.harvard.edu/pme/ academy.asp). Accessed April 23, 2009.

 2009 Aug;84(8):1098-103. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0b013e3181acf170.

Strategies for creating a faculty fellowship in medical educationreport of a 10-year experience.

Author information

  • 1The Academy Center for Teaching and Learning, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. chatem@mah.harvard.edu


The authors present 10 strategies, plus challenges and opportunities, that have informed three well-established, yearlong medical educationfellowships (defined as single cohorts of medical teaching faculty who participate in extended faculty development activities) during the period 1998 to 2008. These strategies include (1) defining an operating philosophy, values, and goals, (2) establishing a curriculum that reflects the roles and responsibilities of fellows and faculty, (3) employing a basic approach to adult learning, (4) striving to achieve a balance between stated objectives and openness of discussion, (5) creating optimum learning opportunities for the fellows to acquire and practice skills delineated in the curriculum, (6) fostering interdisciplinary communication, team development, and the creation of a learning community, (7) developing mindfulness and critical self-reflection, (8) systematically reviewing each session, (9) evaluating fellowship outcomes, and (10) planning for the future. This in-depth look presents both curricular content and process, providing a useful starting point from which those who develop and conduct educational faculty development activities at medical schools and academic medical centers may fashion and implement a local curriculum.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

교육자로서 의사의 전환적Transformative 전문성개발(Acad Med, 2003)

Transformative Professional Development of Physicians as Educators: Assessment of a Model 

Elizabeth G. Armstrong, PhD, Jennifer Doyle, MA, and Nancy L. Bennett, PhD

의사-교육자에게 가해지는 동일한 압력이 그들의 미래동료가 가르침을 받고 훈련을 받는 방식의 변화에도 가해지고 있다. 그러나 너무 자주 추가적인 진료의 압박이 환자도 잘 돌보면서 가르치는 것도 잘 하는 것을 어렵게 만든다.

Those same forces challenge physi- cian–educators to change the way their future colleagues are taught and trained. Too often, however, the addi- tional clinical pressures on medical faculty make it difficult to teach effectively while caring for patients.



거의 20년간 의학교육개혁은 미국의 의과대학 학장들, 의학교육자들, 정책개발자들에게 분명한 메시지를 주었다.  

For nearly two decades, medical edu- cation reform has been the clarion call of the United States’ medical school deans, medical educators, and policy- makers.1,2

  • GPEP레포트 In 1984, the Association of American Medical Colleges’ Report of the Project Panel on the General Pro- fessional Education of the Physicians (GPEP Report) 3

  • 메이시 재단 Five years later, the Josiah Macy Jr.Foundation convened a panel of med-ical educators to study clinical educa-tion, which also reported that reform must occur to reflect the change staking place in medical practice.4

  • 1989년의 설문 A 1989 Robert Wood Johnson survey of1,369 U.S. medical school deans and faculty members found that a large majority (67%) of those educators saw a need for ‘‘fundamental changes’’ in medical students’ education.5 More recent reports have reaffirmed this need.

  • Training Tomorrow's Doctor The Commonwealth Fund’s Task Force on Academic Health Cen-ters, in its April 2002 report, Training Tomorrow’s Doctors: The Medical Edu-cation Mission of Academic Health Centers 6

교육과정 개혁에 대한 요구에 대하여 HMS와 HGSE는 Macy 재단의 지원에 힘입어 1995년 의사-교육자를 위한 프로그램을 도입하였다. 

Responding to these calls for curric- ular reform, Harvard Medical School (HMS) and the Harvard Graduate School of Education, with funding from the Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation, in 1995 initiated the Program for Physi- cian Educators as an intensive pro- fessional development program for physicians and scientists actively en- gaged in educating future physicians.

전환학습Transformational learning 은 자기자신과 자신이 하는 일에 대한 새로운 관점을 개발하는 것, 그리고 그러한새로운 관점에 따라 행동하는 방식을 변화시키는 것으로 정의된다. 특히, 이 프로그램에서는 임상가와 과학자를 자기-성찰적 교육자로 변모시키는 것을 목적으로 하며, 이들은 cross-discipline, cross-school 커뮤니티를 이루게 될 것이고, 궁극적으로 자신이 소속된 기관은 물론 더 넓은 차원에서의 change agent가 될 것이다.

Transformational learning is defined as developing a new perspec- tive about one’s self and work, and changing one’s actions in light of that new perspective.7 Specifically, the pro- gram proposed to transform clinicians and scientists into self-reflective edu- cators who would form cross-discipline and cross-school communities of prac- tice, and would thus serve as change agents both at their home institutions and more globally.8

HMPPE는 이러한 전환학습을 촉진하는 요소를 기반으로 설계되었다. 특히, 이 프로그램에서는 2주간 고강도 immersion 경험을 하게 되며, 여기에 이어서 1주짜리 spring session이 진행된다. 프로그램의 목적은 "의사와 기초과학자를 교육자 professional development"하는 것이며, 4개의 상호관련된 주제로 구성된다.

The design of the Harvard Macy Program for Physician Educators was based on elements demonstrated to fos- ter such transformational learning.9–11 Specifically, the program was an in- tensive immersion experience in res- idence: a two-week winter session followed by a one-week spring session. The explicit goal of the program, ‘‘to enhance the professional development of physicians and basic scientists as educators,’’ was translated into four interwoven themes:

  • learning and teach- ing,

  • curriculum design,

  • evaluation, and

  • leadership.


이 프로그램에서 교육을 맡은 교수들은 "고난도, 고지원high-challenge, high-support" 환경을 제공한다. 첫 번째 iteration 후에, 참여자는 프로그램의 faculty로 돌아오게 되며, 이들이 프로그램 코호트 사이의 실천공동체 형성의 기반이 된다.

Harvard faculty members who teach in the program provide a ‘‘high-challenge, high-support’’ envi- ronment. Following the first iteration of the program, participants were invited to return as program faculty members, laying a foundation for building com- munities of practice across program cohorts.12

이 실험실laboratory에서 학습은 사회적 프로세스로 상정된다. 따라서 참여자와 교수자 모두 각 참여자의 성찰능력과 새로운 아이디어의 통합에 있어서 필수적인 존재이다. 교육 형식에는...

In this laboratory, learning is assumed to be a social process, so colleagues— both fellow participants and faculty members—are viewed as essential to each participant’s ability to reflect on and integrate new ideas. Formats in- clude

  • interactive whole-group presen- tations and exercises,

  • problem-based learning,

  • observations,

  • reflective use of journals, and

  • discussion in large and small groups.


(상호)관찰과 공동의 경험에 대한 성찰을 바탕으로, 참여자들은 교수-학습에 대한 자신의 가정을 명시적으로 드러내고, 검증한다. 익숙한 것들을 낯설게 만든다. 이를 통해서, 개개인은 한 발 뒤로 물러나서 자신의 가정을 새로운 관점에서 보게 되고, 그것을 동료의 도움을 받아서 설명해보는 경험을 갖는다. 이러한 assumption을 활용하고, 자신의 내면틀internal scaffolding 또는 기존의 지식과 경험상의 조직organization에 반하여 assumption을 검증하는 과정에서 참여자들은 자신만의 교육에 대한 원칙을 정립하고, 그 원칙을 extrapolate하여 action step을 구성delineate하고 자신의 교육과 scholarship 향상을 이룬다. 이 모델에서 관찰observation은 학습에 대한 가정을 드러내는 수단이며, 참여자들로 하여금 (자신의) 교육원칙을 구성하게 하여, 이것이 자신의 사고와 교육을 지속적으로 guide하게 한다.

Using observation and reflection on shared experiences, par- ticipants make explicit, and test, their assumptions about the teaching/learn- ing transaction; the familiar is made unfamiliar. That is, individuals are asked to step back and look at an experience with new eyes to help them articulate their assumptions with the help of a group of colleagues. Using these as- sumptions, and testing them against each participant’s ‘‘internal scaffolding,’’ or the existing organization of their prior knowledge and experience, they define their own principles for learning, and then extrapolate from them to delineate action steps each participant wants to take to enhance his or her teaching and scholarship. In this model, observation is a vehicle to expose assumptions about learning, enabling participants to con- struct educational principles that will continue to guide their thinking and teaching.

프로그램의 핵심 중 하나는 각 참여자들이 개인의 흥미와 자신이 속한 기관의 교육과정의 니즈에 맞는 프로젝트를 수행한다는 것이다. 이러한 프로젝트는 전체 교육과정 revision부터 교수개발 프로그램 만들기까지 다양하다. 프로젝트를 개발하기 휘해서 참여자들은 프로그램 교수 및 공식 자문단과 link하는데, 공식 자문단은 프로그램의 동료 중 일부이며, 각 멤버의 프로젝트에 대하여 전략을 검톹하고 프로그램에서 얻은 인사이트를 제공한다. 자문 프로세스는 프로젝트의 구성요소를 명확히 하는 과정인데, 여기에는 다음이 포함된다.

One cornerstone of the program is each participant’s pursuit of a signifi- cant, focused project that matches the individual’s interests and addresses the curricular needs and conditions at his or her home institution. Such projects range from the revision of an entire medical school’s curriculum to the formulation of a faculty development program within a department. To de- velop their projects, participants link to program faculty members and a formal consultation group, a subset of their peers in the program who intensively confer on each member’s project by testing strategies and insights gained from the program. The consultative process seeks to clarify the project elements, including

  • the definition of goals,

  • institutional problem to be addressed,

  • the role of stakeholders,

  • barriers to implementation,

  • required resources and

  • evaluation method to determine measures of improvement.

프로젝트 그룹은 보통 4~5명의 참여자와 퍼실리테이터(1의사, 1교육자)로 구성되는데, 각 그룹은 2시간씩 5번, 2번씩 4번 만난다.

The project groups typically consist of four to five participants with faculty facilitators (one physician and one educator). Each group meets for five two-hour sessions in winter and four two-hour sessions in the spring block.

매년 프로그램은 참가자의 숫자를 35명으로 제한하여, 국제 지원자들 중 선발하고 그 중 일부는 HMS 교수를 포함시킨다. 이 선발과정은 경쟁이 치열한데, 다음을 기준으로 선발한다.

Each year, the program was limited to 35 individuals who were selected from an extensive international pool of applicants, with a small number of spaces held for HMS faculty members. Competitive selection was based on

  • 지원자의 헌신 evidence of the applicant’s commit-ment to medical education,

  • 프로젝트의 강점merits perceived merits of the proposed project, and

  • 상관/과장의 지원 the commitment of the applicant’s chair-person or immediate superior to support that prospective project. 



다음의 성과는 측정

Outcomes that we sought to measure as a validation of the program were concentrated in three areas:

  • 개인의 교육행동, 전문성행동 변화 individual changes in teaching behaviors and pro-fessional activities,

  • 프로그램이 참가자와 소속기관에 갖는 효과에 대한 인식 the participants’perceptions of the effects those changes had had on them and their home de-partments or institutions, and

  • 더 넓은 의학교육자 네트워크에 참여 the in-volvement of the participants in a wider network of medical educators.


  • 개인의 변화 Individ-ual change was defined as

    • self-reported changes in teaching behaviors,

    • aca-demic productivity,

    • academic advance-ment, and

    • a renewed sense of commitment or identity as an educator.

  • 소속기관에 대한 효과 Effect on home departments or institu-tions was defined in terms of

    • the parti-cipants’ changes in teaching behaviors,

    • involvement in educational committees and as consultants, as well as

    • obtaining grant funding.

  • 더 넓은 실천공동체에 참여 Participation in develop-ment and maintenance of a wider‘‘community of practice’’ was measured in terms of both

    • maintaining ties to program participants and/or

    • faculty members and outreach to others. 




참여자들의 impassioned testimonials로 보건대, 명백하게 이 프로그램의 접근법과 교육디자인이 중요한 요소였으며, 그들의 교육자로서의 정체성에 중요한 부분이었다. 프로그램은 참여자들이 자신이 되고자 하는 teacher의 모습을 명확히 하도록 도와줬으며, 그렇게 행동할 수 있는 전략을 제공하였다.

The approach to and the design of teaching were clearly important ele-ments of this program for respondents,and, judging by their impassioned testimonials, constituted an equally important part of their identities as educators. The program helps partic-ipants to clarify the kinds of teachers they want to be, and offers them strate-gies to implement those behaviors.

응답자들은 학습자들에게 더 민감해졌으며, 그들이 겪는 어려움에 더 잘 반응할 수 있게 되었다고 했다. 또한 학습자의 교우에 따라 교육내용과 스타일을 바꿀 수 있게 되었으며, 학습자들이 새로운 이해의 길을 따라가면서 어디쯤에 있는가를 이해하기 위한 behavior를 사용할 수 있게 되었고, 여기에는 progress of learning에 대한 감각을 발전시키기 위한 더 많은 상호작용성interactivity를 포함하였다. 프로그램 참여 2년 후, 응답자들은 프로그램에서 습득한 가치와 교육원칙을 실천으로 옮기고 있었다.

Respondents reported becoming more sensitive about and responsive to the struggles and problems of learners,attempting to adjust both content and style to their needs, adopting more behaviors to understand where learners are along the path to new understand-ing, and including more interactivity to have a better sense of the progress of learning. Two years following their participation in the program, respond-ents had translated the values and educational principles taken from the program into practice. 


개별화된 자문과 집중펠로우십이 효과가 있음

Enhancements highlighted by the respondents included changes in their own approaches to teaching. These results confirm others’ findings that individualized consultation and inten-sive fellowships are effective strategies for changing teachers’ behaviors.13


CME에 대해서 3~4개의 교육전략을 병합한 인터벤션 중 약 80%가 긍정적인 변화를 만들어내며, 컨퍼런스와 같은 전통적인 방식의 짧은(하루 혹은 이하) 공식적 CME event 는 거의 변화를 만들지 못한다.

Our findings also confirm Davis’ meta-analysis of studies on continuing med-ical education (CME), which found that nearly 80% of the interventions that combined three or more educa-tional strategies were most likely to demonstrate positive changes, whereas the ‘‘traditional cluster of relatively short (one day or less) formal CME events such as conferences generally generated no change.’’14


의사-교육자는 더 나은 세상을 만들고자 하는 열망과 관련된 내면의underlying 가치관을 가지고 있으며, 동료와 학습자로부터 생명력vitality을 얻는다.

Our study also counters the traditional lore that few physicians can or will create time for an intensive experience, and instead, con-firms recent findings that physician–educators may hold an underlying set of values associated with a desire to make the world better, and gain vitality from both colleagues and learners.15

이번 연구에서 가장 흥미롭고 중요한 결과 중 하나는 비공식적 학습 네트워크의 도입니다. 참여자들은 자신의 흥미를 지속시키기 위하여 이러한 네트워크를 만들었으며, 참여자들이 "실천공동체"를 만듦으로써 자기 자신에 대한 인식과 교육자로서의 수행능력에 변화를 만들어내는 것이 가능함을 보여준다. 실천공동체는 더 발전된 이미지와 스킬을 support하고, 지속적으로 프로그램에 에너지를 준다.

One of the most interesting and important findings of our study has been the implementation of informal learning networks that participants have created to sustain their interest, both across disciplines and across institutions, as a result of their participation in the program. The maintenance of these networks and the value that participants place on them suggest that these participants created a ‘‘community of practice’’ that makes change possible in the way they perceive themselves and perform as educators. The community of practice continues the conversation for individuals to support further develop-ment of image and skills, and to continue the energy initiated in the program

기관 차원의 변화는 프로그램 참여자들이 자신의 기관에 "씨앗을 뿌렸seeding"기 때문에 가능했던 것으로 보인다.

Beyond the individual effectiveness and empowerment that respondents reported, institutional changes appear to emanate from the ‘‘seeding’’ of program participants at medical schools and academic medical centers across the country and the globe

왜 성공적이었을까?

Why is this professional development program successful? 

  • 분절화된 스킬에 집중하거나 전통적인 교육방식을 사용하지 않았다. 프로그램에서는 의사들이 교육자로서 자신을 바라보는 감각을 근본적으로 바꾸고자 했다.
    It is clearly different 
    from the majority of traditional faculty development programs, in that it does not address the development of discrete skills (e.g., use of PowerPoint or how to stimulate more questions), nor does it use the more traditional format of brief activities and sessions. Instead, the Harvard Macy Program for Physician Educators seeks to fundamentally alter physicians’ sense of themselves as educators. To accomplish that, this program is much longer than most CME courses, giving participants time to become immersed in new ideas. 
  • 이해하고, 성찰하고, 내면화하고, 도입하기 위한 시간과 공간을 충분히 제공. 다양한 서로 연결된 아이디어와 스킬에 집중적으로 노출되게 함.
    Second, a session separated 
    in time from the first, allows participants time and space to digest, reflect‘‘try out’’ new ideas and skills, and have any changes reinforced in the second session, enabling participants to internalize and adopt them. It uses intensive exposure to a variety of intertwined ideas and skills simultaneously to accomplish that goal. 
  • 학습은 사회적, 전환적 프로세스라는 기본 가정을 Professional development 활동으로 translate시켰다. 상호작용과 피드백이 강조되고, 자신의 가정을 점검하고 익숙했던 것을 낯설게 하였다.
    the effectiveness of this program results from the translation of its basic assumptions about learning as a social and transformative process into a professional development experiment or activity characterized by extensive interaction and feedback from colleagues as both teachers and fellow learnersThe program’s learning formats enable participants to make explicit and test their personal assumptions, and to work from the familiar to the unfamiliarwith faculty members facilitating a process to make new ideas meaningful.17 
  • 자신이 속한 환경의 제약 속에서 새로운 아이디어의 적용가능성을 점검하게끔 하였다.
    Fourth, substantial work 
    on a project and other activities pushes for testing the applicability of a new way of thinking within the constraints of each participant’s home environment. 
  • 자신만의 실천공동체를 형성하였다.
    Finally, the participants’ creation 
    of their own community of practice sustains ongoing work with a group of like-minded individuals.


 2003 Jul;78(7):702-8.

Transformative professional development of physicians as educatorsassessment of a model.

Author information

  • 1Harvard-Macy Institute, Harvard Medical School, 1135 Tremont Street, Suite 900, Boston, MA 02120, USA. elizabeth_armstrong@hms.harvard.edu



Medical education reform has been the clarion call of U.S. medical educators and policymakers for two decades. To foster change and seed reform, Harvard Medical School created a professional development program for physicians and scientists actively engaged in educating futurephysicians that sought to transform both participants and their schools. This study focused on identifying the long-term effects of a professionaldevelopment program on physician educators.


A follow-up survey of the 1995-97 cohorts of the Harvard Macy Program for Physician Educators was conducted by sending the 99 program participants a questionnaire two years after their participation. Main outcome measures studied were individual changes as reflected in participants' self-reported shifts in teaching behaviors, academic productivity, career advancement, and sense of commitment.


A total of 63 participants completed the questionnaire, for a response rate of 63.6%. Two years following participation in the program, a majority (88.8%) of respondents reported that participation had significantly affected their professional development, including long-term changes in teaching behaviors (77.8%), engagement in new educational activities from committee work (86%) to grant funding (52.4%), and renewed vitality/identification of themselves as educators.


Long-term follow-up of participants enrolled in an intensive program for physician educators suggests that professionaldevelopment programs that create an immersion experience designed in a high-challenge, high-support environment, emphasizing experiential and participatory activities can change behaviors in significant ways, and that these changes endure over time.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

근무지에서의 교육실천공동체: 교수개발프로그램 평가(Med Teach, 2015)

Communities of teaching practice in the workplace: Evaluation of a faculty development programme


Maastricht University, The Netherlands



교수개발은 사고방식과 실제 교육행동을 변화시키는 쪽으로 teacher의 지식/술기/개념을 강화하고 확장하기 위한 활동의 coherent sum이다.

Faculty develop- ment involves

the coherent sum of activities targeted at strengthening and extending the knowledge, skills and con- ceptions of teachers in a way that will change their way of thinking and their actual educational behaviour (Fenstermacher & Berliner 1985).

최근 교수개발의 초점은 개개인 수준에서 그룹 수준으로 변화했다.

Recently, the focus of faculty development has shifted from an individual level to a group level.

  • group learning by a team of teachers을 강조
    Steinert (2010), for instance, discerned a movement away from individual experi- ences to group learning by a team of teachers.

  • 그룹 단위에서의 FD를 강조함. 두 종류의 실천공동체
    O’Sullivan and Irby (2011) also laid a greater emphasis on FD at group level. They distinguished between two communities of practice:

    • one created between participants in FD programmes,

    • the other being a community of teaching practice in the workplace (classroom or clinic) where the teaching is actually effected.

그러나 모든 실천공동체에 대해서 '참여와 학습이 사회적 요인에 달려있다hinge on'이라는 사실은 불변이다.

참여를 향상시키는 요건

Yet, what holds true for any community of practice is that participation and learning hinge on social factors. By

  • 친화적inviting 환경 creating an inviting environment,

  • 가이드 제공 providing guidance and

  • 개인의 관여/관계 장려 encouraging personal engagement, relationships within the community


can enhance participation


참여에는 다음이 영향을 미친다.


  • 직무구조 work structure,

  • 시간압박 time pressure,

  • 직무량 workload and

  • 직무흐름 work flow

all affect participation.

근무지에서의 멘토링과 코칭

Mentoring and coaching in the workplace

Eraut 에 따르면 멘토나 코치의 서포트는 workplace learning에서 결정적으로 중요한 것이며, 컨설팅의 기회가 늘어나고 동료와 함께 근무함으로써 강화될 수 있다. 멘토링은 FD에서 explicit한 접근법인데, 멘토는 다양한 환경에서guidance/direction/suppport/expertise를 제공해줄 수 있다. 또한 teacher들이 자신이 일하는 조직의 문화를 이해하게 도와주며, 귀중한 전문직 네트워크에 introduce해준다.

According to Eraut (2007), support and feedback by a mentor or coach are critically important for workplace learning which will be enhanced by increasing opportunities for consulting with and working alongside colleagues. Mentoring should be considered as an explicit approach in FD, for mentors can provide guidance, direction, support or expertise to faculty members in a variety of settings. They can also help teachers understand the organizational culture in which they work and introduce them to invaluable professional networks (Walker et al. 2002).

Doppenberg 는 coaching and collegial visitation 이 특정한 협력적 세팅에서 일어나며, 다른 collaborative team activities와는 다르다고 하였다.

Doppenberg (2012) found in her study that coaching and collegial visitation take place in a specific collaborative setting which differs from that of other collaborative team activities.


clinical teacher의 참여를 높이기 위하여 Steinert 등은 주니어 교수를 낚기hook 위한 멘토링 버디시스템을 제안하였다.

To raise involvement of clinical teachers’, Steinert et al. (2010) suggested a buddy system of mentoring colleagues to get junior faculty members ‘‘hooked’’.



근무지에서의 관계와 네트워크

Relationships and networks in the workplace

Doppenberg  등은 동료와 협력적으로 수행하는 교수-학습 활동의 유형을 연구하여서, 상호교환Exchanging, 경청listening, 평가evaluating이 가장 흔히 보고되는 활동

Doppenberg (2012) provided an overview of categories of teacher-learning activities in collaboration with colleagues. For each activity listed, she investigated the frequency of its occurrence within different collaborative settings. Exchanging, listening and evaluating emerged as the activities most frequently reported.

Steinert 등은 FD가 personal and professional growth 를 가능하게 하며, 교수들이 이것을 받아들이고, 자신의 니즈와 맞을 때 더 참여할 가능성이 높다고 했다. 또 다른 내적동기부여 요인으로는 교육과 자기발전self improvement을 중요하게 생각하는 것appreciation, 네트워크의 기회 등이 있었다.

Steinert et al. (2010) by extension argued that FD enables personal and professional growth and that faculty might be more likely to participate whether they appreciated this and considered it relevant to their needs. Other intrinsic motiv- ations could be their appreciation of teaching and self- improvement, coupled with the opportunity to network.

비슷하게, Lave and Wenger 는 실천공동체의 성공에 있어서 관계과 네트워크의 중요성을 강조하였다. 커뮤니티 내에서의 관계 뿐 아니라 외부 네트워크에 참여하는 것도 중요함.

In a similar vein, Lave and Wenger (1991) stressed the importance of relationships and networks to the success of a community of practice, and they deemed importance of both the relationships forged between community members and participation in external networks.

교육네트워크에 참여하는 것은 (1)동료와 교육적인 이슈에 대해서 상호교환 및 컨설팅을 하는 것exchanging and consulting colleagues과 같이 비공식적 방식으로 , 또는 (2)working group이나 전문가 미팅, 컨퍼런스 등과 같이 공식적으로 참여하는 것이 있다.

Participation in educational networks can occur in an informal way by exchanging and consulting colleagues about educational issues or more formal by collaborating in a working group or taking part in a professional meeting or educational conference.


근무지의 조직/시스템/문화

Organization, systems and culture in the workplace

Teunissen 는 실천으로부터 배우는 것learning from practice 이 사람들로 하여금 자신의 특정한 맥락에서 작동하게 만들려면 어떻게 수행하고/생각하고/상호작용해야하는지를 배우게 해준다. 동시에, learning from practice는 고도로 맥락적인 특성이 있어서 그 자체가 challenging한 교육환경이다.

Teunissen (2014) argued that learning from practice enables people to learn how to perform, think, and interact in ways that work for their specific context. At the same time, however, the highly contextual nature of learning from practice makes it a challenging educational environment.

조금 다른 각도에서 Eraut 는 관리자적 역할managerial role의 중요성을 강조했는데, 이 역할이란 상호지지와 학습의 문화를 만드는 것이다. Manager는 이 역할을 숙련된 worker들과 공유해야 하며, 이것은 distributed leadership의 한 형태이다. 이러한 능력이 직무에 기술된 것을 넘어서는 workplace learning과 문화에 영향을 준다.

From a different angle, Eraut (2007) asserted the import- ance of the managerial role, which is to develop a culture of mutual support and learning. Managers should share this role with experienced workers and this implies some form of distributed leadership. In this capacity, they have a major influence on workplace learning and culture that extends far beyond their job descriptions.

관리자적 역할 외에도 조직의 학습 분위기 역시 중요한 변인이다. Lave and Wenger 는 커뮤니티는 'a shared repertoire of common resources'가  필요하다고 했다. 더 나아가서, 반복적인 활동의 패턴으로부터 생성되는 ‘‘shared and negotiated system of socially and culturally meaningful structures’’ 가 있으면 더 좋다. Teunissen 는 이것을 가지고 변화에 저항하는 안정된 근무환경의 구조를 refer했다.

Beside the managerial role, also the learning climate of the organization is an essential variable (van Rijdt et al. 2013). Lave and Wenger (1991), for instance, argued that a community requires a shared repertoire of common resources, including language, stories and practice. What is desirable, moreover, is a ‘‘shared and negotiated system of socially and culturally meaningful structures’’ resulting from recurrent patterns of activities (Teunissen 2014). By this, Teunissen referred to stable structures in the workplace environment that are resistant to change.



근무지에서의 과제와 활동

Tasks and activities in the workplace

  • Doppenberg (2012) posited that collaboration in teams can foster teaching learning, for instance by giving teachers the shared responsibility for an educational task, or by imple- menting a new educational approach.

  • Lave and Wenger (1991) also stress the importance of the shared activity of newcomers at the workplace in the learning process.

  • Fuller and Unwin (2003) describe the process from peripheral to mainstream participation in an organization. Working alongside and interacting with experienced colleagues leads to learning by engagement into the practices of the community.

  • Handelzalts (2009) hailed the benefit of collaboration in his study into the way teachers collaborate in teams for the purpose of designing a new curriculum;

연구의 초점

Focus of the study


Research question





The FD programme under scrutiny in this study concerns a University Teaching Qualification (UTQ) programme offered by the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences (FHML) at Maastricht University, the Netherlands.

Since its introduction in 2008, already more than 100 teachers from various depart- ments have successfully completed this UTQ programme.



UTQ course라고 부름.

As previously mentioned, the FD programme under scrutiny in this study concerns a so-called UTQ course, which forms part of the opportunities for faculty development offered by the FHML at Maastricht University in the Netherlands. The programme is intended for teachers and for faculty members who want to improve their educational skills and expertise. 

  • 프로그램의 총 기간은... The full UTQ programme spans 

  • 코칭스킬을 훈련받은 코치들은.... The coaches, who had been trained in coaching skills, 

  • 과정이 진행되는 동안 포트폴리오 작성해야... Throughout the course, participants compile a portfolio

UTQ역량의 개발은 참가자의 현재 역량, 학습목표, 실제 교육상황에서의 학습 등에 달려있음. 다섯 달 동안 다섯 차례의 의무 트레이닝이 있음

The development of UTQ competencies depends on participants’ present competencies, learning objectives and their learning in authentic settings in educational practice. Over a period spanning five months, participants partake in five compulsory training days, 



총 102명의 선생 중 23명의 선생이 응답. 임상/기초/사회과학 분야로 나뉨. 24명이라는 숫자는 미리 정해진 것이었으며, 4회 정도 포커스그룹 인터뷰를 하면 saturation될 것이라고 기대되었음. 전화로 모집하였으며, set text를 읽는 표준화된 방식으로 연구에 대해서 설명해줌.

Respondents were 23 teachers (10 women, 13 men) from the Maastricht University FHML, selected by purpose sampling (Stalmeijer et al. 2014) from a total of 102 teachers who attended and successfully completed the UTQ programme. Participants from three clusters of departments with clinical, biomedical or social sciences backgrounds were proportion- ally represented in the sample. The number of 24 subjects was determined a priori. Saturation was expected to take place after four focus groups. We recruited the subjects by telephone and informed them about the study in a standardized way by reading a set text.

1명이 focus group에 참여하지 않았음. 교육경험은 2~20년.

One subject selected did not join the focus group session. Their prior experience of teaching ranged from two to 20 years, with eight of the teachers having five or fewer years of experience.



포커스그룹에 대한 설명

For this evaluation study, we used the focus group method. According to Morgan (1998), focus groups of six to eight participants are useful for evaluation research to explore topics that are poorly understood. The group discussions create a process of sharing and comparing among the participants and they explore the contexts in which they operate for us as researchers. We convened four focus group sessions of two hours each with six participants, which were facilitated by a moderator and assistant moderator, to discuss and explore the relevant themes. Both were skilled in group dynamics and the subject matter under discussion and had a background in educational psychology. The role and responsibilities of the moderator and assistant moderator were consistently divided across all focus groups (Stalmeijer et al. 2014). 

The format was semistructured and departed from four questions about coaching, networks, organization and activities in the workplace that guided the discussion; the questions were derived from the framework of O’Sullivan and Irby (2011) (Appendix). We discussed the questions in the research team and we pilot tested them in the first focus group with the participants. The moderator systematically went through the questions and gave time to the participants to collect and express their thoughts. Participant verification took place by summarizing the main results from each question, before moving on to the next. After the session the moderators took time to debrief, compare field notes and discuss first impressions and highlights. These steps in systematic focus group interviews were described by Krueger (1998). 




The sessions were taped and summarized by a research assistant. All participants were informed about the use of the tapes and the confidentiality of the data and were explicitly asked for agreement of the procedure. Two researchers(Marie-Louise Schreurs & Wilma Huveneers) independently analysed the summaries.

  • To trustfully conduct the process of analysis, we started to analyse the first focus group, by reading the transcript carefully and coding relevant quotes to identify key themes independently.

  • We compared the results, resolved discrepancies by discussion and fine-tuned our strategy for further analysis of all four groups.

  • Afterwards, we had a comparison discussion and selected the relevant quotes in our research team to verify the results. 

The process of analysis has been carried out systematically following the steps identified by Krueger (1998). Corrective feedback was obtained from participants, for example, the summaries were sent to all participants for approval to ensure that our results were valid and members from the research team by critically discussing the findings as recommended by Stalmeijer et al. (2014). 




코칭, 네트워킹, 근무지 조직, 근무지 활동이 교육행위를 촉진/저하 했는가?

How do coaching, networking, organization and activities in the workplace facilitate or impair teaching practice after completion of a faculty development programme? 

(1) 성찰과 피드백의 긍정적 효과 The positive effect of coaching on reflection and feedback. 

(2) 교육 네트워크에 참여 증가 Increased participation in educational networks.  

(3) 조직 정책을 더 인식하게 됨 More awareness of organizational policies.  

(4) 교육 과업과 활동을 하는데 자신감 생김 More confidence in fulfilling educational tasks and activities. 


코칭이 성찰과 피드백을 강화시킴

Coaching enhances reflection and feedback

코치와 함께 교육문제educational question을 논의하는 것이 인사이트의 수준을 높여주었고, 수행능력을 향상시켰다. 코치가 성찰을 자극하고 피드백을 주었기 때문에 teacher는 자신의 교육행위를 더 성찰할 수 있었고, 대안적 전략을 계획할 수 있었으며, 그 결과 능동적으로 새로운 교육행위를 실험해볼 수 있었다. 또한 학습과정에서 피드백의 가치를 더 깨달았다는 언급이 있었다. 교사들은 피드백을 주고 받는 것을 더 많이 했으며, 질적으로로 동료와 학생들로부터 더 훌륭한 피드백을 주고 받았다.

The thematic analysis revealed that the opportunity to discuss educational questions with a coach led to elevated levels of insight and improved performance. As the coach stimulated reflection and provided feedback, teachers reflected more on own teaching practices and planned alternative strategies, and,consequently, experimented actively with new teaching behaviour. What the participants often mentioned was that they gained a better appreciation of the value of feedback in the learning process. Teachers gave and solicited more and qualitatively better feedback to/from both colleagues and students


교육 네트워크에 참여가 늘고, teacher간 자문consultation이 강화됨

Increased participation in educational networking enhances consultation among teachers 

거의 모든 참여자가 교육네트워크가 늘어났음을 보고했다. 즉, 동료들의 교육활동에 대해서 더 많이 자문해주었다. 그렇게 함으로써 UTQ과정에 참여한 동료들에게 연락을 했을 뿐 아니라, 교육에 참여하는 다른 동료들에게도 연락을 하게 되었다. 그러나 이런 과정은 주로 비공식적informal으로 이뤄졌다. 참여자들은 프로그램이 종료된 이후에도 UTQ 멤버들과 접촉이 더 강화intensification되었다고 말하였으나, 반대로 non-UTQ멤버들과의 의사소통은 더 어려워졌음을 느꼈다. 이는 UTQ과정 참여자들은 공통의 교육프레임워크를 공유하기 때문일 수 있다. 일부 과에서는 UTQ구성원들이 qualified teacher의 롤모델 역할을 하며, 다른 동료들의 UTQ참여를 inspire하기도 한다. 일부 UTQ멤버들은 교육에 특화될 계획을 가지고 있으며, MHPE과정을 이수하고 있다.

Nearly, all participants reported an increase in educational networking; that is, they indicated that they consulted colleagues about their teaching activities more frequently. In doing so, they not only called upon colleagues with whom they had participated in the UTQ course, but also on other colleagues involved in teaching. However, this mainly hap-pened on an informal basis. Participants also perceived an intensification of contacts with UTQ members, even after the trajectory had ended, while difficulties in communicating withnon-UTQ colleagues became more apparent. This could be ascribed to the fact that former UTQ-course participants shared a common educational framework. In some departments, UTQ members served as a role model of qualified teachers and inspired others to participate in the UTQ programme as well.Some UTQ members even had plans to specialize in education and to take the master’s in health professions education offered by the FHML. 




조직의 교육정책에 대한 인식이 향상됨

Increased awareness of organizational educational policies

참여자들이 교육커리어를 선호하는 교육문화로 향상된improved것을 경험하였다고 말하였다. 그러나 이것이 모든 과에서 그런 것은 아니었고, 어떤 과에서는 과장이 UTQ참여자들의 교육 전문성을 인정하고 더 자문을 해온 반면, 어떤 과에서는 교육에 별 관심을 보이지 않았다. 동시에, 대부분의 참여자들은 교육조직의 복잡성과 교육정책에 대해서 더 인식하게 되었다. 또한 교육(관련)과 educational department의 역할이 무엇인지 알게 되었으며, 그러한 과에 자문을 더 구하게 되었다. UTQ과정이 참여자들로 하여금 더 많은 교육적 역할을 수행fulfill하게끔 하고, 교육 커리어를 선택하게 한 것도 조직의 문화를 바꾸는 계기가 되었다. 이것이 바로 faculty board에서 UTQ프로그램을 미래의 교육리더들의 발육지breeding ground로 인식하게 된 이유이다. faculty board는 프로그램디렉터의 선정을 맡고 있다. 장애요인으로서 참여자들은 소속 과가 교육에 대한 새로운 인사이트를 수용하지 않는 것을 지적했다. 이렇나 차이 때문에 일부 참여자들은 자신이 예전 행동으로 돌아간다고 걱정했다. 이들 참여자들은 특히 새로이 습득한 행동을 지속하기 위해서 follow-up activities에 의존하였다.

In the focus groups, several favourable and inhibiting condi- tions were discussed. What came to the fore was that partici- pants experienced an improved educational culture within the faculty in favour of educational careers. However, this did not particularly hold for all departments: while some department chairs consulted participants more often for their teaching expertise, other chairs did not show much interest in education. At the same time, most participants reported that they had become more aware of educational policies and the complexity of the educational organization. Moreover, they gained a clearer view of the role of the educational department and more readily turned to the department for advice. The fact that the UTQ course obliged participants to fulfil more educational roles and to opt for an educational career also triggered a change in organizational culture. Hence, it is with reason that the faculty board in a way regards the UTQ programme as a breeding ground for future educational leaders within the faculty. The faculty board is among others, responsible for appointments of qualified programme directors. As regards barriers encoun- tered, participants pointed out that their departments were little receptive to new educational insights. Because of such indif- ference, a few participants feared that they would slide back into old behaviours. These participants in particular resorted to follow-up activities or programmes to hold on to their newly acquired behaviour.



교육적 과제task나 활동을 하는데 자신감이 생김

More confidence in fulfilling educational tasks and activities

근무지에서의 학습을 자극한 동기부여 요인에 대해 언급하였다. 교육과제나 활동에 대해서 인식이 향상되고 분석적 능력이 향상되었다. 교육을 실제로 하거나 교육활동을 계획하는 것도 긍정적으로 변화했는데, 예컨대 불확실성이 줄어든 측면이 있었다. 더 나아가서, 팀 내에서의 협력이 강화되었고, 이는 참여자들이 교육과제나 활동을 진행할 때 동료들로부터 피드백이나 어시스트를  더 쉽게 얻을 수 있었기 때문이다. 마찬가지로 참여자들은 팀-책임이 늘어난 것을 언급했는데, 일부 참여자는 즉각적으로 새롭게 습득한 교육지식을 프로그램의 재설계에 활용했다. 따라서 FD는 personal and professional growth를 촉진했다. 즉, UTQ과정을 이수하지 않은 근무지의 동료들도 그 (교육)지식을 가지고 있는 사람들을 인정해주었다.

The focus groups also addressed several motivational aspects of teacher learning in the workplace. Participants reported more awareness and analytical ability with respect to the educational tasks and activities. Their educational behaviour during delivery of education and planning of educational activities had changed positively, for example in terms of reduced uncertainty. Moreover, collaboration within teams had intensified, as participants for instance more easily solicited feedback or assistance from colleagues about educa- tional tasks and activities. Likewise, participants noted an increase in team responsibilities; some planning groups immediately incorporated the newly acquired educational knowledge into the redesign process of a programme or into an educational approach. Hence, FD facilitates personal and professional growth. In fact, colleagues in the workplace who had not taken the UTQ programme recognized the knowledge of those who had.


고찰과 결론

Discussion and conclusion


전체적으로 코칭과 네트워킹이 커뮤니티 형성의 촉매역할을 한 것으로 보였다. 코칭은 비공식적, 암묵적 학습을 일깨워주었고, 그것이 작동operationalize하게 해주었다. 같은 이유에서, 교수들은 교육조직과 문화에 대해서 더 aware하게 되었다. 이런 효과의 일부는 교육에 대한 더 긍정적인 분위기를 가져왔고, 교육커뮤니티가 birth하였다. 그러나 동시에 과장의 태도에 따라 과 간 상당한 차이가 있었다. 따라서 여전히 큰 장애물이 있으며, Teunissen은 이렇게 말했다.

Through the whole, coaching and networking seemed to function as a catalyst for community formation. Coaching appeared to raise awareness of informal and tacit learning and help to operationalize it. By the same token, faculty became more aware of the educational organization and culture. The sum of these effects invoked an atmosphere that was more favourable to education and gave birth to a community of teaching practice. At the same time, however, significant differences existed between departments due to diverging attitudes adopted by the chairs. Hence, an important hurdle has yet to be taken, a concern that has been deftly voiced by Teunissen (2014) who posited that


"healthcare workplace는 비교적 안정적인 환경으로 변화에 저항하는 경향이 있다. 이것은 개인이 그렇기 때문이라기보다는, 비슷한 사람들이 비슷한 목표를 가지고 비슷한 일을 오래동안 해온 그 행위의 전통 때문이다"

‘‘healthcare workplaces are relatively stable environments that tend to resist change; not necessarily because of individual resistance but because of a practice’s longstanding tradition of having similar groups of people involved in similar tasks with similar goals’’.

Teunissen PW. 2014. Experiences, trajectories, and reifications: Anemerging framework of practice-based learning in healthcare work-places. Adv Health Sci Educ 20:843–856. 



Questions that guided the focus group discussions. 

The goal of the focus group discussions was to investigate the impact of a faculty development programme on teachers’educational workplace environment. Guiding questions were as follows: 

(1) How did formal and informal coaching affect teaching practice after completion of the UTQ programme? 

(2) In what ways did your participation in formal and informal educational networks change?

(3) Which factors facilitated and inhibited teaching practice in the department and the organization? 

(4) How did the UTQ programme affect your tasks and activities in the workplace? 

 2015 Nov 26:1-7. [Epub ahead of print]

Communities of teaching practice in the workplaceEvaluation of a faculty development programme.

Author information

  • 1a Maastricht University , The Netherlands.



The focus of faculty development (FD) has recently shifted from individual and formal learning to formal and informal learning by a team of teachers in the workplace where the teaching is actually effected. This study aimed to evaluate the impact of a faculty developmentprogramme on teachers' educational workplace environment.


We invited 23 teachers, who had successfully completed a University Teaching Qualification (UTQ) programme, to evaluate the facultydevelopment programme and participate in focus group discussions. This UTQ programme spanned one year and covered 185 hours of formal and informal learning and training activities and formal coaching.


After having obtained their UTQ, teachers reported that coaching enhances reflection and feedback, to participate more frequently in educational networks, which enhances consultation among teachers, increased awareness of organizational educational policies and more confidence in fulfilling educational tasks and activities.


The evaluation of the UTQ programme demonstrated to enhance the development of a community of teachers at the workplace who share a passion for education and provide each other with support and feedback, which triggered a change in culture enhancing improvement ofeducation. However, this did not hold for all teachers. Inhibiting factors hold sway, such as a prevailing commitment to research over education in some departments and a lack of interest in education by some department chairs.

[PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

어떻게 학습이 전이되는가: 어떻게 교수교육펠로우십을 이수한 교수들이 동료와 조직에 영향을 주었는가 (Acad Med, 2015)

How Learning Transfers: A Study of How Graduates of a Faculty Education Fellowship Influenced the Behaviors and Practices of Their Peers and Organizations

Margaret M. Plack, PT, DPT, EdD, Ellen F. Goldman, EdD, Marilyn Wesner, EdD, Nisha Manikoth, EdD, and Yolanda Haywood, MD

프로그램 평가를 근무지의 커뮤니티workplace community까지 확장시키라는 요구는 교수개발에 투자된 재정의 결과일 뿐만 아니라, 행동의 변화라는 것이 맥락-특이적이고 socially experienced 되는 것이라는 인식에 따른 것이다. 기업 연구에서는 학습한 내용의 매우 일부분 (리더십 프로그램에서는 10%)만이 직무수행능력에 적용된다는 것을 보여주기도 했다. 과업관련성, 동료나 상관의 지지 등과 같은 맥락적 요소가 학습 전이를 높이는데 핵심이다.

The call to expand program assessment to the workplace community is the result of the significant funds devoted to faculty development as well as the recognition that changed behaviors (of teaching, scholarship, leadership) are context- specific and socially experienced.4 The business literature indicates that only a small percentage of what is learned in development programs transfers to job performance—as little as 10% for leadership programs, according to one study.9 Further, contextual factors such as task relevance and peer and supervisor support are key to increased learning transfer.9,10

O’Sullivan and Irby는 FDP의 영향력에 영향을 줄 수 있는 근무지커뮤니티의 네 가지 요소를 밝혔다.

O’Sullivan and Irby3 have identified four components of the workplace community that may influence the impact of faculty development programs:

  • workplace tasks and activities;

  • relationships and networks;

  • mentoring and coaching; and

  • organizations, systems, and culture.

본 연구는 Master Teacher Leadership Development Program (MTLDP)의 효과에 대한 것

Our study was designed to determine what impact, if any, graduates of the Master Teacher Leadership Development Program (MTLDP), a faculty education fellowship of the George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences (SMHS), had on peers and work units and how that impact occurred.




프로그램 진행기간, 주요 내용

The MTLDP is a yearlong faculty fellowship program aimed at helping faculty enhance their teaching skills, pursue scholarship in education, and develop their leadership potential. The program consists of six graduate courses in adult learning, curriculum design, assessment, qualitative research, teamwork, and leadership. Participants met one-half day per week throughout the year.

시작, 졸업생

Initiated in 2002, the program has graduated 104 medical and health science faculty employed at three different institutions in Washington, DC:


To better understand the impact MTLDP graduates had (if any) on their organization (i.e., Kirkpatrick’s Level 4),4 we used a 60-minute semistructured interview protocol to elicit peer and supervisor perceptions of the graduates’ impact across all program aims: teaching, scholarship, and leadership (Supplemental Digital Appendix 1, http://links.lww.com/ ACADMED/A230). We pilot tested the interview protocol for clarity and audiotaped and transcribed interviews verbatim.


We obtained informed consents verbally from all participants prior to data collection.


The academic dean at each institution identified a purposive sample of supervisors and peers from work units/departments where at least two MTLDP graduates practiced. A research assistant (N.M.) sent e-mails describing the study and soliciting their interview participation during fall 2012. Participation was voluntary and unrelated to any evaluation, and no incentives were offered.


인터뷰 대상자 선정 기준(분야, 지위)

We considered the following criteria in selecting participants: diversity of specialties across the three sites, and perspectives of supervisors and peers who had been in their positions to see the graduates before and after program completion so they could describe any changes during and after their participation in MTLDP. Participation implied consent, which was confirmed at the start of each interview.

총 숫자 

We invited 17 supervisors and 32 peers to participate.

연구진 구성

Our research team consisted of four faculty members, two from the Graduate School of Education Human Development (GSEHD) including the MTLDP director (E.G.), two from SMHS, and one research assistant from GSEHD. With the exception of the program director, none of us served as program faculty.


인터뷰어-인터뷰이 매칭

To mitigate potential bias, with few exceptions, the interviewers were matched with interviewees we had never met.


인터뷰 결과 분석

All interviews were transcribed and member checked. We began inductive analysis with one researcher (N.M.) examining data for clusters of meaning. Initial codes were developed and applied to sections of the data by four additional researchers (E.G., M.P., Y.H., M.W.). During this process, we continually compared data in search of emergent themes. Themes and linkages were continually drawn, revised, and verified.11 We sought ongoing consensus to ensure accuracy of the findings. Themes were compared across categories of participants (supervisors, peers) and locations. We sought and further explored negative cases.12 The process continued until no new codes and themes emerged and we unanimously confirmed the accuracy of the findings.

신뢰도 위한 방법

The following served to maximize the credibility and trustworthiness of this study:

  • triangulation using multiple researchers and sources of data;

  • purposive sampling for diverse perspectives;

  • use of rich descriptions to support the emergent themes;

  • ongoing search for negative cases;

  • member checks; and

  • researchers functioning as peer reviewers and devil’s advocates for each other in interpretation and presentation of findings.13


방법을 투명하게 공개함

We made methods transparent to enable readers to judge the credibility and transferability of the findings and conclusions.14,15



불참자: 이유와 특성

Of the 17 supervisors invited to participate, 4 declined, 3 because they were retiring, and 1, recently promoted, did not have time.

Of 32 peers, 7 declined; 4 indicated they did not have direct awareness of the graduates’ educational endeavors, 2 cited lack of time, and 1 wanted to participate but traveled extensively and could not be scheduled.


최종 참가자

In total, 13 supervisors (6 from SMHS; 5 from CNMC; 2 from DC-VAMC) and 25 peers (11 from SMHS; 10 from CNMC; 4 from DC-VAMC) were interviewed. Only two departments at the DC-VAMC had graduates of the program—thus the lower number of participants.

자신감 향상과 행동의 변화

Enhanced confidence and changed behaviors

Supervisors(S) and peers(P)는 MTLDP의 졸업생들이 자신감이 향상되었으며, 이는 교육자/학자/리더로서 모두 그러하다고 했다.

Supervisors and peers alike noted an increased confidence in graduates of the MTLDP, which was evident in their roles as teachers, scholars, and leaders.

S&P는 프로그램의 세 가지 목적인 교육/연구/리더 영역에서 모두 행동의 변화가 관찰되었다고 했다.

Supervisors and peers noted behavior changes across all three program aims (teaching, scholarship, and leadership).

리소스로서의 역할, 전문성의 공유

Becoming resources and sharing expertise within and outside home departments.

졸업생들은 (다른 사람에게) 조언을 주거나, 아이디어 공유, 새로운 테크닉 도입, 새로운 전략 제시, 멘토 역할 등을 했다. 인터뷰이는 졸업생이 교육/연구/리더십에서 새로운 지식과 전문성을 기꺼이 공유하고자 한다고 말했다. 여기에는 레지던트 교육/교육과정 개발/교수 훈련/인증 이슈/혁신적 문제해결 등이 포함된다.

Graduates were described as offering advice, sharing ideas, introducing new techniques, brainstorming new strategies, and providing mentorship. Interviewees affirmed that graduates willingly shared their new knowledge and expertise in pedagogical approaches, research design, and leadership practices. Their comments identified helping with resident education, curriculum development, faculty training, accredita tion issues, innovative problem solving, and more (Table 1).

Best practice과 혁신의 롤모델

Role modeling best practice and innovation.

MTLDP의 졸업생은 성인학습원칙을 도입, 성찰적 실천 촉진, 능동적 학습을 장려 등의 영역에서 모범적 역할을 했다. 졸업생들은 새로운 테크놀로지를 도입했으며, 다른 교수법을 시도해보려고 했고, 지속적인 피드백을 주고, 받고자 했다. scholary activity에서도 주도적으로 역할을 하여, 국내 컨퍼런스에서 정기적으로 발표도 하였다. 팀 미팅에서 의견을 뚜렷하게 제시하고 주도적인 역할을 하여서 자신감이 있지만 calm하였다. 리더로서 이들은 효과적으로 토론을 이끌었고, 미팅의 control을 유지하면서도 모든 사람에게 말할 공간을 열어주었다.

Participants’ comments show that MTLDP graduates led by example as they incorporated adult learning principles, facilitated reflective practice, and encouraged active learning in their classrooms. They leveraged new technologies and were willing to try different pedagogies, and both offered and sought ongoing feedback. They reported taking the lead in scholarly activities and regularly presented at national conferences. In team meetings they described being assertive and directive, yet confident and calm. As leaders, they contributed effectively to discussions and maintained control of meetings while still providing space for all to speak (Table 1).

체계적인 접근법의 롤모델

Role modeling systematic approaches.

어떻게 졸업생들이 새로운 교육과정/프로젝트/혁신의 설계 단계에서부터 평가를 강조했는지에 대한 언급이 있었다. 프로젝트를 기획과 관리, 문제해결에 있어서 methodical 했으며, 졸업생은 근거를 탐색하고, 연구를 수행함에 있어서 rigorous한 기준을 유지하는 것이 확연하였다. 졸업생은 학습자-중심, 성과-중심 의 특성이 있었다.

Interviewees commented on how graduates stressed assessment beginning at the design phase of any new curri- culum, project, or innovation, and viewed assessment as a means of continuous improvement. They reported being methodical in their planning and project management and in their approach to problem solving. Graduates distinguished themselves as being thorough in search ing the evidence and maintaining rigorous standards in conducting research. They described being learner centered and outcome focused (Table 1).

협력을 촉진

Fostering collaboration.

졸업생들이 여러 disciplines에 걸쳐서 일하는 것을 편안해한다고 했다. 상호작용을 장려했으며, 팀에서 shared meaning을 만드는 것을 강조했다. 교육자료를 기꺼이 공유하고자 했고, 동료들로 하여금 scholarly pursuit에 함께하자고 했고, 동료들에게 멘토가 되었고, scholarly presentation을 했고, collaborative work group의 강력한지지자였다.

Participants noted that graduates regularly felt comfortable working across disciplines. They described encouraging interactions and the development of shared meaning on teams. Participants’ comments affirm that they willingly shared teaching mate- rial, inspired peers to join in scholarly pursuits, mentored fellows, offered scholarly presentations, and were strong advocates for collaborative work groups (Table 1).

새로운 역할을 받아들이기

Assuming new roles.

졸업생들이 새로운 도전과제를 받아들이고, 조직 내에서의 engagement에 대한 sense가 높아졌다고 했다. 혁신적 교육과정 모델의 설계/평가/발표에 있어서 리더역할을 맡았으며, 우수한 의학교육 학술지에 발표했고, 국내 미팅에서 정기적으로 발표를 했다. 많은 졸업생이 근무지에서 리더십 역할을 맡았고, 심지어 일부는 국가단위에서 리더십 역할을 맡았다.

Supervisors and peers agreed in observing that graduates were willing to take on new challenges and demonstrate a heightened sense of engagement in the organization. They were described as taking leadership roles in designing, evaluating, and presenting outcomes of innovative curricular models; publishing in leading medical journals; and regularly presenting at national meetings. Many accepted new leadership roles in their workplace, and some even assumed leadership at the national level (Table 1).

인식을 향상시키고, 공통의 이해를 만들고, 동료의 행동을 변화시키기

Raised awareness, shared understanding, and changed peer behaviors

초기의 theme들은 졸업생들의 변화된 행동을 관찰한 근거들이 있었다. 추가적인 theme에서는 어떻게 이들 행동이 동료와 work group unit에 영향을 주었는지를 보여주었다. 졸업생들의 행동이 동료들의 MTLDP프로그램의 효과에 대한 인식awareness를 향상시켰으며, 동료의 행동을 변화시켰다.

Initial themes provided evidence of observed behavior changes in graduates. Additional themes provided insight into how these behaviors impacted peers and work group units. Graduate behaviors raised peer awareness of the impact of the MTLDP program and changed peer practices. Peers and supervisors noted how

“things like reflection are … starting to permeate,” “it rubs off on those around them, I don’t know if it is diffusion or whatever,” “I think it trickles down,” and “other faculty who are nongraduates see [graduates in action] and [say] maybe I should do that too.


인식이 향상되면서, 다음과 같은 코멘트도 있었다.

As awareness was raised, participants’ behaviors were reported to change as noted by these comments: “[graduates are] influencing us to have a higher level of rigor,” “[they] influenced us to use reviews and feedback … [which is] the norm now,” “[they are] influencing us to use different methodologies when one does not seem to work, based on our assessments.”

개개인의 인식이 향상되고, 행동이 변하면서, shared understanding이 생겨나며, work group의 행동이 변하기 시작하였고, 지속적 학습의 문화가 만들어졌다.

As awareness increased and individuals began to change practice, a shared understanding developed and work group behaviors began to change, leading to a culture of continuous learning (Table 2). 

지속적학습의 문화culture of continuous learning를 촉진

Facilitating a culture of continuous learning

critical mass가 만들어졌으며, 졸업생들은 교육리더십 기회를 받아들였고, culture of continuous learning이 생겨났다.

Comments revealed that as a critical mass developed and graduates accepted educational leadership opportunities, a culture of continuous learning began to develop across the organization as illustrated by the following comments:





O’Sullivan and Irby의 모델에 '어떻게 work group에 학습이 전이되는가'에 대한 내용이 더해졌다. 졸업생의 critical mass가 형성되고, 리더십의 기회를 제공하는 것이 학습의 전이를 촉진하고 지속적학습의 문화를 장려하는데 기여한다.

We believe this adds a dimension to O’Sullivan and Irby’s model,3 as reconceptualized in Figure 2, that describes how learning transfers to the work group. Further, having a critical mass of graduates and providing oppor- tunities for leadership facilitated that lear ning transfer and fostered a culture of continuous learning within the work group.

연구 결과는 학습이 social process라고 보는 workplace learning에 대한 기존 연구와 부합한다. 한 사람이 배운 내용을 다른 곳(workplace)에 전이하는 것은 협력, 직무활동에 함께 참여, 정보 교환, 지도guidance 받기, 코치 받기, 행동의 관찰과 모밤을 통해서 가능하다.

Our findings are consistent with the workplace learning literature, which describes learning as a social process.16 Transferring what one person learns to another in the workplace occurs through

  • collaboration and participating in work activities together,

  • exchanging information,

  • receiving guidance,

  • being coached, and

  • observing and copying behaviors.17,18


근무지학습 문헌을 보면, transfer는 비공식적으로 발생하는 것이며, 멘토링이나 과제완수, 미팅참석의 부산물로서 우연히 발생한다. 우리의 연구 결과는 transfer의 상당부분은 우연히, 그리고 work group units across the organization에서 발생하며, 이것이 의미하는 바는 더 큰 조직구조 수준에서 이것이 learning으로 인정되고 있지 않고, 따라서 프로그램의 가치를 인정받는데 한계가 된다. 종합적으로, 우리의 연구결과는 FDP가 조직에 미치는 영향에 대해서 말하고 있으며, Kirkpatrick의 4레벨은 평가가능하고 실제로 발생한다.

The workplace learning literature describes the transfer as taking place informally,19 through both deliberate means such as mentoring, and incidentally as a by-product of task completion and meeting attendance. Our findings suggest that a significant portion of the transfer takes place incidentally and within work group units across the organization, which may mean that it is not acknowledged as learning within the larger organizational structure, thus limiting the recognition of the program’s value.20,21 Overall, our analysis indicates that the impact of a faculty development program on the organization—for instance, Level 4 as described by Kirkpatrick4—can be assessed and does occur.

Critical mass와 Educational leadership opportunities가 핵심 요인이다. 다음과 같은 상황에서는 전이가 발생하지 않는다.

Our interviewees identified critical mass and educational leadership opportunities as key factors aiding transfer. In another health care context, transfer of training was found to be absent because of

  • 조직의 서포트가 분절됨 fragmented organizational support,

  • 적용할 시간이 없음 lack of time to practice what was learned, and

  • 조직의 전략과 잘 맞지 않음 lack of alignment with organizational strategy.22


MTLDP의 졸업생은 기회가 있었고, 그렇게 하는 것이 장려되었으며, 조직의 전반적 지향과 맞았다.

The graduates of the MTLDP had opportunity to apply what they learned pre- and post graduation, and were encouraged to do so, and the program aims are consistent with each of the three organization’s overall direction of building teaching, scholarship, and leadership excellence. Although these additional factors were not explicitly stated in our findings, they may be equally important to learning transfer.



7 Lown BA, Newman LR, Hatem CJ. The personal and professional impact of a fellowship in medical education. Acad Med. 2009;84:1089–1097.

10 Yamnill S, McLean GN. Theories supporting transfer of training. Hum Res Dev Q. 2001;12:195–208.





 2015 Mar;90(3):372-8. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000000440.

How learning transfers: a study of how graduates of a faculty education fellowship influenced the behaviors andpractices of their peers and organizations.

Author information

  • 1Dr. Plack is professor, Department of Physical Therapy and Health Care Sciences, School of Medicine and Health Sciences, George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Washington, DC. Dr. Goldman is associate professor of human and organizational learning, George Washington University Graduate School of Education and Human Development, and director, Master Teacher Leadership Development Program, George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Washington, DC. Dr. Wesner is assistant professor of human and organizational learning, George Washington University Graduate School of Education and Human Development, and director, Masters' Program in Human Resource Development, George Washington University Graduate School of Education and Human Development, Hampton Roads, Virginia. Dr. Manikoth is research assistant, Department of Human and Organizational Learning, George Washington University Graduate School of Educationand Human Development, Washington, DC. Dr. Haywood is associate dean for student and curricular affairs and associate professor of emergency medicine, George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences, and decanal liaison, Master Teacher Leadership Development Program, George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Washington, DC.



Faculty development programs have been criticized for their limited assessment methods, focused only on the learners and limited to satisfaction measures or self-reported behavior changes. Assessment of organizational impact is lacking. This study explored the impact of facultyeducation fellowship graduates on their organization and how that impact occurred.


The design was a qualitative study of 13 departments across three institutions, partnered with the George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences. In-depth interviews with 13 supervisors and 25 peers of graduates were conducted in fall 2012 to examinegraduates' organizational impact related to program purposes: enhancing teaching skills, pursuing scholarship in education, and developing leadership potential. Triangulation, purposive sampling, rich descriptions, and member checks minimized bias and optimized transferability.


A model of how graduates of a faculty education fellowship transfer learning to peers and their organizations emerged. Analysis of interview responses showed that in the presence of environmental facilitators, graduates exhibited enhanced confidence and five new behaviors.Graduates raised peer awareness, leading to changes in individual and group practices and development of shared peer understanding. Analysis suggests they facilitated a culture of continuous learning around teaching, scholarship, and leadership.


This study enhances traditional assessment of faculty education fellowship programs by examining the impact that graduates had on peers and work groups. A model is proposed for how graduates interact with and impact work group processes and practices. This model can facilitate more comprehensive program assessments, which can demonstrate program impact beyond the individual participant.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

의학교육에서 교수개발의 발전: A Systematic Review (Acad Med, 2013)

Advancing Faculty Development in Medical Education: A Systematic Review

Karen Leslie, MD, MEd, Lindsay Baker, MEd, Eileen Egan-Lee, MEd, Martina Esdaile, MA,

and Scott Reeves, PhD, MSc

지난 수십년에 걸쳐서, 교수에게 "창의적이고 효과적인 teacher, 성공적인 researcher, 생산성 높은 clinician"이 될 것을 요구하는 광범위한 변화들이 있어왔다.

Throughout the last few decades, extensive changes have resulted in increasing demands on faculty to be “creative and effective teachers, successful researchers, and productive clinicians.”2

Stritter는 FD를 교수들의 교육수행능력 향상을 위한 전략strategies to improve faculty members’ teaching performance이라고 개념화했다. 이후 리뷰에서는 교수의 확장된 역할(행정가, 스칼라십, 리더십)을 포함한 더 포괄적인 FD의 정의가 요구되었다. 그러나 캐나다의 FD변화에 대해서 추적한 지난 30년간 진행된 일련의 설문을 보면, 비록 그러한 프로그램이 교수들의 요구를 충족시키기 위하여 시작되었지만, 여전히 주로 교육수행능력 향상에 초점을 두고 있다.

Stritter4 initially conceptualized FD as strategies to improve faculty members’ teaching performance. Subsequent reviews5,6 have called for a broader definition of FD, based on the expanding scope of faculty roles, including administration, scholarship, and leadership. However, a series of surveys1,7,8 conducted over the past 30 years, which described and tracked changes in FD programs in Canadian medical schools, indicate that although such programs have begun to address the breadth of faculty members’ needs, their focus remains on strategies to improve teaching performance.


Our specific objectives were threefold:

(1) to provide an account of the nature and scope of FD programs,

(2) to provide an assessment of the quality of FD studies, and

(3) to identify in what areas and through what means future research can purposefully build on existing knowledge.




Eligibility criteria

We included articles that reported program evaluations of FD initiatives for both basic science and clinical faculty in academic medicine.

We included only peer-reviewed articles published between January 1989 and December 2010.

We excluded articles that had been included in previous FD reviews (e.g., by Steinert and colleagues12) to avoid repetition and to build on their findings.

연구문헌 탐색과 선택

Search strategies and selection methods

We used two approaches to locate articles for inclusion in our review. First, we searched for relevant articles published in the past 21 years (January 1989 to December 2010) using the electronic databases MEDLINE, CINAHL, and ERIC. We chose these three databases because they span the health professions.

Second, we conducted manual searches of three leading medical education journals that publish articles on FD initiatives (Academic Medicine, Medical Education, and Medical Teacher) for the same period (January 1989 to December 2010).

데이터 추상화, 분석, 종합

Data abstraction, analysis, and synthesis

Building on Barr and colleagues’15 and Steinert and colleagues’12 use of the Kirkpatrick model, we further modified our list of outcomes to the following seven categories:

(1) learner reaction (level 1),

(2) modification of attitudes/perceptions (level 2a),

(3) acquisition of knowledge/skills (level 2b),

(4) behavioral change (level 3),

(5) changes in organizational practice (level 4a),

(6) benefits to students/residents (level 4b), and

(7) benefits to patients/ communities (level 4c).

질 평가

Assessing the quality

두 가지 차원에 대해서 5점척도로 평가: 연구 자체의 퀄리티, 연구에서 도출한 결과의 퀄리티

We calculated scores (out of five points) along two dimensions—the quality of the study and the quality of the information provided in the article.16 Only articles that attained at least three points on both dimensions were eligible for inclusion in our review.






FD initiatives


Of the 22 articles, 15 reported on FD initiatives that took place in the United States,17–31 3 in Canada,32–34 and 1 in each of Israel,35 Sweden,36 and Germany.37 One described an international collaboration between the United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico.38



Nearly all the articles (n = 21) were published from 2001 to 2010 (one was published in 199023).



Although the majority of articles used the term faculty development (n = 20), other terms used included staff development,36 teaching workshop,32 consulting program,38 and tutor-training program.27 However, only two articles provided a definition for the term they used.23,33

프로그램의 중복여부

Two articles described the same program30,31; therefore, we reviewed 22 articles but 21 programs.



Of the 21 programs, the most common format described was series/longitudinal (n = 12).18–21,24,25,28–31,36–38 These programs were either a series of workshops or a longitudinal program that participants attended over a prolonged length of time (ranging from 10 days to 2 years). Four programs were single workshops (one day or less),17,27,33,35 2 were short courses (less than one week),22,32 and 1 was a fellowship program (1 year).23 Two programs did not fit into these categories—the first involved observations of workplace teaching followed by feedback,26 and the second involved a combination of a workshop, a series of peer writing groups, and independent study.34


교육의 대상

The majority of programs were intended for individual learners (n = 19)17–21,23–37 rather than teams (n = 2).22,38 Fifteen were intended for physicians only,17– 20,22–24,26–29,33,35,37,38 whereas 6 included a mix of health professionals (including nursing, pharmacy, public health, dentistry, basic science, and rehabilitation science).21,25,30–32,34,36


프로그램의 범위

The scope of the programs ranged from local (n = 11) to national (n = 9) to international (n = 1).


이론 프레임워크

The articles did not explicitly discuss a theoretical framework for the FD activities, with the exception of Sullivan and colleagues,30,31 which mentioned the use of adult learning theories in the instructional design of their program.

프로그램의 목표

Many of the included studies had multiple aims.

  • The most common program aim was to improve teaching effectiveness; 15 of the 21 programs included this goal as one of their primary objectives.17–20,23–27,30–33,35–37

  • The second most common program aim (n = 8) was scholarship,21,23–25,28,33,34,37 which encompassed such activities as curriculum design and the development of research skills.

  • Four programs had the development of faculty developers as an objective22,28,29,38; that is, participants attended the initiative to become faculty developers themselves and to implement FD initiatives at their home institutions.

  • In addition, 4 programs described career development as an objective20,23–25; they aimed to nurture participants’ professional effectiveness, professional academic skills, career management, and administration skills.

  • Finally, 3 programs noted leadership as an aim,24,28,29 including enhancing participants’ ability to understand and influence change in their local setting, gaining leadership skills, and creating leadership focused on changing culture.

평가 접근법

Evaluation approaches


Table 1 provides a summary of the evaluation designs, data collection methods, and data analysis approaches employed by the studies in our review. Although 8 of the studies reported the use of mixed methods19,25,26,28,30,34,37,38 and 2 studies employed qualitative methods only,29,36 the focus remained predominantly on quantitative approaches, with 12 studies employing only quantitative methods.17,18,20–24,27,31–33,35 Only 4 studies mentioned a theoretical or conceptual framework for the evaluation design.24,25,33,37


A number of studies employed longitudinal designs—6 with more than three data collection points over time.22,24,27,29,32,34 Fifteen studies included some follow-up component, ranging from 2 months to 13 years post intervention. In addition, 9 studies included a control or comparison group in their design.17,19–21,23,26,27,32,35


Although 9 studies used more than one method of data collection, 13 studies relied on only one data collection method. Not surprisingly, surveys were the most popular method to collect data (n = 18).17,19–24,27–35,37,38 These ranged from complex research instruments to “happy sheets,” which gathered participants’ immediate reactions to the program. Six of these studies used a previously validated instrument. In addition, 3 evaluations analyzed data from interviews25,36,37 and focus groups,37 which were recorded and transcribed, 3 collected observational data,26,34,38 and 3 analyzed the curriculum vitae of participants.24,25,34 Other methods described included analyzing teaching scores, student marks, and progress reports.

자료원의 숫자

Half of the studies used more than one data source (n = 11).17,19–21,23,26,29,32,34,35,38 In general, participants were the most common source of data (n = 21). However, at times, data collected from participants were augmented by data gathered from comparison groups (n = 8), students (n = 6), and facilitators (n = 2).

결과 보고

Reported outcomes

1. 반응

Level 1: reaction.

Nine studies assessed outcomes at this level, which included participants’ satisfaction, perception of program usefulness and acceptability, and value of the activity.20,24,28,30,32–34,37,38 Participants’ reactions were usually measured with a survey immediately following the program.

2a. 태도/인식

Level 2a: attitudes/perceptions.

Fourteen studies addressed participants’ attitudes, which included motivation, self-confidence, enthusiasm, and conceptions of teaching and learning.17,19–21,23,25,26,28,30–33,36,37 This outcome was largely self-reported (n = 12); however, students and residents observed and reported shifts in faculty member participants’ attitudes in 2 studies.26,32 This outcome also was most often measured using surveys (n = 9).17,20,21,23,28,30–33 In addition, 6 of these studies recruited a comparison group of faculty to either fill out the survey themselves or to have their students/residents complete it with them in mind. Finally, in 3 studies, interviews were used to collect data about participants’ attitudes.25,36,37

2b. 지식/스킬

Level 2b: knowledge/skills.

Sixteen studies evaluated outcomes related to participants’ knowledge and skills.19–21,24–33,35–37 Although self-reported data were most common (n = 12), 5 studies presented data related to participants’ knowledge and skills as observed by others (e.g., expert medical educators). Surveys were the most common data collection method, used in 11 of the 16 studies.20,21,23–35 In addition, interviews were employed in 3 studies.25,36,37


3. 행동

Level 3: behavior.

By far, the most commonly reported outcome was participants’ behavior change, measured in 21 of the 22 studies.17–19,21–38 Behaviors measured included delivery of workshops, educational practices and teaching skills, and research productivity. Fourteen studies presented self- reported behavior outcomes, whereas 7 reported participants’ behaviors as observed by others (e.g., students). Two studies included both self-reported and non-self-reported outcomes.19,29


다양한 자료수집방법이 활용됨

In comparison with the other reported outcomes, a variety of methods were used to gather data about participants’ behavior change, including surveys (n = 16)17,19,21–23,27–35,37,38 and interviews with participants (n = 3),25,36,37 the collection of observational and video data (n = 2),18,26 the analysis of curriculum vitae to track career achievements (n = 3),24,25,34 and the analysis of narratives written by participants to illustrate the influences of the FD process on their behavior (n = 1).19

4a. 조직 행동

Level 4a: organizational practice.

These outcomes measured changes that affected the organization in some way, such as the development of new programs or new curricula; the retention of faculty; new hires; and culture changes. Organizational changes were reported in 9 studies19,22,24,26,28,29,31,33,38 and were mostly captured by self-reported follow-up surveys (up to 24 months after participation in the FD initiative) and progress reports submitted by participants.

4b. 학생의 이득

Level 4b: student benefit.

Three studies assessed the benefits to students of FD programs.19,27,29 All three reported the results of surveys completed by individuals other than the FD program participants.

4c. 환자의 이득

Level 4c: patient benefit.

Two studies included the self-reported benefits to patients.31,37 Participants completed surveys about how the changes they made in their clinical practices as a result of the FD program affected the quality of their patient care.



Steinert등, Sambunjak 등의 연구결과와 비교하면 최근들어 FD이니셔티브의 범위scope나 평가방법이 확장됨을 알 수 있었다. 예컨대, 본 연구에서는 FD프로그램이 교육스행능력에만 초점을 두던 것에서 벗어나서 다양한 목적을 가지기 시작했으며, 한 프로그램 내에서도 그러했다. 프로그램은 점점 스칼라십/리더십/교수개발요구 등을 지원하고 있었다. 이러한 변화는 변화하는 의학교육와 의료시스템의 환경에 따라 교수들의 요구가 진화한 것에 대한 반응으로 보여진다. 흥미롭게도, 교수개발자들의 개발은 여러 프로그램의 목표였으며, 어떻게 build capacity를 할 것인가에 대한 지식을 확장시키고자 하는 요구addressing the need to extend knowledge about how best to build capacity라고 할 수 있다.

Our review found some expansion in both the scope of FD initiatives in recent years and the evaluation methods employed by researchers, compared with the findings of Steinert and colleagues12 and Sambunjak and colleagues.11 For example, our findings suggest that FD programs are beginning to move away from a focus on teaching performance alone toward a variety of objectives, often within the same program. Programs are increasingly aiming to assist faculty with their scholarship, leadership, and career development needs, in addition to their teaching skills. This shift may mirror the evolving needs of faculty in response to the changing landscape of medical education and the health care system.2,3 Interestingly, the development of faculty developers was an aim in several of the programs, addressing the need to extend knowledge about how best to build capacity.

가장 흔한 형태는 시리즈 혹은 장기 프로그램이었다. 비록 이러한 활동이 단순히 워크숍 시리즈인 경우가 많긴 했으나, 시리즈 또는 장기 프로그램이 가장 흔한 형태라는 결과가 보여주는 바는 FD이니셔티브의 설계자들이 전통적인 single, one-time workshop의 형태에서 벗어나고 있다는 점이다. 이러한 변화는 이 분야의 리더들이 practice의 변화를 위해서는 장기적 노출prolonged exposure이 필요하다는 점을 인정했음을 보여준다(이러한 장기적 노출을 통해서 학습에 대한 적용의 기회, 학습과 실천에 대한 성찰이 가능해진다). 


그러나 FDP의 다수는 여전히 관점이 협소했는데, 대체로 팀이 아니라 개인에 초점을 두고 있었고, 한 종류의 직군(의사)만을 대상으로 했고, 한 장소에서 이뤄졌으며, 그 지역local에서만 참가자들이 있었다. 더 나아가서 FD이니셔티브의 개발은 여전히 이론적 근거 없이 이뤄지고 있어서 이 설계방법의 개념적 프레임워크를 제시한 연구는 거의 없었다.

The most common format for FD initiatives was a series or longitudinal program (see Appendix 1). Although these initiatives often were simply a series of workshops that participants could attend, that we found them to be the most common format indicates that the designers of FD initiatives are moving away from the traditional format of single, one-time workshops. This shift may indicate an acknowledgement by leaders in the field that prolonged exposure (with the opportunity for the application of and reflection on learning and for reflection on practice) is often necessary for change in practice.39 The majority of the FD programs, however, remained narrow in scope. They were largely focused on individuals as opposed to teams, were mostly offered to a single profession (physicians), at single sites, and to local participants only. Moreover, the development of FD initiatives appears to remain largely atheoretical, with few studies identifying a conceptual framework that informed its design.

하나 빼고는 모두 지난 10년간 발표된 논문이었는데, 프로그램을 평가하는 caliber가 최근 향상되고 있음을 보여주었다. 비록 이러한 변화가 긍정적이나 여전히 개선의 여지가 있다. 소수의 프로그램만이 이론적, 개념적 프레임워크 기반을 가지고 있었다. 또한 비록 질적, mixed-method가 점점 널리 사용되고 있지만, 여전히 대부분은 양적연구방법만 사용한다. 이는 가용자원의 제약 때문일 수 있으나(시간과 돈), 한편으로는 의학교육자들이 전통적인 양적연구방법에 익숙하다는 것을 보여준다. 그러나 우리는 post-intervention 연구들이 longitudinal evaluation으로 변화하는 모습을 관찰할 수 있었다. 추가적으로, 많은 연구들이 통제군/대조군을 포함시켰다.

With respect to program evaluation methods, all but one of the articles included in our review were published in the last decade (see Appendix 1), suggesting that the caliber of evaluation work has improved in recent years. Although this change is promising, there is still room for improvement. A small number of studies based their evaluations on a theoretical or conceptual framework. In addition, although qualitative approaches and mixed-method approaches to program evaluation are becoming more prevalent, the majority of studies only employed quantitative methods (see Appendix 1). This practice may be due to resource issues, including time and money, but it also may reflect medical educators’ traditional preference for undertaking quantitative research work. We did, however, notice a shift from postintervention studies toward longitudinal evaluations. In addition, a growing number of studies are employing control or comparison groups in their designs. These practices indicate that quality evaluations are becoming more rigorous.

연구자들은 자료수집 시에 한 가지 방법에만 의존하는 경우가 많다. 인터뷰/관찰/CV분석 등을 활용하기도 했지만, 가장 흔한 것은 unvalidated survey였다. 유사하게, 두 개 이상의 자료출처를 사용하는 경우가 늘어나고는 있지만, 프로그램 참가자가 가장 주된 자료출처이다. 자기보고자료에 의존하는 것이 FD문헌의 common thread였다.

Our findings also illustrate that researchers continue to rely on a single method of data collection (see Appendix 1). Although some studies used interviews, observations, and curriculum vitae analysis, the most common form of data collection was the use of unvalidated surveys. Similarly, despite an increasing number of studies employing more than one data source (including students and FD program facilitators), program participants remained the predominant source of data. This reliance on self- reported data is a common thread in the FD literature over the years.12

마지막으로, 흔히 사용되는 성과척도는 다음과 같은 것들이 있다. 반응reaction에 의존하던 모습이 변한 것은 긍정적이지만, 교육 프로세스나 맥락적 요인의 상호작용interplay는 비교적 관심을 받지 못하였다 O'Sullivan과 Irby는 전통적인 FD연구의 선형모델에서 벗어나야 한다고 했다.

Finally, our findings indicate that the most common outcomes measured included participants’ self-reported behavior changes, acquisition of knowledge and skills, and changes in attitudes and perceptions (see Appendix 1). Although this shift from relying on reaction outcomes is a welcome change, little focus has been placed on the educational process or the interplay of contextual factors that affect the success of FD. Perhaps, as O’Sullivan and Irby40 suggest, it is time to move away from the traditional linear model of FD research that focuses on the individual participant. They offer instead a new model that is more cyclical in nature and that focuses on the interaction between the FD community and the workplace community.

우리의 연구 결과에 근거해서 다음을 권곻ㄴ다.

On the basis of our findings, we propose the following recommendations for future FD research

  • 양정, 질적 방법
     First, researchers must continue the trend toward more rigorous approaches to program evaluation. The growing use of mixed methods should be encouraged because such approaches provide for comprehensive and robust studies that produce rich data. Combining both qualitative and quantitative perspectives allows researchers to generate findings that focus on both the teaching processes and the outcomes of those processes.

  • 이론프레임워크
    Related to this trend is the need for the use of theoretical frameworks in designing evaluation studies. Grounding such studies in the broader literature is necessary if FD scholarship is to engage in dialogue and align with the health professions education research community as a whole.

  • 참가자 말고도 퍼실리테이터의 역할 등에 대해서도. 전문직간 팀, 실천공동체, 어떻게 행동변화가 일어나는가 등
    Second, researchers must expand beyond studying solely participants’ outcomes; they also must include multiple sources of data. For example, only a small percentage of the studies included in our review employed facilitators as data sources, and those that did usually used them to provide their perceptions of the changes in participants rather than to share their own experiences. Others support our call to explore further the role that facilitators can play in measuring the success of FD programs.40,41 Similarly, FD research currently overlooks the role of interprofessional teams and communities of practice in the workplace. Furthering this line of research would put us a step closer to understanding how behavior change occurs within the practice environment.

  • 다기관 연구
    Finally, the bulk of FD evaluations are completed at a single institution, which limits the inferences one can draw from such studies. More multisite studies are needed to produce more compelling empirical research. Multisite studies also would explore the complex ways in which different organizational and contextual factors shape the success of FD programs.



 2013 Jul;88(7):1038-45. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0b013e318294fd29.

Advancing faculty development in medical education: a systematic review.

Author information

  • 1Centre for Faculty Development, University of Toronto, Li Ka Shing International Healthcare Education Centre, St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. lesliek@smh.ca



To (1) provide a detailed account of the nature and scope of faculty development (FD) programs in medical education, (2) assess the quality of FD studies, and (3) identify in what areas and through what means future research can purposefully build on existing knowledge.


The authors searched MEDLINE, CINAHL, and ERIC for articles reporting evaluations of FD initiatives published between 1989 and 2010. They applied standard systematic review procedures for sifting abstracts, scrutinizing full texts, and abstracting data, including program characteristics, evaluation methods, and outcomes. They used a modified Kirkpatrick model to guide their data abstraction.


The authors included 22 articles reporting on 21 studies in their review. The most common program characteristics included a series/longitudinal format, intended for individuals, and offered to physicians only. Although the most common aim was to improve teaching effectiveness, several programs had multiple aims, including scholarship and leadership. Program evaluation focused on quantitative approaches. A number of studies employed longitudinal designs and included some follow-up component. Surveys were the most popular data collection method, participants the most common data source, and self-reported behavior changes the most commonly reported outcome.


Although the authors' findings showed some recent expansion in the scope of the FD literature, they also highlighted areas that require further focus and growth. Future research should employ more rigorous evaluation methods, explore the role of interprofessional teams and communities of practice in the workplace, and address how different organizational and contextual factors shape the success of FD programs.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

스니펫: 효율적, 효과적 교수개발의 혁신적 방법 (J Grad Med Educ. 2014)

Snippets: An Innovative Method for Efficient, Effective Faculty Development

Miriam E. Bar-on, MD

Lyuba Konopasek, MD


교수개발의 주요 장애요인

This has been identified as the primary barrier for faculty attendance at faculty development sessions.5–11 Other barriers to partic- ipating in faculty development include

  • 리소스 resources;

  • 상충하는 우선순위 compet- ing priorities, such as patient care, research, and adminis- trative tasks; and

  • 교육에 대한 낮은 경제적 보상과 인정 the lack of financial rewards or social recognition for the teaching role.5–11


또 다른 장애요인

Perhaps, the most significant psychologic barrier to participation in faculty development is

  • 교육보다 연구나 진료를 더 가치있게 여기는 기관
    the real or perceived lack of institutional support for teaching, with institutions frequently appearing to place a higher value on clinical and research-related activities than they do on teaching.2,5,6,10,11

다양한 level의 교수들은 서로 다른 유형의 트레이닝을 필요로 한다. 

Further, faculty members at various levels need different types of training.

  • 주니어는... Junior faculty may need development in more introductory topics,

  • 시니어는... whereas faculty with more seniority may need development that focuses on keeping their teaching up to date or training in educational leadership.5,16

Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) 의 인증요건에서 가장 최근의 Common Program Requirements에는 교수개발이 핵심 요소로 들어가있다.

Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) accreditation requirements. In the most recent iteration of the Common Program Requirements,17 faculty development has been identified as a core component.

이 '스니펫'이라는 혁신적인 방법은 간략한 교수개발 세션으로서, 교실별 미팅과 같은 context에서 진행되며, 이러한 방식이 아니라면 교수개발에 참석이 불가능하거나 그러할 의지가 없는 사람들도 교수개발 프로그램을 들을 수 있게 해준다. 스니펫은 skill을 교육하기 위한 목적에 따라 고도로 구조화되어있으나, 전통적인 교수개발을 대체할 수는 없다. 스니펫은 더 긴 stand-alone 교수개발 프로그램의 "trailer"처럼 활용할 수도 있다.

This innovative method, the ‘‘snippet,’’ provides a brief faculty development session in the context of a required faculty activity, such as a departmental meeting, thereby engaging those who might otherwise be unable or unwilling to participate in such sessions. Snippets are highly structured to teach skills, but they do not replace traditional faculty development. The snippet can also be useful as a ‘‘trailer,’’ or preview, for longer stand-alone faculty development sessions.



The Snippet

스니펫은 보통 20분 이내의 짧은 시간내에 이뤄진다. 아주 드물게 30분까지 늘어날 수도 있다. 스니펫은 single overriding communication objective (SOCO)에 초점을 둔다. 스니펫을 설계할 때는 반드시 SOCO를 신중히 골라야 하는데, 이 SOCO는 할당된 시간 내에 교육할 수 있어야 하고, 그 세션에 참가한 역할이나 직무와 관계가 있어야 한다.

Snippets are short, generally limited to 20 minutes. In rare instances, they may extend to 30 minutes. The focus of a snippet is a single overriding communication objective (SOCO).19 The de- signer of the snippet must carefully select a SOCO—a topic or skill—that can be taught in the allotted time, and is relevant to the role and work of the individuals who will attend the session.

스니펫은 고도로 구조화되어 있다. 스니펫은 최대 10개 슬라이드까지 허용되며, 왜냐하면 대부분 교수개발을 진행할 때 슬라이드 말고도 다른 media를 활용하기 때문이다. 10개 슬라이드 중 3개는 타이틀, 학습목표, Take-home point이다. 추가적으로, 핵심학습요점을 정리한 슬라이드가 포함되며, 새로운 지식이나 스킬을 활용하는 상호작용적 실습을 위한 슬라이드가 있어야 한다. 교육하는 내용이 근거에 기반한 것이라는 것을 보여주기 위하여 관련된 문헌을 인용해야 한다.

Snippets are highly structured. They include a maxi- mum of 10 slides because most individuals giving faculty development sessions employ slides and other media. Of the 10 slides, 3 include the title slide, learning objectives, and take-home points. In addition, slides must be allocated to the key learning points of the topic and to a possible interactive exercise to allow application of the new knowledge or skill (BOX1). Citations from the education literature should be included to demonstrate that the approach taught is based on evidence.


스니펫 개발

Snippet Development

스니펫을 만들 때는 기본적으로 네 단계가 있다.

To develop a snippet, there are 4 basic steps (BOX2).

  • 첫 번째 스텝은 가르칠 주제나 스킬을 정하고, 근거-기반을 마련하기 위하여 문헌을 고찰하는 것이다.
    The first step entails selecting an educational topic or skill to present and a review of the literature to create the evidence base.

  • 이 과정이 완료되면, 교육할 핵심 요점을 결정한다. 이 단계의 한 부분으로서, 스니펫 개발자는 한 차례의 스니펫이 모든 내용을 다 담을 것인지, 시리즈로 여러 스니펫에 나눌 것인지 결정해야 한다.
    Once that is completed, the second step is to determine the key points that will be presented. As part of this step, the developer must determine whether to present the whole topic or skill as 1 snippet or as several snippets in a series.

  • 스텝 3은 교육하려는 토픽이나 스킬을 시범보일 수 있는 (실습)활동을 선정하는 것이다. 여기에는 사례조사, 역할극, 차트리뷰, Critique와 함께 시험보이기, 비디오 시청, 게임 등이 있다. 활동을 선택할 때 학습을 최대화하는 방법인지 고려해야 하고, Debrief의 유형을 계획하고, 활동 이후에 토론을 포함해야 한다.
    Step 3 is to select an activity to demonstrate the educational topic or skill. Such activities may include, among others, case study, role play, chart review, a demonstration of teaching a procedure with critique, watching a video or movie clip, or playing a game. In selecting the activity, it is important to consider the type of instructions to provide participants to maximize the learning and to plan the type of debrief and/or discussion to have following the activity.

  • 마지막 단계는 take-home point를 넣는 것
    The final step—step 4—entails formulating take-home points and ensuring participants have the opportunity to hear them.

스니펫 발표를 위한 타이밍을 잡는 것이 매우 중요한데, 왜냐하면 스니펫은 특정 주제에 대해서 한정된 시간 동안 이뤄지기 때문이다. 스니펫이 너무 길어지면, 미래에 스니펫을 위한 시간이 할당될 가능성이 낮으며, 발표자가 신뢰도가 낮아 보일 수 있다. 스니펫이 너무 짧아져버리면 핵심 학습요점을 놓칠 수 있다. 스니펫은 fine-tune timing을 위하여 리허설을 히야 하고, interactive acitivties를 하는 중에 시간에 유의해야 한다.

It is especially important to work out the timing for snippet presentations because snippets are allocated a specific amount of time on an agenda. A snippet that goes too long may make it less likely that time is allocated for this activity in the future and may also make the presenter look less credible. If the presentation is cut short, key learning points may be missed. Snippet presenters must rehearse their talks to fine-tune timing, and they must keep a close eye on time during interactive activities.

20분 모듈보다 더 길어질 것 같은 토픽은 더 작은 단위로 쪼개지거나, 더 extensive한 FDP를 위한 '예고편'으로 사용할 수 있다.

There are many topics (BOX3) that can be—and have been—developed into a snippet format. Topics that are more complex than a 20-minute module can be broken down into smaller bites or can serve as an ‘‘appetizer’’ for a more extensive faculty development session.





스니펫은 각 교실의 FD요구를 지원하고, 인증요건을 만족시키기 위하여 2007년 the University of Nevada School of Medicine 에서 만들어졌다. 스니펫 기본 세트가 만들어진 이후, 매달 진행되는 교수미팅에서 활용되었다.

Snippets were initially developed at the University of Nevada School of Medicine in 2007 to meet departmental faculty development needs and accreditation requirements. After a basic set of snippets were developed, they were incorporated into monthly faculty meetings across all departments that sponsored residency programs.

참가자 반응은 긍정적

Feedback from attendees at these workshops was strongly positive and indicated that many participants planned to implement the snippets concept in their home institutions.

교수개발에 스니펫 모델을 도입한 일부 사례들

Faculty members who participated in the workshops have incorporated the snippet model into their institutions. Here are a few examples of institutions that have adapted the snippet model of faculty development:

  • At the University of South Alabama, Department of & Pediatrics, the student clerkship director attended a workshop at the Council of Medical Student Educators in Pediatrics (COMSEP) and has integrated snippet faculty development sessions into his departmental faculty meetings in collaboration with the pediatrics program director. Two lead medical educators in the Department of Pediatrics performed a combined needs assessment of the faculty to help focus and build the topics for their snippet series. Using that information, they developed monthly sessions lasting approximately 15 minutes to provide teaching tips and basic skills for members of the department. In addition, by working with the Office of Continuing Medical Education (CME), they have been able to give 0.25 hours of CME category 1 credit to attendees. In 2012, the snippets program was extended to their faculty advisor committee, and 0.5 hours of CME category 1 credit was provided. Beginning with the 2013–2014 academic year, members of the University of South Alabama, Department of Pediatrics, required the Clinical Competency Committee to participate in snippets, and the members receive CME credit for their participation. Further, both that individual and the program director participated in delivering the workshop at a combined COMSEP/APPD meeting in April 2013.

  • Use of snippets at the Icahn School of Medicine at & Mount Sinai followed a less formal model. An attendee from the ACGME Annual Educational Conference stated, ‘‘I have used it several times—I don’t always follow the format exactly, but I have ended a handful of meetings with a 10-minute teaching component and try to keep it interactive and focused on what behaviors/skills they will incorporate.’’

  • At the George Washington University School of & Medicine and Health Sciences, Department of Pediatrics, a workshop was presented by 2 individuals who attended the snippets workshop at the combined COMSEP/APPDmeeting. This group also planned an education grand rounds in September 2013, which was delivered in the snippet format.

요약하자면, 스니펫은 매우 구조화된, 바쁜 교수들을 위한 짧은 교수개발의 "단편bites"이다. 전통적인 FDP를 대체하지는 못하나, 그것을 보충하는 역할을 할 수 있다. 스니펫은 교수들이 (교수개발 목적이 아닌) 다른 필수 세션을 참석하는 시간을 활용하여 인증요건을 충족시킬 수 있다. CME사무실에 제출하여 평점을 받을 수 있으며, 이것이 루틴한 교수 미팅에 가치를 더해준다. 마지막으로 온라인 스니펫 저장소를 만드는 것은 스니펫 개발에 참여할 인센티브일 뿐만 아니라 best practice in FD를 위한 site가 된다.

In summary, snippets are well-structured, short ‘‘bites’’ of faculty development for busy faculty educators. They do not replace traditional faculty development but supplement it with an efficient method to deliver information and skills in brief sessions that are sensitive to the identified key constraints in faculty development. Snippets meet accred- itation requirements by engaging a department’s teaching faculty when the faculty is attending another required session. Snippets can be submitted to CME offices for incremental credit, which provides value-added material to routine faculty meetings or other meetings with required attendance. Finally, the development of an online reposi- tory of snippets can serve not only as incentive to participate in snippet creation but also as a site for best practices in faculty development.


3 Clay MA II, Sikon AL, Lypson ML, Gomez A, Kennedy-Malone L, Bussey-Jones J, et al. Teaching while learning while practicing: reframing faculty development for the patient-centered medical home. Acad Med. 2013;88(9):1215–1219.

4 Cook DA, Steinert Y. Online learning for faculty development: a review of the literature. Med Teach. 2013;35(11):930–937.

19 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Single overriding communication objective (SOCO) worksheet. March 2013. http://www.cdc. gov/healthywater/emergency/dwa-comm-toolbox/tools-templates-main. html. Accessed August 30, 2013.


 2014 Jun;6(2):207-10. doi: 10.4300/JGME-D-13-00362.1.

Snippets: an innovative method for efficient, effective faculty development.

Free PMC Article

본다, 한다, 그리고는? PGME에서의 교수개발(Postgrad Med J. 2008)

See one, do one, then what? Faculty development in postgraduate medical education

T Swanwick

과거에는 누구나 가르칠 수 있다고 생각했지만, 정말로 가르친다는 것이 우연에 맡겨도 되는 것인가? PGME는 변하고 있다. 의학교육의 전문화와 교육의 수월성을 추구하는 원동력이 임상교사의 높아져가는 책무성과 합해져서 stakes를 높이고 있다. 'Teaching the teachers' 혹은 교수개발은 더 이상 사치품이 아니며, 중요한 성과를 위한 핵심 활동이다.

In the past it was assumed that anyone could teach, but is this really something that should be left to chance? Postgraduate medical education is changing. A move to professionalise medical education and a drive for excellence in education, coupled with an increasing accountability of clinical teachers, is raising the stakes. ‘‘Teaching the teachers’’, or faculty development, is no longer an added luxury, but a core activity with impor- tant consequences.

교수개발은 무엇이며 왜 중요한가?


Steinert는 이렇게 말했다.

Steinert1 describes faculty development as:

‘‘…a planned program, or set of programs, designed to prepare institutions and faculty members for their various roles, with the goal of improving instructor’s knowledge and skills in the areas of teaching, research and adminis- tration’’

교수개발은 단순히 "가르치는 사람들에게 가르치는 방법을 가르치는 것'이 아니다. 이것은 clinical teacher의 교육활동을 전문화하기 위하여, 교육 인프라를 강화하기 위하여, 미래의 교육역량을 축적하기 위하여 추구하는 전 기관 차원의 활동이며, 다른 말로 하면 trainer와 trainee가 하는 일의 한중간에서 education clinician을 만드는 것이다. 교수개발이 "계획된 프로그램"이라는 측면이 특히 중요한데, 교수개발이 novice clinical teacher에게 입문 수준의 훈련을 제공하는 것 뿐만 아니라, 지속적인 ongoing professional development 의 기회가 되어야 한다.

Faculty development is more that just about ‘‘teaching the teachers to teach’’. It should be an institution-wide pursuit with the intent of profes- sionalising the educational activities of clinical teachers, enhancing educational infrastructure, and building educational capacity for the future—in other words, establishing education clinician and training at the centre of what trainers, and trainees, do. The ‘‘planned program’’ aspect of faculty development is particularly important, as not only should faculty development provide entry level training for novice clinical teachers, there must also be opportunities of ongoing professional development and support.

잘 훈련받은 의사가 더 환자진료를 잘 할 것이라는 것에는 핵심 가정이 있다.

 the belief that well trained doctors carry outbetter patient care holds a number of key assumptions, namely that: 

  • 학습을 촉진하는 더 좋은/덜 좋은 방법이 존재한다. there are some good—and less good—ways to facilitate learning 

  • 트레이너를 훈련시키는 것은 Trainee outcome을 향상시킬 것이다. training the trainers results in better trainee outcomes 

  • 인적자원에 투자하는 것은 조직성과를 향상시킬 것이다. investing in human capital enhances organisa- tional outputs.

세 가지 형태의 교육이 의학교육을 지배해왔다. "연단의 현자", "대가 주위 배회", "핀잔주는 교육". 이 모두는 문제가 있다. 전통적인 강의 형식은 이미 40년 전부터 지식의 전이에 있어서 유용하지 못한 것poor vehicle으로 알려져 왔으며, 강의의 요점 중 42%만이 강의 직후에 기억나며, 이는 1주일 이내에는 20%, 이후에는 3~5%까지 낮아진다. 이 숫자에도 불구하고 PGME에서 강의는 여전히 주로 사용되는 방법이다.

Three forms of teaching have historically held sway in medical education: ‘‘the sage on the stage’’, ‘‘hanging around with the big boys’’ (also known as ‘‘learning by lurking’’), and ‘‘teaching by humiliation’’. All have their problems. The tradi- tional lecture format has been known for over 40 years to be a poor vehicle for the transfer of knowledge2 with only 42% of the key point of a lecture being recalled immediately afterwards, dropping to 20% within a week and to 3–5% thereafter. Despite these depressing figures, the lecture continues to be the staple diet of post- graduate education centres.

더 훌륭하고 나은 의사의 옆을 맴도는 것 만으로도 효과적인 학습이 가능할 수도 있으나, 이는 trainee가 (진료에) 기여하고 참여할 기회가 있을 때의 이야기이다. 시니어의 활동에 함께 할 수 있는 허가가 없이는 trainee는 수동적 관찰자의 역할 밖에 할 수 없으며, 학습경험이란 존재하지 않는다.

Simply being around bigger and better doctors may well be an effective way to learn, but only if the trainee is provided with opportunities to contribute and participate.3 Without permis- sion to join in with the activities of seniors, the trainee is confined to the role of passive spectator, and the learning experience is impoverished.

마지막으로, '핀잔주는 교육'은 - 회진에서 trainee를 박살내는 흔한 모습으로 - 비록 점차 사라질 것으로 기대되지만, professional development를 위한 자신감을 약화시키는 것으로 나타난 바 있다.

Finally, teaching by humiliation—the ritualistic dismantling of trainees on the ward round—though hopefully on the wane, has been shown to undermine the self confidence needed for the professional development of trainees and students.45

교수개발이 차이를 가져오는가?


Roop and Pangaro의 핵심 관찰 결과는, 학생이 인지적으로 가장 성장하게 해주는 사람은 주치의attending physician이 아니라 레지던트였다는 사실이다. 이것이 주는 중요한 함의는 교수개발이 단순히 consultant의 교육역량 강화에만 관련된 것이 아니며, 팀 전체의 역량강화와 관계된다는 사실이다

A further key finding of Roop and Pangaro10 was that it was the resident, rather than the attending physician, who made the most difference to the cognitive growth of students. This has an important implication—faculty development is not just about developing the educational competencies of consultants, but the whole team.

마지막으로, 교수개발이 중요한 이유는 기관 전체에 미치는 영향 때문이다. 이미 200년 전부터 인적자원에 투자하는 것은 조직에게 이롭다는 것이 알려져왔다.

Finally, faculty development is important because of its effect on the institution as a whole. Investing in human capital has been demonstrated to be beneficial to organisational output for over 200 years,

Senge는 다음과 같은 'learning organization'은 유연하고/적응력이 있으며/생산성이 높다고 하였다.

Senge has argued that learning organisations:

‘‘… where people continually expand their capacity to create the results they truly desire, where new and expansive patterns of thinking are nurtured, where collective aspiration is set free, and where people are continually learning to see the whole together’’13

are flexible, adaptive and productive.




왜 지금인가?


의학교육의 전문화

Professionalisation of medical education

영국에서는, 어느 정도는 Dearing report의 권고안 때문이나, 의과대학에 속한 의학교육학교실의 숫자가 늘어나고 있으며, 석사과정 프로그램과 postgraduate certificates가 늘어나고 있다.

In the UK, driven in part by recommendations of the Dearing report on the future of higher education15 (box 1), there has been a growth in the number of departments of medical education attached to medical schools, and a proliferation of masters level programmes and postgraduate certificates,16



(의학교육의) 책무성 증대

Increasing accountability

의학교육에서 이 책임은 다양한 방향에서 들어온다.

In medical education, this accountability is felt in a number of directions;

  • 환자로부터 to the patient, through government agendas around ‘‘patient choice’’ and ‘‘patient safety’’;

  • 피훈련자로부터 to the trainee as witnessed by the increasing importance laid on student evaluations, particularly in the USA, through to a growing number of appeals and legal challenges; and

  • 규제기구로부터 to regulatory bodies, a role taken in the UK by the Postgraduate Medical Education and Training Board (PMETB).

수월성의 추구

Pursuit of ‘‘excellence’’

'수월성', '세계수준'과 같은 용어는 오늘날 영국에서 정치적 유행어political buzzwords이다.

‘‘Excellence’’ and ‘‘world classness’’ are the current political buzzwords in the UK public sector, cascading from the prime minister down.



어떤 유형의 교수개발?


전형적인 내용

A typical content list is provided in box 2.24

교수개발 프로그램에 대한 최근의 systematic review에서는 교수개발 프로그램의 효과성에 기여하는 요인으로..

A recent systematic review looking at effectiveness of faculty programmes28 development found that the key features contributing to their effectiveness were:

  • use of experiential learning 

  • provision of feedback 

  • effective peer/colleague relationships 

  • well designed interventions following established educa- tional principles 

  • use of a diversity of educational methods within single interventions.

PGME의 주요 특징


PGME는 UME와 많이 다르다.

Postgraduate medical education takes place in a very different environment.

근무지 기반 학습

Work based learning


Work based learning에서 최근 관심을 받기 시작한 몇 가지 영역

A number of areas of work based learning have roused interest in recent years.

  • Eraut가 'non-formal learning'이라고 지칭한 것: 전문직과업 수행 중, 혹은 과업과 과업 사이에 발생하는 학습으로서 종종 학습자는 자신이 배운 것도 인식하지 못하기도 한다.
    The first of these is what Eraut30 31 terms non-formal learning—the learning that takes place during or between professional tasks, some- times even without the participant having been aware of what was learned.

  • 도제식 모델로서 Master가 되기 위한 지식/술기/태도를 습득할 것으로 기대하며 직무에서 시간을 보내는 것. Lave and Wenger는 이러한 사회-문화적 발달을 ‘‘legitimate peripheral participation in a commu- nity of practice’’라고 지칭했다.
    Second is the apprentice model of education in which initiates spend time on the job in the hope that they will acquire the knowledge, skills and professional attitudes neces-sary to become a master.  Lave and Wenger32 famously characterised this socio-cultural progression from newcomer to old-timer as ‘‘legitimate peripheral participation in a commu- nity of practice’’, a process by which the novice learns to talk- the-talk and walk-the-walk.

  • 마지막으로, interprofessional learning 이 있다. 진료의 퀄리티와 협력을 향상시키기 위해 둘 이상의 전문직이 함께, 서로로부터, 서로에 대해서 배우는 것
    Finally, there is an increasing focus on interprofessional learning in which ‘‘two or more professions learn with, from and about each other to improve collaboration and the quality of care’’.33



PGME의 상당부분은 동료간 전문적 대화의 결과로 이뤄진다.

A great deal of postgraduate education takes place as a result of professional conversations between colleagues.

이러한 '대화'를 가리키는 용어는 무척 다양한데, Launer는 "supervision"이라는 포괄적인 용어를 사용하였으며, 이것은 development 혹은 performance 혹은 둘 다에 초점을 둔 것으로, 대화의 맥락에 따라 달라진다

The terminology in this area is overlapping and frequently confused, though Launer has help- fully brought much of the literature together under the blanket term ‘‘supervision’’—a concept that may focus on development or performance or both, dependent on the context of the conversation.34

임상현장에서 이뤄지는 수행능력 평가

Performance assessment in clinical settings

점점 더 의료역량의 평가는 실제 근무환경에서의 수행능력을 평가한다. 평가근거 수집에서 질적 접근이 (기존의) "단일 시험 단일 특성 (평가)‘‘one-trait one-test’’ " 식 접근법을 대체하고 잇으며, (역량에 대한) 풍부한 그림을 삼각측량하여 쌓아가는 식으로 바뀌고 있어서 통제된 시험 환경에서가 아니라 실제 환자를 대상으로 하는 것을 평가한다.

Increasingly, assessments of medical competence now examine the actual performance of trainee doctors in their work setting. Qualitative approaches to the collection of assessment evidence are being adopted as the ‘‘one-trait one-test’’ approach is being replaced by the building of a triangulated rich picture over time, reflecting not just what doctors do (or say they will do) in a controlled examination situation, but what they actually do at work with real patients.36 37

환자 안전

Patient safety

PGME에서 teacher의 과제 중 하나는 교육기회를 최대화하면서 환자의 리스크는 최소화하는 것이다. 언제 take over하고 언제 let go 할 것인지를 아는 것이 핵심이다.

One of the tasks of the post- graduate clinical teacher is to minimise this risk while maximising the educational opportunity. Knowing when to take over and when to let go are key skills here.

교육/수련/진료 수행

Delivering education, training and service

교수들도 일상적인 업무가 있다. 

postgraduate medical faculty have a day job.

피훈련자들도 근무외시간의 일이 있고, 동시에 교육과정과 평가 요건을 충족시키기 위한 진료를 수행해야 한다.

Trainees too have to man out-of-hours rotas and deliver a service at the same time as satisfying the curriculum and assessment requirements

PGME에서의 교수개발의 과제


영국에서 교수개발은 patchy하고 교육병원을 중심으로 집중되어 있으며, PGME 훈련기관에 지원되는 재정은 sporadic하다. Trainer training의 가장 큰 장애요인은 재정 부족과 직무계획에 공식적으로 기술된 시간의 부족으로 알려져 있다.

In the UK, faculty development is patchy, concentrated around teaching hospitals and sporadically funded through postgradu- ate training institutions (deaneries). The main barriers to training the trainers are cited as funding constraints and the lack of time formally recognised in job plans.

이것은 영국만의 문제는 아닌 것으로 보인다. 미국에서도 교수개발의 local delivery에는 문제가 많다.

And this is not just a UK problem. Evidence suggests that local delivery of faculty development in the USA is also problematic.23

적어도 영국에서는, 병원 바깥에서의 그림이 더 장미빛이다. 일부 경우에서 GP는 trainer를 교육할 경우 합당한 인정을 받는데, 세션당 혹은 주당 훈련에 대해서 보상을 받는다.

Outside hospital, in the UK at least, the picture is more rosy. For some time, general practice has given due recognition to its trainers, who receive a one session/week training payment, as well as 100%reimbursement of the trainee’s salary.

어디로 가야할 것인가?


PGME에서 퀄리티에 대한 논의가 등장하고 있으며, clinical teacher에 대한 요건은 높아지고 있다. PMETB는 generic quality domain에 대한 요건expectations을 발간했으며, Gold Guide to Specialty Training도 training requirement를 내놓았다.

A quality agenda for postgraduate medical education is emerging, with heightened requirements for clinical teachers already in view. PMETB has published its expectations of training in a set of generic quality domains38 and the Gold Guide to Specialty Training39 has laid out the training requirements for clinical and educational supervisors.

이러한 발전은 consultant에만 국한되지 않으며, trainee도 ‘‘teacher training’’ 이 인턴, 레지던트 수련과정에 포함되어 이 요건을 만족시키기 위해서는 training course를 밟고자 할 것이다.

This development will not be confined to consultants, and trainees will want to undertake training courses before qualifying as requirements for ‘‘teacher training’’ feature in both Foundation and specialty training curricula.

핵심이슈는 funding과 교육의 의의를 중시하는 직무계획일 것이다.

The key issues will be to engage the service in the business of education, which will be largely dependent on how the funding of training posts is orchestrated in the future, and to negotiate meaningful job plans that value education as a core, rather than as a peripheral activity.

6. Kaufman D, Mann K. Teaching and learning in medical education: how theory can inform practice. In: Understanding medical education. Edinburgh: Association for the Study of Medical Education, 2007.

38. Postgraduate Medical Education and Training Board. Generic standards for training. 2006. http://www.pmetb.org.uk/fileadmin/user/Policy/Policy_Statements/ Generic_standards_for_training_April_06.pdf (Accessed 4 February 2008).

39. Department of Health. A guide to postgraduate medical education in the UK (The Gold Guide). MMC: Department of Health, 2007.



 2008 Jul;84(993):339-43. doi: 10.1136/pgmj.2008.068288.

See one, do one, then what? Faculty development in postgraduate medical education.

Author information

  • 1London Deanery, Stewart House, 32 Russell Square, London WC1B5DN, UK. tswanwick@londondeanery.ac.uk


Interest in the development of medical educators working in the postgraduate sector is running high. Driven by three interlinked trends--the professionalization of medical education, increasing accountability, and the pursuit of educational excellence--there is a growing need for high quality and sustained faculty development programmes across the network of education providers. Postgraduate medical education has a number of unique features that set it apart from undergraduate medicine, to which faculty development programmes need to cater. The key issue for the future will be how to engage the service in the business of education. Widespread cultural change is required and this will require effective and sympathetic leadership from postgraduate training institutions, hospitals and health authorities.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

교수개발(Editorial, Med Educ, 2005)

Faculty development

John Bligh

변화는 조직에 작용하는 힘이 아니다. 변화란 조직이 헤엄치고있는 바로 그 물이다.

 …change is not a force acting on organizations, but the very water in which organizations swim.  

Watkins and Mohr, 2001, xxxii,1

의학교육자에게 있어서 성공적인 교수개발은 교육능력의 향상을 가져올 것이며, 학생과 의사들이 더 나은 학습성과를 달성하게 해줄 것이다. 교수개발을 통한 향상에는 다음이 있을 수 있다.

For medical educators, successful faculty development results in improved teaching performance and leads to better learning out- comes for students or doctors. These improvements may include:

  • 새로운 교수법, 평가법 the development of new teaching skills or assessment techniques which may be directed towards improving clinical care through better teaching;

  • 더 나은 교육과정의 계획과 도입방법과 이를 통한 전 기관의 퍼포먼스 향상 better ways of planning or implementing a curri- culum or course, and hence improving institutional perform- ance;

  • 교수-학생 관계에 대한 생각 전환 new ways of thinking about the student-teacher relationship;

  • 과목 평가와 피드백에 더 몰입(참여) greater engagement with course evaluation and feedback;

  • 교육분야의 학자됨(스칼라십) increased commitment to educational schol- arship, and

  • 임상의사-교사로서의 태도 향상 improved attitudes to the task of being a clinician– teacher.4

효과적인 교수개발프로그램의 또 다른 성과로는 교수들의 사기morale을 진작시켜서 교수의 retention이 향상될 수 있다. 또한, 당연하지만, 교수개발프로그램이 한 기관 내에 존재할 때 그것은 그 기관의 문화와 가치를 반영한다. 교수개발프로그램은 한 기관이 그 기관의 인력에 대해서 가지고 있는 내면의 신념이 겉으로 드러난 것이다. Medical Teacher의 가치/신념/행동이 의학교육의 잠재교육과정의 상당한 부분을 구성하듯, workplace의 특성과 기관의 교육문화는 교수개발의 잠재교육과정에 중요한 역할을 한다.

Another outcome from effective staff development programmes is improved staff morale resulting in better staff retention; and, of course, the presence of staff devel- opment programmes within an institution is a reflection of the culture and values of the institu- tion. Faculty development pro- grammes are outward signs of the inner faith that institutions have in their workforce. Just as the values, beliefs and behaviours of medical teachers make up a substantial part of the hidden curriculum of med- ical education, so the nature of the workplace and the educational cul- ture of an institution play an important role in the hidden cur- riculum of faculty development.

종종 우리는 교수들도 학습자라는 사실을 잊곤 한다. 학생을 위한 프로그램을 만들 때 우리는 centering을 생각한다. 즉, 교사와 학습자의 관계에 있어 어느 쪽도 dominate하지 않고, 어느 쪽도 prevail over하지 않게 하는 것이다. 또한 어떻게 학생들의 기여하는 것의 가치를 인정해줄 것인지 생각하며, 교육상황teaching occasion에 교사와 학생이 bring to하는 학생의 요구/관점/생각을 어떻게 존중할 것인지를 고민한다. 이러한 원칙은 교수개발 에도 동일하게 적용된다.

Some- times we forget that faculty are learners too. When planning pro- grammes for our students we think about centreing – balancing the relationship between teacher and learner so that neither dominates and no one approach prevails over another; about how best to value our students and their contribu- tions; and about respecting the needs, views and ideas that teacher and learner bring to the teaching occasion. These principles apply equally to faculty development activities.

Irby and Wilkerson 에 따르면 거의 모든 의과대학은 어떤 형태로든 교육과정의 개편과 교육혁신을 진행하고 있으며, 따라서 의사가 교사로서의 전문성을 갖추기 위한 개발은 오늘날 그 어떤 때보다 더 중요할 것이다. 긍정적인 신호는 TD에 모든 의과대학 졸업생은 교수-학습의 원칙을 aware해야 한다는 것이 포함되었다는 것이다.

According to Irby and Wilkerson  almost every medical school has some form of curriculum renewal or educational innovation in pro- gress  so the professional develop- ment of clinicians as teachers is important, perhaps even more today than in recent years.6 One very positive sign for the future is the inclusion in Tomorrow’s Doctors of a recommendation that all medical graduates should have an aware- ness of the principles of teaching and learning.11

한 가지 확실한 것은, 효과적인 교수개발은 교수들이 우려하는 것, 아이디어, 열망이 무엇인지 경청하고 능동적 참여와 교육 프로세스에 대한 관심을 장려해야 한다는 점이다.

One thing seems certain though – effective faculty development involves listening to faculty about their concerns, ideas and aspira- tions and then encouraging active involvement and engagement in the educational process.

7 Suchman AL, Williamson PR, Lit- zelman DK, Frankel RM, Mossber- ger DL, Inui TS et al. Toward an informal curriculum that teaches professionalism. J Gen Intern Med 2004;19:501–4.

8 Pololi L, Frankel R. Humanising medical education through faculty development. Med Educ 2005;39: 154–62.

 2005 Feb;39(2):120-1.

Faculty development.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

강의 동료평가 도구 개발과 교훈(Acad Med, 2009)

Developing a Peer Assessment of Lecturing Instrument: Lessons Learned

Lori R. Newman, MEd, Beth A. Lown, MD, Richard N. Jones, ScD, Anna Johansson, PhD, and Richard M. Schwartzstein, MD

전통적으로 임상가-교육자의 교육은 학생이 평가해왔다. 그러나 의과대학 행정가와 교육연구자들 사이에 교육을 효과적으로 평가하기 위해서는 다양한 출처의 근거를 포함시켜야 한다는 합의가 늘고 있다. teaching에 대한 피어리뷰는 학생들의 강의평가와 합해져서 의과대학과 임상에서의 교육을 평가하고 향상시키는데 필수적인 자료를 제공해줄 수 있다. 피어리뷰는 교수들로 하여금 teaching skill에 대해 토론하게 해주고, 구체적인 교육 테크닉에 대한 형성평가를 해주며, 승진을 목적으로 한 총괄평가의 요소로서 포함될 수도 있다.

Traditionally, clinician–educators’ teaching has been assessed by students.1,2 There is, however, growing agreement among medical school administrators and educational researchers that effective assessment of teaching must include evidence from multiple sources.3–6 Peer review of teaching, combined with student evaluation, can provide essential data to evaluate and improve medical school and clinical teaching.7 Peer review engages faculty in a discussion about their teaching skills, provides formative assessment of specific instructional techniques, and may be included as a component of summative assessment for academic promotional purposes.


프로그램 설명

Program Description

배경과 목표

Background and goals

강의에 대한 동료평가 도구의 개발로 시작하였다. 강의는 아직 가장 흔하게 사용되는 교육법 중 하나이다.

The task force began its work by developing a peer assessment instrument on medical lecturing. The lecture remains the most commonly used instructional method in the first two years of medical education11,12 and, thereby, offers fertile ground to assess faculty.

프로그램이 시작될 당시 Shapiro Institute task force 는 평가프로그램을 위한 도구를 개발하기 시작했다.

At the program’s inception, a Shapiro Institute task force (made up of the authors and two members of the institute staff) began developing instruments for the assessment program.

2007년 Shapiro Institute for Education and Research at Harvard Medical School (HMS) and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) 가 교수들의 교육에 대한 동료평가 프로그램을 시작했다.

In 2007, the Shapiro Institute for Education and Research at Harvard Medical School (HMS) and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) initiated a program of peer assessment of faculty teaching.

동료교수는 학생에게 가르치는 내용의 적합성, 강사의 전문성, 강의에서 제시되는 연구의 퀄리티 등을 평가할 수 있다.

Peers are able to judge the appropriateness of the content delivered, the lecturer’s expertise, and the quality of studies presented during the lecture.2,15,16



In 2007, after receiving institutional review board approval from the BIDMC Committee on Clinical Investigation, the task force invited all members of the BIDMC’s Resource Faculty in Medical Education to participate in a study to develop an instrument for peer assessment of lecturing and to measure the reliability of the scores obtained from the instrument. The Resource Faculty consists of HMS physician faculty members, representing all major clinical departments at BIDMC, who have a strong commitment to medical education and experience teaching in a variety of medical school and hospital settings.

도구 개발

Instrument Development


준거 설정

Criteria identification

modified Delphi 활용의 이유와 목적

We used the modified Delphi method19 to develop our instrument for peer assessment of lecturing. The Delphi method is shown to be an effective consensus building process to use when published information is inadequate or nonexistent.20 The modified Delphi method is an iterative process designed to establish expert consensus on specific questions or criteria by systematic collection of informed judgments from professionals in the field.


modified Delphi 진행과정

Using this method, a researcher first surveys a panel of experts individually about a particular issue or set of criteria. After analyzing and compiling their responses, the researcher resurveys the experts, asking each to indicate agreement or disagreement with the items. Repeated rounds of surveys are carried out until full consensus is reached. For development of the peer assessment of lecturing instrument, the Resource Faculty members served as the expert panelists.


Resource Faculty 를 패널로 선정한 이유

We chose to involve the Resource Faculty because of their educational expertise, diverse clinical backgrounds, and experience teaching in a variety of instructional settings. Furthermore, we felt the Resource Faculty would have a strong interest and commitment to the development of this instrument, as their education leadership role involves the peer assessment of teaching.

첫 번째 설문을 위한 리스트 선정

In preparation for the first survey round, we generated an initial list of effective lecturing behaviors, skills, and characteristics. To compile the list, we

  • spoke with faculty members with extensive expertise in lecturing and

  • reviewed the medical literature for observable, effective lecturing behaviors11–14,21–25 (Figure 1, Delphi Round 1).


첫 번째 설문 시행

We constructed and distributed a listing of 19 possible criteria to the panelists and asked them to rate the importance of including each item in an instrument to assess medical lecturing. We based the ratings on a four-point scale: 1  very important; 2  important; 3  not important; 4  eliminate. We also asked panelists to suggest different wording, note redundancies, or propose additional items for the instrument. All 14 Resource Faculty experts responded to the first Delphi survey round.


첫 번째 설문 결과 평가: 평균점수(2.5)와 표준편차(1.0)을 기준으로 선택

We used measures of central tendency and dispersion to analyze the data collected from the first survey round. Calculating these measures allowed us to determine the level of group consensus for inclusion or exclusion of each criterion. The mean value of 2.5 (the midpoint of our four-point scale) was chosen as the numerical indicator of group consensus. Those criteria with mean values less than 2.5 were included. Standard deviation (SD) was used to measure the dispersion of responses for each criterion and provide further evidence of group consensus. The smaller the SDs, the greater the consensus. Those criteria with an SD of less than 1 were included. Seventeen of the 19 criteria had means between 1.0 and 2.2 and SDs between 0.00 and 0.96. Two of the criteria had means of 2.6 and 2.9, with SDs of 1.1 and 1.2, and were eliminated.

첫 번째 설문 결과 평가: 워딩(기술방식) 수정

In addition, we edited the criteria according to the panelists’ suggestions for rewording. Five items were reworded to describe explicit, observable behaviors. For example, the original criterion “Captures and keeps the audience’s attention,” became “Captures attention by explaining or demonstrating need, importance, or relevance of topic.” Several panelists noted redundancies among six of the criteria. We therefore eliminated three of these criteria. The outcome fromthe first Delphi survey round resulted in a listing of 14 criteria. We summarized and distributed to the panel of experts the data fromthe first survey round and the resulting list of criteria, along with a written request for a second round of review (Figure 1, Delphi Round 2).

두 번째 설문 결과

Twelve experts responded to the second Delphi survey round. Thirteen of the 14 criteria had mean ratings between 1 and 1.3 and SDs between 0.0 and 0.6. One criterion had a mean of 2.5 and an SD of 1.2 and was eliminated fromthe listing. We again edited and reworded the criteria according to the panelists’ suggestions. Most suggestions were recommendations to shorten the criterion’s word length, and to add specific behavioral descriptors or anchors to the assessment instrument. The panelists noted redundancy of two criteria, and we therefore eliminated one of these.

최종 12개의 준거를 가지고 세 번째 설문 시행

We e-mailed a final revised listing of the 12 criteria to the expert panelist for the third Delphi survey round. All 14 experts reached full consensus on this final listing of criteria (Figure 1, Delphi Round 3). Using this listing of 12 criteria of effective lecturing, we constructed our initial peer assessment instrument. We used a three- point scale to rate each criterion: 1   excellent demonstration, 2  adequate demonstration, and 3  does not demonstrate. We also added an option to indicate unable to assess, along with a global rating of the lecture.

각 준거별로 3단계로 수행능력수준을 구분함

To differentiate the three levels of lecturer performance, we included behavioral descriptors of each criterionculled from the literature.6,26 The behavioral descriptors were placed under the column heading

  • for rating level 1, excellent demonstration of performance.

  • For rating level 2, adequate demonstration of performance, we used qualifying terms such as “limited in scope.”

  • For rating level 3, does not demonstrate, we used terms such as “does not present.”


최종 11개 준거 확정

We presented the rating scale and criteria to the faculty as a group, who recommended eliminating one additional criterion, “Presents material at level appropriate for learners.” The group felt that, to assess this criterion, a peer observer would need to know the learners’ opinions regarding the appropriateness of the presentation level. This resulted in identification of 11 criteria of effective lecturing.

평가스케일 개발

Rating scale development

rating scale을 검토하고 비디오를 보면서 평가

We invited the same Resource Faculty members who participated in the Delphi rounds to consider and review the rating scale and behavioral anchors of the peer assessment instrument to finalize it for pilot testing of interrater reliability. These faculty members met for two, 2-hour sessions to discuss peer observation techniques, consider the behavioral descriptors for each criterion, comment on the sufficiency of the three rating levels, and provide feedback on the overall format of the instrument. To gain experience using the instrument, we asked the group to watch, score, and discuss videotaped lectures filmed during an HMS human physiology course. We showed 10-minute segments from the beginning, middle, and end of each lecture and asked the faculty to rate the elements observed. After rating the lecture segments, the faculty shared their scores and discussed behaviors they saw that persuaded them to choose a particular level of performance. Several faculty made suggestions for minor rewording of the behavioral descriptors.

대부분 3점 중 2점에 주어서 5점으로 확대

During the second rating scale development session, the faculty noted that the three-point rating scale was limiting, as they tended to rate most criteria at the second performance level (adequate demonstration). The group suggested changing the instrument to a five-point scale (1  excellent demonstration, 2  very good, 3   adequate, 4  poor, and 5  does not demonstrate criteria) and maintaining descriptive benchmarks for the excellent, adequate, and poor performance rating levels. At a follow-up meeting with the faculty, we distributed the finalized peer assessment of the lecturing instrument consisting of 11 criteria rated on a five-point scale. The group unanimously agreed on this final version (Appendix 1).

신뢰도를 위한 파일럿 테스트

Pilot testing reliability of the instrument’s measures

새로운 영상 활용하여 개발한 평가도구 시험

We subsequently pilot tested the instrument to measure internal consistency and interrater agreement. We instructed each participant to rate the entirety of four, 1-hour HMS videotaped lectures (not viewed previously) according to the criteria, and to provide a global rating assessment of the quality of each lecture. Because of faculty time constraints, the number of observers varied in the assessment of the four lectures. We collected a total of 31 peer assessment rating forms for the lectures (the four lectures had 12, 9, 5, and 5 reviewers, respectively).

파일럿 결과 분석

We analyzed the pilot data to measure reliability of the scores obtained fromthe instrument. Cronbach alpha was used to assess internal consistency reliability of the ratings.27 The coefficient alpha was high (a  .87, 95%bootstrap confidence interval [BCI]  0.80–0.91), indicating that the items on the instrument measure a cohesive set of concepts of lecture effectiveness. Bootstrap resampling approaches were used to obtain interval estimates. Missing data were handled with multiple imputation.28


There was some variability in the internal consistency across each of the four lectures (0.92, 0.77, 0.93, 0.87). All but one were close to a minimal threshold of 0.90 for making decisions about individuals, and well above the threshold for making decisions about groups (0.80).29

평가자간 일치도: 문항간 ICC값은 차이가 컸음

Interrater agreement was assessed by forming all possible pairs of raters who observed the same lecture. The reliability of a randomly selected reviewer’s scores was computed using intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). The measure of ICC for the 31 raters’ scores across all criteria and the global measure was fair (0.27, 95%BCI   0.08 to 0.44). However, there was variability of ICC measures for the individual criteria.

  • For criterion 11 (ICC  0.69), the magnitude of association across pairs of raters can be described as substantial.

  • For criteria 3 through 7 and 9, the magnitude of association can be described as moderate to fair.

  • The reviewers reached only slight agreement on criteria 1, 2, 8, and 10, and on the global rating of the lectures.30

Table 1 presents a comparison by criteria of the interrater agreement (as measured by ICC) for all four lectures. The table is arranged in descending order of agreement.




동료평가 도구 개발 과정에서의 교훈

Lessons Learned About Instrument Development and Peer Assessment of Lecturing

교훈 1: 합의를 도출하는 것이 도구의 일관성과 자기성찰을 촉진한다.

Lesson 1: Consensus building fosters instrument coherence and self-reflection

Resource Faculty 가 평가도구 개발에 쏟은 시간과 노력은 강의의 효과성을 일관성있게 측정하기 위해 필수적인 것이었다. 이러한 노력은 높은 내적 신뢰도에 기여했다. 또 한가지 교훈은 도구를 개발하는 과정에서 교수들간의 협력이 '좋은 강의가 무엇인가'에 대한 공통의 정의를 만드는데 기여했다는 점이다. Resource Faculty 는 효과적인 강의에 대한 준거를 개발하는 과정에서 자기성찰을 할 수 있었고, 스스로 얼마나 이러한 기준을 충족하는지 생각해볼 수 있었다고 하였다.

The time and effort the Resource Faculty dedicated to the development of the assessment instrument was vital to establishing cohesive measures of effective lecturing. The effort expended likely contributed to the high measurement of internal consistency when we tested the reliability of the instrument. One lesson learned, and noted in the literature, is that collaboration of faculty in the development of an assessment instrument can create a shared definition of good performance.32 Resource Faculty also noted that the work of establishing the criteria of effective lecturing stimulated self-reflection and consideration of how well they met these standards when giving their own lectures.

교훈 2: 교수들이 반드시 평가절차의 신뢰도와 타당도를 신뢰해야 한다.

Lesson 2: Faculty members must trust the validity and reliability of the evaluation process

동료교수의 평가가 효과적인 강의의 근거로서 사용되기 위해서는 그 평가과정이 높은 수준의 객관성을 획득함으로써 신용/신뢰/방어가능한 평가가 되어야 한다. 동료교수의 평가를 받는 교수들은 그 평가결과가 idiosyncratic한 것이 아니라는 것을 믿어야 한다. 따라서 우리는 교수들이 피드백을 더 신뢰하게 만들기 위해서는 평가자간 신뢰도를 측정하여 우리의 평가도구의 신뢰도를 점검하는 것이 필수적이라고 생각했다. 이 평가도구 자체가 교수개발의 교육자료로 활용될 수도 있는 것이었다. 반대로, 낮은 평가자간 일치도는 포괄적인 평가 프로그램으로서의 유용성이나 고부담 의사결정에 포함시키는 것에 큰 위협이 된다.

For peer assessment to be used as evidence of effective teaching, the process requires a high degree of objectivity to produce credible, reliable, and defensible evaluations.9 Faculty undergoing peer review need to trust that the ratings are not idiosyncratic scores of their performance. We therefore felt it was critical to test the reliability of our assessment instrument through measuring interrater agreement,33 as faculty would be more likely to trust the feedback. The instrument itself could then be used as instructional material in faculty development. Conversely, low interrater agreement of the instrument’s scores would be a significant threat to its usefulness in a comprehensive assessment program or inclusion in high-stakes decision making.

평가자간 일치도에는 상당한 편차가 있었다. 이것은 몇 가지로 설명할 수 있다.

There was considerable variability in our instrument’s interrater agreement measures. There are several possible explanations for this variability.

  • 가장 중요한 요인은 우리가 적절한 평가자 훈련을 하지 않은 것이다. Resource Faculty 는 관찰 기술에 대해서 토론하고, 도구에 대해서 코멘트하고, 도구를 사용하여 연습했지만 이것을 공식적 훈련 세션이라고 볼 수는 없다.
    The most significant factor is that we did not provide proper rater training. In our two, 2-hour faculty development sessions, the Resource Faculty discussed peer observation techniques, offered comments on the instrument, and practiced using the assessment tool. However, these were not formal training sessions (see Lesson 3).

  • 두 번째 요인은 교수평가자들이 강의를 평가할 때 이미 정해져있는(자신이 가지고 있는) 내적 기준을 가지고 평가했기 때문일 수 있다.  Braskamp and Ory는 평가자들이 한 사람의 수행능력을 비교할 때 다른 사람과 비교하는 방식으로 혹은 과거의 경험에서 나온 기준을 가지고 한다고 지적했다.
    A second factor contributing to the low interrater agreement measure may be that the faculty raters used predetermined, internal standards in judging the quality of a lecturer’s performance. Braskamp and Ory34 note that, at times, raters compare a person’s performance or contribution against those of others, or against some a priori standard derived from previous experience.


우리 연구에서 교수들은 동료의 강의를 관찰할 때 내면의 편견을 가지고 보았을 수 있다. 이것은 특히 (강의의) 주제가 교수의 관심대상이거나 교수 자신의 전공일 경우에 특히 더 그럴 수 있다. 따라서 교수의 idiosyncratic한 인식이 객관적인 강의력 평가보다 더 우선할 수도 있다.

In our study, the faculty might have approached the peer observation event with an internal bias about how the lecture should be presented. This may have been the case, in particular, if the topic was of interest to the faculty or within the faculty’s own discipline. Therefore, the faculty’s idiosyncratic perceptions may have superseded more objective appraisal of the lecturing performance.


교훈 3: 평가자 훈련이 고부담 평가에서는 필수적이다.

Lesson 3: Peer rater training is essential for high-stakes evaluation

평가자 훈련은 수행능력 평가에서의 rating에 있어서 일관성과 정확성을 높이기 위한 가장 효과적인 전략이다. 훈련과정에서 평가자는 평가자들이 흔히 하는 실수를 회피하는 법을 배워야 하며, 각 수행능력 영역의 행동지표가 무엇인지 토론하여 개인이 가진 인식이 그룹 전체의 인식과 비슷해지게 해야 한다. 수행능력이 높고 낮음을 능숙하게 구분해낼 수 있게 하기 위해서는 평가자들은 샘플을 보고 토론하여야 한다. 가장 중요한 것은 평가자가 점수를 매기는 연습을 한 다음에 퍼실리테이터로부터 점수의 정확성에 대하여 피드백을 받아야 한다는 점이다.

Careful attention to rater training has been singled out as the most effective strategy for increasing accuracy and consistency of performance assessment ratings.32 During training, raters learn to avoid common rater errors (such as halo, leniency, and central tendency) and discuss behaviors indicative of each performance dimension until individual perceptions are brought into closer congruence with those held by the group.35 To increase proficiency at discriminating between performance dimensions, raters view and discuss samples of each performance level included on the rating scale. Most important, raters practice scoring performances and receive feedback from a training facilitator on the accuracy of their scores.

평가자 훈련 프로그램의 성공을 위해서는 참가자들이 시간과 노력을 들여서 시스템의 기준을 내면화하고 평가도구를 사용하는데 일관성을 갖추는 것이 중요하다. 모든 교수들이 높은 수준으로 헌신commitment하게 요구하다보면 대규모의 평가자들에 대한 훈련이 문제가 될 수 있다. 이것에 대한 한 가지 해결책은 소수 집단의 고강도로 훈련된 평가자들을 만드는 것이다. 이들 평가자들로부터 신뢰도있는 결과를 얻는다면 총괄적, 고부담 평가를 할 수 있을 것이다.

The success of rater training programs requires that participants commit to the time and effort necessary to internalize the standards of the systemand become consistent in their use of the ratings. The need for a high level of commitment among all faculty participants can make training a large group of peer raters problematic. One solution might be to establish a small cadre of faculty who undergo intensive rater training together. Reliable appraisal data obtained fromthis cadre of peer raters could then be used in summative, high-stakes assessment of lecturing effectiveness.

11 (Provides a conclusion) 0.69 

3 (Presents material in a clear, organized fashion) 0.60 

4 (Shows enthusiasm for the topic) 0.56 

6 (Explains and summarizes key concepts) 0.46 

5 (Demonstrates command of the subject matter) 0.45 9 (Audio and/or visual aids reinforce the content effectively) 0.38 

7 (Encourages appropriate audience interaction) 0.22 

8 (Monitors audience’s understanding and responds accordingly) 0.20 

2 (Communicates or demonstrates importance of lecture topic) 0.14 

1 (Clearly states goals of the talk) 0.07 

10 (Voice is clear and audiovisuals are audible/legible) 0.06 

Global rating (Overall, how would you rate this lecture?) 0.19


 2009 Aug;84(8):1104-10. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0b013e3181ad18f9.

Developing a peer assessment of lecturing instrumentlessons learned.

Author information

  • 1Shapiro Institute for Education and Research, Harvard Medical School and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, Massachusetts 02215, USA. lnewman@bidmc.harvard.edu


Peer assessment of teaching can improve the quality of instruction and contribute to summative evaluation of teaching effectiveness integral to high-stakes decision making. There is, however, a paucity of validated, criterion-based peer assessment instruments. The authors describe development and pilot testing of one such instrument and share lessons learned. The report provides a description of how a task force of the Shapiro Institute for Education and Research at Harvard Medical School and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center used the Delphi method to engage academic faculty leaders to develop a new instrument for peer assessment of medical lecturing. The authors describe how they used consensus building to determine the criteria, scoring rubric, and behavioral anchors for the rating scale. To pilot test the instrument, participants assessed a series of medical school lectures. Statistical analysis revealed high internal consistency of the instrument's scores (alpha = 0.87, 95% bootstrap confidence interval [BCI] = 0.80 to 0.91), yet low interrater agreement across all criteria and the global measure (intraclass correlation coefficient = 0.27, 95% BCI = -0.08 to 0.44).The authors describe the importance of faculty involvement in determining a cohesive set of criteria to assess lectures. They discuss how providing evidence that a peer assessment instrument is credible and reliable increases the faculty's trust in feedback. The authors point to the need for proper peer rater training to obtain high interrater agreement measures, and posit that once such measures are obtained, reliable and accuratepeer assessment of teaching could be used to inform the academic promotion process.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

MMI점수 타당화: 다양한 기질을 측정하는가? (Adv in Health Sci Educ, 2014)

Validating MMI scores: are we measuring multiple attributes?

Tom Oliver • Kent Hecker • Peter A. Hausdorf • Peter Conlon



MMI는 지원자의 비인지적 특성을 평가하기 위한 면접방법이다. 전통적인 면접(덜 구조화된)은 신뢰도와 타당도가 낮다고 보고되어 왔으며, MMI는 신뢰도가 충분히 높고, 의과대학 및 면허시험 수행능력과 유의한 상관관계가 있다. 추가적으로, MMI총저은 GPA와 같은 인지적 능력과 discriminant validity가 있어서, MMI가 뭔가 다른 것을 측정한다고 볼 수 있다.

The multiple mini-interview (MMI) is an interview method used in health professional school selection to assess the non-cognitive attributes of applicants (Eva et al. 2004). Whereas more traditional—and often less-structured—interviews have been found to have poor reliability and validity in health professional school selection (Kreiter et al. 2004; Eva et al. 2004; Albanese et al. 2003; Edwards et al. 1990), previous studies have found MMI scores to have sufficient reliability and to be significantly correlated to performance in school and licensure exams (Eva et al. 2009, 2012; Hecker and Violato 2011; Reiter et al. 2007). In addition, there is consistent evidence for the discriminant validity of total MMI scores from ratings of cognitive skill such as incoming grade point average (GPA; Eva et al. 2004, 2009, 2012; Reiter et al. 2007), which suggests that the MMI is measuring something other than cognitive skill.

MMI로 평가하는 비인지적 특성

Non-cognitive attributes assessed by the MMI

비인지적 특성에는 다양한 것들이 포함된다. MMI는 평가자가 한 스테이션 내에서 그리고 여러 스테이션을 거치며 지원자로부터 다양한 구인을 평가하게끔 설계되어 있다. 그러나 동일한 스테이션 내에서 평가한 서로 다른 종류의 비인지적 특성은 서로 상관관계가 매우 높은 것으로 보고되고 있어서, MMI점수는 흔히 각각의 구인에 기반한 점수가 아니라 총점을 활용하는 것이 일반적이다.

Non-cognitive attributes can include a variety of individual differences related to attitudes, personality traits, and motivations (Schmitt et al. 2009). MMIs have been designed to have raters assess candidates on multiple constructs (e.g. oral communication and moral rea- soning) both within and across interview stations. However, MMI measures of different non-cognitive attribute constructs assessed within the same station have been found to be highly correlated (Eva et al. 2004; Lemay et al. 2007; Roberts et al. 2009). As a result, it is common practice to report total scores (i.e. the average score across all measures) within each station instead of construct-based scores.

MMI가 측정할 수 있는 것에는 구두의사소통Oral Communication (OrCo)와 문제해결Problem Evaluation, PrEv가 있다. OrCo는 다양한 언어 메시지를 구조적으로 전달할 수 있는 능력이며, PrEv는 문제를 찾고 다양한 이해관계자들의 관점을 고려하여 의사결정과 판단을 내리는 능력이다.

Two of the more distinct interpersonal constructs that an MMI can attempt to measure are oral communication and problem evaluation. Oral communication is the ability to convey verbal messages constructively; and problem evaluation is the ability to identify and take into account multiple perspectives from various different stakeholders in decision making and judgment.

평가자들은 지원자의 OrCo와 PrEv 능력을 관찰하고 평가할 수 있다.

raters have an opportunity to observe and rate the candidate on

  • the clarity of their language and confidence in their conveyed verbal response (oral communication), and

  • the breadth and depth to which they can explore underlying issues within cases and correctly balance pros and cons for the situation (problem evaluation).

성격특성과 관련한 MMI 척도

MMI measures related to personality characteristics

세 가지 연구에서 MMI 총점과 성격척도의 관계를 살펴본 바 있다. 이들 연구의 결과는 혼재되어 있다.

Three exploratory studies have investigated the relationship between total MMI scores and personality measures (Griffin and Wilson 2012; Jerant et al. 2012; Kulasegaram et al. 2010). The results from these studies found mixed evidence

보건의료전문직의 대인관계 능력에 영향을 주는 두 가지 성격특성에는 emotionality와 extraversion이 있다.

Two personality traits that are likely to be related to health professionals’ interpersonal performance are emotionality and extraversion (Ashton and Lee 2007).

  • Emotionality가 높은 사람: 공감을 잘 하고, 위험하거나 스트레스 상황에 민감하며, 다른 사람의 감정적 지지에 의지를 느낄 수 있다 People who have high emotionality tend to feel empathy and sentimental attachments with others, are sensitive to dangerous and stressful situations, and feel dependent on the emotional support from others;

  • Extraversion이 높은 사람: 자신감이 넘치고, 그룹을 이끌며, 각종 모임과 관계를 즐기고, 열정과 에너지지가 넘친다 people who are extraverted tend to feel confident when leading or addressing groups of people, enjoy social gatherings and interactions, and frequently experience positive feelings of enthusiasm and energy.


Extraversion is a trait that includes tendencies such as acting confident with others and expressing enthusiasm and energy (Ashton and Lee 2007).


Emotionality is a trait that includes tendencies such as being familiar with the anxieties and fears that come with stressful situations, and feeling emotional connections with others (Ashton and Lee 2007).

미래 수행능력과 관계된 MMI 척도

MMI measures related to future performance


MMI에서는 다음을 측정(OrCo와 PrEv)

MMI measures of two distinct constructs (oral communication and problem evaluation) and


의사소통 스킬 인터뷰에서는 다음을 측정

communication skill interview scores of students’

  • 효과적 관계구축 effectiveness in building a rela- tionship (i.e. build a patient’s or client’s feelings of rapport and trust with the practitioner) and

  • 효과적 설명과 계획 effectiveness in explaining and planning (i.e. build a patient’s or client’s under- standing and motivation to support an action plan; Silverman et al. 2005).

OrCo는 효과적 관계구축과, PrEv는 효과적 설명 및 계획과 관계가 있을 것으로 생각함.

Oral communication should be more closely related to building a relationship and problem evaluation should be more closely related to explaining and planning.

연구목적과 가설

Research objectives and hypotheses

H1 Given the explicit measurement and distinctiveness of oral communication and problem evaluation, there will be a stronger model fit for a 2-factor solution for MMI scores than for a 1-factor solution. 

H2a Oral communication MMI scores will be positively related to building the rela- tionship score in a communication interview.

H2b Problem evaluation MMI scores will be positively related to explaining and plan- ning scores in a communication interview. 

H3a Oral communication MMI scores will be positively related to extraversion scores measured by the HEXACO-PI-R-60 (Ashton and Lee 2009). 

H3b Problem evaluation MMI scores will be positively related to emotionality scores measured by the HEXACO-PI-R-60 (Ashton and Lee 2009).




표본 Sample

척도 Measures



The MMI consisted of eight 10-min stations, with two raters per station who each inde- pendently rated the participants on two constructs. The development of the MMI followed the description outlined in Hecker et al. (2009). The majority of the stations were devel- oped at the University of Calgary, Canada and modified by the admissions committee at OVC.

The eight stations were meant to assess oral communication and problem evaluation for a range of issues relevant to success as a veterinarian. These issues were ethical and moral (2 stations), interpersonal (3 stations), intrapersonal (1 station), and professional (2 stations). At each station raters scored candidates on two items, one for each construct. Each item was scored on a scale of 1–5 (1 = unacceptable; 3 = meets expectations; 5 = exceptional)

커뮤니케이션 인터뷰

Communication interview


Adams and Ladner 가 설계한 표준화된 임상 커뮤니케이션 인터뷰가 있다. 각 참여자는 두 개의 인터뷰 스테이션에서 효과적인 의사소통 스킬의 활용을 평가받았다. 의학지식은 거의 필요하지 않았다. simulated client가 7개 항목에 대해서 즉각적으로 참여자를 평가하였다.(관계형성 4 문항, 설명과 계획 3문항)

The standardized clinical communication interviews were initially designed by Adams and Ladner (2004) with the consultation of practicing veterinarians. Each participant partici- pated in two communication interview stations designed to assess participants’ use of effective communication skills. Medical and technical knowledge requirements were minimal. The simulated client rated the participant immediately after each station on 7 items (using a 9 point scale) meant to assess two constructs, building the relationship (4 items) and explaining and planning (3 items).


두 점수는 T-score로 변환되어서 스테이션간 서로 다른 simlated client의 차이를 보정하고자 하였다. 두 스테이션의 T-score의 평균 점수를 계산하였다.

The two scores within each station were converted to a T-score to account for differences in simulated client scores between sta- tions (Howell 2002). The mean of each participant’s T-score across the two stations was calculated to use as his/her building the relationship and explaining and planning score.



The personality traits of emotionality and extraversion were measured with the HEXACO- PI-R-60 (Ashton and Lee 2009).








주요 결과

The major findings from this study were:

1. 2-요인 모델을 지지한다. 그러나 OrCo와 PrEv 구인은 두 모델에서 모두 상관관계가 매우 높았다.

1. There was support for a two factor model, however, the oral communication and problem evaluation constructs were highly correlated both within the model (.87) and the correlation analyses with the actual data (.73; Table 4).

2. OrCo 점수는 외향성, 그리고 관계구축과 유의한 상관관계가 있었다.

2. Oral Communication MMI score was significantly correlated with extraversion (small but significant) and building the relationship scores, supporting Hypotheses 2a and 3a.

3. PrEv점수는 정서성과 유의한 상관관계가 없었으나, 관계구축 및 설명과 계획과 유의한 상관관계가 있었다.

3. Problem evaluation MMI score was not significantly related to emotionality score but did correlate with building the relationship (not hypothesized) and explaining and planning, thus not supporting Hypothesis 2b but supported Hypothesis 3b.

4. MMI총점은 외향성과 작지만 유의한 상관관계가 있었고, 관계구축, 설명과 계획 과 유의한 상관관계가 있었다.

4. Total MMI score had a weak but significant correlation with extraversion, and significant correlations with building the relationship and explaining and planning.

2-요인 모델이 더 강력했으나, 두 요인의 상관관계가 높았다. 따라서 두 개의 truly distinct factor를 측정한다고 결론을 내리기에는 조심스럽다.

While there was a stronger and significantly better model fit for a two factor model (Fig. 1) than a one factor model, the two constructs were highly corre- lated (.87). Thus while there was support for a two factor model, caution must be taken in concluding that we are measuring two truly distinct factors as there was weak evidence for discriminant validity between the two construct scores.

본 연구결과의 실용적 의의를 찾자면,

practical implications of these findings : there is evidence for

  • MMI 스테이션 구성에 시간과 노력을 투자할 가치가 있다. investing the time and effort in MMI station construction,

  • 미래 수행능력을 예측하는 것으로 알려진 특성에 기반하여 평가표를 만들어야 함 creating appropriate scoring rubrics based upon attributes known to be pre- dictive for future performance and

  • 평가자 훈련을 통해서 공정한 평가가 이뤄지도록 해야 함 conducting rater training to ensure appropriate and fair assessment of the candidate.

두 번째 연구의 목적은 MMI척도가 비인지적 구인의 nomological network에 부합하는지를 보는 것이었다. 흥미롭게도 OrCo와 PrEv의 MMI 점수가 매우 상관관계까 높았지만, 다른 비인지적 구인과의 상관관계는 서로 다르게 나타났다.

The second research objective was to test whether the MMI measures fit within the nomological network for non-cognitive constructs. Interestingly, even though the MMI scores of oral communication and problemevaluation were highly related, they were found to have different relationships to other measures of non-cognitive constructs.

2B가설과 같이, MMI의 PrEv점수는 '설명과 계획'과 유의한 관계가 있었다. 그러나 MMI의 PrEv점수에 대해서 정서성과 관련될 것이라는 가설은 맞지 않았다.

Consistent with our hypothesis (2B), the MMI problem evaluation rating had a sig- nificant positive relationship with explaining and planning. However, the hypothesized relationship between the MMI problemevaluation measure and emotionality was not found (hypothesis 3B). 


한 가지 설명은 MMI가 학생의 공감능력을 제대로 측정하지 못한 것이다. 현재의 MMI는 학생이 다른 사람의 관점을 얼마나 잘 인식하는지를 측정하지만, 얼마나 학생이 다른 사람에게 공감을 표현하는지는 측정하지 못한다. 좀 더 직접적으로 상호작용하는 스테이션을 포함시킴으로서 이러한 한계를 극복 가능할 것이다.

One explanation is that the MMI did not effectively measure students’ ability to empathize with others. The current MMI measured students’ ability to recognize the points of views of others, but it did not measure how students’ would express feelings of empathy towards others. One way that this could be done is to include stations that require candidates to engage more directly in an interaction.

또 다른 설명은 정서성이 광범위한 성격특성이라는 점이다. 광범위한 성격특성으로서 정서성은 성격의 여러가지 측면을 포함한다. 구체적인 준거와 강력한 개념상의 연결관계가 있을 때, Narrow trait가 Broad trait보다 종종 더 predictive한 것으로 알려져있다.

Another explanation is that emotionality is a broad personality trait. As a broad personality trait, emotionality measures a broad range of individual attributes (e.g. empathy towards others, sensitivity to physical harm). Narrow traits are often found to be more predictive than broad traits when there is a strong conceptual link to a specific criterion (Rothstein and Goffin 2006; Tett et al. 1991).

모든 valid한 선발과정은 그 과정을 거침으로서 일반적인 지원자 집단이 보다 균질한 집단으로 변해야 하나, 그러한 균질성은 학교나 직장에서의 성공과 관계된 특성에 대해서만 균질해야 한다.

Any valid selection process should lead to the selection of a more homogenous group of successful candidates from the general applicant pool, wherein the successful applicants are homogenous only on the characteristics that lead to in-school or in-job success.

따라서, 임상에서의 인터뷰 또는 health outcome을 더 향상시킬 수 있는 성격특성이 존재한다면, MMI시나리오가 그러한 것들을 평가할 수 있도록 설계되어야 한다.

Thus, if these are personality traits that can lead to better performance within the clinical interview and potentially better health outcomes, then it can be argued MMI scenarios should be designed to assess attributes related to these traits.


Ashton, M. C., & Lee, K. (2007). Empirical, theoretical, and practical advantages of the HEXACO model of personality structure. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 11, 150–166.

Jerant, A., Griffin, E., Rainwater, J., Henderson, M., Sousa, F., Bertakis, K. D., et al. (2012). Does applicant personality influence multiple mini-interview performance and medical school acceptance offers? Academic Medicine, 87, 1–10.

 2014 Aug;19(3):379-92. doi: 10.1007/s10459-013-9480-6. Epub 2014 Jan 22.

Validating MMI scores: are we measuring multiple attributes?

Author information

  • 1University of Guelph, Guelph, Canada.


The multiple mini-interview (MMI) used in health professional schools' admission processes is reported to assess multiple non-cognitive constructs such as ethical reasoning, oral communication, or problem evaluation. Though validation studies have been performed with total MMI scores, there is a paucity of information regarding how well MMI scores differentiate the constructs being measured, the relationship between MMI scores (construct or total) and personality characteristics, and how well MMI scores (construct or total) predict future performance in practice. Results from these studies could assist with MMI station development, rater training, score interpretation, and resource allocation. The purpose of this study was to investigate the validity of MMI construct scores (oral communication and problem evaluation), and their relationship to personality measures (emotionality and extraversion) and specific scores from standardized clinical communications interviews (building the relationship and explaining and planning). Confirmatory factor analysis results support a two factor MMI model, however the correlation between these factors was .87. Oral communication MMI scores significantly correlated with extraversion (r c = .25, p < .05), but MMI scores were not related to emotionality. Scores for building a relationship were significantly related to MMI oral communication scores, (r c = .46, p < .001) and problem evaluation scores (r c = .43, p < .001); scores for explaining and planning were significantly related to MMI problem evaluation scores (r c = .36, p < .01). The results provide validity evidence for assessing multiple non-cognitive attributes during the MMI process and reinforce the importance of developing MMI stations and scoring rubrics for attributes identified as important for future success in school and practice.

[PubMed - in process]

의학교육환경 해부: 교수개발의 관점에서 본 잠재적 교육과정(Acad Med, 2011)

Decoding the Learning Environment of Medical Education: A Hidden Curriculum Perspective for Faculty Development

Janet P. Hafler, EdD, Allison R. Ownby, PhD, Britta M. Thompson, PhD, Carl E. Fasser, Kevin Grigsby, DSW, Paul Haidet, MD, MPH, Marc J. Kahn, MD, and Frederic W. Hafferty, PhD

과학과 배움을 촉진하는 요소로서 비공식적 사회적 요인(informal social element)의 중요성은 더 이상 과장하기 쉽지 않다.

It is, I think, not easy to exaggerate the importance of the informal social element in the promotion of science and learning. 

—Abraham Flexner, 1930

최근 수년간, 의학교육자들은 의사가 되어가는 프로세스에 있어서 공식-명시적 차원과 잠재-암시적 차원을 구분하는 것의 중요성을 인정하기 시작했다. 잠재교육과정은 (후대로) 전달되는 문화적 풍습으로서, 공식 혹은 비공식 교육educational endeavor에서 드러내놓고 인정되지는 않는 것이다.

In recent years, medical educators have acknowledged the importance of differentiating between formal-explicit and hidden-tacit dimensions in the process of becoming a physician. The hidden curriculum refers to cultural mores that are transmitted, but not openly acknowledged, through formal and informal educational endeavors.2–4

우리는 "교수개발"을 포괄적인 의미에서 사용하고자 한다.

We use the term “faculty development” in a broad sense, referring to

the inclusive range of learning that socializes faculty to their role, including professional and identity development, instructional development, leadership development, and organizational development.


이러한 분야의 학습은 어떻게 교수가 생각하고, 행동하고, 되어야be하는지에 대한 명시적이고 암시적인 경험을 포함한다.

These areas of learning often entail both explicit and tacit learning experiences related to how a faculty member should think, act, and be.

잠재교육과정이란 무엇인가?

What Is the Hidden Curriculum?

모든 학습에는 공식-명시적 요소와 비공식-암시적 요소가 다 있다. 적어도 지난 세기에는 교육자들은 학습에 대해 이러한 관점을 공유하고 있었다 그 예시로는 John Dewey의 collateral learning 이라는 개념이 있었으며, 더 근대적인contemporary 것으로는 workplace learning,6 situated/cognition learning,7 peripheral participation,8 and communities of practice9 등이 있다.

All learning involves both formal-explicit and informal-tacit elements. For at least the past century, educators have shared this view of learning. Examples include John Dewey’s5 concept of collateral learning as well as more contemporary concepts such as workplace learning,6 situated/cognition learning,7 peripheral participation,8 and communities of practice.9


비록 교육자들이 '공식'과 '비공식'을 구분하기 위하여 다양한 용어를 사용해왔지만, 이 모든 것의 기본적은 공식(법)과 비공식(문화적 전통, 비공식 규범, 고정관념, 사회적 실천)의 복잡한 상호작용이 일반적인 사회생활social life in general이라는 개념이었다.

Although educators have used a variety of terms to differentiate between the formal (e.g., explicit, written, curriculum on paper) and the informal (e.g., hidden, implicit, unwritten, meta, latent, shadow, tacit, tested) dimensions of medical learning, the basic distinction all of them make is that social life in general is governed by a complex interplay of formal laws and/or cultural traditions and informal norms, stereotypes, and social practices.10

의학교육자들 등이 학습환경을 공식과 잠재 교육과정의 이분법으로 나눠서 봐온 반면, 사회적 학습social learning의 현실은 보다 복잡한 현상이다. 어떤 식으로 부르든지, 세 가지 중요한 영역이 있다.

Whereas medical educators and others tend to view or describe the learning environment as a simple dichotomy between the formal and hidden curricula, the reality is that social learning is a more complex phenomenon.11,12 Regardless of the labels used, three critically important arenas of influence remain:

(1) 공식적으로 구조화되고 의도되었던 사회적 활동 those social activities formally structured and intended,

(2) 비공식적이고, 무계획적으로, 대본에 없던unscripted 사회적 활동 those social activities that are more informal, unplanned, and unscripted, and

(3) 조직문화나 공간place와 같은 보다 그 존재와 영향이 invisible하고 ethereal한 것을 those influences, such as organizational culture and place, that are more invisible and ethereal in their presence and impact.1,12,13


우리는 이 세 가지 영역이 학생 뿐 아니라 교수에게도 존재함을 말하고자 하며, "잠재 교육과정"이라는 용어를 숨겨져 있는hidden 모든 비공식적 영향을 포괄하는 의미로 사용하고자 한다(즉 2와 3을 합한 것)

We suggest that these three arenas exist not only for students but for faculty as well, and we will use the term“hidden curriculum” to globally capture all of the nonformal influences including those that are hidden (i.e., those captured in arenas 2 and 3),

학생과 교수 모두에 대한 잠재교육과정

Hidden Curricula for Both Students and Faculty

대부분의 잠재교육과정 관련 연구는 학생에 초점을 맞춰왔다. 이들 연구에서는 교수(와 교수를 비롯한 레지던트, 펠로우 등 advanced learner)는 아래사람들subordinate에게 공식 교육과정과 비공식 교육과정을 전달하는 사람conduit으로 보았다. 학생 사이에서든, 레지던트 사이에서든, 아니면 교수 사이에서든 peer-to-peer transmission은 별로 관심의 대상이 되지 못했다. peer-to-peer interaction은 심지어 GME처럼 한 사람이 두 가지 역할을 모두 맡고 있는 경우(교수에게 배우는 학생이면서, 학생을 가르치는 교사인 레지던트)에도 관심의 대상이 되지 못했다. 레지던트는 그들만의 암묵적 교육환경에 담겨져 있고submerged, 이들은 필연적으로 잠재적이면서 Peer-based인 학습 프로세스의 네트워크를 항해하게 된다.

Much of the literature on the hidden curriculum has traditionally focused on students.2–4 This literature usually casts faculty, including advanced learners, such as residents and fellows, as conduits of both formal and hidden curricula to their subordinates. Peer-to-peer transmission, be it at the student, resident, or faculty level, has received little attention. Rare are analyses of peer-to-peer interactions even in situations in which individuals have dual responsibilities, such as during graduate medical education when resident physicians play the conflicting role of both student (to faculty) and teacher (to medical students).14 Residents are submerged within their own tacit learning environments, and they must navigate networks of hidden, often peer- based, learning processes.15


펠로우, 레지던트, 교수(교사)들은 종종 잠재교육과정의 대상subject to이면서 능동적 참여자가 된다. 교수는 교수로 태어난 것이 아니다. "교수가 되는 것"이란 구체적인 사회적 정체성을 맡게 되는 것이고, 여러 사회적 역할을 맡게 되는 과정이다. 교수는 정체성 및 그와 관련된 역할에 대해서 긴 시간에 걸쳐 학습한다. 정체성과 역할에는 그룹 내에서의 사회적 요구와 그룹 외에서의 요구(기대)가 혼재infused된다.  "교수의 삶"을 지배하는 규칙의 학습은 공식적인이면서도 비공식적이고, 직접적이면서도 암묵적이다. 예컨대, 교수들은 교육 활동에 대해 "protected" 시간을 가질 수도 있다. 그러나, 이들은 곧 진료 활동이 요구된다는 것을 알게 될 것이다. 그 결과 교수들은 교육을 위한 protected time이 진짜 그러한 목적의 protected time이 아닐 수 있다는 것을 이해하기 시작한다. 교수가 속한 교실이 교육보다 진료를 더 중시한다는 메시지를 보낸 것이다. 교수는 학생에게 전달되는 잠재교육과정의 중요한 driver이지만, 교수들에 대한 잠재교육과정은 소속기관 그 자체가 drive하며, 동료교수들에 의해서 translate되고 transmit된다.

Faculty, residents, and other teachers are both subject to, and active participants in, their own hidden curriculum. Faculty are not born faculty. “To be faculty” is both to take on a specific social identity and to follow a set of social roles. Faculty learn this identity and its related roles over time. Both the identity and the attendant roles are infused with social expectations including those held by in- group members (i.e., other faculty) and out-group members (e.g., students, administrators). Learning the rules governing “faculty life” involves formal and informal, direct and tacit, learning processes. For example, faculty may have “protected” time for educational activities, but may find themselves called for clinical work. Accordingly, the individual faculty may begin to learn or understand that the policies of protected educational time may not actually translate into real hours of protected time. The message is that his or her department values clinical service more than educational service. Whereas faculty are important drivers of the hidden curriculum as it pertains to students, the hidden curriculum as it pertains to faculty may be more driven by the institution itself, and it may be translated and transmitted to individual faculty members by their peers.

여러 문헌에서 교수를 교육의 전달자, 롤모델, 기관 권력의 저장소repositories of institutional power 등으로 묘사했지만, '교수의 발달'이란 관점이 연구의 대상이 된 경우는 별로 없다. 교수를 학습자로 인정하는 경우가 거의 없는데도 이것이 너무 일상화되어 있다보니, "의과대학에서의 사회화medical school socialization"를 연구할 때, 학습자로서의 교수의 주변부 지위peripheral status는 언급조차 되지 않고 넘어가곤 한다.

The literature has depicted faculty members as deliverers of pedagogy, role models, and/or repositories of institutional power, but rarely, in terms of their development, as objects of critical inquiry in their own right. This lack of acknowledgment as learners has become so routine that, when studies of “medical school socialization” are published, the peripheral status of faculty as learners often slips by unnoticed.

아래와 같은 것은 있어도 의과대학 교수의 훈련이나 성숙에 대한 연구는 사실상 거의 없다.

Although a vibrant body of literature focuses on

  • 대학원생의 academic life로의 사회화 the socialization of graduate students to academic life,18,19 and a separate body of scholarship focuses on

  • 신입 사원의 사회화 the socialization of occupational newcomers,20 including

  • 암묵적 지식의 역할 the role of tacit knowledge in organizational (including medical) learning,21

virtually no studies are specific to the training and/or maturation of medical school faculty.

조직문화의 암시적, 비공식적 영역에 더 민감해지기 위해서는 교수형성faculty formation에 대한 잠재적 영역을 이해해야 한다. 예를 들어 매년 교육 관련 상을 수상하는 사람의 이름을 열거할 수는 있지만, 이러한 상award가 학교의 학샘 가치와 어떻게 연결되는지에 대해서는 명확히 설명하지 못할 것이다. 실제로, universe of award를 의도적으로 분석한 대학은 거의 없다.

We believe that a better understanding ofthe hidden dimensions of faculty formation will allow organizations to become more sensitive to the tacit and more informal dimensions of organizational culture. For example, faculty and administration may be well able to list the teaching awards and recognitions given out each year. However, they may be less able to articulate the characteristics of those awards relative to core school values.  Indeed, a school that has purposefully reviewed its universe of awards is rare.

잠재교육과정을 이해하는 것은 (심지어 그 메시지를 발송하는 사람조차 기존에는 알지 못했고 의도하지 않았다고 하더라도, 혹은 그 메시지를 받는 사람조차 인식하지 못하거나 잘 못 이해하고 있었더라도) 교수와 행정가들이 그러한 메타-메시지의 존재와 영향에 보다 민감해지도록 만들 수 있다. 메타-메시지를 이해하는 것이 중요한 이유는, 그러한 지식이 긍정적인 메시지를 늘릭, 부정적인 메시지와 의도하지 않은 결과를 최소화시키는 토대가 될 수 있기 때문이다.

Understanding the hidden curriculum can sensitize faculty and administrators to the existence and impact of such meta- messages, even if—perhaps especially important if—these messages are previously unseen and unintended by the sender or unrecognized and misinterpreted by the audience. Knowing the meta-messages is important because such knowledge provides the foundation for leveraging positive messages and minimizing negative messages and their unintended outcomes (e.g., high rates of faculty turnover, low faculty morale, decreased faculty productivity, decreased student satisfaction [with faculty], and ultimately poor organizational performance).32–36



교수개발을 잠재교육과정의 관점에서 재구성하기

Reconstructing Faculty Development From a Hidden Curriculum Perspective

의학교육 문헌에서는 종종 '교수개발'을 다음의 의미로 사용한다.

The medical education literature often employs the term“faculty development” to indicate

a particular set of educational activities, typically aimed at building skills in specific areas, such as grant and manuscript writing, curriculum development, and teaching.37–39


잠재교육과정의 관점에서, 교수개발은 특정한 공식적인 스킬-개발 경험으로 국한되는 것이 아니라, 더 포괄적인 개념으로서의 사회화와 연결된 generic process이다. 다른 말로는, 교수의 일원이 된다는 것은 (공식/명시적, 비공식/암시적 차원의 학습으로부터 영향을 받는infused) 광범위한 사회적 실천을 포함하는 직업적 문화화occupational enculturation의 프로세스이다. 이러한 관점에서 기존의 공식적 교수개발프로그램이 가지는 교육적 가치/영향/관련성은 더 넓은 범위에서 교수들이 "좋은 교수의 일원이 되는 것", "자신의 커리어 개발에 진짜로 필요한 것"은 무엇인가에 대해서 실제로 겪으면서 배우는go about learning 문화적 메시지의 한 부분일 뿐이다.

In terms of the hidden curriculum, faculty development exists not only as specific, formal skill-building experiences but also as generic processes tied to the broader concept of socialization. In other words, becoming a faculty member is a process of occupational enculturation that involves a broad range of social practices infused with both formal/explicit and informal/implicit learning dimensions. From this perspective, efforts to improve the instructional value, impact, and/or relevance of formal faculty development programs will be dictated in part by the broader array of cultural messages that faculty encounter as they go about learning what being a “good faculty member” means and what they really need to attend to in order to advance their careers.


"all politics is local"이라는 말을 인용할 수 있다. 의학교육에 있어서 "모든 학습은 - 그것이 학생 수준이든 교수 수준이든 - 맥락 의존적이다". 따라서 의과대학이 공식적 교수개발프로그램에 투자함으로써 faculty as teacher의 효과성을 높이고자 한다면, (teaching track과 같은) 교육을 교수의 가치로운 활동으로 인정해주는 더 포괄적인 문화적 지원이 무엇인가를 고려해야 한다. 만약 교수들이 근무환경에서 교육이 별로 대접받지 못한다는 상반되는 메시지를 전달받는다면, 공식적 교수개발의 노력은 그러한 문화에 의해서 약화되고 말 것이다. 예를 들어 주니의 교수가 시니어 교수들은 저널클럽에 참여하지 않는다는 것을 알게 되면, 그것이 academic life에 별로 가치가 없는 것이라고 생각할 것이다. 이 경우, 공식적 교수개발 프로그램의 한 부분으로 기획된 활동은 그 목표를 달성하는데 효과적이지 못할 것이며, 왜냐하면 더 넓은 문화broader culture가 공식적 교수개발 프로그램에 반하여 작동하기 때문이다.

To quote long-time Speaker of the House Thomas P. “Tip” O’Neil, “all politics is local.”40 In the case of medical education, all learning, be it at the student or faculty level, is context dependent.41 Thus, when a medical school invests in formal faculty development programs to increase the effectiveness of its faculty as teachers,37,38 it must also consider the broader cultural supports for teaching as a valued faculty activity, such as the presence (or absence) of a teaching track that includes tenure. If faculty members are receiving countervailing messages from their work environment that teaching is relatively undervalued, then the formal faculty development efforts to improve teaching skills are being undermined by the broader culture of the institution. For example, junior faculty who attended did not see senior faculty in attendance and may have interpreted the journal club as less valued in the schema of academic life at the institution. In this case, a planned activity created as part of a formal faculty development program was less effective in meeting its objectives because the broader culture, ran counter to the goals of the formal faculty development program.

Steinert 등은 대부분의 교육 향상을 위한 교수개발프로그램은 특정 유형의 교수들(진료의사, 특히 가정의학과, 내과)만을 대상으로 한다고 지적하였다. 또한 교수개발이 context가 부족하여서 "교사의 ongoing 교육활동과의 직접적 연결"을 만드는데 실패한다고 지적했다. 이러한 문제를 더 악화시키는 것은, 교수개발 intervention이 이론적 프레임워크가 부족하다는 사실이다.

Steinert and colleagues41 note that most faculty development programs target teaching and instructional improvement or they target a particular type of faculty, such as practicing clinicians, primarily those within family medicine and internal medicine programs (basic science faculty members receive far less attention). They further note that faculty development often lacks context and fails to establish “a direct link to teachers’ ongoing educational activities.”41 Compounding this problem, many faculty development interventions lack a theoretical (e.g., experiential learning, reflective practice) framework.



평가의 한계: 학습자의 반응이나 AKS의 변화에 초점을 두며, 실제로 학습자의 행동이나 시스템의 변화가 있었는지에 대해서는 잘 이뤄지지 않는다. politics is local이라는 아이디어에 기반하여 Steinert 등은 "맥락이 핵심이다context is key"라고 하였으며, 교수개발을 위한 노력 역시 조식의 문화에 보다 관심을 기울어여 한다고 했다. 더 중요하게는, 이들 저자들은 공식적 교수개발 프로그램이 Kirkpatrick의 처음 두 수준을 변화시키는데는 도움이 되지만, 변화를 위한 지지적 직업환경이나 보상체계를 만들지는 못한다(Kirkpatrick의 뒤쪽 두 수준)고 지적했다.

Studies of impact also focus more on learners’ reactions to the experience (e.g., favorable versus unfavorable) and/or changes in learners’ attitudes, knowledge, and skills rather than actual changes in the learners’ behavior or changes in the systems in which faculty and learners work.42 Reflecting the idea that politics is local, Steinert and colleagues41 conclude that “context is key” and that faculty development efforts must include more attention to organizational culture. More important, these authors41 conclude that whereas formal faculty development is able to address the first two of Kirkpatrick’s43 four necessary conditions of change (e.g., a personal desire to change and knowledge regarding the whats and hows of change), it is not able to create a supportive occupational environment or rewards tied to change (the last two of Kirkpatrick’s necessary conditions for change).

잠재교육과정에 관한 개념모델

A Conceptual Model for the Hidden Curriculum With Respect to Faculty Development

교육에 들인 시간을 근거로 각 과에 예산을 할당한다는 mission-based budgeting이 있을 때, 겉으로 보기에 이것은 교육에 투자하는 시간을 가치롭게 여긴다는 것 처럼 보일 수 있다. 그러나 이러한 예산의 분배에 있어서 과장department chair이 할당받은 예산을 연구 혹은 기타 다른 활동에 사용한다면, 이것이 교수들에게 어떤 메시지를 전할 것인가?

An example of this is mission-based budgeting that funnel dollars to its departments based on the time devoted to teaching. This structure, on the surface, may seem to value time spent teaching; however, if the allocation of those funds is left up to a departmental chair who chooses to funnel the money to researchers or other departmental activities, then what does this say to the teaching faculty within that department? 

미래를 바라보기

Looking Ahead

교수가 교육과 상충하는 목표에 대한 메시지를 얼마나 자주 받는가는 연구된 바가 없으며, 의학교육의 잠재교육과정에 대한 연구에서도, 교수개발에 대한 연구에서도 마찬가지이다. 의과대학의 문화와 교수개발과 관련하여 중요한 질문을 던져야 한다고 생각한다.

The likelihood for faculty to encounter a variety of conflicting messages about the nature and goals of their educational undertakings is not well understood, nor is it well documented in either the medical education hidden curriculumliterature or the faculty development literature. We suggest a critical need for empirical research to address important questions with respect to institutional culture and faculty development. Faculty face inconsistencies in the culture and structure of their workplaces, ambiguities about the nature of their work, and questions related to their professional identities.

 2011 Apr;86(4):440-4. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0b013e31820df8e2.

Decoding the learning environment of medical education: a hidden curriculum perspective for facultydevelopment.

Author information

  • 1Yale School of Medicine, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut 06510, USA. janet.hafler@yale.edu


Medical student literature has broadly established the importance of differentiating between formal-explicit and hidden-tacit dimensions of the physician education process. The hidden curriculum refers to cultural mores that are transmitted, but not openly acknowledged, through formal and informal educational endeavors. The authors extend the concept of the hidden curriculum from students to faculty, and in so doing, they frame the acquisition by faculty of knowledge, skills, and values as a more global process of identity formation. This process includes a subset of formal, formative activities labeled "faculty development programs" that target specific faculty skills such as teaching effectiveness or leadership; however, it also includes informal, tacit messages that faculty absorb. As faculty members are socialized into faculty life, they often encounter conflicting messages about their role. In this article, the authors examine how faculty development programs have functioned as a source of conflict, and they ask how these programs might be retooled to assist faculty in understanding the tacit institutional culture shaping effective socialization and in managing the inconsistencies that so often dominate faculty life.

© by the Association of American Medical Colleges.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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