의학교육 펠로우십 개발 전략: 10년의 경험 (Acad Med, 2009)
Strategies for Creating a Faculty Fellowship in Medical Education: Report of a 10-Year Experience
Charles J. Hatem, MD, Beth A. Lown, MD, and Lori R. Newman, MEd
교수개발은 점차 academic medical enterprise의 필수적이고 핵심적인 요소로 인정받고 있다. 이에 따라 다수의 집중 FDP가 성공적으로 등장하였다.
Faculty development is increasingly recognized as necessary and central to the academic medical enterprise,1 Along with these developments, a number of intensive faculty development programs have successfully emerged.2–14
가르침teaching을 하나의 커리어로 보는 교수 또는 의과대학institution이 많아지면서, 우리는 세 개의 의학교육펠로우십을 만들었다. 지난 10년간 97명의 HMS 교수가 이 과정을 마쳤으며, 이 펠로우십은 HMS교수 중 한 명 또는 그 이상이 codirect한 것이다. 재정, 펠로우 선발, 로지스틱스에 대해서는 앞서 발표한 바 있다.
In response to growing faculty interest and institutional commitment to teaching as a career focus, we have established three medical education fellowships. During the past decade (1998–2008), 97 Harvard Medical School faculty have graduated from
the Rabkin Fellowship in Medical Education at the Carl J. Shapiro Institute for Education and Research at Harvard Medical School and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center,
the Mount Auburn Fellowship in Medical Education, Mount Auburn Hospital, and
the Harvard Medical School Academy Fellowship in Medical Education, Harvard Medical School,
all of which are codirected by one or more of us. We have previously published information concerning the funding, selection of fellows, and logistics of the programs.15
핵심 교육과정은 다음과 같다.
The core curriculum focuses on
역사적 맥락 understanding the historical context of medical education’s funding and current challenges;
교육과정 constructing, implementing, and evaluating curricula;
성인학습원칙 applying adult learning principles to specific clinical settings (including the bedside and ambulatory arenas);
소그룹/대형그룹 teaching small and large groups;
리서치 doing research in medical education;
인문학과 교육 recognizing the relevance of the humanities to teaching;
리더십 demonstrating leadership skills; and
전문가적 성장을 위한 자기성찰 practicing self- reflection in professional development.
온라인에 최근 버전의 curriculum이 있음
Fully appreciating that a curriculum is never finished, we provide a recent complete version of the fellowship curriculum online.16
열 가지 전략
The Ten Strategies
전략 1: 펠로우십의 교육철학, 가치, 목표를 정의하라
Strategy 1: Define an operating philosophy, values, and goals for the fellowship
펠로우십의 원래 목표는 바뀌지 않는다: "교육 스칼라십에 헌신하여서 교육리더와 변화에이전트의 역할을 할 수 잇는 능숙한 의학교육자들의 커뮤니티 개발". 매년 프로그램은 펠로우십 리더와 펠로우 사이에 교육계약을 설정함으로서 시작된다. 첫 세미나에서 제시되는 주제와 전략은 펠로우십의 철학/가치/목표를 널리 알리기 위한 것이다. 다음은 참가자들이 해야하는 것들이다.
The fellowships’ original goal remains in place: to develop a community of skillful medical educators devoted to educational scholarship who serve as educational leaders and agents of change. We begin each program year by establishing an educational contract between the fellowship leaders and fellows. The topics and strategies presented in the initial seminars promulgate the philosophy, values, and goals of the fellowship. The participants
자신만의 교육철학을 기술하여 발표하고 토론한다.
present and discuss personal written philosophies of education (which are compared with new iterations at the end of the fellowship year); -
교육의 핵심 가치와 학습자에게 헌신을 보인 훌륭한 선생의 이야기를 토론한다.
discuss stories of exceptional teachers who demonstrated core values of teaching and commitment to learners; -
미국에서 20세기의 의학교육의 진화과정을 다룬 자료를 토론하여, academic medicine의 현재 맥락을 이해한다.
discuss historical material covering the evolution of medical education in the United States in the 20th century17 to understand the current context of academic medicine; -
성찰적 경청과 언어적/비언어적 커뮤니케이션 모두에 집중mindful할 수 있는 스킬을 보여주고/토론하고/습득employ한다.
demonstrate, discuss, and employ the skills of reflective listening and being mindful with attention to both verbal and nonverbal communication; -
그룹 내의 신뢰를 구축한다. establish trust within the group;
효과적인 교육계획, 기관계획의 기본원칙을 토론하고 습득employ한다.
discuss and employ the basic tenets of effective educational and institutional planning (“What am I attempting to do?” “How will I do it?” “How will I know that I’ve accomplished my goals?”); -
효과적인 '의사됨'과 효과적인 '교사됨'의 유사성parallels를 이해한다.
recognize the parallels between effective doctoring and effective teaching; -
자기성찰이 교육자로서의 성장에 중요함을 이해한다.
understand the importance of self-reflection as essential to growth as an educator; and -
각 세션을 휴머니즘과 친절로 진행conduct한다.
conduct each session with attention to humanism and kindness.
전략 2: 펠로우의 역할과 책임을 반영하는 교육과정
Strategy 2: Establish a curriculum that reflects the roles and responsibilities of fellows
따라서, 교육과정은 본질적으로 펠로우의 임상역할과 교육세팅을 수용accommodate해야 한다. 예컨대 우리는 수술장에서의 교육, 분과 클리닉에서의 교육, 응급상황의 교육 등의 세션을 설계했다.
Thus, the curriculum has naturally accommodated fellows’ clinical roles and teaching settings. We have, for example, designed sessions on teaching in the operating room, subspecialty clinic, and emergency department.
전략 3: 성인학습의 기본접근법을 도입하라
Strategy 3: Establish and employ a basic approach to adult learning
펠로우십 세미나 초반에, 우리는 교수-학습의 필수요소에 대하여 논의하였다.
Early in the fellowship seminars, we discuss an approach to the essential elements of teaching and learning (List 2).
List 2 Essential Elements in Teaching and Learning of a Year-Long Faculty Fellowship in Medical Education*
1. Know the learner. Acknowledge learners as persons and recognize where they are educationally and developmentally.
2. Establish an educational contract. Contracts are essential for educational direction and feedback.
3. Understand and use effective patterns of questioning and responding. Learn and demonstrate common and diverse strategies.
4. Create a safe environment. Be kind, model respect, and adopt “I don’t know, but I will find out” as essential words for teacher and learner.
5. Build a learning community. Create a setting where curiosity is valued and the challenges of being an educator can be discussed. This is the natural evolutionary endpoint of attending to the other elements.
펠로우의 학습요구를 이해하기 위해서 우리는 프로그램당 6명으로 숫자를 제한했다. 경험상 4명은 너무 적고, 8명은 경험적 측면을 강조하기에 너무 많다.
To best know and understand the learning needs of the fellows, we limit their number to six per program. Our experience has been that, while four fellows in a class are too few and eight too many to permit the experiential aspects of the curriculum,
펠로우들은 교육계약에 대해서 문헌적으로 배울 뿐 아니라 프로세서의 초반에 그러한 계약을 구성하고 (서로에 대한, 펠로우십교수에 대한) 계약을 고수함으로써 배우게 된다. 펠로우들은 곧 계약의 필수 요소에 대해서 인식한다.
The fellows learn about educational contracts not only from the relevant literature18 but also by engaging early on in the process of constructing and adhering to such contracts with each other and with the fellowship faculty. They soon realize that the key elements elaborated in the contract—
(가르치는 사람의) 기대(요구) expectations,
(배우는 사람의) 니즈 needs,
(교육) 내용 content,
(학습자-학습자, 학습자-교수자) 관계 relationships, and
피드백 제공 provision for feedback
—are essential in almost all teaching domains.
성찰적 교수자는 효과적으로 질문하고, 경청하고, 반응한다. 펠로우십은 질문을 효과적으로 사용하는 법을 심화적으로 배우며, 질문을 구성하는 다양한 taxonomies를 배운다.
Reflective teachers question, listen, and respond effectively.19 The fellowship explores in depth the use of effective questioning and various taxonomies for constructing questions.20
비록 학습자에게 지속적으로 집중하고, 교육계약을 맺고, 질문과 반응을 효과적으로 사용한다고 하더라도 (개개인의 측면에 근간을 둔 template), 교수자는 신뢰와 상호존중의 분위기를 조성하고 안전한 학습환경을 만들어야 한다. '안전함safety'란 실수를 받아들이고, 그룹 내 부족한 지식을 인정할 수 있는 공간을 마련해준다. 퍼실리테이터로서 우리는 "나는 잘 모릅니다"라고 말함으로서 이것을 model하였다. 우리 자신의 실수를 드러내고, 서로를 서포트해주는 것이다. 펠로우가 마침내 "break the ice"하고 결정적교육사건critical teaching incident을 공유했을 때 우리는 그 그룹이 상호신뢰의 한 가지 형태인 "안전한 곳"에 도달했음을 알게 된다. 학습커뮤니티의 진정한 가치reality는 그 때 드러난다.
Through consistent attention to knowing their learners, establishing educational contracts, and using effective patterns of questioning and responding—a template rooted in respect for the individual— teachers establish an atmosphere of trust and respect and a safe learning environment. Safety provides a space to admit mistakes or knowledge deficits to the group. As facilitators, we model this by saying, “I don’t know,” revealing our own mistakes, and supporting each other. When fellows finally “break the ice” and share critical teaching incidents, we know that the group has arrived in “a safe place,” one of mutual trust. The reality of a learning community then appears, one in which fellows
세미나에 기여하는 동료의 가치를 인정한다. acknowledge their colleagues’ valued contributions to the seminar,
펠로우십 프로젝트를 mindfully critique한다. mindfully critique the fellowship projects,
다른 사람의 교육스킬에 대해 숙고하여 피드백을 준다. provide thoughtful feedback to each other on their teaching skills, and
교육 딜레마를 제시한다. bring their educational dilemmas to the group.
이러한 조건에서 호기심이 존재할 수 있고 번창할 수 있다.
These are the conditions that allow curiosity to exist and flourish.
전략 4: '세미나에서 기술된 목표'와 '열린 토론' 사이의 균형
Strategy 4: Strive to achieve a balance between meeting the seminar’s stated objectives and staying open to discussion
모든 토론-기반 형식의 주된 문제는 세미나의 특정 목표라는 "원칙"과 매 순간순간 이슈를 파고드는 "자유" 사이의 균형을 맞추는 것이다. 그 균형은 그 순간의 지적, 정서적 맥락으로만 판단가능하다.
The central challenge of any discussion-based format lies in the attempt to balance the “discipline” of meeting a seminar’s particular goals with the “freedom” to explore the issues of the moment. The right balance can only be judged within the intellectual and emotional context of the moment.
효과적인 세션을 위한 기본적 프로세스 이슈
basic process issues needed for the effective conduct of the sessions (List 3).
List 3 Basic Process Issues for the Effective Conduct of Sessions of a Faculty Fellowship in Medical Education*
1. Assign a facilitator to lead the discussion, while encouraging all faculty to participate.
2. Begin by briefly reviewing the topic and key concepts of the prior session.
3. Solicit issues from fellows for discussion: educational dilemmas, questions, and current writings in the medical education literature.
4. Interactively attempt to strike a balance between covering the session’s goals and allowing the fellows’ curiosity to steer the discussion towards other related topics.
5. At the end of each session, identify unanswered questions to be discussed at the beginning of the next session.
6. Debrief seminar leaders after each session to review what went well and what needs to be changed.
7. Write a brief note about the content and process issues of the session to be kept in a journal for use in future years.
전략 5: 펠로우들이 스킬을 습득하고 연습해볼 수 있는 이상적인 학습기회 만들기
Strategy 5: Create optimal learning opportunities for the fellows to acquire and practice the skills of the curriculum
실천 없는 이론은 무익한 것이다.
Theory without practice is often a sterile exercise.
Lecturing: Fellows present 8- to 10-minute practice lectures, after which they receive feedback from the group. -
Small-group discussion: Fellows prepare cases from their disciplines and teach them to the group with reflection and comment. -
Peer review: In pairs, fellows observe each other teaching in a variety of venues, reflect with each other, and present process findings to the group. -
교육 프로젝트
Educational project: Fellows prepare and present project-management worksheets based on a well-known educational template.22 Each fellow’s educational project is a learning laboratory within which many aspects of the curriculum are practiced and applied. These skills include -
developing curricula,
demonstrating the leadership and organizational know-how to elicit “buy-in” to educational innovations,
designing and evaluating educational research,
mastering various teaching methods, and
disseminating information through such media as posters, abstracts, oral presentations, and articles for publication.
집중 연구 워크숍
Intensive medical education research workshops: Fellows learn -
research strategies,
study design,
survey construction, and
the process of submitting applications to internal review boards.
They prepare and present research prospectuses for commentary from faculty and peers.
- 절차적 스킬 교육
Teaching procedural skills: Fellows demonstrate how to teach a procedure from their own discipline. Creative and memorable recent examples include using common household items to find the epidural space, performpunch biopsies, or tap a swollen knee. -
네러티브를 활용한 교육
Using narrative to teach: Fellows write and read aloud narratives about memorable teachers and patients. These stories are often profoundly moving and are exquisite reminders of those who have taught us. It is notable how often the memorable teacher is one from grammar or high school. These recollections poignantly and uniquely illustrate the formative power of teaching. - 변화에이전트로서의 펠로우
Fellows as agents of change: Fellows discuss readings on leadership skills, negotiation strategies, and becoming an agent of change. Our institutions’ CEOs facilitate a number of these seminars, bringing real-world advice to bear and providing opportunities for themto get to know the fellows. The fellows bring their leadership dilemmas to the group for consultation and engage in challenging negotiation role-plays. Becoming an agent of change does not simply happen. We have found that mentoring relationships are important catalysts in this equation and that the fellows often return for advice from program directors, former fellows, or other mentors in the system. -
퍼실리테이터로 참여하는 이전 펠로우
Prior fellows as seminar facilitators: Fellowship graduates return to lead selected seminars as a way to refine and receive feedback on their teaching skills and reinforce a sense of community.
전략 6: 학제간 커뮤니케이션, 팀 발달, 학습 커뮤니티의 형성
Strategy 6: Foster interdisciplinary communication, team development, and the creation of a learning community
모든 펠로우십의 성공은 펠로우의 선발과 펠로우들 자신의 헌신에 달려있다. 우리는 그룹의 다양성을 위하여 다양한 전공/기관/학문적 수준의 펠로우를 선발하였다. 커리어 초반인 사람과 많은 경험이 있는 사람 모두 펠로우십에 지원할 수 있었다. 이런 것이 다양한 펠로우와 역동dynamics을 생성하고, 프로그램의 성공에 기여하였다.
The conduct and success of any fellowship rest on the selection and commitment of the fellows themselves. We ensure diversity of the group by admitting faculty from different specialties, institutions, and levels of academic advancement. We have made the fellowship available to faculty who are still early in their careers as well as those with considerable experience. This rich mix and the fruitful dynamic it creates within the seminars contribute enormously to the success of the program.
Mt. Auburn fellowship에서 우리는 다른 전문직종에서 최대 2명씩을 포함하였다. 심리학/간호학/내과 치프 레지던트 등
In the Mt. Auburn fellowship, we have included up to two colleagues from other professions. To date, these colleagues have been from the fields of psychology, advanced practice nursing, and most recently, chief residents in internal medicine.
우리 프로그램과 같이 다양성이 높은 프로그램의 주요 과제는 교육이 끝나고 자기 기관으로 돌아간 이후 펠로우들간의 connection으 유지하는 것이다. 한 기관 내에서도 종종 다른 과의 사람들은 잘 모른다. 이 문제는 기관이 다양해지면서 더 중요해진다. 한 해결책으로서 우리는 매년 Building Bridges session을 여러 차례 만들어서 현재 펠로우와 졸업한 펠로우를 모이게 했다. 또한 펠로우들은 bio-sketches와 프로젝트 타이틀을 자기 기관의 웹사이트에 포스팅했다.
A central challenge in a system as diverse as ours is maintaining connections among former fellows as they migrate back to their institutions. Within one’s own institution, one often does not know colleagues in other departments (or one’s own if large enough). The problemis even more substantial across multiple institutions. As one solution, we gather our community of present and graduate fellows several times each academic year for Building Bridges sessions, We also invite newly appointed fellows to attend the graduating fellows’ end-of-the-year project presentations, Lastly, fellows post bio-sketches and project titles on their institutions’ Web sites as an additional means of communicating with the faculty-at-large.
전략 7: "비판적 자기성찰"의 원칙과 Mindfulness를 개발하기
Strategy 7: Develop mindfulness and the discipline of “critical self-reflection”
Mindfulness에 많은 저술을 한 Langer는 다음과 같이 정의했다.
Langer,23 who has written much about mindfulness, explains that
지속적으로 새로운 카테고리를 만드는 것, 새로운 정보에 개방적인 자세를 갖는 것, 하나 이상의 관점을 암묵적으로 인지하는 것.
“a mindful approach to any activity has three characteristics: the continuous creation of new categories; openness to new information; and an implicit awareness of more than one perspective.”
펠로우십 기간에 우리는 doctoring과 teaching사이의 유사성을 의도적으로 끌어냈다. 이 두 가지 모두 다양한 니즈를 다뤄야 하며 이 정보를 행동과 평가의 핵심 기반으로 활용해야 한다. 우리는 참가자들에게 익숙한 임상술기를 활용하고, 이것과 비슷한 교육 스킬parallel skills을 알려주는 것identifying이 임상가-교육자로서의 발달을 효과적으로 촉진한다는 것을 알게 되었다.
During the fellowship, we explicitly draw parallels between doctoring and teaching: Both require eliciting different needs (doctor/patient; teacher/student) and using this information as the central basi sfor action and assessment. We have found that using the existing familiar clinical skills of the faculty and identifying the parallel skills of effective educational practice facilitate the development of the clinician–educator.
Epstein은 의료행위에 있어 "비판적 자기성찰의 프로세스는 Mindulness의 존재에 달렸다"라고 말하였다. 이 과정은 궁극적으로 "good practice"를 가능케 한다. 비슷하게, 우리는 mindfulness가 good teaching practice를 가능케 한다고 믿는다. 또한 우리는 의도적으로 이러한 관점을 펠로우십에 도입하였다. 성찰은 crucial skill이 되었다.
Epstein24 advises that, in clinical care, the “process of critical self-reflection depends on the presence of mindfulness.” This process, in turn, enables “good practice.” Similarly, we believe that mindfulness enables good teaching practice, and we intentionally bring this perspective to the fellowship. Reflection thus becomes a crucial skill.
전략 8: 체계적으로 각 세미나와 전체 교육과정의 구조와 프로세스 문제를 검토하라
Strategy 8: Systematically review the structure and process issues of each seminar and of the curriculum as a whole
펠로우십교수들은 각 세션을 마친 이후에 debrief하며, 교육과정을 매년 시작/중간/끝 시점에서 더 폭넓은 관점에서 면밀히 검토한다. 우리는 펠로우들에게 교육과정을 검토하고 새로운 교육자료를 알려달라고 부탁한다. 그리고 그들의 제안을 반영하기 위해서 후반기 세미나 토픽은 미리 정해두지 않는다.
The fellowship faculty debrief after each session, and they scrutinize the curriculum from a broader perspective at the beginning, middle, and end of the academic year. We also ask the fellows to review the curriculum and suggest new material for discussion. To accommodate these requests, we leave seminar topics open in the second half of the year.
펠로우들이 제안한 읽기자료 또는 디렉터들의 지속적으로 문헌을 검토하여 찾은 읽기자료들은 새로운 토픽을 발견하게 해준다. 읽기자료는 세미나 토론에 얼마나 도움inform이 되었는지와 펠로우들의 피드백에 따라서 retained, replaced, or removed 된다. 우리는 우리의 '교육 실험'이 어떻게 받아들여지는지에 늘 관심을 가지고 있으며, 그 혁신이 지속되어야 할지에 대해 펠로우들로부터 피드백을 받는다.
Readings, emerge from requests to explore new topics or from the directors’ constant review of the literature. They are retained, replaced, or removed depending on how well they inform seminar discussions or on direct feedback from the fellows. We are attentive to how our “educational experiments” are received and seek feedback from the fellows about whether these innovations should be retained.
전략 9: 펠로우십 성과를 평가한다.
Strategy 9: Evaluate fellowship outcomes
반구조화 인터뷰를 통한 질적 분석: 정체성과 자신감이 향상됨. 이 personal development는 professional development도 강화시켜주었고, 커리어 궤적에도 영향을 주었음.
Qualitative analysis of semi structured interviews with fellows suggests that their identity and confidence as educators, built on a foundation of educational knowledge and skills, is enhanced by
피어와 멘토의 서포트 support from a community of peers and mentors,
다른 사람의 인식을 통한 validation validation by others’ perceptions of them as local experts, and
성찰적 실천과 인식 reflective practice and awareness.
This personal development, in turn, enhances professional development and affects their career trajectories as medical educators.28
CV analysis 를 통해서 양적으로 평가함
We also used CV analysis to quantitatively evaluate fellowship outcomes in key areas relevant to medical education and academic promotion.
Our findings showed significant changes in teaching activities, committee work, presentations, leadership, publications, and curricula implemented (manuscript in progress).
펠로우십 이수자들은 소속 기관에도 영향을 주었다.
Fellowship graduates have also had an impact on their home institutions.
Fellows have provided leadership and specific curricular material that have substantially influenced programs across the continuum of undergraduate, graduate, and continuing medical education.
They have fashioned innovative institutional programs that have enhanced training and contributed greatly to the goals of quality improvement and patient safety.
Many of these contributions stemmed directly from the scholarly projects undertaken during the fellowship year.
HMS의 교수개발에도 영향을 주었다.
Lastly, our fellowship efforts also impact faculty development at Harvard Medical School.
전략 10: 미래를 위한 계획
Strategy 10: Plan for the future
FDP 재정 마련을 위한 경제적 위기가 계속되고 있다. 독지가들의 기부가 하나의 해결책이 될 수는 잇으나, 교육 커뮤니티는 교수개발을 위한 hard money를 찾아야 한다.
The economic challenges of financing faculty development programs in medical education and supporting medical educators are ongoing. We hope that philanthropic monies will be part of a solution, but the educational community must also find budgetary allocations of hard money to support faculty development.
Leadership must be committed to the necessity of developing skillful educators for the system.
A recognized, respected leader (whether clinical, research, or education based) should organize, recruit, and facilitate such a program.
A curriculum and related programmatic strategies must be established or adapted from other sources, such as those offered in this article.
A program should be implemented that accommodates concomitant faculty responsibilities.
Opportunities should be created to establish and maintain a community of educators who serve to promote the enhancement of medical education within their institutions.
Scholarly accomplishments of the fellows should be celebrated and publicized to the wider academic center community.
Outcome evaluation should be considered from the start of the program’s design and development and attended to throughout the fellowship to ensure and demonstrate quality and efficacy to stakeholders.
We are exquisitely mindful of Scho¨n’s30 insight that
learning all forms of professional artistry depends, at least in part, on conditions similar to those created in the studios and conservatories: freedom to learn by doing in a setting relatively low in risk, with access to coaches who initiate students into the “traditions of the calling” and help them, by “the right kind of telling,” to see on their own behalf and in their own way what they need most to see.
Perhaps the key elements in successful educational faculty development and behavioral change are an experience rooted in kindness and safety, and a continued opportunity to practice, under programmatic or peer supervision, the skill set of an effective teacher.
2 Muller JH, Irby DM. Developing educational leaders: The teaching scholars programat the University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine. Acad Med. 2006;81: 959–964.
3 Robins L, Ambrozy D, Pinsky LE. Promoting academic excellence through leadership development at the University of Washington: The Teaching Scholars Program. Acad Med. 2006;81:979–983.
4 Frohna AZ, Hamstra SJ, Mullan PB, Gruppen LD. Teaching medical education principles and methods to faculty using an active learning approach: The University of Michigan Medical Education Scholars Program. Acad Med. 2006;81:975–978.
5 Wilkerson L, Uijtdehaage S, Relan A. Increasing the pool of educational leaders for UCLA. Acad Med. 2006;81:954–958.
6 Steinert Y, McLeod PJ. Fromnovice to informed educator: The teaching scholars programfor educators in the health sciences. Acad Med. 2006;81:969–974.
7 RosenbaumME, Lenoch S, Ferguson KJ. Increasing departmental and college-wide faculty development opportunities through a teaching scholars program. Acad Med. 2006;81: 965–968.
8 Simpson D, Marcdante K, Morzinski J, et al. Fifteen years of aligning faculty development with primary care clinician-educator roles and academic advancement at the Medical College of Wisconsin. Acad Med. 2006;81: 945–953.
9 Gruppen LD, Simpson D, Searle NS, Robins L, Irby DM, Mullan PB. Educational fellowship programs: Common themes and overarching issues. Acad Med. 2006;81: 990–994.
10 Searle NS, Thompson BM, Perkowski LC. Making it work: The evolution of a medical educational fellowship program. Acad Med. 2006;81:984–989.
16 Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. Web curriculum. Available at: (http://bidmc.harvard. edu/webcurriculum). Accessed April 23, 2009.
28 Lown BA, Newman LR, HatemCJ. The personal and professional impact of a fellowship in medical education. Acad Med. 2009;84:1089–1097.
29 The Academy at Harvard Medical School Web site. Available at: (http://hms.harvard.edu/pme/ academy.asp). Accessed April 23, 2009.
Strategies for creating a faculty fellowship in medical education: report of a 10-year experience.
Author information
- 1The Academy Center for Teaching and Learning, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. chatem@mah.harvard.edu
- 19638780
- [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
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