스니펫: 효율적, 효과적 교수개발의 혁신적 방법 (J Grad Med Educ. 2014)

Snippets: An Innovative Method for Efficient, Effective Faculty Development

Miriam E. Bar-on, MD

Lyuba Konopasek, MD


교수개발의 주요 장애요인

This has been identified as the primary barrier for faculty attendance at faculty development sessions.5–11 Other barriers to partic- ipating in faculty development include

  • 리소스 resources;

  • 상충하는 우선순위 compet- ing priorities, such as patient care, research, and adminis- trative tasks; and

  • 교육에 대한 낮은 경제적 보상과 인정 the lack of financial rewards or social recognition for the teaching role.5–11


또 다른 장애요인

Perhaps, the most significant psychologic barrier to participation in faculty development is

  • 교육보다 연구나 진료를 더 가치있게 여기는 기관
    the real or perceived lack of institutional support for teaching, with institutions frequently appearing to place a higher value on clinical and research-related activities than they do on teaching.2,5,6,10,11

다양한 level의 교수들은 서로 다른 유형의 트레이닝을 필요로 한다. 

Further, faculty members at various levels need different types of training.

  • 주니어는... Junior faculty may need development in more introductory topics,

  • 시니어는... whereas faculty with more seniority may need development that focuses on keeping their teaching up to date or training in educational leadership.5,16

Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) 의 인증요건에서 가장 최근의 Common Program Requirements에는 교수개발이 핵심 요소로 들어가있다.

Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) accreditation requirements. In the most recent iteration of the Common Program Requirements,17 faculty development has been identified as a core component.

이 '스니펫'이라는 혁신적인 방법은 간략한 교수개발 세션으로서, 교실별 미팅과 같은 context에서 진행되며, 이러한 방식이 아니라면 교수개발에 참석이 불가능하거나 그러할 의지가 없는 사람들도 교수개발 프로그램을 들을 수 있게 해준다. 스니펫은 skill을 교육하기 위한 목적에 따라 고도로 구조화되어있으나, 전통적인 교수개발을 대체할 수는 없다. 스니펫은 더 긴 stand-alone 교수개발 프로그램의 "trailer"처럼 활용할 수도 있다.

This innovative method, the ‘‘snippet,’’ provides a brief faculty development session in the context of a required faculty activity, such as a departmental meeting, thereby engaging those who might otherwise be unable or unwilling to participate in such sessions. Snippets are highly structured to teach skills, but they do not replace traditional faculty development. The snippet can also be useful as a ‘‘trailer,’’ or preview, for longer stand-alone faculty development sessions.



The Snippet

스니펫은 보통 20분 이내의 짧은 시간내에 이뤄진다. 아주 드물게 30분까지 늘어날 수도 있다. 스니펫은 single overriding communication objective (SOCO)에 초점을 둔다. 스니펫을 설계할 때는 반드시 SOCO를 신중히 골라야 하는데, 이 SOCO는 할당된 시간 내에 교육할 수 있어야 하고, 그 세션에 참가한 역할이나 직무와 관계가 있어야 한다.

Snippets are short, generally limited to 20 minutes. In rare instances, they may extend to 30 minutes. The focus of a snippet is a single overriding communication objective (SOCO).19 The de- signer of the snippet must carefully select a SOCO—a topic or skill—that can be taught in the allotted time, and is relevant to the role and work of the individuals who will attend the session.

스니펫은 고도로 구조화되어 있다. 스니펫은 최대 10개 슬라이드까지 허용되며, 왜냐하면 대부분 교수개발을 진행할 때 슬라이드 말고도 다른 media를 활용하기 때문이다. 10개 슬라이드 중 3개는 타이틀, 학습목표, Take-home point이다. 추가적으로, 핵심학습요점을 정리한 슬라이드가 포함되며, 새로운 지식이나 스킬을 활용하는 상호작용적 실습을 위한 슬라이드가 있어야 한다. 교육하는 내용이 근거에 기반한 것이라는 것을 보여주기 위하여 관련된 문헌을 인용해야 한다.

Snippets are highly structured. They include a maxi- mum of 10 slides because most individuals giving faculty development sessions employ slides and other media. Of the 10 slides, 3 include the title slide, learning objectives, and take-home points. In addition, slides must be allocated to the key learning points of the topic and to a possible interactive exercise to allow application of the new knowledge or skill (BOX1). Citations from the education literature should be included to demonstrate that the approach taught is based on evidence.


스니펫 개발

Snippet Development

스니펫을 만들 때는 기본적으로 네 단계가 있다.

To develop a snippet, there are 4 basic steps (BOX2).

  • 첫 번째 스텝은 가르칠 주제나 스킬을 정하고, 근거-기반을 마련하기 위하여 문헌을 고찰하는 것이다.
    The first step entails selecting an educational topic or skill to present and a review of the literature to create the evidence base.

  • 이 과정이 완료되면, 교육할 핵심 요점을 결정한다. 이 단계의 한 부분으로서, 스니펫 개발자는 한 차례의 스니펫이 모든 내용을 다 담을 것인지, 시리즈로 여러 스니펫에 나눌 것인지 결정해야 한다.
    Once that is completed, the second step is to determine the key points that will be presented. As part of this step, the developer must determine whether to present the whole topic or skill as 1 snippet or as several snippets in a series.

  • 스텝 3은 교육하려는 토픽이나 스킬을 시범보일 수 있는 (실습)활동을 선정하는 것이다. 여기에는 사례조사, 역할극, 차트리뷰, Critique와 함께 시험보이기, 비디오 시청, 게임 등이 있다. 활동을 선택할 때 학습을 최대화하는 방법인지 고려해야 하고, Debrief의 유형을 계획하고, 활동 이후에 토론을 포함해야 한다.
    Step 3 is to select an activity to demonstrate the educational topic or skill. Such activities may include, among others, case study, role play, chart review, a demonstration of teaching a procedure with critique, watching a video or movie clip, or playing a game. In selecting the activity, it is important to consider the type of instructions to provide participants to maximize the learning and to plan the type of debrief and/or discussion to have following the activity.

  • 마지막 단계는 take-home point를 넣는 것
    The final step—step 4—entails formulating take-home points and ensuring participants have the opportunity to hear them.

스니펫 발표를 위한 타이밍을 잡는 것이 매우 중요한데, 왜냐하면 스니펫은 특정 주제에 대해서 한정된 시간 동안 이뤄지기 때문이다. 스니펫이 너무 길어지면, 미래에 스니펫을 위한 시간이 할당될 가능성이 낮으며, 발표자가 신뢰도가 낮아 보일 수 있다. 스니펫이 너무 짧아져버리면 핵심 학습요점을 놓칠 수 있다. 스니펫은 fine-tune timing을 위하여 리허설을 히야 하고, interactive acitivties를 하는 중에 시간에 유의해야 한다.

It is especially important to work out the timing for snippet presentations because snippets are allocated a specific amount of time on an agenda. A snippet that goes too long may make it less likely that time is allocated for this activity in the future and may also make the presenter look less credible. If the presentation is cut short, key learning points may be missed. Snippet presenters must rehearse their talks to fine-tune timing, and they must keep a close eye on time during interactive activities.

20분 모듈보다 더 길어질 것 같은 토픽은 더 작은 단위로 쪼개지거나, 더 extensive한 FDP를 위한 '예고편'으로 사용할 수 있다.

There are many topics (BOX3) that can be—and have been—developed into a snippet format. Topics that are more complex than a 20-minute module can be broken down into smaller bites or can serve as an ‘‘appetizer’’ for a more extensive faculty development session.





스니펫은 각 교실의 FD요구를 지원하고, 인증요건을 만족시키기 위하여 2007년 the University of Nevada School of Medicine 에서 만들어졌다. 스니펫 기본 세트가 만들어진 이후, 매달 진행되는 교수미팅에서 활용되었다.

Snippets were initially developed at the University of Nevada School of Medicine in 2007 to meet departmental faculty development needs and accreditation requirements. After a basic set of snippets were developed, they were incorporated into monthly faculty meetings across all departments that sponsored residency programs.

참가자 반응은 긍정적

Feedback from attendees at these workshops was strongly positive and indicated that many participants planned to implement the snippets concept in their home institutions.

교수개발에 스니펫 모델을 도입한 일부 사례들

Faculty members who participated in the workshops have incorporated the snippet model into their institutions. Here are a few examples of institutions that have adapted the snippet model of faculty development:

  • At the University of South Alabama, Department of & Pediatrics, the student clerkship director attended a workshop at the Council of Medical Student Educators in Pediatrics (COMSEP) and has integrated snippet faculty development sessions into his departmental faculty meetings in collaboration with the pediatrics program director. Two lead medical educators in the Department of Pediatrics performed a combined needs assessment of the faculty to help focus and build the topics for their snippet series. Using that information, they developed monthly sessions lasting approximately 15 minutes to provide teaching tips and basic skills for members of the department. In addition, by working with the Office of Continuing Medical Education (CME), they have been able to give 0.25 hours of CME category 1 credit to attendees. In 2012, the snippets program was extended to their faculty advisor committee, and 0.5 hours of CME category 1 credit was provided. Beginning with the 2013–2014 academic year, members of the University of South Alabama, Department of Pediatrics, required the Clinical Competency Committee to participate in snippets, and the members receive CME credit for their participation. Further, both that individual and the program director participated in delivering the workshop at a combined COMSEP/APPD meeting in April 2013.

  • Use of snippets at the Icahn School of Medicine at & Mount Sinai followed a less formal model. An attendee from the ACGME Annual Educational Conference stated, ‘‘I have used it several times—I don’t always follow the format exactly, but I have ended a handful of meetings with a 10-minute teaching component and try to keep it interactive and focused on what behaviors/skills they will incorporate.’’

  • At the George Washington University School of & Medicine and Health Sciences, Department of Pediatrics, a workshop was presented by 2 individuals who attended the snippets workshop at the combined COMSEP/APPDmeeting. This group also planned an education grand rounds in September 2013, which was delivered in the snippet format.

요약하자면, 스니펫은 매우 구조화된, 바쁜 교수들을 위한 짧은 교수개발의 "단편bites"이다. 전통적인 FDP를 대체하지는 못하나, 그것을 보충하는 역할을 할 수 있다. 스니펫은 교수들이 (교수개발 목적이 아닌) 다른 필수 세션을 참석하는 시간을 활용하여 인증요건을 충족시킬 수 있다. CME사무실에 제출하여 평점을 받을 수 있으며, 이것이 루틴한 교수 미팅에 가치를 더해준다. 마지막으로 온라인 스니펫 저장소를 만드는 것은 스니펫 개발에 참여할 인센티브일 뿐만 아니라 best practice in FD를 위한 site가 된다.

In summary, snippets are well-structured, short ‘‘bites’’ of faculty development for busy faculty educators. They do not replace traditional faculty development but supplement it with an efficient method to deliver information and skills in brief sessions that are sensitive to the identified key constraints in faculty development. Snippets meet accred- itation requirements by engaging a department’s teaching faculty when the faculty is attending another required session. Snippets can be submitted to CME offices for incremental credit, which provides value-added material to routine faculty meetings or other meetings with required attendance. Finally, the development of an online reposi- tory of snippets can serve not only as incentive to participate in snippet creation but also as a site for best practices in faculty development.


3 Clay MA II, Sikon AL, Lypson ML, Gomez A, Kennedy-Malone L, Bussey-Jones J, et al. Teaching while learning while practicing: reframing faculty development for the patient-centered medical home. Acad Med. 2013;88(9):1215–1219.

4 Cook DA, Steinert Y. Online learning for faculty development: a review of the literature. Med Teach. 2013;35(11):930–937.

19 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Single overriding communication objective (SOCO) worksheet. March 2013. http://www.cdc. gov/healthywater/emergency/dwa-comm-toolbox/tools-templates-main. html. Accessed August 30, 2013.


 2014 Jun;6(2):207-10. doi: 10.4300/JGME-D-13-00362.1.

Snippets: an innovative method for efficient, effective faculty development.

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