자기주도학습을 촉진하기 위한 교수개발: THE NORTH-WEST UNIVERSITY접근법 (IJSDL, 2012)
모든 교육은 미래에 대한 어떤 이미지로부터 출발한다. 만약 한 사회가 그리는 미래에 대한 이미지가 부정확하면, 그 교육 시스템은 젊은 세대를 배신하고 말 것이다. - 엘빈 토플러
All education springs from some image of the future. If the image of the future held by a society is grossly inaccurate, its education system will betray its youth. Alvin Toffler (1974)
학습촉진자는 사실상 무한한 양의 정보와 지식 속에서 학습자가 적절한 정보의 위치를 찾고, 평가하고, 선택하는 것을 도와주어야 한다. 명백하게, 자기주도학습은 이러한 변화의 중심에 있다.
Now, the learning facilitator needs to become a primary resource for assisting learners to locate, evaluate, and select among a virtually enless amount of available information and knowledge. Clearly, self-directed learning is central to both of these shifts (Francom, 2010).
SDL에서의 교수개발
Faculty Development In SDL
교수 콜로키움
Faculty Colloquia
위원회의 첫 번째 단계는 자기주도학습, 자기조절학습, 성인학습, 평가 등의 개념을 논의하는 교수 콜로키움을 여는 것이었다.
The Teaching-Learning Committee of the Faculty compiled an action plan to execute the strategic priority of implementing SDL throughout the curriculum. One of the first action steps was to organize faculty colloquia where the concepts of self-directed learning, self-regulated learning, adult learning, and assessment were discussed.
• 첫 단계는 정의, 개념, 이점에 대한 논의
A November, 2009, colloquium focused primarily on discussion of definitions, conceptualizations, and benefits. Three NWU faculty members led the discussion.
• 두 번째 단계는 사례를 공유하는 것. 밑바닥부터의 사례가 교수들에게 긍정적인 자시를 이끌어냄.
At a second colloquium in May, 2010, four other NWU faculty members presented examples from practice. The grassroots advocacy and examples from within the Faculty did much to develop a positive attitude towards change throughout the Faculty of Education. In addition, the representative from the administration was favorably impressed.
이 워크숍의 초점은 교수들이 준비되도록 하는 것
Initially, the central concern for the workshop was revision of the preservice teacher education program to prepare teachers who are more highly self-directed learners.
교수 자기평가
Faculty Self-Assessment
2일짜리 워크숍에 참석한 교수들은 SDLRS를 했다. 결과는 교수들이 높은 자기주도성을 가진 것으로 나타났다. 한 집단의 평균점수치고는 가장 높은 수준임.
The lecturers* who attended the two-day workshop on SDL completed Guglielmino’s (2010) Self-Directed Learning Readiness Scale (Learning Preference Assessment) on-line beforehand. The results from the tests indicated that the lecturers had a high level of readiness for self-directed learning, with a mean of 243.64 ± 23.01 out of a maximum of 290. This mean relates favorably to some of the highest mean scores on the SDLRS, understandable since the Faculty has an expressed interest in and focus on SDL.
*(As in Europe, lecturer is the term used to refer to faculty members, as Faculty refers to the whole body of faculty, i.e. the Faculty of Education Science)
SDL 교수 워크숍
The SDL Faculty Workshop
워크숍에서는 먼저 교수들이 스스로의 자기주도학습 준비도에 대해서 성찰해보고, 자신의 과거 자기주도학습 프로젝트에 대해서 생각해봤다.
The workshop began with lecturers* reflecting on their own self-directed learning readiness and past self-directed learning projects.
대부분의 교수들은 SDL에 대해서 긍정적이지만, 어떻게 도입해야 하는가에 대해서 불확실해했다. 또한 학생들의 반응에 대해서도 우려했다.
In summary, most of the lecturers were positive about SDL, but unsure how to go about implementing it.
SDL관련 정보 제공
Building an information base on SDL.
더 많은 정보를 제공했음
Further information on the
- processof SDL (Brockett & Hiemstra, 1991; Candy, 1991; Knowles, 1975; Long, 1989, 1990),
- characteristics of highly self-directed learners (Guglielmino, 1978; Oliveira & Simões, 2006; Posner, 1991), and
- research-based benefits of SDL (Guglielmino,2008; Guglielmino et al., 2009)
were discussed and questions were addressed.
교육과정 전체에 걸쳐 SDL을 도입하는 전략의 토대는 SDL을 '개발가능한 능력'으로 보는 것이었으므로, 그러한 개념을 보여주는 연구를 보다 강조하였다.
Since the strategic priority of implementing SDL throughout the curriculum was based on the concept of SDL as a developable capacity (Guglielmino, 1978, 2008), research results demonstrating the accuracy of that concept were emphasized (Gabrielle, 2003; Kasworm, 1983; Litzinger, Wise, & Lee, 2005; Posner, 1991, 2009; Slaughter, 2009).
SDL전략과 학업성취도를 연결시키는 연구를 보여주었다. SDL준비도가 직장에서의 우수한 수행능력과 연관되어 있음을, 그리고 국가의 경제지표와 연결되어 있어서 국가 개발의 중요한 지점임을 강조했다.
Studies linking integration of SDL strategies and improved academic achievement, such as the research of Dynan, Cate, & Rhee (2008), Gabrielle (2003), Nowocien (2005), Reio (2004), and Wayne State School of Pharmacy (Slaughter, 2009) were presented. Mention was made of correlations of SDL readiness with high workplace performance (Connolly, 2004; Durr, 1992; Liddell, 2008; Guglielmino & Guglielmino, 2008; Roberts, 1986, among others) and country economic indicators (Guglielmino & Guglielmino, 2006), areas of strategic importance for country development.
학생들의 SDL 준비도 향상을 위한 접근법
Exploring approaches to facilitating student development of SDL readiness.
자기주도적 학습자를 개발하고 지원하는 전략 등이 간단히 소개되었다.
Strategies and teaching approaches supportive of developing self- directed learners, such as
problem-based learning,
project-based learning,
peer teaching,
communities of learning,
use of technology, and
SDL-promoting assessment
were briefly introduced.
각 그룹마다 토론을 진행하고 다음날 자신들이 선택한 접근법을 발표하게 했음
Time was provided for group work and division of responsibilities. The next day, after some additional group time, representatives from each group delivered interactive sessions to familiarize the group with the approach they had chosen, including a power point presentation supported by activities to involve the learners and allow them to share their own experiences.
도입의 위한 계획수립
Planning for Implementation
워크숍의 마지막 세션에서 교수들은 다시 한번 그룹별로 나뉘어 SDL을 도입하기 위한 situation analysis를 수행하였다. 이 토의의 결과는 각 교수들이 SDL 도입에 대해서는 긍정적이나, 그러기 위해서 넘어야 할 장애물들이 분명히 있음이 나타났다. 장애물에는 다음과 같은 것이 있다.
During the last session of the workshop, the lecturers were once again divided into different groups and were invited to do a situation analysis of implementing SDL in the Faculty. The outcomes of this session indicated that lecturers were positive about the implementation of SDL across the curriculum, but that they perceived very definitive obstacles that need to be addressed to make the process possible. These obstacles include
- institutional policies and procedures,
- infrastructure and administration,
- Faculty development, and
- SDL readiness of the students.
SDL을 과목 단위별로 도입하는 action plan을 세웠으며, 그런식으로 거의 대부분의 교육과정에 걸쳐서 SDL이 도입되도록 하는 것이었다. 다음과 같은 것이 필요하다
Action plans include implementing SDL in a course-by-course approach, ending with the majority of curricula implementing SDL (Major & Palmer, 2006), by
- redesigning courses, study guides, contact sessions,
- implementing new teaching methods with appropriate assessment (Costa & Kallick, 2004; Dynan, Cate & Rhee, 2008),
- increasing reflection by both lecturer and students (Major & Palmer, 2002), and
- providing more opportunities for collegial discussions on the process of implementing SDL (Major & Palmer, 2006), thus resulting in collegial support.
지속적인 교수개발 노력
Continuing Faculty Development Efforts
초반의 교수개발 노력은 교수들의 실험과, 개인적 상담, 추가적인 워크숍과 콜로키엄 등으로 이어졌다.
The initial faculty development efforts were followed up with faculty experimentation, individual consultations on research and practice, and additional workshops and colloquia both on SDL general knowledge and on some of the specific approaches being used to develop students’ SDL readiness.
Bulik, R. J., & Frye, A. W. (2004). A workshop for faculty: Teaching beliefs and implications for self-directed learning. International Journal of Self- Directed Learning, 1(1), 70-75. Retrieved from http://sdlglobal.com/ journals.php
Gerda Reitsma, Lucy Guglielmino, and Elsa Mentz
This paper shares an approach to the process of implementing selfdirected learning across the curriculum in a university Faculty of Education. How is it initiated? What preparation is needed for faculty? What are the logical steps and probable barriers? The process used by the Faculty of Education, North-West University (NWU), South Africa, is described.
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