
Database: PsycINFO
[ Journal Article ]
Anthropology and the abnormal.
Benedict, R.
Journal of General Psychology, Vol 10, 1934, 59-82. doi:10.1080/00221309.1934.9917714


  1. All kinds of abnormalities (in our culture) function with ease and honor in other cultures, and apparently without danger or difficulty to the society. The author discusses especially the trance, homosexuality, and megalomania. The categories of the abnormal in our civilization are prevailing local types of instability. Although they give some information about the stresses and strains of western civilization, they afford no final picture of inevitable human nature. Conclusions about such behavior must await the collection of psychiatric data from other cultures. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)

Benedict, Ruth(1959)는 이 article에서 정상과 비정상을 구분하는 것은 문화적으로 정의되는 것이다(“normality is culturally defined.”)라는 명제의 근거로서 다른 사람을 극도로 신뢰하지 못하는 문화를 가진 한 부족의 이야기 등을 언급한다. 같은 맥락에서 사람들은 흔히 “It is habitual”이라는 말 대신 “It is morally good”이라는 말을 사용하는데, 이 둘이 사실상 동일한 뜻이라고 말한다

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