SDL 준비도: 의과대학생을 위한 새로운 척도의 타당도 (Med Teach, 2009)
Readiness for self-directed learning: Validation of a new scale with medical students
간단히 정의하자면, 무엇을 어느 정도 깊이로 어느 정도 폭으로 학습할지 결정하는 것이 SDL이다. 이것은 사회적 맥락에서 결정되며, 의사결정과정과 메타인지 사고를 필요로 한다. 보건의료인 교육에서 SDL은 졸업역량으로 요구되는데, 보건전문직은 지속적으로 전문직으로 일하는 내내 지식을 습득하고 최신 지견을 업데이트 해야 하기 때문이다.
Defined simply, the process of deciding what to learn to what depth and breadth is self-directed learning (SDL); it occurs in a social context and includes decision making and metacognitive thinking (Candy 1991; Schmidt 2000). In health professional education, SDL ability is seen as a desirable graduate attribute, because health professionals ought to be able to continue learning and updating their knowledge into their careers (Williams 2004; Greveson & Spencer 2005).
일부 연구자들은 SDL을 자율과 자기실현을 포함하는 것을 포괄해서 넓게 본다. 종합적으로 보면 이것은 학습과정에 학습자가 통제권을 갖는 것이다. SDL을 개인적인 기저영역으로 보는 경우도 있다. 모든 학생들이 충분히 SDL기술을 가지고 있지 않으며, 스스로 어느 정도까지 공부할지 결정하는 것을 좋아하지는 않는다는 근거가 있다. 일부 학습자들은 교수자에 의존해서 교육목표와 학습계획을 결정해주는 것을 선호한다.
For some authors SDL also refers to a broader process that encompasses autonomy and self-actualization; overall, it means learner control over the process of learning (Kaufman et al. 2000). SDL is also seen as an underlying personal dimension (Greveson & Spencer 2005). There is evidence that not all students are equally well skilled and/or willing to make decisions about what to learn to what depth and breadth. Some learners prefer to rely on their teachers to take most of the responsibility for determining learning objectives and planning study (O’Shea 2003).
최근 SDL준비도에 대한 새로운 척도가 개발되었고 간호학교육에서 타당도를 검증한 바 있다. Fisher 등은 11명의 간호교육자들을 델파이 기술로 면담해서 SDL에 대한 동기, 기술, 태도를 측정하는 93개의 문항의 적절성을 평가하였다.
Recently, a new readiness for SDL scale has been developed and validated in nursing education (Fisher et al. 2001). Fisher and co-workers first interviewed a panel of 11 nurse educators using the Delphi technique to assess the suitability of a bank of 93 items purporting to measure the motivations, skills and attributes of self-directed learners.
Two rounds of this technique, and item exclusion based on examination of inter-item correlations, resulted in a subset of 42 items. These were administered to a sample of 201 undergraduate nursing students, with exploratory factor analysis suggesting three underlying factors: self-management, desire for learning and self-control.
이 새로운 SDLRS 척도는 의학교육과정에서 타당도가 평가된 바 없다.
This new self-directed learning readiness scale (SDLRS) has not been validated for use in medical education curricula. For Fisher and co-workers ‘self-directed learning can be defined in terms of ... The degree of control the learner is willing to take over their own [...this learning degree of control] will depend on their attitude, abilities and personality characteristics’ (p. 516).
Fisher의 세가지 요인과 비교하였다.
The extracted factors were compared with the three-factor structure obtained by Fisher et al. (2001). As described above, Fisher et al. (2001) extracted three factors:
- ‘Self-management’,
- ‘Desire for learning’ and
- ‘Self-control’.
여기서 도출된 요인들
On the basis of item clusters, we labelled the emergent factors in the present study as follows:
- ‘Critical self-evaluation’,
- ‘Learning self-efficacy’,
- ‘Self-determination’ and
- ‘Effective organization for learning’.
Table 1 gives summary details of the four factors, including the two items with the strongest factor loadings for each factor, the number of items, and Cronbach’s (1951) estimate of internal consistency.
연구의 한계는 자료가 긍정적인 방향으로 skew 되어있을 수 있다는 점
The limitations of this study are that our data was positively skewed: students rated themselves as highly ready for engaging in SDL, and this may reflect over-confidence in their SDL ability at the beginning of their course. It may be that students who self-select and are successful at gaining entry to PBL medical programmes are more confident in their SDL ability than students who enrol in traditional courses.
비록 성취도에 차이가 없더라도 학생들은 전통적인 방식보다 PBL에서 SDL을 더 잘한다. PBL에서 SRL을 더 잘하는 학생의 성취도가 더 높았다. PBL은 효과적으로 SDL을 하게끔 해준다. 그러나 이러한 긍정적인 결과는 self-selection의 결과일 수도 있다.
Recent research shows that students are indeed more self-directed or in their learning – able to self-regulated manage their study time, set learning goals and monitor their learning – in PBL than in traditional medical programmes, although there are no differences in students’ achievement between these programmes (Lycke et al. 2007). Better self- regulated learning in a PBL programme results in higher achievement (Van Den Hurk 2006). It seems that in a PBL context students are capable of effectively directing their learning, whereas in a traditional course, teachers accomplish the same goal but without students acquiring SDL skills. However, the positive results associated with PBL may be partly due to self-selection of students with higher SDL readiness into PBL programmes. Ho and Tani (2007) found that students in a ‘scenario’ or case-based traditional under- graduate medical programme (including over 50% in first year) preferred teacher directed learning rather than SDL.
Greveson GC, Spencer JA. 2005. Self-directed learning – the importance of concepts and contexts. Med Educ 39:348–349.
Readiness for self-directed learning: validation of a new scale with medical students.
Author information
- 1University of Sydney, Australia.
- 19877864
- [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
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