MMI로 평가하는 학업/경험/역량 측정의 가중치 변화가 합격자 민족/인종 코호트에 미치는 영향(Acad Med, 2015)
The Effect of Differential Weighting of Academics, Experiences, and Competencies Measured by Multiple Mini Interview (MMI) on Race and Ethnicity of Cohorts Accepted to One Medical School
Carol A. Terregino, MD, Meghan McConnell, PhD, and Harold I. Reiter, MD
의학교육에 있어서 피훈련자의 다양성 혹은 그들의 비율을 인구구조를 반영하게 하자는 폭넓은 요구가 있다. 보건의료인력의 다양성을 증가시키는 것은 그 그룹 간 격차를 줄이는 하나의 접근법이 된다. Cohen 등은 공정과 평등 이슈에 더하여 접근성의 향상, 보건의료시스템의 관리의 최적화 등을 인력 다양화를 달성해야 할 실용적 이유로 보았다.
Within the context of medical education, there has been a call for broad strategies extending beyond measures of the compositional diversity of trainees or representational ratios.2 Enhancing diversity in the health care workforce has been proposed as one approach to address those group disparities.3 Cohen et al3 cite increasing access and ensuring optimal management of the health care system, in addition to issues of equity and fairness, as pragmatic reasons for attaining workforce diversity.
피훈련자의 다양성을 높이는 것은 모든 학생에 대하여 교육의 질을 높이는 것에 중요하고, 농촌지역, 도심 매부, 소수자들의 의료접근성을 높이고, 공공보건 연구의 진보를 가속화하는 데 중요하다. GPA와 MCAT점수에 의존하는 방식은 의료계의 다양성을 증대시키는데 큰 제약이 되며, 연구자들은 MMI에 기반한 선발이 다양성을 더 높인다고 주장한 바 있다.
Increasing trainee diversity is important for shaping educational quality for all students, increasing access to health care in rural, inner-city, and minority populations, and accelerating advances in medical and public health research.22 Reliance on GPAs and MCAT scores may severely constrain diversity within medicine,23,24 and researchers have argued that basing admission selections on MMI scores may promote applicant diversity.17,25
의과대학 인증기준의 변화 역시 의과대학들이 다양성에 관심을 가지게 된 계기이다. Holistic Review Project는 학생선발 과정에서 학문적 역량과 인성 역량을 모두 고려할 것을 장려하는 모델이며, 이를 위해서 RWJMS는 더 전인적인 평가과정을 도입했다.
Changes in accreditation requirements reflect the enhanced attention to diversity expected of all medical schools.26 The Holistic Review Project has articulated a model that promotes the consideration of both academic and personal competencies in the application process.27 In response, Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School (RWJMS) began to implement a more holistic screening process;
중요한 것은, 지원자들을 오직 MMI점수로만 선발한다는 점이다. MCAT 자료는 학업역량의 최저 수준을 결정하는 것을 도와준다. 11개 의과대학의 자료를 바탕으로 Julian은 MCAT점수 중 생물과학 점수 8점, 물리점수 7점, 언어추롡점수 6점 이하가 되지 않는 한 학업적 어려움을 겪을 가능성은 매우 낮다는 것을 보여주었다. 이러한 연구결과는 합당한 학업적 최저한계점만 넘어선다면, 입학절차는 학업적 수행능력에 덜 신경쓰고, 핵심 인성역량에 더 신경써야 한다는 것을 보여준다.
Importantly, applicants are admitted exclusively on the basis of their MMI scores. MCAT data support this reliance on academic thresholds. Using data from 11 schools, a study by Julian28 demonstrated that the risk of academic difficulties remained very low until entering students’ MCAT scores fell below 8 for biological sciences, 7 for physical sciences, and 6 for verbal reasoning. These findings suggest that for students exceeding acceptable academic thresholds, selection procedures should be less concerned with academic performance and more concerned with core personal competencies performance.
이 가설을 지지하듯 최종 합격자 선발을 MMI로만 했던 RWJMS의 첫 번째 코호트는 1학년과 2학년 과정, 그리고 USMLE Step 1에서 그 앞의 코호트와 동등한 성과를 보여주었다. 또한 이 집단의 MMI점수가 의과대학 재학 중 평가한 핵심인성역량(reliability, integrity, service/sensitivity to diversity)을 잘 예측했다.
In support of this hypothesis, the first cohort at RWJMS whose final admissions decision was based solely on MMI scores performed equivalently in first- and second-year courses and on United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) Step 1 relative to previous cohorts admitted on the basis of traditional interviews, academic scores, and experiences. Additionally, the MMI scores from this first cohort predicted scores for students’ core personal competencies assessed in medical school (reliability, integrity, service/sensitivity to diversity).29
Specifically, we examined whether academic measures (GPA, MCAT), experience scores (service, clinical, and research [SCR]), and personal competencies scores (MMI) varied as a function of applicants’ self-reported race/ethnicity, and whether change in weighting of scores would impact diversity by altering the demographic composition of the entering classes.
세팅, 연구집단, 지원자 선발 과정
Setting, study population, application screening process
This is a retrospective study of previously collected and recorded data for the RWJMS admissions process for entering classes 2011–2013.
학업 기준
We determined that applicants screened for MMI were academically and experientially prepared, based on threshold criteria previously set by the RWJMS Admissions Committee (
- total GPA > 3.0,
- total MCAT > 22,
- MCAT biological science score > 8, and
- no other MCAT score < 6).
봉사/임상노출/연구/자기소개서/추천서를 5점 척도로 평가함. (3점: 지원자로서 acceptable함.)
- 연구에서의 5점은 피어-리뷰 발표나 출판 경험
- 봉사에서의 5점은 봉사단체를 조직한 것, 3점은 정기적으로 봉사조직에 참여한 것
We scored service, clinical exposure, research, the personal essay, and letters of recommendation on a 1–5 Likert scale. The scale was developed so that a score of 3 is an acceptable score for an applicant. An example of a research rating of 5 would indicate culmination of the research experience with peer- reviewed presentation or publication. With respect to service, regular involvement in a service organization would be rated 3, whereas the founder of a service organization would be rated a 5.
스크리닝 점수의 총합은 지원자의 순위를 매기는데 사용되지 않고, threshold로만 사용함(어느 점수 이하는 면접 안 봄). 그러나 SCR점수는 스크리닝 결정에 도움을 주기 위한 자료이지 스크리닝을 하는 절대적 기준은 아니며, 예컨대 일부학생은 연구 경험이 없었기 때문이다. 학업기준을 충족시키고 SCR, 자기소개서, 추천서 점수가 3점을 넘는 학생에게 면접기회를 줌. 이후 GPA, MCAT, 경험치 스크리닝 점수, 자기소개서 ,추천서 등은 더 이상 고려하지 않음
The sums of the screening scores were not used to rank applicants but served as threshold scores below which an interview would not be offered. An SCR score was developed to inform but not dictate screening decisions, as some students did not have research experience. We considered for interview only applicants who met the academic criteria and who had SCR, personal essay, and letters scores of at least 3. We did not revisit the GPA, MCAT, experiences screening scores, essays, and letters after applicants were selected for interview.
MMI 절차, 위원회 고려사항, 합격 결정
The MMI process, committee deliberations, admissions decisions
MMI. 6개 스테이션. 한 면접날의 문항은 그 날에만 사용됨.
The MMI process at RWJMS consists of a six-station MMI. Each station consists of a behavioral descriptor or situational judgment-type interview stem addressing a specific AAMC COA core personal competency4 or combination of competencies. All interview stems are unique on a given interview day and written by one of the authors (C.A.T.). The MMI process at RWJMS employs only the 30 members of the standing committee, who participate in modified frame-of-reference training prior to the sessions. Extensive interviewer training allows for the assumption of adequate reliability with a six-station MMI.
Table 1
Table 1 demonstrates the behaviorally anchored rating scale for communication.
In each station, interviewers evaluate applicants on the
- basis of communication,
- content/argument, and
- overall global impression
using a behaviorally anchored 1–5 Likert scale.
Statistical analysis
가중치를 달리하여 "what-if" analyses를 수행함. alternative weighting을 적용하기 전에 서로 다른 스케일로 평가하였기 때문에 z-score로 변환함
In addition to comparing differences in mean performance scores as a function of applicant self-reported race/ ethnicity, we also conducted a series of “what-if ” analyses to determine whether alternative weighting methods would have changed final admissions decisions and entering class composition. Because the different performance measures are on different numeric scales, we converted performance measures (GPA, MCAT, SCR score, and MMI) to z scores before implementing alternative weighting schemes.
전통적 수행능력 측정
Traditional performance measures
지원자와 MMI 스테이션의 상호작용은 33% 변인 설명. 이러한 상호작용 효과는 지원자가 MMI 스테이션에 따라 다양한 수행능력을 보이며, context-specificity를 의미함.
The interaction between applicant and MMI station accounted for the second largest amount of variance (33%). This interaction effect indicates that applicant performance varied across MMI stations, an effect commonly referred to as “contextspecificity.” 15
지원자 다양성과 전통적 수행능력 척도와의 관계
Relation of traditional performance measures to applicant diversity
"먄약" 분석: 가중치가 달랐을 경우의 결과
“What-if ” analyses: The effects of alternative weighting of performance measures on race/ethnicity composition of accepted applicants
URIM 지원자의 비율은 가중치에 따라 57%~22%로 다양함.
the proportion of URIM applicants accepted into the undergraduate medical program would have declined from 57% to 22% depending on weighting.
전통적인 학업이나 경험 점수보다 MMI의 비율을 높이면 인종/민족 다양성이 높아질 것임을 보여준다. 우리가 아는 바에 따르면 이는 미국 의과대학에서 MCAT이나 GPA가 아닌 MMI의 URIM 지원자에 대한 중립성을 보여준 첫 번째 연구
Our findings suggest that increasing use of MMI scores in admission decisions may enhance racial/ethnic diversity among entering medical students, relative to reliance on traditional academic measures and experience scores. To our knowledge this is the only report from a U.S. medical school showing the neutrality of the MMI for underrepresented applicants, contrary to the MCAT or GPA.31
MMI 수행능력에 있어서 URIM지원자와 non-URIM 지원자간 차이는 없었으며, 소규모 캐나다 연구와 같은 결과이다. 이러한 결과로부터 extrapolate하는 것은 연구 대상자의 규모나 미국/캐나다의 극도의 사회문화적 다양성 때문에 한계가 있다.
Our results revealed that there was no statistical significance in MMI performance between URIM and non- URIM groups, a finding consistent with a small Canadian study on five aboriginal applicants.25 Extrapolation from that study, however, is limited because of the size of that study, and the very different social and cultural backgrounds of the United States and Canada.
상위 45% 학생의 민족/인종 구성만 놓고 보면 변화는 더 극적이다. Reiter 등은 여섯 개 캐나다 의과대학에서 MMI 결과를 분석하여 MMI가 다양성을 증가시키고, 의과대학 접근가능성을 높이며, 학업적 변인의 효과를 중화시킨다는 것을 보여줬다. McMaster의 접근법(면접 대상자 선발시에는 60% GPA 와 40% 자기소개서, 최종선발자 선발시에는 70% MMI와 30% GPA)도 있다. 캐나다 연구는 이렇게 가중치를 달리 했을 때 가구수입이나 지역사회 규모를 기준으로 비교하였을 때 합격자 코호트에는 영향을 주지 않았다.
The change in racial/ethnic makeup of the top 45% ranked students who would be offered acceptance is even more surprising. Reiter et al17 combined MMI results of six Canadian medical schools over two years, focusing on MMI effect on enhancing diversity, increasing access to medical school, and neutralizing the effect of academic variables. McMaster’s formulaic approach to invitation for interview was 60% GPA and 40% autobiographical questionnaire, and postinterview selection was 70% MMI score and 30% GPA. The Canadian study found that these differential weighting schemes did not impact the diversity of accepted cohorts, as measured by income and community size.17
Acad Med. 2015 Dec;90(12):1651-7. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000000960.
The Effect of Differential Weighting of Academics, Experiences, and Competencies Measured by Multiple MiniInterview (MMI) on Race and Ethnicity of Cohorts Accepted to One Medical School.
Author information
- 1C.A. Terregino is senior associate dean for education and associate dean for admissions, Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Piscataway, New Jersey. M. McConnell is assistant professor, Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. H.I. Reiter is professor, Department of Oncology, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
- 26488572
- [PubMed - in process]
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