의생명 기술과 미래의 병원

Biomedical technology and the clinic of the future

의생명 기술의 선두에 있는 전문가들이 의료에 있어서 large-scale system의 영향력에 대한 의견을 나눠본다.

In summary, the technologies are here that will entirely transform healthcare. For that reason, it is vitally important that we now focus on realigning the cultural and institutional incentives driving researchers, academic institutions and publishers. 

The way forward is at least threefold. First, to engage the patientswho must demand methods for data sharing that move past current privacy issues; second, to promote open-access platforms for sharing of data, models and tools; and third, to reward scientists for publication of models, not papers. If these challenges can be met, the future promises to be a world of healthcare honed by data collected from a vast majority of patients being treated in real time.

First, we have to develop suitable technical methods and user interaction models to integrate the diverse data sources

Second, we have to ensure that what we know is accurate. That is, we have to clean up our existing evidentiary knowledge base

Third, we have to ensure that we know what is known.

Fourth, we have to know whether we can safely proceed to clinical decision-making from computer models that are not completely based on human clinical trials, randomized or observational.

Fifth, there will need to emerge regulatory clarity around the use of data displays of this complexity. 

Finally, how much better is our new knowledge than older knowledge? When is the incremental benefit of a genomic variant(s) or gene expression profile relative to a family history or classic histopathology insufficient and when does it add rather than subtract variance? 

 2011 Mar;29(3):215. doi: 10.1038/nbt.1796.

Biomedical technology and the clinic of the future.

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[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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