일본 의학교육의 변화 (KJME, 2004)

Recent Changes in Medical Education in Japan

서울대학교 의과대학 의학교육실, 의학교육연수원

이 윤 성

Yoon-seong Lee, MD

서 론

일본은 1990년대 초부터 의학교육을 비롯한 교육 에 대한 개선 작업을 벌여왔다. 일본에서 의학교육 을 개선해야 할 큰 이유로 ⑴ 인구 구조의 변화, ⑵ 과학 기술의 발전, ⑶ 생명에 대한 가치관의 변화 등을 들고 있다. 요컨대 의학교육의 변화는 ①표준 화-핵심화, ②지식 양에서 문제해결 능력, ③환자 를 배려하는 태도와 기능 교육 등이 주요 내용이다.

본 론

가. 일본 의학교육 변화의 큰 틀

일본의 文部科學省에 따르면, 의학과 의료에 대한 변화의 필요성은 시대적인 요구라 하였다. 즉 생명 과학 연구의 진전을 바탕으로 「post-genome 의료」 와 「재생의료」와 같은 선진 의료기술이 전개되기 시작하였고, 한편으로 출산율 저하와 고령화 사회로 대표되는 사회적 변화에 따라 질병 구조가 바뀌었 고, 사회는 환자를 주체로 하는 의료를 요구하고 있 다. 의학과 의료에 대한 국민의 요구는 점점 높아지 고 다양해지고 있다(村田, 2002).

또한 21세기 의학교육 개선 방안으로써, 6년의 의 학교육에서 구체적인 개혁 방안은 2000년 3월부터 「의학-치학교육에 관한 조사연구협력자회의」(좌장; 高久史麿, 自治醫科大學長)와 4개 檢討部會에서 많 은 교수들의 협력을 받아 다음과 같은 구체적인 제 언을 얻었다.

1) 교육과정

다양한 사회적 요구에 대응하여 각 대학의 특성 에 따라 학생의 장래 목표에 맞도록 선택이 가능한 교육과정을 제공할 필요가 있다.

종래의 강의 형태를 넘어선 종합 교육과정을 수용하였다. 또한 문제해결형 학습을 기본으로 한 「의학교육 Model Core Curriculum」을 작성하였다. 전문교육에 들어간 학생이 충분한 준비교육의 지식 을 갖추지 못하였다는 지적도 있어 「준비교육 Mo- del Core Curriculum」으로 전문교육의 기초 교육 학 습 내용도 함께 제시하였다.

2) 임상실습 개시 전 학생의 적절한 평가 체제

지금까지 임상실습은 견학하는 방식이 대부분이 었으나, 의과대학생의 임상 능력을 크게 향상시키기 위해서는 학생을 임상 팀의 일원으로 진료에 참가 하는 것이 매우 효과적이다. 한편 졸업 전 임상실습 을 견학형에서 진료참가형으로 이행함으로써 내실 을 도모하기 위해서, 학생은 임상실습에 들어가기 전에 진료기능(clinical skill & attitude)의 기초를 습 득하였는지를 적절하게 평가하기 위한 종합시험이 필요하다. 각 대학이 공동으로 질 높은 시험을 작성 하여 실시하는 것이 효과적이며, 세계기준(global standard)을 참조하여 일본의 기준을 확립하여야 한 다. 이른바 共用試驗(Kyoyo Test)이다.

3) 임상실습의 내실

의과대학생의 질 높은 임상능력 습득을 위해서, 지금까지의 견학형 임상실습이 아니라 의료 팀의 일원으로서 진료에 참가하여 학습하는 실천적인 clinical clerkship이 도입되기를 기대한다. 이는 필수 로 지정된 졸업후 임상연수의 수준을 높이는 것과 관련이 있다.

4) 교육능력 개발 추진

위와 같은 의학교육 개혁의 진전과 함께 이를 담 당할 교수 개인의 자질 향상을 조직적으로 도모하 여야 한다. 교수가 개인적으로 참가하는 연수과정뿐 아니라, 학장이나 교무부학장 등의 교육책임자를 대 상으로 하는 전국적인 교수개발워크숍(faculty dev- elopment workshop)으로 핵심교육과정(Core Curri- culum)의 도입과 임상실습의 내실을 도모하여 각 대학의 개혁과 연관짓는 것이 중요하다.

나. 6년제 의과대학

일본의 의학교육제도는 역사적으로 이차세계대전 이후의 새 제도로서 2년의 진학과정 후에 입시를 거 쳐, 4년제 의과대학에 입학하는 제도부터 시작하였 으나, 1973년의 「學校敎育法」을 개정하여 진학과정 (이른바 예과 과정)과 전문과정을 통합하는 6년의 一貫敎育도 가능하게 되었다. 그 후에 1991년의 「커 리큘럼 대강화」 (大綱化)에 따라 6년 일관교육과정 이 되어 교양교육과 전문교육의 구별이 없는 현행 의 제도가 되었다(Table Ⅰ).

다. 학사 편입 제도

1) 학사편입학제도의 도입과 현황

a. 학사편입학제도의 도입

의과대학에서 학사편입학제도는 1975년에 오사 카(大阪)대학이 시작한 뒤로 이를 도입하는 대학이 오랜 기간 없었으나, 1988년에 도카이(東海)대학이 도입하고, 1998년에 군마(群馬)대학과 시마네(島 根)대학이 도입한 것을 계기로 전국적으로 퍼지게 되었다. 지금까지 일반 대학에서 입학생의 성적 등 을 감안하여 이 제도를 도입하기에 주저하던 대학 들도 1998년도부터 실시한 대학의 편입학생의 상황 등을 보고 도입할 것을 전향적으로 검토하기 시작 하였고, 이는 Table Ⅲ과 같다(全國醫學部長病院長 會議, 2001).

학사편입학제도를 도입하는 대학 측은 다음과 같 은 목적을 가지고 있다.

① 고등학교 졸업 후에 곧바로 의과대학에 입학 하는 학생과 비교하여, 다양한 경험을 바탕으로 폭 넓은 교양과 풍부한 인간성과 높은 윤리의식을 가 지며, 넓은 시야와 명확한 목적의식을 지닌 학생을 받을 수 있다. 

② 의학 이외의 분야를 수학한 사람에게 길을 열 어줌으로써, 다른 관련 학문 분야에 의학 영역의 학 식을 추가하여 의학과 다른 영역의 학문 분야의 융 합을 도모하며 동시에 의학의 발전을 도모할 수 있다. 

③ 일반 학생들은 풍부한 경험과 인간성을 가진 학사편입생과 함께 교육을 받음으로써, 더불어 학습 에 대하여 동기 유발이 높아질 수 있다. 한편, 다른 학부를 졸업하고 의과대학에 입학하고 자 하는 희망자들에게는 다음과 같은 이점이 있다. 

④ 이미 학사를 취득한 학생이 1학년(예과1학년) 에 입학하는 것은 시간적으로나 경제적으로 부담이 크다. 

⑤ 고등학교를 졸업하는 나이인 18살에 스스로 장래를 결정할 수 없는 학생에게 의과대학에 진학 할 수 있는 별도의 길을 열어 줄 수 있다.

b. 학사편입학제도의 현황

학사편입학제도는 1988년 이후에 도입한 대학에 서 평가가 대체로 양호하였다는 점 때문에 국립대 학을 중심으로 급속하게 많아지고 있으며, 1988년 도 당시에 3개 대학에서 35명뿐이었다가 국립의과 대학에서 받아들이면서 2003년도에는 27 대학에서 185명으로 확대될 예정이다(Tabel Ⅳ).

이처럼 학사편입학제도에는 좋은 점이 있지만, 이 제도가 나아갈 방향을 검토하여 폭넓은 사회적 인 식 없이 편입학 제도를 확대하면, 편입학생의 전체 적인 질 저하를 초래하고 이 제도의 본디 목적을 이 루지 못하고, 좋은 점을 살리지 못한다는 점을 염두 에 두어야 한다.

2) 학사편입학생 선발 방법

a. 현황

학사편입학제도는 명확한 목적의식을 가지고 풍 부한 인간성을 갖추었으며 다른 영역에 학습한 학생을 의과대학에 입학시키는 것을 목적으로 하므로, 이 목적에 따른 학생을 받기 위해서 입학자 선발의 방법은 학사편입학제도에서 가장 중요한 부분이다.

현재 각 대학의 학사편입학생 정원은 5명 내지 10명 정도로 적다. 따라서 입학자 선발은 자체 입학 정책에 따라 대학마다 달리 시행하고 있다. 특색 있 는 것으로는 다음과 같은 방법이 있다.

① 인간성을 중시하여, 1박2일의 합숙 형식으로 면접을 하거나 자원 활동의 평가를 부과함으로써 목적의식이나 인간성 등을 평가한다. 

② 생명과학 연구자의 양성을 목적으로, 대학원 석사과정 수료자만을 수험 대상으로 정하여, OHP 를 이용하여 프레젠테이션 능력을 요구하는 시험을 본다. 

③ 이공계열 학생 이외에 인문사회학 계열의 학 생이 입학하기 쉽도록, 이과 계열 과목의 이수를 수 험의 요건으로 정하지 않으며, 더욱이 이과 계열 과 목의 학력 시험을 전혀 치르지 않는다.

모든 대학이 면접시험을 보고 있음은 특기할 만 하다.

각 대학에서 편입학시험의 수험 자격을 보면, 수 학이나 생물과 같은 일정 과목의 이수를 요구하는 대학이 16 대학 가운데 3 대학으로 적으며, 적으나 마 수험 회수에 제한을 두는 곳도 있다.

입학자의 경쟁률 평균은 1988년 당시에는 약 70:1이었는데, 2001년에는 약 40:1로 낮아졌다. 이 는 학사편입학 지원자의 수는 늘어나지 않았으나, 학사편입학을 도입한 대학 수가 4 대학에서 17 대 학으로 늘어났고, 합격자 수가 크게 늘어났기 때문 이다. 앞으로 편입학생의 질을 확보하기 위한 과제 를 제기한다.

b. 편입학 시험의 수험 자격

특히 생명과학 연구 자를 양성하려는 목적으로 편입학을 수용하였다면, 일부 대학에서 시행하고 있듯이, 생명과학 연구 분 야의 석사과정을 수료하는 등 생명과학 연구의 학 문적 기초를 가진 사람을 의과대학에서 받아 양성 하는 것도 유효한 수단이 될 수 있다.

c. 편입학시험의 시험 방법

편입학시험 방법에서도 수험 자격과 마찬가지로 이과 계열 과목 시험도 중요한 논점이 된다. 현재 1 학년으로 입학하는 학생이 고등학교에서 생물 과목 을 이수하지 않은 문제가 지적되었는데, 학사편입학 시험에서 이과 계열 과목의 이수를 수험 요건을 정 하지 않고 학력시험도 실시하지 않으면, 생물뿐 아 니라 다른 이과 계열 과목도 이수하지 않고서도 의 과대학에 입학하는 일이 생긴다.

또한 의사나 연구자를 양성할 목표가 있더라도, 다른 학부나 사회에서 무엇을 배웠는지, 또는 치밀 한 의학교육과정에 대응하기 위하여 자율학습능력 을 갖추었는지 등을 면접에서 자세하게 물어 볼 필요가 있다. 이때에 충분한 면접시간을 확보하기 위 하여, 학력 시험으로 1차 선발을 한 뒤에 적은 수를 대상으로 충분한 시간에 걸쳐 면접을 하는 것도 효 과 있는 방법이다.

d. 기타 고려 사항

① 다른 대학 출신의 수용 

학부 활성화를 도모하고, 다양한 인재를 받아서, 같은 대학교 출신에 치우치지 않고 다른 대학교 출 신의 선발에도 배려하여야 한다.

② 입학자 선발에서 추천서 

대학의 지도교수나 직장의 상사 등의 추천서를 입학자 선발 자료로 요구하는 대학이 있는데, 졸업 후에 시간이 많이 지나 지도교수의 추천서를 얻기 가 어려울 수 있다는 점이나 직장의 상사나 동료에 게 입학 신청을 알리지 않고자 하는 경우도 있다는 점 등의 특별한 사정이 있을 수 있으므로, 추천서 제출은 임의로 취급해야 한다고 본다.

3) 앞으로 학사편입학제도

a. 앞으로 확충 방책

그러나 이 제도를 확충한다면, 학사편입학생의 질 이 낮아질 수 있으므로, 결국에는 의학교육의 질 향 상을 통하여 의료의 질을 높이려는 목적을 달성하 기가 어려워진다. 따라서 학사편입학을 대폭 확충하 여야 할 적극적인 검토 자료가 없는 현재에는 다양 한 입학자를 받아들이는 제도를 적극적으로 보급하 고 정착시키며, 각 대학의 교육 개선 상황에 맞추어 적절한 범위 안에서 확대하여야 한다.

b. Medical School

일본의 의학교육제도는 역사적으로 이차세계대전 이후의 새 제도로서 2년의 진학과정 후에 입시를 거 쳐, 4년제 의과대학에 입학하는 제도부터 시작하여, 1973년의 「학교교육법」 개정 후에 진학과정과 전문 과정을 통합하는 6년의 일관교육(一貫敎育)도 가능 하게 되었다. 그후에 1991년의 「커리큘럼 대강화」 에 따라 6년 일관교육과정이 되어 교양교육과 전문 교육의 구별이 없어지고 현행의 제도가 되었다.

현재 미국이나 오스트레일리아 등에서는 4년제 medical school을 중심으로 유연하게 운용되는 제도 가 있으며, 일본이 다른 학부 출신 학생을 받아들이 는 제도를 도입한 것은 국민의 의료와 21세기의 세 계화(globalisation)에 따라 의학의 전문과정을 배우 기 전에 폭넓은 교양을 몸에 익혀 인간적으로 성숙 하며, 물리-화학-생물-수학-사회학 계열 등의 기초 학문을 충분히 학습하여 전문과정에 들어가고, 구미 에서는 최근에 의학 전문과정에 들어가기 전에 2개 의 학제적인 과정을 이수하는 것도 가능하게 되었 다는 점 등을 고려하면, 일본에서도 이런 제도를 도 입하는 것이 바람직하다는 의견도 있다.

어찌되었든 앞으로 의학교육의 질 향상과 다양화 를 바란다면 앞으로는 medical school도 유효한 제 도 가운데 하나이므로, 

①의학교육 개혁의 진척 상 황, 

②교양교육 교육체제의 정비 상황이나 법과대학원 등 다른 전문직의 양성 방법 검토 상황, 

③미 국에서 고등학교 졸업생이나 월반한 학생의 의과대학 입학 상황 등을 참고하며, 학생에 대한 경제적 부담 등을 감안하여, 학사편입학생의 추적 조사에 따른 평가를 거쳐 전체의 제도를 검토하여야 한다.

라. Model Core Curriculum과 공용시험(共 用試驗, Kyoyo test)

2005년부터 4학년(본과 2학년에 해당) 말에 모든 학생들은 文部省에서 주관하는 공용시험을 치른다. 공용시험은 진료실습에 들어가기 전에 학생들이 기 본적인 의과학 지식과 기본적인 진료 기능을 갖추 었는지를 평가하는 시험이다. 미국의 USMLE step 1과 비슷하다고 하나, 구조와 목적과 절차에 차이가 크다. 시험은 지식을 위하여 CBT (computer based te- sting)와 진료 기능을 위하여 OSCE (objective struct- ured clinical examination)으로 구성한다(佐藤, 2002).

1) Model Core Curriculum의 필요성

근년에 일본의 의학교육 개혁에 관한 중요한 움 직임을 보면, 1987년 9월에 「의학교육의 개선에 관 한 조사연구협력자 회의」 (좌장; 阿部正和, 慈惠醫大 學長)가 최종 정리를 공표하였다. 그 가운데에는 앞 으로 의학 교육과정으로서 ‘학생의 자율성에 따른 교육과정을 선택할 수 있도록 여유를 확대해야 할 것을 생각한다’고 하였고, 더욱이 ‘각 과목의 교육 내용에 대해서는 각 전문영역에서 지나치게 자세한 지식의 전수에 집착하지 말고, 대부분의 학생이 습 득해야 할 기본적 사항을 정선하여 가르치고 첨단 적인 내용에 대해서는 학생의 이해력을 고려하는 등의 배려가 필요하다. 이를 위해서 학생이 습득해 야 할 기본적 사항을 확실하게 배울 수 있도록 지침 을 작성하는 것도 고려해야 한다’고 하였다.

각 대학에서는 과제 탐구․문제해결형 학습을 도 입하고, 정선(精選)과 통합을 원칙으로 프로그램을 고치고, 선택과목이나 Free Quarter제를 적극 도입 하여, 졸업전 임상실습을 충실하게 하는 등으로 교 육 이념에 따라 개혁을 시도함으로써 상당한 효과 를 얻었다. 그러나 개별적인 노력에는 한계가 있고, 의학교육 개혁을 전체적으로 촉진하려면 무언가의 기초가 있어야 한다는 생각에 이르게 되었다.

1999년 2월 26일에 공표된 21세기 의학-의료 간 담회 제4차 보고 「21세기를 향한 의사-치과의사의 육성 체제에 대하여」에서 「교육 내용의 정선과 다 양화」의 항에서 다음과 같이 제언하였다. ‘앞으로 의학-의료에 대한 요구(needs)는 점점 다양해지고, 지역의료도 복지-개호, 국제의료 협력, 제약 등의 여 러 가지 분야에서 의사와 치과의사는 더 많은 활약 을 하게 될 것으로 예상한다. 각 대학에서는, 이와 같은 사회적 요구의 다양화에 대응하여, 의료 기능 을 담당할 인재, 의료-복지-개호의 연대에 걸맞은 인재, 국제의료 협력에 일할 인재, 생명과학 등의 학 제적인 기초연구에서 일할 인재 등의 다양한 인재 를 육성하여야 한다. 다양한 학과나 과정을 적극적 으로 도입하여야 한다. 이를 위해서는 먼저 정선된 기본적 내용을 중점적으로 이수할 Core Curriculum 을 확립하고, 학생이 주체적으로 선택하여 이수할 수 있는 과목을 확충하여 다양하게 마련할 필요가 있다. Core Curriculum은 이른바 의과대학 학습목표 에 해당한다.

바라건대 가장 필요한 것은 각 대학이 나름대로 교육이념에 터 잡아 우수한 선택/고급 과정(elective /advanced program)을 책정하여 개성화와 다양화를 꾀하는 것이다. 이를 위한 전제로서 의사가 되기 위하 여 필수적인 공통 내용의 지침이 필요하게 되었다.

「의학에서 교육 프로그램의 연구-개발 사업 위원 회(1998~2000)」 (위원장; 佐藤達夫)는 2년 동안 기 초 조사를 하고, 이를 바탕으로 1년 동안 정선과 통 합을 원칙으로 한 Model Core Curriculum을 만들어, 2000년 11월 17일에 모든 의과대학의 대표가 모인 자리에서 시안을 발표하였다. 이어서 설문 형태로 집약한 각 대학의 의견을 참고하여, 모두 42번이나 협의를 거쳐 최종적으로 「의학-치의학 교육에 관한 조사연구협력자 회의」의 보고서인 「21세기에서 의 학-치학교육의 개선 방책에 대해서 -학부 교육의 재 구축을 위하여-」 속에 「의학교육 Model Core Curri- culum- 교육내용 가이드라인-」으로 수록하여 2001 년 3월 27일에 공표하였다.

2) Model Core Curriculum의 주요 내용

핵심(core)이란 말은 의학교육에서 공통적인 중 핵(中核) 부분이라는 의미이고, 의과대학생이 도달 해야 할 표준적인 목표이다. Model Core Curriculum 을 작성하면서 기본적인 방침은 다음과 같았다. 

① 의학교육 전체를 감안하여 선정하며, 진료실습 이전 에 이수해야 할 사항과 졸업할 때까지 이수하면 좋 을 사항을 구별하여 정리하였으며, 구체적으로 도달 목표를 명시하도록 하였다. 

② 될 수 있는 대로 통 합형으로 편성하였다. 

③ 진료실습을 진료참가형으 로 바꾸어 중핵 실습과목 설정으로 변환하였다.

3) Model Core Curriculum의 구성

`A 기본사항’은 의사로서 갖추어야 할 소양에 관 한 교육내용이다. 환자 중심의 의료를 실천하고, 안 정성을 배려하며, 신뢰를 받는 인간관계 만들며, 나 아가 스스로 문제를 발견하는 자세를 가지고 연구 에 대한 동기 부여 등을 포함한 과제 탐구-문제해결 능력을 육성하도록 하였다. 한편 이와 같은 내용은 현재의 의학과 의료의 현장 그리고 일반 사회에서 강하게 요구하는 교육내용이다. 기본사항은 환자 중 심이라는 방향으로 의학교육이 전환한 것으로 신문 에서도 긍정적으로 평가하였다.

‘B 의학 일반’에는 생물학을 비롯한 기초과학과 밀접하게 관련된 내용을 담고 있다. 종래의 기초의 학의 총론 부분에 해당하며, 임상실습에 들어가기 전의 의학교육으로서 중핵이 되는 내용이다.

‘C 인체 각 기관의 정상 구조와 기능, 병태, 진단, 치료’에서는 순환계통, 호흡계통, 소화계통 등의 15 기관계통을 각각 통합적으로 학습하도록 정리하였 다. 학문 체계에 따른 분류라면 「정상 구조와 기능」 은 B에 남는 것이 보통이다. 그러나 이른바 기초의 학에서 총론적인 사항은 B에 남지만, 각론적인 사 항은 C에서 병태와 연결고리로 삼아서 진단이나 치 료와 함께 학습하도록 정리하였다.

‘D 전신에서 일어나는 생리적 변화, 병태, 진단, 치료’에서는 감염증이나 면역-알레르기 질환처럼 C 의 기관계통에 포함되지 않는 내용을 포함한다. 기 본적인 정리 방침은 C와 같다. 다만 성장, 발달, 가 령(加齡), 노화, 죽음처럼 사람의 일생에 관한 사항 도 여기에 담았다.

‘E 진단의 기본’에서 ‘1. 증후-병태에서 접근’은 환자의 증후(쇼크, 발열, 경련, 의식장애와 같은 주 요 증후 36항목)로부터 병태를 찾아나가는 진료 추 론의 과정(clinical reasoning)을 중시하였다. C와 D 가 씨줄이라면 E의 1은 날줄에 해당한다. 또 ‘2. 기 본 진료 지식’, ‘3. 기본 진료 기능(skill)’에서 제시 한 도달목표는 임상실습을 시작하기 전에 습득해야 할 내용이고, 시청각 교재, 모형, 인형(dummy), 역 할극(role play), 모의환자 등을 이용하여 몸에 익혀 야 할 내용을 기재하였다.

‘F 의학-의료와 사회’는 종래에 저학년부터 고학 년에 걸쳐 학습하는 대학이 많은 내용으로 질병에 대한 지식을 가지고 있으면, 학습이 효과적일 수 있 는 내용을 고려하여, 임상전교육(B~E)과 ‘G 임상실습’ 사이에 배치하였다.

‘G 임상실습’에서는 진료참가형 실습(clinical cl- erkship)을 목표로 삼았다. 따라서 내과, 정신과, 소 아과, 외과, 산부인과를 중핵 실습과목으로 하고, 기 타 과목은 선택하거나 또는 단기간의 순환과정으로 다루도록 하였다. 응급의료는 중핵 실습으로 지정하 여 보완하였다.

‘H 준비교육’에서는 의사로서 필요한 풍부한 인 간성을 함양하기 위하여, 교양교육의 역할은 중요하 다. 그러나 교양교육의 내용이 대학의 특색이나 독 자성에 관련된 것도 있으므로, 의학교육의 전제로서 습득해야 할 기본 사항만을 정리하였다.

4) Model Core Curriculum이 지향하는 바

Model Core Curriculum은 ‘국민이 기대하는 좋은 의사 양성’이라는 개념으로 전국 공통의 기준선(bo- ttom line)을 제시하는 것에 불과하다.

Model Core Curriculum에는 기초의학 실습과 사회의학 실습의 항목은 포함되지 않았지만, 이들은 교육 방법이 다 를 뿐이기에 따로 반복하지 않았을 뿐이다. 실습의 중요성은 다시 논의할 필요가 없다.

Model Core Curriculum 작성의 목표는 일정한 교 육의 질을 확보할 뿐 아니라, 오히려 중핵 이외의 부분에서 독창성을 높이고, 대학의 특색을 살리기 좋도록 하는 것이다. 다양한 요구에는 선택지가 많 은 선택 교육과정을 배려하는 한편 과학적으로 흥 미를 유발하고, 의료의 사회적 측면을 깊이 파고들 며, 의학과 의료를 더욱 깊게 학습하도록 할 목적으 로 매력 있는 고급과정을 준비해야 한다. 좋은 의사 양성말고도 생명과학으로 나아갈 인재의 양성에도 배려가 있어야 한다.

5) 임상실습 시작 전의 공용시험

임상실습이 진료참가형이라면 임상실습을 하기 전에 학생들은 적절한 평가를 받아야 한다. 1991년 에 「후생성 임상실습검토위원회」의 최종 보고에서 는 의과대학생의 의료행위가 허용되는 요건으로서 ‘임상실습을 하려면 사전에 의과대학생의 평가를 해야 할 것’을 제시하였다.

학생이 진료에 참가하려 면 최소한 필요한 태도, 기능, 지식을 갖추었는지를 평가하여야 한다. Core Curriculum이 정선된 표준화 를 지향한다면, 그 평가는 각 대학에 맡길 수 없고, 대학들의 합의에 따라 공동으로 질 높은 종합 시험 문제를 작성하여 실시하여야 한다.

지식에 대해서는 컴퓨터를 사용하는 시험(CBT; computer based testing)을 개 발하고, 태도와 기능에 대해서는 객관구조화진료능 력시험(OSCE; objective structured clinical examin- ation)을 실시하기로 하였다. 모든 의과대학의 찬성 을 얻어, 2004년에 본격적으로 운용할 목표로 2002 년 2월~5월에 각 대학에서 제1회 시험적 운용(trial) 을 시행하였다. 앞으로는 공용시험 실시 기구가 이 를 담당할 것이나, 2002년 4월 1일에 동경의과치과 대학에 설립된 의치학교육시스템연구센터도 공용시 험 체제의연구-개발-관리에 협력한다.

마. 졸업후 임상 연수(卒後臨床硏修, Postgra- duate clinical training) 필수화

일본의 졸업 후 교육은 통일되지 않았다. 원칙적 으로 교실-의국 중심의 교육이고, 교육 연한에 대한 규정도 없고, 인턴도 없으며 전문의제도도 없다. 최 근에 몇몇 전공과목에서는 전문의 제도를 설립하였 으나, 호응이 크지 않다.

2004년부터 후생성이 주관하여 진료를 담당할 의 사에게는 모두 졸업후에 임상 연수를 받도록 규정 하였다. 기본 원칙은 다음과 같다. 즉 

① 2년 간의 연수 기간 가운데, 공통 커리큘럼에 18개월을 사용 하고 6개월은 전공하려는 과목에 쓸 수 있다. 

② 내 과, 외과, 소아과, 산부인과, 응급의학과(또는 마취 과)를 순환(rotation)한다. 

③ 필요에 따라 여러 병원 을 포함하는 그룹 단위로 연수를 받는다(의료관계 자심의회 의사임상연수부회, 1988).

1) 취지

임상연수를 필수화함으로써, 오늘날 의료 제공에 대한 국민의 요청에 부응하도록 그 내실을 도모한 다. 구체적으로 연수 중의 의사가 연수에 전념하도 록 하며, 연수 수료를 적절하게 평가하는 등으로 연 수 효과를 높인다.

국민에게 양질의 의료를 안정적으로 제공하기 위 해서, 의료를 담당하는 의사는 진료 능력을 습득할 수 있는 적절한 연수를 받아야 한다. 이를 위해서 의사면허를 받은 뒤에 임상연수를 필수적으로 받도 록 함은 매우 중요한 과제이다.

그러나 단순하게 졸업 후 임상연수를 필수화 할 뿐이고 그 취지를 충분히 살릴 수 없다면, 양질의 의료를 제공하기는 불가능하다. 따라서 진정으로 일 본의 의료를 향상하기 위해서, 연수의 질을 어떻게 충실하게 할 것인지에 대하여 진지하게 검토하여야 한다. 이러한 인식에서 이 협의회는 연수 내용의 충 실, 연수체제의 환경 정비 등에 대해서 폭 넓은 공 감을 얻기 위하여, 정부 관계자와 연수 시설 관계자 등이 모여 11번에 걸친 회의를 열어 검토하였다.

2) 실시 방법

- 진료에 종사하는 의사는 면허를 받은 후 2년 이 상 일정한 연수체제를 갖춘 대학부속병원이나 임상 연수병원(이하 [임상연수병원등]이라 함)에서 임상 연수를 받아야 한다.

- 임상연수 중 의료행위의 내용이나 종류는 제한 하지 않고, 의사법(醫事法)에 있는 의무(처방전의 교부 의무, 진료기록부의 기재․보존의무)에 대해서 도 통상의 취급을 받는다.

- 병원․진료소(醫院)의 관리자는 연수를 수료한 사람이어야 하며, 진료소를 개설할 때에 연수 미수 료자는 허가를 받을 수 없다.

- 연수 중인 의사에 대하여, 수당이 적절하게 지불되도록 필요한 조치를 강구하며, 지도의 (指導醫)의 처우에 대해서도 검토한다. 구체적인 비용 부담에 대해서는 국가나 의료보험이 부담하고 있는 현상을 바탕으로 앞으로 그 원칙을 정리한다.

3) 연수 내용

- 연수 도달 목표는[졸업후 임상연수 목표(卒後 臨床硏修目標)]를 기본으로 하되, ‘설명 받은 동의’ 나 의약품의 적정 사용 등 과학적 근거를 바탕으로 한 의료의 제공 등의 관점에서 수정한다.

- 내과 계열 및 외과 계열 모두를 포함한 복수의 진료과에서 연수를 받으며, 응급의료 등의 연수 기 회 확보에 대해서는 [연수프로그램] 속에 명확하게 정한다.

- 연수의 장소를 임상연수병원등에 국한하지 않 고 ‘병원군(病院群)’이나 ‘연수시설군(硏修施設群)’ 으로 다양하게 한다.

4) 질(質) 확보

- 현행 임상연수병원의 지정 기준에 대해서는 연수지도체제를 포함한 새로운 기준을 제시하며, 지도의의 질 향상을 도모한다.

- 각 임상연수병원 등은 졸업후 임상연수 목표를 바탕으로 연수 기간 2년 동안에 일관된 연수프로그 램을 작성하도록 한다. 임상연수병원 등을 지정할 때에 당해 프로그램의 내용에 대해서 당해 병원의 특색이나 다양성을 존중하여 심사한다.

- 연수의가 폭넓게 선택할 수 있도록 연수프로그램에 관한 정보는 공개한다.

- 임상연수병원 등의 지정은 정기적으로 확인한다. 당해 결과를 바탕으로 개선 지도나 취소 등으로 임상연수병원 등의 질 확보를 도모한다.

5) 연수 수료의 인정

- 연수 수료는 다음 방법으로 인정한다.

바. 대학원 중심 대학

일본은 80개 의과대학 가운데 90년대 중반부터 홋카이도(北海道)대학, 토호쿠(東北)대학, 도쿄(東 京)대학, 나고야(名古屋)대학, 교토(京都)대학, 오사 카(大阪)대학, 큐슈(九州)대학 등 7대학의 의학부 (醫學部)를 대학원중심대학을 지정하였고, 현재에는 12대학, 최종적으로는 30대학을 대학원 중심으로 변환하고자 한다.

대학원은 기존의 교실 체제를 벗어나 10개 이내의 큰 계열 전공 단위로 개편하고, 계열 전공 단위 안에 학문 분야를 소속시킨다. 예를 들어 교토 (京都)대학은 ⑴대학원 의학연구과와 ⑵의학부로 구성되며, 교수들은 대학원과 의학부(의과대학)에 겸 임한다(Table Ⅴ). 대학원 의학연구과에는 8 전공에 77 전공분야-연구영역이 있다. 오사카대학에도 대학원 의학계연구과가 있고 9전공 38강좌를 개설하였다.

사. 국립대학의 공사화(公社化)

2004년에 일본의 국립대학은 모두 공익법인으로 서 공사(公社)가 된다. 이에 대한 일본 정부의 공식 적인 방침은 다음과 같다(문부과학성 고등교육국, 2001).

1) 방침 책정에 이르게 된 경위, 방침의 취지-목표

a. 대학 개혁의 추진

교육연구의 고도화, 고등교육의 개성화, 조직운영 의 활성화라는 기치 아래, 여러 제도의 대강화(大綱 化), 강력화 등을 도모하여, 각 대학에서는 이를 기 본으로 개혁을 향한 여러 가지 조치를 하였다. 이처 럼 각 대학에서 자주적인 노력으로 개혁이 착실하 게 진행되므로, 문부과학성도 대학의 노력에 적극적 으로 지원하게 되었으며 앞으로도 기본적인 자세는 변하지 않았다.

b. 방침 책정의 경위

사회가 급속하게 변화하는 시대에는 대학도 과거 의 방법으로는 대응하기 어렵다. 새로운 시대에는 국민의 기대에 걸맞은 「지식의 재구축」도 대학의 책무이다. 특히 현재와 같은 엄정한 사회경제 정세 를 비추어 보면, 대학의 개혁 없이 21세기에 국가의 발전은 없다는 말은 지나친 말이 아니다.

특히 국비로 운영되는 국립대학은 지금까지 학술 연구, 인재 육성, 지역에 대한 공헌 등의 여러 측면 에서 일본의 발전에 기여하였지만, 한편으로는 국립 대학에 대해서 각계에서 여러 문제를 제기하여 세 금부담자(tax payer)인 국민의 기대에 충분히 부응 하지는 못하였다.

국립대학의 법인화가 진행되면서 계속해서 국가 가 세운 대학으로서 국민의 지지를 얻어 국비를 받 아 그 사명을 완수하기 위해서는, 최첨단의 연구 추 진과 우수한 인재 양성 등과 함께 일본의 대학 전체 를 이끌어나갈 견인체로서 긍지를 가지고 더욱 개 혁에 노력해야 한다.

c. 방침의 취지

이 방침은 ‘대학의 구조개혁 없이 일본의 발전과 재생은 없다’는 인식으로, 지금까지의 대학 개혁에 가속이 붙어 일본의 대학 특히 많은 국비로 유지되 는 국립대학이 부과된 중요한 역할을 수행하기 위 하여 각각의 특징을 살리면서 교육이나 연구를 더 욱 활력을 돋우고 국제경쟁력을 지니라는 요청을 받는다.

2) 국립대학의 재편-통합에 대한 기본 취지

a. 재편-통합을 추진하는 이유

국립대학의 법인화를 앞두고 자원을 최대한으로 활용하여 전략적인 경영을 추진하면서 어느 정도 규모의 이점(scale merit)을 확보하는 것도 효과적이 다. 이를 위하여 지금까지 경위에 집착하지 않고, 장 래의 발전을 예측하여 과감하게 재편-통합을 검토 하는 것도 필요하다.

국립대학의 재편-통합의 목적은 대학의 수를 줄 이는 것만은 아니다. 종래의 대학의 틀 속에서는 불 가능할 수도 있는 교육과 연구의 근본적인 개혁과 발전도 재편과 통합을 통하여 사회에 대한 적극적 인 공헌을 목표로 삼아 국민의 지지를 확보하면서 국립대학 전체의 재생과 새로운 비약을 기대한다.

b. 재편-통합의 검토 방향

① 개성과 특색 있는 대학 만들기

② 재편-통합의 형태; 지리적으로 가까운 것도 고 려해야 할 요소이지만, 교육이나 연구에서 이점이 있다면 지역의 경계를 넘어선 재편과 통합도 과감 하게 검토해야 하리라. 또한 대학 단위의 통합뿐 아 니라, 예를 들어 대학 사이에 학부 수준의 기능 분 담의 관점에서 재편-통합, 나아가 공립이나 사립대 학을 포함하여 가까이 있는 대학 사이에 역할 분담 이나 제휴 협력을 강화하고, 가능하고 적절하다면 지방으로 이관하는 것도 검토할 필요가 있다.

③ 국립대학에서 시행할 성과 있는 재편-통합; 교 육과 연구 등이 풍부화-고도화, 새로운 학문 영역으 로 전개, 인재의 유동화, 자원의 중점적 투자 등이 가능해지고, 국립대학에서 행할 수 있는 성과 있는 재편-통합을 지향하는 것이 중요하다.

3) 국립대학의 법인화

a. 법인화의 의의

한편으로는 구미 여러 나라에서 국립대학이나 주 립대학을 포함하여 대학에는 법인격을 부여하는 것 이 일반적인데 비하여, 일본의 국립대학은 그대로 국가행정조직의 일부로 위치하여 독립적인 법인격 없는 현재의 설치 형태에서는 개혁에 한계가 있다. 

◦문부과학장관(文部科學大臣)의 광범한 지휘 감 독 아래에 두고, 대학 스스로 권한과 책임을 지고 운영하는 것에 따른 한계가 있다. 

◦예산, 조직, 인사 등의 측면에서 국가의 행정조 직으로서 다양한 규제가 남아있으므로, 교육연구의 유연한 전개에 제약이 있다.

b. 법인화의 검토 관점

국립대학의 법인화는 대학의 자율성을 확대하고 우수한 교육과 연구의 전개라는 국립대학 본래의 기능을 충실하게 하기 위한 것이다. 이 제도 설계에 서 예산, 조직, 인사 등의 여러 규제를 완화하여, 스 스로의 노력에 보상이 있는 법인화의 이점을 최대한 활용하는 대학 개혁을 촉진하는 관점이 중요하다.

4) 제3자 평가에 의한 경쟁 원리 도입

a. 경쟁적 환경의 조성

이를 위하여 제3자 평가에 의한 경쟁논리로써 세 계적 수준의 교육-연구를 전개할 수 있는 대학을 중 점적으로 지원할 필요가 있다. 이를 위하여 국립-공 립-사립을 막론한 경쟁적 환경에서 활력 있고 국제 경쟁력 있는 대학 만들기를 지원하기 위해서는 2002년부터 세계 최고 수준의 대학 만들기 프로그 램」 (이른바 `國公私 top 30')의 실시를 예정하고 있 다(211억 엔을 신규 개산 요구 중).

b. 제3자 평가에 의한 중점적 지원 조치의 목적

‘Top 30'는 중점성을 표명한 것으로 30이라는 숫 자는 상징적일 뿐이다. 따라서 대학을 골라서 대학 의 서열을 붙이는 것은 아니다. 신청을 받아 동료평 가(peer review)에 의한 심사 결과로, 대학의 교육연 구조직 등을 지원하며, 선정 결과는 고정하지 않고 앞으로 평가에 맞추어 변화할 수 있는 형태를 예정 하고 있다.

c. 구조의 개요

선정 구조는 중앙교육심의회 대학분과회 및 과학 기술-학술심의회 학술분과회의 위원으로 구성한 대 학개혁협의회(大學改革連絡會)에서 검토하고 있으 며, 예산의 사정 상황 등에 맞추어 변경도 가능하다.

심사는 문부과학성이 직접 시행하지 않고, 과학 연구비 보조금의 심사방식을 준용하여, 전문가와 식 견 있는 사람 등이 교육연구 활동 실적이나 앞으로 발전 가능성 등에 대하여 객관적으로 공평하고 공 정하게 제3자 평가를 실시할 것이다. 나아가 일본에 서 대학에 대한 제3자 평가 시스템의 육성-정착 여 부는 앞으로 더 검토할 것으로 본다.

결 론

일본의 의학교육도 전 세계의 의학교육 변화에 발맞추어 꾸준히 개선하고 있다. 이는 의료에 대한 사회적 요구(needs)가 급격히 달라지고 있고 달라 질 것에 대비한 당연한 변화이다. 1990년대 초부터 일본 의학교육이 제도나 내용에서 변화한 것을 

⑴ 6 년제 의과대학, 

⑵ 학사 편입 제도, 

⑶ Model Core Curriculum과 공용시험, 

⑷ 졸업후 임상연수의 필수 화, 

⑸ 대학원 중심대학으로 나누어 설명하였고, 더 불어 의학교육에 국한할 것은 아니나 

⑹ 국립대학 의 공사화를 소개하였다.

앞에서 든 일본의 의학교육 변화의 특징을 살피 면, 일본의 변화는 비교적 오랜 기간 준비하고 많은 전문가의 의견을 모으며 차츰차츰 실행하는 경향을 느낄 수 있다. 그러나 전국적으로 실시할 필요가 있 는 사항은 전폭적인 지지와 추진력으로 이를 실행 하였다. 우리라 의학교육에 일본의 경험을 반드시 반영해야 할 것은 아니지만, 우리와 비슷한 문화를 가지고 공유할 문제점이 많으며, 실제로 우리보다 여러 측면에서 몇 년 앞선 점이 있으므로 타산지석 으로 삼을 가치는 있다. 앞으로 우리나라 의학교육 의 개선에 참고할 수 있으리라 기대한다.

Korean J Med Educ > Volume 16(2); 2004 > Article
Korean Journal of Medical Education 2004;16(2): 119-137. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.3946/kjme.2004.16.2.119
일본 의학교육의 변화
1서울대학교 의과대학 의학교육실
2서울대학교 의과대학 의학교육연수원
Recent Changes in Medical Education in Japan
Yoon seong Lee1
1Office of Medical Education, Korea.
2National Teacher Training Center for Health Personnel, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.
Corresponding Author: Yoon seong Lee ,Tel: 02)740-8352, Fax: 02)764-8340, Email: yoonslee@snu.ac.kr

007 살인면허 (KJME, 2010)

서울대학교 의과대학 의학교육연수원


어쨌든 면허(license)란 본디 “국가나 권위 있는 기관이 특 정의 행위나 영업을 할 수 있도록 허가하는 일”을 의미한다. 따라서 면허에는 허가하는 특정 행위가 따른다. 007 살인면허 의 ‘살인’도 행위이고, 운전면허의 ‘운전’도 그러하다. 그런데 의사면허의 ‘의사’는 행위나 영업을 일컫는 말은 아니다. 다시 사전을 보면, 면허에는 허가한 행위를 할 수 있는 자격 (certificate)의 의미도 있다. 아마도 의사면허는 의사의 자격 을 국가가 증명한 것인가 보다.

의사면허는 의사 자격과 함께 ‘진료행위’ 면허를 함께 의미 하는 것으로 본다. 즉, 의사면허를 가지면 의사라는 자격과 동 시에 진료를 할 수 있는 면허를 모두 취득한다. 대한제국 때에 초기 의사들에게는 의사면허를 부여하지 않았다. 1908년에 첫 의사면허가 발급된 것으로 알려졌다. 이런 현상은 미국도 마찬가지였다. 의사가 부족하던 때에 의사면허는 동시에 의 사 자격과 진료 면허를 의미하여도 문제가 없었다.

의사 자격은 한 번 취득하면 영원하다. 마치 박사 학위와 같다. 의사 자격이란 의학을 전공하고 사람의 몸이나 질병, 건강 등에 대하여 일정한 지식이나 능력을 갖춘 사람이라는 의미 일 터이고, 진료 면허는 의사 자격을 가진 사람 가운데 다른 사람을 대상으로 질병 치료나 건강 증진 등의 행위를 할 수 있는, 즉 사람의 생명과 건강을 다룰 수 있는 허가라고 보아야 한다. 나는 의사 자격은 있되 진료 면허는 없다고 생각한다.

이처럼 의사 자격과 진료 면허를 구별하는 까닭은 의사 자 격은 해당하는 사람의 자격이지만, 진료 면허는 다른 사람의 생명과 건강을 다루는 일이기 때문이다. 당연히 진료 면허를 유지하려면 조건이 필요하다. (운전면허도 제2종은 9년마다 갱신해야 한다.) 대부분 나라에서는 진료 면허를 유지하는 조 건으로 교육을 요구한다. 전문직에는 당연히 필요한 평생의 학교육(continuing medical education, CME)이다. 평생교 육은 우리나라에도 연수교육이라는 형태로 있다. 있지만 연 수교육을 이수하지 않더라도 특별한 불이익이 없다. 아니다! 의료법에는 처벌 규정이 있지만, 연수교육을 받지 않았다고 해서 처벌 받은 의사가 있다는 말을 아직 들어본 적이 없다.

이제 의사 자격과 진료 면허를 구별해야 할 필요가 있다. 당 연히 진료 면허는 의사 자격을 가진 사람 가운데 진료 수행 능력이 있는 사람에게만 부여해야 한다. 이와 유사한 개념은 다른 나라에도 있다. 미국에서 독립진료면허(license to practice medicine without supervision)는 USMLE step 3 에 합격하여야 한다. 이 시험에 응시하려면 의사(M.D.)로서 국내 졸업생은 1~2년(주마다 다름), 외국 의대 졸업생은 3년 의 수련 과정을 거쳐야 한다. 즉, USMLE step 3에 합격하지 않더라도 의사지만 진료를 할 수 있는 면허는 없다. 다만 전공 의 과정처럼 지휘 감독을 받으면서 진료를 할 수 있을 뿐이다. 일본에는 졸업 후 임상연수(卒後臨床硏修) 과정이 있다. 의과 대학을 졸업하고 2년 동안 임상수련을 받지 않으면 (달리 시 험은 없지만) 개업을 할 수 없다. 영국에서는 의사국가시험이 없다. 여러 영연방국가도 그렇다. 의과대학을 졸업하면 의사 자격(M.D.)을 얻고 1.5년 정도 수련을 받아야 등록된 의사 (registered physician)가 된다.

우리 사회는 실력 있는 의사보다는 무언가를 할 수 있는 의 사를 바라고 있다. 그것도 친절하고 자신을 잘 이해해 주는 의 사를 바란다. 사회가 바라는 의사 상(像)이 바뀌었다면 의학 교육도 당연히 바뀌어야 한다. 죽지 않았다면 변하지 않는 것 은 없다.

Korean J Med Educ > Volume 22(2); 2010 > Article
Korean Journal of Medical Education 2010;22(2): 89-90. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.3946/kjme.2010.22.2.89

007 살인면허
서울대학교 의과대학 의학교육연수원
Certificate or License
Yoon-Seong Lee
National Teacher Training Center for Health Personnel, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.
Corresponding Author: Yoon-Seong Lee ,Tel: +82.2.740.8352, Fax: +82.2.764.8340, Email: yoonslee@snu.ac.kr
Received: 20 May 2010;  Accepted: 27 May 2010.

의과대학생의 자기주도학습 성향 연구 : A의대 사례(KMER, 2007)


최근들어 국외,특히 미국의 의학교육분야 에서 자기주도학습에 대한 연구가 의과대학 교 육과정 (curriculum) 개편과 함께 활발히 진 행되고 있다- 에를 들면. Mann과 Kaufman (1 995) 의 연구는 본과 1 학년 집단과 2학년 집단의 자기주도학습준비도 점수의 유의미한 Harvey 차이를 검증하지 못한 반면. 등 (2003) 은 본과 4학년의 점수가 1 학년 점수보 다 통계적으로 유의미하게 낮다는 것을 증명하 였다.

2. 연구도구

자기주도학습준비도 검사는 Guglielmino 가 개발한 SDLRS를 기초로 유귀옥( 1 997) 이 번안 및 수정한 검사지를 사용하였다­ SDLRS 검사 도구는 총 327>> 의 문항이며, 총 점은 160점이다. 이 문항은 학습에 대한 애착, 학습자로서의 자신감, 도전에 대한개방성, 학 습에 대한 탐구심, 자아에 대한 이해, 학습에 대한 책임인식 등 6개의 요인으로 구성되었다 2001: 김진화. 2000). 신뢰도는 (심미자. .73이며, 각 문항별 신뢰도는 Table 1과 같다,

II. 대상 및 방법

1. 연구대상

본 연구는 A 의과대학 본과 l 학년 121명과 2학년 113명 그리고 4학년 97명을 대상으로 하며, 자기주도학습준비도 검사 및 설문조사 는 2006년 3월에 각 학년의 강의실에서 실시 되었다

III. 연구결과

1. 자기주도학습준비도 점수별 빈도분석

Figure. 1 학년별 점수에 따른 히스토그램 도표

3. 자기주도학습준비도 영역별 평균점수

5. 성적에 대한 만족도와 자기주도학습준비도 점수의 관계

6. 자기주도학습준비도 점수에 따른 교육방법 선호도

자기주도학습준비도 접수에 상관없이 전체 적으로 ‘강의’를 선호하고 있었으며 120-130 점 미만의 학생들은 다른 점수대의 학생들과 달리 ‘토론’과 ‘견학’과 같이 학생주도의 교육방 법을 선호하였다

본 연구 결과는 기존의 초 중등학교의 경우 연령이 증가할수록 자기주도력이 높다는 연구 (박한숙.2003: 김매희. 1993) 와는 달리, 의 과대학에서는 학년이 올라갈수록 자기주도학 습능력이 떨어지는 것으로 나타났다.

유귀 옥(1997). 성 인학습자의 자기 주도성 과 인구학적 및 사회심리학적 변인 연구. 서울대학교 교육학 박사학위 논문.

의과대학생의 자기주도학습 성향 연구 :A의때 사례



A Study on Self Directed Learning Readiness Among Undergraduate Medical Students Focused on the Case of A

U niversity College of Medicine 

A self di1'ected learning(SDL) has been identified as an important ability fo r medical g1'aduates. The purpose of this study was 1) to measure the SDLR of medi cal students. 2) to compare the 1'elationship among the student perceptions of assessment. preference of instructional methods with SDLR. This

study was conduct ed in 2006 at A Univer sity College of Medicine. The in strument a pplied to t hi s study was SDLR. Korean version of Guglielmino' s SDLR fo 1' Adults. The SPSSwin@ p1'o gram was used to analyze the da ta and st atistics such as correlation . F -test. and Chi squa re t est . Firstly. the mean scores of the SDLR of fi rst . second fourth year were 114.8. 107.9 and 106.2. This results showed a sign ificant relationship among years (p<.OOl ) Secondly the rela tionship bet ween the student perceptions of assessmen t and SDLR was insignificant. The SDLR high scores students ha d a tende ncy to favorite "Discussion" and 11 8 edside teaching". This study found ou t he problems of medi cal education to enhance self directed learning abili ty for medical students . Further stu dy is

needed so that suitable instructional methods for medical students can be conducted in curriculum.

의학교육에서 자기주도학습원리를 통한 배움의 용기 고찰 (KMER, 2010)

Implications of Erudition Through Self-Directed Learning Principles in Medical Education


광운대학교 교육대학원 교수

Seong Gil Kim, Ph.D

Kwangwoon University, Graduate School of Education

서 론:교육의 본질에 관한 질문

1st Question:‘ 교육의 핵심’은 무엇인가? 가르치고(敎) 기르는(育) 일로 표현되는 교육(敎育, education)의 중핵에는 교수(teaching)와 학습(learning)이 있다는데 많은 학자들이 동의하고 있다. 그렇다면, 교육의 중핵을 이루는‘교수-학습의 본질’은 무엇인가? 교육의 3요소로 이야기되는 교수자, 학습자, 교과내용의 상호 연관성이 높으면 교수-학습이 원활이 이루어진 것이고, 그러면 교육이 잘 진행된 것인지 질문하게 된다. 

2nd Question: ‘교육의 목적’은 무엇인가? 교수자가 교과내용을 잘 전달하기만 하면 교육의 목적이 달성되는 것인지, 아니면 학습자가 교과내용을 잘 받아들이기만 하면 교육의 목적이 성취되는 것인지 질문하게 된다. 그렇다면‘잘 전달하고 잘 받아들이기’위한 교육의 방법은 그 목적에 부합하기만 하면 무엇이든지 용인이 될 수 있는 것인지 질문하게 된다.

3rd Question:‘ 교육의 주체’는누구인가? 교육의 3요소중에서 교과내용이 주체는 아니라고 볼 때, 교수자가 주체가 되든지 아니면 학습자가 주체가 되어야 할 것이다. 그렇다면 교육의 주체는 교수자인지, 학습자인지, 아니면 이 두 존재 모두 다 인지 질문하게 된다.

배운다는 것은 배움 본성을 타고난 인간인 호모 에루디티오(Homo Eruditio) 스스로가 배움의 욕구를 충족시킬 수 있는 터전을 마련하는 데서부터 시작한다(한준상, 1999). 

평생교육시대의 자기주도학습

“가르치는 자와 배우는 자를 엄밀히 가르는 이분법적 사고도 이제 더 이상 적합하지 않은 생각이 되었다. 교수자와 학습자를 포함한 모든 사람들이 평생토록 자신의 학습을 주도하고 관리하는 평생학습자이자 지식의 생산자가 되어야 하는 것이다. 이제 평생학습자라는 인간관이 인간의 삶을 이해하는 중요한 인식의 틀이 되었다. 평생학습사회가 구축되기 위해 특히 중요한 것은 국민 각자가 주도적으로 자신의 학습을 관리할 수 있어야한다. 자기주도적으로 학습을 관리할 수 있는 능력은 평생학습시대를 살아가는데 있어 가장 핵심적인 능력이라 할 수 있다(한순미, 2004).”

평생학습사회의 핵심인 자기주도학습은 그 의미를 목표에 두는지, 과정에 두는지, 또는 목표와 과정의 통합에 두는지에 따라 서로 다른 관점을 제기한다. 

    • 첫째로, Brookfield(1985)는 자기주도학습을 하나의 목표로 바라본다. 다시 말해서, 자기주도학습은‘자아실현을 추구하는 학습자의 특징적 학습방식의 하나로서, 학습과정의 결과로 기대되는 자기주도학습 능력과 학습자 내면의 의식변화’로 이야기하고 있다. 
    • 둘째로, Knowles(1975)와 Long 등(1988)은 자기주도학습을 하나의 과정으로 바라본다. 그들에게 있어서 자기주도학습은‘학습자가 교수자 혹은 외부인의 도움에 관계없이 스스로 주도권을 지니고 학습의 필요성 진단, 목표 설정, 필요한 인적?물적 자원 확보, 적절한 학습 전략 선택 및 적용, 최종적인 학습 결과 평가를 실행하는 과정’이며, ‘학습자 스스로의 통제와 관리에 따라 학습상황에 집중하고 문제의식을 가지고 비교?대조하는 등의 메타인지행동의 과정’으로 파악하고 있다. 
    • 셋째로, Candy(1991)는 자기주도학습을 목표이자 과정으로 바라보고, ‘학습자가 스스로의 학습과정에 주도적으로 참여하여 계획하고 실천하는 자율적 결정 능력을 향상시키고, 이러한 자기관리능력의 향상을 위해 교수-학습 과정에 학습자의 주도권을 증진시키는 훈련 과정을 포함’하는 것으로 정의하고 있다.

의학교육에 있어서 자기주도학습에 관한 국내연구는 윤소정 등(2007)의 연구와 천경희 등(2010)의 연구를 들 수 있다. 

  • 윤소정 등(2007)은 의과대학생과 의학전문대학원생 간의 학습성향 차이를 학습접근방식, 비판적 사고성향, 자기주도학습준비도 측면에서 연구하였는데, 그 결과 의학전문대학원생이 의과대학생들에 비해 보다 심층적 학습접근, 학습모니터일과 노력관리 및 학습조직화를 잘하고, 비판적 사고성향과 자기주도학습 준비도가 높은 것으로 나타났다. 
  • 천경희 등(2010)은 의과대학에서의 교육풍토, 자기주도학습, 창의적 사고 등에 대해 의과대학생과 공과대학생을 비교 분석하였으며, 특히 자기주도학습 태도를 학습에 대한 애정, 학습 및 과제에 대한 효능감, 독창성과 새로움 추구, 자신에 대한 긍정적 기대, 학습에 대한 자기성찰, 학습에 있어서의 자율성 등 여섯 영역으로 구분하여 비교하였는데, 그 결과 의과대학생의 평균이 공과대학생의 평균보다 다소 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 이렇게 볼 때, 의학교육 영역에서는 자기주도학습에 대한 관심과 필요가 싹트기 시작하는 태동기에 있다고 할 수 있으며 그만큼 자기주도학습의 활용 가능성은 높다고 할 수 있다.

자기주도학습의 효익

“자기주도학습은 학습자 스스로가 학습의 참여 여부에서부터 목표설정 및 프로그램의 선정과 평가에 이르기까지 자발적인 의사에 따라 선택하고 결정하고 행동하는 학습형태를 말한다. 즉, 자기주도학습은 학습목표의 설정, 학습자원의 확인, 학습전략의 선택, 학습결과의 평가와 자기성찰 등의 일련의 과정을 학습자 스스로 동기를 발견하고 지속하도록 노력하는 것이다(최성우 김판수, 2010).”

1. 동기부여(motivation) 증진

서머힐(Summer Hill)의 창시자 닐(A. S. Neil)은‘자기 자신이 노력해서 무엇인가를 이룰 수 있고, 자기가 하고 싶은 대로 할 수 있는 학교’라는 개념을 바탕으로 서머힐을 열었다(대교, 2010).

“부모들의 지나친 불안은 어린이의 건강을 해치는 한 원인이 된다. 이런 불안이 자식은 아버지보다 더 출세해야 한다는 아버지의 소원 속에서 나타나는 것은 매우 특기할 만한 사실이다. 이런 아버지는 그의 자식이 배우고 싶을 때 읽기를 배운다는 것에 만족할 수 없다. 그는 아들을 야단치지 않으면 건달이 될 것이라고 겁을 내고 있다. 그는 아이가 스스로의 속도대로 전진하는 것을 지켜볼 만큼의 참을성이없다.‘ 만약에 내 아들이 열두 살이나 되어서도 글을 읽지 못한다면, 앞으로 그 애가 어떻게 살아갈 것인가? 만약에 열여덟 살에 대학입학 시험에 합격하지 못한다면 그는 무식한 노동자 밖에 더 무엇을 할 수 있겠는가?’나는 이와 반대로 참고 기다리면서 한 어린이가 조금씩 발전하거나 전혀 발전을 못하는 것들을 가만히 지켜보고만 있는 것을 배웠다. 그리고 나는 사람들이 어린애를 가만히 내버려두고 아무런 해도 끼치지 않으면 마침내는 인생의 성공을 거두게 된다는 것을 조금도 의심하지 않는다(A. S. 닐, 2003).”

2. 도제정신(apprenticeship) 확충

“최고의 교수들은 수업에서 가장 중요한 것으로 학생과의‘소통’을 뽑는다. 수업이란 교수자와 학습자간의 소통과정이므로, 교수와 학생이 소통만 잘 한다면 그 수업은 대체로 성공적이다. 교수와 학생간의 소통은 수업시간에 주로 이뤄진다. 그러나 이 소통만으로는 부족하다. 진정한 소통이란 개인적인 교류에서 시작된다. 교수와 학생이 개인적인 교류를 이루기란 그리 쉽지 않다. 쉽게 건널 수 없는 깊고 넓은 강이 교수와 학생 사이에 흐르고 있기 때문이다(이의용, 2010).”

장인(master)과 도제(apprentice)와의 관계는 교수자와 학습자와의 관계로 대치될 수 있다. 이들 사이의 인간적 사회적 관계와 경험의 공유는 교수(teaching)라는 원인변인에 의한 학습(learning)이라는 결과변인으로의 일차원적 단편적 수준을 기대하는 것이 아니다(김성길, 2010). 오히려 학습자 스스로‘어깨 넘어 배움’을‘그저 시도(just do it)’해 보는데 도제정신의 활용점이 있다. 다시 말해서, 눈에 보이는 교수작용뿐만 아니라 눈에 보이지 않는 다양한 형태의 스승의 가르침을 통해서 제자 스스로 배움의 넓이와 깊이를 깨달아 가는 보다 고차원적이고 다층적인 수준을 의미하는 것이다. 

3. 가르침보다 서로 배움 지향

“좋은 교육이란 유창한 말솜씨로 잘 가르치는 것이라는 고정관념에서 벗어날 필요가 있다.‘ 말로 가르치기’ 라는 표현을 쓴 이유는 널리 퍼져 있지만 검증되지 않은 고정관념에 주목하기 위해서다. 교수자가 학습자에게 지식을 전달할 때 주로 말로 가르치므로 이 표현이 이상하지 않을 것이다. 한편‘침묵으로 가르치기’는 이처럼 검증되지 않는 믿음에 문제를 제기하기 위해 쓴 표현이다(핀켈, 2010).”

지금껏 교육을 교수자 입장에서 바라보면 가르치는 일이고, 학습자 입장에서 이해하면 배우는 일이라고 구분하곤 했다. 교육학의 중핵을 교수-학습으로 여겨왔고, 그 속에서 학습(learning)은 교수(teaching)의 결과물로 치부되어‘가르치면 배운다’ 는 식의 기계적이고 도구적인 인식에 사로잡혀왔다(김성길, 2010). 이런 이분법적인 구별짓기는 교수자와 학습자 사이에 간극을 넓히고 벽을 높이는 결과를 낳았다. 이로 인해 교육문제는 나날이 산적해 가지만 이를 해결할 수 있는 대안은 예나 지금이나 별다른 대책 없이 시대 반복적이고 임기응변적으로 제시될 뿐이다. 이는“사람들은 다른 사람의 교사가 되기를 좋아하는 결점이 있다(孟子曰人之患在好爲人師)”는 맹자(孟子)의 지적처럼, 배우기보다 가르치기를 우선시 하는 사람들이 많아서 생긴 부작용이라고도 할 수 있다.

배움(erudition)은‘좋은 교육’이다. 좋은 교육은 그 어떤 타자(他者)에게서 새로운 지식을 배울 수 있는 상황을 만드는 일이다(핀켈, 2010). 우선, 좋은 교육에서‘타자’는 반드시 교수자라는 인간 존재여야만 할 필요가 없다. 학습자 주변의 환경 모두가 타자가 될 수 있다. 그렇게 본다면, 인간은 자연(Nature)으로부터 배우는 것이 자연(自然)스러운 일인 것이다. 또한, 좋은 교육에서 배우는 지식(knowledge)은 단순한 자료(data)나 정보조각(information)의 총합이라기보다는 교수자와 학습자 각자의‘생각의 사고(thought about thinking)’로서(한준상, 2009) 지혜(wisdom)까지를 망라한다. 그리고, 좋은 교육에서‘만드는’상황은‘만들어지기’도 하고‘만들어내기’도 한다. 외부에 의해서 타율적으로 만들어지는 상황이 있는가 하면, 내부에서 자기주도적으로 만들어내는 상황도 있다. 

자기주도학습은 일방적인 가르침이나 독단적인 학습을 추구하지 않는다. 자기주도학습은 교수자의 교수활동(teaching)보다는 학습자의 학습활동(learning)을 우선시 하며, 나아가서 교수자와 학습자 모두의 배움활동(erudition)을 가장 중요시 한다. 시 말해서, 교수자와 학습자가 각각 분리된 존재가 아니라, 교수자면서 동시에 학습자고 학습자면서 동시에 교수자인‘교수학습자’,‘ 학습교수자’로서 모두가 배움의 본능을 타고난 호모 에루디티오(Homo Eruditio)임을 인식하는 데서부터 출발하는 것이다.

결 론:배우려는 용기

“의학이 종합학문으로서 모든 학문분야를 포괄하고 응용하듯이 의학교육도 일반 교육학의 원론적 분류에 속하는 모든 분야를 포괄하면서 응용할 수밖에 없다는 것은 분명한 주지의 사실이다. 즉, 의학교육은 의사라는 직업인을 양성하는 특별한 목적이 있으면서도 그 의사라는 직업을 수행하기 위해서 종합적이고 총체적인 능력, 태도 등을 갖춰야 하는 것도 사실이다(이승희, 2009).”

교육에는 가르침이 필요하다. 가르침은 좋은 교육을 이루어내기 위한 필요조건임에 틀림없다. 하지만 가르침이 좋은 교육의 충분조건이 되기 위해서는 그 무엇인가가 선행되어야 한다. 그 선행조건이 바로‘배움’이다. 좋은 교육을 위해서 배움은 필수 불가결하다. 가르치는 이유도 따지고 보면 배우기 위해서다. 간은 가르치기 위해서 태어났다기보다는 배우기 위해서 태어났고 이미 배우도록 되어있다(한준상, 1999). 모태의 양수로부터 벗어나는 그 순간부터 배우지 않고서는 아무 것도 할 수 없는 존재가 인간이기 때문이다.

윤소정, 이상엽, 강신영, 정해진(2007). 의과대학생과 의학전문대학원생 간의 학습성향 차이. 한국교육, 34(3), 3-27.

천경희, 박원균, 이상숙, 박영순, 강이철(2010). 의과대학에서의 교육풍토, 자기주도학습, 그리고 창의적 사고에 대한 고찰:타 대학 유사전공 학생들과의 비교를 기반으로. 사고개발, 6(1), 179-200.

The purpose of this article is to propose an alternative viewpoint on medical education, known as the Erudition paradigm. This study aims to confirm the essence of erudition rather than teaching and learning through discussing the foundations of self-directed learning principles in medical education. By reactivating the meaning of self-directed learning, this study debates the proprieties of the erudition paradigm beyond pedagogy; that is to say, the school-oriented educational paradigm. After all, this study reveals that all humans are Homo Eruditio, born with an erudite instinct, and it is necessary to inspire his/her encouragement in erudition by using self-directed learning.

Key Words: Erudition, Self-directed learning, Motivation, Apprenticeship, Self-efficacy, Inter-experience, Self-sculpting,

Medical education

SDL과 Action Research (IJSDL, 2009)


John M. Peters, Jonathan E. Taylor, Megumu M. Doi


Merriam, et al. (2007) summarize the literature on various facets of SDL in terms of three broad emphasis categories: goals, process, and learner attributes. According to Merriam, et al., 

  • the first goal of SDL is to enhance the abilities of adult learners to be self-directed, 
  • the second is to foster transformational learning, and the 
  • third is to promote emancipative learning and social action.

  • The beginning of SDL as a distinct area of study was marked by at least a partial focus on the first of these three goals (Brockett & Hiemstra, 1991; Knowles, 1975; Tough, 1979). In keeping with this goal, scholars have provided strategies for enhancing self-directedness and structuring effective self-directed learning projects (Knowles, 1975). Such strategies involve ways that adults can “plan, carry out, and evaluate their own learning” (Merriam, et al., 2007, p. 107). It is worth noting that Tough’s (1968) initial interest in SDL was on the planning aspect of what he called self-planned learning.
  • The second goal, transformational learning, came into focus as scholars such as Brookfield (1985, 1986) and Mezirow (1985) pointed out the limits of instrumental, goal-directed learning strategies and chose instead to focus on the role of a learner’s own biography as the basis for advancing individual learning experiences. Proponents of this goal orientation stress the importance of critical reflection on personal assumptions, beliefs, and values as a basis for making significant changes in the individual’s meaning perspectives. Mezirow’s (1985) pioneering theory building has stimulated one of the more visible and extensive lines of inquiry in the study of adult learning.
  • The third goal identified by Merriam, et al. (2007) centers on emancipative learning. This is a perspective that takes into account socio-political factors present in any SDL activity (Brookfield, 1993). Scholars working in this area of SDL cite various shortcomings of the individualistic, positivistic frameworks associated with the first two goals. In contrast, the emancipative learning goal is framed in terms of a critical theory perspective (Collins, 1996; Freire, 1972). Although proponents of this goal acknowledge the individual learner’s role, their interest extends to social action as a prospective vehicle of change in systemic factors that influence individual and group learning. This interest extends to ways in which research on SDL is designed and conducted. For example, Collins (1996) and Hammon and Collins (1991) cite participative research methods as preferred ways to study multiple social forces that influence the decisions and actions of self-directed learners.

With regard to the process category of SDL literature, Merriam, et al. (2007) describe three types of process models: linear, interactive, and instructional. 

  • Linear models are illustrated in descriptions of the self-directed learning process described by Tough (1971) and Knowles (1975). Tough identified thirteen steps in self-planned learning. Knowles identified five more commonly recognized steps to planning and conducting self-directed learning activities is an enabling process in which 
    • “individuals take the initiative, with or without the help of others, in diagnosing their learning needs, formulating learning goals, identifying human and material resources for learning, choosing and implementing appropriate learning strategies, and evaluating learning outcomes” (p. 18). 
  • Knowles’ steps are augmented by lists of resources that can be used by the learner along the way to a successful learning experience. The steps involved in Knowles’ model are discussed later in this article.

  • Interactive models were developed as alternatives to the linear approach, as the latter was considered an ideal process that rarely depicts what learners actually experience as they decide and act in circumstances that are not always within their control. Interactive model developers cite such factors as context, opportunity, personality, and serendipity as important aspects of SDL, which they claim are not accounted for in linear forms of process. Works that fall into the interactive category include Brockett and Hiemstra (1991), Danis (1992), Garrison (1997), and Spear (1988), among others. For example, Spear and Mocker (1984) took an interactive approach to planning and conducting self-directed learning projects: 
    • 1. The triggering event for a learning project stems from a change in life circumstances. 
    • 2. The changed circumstance provides an opportunity for learning. 
    • 3. The structure, method, resources, and condition for learning are directed by the circumstances. 
    • 4. Learning sequences progress as the circumstances created in one episode become the circumstances for the next logical step” (pp. 4-5).

  • Instructional models were developed in response to the recognition that SDL is not exclusively an informal learning process. It can and does occur in formal educational settings, usually under the guidance of an expert teacher and/or in concert with group learning activities. Instructional models describe various learner characteristics that need to be understood by instructors who are interested in helping students become more self- directed in their academic experiences. The models are also intended to assist instructors and students in their attempt to sort out the respective roles they play in classroom learning environments. This intent is illustrated in the work of Grow (1991) and Hammon and Collins (1991).

The third type of process model, personal attributes of learners, has served as the focus of numerous studies that seek to identify characteristics related to a learner’s decisions about what to learn and how to learn it. In recent years, most of this research has been on instrument development and assessment of learner readiness and personality traits (Beswick, Chuprina, Canipe, & Cox, 2002; Guglielmino, 1997; Oddi, 1986). !


John M. Peters, Jonathan E. Taylor, Megumu M. Doi

This article discusses the relationship between self-directed learning and action research. Our examination of self-directed learning is based on Merriam, Caffarella, and Baumgartner’s (2007) critique of self-directed learning literature, and our review of major sources of literature in action research is used to compare its features to self-directed learning terms similar to those used by Merriam, et al. Based on our interpretation of both literature sources, we make several observations about the similarities and dissimilarities in action research and self-directed learning. We conclude that both areas are more alike than different, and encourage others to examine both fields as a way to increase the understanding of each.

교수자 없는 교육: 한계는 무엇인가? (IJSDL, 2009)


Paul Bouchard

Long은 몇 년 전 학습이 학습자 통제를 따를 수 있게 하는 두 가지 토대을 제시했다. 그는 '심리적', '교육적'이라는 두 가지 용어를 사용했는데, 다음과 같다. '심리적'토대는 자기주도학습을 선호하는 성향, '교육적'토대는 스스로 학습활동을 계획하고 수행하는 것.

A few years ago, Long (1992) gave us two fundamental ways in which learning could be learner-controlled. He coined the terms psychological and pedagogical to describe the two dimensions of learner-control along which self-directedness could vary in its expression. 

  • In this model, learners could be psychologically driven to learn, which makes them predisposed to self-directed learning. 
  • The other dimension refers to the planning and carrying out of the learning activities themselves. The pedagogical dimension of learner-control is concerned with what it is that self-directed learners do.

이 모델에 근거한 몇 가지 관찰결과. 

심리적 통제 수준이 높은 학습자는 다음과 같다. 무엇을 배울지에 대해 선택할 기회가 없어도 학습에 대한 동기가 높고, 자발적으로 다른 사람에게 학습계획 설정권을 양도할 수도 있다.

Here are a few observations based on this model. Learners with a high-level of psychological control, for instance, can be highly motivated to learn without necessarily being given the opportunity to chose in what ways they learn. They could also voluntarily devolve the planning of any learning activities to another person.

대학생이 이러한 케이슨데, 대학의 공식 교육과정에서 공부하면서 대학에서 요구하는 학점이나 학위에 무관하게 공부할 수 있다. 

For example, this would be the case of learners who register for a formal course in a university, where doing so for personal reasons has little to do with institutional imperatives such as credits or program degrees. In both cases, the learner conserves a high level of psychological control over the act of learning.

교육적 통제 수준이 높은 학습자는 다음과 같다. 교육적 영역은 교수-주도적 학습에서 요구되는 거의 모든 활동의 총체이며, 목표 설정, 활동 계획, 자원 선택, 시한 설정 등이 있다. 물론, 자기주도적 학습자는 이 모든 것을 스스로 한다.

On the other hand, the pedagogical dimension is the sum of all activities that are normally the responsibility of an instructor in teacher-directed learning, such as formulating goals, planning activities, selecting resources, and setting deadlines. Of course, a self-directed learner must do all of these things, hence the pedagogical control that self-direction allows.

위의 대학생 사례에서, 학생은 심리적 통제 수준이 높으면서 교육적 통제 수준이 낮다. 반대되는 사례는 왜, 무엇을 공부해야 하는지 전혀 책임감은 없으면서도 모든 학습활동을 스스로 해야하는 학생이 있다. 

In the example above of registering for a formal course, the learner displayed a high degree of psychological control and a low level of pedagogical control (albeit voluntarily). An alternative example would be learners who hold no responsibility for why and what to learn, but nevertheless are left to their own devices regarding how to learn it. Such situations occur with increasing frequency in the workplace, as some recent research revealed (Bouchard & Hrimech, 2007).

그러나 Long 의 도입한 용어는 문제가 있다. '정신적'이라는 말을 쓸 때 거의 모든 것이 '정신적' 혹은 '정신적 함의'가 있다고 할 수 있다. 어떤 사람이 학습과정을 시작하게끔 하는 내적 역동에 대해 한정해서 쓴다면 학습의 능동적(conative) 영역에 대해서 말하는 것인데, 여기에는 drive, impulse, initiative 등이 모두 들어간다. 

The terminology employed by Long is problematic, however. To talk about something being psychological is misleading since the term itself can designate any process that originates from or affects the human mind. Therefore, almost everything can be said to be psychological or to have psychological implications. If we are referring specifically to the inner dynamics that will ultimately entice someone to initiate a learning process, we are really talking about the conative dimension of learning, which includes all the possible reasons a person can have for learning, such as their drive, impulses, initiative, and drive.

마찬가지로 '교육적' 이슈라는 것도 이상한데, 왜냐면 pedagogy라는 것은 교사가 하는 일에 초점을 둔 용어이기 때문이다. 

Similarly, it is awkward to talk about pedagogical issues in the context of SDL, since pedagogy is a term that is primarily used to designate what it is that teachers do. In an environment without a teacher, the term resonates falsely. In an interesting article some years back, Danis and Tremblay (1986) interviewed self-directed learners and discovered, contrary to expectation, that they did not engage much in the so-called teaching tasks. This finding was appropriately named by the authors an “analgorithmia of syntaxes,” (p. 432) because the self-teaching processes (or syntaxes) did not correspond to the form or sequence (the algorithms) advocated in teacher development programs. Therefore, Long’s model can be improved by referring to the second dimension of learner-control as the algorithmic dimension.


Table 1. Algorithmic Dimensions of Autonomous Learning Strategies

Table 2. Conative Dimensions of Autonomous Learning Strategies


The two emerging dimensions of learner-control – the semiotic and the economic – give rise to some very specific questions regarding decisions that learners can make pertaining to their own learning. They are the two new dimensions of learner-control.

Learning is no longer the reserved province of traditional institutions such as schools or colleges. Indeed, it is now acknowledged that universities find themselves in direct competition not only with each other, but with a multitude of offerings from a thriving marketplace (Moore & Kearsley, 1996).

Table 3. Semiotic Dimensions of Autonomous Learning Strategies

Table 4. Economic Dimension of Autonomous Learning Strategies


Self-directed learning has been the object of considerable prescriptive literature that assumes that SDL is naturally a good thing and that it should be supported in all areas of learning, particularly in the workplace. If we believe that learners are well prepared to assume the tasks of SDL, then we need not explain further the obvious benefits of that approach. What our model proposes however, is to consider as well the not-so-good potential of various dimensions where learner autonomy can surely be developed and expressed, but also considerably thwarted and suppressed. 

  • The algorithmic dimension points to the importance of being able to assume complex teaching tasks such as formulating goals and finding appropriate resources. In a world where autonomous learning is more or less expected of learners and employees, these tasks can quickly become overwhelming for the unprepared. 
  • The conative dimension reminds us that it is the learner, ultimately, who is at the origin of the act of learning. Failure to recognize this, for example by expecting from employees that they know without providing appropriate support for acquiring the knowledge, can lead to considerable anxiety and frustration. 
  • The semiotic dimension requires careful consideration not only to the information available, but also the form in which it is made available. A recent study shows that individuals vary considerably in their ability to search for and retrieve information, and that appropriate search strategies are often overlooked (British Library, 2008). 
  • The economic dimension highlights a whole set of factors that need to be applied when deciding what, where and how to learn. These decisions cannot be based on naïve perceptions of the old need-to-know approach that is still prevalent in today’s workplace.


Paul Bouchard

Today’s workplace is characterized by a growing expectation that employees will learn on their own what they need to learn in order to meet productivity goals. However, self-directed learning is not a simple “either-or” equation. Careful analysis must be applied to the various dimensions of self-directed learning in order to determine whether our choices will promote or hinder the emergence of effective learning behavior. This article identifies four such dimensions and offers a brief outline of each. They are the algorithmic, the conative, the semiotic, and the economic dimensions of self-directed learning. Each of these discrete dimensions and their sub-factors offer considerable potential for developing self-directed learning behaviors and environments. They also point to the fact that by ignoring these important dimensions, we run the risk of significantly reducing the probability that self-directed learning projects will occur or be successful.

SDL의 고착점(IJSDL, 2009)


Robert J. Bulik

Self-Directed Learning Practice 

SDL을 동기부여 혹은 상황적 요인이 비공식적 학습 프로젝트에 영향을 줄 수도 있다.

A number of authors have identified a variety of ways of thinking about SDL in terms of motivation (Harding, Vanasupa, Savage, & Stolk, 2007) and situational factors that might impact the accomplishment of informal learning projects (Guglielmino, Asper, Findley, Lunceford, McVey, Payne, Penney, & Phares, 2005; Lave, 1993;). 

  • 동기부여가 과제를 최종적으로 수행할 때 까지 지속하고자 하는 의지에 영향을 준다.
    Garrison (1997) argued that motivation drives the decision to participate and volition refers to the ability to sustain the will to see a task through to completion. 
  • 모든 물리적, 심리적, 감정적, 사회적, 문화적 환경이 영향을 준다.
    Hiemstra (1991) describes the setting as: “…all the physical surroundings, psychological or emotional conditions, and social or cultural influences affecting the growth and development of an adult engaged in an educational enterprise” (p. 8). 

네 가지 요인으로 분석하기도 (초점, 영민함, 게스탈트, 회복탄력성)

Mavrogenes, Hanson, and Winkley (1976) identified four broad areas that included physical, mental, emotional, and environmental factors. These authors also characterized a number of conceptual blocks that can keep us from solving our learning problems: 

  • (a) Focus – when the initial learning strategy is ineffective, being fixated on it interferes with our problem-solving; 
  • (b) Acuity – although our minds can process a lot of information, learning sometimes requires relaxing our assumptions in order to notice subtle differences and similarities that might help us find solutions; 
  • (c) Gestalt – artificially limiting the information we use in defining the problem and searching for solutions by considering the big picture and not minute details; and 
  • (d) Resilience – sometimes we give up too easily when we encounter problems for which we don't immediately see solutions and fail to consider other learning approaches.

자기효능감은 SDL과 유의한 관련이 있다.

The research by Hoban and Sersland (2000) confirms that self-efficacy, the confidence one has in the ability to complete a specific task, has a significant relationship to SDL. 

장애요인: 성향적/조직적/상황적, 연령/교육배경/사회경제적 수준, 태도/등록금/동기/시간/교통 등

Various authors have also identified barriers to learning such as dispositional, institutional, or situational hurdles (Cross, 1979; Darkenwald & Merriam, 1982), difficulties associated with age, educational background, and socio-economic group affiliations, or personal obstacles to learning such as attitude, cost of tuition, motivation, time, and transportation (Norman & Hyland, 2003).

동기부여가 잘 되있고, 끈기도 있고, 자기주도적인 학습자들이 학습전략을 변경하는데 어려움을 겪는 경우가 많이 있다. 의과대학생의 사례를 보면, SDLRS에서 매우 높은 점수를 받는다. 그러나 1학년 어느 지점에서 27~29%의 학생들이 학습 문제를 경험하고, 학생상담실로 보내진다. 이 학생들은 전통적인 강의 중심의 교육에서 활용해왔던 전략을 PBL환경에서 적절히 변화시키는데 어려움을 겪은 것. 이들은 과거에 성공을 가져다준 그들의 접근법을 바꾸는데 어려움을 겪었다.

However, there is very little in the literature about learners who begin a formal or informal learning task and find that they must change or modify their learning strategies. In both informal workplace training and formal degree programs, there are fully motivated, persistent, self-directed learners who encounter difficulties in adjusting their personal learning strategies. For example, I have observed from 15 years in medical education that students admitted to medical school are an intelligent and motivated group of learners. Scores on the SDLRS reported in the literature on this population indicate that, as a group, they are highly self-directed in their learning (Bulik & Romero, 2001; Pilling-Cormick & Bulik, 1999, 2000). However, at some point during the first year of medical school, 27-29% of students in a class of 235 at one southern medical school experienced significant learning problems and were referred (or self-referred themselves) to the Office of Student Affairs (S. Samie, personal communication, March, 2009). These students encountered difficulties utilizing learning strategies that served them well through traditional, lecture-based courses in some undergraduate degree programs, but struggled when immersed in a problem-based learning environment. They were reluctant to change personal approaches to learning that had allowed them to be successful in the past.

AAMC 자료를 보면, 80.6~82.2%의 학생이 4년에 졸업하는데, 5년째 졸업하는 학생은 91.3%정도이다. 즉 10~20%의 의과대학생이 5년 혹은 그 이상을 하는 것이다. 사회적 비용이다.

More broadly, an Association of American Medical Colleges report indicated that between 80.6 percent and 82.2 percent of those in the study groups (1987: N = 15,469; 1992: N = 16,013; 1995: N = 15,833) graduated in four years. By the fifth year, the overall graduation rate for the three cohorts climbed to 91.3 percent (Garrison, Mikesell, & Matthew, 2007). Said slightly differently, somewhere in the range of 10-20% of the brightest students in the country admitted to medical school experienced a sticking point that extended their medical school education to a fifth year and beyond. This was at considerable expense to the affected students and to society.

Straka는 SDL을 잘 하게 하는 네 가지 차원을 주장했다. "모든 네 가지 차원은 서로에게 전제조건이면서 필요조건이다. 학습은 행동/정보/동기/감정의 상호작용이며 능동적 개인의 내적 조건에 영구적 변화를 가져온다."

Recently, Straka (2009) added to the discussion by arguing for inclusion of four dimensions that might better characterize SDL and a focus on learning task processes: behavior, information, motivation, and emotion. He suggested the following: “All four dimensions presuppose and necessitate each other.” Learning, according to Straka, “has taken place when and only when the individual relative consequences of the interaction between behavior, information, motivation, and emotion lead to a permanent change in the internal conditions of the acting individual” (p. 110). 

이러한 Straka의 주장은 Brookfield 의 SDL로 돌아간다. Brookfield 는 SDL은 - 개인별로 상당한 차이가 있는 - 비판적 성찰을 통해서 내면의 인식변화를 동반하는 것이라고 했다. 비판적 사고의 다섯 단계와 네 요소를 강조했다.

This reorientation by Straka appears to link back to Brookfield (1985, 1986) who challenged the notion of SDL in difficult emotional situations. Brookfield (1987) argued that SDL involves an internal change in consciousness resulting from critical reflection which varies dramatically among individuals. He further emphasized the importance of critical thinking in making judgments, choices, and decisions. Brookfield went on to list five phases and four components of critical thinking. 

The five phases were these: 

  • (a) trigger event, 
  • (b) appraisal, 
  • (c) exploration, 
  • (d) alternative perspectives, and 
  • (e) integration. 

The four components consisted of the following: 

  • (a) identifying and challenging assumptions, 
  • (b) understanding the importance of context, 
  • (c) imaging and exploring alternatives, and 
  • (d) reflective skepticism.

Knowles가 학습에 관한 '무엇'에 관심을 두었다면, Straka는 '어떻게'에 더 초점을 두었다.

While Knowles focuses on the what of learning – what learning needs, what goals, what resources, what learning strategies, and what outcomes, Straka argues for a more dimensional definition that includes the process or the how of learning. This more dimensional definition of SDL might well take into account the challenges that highly self- directed learners encounter within context-specific learning settings.


How or if we move forward in a learning activity in which we have become stuck is dependent upon a number of variables. Two related questions were posed at the beginning of this article: (a) What occurs at that sticking point when all previous reliable strategies for learning are no longer useful? (b) Why are we unable to either complete the learning task or switch to a more productive strategy? As the learning task unfolded in this case study, the components of Knowles’s definition of SDL were met and the what of learning were identified: what learning needs, what goals, what resources, what learning strategies, and what outcomes. However, these component parts appeared to be insufficient to detail the processes once a self-directed learning task has been initiated.

SDL에 대한 더 다양한 차원의 정의가 필요할 것이다.

A more dimensional definition of SDL may be needed. Addressing the four conceptual blocks identified by Mavrogenes, et al. (1976) listed earlier that included physical, mental, emotional, and environmental factors, would be useful. Similarly, Straka’s (2009) four components of self-directed learning that included behavior, information, motivation, and emotion, might be helpful. Using or combining aspects of Straka, Mavrogenes, Hanson and Winkley, and even Knowles’ conceptualizations of learning could enhance our understanding of the processes of SDL as a complex activity.

SDL을 정의하는데 두 가지 구조가 가능하다.

Based on reflections in developing this case study, I believe that there may well be two distinct constructs that should be addressed in a more dimensional definition of SDL – those attributes 

  • that allow a learner to approach a learning task in an autonomous manner (the what of the Knowles definition), which may well be different from characteristic 
  • that are within-task (the how of the Straka conceptualizations). 

The personal example I used in this case study showed the impact of stress on my learning strategies. While stress is often associated with a need to learn and a motivator for change, other studies suggest that stress is one of the major causes of information loss during training and learning that will negatively impact performance and learning results (Joe, Pu, Wiegert, Oitz, & Krugers, 2006).

within-task characteristic에 대해서 다음과 같이 설명함. 자기주도와 관련된 네 가지 전략적 행동

Ponton and Carr (1996) began to address the within-task characteristics of stress on a learning task with their discussion of the term resourceful. They identified four resourceful behaviors that were highly interrelated with personal initiative: 

  • 미래의 보상을 예상한다. (a) anticipating future rewards; 
  • 다른 활동보다 학습을 우선시한다. (b) prioritizing learning over other activities; 
  • 즉각적 만족을 연기한다. (c) delaying immediate gratification; and 
  • 학습활동과 관련하여 문제를 해결한다. (d) solving the problems associated with a learning activity. 

This fourth behavior, problem solving, was further developed to include the necessity of evaluating alternatives and anticipating consequences (Ponton, Carr, & Confessore, 2000).


Robert J. Bulik

The construct of self-directed learning has continued to evolve as it receives increasing attention from academic and professional programs, as well as from business and training sectors. The readiness of adults to be self-directed in their learning, along with the stages for development of these strategies, has been the subject of much interest. Attention has also been focused on motivation, barriers, and interrupters to adult learning, but less consideration has been given to the processes that take place during informal learning projects. This article presents a case study on learning. Specifically, the focus is on the point in time when a learner becomes stuck. The question is this: What occurs at that sticking point when all previous reliable strategies for learning are no longer useful? The outcome of this case study argues for consideration of a more dimensional conception of selfdirected learning.

예술은 삶의 모방이다: TV 드라마에 담긴 Hidden Curriculum (BMC Med Educ, 2015)

Life imitating art: Depictions of the hidden curriculum in medical television programs

Agatha Stanek1, Chantalle Clarkin2, M Dylan Bould2, Hilary Writer2 and Asif Doja2*

잠재적 교육과정(hidden curriculum, HC)란 다음과 같다.

The hidden curriculum is a 

    • set of influences that function at the level of organizational structure and culture [1–6]. 
    • It is comprised of processes, pressures and constraints which fall outside the formal curriculum, and are often unarticulated or unexplored [2]. 

요약하자면, 한 교육기관이 스스로 가르치고 있다고 생각하지도 않는 새에 가르치고 있는 것

In essence, the hidden curriculum represents what an institution tea- ches without intending or being aware it is taught.

비공식 교육과정과는 차이가 있음. 그러나 전통적인 형태의 교육, 그리고 학생들이 실제로 배우는 것 사이에 차이가 있다는 점에서는 공통적.

This differs from the infor- mal curriculum, which takes place in interpersonal forms of teaching, such as among medical faculty and students. Such teaching is typically unscripted and ad hoc in nature [1–6]. Both the hidden curriculum and in- formal curriculum however, suggest the existence of a discrepancy between traditional forms of teaching and what the student retains.

늘 의과대학생과 전공의 사이에 존재해왔으며, 공식 교육과정보다 더 영향을 줄 수도 있다.

The hidden curriculum can be considered to be ever present among medical students and residents [7] and, as argued by Hafferty, the hidden curriculum may im- pact medical trainees more than the formal curriculum itself, [8, 9].

문화, 절차, 구조에 담겨있다.

The hidden curriculum can be observed in the cul- tures, processes and structures inherent in the practice of medicine. 

    • An example of cultures in medicine would be the unspoken hierarchy regarding the manner in which trainees are quizzed on inpatient rounds. In North America, usually the easier questions are targeted to- wards junior trainees, whereas more difficult questions are addressed towards more senior trainees. In North America, the “rule” which must be learnt is that it is considered improper for a more junior trainee to answer a question directed at a more senior trainee. 문화의 사례로는 위계가 있고, 북미에서는 암묵적으로 아래 연차 전공의가 윗 연차 전공의에게 한 질문에 대답하는 것은 부적절하다고 여겨진다.
    • Processes refer the manner in which the daily practice of medicine is carried out. For example, medical students are often told to spend significant amounts of time with patients to obtain not only the medical history, but to pursue the patient’s perceptions of illness and the impact disease has had on their lives. However, when they get to the clinical setting, trainees sometimes find they are told they are taking too long, and need to improve their effi- ciency in a busy outpatient clinic or the emergency room.  의대생들은 병력청취 뿐 아니라 질병에 대한 환자의 인식과 삶에 미친 영향까지 청취해야 한다고 배우나, 실제로 진료실에서는 너무 시간이 오래걸린다며 바쁜 외래에서는 효율성을 높여야 한다는 이야기를 듣는다.
    • Structures can be thought of as the way in which larger organizations govern medical practice. An ex- ample of these would be the physical layout of some emergency rooms, which is often dictated by hospital budgets. Students are often surprised to find that while patient privacy is stressed in medical school, often the only thing separating two patients in the emergency room is a thin curtain, which significantly limits how “private” a physician-patient conversation can be in that environment. 응급실의 구조를 살펴보면 환자의 사생활이 의과대학에서 아무리 강조되더라도, 응급실에서 두 환자 사이를 구분해놓는 것은 커튼 한 장에 불과하다는 것을 보게된다.

사회적 수준에서 TV 프로그램이 교육에 영향을 줄 수 있고, 환자-의사 의사소통에 영향을 준다는 것이 보여진 바 있다. 그 외에도 다음 것들에 영향을 줌.

At a societal level, medical television programs can act as educational agents, and have demonstrated the ability to shape patient-physician communication [15]. They can also influence patient expectations of their physicians and resulting satisfaction [16, 17]. Literature attests to the po- tential of medical television dramas and reality programs to provide health information regarding medical diseases for its viewers [18]. More recently, studies suggest medical television may also serve as a tool in educating physicians in training [19]. Hirt and colleagues formulated a guide that summarizes eight popular television dramas and their specific potential for implementation in medical education [19].

TV프로그램 선택 

Selection of television programs

Three television programs were chosen for the study: the highest-rated medical drama from the 1990’s(ER), the highest-rated medical drama fromthe 2000’s(Grey’s Anat- omy) and the highest-rated medical comedy from the 2000’s(Scrubs) (http://tviv.org/Nielsen_Ratings/Historic/ Network_Television_by_Season/2000s) [20–22].

시청 원칙

Viewing protocol 

All episodes of each respective season for the three med- ical dramas were viewed by one investigator (AS). 22 episodes of ER, 24 episodes of Grey’s Anatomy, and 24 episodes of Scrubs were watched, for a total of 70 epi- sodes. Notes were taken at 10-min time intervals to en- sure a minimum consistent amount of note taking.

데이터 수집과 분석

Data collection and analysis 

We conducted a summative content analysis that was both inductive and deductive in nature, to identify depic- tions of the hidden and informal curriculum in the tele- vision medical programs [23].

A preliminary inductive glossary of terms relating to the hidden curriculum was developed by content experts based on the literature, and served as the initial coding scheme for data abstraction (Additional file 1) [1, 4, 13, 14, 19]. Throughout data collection, the coding scheme was revised to reflect emergent themes derived from the medical dramas. Specific examples of the hidden and informal curriculum were abstracted, documented and described in detail in a spreadsheet. For each occurrence of the hidden curriculum, the following data were recorded: episode number, scene length and timing, and major themes or conflicts being demonstrated in the scene (Additional file 1). This process allowed us to systematically condense a large volume of raw television data into categories and latent themes based on interpretation [24].

To enhance the trustworthiness of the findings, a second re- viewer (CC) independently reviewed a subsample of epi- sodes selected at random from each series (n = 6). These episodes were reviewed using the established coding scheme and procedures. The two reviewers then met to discuss their initial interpretations and coding, and areas of divergent interpretation were discussed at length until agreement was reached.


사례는 세 가지 종류로 분류하였다.

Exemplars of the hidden curriculum were tabulated and subjectively rated as poor, moderate, or excellent to re- flect the quality of the depiction of the hidden curricu- lum. These ratings were developed by the authors in terms of their ability to serve as teaching tool vignettes. 

  • Excellent exemplars demonstrated key aspects of the hidden curriculum and did not require an understanding of character or plotline.
  • Moderate exemplars required some additional context for understanding.
  • Poor exemplars featured nuanced enactments of the hidden cur- riculum that were character or plot driven.

The Hierarchical nature of medicine 

The hierarchical nature of medicine was the most fre- quent depiction of the hidden curriculum; the concept of a pyramidal system of superiority was common to all of the medical dramas.


Unprofessionalism was the second-most frequent example of the hidden curriculum among the three viewed medical television dramas. Unprofessionalism was noted in scenes that promoted a sense of complacency regard- ing professional standards and behaviors, and during times of personal and professional conflicts.

Patient dehumanization 

Patient dehumanization encompasses impersonal med- ical routines surrounding patient care that lack dignity, empathy, or privacy. Patient dehumanization is commonly noted at times when patients are vulnerable, in cases of sedation, confusion, or awaiting an invasive procedure. When multiple members of a health teamare discussing a patient’s case without acknowledging that patient’sverbal or nonverbal behavior, this theme also comes to light.

Work-life balance 

Issues relating to difficulties establishing and maintain- ing a sense of work-life balance are readily depicted in both Grey’s Anatomy and ER, but are not featured in the viewed season of Scrubs. The challenge experienced by medical personnel to find a balance between personal commitments and their professional responsibilities is highlighted during times of promotion or transitional stages in careers. The tensions between professional and personal commitments are also emphasized during spe- cial moments in personal lives or times of increased family responsibilities, for example, the care of young children.

Role modeling 

Role modeling can be portrayed both positively and negatively.

드라마의 묘사와 실제의 차이

Fictional depictions of the hidden curriculum vs reality 

현실을 반영한다.

Fictional depictions of the hidden curriculum identified in television programs reflect real-life examples of the hidden curriculum.

기존 연구와 많은 부분 중첩된다.

All themes established in this study overlap with those in pre- vious literature examining real-life examples of the hidden curriculum among medical trainees. The themes of hier- archy, personal versus professional life balance, ‘faking it’, staging, the competitive nature of medicine,androle mod- eling were readily identified in many studies [12, 13, 25].

이름만 다르게 붙은 것도 있다.

Interestingly, there were certain themes described in other studies of the hidden curriculum that overlapped with those in our study; we labeled these themes differ- ently than the other studies, but the themes reflected similar content.

Differing semantics, which may reflect the subjective process of identifying themes of the hidden curriculum, may account for such discrepan- cies. Despite these differences, there is substantial overlap of content of the hidden curriculum among tele- vision programs and actual medical trainee experiences.

의료에서 나타나는 잠재적 교육과정

Differing depictions of the hidden curriculum in medicine

There are several themes of the hidden curriculum discussed in the literature, which were not identified among television programs in this study. These themes included: positive experiences of human connection; haphazard teaching; the power differential and a delega- tion of patient’s emotional needs to nurses [12, 13, 25].

TV 프로그램에서만 나타나는 잠재적 교육과정

Unique depictions of the hidden curriculum in medical television programs

We identified several unique themes of the hidden curriculum particular to television programs, which have not been well documented in studies on real life examples of the hidden curriculum.

다양한 프로그램에서 나타나는 교육적 가치의 비교

Comparing and contrasting educational values of various programs

위계, 비-전문직업성, 환자의 비인간화 등에서 차이가 주로 드러난다.

Depictions of the hidden curriculum were common to medical dramas, most notably representations of hier- archy, unprofessionalism, and patient dehumanization.

Previous literature has supported the use of televi- sion programs to enrich medical education. Hirt and colleagues, systematically analyzed 177 episodes from eight popular medical programs, three of which included Grey’sAnatomy, Scrubs,andER for their po- tential use in medical education in academic settings [19]. Grey’sAnatomywas shown to have numerous ap- plications in areas related to “hospital environments, communication skills, teaching and learning, ethics, professionalism, and interpersonal conflict” (p. 238, [19]). Interestingly, the authors stated that this televi- sion show in particular includes numerous interac- tions among health professionals of various levels, with a “learn-by-humiliation approach” (p. 240, [19]). Our findings regarding hierarchy, unprofessionalism, and issues of life balance support this previous work, and reveal its applicability for teaching purposes spe- cific to the hidden curriculum as well.

Our findings expand upon another study which exam- ined the frequency of professionalism issues portrayed in the television dramas Grey’s Anatomy and House M.D. [1]. Czarny and colleagues found a deficiency in the number of commendable portrayals of professionalism, in contrast to a much higher incidence of professional- ism breaches, among the two studied medical dramas [1]. Our research uncovered several examples of unpro- fessionalism regarding truth disclosure, ethical concerns in practice and quality of life issues. In contrast, it was rare for us to find positive examples of professionalism and professional conduct. This may be due in part to the nature of the television shows themselves and dramatic techniques employed to enhance viewer interest.

교육 관련

Relevance to education

Ornelas and Parikh [26] have argued that because of negative portrayals of physicians in medical dramas – spe- cifically unethical and unprofessional behaviors – televi- sion shows should not be used for educational purposes. We would argue, however, that the fact that the programs depict fictional characters engaging in these behaviors makes them a perfect tool for education. The fact that they are fictional representations allows for trainees to reflect and have open discussions on the behaviors related to the hidden curriculum that are observed, without the “passing judgment” worry that they are on actual individuals.

Additional file 1: Emergent coding scheme and hidden curriculum examples by series, episode and time. (DOC 94 kb)

23. Hsieh HF, Shannon SE. Three approaches to qualitative content analysis. Qual Health Res. 2005;15(9):1277–88.

 2015 Sep 26;15(1):156. doi: 10.1186/s12909-015-0437-8.

Life imitating artDepictions of the hidden curriculum in medical television programs.

Author information

  • 1Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa, 451 Smyth Rd, Ottawa, ON, K1H 8M5, Canada. Astan095@uottawa.ca.
  • 2Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario, 401 Smyth Rd, Ottawa, ON, K1H 8L1, Canada. cclarkin@cheo.on.ca.
  • 3Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario, 401 Smyth Rd, Ottawa, ON, K1H 8L1, Canada. dbould@cheo.on.ca.
  • 4Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario, 401 Smyth Rd, Ottawa, ON, K1H 8L1, Canada. hwriter@cheo.on.ca.
  • 5Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario, 401 Smyth Rd, Ottawa, ON, K1H 8L1, Canada. adoja@cheo.on.ca.



The hidden curriculum represents influences occurring within the culture of medicine that indirectly alter medical professionals' interactions, beliefs and clinical practices throughout their training. One approach to increase medical student awareness of the hidden curriculum is to provide them with readily available examples of how it is enacted in medicine; as such the purpose of this study was to examine depictions of thehidden curriculum in popular medical television programs.


One full season of ER, Grey's Anatomy and Scrubs were selected for review. A summative content analysis was performed to ascertain the presence of depictions of the hidden curriculum, as well as to record the type, frequency and quality of examples. A second reviewer also viewed a random selection of episodes from each series to establish coding reliability.


The most prevalent themes across all television programs were: the hierarchical nature of medicine; challenges during transitional stages in medicine; the importance of role modeling; patient dehumanization; faking or overstating one's capabilities; unprofessionalism; the loss of idealism; and difficulties with work-life balance.


The hidden curriculum is frequently depicted in popular medical television shows. These examples of the hidden curriculum could serve as a valuable teaching resource in undergraduate medical programs.

[PubMed - in process] 
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세상을 바꾼 자기주도적 학습자들 (IJSDL, 2009)


Lucy Guglielmino, Elizabeth Gray, Kim_Le Arvary, Joe Asen, Donna Goldstein, Fran Kamin, Monica Nicoll, Nancy Patrick, Krista Shellabarger, Deborah Snowberger

Committed, innovative, persistent self-directed learners, in their searches for meaning, justice, or better ways to do things in their own lives, sometimes pursue paths that contribute to advances in knowledge or technology or a more equitable, charitable, or just society....Our societies move forward through the efforts of dedicated self-directed learners. (Guglielmino, 2008, pp. 9-10).

Relationships of SDL with Performance, Leadership Level, and Entrepreneurship

  • Performance
  • Leadership Level
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Other Notable Correlations with Readiness for Self-Directed Learning

Many other characteristics associated with innovation have been found to correlate strongly with SDLRS scores; for example: 

  • independent mastery (r = .56; p < .001), 
  • independent judgment (r = .54; p < .001), 
  • intrinsic orientation (r = .64; p < .001), and 
  • curiosity for learning (r = .79; p <. 001) (Posner, 1991); 
  • conscientiousness (r = .61; p < .001) (Oliviera and Simões, 2006); 
  • emotional intelligence (r = .59, p <.01) (Muller, 2007); 
  • strategic thinking (r = .58, p <.001) (Zsiga, 2007); 
  • cross-cultural adaptabilty (r = .69, p <.001) (Chuprina & Durr, 2006); and 
  • resilience (r = .61; p < .001) (Robinson, 2003), to name a few. 

Moderate correlations have been reported with 

  • creativity and 
  • flexibility (Cox, 2002; Torrance & Mourad, 1978).


Susan B. Anthony (1820-1906)

A prominent abolitionist, educational reformer, labor activist, temperance worker, and a campaigner for women rights, she organized the International Council of Women in 1888 and the International Woman Suffrage Alliance in 1904. Although she did not live to see the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment in 1920, her 45 years of crossing the U.S. giving speeches in support of women's rights are credited with paving the way for its passage (Lutz, 1959; Susan B. Anthony House, 2009).

George Washington Carver (1864-1943). 

Born a slave, he was taught to read by his former owners. His insatiable curiosity, determination to continue his education, and self-taught knowledge of plants ultimately led to a position as the first Black student and first Black faculty member at Iowa State University, and two honorary doctorates. Although gifted in music, he chose to pursue a career in which he could assist poor farmers. He made many contributions to agricultural improvement and rural economic development, and was hailed as the man who saved the South from poverty. He was one of 100 nominees for ―The Greatest American‖ in 2005 (Fishbein, 2007; Jackson, D., & Jackson, N., 2008).

Marie Curie (1867-1934). 

Curie determinedly pursued her education and her research throughout her life despite facing double prejudice, as a woman and a Polish national when Russia controlled Poland. With other Polish youth, she formed a secret school in which the students studied on their own and then met to teach each other what they had learned. After much hardship, Curie discovered radium and polonium, changing the way we think about matter and leading to many medical advances. She was the first woman to earn a doctorate in France, the first female professor at the Sorbonne, the first person to win more than one Nobel Prize (American Institute of Physics, 2000; Quinn, 1995).

Vicktor Frankl (1905-1997). 

As a young man, Frankl initiated correspondence with Freud and Adler to share and refine ideas. After years of thought and experimentation, he created a new form of psychotherapy, logotherapy and existential analysis, described in one of his 32 books, Man's Search for Meaning. Imprisoned in the German concentration camps in World War II, he counseled and assisted others in the midst of his own abuse and near- starvation, helping them find comfort in their mental and spiritual lives. An avid learner in many aspects of his life, he learned to fly at 67 and was an active mountain climber until he died at 92 (Frankl, 1963; Frankl, 2000).

Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790). 

Almost an icon of self-directed learning, Franklin was born poor, one of 17 children. Dropping out of school at age 10 to assist in his father's soap- boiling business, he was soon apprenticed to his brother James, a printer, because he loved to read. He became one of the most learned men of his time, speaking six languages, writing many essays and his well-known Poor Richard's Almanack, co-owning and publishing The Pennsylvania Gazette, and founding the University of Pennsylvania. He also co-founded the nation's first subscription library and the American Philosophical Society, the first learned society in the U. S. He was instrumental in the formation of the United States, participating in Continental Congress, working as one of the committee of five who wrote the Declaration of Independence, and participating in the Constitutional Convention. Throughout his life he strove for self-improvement and the improvement of society. His last public act was the publication of an anti-slavery treatise (Franklin, 1793; Independence Hall Association, 2009).

Bill Gates (1955- ). 

Chairman and co-founder of Microsoft, Gates was the world’s wealthiest person in 2009. One of the best-known entrepreneurs in the technology industry, Gates wrote his first computer program when he was 13. In middle school, he was called into the principal's office for using up all of the school's computer time in just a few weeks. Although he began working toward a law degree at Harvard, he often slept through classes because he had been working on the computer all night. He left before finishing his degree to found Microsoft Corporation with Paul Allen in 1975. A billionaire by age 31, Gates has created the largest transparently owned charitable foundation in the world, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which funds research in health and learning and works to bring innovations in these fields to the global community (Lowe, 1998; Wallace, 1992).

Sarah Grimke (1792-1873) and Angelina Grimke (1805-1879). 

Sarah and Angelina Grimke were the first women to speak publicly against slavery in the United States. Unable to bear the injustice they witnessed as young children, they developed an early hatred of a system that allowed the mistreatment of slaves. They left a wealthy and indulgent lifestyle as daughters of a South Carolina Supreme Court judge to join the Society of Friends and fight for abolition. Though it was considered inappropriate for women to speak or write publicly, and they faced violent public criticism and accusations that they were defaming the female character by defying that convention, they persisted. Realizing that the attempts to bar them from speaking and writing for a cause they believed in because of their gender also demanded action, they began to argue for women's rights as well. Angelina was the first woman to address a state legislature (Massachusetts, 1838), and both women wrote eloquently against slavery. Sarah wrote the first published document of the women's rights movement, Letters on the Equality of the Sexes, a carefully reasoned 132-page Biblical argument for the equality of women, ten years before the Seneca Falls Convention that most mark as the beginning of the women's rights movement in the United States. Through

Dean Kamen (1951- ). 

As a youth, Dean Kamen did not consider himself smart; but, inspired by the story of David and Goliath, he began to realize that difficult problems could often be solved with a simple solution. He began work on his initial inventions in high school, developing a medication delivery system in his parents' garage. Although he enrolled in a technical college, he did not attend class, but made extensive use of the laboratories and equipment. The individual who was described by his teachers as stubborn and relentless now holds over 400 patents, including the Segway Human Transporter, the portable kidney dialysis machine, a wheelchair that climbs stairs, and a mind-controlled robotic arm used by veterans who have lost limbs. Most of his inventions are inspired by his desire to better conditions for those in need. He founded FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition in Science and Technology), which motivates thousands of students annually to pursue worthy projects in science and technology (Kamen & Walsh, 2007; Kemper, 2003).

Konosuke Matsushita (1894-1989). 

Founder of Panasonic Corporation, Matsushita was born into a Japanese farming family that became suddenly impoverished. Their extreme poverty and malnutrition led to sickness, and his parents and five siblings were all dead by the time he was 30. Apprenticed at 9 to a seller of charcoal hibachis, he learned some fundamentals of business. Humble, frugal, and hard-working, he found himself another job at 10 and gradually accumulated some resources. In the early 1900's he founded Matsushita Electric with the corporate mission of relieving people in poverty by producing appliances that would improve their lives (heaters and rice cookers to replace open fires, electric lights to replace candles). He became one of the world’s most wealthy entrepreneurs through his vision to create a society that is both spiritually rich and materially affluent. He founded two learning institutions: the Peace and Happiness Through Prosperity Institute, designed to prevent Japan from ever engaging in another World War, and the Matsushita Institute of Government and Management. Active in his own learning as well as in educational and philanthropic efforts until his death at 94, he is regarded as one of Japan's national heroes (Kotter, 1997; Matsushita, 1994).

Rigoberta Menchú Tum (1959- ). 

Born in Guatemala as a member of the oppressed indigenous Quiche-Mayan ethnic group, she experienced the brutal attacks on her people during Guatemalan Civil War (1960-1996). At an early age, she became a social activist against the abuses and learned other Guatemalan dialects and Spanish in order to be a better spokesperson. In defense of their people, the Menchú-Tum family experienced great loss: Rigoberta's mother, father, and brothers were tortured and killed by Guatemalan government forces. Escaping to Mexico, she dedicated her life to bringing attention and justice to the brutality occurring in her country. In 1983 she told her story to Elisabeth Burgos Debray, who assisted with her autobiography, “I, Rigoberta Menchú.” It was translated into 12 languages and gained international attention for her cause. Through her complaints filed in the Spanish courts, she had several members of the Guatemalan government removed and prosecuted. Winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1992 and co- founder of the Nobel Women's Initiative in 2006, she continues her advocacy for the rights of women and indigenous people (Burgos-Debray, 1984: Nobelprize.org, 2009a).

Georges Seurat (1859-1891). 

After studying at the Ecole des Beaux Arts for two years, Seurat left without graduating. At 21, he returned to Paris to pursue his painting. In his short (11-year) career, he studied color theory, the effects of different linear structures, and the use of color to create harmony and emotion; developing the style of painting called pointillism, in which small dots or points of primary colors create a picture. Because of this innovation, he has been called the father of neoimpressionism. In less than eleven years, Seurat created over 500 works of art, including 7 major paintings, 40 smaller paintings, and over 500 drawings. (Schapiro & Sahlman, 2007; Olga’s Gallery, 2002). Wangari’s Maathai (1940- ). Born in a rural village in Kenya in 1940, from her childhood she witnessed destruction of the land, wildlife, and the human spirit in her country. She pursued education and knowledge as a means out of poverty, to serve her community, to re- establish a balance in nature and to restore pride in her country. Overcoming intense adversity – wars, political imprisonment, and persecution – she became an environmental and political activist, pursuing women’s rights, environmental and wildlife conservation, and sustainable living. After founding the Green Belt Movement, which, through networks of rural women, has planted over thirty million trees across Kenya since 1977, she was elected to Kenya’s Parliament in 2002. In 2003 she was appointed assistant minister for the environment, and in 2004 she became the first African woman to receive the Nobel Peace Prize for ―her contribution to sustainable development, democracy and peace‖ (Nobelprize.org, 2009b; Maathai, 2006).


혁신가들의 학습과정

Learning Processes of Innovators

The systematic needs analysis and planning for self-directed learning described generically by Knowles (1975) and Tough (1971, 1979) and specifically by Long (1989) and Cavaliere (1990) were evident in each of the innovators studied. The work of Kamen, Curie, Gates, and Carver as they systematically pursued experimentation and discovery over many years are among the best examples of needs analysis, planning, reflecting, and reframing. 

Each of these innovators followed a process similar to the steps derived by Cavaliere (1990) from her study of the Wright brothers' learning endeavor that led to the invention of the airplane: inquiring, modeling, experimenting and practicing, theorizing and perfecting, and actualizing. Others followed a differently focused, but consistent, learning process in order to reach their goals. Examples include Rigoberta Menchu Tum's efforts to learn several other Mayan dialects besides her own as well as Spanish in order to be more effective in organizing her people against the violence they were experiencing; Frankl's dedicated study of psychotherapy, experimentation, and regular correspondence with Freud and Adler as he searched for a more effective approach to counseling; and the concentrated efforts of Angelina Grimke after she decided to prepare herself to be a teacher:

혁신가의 특성

Characteristics of Innovators

The six central commonalities identified from the researchers' independent listing of predominant characteristics of the innovators studied were 

      • knowledge-seeking; 
      • strong purpose, goal, vision, or passion; 
      • independence and self-reliance; 
      • ability to overcome obstacles; 
      • ambition and self-motivation; and 
      • social responsibility and altruism.

지식의 탐구

Seeking Knowledge

Descriptors included phrases such as early interest in learning, curiosity, love of learning, lifelong learning, took responsibility for own learning, self- taught, sought freedom to learn and/or freedom in learning, and sought continuous growth and improvement.

  • Gates: ― I’m not an educator but I am a learner. And one of the things that I like best about my job is that I’m surrounded by other people that love to learn‖ (Lowe, 1998, p. 43). 
  • Sarah Grimke: Her bright, active mind eagerly reach[ed] after the kind of knowledge which in those days was considered food too strong for the intellect of a girl.... She begged hard to be permitted to study Latin, [law, and philosophy] and began to do so in private, but her parents and brother opposed it. (Birney, 1885, p. 4.)

강력한 목적, 비전, 열정

Focused on a Strong Purpose, Goal, Vision, or Passion

Many also expressed discontentment with the current state of affairs and a desire to change things for the better;

  • Angelina Grimke: ―If only I could be the means of exposing the injustice that was practised in the institution of oppression [slavery], . . .this idea . . . reconcile[s] me to suffer

독립성, 자립성, 위험감수

Displaying Independence/Self-Reliance/Risk-Taking 

Descriptors for this category included independent in thinking and learning, abstract thinking outside the norm, self-reliant, risk taker, and unconventional.

  • Anthony: In 1872, Susan demanded that women be given the same civil and political rights that had been extended to black males under the 14th and 15th amendments. Thus, she led a group of women to the polls in Rochester to test the right of women to vote. She was arrested two weeks later…. (Litt, n.d., p. 1) 
  • Kamen: Taking risks is essential....I quit school...and started a company in a basement with no money. I discovered that I'm a risk taker. I get up in the morning knowing that I'm either going to have a spectacular win or loss that is going to be exciting...either is more appealing than the warm death of mediocrity. (Kamen & Walsh, 2007, p. 68)

고난의 극복

Overcoming Obstacles or Hardships

There was ample evidence that the innovators studied perceived obstacles as merely challenges. Not to be deterred by difficult or seemingly impossible obstacles, they displayed perseverance, persistence, and resilience in the pursuit of the learning needed to achieve their goals,

  • Tum: Refusing to acknowledge the accepted power distance that allowed the subjugation of women and her ethnic group in Guatemala, Rigoberta Menchu Tum rose from a poorly educated member of a persecuted minority group to an international figure who achieved some measure of justice for her people through the courts of Spain (Burgos-Debray, 1984). 
  • Carver: Born a slave and orphaned as an infant, Carver was very frail throughout his youth due to whooping cough; wandering in the fields because he was too weak to work, he began to teach himself about plants. Taught to read by his owner's wife, he persistently sought further education, leaving his safe existence to find a school that would admit him and doing whatever work he could find to support himself while he studied (Fishbein, 2007). 
  • Frankl: He survived the concentration camps in 1942, helped countless others to endure the torture, and found new meaning in suffering. Reflecting his own means of survival in the camps, he wrote, if


Demonstrating Ambition/Drive/Self-Motivation

The innovators all displayed ambition, drive, and self-motivation, but not necessarily focused on their own gain. In fact, several placed themselves in great personal danger to pursue the objectives they hoped to achieve.

  • Matsushita: From a penniless boy working in a bicycle shop, he went on to start his own company at 23. In 1964 was hailed internationally as one of the greatest industrialists of the century and one of the richest men in the world-- and used his money to further his goals of peace and prosperity for his people (Kotter, 1997). 
  • Sarah Grimke: As a child of four, she witnessed the beating of a neighbor's slave and ran away from home; she was later found at the port asking a ship captain to take her to some (Lerner, 1971, p. 19). Her strong commitment to end slavery began in childhood incidents such as these and continued as she defied her father and persisted in treating the slave assigned to her as a companion and teaching her to read illegally. When she could no longer live in a household that held slaves, she abandoned home and family and began her influential work for abolition in earnest. For her inheritance, she asked only for the family slaves, whom she immediately released (Lerner, 1971).

사회적 책무감/이타성

Demonstrating Social Responsibility/Altruistic

Many of the innovators displayed a strong sense of social responsibility and a deep commitment to the betterment of society.

  • Curie: You cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals. To that end each of us must work for his own improvement, and at the same time, share a general responsibility for all humanity" (American Institute of Physics, 2000, p. 187).
  • Franklin: His ―Junto‖ discussed the needs of the community and how to meet them. Franklin initiated the public library, American Philosophical Society, University of Pennsylvania, and a charity hospital. He strove for self-improvement and the improvement of his society (Independence Hall Association, 2009).
  • Carver: "He could have added fortune to fame, but caring for neither, he found happiness and honor in being helpful to the world." - Epitaph on the grave of George Washington Carver (Bellis, n.d, p. 3).


  • 방대한 자기주도적학습이 혁신가들의 성취와 사회적 기여에 핵심적이었다.
    The extensive self-directed learning of the innovators studied was integral to the achievement of their contributions to society.

  • 이 혁신가들은, 거의 예외 없이, 자신의 발전을 위해서만이 아니라, 사회적 발전을 위한 학습을 했다.
    The innovators, almost without exception, pursued their learning not simply for personal advancement, but also, and often primarily, for the betterment of society.

The examination of the role of self-directed learning in the accomplishments of the innovators supports Brookfield's (1993) defense of SDL as a tool that can lead to emancipatory change. A few additional quotes are offered to support this important conclusion:

      • Success, like happiness, cannot be pursued; it must ensue, and it only does so as the unintended side-effect of one's personal dedication to a cause greater than oneself. . . . (Frankl, 1963, p. 16) 
      • We can work together for a better world. . . .The world needs a global ethic. . . [to] give meaning to life experiences and . . .sustain the non-material dimension of humanity. . . .Those of us who have been privileged to receive education, skills, and experiences and even power must be role models for the next generation of leadership. (Nobelprize.org, 2009b, p. 1)

  • 고립된, 비사교적, 자기주도학습에 대한 신화는 틀렸다.
    The myth of the single, non-social, self-directed learner is not supported by this research, verifying Brockett and Hiemstra's (1991) comments.

  • 다양한 연령/경제/교육/사회/인종/민족 배경
    The findings of this study affirm the presence of self-direction in learning among persons representing a wide range of age groups and economic, educational, social, racial, and ethnic backgrounds.

연구의 함의


공식 교육기관의 학생들에게 학습이란 지루한 재미없는 단순 지식의 암기와 다른 사람이 설정한 목표 달성에 요구되는 과제를 하는 것이다. 이러한 신드롬은 학교에서 책임만을 강조하고 표준화된 시험을 사용하면서 더 그렇게 되고 있다.
The broader view of self-direction in learning gained from examination of the innovators in this study provides an even stronger rationale for the nurturance of self-direction in learning--not only in our educational institutions, but also in our organizations and our homes. For too many students in formal educational institutions, learning is equated with routine, unexciting memorization of facts and completion of imposed tasks designed to move them toward goals set by others. This syndrome is becoming ever more evident as many of our schools are increasingly focused on accountability, with achievement measured by standardized tests (Soublis-Smyth, 2008). It is an approach to education that develops conformity, passivity, and boredom. 

학교가 시험에 집중할수록 교육과정은 더 협소해진다. 미술, 음악, 봉사활동과 같은 내용은 없어진다. 개개인이 선택한 것을 추구할 기회도 사라진다. 수많은 혁신가들이 공식 교육과정에서 탈락하고 마치 문제아처럼 평가받은 것은 어쩌면 당연한 것인지도 모른다.

As the schools become more test-focused, the curriculum narrows; and activities such as art, music, and community service projects that contribute to wholeness, social awareness and responsibility are eliminated. The exercise of individual choice and the opportunity to pursue projects of personal choice are lessened. It is notable that a number of the innovators studied dropped out of formal educational programs or were viewed as troublesome students, congruent with the findings of the study of self-taught experts conducted by Gibbons and others (Gibbons, Bailey, Comeau, Schmuck, Seymour, & Wallace, 1980).

중요한 것은 균형이다.

What is needed is a balance. Encouraging self-direction does not mean ignoring accountability. Just as self-direction in learning exists along a continuum in each individual, each learning experience offers different levels of opportunity for self-direction (Guglielmino, L., 1978, Brockett & Hiemstra, 1991). Learners benefit greatly from a content base on which to build, but if we allow the learning of content to crowd out time for reflection on learning and exploration of individually-selected topics that create excitement about learning and build skills and attitudes that will support lifelong learning, we will do a disservice to our learners and our cultures.


Barry Rowe


Lucy Guglielmino, Elizabeth Gray, Kim_Le Arvary, Joe Asen, Donna Goldstein, Fran Kamin, Monica Nicoll, Nancy Patrick, Krista Shellabarger, Deborah Snowberger

Committed, innovative, persistent self-directed learners, in their searches for meaning, justice, or better ways to do things in their own lives, sometimes pursue paths that contribute to advances in knowledge or technology or a more equitable, charitable, or just society....Our societies move forward through the efforts of dedicated self-directed learners. (Guglielmino, 2008, pp. 9-10).

This paper further explores the thesis that society advances through the efforts of self-directed learners. The thesis is investigated through examination of biographies and other written documentation of innovators--explorers, scientists, inventors, and social activists who changed our world, often pursuing their goals despite adverse circumstances. The authors reviewed the gathered data for evidence of self-direction in learning (SDL), extracted commonalities, and compared the characteristics and actions of the innovators with those commonly attributed to self-directed learners. The research documented extensive evidence of SDL among the innovators and revealed that their SDL was integral to their achievements. Evidence contrary to many of the myths surrounding SDL was reflected in these innovators, the most important being a strong sense of social responsibility and desire to contribute to the well-being of others that drove many of their self-directed learning efforts.

자기주도학습의 '자기'에 대한 개념 재정립(IJSDL, 2009)


Marcie Boucouvalas

물론 자율성(autonomy)가 핵심적 요소이지만, 자율성은 selfhood의 일부밖에 설명해주지 못한다. SDL은 개인과 집단을 모두 포괄하는 '자기(Self)'의 개념이 있어야만이 진정으로 인류의 발전에 기여할 수 있다.

Of course autonomy is a central component, but it represents only a partial rendition of selfhood. Self-directed learning has even greater potential to contribute to the development of the human species when guided by a concept of Self1 that includes both autonomous (separate, individual) and homonomous (connected, collective) dimensions.

Malcolm은 The Modern Practice of Adult Education (1970)의 현장시험가였다.

At that time Malcolm, as I increasingly became comfortable calling him, was field-testing the first edition of The Modern Practice of Adult Education (1970).

이 시기의 자기주도라는 것은, 적어도 Knowles와 같은 식의 자기주도라는 것은, 단순하게 촉진가능한 프로세스에 그치는 것이 아니라 학습자에게 자기주도라는 것은 사고하는 방식이자 '학습하는 것' 그 자체였다. 

Self-direction at that time, at least à la Knowles, was not just an educational process to be catalyzed; it was also, for learners, a way of thinking about and being with learning.

독립성 그 자체를 의미한다기보다는 스스로의 학습, 사고, 인적, 물적자원에 대한 선택 등에 대한 책임을 지는 것이었다.

It was less about independence per se and more about taking responsibility for one’s learning, thinking about and selecting both material and human resources to aid one’s learning.

이러한 인식의 바탕에는 개인이 언제나 환경을 통제할 수 있는 것은 아님을 인정하는 것이 깔려 있다. 그러나 학습자는 필요하다면 환경에 적응하거나 환경을 조금 바꿀 수는 있다. 자기자신을 학습자로서 생각할 때, 심지어는 다른 사람에 의해서 주도되는 학습을 하거나, 스스로의 자기주도성을 잃지 않으면서 다른 사람에 의해서 통제되는 학습환경을 만들 수도 있다. 이러한 생각은 나중에 1975년 Knowles의 책에 실렸다.

Along with any such realization was an acknowledgment that one could not always control the external environment, but could learn to adapt and adjust when needed. With a centered understanding of oneself as a learner, one could even enter an other-directed or controlled learning situation without losing one’s self-directedness. This thought later appeared in Knowles’ 1975 book entitled Self-Directed Learning: A Guide for Teachers and Learners.

그러나 이러한 생각이 단 몇줄에 기술되는 것에 그쳤으므로, 놓치기 쉽다.

One could conceivably miss the idea because it only appeared in a few sentences.

이와 동시에 학습이 단순히 개인의 이익을 위한 것이 아니라는 것을 인식해야 한다.

It seems equally important to note, however, was that learning was not exclusively for individual benefit.

스스로를 중심에 두면서, 동시에 집단적 행동을 추구할 수 있는 것이 중요하다

Maintaining one’s center while also working for collective action, I learned, was integral.

적어도 서구에서는 독립적인, 분리된 자기인식은 '성숙됨'의 특징처럼 인식되었다. 그러나 자율성은 '자기'의 매우 일부분일 뿐이다. Maslow의 Toward a Psychology of Being에는 매우 작은 각주로 'homonomy'라는 개념이 기술되어 있다. 헝가리 사람인 Andras Angyal 에 의해서 처음 도입되었으며, 삶의 의미가 더 큰 집단의 부분임을 인식하고 그렇게 존재함으로서 부여되는 것을 뜻한다.

The development of an independent, separate self-sense was indeed important and often considered the hallmark of maturation, at least in western literature. Autonomy is only a partial rendition of selfhood, however. Embedded deep in a small footnote of Maslow’s (1968) Toward a Psychology of Being is the concept of homonomy, coined by Hungarian Andras Angyal (1941), referring to the meaning derived in life by being and feeling part of a greater whole.

다양한 관점


그림 1처럼, autonomy와 homonomy는 서로 복잡하게 얽힌 상보적인 것이다.

As illustrated in Figure 1, employing the DNA double helix as a visual image, I am conceptualizing autonomy and homonomy, although oversimplified somewhat, as two complementary trajectories of development that very often become inextricably intertwined.

그림 2는 '열린 계'를 묘사하고 있으며, 개개인은 더 큰 전체의 일부분이다. 이것들은 개인의 집단 정체성을 이룬다.

Figure 2 depicts an open system of worlds within worlds, contextualizing an individual as part of greater wholes, each of which addresses part of one’s homonomous identity.

자율성이 강화 되는 것은 '성취'와 '자기관리'에 의해서 그렇게 되며, '집단성(homonomy)'가 강화되는 것은 초개인적 단위와 조화를 이루면서 의미있는 전체의 부분이 되는 것이다.

Keeping mindful that the pull toward autonomy is motivated by achievement and self- governance, the pull toward homonomy draws meaning from being part of meaningful wholes and in harmony with superindividual units with which one identifies,

그림 2의 모든 집단들은 개인에게 '집단성'을 부여하지만, 동시에 그 자체가 '자율성'을 지닐 수 있다. 즉, 자율적 정체성을 형성할 수 있으며, 따라서 '자율성'의 개념이 개인 뿐 아니라 집단에도 적용될 수 있다.

As I have discussed elsewhere, however (Boucouvalas, 1999), any of the collectives in Figure 2 that afford homonomous identity to the individual can become autonomous in nature; that is, develop an autonomous identity, for better or worse. So the concept of autonomy can apply not just to individuals but also to collectives.

좀 더 좋은 관점에서, 그러한 집단은 사회적 변화를 이끌 수 있다. 그러나 만약에 한 집단이 자신의 집단적 정체성을 더 큰 전체와 조화시키지 못하면, 민족주의나 국수주의로 흐를 수도 있다.

In a beneficial sense, such groups can effect helpful social change. If, however, the group does not, in turn, engage its homonomous identification with an even greater whole, very often centrisms arise, such as ethnocentrism and nationalism.

집단성과 관련된 문헌들

Distillation of Literature Related to Homonomy

지난 20년간, 여러 문헌에서는 집단주의를 강조하는 문화들의 목소리를 인정하고 이에 대한 관심이 점차 커져왓다. 이러한 문화에서는 자기의 정체성을 협력적이고, 상호의존적인 자기주도학습을 강조했다. 예컨대, Nah는 약 10년 전, 한국적 관점을 강조하면서, "모든 문화에서 독립성과 자율성을 선(virtue)로 보지는 않는다"라고 하였다. 더 나아가 "그러한 '선'이 한국 문화에서는 그것이 이상적 성인에 도달하였다는 것을 의미하는 것도 아니다"라고 했다. 남성중심적인 전문집단에서 여성 관리자의 SDL에 대한 그녀의 연구는 '상화의존성'에 대한 근거를 제시했으며, 이것은 SDL의 또 다른 형태이다. 그녀는 문화적 맥락의 영향에 따라 개개인이 달라지고, 상호의존성이 보다 존중되고 지향되는 가치가 된다고 했다.

Over the past twenty years the literature has expanded to acknowledge and address this phenomenon as voices from more collectivist-oriented cultures have offered views of self- identity that illuminate the collaborative interdependent aspects of self-directed learning. For example, almost a decade ago Nah (2000), speaking from a Korean perspective, emphasized that “not every culture promotes independence and autonomy as virtues” and, moreover, such virtues are “not an indication of a person reaching an idealized adulthood in Korean culture” (p. 18). Her research on the self-directed learning of female managers in male-dominated professions evidenced what she termed interdependence, a different form of self-direction in learning. She attributed this variation to the influence of the cultural context in shaping the person, emphasizing that interdependence is a virtue valued and promoted in Korean culture.

응용언어학이나 언어교육에서 이러한 다양한 관점에 대한 진전이 있었다.

Other advances that may contribute to the further development of a global perspective on self-directed learning theory are being made in the literature of applied linguistics and the teaching of languages.

학습자의 '자율성'이 문화에 따라 어떻게 차이가 있는지 수년간 연구되어왔다. 지난 10년간 여러 국가별로 '자율성'에 서로 다른 해석과 개념이 있음이 드러낫다.

The cross-cultural appropriateness (or inappropriateness) of the concept of learner autonomy has been of central concern for years. Within the past decade or so renewed dialogue has emerged acknowledging different interpretations and conceptualizations of autonomy around the globe.

예컨대, Littlewood는 '자율성'의 다양한 측면을 분석할 것을 요구하며, 이것이 동아시아 문화권에서 언어 학습에 적절할 수도 있다고 했다.

For example, Littlewood (1999) calls for an analysis of aspects of autonomy that may be quite appropriate to the language learning needs of learners in East Asian contexts;

Nah와 유사하게, Sinclair는 사회적 자율성이 상호작용과 협력을 포함하는 것이라고 주장했다. 또한 정치적 자율성이 인구집단의 국가 건설에 대한 방향성을 정하는데 도움이 된다고 했다.

Stating a position similar to Nah's (2000), Sinclair asserts that social autonomy involves interaction and collaboration; and political autonomy offers an orientation that helps a population coalesce around nation-building.

더 근래에 Eneau는 자율성을 새로운 방식으로 구성하엿다. '자율성을 구성하는 대인관계'의 중요성을 강조하였다. 프랑스 연구자들로부터 자율성에 대해 이해할 때 자율적 학습자가 된다는 것에 있어서 필수적으로 다른 사람과 사회와의 상호작용을 포함시켜야 한다고 했다. 그럼으로써 그는 '관계'를 그 절차의 전제조건으로 보았고, '독립성'이란 개념을 배척하였다.

More recently, Eneau (2008) has also focused on constructing autonomy in new ways. Heoffers a consideration of the relevance and importance of “interpersonal relations in the construction of autonomy” (p. 230). Drawing from French authors, he also calls for a broader understanding of autonomy that considers interactions with others and society as an essential part of becoming an autonomous learner. In so doing, however, he places relating and relationships as a prerequisite in the process, seemingly rejecting the notion of independence.

'집단성'의 발달궤적을 따라가보면, '상호연결된 개인'이라는 개념이 개인보다 더 큰 무언가에 참여하게끔 하는 동기가 된다. 이처럼 어떤 동기에 의해서 이뤄지느냐가 개념의 핵심이다. 더 나아가서 위에서는 사회적/문화적/정치적 구분만 보았다. 그러나 '집단성'에 대해서는 두 층위의 분화된 개념을 보아야 한다.

As already established, central to the developmental trajectory of the homonomous, connected self sense is the experience of motivation that emanates from participation in something greater than the individual. The motivational issue is an integral component of the concept. Moreover, the above discussions are limited in dealing with social, cultural, and political identification; I find it increasingly useful, however, to differentiate a two-tiered conceptualization of homonomy.

  • '나한테 무슨 도움이 되느냐?'가 아니라 '이 지구와 미래세대를 위해서 어떠한 도움이 될 것이냐?'라는 질문. 사람들과 상호연결되어있음을 인식하고, 인류의 한 구성원으로서의 평범성을 인식하는 것.
    The first focuses on the social identification layer. Beyond the sense of belonging in a social sense are experiences that involve a shift in our structures of consciousness such that a broader source of motivation emerges. The “What is in it for me?” as an individual or group, for that matter, is superseded by, What will benefit the planet or future generations?" This shift represents a transpersonal awareness and identification of one’s commonalities as a member of the human species and a recognized interdependence on a planetary scale.
  • 단순히 집단의 구성원으로서의 정체성을 깨닫는 것 뿐만 아니라, 더 큰 'Self'의 개념에 참여하는 것. MDG는 이러한 개념의 'Self'이다. 
    This second layer involves not just identifying and working in a group or community, but engagement of a larger sense of Self that fuels a differen
    t meaning to Self-direction because the motivation often is for a greater cause, even beyond one’s group identification. The Millennium Development Goals invite this sense of Self in their call for developed and developing nations to work together, each with their own responsibility, toward the goal of sustainability, leaving the planet a better place for future generations.

지난 20년간 변화는, 독점적으로 '나'에 머물러있던 관점을 자기주도성에 있어 '우리'의 관점을 포함시키는 방향으로 옮겨간 것.

So it seems that over the past twenty years we have arrived as a community of scholars, or a community of scholars has coalesced (although they may not yet know each other), to acknowledge the need for a more global perspective on self-directed learning, moving our dialogue from an exclusive focus on the me of self direction to inclusion of the we of self- direction.

상대적 경험과 행동

Relevant Experiences and Actions in Which Humanity Has Been Engaged and Engulfed

2000년대 초반부터, 엄청난 국제적 재해가 있었음. 이러한 사건들로부터 인류의 상호의존성이 더 명확해졌다.

Since the dawn of 2000, the advent of our new millennium, catastrophic tragedies, both natural and human-made, with huge losses of lives have beset us as a human species on a worldwide scale. Examples include 

  • 9-11 in the United States, 
  • the tsunami in Asia, 
  • worldwide massacres and 
  • ethnic cleansings on several continents, 
  • floods and devastating destructions from hurricanes, 
  • the destruction of entire villages in massive fires and conflagrations, and 
  • the shooting sprees on campuses, especially the shocking massacre of epic proportions at Virginia Tech. 
  • Add to that the current worldwide financial crisis, and 

the interdependence of humanity becomes more palpable.

The meaning derived from being and becoming (in a homonomous sense) part of such a collective- turned-community fuels a learning to be process

  • At Virginia Tech, for example, well- meaning parents attempted to rescue their unharmed children from the campus, but the students repeatedly expressed the need to return to the community that understood. They had work to do for self and others and much to learn. Learning for them meant not just how to cope, but how to think about what happened, how to be part of the Virginia Tech community with a new sense of normal, how to be with the outside world of media and others, how to live together in a larger sense with all humankind. For many the learning from such an experience is lasting, including the emergence of a global compassion. Time will tell, of course, the degree to which this greater sense of Self will stabilize.

다음 단계

An Invitation to Explore Needed Next Steps

self-와 Self-의 균형이 중요한데, 이는 문화마다 다를 수 있다.

It seems equally important to consider that self-directed learning can be fueled by a balance between autonomous and homonomous drives. Both can operate simultaneously. In our globalized world it is balance between an individualized sense of self- motivation/direction and that of a larger sense of Self that is called for. That which brings about balance in one culture, however, may differ in another. As far back as the 1980s, in fact, authors such as Roland (1984) explained it this way: 

인도에서는 개인주의가 점차 강해지고 있으며, 반대로 미국에서는 초-개인에 대한 인식이 점차 높아지고 있다.

In India it is the growing individualism within the dominant gestalt of the familial-transcendent selves, whereas in America there is a serious developing involvement in the realization of the transcendent self within the dominant mode of the individualized self" (p. 173). 

Both trajectories of development are part of what it means to be human. Although a culture may support development of one trajectory, the other can never be obliterated, Angyal (1941) notes 

서구 문화에서 비록 힘과 성취를 강조함으로서 HOMONOMOUS적 경향을 약화시킬 수는 있을지언정 없애버릴 수는 없다. 이는 인류의 기본적 성질이기 때문이다.

that western cultures, even with their emphasis on power and achievement, can discourage but not obliterate the homonomous tendency, which is fundamental to the nature of humankind. 

Some homonomous expression is essential for what he termed normal adjustment. Moreover, from my perspective, whether one lives in or has been shaped by an individualistic or collectivist culture, that boundary, which may be a false dichotomy to begin with, may be blurring for some of humanity.

1For purposes of this paper, self with a lower case s refers to one’s separate individual self, while Self with a capital S refers to the expanded connected sense of Self represented by homonomy.

Nah, Y. (2000). Can a self-directed learner be independent, autonomous, and interdependent? Implications for practice. Adult Learning, 18, 18-19, 25.


Marcie Boucouvalas

In a twenty-year retrospective view, the author reexamines her earlier analysis of the concept self in self-directed learning in which the development of homonomy (larger connected Self sense) was introduced as a complement to the autonomous developmental trajectory in crafting a more robust international construct for research and practice.

학습유형에 문화적 차이가 있을까? (INT J INTERCULT REL, 2008)

Are there cultural differences in learning style?

Simy Joy *, David A. Kolb

2. 문화적 차이를 보여주는 특징들

2. Characterizing cultural differences

문화란 다음과 같이 정의된다. 

Research on culture spans many disciplines such as Anthropology (Benedict, 1946; Hall, 1976; Kluckhohn, 1962), Psychology (Markus & Kitayama, 1991; Triandis, 1994) and Management (Hofstede, 2001; House et al., 2004). Irrespective of the discipline, the scholars have come to more or less a common ground with respect to defining culture. Culture can be conceptualized as ‘shared motives, values, beliefs, identities, and interpretations or meanings of significant events that result from common experiences of members of collectives that are transmitted across generations’ (House et al., 2004, p. 15).

그러나 이러한 공통적 개념에도 불구하고 분석의 단위는 연구자마다 다르다. 

초창기, 특히 인류학에서는 사회나 커뮤니티를 연구했다. 

This common understanding notwithstanding, the units of analysis chosen by culture researchers vary. The earlier researchers on culture, especially in the field of Anthropology, studied societies or communities. 

    • For example, Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck (1961) studied five communities in America discovering differences in their value orientations. 
    • There have been studies that focused on countries like Benedict’s (1946) research on the Japanese culture

20세기 중후반에는 국가에 대해서 연구했다. 국가가 지배구조, 법, 사회 기관 등을 정의하는 것에 따른 결과일지도 모른다. 호프스테드의 연구, 더 최근의 GLOBE 연구. 

Research in the latter half of the 20th century increasingly focused on country differences in culture, perhaps resulting from the development of nation states that defines boundaries for governing structures, law and social institutions that paved the way for increased cultural homogeneity within nations. 

  • Hofstede’s (2001) research on differentiating between the cultures of around 40 countries reinforced the use of country names as the surrogates to represent culture. 
  • The more recent Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness (GLOBE) study (House et al., 2004) followed suit. 

역사적 진화를 바탕으로 문화적 클러스터를 제안하기도 했다.

There have also been scholars who looked at the historical evolution of different regions of the world and suggested the possibility for cultural clusters that transcend national boundaries. 

  • Huntington’s (1996) classification of the world cultures into Western, Latin America, African, Islamic, Sinic, Hindu, Orthodox, Buddhist and Japanese is an example. 
  • The GLOBE study empirically arrives at ten cultural clusters – Anglo, Latin Europe, Nordic Europe, Germanic Europe, Eastern Europe, Latin America, Sub-Saharan Africa, Middle East, Southern Asia and Confucian Asia – wherein the countries within a cluster are more similar to each other while being significantly different from countries in other clusters.

문화 연구자들은 특정 문화에 담긴 풍습과 실제를 이해하기 위해서 노력했으며, 문화간 비교를 위한 노력도 기울였다.

Culture researchers have endeavored to build in-depth understanding of the customs and practices within certain cultures and also to develop meaningful ways to enable comparison between cultures. This has resulted in a number of cultural typologies based on the salient features identified by the researcher. Some examples include 

    • 고맥락과 저맥락 high context and low context cultures (Hall, 1976) based on the amount of dependence on the context used in determining the meaning of messages, 
    • 고신뢰와 저신뢰 low trust and high trust cultures (Fukuyama, 1995) based on the relationship between trust and social structures
    • 독립적과 상호의존적 independent and interdependent self cultures (Markus&Kitayama, 1991) based on the extent to which definition of self is in relation to the larger society, and 
    • 부끄러움과 죄책감 shame and guilt cultures (Benedict, 1946) based on whether the standards for behavior are internal or external to the individual. 

그러나 이러한 방식은 이분법적이다. 호프스테드는 연속적인 개념을 도입했다.

These typologies tend to be dichotomous in nature. Hofstede (2001) introduced the concept of continuous cultural dimensions as the basis for comparison. Dimensions are various categories into which the salient features of the cultures are grouped. Hofestede identified 

    1. power distance, 
    2. uncertainty avoidance, 
    3. individualism-collectivism and 
    4. masculinity-femininity (later long versus short term orientations) 

as the major aspects on which cultures differ. 

GLOBE연구는 호프스테드의 작업을 더 정교화하여 아홉 개 차원으로 구분함.

The GLOBE study (House et al., 2004) refined Hofestede’s work suggesting nine dimensions: 

    1. in-group collectivism, 
    2. institutional collectivism, 
    3. power distance, 
    4. uncertainty avoidance, 
    5. future orientation, 
    6. performance orientation, 
    7. humane orientation, 
    8. assertiveness and 
    9. gender egalitarianism. 

문화 차원적 접근법을 지지하는 사람들은 각 차원에 대한 점수를 산출하는 방법을 도입했고 순위를 매겼다.

The proponents of the cultural dimensions approach introduced the practice of calculating scores on each dimension for each culture enabling relative ranking among them. These typologies and dimensions are especially useful in providing explanations when we encounter differences in outcomes that seem to originate from the differences in cultural values and practices. Researchers in variety of fields that range from education to epidemiology have explored the potential impact of cultural variables on outcomes that vary from educational accomplishments to depression.

3. 경험학습이론과 학습유형

3. Experiential learning theory and learning style 

ELT는 인간의 학습과 발전에 있어서 경험의 중요성을 주창한 20세기의 유명 학자들의 업적에 근거한다. 

Experiential learning theory draws on the work of prominent 20th century scholars who gave experience a central role in their theories of human learning and development —notably John Dewey, Kurt Lewin, Jean Piaget, WilliamJames, Carl Jung, Paulo Freire, Carl Rogers and others — to develop a holistic model of the experiential learning process and a multi-linear model of adult development (Kolb, 1984). 

ELT는 학습을 다음과 같이 정의한다. "경험의 변형을 통해 지식이 생성되는 과정으로서, 경험을 grasping하고 transforming하는 것의 종합적 결과로 지식이 생성된다."

ELT defines learning as ‘‘the process whereby knowledge is created through the transformation of experience. Knowledge results from the combination of grasping and transforming experience’’ (Kolb, 1984: 41). 

Grasping에 대한 대한 두 가지 형태, Transforming에 대한 두 가지 형태가 있다.

The ELT model portrays 

    • two dialectically related modes of grasping experience – concrete experience (CE) and abstract conceptualization (AC) – and 
    • two dialectically related modes of transforming experience— reflective observation (RO) and active experimentation (AE). 

경험학습의 과정은 이상적으로 순환(cycle)혹은 나선(spiral)한 것으로 묫되는데, 여기서 학습자는 "모든 베이스를 밟아간다". 이 과정은 반복적인 과정으로서, 학습 상황과 배우는 내용에 따라 달라진다. 

Experiential learning process is portrayed as an idealized learning cycle or spiral where the learner ‘‘touches all the bases’’ – experiencing, reflecting, thinking, and acting – in a recursive process that is responsive to the learning situation and what is being learned. 

    • Immediate or concrete experiences give rise to observations and reflections that are assimilated and distilled into abstract concepts from which new implications for action are drawn. When these implications are actively tested new experiences are created again (See Fig. 1). 

반드시 모든 사람이 같은 순서로 각 지점을 밟아나가는 것은 아니다. 개인마다 유전적 특성과 과거의 경험, 현재의 요구가 다르기 때문에 네 가지 학습모드 중에서 선호하는 것이 있다. 

It is not necessary that each person starts his/her learning cycle in the same mode, say for example, concrete experience, and goes through all other modes in a uniform manner. Because of our hereditary equipment, our particular life experiences, and the demands of our present environment, we develop a preferred way of choosing among the four learning modes. 

  • 구체적인 경험에 의존하는 사람 (정보를 모으고 직관적으로 판단을 내린다)Those who rely on concrete experience for grasping are open to new experiences, depend on people contact for gathering information, are intuitive and make feeling based judgments (Barmeyer, 2004; Kolb & Kolb, 2005). 
  • 추상적 개념화에 의존하는 사람(이론과 일반화를 추구한다) Those who rely on abstract conceptualization are logical and analytical in their approach to a learning situation and seek theories and generalizations (Auyeung & Sands, 1996). 

A person may transformthe experience either through reflective observation or active experimentation. 

  • 성찰적 관찰을 선호하는 사람(의미를 이해하려면 모든 측면을 다 봐야하며, 행동에 옮기기까지 시간이 걸린다.)Those who prefer reflective observation watch and observe all sides of an issue in order to understand its meaning and take time to act. 
  • 능동적 실험을 선호하는 사람(무언가를 해보기를 좋아하고, 위험을 감수하는 특성이 있으며, 실용적이다.)Those who prefer active experimentation like to try things out, are more willing to take risks and are practical and application oriented (Barmeyer, 2004; Kolb & Kolb, 2005). 

학습유형의 개념은 이 네 가지 모드의 조합 중 어떤 것을 선호하느냐에 대한 것이다.  

The concept of learning style refers to the individual differences in approaches to learning based on an individual’s preference for using a combination from these dialectic modes. The four basic learning style types are Diverging, Assimilating, Converging and Accommodating. 

  • Diverging learners prefer to make more use of concrete experience and reflective observation, 
  • Assimilating types prefer to learn through reflective observation and abstract conceptualization, 
  • Converging types rely on abstract conceptualization and active experimentation and 
  • Accommodating types use active experimentation and concrete experience. 

Kolb의 학습유형검사는 개인의 학습유형을 측정하기 위한 것이다. 12문항. 점수 범위는 -36에서 +36.

The Kolb Learning Style Inventory (KLSI, Kolb, 2005) is an instrument ‘designed to measure the degree to which individuals display different learning styles’. It contains 12 items that ask the respondents to rank four sentence endings that correspond to the four learning modes—CE, RO, AC and AE. Because of this forced choice format, the cumulative ranks reflect the relative preferences among the dialectic modes. 

  • The combination score AC-CE (i.e., cumulative rank for CE subtracted fromthe cumulative rank for AC) represents the preference for abstract conceptualization over concrete experience and AE- RO(i.e., cumulative rank for RO subtracted fromthe cumulative rank for AE) the preference for active experimentation over reflective observation. 
  • The combination scores may range from 36 to +36
    • 높은 AC-CE 점수(Abstractness 선호(Concrete보다)) A higher AC-CE score implies a relatively greater inclination for abstractness (AC) and lesser inclination for concreteness (CE), whereas a lower AC-CE implies the opposite. 
    • 높은 AE-RO 점수는(Action 선호(Reflection보다)) Similarly, a higher AE-RO score would mean preference for action (AE) over reflection (RO) and a lower score the reverse. 
  • One’s learning style type can be determined by taking both combination scores together and comparing themwith the cut- off values from the normative group. 

ELT는 학습유형이 고정된 심리학적 특성이 아니라 사람과 환경 사이의 시너지에 의해 변화하는 상태라는 것을 강조한다. 이 유동적인 상태가 얼마나 지속되느냐는 유전, 성격, 환경 등에 의해서 결정된다. 

ELT emphasizes that learning style is not a psychological trait but a dynamic state resulting from synergistic transactions between the person and the environment. The stability and endurance of these dynamic states depend not only on the genetic qualities or characteristics of human beings but also on the demands of the environment they are in. The way we process each emerging event determines our choices and decisions, which in turn determine the future events we live through (Kolb, 1984: 63–64). The environment in which this process of self-creation takes place is shaped by the pervasive influence of culture.


4.2.1. Collectivism 

Collectivism perhaps is the most widely used dimension to differentiate between cultures, to the extent that both scholars and laymen often think of it as the only way to explain cultural differences. A number of scholars agree that collectivismis not as simple and straightforward as it is portrayed and have made attempts to fine-tune the concept. House et al. (2004) found out in the GLOBE study that collectivism can be differentiated into in-group collectivism and institutional collectivism. 

일반적으로 이해하는 집단주의와 유사함. 집단주의적 사회에서 사회적인식의 기본단위는 '집단'이다. 역할, 책임 등이 그룹 멤버에게 주어진다. 그룹 멤버들간에 조화를 이루고 체면을 유지하는 것이 중요하다. 

In-group collectivism is ‘The degree to which individuals express pride, loyalty and cohesiveness in their organizations or families’ (House et al., 2004, p. 12). In-group collectivism is similar to the concept of collectivism as it is generally understood. In collectivistic societies, the group is the basic unit of social perception. There are roles, duties and obligations attached to the group membership. It is important to maintain harmony and save face of the group members. The choice of action and communication depend heavily on the context (Hall, 1976). While communicating, they pay attention to the non- verbals to grasp the full meaning of what is being communicated. The pace of life is slow allowing for reflection (Hofstede, 1997; House et al., 2004; Triandis, 1994). To be an acceptable member of such a culture one needs to constantly pay attention to the experiences and develop intuitionand reflection. Ina less collectivistic and more individualistic culture, the individual is the recognized social unit. These cultures believe in the individual’s intellectual and affective autonomy (Schwartz, 1999). Freedom, pursuit of individual pleasure, individual initiative and achievement are accepted values. Cognition and communication are context independent. Verbal articulation is essential to communicate, silence is embarrassing. They are objective and use explicit logic, proofs and linear argument. They have a positive attitude to trying out newthings (Hofstede, 1997; House et al., 2004; Triandis, 1994). Being a member in individualistic culture may guide a person towards abstract conceptualization and active experimentation. 

조직과 사회가 자원의 집단 차원의 분배와 집단 차원의 행동을 격려하고 보상하는 정도

Institutional collectivism is ‘the degree to which organizational and societal institutional practices encourage and reward collective distribution of resources and collective action’ (House et al., 2004, p. 12). Institutional collectivism is ‘part of a cultural syndrome that is future and performance oriented’ and that tries to achieve them through collective efforts that are not assertive or dominating. It seems to originate more froma sense of justice, equality, collective action and camaraderie, the basis of which is rationality rather than feeling of kinship. The members of the societies that are high on institutional collectivism may have a preference for abstract conceptualization.

불확실성 회피

4.2.2. Uncertainty avoidance 

Uncertainty avoidance refers to ‘the extent to which the members of an organization or a society strive to avoid uncertainty by relying one stablished social norms, rituals, andbureaucratic practices’ (House et al., 2004, p. 11). Uncertainty avoiding societies resort to creating laws and rules and/or following rituals and religion in order to reduce ambiguity and unpredictability. In the laws they create, they aim to see clarity, structure and purity. In scientific pursuits, they favor deduction, formulating general principles first to apply themto specific situations (Hofstede, 2001). There is a tendency to consider what is different as dangerous. Breaking rules is not tolerated (House et al., 2004). They are more resistant to change. There is fear of failure and preference for tasks with sure outcomes, clear guidelines and less risk. Children are actively protected fromexperiencing unknown situations. In education, both teachers and students are more comfortable with the structured learning situations with clear objectives and timetables. They like learning situations with one correct answer and reward accuracy (Hofstede, 2001). The methods by which such societies deal with uncertainty may predispose its members to resort to abstract conceptualization and reflection and refrain fromexposing themselves to newexperiences and experiments while learning. Hoppe (1990) and Yamazaki (2005) have found evidence for a positive relation between uncertainty avoidance and reflective observation. Members of the less uncertainty avoiding societies are more comfortable with ambiguity, chaos, novelty and convenience. They take every day as it comes. In scientific logic they favor induction, taking note of the empirical facts first to reach general principles. They view what is different as curious. They are more tolerant of breaking rules, less resistant to change and innovation, and willing to take risks. They believe in one’s ability to influence one’s life and others. Children are encouraged to experience novel situations. In education, they prefer open ended learning situations where there is room for sense of empiricism, relativity and original and unconventional ideas. The members of such societies may find it easier to learn from concrete experiences and active experimentation.


4.2.3. Future orientation 

Future orientation implies ‘the degree to which individuals in organizations or societies engage in future oriented behaviors such as planning, investing in the future, and delaying individual or collective gratification’ (House et al., 2004,p. 12). Future orientated societies engage in planning. This requires the cognitive ability to see ‘the world beyond its present physical state’. These societies are cautious in initiating new tasks. They want to ensure that there are strong and positive links between the current tasks and the desired future state (House et al., 2004). Thus abstract conceptualization is a necessary condition to envisage the future (Trommsdorff, 1983). Future orientation requires being flexible (Tendem, 1987), open to taking risks and persistent. Leaders of such societies expect their members to be more innovative and tolerant of change (House et al., 2004). Future orientation thus fosters abstract conceptualization and active experimentation. Less future oriented societies are able to engage more in the present and enjoy the moment. They may show incapacity or unwillingness to plan to accomplish goals in the future. While planning, the thrust is to ensure that they are compatible with the customs and traditions. Only past experience can legitimate innovation and experience (House et al., 2004). This attitude towards the future may develop in members of such societies, habits of absorbing the experiences and reflecting on themin order to have guidelines for the future.

성취 지향성

4.2.4. Performance orientation 

Performance orientation is ‘the degree to which an organization or society encourages and rewards group members for performance improvement and excellence’ (House et al., 2004, p. 13). Highly performance oriented societies are found to value self-reliance, independence and achievement. The achievement orientation in themmay make themfocus on future, take initiatives and are persistent in the pursuit of goals (Fyans et al., 1983). They have a ‘can-do’ attitude and a sense of urgency. The emphasis is more on results than people. What one does matters more than what one is (House et al., 2004). The individuals and groups that produce results and accomplish assignments are appreciated (Parsons & Shils, 1951; Trompenaars & Hampden-Turner, 1998). Thus the societal attitude is one that favors action. The societies that are less performance oriented focus on maintenance of tradition, family, affiliation and social ties than on individual achievement. They value one’s role and position in society. In communication, they prefer subtlety and pay attention to context (House et al., 2004). Such an attitude may favor concrete experience. Such an attitude may favor less action and demand more reflection from the members of those societies.


4.2.5. Assertiveness 

Assertiveness implies ‘the degree to which individuals in organizations or societies are assertive, confrontational and aggressive in social relationships’ (Houseet al., 2004, p. 12). Highly assertive societies appreciate assertive, dominant and tough behaviors from all of its members. They are direct in communication. They believe that anyone can be successful through hard work, take initiatives and are competitive in nature (House et al., 2004). They may have a ‘doing’ orientation (Kluckhohn & Strodtbeck, 1961). Assertive behavior indicates pragmatism(Rakos, 1991) and adaptiveness. The accepted behavior in assertive societies is one that is oriented towards action and taking charge. Societies that are low on assertiveness consider assertiveness unacceptable and endorse modesty and tenderness. They cherish people and relationships and are cooperative. They value self-possessed conduct. In communication, they are indirect (House et al., 2004). They have a more ‘being’ orientation than ‘doing’ (Kluckhohn & Strodtbeck, 1961). In learning, they may be more attuned towards using reflection than action.


4.2.6. Power distance 

It is ‘the degree to which members of an organization or society expect and agree that power should be stratified and concentrated at higher levels of an organization or government’ (House et al., 2004, p. 12). Societies that are high on power distance tend to value social hierarchies. They don’t give the individual the freedom to do whatever they want or make own decisions. It is important for them to do what is socially correct and proper. However, the hierarchical systems of such societies assign roles to ensure socially responsible behavior (Schwartz, 1999). There are reciprocal obligations between those who occupy high and low positions in the hierarchy (House et al., 2004). A certain level of thoughtfulness and reflection is required from the members of such societies for them to understand their roles and behave suitably. In such societies, the education system places a value on the wisdom and authority of the teacher. The students are expected to obey the teacher and take in the lessons offered (Hofstede, 2001). The social norms combined with the education system appear to promote reflection rather than active experimentation. In the societies that are low on power distance, the social relationships are not hierarchically arranged. An individual is respected and appreciated for what he or she can offer (House et al., 2004). The education system is student centered where the students are encouraged to question and experiment. The members of such societies may not hesitate to engage in active experimentation (Hofstede, 2001).

성 평등

4.2.7. Gender egalitarianism 

Gender egalitarianism is ‘the degree to which an organization or society minimizes gender role differences while promoting gender equality’ (House et al., 2004, p. 12). In cultures that are more gender egalitarian, gender stereotypes and gender roles may be less pervasive, making the lived experiences of both men and women more homogeneous. Women may be as educated and employed in same occupations as men. In such cultures, there might be heightened notions about human equality and justice. It is likely that the sense making is more dependent on such abstract concepts than through relating to the heterogeneous experiences of self and others.


4.2.8. Humane orientation 

Humane orientation refers to ‘the degree to which individuals in organizations or societies encourage and reward individuals for being fair, altruistic, friendly, generous, caring, and kind to others’ (House et al., 2004, p. 13). In more humane oriented societies, others (family, friends, community and strangers) are very important. The members of the society are responsible for ensuring the well-being of others. They provide the social support for each other (Houseet al., 2004). They value being for giving, loving, cheerful and helpful (Bigoness &Blakely, 1996). They are motivated by altruism, benevolence, kindness and generosity (Triandis, 1994). The need for belongingness is high. The members of such societies are likely to develop the faculties for intuition and reflection and may make judgments based on feelings than logic. In less humane oriented societies, the members are not expected to look out for others. People are expected to solve their problems by themselves. There might be state structures to offer social and economic security(Houseet al., 2004). Therefore, the members can focus on self-enhancement (Schwartz, 1992) by promoting self-interest and self-gratification. They might feel freer to experiment with own lives. Since affiliation is neither a need nor a motivating factor, they might be more objective in their judgments and rely on logic and reason.

7.1. Conclusion 

문화가 영향이 있는 것은 자명해보인다. AC-CE에 대한 영향은 유의했고, AE-RO에 대한 영향은 그보다는 작았다.

From the above results, it is evident that culture has an impact on the learning style scales that is comparable to that of some of the demographic variables. Culture has a significant effect in deciding a person’s preference for abstract conceptualization versus concrete experience. The significance of its effect on the preference between active experimentation and reflective observation is marginal. 

문화에 의한 영향과 인구통계학적 변인에 의한 영향 비교. 어떤 분야를 전공하였느냐가 AC-CE에 영향을 준다.

On comparing the effect of culture and that of the demographic variables, the area of specialization seems to have a slightly larger effect on determining a person’s liking for abstraction or concreteness than culture does. This may be because of the fact that educational specialties are particularly focused on the development of and socialization into the ways of learning needed to meet the performance demands of the discipline. In case of culture, the socialization with respect to learning may be more indirect. Level of education seems to have as much of effect as culture and gender slightly less. In case of developing a preference for active experimentation or reflective observation age and area of specialization had more impact than culture. Age appears to have the greatest impact in inculcating the habit of refection than any other variable. If we take the marginal significance level of culture as acceptable, it has equal effect as level of education on developing a preference for active experimentation or reflective observation. Overall, we can see that it is culture and variables related to education, i.e., level of education and area of specialization that have the largest impact on learning styles. 

이 연구결과는 교육과 경영에 모두 중요한 의의를 지닌다.

This finding is of particular importance to the fields of education as well as management. 

  • Educators need to be aware that conditioning by certain cultures may complement the learning style requirements of certain areas of specialization where as it might be clashing with some other specializations. Also, in the first years of higher education, say before graduation, where discipline specific conditioning is yet to take root, the culture-based differences may be even more pronounced. Therefore, higher educators in each area of specialization may have to ensure that the learning situations they design have elements that the students from different cultures can comprehend. 
  • In management, multicultural teams became prevalent with globalization. Now with the new challenges facing organizations such as sustainability, that require paradigm shift in understanding and resolving the problem, these teams are becoming much more multidisciplinary as well. In order for these multicultural multidisciplinary teams to engage with each other effectively, they may have to understand each other’s sense making and problem solving approaches and how their cultures and areas of specialization might have predisposed them to certain approaches. Our findings from the analysis of the dimensions of culture that impact learning style differences may prove useful for these managers—the individuals tend to have a more abstract learning style in countries that are high in in- group collectivism, institutional collectivism, uncertainty avoidance, future orientation and gender egalitarianism and the individuals may have a more reflective learning style in countries that are high in in-group collectivism, uncertainty avoidance and assertiveness.

Are there cultural differences in learning style?

  • Department of Organizational Behavior, Case Western Reserve University, 10900 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44106, United States


This study examines the role that culture plays in the way individuals learn. Experiential learning theory is used to describe the learning process and the Kolb Learning Style Inventory is used to assess differences in how individuals learn. Using the framework for categorizing cultural differences from the Global Leadership and Organizational Effectiveness (GLOBE) study, national cultures are examined by cultural clusters and individual cultural dimensions. The first part of the study assesses the relative influence of culture in comparison to gender, age, level of education and area of specialization of 533 respondents born in and currently residing in 7 nations. We found that a significant portion of the variance in the preference for abstract conceptualization was explained by culture, gender, level of education and area of specialization. The variability in preference for active experimentation over reflective observation was accounted for by age and area of specialization. The impact of culture was only marginally significant. In the second part of the study where we examined the influence of individual culture dimensions in shaping the learning style preferences, we discovered that individuals tend to have a more abstract learning style in countries that are high in in-group collectivism, institutional collectivism, uncertainty avoidance, future orientation and gender egalitarianism. Individuals may have a more reflective learning style in countries that are high in in-group collectivism, uncertainty avoidance and assertiveness.


  • Learning style
  • Kolb learning style inventory (KLSI)
  • Culture
  • Cultural dimensions;
  • Culture clusters
  • GLOBE study

의학교육에서 신식민지주의 대 건전한 세계화 정책(Med Educ, 2008)

Neo-colonialism versus sound globalisation policy in medical education

Hans Karle, Leif Christensen, David Gordon & Jørgen Nystrup

의학교육에서 국제적 혁신에 대한 분석을 통해 Bleakley 등은 서양에서 시작한 방법이 신식민지주의 방식으로 전파되는 것에 대해 경고했다.

In a critical analysis of the global spread of innovations in medical education concepts and methods, Bleakley et al.1 rightly warn against the emergence of a form of neo- colonialism inherent in the practice of exporting ideas and methods of Western origin to other cultures in which their relevance may be limited.

PBL과 같은 교수법이나 OSCE와 같은 평가법이 다른 교육현실과 전통의 국가, 혹은 자원적으로 취약한 국가에 전파되는 것에 대해 생각하지 않았던 부분에 대한 관심을 유도하였다. 세계 여러 국가에서 의학교육의 문제는 더 근본적인 것에 있고, 재정자원과 인적자원의 부족과 연관되어 있다.

The authors draw attention to the unreflecting focus on advanced pedagogic methodology and the trend to disseminate modern instructional methods, such as problem-based learning, or assessment technologies, such as objective structured clinical examinations, to countries with other pedagogic practices and traditions in the education system in general and in medical school programmes in particular, or to countries with weaker resource profiles. In many parts of the world the problems in medical education are of a more fundamental nature and are related to lack of financial and human resources.

더 나아가서 Bleakley 등은 성과- 역량바탕 교육과정의 문제도 지적했다. 우리는 의학교육의 '성과'가 서구적 관점의 '필수 성과'에 의해서 정의되면 안된다는 것에 동의한다. 왜냐하면 의대 졸업생의 역량은 그 어떤 곳이든지 지역의 정치적, 사회경제적 환경, 건강요구, 전달체계를 반영해야 하기 때문이다.

Further, Bleakley et al.1 find the introduction of new concepts such as outcome- or competency-based curricular principles problematic. We agree that outcomes of medical education should not be defined by transferring Western ‘outcome essentials’, as the competencies of graduates everywhere must reflect local political and socioeconomic circumstances as well as the health needs and health care delivery sys- tem(including the roles of medical doctors) of local society.2,3

 2008 Mar;42(3):266-70. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2923.2007.02991.x.

Thinking the post-colonial in medical education.

Bleakley A1, Brice J, Bligh J.

어떤 나라에서는 의학교육의 특성과 보건의료시스템의 질에 대한 인과관계를 해석하는데는 조심해야하는데, 이 것에 관여하는 수많은 요인들이 사실 진정으로 인과성이 있지 않기 때문이다.

Care needs to be taken in argu- ments based on any causal link between the nature of medical education and the quality of the health care system in any particular country, because multiple factors make any such linkage not truly causal.

저자들은 '핵심 역량'을 바탕으로 '핵심 교육과정'을 만드는(identify) 식의 국제표준 설정은 옳지 않다고 본다. 그러나 이러한 우려는 의학교육에서 국제표준의 필요성에 대해서 조심스럽게 접근할 것을 강조한다. WFME가 BME의 국제표준을 발표하면서 강조한 것은 - 의학교육의 모든 영역을 포괄하는 - 이 스탠다드가 지역적/국가적/기관적 기준을 개발하는 틀로서 사용되어야 한다는 점이다. 이 WFME의 기준은 지역 문화, 사회경제적 상황을 반영할 수 있는 템플릿으로 활용되어야 하며 '국제적 표준'으로 간주되어서는 안된다.

The authors seem wrongly to iden- tify global standard setting with necessarily introducing an interna- tional medical ‘core curriculum’ based on common ‘core compe- tencies’. However, their concern underlines the necessity of the cautious use of global standards in medical education. Whenthe World Federation for Medical Education (WFME) published Global Standards for Quality Improvement of Basic Medi- cal Education,6 it emphasised that these standards (which cover all aspects of medical education, including the organisation, struc- ture, content, process, environment and outcome of education) should be used as a template for the devel- opment of regional, national and institutional standards. The requirement that these standards be applied as a template in the context of local cultural and socioeconomic circumstances is an integral part of the Standards, which cannot be regarded as an ‘international text’, as described by Bleakley et al.1

WFME 기준을 개발한 국제 테스크포스는, 모든 WFME 지부에서 총 30개국 이상이 참여했으며, 명백하게 교육 프로그램에 있어서 지역적 국가적 차이를 인정하는 방식으로 구성되어야 하며, 개별 의과대학의 서로 다른 특성을 허용해야 한다는 것을 기술하고 있다. 또한 교육목적과 교육목표가 의사들이 그 지역의 보건의료시스템에서 해야 할 역할을 지키는 가운데 정의되어야 함을 기술했다.

The international task forces behind the development of the WFME standards, which included experts from more than 30 countries representing all WFME regions, clearly stated that global standards should be formulated in such a way as to acknowledge regional and national differences in education programmes and to allow for the different profiles of individual medical schools. They also stated that mission and objectives must be defined in keeping with the roles of doctors in the local health care system.

논의가 필요한 두 가지 분야

첫째로, 서양 문화에 의해서 변질되거나 지배당하지 않으면서 의학교육에서 공유될 수 있는 중요한 가치를 개발하는 것은 어디까지 가능할까? 어떤 특징들은 전 세계적으로 의학교육에서 필요한 것들도 있다.

Firstly, to what extent is it truly possible to develop and agree meaningful and shared values and goals for medical education that are not tainted by imposition from dominant Western cultures? Some characteristics of medical educa- tion may represent universal needs.

둘째, 지역적 혁신과 외부적 도입의 균형이 중요하다. 문화적, 사회적 변화가 '전파'되는 것인지 '독립적 혁신'에 의한 것인지에 대한 연구가 많다 (진화론에서 선형 진화와 평행 진화에 비유될 만 하다). 비슷하게 의학교육에서의 발전도 한 나라에서 다른 나라로 전이되는 것일수도 있고(diffusion), 지역적 조건과 요구에 따라서 만들어지는 것일수도 있다.

Secondly, we believe that the bal- ance between local innovation andexternal imposition (‘colonialism’)in the development of the culture and practices of medical educationdeserves proper study. There is extensive research9 documenting the fact that cultural and social changes arise either by diffusion orby independent innovation (in a manner analogous to linear as opposed to parallel evolution in biology). Similar developments in medical education may represent the result of transfer from one country to another (‘diffusion’ in the above sociological terminology)or the result of local responses to similar conditions or needs.

변화가 전이의 결과로서 나타나는 것이라면, 공여국의 개념없는, 나쁜 동기에서 비롯된 활동은 마땅히 신식민지주의라 불려야 한다. 만약 독립적 혁신이 일어난다면, 그것을 일으키는 요인을 이해해야 한다. 왜냐하면 그것이 진료 양상을 변화시키기 때문이며, 어쩌면 진료 양상 자체가 제국주의적 형태로 전파되는 것일수도 있다.

If changes are the result of transfer, then thoughtless or badly motivated actions by the donor country are rightly described as neo-colonial- ism. If there is independent inno- vation, then we need to understand the factors that cause it, which may well be related to changes in med- ical care: perhaps it is medical practice itself that is spreading in an imperialist fashion.

Rogers EM. Diffusion of Innovations. New York: Free Press 5th Edition, 2003.

 2008 Oct;42(10):956-8. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2923.2008.03155.x.

Neo-colonialism versus sound globalization policy in medical education.

Author information

  • 1World Federation for Medical Education, University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Health Sciences, Blegdamsvej 3B, DK-2200 Copenhagen N, Denmark. wfme@wfme.org
[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

어떻게 배워야 하는건지 가르쳐주세요: 학생의 자기주도학습기술 촉진하기(IJSDL, 2010)


Gregory M. Francom

왜 공식 교육에서 자기주도성을 촉진시켜야 하는가?


직업 이동 가능성

Career Mobility

학생들이 앞으로 하게 될 직업군의 가능성이 무한함.

Data on career mobility show that educational focuses that provide an increased level of specialized career preparation may be inadequate to prepare graduates for all careers that they will encounter in their life after school is over (U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2008). In a United States bureau of labor statistics study, men and women held an average of 10.8 different jobs from ages 18 to 42 and the number of job changes that individuals with a bachelor’s, master’s or PhD experienced was found to be slightly higher than those without a degree (U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2008).

이전에는 직업을 상대적으로 안정적이라 보았음.

Past career studies have viewed workers as relatively stable in their jobs and careers.

직장의 안정성이 개인의 회복탄력성이나 커리어 관리능력에 달려있음.

Job security has become closely associated with an individual’s resilience and career management skills in which continued learning plays an important role (Sterns & Dorsett, 1994).

교육 이후의 세팅에서 배우기

Learning in Post-Education Settings and Learning in Education

"실제 상황"에서의 학습경험에 대한 연구를 통해 Resnick은 학교 밖에서의 학습이 학교 안에서의 학습과 어떻게 다른지 비교하였다.

Based on studies of learning experiences in what she terms “practical settings,” Resnick (1987) suggests dimensions upon which learning out of school differs from learning in school:

1. 개개인별 인식 vs 공유하는 인식

2. 순수한 정신작용 vs 도구 조작

3. 기호 처리 vs 맥락적 추론

4. 일반화된 학습 vs 상황 특이적 역량

1. Individual cognition in school versus shared cognition outside (p. 13); 

2. Pure mentation in school versus tool manipulation outside (p. 13) (i.e., pure thought is valued in education but cognitive and physical tools are used outside of school); 

3. Symbol manipulation in school versus contextual reasoning (p. 14); and 

4. Generalized learning in school versus situation specific competencies (p. 15).

더 나아가서 교양과목이나 공학과목에서의 학부경험이 학생의 자기주도성 향상에는 별 도움이 안됨을 보여준다. 교육기관이 현재 하고있는 것을 넘어서는 것이 필요하다.

Moreover, preliminary studies have found that the undergraduate experience in general (Preczewski, 1997) and in engineering (Litzinger, Wise, Lee, & Bjorklund, 2003) did littleto improve students’ self-direction. Something more beyond what educational institutions are currently doing may be needed to give students opportunities to practice self-direction. 

공식 교육에서 자기주도학습 기술 기르기


SDL을 촉진하기 위한 대부분의 교수-학습 방법은 스스로의 학습과정을 주도하는 연습 시키는 것이다. 그러나 SDL기술을 기르는 것은 단순히 학생에게 제공되는 지지/지원과 가이드를 줄이는 것 이상이 필요하다. 

Most teaching and learning methods adopted in formal education for fostering SDL skills are focused on increasing the capacity of students to direct their own learning processes through practice doing so (Merriam et al., 2007). However, fostering SDL skills in education involves more than simply reducing the amount of support and guidance given to students, as such approaches may be detrimental to the acquisition of knowledge in long term memory (Kirschner, Sweller, & Clark, 2006).

Principles for Fostering Students’ Self-Directed Learning Skills

Four main prescriptive principles for fostering self-directed learning skills from research, theory, teaching, and learning models were revealed (see figure 1):

1. 한 학습활동에서 요구되는 자기주도학습자로서의 수준과 실제로 학생들이 가진 수준을 맞춘다.

2. 주도권이 서서히 교수자에서 학생에게 넘어가게끔 한다.

3. 내용지식과 자기주도학습기술을 함께 익히게 한다.

4. 학습과제를 하는 와중에 자기주도학습을 수행하게 한다.

1. Match the level of self-directed learning required in learning activities to student readiness 

2. Progress from teacher to student direction of learning over time 

3. Support the acquisition of subject matter knowledge and self-directed learning skills together 

4. Have students practice self-directed learning in the context of learning tasks.

Principle One; Match the Level of Self-Directed Learning Required in Educational Activities to Student Readiness

To determine a student’s level of SDL skill or readiness, a variety of instruments have been proposed and implemented in the literature. Quantitative instruments include the Self- Directed Learning Readiness Scale (SDLRS)& ?Guglielmino, 1977), the Oddi Continuing Learning Inventory ?Oddi, 1986), the Learner Autonomy Profile (Confessore & Park, 2004), and PRO-SDLS (Stockdale, 2003).

Principle Two: Progress From Teacher to Student Direction of Learning Over Time

Principle Three: Support the Acquisition of Subject-Matter Knowledge and Self-Directed Learning Skills Together

Cognitive strategies (such as those required for SRL and SDL) require the use of intellectual skills (concepts, rules, etc. of a discipline) which require basic knowledge of subject matter (Gagné, 1985).

가지고 있는 지식이 많다면, 학습자는 자기조절과 자기주도 학습을 할 수 있는 작업메모리가 늘어난다. 전문과와 초심자의 차이에 대한 연구를 보면, 전문가는 정교한 mental knowledge structure를 가지고 있어서 진행과정을 모니터링 할 수 있고, 적절한 전략을 선택하고, 적절한 해결책을 결정할 수 있다. 초심자는 이러한 지식구조가 부재하다.

Extensive domain knowledge may enable learners to free up working memory for processes related to self-regulation and self-direction of learning (Sweller, Van Merrienboer, & Paas, 1998). Literature on the differences between experts and novices indicates that experts have elaborate mental knowledge structures that enable them to monitor progress, choose appropriate strategies, and decide on appropriate solutions to problems (Chi, 2006). Novices lack these knowledge structures and consequently are unable to conduct learning and performance activities with as much efficiency as experts.

Principle Four: Have Students Practice Self-Directed Learning in the Context of Learning Tasks

두 종류의 학습전이(learning transfer)가 있다. 한 가지는 동일한 요소를 교육상황 밖에서 적용하는 것이고(Associationist transfer), 다른 하나는 반복된 경험과 성찰의 결과로 일어나는 전이(Gestalt transfer)이다. 

The first benefit of centering learning on learning tasks is increased learning transfer. Learning transfer refers to the impact that learning in one context has on performance of skills in a different context (Perkins & Salomon, 1994). Two types of transfer are differentiated; 

    • transfer based on identical elements of tasks performed in education and those performed outside of education (Associationist transfer), and 
    • transfer that occurs as a result of repeated experience with tasks and student reflection about these tasks (Gestalt transfer) (Van Merriënboer & Kester, 2008).

SDL기술 연습에서 학습과제를 중심으로 하는 것의 두 번째 장점은, 중요한 SDL기술을 내용지식과 병합할 수 있다는 것이다. 학생들은 다음과 같은 SDL 활동을 해야 한다.

The second benefit of centering learning on learning tasks is student SDL skills practice. Students may be required to practice important SDL skills as they combine subject matter knowledge and its application to complete learning tasks. As students engage in learning tasks, they may be required to do such SDL activities as the following: 

    • (a) choosing a learning path; 
    • (b) finding, evaluating, and applying information to complete tasks and solve problems (Bolhuis, 2003; Candy, 1991); 
    • (c) monitoring and adjusting personal learning as needed (Butler & Winne, 1995; Garrison, 1997); and 
    • (d) determining ways in which personal performance should be improved (Bolhuis, 2003; Van Merriënboer & Sluijsmans, 2009).


Gregory M. Francom

In a world of rapidly changing careers and practices, adequate career and life preparation means more than the acquisition of a fixed body of knowledge. Teachers in formal education need to provide learning experiences that foster students’ self-directed learning skills. A review of the self-directed and selfregulated learning literature reveals four main prescriptive principles for fostering students self-directed learning skills in formal education: (a) Match the level of self-directed learning required in learning activities to student readiness; (b) progress from teacher to student direction of learning over time; (c) support the acquisition of subject matter knowledge and self-directed learning skills together; and (d) have students practice self-directed learning in the context of learning tasks. It is hoped that these principles can guide the design of teaching and learning activities in educational settings.

대학원생의 학습 프로젝트: Tough의 연구 업데이트 (IJSDL, 2010)


C. Amelia Davis, Carrie Bailey, Mary Nypaver, Tracy Rees, and Ralph G. Brockett

Allen Tough의 기념비적 출판물인 The Adult’s Learning Projects study (1971)가 나온지 40년이 지났다. 오늘날, 많은 성인들이 그들이 일년에 수행하는 학습프로젝트의 수가 몇 개나 되는지 모르고 있다. 다양한 프로젝트에 관여하고 있다는 것을 인식하는 것은 자기성찰을 통해서만 가능하다. Tough의 연구는 성인들은 매년 엄청난 시간을 주요 학습 노력에 기울이고 있음을 보여주었다. Tough는 일반적인 learning effort에는 100시간이 필요하며, 매년 다섯 개를 수행한다고 했다. 약 70%정도의 프로젝트는 학습자가 기획한다. 이 연구는 여러 번 반복되었고 대체로 Tough의 결과를 지지한다.

It has been four decades since the publication of Allen Tough’s seminal The Adult’s Learning Projects study (1971). Today, many adults continue to not realize the number of learning projects they undertake in a typical year. It is only through a process of prompting reflection that they become aware of their involvement in a multitude of projects. Tough’s study showed that adults spend a remarkable amount of time each year on major learning efforts. Tough (1978) realized that a typical learning effort requires 100 hours with the typical adult conducting five of them each year. Nearly 70% of these projects are planned by the learners, themselves. Numerous replications of this research with diverse samples since the original study have largely supported Tough’s findings.

자기주도학습과 학습프로젝트


SDL의 정의. 

Self-directed learning (SDL) refers to an educational process in which learners have the primary responsibility for their own educational experiences (Knowles, 1975). It is considered a learning practice in which an individual takes the initiative in identifying learning needs, preparing goals, determining resources, and evaluating outcomes (Ellinger, 2004). SDL has been identified as an approach to knowledge that relies on a person being both responsible for and able to be self-directed in their own learning.

Knowles의 정의. Knowles에 따르면 SDL은 학습자가 가장 관심을 가지는 부분은 교육방법을 활용하여 정보를 효과적으로 찾고 처리하여 학습을 촉진하는 것이라는 개념에 기초하고 있다. 그는 성인학습자는 자기주도성을 충분히 가지며, SDL은 성인학습의 주된 요소라고 하였다. Knowles는 Andragogy의 개념을 도입하였고, 이것을 "성인의 학습을 돕는 과학과 기술"이라고 정의하엿다. Knowles의 주요 가정 중 하나는 개인은 성장해감에 따라 빠르게 자기주도적이 된다는 것이다.

Knowles (1975) described SDL as a process initiated by the individual with or without the help of others to diagnose learning needs, formulate goals, identify resources, select and implement strategies, and evaluate outcomes. According to Knowles, SDL is based on the concept that it is in a learner’s best interest to utilize educational methods that encourage the ability to seek and process information effectively in promoting learning. He believed adults have a strong sense of self-direction and that SDL was a major component of adult learning. Knowles introduced the concept of andragogy, which he defined as “the art and science of helping adults learn” (Knowles, 1980, p. 43). One of Knowles’ major assumptions was that as individuals mature they become increasingly self-directed.

성인의 SDL을 더 잘 이해하기 위한 시도로서 Tough는 학습을 '학습을 위한 의도적, 비공식적 노력으로서, 학습자가 계획하고 통제하는 것' 이라고 했다. 어떤 학습프로젝트는 새로운 지식, 통찰, 이해를 얻기 위한 것이고, 다른 것은 개인의 기술을 향상시키기 위한 것이다. Tough는 성인의 학습을 시간간격을 둔 일련의 교육경험이라고 묘사하기도 했는데, '지속적 학습 노력(프로젝트)'라고 할 수 있는 것으로 최소 '7시간'을 언급했다. 서로 연관된 학습경험들이 모여서 학습 프로젝트를 이룰 수도 있다. 1971년 연구에서 Tough는 공식 교육은 성인들의 학습노력에 매우 작은 부분만을 차지한다고 말하며, 대부분의 학습은 성인의 독립적 노력에 의한 것이라고 했다.

As noted earlier, one of the first attempts to better understand SDL in adults was made by Tough (1971) as he described learning as an intentional, non-formal effort to learn that is planned and controlled by the learner. Some learning projects are efforts to gain new knowledge, insight, or understanding, while others are deliberate attempts to improve one’s skill performance. Tough continues to describe learning by adults as a series of educational experiences of varying time intervals. He established a time minimum of seven hours to help define what he referred to as a sustained learning project or effort. Related learning episodes taken together could also constitute a learning project. Through the 1971 study, Tough concluded that formal education was a small portion of learning efforts initiated by adults, and that the majority of learning is a result of adults’ independent efforts.

Tough의 원 연구에 기반하여 수많은 연구가 반복되었다.

Building on Tough’s original study, numerous researchers replicated the learning projects interview protocol.

많은 부분 Tough의 원 결과를 지지한다.

For the most part, this research supported Tough’s original finding that nearly all adults participate in some form of learning project during the course of a year, and that about 70% of these projects are self-planned.

여러 반복적 연구로 학습프로젝트의 빈도와 특성을 밝힌 뒤, 연구의 방향은 학습프로젝트 방법론으로 옮겨갔다. 1990년대 두 개 연구가 있다. Clardy는 직업 관련 학습프로젝트를 연구하여서 세 종류의 학습프로젝트가 있음을 밝혔다. 

  • (a) 유도된 induced 
  • (b) 협력적 synergistic
  • (c) 자발적 voluntary 

Once the frequency and nature of learning projects was established through many replications with a wide range of samples and settings, SDL research began to move in new directions and away from the learning projects methodology. Thus, by the mid-1980s, only a very limited number of learning projects studies was being conducted. In the 1990s, two studies were published that built on the learning projects approach. Clardy (1992, 2000) examined the vocation-related learning projects of 56 adults working in service organizations. Using grounded theory, he identified three types of learning projects: (a) induced, (b) synergistic, and (c) voluntary. 

Livingstone은 1562명의 캐나다 성인을 전화로 접촉하였다. 이 연구의 주 결과는 "대부분의 성인의 개인적/집단적 학습은 빙산에 비유할 수 있다. 표면적으로는 잘 관찰되지 않으며, 대부분이 비형식적(informal) 측면에 숨어있다"이다.

Livingstone (1999) developed an interview schedule that was heavily influenced by, but different from, Tough’s approach. Conducted as part of the New Approaches to Lifelong Learning (NALL) research network, 1,562 Canadian adults were contacted by telephone about their informal learning activities. The major findings from this study confirmed earlier research that “most adults’ individual and collective learning is comparable to an iceberg – mostly invisible at the surface and immense in it’s mostly submerged informal aspects” (p. 18).


In this exploratory study, we define learning project using Tough’s (1971) definition: “A series of related episodes, adding up to at least seven hours [in which] at least half of the learner’s time is to gain and retain a certain knowledge and skill” (p. 7).

자료 수집

Data Collection

7시간에 대한 Tough의 근거는 '하루 근무시간'이었고, 따라서 8시간으로 증가시킴. 

Closely following Tough’s (1971) understanding that time is an integral part of any deliberate learning effort or project, information regarding the number of hours spent on each project was collected. Tough chose seven hours as the minimum number for a learning project in the 1971 study because “a seven hour period is equivalent to one work day” (p. 14). For this project, that minimum number was increased to eight hours, which was deemed by the researchers as currently equivalent to one working day. Projects described as involving more than eight hours were followed up with a series of probing questions and multiple choice questions to better understand what was involved.

Clardy, A. (2000). Learning on their own: Vocationally oriented self-directed learning projects. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 11(2), 105-125.

Livingstone, D. W. (1999). Exploring the icebergs of adult learning: Findings of the first Canadian survey of informal learning practices. Ottawa, Ontario: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. (ERIC Document Reproduction Services No. 436 651).


C. Amelia Davis, Carrie Bailey, Mary Nypaver, Tracy Rees, and Ralph G. Brockett

There have been many changes in self-directed adult learning since Tough’s (1971) original study of adults’ learning projects. In an effort to understand the influence of the changes that have taken place over the past four decades, this study’s purpose was to revisit the learning project concept using an updated interview schedule reflecting changes in the area of technology. A pilot study of 40 graduate students was conducted using this updated version of the schedule. Study participants were found to be engaged in a variety of learning projects both within and outside of their academic studies. While the individual learner was the most frequently identified planner, the percentage of self-planned projects was lower than found in previous studies.

자기주도학습과 성격(Big five and Narrow Personality Traits) (IJSDL, 2010)


Jeral R. Kirwan, John W. Lounsbury, and Lucy W. Gibson 

Lounsbury 등의 연구는 성격5요인과 자기주도성관의 유의미한 상관관계를 보여주었다. 법률학적 네트워크를 보여주어쓴데, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Openness가 높았고 Neuroticism이 낮았다. 이는 경험적으로 자기주도학습 이론가들이 창의적 성취, 새로운 경험, 학습 프로젝트에 대한 학생 참여, 내적 동기, 자기인식을 강조한 것과 유사하다.

The results of the Lounsbury et al. (2009) study indicated that there was a significant relationship between the five-factor model of personality and learner self- direction. Their findings are important in that they further elucidate the nomological network for learner self-direction; in this case, that self-directed students displayed higher levels of Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, and Openness as well as lower levels of Neuroticism. These results also provide empirical support for self-direction in learning theorists who discuss the importance of such factors as creative achievements, new experience, and student participation in learning projects, intrinsic learning motivation, and self-concept (Hassan, 1982; Reynolds, 1986).

성격 척도

Personality Measure

Big Five and narrow traits assessed.

 Agreeableness: being agreeable, participative, helpful, cooperative, and inclined to interact with others harmoniously (coefficient alpha = .81) 

 Conscientiousness: being conscientious, reliable, trustworthy, orderly, and rule-following (coefficient alpha = .78) 

 Emotional Stability: overall level of adjustment and emotional resilience in the face of stress and pressure. We conceptualized this as the inverse of Neuroticism (coefficient alpha = .83) 

 Extraversion: tendency to be sociable, outgoing, gregarious, warmhearted, expressive, and talkative (coefficient alpha = .84)

• Openness: receptivity and Openness to change, innovation, new experience, and learning (coefficient alpha = .76) 

 Sense of Identity: knowing one’s self and where one is headed in life, having a core set of beliefs and values that guide decisions and actions; and having a sense of purpose (coefficient alpha = .77) 

 Optimism: having an optimistic, hopeful outlook concerning prospects, people, and the future, even in the face of difficulty and adversity as well as a tendency to minimize problems and persist in the face of setbacks (coefficient alpha = .83) 

 Tough-Mindedness: appraising information and making decisions based on logic, facts, and data rather than feelings, sentiments, values, and intuition (coefficient alpha = .75) 

 Work Drive: being hard-working, industrious, and inclined to put in long hours and much time and effort to reach goals and achieve at a high level (coefficient alpha = .85)

Learner self-direction items.

1. I regularly learn things on my own outside of class. 

2. I am very good at finding out answers on my own for things that the teacher does not explain in class. 

3. If there is something I don’t understand in a class, I always find a way to learn it on my own. 

4. I am good at finding the right resources to help me do well in school. 

5. I view self-directed learning based on my own initiative as very important for success in school and in my future career. 

6. I set my own goals for what I will learn. 

7. I like to be in charge of what I learn and when I learn it. 

8. If there is something I need to learn, I find a way to do so right away. 

9. I am better at learning things on my own than most students. 

10. I am very motivated to learn on my own without having to rely on other people.

본 연구의 결과는 Lounsbury의 결과를 지지한다. 외향성을 제외한 다른 모든 성격요인은 자기주도성과 유의한 관련이 있었다. 정서적안정의 정적 관계는 신경증의 부적 관계와 일치한다. 또한 자기주도성과 관련한 변인의 상당부분을 성격이 설명해준다는 것을 보여준 의의도 있다.

The findings of this study provide support for Lounsbury et al.’s (2009)summary “…of the importance and richness of the self-directed learning construct and provide strong support for its role as a personality trait…” (p. 417). All of the Big Five traits correlated significantly with learner self-direction, except for Extraversion.The significant, positive relationships between learner self-direction and Emotional Stability are consistent with Lounsbury, et al.’s correlational findings of a negative relationship between Neuroticism and learner self-direction. Moreover, the results of the present study indicate that the Big Five traits jointly explained a substantial amount of variance in learner self-direction, which provides additional support for the robustness of the Big Five model (e.g., De Raad, 2000; McCrae & Costa, 1997, 2003). 

고려해야 할 점이 있다. 평생발달적 관점에서, '정체성'에 대한 이슈는 주로 청소년기에 드러나는 반면, '성격(Big Five를 포함한)'에 관한 것은 만3세의 아이들에서도 Reliable한 것으로 보여진다. 따라서 성격요인이 자기주도학습성향에 선행한다는 것이 비논리적이지 않다. 또한 성격특성은 비교적 시간이 지나거나 상황이나 환경이 바뀌어도 일정한 것으로 보여진다.

Nevertheless, there are several considerations that point toward a conceptual model emphasizing the primacy of personality traits and portraying personality traits as leading to learner self-direction. From a lifespan-developmental perspective (e.g., Berger, 2001; Erickson, 1980) identity issues emerge primarily in adolescence, whereas personality traits, including constructs corresponding to the Big Five, have been reliably studied for children as young as age 3 (van Lieshout & Haselager, 1993, 1994); thus, it is not unreasonable to consider other personality traits as preceding learner self-direction. Moreover, personality traits are typically regarded as being relatively invariant or consistent over time and across situations and environmental or situational characteristics (e.g., Pervin & John, 1997).

만약 성격이 상황이나 시간의 변화에 상관없이 상대적으로 일정하다면, 그러나 자기주도성이 상황이나 시간에 따라 변한다면, 왜 성격과 자기주도학습성간의 관계가 상대적으로 일정한가에 대한 가장 논리적인 해석은 성격이 그 관계를 조절(driving)하기 때문이다라는 것이며, 성격이 자기주도성에 영향을 주는 것이지, 자기주도성이 성격에 영향을 주는 것은 아닐 것이다.

In view of the above, we suggest that if personality traits are relatively consistent for students across situations and over time, and if learner self-direction changes more across situations and over time, the most logical interpretation of why the personality trait--learner self-direction relationship is relatively consistent within and across such disparate factors as age and returning to college after a long break is because the personality traits are driving the relationship, which implies that other personality traits are affecting learner self-direction, not that learner self-direction is influencing other personality traits.


Jeral R. Kirwan, John W. Lounsbury, and Lucy W. Gibson 


Based on a sample of 2102 college students, learner self-direction was found to be significantly related to four of the Big Five traits: Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Emotional Stability, and Openness—as well as four narrow personality traits: Sense of Identity, Optimism, Tough-Mindedness, and Work Drive. Results of multiple regression analyses indicated that, after controlling for age, year in school, and sex, the Big Five traits accounted for 37% of the variance in learner selfdirection, with other narrow traits accounting for an additional 15% variance. A combination of six Big Five and other narrow traits account for over 52% of the variance in learner self-direction. It was suggested that other personality traits may be influencing learner self-direction. Results are discussed in terms of theoretical and methodological implications.

자기주도학습: 맞춤형 강의 - 대부분은 틀렸다! (IJSDL, 2011)

Self-Directed Learning: Individualizing Instruction– Most Still Do It Wrong!

Roger Hiemstra

교수자의 구체적 역할

Specific Instructional Roles

자기주도성에 대한 다섯 가지 가정을 세웠다.

From that effort I drew five conclusions related to self-direction and assuming personal responsibility for learning. They are abbreviated below:

1. 모든 성인은 학습에 있어서 자기주도적 참여, 개인적 헌신, 책임 능력이 있다.

1. All adults are capable of self-directed involvement in, personal commitment to, and responsibility for learning.

2. 성인학습자는 자신의 학습에 대한 개인적 책임을 질 능력이 있으며, 그 과정에서 점점 더 큰 책임이 요구된다.

2. Adult learners are capable of taking personal responsibility for their own learning and assuming an increasingly larger role in the instructional process. 

3. 학습과정을 학습자의 투입, 참여, 의사결정과 연결짓는 것이 매우 중요하다.

3. Linking the instructional process with learner inputs, involvement, and decision making is crucial. 

4. 학습자가 자기주도적이고자 하는 성향과 몇몇 성격특성과는 다양한 상관관계가 있다.

4. There are various links between an adult learner’s propensity to be self-directed and several personal attributes or characteristics. 

5. 자기주도학습은 어떤 곳에서든 가능하다.

5. Self-direction in learning can take place in any location.

그리고 개별화 과정을 기술하였다.

I then described the individualized process:

촉진자가 학습자를 처음 만나기 이전부터 교수자의 교수활동이 시작되며, 이는 최종 평가까지 이어진다.

The individualizing process includes six steps in which the facilitator becomes involved with instructional activities before any initial contact with learners occurs and the involvement continues through the final evaluation. 

1단계: 미팅에 앞선 몇 가지 활동들을 포함하며, 학습지원자료를 얻고, 학습가이드를 준비한다.

Step one involves several activities prior to meeting with any competencies or requirements, acquiring learning support materials, and preparing study guides. 

2단계: 신체적, 정서전, 사회환경적 요구에 관심을 기울인다.

Step two involves paying attention to physical, emotional, and social environmental needs (Hiemstra, 1991). 

3단계: 잠재적 교육요구와 주안점을 명확히 한다.

Step three requires that some initial time be spent clarifying probable educational needs and focal points. 

4단계: 학습자가 - 학습계약을 통해 - 읽기/쓰기/토론 등을 통해 지식을 쌓고 역량을 키워서 처음 정한 목표에 따라 활동을 설계한다.

Step four necessitates the identification of various ways learners [via learning contracts] can build knowledge or increase competencies through reading, writing, discussion, and design activities related to the needs they identified earlier. 

5단계: 전통적인 교육으로 시작한다. 모니터링하고 최초 계획에 따른 진행에 기여한다.

Step five in the process begins to parallel traditional instruction. It consists of monitoring and contributing to the progress of the initial planning efforts. 

6단계: 학습자로 하여금 자기평가/교수평가/과목평가를 하게 한다.

Step six entails facilitating learners in self, teacher, and course evaluation efforts. 

교육의 개별화 과정은 성인이 스스로 학습에 책임을 지게 함으로써 작동한다. 모든 상황에서 동등하게 효과적이지는 않을 수 있으나, 이 과정은 모든 사람이 자기주도적 참여를 할 능력이 있다는 믿음에 토대를 둔다. 

The individualizing instruction process works because it helps adults take responsibility for their own learning. It does not work equally well in every teaching situation, but its foundation in the belief that all people are capable of self-directed involvement with learning makes it a process that should be studied, understood, and tried. (Hiemstra, 1992, p. 335)

성인학습자의 학습책임을 촉진시키기 위한 여섯 개의 교수자 역할

From this work over the years have emerged six instructional roles that I believe provide the foundation for promoting personal responsibility among adult learners:

1. Content resource—

Sharing expertise and knowledge with learners through written material, web pages, presentations, face to face or online discussions, and some one-on-one advising, conversations, counseling, and coaching (Posner, 2009). 

2. Resource locator—

Locating and sharing various learning resources to meet needs identified and emerging during a learning experience. These can be written materials, Internet resources, and facilitating people-oriented experiences such as agency audits or visits, mini-internships, and talking with topic specialists. 

3. Interest stimulator—

Arranging for and employing, face to face or online, various resources and learning experiences designed to maintain learner interest such as gaming devices, small group discussions, online asynchronous forums, guest presenters, and humorous PPT presentations.

4. Positive attitude generator—

Helping learners via constructive feedback, personal encouragement, positive reinforcement, and extensive critique of written material. 

5. Creativity and critical thinking stimulator—

Stimulating a learner's creative and critical thinking skills through discussions (face-to-face or online), face-to-face or electronic study groups, journal writing, interactive reading logs, role playing, and simulation of real-life experiences. Additional means include helping learners develop web pages, blogs, and wikis as a means of sharing what they have developed. 

6. Evaluation stimulator—

Evaluating learner progress and stimulating self- evaluation by learners. The learning contract provides opportunities for learners to think about how they can use an instructor, colleagues, and others to enhance personal evaluation of their learning efforts.

Eneau는 자율과 자기주도학습이 사회적 요구와의 관계 속에 고려되어야 한다고 말한다.

Eneau (2008), a French adult educator, cautions that autonomy and self-directed learning must be considered in relation to societal as well as an individual’s needs:

성인학습자를 보다 자율적으로 만들고, 그 자율성을 인식하고 지원해주는 것은 다른 사람들이 그 사회를 구성하는 구조 안에서 올바른 자리를 찾을 수 있게 해주는 것이다. 따라서 한 사람이 있어야 할 곳과 그 사람의 책임에 대한 질문을 던지는 것이고, 어떻게 우리가 함께 살아가야 하는지에 대한 새로운 모델을 만들게 돕는 것이다.

To help an adult to be autonomous, to recognize and support autonomy (to become a person), is then to help the other find a rightful place in the construction of a communal society, and therefore to question one’s own place and one’s responsibility as an educator to help build a new model of how we are to live together. (p. 246)

Francom은 성인에게 학습에 대한 책임을 가지게 하는 네 가지 원칙을 제시함. 

Francom (2010) provides four principles for helping adults better transition to taking on more responsibility for their own learning that provide an appropriate ending for this article. They are as follows:

1. 한 학습활동에서 요구되는 자기주도학습자로서의 수준과 실제로 학생들이 가진 수준을 맞춘다.

1. Match the level of self-directed learning required in learning activities to student readiness. 

2. 주도권이 서서히 교수자에서 학생에게 넘어가게끔 한다.

2. Progress from teacher to student direction of learning over time. 

3. 내용지식과 자기주도학습기술을 함께 익히게 한다.

3. Support the acquisition of subject matter knowledge and self-directed learning skills together. 

4. 학습과제를 하는 와중에 자기주도학습을 수행하게 한다.

4. Have adults practice self-directed learning in the context of learning tasks. (pp. 33-36)

Self-Directed Learning: Individualizing Instruction– Most Still Do It Wrong!

Roger Hiemstra

During the first International Self-directed Learning Symposium in 1986 I described a teaching and learning process called individualizing instruction. I had experienced the viability of the process then and still do based on the past nearly four decades of developing and using it. However, I have observed that many teachers of adults today, even given all the self-directed learning knowledge that has developed, do not employ aspects of the process. Many appear to fall back on teaching that was modeled by their own teachers. The intent of article is to describe this situation, detail what still needs to be done in promoting instruction that helps learners take increased responsibility for their own learning, and challenge readers to help make use of individualizing instruction more widespread.

자기주도학습성과 문화와 경제 지표와 관련성(IJSDL, 2011)

An Exploration of Cultural Dimensions and Economic Indicators As Predictors of Self-Directed Learning Readiness

Paul J. Guglielmino and Lucy M. Guglielmino

국제적 차원에서, 유네스코는 "Revisiting Lifelong Learning for the 21st Century" 보고서를 발간하였다. 이렇게 주장한다.

At the global level, Revisiting Lifelong Learning for the 21st Century, a publication of the UNESCO Institute for Education (Medel-Añonuevo, Ohsako, & Mauch, 2001), asserts:

ICT가 우리의 사회에 점점 더 파고들수록, 개개인의 학습에 대한 역할이 더 강조된다. 국제화로 인해서 새로운 기술과 역량의 습득은 더욱 더 중요해졌다. 오늘날, 불과 5년전과 비교해도 같은 삶과 직무스킬을 가지는 것 만으로는 충분하지 못하다. 학습하는 법을 학습하는 것, 문제해결법을 익히는 것, 비판적 이해와 예측학습 등은 모든 사람에게 요구되는 역량 중 아주 일부에 해당할 뿐이다. 우리는 여전히 향후 20년간 이뤄질 무역과 직업 중 60%에 대해서 전혀 모른다.

As information and communication technologies (ICTs) permeate our societies and communities, the role of the individual learner is highlighted. Globalization has produced outcomes and processes which make the learning of new skills and competencies of paramount importance. Today it is no longer enough to have the same living and working skills one had five years ago. Learning to learn, problem solving, critical understanding and anticipatory learning - these are only a few of the core skills and competencies needed for all, at a time when 60% of trades and jobs to be performed in the next two decades or so are not yet known. (p. i)

이 분석에서는 또한 다음과 같이 말한다.

The analysis also notes, 

평생학습은 근래 점점 더 개개인에게 초점을 맞추고 있다. 학습자의 평생학습 책임을 강조하는 것은 더 많은 주체성(agency)를 개개인에 부여하는 것이며, 이는 구조나 기관에게 책임을 맡기는 평생교육과는 상반된다.

“…Lifelong learning as it is presently promoted has become more individual-oriented…. The emphasis of lifelong learning on the learner could be interpreted as assigning more agency to individuals in contrast to lifelong education’s thrust on structures and institutions” (p. 4). 

개개인이 자신의 학습에 더 책임을 져야 한다는 것은 EU의 보고서에서 더 강조되고 있으며, 경제적 성장과도 명백한 관련이 있다.

The recognition of the need for individuals to assume more responsibility for their own learning is even more pronounced in the work of the European Union (European Commission, 2006) and is more explicitly linked to economic well-being.

연구의 목적

The purpose of this study was to determine whether the self-directed learning readiness of country samples could be predicted by Hofstede’s cultural dimensions scores for power distance (PD) or individualism (IN) or by the economic indicators of gross national income per capita (GNIPC) or gross domestic product per capita (GDPPC).


Instruments and Assessments

국가 문화에 대한 호프스테드 척도

Hofstede’s Dimensions of National Cultures.

국가를 분류하는 네 가지 기준이 있다.

The values that distinguished countries (rather than individuals) from each other grouped statistically into four clusters. These became the Hofstede dimensions of national culture: 

    • Power Distance, 
    • Uncertainty Avoidance, 
    • Individualism versus Collectivism, and 
    • Masculinity versus Femininity. 

Between 1990 and 2002, these dimensions were largely replicated in six other cross-national studies on very different populations from consumers to airline pilots. (Hofstede, 2011, p.1)

Power Distance. 권력에서 낮은 위치에 있는 사람이 권력이 불균등하게 분포되어있다고 생각하는 정도. PD가 높은 나라에서는 지도자 뿐 아니라 일반인들도 불평등이 심하다고 생각한다.

Power distance refers to the extent to which the less powerful members of organizations and institutions accept and expect that power is distributed unequally. In cultures with a high level of power distance, the society's level of inequality is endorsed by the followers as much as by the leaders.

Individualism. 집단주의에 반대되는 것으로서, 개개인이 그룹으로 통합되는 수준을 말한다. 

Individualism and its opposite, collectivism, represent the degree to which individuals are integrated into groups. 

    • In highly individualist societies the ties between individuals are loose: everyone is expected to look after her/himself and her/his immediate family. 
    • In collectivist societies, people are integrated from birth into strong, cohesive in-groups, often extended families that protect them in exchange for unquestioning loyalty. Collectivism in this dimension refers to the group, not the state; it has no political meaning.


The Self-Directed Learning Readiness Scale (SDLRS).

Developed by L. Guglielmino (1978), the SDLRS is a 58-item, Likert-type instrument designed to assess individual attitudes, values, skills, and personality characteristics supportive of self- direction in learning. The self-scoring form is called the Learning Preference Assessment (Guglielmino & Guglielmino, 1991).

신뢰도, 검사-재검사 계수

Reported reliability figures (Cronbach alpha) range from .72 to .94. Finestone (1984) and Wiley (1981) reported test-retest reliability coefficients of .82 and .79 respectively. Based on a population of 3,151 individuals from the United States and Canada, a split-half Pearson product moment correlation with a Spearman-Brown correction produced a reliability figure of .94 (Guglielmino & Guglielmino, 1991).

Data Sources

17개국, 7355명 대상

SDLRS mean scores were obtained from studies previously conducted in 17 countries. The original researchers collected data from 7,355 individuals. All of the subjects were adults in educational settings or in the workplace.


Self-Directed Learning Readiness and Individualism

Self-Directed Learning Readiness and Power Distance

Self-Directed Learning Readiness and Income

Self-Directed Learning Readiness and Productivity

Conclusions and Discussion

문화와 자기주도학습성향

Cultural Dimensions and Self-Directed Learning Readiness

본 연구 대상자의 결과에 따르면, 개인주의와 권력거리는 SDLRS과 유의한 관계가 있다. 개인주의가 높은 경우 SDLRS가 더 높다. 자기와 자기 가족에 대한 책임이 높아지는 것이며, 더 큰 집단에서 자신을 보호해줄 것이라는 기대가 낮은 것이다. 

Based on the samples studied, there are significant predictive relationships between the cultural dimensions of Individualism and Power Distance and readiness for self-directed learning. As one might logically predict, countries with higher scores for Individualism have higher mean scores for self-directed learning readiness. It is natural that when individuals take the responsibility for providing for themselves and their immediate families and do not have a strong expectation that a larger reference group will aid and protect them, they are more likely to exhibit the characteristics associated with a high level of self-directed learning readiness.

호프스테드의 정의에 따르면, 개인주의는 이기적인 것을 나타내거나, 다른 사람을 희생시키는 것이 아니다. 그보다는 높은 개인주의는 더 큰 집단에 대한 충성을 조건으로 지원을 받기를 기대하기보다는 자신과 가족에 대한 책임을 인정하는 것이다. 사실, SDLRS에 높은 점수를 받은 일부 개인과 집단은 다른 사람을 돕는 것도 열심히 하는 것으로 나온다.

Based on Hofstede’s definitions, Individualism should not be seen as a selfish focus on oneself and one’s family at the expense of others; rather, high Individualism scores reflect an acceptance of responsibility for providing for oneself and one’s family without the expectation that some larger entity will provide support in return for allegiance. In fact, some of the individuals and groups with the highest recorded SDLRS scores are in positions devoted to helping others, as documented in Liddell’s (2007) research with heads of charitable foundations;

권력거리(PD)가 큰 나라에서는 SDLRS가 낮았다. 인구집단의 많은 사람들이 다른 사람보다 권력을 덜 가지고 있다고 생각하거나 이러한 권력의 불균등함을 인정하는 사람이 그것을 노력으로 바꿀 수 있다고 믿지 않는 것도 당연해보인다. 개인의 독립적 학습에 대한 동기가 낮아질 수 밖에 없다.

In contrast to the strong positive relationship with Individualism, in countries in which there is a large discrepancy in the power of various levels of society and those who are at lower levels accept and expect these power differences, the levels of readiness for self-directed learning are lower. It appears logical that if large portions of the population see themselves as having less power or status than others and either accept this unequal balance of power as the natural order of things that will never change or believe that they are unable to change it, regardless of the effort expended; their independent thought, initiative, and the drive for independent learning would be lessened.

SDLRS는 workplace performance나 higher levels of management와 연관되어 있으며, SDLRS가 높은 두 집단이 미국 사업가 혹은 여성CEO인 것에서 SDLRS가 국가의 경제지표와 연관된 것도 놀랍지는 않다.

Since levels of readiness for SDL have been found in previous studies to correlate with workplace performance (Durr, 1992; Guglielmino & Guglielmino, 1983, 2008; Hillard & Guglielmino, 2007; Oliveira, et al., 2010; Roberts, 1986, Zsiga, 2007) and higher levels of management (Durr, 1992; Liddell, 2007; Roberts, 1986) and two of the samples with the highest levels of readiness for SDL were top U.S. entrepreneurs (Guglielmino & Klatt, 1994) and top female corporate executives (Guglielmino, L., 1996), the strong relationship between self-directed learning readiness of country samples and economic indicators of those countries is not surprising.

다음과 같은 연구를 해 볼 필요가 있을 것이다. 국가적으로 현재 SDL을 촉진하고자 하는 한국이나 말레이시아에서 장기적으로 변화(문화, 경제지표)의 변화가 있을까?

Research to address the following question also appears to be merited: In countries where a national effort is currently being made to promote self-directed learning, such as Malaysia and Korea, can long-term changes in self-directed learning readiness of country samples, cultural values, or economic indicators be documented?

높은 SDLRS는 다음과 연관된다.

In addition, higher levels of self-directed learning readiness are not only associated with 

  • positive personal characteristics or conditions such as life satisfaction (Brockett, 1982), 
  • flexibility and creativity (Torrance & Mourad, 1978a, 1978b), 
  • emotional intelligence (Muller, 2007); 
  • on a country level, they are also very closely associated with higher levels of income and productivity.

Knowles는 30년 전에 이미 이렇게 말했다.

Malcolm Knowles (1975) presciently observed more than 30 years ago:

"왜" 자기주도학습이 필요하냐는 질문에 대한 답은 "생존"이다. 개인으로서의 생존, 인류의 생존. 우리가 말하는 것은 '하면 좋은 것' 또는 '바람직한 것'이 아니다. 우리는 아주 기초적인 인간의 역량 - 스스로 배울 수 있는 능력 - 에 대해 말하고 있고, 이 새로운 세계에서 어느 순간 필수적인 것이 된 그것이다.

The “why” of self-directed learning is survival—your own survival as an individual, and also the survival of the human race. Clearly, we are not talking here about something that would be nice or desirable….We are talking about a basic human competence—the ability to learn on one’s own—that has suddenly become a prerequisite for living in this new world. (pp. 16-17)

European Commission. (2006). Adult learning: It is never too late to learn. Brussels, Belgium: Commission of the European Communities.

European Commission on Education and Training. (2007). Key competences for lifelong learning: European reference framework. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. Retrieved from http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/education_culture/documents/publications/keycomp_lifetime_en.pdf

Medel-Añonuevo, C., Ohsako, T., & Mauch, W. (2001). Revisiting lifelong learning for the 21st century. Hamburg, Germany: UNESCO Institute for Education. Retrieved from http://www.unesco.org/education/uie/pdf/revisitingLLL.pdf

An Exploration of Cultural Dimensions and Economic Indicators As Predictors of Self-Directed Learning Readiness

Paul J. Guglielmino and Lucy M. Guglielmino

This study explored Hofstede’s (2011) cultural dimensions scores for Power Distance and Individualism and the economic indices of gross national income per capita (GNIPC) and gross domestic product per capita (GDPPC) as possible predictors of self-directed learning readiness in 17 country samples. The predictive relationships were significant and exceeded Cohen’s (1992) criterion for a large effect size for each regression. The variance accounted for was also significant for each variable. The relationship with Power Distance was negative; the others were positive

일본의 의학교육: 의료시스템에 관한 과제(Med Teach, 2008)

Medical education in Japan: A challenge to the healthcare system


1Gifu University School of Medicine, Japan, 2Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

일본의 지리적 특성(면적 등), 인구, 지형

Japan is located in Far East Asia, and is composed of four major islands and more than 6800 smaller islands. With a land mass the size of Germany (378,000Km2) and a north-south distance of 3000km, its 128 million population live in a country that is 70% mountain, forest and rural areas.

일본의 인구구조 변화(노령화 등)

Japan’s elderly population is growing fast (20.8% of population over 65 years in 2006), whilst the percentage of children less than 15 years is decreasing (13.6% in 2007) (Annual Report on Health, Labour and Welfare in Japan 2007). It is estimated from the same report that in 2055, more than 40% of the population will be greater than 65 years, whilst children and teenagers, less than 15 years, will constitute only 10% of the population. These changes will have an effect upon the health needs of the Japanese population. At present, 98% of Japan’s residents are Japanese, the other 2% being of Korean, Chinese or Brazilian extraction.

일본 의학의 역사

History of medicine in Japan

한의학과 중의학

Korean and Chinese medicine

One of the first descriptions of medicine in Japan was in the 5th century, when Koreans introduced their approach to medicine. In the 7th century, Japanese intellectuals journeyed to China to study economics and medicine. The first official facility for ill patients was built in the 8th century and the first medical system was introduced. The disabled, the severely ill and their care-givers were given exemption from tax, labour and military service!

서양의학의 도입

Introduction of western medicine

The first contact with European medicine was in the 16th century, when Portuguese monks introduced new surgical techniques and built the first western-style hospital. However, the Tokugawa feudal government feared the Christian religion and closed the country except for visitors from Holland, China and Korea. As could be expected, Dutch medicine reigned in the 17th and 18th Centuries the first anatomical text translated for use by Japanese doctors was ‘Tafel Anatomie’ in 1774.

Seishu Hanaoka, a Japanese surgeon, who learned both Dutch and traditional medicine, developed general anaesthetic agents from herbal material, performing breast surgery using these agents. This was 40 years before ether anaesthesia was introduced by Morton in Boston, USA.

The first western style medical school was established in Nagasaki in 1857, under the direction of two Dutch doctors, Pompe and Bauduin.


Modern medicine

1868 brought the new Meiji Government, effectively abolishing the Tokugawa feudal and samurai system and replacing it with a western-style culture. English and German doctors were invited to teach and related to the politics at the time, the German system dominated and strongly influenced the system of medical education. Nine imperial (Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka, Kyushu, Hokkaido, Nagoya, Seoul in Korea, and Taipei in Taiwan) and 6 national medical schools were established in the late 19th, early 20th centuries.

2차대전 이후

Post World War II

After 1945 the governments of the Allied Forces reconstructed the political and social structure of Japan, and new laws and actions were implemented, having a great and positive effect upon health. In 1961 a new insurance scheme was introduced for all Japanese people ensuring that all were at least partly compensated for their healthcare. The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare controls healthcare policy, whilst the Ministry of Education covers the educational policy. In 1969, out of a group of faculty with similar interest, the Japanese Society for Medical Education (JSME) was established.

일본의 헬스케어

Healthcare in Japan

The World Health Organization report of 2000 (WHO 2000) ranked Japan’s healthcare system the highest in the world. The infant mortality rate had fallen to 2.8 per 1000 births from the previous century, life expectancy had increased (females: 85.8 years, males: 79 years) (Journal of Health and Welfare Statistics 2007). At the beginning of the millennium, life was looking good for Japan.

However, serious problems are beginning to arise. Japan is becoming the most aged population of the world; major causes of morbidity and mortality are malignancy, cerebro- vascular and cardiovascular disease all of which strain the health economics of the country. New but expensive preventative approaches are needed and the increase of the nuclear family means an increase in support institutions (Annual Report on Health, Labour and Welfare in Japan 2007). Conversely there is a decrease in the total fertility rate from 3.65 in 1950 to 1.32 in 2006 (Journal of Health and Welfare Statistics 2007). Psychological illness is increasing, possibly related to the pressures of a modern life-style and its financial strain.

Healthcare system

The National and local governments, employers (companies), and their employees financially support the Japanese social health insurance scheme. Employees pay around 5%–10% of their earnings into an insurance scheme that pays for anything over 30% of adults’, 20% of children’s and 10% of the elderly’s healthcare. However, this scheme is only available to those who can pay into it and leaves may people without healthcare cover. This scheme unconventionally covers both the private and public systems of healthcare delivery. At present Japan lies 21st out of 30 in the league table of OECD countries for health expenditure (OECD 2007).

Medical staff

The total number of doctors in Japan is around 270,000, with a ratio of 2.1 doctors per approx. 1000 population. Although this ranks 27th out of 30 OECD countries (OECD 2007) it is made even worse by the diverse distribution of medical staff (11 per 1000 in Tokyo, 0.4 per 1000 in North East Japan). Healthcare in the remote and rural areas is critical and has led to the development of one school especially designed for training rural doctors (Jichi Medical University 2008).

General practitioners are still very few in Japan and a new training programme and academy for family medicine is about to be introduced (Yoshimura et al. 2008).

Japanese tend to select their own practitioner, by word of mouth and professional recommendation, and often in a private clinic if they can afford it. A heavy workload, an increase in medical litigation, and a limited income in the public sector have led the doctors to the private sector, and this has led to a shortage in public facilities. A shortage of obstetricians causes labouring patients to travel far from their hometown. The lack of staff such as paediatricians and anaesthetists is putting a major strain on healthcare and medical education alike.

의과대학과 의과대학생

Medical schools and students

There are 80 medical schools in Japan, of which 43 are national (including National Defense Medical College), 8 are public (belonging to a specific prefecture or municipality), and 29 are private.

All of the schools adopt a six year course for those doing well from secondary school; all tuition is in Japanese. In 2004, all of the national schools were reorganized into independent organizations under the National University Corporation, which however is still under Governmental control.

Jichi Medical School, formed by an alliance of 47 local governments is a unique school, solely for the purpose of training rural doctors. The numbers of students entering medical schools has changed over the years. The 1960s saw an increase to cope with the shortage of doctors. A perception that there would be too many doctors for the 21st century, led to the number falling again, but then rising in the early part of this century to cope with the impending healthcare problems. 2006 saw a governmental policy actively recruiting and supporting students from each schools’ local area, offering financial support from local government if students continue to work in that area, post graduation. 

Tuition fees for national and public schools are approx. 500,000 JPY (£2500) per year, much higher in the private schools. Jichi Medical School’s fees are exempt for students who continue to work in a rural area. The average staff number in most schools is about 250 (Medical School White Paper 2005), inclusive of basic science and clinical staff. This is much lower than seen in western schools and each school relies heavily on part-time staff.


Student selection

Medicine is extremely popular as a career choice in Japan making the entrance examination highly competitive. Ninety percent of students are from secondary school, 10% are from college graduates (36 schools offer a 4 or 5 year graduate entry programme, to a total of 250 students (Yagi 2006)).

Most students are accepted through a common national entrance examination (National Centre for University Entrance Examinations 2008), whilst 13% are accepted through combi- nations of interview, written work, recommendations and previous community activities. Student places for working in rural areas is increasing (56 in 2005, to over 500 presently). Female students, although increasing in number, still only constitute 30% of the total number, and foreign graduate are rare because of the language problems.


Undergraduate medical education

Pre 1980s

The curriculum tended to be very traditional: 

      • 2 years for general education in basic science, arts and language; 
      • two and half years pre-clinical medical sciences and 
      • one year clinical training in an observational style. There was very little hands- on skill learning.

Post 1980s

As in many schools throughout the world, Japan underwent major reforms in its curricula in the 1990s. There was a blurring of the pre-clinical divide, learning became more contextual and opportunities to learn in different environments were created (Goto 2006).

Problem – based learning (PBL)

Again, like many western schools, PBL was introduced as a vehicle for learning. Tokyo Women’s’ Medical School was the first to adopt PBL in 1990, followed by Gifu (Suzuki et al. 2003) and Mie in 1995, so that now 75 (94%) of the schools in Japan use PBL, the length of time it is used varying from 10 weeks only, up to more than 60 weeks (Med School White Paper 2005). As per most schools the number of staff required for PBL is proving difficult, and not always accepted in a population very much used to didactic teaching.

Common Achievement Test (CAT)

The CAT was introduced in 2005 to ensure a common level of competency before the students enter the clinical years. Although operated through an independent organisation, supported CAT is by all Japanese medical schools. The summative process consists of a computer based test (multiple choice) and an Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) (Sato 2002; Onishi & Yoshida 2004; Kozu 2006). Medical Schools throughout Japan contribute to the questions and act as external examiners.

Medical simulation

Driven by a need to improve competency and real-life medical learning, most Japanese schools have developed clinical skills laboratories together with cohorts of simulated, standardized patients (Ban 2006); more than 59 simulated patient groups are operative at present. (Abe et al. 2007).

Clinical teaching and learning

The extension in time and the new approaches to clinical teaching has been a significant event in Japanese medical education (Abe 2006). The total period of clinical learning averages about 46 weeks (32–69), and although still shorter than most western schools, it represents a major achievement and fulfils many of the learning gaps highlighted by Kozu (Kozu 2006) in describing the clinical deficits of graduating students. At the present time, ‘clinical clerkships’ are still too short (Suzuki et al. 2008) and learning opportunities to superficial.

The teaching environment

Teaching traditionally has taken place in large teachinghospitals, but the introduction of a new residency programmein 2004, which accepted community hospitals and clinics as viable training areas, has led to undergraduate educationmoving in to these newenvironments. However, again a majorhurdle is the availability of trained staff to teach as moredoctors become dissatisfied with the public sector. 

National licensing examination

In 1946, under the jurisdiction of the General Headquarters of Allied Forces, a National Medical Licensing Examination was introduced, and is still in place. At the end of year 6, allstudents embark on a major examination over three days. Fivehundred MCQ questions are set, covering public health toclinical medicine; 50% of the questions are basic clinical knowledge and 50% are case based clinical vignettes. The passrate is around 90% under and the introduction of an OSCEexamination is discussion (Hatao 2006). As oneimagines, the final year of medical school is often dominatedby this high stakes examination, and at the expense of clinicallearning. 

Postgraduate medical education

From 1968 until the reform of 2004, there was no internship or pre-registration year. Prior to 1968, medical students spent one year post graduation as an intern; the system eventually became unstable and collapsed. From 1968 until 2004, it was possible to progress from university graduation straight into specialty training, a situation which only changed after public criticism of the general competencies of Japanese doctors.

The new residency programme was introduced in 2004(Tanabe 2006), when all graduating medical students have to spend two years rotating through the main specialties, in approved teaching and community hospitals. Salaries are about 4 million Yen per year and ‘moonlighting’ is prohibited. However, these new internships created a serious phenomenon of lack of staff both in the local university teaching hospitals and in rural hospitals, as more residents seek work in well-known teaching hospitals in urban areas. 

Upon completion of the two year residency programme, the interns enter into one of many higher training schemes,and as is common in many other countries, certain specialties, paediatrics, obstetrics, anaesthesia and accident and emergency medicine fail to attract many applicants. At present Japan is witnessing the closure of many smaller hospitals, with patients traveling long distances for consultation and treatment.

Graduate School of Medicine

Japanese medicine has previously been dominated by universities and research orientated programmes. So much so that all Japanese medical schools have a graduate school with 4 year PhD programmes. The total number of places is about 5000 per year, with approximately 3400 gaining their PhD yearly (Kitamura 2006). Applicants are either post residency doctors, foreign graduates from mainly Asian countries and para-medical scientists. This healthy situation continues to place Japan high amongst the world rankings formedical research, but as younger doctors now prefer a quick acceleration into a clinical specialty, it is hard to predict how long such a status will exist.

Faculty training

The Japanese Society of Medical Education (JSME) and the Japan Medical Education Foundation have been the two major organizations responsible for faculty training and have shared their work. Additionally, these last ten years have seen 50 medical schools develop their own units or departments of medical education, along with the reform of medical education. Two national centres have also been established;the Medical Education Development Centre (MEDC) at Gifu,mainly involved with faculty training in teaching methodology,and the Tokyo Centre for Education Research in Medicine and Dentistry (CERMeD), mainly dealing with student assessment.The Tokyo International Research Centre for Medical Education (IRCME) contributes to international collaborations.

Research activities

At present the membership of JSME is approximately 2000 and at their annual meeting, 300 papers on educational research are presented. The official journal of JSME is published presented bi-monthly with 30–40 peer reviewed articles every year. At present the journal is published in Japanese,causing difficulty in attracting international authors, or disseminating the journal more widely. However recent times have seen a call for papers written in English, and a new international section of both the annual meeting and the journal has been introduced. 

The future of Japanese medical education

 2008;30(9-10):846-50. doi: 10.1080/01421590802298207.

Medical education in Japan: a challenge to the healthcare system.

Author information

  • 1Gifu University School of Medicine, Yanagidol-l, Gifu, Japan. ysuz@gifu-u.ac.jp


In response to a change in health and societal need, the system of medical education in Japan has undergone major reform within the last two decades. Although the general health status of Japanese citizens ranks amongst the highest in the world, a rapidly increasingly elderly population, a social insurance system in crisis and a decrease in the number of practicing physicians is severely affecting this enviable position. To compensate, the Government has reversed its previous decision to reduce the number of doctors. Concomitantly, public opinion is changing to that of support and sympathy for the practicing physician. In order to produce a new breed of future doctors, Japanese medical education has undergone major reform: problem-based learning and clinical skills development has been instituted in most medical schools, more rigid assessment methods, ensuring competency and fitness to practice have been introduced, and there has been an increase in purposeful clinical attachments with a hands-on approach rather than a traditional observation model. A new postgraduate residency programme, introduced in 2004, hopes to improve general competency levels, while medical schools throughout the country are paying attention to modern medical education and faculty development.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

한-중-일 의학교육 시스템 비교(Neuroint, 2013)

Comparison of Medical Education and Requirements for Training in the Interventional Neuroradiology in China, Japan and Korea

Lin Bo Zhao, MD1, 2, Shigeru Miyachi, MD3, Hai Bin Shi, MD2, Dae Chul Suh, MD1

The difference between China and the other two countries is that there are several education paths in Chinese medical schools, which are listed in Table 1 [8].

Similar with Japan, there is an obligatory initial postgraduate clinical training program which lasts two years.

 2013 Feb;8(1):3-8. doi: 10.5469/neuroint.2013.8.1.3. Epub 2013 Feb 28.

Comparison of medical education and requirements for training in the interventional neuroradiology in china,Japan and Korea.

Author information

  • 1Department of Radiology and Research Institute of Radiology, University of Ulsan, College of Medicine, Asan Medical Center, Korea. ; Department of Radiology, First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, China.


The interventional neuroradiology (INR, or neurointerventional surgery) became a rapidly emerging specialty since the first Working group inInterventional Neuroradiology (WIN) meeting was held in Santa Barbara in 1980 by 15 pioneers. Although the specialty has been led by neuroradiologists, other specialists of neurosurgery and neurology have become involved. Due to diverse background of the specialties with inadequate requirement of education and training, proper level of training standard and quality assurance may be achieved for outcomes of treated patients with neurovascular diseases. In East Asia, there are less inter-relationship of education and training among ChinaJapan and Korea when compared to the learning opportunities in western countries from the three nations. Therefore, we present the current status and difference of medicaleducation system and compare INR training to improve understanding of INR development in the adjacent countries.


Interventional neuroradiologyMedical EducationTraining


Free PMC Article

전통적 임상의학교육의 개선: TMDU의 경험 (Med Teach, 2009)

Reform of a traditional clinical curriculum in Japan: Experiences at Tokyo Medical and Dental University


1Harvard Medical School, USA, 2Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Japan

Introduction Historically, Japanese undergraduate clinical training has consisted of students’ observations of clinicians’ work. Under the direction of the 1948 Japanese Medical Practitioner Law, any one who did not hold a physician’s license could not perform medical acts. As a result, the traditional clinical learning environment was akin to an observership. Traditional societal expectation has been that students will not be involved in direct patient care. In 1991, the Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare redefined the medical acts in which medical students were allowed to legally participate (Ministry of Health and Welfare 1994). This legislative change provided incentives for the creation of clerkships in which students could participate in clinical medicine under structured guidance (Kozu 2006; Coordinating Council on Medical and Dental Education 2007; Plotnikoff & Amano 2007).

Tokyo Medical and Dental University (TMDU), established in 1946, enrolled over 200 students at the time of this study. In 2006, TMDU, in collaboration with Harvard Medical International (HMI), initiated a reform of TMDU’s traditional undergraduate clinical curriculum.

 2009 Oct;31(10):947-9. doi: 10.3109/01421590902799302.

Reform of a traditional clinical curriculum in Japanexperiences at Tokyo Medical and Dental University.

Author information

  • 1Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 02115, USA. sefarrell@partners.org



Until recently, Japanese legislative guidelines dictated that undergraduate clinical training consisted of students' observations of clinicians' work. In 2006, Tokyo Medical and Dental University initiated a reform of their traditional undergraduate clinical curriculum. The reformintegrated students into patient care teams, and included the implementation of a clinical faculty 'tutor'.


This short communication describes a formative assessment of the reform work.


In 2007, students, residents, and tutors were surveyed to determine their perceptions of students' integration into clinical activities, and patients' acceptance of students in their medical care. An external consultant observed students' patient care activities, and assessed the methods of and perceived barriers to clinical teaching.


Surveys indicated that students were most engaged in history-taking, procedures, and case presentations. Observations revealed students' activities and teaching to be focused on students' case presentations. Perceived barriers to teaching included insufficient time and personnel. Respondents felt that patients were accepting students in their clinical care.


This clinical reform effort includes an increase in students' interactions with patients through history-taking, and teaching through case presentations.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

왜 학생들이 의학교육에 참여하는가? (Clin Teach, 2015)

Why do students participate in medical education?

Hirohisa Fujikawa 1 , Jeffery Wong 2 , Hiroki Kurihara 3 , Kiyoshi Kitamura 4 and Hiroshi Nishigori 5

1 Department of Medicine , Suwa Central Hospital , Nagano , Japan

2 Division of General Internal Medicine & Geriatrics , Medical University of South Carolina , Charleston , USA

3 Department of Molecular Cell Biology , University of Tokyo , Japan

4 International Research Center for Medical Education , University of Tokyo , Japan

5 Center for Medical Education , Kyoto University , Japan

Medical education in Japan has experienced rapid change in recent times. Some of these changes include the institution of formal rotating internships in postgraduate training, beginning in 2004, and the introduction of a nationwide objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) and computer- based test (CBT), beginning in 2005. 1 In 2013, work began on developing a national accreditation system for undergraduate medical education. These changes have infl uenced the way that faculty members approach curriculum reform. As an example, medical students have recently become more involved in curriculum development in some, but not all, Japanese medical schools. Furthermore, the importance of student engagement in curriculum development is one of the basic tenets stated in the World Federation of Medical Education (WFME) global standards for quality improvement (World Federation of Medical Education; 2012). 2


Previously, student engagement at the University of Tokyo was not the norm because of strained relationships between students and faculty members, stemming from protest incidents in the 1960s. 3 After nearly 50 years of little to no involvement in curriculum planning, medical students at the University of Tokyo formed a group whose aim was to actively contribute towards planning and improving medical education at their school, with a little assistance from faculty members at the Centre for Medical Education. The University of Tokyo Student Group for Medical Education (UTSME) comprised between fi ve and 10 volunteer members in total from every year.


A grounded theory methodology was used for this preliminary qualitative study. 5 From January to May 2012 at the University of Tokyo, the fi rst author (HF), who was a member of the UTSME, conducted individual semi- structured interviews with all seven members working for the group in 2012 with their consent. The interviews varied in length from 40 to 120 minutes, and the students were asked about what motivated them to participate in the process of medical education reform. All interviews were tape- recorded and transcribed verbatim. The transcriptions were fi rst iteratively read by HF and then analysed by the thematic synthesis method. In this method, text coding was performed fi rst, followed by the development of descriptive themes and then, in the last stage, analytical themes were generated. 6 We chose this approach because it is suitable for analysing relatively unstructured, text- based data in an inclusive and rigorous manner. 7 The last author (HN) read the transcripts independently, and through this triangulation process the identifi ed themes were reconciled to achieve higher reliability in the data analysis.


Three main themes emerged as potential explanations describing what motivates medical students to participate in the process of medical education reform: 

(1) extracurricular interaction with faculty members; 

(2) engaging with highly motivated peers; and 

(3) student values for serving the public. 

The students’ narratives were serially numbered using the code numbers S1–S7.

 2015 Feb;12(1):46-9. doi: 10.1111/tct.12240.

Why do students participate in medical education?

Author information

  • 1Department of Medicine, Suwa Central Hospital, Nagano, Japan.



Medical student involvement in curriculum development is important; however, little is known about why medical students become engaged in this activity. The aim of this study was to understand what motivates medical students at one university to participate in the process of curriculum development and gain a wider perspective on student engagement in medical education.


Grounded theory methodology was the foundation of this study. We conducted semi-structured interviews with seven medical studentsfrom the University of Tokyo who developed and participated in a group whose aim was to actively contribute towards improving their medical education. The data from the interviews were analysed by thematic synthesis, with triangulation.


Three themes emerged as potential explanations for motivating student behaviour: (1) extracurricular interaction with faculty members; (2) engaging with highly motivated peers; and (3) student values for serving the public.


Students working to improve educational processes at their medical schools had the opportunity to communicate more with faculty members, enjoyed opportunities for networking with other highly motivated peers and enhanced aspects of their developing professionalism.

© 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.





[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

일본의학교육 (Acad Med, 2006)

Medical Education in Japan

Tadahiko Kozu, MD


Medical Schools

79개 의과대학.  42개 국립, 8개 도립, 29개 사립. 국방부 의과대학까지 하면 80개

There are currently 79 Japanese medical schools, representing approximately one school for every 1.6 million people. There are 42 national, 8 prefectural (founded by a local government), and 29 private medical schools. There is an additional medical school, the National Defense Medical College of the Japan Defense Agency, which is sometimes included as one of the national medical schools, bringing the total to 80 schools.

MEXT가 관리함. 특수목적의 의과대학 두 개. Jichi 의과대학, UOEH 대학.

The regulating body over all of the medical schools is the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT). Two of the private medical schools have unique missions: 

  • the Jichi Medical School educates all physicians for community care, and 
  • the University of Occupational Environmental Health educates physicians for industry, such as occupational physicians (employed by companies with more than 50 employees to care for themand foster a safe work environment), physicians for 34 hospitals of occupational diseases, medical officers of the organizations related to laborers’ health, and researchers of occupational and environmental health.

몇 년 전, 일본 정부는 국립대학을 비정부기관으로 전환함. 42개 국립 의과대학도 'national university corporation'이 됨. 이로 인해서 대학들은 스스로 재정을 감당해야 하게 되었고, 2006년 12개의 독립(stand-alone)의과대학 중 7개가 인접 대학과 합병하였음.

A few years ago, the Japanese government decided to convert the national universities to nongovernmental institutions, in an effort to reduce the number of government employees and save money. In 2003, the National University Corporation Law3 was legislated, and on April 1, 2004, all of the national universities, including 42 national medical schools, became “national university corporations.”4 This change required the universities to take responsibility for their own finances and financial management. To cope with this change, by 2006, 7 of the 12 stand-alone national medical schools had merged with their neighboring national universities.


Undergraduate Medical Education

고등학교 졸업자 전형

Programs for high school graduates

보통 6년

The standard Japanese undergraduate medical education programis six years long. Typically, there are four years of preclinical education and then two years of clinical education. High school graduates are eligible to enter medical school.

4월부터 3월까지

The academic year starts on April 1 and ends on March 31.

대졸자 전형

Programs for college graduates

1975년 오사카대학에서 처음 시행되었고, 2006년에는 36개 의과대학에서 하고 있으나, 총 10% 이하이다.

Programs for college graduates were implemented for the first time at Osaka University in 1975, and by 2006, they had been adopted by 36 (46%) of the 79 medical schools,5 but they account for fewer than 10%of the available positions.

21개에서는 4년, 11개에서는 5년이다. 나머지 4개 의과대학은 MD-PhD 프로그램을 운영함.

The graduate- entry programs are four years long in 21 schools and five years long in 11 schools. For the remaining four schools, MD– PhDprograms are provided as a part of their graduate-entry programs; the number of seats for the MD–PhD programis limited to five or fewer at each of these schools.


Student selection

다양한 방법을 사용하나 지필고사와 면접, 고등학교 내신, 추천서, 자기소개서 등

Approaches to student selection vary,6 but all include some combination of paper-based achievement tests, interviews, reports of high school grade- point averages, recommendations from students’ high school principals, and writing essays.

2005년 모든 43개 국립대학과 8개 도립의대가 NCUEE가 관장하는 국가시험을 활용함

In 2005, all 43 of the national and 8 of the prefectural medical schools used a national test administered by the National Center for University Entrance Examinations, which was established in 1988.7

주요 과목

The required subjects are Japanese language, English, mathematics, two natural sciences (biology, physics, chemistry, geoscience, etc.), and two social studies subjects (Japanese history, world history, human geography, etc.). Private schools require English, mathematics, and two of three natural sciences (biology, chemistry, and physics). The test items are created primarily by the individual schools. There are admission offices in 7 of the 79 schools.


Medical students

2006년, 약 10만명 지원자 중 7282명 입학함. 전체 의대생 수는 2006년 기준 46800명이고, 여성은 32.8%

In 2006, out of 103,384 applicants, 7,282 matriculated in the 79 schools.8 In that year, there were fewer than 5%of graduate-entry students per school in 26 schools, 10%in 7 schools, 15%in one school, 20%in another school, and 40% in one other school.5 The total number of medical students in Japan was 46,8008 in 2006, of whom15,331 (32.8%) were women.

표준 핵심 교육과정

The model core curriculum

2001년 보고서에서 일본의학교육의 변화를 권고함.

In 2001, the Report of the Coordinating Council on the Reformof Medical and Dental Education9 of the MEXT advocated guidelines for innovative changes to Japanese medical education.

"표준 핵심 교육과정"의 예를 들었다.

The report proposed an exemplary model of an integrated medical education curriculum, a “model core curriculum,” which was developed by the Subcommittee for Research and Development of Medical Education Programs.

1218개의 SBO가 들어간 교육내용 가이드라인

The model curriculum outlined essential core components of the undergraduate medical education program; these were presented as educational content guidelines with 1,218 specific behavioral objectives.

모든 일본 의과대학은 약 70%의 교육시간을 핵심교육과정에 할당하였으며, 30%는 학교별로 다르다.

All Japanese medical schools were expected to implement the core curriculumusing 70%of the existing contact hours, leaving 30%of contact time to achieve their school-specific curriculumgoals.

일련의 변화를 가져왔다.

In response to this report, a series of remarkable changes have occurred in Japanese medical education.

교육과정 구조

Curriculum structure


Integrated curriculum.

32개 학교가 통합교육을 다양한 방식으로 도입. 38개 학교는 부분도입. 9개 학교는 학문중심교육

In 2005, 32 schools (41%) had implemented an integrated curriculumin various ways.12 In another 38 schools (48%), the curriculumwas only partially integrated. The remaining nine schools (11%) of Japan’s 79 schools maintained a discipline- oriented curriculum.


Problem-based learning. 

PBL은 TWMU에 1990년 처음 도입됨. 2004년 10월 기준 63개 의과대학에서 사용하고 있음. 

Problem-based learning (PBL, or tutorial education) was systematically incorporated into an integrated organ- and system-based curriculumfor the first time at Tokyo Women’s Medical University in 1990.13 In October 2004, a survey indicated that PBL was the prevalent educational method at 63 of the 79 Japanese medical schools (80%),14 and PBL was planned in an additional 13 schools (16%). Two schools (3%) expressed no intention of adopting PBL at the time of the survey, and one school (1%) did not reply to the questionnaire.


Student assessment


The Common Achievement Test. 

도입목적. 2005년 12월 공식도입.

The Common Achievement Test (CAT) is a new quality-assurance measure of students’ mastery of the preclinical core curriculumat their medical school. After several nationwide yearly trials since 2002, the CAT was officially implemented in December 2005.

임상교육 전에 CAT에 합격해야 함.

Students must take and pass the CAT before starting their clinical education. The content of the CAT and the expected level of achievement have been developed in accordance with the model core curriculumof 2001.


The CAT is composed of two phases: a computer- based testing (CBT) phase and an objective structured clinical examination (OSCE).

300개 문항, 6시간

The CBT is composed of 300 items, and the testing time is six hours.


Subject areas, and the proportion of each for the CBT, are 

▪ principles of medicine, 5%; 

▪ general principles of biomedical sciences, 20%; 

▪ organ-based normal structure, function, pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment, 40%; 

▪ systemic physiological/pathological changes, 10%; 

▪ introduction to clinical medicine, 15%; and 

▪ health promotion/patient care/society, 10%.

2001년 이후 10,000개의 새로운 문항이 79개 의과대학에서 제공되었다. 시험, 재평가를 거쳐 문제은행에 들어간다.

Every year since 2001, approximately 10,000 new items have been collected fromall 79 medical schools, then reviewed by the education committee of CATO, edited, tested in trials, reevaluated, and pooled when regarded as appropriate.

OSCE는 다음과 같이 구성됨.

The second part of the CAT is the OSCE. The OSCE assesses clinical competencies in six stations: medical interviewing (10 minutes), head and neck (5 minutes), vital signs and chest (5 minutes), abdomen (5 minutes), neurological examinations (5 minutes), and basic minor surgical procedures and life support (5 minutes). Because of the constraints in facilities and budget, the number of stations was restricted to six in 2005.

CAT는 USMLE의 Step 1과 비슷함.

The CAT is similar in format to the Step 1 examination of the United States Medical Licensing Examination, although it is not actually a licensing examination. Each school establishes its own policy for use of the test results.

임상술기 연습실

Clinical skills laboratory. 

CAT 도입과 함께 많은 의대에서 도입함.

With the implementation of the CAT, many medical schools were under pressure to provide clinical skills laboratories for their students. By 2005, 50 schools (62.5%) had developed clinical skills laboratories,17 and an additional 14 schools (17.5%) were preparing to develop them.


Clinical clerkship

일본의 JMPL 법에 의해서 의사면허 없이 어떤 사람도 의료행위를 할 수 없다. 

The Japanese Medical Practitioner Law (Ishi-hou) Article 17 prescribes that no one will be allowed to performmedical acts without a physician’s license, and Article 37 determines that a person who violates Article 17 will be sentenced to no more than two year’s penal servitude or be punished with a fine of no more than ¥20,000 ($170).

수년간 이 법이 임상실습을 개발하고 도입하는데 통제를 해왔다. 이 규제로 인해서 학부 임상실습은 참관이나 BST, 시뮬레이션 등이 전부였다.

For many years, this legislative control inhibited medical educators fromdeveloping and implementing clinical clerkships. Because of the restrictions, undergraduate clinical education had consisted either of observing what the instructors did in actual medical acts (bedside teaching) or of practicing simulations of history taking or physical examinations with the consent of patients (bedside learning).

1991년 MHW는 JMPL법의 개정을 요구하는 보고서를 냈다.

In 1991, a study committee for clinical education of the Ministry of Health and Welfare issued a report18 arguing that the purpose of Article 17 was to protect the life and safety of patients. Therefore, medical procedures performed by medical students would not be deemed unlawful when the purposes, contents, and processes were reasonable froman educational standpoint and when the procedures would be as safe as when performed by a certified medical doctor.

보고서에서는 다음의 조건하에 의과대학생의 의료행위 참여를 허용하도록 제안했다.

The study committee also proposed four requirements to allow medical students to performcertain limited medical acts during their clinical training: 

▪ The acts should not be highly invasive, which should be stipulated explicitly. 

▪ The acts should be carried out under the meticulous guidance and watchful supervision of teaching faculty. 

▪ The clinical competence of the students should be evaluated/qualified in advance. 

Informed consent of the patients/families should be obtained.

의료행위를 세 단계로 구분햇다.

The committee developed the following classification of medical acts: 

        • level 1, low- invasive medical acts, to be performed by ordinary-level medical students; 
        • level 2, moderately invasive medical acts, to be performed only by selected students deemed capable; and 
        • level 3, highly invasive medical acts, which should not be performed by medical students.

2005년, 임상실습은 66개 의과대학에 도입되었고, 학교마다 중요시하는 정도는 다르나 13개 대학에서도 고려중

In 2005, clinical clerkships were implemented in 66 medical schools (84%), although their degree of emphasis within each school’s entire clinical education programvaried. Clinical clerkships were under consideration in an additional 13 schools (17%).19


The MD degree

6학년 졸업시험

At the end of the final academic year, there is a graduation examination designed by each medical school.


National Examination for Physicians

2월 중순에 3일간 치러짐. 졸업(예정)증명서를 제출해야 함.

The Japanese National Examination for Physicians is conducted once a year for three days in mid-February by the Ministry of Health, Welfare, and Labor20 at 12 sites covering the Japanese archipelago. The applicant must submit a certificate of completion of formal undergraduate medical education in Japan or in a foreign country. All students eligible to graduate on March 31 of the same year may sit for the examination. Those who pass this examination are granted a National License for Physicians and are eligible for residency training (discussed in the next section).

500개 MCQ 지필고사. 100개의 문항은 의사로서 하면 안되는 행동에 대한 문항. 시험의 blueprint는 시험 전에 공개됨

The examination is a paper-based test with 500 multiple-choice questions. There are 100 required items containing a number of essential questions designed to reveal possible contraindicated behaviors of a physician. The “blueprint” for the examination (i.e., its composition and the proportion that each topic area contributes to the examinee’s grade on the required items) is publicized and available for all candidates to view before taking the examination21

80% 이상 정답을 맞추면 합격.  200개의 일반적 문항과 200개의 임상상황 관련 문항이 있음

The passing level for these required questions is 80%or more correct answers.22 There are an additional200 items of general questions and 200 items of clinical vignettes. The blueprint for these general questions and clinical vignettes is also publicized.

모든 학생은 구체적인 결과를 제공받고, 합격기준, 합/불합 여부, 영역별 점수, 전체에서의 위치 등을 제공받는다.

Each individual is informed of the exact results of his or her examination performance, the pass level of the examination, whether he or she passed or failed, his or her scores on each category, and his or her position in the distribution of total applicants.

2006년 8602명이 시험을 치르고 90%가 합격하였음. 

In 2006, the total number of applicants taking the examination was 8,602, and the number of successful candidates was 7,742 (90.0%): 5,213 men and 2,529 women. Success rate was 93.9%for the new graduates and 57.3%for the others; the success rate was 88.5%for men and 93.3%for women23.

초기연수와 매칭 시스템

Initial Postgraduate Clinical Training and the Matching System

의사면허에 합격하면 2년간의 인턴을 할 수 있음. 1946년 의무적 1년 인턴십으로 시작하여, 1968년 사라졌으나, 지금은 비의무적 2년 프로그램이 되었음.

Those who obtain a National License for Physicians may proceed to the next step, an obligatory initial postgraduate clinical training program(i.e., residency training), which lasts two years. Japanese formal postgraduate training originated in 1946 as a compulsory one-year internship, but it was eliminated in 1968 because of the inappropriateness of the curricula and the lack of financial support for the interns. It was replaced by a noncompulsory two-year postgraduate clinical training system.

MHLW는 새로운 PGME를 2004년 시작할 예정

An ordinance fromthe Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare, Number 158, was legislated24 in 2002, and a new two-year postgraduate clinical training systemstarted in 2004.

교육과정은 향후 전공과 무관하게 일차의료와 일반진료에 대한 효과적 수련에 목적을 두고 있다. 구성은 아래와 같음. 

The curriculum focuses on providing a solid grounding and effective training in primary care and general medicine, regardless of the possible future specialty choice of the physician. The curriculum stipulates that the first year of training should be devoted to general internal medicine (no less than six months), general surgery, and emergency medicine (including anesthesiology). Additional required training (done in the second year) includes education in pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, psychiatry, and community medicine. Training under the new systemis a requirement for any physician who was registered on April 1, 2004 and thereafter, if he or she intends to engage in patient care.

교육병원은 세 가지 유형이 있음.

The teaching hospitals for the postgraduate training are classified into three types. 

  • Independent hospitals train residents independently; these hospitals are university hospitals and principal, large teaching hospitals. 
  • Administrative hospitals train residents in collaboration with cooperative hospitals, each of which plays a supplementary role in cooperation with an administrative hospital.

효과적인 수련을 위해서 수련의는 충분한 월급을 지급받아야 하며, 아르바이트는 엄격하게 금지된다. 근무시간 관련 규제. 판결에 따라 한 주에 40시간만 근무해야 하지만 이는 첫 2년에만 해당하는 것.

To make residency training effective, trainees must be paid reasonably, and so-called “moonlighting” is strictly prohibited by law. The work hours of residents are limited to prevent overwork. On June 3, 2005, the Supreme Court of Japan ruled that one resident’s death had been the result of overwork in a university hospital. The court stated that although the trainee could be regarded as a learner on the one hand, in Japan, trainees must also be regarded as laborers under the Labor Standards Law when they are engaged in medical services under the supervision of teaching faculty. This definition of a resident’s status fostered a new rule by the Supreme Court, mandating that a trainee’s formal working hours should be principally limited to 40 hours a week, as is the case with all ordinary workers in Japan. However, such limitation of labor hours is applied only for the initial required two years, and not to the senior residents of the third year or higher, or to faculty.

2004년 매칭 시스템이 도입됨. 그 결과.

In 2004, a matching systemwas implemented and organized by the Council for Matching,25 a nongovernmental organization. Previously, there had been no nationwide matching system, and the residents had applied arbitrarily to the individual training programs in which they were interested. In 2005, there were proposals of 1,261 training programs, with 11,228 total positions available at 1,016 hospitals. Among 8,472 applicants, 8,100 (95.6%) were matched (46.2%for the university hospitals, 49.4%for other teaching hospitals). Of those who were matched, 2,496 (30.8%) matched to his or her own university hospital, 1,420 (17.5%) matched to another university hospital, and 4,184 (51.7%) went to other teaching hospitals that were approved by the Ministry of Health, Welfare, and Labor. The remaining 372 applicants who did not match to programs probably found positions on their own, through direct negotiation with individual hospitals. After the initial required two- year postgraduate training, the trainee advances in his or her own career path and may enter graduate school, proceed to an advanced clinical training course for a specialist, or serve as a general physician in the community


Advanced Postgraduate Clinical Training Programs for Medical Specialists

후기연수(전공의)는 4~6년이며, 후기연수가 끝나면 학회에 의해서 승인된 기본 전공과목의 시험을 볼 수 있다.

The advanced postgraduate clinical training programs for medical specialists are between four and six years in length. During or after finishing this advanced clinical training, the trainee may sit for the board examination for a basic specialty approved by the academic societies.

전공과목 시스템은 JBMS에 의해서 조직되며, 18개의 기본전공과목이 있으며 각 전공과목에 따라 학회가 보드시험을 책임진다. 의사들은 한 가지 기본전공만 할 수 있다.

The system of medical specialties is organized by the Japanese Board of Medical Specialties,26 which was established in December 2002 under the auspices of the Japan Medical Congress, the Japan Medical Association, and the Council of Medical Specialties. Eighteen fields were designated as the basic specialties, and the corresponding academic medical societies/associations are responsible for their specialties’ board examinations. A physician is allowed to practice in only one basic specialty.

기본전공 외에 26개의 세부전공이 있는데, 내과나 외과 전문의의 경우 다수의 세부전공을 할 수 있다.

In addition to the basic specialties, there are 26 subspecialty societies/associations and seven societies/associations that cover multiple areas. A physician may practice in multiple subspecialties as long as he or she has already qualified as a specialist in either internal medicine or surgery.


Education at Graduate Schools

2005년 3월까지 43개 국립대 중 23개, 그리고 8개의 도립의과대학 중 4개에서 '의과대학'에서 '의과대학원'으로 중심을 이동하였다. "대학원 우선화"로 알려진 이 전략은 MEXT의 정책에 따른 것으로, 그 결과 교수들은 주로 대학원에 소속되게 되었다. 그러나 모든 의과대학 대학원은 의과대학을 가지고 있기 때문에 의과대학-의과대학원 두 가지 위치를 모두 유지하고 있다.

Until March 2005, 23 of the 43 national university corporations for medicine and four of the eight prefectural medical schools had changed their principal focus from“school of medicine” to “graduate school.” This movement was known as “prioritizing graduate school,” following a policy of the MEXT. As a consequence, the faculty belong primarily to the graduate school. However, all medical graduate schools also have undergraduate schools of medicine, and all the faculty of any graduate school concurrently hold positions in the undergraduate schools of medicine.

대학원 과정 설명

Both medical and nonmedical graduate courses are provided in all 79 medical schools. The master’s degree courses are for two years, and the PhDdegree courses are for the succeeding two years. Thirty- seven schools offer master’s courses for graduates who have completed a nonmedical undergraduate education. The only schools of public health are at Kyoto University and Kyushu University; in 2007, Tokyo University will be added.

현 이슈와 미래

Current Issues and Future Perspectives

표준 핵심 교육과정을 기준으로 학부 의학교육이 크게 바뀌었다.

Stimulated by the model core curriculum as the benchmark, undergraduate medical education curricula have significantly changed in most medical schools in Japan. Eighty-three percent of the schools have implemented a standard core curriculum, and 80%have implemented PBL education in recent years. The nationwide CBT may have accelerated innovation by serving as evidence of effective education. The nationwide OSCE in the CAT also seems to have enhanced the quality of clinical education, judging fromthe rapidly increasing number (in 49 to 62%of 79 medical schools) of clinical skills laboratories and by the prevalence of teaching skills workshops. The CAT also seems to have influenced the National Examination for Physicians.

표준 핵심 교육과정은 원래 질관리와 최소기준 설정을 위한 것이엇다. 그 다음 단계는 각 학교의 의학교육프로그램의 향상이며, 나머지 30%를 잘 활용해야 한다.

The proposed model core curriculumwas originally intended for quality assurance and to set a minimumrequirement for physicians. The next step will be the further enhancement of each individual school’s medical education program, using the remaining 30%of school hours that are focused on the individual school’s mission.

의학전문대학원은 일본에서는 마이너한 움직임이다. 두 개의 상반된 사례.

Graduate-entry programs represent a minor movement in Japan; they offered fewer than five seats in 23 (or 63%) of 36 medical schools in 2006.5 There are two contrasting examples. 

  • Since 1975, Osaka University provided graduate entry for 20 seats (20%of the 100 new enrollees) focused on fostering medical scientists. But the experiences in the past 24 years proved that the number of 20 graduate- entry students was ineffective for that purpose and not necessarily satisfactory (M. Tohyama, personal communication, 2006). Beginning in 1999, the number was reduced to 10 seats, and later in 2000 it was split into five seats for the ordinary graduate-entry course and five seats for the MD-PhDcourse. 
  • On the contrary, Tokai University started graduate entry in 1987 for 15 seats to enroll students who were more mature and more motivated to be good physicians; Tokai University has increased the number of positions available to 40 students among 100 seats, beginning in 2006.

Previously, university hospitals were the principal sites for pre- and postgraduate clinical education. However, too much specialization of university hospitals as tertiary hospitals caused the basic clinical education for undergraduate medical students to be inappropriate and insufficient. To cope with this situation, 66 (84%) of 79 university hospitals sent their students to teaching hospitals in the community as part of their formal clinical education. The new nationwide matching system also revealed that a little more than half (51.7%) of the trainees in 2005 preferred a training site outside of the university hospitals, presumably seeking a more appropriate environment for primary care training.

2 Onishi H, Yoshida I. Rapid change in Japanese medical education. Med Teach. 2004;26:403–408.

 2006 Dec;81(12):1069-75.

Medical education in Japan.

Author information

  • 1Department of Medical Education, Tokyo Women's Medical University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan. kozu@research.twmu.ac.jp


There are 79 medical schools in Japan--42 national, 8 prefectural (i.e., founded by a local government), and 29 private--representing approximately one school for every 1.6 million people. Undergraduate medical education is six years long, typically consisting of four years of preclinical educationand then two years of clinical education. High school graduates are eligible to enter medical school. In 36 schools, college graduates are offered admission, but they account for fewer than 10% of the available positions. There were 46,800 medical students in 2006; 32.8% were women. Since 1990, Japanese medical education has undergone significant changes, with some medical schools implementing integrated curricula, problem-based learning tutorials, and clinical clerkships. A model core curriculum was proposed by the government in 2001 that outlined a core structure for undergraduate medical education, with 1,218 specific behavioral objectives. A nationwide common achievement test was instituted in 2005; students must pass this test to qualify for preclinical medical education. It is similar to the United States Medical Licensing Examination step 1, although the Japanese test is not a licensing examination. The National Examination for Physicians is a 500-item examination that is administered once a year. In 2006, 8,602 applicants took the examination, and 7,742 of them (90.0%) passed. A new law requires postgraduate training for two years after graduation. Residents are paid reasonably, and the work hours are limited to 40 hours a week. In 2004, a matching system was started; the match rate was 95.6% (46.2% for the university hospitals and 49.4% for other teaching hospitals). Sustained and meaningful change in Japanese medical education is continuing.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

일본의 의학교육 현황: 시스템 개혁중 (Med Educ, 2007)

The current state of medical education in Japan: a system under reform 

Alan Teo



6년, 2+2+2, 6학년은 국가시험 준비기간. 매년 약 7800명의 학생, 80개의 의과대학

Medical school in Japan begins immediately after graduation from high school and lasts 6 years. In general, the first 2 years are designated for liberal arts education, the middle 2 for pre-clinical studies, and Year 5 for clinical clerkships. Year 6 is typically reserved for graduation examinations and prepar- ation for national board examinations. Each year, approximately 7800 students enter 1 of the 80 public and private medical schools in Japan.

교육과정은 다양하지만 보통 학문단위중심 접근. 1학년은 general education, 2학년과 3학년은 기초의과학, 3학년과 4학년은 계통중심 교육. 학기당 10~15과목을 수강하나 보통 1주일에 1~2시간에 그친다.

Curricula vary but in general adhere to a traditional discipline-based approach. Typical classes during the first year of medical school include general education requirements and what would be prerequisites for medical school in the USA (e.g. biology, chemistry, English). In Years 2 and 3, students often take classes in the basic medical sciences (e.g. anatomy, immu- nology, pathology, pharmacology and physiology). In Years 3 and 4, students remain in the classroom but begin taking courses organised around specialties (e.g. cardiovascular medicine, gastroenterology, infectious disease, neurology, obstetrics and gynaecology, and public health). Japanese medical students take some 10–15 classes per term, but each class typically meets for just 1 or 2 hours a week.

북미 의학교육의 영향. 1990년대에는 OSCE와 PBL의 도입. 지금은 모든 의과대학이 OSCE와 CBT를 CAT에 도입해서 쓰고 있음. 

North American reforms in medical education have also found their way to Japan. The 1990s saw the introduction of the objective structured clinical examination (OSCE), problem-based learning (PBL) and introductory courses in clinical medicine.2 All medical schools now utilise the OSCE bundled with a computer-based test to form a national Common Achievement Test (CAT), launched in 2005.2 Some schools, such as the private Tokyo Women’s Medical University, have also reorganised curricula from the traditional, academic, discipline-based approach to a format that is organ-based.3

보통 첫 병원 실습은 5학년때 시작. 환자와의 접촉과 BST가 있지만 그보다는 책을 보고, 환자 상태에 대한 주간 보고를 하고 강의를 듣는 시간이 더 많음. 임상실습동안 진료에 참여하기보다는 참관함. minarai라 불림. 학생은 진료팀에서 전혀 중요한 부분이 아니며, 학생도 스스로 환자를 보는 것을 학습목표로 여기지 않음

Medical students usually gain their first ward experi- ences during Year 5 of medical school. Although patient interaction and clinical teaching at the bedside may be included, it is far less emphasised than performing literature reviews, writing weekly reports on patients’ medical conditions and attend- ing lectures. Medical students on clinical rotations observe rather than actively participate in clinical care (a respected form of learning called minarai). Students are not considered an integral part of the medical team, nor do they themselves consider patient care among their learning objectives.

6학년때에는 각 전공과에 대한 십수개의 시험을 위해 공부하며, 몇 달에 걸쳐 의사국가시험을 준비해서 본다. 2004년까지는 의사면허시험에 합격해도 postgraduate training을 받지 않아도 되었으나 85% 정도는 자발적으로 수련을 받았다.

During the last year of medical school, students study intensively for dozens of examinations covering each specialty in medicine. At the end of Year 6, students take the Ishi Kokka Shiken, the Japanese national board examination, for which they prepare many months in advance. Until 2004, those who passed the national boards were not required to pursue a postgraduate training programme to practise medicine, although approximately 85% of graduates did so voluntarily.

졸업후 의학교육


2004년 이전에는 GME 구조는 원래 독일의 형태를 따랐으며 교육원칙은 중국의 것을 따른 것으로 보인다면, 조직과 운영은 전통적인 일본의 위계 모델을 따른다. '의국'이라 불리는 임상과는 과장이 사실상 모든 측면에 대한 통제를 지니는 형태이다. 과장은 다양한 지역병원들과의 관계를 유지한다. 그(여자가 과장인 경우는 거의 없다)는 제자를 어디에 보낼지 결정하는 일방적인 권한을 가지고 있다. 이러한 시스템은 고착화된 공생관계에 의해서 유지되는데, 지역의 병원은 지속적으로 새로운 인력을 지원받을 수 있고 젊은 의사들은 과장의 비위를 맞춰서 고용의 기회를 보장받는다.

To understand postgraduate clinical education be- fore the 2004 reforms, one must understand the structure of Japanese clinical) academic departments. If the format of medical school in Japan originally hailed from Germany4 and the pedagogical princi- ples utilised seem Chinese,5 then the organisation and operation of these clinical departments derive from a traditional Japanese hierarchical model. Clinical departments, known as ikyoku,6 are headed by a department chair who single-handedly controls virtually every aspect of the department. In this traditional system, the influential department chair fosters and maintains relationships with various community hospitals. He (women are exceedingly rare in such positions) also wields unilateral authority in determining to which hospital to send his young doctor trainees and even junior faculty. The systemis sustained by an embedded symbiosis: community hospitals benefit from a constant source of new employees to replace doctors who leave to establish their own practices; young doctors receive guaran- teed employment and a chance of advancing in academia by pleasing the department chair.

이 시스템 내에서 PGME가 전통적으로 다양한 배경과 경험을 제공하지 않는지에 대한 두 가지 이유가 있다. 한 가지는, 구조적으로 입원환자든 외래환자든 다양한 과를 돌지 않았다. 두 번째로, 수련과정은 주로 세부전문과목의 연구에 통달한 멘토에 의해서 좁고 긴 도제식 과정으로 이뤄졌다.

Within this system, there are 2 reasons why postgra- duate medical education (PGME) did not tradition- ally provide a broad background and experience. First, systematic, structured rotations through various departments in both inpatient and outpatient set- tings usually were not included.7 Second, training was skewed by a narrow, longitudinal apprenticeship with a single mentor who was typically a research-trained subspecialist.4,8,9

의국이 대학병원에 존재하는 것이라서 학문단위(교실, koza)과 기능적으로 연결되어 있다. 또한 의국과 교실은 동일한 한 명의 과장이 이끈다. 이러한 연결관계는 임상 수련과 연구 수련의 구분이 불분명함을 보여주는 것이기도 하다. 의국과 교실은 의사-과학자가 지배하고 있으나, 의사-교육자는 매우 부족하다. 실제로 일본에는 clinical professorship 시스템이 없다. 의국-교실 에서는 의사-과학자 양성을 강조하므로, 대부분의 의대 졸업생들은 박사학위나 연구를 위해서는 수년간 의국-교실에 머물러야 하며 일부 시간만을 임상 업무에 할애한다.

Because ikyoku are located in university hospitals, theyare functionally linked with academic departments, or k oza, and the same chairman runs the combined ikyoku-k oza. This linkage is evidence of a lack of delineation between clinical and research training; the ikyoku-k oza is dominated by doctor-scientists but apaucity of clinician-educators.10,11 Indeed, there is noclinical professorship system in Japan.4 Given the ikyoku-k oza’s emphasis on training doctor-scientists,1 medical graduates may stay in the ikyoku-k oza for many years to pursue a PhD or research, spending only limited time on clinical duties. 

아침보고, 점심컨퍼런스, 그랜드라운드 등등에 레지던트나 학생의 참여는 거의 없다. 과장의 주간 정례회진(chair round)는 그 내용보다는 형식이 중요하다. 과장은은 주니어 의사들과 학생들을 꼬리처럼 끌고 다니면서 각 환자들에게 의례적인 회진을 한다. 교수의 성향에 따라서 환자 관리나 교육적 포인트를 짚어주기도 한다.

Teaching conferences like morning report, noon conference, morbidity and mortality, and grand rounds rarely occur or lack resident and student participation.12 More ritual than substance makes up the uniquely Japanese tradition of weekly depart- mental chair rounds. The chair makes what amounts to a polite social visit to each patient on the service with a phalanx of junior clinicians and students in tow. Depending on the style and inclination of the professor, he may discuss aspects of a patient’s care or make teaching points while rounding.

PGME의 이러한 환경에서 일본 전공의의 임상술기 수준이 미국의 의대생 3~4학년 정도에 머문다는 것은 놀랄 일도 아니다. 일본을 방문하는 의사들은 병력청취나 신체진찰에서 상당한 수준 차이를 느낀다. 다른 나라에서 의대생 시기에 해보는 경험을 레지던트 기간에조차 못하기도 한다.

Given this context for PGME, it may not be surprising that the clinical skill of Japanese residents has been compared with that of American medical students in Years 3 and 4.2,13,14 Clinicians visiting Japanese teaching hospitals have observed major gaps in competency in taking a thorough history and per- forming a physical examination.12,13,15,16 Skills that medical students elsewhere develop during their clinical years are often not practised until postgra- duate training in Japan.

PGME에서 일본의 인턴과 레지던트는 오랜 시간을 일한다. 미국과 달리 - 주당 80시간으로 정해진 - 일본 의사들은 sign-out system, cross-cover, floating schedule 없이 근무하며 늦은 밤까지 일하고 아침 일찍 돌아와야 한다. 보통 하루에 15시간을 일하며 온콜이 아니어도 늦게까지 일하고, 퇴근 없이 몇 주씩 일하기도 한다. 병원에서 일하는 시간이 진료하는 시간을 의미하는 것은 아니다. 젊은 의사들은 연구도 해야하고 케이스 보고도 해야한다.

During postgraduate training, Japanese interns and residents work long hours. Unlike in the USA, where duty time is limited to 80 hours per week by mandate and shift work is more standard, Japanese doctors in training work without a sign-out system, cross-cover or floating schedules because they are expected to stay in the hospital until late at night and return early each morning. Residents typically work 15-hour days, stay overnight even when not on call, and may go for weeks without a day off. Time spent in the hospital, however, does not always mean time spent on patient care. Young doctors in Japan are expected to publish, and many in-hospital hours are spent researching and writing case reports and other manuscripts.



2004년 4월, MHLW는 공식적으로 2년의 PGME를 도입했다.

In April 2004, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) officially implemented 2 major changes to Japan’s postgraduate clinical education.17

처음으로 2년의 로테이션 구조가 의무화되었다. 이 법은 1968년 단순히 독립적 진료를 하기 전 최소한 2년의 PGME를 권고한 법을 대체하는 것이며, 초기연수(shoki kenshu)이라 불리는 2년의 기간은 종종 레지던트 라고 번역되기도 한다. 그러나 이 시간은 미국의 의대 졸업생의 인턴 기간, 혹은 영국 졸업생의 foundation program과 비슷하다. 여러 과를 도는 것이며 하나의 과에 국한된 것이 아니기 때문이다. 이 인턴십이 끝나야 진정한 의미의 전공의(후기연수)를 할 수 있다. 첫 2년간의 PGME에서 일본 인턴은 7개의 과를 돈다. 지역기반의료 로테이션은 일차의료를 강조하기 위한 것이며 소규모 혹은 중규모 병원, skilled-nursing facility, 적십자병원, 농촌지역병원 등에서 반드시 수행되어야 한다. 

First, a 2-year-long structured set of rotations became mandatory. This law replaced a 1968 regulation that merely advised graduates to pursue at least 2 years of postgraduate training before setting up an inde- pendent practice. This 2-year experience, known as shoki kensh u, is often translated as a residency , but it is actually more akin to the internship year of American medical graduates or foundation pro- grammes in the UK as participants rotate through numerous departments and are not yet attached to any single specialty. Only after the internship can young doctors enter k oki kensh u, true specialty-based residencies. During the first 2 postgraduate years, Japanese interns rotate through 7 specialties (inter- nal medicine, surgery, emergency medicine or anaesthesiology, paediatrics, psychiatry, community- based medicine, and obstetrics and gynaecology), spending at least 6 months in internal medicine. Community-based medicine rotations are supposed to emphasise primary care and must take place at small- to mid-sized hospitals, skilled-nursing facilities, Red Cross blood centres, health centres or rural clinics. Activities might include home visits, public health education events, health fairs, psychiatric counselling, vaccination campaigns or disease screening.17

대부분의 수련 프로그램은 두 개의 트렉이 있다. 내과계 인턴십 / 외과계 인턴십

Most training programmes offer 2 basic tracks for the internship: 1 for those interested in internal medicine and another for those interested in surgery (Figs. 1 and 2). Programmes have been given substantial leeway in designing schedules tailored towards a student’s potential specialty and many programmes, particularly those for future surgeons, shorten non-surgical rotations to a single month.

2년짜리 인턴십의 초점은 기본적 임상술기를 익히는 것이다. MHLW는 세 가지 원칙을 제시했다.

The focus of the 2-year internship is on teaching basic clinical skills; the new curricula emphasise treatment of the most common disorders and symptoms and development of physical examination skills. In planning the new system in 2000, the MHLW first declared 3 guiding principles for the new required internship:

1 to cultivate physicianship; 

2 to deepen understanding of primary care and 

3 build core clinical competency in evaluating a patient as a whole, and to create an environment in which interns can 3 devote themselves fully to their internship without moonlighting .17

MHLW가 도입한 두 번째 주요 변화는 매칭 시스템을 도입한 것이다. 미국의 것과 비슷하나 두 가지 큰 차이가 있다. 일본의 시스템은 단순히 프로그램만 매칭해주며 전공까지 매칭해주지는 않는다. 전공과목 수련은 후기연수에서 이뤄진다.(3년차), 둘째로, 일본에서는 중간에 얼마나 많은 지원자들이 있었는지 알려준다. 이 중간발표는 경쟁률이 높은 프로그램에 지원한 사람이 다른 프로그램을 지원할 수 있게 정보를 주는 것이다.

The second major change made recently by the MHLWis that, for thefirst timeever, a matchingsystem administeredby the newJapanese Residency Matching Programme went into effect. The systemis similar to that in the USA, with a computer algorithmthat attempts to match candidates to 1 of their top training programme choices. There are 2 important differ- ences, though. First, applicants in Japan match simply to a programme and not a specialty. Specialty training comes inthe k oki kensh u residency, starting inthe third postgraduate year. Second, the Japanese have added a midpoint announcement of how many applications have beenreceivedat eachtrainingprogrammebefore the final deadline. This so-called ch ukan k ohyo19 is intended to allow applicants who have selected highly competitive programmes to make an informed decision as to whether to apply to more programmes.

2003년 가을, 첫 번째 결과가 보고되었다. 전체 참여자 중 96% 가까이가 매칭되었고, 70%는 1차 지망에 매칭되었다. 대학병원에 매칭된 사람은 전체 매칭된 사람의 60%였고, 이 전 년도에 비해서 10%가 준 것이며, 1980년대에 비하면 20%가 준 것이다. 2004년 자료를 보면, 이는 52.7%로 더 감소하였다. 2005년에는 처음으로 지역병원에 매칭된 졸업생이 대학병원 프로그램에 매칭된 비율보다 더 높았다. 

In the fall of 2003, the results of the first match were released. Nearly 96% of the 7756 participants were successfully placed and over 70% matched with their first choice.20,21 A total of 60% of those matched entered university hospitals. This was a notable 10% drop from the year before, and an impressive 20% below the 80% of medical graduates who entered university hospitals in the 1980s.1 Data released in 2004 about the second match group revealed that the number entering university hospital programmes had dropped even further to only 52.7%, leaving 1848 of the 6064 slots ) some 30% ) for university hospitals unfilled.22 And in 2005, for the first time, more graduates were matched with community hospital rather than university programmes (51.6% to 48.4%).21 Thus, over the last 2 decades and particularly in the last few years, there has been a sharp drop in the number of graduates choosing university hospitals for their training.

이처럼 새 전공의들이 비-대학병원에 쏠리는 것은 몇 가지 설명이 가능하다. 중요한 것 하나는 대학병원에서는 기본적 기술을 충분히 익힐 수 없다는 점이다. 의사가 과도하게 많고, 기회가 적다. 그러나 잡일은 더 많다. 보상은 적으나 쉬는 시간도 적다.

The gravitation of new residents to non-university hospitals has several explanations, not the least of which is that interns and residents tend to gain less experience in honing basic clinical skills at university hospitals.23 Recent medical graduates revealed to the author other practical reasons why fewer are choos- ing university hospitals. Compared with community hospitals, university hospitals tend to be overstaffed, leading to fewer opportunities to practise procedures for residents. Ironically, however, these residents are given more scut work by their seniors, such as having to transport items around or perform finger stick blood glucose checks. They receive less time off despite poorer remuneration.

2005년의 설문결과를 보면 프로그램 지원의 top 3 이유는 다음과 같다.

A survey in 2005 of 2505 entering interns showed that the top 3 criteria applicants used to rank programmes were: 

  • the quality of the hospital’s track record and teaching (64%); 
  • the residency programme’s connection with a hospital at which the graduate might want to work in the future (59%), and 
  • the quality of the content of the residency programme (43%).19

이러한 새로운 규제가 비판이 없는 것은 아니다. 수술과를 희망하는 인턴들은 이 인턴과정이 단순히 수련을 딜레이 시키는 효과만 있다고 느낀다. 2002년부터 외과전공의가 5년 수련이 필요한데, 초기 2년이 포함되기 때문이다. 또한 새로운 시스템 하에서 기술적으로는 금지되어 있으나 지원자와 프로그램사이에 구두계약이 발생하고 있다. 마지막으로 PGME 수련 프로그램이 국가적 가이드라인을 따르게 되어있지만, 실제로 도입과 관리하는 것은 각 기관의 책임으로 남아있다.

The new regulations have not come without criticism. Students planning surgical careers feel the required internship delays their entry into a specialty that already demands many years of training. Board certification requirements in effect since 2002 for general surgical residents require 5 years of training, which is supposed to include all of the first 2 postgraduate years.24 In addition, under the new system, verbal agreements between applicant and residency programme to rank each other number 1 occur, although the practice is technically forbidden. Finally, despite insistence that PGME training programmes follow national guidelines,17 each institution is left to its own devices to implement and monitor them.


미국에서 수련을 받은 일본인 의사-과학자들은 미국식 접근법을 긍정적으로 평가하며, 최근 일본에서 벌어진 의료과오 사건들이 일본 의료시스템에 대한 지적을 불러왔다. 또한 일본 법에서 2년의 인턴십을 강제한 시기에 영국에서도 비슷하게 2년의 foundation program을 도입한 것은 흥미롭다.

Many Japanese doc- tor-scientists who trained in the USA frequently talk favourably of the American approach to medical education,10,11,14 and in recent years media attention on medical malpractice has put the Japanese medical system under increased scrutiny.25 It is also interest- ing to note that the law requiring a 2-year internship in Japan was passed at about the same time that the UK’s Chief Medical Officers proposed a similar 2-year foundation programme focused on developing core clinical competencies.

전국적 매칭 시스템은 PGME 교육과정의 혁신에도 상당한 자극이 되었으며, 전통적인 의국-교실 시스템이 전공의에 미치는 영향을 크게 감소시켰다.

The recent reforms demonstrate a major step towards enhancing clinical skills training in postgraduate education. The new 2-year internship is bolstering core clinical skills by giving young doctors hands-on experience in evaluating and managing patients across a variety of specialties. More than half of graduates now enter community hospitals, rather than tertiary level university hospitals, which will give them much more experience with common clinical conditions. Moreover, trainees at non-university hos- pitals hold much more autonomy in making deci- sions about patient care.23 Effectively, the new requirement ensures that Japanese students benefit from the same broad, hands-on clinical experience that those in many Western countries receive during the clinical years of medical school and the intern- ship year. Moreover, the ability of medical graduates to choose an internship programme through the new national matching system is a powerful stimulus for innovation in the postgraduate curriculum, thus decreasing the stymieing influence of the traditional ikyoku-k oza system on residents.

일본이 초기 PGME를 개혁의 주 대상으로 삼은 것은 현명한 선택이었다. PBL이나 OSCE를 학부에 도입한 것은 주목할 만 하지만 이것은 단편적이고 전체적인 일본 의과대학의 교수-학습의 경향에 영향을 주지는 않았다. 왜냐하면 대부분의 의대생들은 고등학교를 갓 졸업하였고 자기주도적 학습능력이 부족하고 익숙하지 않기 때문이다.

Japan has wisely chosen to focus on early PGME as an area in which reform can significantly improve the training of doctors. Reforms such as those introdu- cing PBL and OSCE at undergraduate level, although noteworthy, are more piecemeal and unlikely to affect the overall flavour of how learning and teaching occur in medical school in Japan. Because the vast majority of students enter medical school directly from high school, medical schools have experienced difficulty in developing self-directed learning skills, such as critical thinking and problem- solving, with which medical students are unfamiliar.26

교육에 관한 일본식 접근법에 익숙한 사람들에게 이런 역사적 흐름은 놀랍지 않을 것이다. 이러한 철학은 선생 중심의 시험에 의해서 결정되는 다른 동아시아 국가에서도 비슷하며 수동적 학습을 유도한다.

For those familiar with the Japanese approach towards education, which stresses didactic lectures, book-learning and memorisation, this historical trend may not be surprising. This philosophy is much like those of other East Asian nations in that it is teacher-centred and examination-driven, and it encourages passive learning.5

학부의학교육에서 학생들의 직접임상경험을 막는 두 가지 장애물. (1)학생들은 미국의 3학년보다 더 많은 과를 순환하며 고작 2주씩만 보낸다. 이는 일상 업무에 충분히 익숙해지기에는 짧은 시간이나, 학생들이 임상적 책임을 맡기에도 연속성이 부족하다. 3개의 의과대학만이 최소 4주이상씩 진행되는 핵심임상실습을 도입했다.  (2)일본은 환자를 돌보는 진료팀의 모델을 도입하지 않았다. 대싱 각 환자는 1명의 의사를 배정받는다. 이로 인해서 일본 의사들은 back-up system없이 면허가 없는 학생이 독립적으로 환자 평가에 동참하는 것이 위험하다고 느낀다. 미국은 3층의 구조가 있다. 짧게 말해서, 의과대학 교육의 근본적 변화가 필요하고, 적어도 가까운 미래에 다층적 변화가 필요할 것이다.

From observations at Japanese university hospitals, the author identified 2 major practical barriers to giving undergraduate medical students hands-on clinical experience in Japan. First, students rotate through many more specialties than an American Year 3 medical student and therefore typically spend just 2 weeks in a department. This is just enough time for the student to get acclimatised to the daily duties and peculiarities of the rotation, but it does not give enough continuity to allow the student to assume clinical responsibility. Just 3 medical schools have adopted a core clinical clerkship in which medical students work in a ward setting for at least 4 weeks.27 Second, Japan does not endorse a model of a whole medical team following a cadre of patients. Instead, each patient is usually assigned to 1 doctor. This leads to a fear among some Japanese doctors that allowing unlicensed medical students to evaluate independ- ently patients is dangerous because there is no back- up systemin place should the student make an error, unlike in the USA, where there is a 3-layer system of intern, resident and attending doctor.10 In short, fundamental change in medical school curricula is impractical in Japan, at least in the near future, and it would require substantial reform at multiple levels of education preceding medical school.

PGME에도 과제가 많다.

Many challenges remain for Japan’s PGME system too.

First, Japan has been very successful in training subspecialists, but not generalists and primary care doctors. Of Japan’s 230 000 doctors, 60 000 are community-based private practitioners, who, although they function as general practitioners, have almost exclusively had subspecialty training rather than the primary care training they would be required to have in the UK.7

Second, general internal medicine and family medi- cine are virtually non-existent specialties in Japan. Few students are even aware of primary care as a legitimate career option.7 Aware of longstanding criticisms pertaining to insufficient education in primary care, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology has strongly supported a movement to create departments related to primary care and the number of such departments in university hospitals has quadrupled from 8 in 1990 to 32 in 2000.2 These general medicine departments ) called s og o shinry obu ) are growing, and can be found in nearly 100 of Japan’s 2200 PGME training programmes.15,17

Third, although the gender gap has narrowed, there is still a significant discrepancy. In 2000, less than 1 in 6 doctors in Japan were women, compared with about 1 in 3 of recent medical graduates, suggesting the impact on the overall doctor workforce is yet to come.28

Fourth, accountability and objective assessment of medical school and PGME curricula are conspicu- ously lacking in Japan compared with its peers. For instance, in the USA the Liaison Committee for Medical Education (LCME) and the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) expressly exist to provide accreditation. In the UK, the Joint Committee on Higher Education Medical Training (JCHET) and the Postgraduate Medical Education Training Board (PMETB) perform parallel functions.

Fifth, boosting basic clinical skills of students and residents depends on the teaching skills of faculty members. Unfortunately, the new regulations do not include funding for curriculum development; there will be little incentive for excellence in teaching until the prevailing ikyoku-k oza departmental system is altered to reward clinician-teachers with advance- ment as doctor-scientists currently are.

5 Song G, Kwan CY, Bian Z, Tai B, Wu Q. Exploratory thoughts concerning educational reform with prob- lem-based learning in China. Teach Learn Med 2005;17 (4):382–4.

26 Yoshioka T, Suganuma T, Tang AC, Matsushita S, Manno S, Kozu T. Facilitation of problem finding among first year medical school students undergoing problem-based learning. Teach Learn Med 2005;17 (2):136–41.

15 Murai M, Kitamura K, Fetters MD. Lessons learned in developing family medicine residency training pro- grammes in Japan. BMC Med Educ 2005;5:33.

 2007 Mar;41(3):302-8.

The current state of medical education in Japan: a system under reform.

Author information

  • 1School of Medicine, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA 94131, USA. alan.teo@ucsf.edu



Not since just after World War II has there been as dramatic a change in the system of medical education in Japan as in the last several years. Medical school curricula are including more education that mimics clinical practice through problem-based learning, organ-based curricula and implementation of the objective structured clinical examination (OSCE). In response to criticism and concerns, the Japanese government has also implemented 2 major changes in the system of postgraduate medical education. First, a 2-year structured internship has been required of all medicalschool graduates; the first cohort to undertake this completed it in April 2006. Second, an internship matching system was adopted and first implemented in 2003.


These reforms are leading to significant shifts in clinical education in Japan. Increasing numbers of medical graduates are entering residency programmes outside specialised university hospitals and core rotations place an increased emphasis on primary care.


These changes in the training of young doctors suggest that the general clinical competency of doctors in Japan will improve in the coming years.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

일본에 새로운 의과대학 도입하기(Ann Acad Med Singapore, 2008)

Introducing a New Medical School System into Japan

Yasuharu Tokuda,1MD, MPH, Shigeaki Hinohara,1MD, Tsuguya Fukui,1MD, MPH

일본의 대입

Admission to Universities in Japan

입학시험에서의 점수가 대입에 가장 중요하다. 고등학교 성적, 교사 추천서, 교외활동, 봉사활동, 인성 등은 입학과정에 그렇게 중요하지 않다.

Performance in the entrance examination is the key determinant to university admission. Other criteria, such as high school grades, teachers’ recommendations, extracurricular activities, community services and personal character, are usually not considered as important in the admission process.2

최근 입학시험 준비의 강도가 심각하게 높아졌다.

Recently, the intensity of preparation for entrance examinations has severely escalated.

그러나 사회경제적 불균형이 높아지면서, 그리고 일본 내 "working poor"에 해당하는 인구가 많아지면서, 고등교육에 있어서 불평등하고 불균등한 기회에 대한 문제가 제기되고 있다.

However, as socioeconomic disparity increases, with a growing subpopulation of the “working poor” in Japan,4 there is growing concern regarding the unequal and unfair opportunities for children or young persons to pursue higher education.

일본의 의과대학 

Undergraduate Medical Schools of Japan

현재 79개의 의과대학이 있으며, 50개는 국립/도립이며, 29개는 사림이다. 의학교육은 6년이며 보통 2년의 교양, 2년의 전임상, 2년의 임상교육으로 이뤄진다. 대부분의 의과대학생은 고등학교 졸업 후 바로 의대에 들어간 학생들이며, 대학졸업자도 36개 학교에서는 선발하고 있지만 전체의 10% 미만이다. 기초과학에서 연구자를 선발하는 것이 더 어린 학생들을 뽑는 이유이다. 또한 6년제 교육과정이 4년제 교육과정보다 더 이득이 된다.

There are currently 79 undergraduate medical schools in Japan, including 50 national/prefectural ones and 29 private schools.5 The medical education is 6 years in duration, typically comprising 2 years of general liberal arts, 2 years of pre-clinical education and 2 years of clinical education. Most medical students in Japan are immediate graduates from high schools. Although college graduates are also offered admission in 36 schools, they account for fewer than 10% of the available positions.5 Recruiting researchers from the basic sciences may be one reason for admitting younger students (18 years old) to medical schools in Japan. Furthermore, a 6-year curriculum is more profitable for universities compared with a 4-year one.

의과대학 입학

Entering Undergraduate Medical Schools

여러 단과대학 중 의과대학 입학이 가장 어렵다. 

Among all the departments in the universities, entry to undergraduate medical school is the most difficult yet the most prestigious.6 Thus, Japanese students who aspire to enter into medical schools prepare arduously for the entrance examinations.

고등학생은 1학년을 마치고 먼저 이과(Rikei) 혹은 문과(Bunkei)를 선택한다. 이과는 고등학교 수학을 3년간 하고 문과는 추가적인 수학교육을 받지 않는다. 대부분의 일본 의대생은 이과출신이며 문과에서는 거의 입학하지 않는다. 따라서 의과대학의 입학시험은 주로 이과 과목을 중심으로 하며, 따라서 문과출신 학생은 거의 들어오는 것이 불가능하다.

High school students must choose either the Mathematics/ Physicochemical Science (Rikei) or Humanities/Social Science track (Bunkei) after completing their first year of high school. Rikei students take 3 years of high school mathematics, whereas Bunkei students are not required to study any additional mathematics.7 Most medical students in Japan come from the Mathematics/Physicochemical Science track and not from the Humanities/Social Science track,6 as the entrance examinations of medical school are traditionally based on the content of the Mathematics/ Physicochemical Science track. Thus, very few students from the Humanities/Social Science track are able to enter into medical schools in Japan.

프로페셔널리즘, 휴머니즘, 윤리교육

Professionalism, Humanism and Ethics Education for Medical Students

그러나 프로페셔널리즘, 휴머니즘, 윤리에 관한 문제는 의대생과 젊은 의사들 사이에 최근 심각한 이슈가 되고 있으며, 의학교육자와 대중의 관심도 몰리고 있다. 프로페셔널리즘에 어긋나는 행동을 한 일부 학생들도 실제로 의과대학에 입학하곤 한다. 성격이나 인성이 의과대학기간동안 형성되기는 어려우며, 일부 학생들은 프로페셔널리즘, 휴머니즘, 윤리를 배우고자 하는 의지가 부족하고 이는 사회경험이 적거나 엘리트주의에 빠져있기 때문으로 보인다.

However, issues in professionalism, humanism and ethical behaviour among medical students and young physicians have recently become a widespread serious concern to medical educators and the general public in Japan.12,13 Some students with unprofessional attitudes and behaviours are indeed allowed to enter into medical schools.12,14,15 Formation of character and promotion of virtue may be difficult during the medical education period, as some students are poorly motivated to learn professionalism, humanism and ethics because of a lack of social experience, as well as an exaggerated perception of elitism.

일본 의과대학 입학 개선

Reforming the Admission Criteria to Medical Schools in Japan

많은 문과 학생 중에도 미래에 좋은 의사가 될 사람이 많을 수 있고 환자와 의사소통을 잘 할 수 있다. 처음에는 생화학, 분자생물학, 생물통계학 등을 배우기 어려워 할지도 모르지만, 이 과목들이 대부분 어려운 수학을 몰라도 이해할 수 있다.

There may also be many students from the Humanities/Social Science track who could be good candidates as future physicians, and are highly skilled at communications with patients. While they may initially find it difficult to learn biochemistry, molecular biology and biostatistics, they can comprehend most of these subjects without advanced mathematics.

의사양성의 새로운 시스템으로는 다른 학과를 졸업한, 특히 인문계열 학과를 졸업한 학사학위자를 선발하는 방법이 있다. 실제로 최근 의과대학의 3993명의 교수들을 대상으로 한 설문에서 60%의 교수들은 Graduate medical school도입에 찬성하는 것으로 나타났다.

A new system for cultivating physicians might include recruitment of graduates from other departments and particularly those from the Humanities/Social Science trackIndeed, a recent survey among 3993 faculty members of medical schools throughout Japan also showed that about 60% of them were in favour of introducing graduate medical schools.6

graduate medical school을 도입하는 것이 일본 사회에 큰 도움이 될 것이다.

Introducing graduate medical schools will provide substantial benefits in Japanese society.

12. Sabalis R, Shiina K, Ishii H, Yanai H, Nara N, Saitou N. Medical Education in Japan: Changes and Challenges. Igaku Kyoiku (Medical Education) 2004;35:221-8.

 2008 Sep;37(9):800-2.

Introducing a new medical school system into Japan.

Author information

  • 1St Luke's International Hospital, Tokyo, Japan. tokuyasu@orange.ocn.ne.jp


Entering into medical schools is the most difficult yet most prestigious among all of the undergraduate university departments. Most of the medicalstudents in Japan come from the Mathematics/Physicochemical Science track, while a few are from the Humanities/Social Science track. However, to meet the needs of the Japanese society, medical students need to learn core competencies, such as professionalism, humanism, and ethics. Issues with regard to these competencies among medical students have recently become a widespread serious concern to medical educators and the general public in Japan. In this article, we suggest that the introduction of a new medical school system, by reforming the admission criteria, can be an effective measure for meeting the current needs of the Japanese society.

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일본 의학교육에 대한 오해: 어떤 변화가 진행중인가(Keio J Med. 2007)

Misperceptions of medical education in Japan: How reform is changing the landscape

Alan R. Teo

Department of Psychiatry, University of California, San Francisco, CA, U.S.A.

Rao는 일본 의료의 오래된 패러독스를 지적했다. 어떻게 부실한 의학교육에서도 건강지표는 이토록 우수한가? 그가 내린 결론은 이전 문헌에서 내린 결론과는 다르지 않았다. 의학교육에 관심을 가지고 개혁을 요구한 것이다.

Rao correctly identifies a lingering paradox of medicine in Japan: Why such enviable health outcomes despite a dysfunctional medical education system? His ultimate conclusion is not unlike predecessors in the lit- erature who call attention to, and plead for reform of, striking deficiencies in medical education in Japan.

Rao와 다른 일본의 의학교육계가 지적하는 공통된 의견은 다음과 같다.

Commonly heard opinions that Rao and others make of medical education in Japan can be divided into four cate- gories: 

1. The Japanese medical education system is stagnant. 

2. Undergraduate medical education should be the primary target for reform. 

3. Japanese physicians are trained as subspecialists and lack the ability to practice general internal medicine. 

4. Japanese medical students have poor spoken English.

오해 1. 일본의 의학교육은 정체되어 있다.

Misperception 1. The Japanese medical education system is stagnant.

먼저, 일본의 레지던트 매칭 프로그램이 도입되었다. 미국의 것과 비슷하며 졸업생들이 자신의 전공의 수련 장소 결정 기회를 가진다는 의의가 있다. 

First, the Japanese Residency Match Program (JRMP) was established. This system, which is similar to that of the US, is a very important development because it of- fers graduates the opportunity to self-determine their site of residency training,

한 가지 놀라운 사실은 졸업생들이 점점 더 많이 지역사회기반 레지던트 프로그램에 몰린다는 점이다.

One of the surprises is the steady gravitation of more graduates to the community-based residency programs.

두 번째, MHLW는 임상진료를 희망하는 사람은 2년짜리 인턴십을 의무적으로 하도록 만들었다. 이 인턴십은 사실상 general residency에 해당하는 것으로서, 전공과목과 무관하게 내과와 외과 수련을 받는 것이다. 7개의 전공(내과, 외과, 응급의학과, 마취과, 소아과, 정신과, 지역사회의학, 산부인과)가 포함되어있다.

Second, the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare (MHLW) made a two-year-long internship mandatory to practice clinical medicine. This internship is essentially a general residency, a series of medical and surgical rota- tions in which the intern is unassociated with any spe- cialty. Seven specialties (internal medicine, surgery, emergency medicine or anesthesiology, pediatrics, psy- chiatry, community-based medicine, and obstetrics/ gynecology) are included.

내과가 가장 길어서 6개월이다.

At six months in length, inter- nal medicine occupies the largest single portion.

오해 2. 학부의학교육이 개혁의 주 대상이다.
Misperception 2. Undergraduate medical education should be the primary target for reform.

Rao는 일본 의과대학생들의 수동성에 혀를 내둘렀다.

Rao eloquently describes the frustrating passivity of his Japanese students,

나는 일본의 한 국립대에서 영어를 가르치며 동일한 고통을 느꼈다. 불행하게도, 비판적 사고와 그룹 토의에 관한 미국의 모델에 몇 주간 노출된 것 만으로는 "문화에 뿌리박힌" 수동성을 극복하기 어려웠다.

I endured identical pains in my tenure teaching medical Eng- lish at one of Japan’s national universities. Unfortunate- ly, a few weeks’ exposure to an American model of criti- cal thinking and group discussion is woefully inadequate to overcome a passivity that he acknowledges to be “cul- turally ingrained.”

이러한 상황에서, 의과대학을 대상으로 개혁을 시작하는것은 비참할 정도로 지지부진할 것이며, 전체 교육을 바뀔 것을 기대하는 것도 웃기다. 

Given this, starting reform at medical school is tragi- cally tardy, and expecting wholesale reform in education so easily is farcical. Take one example: Trying to get Japanese undergraduates, which includes medical stu- dents, to take their studies more seriously would require eliminating the preceding years of so-called “entrance exam hell” that cause them to relax once reaching the “Disneyland” of college life.

물론, 학부의학교육의 혁신이 이루어진 부분도 잇다. 이러한 개혁을 강화하고 더 넓히는 것이 더 단순하고도 현실적인 접근법이다. Roa는 "bedside 교육이 거의 없다"라고 했다. 그러나 OSCE는 모든 일본 의과대학의 requirement이다. 일본의 OSCE는 여전히 내용보다는 형태가 강조되고 있고, 학생들은 쉽게 통과하는 것으로 생각하면서 실제 임상상황을 거의 반영하지 못하며 동료들과 연습한다. 그럼에도 불구하고 OSCE에 대한 진지한 준비는 더 많은 임상교육의 기회가 될 것이다.

Of course, there are piecemeal areas of undergraduate medical education reform in Japan. Focusing on enhanc- ing and broadening these reforms is also a simpler and more realistic approach. For instance, Rao deplores the “absence of any bedside clinical instruction.” However, the Objective Structured Clinical Exam (OSCE) is a re- quirement in place at all Japanese medical schools.3 OSCE in Japan is still more form than substance-stu- dents view it as easy to pass and perform exams on peers, hardly mimicking real clinical practice. Nonethe- less, serious preparation for OSCE would be an excellent opportunity for more clinical instruction.

오해 3. 일본 의사들은 전문의 수련을 받았고, 일반의 진료 역량이 부족하다. 

Misperception 3. Japanese physicians are trained as subspecialists and lack the ability to practice general medicine.

최근의 한 가지 변화는 'general medicine department'에 대한 것으로, 일차의료에 대한 교육이 부족하다는 오래된 지적을 인식하여 MHLW는 일차의료와 관련한 부서 신설의 움직임을 지원하였고, 그 숫자는 대학병원과 지역사회기반 병원 모두에서 빠르게 증가하고 있다.

One development in recent years is of general medicine departments -- called sōgō shinryōbu in Japanese. Aware of longtime criticisms of insufficient education in prima- ry care, the MHLW has supported the movement to cre- ate departments related to primary care, and their num- bers are growing rapidly in both university and commu- nity settings.6

오해 4. 일본 학생들은 영어를 못한다.

Misperception 4. Japanese medical students have poor English.

대체로 일본 의사들은 최신의 논문을 접하고 논문을 출판하는 것에 관심이 많으며, '영어로 읽고 쓰는 것'이 그들에게 더 중요하다.('영어로 말하고 듣는 것보다'). 실제로 의사들의 '읽고 쓰는 능력'은 평균 이상이다. 비록 '영어로 말하고 듣기'가 많은 일본 의대생과 의사들이 잘 못하는 부분이지만, 모든 영여 실력을 낮춰 보는 것으 부당하다.

However, by and large academic physicians in Japan are most concerned with publishing and staying current with the literature, meaning that written English is of much more importance to them. And indeed their written skills when isolated to medical English is more than ade- quate. Although the spoken English of most Japanese medical students and physicians is poor, it is unfair to categorize their entire English language level as such.

3. Onishi H, Yoshida I: Rapid change in Japanese medical education. Med Teach 2004; 26: 403-408

 2007 Jun;56(2):61-3.

Misperceptions of medical education in Japan: how reform is changing the landscape.

Author information

  • 1Department of Psychiatry, University of California, San Francisco, CA 94143-0984, USA. alan.teo@stanfordalumni.org


A number of Western physicians have highlighted shortcomings in Japanese medical education over the years. In recent years, however, there has been dramatic change in the system of medical education in Japan that renders some of these observations inaccurate and others worthy of several caveats. Using a recent review article in the Keio Journal of Medicine as a starting point for discussion, the author responds to a number of historical concerns about medical education in Japan and includes updated information on recent reforms.

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의과대학생 선발을 위한 포괄적 모델(Med Teach, 2009)

A comprehensive model for the selection of medical students


The University of Newcastle, Australia

의과대학에 입학절차가 필요한 두 가지 이유가 있다. 하나는 입학 가능한 정원보다 지원자가 많기 때문이며, 두 번째는 사회와 전문직 집단이 유능하고 윤리적인 의사가 될 사람만을 원하기 때문이다. 지금까지 선호되었던 방법은 학업성취만을 가지고 뽑는 것이었다. 그러나 많은 국가에서 활용가능한 학업성취만으로는 지원자들 사이에 충분히 의미있는 차이를 보여주지 못한다.

There are essentially two reasons why medical schools around the world need to have a selection procedure for medical students. Firstly, there are almost invariably more applicants than there are places available. Secondly, there is a social and professional desire to admit only those who will become competent and ethical practitioners. The erstwhile preferred method to achieve the first aim is to select on prior academic achievement alone. However, in many countries the available measures of academic performance do not provide sufficient variance to allow meaningful differentiation in performance (Rolfe & Powis 1997; McManus et al. 2005) on which to base selection decisions.

우리가 제시한 모델은 의과대학생선발, 인성 심리학, psychometrics로부터 만든 것이다.

The model we propose has evolved from our research and work in the fields of medical student selection, personality psychology and psychometrics (Powis 1998; Powis & Rolfe 1998; Bore et al. 2005; Lumsden et al. 2005; Munro et al. 2005).

이 모델의 개괄은 그림1에 있다.

The model consists of the following components and is shown schematically in Figure 1. 

  • Informed self-selection through the provision of timely vocational guidance. 
  • Academic achievement as indicated by performance at school and/or undergraduate studies. 
  • Cognitive ability as measured by psychometric testing.
  • Personality as measured by psychometric testing. 
  • Interpersonal skills as measured by interview.

충분한 정보를 기반으로 한 자기선발

Informed self-selection

많은 지원자가 지원시에 17~18세에 불과하다는 것을 감안하면, 학교를 다니는 동안 자신이 정말 의학에 적합한가에 대한 생각을 할 수 있는 기회가 주어져야 한다.

Given that many applicants are just 17 or 18 years old at the time of application, such insight usually needs to have been gained in the school years.

한가지 방법은 의학교육과 의료에 대한 모든 것을 다 보여주는 웹사이트를 만드는 것이다. 다음의 내용이 담길 수 있다.

One possible approach would be the development of a website that presents a vocational ‘warts and all’ view of medical education and practice (Blundell et al. 2007).

  • Descriptions of being a medical student supplied by current and past students. 
  • Descriptions of internship and specialty training. 
  • A typical day in the life of each specialty, with negatives emphasised as much as positives. 
  • Suggestions on where to get more information. 
  • Suggestions on how to find out if one is suited to medicine (e.g. by doing voluntary work in a hospital). 
  • Suggestions about other health professional careers.


Academic achievement

높은 학업성취도만으로는 유능하고 윤리적인 의료를 보장해주지 않는다. 그러나, 미래의 행동의 가장 좋은 예측인자는 과거의 행동이고, 과거의 학업성취는 미래의 학업성취와 유의미한 상관관계가 있다.

High academic achievement alone does not ensure the competent and ethical practice of medicine. However, the best predictor of future behaviour is past behaviour and past academic achievement is correlated significantly with future academic performance (Kuncel et al. 2001; McManus et al. 2005).

학업성취를 보여주는 척도가 지원자간에 차이를 충분히 보여주지 못할 수도 있다.

The metric used to indicate academic achievement might not provide sufficient discrimination between candidates,

게다가 만약 UAI와 같이 지원자간 차이를 크게 보여주는 척도라 하더라도 98.6점을 받은 지원자가 95점 96점 97점을 받은 지원자보다 더 나은 학생이나 의사가 될 것이라는 이유는 없다.

Even where the range of the metric allows greater discrimination, as with the Universities Admissions Index (UAI) in Australia, there is no reason to suppose that an applicant with a UAI of 98.6 (out of 100) will make a better student or doctor than a person with 95 or 96 or 97, for example.

또한 특정 과목이 선수과목으로 요구되어야 하는가도 중요하다.

There is also the issue of whether achievement in specific subjects should be used as prerequisites.

우리는 그러한 선수과목이 단순히 허들을 하나 더 추가하는 것이 되어서는 안되며, 그 과목의 의과대학 교육과정에서 필요할 때에만 사용해야 한다고 생각한다.

we believe that it should not be imposed simply as an extra hurdle, but only when required by the medical school curriculum.

선수과목과 같은 것들은 의과대학 프로그램에 대한 접근성 정도에 큰 차이를 만든다. 낮은 레벨의 더 적은 요구조건이 낮은 사회경제적 배경에 있는 사람들의 접근성을 크게 높여준다. 반면 높은 수준의 서로 다른 가중치가 부여되는 요구조건은 지원자 풀을 축소시키고, 다음 단계의 선발을 처리하기 쉽게 만든다.

These will influence the degree of access to the medical school program: lower levels and fewer prerequisites would provide greater access to people from lower social and economic backgrounds (Powis et al. 2007), while higher levels and differently weighted prerequisites will reduce the applicant pool so that the next stage of selection is manageable..

한 가지 확실한 것은, 학업성취도에 가중치를 덜 줄수록 다른 것에 가중치가 더 들어가야 한다는 것이다. 이것이 다른 선발변수를 사용하는 것을 정당화시켜준다. 

One point is obvious: Where less weight is given to academic criteria, more weight has to be given to other selection variables. It is this very point that, in part, justifies using other selection variables.

인지적 능력

Cognitive ability

대부분의 의과대학 입학시험은 인지기술 검사가 포함된다.

Most medical school selection procedures in Australia and the UK include a test of cognitive skills.

지식검사에 관해서 두 가지 이슈가 있다. 

  • 하나는 그러한 지식검사는 불필요하다는 것인데, 왜냐하면 학업성취 지표에 의해서 이미 신뢰성있게 측정되었기 때문이다. 
  • 또 다른 이슈는 특정 영역에 대한 지식을 가졌다 하더라도 그 영역은 이미 의과대학 교육과정에 포함되어 있기 때문이 그 변수를 선발과정에 활용하는 것에 대한 논쟁이 있다.

There are two issues with knowledge tests. First, they appear to be redundant given that such knowledge has been measured more reliably by academic achievement indicators (also probably more validly than is possible with brief tests). The other issue is that gaining knowledge in these specific areas is part of the medical curriculum anyway, and so the justification for using such a variable in selection is debatable.

그러나 구체적인 지식을 검사하는 시험은 기간이 단축된 GEP에서는 적절할 수 있는데, 이 경우에는 생물/화학 등과 같이 교육과정에서 다루지 않는 지식을 점검할 수 있기 때문이다.

However, the use of specific knowledge tests may be appropriate for shortened graduate entry programs where it is necessary to check for some content knowledge of biology and chemistry not covered in the program’s curriculum.

또 다른 접근법은 구체적인 인지능력(지식이 아니라)을 검사하는 것으로, 이것은 의과대학과 의사로서의 성공과 연관되어있을 수 있다. 여기에 포함되는 것은 언어능력, 언어추론, 수리능력, 수리추론 이런 것들이다. 그러나 메타분석을 보면 일반인지능력(General Cognitive Ability, GCA)가 직업 내에서의 성취와 수행능력에 중간정도~강한 예측인자가 되지만, 세부적인 능력(specific ability)는 GCA의 전체적인 예측력을 높여주지는 못하는 것으로 나온다.

An alternative approach is to measure specific cognitive abilities (rather than knowledge) that may be related to success in medical school and medical practice, such as verbal ability/ reasoning, numerical ability/reasoning and so on. However, meta-analytic research has clearly shown that General Cognitive Ability (GCA) is a moderate to strong predictor of occupational attainment and performance within occupations, and that measures of specific abilities do not appreciably improve the overall predictive power of GCA (Schmidt & Hunter 2004; Brown et al. 2006).

Specific ability가 아니라 GCA를 사용하는 것의 장점은 '보상(compensation)'의 개념 때문이다. GCA검사는 SCA를 측정하는 질문을 포함할 수 있다. (언어, 수리, 추상, 공간, 다른 추론능력 등) 만약 이 점수가 합해져서 하나의 점수로 나타난다면, 한 구체적인 영역에서 점수가 떨어지는 것이 다른 영역에서의 높은 점수로 보상될 수 있다. 그러나 만약 SCA로만 선발한다면, 하나 혹은 두 개 영역에서 높은 점수가 다른 영역에서의 낮은 능력을 보상해주지 못한다. 학생 선발에서 GCA를 주된 접근법을 하는 것이 선발된 학생들 간의 다양성을 확보하는것에도 좋다. 모든 지원자의 GCA가 높더라도, 그 집단 내에서 구체적인 SCA는 차이가 있을 것이고, 우리는 의료의 다양성을 고려하면 이것이 중요하다고 생각한다.

An advantage of using an indicator of GCA rather than measuring narrower specific abilities hinges on the concept of ‘compensation’. A test of GCA might include questions that measure specific cognitive abilities, e.g. verbal, numerical, abstract, spatial and other reasoning abilities. If summed to produce a single score (indicating individual differences in GCA), then a lesser ability in one specific area can be compensated for by higher abilities in other areas. However, if people are selected on their performance on individual specific abilities, then high ability in one or two areas cannot compensate for lower ability in others. The outcome of using a general (compensatory) approach to ability testing in selection is higher variability within the selected pool of applicants. All will have high GCA, but specific abilities will vary within this pool and this we see as important, given the diversity of medical practice.

일부 연구결과가 학업성취도가 GCA보다 더 좋은 예측인자라고 보여주기도 하지만, GCA에 대한 메타분석을 보면 GCA와 교육 수행능력과 직업 성취에 유의미한 연관이 있다.

While some research has found academic achievement to be a better predictor of some occupational outcomes in medicine than GCA (McManus et al. 2003), the broader research reported in the GCA meta-analysis literature does demonstrate the significant relationship of GCA to educational performance and occupational attainment.

선발위원회에서 GCA를 측정하는 검사를 사용하려고 할 때의 문제는 적합한 검사를 찾는 것이다. 그러한 검사지가 있긴 하나, 대부분은 이미 잘 알려져있고, 사교육(coaching)에 취약하다.
The challenge for selection committees is to find a test that measures GCA, but not academic achievement/knowledge, that can be adminis- tered to large groups of applicants. Such tests do exist (e.g. Raven’s Progressive Matrices), but most of them are well-established tests that are widely known and susceptible to coaching.



의과대학생 선발에서 인성검사를 사용하는 것은 아마 가장 논쟁이 많은 영역일 것이다. 그러나 인성척도는 지금까지 경찰, 군, 공무원, 상업이나 기업 영역 등에서 선발에서 상당히 많이 사용되어 왔다.

The use of personality tests in the selection of medical students is possibly the most contentious area in the selection debate. However, personality measures have been (and are) used extensively for selection in the commercial and industrial sectors as well as the police, military and other government services in many countries.

FFM이 가장 많은 근거를 가지고 있다.

‘Five Factor Model’ (FFM) has emerged as the dominant empirically supported approach.

각각의 다섯 개 특징은 하위 영역이 있다.

Each of the five traits consists of a number of lower-order facets.

최근의 성격검사와 관한 메타분석에서 강조되어야 할 세 가지가 있다. 

There are three relevant points made in a recent personality meta-analysis that may be emphasised. 

첫 번째는, 성격특성이 예측타당도를 보여주었다는 것이다. 비록 0.10~0.45정도로 높지는 않지만, 수년간에 걸쳐서 이러한 중간 정도의 타당도만으로도 선발결정이 매우 중요하고, 선발되는 비율이 매우 낮은 의과대학생선발과 같은 과정에서는 충분히 가치가 있는 것으로 드러났다.

First, personality traits have demonstrated predictive validity: there are correlations between personality predictors and work-related criteria of 0.10 and 0.45. While such coefficients appear low, it has been recognised for many years that tests of even modest validity can make a valuable contribution to selection decisions where the proportion to be selected from the applicant pool is low and the importance of good selection decisions is high (as in medicine). 

두 번째는, 비록 인지능력이 근무지에서 수행능력에 대해서 많은 부분을 설명해주지만, 성격이 그 예측타당도에 추가적으로 기여하는 바가 있다는 점이다. 즉, 성격특성이 추가되면 인지적능력 단독으로 예측한 것보다 더 많은 부분을 예측할 수 있다.

Second, while cognitive ability accounts for a greater proportion of variance in work-related performance criteria, personality has incremental predictive validity: that is, the proportion of variance accounted for in job-related criterion measures increases when personality traits are included alongside cognitive ability (Ones et al. 2007).

세 번째는, 사람들이 '좋은 척'하는 경향이 있지만, 이것으로 인한 예측타당도의 저하는 매우 낮다는 점이다. 이것이 고무적이기는 하지만 high-stake 검사에서 사람들이 고의로 인격척도를 속이는 것에 대응할 수 있는 두 가지 전략을 다루고자 한다. 

    • 하나는 lie scale을 포함하는 것이며, 
    • 다른 하나는 극단치를 제외하는 것이다.

The third point is that while there is a tendency for people to ‘fake good’ on personality tests when they are taken under high stakes conditions, it has been found that this reduces the predictive validity of the tests only minimally (Ones et al. 2007). While this is encouraging, we suggest that faking on personality measures in high stakes testing can be countered to some extent by two strategies: inclusion of a ‘lie scale’ and by exclusion of extreme scorers. The details of these strategies are elaborated below.

비인지적 변인을 선발에 포함시키는 것은 두 가지를 면밀히 살펴야 한다. 하나는 어떤 것을 포함시킬 것인가이다. 논문에 근거하면 네 가지 필수적 영역이 있다.

The inclusion of non-cognitive variables in selection careful consideration of two aspects. First is the question of what variables to include. Our view based on the literature is that there are four essential non-cognitive criteria for competent and ethical practitioners in the medical and allied health professions:

  • ‘Involved with’ rather than ‘detached from’ or ‘manipulative of’ others (Agreeableness in terms of the Big 5). 
  • ‘Emotionally stable’ and ‘resilient’ rather than ‘overly emo- tionally reactive’ or ‘unpredictable’ (Big 5 ‘Emotional Stability’). 
  • ‘Self-controlled’ and ‘conscientious’ rather than ‘impulsive’ and ‘disorderly’ (Big 5 ‘Conscientiousness’). 
  • Neither too judgemental nor too permissive in one’s moral/ ethical values.

예측타당도에 대한 근거가 있는 다른 비인지적 변인들도 있다. 

There are other non-cognitive variables that can be, and have been, used in selection, for example, 

    • integrity (considered to be a ‘compound’ personality construct related to conscien- tiousness, agreeableness and emotional stability; Ones & Viswesvaran 2001), 
    • stress tolerance (Hogan R & Hogan J 1995) and 
    • Moral Orientation (Bore et al. 2005) tests for these qualities can be valuable where there is an evidence of predictive validity for specific occupations.

주요 이슈는 어떻게 이 변인들을 사용할 것인가다. 단순합을 하는 것은 부적절함.

A major issue in the present context is how these variables should be used in the selection model. 

인터뷰 대상자 선정을 위한 점수 합 구하기

Combining scores to create the interview pool

선발결정을 내릴 때 몇 가지 고려할 수 있는 모델이 있다. 가장 그럴듯한 것은 regression model로서, 선발변인들을 하나의 criterion이나 outcome에 대해서 regress하는 것이다. 그리고 regression weight를 구해서 실제 선발 점수에 적용한다. 이러한 접근법은 'outcome variable'이 쉽게 가능한 직종에서 널리 사용되어 왔다.

There are several models that can be considered when using scores to make selection decisions (Gatewood & Feild 2001). Perhaps the most appealing is the regression model where, experimentally, the selection variables are regressed against a criterion/outcome variable and the regression weights found are then applied to actual selection scores. This approach has been used extensively in selecting people for jobs in which outcome variables are readily available (e.g. sales perfor- mance, production rates, accident rates, absenteeism and so on).

그러나 의료에 있어서 쉽게 측정가능하고 타당도가 있으면서 윤리적으로 수집가능한 criterion variable의 집합은 아직 밝혀지지 않았다. 놀라운 일도 아니다.

A set of criterion variables (or compound of criteria) for the practice of medicine that can be reliably measured, that have evidence of validity and that can be obtained ethically has yet to be agreed and established. This is perhaps not surprising.

regression model의 대안은 점수를 multiple cut-off model로 활용하는 것이다. 여기서는 특정 범위에 있는 지원자가 선택된다.

An alternative to the regression model is to use the scores of each test in a multiple cut-off model. That is, applicants who score within a particular range for each variable measured are selected (in the model we are outlining here) into the interview pool.

선발 절차 - 예시

The selection procedure – A demonstration

어떤 선발절차와 마찬가지로, 이 모델은 가장 적절한 학생을 선발할 가능성을 최대화하기 위해서 만들어졌다. 첫 번째로 과거 학업성취도와 informed self-selection으로 지원자 풀이 만들어진다. 그러나 우리는 상위 10%의 학업성취도 집단으로 제한하기를 권고한다. 이는 학교에서의 수행능력의 기여수준을 효과적으로 낮춘다. 그리고 전체적인 능력과 관련된 더 많은 변인이 이후의 선발과정에서 다뤄진다.

Like any selection procedure, the model here is designed to maximise the probability of selecting the most appropriate students. In the first instance a pool of applicants is created based on past academic performance and informed self- selection. Each medical school sets its own academic perfor- mance criterion; however, we would suggest a cut point that allows the top 10% of academic achievers over this hurdle (Neame et al. 1992). This effectively lowers the contribution of school performance: more of the variance in overall ability is dealt with by the subsequent selection steps.

가상의 1000명 집단이 있을 때를 가정.

To demonstrate the multiple-cut off method, we have used actual scores from experimental testing conducted by us in a number of sample groups to create a hypothetical n¼1000 pool.

6개의 variable로 검사점수를 얻는다. z score로 변환하여 이 점수를 가지고 면접대상자를 선발한다.

In our sample of 1000 applicants, test scores were obtained for six variables as shown in Table 1. The raw scores were normed and transformed into z scores (mean of 0, SD of 1). We can now use the scores to create the interview pool in a two-step procedure.

극단적으로 self-representation하는 사람을 제거한다.

In Step 1, excessively positive self-representation on the non-cognitive tests can be managed by removing extreme high scorers on a Lie scale

2SD를 벗어나는 극단적으로 높거나 낮은 사람은 제외하기를 권고한다.

We also suggest that the extreme high and low scorers (z scores less than 2 or greater than +2) on the non-cognitive tests should not progress to the interview pool. 

두 가지 이유이다. 하나는 '좋은 사람인 척'하면 극도로 높은 점수가 나오며, 이것이 거짓을 가리는 전략이 될 수 있다. 두 번째로, 극도로 반응이 심하고 충동적이고 타인에게 무심한 사람은 의사로서 부적절하며, 그 정 반대의 경우도 마찬가지이다. 지나치게 통제하려들거나, 감정이 없거나, 지나치게 감정적이고 자신감이 높은 경우도 마찬가지이다. 도덕적 지향에 있어서는 지나치게 liberal하거나 지나치게 사회적 규범에 집착하는 사람은 윤리성에 문제가 생길 가능성이 높고, 두 극단 사이의 균형이 더 중요하다.

The reason for this is two-fold. First, ‘faking good’ would produce extremely high scores so this is another strategy to manage lying. Second, while being excessively reactive, impulsive or detached (narcissistic and aloof) is inappropriate to the practice of medicine, so too is being at the other extreme: overly controlled, resilient (lacking in emotion) or involved (overly empathic and confident). With regard to moral orientation, we suggest that being too liberal or too socially rule-bound is potentially problematic in terms of ethical practice and a balance between these two extremes is more appropriate (Bore et al. 2005).

Step 1에서 1000명에서 9.9%가 줄어 901명이 됨.

Applying Step 1 to our sample of 1000 applicants resulted in a reduction of 9.9% to 901.

Step 2에서 성격검사와 인지검사에 하한치를 적용하고 면접대상자를 정한다. 이 단계는 반복적으로 수행하여 하한치를 점차 높여가며 면접 대상자의 수 만큼만 남길 수 있다.

The light shaded area in Figure 2 results fromStep 2, which involves applying lowest score ‘cut points’ for the personality (Control, Resilience and Involvement) and cognitive test results to reach the number of applicants to be interviewed. This process can be done iteratively, raising and lowering the lowest score cut points, until only the number to be interviewed remain in the pool.

하한치를 변화하는 것은 각 변인간의 가중치를 바꾸는 것과 마찬가지이다. 가중치가 높은 변인은 더 높은 하한선을 가진다.

Changing the lowest score cut points on any of the the given variables changes weighting to the variable. Greater weight is given to a variable if its cut point is raised, and lesser weight is given if the cut point is lowered, relative to the remaining variables.

이러한 방법의 장점은 개별 의과대학마다 자신이 바라는 입학생의 혼합 구성비를 조정할 수 있다는 것이다.

This method has several advantages. It allows individual medical schools to determine the mix of qualities they want in their incoming students.

또 다른 장점은 하나의 시험에서 나타난 수행능력에만 의존하여 면접대상자를 선별하지 않는다는 점이다.

Another advantage is that proceeding to the interview pool does not ultimately rest on performance in one test (usually a cognitive skills test).

아마도 이 방법에서 가장 중요한 장점은 validity 근거가 더 확실한 검사에 더 가중치를 줄 수 있다는 점이다.

Perhaps, the most important advantage is that the method allows tests with a greater evidence of validity to have greater weighting in selection decision-making.



이 선발모델의 마지막 요소는 면접이다. 두 가지 이슈가 있다. 하나는 교수들의 부담스러워 하더라도 면접에 참여시킬 것이냐는 문제이고, 다른 하나는 어떤 것을 평가할 것인가에 대한 문제이다.

The final component of our selection model is the interview. There are two major issues in relation to medical school selection interviews. First, whether to interview at all given the costs and inconvenience to faculty staff; and second, what to assess in the interview.

첫 번째에 관한 우리의 관점은 어떤 선발모델도 지원자와 의과대학의 대표단(representative)사이의 접촉을 생략해서는 안된다는 것이다.

Our view regarding the first is that no selection model should omit an opportunity for personal contact between the applicant and a representative of the medical school.

면접이 갖는 문제는 '의사가 되고자 하는 동기'에 대해서 지원자들이 이미 충분한 연습이 되어있다는 점이다. 그들의 대답은 진실될수도 그렇지 않을 수도 있다. 따라서 대안적인 방법은 면접을 통해서 직접적으로 관찰가능한 것만 측정하는 것이다.

A problem with interviews is that they are sometimes used as a measure of ‘motivation to be a doctor’ with applicants usually having carefully rehearsed their answer to the question ‘Why do you want to be a doctor?’ Their answer might, or might not, reflect reality. An alternative, and preferable, approach is to use the interview to measure only what can be directly observed.

  • interpersonal skills/communication, 
  • punctuality and presentation, 
  • decision-making (in response to presented scenarios) and 
  • behaviour under pressure (globally throughout the inter- view or in a specifically designed task),

MMI의 확장형 면접 형태는 일련의 서로 다른 과제를 수행하면서, 지원자를 입학관련 스텝들과 접촉하는 모든 지점에서 평가하는 것이다.

An extension of the multiple mini interviews might be to have the applicants rated at all points of contact with school admission staff (including administrators as well as interviewers) over a series of different tasks.

각 의과대학은 자신만의 고유한 면접 절차를 개발할 기회가 있고 많은 의대가 그렇게 해왔다. 우리는 다양한 의과대학이 존재하여 학생들이 단일한 시스템만 대면하지 않도록 하는 것이 중요하다고 생각한다.

There is an opportunity for medical schools to develop their own interview procedures and many have done so. We see it as important that there is variety among medical schools so that candidates are not faced by a monolithic system.

또한 면접과 면접과제의 중요한 요소는 구조화되어야 하고, 객관적이어야 한다는 것이다. 이를 통해서 관찰가능한 행동만 평가해야 하며 모든 평가자와 면접관이 그 과정에 훈련되어 있어야 한다.

The important point is that the interviews and tasks need to be structured, objective in that only observable behaviour is rated and all interviewers/raters should have been trained in the procedure.

Brown KG, Le H, Schmidt FL. 2006. Specific aptitude theory revisited: Is there incremental validity for training performance? Int J Select Assess 14:87–100

 2009 Dec;31(12):1066-72. doi: 10.3109/01421590903095510.

comprehensive model for the selection of medical students.

Author information

  • 1School of Psychology, University of Newcastle, Callaghan, NSW, Australia. Miles.Bore@newcastle.edu.au



Medical schools have a need to select their students from an excess of applicants. Selection procedures have evolved piecemeal: Academic thresholds have risen, written tests have been incorporated and interview protocols are developed.


To develop and offer for critical review and, ultimately, present for adoption by medical schools, an evidence-based and defensible model formedical student selection.


We have described here a comprehensive model for selecting medical students which is grounded on the theoretical and empiricalselection and assessment literature, and has been shaped by our own research and experience.


The model includes the following selection criteria: Informed self-selection, academic achievement, general cognitive ability (GCA) and aspects of personality and interpersonal skills. A psychometrically robust procedure by which cognitive and non-cognitive test scores can be used to make selection decisions is described. Using de-identified data (n = 1000) from actual selection procedures, we demonstrate how the model and the procedure can be used in practice.


The model presented is based on a currently best-practice approach and uses measures and methods that maximise the probability of making accurate, fair and defensible selection decisions.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

의과대학 입학에 있어서 인적특성 평가(Med Educ, 2005)

Assessment of personal qualities in relation to admission to medical school

Mary Ann Lumsden,1 Miles Bore,2,3 Keith Millar,4 Rachael Jack1 & David Powis2

의과대학 학생선발 절차의 목적은 학부의학교육을 잘 이수하여 미래에 좋은 의사가 될 사람을 뽑고, 전문직에게 악평을 남길 사람을 배제하는 것이다.

The aim of a medical school admissions procedure is to select those who will perform well as undergraduates and make good doctors in the future, and to exclude those who will bring the profession into disrepute.

추가로, 의과대학 졸업생의 사회적, 문화적, 인종적 배경 구성이 어떻게 되어있느냐는 전체 환자집단의 다양성을 반영해야 한다.

In addition, the social, cultural and ethnic backgrounds of medical graduates should reflect the diversity of the patient population.

고등학교졸업생을 대상으로 한 영국의 의과대학생 선발은 높은 학업성취도를 이룬 학생을 주로 선발하며, 그 절차는 비밀스럽고 다양하다.

The admission of school-leavers to medical schools in the UK is usually based upon high academic attain- ment, the procedures often being secretive and varied.2

그러나 학업성취도가 높은 학생을 선발하는 것은 그 성장배경이 애초에 불리한 사람들을 차별하는 결과를 가져올 수 있다. 그리고 이는 지원자와 교사 모두의 의욕을 꺾는 일이다. 더 나아가서 불리한 성장배경에서 자라난 지원자는 현재의 의과대학 선발요건을 달성하기 어려운 경우가 많은데, 이는 그들의 학업적 역량을 최대로 발휘할 기회가 주어지지 않았기 때문이다.

However, high academic thresholds may discriminate against those from disadvantaged backgrounds7,8 as these discourage both applicants and teachers. Furthermore, applicants from disadvantaged backgrounds find current admissions requirements difficult to attain because they often lack opportunity or encouragement to maximise their academic potential. 

더 광범위하게는, 의사들은 우수한 역량과 더불어 공감과 윤리성을 갖추어야 한다. 

More broadly, it is generally accepted that doctors need to be competent, empathic and ethical. (Leaving aside particular psychomotor skills, generic competence in this context refers to the intellectual ability to solve problems by applying acquired knowledge and using logical reasoning.)

psychometric 검사는 학습자료 이외에서 드러나는 인적특성을 측정하는 도구로 사용될 수 있고, 따라서 이는 사회적 배경에 영향을  받는다.

Psychometric tests can be used to measure personal- ity characteristics and abilities rather than learned material, and accordingly, performance should be less influenced by social background.

의과대학 지원자에 대한 Psychometric testing은 미국과 호주에서 몇 년간 사용되어왔다. 인지능력은 그 자체로 혹은 지원자의 다른 학업기록과 함께 사용될 경우에도 의과대학 수행능력의 신뢰도 높은 예측인자임이 확인되어왔다.

Psychometric testing of applicants to medicine has been used in the USA and Australia for some years. Cognitive ability scores alone, and in combination with the academic record of the applicant, have been shown to be reliable predictors of medical school performance.10

PQA가 호주에서 개발되었으며 세 가지 검사를 포함하고 있다.

A test battery called the Personal Qualities Assess- ment (PQA) has been developed by researchers in Australia. The battery consists of 3 tests, of which the 

  • first is designed to measure individual differences in cognitive reasoning ability, 
  • the second to identify an Involved (empathic and confident with others) or Detached (narcissistic and aloof) personality trait, and 
  • the third to determine ethical ⁄ moral orientation.

PQA에 대한 추가 정보

Further details are available from the PQA website.13

인성검사과 윤리/도덕 지향검사는 그러한 특성이 강하게 발전된 개개인을 대상으로 활용될 수 있다. 예컨대 그 검사를 통해서 공감이 높은 사람 혹은 자기확신이 강한 사람을 찾을 수 있으며, 자기애적인 사람과 무관심한 사람을 찾을 수 있다. 이 두 가지 검사도구 결과를 병합하면 Table1 과 같은 결과가 나온다.

The personality and ethical ⁄ moral orientation tests can be used to identify individuals in whom certain characteristics are strongly developed. For example, they allow for identification of those who are very empathic or self-confident, as well as those who are particularly narcissistic or aloof. In addition, the scores from these 2 assessment tools can be combined, enabling an empirically-based definition of different personality types (Table 1).

요약하자면 PQA는 다음과 같은 것을 검사한다.

In summary, the PQA is used to determine: 

• cognitive reasoning ability; 

• the degree to which individuals are involved or detached, and 

• the extent to which individuals value individual freedom at the expense of societal needs or the needs and expectations of society at the expense of the individual.

The tests ⁄ questionnaires

Participants completed the following tests.

  • Test 1: Cognitive Skills (TUNRA, University of Newcastle, Australia): This comprised a 38-itemtest to measure the ability to reason logically and to apply logic to problemsolving.
  • Test 2: Mojac Scale11,14–16: This provides a relative measure of a libertarian-dual-communitarian dimension of moral ori- entation (LibCom score).
  • Test 3: NACE⁄ (ECAN) Scale12,16: This provides scores on narcissism(N), aloofness (A), self-confidence(C) andempathy (E). Anoverall ECAN score was calculated: highscores indicate a tendency to be involved with others (high empathy and self- confidence) while lowscores indicate a tendency to be detachedfromothers (highaloofness andnarcissism).

도덕성 유형 

Moral types

이 연구를 위해서 평균에서 1.5SD 떨어진 것을 임의로 기준으로 삼았다.

For this research the types were defined arbitrarily as a score on either dimension greater than 1.5 standard deviations from the mean. The raw scores were converted to T scores, having a mean of 50 with an SD of 10. Accordingly, outlying scores lie below 35 or above 65 on either dimension.

통계 분석

Statistical analysis

Results are expressed as means (SD) for normally distributed data. The Kruskall)Wallis and Mann–Whitney tests were used to examine non-parametric data.

부모의 직업 자료는 얻는 것이 불가능해서 DepCat 분류를 사용했다.

As data on parental occupation were not available, social class was defined by deprivation category (DepCat), whereby the individual’s postcode serves as a proxy for socioeconomic class.19

1~7까지이며, 1,2 / 3,4,5 / 6,7로 구분하였음.

DepCats range from 1 to 7, the latter indicating areas of severe deprivation. DepCat data were available on 427 individuals. Due to the small numbers inDepCat 6and7particularly, the cohort was divided into 3 groups for analysis.19 Group 1 comprisedthoseinDepCats 1and2 (n ¼ 164, 38.4%); group 2 comprised those in DepCats 3, 4 and 5 (n ¼ 229, 53.6%) and group 3 comprised those in DepCats 6 and 7 (n ¼ 34, 8.0%).

PQA 프로파일

Profile of the PQA


Cognitive skills

The range and normal distribution of the scores shown in Fig. 1 indicate that there are widely differ- ent cognitive abilities in this sample, which is other- wise uniformin terms of its members having achieved high grades in school-leaving examinations.


MOJAC and NACE scores

Figure 2 shows the distribution of applicants by moral type:


Educational background

Deprivation category (DepCat)

선발절차에 PQA를 포함시키는 것의 효과

The effect of incorporating the PQA into theselection process 

평균보다 2SD이상 떨어지는 지원자는 의학에 부적합하다고 볼 수 있다. 이 지원자들을 배제하고, 성격검사에서 극단에 있는 사람들을 제외한다면, 109명의 학생이 남는다. 그러나 이 중에 실제로는 15명만이 선발단계에서 배제되엇다.

It may be hypothesised that those applicants withrelatively poor cognitive skills (> 2 SD below thecohort mean score) are less suited to a career inmedicine. If these individuals are excluded, together with those whose personality traits lie at the extreme ends of the scale, 109 (23%) of the Scottish applicants would not have obtained a place. Only 15 of these applicants were in fact excluded on the standard admissions criteria applied. Figure 4 shows the actual acceptance and rejection rates of the present sample in their applications to study medicine, and their application outcomes if the PQA or standard criteria had been applied.


인지기술 점수는 가우시안 분포를 따랐으며, 이 전체 지원자의 학업성취가 전반적으로 극도로 높음에도 이러한 인지적 능력에는 상당한 차이가 있는 것을 보여준다. 이는 'A레벨을 받는 것'자체로는 - 이미 그러한 학생들이 수가 늘어나서 - 충분히 쓸모있는 선발기준이 되지 못한다는 여러 기관의 우려와 일치한다.

The scores of the cognitive skills test component of the PQA follow a Gaussian distribution and it is possible to distinguish different degrees of cogni- tive ability despite the fact that academic attain- ment across the cohort is extremely high. This is an important finding in light of the concerns expressed by both the media and organisations such as the Council of the Heads of Medical Schools that A-levels are becoming less useful as a selection criterion because increasing numbers of candidates achieve the top grades.

인지적 능력 뿐 아니라 PQA는 NACE과 Mojac도 확인한다. PQA에서 드러난 특성은 교육적 배경에 따라 영향을 받지 않으나, 일부 DepCat에 따라서 약간의 차이는 있다. 더 Deprivation이 심한 집단에서 ECAN점수가 높으며, 이는 이들이 더 공감적이고 자신감이 있으며, 덜 자기애적이고 덜 무관심하다는 것을 보여준다.

As well as cognitive ability, the PQA has also been developed to identify empathy and related and opposing traits (NACE) and moral ⁄ ethical orienta- tion (Mojac). The qualities identified by the PQA were not influenced by educational background, although some minor differences with deprivation category were noted: those from areas of greater deprivation produced higher ECAN scores, indica- ting that they were more involved (empathic and confident) and less detached (narcissistic and aloof) than those from areas of lesser deprivation.

13 Personal Qualities Assessment (PQA). http://www. pqa.net.au

 2005 Mar;39(3):258-65.

Assessment of personal qualities in relation to admission to medical school.

Author information

  • 1Division of Developmental Medicine, Glasgow Royal Infirmary, Glasgow, UK. M.A.Lumsden@clinmed.gla.ac.uk



Recently there has been much scrutiny of the medical school admissions process by universities, the General Medical Council and the public. Improved objectivity, fairness and effectiveness of selection procedures are desirable. The ultimate outcome sought is the graduation of competent doctors who reflect the values of and are in tune with the communities they serve.


Applicants to the Scottish medical schools sat a battery of psychometric tests to measure cognitive ability, personality traits and moral/ethical reasoning (Personal Qualities Assessment, PQA). Analysis determined the potential impact of the latter variables, and those of educational background and socioeconomic class (assessed by residential 'deprivation category'), upon success in gaining a place to study medicine.


Cognitive ability did not vary significantly as a function of gender or educational background, although there was a trend for it to be lower in individuals from more deprived backgrounds. Women as a group were more empathic, with a greater communitarian orientation, than men. There was no significant difference between individuals attending independent and state-funded schools in respect of any of the qualities measured by the PQA. Applicants from deprived backgrounds and those attending state-funded schools would not be disadvantaged by an admissions process based on the PQA.


The incorporation of an assessment tool such as the PQA may have positive implications for widening access and the objective selection of suitable medical students, resulting in the training of doctors who are more representative of the community at large. A longterm follow-up of the professional careers of those medical students who completed the PQA will be undertaken.

Comment in

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

의과대학에서 자기주도학습 촉진하기: 교육과정 혁신만으로는 부족할 때(IJSDL, 2011)


Janet F. Piskurich

1984년 the Physicians for the Twenty-first Century: Report of the Project Panel on General Professional Education of the Physician and College Preparation for Medicine (Association of American Medical Colleges [AAMC]) 에서도 강조함. 

Advances in scientific information and technology are proliferating at an accelerating pace, requiring that physicians continually acquire new knowledge and skills. In 1984, the Physicians for the Twenty-first Century: Report of the Project Panel on General Professional Education of the Physician and College Preparation for Medicine (Association of American Medical Colleges [AAMC]) emphasized that a medical education should prepare students to learn throughout their professional lives.

1990년 다시 기념비적 보고서가 나옴 (ACME-TRI report)

Again in the 1990’s, a seminal report on assessing medical education change stated, “…Faculty members’ first goal should be to foster their students’ lifelong learning by helping them to develop their learning skills” (AAMC, 1993, p. S33).

LCME 기준에도 평생학습 기술이 포함됨

Standards for medical school accreditation now specify that medical education programs must include opportunities for independent study to foster lifelong learning skills (Liaison Committee on Medical Education [LCME], 2010).

PBL이 도입되었고, Mercer University School of Medicine에서는 25년넘게 PBL에 교육과정의 유일한 기반

One nontraditional pedagogy, problem-based learning, emerged early as a method for development of self-direction and lifelong learning skills in medical students (Neville, 2009). While many medical schools use blended approaches incorporating various aspects of this instructional pedagogy, problem-based learning has been the sole basis of the curriculum at Mercer University School of Medicine for over twenty-five years (Donner & Brickley, 1993).

또 다른 교육과정의 혁신은 임상표현중심 교육과정. 이는 기초의학지식이 특정한 임상사례에만 엮이는 단점을 개선하기 위한 것으로, 진단 스키마가 기초의학과 임상지식의 gap-free integration의 scaffold가 된다. 이러한 스키마가 전문가들이 사용하는 귀납적 진단 추론과정을 더 촉진시켜주며, 전문가와 같은 형태에 더 노출된다.

Another curricular innovation that is being introduced into medical schools to improve diagnostic reasoning skills of medical students as well as their retention and transfer of knowledge is clinical-presentation-based curricula, an attempt to avoid the drawback of having basic science knowledge tied to specific clinical cases (Mandin, Jones, Woloschuk, & Harasym, 1997). In this approach, diagnostic schemes that serve as scaffolds for gap-free integration of basic science and clinical knowledge are provided. These schemes are used to promote more inductive diagnostic reasoning processes as used by experts, and exposure to experts is maximized.

학습자들의 저항은 잘 알려져있다.

Initial resistance of some learners to self-directed learning is well-recognized. The transition can represent an intimidating change in educational approach for individuals without previous self-directed learning experience (Long, 1994). It has been shown that medical students, who have normally excelled in a teacher-centered college environment, value the familiar teacher-directed approach rather than self- directed, independent learning (Ho & Tani, 2007). Resistance by medical students as the responsibility for their learning is shifted from the teacher to the student has also been noted in publications aimed at preparing medical students for problem-based learning (Woods, 1994). In both problem-based and clinical presentation-based curricula, faculty are encouraged to serve as learning facilitators and provide students with opportunities for self-directed learning; however, resistance of learners to accept responsibility for their learning occurs in both programs, especially early in the first year. Since excellent evaluations by their students are essential components of the medical educator portfolios required of faculty for tenure and/or promotion (Fresco & Nasser, 2001; Simpson et al., 2007), faculty are likely to perceive learner resistance as a formidable barrier to teaching-learning transactions that foster self-directed learning.


Problem-based Learning Curriculum

인터벤션 방식 Intervention.

Essential elements of the problem-based learning curriculum are described above. During the four years spanned by this study, the average class size was 50 medical students. The one-minute paper is an in-class writing activity that takes a minute or less to complete where students respond to a question posed by the instructor (Cross & Angelo, 1988). It enables students to reflect on the instruction and provides instructors with useful anonymous student feedback. The intervention in the problem-based learning curriculum consisted of two one-minute papers, performed at the first session, after group members introduced themselves but before they started the first case. 

    • The first question posed was: “Name one thing a good group member does?” Pieces of paper were handed out on which students were asked to write their response. All papers were collected into a bag. The bag was then passed around and students were asked to draw out a paper and read it aloud while the facilitator made a list of the responses. 
    • This process was repeated for the second one- minute paper, for which the question posed was: “Name one thing a good faculty learning facilitator does?” 

Reflection by students at this first session was private while each composed their response. Facilitators were encouraged to set aside time during the last formal group session of each week to discuss students’ perceptions of the learning process within the group. To initiate discussion, the facilitator provided the list of responses gathered during the first session. Group members were encouraged to collectively reflect and discuss how the group and learning process was working.

설문 도구 Survey instrument.

Students’ scores and comments from the level-one evaluation survey (Kirkpatrick & Kirkpatrick, 2006) were examined for the six-week “Host Defense” course that occurs early in the curriculum.

Clinical Presentation-based Curriculum

인터벤션 방식 Intervention.

The intervention consisted of a student survey using an audience response system. 

      • The survey question, which described team-based learning in layman’s terms for the students, was: “Our next session (based on the self- taught learning module) will be interactive and composed of clinical vignettes with audience response questions that you can use to formatively assess your knowledge. How would you prefer to answer the questions during this session?” 
      • The possible responses were: “By consensus of your assigned small group” (consistent with team- based learning) or “Individually” (inconsistent with team-based learning). 

Students’ responses to the survey were collected anonymously, and the collective results were shared with the class. For the year when there was no intervention, the class was not surveyed and students were not given any chance to provide input.



Problem-Based Learning Curriculum

Clinical Presentation-Based Curriculum


Since students selected for admission may have been successful in situations dominated by didactic instruction, they may be highly resistant to self-directed learning (Long, 1994; Albers, 2009). Especially during their first year, students may reward faculty who use a directive lecture approach with higher scores on teaching evaluations.

두 가지 인터벤션은 그 교육과정 자체만큼이나 다르지만 둘 다 결과가 좋았다.

The two types of interventions seem almost as different as the curricula themselves, yet both yielded very favorable results.

Simpson, D., Fincher, R.-M. E., Hafler, J. P., Irby, D. M., Rich, B. F., Rosenfeld, G. C. & Viggiano, T. R. (2007). Advancing educators and education by defining the components and evidence associated with educational scholarship. Medical Education, 41, 1002-1009.


Janet F. Piskurich

Medical students are poised to enter a constantly changing field. Although medical school education standards specify inclusion of independent study to foster lifelong learning skills, first-year medical students may pressure faculty to provide necessary knowledge in strict lecture format, especially early in their programs. This paper reports on two different interventions that were used to help support students’ autonomy and their acceptance of self-directed learning during this transitional period in two very different medical school curricula. Medical students’ perceptions of sessions that fostered independent study were improved by interventions that allowed students to provide input into the facilitation or implementation of these sessions.

자기주도학습준비도와 의과대학에서의 지식기반- 혹은 수행능력기반- 척도로 측정한 성공의 관계(IJSDL, 2011)


Brian W. Findley and Robert J. Bulik

Sloan, Donnelly, Schwartz, and Strodel은 "의사들은 임상역량이 지식만으로 충분하지 않다는 것을 안다. 충실한 지식의 토대를 갖추는 것은 필수적이지만, 임상 역량은 다른 숨낳은 영역도 포괄한다" 

Sloan, Donnelly, Schwartz, and Strodel (1995) declare, “Physicians recognize that clinical competence is determined by more than knowledge. Although a sound knowledge base is vital, clinical competence encompasses numerous other domains” (p. 736). Almost 20 years ago, 

  • the UK Medical Council published Tomorrow’s Doctors, which called for increasing the SDL capacity in medical education (Whittle & Murdoch-Eaton, 2004). More recently, 
  • the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) established implementing practice-based learning in medical school as one of its six core competencies. Two of the key components of this approach are directly related to SDL--lifelong learning and self-reflection (ACGME, 2006).


Problem Statement

의학교육의 중요한 교리 중 하나는 SDL과 같은 역량을 개발하여 평생학습, 독립적 학습을 할 수 있게 하는 것이다. Harvey, Rothman, and Fecker 는 "독립적인 자기주도적 평생학습자가 되게 하는 것은 학부의학교육의 중요한 목표 중 하나이다."라고 했다.

One of the major tenets of medical education is to cultivate competencies, such as SDL, that will transfer into lifelong, independent learning (Whittle & Murdoch-Eaton, 2001). Harvey, Rothman, and Fecker (2003) state that, “becoming an independent and self-directed lifelong learner is one of the critical outcomes of undergraduate medical education” (p. 1259).

의학과 3학년을 대상으로 한 연구에서 SDLRS/LPA가 일반인보다 매우 높은 평균점수를 받은 것이 나타났다.

Previously, a study done with third-year medical students enrolled in this curriculum curriculum (IMC) showed significantly (p < .01) higher mean scores (236.6) when compared to the general population (214.0) on Guglielmino’s (1978) Self-Directed Learning Readiness Scale/Learner Preference Assessment (SDLRS/LPA) (Bulik, 2003).

SDL에 의해서 의사로서 바람직한 자질을 기를 수 있기에, PBL/EBM은 의과대학 교육과정에 더 흔해지고 있다. 

Partially due to the fact that the desirable traits of physicians are fostered by SDL, PBL/EBM is becoming more common in medical school curricula. Therefore, the contribution of SDL throughout the medical school experience is worthy of investigation.


Conceptual Framework

의과대학 통합교육과정

Integrated Medical Curriculum

AAMC에 따르면 의학교육과정의 질을 개선하는 것은 끊임없는 작업이다. 의학은 언제나 "진화하는 사회적 요구, 진료 패턴, 과학적 발전"에 응답해야 한다.

According to the Association of American Medical Colleges (1998) the process of improving the quality of medical education curriculum is continuous. Medicine must always be responsive to “evolving societal needs, practice patterns and scientific developments” (Association of American Medical Colleges, p. 9).

Lujan and DiCarlo 는 학부과학교육의 양이 학생들의 학업적 성공에 아무런 영향이 없음을 지적했다.

Lujan and DiCarlo (2006) note that the quantity of undergraduate science education has no effect on medical students’ academic success.

자연과학, 해부학, 생화학 지식이 거의 유지되지 않는 것 때문에 교육과정과 관련한 의사결정자들은 그들의 정책을 다시 생각해보게 되었다. 그 결과 "교사들은 학생이 암기해야 하는 사실정보의 총량을 줄이고, 수동적 강의 형태를 줄이고, 더 많은 시간을 학생들이 능동적, 독립적, 문제해결자가 되도록 하는데 노력해야 한다."라고 했다.

Low retention rates of basic science, anatomy and biochemistry information prior to medical school graduation have led those involved in curricular decision-making to rethink their strategies (Lujan & DiCarlo, 2006). As a consequence, the philosophy that “teachers should reduce the total amount of factual information students are expected to memorize, reduce our use of the passive lecture format, and devote much more effort to helping students become active, independent learners and problem solvers” (Lujan & DiCarlo, 2006, p. 17), is now prevalent in medical education. 

자기주도학습을 개발하기 위한 두 개의 비슷한 방법이 PBL과 EBM이다. 

Two closely related methods identified to facilitate the development of self- directed learning are problem-based learning (PBL), and evidence-based medicine (EBM) curricula (Williams, 2004). These forms of self-instruction have increased substantially over the past 15 years. In fact, 94% of medical schools reported using self-instruction in their curricula in 1998-99 (Albanese, 2000).

PBL의 도입

PBL, which is grounded in cognitive psychology, was introduced in the late 1970’s (Tärnvik, 2007) by Barrows and Tamblyn at McMaster University in Canada (Trevena, 2007).

PBL을 지적하는 사람도 있지만, 정보처리이론에 기반을 두고 있다.

While PBL has detractors (Colliver, 2000) who claim all medical education is clinically contextual, PBL is based on information-processing theory which involves activating prior knowledge, encoding specificity, and knowledge elaboration (Albanese, 2000; Schmidt, Vermeulen, & Van Der Molen, 2006).

EBM은 19세기 중반의 파리로 거슬러 올라가는데, 다음과 같이 정의된다. Bardley는 EBM이 진행되는 다섯 단계를 설명했다.

Evidence-based medicine, whose origins date back to mid-19th century Paris, is defined as “the conscientious, explicit, and judicious use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of individual patients (Sackett, Rosenberg, Gray, Haynes, & Richardson, 1996, p. 71).” Bradley et al. (2005) identify five steps to the EBM process: 

    • formulating clinically important questions, 
    • efficient gathering of clinical evidence (research), 
    • critical appraisal (assessment) of evidence, 
    • applying evidence to practice, 
    • evaluating own practice” (p. 150).

연구결과에 기반하자면 PBL.EBM의 인지적 장점은 SDL기술을 기르는 것이며, 이것은 다음에 도움이 된다.

Based on available research, the cognitive advantages of PBL/EBM are an increase in honing SDL skills that transfer to 

      • professional practice, 
      • motivation (Schmidt et al., 2006), 
      • scientific thinking, 
      • promoting deeper understanding (Yalcin et al., 2006), 
      • better knowledge acquisition (Bradley et al., 2005; Schmidt et al.), 
      • critical appraisal skills, learner autonomy (Bradley et al.), and 
      • problem solving (Schmidt et al.; Yalcin et al.). 

대인관계적 장점은 다음과 같다.

The interpersonal advantages of PBL/EBM include 

      • improved professional collaboration, (Schmidt et al., 2006; Yalcin et al., 2006), 
      • conflict resolution (Yalcin et al.), 
      • retention, 
      • better patient communication, 
      • teamwork, 
      • expertise in running meetings, 
      • helping colleagues’ confidence, 
      • ability to work and plan efficiently (Schmidt et al.) and 
      • improved attitudes (Bradley et al., 2005). Further, 

또한 전통적인 교육과정보다 장점도 있다.

PBL enhances enjoyment of school by both student and instructor when compared to traditional curriculum (Albanese, 2000), and they affiliate better, as well (Abraham, Upadbya, & Ramnarayan, 2005; Albanese, 2000). In fact, PBL graduates were more likely to, “spend more time in direct patient care, bill for more psychotherapy services per month, have an academic appointment, enter family medicine and be in group practice” (Albanese, p. 736).

의학분야에서의 자기주도학습

Self-Directed Learning in the Medical Field

세 개의 미국 의과대학에서 진행된 연구를 보면, SDLRS/LPA는 신뢰할 수 있는, 성-평등한 평가법이다. 의과대학생의 평균점수는 235점으로 일반 인구집단보다 높다.

In a study involving three U.S. medical schools (n=941), the SDLRS/LPA was found to be a reliable, gender-fair assessment. The mean score for the medical students was 235, placing them in the above-average range of SDLRS/LPA scores for the general population (Guglielmino, Mazmanian, Guglielmino, Hoban, & Pololi, 2002).


Final grade.

National Board of Medical Examiners-Family Medicine Subject Examination.

Objective Structured Clinical Exam.

Preceptor ratings.

Self-Directed Learning Readiness Scale/Learning Preference Assessment.

Data Collection and Analysis


Mean Scores

연구질문 Research Question 1

Do medical students who have completed the FM clerkship have higher scores on the SDLRS/LPA than the general adult population reported by Guglielmino and Guglielmino in 1988 (214.0 + 25.59)? The mean SDLRS/LPA score was 229.06 + 23.19, which places the sample in the top 31% of those tested (Guglielmino & Guglielmino, 1991).

연구질문 Research Question 2

Is there a significant correlation between medical students’ SDLRS/LPA scores and knowledge-based measures of success (NBME scores)? The Pearson r correlation showed a significant (p < 0.05) relationship between SDLRS/LPA scores and NBME-FM scores, but the relationship was negligible (r = .073).

연구질문 Research Question 3

Is there a significant correlation between medical students’ SDLRS/LPA scores and performance-based measures of success (OSCE scores, preceptor rating scores)? The Pearson r correlation showed significant (p < 0.01) relationships between SDLRS/LPA and OSCE 1 (r = .109, p = .001), OSCE 2 (r = .103, p = .002), and OSCE AVG (r = .133, p = .000). Correlation analysis also showed significant (p < 0.05) correlations between SDLRS/LPA scores and preceptor rating 2 (r = .168, p = .034), and preceptor rating 3 (r = .305, p = 0.05).

연구질문 Research Question 4

Is there a significant correlation between medical students’ SDLRS/LPA scores and the combination of knowledge-based and performance-based measures of success (final grade)? Correlation analysis showed significant (p < 0.01) correlations between SDLRS/LPA scores and final grade (r = .138). While this correlation is significant, it should be interpreted with caution since the effect size is small.

연구질문 Research Question 5

Are knowledge-based and performance-based measures of success (OSCE and preceptor ratings scores) and SDLRS/LPA scores significant in predicting NBME-FM scores? Regression analysis was performed to determine the nature of the relationship between the variables. The regression equation used NBME-FM scores as the criterion variable and SDLRS/LPA scores, OSC AVG, and preceptor ratings as variables for predictors. The final grade was purposely not included in this analysis since NBME-FM scores were calculated into that score and it would confound the results due to collinearity.

Conclusions, Discussion And Recommendations

Conclusions and Discussion

While the relationships of SDLRS/LPA scores of medical students in this study with knowledge-based and performance-based examinations were modest, they mirror the relationships that have appeared consistently across a number of studies and indicate a tendency for medical students with higher levels of SDL to perform better in medical preparation programs.

One of the major tenets of medical education is to cultivate competencies, such as SDL, that will transfer into lifelong independent learning (Whittle & Murdoch-Eaton, 2001). Accordingly, Harvey et al. (2003) state that, “becoming an independent and self-directed lifelong learner is one of the critical outcomes of undergraduate medical education” (p. 1259). Bulik (2003) agrees, stating “Success in medical school is strongly related to the ability to direct and regulate one’s own learning experience” (p. 76).

새로운 지식이 끊임없이 생산되면서 진료의 표준을 준수하는 최신 상태를 유지하는 것은 의사의 직무 중 더욱 더 큰 부분을 차지하고 있다. 실제로 생의학지식의 반감기는 7~10년으로 추정되고 있다. Friedman 등에 따르면 생의학지식이 기하급수적으로 증가하고, 하나의 지식의 반감기가 짧아지면서 근대의학은 진료를 지원하고 에러를 줄이기 위해 점점 더 외부의 지식에 의존하게 되었다. 

The constant proliferation of new information has made maintaining currency with best practices for standards of care an even greater component of a physician’s job. In fact, it has been estimated that the half-life of biomedical knowledge is 7-10 years (Rugh, Goggins, & Hatch, 2009). According to Friedman et al. (2005), “the exponential growth of biomedical knowledge and shortening half-life of any single item of knowledge both suggest that modern medicine will increasingly depend on external knowledge to support practice and reduce errors” (p. 334). It is evident that physicians will be increasingly reliant on self-directed learning in order to maintain proper levels of care.

Albanese, M. (2000). Problem-based learning: Why curricula are likely to show little effect on knowledge and clinical skills. Medical Education, 34, 729-738.


Brian W. Findley and Robert J. Bulik

The purpose of this study was to compare the self-directed learning readiness of third-year medical students to the general population mean; and to determine (a) if relationships exist between selfdirected learning readiness and other measures of medical school success; and (b) if measures of success in medical school and Self-Directed Learning Readiness Scale (SDLRS/LPA) scores are significant in predicting National Board of Medical Examiners Family Medicine Subject Examination (NBME-FM) scores. Mean SDLRS/LPA score for the 873 participants was 229.06 + 23.19, significantly higher than the general population mean (p < .05). Correlations were significant for SDLRS/LPA scores to NBME-FM scores (r = .073, p < .05), Objective Structured Clinical Exam (OSCE) scores (r = .133, p < .01), and final grade (r = .138, p < .01). Regression analysis revealed that SDLRS/LPA, OSCE AVG and preceptor ratings predicted 9.7% of the variance in NBME-FM, which was significant (p < .001).

자기주도학습을 촉진하기 위한 교수개발: THE NORTH-WEST UNIVERSITY접근법 (IJSDL, 2012)


모든 교육은 미래에 대한 어떤 이미지로부터 출발한다. 만약 한 사회가 그리는 미래에 대한 이미지가 부정확하면, 그 교육 시스템은 젊은 세대를 배신하고 말 것이다. - 엘빈 토플러

All education springs from some image of the future. If the image of the future held by a society is grossly inaccurate, its education system will betray its youth. Alvin Toffler (1974)

학습촉진자는 사실상 무한한 양의 정보와 지식 속에서 학습자가 적절한 정보의 위치를 찾고, 평가하고, 선택하는 것을 도와주어야 한다. 명백하게, 자기주도학습은 이러한 변화의 중심에 있다.

Now, the learning facilitator needs to become a primary resource for assisting learners to locate, evaluate, and select among a virtually enless amount of available information and knowledge. Clearly, self-directed learning is central to both of these shifts (Francom, 2010).

SDL에서의 교수개발

Faculty Development In SDL

교수 콜로키움

Faculty Colloquia

위원회의 첫 번째 단계는 자기주도학습, 자기조절학습, 성인학습, 평가 등의 개념을 논의하는 교수 콜로키움을 여는 것이었다.

The Teaching-Learning Committee of the Faculty compiled an action plan to execute the strategic priority of implementing SDL throughout the curriculum. One of the first action steps was to organize faculty colloquia where the concepts of self-directed learning, self-regulated learning, adult learning, and assessment were discussed.

 첫 단계는 정의, 개념, 이점에 대한 논의
A November, 2009, colloquium focused primarily on discussion of definitions, conceptualizations, and benefits. Three NWU faculty members led the discussion. 

 두 번째 단계는 사례를 공유하는 것. 밑바닥부터의 사례가 교수들에게 긍정적인 자시를 이끌어냄. 
At a second colloquium in May, 2010, four other NWU faculty members presented examples from practice. The grassroots advocacy and examples from within the Faculty did much to develop a positive attitude towards change throughout the Faculty of Education. In addition, the representative from the administration was favorably impressed.

이 워크숍의 초점은 교수들이 준비되도록 하는 것

Initially, the central concern for the workshop was revision of the preservice teacher education program to prepare teachers who are more highly self-directed learners.

교수 자기평가

Faculty Self-Assessment

2일짜리 워크숍에 참석한 교수들은 SDLRS를 했다. 결과는 교수들이 높은 자기주도성을 가진 것으로 나타났다. 한 집단의 평균점수치고는 가장 높은 수준임.

The lecturers* who attended the two-day workshop on SDL completed Guglielmino’s (2010) Self-Directed Learning Readiness Scale (Learning Preference Assessment) on-line beforehand. The results from the tests indicated that the lecturers had a high level of readiness for self-directed learning, with a mean of 243.64 ± 23.01 out of a maximum of 290. This mean relates favorably to some of the highest mean scores on the SDLRS, understandable since the Faculty has an expressed interest in and focus on SDL.

*(As in Europe, lecturer is the term used to refer to faculty members, as Faculty refers to the whole body of faculty, i.e. the Faculty of Education Science)

SDL 교수 워크숍

The SDL Faculty Workshop



워크숍에서는 먼저 교수들이 스스로의 자기주도학습 준비도에 대해서 성찰해보고, 자신의 과거 자기주도학습 프로젝트에 대해서 생각해봤다.

The workshop began with lecturers* reflecting on their own self-directed learning readiness and past self-directed learning projects.

대부분의 교수들은 SDL에 대해서 긍정적이지만, 어떻게 도입해야 하는가에 대해서 불확실해했다. 또한 학생들의 반응에 대해서도 우려했다.

In summary, most of the lecturers were positive about SDL, but unsure how to go about implementing it.

SDL관련 정보 제공

Building an information base on SDL.

더 많은 정보를 제공했음

Further information on the 

      • processof SDL (Brockett & Hiemstra, 1991; Candy, 1991; Knowles, 1975; Long, 1989, 1990), 
      • characteristics of highly self-directed learners (Guglielmino, 1978; Oliveira & Simões, 2006; Posner, 1991), and 
      • research-based benefits of SDL (Guglielmino,2008; Guglielmino et al., 2009) 

were discussed and questions were addressed. 

교육과정 전체에 걸쳐 SDL을 도입하는 전략의 토대는 SDL을 '개발가능한 능력'으로 보는 것이었으므로, 그러한 개념을 보여주는 연구를 보다 강조하였다.

Since the strategic priority of implementing SDL throughout the curriculum was based on the concept of SDL as a developable capacity (Guglielmino, 1978, 2008), research results demonstrating the accuracy of that concept were emphasized (Gabrielle, 2003; Kasworm, 1983; Litzinger, Wise, & Lee, 2005; Posner, 1991, 2009; Slaughter, 2009).

SDL전략과 학업성취도를 연결시키는 연구를 보여주었다. SDL준비도가 직장에서의 우수한 수행능력과 연관되어 있음을, 그리고 국가의 경제지표와 연결되어 있어서 국가 개발의 중요한 지점임을 강조했다.

Studies linking integration of SDL strategies and improved academic achievement, such as the research of Dynan, Cate, & Rhee (2008), Gabrielle (2003), Nowocien (2005), Reio (2004), and Wayne State School of Pharmacy (Slaughter, 2009) were presented. Mention was made of correlations of SDL readiness with high workplace performance (Connolly, 2004; Durr, 1992; Liddell, 2008; Guglielmino & Guglielmino, 2008; Roberts, 1986, among others) and country economic indicators (Guglielmino & Guglielmino, 2006), areas of strategic importance for country development.

학생들의 SDL 준비도 향상을 위한 접근법

Exploring approaches to facilitating student development of SDL readiness.

자기주도적 학습자를 개발하고 지원하는 전략 등이 간단히 소개되었다.

Strategies and teaching approaches supportive of developing self- directed learners, such as 

problem-based learning, 

project-based learning, 

peer teaching, 

communities of learning, 

use of technology, and 

SDL-promoting assessment 

were briefly introduced.

각 그룹마다 토론을 진행하고 다음날 자신들이 선택한 접근법을 발표하게 했음

Time was provided for group work and division of responsibilities. The next day, after some additional group time, representatives from each group delivered interactive sessions to familiarize the group with the approach they had chosen, including a power point presentation supported by activities to involve the learners and allow them to share their own experiences.

도입의 위한 계획수립

Planning for Implementation

워크숍의 마지막 세션에서 교수들은 다시 한번 그룹별로 나뉘어 SDL을 도입하기 위한 situation analysis를 수행하였다. 이 토의의 결과는 각 교수들이 SDL 도입에 대해서는 긍정적이나, 그러기 위해서 넘어야 할 장애물들이 분명히 있음이 나타났다. 장애물에는 다음과 같은 것이 있다.

During the last session of the workshop, the lecturers were once again divided into different groups and were invited to do a situation analysis of implementing SDL in the Faculty. The outcomes of this session indicated that lecturers were positive about the implementation of SDL across the curriculum, but that they perceived very definitive obstacles that need to be addressed to make the process possible. These obstacles include 

      • institutional policies and procedures, 
      • infrastructure and administration, 
      • Faculty development, and 
      • SDL readiness of the students.

SDL을 과목 단위별로 도입하는 action plan을 세웠으며, 그런식으로 거의 대부분의 교육과정에 걸쳐서 SDL이 도입되도록 하는 것이었다. 다음과 같은 것이 필요하다

Action plans include implementing SDL in a course-by-course approach, ending with the majority of curricula implementing SDL (Major & Palmer, 2006), by 

      • redesigning courses, study guides, contact sessions, 
      • implementing new teaching methods with appropriate assessment (Costa & Kallick, 2004; Dynan, Cate & Rhee, 2008), 
      • increasing reflection by both lecturer and students (Major & Palmer, 2002), and 
      • providing more opportunities for collegial discussions on the process of implementing SDL (Major & Palmer, 2006), thus resulting in collegial support.

지속적인 교수개발 노력

Continuing Faculty Development Efforts

초반의 교수개발 노력은 교수들의 실험과, 개인적 상담, 추가적인 워크숍과 콜로키엄 등으로 이어졌다.

The initial faculty development efforts were followed up with faculty experimentation, individual consultations on research and practice, and additional workshops and colloquia both on SDL general knowledge and on some of the specific approaches being used to develop students’ SDL readiness.

Bulik, R. J., & Frye, A. W. (2004). A workshop for faculty: Teaching beliefs and implications for self-directed learning. International Journal of Self- Directed Learning, 1(1), 70-75. Retrieved from http://sdlglobal.com/ journals.php


Gerda Reitsma, Lucy Guglielmino, and Elsa Mentz

This paper shares an approach to the process of implementing selfdirected learning across the curriculum in a university Faculty of Education. How is it initiated? What preparation is needed for faculty? What are the logical steps and probable barriers? The process used by the Faculty of Education, North-West University (NWU), South Africa, is described.

자기주도학습과 오픈소스 소프트웨어 참가자: 특징과 관계(IJSDL, 2012)


Lila Holt and Vandana Singh

최근 SDL은 개인의 철학적 관점에 따라 세 가지 목적을 갖는 것으로 분류되엇다.

More recently, self-directed learning (SDL) has been categorized as having one of three goals depending on a person’s philosophical view: 

  • (a) personal responsibility, 
  • (b) transformational learning, and 
  • (c) social impact (Merriam, 2001). 

  • '개인의 책임'이라는 목적은 학습자가 자기 자신의 학습에 책임을 지고 통제권을 갖는 것이다. 
  • '전확학습'의 목적은 자기성찰과 자신에 대해서 아는 것이 자기주도학습의 핵심적 부분인 '자율성'에 중요하다고 본다. 
  • '사회적 영향력'에 있어서 학습자는 사회적 변화를 위한 동력을 공론화 시키기 위해서 인터넷을 사용할 수 있다.

The goal of personal responsibility is for learners to take control by being personally accountable for their own learning (Brockett & Hiemstra, 1991; Garrison, 1997). The goal of transformational learning posits reflection and self-knowledge as necessary for the autonomy that is an integral part of self-direction in learning (Mezirow, 1985). Other goals of self- directed learning are social impact and emancipatory learning. For example, learners can use the Internet to mobilize, publicize a cause, and create social change (Meikle, 2002; Shirky, 2008).

Personal Responsibility

One widely recognized model of self-direction in learning—the Personal Responsibility Orientation (PRO) model—depicts SDL as encompassing both personal or learner characteristics (LC) as well as a learning process called the teaching/learning (TL) transaction (Brockett & Hiemstra, 1991). In the PRO model, it is the learner’s assumption of personal responsibility that stimulates the learning process. In an effort to validate ways of empirically examining selfdirection in learning, a recent scale was developed based on the PRO model of selfdirection in learning (Brockett & Hiemstra, 1991) titled the Personal Responsibility Orientation–Self-Directed Learning Scale (PRO-SDLS) (Stockdale, 2003; Stockdale & Brockett, 2010). The PRO model of self-direction, as captured in the PRO-SDLS, includes the following four factors:

1. Control: 

According to Brockett & Hiemstra (1991), “[I]t is the ability and/or willingness of individuals to take control of their own learning that determines their potential for self-direction” (p. 26). Control is a factor of the TL transaction of self-direction.

2. Initiative: 

Based on the PRO model of self-directed learning, the learner is proactive by taking steps toward decisions and/or actions. Previous definitions have used the term initiative in a similar manner (Knowles, 1975). Again, initiative is a factor of the TL transaction.

3. Motivation: 

Included in the learner characteristics of the PRO model, motivation is the desire to take action steps. This desire can be internal or external. Adult education scholars propose a theoretical relationship between self-directed learning and intrinsic motivation (Bitterman, 1989; Delahaye & Smith, 1995).

4. Self-efficacy: 

Like motivation, self-efficacy has been derived from Social Learning Theory and refers to the belief in one’s own capabilities required to produce a given outcome (Bandura, 1977, 1986, 1997). The self-efficacy factor is based on writings regarding the learner’s self-confidence (Brockett & Hiemstra, 1991). Again, self-efficacy is part of the learner characteristics of SDL.

Further characteristics of SDL have been defined through the construction of a widely used scale to measure readiness for self-direction. The Self-Directed Learning Readiness Scale (SDLRS) (Guglielmino, 1978) has been translated into at least 20 languages and has a wide acceptance among many scholars in the field of adult education (Caffarella & Caffarella, 1986). To date, the SDLRS has been used by over 300,000 individuals and 500 organizations (Guglielmino, 2010). Developed through a three-round Delphi study of 14 SDL experts, the 58-item scale includes eight factors identified through factor analysis (Guglielmino, 1978).

Those factors include:

1. Love of learning

2. Self-concept as an independent learner

3. Tolerance of risk in learning

4. Creativity

5. A view that learning is lifelong

6. Initiative

7. Self-understanding

8. Acceptance of responsibility for one’s own learning

While no quantitative assessments are used in this study, the characteristics that have been identified in the construction of scales to measure self-direction in learning and/or readiness supply a needed lens through which to examine the selfdirection in learning of forum participants.

Transformational Learning

A second identified goal of SDL is transformational learning, which encompasses the changing of one’s assumptions and values through the learning process (Mezirow, 1981). According to Mezirow (1981), “Enhancing the learner’s ability for self-direction in learning as a foundation for a distinctive philosophy of adult education has breadth and power. It represents the mode of learning characteristic of adulthood” (p. 21). Mezirow (1981) goes on to offer guidelines to enhance self-direction in learning. Included in those guidelines that may lead to transformative learning are the following:

가이드라인(by Mezirow)

• Encourage a progressive reduction of the learner’s dependence on the educator.

• Enable the learner to use learning resources – especially how to engage in learning relationships.

• Assist the learner in defining needs and assuming responsibility for those needs.

• Organize learning around current levels of understanding.

• Foster the use of learner decision-making and evaluating learning via criteria.

• Foster a self-reflexive corrective approach.

• Facilitate problem posing and solving.

• Reinforce learner self-concept.

As an extension to transformative learning, Mezirow (1981) further suggests that such transformation may result in emancipatory or social action and thus create the power for adults to further change and learn. Other guidelines that promote self-directed leaning as well as transformational learning were suggested by Taylor (2008) through a review of the literature (p. 27):

가이드라인(by Taylor)

• Promote student autonomy/agency.

• Create a safe, open environment for learners.

• Encourage critical reflection.

• Acknowledge affective aspects of learning (the role of feelings and emotions).

• Value learning for action.

• Facilitate learning that involves the examination of issues, values, and concerns.

• Value and include students’ experience.

• Accentuate importance of feedback and assessment.

• Develop awareness of social contextual influences in learning.

• Encourage and support collaborative and group learning.

Brockett and Hiemstra 의 세 가지 전략

In addition to the above guidelines and relationships, Brockett and Hiemstra (1991) note three strategies for helping a learner enhance self-direction in learning: 

  • to promote critical reflection and 
  • (to promote) rational thinking, and 
  • to facilitate or use helping skills to enhance learner self-direction. 

While the authors also suggest specific tools and methodologies to implement these three strategies, the implementation in this study will be examined through the use of OSS forums because they have had such successful outcomes.

Social Action

Tough - 자기주도적학습이란 "개개인의 관심을 억압하는 것의 반대편에 설 것을 강조하는 문화적 전통"으로 해석될 수 있다.

In examining “adult self-teachers,” Tough (1979) found that adults engage in continued learning by undertaking an average of eight learning projects a year. Within the scope of these projects, there may be political acts for power and control. Self-directedness in learning “can be interpreted as part of a cultural tradition that emphasizes standing against the individual’s repressive interests” (Brookfield, 1993, p. 227). 

Brockett and Hiemstra - 자기주도성의 정치적 차원은 여전히 계속 성인교육자들에게 간과당하고 있다.

Additionally, Brockett and Hiemstra (1991) surround personal responsibility with social context. They argue that “The political dimension of self-direction continues to be largely overlooked by adult educators” (p. 220). Thus, self-directed learning may become conducive to creating social and political change.

In summary, self-direction in learning has had the three areas of personal responsibility, transformational learning, and social action identified as goals. Not only are there various factors that have been identified that may underlie selfdirection in learning, but self-directed learning itself can be learned. Various facilitation methods have been identified to enhance learner self-directed learning.


Lila Holt and Vandana Singh

Today more than ever, the workplace and education ecosystems strive to keep pace with the vast amount of information and knowledge available in a global community. Within these environments, self-directed learning has been identified as a needed skill in the 21st century to underpin constant change. In an effort to further expand pedagogies for both the workplace and higher education, tools such as online forums are now used within educational environments. This paper examines characteristics and relationships of self-directed learning within forum participation. Due to the successful outcomes of the use of forums within open source software (OSS), the OSS forums became the theater for this examination. Analysis of data derived from open-ended questionnaires and follow-up interviews provides further insights into self-directed learning and forum participation.

자기주도학습의 두 가지 차원(IJSDL, 2012)


Philippe Carré

The Double Dimension of Self-Directed Learning

그 개념이 널리 퍼지기 전부터, SDL이란 아이디어는 두 가지 차원에서 다뤄졌다. 이는 Tough의 '성인의 학습 프로젝트 분석'으로부터 시작된다. 한 가지는 '기대 이득'이고 다른 하나는 '자기 계획;이 성인의 자율학습의 토대로 보았다. Long의 대표적 연구에서 SDL을 "개인 수준에서 주도된 의도된 정신적 과정으로서, 정보를 검색하고 규명하는 행동을 기반으로 한다"라고 정의하였다. Carre는 1975년부터 2000년까지의 문헌을 분석하여 적극성 요인과 메타인지/전략 요인을 찾아냈다. 그리고는 SDT와 SRT와의 유사성을 언급했다.

Even before the concept was widely disseminated, the idea that self-directed learning (SDL) was based on two articulated dimensions appeared in several authors’ work, starting with Tough’s (1971) renowned analysis of adults’ learning projects. Anticipated benefits, on the one hand, and self-planning skills, on the other, appeared as fundamentals of adult autonomous learning. Long’s (1991) seminal definition characterized SDL as “a personally directed purposive mental process usually accompanied and supported by behavioral activities involved in the identification and searching out of information” (p. 15). Carré (2003) identified a regular twofold partition of conative and metacognitive/strategic factors in several SDL scholars’ work from 1975 to 2000. He then noted the proximity of these factors with well-established theories in educational psychology: self-determination motivation theory and self-regulated learning theory.

이후 SDL의 개념적 모델이 제안되었고, 그것은 (a)자기 결정적 동기, (b) 자기조절학습 능력과 전략을 기반으로 한다. 

A conceptual model of self-directed learning was then proposed, as grounded in the dynamic interaction of (a) self-determined motivation to learn and (b) abilities and strategies of self-regulation in learning. Later, following an extensive search of two of the largest international educational databases, Carré and Cosnefroy (2011) noted that precious little research effort has been devoted to fertilizing common scientific or pedagogical ground by the relevant scholarly communities (self-determination, self-regulation, self-direction), in spite of the obvious semantic and pragmatic closeness of the three sets of concepts, which all relate to some form of autonomy in learning. In a recent synthesis, we proposed a fourfold classification of related concepts (Carré, Moisan, & Poisson, 2010), which is represented in Table 1.

After thus clarifying the notional status of various uses of the “self” component in learning, the present author wished to conduct an experiment using the twofold concept of self-directed learning as part of a course-based actionresearch project. This article presents the course itself and the research method, gives an account of the main results of the experiment, and draws some conclusions related to the facilitation of self-directed learning in a formal setting.


Philippe Carré

On the basis of previous research in adult education and learning psychology, the author has proposed a dual model of selfdirected learning, which defines it as a dynamic combination of selfregulated learning strategies and self-determined motivation. This model was used to design an innovative 24-hr course for master’s students that was organized for three different groups over a threeyear period. The present paper analyzes students’ end-of-course evaluation forms and proposes a research option for testing the model further on a larger empirical scale.

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