의과대학의 교수는 가장 중요한 자원이다(Acad Med, 2003)

The Medical School’s Faculty Is Its Most Important Asset

지난 20년간 교수들이 수행하는 연구와 진료 프래그램은 엄청나게 늘었다.

During the past two decades, the number and size of the research and clinical programs conducted by medical school faculties increased at a remarkable rate.

생의학 연구와 복잡한 환자진료를 위해서는 다양한 학문분야로부터의 기여를 조화시켜야 한다는 것을 인식하기 시작하면서 특정 연구와 진료를 위한 무수한 다학제 센터들을 설립하기 시작하였다.

Recognizing that coordinat- ing contributions from faculty members drawn from multiple disciplines was in- creasingly required for the conduct of biomedical research and the delivery of complex patient care services, medical schools responded to this challenge by establishing myriad multidisciplinary centers and institutes dedicated to the conduct of specific research or patient care programs.

더 최근에 학장들은 어떻게 의과대학교수가 교육미션을 수행하기 위해서 조직화되어야 하는가를 고민함

More recently, deans have begun to consider how the medical school faculty should be organized to conduct the institution’s medical education mission.

  • 첫 2년 first two years of the medical school curriculum with courses in which con- tent relevant to a specific topic is drawn from various disciplines and presented in an integrated fashion.

  • 임상경험 시기 clinical experien-ces that will allow content drawn from multiple disciplines to be integrated throughout those years more readily than now occurs during departmentally controlled clerkships. 

의과대학생의 교육에 가장 헌신하고 가장 참여하는 교수들을 professionally and financially 지원해주고 보상해주어야 한다라는 광범위한 합의가 있으며, 의과대학의 핵심 행정부가 핵심 역할을 해야 한다.

there is widespread agree- ment that those members of the faculty who are most committed to, and involved in, the education of medical students must be supported and rewarded, both professionally and financially, and that the central administration of the school must play a key role in seeing that this happens.

의과대학생 교육에 참여하는 교수들이 그 노력에 대해서 지원받고 보상받을 수 있는 정책을 도입해야 한다.

schools must adopt policies that ensure that those members of the faculty most involved in the education of medical students are supported and rewarded appropriately for their efforts.

기존의 의학교육자 집단에 더하여, 대학은 의학교육자로서의 커리어에 흥미가 있는 교수들을 위한 프로그램을 만들어서 더 효과적인 교육자가 될 수 있게 해주는 교육과 가르침에 대한 더 심화된 지식을 쌓을 수 있도록 도와줘야 한다.

In addition to being attentive to their existing cadre of medical educators, schools also must develop programs that will allow members of the faculty who are interested in pursuing careers as medical educators to acquire the in- depth knowledge about education and teaching that is required to be an effective educator.

의과대학의 가장 중요한 자산은 교수이다. 의과대학생 교육의 퀄리티를 유지하기 위해서 의과대학은 개별 교수의 수행능력 최적화를 목적으로 하는 programmatic activites에 투자해야 한다.

A medical school’s most important asset is its faculty. To maintain the quality of medical students’ education, schools must invest in programmatic activities that are intended to optimize the performances of individual fa- culty members who are involved in the educational program, regardless of whether they are educators or teachers.

 2003 Feb;78(2):117-8.

The medical school's faculty is its most important asset.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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