Rural Healthy People 2010 : 농어촌지역 보건문제의 우선순위와 진료모델
Rural Healthy People 2010 : Identifying Rural Health Priorities and Models for Practice
Larry Gamm, Ph.D., Linnae Hutchison, M.B.A., Gail Bellamy, Ph.D., and Betty J. Dabney, Ph.D.
두 가지 주요 목표는 (1)건강한 삶을 질적으로, 기간적으로 늘리는 것, (2)건강불평등 문제를 해소하는 것이다.
The two major goals of Healthy People 2010 are to increase the quality and years of healthy life and to eliminate health disparities
일차의료에 접근성은 여전히 문제로 지적되고 있다.
Access to primary care remains a challenge in many rural areas
일차의료 뿐만 아니라 응급의료(EMS)에 대한 접근성 문제 사례도 심심찮게 들려온다.
In addition to problematic access to primary care, there is anecdotal reporting of serious deficiencies in access to emergency medical services (EMS) in rural areas.
정신질환이 농어촌지역에서 더 흔하지는 않고, 일부 연구에 따르면 유병률이 더 낮지만, 높은 자살률은 문제로 지적되고 있다.
Mental disorders appear to be no more prevalent in rural areas than in urban areas, and according to some studies are less prevalent (Hartley, Bird, & Dempsey, 1999). There is evidence, however, of higher suicide rates-a standard indicator of mental illnessin rural areas, particularly among adult males and children (Eberhardt et al. 2001; Hartley et al., 1999).
2형 당뇨병도 농어촌지역에서 더 유병률이 높다.
Type 2 diabetes, arguably the most rapidly growing chronic illness in the United States, is more prevalent in rural than in urban areas.
정신질환과 마찬가지로, 구강보건도 적절한 의료인력이 지원되지 않아서 불균형 상태에 있다.
Like mental health, oral health in rural America suffers from disproportionately low numbers of professional providers
젊은 층 사이에서 흡연 및 약물 사용 비율이 도시지역보다 높다.
Tobacco use (cigarettes and smokeless tobacco) and substance abuse (in the form of alcohol, methamphetamines, and inhalants) are higher among youths in rural than in urban areas (Cronk & Sarvela, 1997; Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2001).
제1, 제2 사망원인인 심장질환과 암은 농어촌지역에서 더 많은 것으로 나타나지는 않는다.
Heart disease and cancer, the number one and number two leading causes of death, generally do not appear disproportionately in rural areas
Rural healthy people 2010: identifying rural health priorities and models for practice.
Southwest Rural Health Research Center, School of Rural Public Health, Texas A&M University System Health Science Center, Bryan, 77802, USA.
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