자기주도학습과 성격(Big five and Narrow Personality Traits) (IJSDL, 2010)
Jeral R. Kirwan, John W. Lounsbury, and Lucy W. Gibson
Lounsbury 등의 연구는 성격5요인과 자기주도성관의 유의미한 상관관계를 보여주었다. 법률학적 네트워크를 보여주어쓴데, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Openness가 높았고 Neuroticism이 낮았다. 이는 경험적으로 자기주도학습 이론가들이 창의적 성취, 새로운 경험, 학습 프로젝트에 대한 학생 참여, 내적 동기, 자기인식을 강조한 것과 유사하다.
The results of the Lounsbury et al. (2009) study indicated that there was a significant relationship between the five-factor model of personality and learner self- direction. Their findings are important in that they further elucidate the nomological network for learner self-direction; in this case, that self-directed students displayed higher levels of Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, and Openness as well as lower levels of Neuroticism. These results also provide empirical support for self-direction in learning theorists who discuss the importance of such factors as creative achievements, new experience, and student participation in learning projects, intrinsic learning motivation, and self-concept (Hassan, 1982; Reynolds, 1986).
성격 척도
Personality Measure
Big Five and narrow traits assessed.
• Agreeableness: being agreeable, participative, helpful, cooperative, and inclined to interact with others harmoniously (coefficient alpha = .81)
• Conscientiousness: being conscientious, reliable, trustworthy, orderly, and rule-following (coefficient alpha = .78)
• Emotional Stability: overall level of adjustment and emotional resilience in the face of stress and pressure. We conceptualized this as the inverse of Neuroticism (coefficient alpha = .83)
• Extraversion: tendency to be sociable, outgoing, gregarious, warmhearted, expressive, and talkative (coefficient alpha = .84)
• Openness: receptivity and Openness to change, innovation, new experience, and learning (coefficient alpha = .76)
• Sense of Identity: knowing one’s self and where one is headed in life, having a core set of beliefs and values that guide decisions and actions; and having a sense of purpose (coefficient alpha = .77)
• Optimism: having an optimistic, hopeful outlook concerning prospects, people, and the future, even in the face of difficulty and adversity as well as a tendency to minimize problems and persist in the face of setbacks (coefficient alpha = .83)
• Tough-Mindedness: appraising information and making decisions based on logic, facts, and data rather than feelings, sentiments, values, and intuition (coefficient alpha = .75)
• Work Drive: being hard-working, industrious, and inclined to put in long hours and much time and effort to reach goals and achieve at a high level (coefficient alpha = .85)
Learner self-direction items.
1. I regularly learn things on my own outside of class.
2. I am very good at finding out answers on my own for things that the teacher does not explain in class.
3. If there is something I don’t understand in a class, I always find a way to learn it on my own.
4. I am good at finding the right resources to help me do well in school.
5. I view self-directed learning based on my own initiative as very important for success in school and in my future career.
6. I set my own goals for what I will learn.
7. I like to be in charge of what I learn and when I learn it.
8. If there is something I need to learn, I find a way to do so right away.
9. I am better at learning things on my own than most students.
10. I am very motivated to learn on my own without having to rely on other people.
본 연구의 결과는 Lounsbury의 결과를 지지한다. 외향성을 제외한 다른 모든 성격요인은 자기주도성과 유의한 관련이 있었다. 정서적안정의 정적 관계는 신경증의 부적 관계와 일치한다. 또한 자기주도성과 관련한 변인의 상당부분을 성격이 설명해준다는 것을 보여준 의의도 있다.
The findings of this study provide support for Lounsbury et al.’s (2009)summary “…of the importance and richness of the self-directed learning construct and provide strong support for its role as a personality trait…” (p. 417). All of the Big Five traits correlated significantly with learner self-direction, except for Extraversion.The significant, positive relationships between learner self-direction and Emotional Stability are consistent with Lounsbury, et al.’s correlational findings of a negative relationship between Neuroticism and learner self-direction. Moreover, the results of the present study indicate that the Big Five traits jointly explained a substantial amount of variance in learner self-direction, which provides additional support for the robustness of the Big Five model (e.g., De Raad, 2000; McCrae & Costa, 1997, 2003).
고려해야 할 점이 있다. 평생발달적 관점에서, '정체성'에 대한 이슈는 주로 청소년기에 드러나는 반면, '성격(Big Five를 포함한)'에 관한 것은 만3세의 아이들에서도 Reliable한 것으로 보여진다. 따라서 성격요인이 자기주도학습성향에 선행한다는 것이 비논리적이지 않다. 또한 성격특성은 비교적 시간이 지나거나 상황이나 환경이 바뀌어도 일정한 것으로 보여진다.
Nevertheless, there are several considerations that point toward a conceptual model emphasizing the primacy of personality traits and portraying personality traits as leading to learner self-direction. From a lifespan-developmental perspective (e.g., Berger, 2001; Erickson, 1980) identity issues emerge primarily in adolescence, whereas personality traits, including constructs corresponding to the Big Five, have been reliably studied for children as young as age 3 (van Lieshout & Haselager, 1993, 1994); thus, it is not unreasonable to consider other personality traits as preceding learner self-direction. Moreover, personality traits are typically regarded as being relatively invariant or consistent over time and across situations and environmental or situational characteristics (e.g., Pervin & John, 1997).
만약 성격이 상황이나 시간의 변화에 상관없이 상대적으로 일정하다면, 그러나 자기주도성이 상황이나 시간에 따라 변한다면, 왜 성격과 자기주도학습성간의 관계가 상대적으로 일정한가에 대한 가장 논리적인 해석은 성격이 그 관계를 조절(driving)하기 때문이다라는 것이며, 성격이 자기주도성에 영향을 주는 것이지, 자기주도성이 성격에 영향을 주는 것은 아닐 것이다.
In view of the above, we suggest that if personality traits are relatively consistent for students across situations and over time, and if learner self-direction changes more across situations and over time, the most logical interpretation of why the personality trait--learner self-direction relationship is relatively consistent within and across such disparate factors as age and returning to college after a long break is because the personality traits are driving the relationship, which implies that other personality traits are affecting learner self-direction, not that learner self-direction is influencing other personality traits.
Jeral R. Kirwan, John W. Lounsbury, and Lucy W. Gibson
Based on a sample of 2102 college students, learner self-direction was found to be significantly related to four of the Big Five traits: Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Emotional Stability, and Openness—as well as four narrow personality traits: Sense of Identity, Optimism, Tough-Mindedness, and Work Drive. Results of multiple regression analyses indicated that, after controlling for age, year in school, and sex, the Big Five traits accounted for 37% of the variance in learner selfdirection, with other narrow traits accounting for an additional 15% variance. A combination of six Big Five and other narrow traits account for over 52% of the variance in learner self-direction. It was suggested that other personality traits may be influencing learner self-direction. Results are discussed in terms of theoretical and methodological implications.
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