자기주도학습: 왜 여전히 교수들은 잘못하고 있는가? (IJSDL, 2013)
Roger Hiemstra
Instructional/Facilitator Roles
교수의 역할은 다음과 같다.
Instructional/Facilitator roles that work for me in promoting corresponding personal responsibility among adult learners are listed below.
1. 내용 전문가/제공자
1. Content resource
서적 자료나 인터넷, 발표자료, 면대면, 온라인 토론 등등을 통해서 전문성과 지식을 공유한다.
Sharing expertise and knowledge with learners through written material, web pages, presentations, face to face or online discussions, and one-on- one advising, conversations, counseling, and coaching (Posner, 2009).
2. 자원 배분자
2. Resource locator
다양학 학습자원을 배분하고 공유하여 학습경험 중 드러난 학습요구를 충족시킬 수 있게 한다. 서적 자료, 인터넷 자료, 다양한 사람을 만날 수 있도록 촉진하는 것(기관 방문), 작은 인턴십, 주제별 전문가와의 대화 등이 될 수 있다.
Locating and sharing various learning resources to meet needs identified and emerging during learning experiences. These can include written materials, Internet resources, and facilitating for learners various people-oriented experiences such as agency audits or visits, mini-internships, and talking with topic specialists.
3. 관심 유발자
3. Interest stimulator
면대면 혹은 온라인, 다양한 학습자원, 학습 경험을 조직화하고 활용하여 학습자의 관심을 유발할 수 있도록 설계한다. 게임 기계, 소그룹 토론, 온라인 비동시 포럼, 면대면 혹은 온라인 게스트 발표, 유머러스한 PPT발표 등도 포함된다.
Arranging for and employing, face-to-face or online, various resources and learning experiences designed to maintain learner interest such as gaming devices, small group discussions, online asynchronous forums, face-to- face or online guest presentations, and even humorous PPT presentations.
4. 긍정적 태도 유발자
4. Positive attitude generator
학생들의 자신감을 높이고 건설적 피드백과 개인적인 격려, 긍정적 강화, 폭넓은 비평을 통해서 스스로 학습 결정을 내릴 수 있도록 한다.
Helping students gain increasing confidence in making personal learning decisions via constructive feedback, personal encouragement, positive reinforcement, and extensive critique of written material.
5. 창의성과 비판적 사고 유발자
5. Creativity and critical thinking stimulator
토론, 스터디그룹, 일기, 독서그룹, 롤플레이, 그림을 이용한 일기, 관련된 사람의 전기 작성 등을 활용하여 학습자의 창의성과 비판적 사고 기술을 자극한다. 웹페이지나 블로그를 만들게 하는 방법도 있다.
Stimulating a learner's creative and critical thinking skills through discussions (face-to-face or online), study groups, journal writing (Hiemstra, 2001), interactive reading logs, role playing, creating a written or pictorial autobiography (Hiemstra, 2011b), writing a biography of a relevant individual, or various ways of stimulating real-life experiences. Additional means include helping learners develop web pages or blogs as an electronic technique for sharing what they have developed.
6. 평가 촉진자
6. Evaluation stimulator
학습자의 진전을 평가하고 자신들이 스스로 자기평가를 하게끔 한다. 학습계약은 학습자들이 교수자, 동료, 기타 다른 사람들을 자기자신의 학습노력을 평가하는데 활용할 것인지를 생각하게끔 도와준다.
Evaluating learner progress and stimulating self- evaluation by learners. The learning contract provides opportunities for learners to think about how they can use an instructor, colleagues, and others to enhance personal evaluation of their learning efforts.
My Colleagues Voice Their Opinions
- Encouraging Students to Take Individual Initiative
- Using Learning Contracts
- Why Do Teacher-Directed Approaches Still Dominate?
- Why Do Most Still Do It Wrong?
왜 여전히 잘못하고 있는가에 대한 나의 생각
Why I Believe Most Still Do It Wrong
우선, 나는 교수철학에 대해서 개인적인 진술서를 가지고 있는 것이 매우 중요하다고 생각한다. 왜냐면 그러한 철학이 가르치는 방향을 정하기 때문이다. 우리가 말하고 믿는 것과 우리가 다른 사람과의 관계에서 실제로 행하는 것 사이의 비일관성을 바라보기 시작한다면 변화의 기전이 될 수도 있다.
To begin with, I have long contended that it is very important to develop a personal statement of instructional philosophy because such a philosophy drives the way we teach. A statement of philosophy also can be a mechanism for changing the way we teach if we begin to see inconsistencies between what we say we believe and what we actually do in our interactions with others, especially students (Hiemstra, 1988b).
이러한 점에 더하여 나는 많은 교수들이 전통적인 교수자 중심적 접근법을 따르는 것은 그들의 행동주의적 관점, 특히 그들이 배운 선생님으로부터 형성된, 그리고 그들이 학생이었을 때 경험으로부터 형성된 그러한 관점을 학습자를 대하는 가장 좋은 수단으로 여기기 때문이다. 일부 교사들은 진심으로 학생들에게 그들이 알아야 할 지식을 말해주는 것이 자신의 역할이라고 믿는다. 그러나 나는 이렇게 행동주의에 의존하는 것은 의도치 않게 많은 학습자의 성장과 발달을 저해할 수 있다고 생각한다.
Related to the above point, I believe that many teachers employ traditional teacher-directed approaches because their views of behaviorism, often modeled after former teachers and their own experiences as learners, are seen as the best means for working with learners. Granted some teachers truly believe that their role is to “tell” students the knowledge they need to know. However, my beliefs based on nearly forty years of SDL scholarship suggest that reliance on behaviorism may unintentionally inhibit the growth and development of many learners by creating dependency (Hiemstra & Brockett, 1994).
나는 종종, 어떤 선생님들은 얼마나 그 학생들로부터 받은 코멘트를 심각하게 여기는지 궁금하다. 일부 고등교육기관은 매 코스가 끝난 다음 그 과정에 대한 평가를 요구한다. 이러한 자료를 사용하는 것은 교수방법적 접근에 큰 차이를 가져온다.
I often wonder, too, how seriously some teachers take the evaluative comments coming from their learners. Admittedly, some higher education institutions mandate evaluation procedures after each course is completed. However, utilizing such information to make significant changes in instructional approaches takes a real effort.
마지막으로, 지난 수십년간 교수법 향상에 대해서 기관 차원의 후원은 축소되어왔다. Schylinski가 말한 바와 같이, 대부분의 대학 교수들이 스스로 알아서 하게끔 방치되는 현실과 대부분이 그들이 경험한대로 하는 현실에 우려를 표한다.
Finally, I have observed during my several decades of teaching that there has been a diminution of institutionally sponsored or promoted opportunities for instructional improvement. As supported by Schylinski (2012) in her research, I fear that today a majority of college professors are often left to their own devices and must rely mainly on modeling their instruction on what they experienced in classrooms themselves as students.
어떻게 SDL의 잠재력을 더 널리 전파할 수 있을까?
How Do We Better Disseminate the Potential of SDL?
- The development of several Web site(s) devoted to promoting the use of SDL and ? II with such items as supportive essays from several faculty, testimonials from students, examples of such approaches or techniques as learning contracts, and models of instructional materials that can be utilized. Following are three such
- Web site examples:
(a) http://www.sdlglobal.com/;
(b) http://selfdirected learning .com/; and
(c) http://www-distance.syr.edu/distancenew.html.
- The development and publishing of various video clips through such sources as ? YouTube, Meta Cafe, and Google Video that describe SDL, how it can be used, and successes that are possible. Following are three YouTube examples:
o http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kqZR6ZJsKJA
o http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AexdB8aBi8I
o http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fkEydFhZj9Y.
Schylinski 가 면담한 한 사람은 이렇게 말했다.
One of the people interviewed by Schylinski (2012) in her research, a professor of religious studies, revealed how he is working to incorporate SDL approaches in his teaching:
“I take adult learning theory seriously. You must treat students as adults, with respect, as having capacity to learn for themselves, and taking responsibility to learn. The fundamental reality is I will have them for a short time. If I don’t enable or encourage their fundamental ability to learn on their own, what have I done? My hope is when they leave, they will be lifelong learners” (pp. 56-57).
Gross and Salko 의 말이 잘 표현해준다.
Gross and Salko (2013) perhaps say it best:
“How will we learn most and best in the 21st century? We believe it will be through self-directed learning (SDL).”
Roger Hiemstra
In a recent article in this journal I described how most instructors of adults use a teacher-directed approach in spite of the SDL scholarship and lost learner potential. In this article I describe why this apparent disconnect takes place. In addition, twelve teaching colleagues provide their ideas relative to why many teachers fail to utilize SDL approaches. They also describe their own experiences in helping learners take increasing responsibility for their own learning. I add my own ideas on why many instructors still do it wrong and end by suggesting various ways to better advocate for SDL processes, techniques, and instructional approaches in classrooms.
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