자기주도학습 (Arch Dis Child,1996)
Self directed learning
Angela Towle, David Cottrell
Knowles의 SDL 정의
As defined by Knowles,1 self directed learn- ing is a process in which individuals take the initiative, with or without the help of others, in goals,theiridentifying humanneeds, andformnulating learning diagnosing material learning for learning, choosing and implementing - resources appropriate learning strategies, and evaluating learning outcomes, that is, they take responsibility for, and control learning (see box 1).
학생을 교육의 중심으로 가져오려는 시도가 되고 있다.
Fortunately progress is now being made to introduce more active, student centred methods of education, and to focus attention on the needs and aspira- tions of the learners rather than those of the teachers.
학습을 촉진하고 평생학습의 비판적 기술을 배양하기 위한 가이드들. Schmidt는 아래의 원칙을 제시함.
The medical education literature provides guidance as to what will the facilitate learning as well as help cultivate critical skills of lifelong learning. Schmidt, for example, gives three principles which will make teaching more relevant and effective, based upon what is known about adult learning.3
- (1) Building on prior knowledge: students to the knowledge they already possess use understand and structure new information. closer the the
- (2) Learning in context: resemblance between the situation in which something is learned and the situation in which it is applied, the more likely it is that transfer of learning will occur.
- (3) Elaboration of knowledge: information is better understood and remembered if there is opportunity for elaboration (this includes teaching questions, answering discussion, peers, critiquing).
PBL은 1960년대 중반 McMaster에서 도입됨.
Problem based learning originated McMaster University in Canada in the mid- 1960smedicaland hasschoolssince throughout been adopted thebyworldperhapsas the sole or major learning method and by several hundred as one of the methods in a hybrid curriculum.
가장 원래의 형태는 다음과 같다.
In its purest form (for example at McMaster and Maastricht), a problem is presented to a group of students and the group decides it needs to know in order to solve it.
The learning objectives of such an exercise are generated by the students and several groups of students simultaneously encountering the same problem will end up learning different things. A more structured problem based learning system might entail a list of learning objectives generated by the teachers or course organisers to which students are guided gently.
Harvard 등의 일부 의대는 혼합한 방식을 사용하였음.
Some medical schools (such as Harvard) mix problem based learning with more traditional forms of teaching such as lectures and seminars which are related to the problems being studied. Comparisons of different curricula suggest that students perform as well following problem based courses as students receiving traditional courses, but do indeed acquire a more inquisitive and self directed style of learning.6
대부분의 작업은 학생이 수행함.
Thus, much of the work carried out by the students will be in between the tutorial sessions facilitated by the teacher when the group meets to review progress. Teachers are required to operate in very different ways to facilitate this kind of learning: clear learning objectives need to be set for each problem presentation and to tutors should facilitate must the learn in analysis skills in and small questioninggroup teachingwhich have tooccurresist thethetemptation to controlThey alsothe direction of insteadthe discussion of encouragingand tostudentsprovideto information find out for themselves. Studies have shown that with tutors of the expert problem being discussed areknowledgemore directive, speak more frequently and for longer, provide more direct answers to questions, and suggesttutors.7 These effects may discourage themore topics for discussion than do non-expertdevelopment of active, self directed learning.
Self/peer evaluation
자기평가 혹은 동료평가는 PBL의 주요 요소이나 다른 교육방식과 함께 학습 과정의 일부로 사용될 수도 있다. (스스로의 능력을 평가하기 위한 task를 설계하거나, criteria를 만드는 작업을 학생이 함.)
Self the or peerassessmentassessmentprocess.8is often a key com- ponent of problem based learning but can be introduced as part of the learning process in conjunction with most forms of teaching.
Self directed learning.
Author information
- 1King's Fund Centre for Health Services Development, London.
- 8669942
- [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
- PMC1511490
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