자기조절학습 이론을 활용하여 Struggler 학생의 신념/감정/행동 이해하기(Acad Med, 2011)
Using Self-Regulated Learning Theory to Understand the Beliefs, Emotions, and Behaviors of Struggling Medical Students
Anthony R. Artino, Jr., Paul A. Hemmer, and Steven J. Durning
의과대학에서 어떤 이유로 어려움을 겪고 있는지를 밝히는 것은 적절한 remediation 계획을 세우기 위해 가장 중요한 첫 번째 단계이다. 이 연구의 목적은 사회-인지 이론을 이용하여 저성취 2학년 학생의 생각/감정/행동을 이해하는 것이다.
Identifying the potential reasons for poor performance in medical school is a key first step in developing suitable remediation plans.2 The purpose of this study was to use social- cognitive theory to explore differences in the thoughts, feelings, and actions of low- performing, second-year medical students compared with their high-performing classmates in a clinical reasoning course.
Theoretical framework
사회-인지 연구자들은 SRL을 'cyclical process whereby individuals use self- generated feedback about their own learning to optimize their deliberate pursuit of personal goals'이라고 정의한 바 있다. SRL은 다면적 구인으로서, 자기조절적 학습자는 인지적/정동적/행동적으로 자신의 학습 프로세스에 관여한다. 따라서 고도로 자기조절적인 학습자는 여러 측면에서 효율적으로 스스로의 학습 경험을 통제하는 헌신적 참여자committed participant의 특성을 지닌다. 구체적으로는 다음과 같은 것들이 있다.
Social-cognitive researchers have defined self-regulated learning (SRL) as a cyclical process whereby individuals use self- generated feedback about their own learning to optimize their deliberate pursuit of personal goals.3 SRL is a multidimensional construct, with self- regulated learners being cognitively, affectively, and behaviorally involved in their learning processes.3 Thus, highly self- regulated learners are often characterized as committed participants who efficiently control their own learning experiences in many different ways, such as
스스로의 능력과 학습의 가치에 대한 건설적 동기부여
holding constructive motivational beliefs about their capabilities and the value of learning, -
스트레스가 높은 학업 과제를 수행하는 동안 감정을 적응adaptive emotional profile
maintaining adaptive emotional profiles during stressful (and even boring) academic tasks, -
학습할 내용을 조직하고 예행연습
organizing and rehearsing information to be learned, -
스스로의 사고과정을 모니터
monitoring their thinking processes, and -
잘 모를 때 도움 찾기
seeking help when they do not understand.4–6
기존의 SRL 모델은 학생들의 학습활동의 가치와 스스로의 능력에 대한 동기부여적 신념이 별개의 성취 감정(즐거움enjoyment와 불안anxiety)에 영향을 준다고 하였다.
A previously described model of SRL,7 proposes that students’ motivational beliefs about the value of learning activities and their own capabilities influence discrete achievement emotions, such as enjoyment and anxiety.
목적과 가설
Purpose and hypotheses
의학교육 문헌을 review하면 사회인지적 관점에서 struggler를 분석한 연구는 많지 않다. 비 의과대학 맥락에서는 저성과자와 고성과자 학생이 학습활도에 대한 동기부여/감정/행동적 몰입 등에서 차이가 난다.
A review of the medical education literature revealed only a few studies that have examined struggling medical students from a social-cognitive perspective.7,8 Findings from nonmedical contexts have suggested that low- and high-performing students can be distinguished from one another based on differences in their motivational, emotional, and behavioral engagement in learning activities.3
2학년 학생
The participants were second-year medical students from the F. Edward He´bert School of Medicine, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USU).
교육 맥락
Instructional context
학생이 임상적 의사결정 상황에 처음 노출되는 것이므로 ICR syllabus는 증상/신체검진결과/검사결과/신드롬을 열거하여 주었다.
As students’ first explicit exposure to clinical decision making, the ICR syllabus is arranged as a series of symptoms, physical exam findings, laboratory test abnormalities, and syndromes.
1년간 진행된 ICR과정은 세 학기로 나눠진다. 각 학기 마지막에 학생들을 온라인 설문을 하도록 함.
The yearlong ICR course is divided into three trimesters. At the end of each trimester, we invited students to complete an online survey assessing various aspects of their thoughts, feelings, and actions in relation to their course experience.
세 가지 온라인 설문을 합하여 54개 문항. 5점 척도
We used three online surveys composed, altogether, of 54 items. Each survey employed a five-point, Likert-type agreement response scale.
설문1: 동기부여적 신념
The first survey measured students’ motivational beliefs using two subscales from Artino and colleagues7:
(1) 과제의 가치(흥미도/중요도/유용성) a six- item task value subscale assessed students’ judgments of how interesting, important, and useful the course was to them, and
(2) 자기효능감(주어진 자료에 대한 학습능력) a five-item self-efficacy subscale assessed students’ confidence in their ability to learn the material presented in the course.
설문 2: 개별 성취 감정들
The second survey measured students’ discrete achievement emotions using four subscales adapted from the Achievement Emotions Questionnaire5:
(1) 즐거움 a four-item enjoyment subscale assessed students’ course-related enjoyment;
(2) 불안 a six-item anxiety subscale assessed students’ course-related anxiety and worry;
(3) 좌절/짜증a four-item frustration subscale assessed students’ course-related frustration, annoyance, and irritation; and
(4) 지루함 a five- item boredom subscale assessed students’ course-related boredom.
현 연구의 맥락에 맞추어 워딩을 약간 변화시킴
Scale adaptations consisted of several minor wording changes; these changes addressed the differences between the contexts of the original survey and the medical education setting studied in the present investigation.
자기조절적 행동
The third survey measured students’ self- regulatory behaviors using four subscales:
(1) 학생의 정교화 전략 elaboration strategies a five-iteme laboration subscale assessed students’ use of elaboration strategies (e.g., paraphrasing and summarizing; adapted fromthe Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire [MSLQ]9);
(2) 메타인지 관리 전략 a nine-item metacognition subscale assessed students’ use of metacognitive control strategies (e.g., planning, goal setting, comprehension monitoring, and performance regulation; also adapted fromthe MSLQ9);
(3) 미루는 버릇procrastination a five-item procrastination subscale assessed students’ academic disengagement or tendency to delay getting started on work required for the course (adapted from Wolters10); and
(4) 도움요청회피성격 a five-item avoidance-of-help-seeking subscale assessed students’ tendency to avoid asking for help even when they need it (adapted from Pajares and colleagues11).
elaboration, metacognition, procrastination, avoidance of help seeking 으로.
Finally, although the four self-regulatory behaviors were self-reported, for brevity, we refer to themas elaboration, metacognition, procrastination, and avoidance of help seeking in the remainder of this article.
극단 그룹을 형성하기 위하여 tercile split (3분위)로 구분하여서 상위 1/3과 하위 1/3을 비교. 극단그룹분석extreme-group analysis를 활용하는 몇 가지 생산적이고 정당화가능한 이유가 있으며, 그 중 하나는 효과의 존재를 찾는 power를 최대화하기 위한 것. 이번 연구는 극단그룹분석 접근법을 통해서 의과대학생 같이 상대적으로 균질한 집단에서는 range restriction으로 인해 잘 드러나지 않을 수 있는 몇 가지 효과에 대한 가설을 찾아냄.
To create the extreme groups, we performed a tercile split on course performance (average exam grade) and compared students in the lowest and highest third of performance. There are several productive and justifiable reasons for using extreme-groups analysis, such as the capability to maximize the power to detect the presence of an effect.12 In this study, the extreme-groups approach was used to detect several hypothesized effects—differences in the 10 SRL variables between students who struggledand those who performed well—effects that otherwise may have been masked by the range restriction common in relatively homogenous groups, such as medical students.
상위 1/3집단과 하위 1/3집단을 비교했을 때 과제가치와 자기효능감신념에서 차이를 보였다.
In particular, when compared with high-performing second-year students, struggling students—that is, those in the lowest third of performance in our ICR course—reported lower task value and self-efficacy beliefs
이러한 결과는 SRL에 대한 사회-인지 이론과도 일관된 결과이며, 비-의과대학 영역의 결과와도 일치한다. 즉, 고성과자 학생들은 학습활동에 더 많은 가치를 두며, 자신의 학습능력에 더 자신감을 가진다.
Our findings are consistent with social-cognitive theories of SRL, as well as results from research in nonmedical fields, which suggest that high-performing students place greater value on learning activities6 and have greater confidence in their ability to learn.14
Struggler들은 더 부정적 감정(불안/좌절/지루함)을 보였으며, 효과크기는 중등도였다. Pekrun의 통제-가치 이론Pekrun’s control-value theory 을 입증해주는 근거도 되는데, 이 이론에서는 학생들이 어떤 과목과 관련하여 경험하는 가치의 수준이 낮으면(과목의 중요도나 유용성이 낮다고 인식하면), 그리고 과목과 관련한 통제력이 낮다고 경험하면(낮은 학업적 자기효능감), 그들은 더 부정적인 감정을 느끼게 된다. 결과적으로 이러한 부정적인 감정은 SRL전략이나 과목의 학점과 같은 핵심 성취 성과에도 안 좋은 영향을 미친다.
Struggling students also reported more negative emotions, including more course- related anxiety, frustration, and boredom; again, the effects were moderate. These results corroborate Pekrun’s control-value theory,4,5 which suggests that when students experience low levels of course- related value (e.g., lowperceptions of course importance or usefulness) and low levels of course-related control (e.g., low academic self-efficacy), they also experiencemore negative emotions. In turn, these negative emotions can have a detrimental effect on vital achievement outcomes, such as students’ use of SRL strategies and course grades.5
그러나 기대했던 것과 다르게, SRL행동 활용에 있어서는 두 집단간 차이가 없었다. 이러한 결과는 일부분 자기보고식 척도라는 한계 때문일 수 있다. 실제로 피훈련자에게 후향적으로 얼마나 배웠는지를 물어서 조사한 많은 연구자들은 학생들이 실제로 보여주는 행동에 대해 매우 제한적인 정보만 얻을 수 있었다고 말하고 있다.
However, contrary to expectations, low and high performers in our study sample did not differ significantly on their use of SRL behaviors. This finding may be due, in part, to limitations inherent to self- report measures of student behaviors. In fact, several scholars15 have argued that, as in our investigation, asking trainees to retrospectively report how they studied or learned provides only limited information about the behaviors they actually displayed while engaged in authentic academic tasks.
이러한 한계에도 불구하고, 몇 가지 함의가 있다. 동기부여적 신념을 상황에 잘 적응시킬 수 있을 때adaptive motivational belief 그리고 부정적인 감정이 최소화될 때 학습과 수행능력이 더 향상될 것이다. 따라서 의학교육자들은 학생들의 신념과 감정에 긍정적 영을 줄 수 있는 가능성이 높은 교수전략을 택해야 하며, 여기에는 authentic하고 problem-based 학습활동 활용, emotional scaffolding 테크닉을 사용하여 좌절/불안/지루함을 억제, 지지적 언어와 수업의 목적을 학습과 mastery에 두는 것 등이 있다.
Notwithstanding these limitations, tentative implications can be based on the principal assumption that learning and performance will likely improve when adaptive motivational beliefs are reinforced and negative achievement emotions are minimized.4–7,14,16 Thus, medical educators would do well to address those areas of instruction that are apt to have a positive effect on students’ beliefs and emotions, such as using authentic, problem-based learning activities,17 promoting academic self-efficacy by encouraging students to set challenging, proximal learning goals,6 and curbing anxiety, frustration, and boredom by using emotional scaffolding techniques, such as use of supportive language and creation of classroom goal structures focused on learning and mastery.18
마지막으로, 사회-인지 관점에서 SRL은 "유동적이고 부드럽기 때문에 교육 맥락에 따라 다를 수 있으며, 그 맥락 내에서도 구체적 과제에 따라 다를 수 있다". 예컨대, 학생은 CHF환자의 evaluation에서 자기효능감이 낮더라도, 같은 학생이 Diabetes환자 진단에서는 자신감이 높을 수 있다. 교육적 관점에서, 이러한 맥락-특이성 가정이 중요한 이유는 효과적인 평가와 remediation이 구체적인 맥락에 따라서 맞춰져야 하기 때문이다.
Finally, it is worth reiterating that, from a social-cognitive perspective, SRL is assumed to be “dynamic and fluid in nature and thus will often vary across educational contexts, as well as for specific tasks within those contexts.”16 For example, a medical student may have lowself-efficacy for evaluating a patient with congestive heart failure, but that same student may be highly confident in his or her ability to diagnose a patient with diabetes. Froman educational perspective, this context-specific assumption is important because it suggests that effective assessment and remediation tools should be tailored to specific contexts and tasks within those contexts.
7 Artino AR, La Rochelle JS, Durning SJ. Second-year medical students’ motivational beliefs, emotions, and achievement. Med Educ. 2010;44:1203–1212.
Using self-regulated learning theory to understand the beliefs, emotions, and behaviors of struggling medicalstudents.
Author information
- 1Department of Preventive Medicine and Biometrics, 4301 Jones Bridge Rd, Bethesda, MD 20814, USA. anthony.artino@usuhs.mil
- 21955765
- [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
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