의학교육에서 소셜미디어 활용 (Academic Medicine, 2013)
Social Media Use in Medical Education: A Systematic Review
Christine C. Cheston, MD, Tabor E. Flickinger, MD, MPH, and Margaret S. Chisolm, MD
두 가지 연구질문 (1)소셜미디어를 활용한 intervention이 만족, 지식, 태도, 기술에 어떠한 향상을 가져왔는가? (2)남은 과제와 기회는 무엇인가?
The authors conducted a systematic review of the published literature on social media use in medical education to answer two questions: (1) How have interventions using social media tools affected outcomes of satisfaction, knowledge, attitudes, and skills for physicians and physicians-in-training? and (2) What challenges and opportunities specific to social media have educators encountered in implementing these interventions?
The authors searched the MEDLINE, CINAHL, ERIC, Embase, PsycINFO, ProQuest, Cochrane Library, Web of Science, and Scopus databases (from the start of each through September 12, 2011) using keywords related to social media and medical education. Two authors independently reviewed the search results to select peer-reviewed, English-language articles discussing social media use in educational interventions at any level of physician training. They assessed study quality using the Medical Education Research Study Quality Instrument.
14개의 연구가 포함되었다. 지식(시험 점수), 태도(공감), 기술(성찰적 글쓰기) 등의 향상이 있었다. 가장 많이 보고되는 기회는 학습자의 참여가 늘어난 것, 피드백이 증가한 것, 협력이 늘어난 것, 전문직업적 발전이 향상되는 것 등이었다. 가장 흔하게 보고된 과제는 기술적인 것, 학습자 참여도, 개인정보/보안의 문제 등이었다.
Fourteen studies met inclusion criteria. Interventions using social media tools were associated with improved knowledge (e.g., exam scores), attitudes (e.g., empathy), and skills (e.g., reflective writing). The most commonly reported opportunities related to incorporating social mediatools were promoting learner engagement (71% of studies), feedback (57%), and collaboration and professional development (both 36%). The most commonly cited challenges were technical issues (43%), variable learner participation (43%), and privacy/security concerns (29%). Studies were generally of low to moderate quality; there was only one randomized controlled trial.
Social media use in medical education is an emerging field of scholarship that merits further investigation. Educators face challenges in adapting new technologies, but they also have opportunities for innovation.
웹기반 도구는 여러 장점이 있음.
Web-based tools offer several advantages over in-person/print educational tools: they can overcome physical or temporal barriers, provide searchable content, and encourage interactivity.8
Web 2.0을 다음과 같이 정의내린 바 있음.
McGee and Begg15 define Web 2.0 as a “collection of Web-based technologies that share a user-focused approach to design and functionality, where users actively participate in content creation and editing through open collaboration between members of communities of practice.”
그러나 소셜미디어의 활용은 환자의 개인정보나 온라인 프로페셔널리즘에 대한 우려를 낳고 있음
However, use of social media by physicians and medical trainees has given rise to concerns about patient privacy and online professionalism.18–21
Social media tools used
Blogs were the most commonly employed social media tool (n = 10; 71%), followed by wikis (n = 3; 21%), Twitter (n = 2; 14%), and Facebook (n = 2; 14%).
Acad Med. 2013 Jun;88(6):893-901. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0b013e31828ffc23.
Social media use in medical education: a systematic review.
Author information
- 1Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
- 23619071
- [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
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