학습스타일 활용하기[Teaching Anatomy: A Practical Guide, 2015, Chapter 13]
Applying Learning Styles to Engage a Diversity of Learners and Behavioral Problems in Anatomy Education
Mark Terrell
A learning style is a set of biologically based and sociologically developed cognitive, affective, and psychosocial characteristics influencing how learners perceive, interact with, and respond to a learning environment or task [ 2 , 3 ].
학습스타일에 대한 두 가지 모델
The study of learning styles can be organized into two models.
- Cognitive models emphasize differences between how learners process, encode, and retrieve information in the brain.
- Psychosocial models are based on personality preferences and the nature of interactions between the educator and learner.
Cognitive Models of Learning Styles
Multiple Intelligence Theory
고등교육은 언어지능과 수학지능을 선호하는 단일한 교육 설계를 선호한다.
Higher education has a preponderance of singular instructional designs that favor linguistic and mathematical intelligences [ 7 ].
콜브의 경험학습이론
Kolb’s Experiential Learning Styles
초창기의 연구는 많은 학생들이 그들의 학습스타일이 그들의 전공과 맞지 않아 생기는 스트레스를 관찰한 것으로부터 시작했다.
Initial research was based on the observation of dis-tress encountered by many students whose learning styles seemed mismatched to their dis-ciplinary majors [ 9 ].
네 개의 학습 스타일
The per- ceiving and processing dimensions combine to form quadrants representing four different learning styles (Fig. 13.1 ):
• Diverging learners perceive new information through concrete experience and process through refl ective observation. They observe things from different perspectives, gather infor- mation, and are sensitive and imaginative. These learners prefer to work in groups, listen with an open mind, and value personal feedback.
• Assimilating learners perceive new information through abstract conceptualization and pro- cess using refl ective observation. They have a preference for a concise, logical approach focused on ideas and concepts. These learners require a good clear explanation rather than practical opportunity. They excel at under- standing wide-ranging information and orga- nizing in a clear logical format.
• Converging learners perceive new information through abstract conceptualization and pro- cess using active experimentation. They have a preference for solving problems to practical issues. They prefer technical tasks, experi- ment with new ideas, simulate, and work with practical applications.
• Accommodating learners perceive new infor- mation through concrete experience and pro- cess using active experimentation. They have a preference for “hands-on” activities and rely on intuition or “gut instinct” rather than logic. They use other people’s analysis and are attracted to new challenges and experiences.
Psychosocial Personality-Preference Models of Learning Styles
The VARK questionnaire ( http://www.vark- learn.com ) is a free, easy-to-use, online instru- ment that gives users a quick profi le of their VARK preferences.
Grasha’s Learning Styles
Anthony Grasha 의 학습스타일. 여섯개의 학습스타일과 그에 따른 교육스타일
Anthony Grasha [ 13 ] observed interactions between educators and students to develop six learning styles with corresponding teaching styles (Table 13.3 ).
"문제적" 학습행동
“Problematic or Diffi cult” Learning Behaviors
문제학생을 대하는 가장 좋은 방법은 patient centeredness의 원칙에 따라 생동하는 것이다. patient centeredness란 다음과 같은 것을 생각하여 행동하는 것이다.
The best approach to dealing with the problem or diffi cult learner is to relate the behav- ior to the principle of patient centeredness [ 14 ]. Healthcare professionals who func- tion using the principle of patient centeredness exhibit behaviors consistent with
- (1) what is good for the patient (versus what is not good for the patient),
- (2) the primacy of patient needs (versus the primacy of self-needs), and
- (3) the integrity of the profession (versus the disintegration of the profession) [ 14 ].
많은 교육자들이 학생들의 전문직답지 못항 행실에 대해 토론하는걸 꺼리거나 눈감아버리곤 하는데, 왜냐하면 "나쁜 사람이 되기 싫어가" 학생들이 "다시는 안 그러겠지"라고 생각하거나 "그냥 갈등이 싫어서" 등의 이유를 댄다. 사실, 언프로페셔널한 행실을 찾아내지 않고 이를 다루지 않는 것 자체가 언프로페셔널한 것인데, 왜냐하면 이는 교육자 자신의 니즈를 환자나 전문직으로서의 니즈보다 우선시하는 것이기 때문이다.
Many educa- tors avoid confl icts and discussions of or have a blind eye for unprofessional behaviors because “they don’t want to be the bad guy” or the student “won’t do it again” or they “just don’t like con- fl ict.” In fact, the issue of not identifying and deal- ing with an observed unprofessional behavior is in itself unprofessional because it puts needs of the educator over that of the patient or the profes- sion. Clarity and constructive feedback coupled with descriptions of service to patients (patient centeredness) is crucial [ 14 ].
학습스타일 원칙에 관한 여섯 가지 토론
Discussion of Six Learning Style Principles for Anatomy Educators
1. Learning styles and teaching styles should be refl ected upon and identifi ed. Knowing one’s learning style can be benefi cial if learners take the next step and consider how and when they learn, as part of a refl ective, metacognitive process, with action to follow.
2. Learning styles are preferences and are not the only way a learner can learn. Learners should initially have the opportunity to learn through their preferred style and then be advanced toward other, less developed styles. Strengthening students’ less preferred learning styles helps them become more ver- satile learners and amendable to the requi- sites of real world of the health professions [ 15 ].
3. Learning styles should drive the selection of teaching styles. It is more effective for the educator to match their teaching style with their learners than learners to adjust their learning style to the teaching style.
4. Learning styles are equal; one is not superior to the other. Educators should develop specifi c educational activities that support each learn- ing style. Using only one strategy selectively excludes many learners. Educators that teach in a multi-style fashion reach the greatest diversity of students and challenge all stu- dents to grow [ 16 ].
5. Learning styles should drive multimodal assessment. This allows students to demon- strate competency in alignment with their pre- ferred style of learning.
6. Problematic learning behaviors impede devel- opment toward competency. Applying the principle of patient centeredness to the prob- lematic learning behavior is powerful approach to discuss the behavior’s impact on patient care.
pp 107-114
Applying Learning Styles to Engage a Diversity of Learners and Behavioral Problems in Anatomy Education
The integration of learning styles helps anatomy educators meet the diverse needs of healthcare students who can later apply these learning styles to learn about and teach to diverse patients they encounter in the clinic. A learning style is a set of cognitive and psychosocial characteristics influencing how learners perceive, interact with, and respond to a learning environment. The study of learning styles uses two models of thought. The cognitive model examines how learners process information in the brain and extrapolates educational strategies to the classroom and includes Gardner’s multiple intelligences and Kolb’s experiential learning styles. The psychosocial model uses classroom observations of interactions between educators and learners to derive learning styles, including the VARK learning styles and the work of Grasha. Some learners exhibit problematic behaviors that prevent learning, requiring the educator to apply the principle of patient centeredness to address the behavioral deficiencies. Finally, six learning style principles specific for anatomy education are synthesized from the analysis of the aforementioned learning styles.
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