효과적인 의학교육자에게 필요한 특성과 책임(Acad Med, 2011)

The Educational Attributes and Responsibilities of Effective Medical Educators 

Charles J. Hatem, MD, Nancy S. Searle, EdD, Richard Gunderman, MD,

N. Kevin Krane, MD, Linda Perkowski, PhD, Gordon E. Schutze, MD,

and Yvonne Steinert, PhD

20세기 초반부터 미국 의학교육자들의 초점은 교육으로부터 연구와 진료로 변해왔고, 교육은 뒷전으로 밀려났다. 그러나 의학교육 연속체에 걸쳐서 교육스킬을 정교화refine해야 한다는 요구가 늘고 있고, 이와 관련된 교육 프로그램도 등장하고 있다. 교수들은 가르치는 법을 모른다는 사실만은 분명해 보인다.

Since the beginning of the 20th century, the focus for U.S. medical educators has shifted from teaching to research and clinical enterprise with teaching as a background activity.1,2 However, there are increasing calls for refinement in the teaching skills of faculty across the medical education continuum and relevant training programs have emerged.3–5 Clearly, faculty cannot not teach.

우리는 다른 북미의 의학교육 리더들과 함께 2020 Vision of Faculty Development Across the Medical Education Continuum에 참석하였으며, 의학교육연속체의 모든 level에서 효과적인 교육자가 되기 위해 요구되는 태도/지식/술기를 정의하였다.

We were invited along with other medical education leaders from North America to participate in the 2020 Vision of Faculty Development Across the Medical Education Continuum7 conference, and we participated in the working group that dealt with the topic of faculty development and defining the desirable attitudes, knowledge, and skills (AKS) of effective teachers at all teaching levels of the medical education continuum.

Medical Teacher의 특성과 역량을 개발하기 위한 프레임워크

Frameworks for the Development of Medical Teacher Characteristics and Competencies

Harden and Crosby는 효과적인 선생님의 skill set를 outline하면서 "교육은 부담이 크고demanding 복잡한complex 것이다"라고 했다.

Harden and Crosby,8 in an early study outlining the skill set of effective teachers, emphasize that “[t]eaching is a demanding and complex task.”

네덜란드의 TF는 핵심 교육 역량에 대한 포괄적인 프레임워크를 만들었다.

a national task force in the Netherlands offered a comprehensive framework of core teaching competencies, which allows for local institutional modification.9

Harden and Crosby는 교사의 레파토리를 반영하는 6개의 핵심 영역과 그에 따른 12개의 역할을 밝혔다.

Harden and Crosby8 identified 6 key areas and 12 derivative roles that reflect the teacher’s repertoire.

교사들은 시스템에서 하나 이상의 역할을 맡게 되는 경우가 흔하다.

teachers may, and frequently do, have one or more roles in the systemas well as in any given teaching encounter.

교육 스킬 발달과 관련해서 Skeff 등은 교육 프로세스를 분석하는 다음의 일곱개 카테고리 프레임워크를 기반으로 개발한 FD를 만들었다.

Regarding teaching skills development, Skeff and colleagues10 have created a highly successful faculty development effort fashioned around a seven-category framework for analyzing the teaching process:

  • (1) 긍정적인 학습분위기 구establishment of a positive learning climate,

  • (2) 교육 세션에 대한 통제 control of the teaching session,

  • (3) 학습 목표 소통 communication of educational goals,

  • (4) 지식의 이해와 유지의 촉진 promotion of understanding and retention of knowledge,

  • (5) 학습자 평가 evaluation of the learner,

  • (6) 학습자에게 피드백 제공 provision of feedback to the learner, and

  • (7) 자기주도학습의 촉진 promotion of self-directed learning.10


이 영역과 하위요소들을 가지고 교육효과성을 강화의 지표가 되는 행동을 도출하였다.

These domains and their subcomponents serve to identify behaviors indicative of enhanced teaching effectiveness

Hesketh 등은 임상교육자를 위한 또 다른 세부젝 프레임워크를 개발하였다.

Hesketh and colleagues12 offered another very detailed framework for the development of clinical educators. Their framework includes
  • (1) 의사가 교사로서 할 수 있어야 하는 것
    the tasks the doctor as teacher is able to do—
    • 대규모 소규모 교육 teach in large and small groups,
    • 임상상황에서의 교육 teach in a clinical setting,
    • 교육과정 계획 plan curricula,
    • 학습리소스의 개발과 활용 develop and work with learning resources,
    • 학습의 촉진과 관리 facilitate and manage learning,
    • 피훈련자 평가 assess trainees,
    • 과목 평가 evaluate courses, and
    • 교육 연구 수행 undertake research in education,
  • (2) 의사가 교육에 접근하는 방식
    how the doctor approaches his or her teaching—
    • 교육원칙 이해 with understanding of principles of education,
    • 적절한 태도 with appropriate attitudes,
    • 윤리적 이해와 법적 인지 ethical understanding and legal awareness, and
    • 적절한 의사결정 기술과 근거기반 교육행위 with appropriate decision-making skills and best evidence-based education practices, and
  • (3) 전문직 교사로서의 의사
    the doctor as a professional teacher—
    • 트레이너의 선생님으로서의 역할 the role of teacher or trainer,
    • 소속 대학과 자기자신의 교육과 관련한 발달 developing within the university and personally with regard to teaching.

태도와 특질

Attitudes and Attributes

모든 교사에게 있어서 효과적인 교육이란 단순히 테크닉이 아니라, 배움과 이해가 달성되었느냐에 대한 것이다. 따라서 바람직한 skill set는 본질적으로 태도에 대한 것이다.

For all teachers, effective teaching is defined not by technique but by whether learning and understanding have been achieved. The bedrock of our desired skill set therefore is indeed a matter of attitude.

효과적인 교육의 목표는 효과적인 배움과 이해임을 인정한다.

Acknowledges that the goal of effective teaching is effective learning and understanding.

교육은 단순한 테크닉 이상이다. 교수의 역할은 팩트를 전파하는 사람이 아니라 understanding and retention을 위해 자료를 조직화하는 사람이며, transfer를 위해서 나중에 그 정보를 recall할 수 있게 해줘야 한다.

Teaching is more than technique, The challenge for the teacher is not to be the dispenser of facts but to be the organizer of material for understanding and retention such that it can be recalled for future use to enhance transfer—

교육의 대변인이 된다

Advocates for education.

교육을 대변하고 대표하는 사람이 없이는 리소스의 배분 결정과 교육의 퀄리티가 고통받을 수 밖에 없다. 따라서 교사는 동료들에게 '교육의 mission을 remind'하는 것에 있어서 부끄러워 하지 말아야 한다.

Without advocacy and representation for this part of the mission in resource allocation decisions, the quality of education stands to suffer. Therefore, teachers must not shy away from reminding their colleagues about the mission of education.1

의학을 가르치는 교사로서의 윤리규범

Believes in a teacher’s code of ethics for teaching medicine.

Reiser는 교사를 위한 윤리규범을 저술하였다. 여기서 교사의 학생에 대한 책임은 정직함/신뢰/존중으로 학생을 대하는 것이며, 유사하게 교사에 대한 학생의 책임은 호혜성/정직성/개방성 등이다.

Reiser19 wrote a code of ethics for teachers In part, this code states that teachers’ duties to students should revolve around the attributes of candor, trust, and respect. Similarly, students’ duties to teachers are those of reciprocity, honesty, and openness.

교사로서의 열정을 보여주어라

Demonstrates passion as a teacher.

Wassermann은 t와 T의 교육을 구분할 것을 요구했다. t는 테크닉이며, T는 교육에 대한 열정으로, 호기심을 자극하여 학습자의 자기주도학습을 촉진하는 것을 포함한다.

Wassermann20 reminds us of the need to distinguish in our teaching the difference between t and T—between technique (t) and passion for teaching (T), including stimulation of curiosity along with fostering self-directed learning in the learners.

모든 대인관계interaction에서 친절하라

Demonstrates kindness in all interactions.

Osler의 숨겨진 모토는 "친절하게 하고, 가장 먼저 하라"이다. Osler가 친절에 대해서 지닌 감각은 환자와 피훈련자 모두에게 잘 알려져 있었는데, 왜냐하면 Osler가 "학우 여러분fellow student"라고 불렀기 때문이다.

A contemporary of Osler’s said that Osler’s unspoken motto seemed to have been, “Do the kind thing and do it first.”21 Indeed, Osler’s sense of kindness was well known to his patients and his trainees, whom he referred to as his “fellow students.”

Reilly는 임상교육에 대해서 다음과 같은 통찰력있는 기술을 한 바 있다.

Reilly,22 p710  who has written so insightfully about clinical teaching, offers enormously helpful observations:

궁극적으로, 교육은 전적으로 학습자에 대한 것이며, 교사에 대한 것이 아니다. 따라서 효과적인 임상교육자는 이타성을 지녀서 친절이 학습자에게 드러나도록 tangible expression해야 하며, 특히 학생을 평가할 때(피드백을 줄 때) 그러해야 한다. 친절함은 가장 가혹한 비판도 희망차게 만들며, 학생이 학습을 덜 압박스럽게 느끼게 함으로서 학생에게 힘을 주고empowering, 환자를 더 만족하게 하며, 교사는 더 효과적이 되고, 학습자는 더 수용적이 된다.

Ultimately, teaching is all about the learner, not the teacher. Thus, effective clinical teachers aspire to a sort of selflessness whose tangible expression is kindness to learners, especially when assessing them(giving feedback). Kindness makes even the toughest criticism hopeful, empowering the learner by making learning less oppressive … kindness makes patients more satisfied, teachers more effective, and learners more receptive.


자신의 한계를 인식하고 "나도 잘 모른다"라고 말하기를 두려워하지 말기

Demonstrates awareness of own imitations and is not afraid to say “I don’t know.”

"나도 잘 모른다"라는 말을 하는 것이 학생들에게 좋은 롤모델이 될 수 있는 것임에도, 많은 교육자들이 그렇게 마하는 것이 자신의 약점을 드러내는 것이라 생각한다. 그러나 학생이 그들처럼 교수도 '한계가 있구나limitation'라는 것을 이해했을 때, 이후에 더 발전해나갈 수 있는 공통 기반을 인식하게 된다.

Although using the phrase “I don’t know” is good role modeling for students, many educators feel that doing so is a sign of weakness. But once learners understand that a teacher has limitations just as they do, they begin to recognize a common ground on which to build.15

학습자들이 접근가능한 사람이 되라

Is accessible to learners.

교사는 (공식적으로 정해진 교육 시간 외에) 학생들이 접근가능한 사람이어야 하며, 이를 통해 학생에게 피드백을 주고, 평가를 하고, 간단한 조언을 줄 수 있다. 학습자는 어려운 질문이나 상황이 발생했을 때 교사를 만나는 것을 편안하게 느껴야 한다.

Teachers must be available to their learners to provide feedback, evaluation, or simple advice beyond the time set aside specifically for teaching. Learners should feel comfortable contacting teachers at any time if difficult questions or situations arise.

호기심을 자극하고 드러나게 하라

Manifests and stimulates curiosity.

교사가 지속적으로 호기심을 보이는 것은 효과적인 교수학습의 주된 촉매이다. 모든 것을 아는 듯한 인상을 주는 것 보다 모든 (학습)기회에서 지식을 진실되고 능동적으로 탐구해나가는 모습이 더 바람직하다.

Curiosity, on constant display by the teacher, is a prime catalyst for effective teaching and learning. Cultivating an image of omniscience is less appropriate than sincerely and actively seeking out knowledge at every opportunity.

학생을 이해하라

Seeks and obtains knowledge of learners.


사람의 상호작용을 보여주는 가장 근본적인 것 중 하나는 다른 사람의 이름을 알고 부르는 것이며, 이는 교육에서 특히 중요한 개념이다. Ferguson은 이렇게 표현했다.

One of the fundamentally validating human exchanges is to know— and use—another’s name, a particularly important precept in the educational arena. Ferguson,24 makes the point eloquently:

학생의 이름을 모르고서는 학생과 실질적인substantive 교류를 기대할 수 없다. 이것은 인간 본질의 법칙과 같은 것이다. 무엇의 이름을 아는 것은 그 것에 대한 흥미를 보여주는 근본적 의미이다.

You cannot hope for a substantive exchange with your students if you do not know their names. This amounts to a near law of human nature: your knowledge of the name is a primal signification of your interest….

안전한 교육 환경을 만들라.

Values and establishes a safe learning environment.

안전한 교육환경이란 조롱받을지도 모른다는 두려움이 없는 환경이다. '안전'을 느낌으로서 지식을 더 받아들일 수 있고, 자신이 모르는 것이 무엇인지 더 탐구할 수 있다.

The fear of being ridiculed should not have a place in the safe educational environment. From the feeling of safety comes a receptivity for knowledge and a willingness to explore one’s own ignorance.12,25

효고적인 롤모델이 되어라

Values and functions as an effective role model.

Albert Schweitzer는 "모범Example이란 타인에게 영향을 주는 주된 것이 아니다. 그것은 '유일한' 것이다." 라고 했으며, 이것은 '(교사가) 말하는 것'이 아닌 '(교사가 하는) 행동'의 힘을 보여준다.

Albert Schweitzer’s26 oft-quoted remark—“Example is not the main thing in influencing others. It is the only thing”—is a testament to the power of what we do versus what we say.



학생을 하나의 인간으로서 이해하지 않고서는, 교육을 이끄는 사람으로서 교사의 능력은 성공할 수 없다.

Without an understanding of students as persons, the teacher’s ability to succeed as an educational guide is compromised.

기본적 교육 원칙을 인식하고 있음을 보여주고, 암시적 또는 명시적으로 활용하라

Demonstrates an awareness of and tacitly or explicitly employs basic pedagogic principles.

교육 프로세스는 교사가 가진 암시적 또는 명시적 지식에 따른다.

The teacher’s tacit and explicit knowledge informs the teaching process,

there is reason to believe that good knowledge and understanding of the basics of pedagogy can...

sensitize teachers to the process of learning,

provide logic for understanding repeated successes and failures, and

serve a critical function in informing teaching practice.28 p118 

최근의 신경과학과 인지심리학적 연구결과를 근거로 교육 테크닉을 활용하라

Displays awareness of and uses teaching techniques in line with current neuroscience and cognitive psychological findings.

기본적인 교육 원칙에 기반한, 인지 신경과학 연구가 늘어나고 있고, 이러한 내용이 교수개발 프로그램에 포함되어야 한다.

well-founded basic educational principles, and a growing body of literature links cognitive neuroscience findings with educational practice.28–31 ought to be included in faculty development programs

자신의 분야를 잘 알고, 최신지견을 알아야 한다.

Is knowledgeable and up-to-date in one’s discipline.

Irby는 임상 교사가 알아야 하는 것에 대해서...

Irby,16 p333  in studying what clinical teachers need to know, notes

Educational researchers assert that knowledge for teaching requires an in- depth and flexible understanding of subject matter. Teachers need to know their subject well enough to make connections within the subject, across disciplines, and with their learners. Alternative conceptions of content help teachers switch back and forth between the student’s, the discipline’s, the textbook’s, and their own conceptions.

스칼라십을 촉진하라

Promotes scholarship.

교사teaching는 전문직이며, 교수-학습의 지식적 기반은 교수가 개발해야 하는 두 번째 전문분야가 되어야 한다. Scholarly teacher는 자신의 교육을 성찰하고, 수업평가 테크닉을 활용하고, 동료들과 교육에 대하여 토론하고, 새로운 것을 시도해보고, 자신의 분야에서 교수-학습과 관련된 논문을 읽고 적용해야 한다.

Teaching is a profession, and the knowledge base of teaching and learning should be a second discipline in which teachers develop expertise. Scholarly teachers

  • reflect on their teaching,

  • use classroom assessment techniques,

  • discuss teaching issues with colleagues,

  • try new things, and

  • read and apply the literature on teaching and learning in their discipline.32




지식의 효과적인 소통을 통해서 학습자가 relevant하게 만들라

Communicates knowledge effectively and makes it relevant to the learner.

"기전mechanism을 임상과 분리시키는 교육은 가치가 없다"라고 했다. 창의적 교육과정이란 학습자가 기초과학 정보를 임상에서 recall하고 apply할 수 있는 능력을 강화시켜주는 것이다.

Indeed, “instruction that divorces mechanisms from clinical correlates will likely be of little value.”34 pS127  Creative curricula have been defined to enhance the learner’s ability to recall and apply basic science information at the bedside.35

교육 세팅에서의 리더십을 보여주라

Demonstrates leadership in educational settings.

새로운 리더십 스킬을 기르고, 발전시켜야 하며, 기관의 전반적 이익overall good을 위해 필요하다면 리더십 지위position을 기꺼이 맡아야 한다.

They should also be able to grow and develop new leadership skills and willingly take leadership positions that may be required for the overall good of the institution.

효과적인 강의 스킬, 소그룹- 대그룹- 토론의 촉진 스킬

Demonstrates the basic skills for effective lecturing and facilitating small- and large- group discussion.

질문하고, 경청하교, 효과적으로 반응하라

Questions, listens, and responds effectively.

Self-reflection, peer review, learner input, and a well- organized framework for questioning, listening, and responding

"교육과 지속적 학습의 프로세스의 가치를 중시하는" 학습 커뮤니티를 설립하라

Establishes a learning community “that values education and the process of continual learning.”42 p387 

Osler가 학생을 "학우 여러분"이라고 칭한 것은 그가 교수-학습을 "쌍방향적 지적 교환"으로 바라본 신념을 훌륭하게 나타내주는 말이다. 이러한 마음가짐은 교수와 학생 사이에 공유되는 공동의 책임을 시사한다.

Osler’s referring to his learners as “fellow students”43 p247  wonderfully captures the spirit of the bidirectional intellectual exchange found in teaching and learning. This mindset implies a communal responsibility for education shared among its members.

학습자와 교육계약을 맺고, 학습자의 요구를 확인하고, 교사가 기대하는 것을 명확히 한다.

Establishes an educational contract with learners, identifying learners’ needs and clarifying the teacher’s expectations.

Pratt and Magill는 교육계약의 개념을 이미 30년 전에 도입했다. 이 개념은 teaching encounter의 네 가지 핵심 요소를 드러내는 것이다

Pratt and Magill44 p463  introduced the concept of educational contracts nearly three decades ago. This concept of identifying four key elements in the teaching encounter—

  • 학습자의 니즈 needs of learner,

  • 교사의 기대 expectations of teacher,

  • 역할에 대한 토론 discussion of roles, and

  • 과목 내용에 대한 토론 discussion of course content—

교육계약이란, 학생과 제일 처음 만나는 그 시점에서, 교사가 학습자를 프로세스의 파트너로서 초청하는 것이다.

It is, at the very beginning of the educational encounter, a tangible expression by the teacher of inviting the learner to be a partner in the process.

다섯 째 요소는 학습기간동안 상호 피드백을 예정하는 것이다. 이것이 교육 계약에 포함되어야 한다. 교육 계약은 한번 정해지면 끝나는 것이 아니라, 시간에 따라 니즈나 기대가 변하면서 다시 보고viewed, 유기적으로 활용되어야 한다. 

A fifth crucial element—arranging for mutual feedback during the learning period—must also be added to the educational contract. Educational contracts are not static devices; they ought to be viewed and used organically as needs or expectations change over time.


학습자가 받아들일 수 있는 방식으로 비판적 피드백과 칭찬을 하라

Gives praise as well as critical feedback in a manner acceptable to the learner.

적시에, 민감하게, 아끼는 마음가짐으로 학습자가 받아들일 수 있게 긍정적/비판적 피드백을 주어야 한다. 

Teachers must deliver both positive and critical feedback in a timely, sensitive, caring manner acceptable to learners.45

자기성찰적, mindful한 교사

Is a reflective, mindful teacher.46

reflection과 mindfulness를 위해서는 안전한 교육 환경이 필요하다

Reflection and mindfulness require a safe learning environment, as we’ve noted.

집중력을 끌어내고 유지할 수 있는 교사

Is able to capture and maintain attention.

많은 경우, 가르치는 것은 공연performing art과 같다. Timpson and Burgoyne는 "teaching을 준비하는 방법으로 공연performing보다 나은 것은 없다. 왜냐하면 그 두 가지의 과제는 똑같기 때문이다. 사람들의 이목을 끌고 집중을 유지시키는 것이다"

In many ways, teaching is a performing art. Timpson and Burgoyne48 p15  suggest, “There is no better preparation for teaching than performing because the challenges are the same—getting people’s attention and holding it.”

교육적 리스크를 지는 것을 두려워하지 말아야 하며, engaged teaching의 즐거움을 보여주는 것을 망설이지 말아야 한다. 교사는 훌륭한 스토리텔러이다.

They are not afraid to take educational risks, nor are they reluctant to demonstrate the joy of engaged teaching. Teachers are good storytellers.

변통성 있고 유연한 사람 

Is adaptable and flexible.

교사는 어떤 내용을 가르칠지는 정할 수 있지만, 교육 상황의 요소(장소, 학습자의 지식수준 등)은 갑자기 변할 수 있다.

Teachers can control which material they decide to teach, but components of the educational encounter, such as the venue or the level of knowledge of the learner, can suddenly change the method that should be used and the information that should be transferred.

비판적 사고를 촉진하라

Promotes critical thinking.

'비판적 사고는 교육하고 학습할 수 있는 인지적 기술이다'

it has been suggested that “[c]ritical thinking is a cognitive skill that can be taught and learned,”49 p342  though not without its own challenges.50

Harasymand 등은..다음과 같은 방법을 사용할 수 있다고 했음

As Harasymand colleagues49 p350  note,

There are multiple educational strategies that teachers can use …

    • student-focused, active learning,

    • type of assessment methods,

    • early patient exposure,

    • integration of basic and clinical sciences,

    • learning objectives …

    • multiple learning methods, and …

    • broad picture first followed by details, or details presented first to create the broad picture.

자기주도 학습을 촉진하는 교사

Promotes self-directed learning.

적시에 총괄평가를 시행하는 교사

Provides timely summative evaluation.

부담스럽더라도, 교사는 총괄평가를 효율적으로, 진실되게 수행해야 한다. 그리고 교육경험이 종료되는 시점과 총괄평가가 진행되는 시점 사이의 시간은 짧아야 한다(?)

Despite multiple time demands, teachers are responsible for doing this efficiently, honestly, and with the least amount of time between the end of the educational experience and the submission of a summative statement.31

정보테크놀로지를 효과적으로 활용

Uses information technology effectively.

기본적 원칙에 충실해야 한다.

Because these technologies evolve rapidly, faculty members need to focus on fundamental principles of teaching and learning rather than specific technologies.52

교육 AKS 촉진을 위한 교수개발

Faculty Development to Promote Educational AKS

다음의 권고안.

the following recommendations concerning teacher competencies emerged fromthe 2020 Vision of Faculty Development Across the Medical Education Continuum conference7:

1. Institutions must fund and value a cadre of faculty whose central responsibility is to teach in the same way they value faculty with the responsibility of clinical care and research.

2. Institutions must provide evidence that they have addressed both individual and organizational needs by employing a variety of faculty development programs.

3. External funding must be available for centers of excellence in faculty development.

4. A nationally derived, evidence-based set of competencies for teaching across the medical education continuum must be established and promulgated. (Our list of AKS could serve as a starting point.)

5. Accrediting bodies must require institutions to ensure that teachers develop and demonstrate the achievement of evidence-based teaching competencies.



The literature underscores that comprehensive faculty development programs cannot focus solely on individual improvement; they must also address the increasingly complex institutions in which teaching and learning occur.52,53 And, vitally, all teachers need to bear in mind their important responsibilities to ensure that academic health centers remain true to medical education as one of their core missions. It is ironic that in an academic environment one must make the argument for demonstrated teaching abilities as a necessary prerequisite to their exercise.

7 Baylor College of Medicine. Faculty Development Conference: A 2020 Vision of Faculty Development Across the Medical Education Continuum; February 26–27, 2010; Houston, Tex. http://www.bcm.edu/ fac-ed/?PMID 15709. Accessed December 17, 2010.

17 HatemCJ, Lown BA, Newman LR. Strategies for creating a faculty fellowship in medical education: Report of a 10-year experience. Acad Med. 2009;84:1098–1103. http://journals. lww.com/academicmedicine/Fulltext/2009/08000/ Strategies_for_Creating_a_Faculty_Fellowship_in. 28.aspx. Accessed December 17, 2010.

18 Norman G. Teaching basic science to optimize transfer. Med Teach. 2009;31:807–811.

22 Reilly B. Inconvenient truths about effective clinical teaching. Lancet. 2007;370:705–711.

39 Newman L, Lown B, Jones R, Johansson A, Schwartzstein R. Developing a peer assessment of lecturing instrument: Lessons learned. Acad Med. 2009;84:1104–1110. http://journals.lww. com/academicmedicine/Fulltext/2009/08000/ Developing_a_Peer_Assessment_of_Lecturing. 29.aspx. Accessed December 17, 2010.

List 1. The Attitudes and Attributes, Knowledge, and Skills of Competent Teachers

Attitudes and Attributes

• Acknowledges that the goal of effective teaching is directed at effective learning and understanding.

• Advocates for education.

• Believes in a teacher’s code of ethics for teaching medicine.

• Demonstrates passion as a teacher.

• Demonstrates kindness in all interactions.

• Demonstrates awareness of own limitations and is not afraid to say, “I don’t know.”

• Is accessible to learners.

• Manifests and stimulates curiosity.

• Seeks and obtains knowledge of learners.

• Values and establishes a safe learning environment.

• Values and functions as an effective role model.


• Demonstrates an awareness of and tacitly or explicitly employs basic pedagogic principles.

• Displays awareness of and uses teaching techniques in line with current neuroscience and cognitive psychological findings.

• Is knowledgeable and up-to-date in one’s discipline.

• Promotes scholarship.


• Communicates knowledge effectively and makes it relevant to the learner.

• Demonstrates leadership in educational settings.

• Demonstrates the basic skills for effective lecturing and facilitating small- and large-group discussion.

• Questions, listens, and responds effectively.

• Establishes a learning community that values education and the process of continual learning.

• Establishes an educational contract with learners, identifying learners’ needs and clarifying the teacher’s expectations.

• Gives praise as well as critical feedback in a manner acceptable to the learner.

• Is a reflective, mindful teacher.

• Is able to capture and maintain attention.

• Is adaptable and flexible.

• Promotes critical thinking.

• Promotes self-directed learning.

• Provides timely summative evaluations.

• Uses information technology effectively.

 2011 Apr;86(4):474-80. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0b013e31820cb28a.

The educational attributes and responsibilities of effective medical educators.

Author information

  • 1Academy Center for Teaching and Learning, Harvard Medical School, and Mount Auburn Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts 02138, USA. chatem@mah.harvard.edu


Of the many roles that the academic-educator may fulfill, that of teacher is particularly challenging. Building on prior recommendations from the literature, this article identifies the skill set of teachers across the medical education continuum-characteristics of attitude and attributes, knowledge, and pedagogic skills that permit effective teaching to be linked with effective learning and understanding. This examination which characterizes teachers' attitudes, knowledge, and skills serves to reemphasize the centrality of teaching within medical education, provides direction for faculty and institutions alike in the discharge of academic responsibilities, and makes educational accountability clear. This listing of teacher attitudes andresponsibilities was vetted in 2009 by medical education leaders from across North America during a national conference on faculty development.A set of recommendations concerning faculty development issues for medical teachers is offered. The recommendations are intended to establish an academic culture in medical education that values and rewards-academically and fiscally-those centrally committed to the role of teacher. The challenges of defining skills, developing and funding programs, and ongoing evaluation must be faced to achieve success in teaching throughoutmedical education, now and in the future. Faculty members, fellow learners, and patients deserve no less.

© by the Association of American Medical Colleges.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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