의학교육: 대서양을 가로지른 대화가 필요한 시기(Med Educ, 2008)
Medical education: its time for a transatlantic dialogue
Brian D Hodges & Christophe Segouin
의학교육은 북미에서 최고의 번영을 이루었다. Academic Medicine 이나 Teaching and Learning in Medicine 같은 저널, National Board of Medical Education s Stemmler fund, 여러 관련 학회 등. 대부분 미국인들이지만, 캐나다인의 참여 덕에 약간의 세계화가 첨가되어 있다.
Medical education is in full bloomin North America. Journals such as Academic Medicine and Teaching andLearning in Medicine, grants such as the National Board of Medical Education s Stemmler fund and education conferences in all medi- cal specialties give North Americanmedical educators the opportunity to present work and ideas in a richarray of venues. Although largely American, these institutions have a dab of internationalism about them because of the participation of Canadians
유럽에서도 의학교육은 점차 그 꽃을 피우고 있다. 유럽 대학들은 의학교육자들에게 자리를 새롭게 만들어주고 있으며 Medical Education 이나 Medical Teacher 같은 저널들도 있다.
In Europe, medical education is also blossoming. European univer- sities are creating new posts for medical educators, and journals such as Medical Education and Med- ical Teacher enjoy growing circula- tion and impact factors.
AMEE는 72개국에서 2000명에 달하는 회원이 있으며, 프랑스인, 스칸디나비아인, 영국인, 이탈리아 인 등이 있고 볼로냐 프로세스 이후 엄청난 양의 논의가 이뤄지고 있다.
The Association for Medical Education in Europe at- tracts nearly 2000 members from72 different countries.1 Speaking with French, Scandinavian, Italian and British educators, it is striking how much discussion in Europe focuses on the Bologna Process reforms.
What we notice, however, is a tendency to assume that there is a shared set of values underlying the globalisation of medical education. By contrast, we observe that at medical educa- tion conferences, and in the medical education literature, there are almost no scholarly compari- sons of medical education priori- ties, goals, curricula or outcomes across different cultures and contexts. In a few preliminary comparisons what is evident is that this discourse of globalisation papers over some very fundamental discrepancies.2,3
Take, for example, quality assur- ance. In North America, all medical graduates must pass through a very stringent set of standardised final examinations, conducted at arm s length by various examination boards. By contrast, in many Euro- pean countries there are no final examinations at all.
북미의 관할 기관들이 끊임없이 늘어나는 외부 평가에 더 많은 재인증 시험을 추가하느라 정신없는 반면, 유럽의 의학교육자들은 최종평가는 더 축소시키고 프로그램 중 평가를 더 강화해야 한다고 요구한다.
While some North Americans’ jurisdictions are busy adding more recertification examinations to the ever-growing regime of external assessment, some European medical educators are calling for a further move away from final testing and towards in- programme assessment.4
이러한 차이는 '질'이 무엇인가에 대한 기본적인 생각의 차이에서 비롯한다. 프랑스 의학교육자들은 의학교육의 질을 확보하기 위해서 교수를 고용하는 기준(미국에서는 거의 상상도 할 수 없는 수준으로) 과 교육과정을 표준화(모든 의과대학이 동일한 중앙 개발된 교육과정을 가르친다)한다. 미국과 캐나다는 의과대학과 레지던트 프로그램에게 거의 완전한 교육과정 개발의 유연성을 부여하고, 교수를 고용하는 것에 있어서도 마찬가지다. 다만 졸업생을 매우 high stake의 최종시험을 통과하게 만들어서 의과대학 산출물의 질을 확인한다.
We have suggested these differences are based on fundamentally different ideas about what quality is.3 French medical educators, for example, aimto ensure the quality of medical education by standardising the hir- ing of professors (with a rigor that would be unimaginable in North America) and of curricula (all medical schools deliver the same, centrally created curriculum). The USA and Canada, however, allow medical schools and residency pro- grammes almost complete flexibil- ity in curriculum design and in hiring faculty but submit their graduates to very high stakes final examinations that serve as a quality check on the output of the medical school in question.
In another example, Woodrow et al. reported recently on the vastly dif- ferent approach to work hours for doctors in training in Europe and North America.2
European colleagues find it slightly disconcert- ing, if perhaps not surprising, that Americans consider an 80-hour working week acceptable. Mean- while, American colleagues roll their eyes about the dedication of European professionals who work an official week of only 35)40 hours. Although this issue might be dismissed as a quaint cultural difference, we believe the stakes are higher. At a recent con- ference, one of our American col- leagues presented a framework on professionalism and told a story about a doctor who came in after hours to deliver a baby. He framed this as a compelling example of the professional value of altruism .In the row in front of us, 2 Scandina- vian medical education colleagues whispering between themselves described this as: …the most glar- ing example of unprofessional behaviour I can imagine . Intri- gued, we learned that they consid- ered the idea of altruism to be a puritan religious construct and that, for them, professionalism is more aligned with maintaining a balance between one s personal and working lives. They argued that an ethically organised education and health care system would obvi- ate the need for anyone to come in from home in the middle of the night.
Rather than assuming that universal principles underlie medical education, it is time to embrace and examine differ- ences and discontinuities in the goals, practices and values of medical education in different countries and cultures.
국제 표준을 찾기 위한 몇몇 노력에 동참하면서 우리는 기본적인 역량에 대한 합의의 가능성을 보았다. 그러나 우리는 또한 의학교육의 목표와 실천에 대한 공통의 합의가 존재한다는 가정이 과장된 것임을 확신했다.
Having participated in a few efforts aimed at finding global stan- dards ,5 we can see that it may be possible to attain consensus about the basics of medical competence. However, we are increasingly convinced that the assumption of shared agreement about objectives and practices in medical education (and, indeed, medical education research) is wildly overstated.
More attention and funding needs to be given to international, comparative education research by medical education journals, conferences and organisations.
As Schuwirth and van der Vleuten wrote: …we start from the assumption that the universe is homogenous, where in fact the more logical conclusion would have been that the universe is more variant. 6
6 Schurwirth LWT, van der Vleuten CPM. A plea for new psychometric models in educational assessment. Med Educ 2006;40:296–300.
Med Educ. 2008 Jan;42(1):2-3. Epub 2007 Nov 22.
Medical education: it's time for a transatlantic dialogue.
Author information
- 1Wilson Centre for Research in Education, Toronto General Hospital, 200 Elizabeth Street, Toronto, Ontario. Canada. brian.hodges@utoronto.ca
- 18034799
- [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
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