브랜드네임 작성원칙

(1) 왜 중요한가? 

"마케팅이란 소비자의 마음 속에 브랜드를 각인시키는 것이다."

Marketing Is Building a Brand in the Mind of the Consumer

(2) 아홉 가지 원칙

    • Branding Principle #1: Keep It Simple
    • Branding Principle #2: Mass-Produced Word of Mouth (PR) Builds Brands
    • Branding Principle #3: Focused Brands are More Powerful
    • Branding Principle #4: Differentiation is Key
    • Branding Principle #5: The First Brand Advantage
    • Branding Principle #6: Avoid Sub-brands at All Cost
    • Branding Principle #7: Perception vs. Quality
    • Branding Principle #8: Be Consistent and Patient
    • Branding Principle #9: Write Out Your Brand Definition

(출처 : http://www.polaris-inc.com/assets/pdfs/9_principles_of_branding.pdf)

브랜드네임 작성단계

대부분의 회사가 브랜드네임을 만드는 공식 지침을 주고 있지 않음. 

Since most companies do not have formalized guidelines for the creation of brand names, this paper provides a rich description of the task to undertake, the methods available, and the evaluation criteria to consider. In this regard, managers should:

1. 네이밍 과정의 목표를 분명히 함

1. Set out clear objectives for the naming process. 

This can be drawn from the marketing strategy, especially the positioning statement for the product.

2. 충분히 많은 리스트를 작성

2. Create a reasonably long list of candidate brand names. 

This will ensure a good pool of alternatives. 평균 46개. The average for this study was 46 names. Traditional methods of brainstorming and individual creative thinking are considered most useful and an excellent starting point.

3. 후보군을 두고 평가

3. Conduct a thorough evaluation of the candidate names. 

It is important to consider each criteria deemed appropriate for the product being introduced. Managers should plan carefully to ensure a complete and objective evaluation of the names. Experience suggests that a sample size of 74, the average for this study, is insufficient for reliable statistical conclusions.

4. 최종 브랜드네임에 대하여 목표와 기준을 잘 달성하고 있는지 다시 한번 평가함

4. Systematically apply the objectives and criteria choosing the final brand name.

5. 네 개에서 다섯 개를 선정하여 등록함

5. Choose four to five names for submission to the registration. 

While some of the names may be unacceptable specified in the earlier steps in Patent and Trademark Office for for registration, the problem does not seem to be as severe as suggested by several recent books and articles. Therefore, managers are well-advised to try to reflect the “marketing” objectives in the names without unduly constraining themselves with trademark concerns.

(출처 : https://www.wpi.edu/Pubs/E-project/Available/E-project-121510-165023/unrestricted/Creating_an_Effective_Brand_Name.pdf)

Creating Effective Brand Names: A Study of the Naming Process, Chiranjeev Kohli, Douglas W. LaBahn, California State University Fullerton ISBM REPORT 12-1995

Product Naming Principles


A key ingredient in launching a successful company is the selection of its name.[2] Product names that are considered generally sound have several qualities in common.

  • They strategically distinguish the product from its competitors by conveying its unique positioning
  • They hold appeal for the product’s target audience
  • They imply the brand’s benefit
  • They are available for legal protection.
  • They allow companies to bond with their customers to create loyalty.
  • They have a symbolic association that fortifies the image of a company or a product to the consumers.
  • They help motivate customers to buy the product.
  • They can buy a product image and name.

(출처 : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Product_naming)

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