자기주도학습자가 독립적, 자율적, 그리고 상호의존적일 수 있을까? (Adult Learning, 1999)
Can a Self-directed Learner be Independent, Autonomous and Interdependent?: Implications for Practice
By Yoonkyeang Nah
Brookfield 와 같은 학자들은 자기주도학습을 기술 또는 절차로서 바라보던 관점을 개인의 의식의 변화라는 영역으로 확장시켰다. 그 중심에는 독립성과 자율성이 있다.
While scholars, such as Brookfield (1985), expand the technician-orient- ed process of self-directed learning as including changes in learners' consciousness (transforming perspectives on their experiences), at the core of self-directed learning are independence and autonomy of learn- ers in their learning processes.
그러나 모든 문화권에서 미국만큼 SDL의 핵심으로 자율성과 독립성이 강조되는 것은 아니다.
However, the essence of self-directed learning is not as highly valued in other cultures as in America: Not every culture promotes independence and autonomy as virtues.
독립성과 자율성이 중요한 것이라는 관점은 한국에서는 반드시 옳지는 않다. 대신 독립적이면서 다른 사람이 그 사람에게 의존할 수 있게 하는 것이 한국 문화에서는 바람직한 '어른'의 모습이다. 상호의존적이지 못하면서 독립적이기만 한 사람은 미성숙하거나 자기중심적인 것으로 이해된다.
The virtue of independence and autonomy is not an indication of a person reaching an idealized adulthood in Korean culture. Instead, becoming independent and having others become dependent on her or him is one of the appro- priate signs for a sound adulthood in Korean culture. Becoming indepen- dent without being interdependent passes for immaturity or self-centeredness.
SDL과정은 여성들이 멘토 혹은 다른 학습자원으로부터 독립적이게 해주지 않았다. 또한 SDL 과정이 온전히 자신의 성장이나 이익만을 위한 것도 아니었다. 이들 자기주도적학습자의 특징은 상호의존적이라는 점이며, 이는 한국 문화에서 매우 높이 평가하는 특징이다. 이러한 점에서 SDL과정을 한국과 같은 나라에서 평가할 때는 얼마나 학습자들이 SDL의 결과로 독립적, 자율적이 되었느냐는 물론 상호의존적이 되었느냐도 함께 봐야 한다.
Self-directed learning processes did not lead the women to become independent of their mentors or other learning resources. Nor were their self-directed learning processes wholly dedicated to personal growth or interests, but instead to the well being of other people. One of the charac- teristics of these self-directed learners may be interdependence, a virtue that Korean culture appraises highly In this regard, the evaluation of self- directed learning processes in cultures like Korea would mean evaluation of how interdependent learners have become as a result of self-directed learning experiences as well as how independent and autonomous they have become.
이들 여성지도자의 모습은 한국적 교육상황에서 SDL을 하는 것이란 학습자들이 자신의 목표를 달성할 수 있게 하면서 사회의 다른 사람들의 이익을 고려할 줄 아는 것이며, 교육자는 학습자들이 서로가 서로의 학습자원이 될 수 있게 도와주어야 한다.
The experience of these women leaders suggests that the performance of self-directed learning in Korean educational settings means that educators help learners pursue their learning goals with the interests of other learners or other people in their community in mind and that educators help learners become learning resources to each other.
학습자들이 독립적, 자율적이면서 상호의존적이도록 하는 것이다. SDL이론에 담긴 정신은 북미에서 주로 발달한 것으로, 한국의 여성 리더들의 학습 과정에 딱 들어맞지는 않는다.
It is help- ing learners become interdependent as well as independent and autonomous. The spirit implied in self-directed learning theory, as it is practiced in North America, does not seem to fully fit the learning processes of women in leadership positions in Korea.
SDL이론이 한국 여성들의 학습과정에 잘 들어맞지 않는 여러 이유 중 하나는 이들이 문화적으로 개인주의보다는 집단주의를 우선시하는 배경이 있기 때문이며, 또한 상호의존성을 독립성/자율성보다 우선시하기 때문이다. SDL이론은 학습자의 상황적 차이를 반영해야 한다.
Amongst many feasible reasons for the unsuitability of self-directed learning the- ory for Korean women's learning processes are contextual differences between the learners upon whom the theory was based and the Korean woman leaders whose culture prioritizes collectivity to individuality, and interdependence to independence and autonomy Self-directed learning theory needs to reflect learners' contextual differ- ences to represent adult learners' learning characteristics sensibly
Can a Self-directed Learner be Independent, Autonomous and Interdependent?: Implications for Practice
- Yoonkyeong Nah received a Ph.D. degree from the Department of Continuing and Vocational Education at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in December 1998. Nah currently teaches at the School of Education of Yonsei University, Korea.
- e-mail: ynah99@hanmail.net
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