자기주도학습의 두 가지 차원(IJSDL, 2012)
Philippe Carré
The Double Dimension of Self-Directed Learning
그 개념이 널리 퍼지기 전부터, SDL이란 아이디어는 두 가지 차원에서 다뤄졌다. 이는 Tough의 '성인의 학습 프로젝트 분석'으로부터 시작된다. 한 가지는 '기대 이득'이고 다른 하나는 '자기 계획;이 성인의 자율학습의 토대로 보았다. Long의 대표적 연구에서 SDL을 "개인 수준에서 주도된 의도된 정신적 과정으로서, 정보를 검색하고 규명하는 행동을 기반으로 한다"라고 정의하였다. Carre는 1975년부터 2000년까지의 문헌을 분석하여 적극성 요인과 메타인지/전략 요인을 찾아냈다. 그리고는 SDT와 SRT와의 유사성을 언급했다.
Even before the concept was widely disseminated, the idea that self-directed learning (SDL) was based on two articulated dimensions appeared in several authors’ work, starting with Tough’s (1971) renowned analysis of adults’ learning projects. Anticipated benefits, on the one hand, and self-planning skills, on the other, appeared as fundamentals of adult autonomous learning. Long’s (1991) seminal definition characterized SDL as “a personally directed purposive mental process usually accompanied and supported by behavioral activities involved in the identification and searching out of information” (p. 15). Carré (2003) identified a regular twofold partition of conative and metacognitive/strategic factors in several SDL scholars’ work from 1975 to 2000. He then noted the proximity of these factors with well-established theories in educational psychology: self-determination motivation theory and self-regulated learning theory.
이후 SDL의 개념적 모델이 제안되었고, 그것은 (a)자기 결정적 동기, (b) 자기조절학습 능력과 전략을 기반으로 한다.
A conceptual model of self-directed learning was then proposed, as grounded in the dynamic interaction of (a) self-determined motivation to learn and (b) abilities and strategies of self-regulation in learning. Later, following an extensive search of two of the largest international educational databases, Carré and Cosnefroy (2011) noted that precious little research effort has been devoted to fertilizing common scientific or pedagogical ground by the relevant scholarly communities (self-determination, self-regulation, self-direction), in spite of the obvious semantic and pragmatic closeness of the three sets of concepts, which all relate to some form of autonomy in learning. In a recent synthesis, we proposed a fourfold classification of related concepts (Carré, Moisan, & Poisson, 2010), which is represented in Table 1.
After thus clarifying the notional status of various uses of the “self” component in learning, the present author wished to conduct an experiment using the twofold concept of self-directed learning as part of a course-based actionresearch project. This article presents the course itself and the research method, gives an account of the main results of the experiment, and draws some conclusions related to the facilitation of self-directed learning in a formal setting.
Philippe Carré
On the basis of previous research in adult education and learning psychology, the author has proposed a dual model of selfdirected learning, which defines it as a dynamic combination of selfregulated learning strategies and self-determined motivation. This model was used to design an innovative 24-hr course for master’s students that was organized for three different groups over a threeyear period. The present paper analyzes students’ end-of-course evaluation forms and proposes a research option for testing the model further on a larger empirical scale.
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