Undergraduate Medical Education "Fast Facts"

Data for "Fast Facts" are derived from the Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME) Annual Medical School Questionnaire. The questionnaire is sent annually to the deans of all LCME-accredited medical schools with enrolled students. Each year, the questionnaire is reviewed by AMA staff and attempts are made to verify information and obtain missing data.

The "Fast Facts" tables illustrate trend data for current topics of interest within undergraduate medical education. When available, data reflects responses, in five-year increments, from academic years 1989-1990 through 2009-2010.

입학위원회의 구성

Admissions committee composition

아래의 그룹을 입학위원회의 투표의원으로 포함시키는가의 여부

Table 1: Number and percent of medical schools including the indicated groups as voting members of the admissions committee: 2009-2010 

임상실습 기간

Clerkship length

과별 임상실습 기간과 각 과별 외래실습 비중

Table 2: Clerkship length and percent of time in the ambulatory setting: by academic year Hospital inpatient sites

임상실습에서 입원환자를 보는 병원

Hospital inpatient sites

임상실습에 활용되는 병원의 수와 종류

Table 3: Number of hospitals used as major inpatient sites for required clinical clerkships, by ownership and academic year


Joint degree options

아래의 공동학위과정을 제공하는 학교의 수

Table 4: Medical schools offering the indicated joint degree options, by academic year 

전문직으로서의 행실

Professional behavior

학생이 교수/감독자의 전문직다운 행동(professional behavior)를 평가하는 학교의 수와 비율

Table 5: Medical students’ evaluation of their teachers/supervisors professional behavior, by academic year

학생의 전문직다운 행동(professional behavior)를 평가하는 방법

Table 6: Methods used to evaluate the professional behavior of medical students, 2009-2010 

NBME 과목시험

National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME) subject tests

NBME 과목시험을 요구하는 학교

Table 7: Number of medical schools that require NBME subject tests in one or more disciplines, by academic year

NBME 과목시험을 요구하는 학교 - 과목별 비교

Table 8: Number of medical schools that required NBME subject tests, by discipline and academic year 

야간 당직

Night call

필수 임상실습에서 야간 당직을 해야 하는 학교

Table 9: Requirement for night call in core clinical clerkships, by academic year 


Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE)

임상실습에서 OSCE 시험을 요구하는 정도 (임상과별 OSCE, 종합 OSCE)

Table 10: Trends in medical schools’ use of OSCEs in required clinical clerkships and as a final comprehensive skills examination, by academic year



의사면허시험을 봐야하거나/통과해야 하는 학교

Table 11: Requirement to take and pass components of the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE), by academic year

(출처 : www.ama-assn.org/ama/pub/education-careers/medical-education-facts/undergraduate-medical-education-facts.page)

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