FDP의 교육-스킬에 있어서 장기 효과성에 대한 질적 평가(Med Educ, 2007)
Qualitative assessment of the long-term impact of a faculty development programme in teaching skills
Amy M Knight, Joseph A Carrese & Scott M Wright
FDP의 평가는 보통 프로그램이 끝난 직후에 시행되나 많은 경우 이러한 평가는 양적평가가 된다. 질적연구 설계는 특정 주제에 대해서 대상자의 관점을 더 폭넓고 깊게 확인할 수 있게 해준다. 비록 많은 FDP 성과 연구들이 질적연구방법을 사용했지만, 대부분은 20명 이하의 참가자만을 대상으로 하거나, 6개월 이내에 시행된 바 있다.
Evaluations of FDPs are usually performed immedi- ately or soon after their conclusion and the majority of these assessments have been quantitative in nature.6 Qualitative study designs may better identify the breadth and depth of subjects’ perspectives on a particular topic.7 Although several studies of FDP outcomes have used qualitative methodologies,8–14 most have included fewer than 20 participants8–11 or have occurred within 6 months of the conclusion of the programme.8,9,13
9개월짜리, 매주 반일동안 교육스킬에 대해 진행되는 FDP가 1987년부터 진행되어왔다. 프로그램 종료 직후의 평가와 장기 follow-up 설문의 양적연구 결과는 출판된 적 있다.
A 9-month, 1 half-day per week FDP in teaching skills (FDP⁄ TS) has been offered annually at our institu- tion since 1987. An immediate post-programme evaluation15 and results froma quantitative long-term follow-up survey16 have previously been published.
Programme description
5~8명씩. 1~2명의 퍼실리테이터와 만남. 9월 초부터 5월 말까지. 매주 반일. 모듈별 운영. 모듈당 길이는 1~6주. 프로그램 목표.
Participants in the FDP⁄ TS meet in groups of 5–8 participants with 1–2 facilitators between early September and late May for 1 half-day each week to work on modules that vary in length from 1 to 6 weeks. Programme goals are for participants to experience and gain expertise in concepts believed to be critical to educating medical learners, such as learner-centredness, self-directed learning, and the building of a supportive learning environment.
모듈 토픽
Module topics include
- giving and eliciting feedback,
- precepting (1-to-1 teaching),
- time management,
- communication and interviewing,
- negotiation and conflict management,
- giving lectures and presenta- tions, and
- small-group leadership skills.
The programme has been described in detail elsewhere.15
Study population
1987년부터 2000년까지 참여한 242명
In July 2002, we surveyed the 242 faculty members and fellows who had taken part in the FDP⁄ TS from 1987 through 2000.
연구 설계
Survey design
자료 수집
Data collection
- Handwritten responses to the open-ended question about programme impact were transcribed verbatim and analysis was independently performed by 2 investigators (AMK and SMW) using an editing analysis style .18
- Categories and subcategories of themes were generated and conceptually organised by each investigator.
- A third investigator (JAC) independently compared these generated themes with the transcribed subject comments, looking for completeness, congruence and coherence.
- The 3 investigators then had a series of meetings to discuss the analyses.
- Final domains and subcategories were agreed on by all 3 investigators, and the number of responses related to each subcategory was tabulated.
- Several representative quotes were selected for inclusion by consensus. The year in which programme participation began is provided with each quote.
프로그램 효과의 질적 평가
Qualitative assessment of programme impact
Table 2에 나와있음.
Table 2 also notes how many responses to the open-ended question were related to each of the subcategories. Each domain was represented in comments from 1 or more respondents from each of the 14 cohorts studied. Descriptions of each domain and its subcategories follow, with supporting quotes.
내적 성장
Intrapersonal development
성찰과 자기인식
Commitment to reflection and self-awareness
우선순위와 목표 설정
Prioritising and setting goals
조직관리, 시간관리 기술
Organisation and time-management skills
대인관계 성장
Interpersonal development
건강한 관계
Healthier relationships
Listening to and communicating with others
피드백 주고 받는 능력
Ability to give and elicit feedback
갈등관리와 협상 기술
Conflict management and negotiation skills
리더십과 그룹 참여 스킬
Leadership and group participation skills
교사로서의 발전
Development as a teacher
전반적인 교육기술, 능력
Overall teaching skills and abilities
교사로서의 자신감
Confidence in self as teacher
교육을 더 즐기게 되고 만족하게 됨
Greater enjoyment and satisfaction in teaching
학습자 중심 교육, 지지적 학습환경 조성
Being learner-centred and creating a supportive learning environment
프로그램은 일부 참가자들이 (1)보다 학습자중심이 되고 (2)학습자를 존중하게 되고 (3)학습자의 요구에 신경쓰며 (4)긍정적 학습 환경을 조성하게 도와주었다.
The FDP⁄ TS has helped some past participants to:
1 become more learner-centred;
2 have more respect for learners;
3 be more aware of learners’ needs, and
4 establish a positive learning climate.
배운 교육법을 지속적으로 사용하고, 다른 교수들이 발전하게 도와줌
Continuing to use teaching methods learned and helping other teachers improve
커리어 발전
Career development
FDP담당 교수들과 동료를 만남으로써 얻은 것
Benefits from exposure to FDP faculty and peers
일부 응답자들은 FDP/TS 담당 교수들을 만나고 이들이 지속적으로 롤모델과 멘토 역할을 해주었다고 했음. 다른 참가자들과 네트워킹의 가치와 friendship을 형성하는 가치를 알게 되었다고 했음.
Some respondents noted benefits deriving from being exposed to FDP⁄ TS faculty who had continued to serve as role models and mentors. They also appreciated the value of networking and forming friendships with other participants:
진로와 진로 계획에 대한 영향
Influence on career path and planning
일부 참가자들은 프로그램에서 (1)교육자로서 그들의 커리어에서 무엇을 기대할 수 있는가 (2)성공을 염두에 둔 커리어 설계는 어떻게 해야 하는게 등을 배웠다고 함
Some participants credited the programme with giving them perspectives on:
1 what to expect from their careers (particularly as educators), and
2 how to structure their careers with success and advancement in mind.
전문성 향상으로 인한 기회
Opportunities due to expertise gained
지난 참가자에서는 (1)학습자-중심, (2)지지적 학습환경 구축, (3)효과적인 피드백 제공을 할 수 있게 되었다고 응답함.
Past participants were also more likely to describe themselves as:
1 learner-centred;
2 building supportive learning environments, and
3 giving effective feedback.15
이러한 폭넓은 효과는 프로그램의 장기적 성격으로 인한 것이며, FDP담당 교수 및 다른 참가자들과 관계를 맺을 기회를 주었기 때문으로 생각된다.
This broad impact probably results from the longitudinal nature of the programme4 and the opportunities it provides for building relationships with programme faculty and other participants.
FDP에 대한 많은 장기 follow-up 연구는 학문적 성공의 객관적 지표(프리젠테이션, 출판, 리더십 위치) 등에 초점을 두었다. 이렇게 협소하게 정의된 ㅍ로그램의 성과는 참가자들에게 더 깊고 지속적으로 일어나는 변화, 그리고 개인적 성장이나 타인과의 관계적 측면을 잘 보여주지 못할 수 있다.
Many long-term follow-up studies of longitudinal FDPs have focused on objective markers of academic success, such as presentations, publications and leadership positions.10,12,19–22 These narrowly defined quantitative programme outcomes may preclude the detection of deeper and more sustained changes in participants’ professional or personal growth and relationships with others.
FDP/TS 참가자들은 프로그램에서 프로그램 담당 교수들과 다른 참가자들과 관계를 발전시킬 수 있는 기회에 대해 높은 가치를 두었다. 이는 다른 연구에서도 나타난 바 있다. 학문적 동료들과 네트워크를 형성하는 것은 커리어 성공과 연관되어 있으며, FDP의 중요한 부산물이다.
Past participants in the FDP⁄ TS highly valued opportunities provided by the programme to develop relationships with programme faculty and other participants. This finding has been borne out in other studies of FDPs.8–10,12–14 The development of a network of academic colleagues has been shown to be associated with career success23–25 and is an import- ant by-product of FDPs such as that described in this manuscript.
이 다양한 응답들이 개방형 문항에서 자발적으로, 아무런 요구가 없는 상태에서 얻은 응답이라는 것이 중요하다. 또한 더 적게 언급된 카테고리가 더 많이 언급된 것들보다 덜 중요하다고 생각해서는 안된다.
It is important to note that the variety of responses to the open-ended question about programme impact were spontaneous and unsolicited, and we should not assume that those subcategories mentioned fewer times are less valid than those mentioned more frequently.
15 Cole KA, Barker LR, Kolodner K, Williamson PR, Wright SM, Kern DE. Faculty development in teaching skills: an intensive longitudinal model. Acad Med 2004;79:469–80.
18 Crabtree BF, Miller WL. Doing Qualitative Research, 2nd edn. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage 1999;145–61.
Med Educ. 2007 Jun;41(6):592-600.
Qualitative assessment of the long-term impact of a faculty development programme in teaching skills.
Author information
- 1Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center, Baltimore, MD 21230, USA. aknight@jhmi.edu
- 17518840
- [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
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