교육연구에 초첨을 둔 전국단위 종단 교수개발 프로그램 개발(Teach Learn Med. 2017)

Designing a National Longitudinal Faculty Development Curriculum Focused on Educational Scholarship: Process, Outcomes, and Lessons Learned

Latha Chandrana, Maryellen E. Gusicb, J. Lindsey Lanec, and Constance D. Baldwind



미국 의과 대학의 clinician educators가 늘어나고, 승진 과정에서 형평성을 부여하는 것이 어려워짐에 따라, 교수 간 전문성 개발에 대한 필요성은 그 어느 때보다도 커졌다.

With increasing numbers of clinician educators in U.S. medical schools,1 and continuing challenges to give them equity in the promotion process,2 the need for professional development among such faculty has never been greater.

종단적 경험학습은 성공적인 교수진 개발의 초석이되었습니다. 참가자들이 기술을 연습하고 동료 및 멘토로부터 피드백을받을 수 있습니다. 6,9,11-18 많은 FDP은 학술 프로젝트를 요구하며, 이 과정에서 참가자들이 학습을 적용하고, 기술을 개발하고, 멘토링을 받고, 협력 활동에 참여하고, 장래 학술연구를 위한 기초를 마련합니다 .다년간의 FDP는 참가자들이 학업을 계획, 실시 및 보급하는 데 충분한 시간을 제공하기 때문에 프로젝트 기반 경험 제공 목적에 최적의 방법이라고 할 수 있습니다.

Longitudinal experiential learning has become the cornerstone of successful faculty development: It allows participants to practice skills and receive feedback from peers and mentors.6,9,11–18 Many FD programs require a scholarly project,6,10,12,13,15,16,19,20 through which participants apply learning, develop skills, receive mentoring, engage in collaborative activities,10,20 and lay the groundwork for future scholarship.6,14,16,20 For projectbased experiences, multiyear longitudinal FD programs are optimal9,15,21 because they provide sufficient time for participants to plan, conduct, and disseminate their scholarly work.

FDP가 제공되는 맥락은 그 효용성과 성공에 중요한 요소이다. 8,9,11 

  • 기관 단위 프로그램은 참가자들이 같은 생각을 가진 사람들의 공동체 내에서 피어 네트워크를 개발할 수 있도록 해준다 8,12,14,22 또한 공유하고 있는 문제 해결 및 사회적 지원에 참여하게 해준다.6,9,13-15,23,24 

  • 전국 단위 프로그램은 조금 다른 혜택을 제공하며, 참가자는 다양한 전문 지식을 갖춘 공동 기관 및 멘토의 여러 기관 네트워크와 상호 작용할 수 있습니다. 기관 내 협업을 방해하는 silo-based thinking 및 turf(힘싸움) 문제를 피할 수 있습니다.

The context in which a FD program is offered is an important factor in its efficacy and success.8,9,11 

  • Institution-based programs allow participants to develop peer networks within a community of like-minded individuals8,12,14,22 and to engage in shared problem solving and social support.6,9,13–15,23,24 

  • Nationally based FD programs offer these and other benefits;25–28 participants can interact with a multi-institutional network of collaborators and mentors with diverse expertise while avoiding the silo-based thinking and turf issues that sometimes inhibit collaborations within institutions.





The ESP was established in 2006 by the Academic Pediatric Association (APA), a national pediatric organization of more than 2,000 members, including many clinician educators.

The ESP core faculty, who were drawn primarily from the APA’s Faculty Development Special Interest Group, developed, implemented, and refined the curriculum and assessed scholar and program outcomes. The APA provided staff and technical assistance and initial financial support.29

We have recruited multiple longitudinal cohorts of 20–25 scholars for the 3-year curriculum, using a competitive, peer reviewed national application process.

교육과정 설계 원칙
Guiding principles of curriculum design and development

1. 교육 분야 연구라는 핵심 주제는 모든 커리큘럼과 프로그램 활동을 통해 짜여져 있습니다.

2. 우리는 ESP 활동에서 학자와의 모든 상호 작용에서 성인 학습의 원칙을 적용하고, 자기 주도, 관련 생활 경험의 실제 적용 직업 관련 목표 오리엔테이션을 장려합니다.

3. 강의는 적극적인 학습에 초점을 맞추고 학자들이 새로운 기술을 습득 할 수있는 기회를 제공합니다.

4. 교육 전문가에 의한 멘토링은 여러 수준에서 프로그램에 내장되어 있습니다.

5. 모든 참가자들은 커리큘럼에서 배울 때 발전하고 진화하는 프로젝트에 참여하고 학술 원칙을 구현하는 실제 경험을 제공합니다.

6. 동료학자 집단의 지혜동료의 피드백과 지원을 증진시키는 학습 과정에서 가능한 한 많이 사용됩니다.

7. 커리큘럼은 각 참가자에게 강력한 전문 네트워크를 구축함으로써 활성화됩니다.

8. 커리큘럼은 참가자와 교수진의 평가와 피드백을 기반으로하는 역동적이고 진화하는 학습 프로그램입니다. 모든 참가자는 지속적인 개선 프로세스에 기여합니다.

    • 1. Our focal theme of scholarship in education is interwoven through all curriculum and program activities.

    • 2. We apply the principles of adult learning in all interactions with scholars, encouraging self-direction, practical application of relevant life experiences, and career-related goal orientation in ESP activities.

    • 3. Teaching sessions are focused on active learning and provide opportunities for scholars to practice new skills.

    • 4. Mentoring by educational experts is built into the program at several levels.

    • 5. All participants engage in projects that develop and evolve as they learn from the curriculum and provide practical experiences that embody the principles of scholarship.

    • 6. The collective wisdom of the peer group of scholars is used as much as possible in the learning process to promote peer feedback and support.

    • 7. The curriculum is invigorated by the creation of powerful professional networks for each participant.

    • 8. The curriculum is a dynamic, evolving learning program that is based on evaluation and feedback from participants and faculty. All participants contribute to the continuous improvement process.

교육과정 요약

Curriculum in brief

The ESP curriculum includes a 1-day teaching session (“ESP Day”) at three successive annual meetings of the Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS). Over 3 years, scholars must complete a mentored scholarly project and produce a project-related, peer-reviewed publication or a peer-reviewed presentation at a national academic meeting (workshop, platform talk, or poster). At graduation, scholars receive a Certificate of Excellence in Educational Scholarship from the APA.

Figure 1 presents an overview of the ESP curriculum.

Table 1 describes how the curriculum’s 12 educational objectives are implemented throughout the program and shows which learning and evaluation tools are linked to these activities.



ESP의 지도자들은 APA의 리더십 계급에서 온 경험 많은 교육자입니다. ESP 집행위원회의 4 명의 위원이 APA의 교육 위원장으로 재직하거나 과거에 있으며, 모두가 자국 기관의 교육 지도자입니다.

The leaders of the ESP are experienced educators drawn from the leadership ranks of the APA. Four members of the ESP Executive Committee are present or past Educational Chairs of the APA, and all are educational leaders at their home institutions.

프로그램에 대한 형성평가, 총괄평가

Formative and summative evaluation of scholars and program

연수생을 지도하고 커리어 계획을 지원하기 위해 모든 학자들은 홈 멘토과 ESP 교수진을 지니고 있습니다. 연차 총회에서 직접 대면하고 정기적 인 전화를 통해 교수진의 프로젝트 및 EP에 대한 자주적인 피드백을 받는다. ESP Day의 연례 검토 세션과 ISM에 내장 된 전화 상담을 통해 동료들로부터 정기적 인 피드백을 얻습니다.

To guide their scholarly work and support their career planning, all scholars have a home mentor and an ESP faculty advisor. They receive frequent formative feedback on projects and EPs from faculty advisors in face-to-face discussions at the annual meeting and through periodic telephone calls. They get regular feedback from peers at annual review sessions on ESP Day and telephone consultations built into ISMs.

프로세스의 형성 평가를 위해 ESP의 기본 원칙을 기반으로 정기적으로 지속적인 품질 개선을 실시했습니다. 또한 프로그램의 효과를 입증하기 위해 프로그램 시작시 총 결과 평가에 대한 체계적이고 학술적인 접근 방식을 계획했습니다. 양성 평가와 종합 평가 모두 커크 패트릭 (Kirkpatrick)이 개발 한 평가 계층 구조에 기반을 두었습니다. 참여/반응, 학습, 결과, 행동/임팩트

For formative evaluation of process, we conducted continuous quality improvement regularly, based on the ESP’s Guiding Principles. In addition, to enable demonstration of program effectiveness, we planned a systematic and scholarly approach to summative outcome evaluation at the start of the program. Both formative and summative evaluations were based on the hierarchy of evaluation developed by Kirkpatrick: Participation/Reaction, Learning, Behavior, and Results/Impact.30 

각종 도구들

Tools of the ESP curriculum


Learning tools

프로젝트 플래너

FD 참가자의 생산적인 참여는 학술 프로젝트 활동에 의해 촉진된다는 것을 알 수 있습니다. 멘토링 된 학술 프로젝트는 ESP 커리큘럼의 가장 중요한 구성 요소입니다. 이는 주요 학술적 기술을 가르칠뿐만 아니라 전파 된 제품을 통해 학자의 경력을 향상시키는데도 도움이되기 때문입니다. 우리는 프로젝트 플래너를 개발하여 학자들이 프로젝트 계획, 진행 상황 추적, 결과 문서화 및 학습 내용 반영을 돕습니다. 여기에는 다음 섹션이 포함됩니다.

(a) 목적, 이론적 근거 및 교육 의의

(b) 프로젝트 설명 (평가 계획 포함);

(c) 프로젝트 진행; 

(d) 최종 보고서

이 도구는 장래에 학자의 과제와 요구 사항을 해결하기 위해 많은 조정을 거쳤습니다.

Project Planner (Appendix): The literature shows that productive engagement of FD participants is facilitated by an academic project activity. The mentored scholarly project is the most important component of the ESP curriculum because it not only teaches a range of key academic skills but also helps to advance the career of a scholar by means of a disseminated product. We developed the Project Planner to help scholars plan their projects, track progress, document outcomes, and reflect on their learning. It includes the following sections: 

      • (a) Purpose, Rationale, and Educational Significance; 

      • (b) Project Description (including evaluation plan); 

      • (c) Project Progress; and 

      • (d) Final Report. 

This tool has undergone many adjustments over time to address scholars’ challenges and needs.

워크숍 리뷰 패킷

연수생들은 학술 교육자의 주요 활동에 익숙해 지도록 매년 소아과 회의에서 1 년 동안 두 차례의 워크샵에 참석하고 리뷰해야 합니다. 이 도구는 워크샵에서의 학술적 평가에 익숙해지게 한다. 워크샵 검토 패킷에는 총평 평가를 위한 양적 도구, 형성 평가를 위한 질적 검토 도구 및 성찰 활동이 포함됩니다.

Workshop review packet: Scholars are required to attend and review two workshops in their 1st year at the annual pediatric meeting to become familiar with a key activity of the scholarly educator. This tool familiarizes them with scholarly evaluation of workshops. The workshop review packet includes a quantitative tool designed for summative evaluation, a qualitative review instrument for formative evaluation, and a reflection activity.

교육자 포트폴리오

 (MedEdPORTAL : https://www.mededportal.org/publication/626)31에서 제공되는 템플릿은 학자들이 프로그램의 핵심 활동을 하도록 안내합니다. 교육자의 성과를 문서화하기 위해 권장되는 교육 활동의 5 가지 표준 영역을 포함합니다 .32 템플릿은 양적 및 질적 구성 요소 (표 및 간략한 서술)의 조합으로 개발 포트폴리오를 구성하는 데 유용한 형식을 제공합니다. 결과 정보 요약은 전형적으로 early career educator를 위한 약 25 페이지이며 나중에 승진, 구직 또는 교육 아카데미 또는 보너스 프로그램 신청에 적합한 간단한 요약 포트폴리오로 요약 될 수 있습니다.

The Educator Portfolio (EP) template (available on MedEdPORTAL: https://www.mededportal.org/publication/626)31 guides scholars in a core activity of the program. It includes the five standard domains of educational activity recommended for documentation of educator performance.32 With a combination of quantitative and qualitative components (tables and brief narratives), the template provides a useful format for organizing a developmental portfolio. The resulting compendium of information, typically about 25 pages for an early career educator, can later be condensed into a briefer summative portfolio suitable for promotion, job seeking, or application to a teaching academy or award program.

교육 지식 및 기술에 대한 자체 평가

이 도구는 ESP의 교육 과정 목표에 기반을두고 있으며 참가자가 자기 주도 학습을 안내하고 프로그램 리더가 요구 평가 및 커리큘럼 평가를 위해 사용할 수 있습니다. 학자들은 발달 평가 척도로 1 점 (초보자), 2 점 (고급 초보자), 3 점 (유능한), 4 점 (실력), 5 점 (전문)으로 점수를 매 깁니다 .33 자기 평가는 학습자가 자신의 진도를 구조화 된 방식으로 성찰하게 한다 (프로그램 평가의 유틸리티에 대해서는 다음 섹션을 참조하십시오.)

 Self-assessment of educational knowledge and skills: This tool is based on the curricular objectives of the ESP and can be used by participants to guide self-directed learning and by program leaders for needs assessment and curriculum evaluation. Scholars score items on a developmental rating scale: 1 (novice), 2 (advanced beginner), 3 (competent), 4 (proficient), and 5 (expert).33 The self-assessment encourages learners to reflect on their progress in a structured way. (See the upcoming section for its utility in program evaluation.)

교육과정 평가도구

Curriculum evaluation tools

등록 연수생에 관한 자료

 Data on enrolled scholars: Standard Microsoft Excel software was used to create a database of scholar recruitment and demographic information, program status (Participation), and graduation data (Behavior).

연수생들로부터 받은 시간-가치 설문

 Time-Value Survey for scholars: This annual questionnaire asks scholars to report time expended versus value received for each program activity over the past 12 months. See Outcomes for details on items and the scoring rubric. Open-ended questions solicit comments on activities of highest/lowest value, how well activities enhanced scholars’ progress toward meeting their goals as an educator, and suggestions for program improvement (Reaction).

교수자들로부터 받은 시간-가치 설문

 Time-Value Survey for faculty: This tool is similar to the scholar questionnaire, but items reflect faculty activities over the past year (Reaction). 

교육지식과 스킬에 대한 자기평가

 Self-assessment of educational knowledge and skills: This tool provides educational value to scholars (see earlier), but the data gathered are also used by the program to assess scholar needs and guide curricular and program improvement (Learning and Behavior).

프로그램 종료시 설문

 End-of-Program Survey: This questionnaire, administered immediately postgraduation, includes six Likert scale items about the effectiveness of major program components, such as small-group interactive activities, individual projects, and faculty role modeling (Reaction and Behavior).

졸업 3년 후 설문

 Three-Year Postgraduation Survey: This questionnaire asks scholars to evaluate the program’s effects on their careers 3 years after graduation. Six Likert scale items, ranging 1 (poor) to 3 (satisfactory) to 5 (excellent), include items such as “the effectiveness of ESP faculty/ scholar interactions in helping you create a professional network” and “the effect of program on your academic advancement at your institution.” An openended comment asks about the scholar’s most significant professional achievement since graduation (Reaction, Behavior, and Results/Impact).

학술성과 평가도구

Scholar outcome assessment tools.

교육포트폴리오 분석툴

 Educator portfolio analysis tool (available at https://www.mededportal.org/publication/1659): This tool was developed by the ESP Curriculum Committee to conduct research-quality evaluations of scholars’ educator portfolios. It contains 30 quantitative or qualitative items that evaluate the five domains of educational activity and six more items that evaluate scholarly activity. Development and validation of the tool have been previously described34 (Behavior and Results/Impact).


 CV analysis tool: This tool was adapted from tools used to evaluate FD programs at Penn State College of Medicine20 and the Medical College of Wisconsin.35 It allows quantitative ratings of CV data over time in the areas of publications, presentations, grant funding, other scholarly activities, awards and honors, and leadership/advancement. Available on request, this tool could be used by any FD program to assess participant productivity using CVs (Behavior and Results/Impact).

형성적 프로그램 평가

Formative program evaluation

모집, 유지, 졸업

Recruitment, retention, and graduation



After 10 years, the ESP has enrolled 172 scholars in eight cohorts, with 94 graduates from the first six cohorts (94/122 D 77%). Fifty-five scholars from Cohorts 6, 7, and 8 are currently active in the program (55/172 D 32%). The dropout rate has been 9% across all cohorts (15/172). The rate for failing to graduate is 7% (8/122). Dropouts and failures typically occur because of job changes and/or shifts in career focus, lack of time (despite supervisors’ stated commitment to 10% time protection at enrollment), or personal issues. We recruit 20–25 scholars in 2 out of every 3 years. All cohorts have successfully filled. We manage a group of 40– 50 active scholars at one time, with two cohorts with different starting dates that are taught in parallel.

ESP Scholars across cohorts represent 80 institutions from all geographic regions of the United States. About half are in general pediatrics, one third in pediatric hospital medicine, and the rest in pediatric subspecialties. More than 75% are female, and at the assistant professor rank and about one third hold educational leadership positions in their departments (e.g., residency program director, clerkship, or fellowship director) at enrollment. Approximately 9% come from racial/ethnic minorities.


ESP faculty

ESP faculty (roles described earlier) are recruited from the APA membership, which offers a large pool of clinical educators. The number of faculty has increased from 30 to 50 over the 10 years of the program. Faculty recruitment has been trouble-free, and retention is excellent. Currently, more than half of our faculty are program graduates (n D 27).

교육과정의 지속적 개선

Continuous improvement of the curriculum

1. 교육 학술활동. 10 년 동안 교육 학술활동에 초점을 맞추어, 인기가 있지만 주요 문제에서 벗어난 활동을 제거했습니다(예 : 문제 학습자를 다루는 ISM, 교과 과정 개발에 대한 발표). 교수법은 다른 장소에서 일반적으로 가르쳐지기 때문에, 우리는 교육 장학금에 대한 원래의 초점을 유지하기 위해 훈련했습니다. 우리는 이러한 전략적 결정을 학자 및 교수진과 공유했습니다. 우리의 모든 커리큘럼 노력에서 학술적 접근 방식을 모델링하는 것이 우리 졸업생들에 의해 인식되고 평가되었습니다.

1. Scholarship in education. Over the 10 years of the program, we enhanced our focus on educational scholarship, eliminating activities that were popular with scholars but distracted from our main focus (e.g., an ISM on dealing with problem learners, a presentation on curriculum development). Because teaching skills are commonly taught in other venues, we disciplined ourselves to maintain our original focus on educational scholarship. We have shared these strategic decisions with scholars and faculty role modeling of a scholarly approach in all our curricular efforts is noticed and appreciated by our graduates.

2. 성인 학습의 원리. 성인 학습자로서 학자들은 자신의 프로젝트 및 경력 개발과 관련이 있고 적극적인 실천을 제공하는 활동을 주장했습니다. 가능할 때마다, 커리큘럼 과제 및 실습 활동은 참가자의 관심과 필요에 맞게 개별화됩니다. 연수생학자들은 반복적으로 "적극적적 실천"활동에 대한 피드백을 요청했습니다. 최선의 노력에도 불구하고, 무급 교수진의 시간 제약으로 인해 모든 과제 (예 : 워크샵 리뷰 및 ISM 반영)에 대한 자주적이고 상세한 피드백 제공이 제한됩니다. 실습 과제의 범위를 줄이기보다는 프로젝트 및 교육자 포트폴리오와 같은 최고 학술적 가치의 과제에 대한 피드백을 집중적으로 다루었습니다.

2. Principles of adult learning. As adult learners, scholars have insisted on activities that are relevant to their projects and career development and provide for active practice. Whenever possible, the curricular assignments and hands-on activities are individualized to match participant interests and needs. Scholars have repeatedly asked for feedback on all of their “active practice” work. Despite our best efforts, time constraints of our unpaid faculty limit our provision of frequent, detailed feedback on every assignment (e.g., workshop reviews and ISM reflections). Rather than curtailing the range of hands-on assignments, we have focused our feedback on assignments of highest scholarly value, such as projects and educator portfolios.

3. 적극적 학습. ESP Day 세션에 대한 학자 피드백의 끊임없는 주제는 직접 참여한 동료 상호 작용을 촉진하고 didactic 학습에 소요 된 시간을 줄이는 것이 었습니다. 이에 대한 응답으로 우리는 ESP의 날을 앞두고 더 많은 정보를 제공했습니다. 동시에 우리는 대면과 온라인으로 진행되는 많은 커리큘럼 활동을 수정하여 피어 투 피어 피드백에 대한 충분한 기회를 제공하는 소그룹의 실무 연습을 더 많이 포함 시켰습니다.

3. Active learning. A constant theme of scholar feedback on ESP Day sessions has been to promote hands-on peer interactions and reduce time spent on didactic learning. In response, we have provided more information through readings in advance of ESP Day. Simultaneously, we have modified many of our curricular activities, both face-to-face and online, to include more hands-on practice in small groups with ample opportunities for peer-to-peer feedback.

4. 멘토링. 우리는 모든 학자에게 양질의 멘토링을 제공하는 데 성공했습니다. 연수생은 자신이 선택한 홈 멘토와 함께 ESP에 가입하여 프로젝트를 지원하고, ESP 교수진 고문을 배정받습니다. ESP 교수진은 프로젝트 및 경력 개발 관련 조언을 추가로 지원합니다. 분산 된 프로그램에서는 이러한 상호 작용을 품질 및 빈도를 모니터링하는 것이 어렵지만 학술 프로젝트 성공에는 중요합니다. 멘토와 어드바이저의 노력을 보완하기 위해 우리는 ESP 교수진이 프로젝트 재집중, 수정 또는 대체에 도움이 필요하면, ESP 교수진 외 다른 전문가로부터 추가 코칭을 받기가 어려운 학자들에게 도움을 줄 수 있도록 이러한 과정을 공식화했습니다.

4. Mentoring. We have been successful in providing every scholar with high-quality mentorship. Scholars join the ESP with a self-selected home mentor to support their project, and they are assigned an ESP faculty advisor, who offers additional support for their projects and career development advice. Monitoring these interactions for quality and frequency is difficult in a dispersed program but important for the success of scholars’ projects. To supplement the efforts of mentors and advisors, we have formalized a process for scholars in difficulty to receive additional coaching from other experts on the ESP faculty, should they need help in refocusing, revising, or replacing their project.

5. 학술 원칙을 구현 한 실제 경험. 학술 프로젝트 작업은 프로그램에서 가장 많은 학자 시간을 소비하며,이 프로젝트를 지원하는 것은 교수진 및 프로그램 리더의 노력이 가장 중요합니다. 우리는 프로젝트 플래너를 반복적으로 개선하여 학자들에게 그들의 프로젝트를 개념화, 구현 및 평가하는 데 필요한 구조를 제공하고, 처음 ESP의 첫날 전에 플래너의 첫 번째 초안을 완성합니다. 프로젝트에 어려움을 겪은 학자들을 위해 우리는 학자들이 졸업 요건을 성공적으로 채울 수 있도록 프로젝트 모니터링 및 지원 시스템을 지속적으로 개선했습니다.

5. Practical experiences that embody the principles of scholarship. Working on scholarly projects consumes the most scholar time in the program, and supporting these projects takes the most effort from faculty and program leaders. We have iteratively improved our Project Planner to provide scholars with the structure they need to conceptualize, implement, and evaluate their projects, and they now complete the first draft of the planner before their first ESP Day. For scholars who experience project challenges, we have continually improved our system of project monitoring and support so that scholars have every chance to succeed in meeting graduation requirements.

6. 동료 의견 및 지원. 학자들은 프로그램에서 다른 것만큼이나 피어 학습을 중요하게 생각합니다. 따라서 모든 학자와 교수진은 6 명의 학자와 3 명의 교수진으로 구성된 학술 프로젝트 그룹으로 구성되어 긴밀한 상호 작용을 촉진합니다. ESP의 날에, 우리는 이제이 그룹들이 프로젝트 공유, 피드백 및 지원을 만나고 참여할 수있는 연장 된 시간을 제공합니다. 또한 모든 ISM에 동료 상담이 추가되었습니다.

6. Peer feedback and support. Scholars value peer learning as much as anything else in the program. Hence all scholars and faculty advisors have been organized into scholar project groups of six scholars and three faculty to facilitate close interactions. On ESP Day, we now provide extended time for these groups to meet and engage in project sharing, feedback, and support. In addition, peer consultations have been added to all ISMs.

7. 전문 네트워크. 우리의 학습자는 지리적으로 분산되어 있지만, 그들은 서로간에 그리고 교수진과 네트워크를 형성하여 광범위한 전문 네트워크를 개발하고자합니다. 우리는 ESP Day 학습 그룹을 긴밀한 관계를 장려 할 수있을만큼 작게 유지하면서 네트워킹을 원활하게 할뿐 아니라보다 폭 넓은 사회적 상호 작용을 장려하기 위해 intercohort 아침 식사와 리셉션을 사용합니다. 우리는 학자들의 첫 ESP의 날에 앞서 친숙한 상호 작용을 통해 최근의 코호트 온라인 활동을 소개했습니다. 과거 졸업생들의 일부는 연례 미팅에서 매년 사회적으로 만나고 전화 회의를 통해 연락을 유지합니다. 졸업생들은 현재 네트워크를 유지하기 위해 동창회를 만들 계획입니다.

7. Professional networks. Our learners are geographically dispersed, but they want to network with one another and with faculty to develop a broad professional network. We facilitate networking by keeping the ESP Day learning groups small enough to encourage close relationships but also use intercohort breakfasts and receptions to encourage broader social interactions. We have introduced for recent cohorts online activities with getting-to-know-you interactions before the scholars’ first ESP Day. Some groups of past graduates meet socially each year at the annual meeting and/or stay in touch by conference calls. Graduates are now planning to create an alumni association to maintain their networks.

8. 역동적이고 진화하는 학습 프로그램. 지난 10 년 동안의 ESP 개발은 구현, 평가, 정제 및 재평가의 지속적인 사이클이었습니다. 우리는 교수진과 학자들과 직접 대면하여 설문 조사를 통해 어떤 것이 잘 작동하며, 개선해야 할 점은 무엇인지 대한 인상을 공유하고 지속적으로 문제에 대한 혁신적인 해결책을 모색했습니다. 이 프로세스는 프로그램을 향상 시켰을뿐만 아니라 프로그램 구현 작업을 흥미롭고 도전적으로 유지했습니다.

8. Dynamic, evolving learning program. Development of the ESP over the past 10 years has been a continuing cycle of implementation, evaluation, refinement, and reevaluation. We have consulted with faculty and scholars face-to-face and via surveys, shared within the leadership team our impressions of what is working well and what needs improvement, and sought innovative solutions to persistent problems. This process has not only improved the program but also kept the task of program implementation interesting and challenging.

총괄적 프로그램 평가

Summative program evaluation

연수생의 프로그램 가치평가

Scholars’ assessments of program value

Table 2 presents data from Time-Value Surveys for 2006 and 2007 combined and for 2008. As would be expected, scholars generally devoted the most time to the activities that they considered the most valuable (and the opposite). Scholars attributed highest value to their scholarly projects and educator portfolio. Scholars’ overall ratings of the program show that effort expended and value received were equivalent.

Table 3 shows samples of written comments on the 2006–07 Time-Value Survey for scholars.

교수자의 프로그램 가치평가

Faculty assessments of program value

Table 4, faculty in 2007 and 2008 placed most value on their face-to-face work with scholars and teaching at the annual meeting.

CV분석 기반 연구성과

Scholar outcomes based on CV analyses

커크패트릭 모델에 기반한 프로그램 평가 요약

Summary of program evaluation data using Kirkpatrick’s model

Our previous publications have shown that at Kirkpatrick’s Behavior level, scholars after program completion not only disseminated their project results but also continued their productivity and took on new institutional roles.36,37 Our longitudinal outcomes data for Cohort 1– 4 show significant self-reported increases in productivity, leadership, and advancement.37

Finally, at the Results/Impact level, we found evidence in scholars’ postgraduation survey responses of new national leadership roles. Their CVs showed continued scholarly dissemination through publications and presentations, which testifies to their active engagement with the national community of educators.29 Areas of strength observed in scholars’ careers coincide with the program’s thematic emphasis on scholarship and dissemination.29,37

강점과 한계

Strengths and limitations

배운 점

Lessons learned

1. 교육 학술활동을 증진하는 것이 우리의 주된 목표였습니다. 그 목표를 달성하기 위해 우리는 발달 적이며 통합 된 커리큘럼을 창출하고 학습을 강화하고 노력 확산을 피하기 위해 명확한 초점을 유지하는 가치를 배웠습니다.

1. Promoting educational scholarship was our primary goal. To achieve that goal we learned the value of a creating a developmental and integrated curriculum and of maintaining a clear focus in order to enhance learning and avoid diffusion of effort.

2. 일련의 guiding principles에 기반하여 커리큘럼 계획을 시작함으로써 우리 팀은 합의한 목표 달성을 위한 핵심 가치와 전략에 몯루할 수 있었으며, 신중하게 프로그램 개선을 할 수 있었다..

2. Starting curriculum planning with a set of guiding principles has helped our team focus on core values and strategies to achieve agreed-upon goals and thoughtfully plan program improvements.

3. 참가자들의 프로그램 가치를 극대화하기 위해서는 지속적인 품질 향상이 필수적이었습니다. 학자 및 교수진의 형식적인 평가 데이터는 변화하는 필요에 대응하여 이러한 노력을 유지하는 데 도움이되었습니다.

3. Continuous quality improvement was essential to maximize the value of our program for participants. Formative evaluation data from scholars and faculty helped to keep these efforts responsive to their changing needs.

4. 성공적인 커리큘럼은 건전하고 원칙적인 디자인뿐만 아니라, 학습자가 자신의 노력을 계획하고 구성하고 문서화하는 데 도움이되는 잘 구축 된 교육 도구가 필요하다는 것을 발견했습니다. 이러한 도구의 출판 또한 프로그램 프로그램의 직업 자산으로 판명되었습니다.

4. We found that a successful curriculum needed not only a sound and principled design but also wellbuilt educational tools to help learners plan, organize, and document their efforts. Publication of these tools also proved to be a career asset for programfaculty.

5. 모든 고급 학습자는 실용적이고 적절한 방식으로 학습을 적용 할 수있는 기회를 원합니다. 주니어 교수진 교육자에 대한 집중적 인 압박을 감안할 때, 우리 학자들은 특히 기관 기반의 책임을 이행하고 동시에 ESP 요구 사항을 충족시키는 데 도움이되는 가정 기반의 학술 프로젝트에 동기를 부여 받았습니다.

5. All advanced learners want opportunities to apply their learning in practical and relevant ways. Given the intensive pressures on the time of junior faculty educators, our scholars were particularly motivated by home-based scholarly projects that helped them fulfill their institutional responsibilities and simultaneously meet ESP requirements.

6. 우리 학자들은 그들이 프로그램 교수진 배운 것 만큼이나 서로에게서 많이 배웠다고 우리에게 말했습니다. 프로젝트와 워크샵을 통한 동료 네트워크를 통해 자신의 시각을 넓히고 실질적인 문제를 해결하며 사회적지지를 얻을 수있는 기회를 얻었습니다.

6. Our scholars told us that they learned as much from one another as they did from program faculty. Peer networking around projects and workshops gave them opportunities to expand their perspectives, solve practical problems, and obtain social support.

7. 우리는 최선의 일을하기 위해서는 교수자들도 학습자처럼 지지 공동체가 필요하다는 것을 배웠습니다. 교수와의 상호 작용을위한 정기적 인 기회를 창출하는 것은 특히 공동 작업이 학문적 가치를 지닌 제품을 생산할 때 프로그램을 번창시키는 데 중요했습니다.

7. We learned that faculty, like learners, need a supportive community to do their best work. Creating regular opportunities for faculty interaction was critical to making the program thrive—especially when their collaborative work produced products of academic value.

8. 우리는 3 년간의 프로그램 기간이 여러 가지 방법으로 학자에게 도움이 된다는 사실을 발견했습니다. 학술 프로젝트의 완성 및 보급을 가능하게하고, 강력한 멘토링 관계를 구축하고 학자 간의 네트워킹을 강화할 시간을 제공했습니다.

8. We found that the length of our 3-year program benefited scholars in several ways: It made possible completion and dissemination of a scholarly project, provided time for the building of strong mentoring relationships, and enhanced networking among scholars.

10 년이 넘는 기간 동안 우리는 학술활동에 초점을 두고, 교육 기술 관련 내용은 축소했으며, 주요 프로그램 구성 요소의 통합을 강화했고, 연수생의 성공 및 프로그램 사명을 증진시키기위한 커리큘럼 도구를 개발했고, 교수진 성장 및 협력에 대한 지원 개선에 초점을 맞추 었습니다.

Over 10 years, We increased the focus on scholarship and decreased content related to teaching skills, enhanced integration of key program components, developed curricular tools to promote scholars’ success and the program’s mission, and improved our support for faculty growth and collaboration.

 2017 Jul-Sep;29(3):337-350. doi: 10.1080/10401334.2017.1282370. Epub 2017 Mar 2.

Designing a National Longitudinal Faculty Development Curriculum Focused on EducationalScholarshipProcessOutcomes, and Lessons Learned.

Author information

a Academic and Faculty Affairs, Stony Brook University School of Medicine , Stony Brook , New York , USA.
b Department of Medical Education and Educational Affairs , University of Virginia School of Medicine , Charlottesville , Virginia , USA.
c Department of Pediatrics , Children's Hospital Colorado and the University of Colorado School of Medicine , Aurora , Colorado , USA.
d Department of Pediatrics , University of Rochester Medical Center University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry , Rochester , New York , USA.



Clinical educators at U.S. academic health centers are frequently disadvantaged in the academic promotion system, lacking needed faculty development, mentoring, and networking support.


In 2006, we implemented the national Educational Scholars Program to offer faculty development in educational scholarshipfor early career educators in pediatrics. We aimed to provide them with skills, experience, and initial success in educational scholarship and dissemination. The 3-year curriculum is delivered in interactive sessions at the annual pediatric academic meetings and online intersession modules. Curriculum content progresses from educational scholarship and implementing scholarly projects to dissemination and professional networking. Intersession modules address project planning, building an educator portfolio, reviewing the literature, using technology, authorship, and peer review. Concurrently, all scholars must complete a mentored educational project and demonstrate nationaldissemination of a peer-reviewed product to obtain a Certificate of Excellence in Educational Scholarship.


The setting of this study was a nationallongitudinal, cohort-based faculty development program built within the Academic Pediatric Association, a 2,000-member professional organization.


In 10 years, the Educational Scholars Program has enrolled 172 scholars in 8 cohorts; 94 have graduated so far. We describe how formative evaluation guided curriculum refinement and process improvement. Summative evaluations show that faculty and scholars were satisfied with the program. Participant outcomes from Cohort 1, assessed at Kirkpatrick's four levels of evaluation, demonstrate increases in scholarly productivity, leadership activities, and academic promotions.


Curriculum building is a dynamic process of ongoing evaluation and modification. Our program benefited from designing an integrated and focused curriculum, developing educational principles to guide program improvements, creating curricular tools to help learners organize and document their efforts, supporting project-based learning with expert mentoring, and facilitating peer and facultynetworking and collaboration. A nationallongitudinal faculty development program can support growth in academic knowledge and skills, promote professional networking, and thereby enrich educators' career opportunities.


Educational scholarship; cohort-based; curriculum developmentfaculty developmentlongitudinal program; national


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