SDL 교육, 평가, 정책 향상을 위해서는 이론이 필요하다 (Med Educ, 2011)

Theory is needed to improve education, assessment and policy in self-directed learning

Paul Mazmanian & Moshe Feldman

최근 연구결과를 보면 SDL 특이적 이론모델은 보건전문직의 교수, 학습, 정책을 가이드하는데 혼란을 주거나 중복되는 부분이 있는 듯 하다.

Recent studies1–3 suggest that a theoretical model unique to selfdirected learning (SDL) would help in making sense of confusing or overlapping concepts often used to guide teaching, learning and policy in the health professions.

예컨대 JeffSPLL의 originator인 Hojat 등은 평생학습과 SDL은 self- initiated learning behaviours, information-seeking skills and the ability to recognise one’s own learning needs.과 같은 공통점을 갖는다.

For example, Hojat et al.,4 originators of the Jefferson Scale of Physician Lifelong Learning (JeffSPLL), an instrument validated in use with practising doctors4 and with undergraduate medical students,5 indicate that lifelong learning and SDL share key concepts, including self- initiated learning behaviours, information-seeking skills and the ability to recognise one’s own learning needs.

그들은 SDL이 skill과 attitude에서는 전통적인 교육법과 비슷하게 효과적이며, 학습원을 찾는데 학습자가 참여한다면 더 효과적이라고 제시했다 .예컨대...

They suggest SDL may be as effective as traditional teaching in the skills and attitudes domains, and more effective when learners are involved in identifying their learning resources. For example, 

    • cognitive objectives might be achieved using written resources or panel discussions; 
    • behavioural objectives might be attained using role-play or case-based learning, and 
    • psychomotor objectives may be best fulfilled by role-play and simulation.1

의과대학 4학년생들에게 instructional objective에 대한 설명을 간단히 한 다음에 ECG예제를 정확한 해석과 기술된 설명과 함께 제공하였으나, 이들은 교수-학생 상호작용이 가능한 강의나 워크숍을 통해서 교육받은 학생들보다 그 성과가 낮았다. SDL그룹의 학생들은 instructor에게 질문할 기회가 없었던 것이다.

Year 4 medical students assigned to receive a brief introduction with instructional objectives, along with sample electrocardiograms (ECGs) with correct interpretations and written explanations, performed less well than those who received instruction delivered either as a lecture or as a workshop that involved faculty staff and student interaction. Students in the SDL group were given no opportunity to ask questions of their instructor.

Mahler 등은 독립적 학습에 참여하는 것이 의과대학생들에게 평생학습기술을 익히는데 중요하지만, 관리감독이 없다면 지식 향상은 미미했다고 주장한다.

Mahler et al.2 suggest that partici- pating in independent learning is necessary for medical students to acquire the skills of lifelong learning, but found that no super- vision led to smaller gains in knowledge.

Lefroy등이 보고한 두 번째 연구에 따르면 1학년 의과대학생들을 포커스그룹에 참여시키고 기본적 의사소통 기술 과정의 routine 평가에 참여시켰다. 이 연구의 rationale은 몇 가지 이론적 구인에 따른다.

The second study, reported by Lefroy et al.3, included two cohorts of Year 1 medical students involved in focus groups and a routine evaluation of their intro- ductory communications skills course. The rationale for the study asserts several theoretical con- structs, including, for example: 

  • ‘Self-directedness is important for adult learning in a group setting and learners should be encouraged to have choice and control whenever possible,’ and 
  • ‘Adult learners also value self-esteem and […] differ in their self-confidence, risk-taking, self-awareness (meta- cognition), mastery and performance goals, and […] these affect how individuals learn and how much support and challenge each requires.

이 연구에서 의과대학 1학년 학생은 SP의 감정 수준을 조절할 수 있는 권한이 있었다. 

In this study,3 Year 1 medical students were allowed to control the level of emotion expressed by simulated patients (SPs) in teach- ing sessions designed to prepare the students to manage emotions when interviewing real patients.

학생들은 다른 그룹원들이 지켜보는 가운데 SP인터뷰를 했고, 연구에 참여한 대부분의 학생은 감정수준을 조절할 수 있는 기회가 도움이 되었다고 했으나 다른 학생들은 이러한 조절 옵션이 불필요하거나 도움이 안 된다고 했다. 

Students interviewed SPs while being observed by the rest of their group, which comprised six or more of their peers. Most students in the study found the opportu- nity to increase or decrease the emotional intensity helpful, whether they were interviewing the SP and controlling the difficulty of the task, or observing others to see the different levels of emotion and to think about how they might empathise with the patient. Other students found the control option unnecessary or even unhelpful. Perspectives on comfort and challenge varied.

서로 물리고 물린 교육, 평가, 정책은 SDL에 대한 검증가능한 이론을 적용하는 것이 중요함을 보여준다.

The interlocking relationships of education, assessment and policy point to the importance of applyinga testable theory of SDL

Garrison과 Pilling-Cormick 은 3차원 모델을 제시한다.

Garrison9 and Pilling-Cormick and Garrison10 espouse a three-dimensional model of SDL in which:

1 educational self-management includes the use of learning materials within a context in which there is opportunity for sustained communication and opportunities to test and confirm understandings with others, which translate into increased responsibilities for the learner; 

self-monitoring includes the ability of learners to monitor both their cognitive and metacognitive processes, including the use of a repertoire of strategies to enable them to think about their thinking, and 

motivation involves what influences people to participate in or to enter into an SDL activity and how their attention is focused on the activity or task. Motivation and responsibility are inter-related and both are facilitated by collaborative control of the educational transaction.

 2011 Apr;45(4):324-6. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2923.2011.03937.x.

Theory is needed to improve educationassessment and policy in self-directed learning.

Author information

  • 1Virginia CommonwealthUniversity, Richmond, Virginia 23298, USA.
[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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