협력적 고강도 교수개발 프로그램을 통한 Medical Teacher들의 요구와 우선순위 충족(Med Teach, 2006)

Addressing the needs and priorities of medical teachers through a collaborative intensive faculty development programme

Zubair Amin MBBS MHPE, Khoo Hoon Eng, Matthew Gwee, Tan Chay Hoon & Koh Dow Rhoon



의과대학에서 교육을 하는 모든 교수는 의학교육 워크숍/세미나/심포지엄에 의학교육전문성 개발을 위하여 반드시 access해야 하야 한다는 것이 제안되고 있다.

It was proposed that every teaching faculty member should have access to medical educational workshops, seminars and symposia as a part of the development of professionalism in medical education (Wilkerson & Irby, 1998).

(그러나 여러 장애요인이 있고) 이 challenge를 극복하기 위한 교육전략은 다음에 기반하고 있다.

Educational strategies to overcome these challenges should be based on a ‘‘coherent education theory that provides a descriptive and prescriptive framework’’ for understanding and improving teaching (Hewson, 2000).



프로그램은 3일에 걸쳐 진행되었고, 대학 내부, 외부 교수들이 참석하였다. 12세션으로 진행

The programme was run over 3 days and was attended by medical teachers within and outside the university. There were 12 sessions covering sequentially fundamental concepts in medical education, curriculum and module design, teaching and learning methods, and student assessment.


Evaluation instruments

두 가지 평가도구 사용. 그 중 첫 번째 도구는 두 가지 기능이 있다.

We used two programme evaluation instruments. The first set of instruments served two functions:

  • (a) 참가자의 현재 능력과 이상적 능력을 평가함
    it assessed participants’ perceived current level of ability and ideal ability in different topic areas; and

  • (b) 코스에 참여한 것이 능력을, 어느 정도로 향상시켰는지 평가함
    it determined whether, after attending the course, the participants improved their ability and to what degree (Bland, 1980). 

요구사정과 ability 습득

Needs assessment and attainment of ability

14문항짜리 자기인식에 관한 조사. 프로그램 시작 전에 참여자들은 현재 인식하는 ability의 수준과 이상적인 ability의 수준을 평가하였음. 프로그램 후에 참여자들에게는 유사한 설문도구로 현재 능력수준을 평가하게 했음.

This set of instruments was a 14-item self-perception questionnaire. The items corresponded to the programme topics and contained three statements that described different levels of ability. Before the programme, participants were asked to identify their perceived current level of ability and ideal level of ability for each topic using a scale (1¼least able, 9¼most able). In this way, the perceived gap in their ability was identified. After the programme, participants were given another instrument similar to the needs assessment instrument except that participants were asked to identify their ability now, i.e. after completing the programme.


Needs assessment and attainment of competence

Programme feedback

61%의 참여자가 질적 피드백을 주었고, 주로 드러난 것은 "이것을 모든 medical teacher에게 의무화해야 한다" 였다.

Many (61%) participants provided qualitative feed-back. The recurrent theme was that such a programme should be made mandatory for medical teachers.





우리의 프로그램의 coverage가 넓고, 다양한 학습법을 사용했다는 측면에서 contemporary 교수개발활동 중 상대적으로 드문 편이다. 미국 병원을 대상으로 한 최근 설문에서 5%의 병원만이 'advanced FDP'(10개 이상의 주제로 2일 이상 진행되는, 그리고 3개 이상의 교육법을 사용하는)가 있다고 하였다.

Our programme is a relative rarity in contemporary faculty development activities by its wide coverage of topics, duration and usage of varied learning methods. A recent survey among US hospitals with internal medicine programmes showed only 5% of all hospitals had advanced faculty development programmes as defined by offering 10 topics, lasting >2 days and using 3 learning methods (Clark et al., 2004).

HEWSON, M.G. (2000). A theory-based faculty development program for clinician-educators, Academic Medicine, 75, pp. 498–501. 


 2006 Feb;28(1):85-8.

Addressing the needs and priorities of medical teachers through a collaborative intensive faculty developmentprogramme.

Author information

  • 1Department of Paediatrics, Medical Education Unit, Faculty of Medicine, National University of Singapore. paeza@nus.edu.sg


Faculty development in medical education is crucial for developing and sustaining quality education in medical schools. However, examples of successful intensive programmes based on experiential and collaborative learning are generally lacking in the literature. The Medical Education Unit of National University of Singapore conducted a three-day intensive programme on core competences in medical education. This paper highlights the process of programme developmentprogramme structure, challenges faced and strategies adopted. It also describes the approach taken to educational programme evaluation along with the results. The programme structure was based on experiential and collaborative learning models. Participants contributed to all activities and emerged as facilitators and learners to gain first-hand experience of the complex educational processes. Each individual session was sequential with a brief plenary, demonstration, practicum and reflection. Pre-programme needs assessment showed that even the experienced teachers perceived a need to further improve their educational competencies.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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