SDL 측정도구와 관련된 조절효과(IJSDL, 2013)


Stefanie L. Boyer, Diane R. Edmondson, and Andrew B. Artis

SDL이 학문과 실용 모두에서 성인학습의 성공을 촉진한다는 것은 잘 알려져 있다. 

It is widely accepted that self-directed learning (SDL) promotes adult learning success in both academia (Brockett & Hiemstra, 1991; Knowles, 1975; Long, 2001; Speck, 1996) and practice (Artis & Harris, 2007; American Society for Training & Development, 2009; Boyer & Lambert, 2008; Burns, 1995; Durr, Guglielmino, & Guglielmino, 1996). There are over 1,600 articles and 600 dissertations on the topic in academia alone (Edmondson, Boyer, & Artis, 2012).

이론적 배경

Theoretical Background

자기주도성은 타고나는 것일 수도 있다. 혹은 연습을 통해서 독립적으로 향상될 수도 있다. 그리고 교수자에 의해서 향상될 수도 있다. 사실 Transformation theory에 따르면, 사람이 배우거나 새로운 기술을 익히거나 새로운 지식을 습득할 때 세계관이 진화하기 때문에 사람은 바뀐다. 이러한 방식으로 자기주도성도 변할 수 있다.

Self-directedness can be innate, stemming from personal characteristics; it can be learned independently through practice; and its development can be facilitated by an instructor. In fact, transformation theory (Mezirow, 1985) suggests that when people learn, develop new skills, and acquire knowledge, they change because their basic assumptions about the world evolve; in this way, their level of self-directedness can change.

전 세계에서 SDL에 대한 연구를 진행했다. SDL에 속하는 구인으로는 다음과 같은 것들이 있다.

Scholars conduct empirical research on SDL across the globe. Some of the constructs investigated alongside SDL and reported here include 

  • 호기심 curiosity (the desire forknowledge; Barnes, 1998); 
  • 삶에 대한 만족 life satisfaction (the extent to which a person likes him/herself, is happy with the way he/she is leading his/her life, and is generally satisfied with the way he/she is; Brockett, 1982); 
  • 동기 motivation (the degree to which an individual is self-motivated and achievement oriented; Livneh, 1988); 
  • SDL능력 SDL competence (knowledge and skill required for SDL; Savoy, 2004); 
  • 자기효능감 self-efficacy (judgment of a person’s own capability for successfully executing a course of action; Tuksinvarajarn, 2002); and 
  • 지지 support (the ability to get independent assistance related to learning; Yu, 1998). 

추가로 연령이가 교육수준같은 demographic factor도 관계가 있다.

In addition, other demographic factors have been reviewed in relation to SDL, such as age and level of education.

목적과 가설 

Purpose and Hypothesis

SDL문헌들에서는 SDL척도와 구인간의 관계를 설명한 바 있다. 예컨대 호기심과의 관계는 0.1에서 0.79까지 다양하다. moderator가 존재할 가능성이 높다.

The SDL literature examines a wide range of relationships between SDL measures and other constructs. For instance, the variance of correlations between SDL and curiosity is .1 to .79. With such a large variance, it is possible that a moderator exists that would help explain such a large range (Hofmann, Gawronski, Gschwendner, Le, & Schmitt, 2005).

SDLRS가 워낙 많이 사용되어왔으므로, SDLRS와 다른 척도간의 비교를 하고자 한다. 

Since there was so much emphasis on using the Self-Directed Learning Readiness Scale (SDLRS; Guglielmino, 1978) in the literature, the investigation focused on those studies using the SDLRS vs. those studies using another form of measurement of SDL. The following hypothesis was tested: 


H1: Measurement type moderates the relationship between SDL and (a) age, (b) curiosity, (c) education, (d) life satisfaction, (e) motivation, (f) SDL competence,(g) self-efficacy and (h) support.


SDL Measures Used

다양한 척도가 있었는데 대표적으로 다섯 개를 꼽음.

Although there were a variety of self-directed learning measures used in the literature, based on our meta-analysis, there were five measures used most often to assess SDL. 

  • The SDLRS (Guglielmino, 1978) has been used more than any other instrument (800 times). 
  • The Oddi Continuing Learning Inventory (OCLI; Oddi, 1984) comes in as a distant second in usage compared to the SDLRS (about 25% usage in comparison). 
  • The number of hours spent using SDL based on Tough’s (1979) recommendation of at least seven hours in the previous six month period was used to measure SDL 78 times, the 
  • BISL (Bartlett, 1999) was used 65 times, and 
  • the number of learning projects used within a specific period was assessed 41 times.

Meta-Analytic Results

Table 1. Summary of Meta-Analytic Results


SDLRS vs. Non-SDLRS Moderator Results

Table 2. Moderator Results


Conclusion and Discussion

SDL과 일부 구인과의 관계는 어떻게 SDL을 측정했느냐에 따라 달라진다. 따라서 age과 같은 요인들은 연령이 높아지면 SDL준비도가 높음을 뜻할 수도 있다. 그러나 다른 인적특성이나 다른 SDL요소인 자기주도학습에 사용한 시간, SDL활동의 수와 연관은 그만큼 강하지 않을 수도 있다. 이는 satisfaction, SDL competency, self-efficacy and support.에 대해서도 마찬가지다.

It is important to note that the relationships between SDL and some of the constructs used in the study do change depending on how SDL is measured. Therefore, factors such as age may implicate that learners will be more ready for SDL; however, as the data illustrate, age may not relate significantly to other measures of personal characteristics or other components of SDL such as the amount of time spent practicing SDL or the number of SDL activities completed, with the same strength. This is also true for life satisfaction, SDL competency, self-efficacy and support. 

그러나 curiosity, education, and motivation 에 대해서는 척도에 따라서 크게 달라지지 않았다. 즉 이 세가지는 어떻게 SDL을 측정하든 일관된 결과를 보여준다.

However, since relationships with curiosity, education, and motivation did not change significantly depending on the measurement instrument, it is possible that the constructs are important in both readiness for SDL and other components of measurement of SDL, such as use of SDL and time spent using SDL. Therefore, these three components yield consistent results when measuring SDL using different measures.

각 척도의 적절한 사용법 

Appropriate Uses of the Most Popular Measures

The measures of SDL should be selected based on the goals of the institution, the motivation for assessing SDL, the type of data collected and research questions presented. 

    • For instance, if the goal of the research is to understand how likely employees are to adopt a SDL culture in the workforce or academic setting, then a personal characteristic measure may be more appropriate. 
    • If the intent is to understand if employees/students use SDL and how effectively they are using SDL, then it might be more appropriate to assess behavioral measures such as how often they use SDL, what types and number of projects they use, SDL competence, and an output measure of performance.

각각이 장점이 다 다르다.

It should be noted that each of the measures has its own advantages. The most accurate forms of measurement can be taken through multiple assessments, and tell a richer story. This can be compared to diversifying a portfolio in the stock market to diminish risk.

Table 3. SDL Measurement Usage Suggestions

Appendix A Self-Directed Learning Measures

Self-Directed Learning Readiness - Cho & Kwon, SDLR-K-96 K-96 2005


Stefanie L. Boyer, Diane R. Edmondson, and Andrew B. Artis

The relationship between self-directed learning (SDL) and other constructs varies depending on the measurement tool used in data collection and analysis. A meta-analysis of SDL research studies is used to explore the moderating effect of the measurement tool between SDL and constructs from adult education. This paper outlines the most commonly used measures to assess SDL and provides advice to researchers, trainers and employers on the appropriate tool given the goals of the assessment. Using multiple measures of SDL (contextual, behavioral and personal) along with output measures (job performance and learning effectiveness) will provide the most accurate assessment of SDL.

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