의학교육에서 신식민지주의 대 건전한 세계화 정책(Med Educ, 2008)
Neo-colonialism versus sound globalisation policy in medical education
Hans Karle, Leif Christensen, David Gordon & Jørgen Nystrup
의학교육에서 국제적 혁신에 대한 분석을 통해 Bleakley 등은 서양에서 시작한 방법이 신식민지주의 방식으로 전파되는 것에 대해 경고했다.
In a critical analysis of the global spread of innovations in medical education concepts and methods, Bleakley et al.1 rightly warn against the emergence of a form of neo- colonialism inherent in the practice of exporting ideas and methods of Western origin to other cultures in which their relevance may be limited.
PBL과 같은 교수법이나 OSCE와 같은 평가법이 다른 교육현실과 전통의 국가, 혹은 자원적으로 취약한 국가에 전파되는 것에 대해 생각하지 않았던 부분에 대한 관심을 유도하였다. 세계 여러 국가에서 의학교육의 문제는 더 근본적인 것에 있고, 재정자원과 인적자원의 부족과 연관되어 있다.
The authors draw attention to the unreflecting focus on advanced pedagogic methodology and the trend to disseminate modern instructional methods, such as problem-based learning, or assessment technologies, such as objective structured clinical examinations, to countries with other pedagogic practices and traditions in the education system in general and in medical school programmes in particular, or to countries with weaker resource profiles. In many parts of the world the problems in medical education are of a more fundamental nature and are related to lack of financial and human resources.
더 나아가서 Bleakley 등은 성과- 역량바탕 교육과정의 문제도 지적했다. 우리는 의학교육의 '성과'가 서구적 관점의 '필수 성과'에 의해서 정의되면 안된다는 것에 동의한다. 왜냐하면 의대 졸업생의 역량은 그 어떤 곳이든지 지역의 정치적, 사회경제적 환경, 건강요구, 전달체계를 반영해야 하기 때문이다.
Further, Bleakley et al.1 find the introduction of new concepts such as outcome- or competency-based curricular principles problematic. We agree that outcomes of medical education should not be defined by transferring Western ‘outcome essentials’, as the competencies of graduates everywhere must reflect local political and socioeconomic circumstances as well as the health needs and health care delivery sys- tem(including the roles of medical doctors) of local society.2,3
Thinking the post-colonial in medical education.
Bleakley A1, Brice J, Bligh J.
어떤 나라에서는 의학교육의 특성과 보건의료시스템의 질에 대한 인과관계를 해석하는데는 조심해야하는데, 이 것에 관여하는 수많은 요인들이 사실 진정으로 인과성이 있지 않기 때문이다.
Care needs to be taken in argu- ments based on any causal link between the nature of medical education and the quality of the health care system in any particular country, because multiple factors make any such linkage not truly causal.
The authors seem wrongly to iden- tify global standard setting with necessarily introducing an interna- tional medical ‘core curriculum’ based on common ‘core compe- tencies’. However, their concern underlines the necessity of the cautious use of global standards in medical education. Whenthe World Federation for Medical Education (WFME) published Global Standards for Quality Improvement of Basic Medi- cal Education,6 it emphasised that these standards (which cover all aspects of medical education, including the organisation, struc- ture, content, process, environment and outcome of education) should be used as a template for the devel- opment of regional, national and institutional standards. The requirement that these standards be applied as a template in the context of local cultural and socioeconomic circumstances is an integral part of the Standards, which cannot be regarded as an ‘international text’, as described by Bleakley et al.1
WFME 기준을 개발한 국제 테스크포스는, 모든 WFME 지부에서 총 30개국 이상이 참여했으며, 명백하게 교육 프로그램에 있어서 지역적 국가적 차이를 인정하는 방식으로 구성되어야 하며, 개별 의과대학의 서로 다른 특성을 허용해야 한다는 것을 기술하고 있다. 또한 교육목적과 교육목표가 의사들이 그 지역의 보건의료시스템에서 해야 할 역할을 지키는 가운데 정의되어야 함을 기술했다.
The international task forces behind the development of the WFME standards, which included experts from more than 30 countries representing all WFME regions, clearly stated that global standards should be formulated in such a way as to acknowledge regional and national differences in education programmes and to allow for the different profiles of individual medical schools. They also stated that mission and objectives must be defined in keeping with the roles of doctors in the local health care system.
첫째로, 서양 문화에 의해서 변질되거나 지배당하지 않으면서 의학교육에서 공유될 수 있는 중요한 가치를 개발하는 것은 어디까지 가능할까? 어떤 특징들은 전 세계적으로 의학교육에서 필요한 것들도 있다.
Firstly, to what extent is it truly possible to develop and agree meaningful and shared values and goals for medical education that are not tainted by imposition from dominant Western cultures? Some characteristics of medical educa- tion may represent universal needs.
둘째, 지역적 혁신과 외부적 도입의 균형이 중요하다. 문화적, 사회적 변화가 '전파'되는 것인지 '독립적 혁신'에 의한 것인지에 대한 연구가 많다 (진화론에서 선형 진화와 평행 진화에 비유될 만 하다). 비슷하게 의학교육에서의 발전도 한 나라에서 다른 나라로 전이되는 것일수도 있고(diffusion), 지역적 조건과 요구에 따라서 만들어지는 것일수도 있다.
Secondly, we believe that the bal- ance between local innovation andexternal imposition (‘colonialism’)in the development of the culture and practices of medical educationdeserves proper study. There is extensive research9 documenting the fact that cultural and social changes arise either by diffusion orby independent innovation (in a manner analogous to linear as opposed to parallel evolution in biology). Similar developments in medical education may represent the result of transfer from one country to another (‘diffusion’ in the above sociological terminology)or the result of local responses to similar conditions or needs.
변화가 전이의 결과로서 나타나는 것이라면, 공여국의 개념없는, 나쁜 동기에서 비롯된 활동은 마땅히 신식민지주의라 불려야 한다. 만약 독립적 혁신이 일어난다면, 그것을 일으키는 요인을 이해해야 한다. 왜냐하면 그것이 진료 양상을 변화시키기 때문이며, 어쩌면 진료 양상 자체가 제국주의적 형태로 전파되는 것일수도 있다.
If changes are the result of transfer, then thoughtless or badly motivated actions by the donor country are rightly described as neo-colonial- ism. If there is independent inno- vation, then we need to understand the factors that cause it, which may well be related to changes in med- ical care: perhaps it is medical practice itself that is spreading in an imperialist fashion.
Rogers EM. Diffusion of Innovations. New York: Free Press 5th Edition, 2003.
Neo-colonialism versus sound globalization policy in medical education.
Author information
- 1World Federation for Medical Education, University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Health Sciences, Blegdamsvej 3B, DK-2200 Copenhagen N, Denmark. wfme@wfme.org
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- Thinking the post-colonial in medical education. [Med Educ. 2008]
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