International Track in Medicine
- Maastricht 의과대학에서는 네덜란드의 의사가 점차 다양한 문화적 배경의, 다양한 언어를 구사하는 환자들을 만나게 되고, 네덜란드 이외의 국가에서 발생하는 질병까지도 다루게 되는 환경의 변화(세계화, 국제화)에 대비하여 ITM이라는 프로그램을 시작함.
- 이 프로그램은 2011년부터 시작되었으며 매년 60~80명 정도(전체정원 350명)를 선발하는 소규모 Bachelor program으로 영어로 진행함.
- 아래는 이 ITM 과목 학생들에 대한 교육 및 시험에 대한 규칙이다.
and Examination Rules,
Track in Medicine (ITM) for numerus fixus students, Curriculum 2011, academic
year 2013-2014
PARAGRAPH 1- GENERAL...................................................................................... 4
Article 1.1 – Scope of the rules.................................................................................. 4
Article 1.2 – Definitions............................................................................................ 4
Article 1.3 – Objectives and learning outcomes of the ITM...................................... 5
Article 1.4 – Format
ITM: Full time, language and study counselling...................... 5
Article 1.5 – Study load............................................................................................. 5
Article 1.6 – Study advice......................................................................................... 5
Article 1.7 – Awarding credits.................................................................................. 5
Article 1.8 – Fraud…………….……………………………………...……………..5
Article 2.1 – Block examination................................................................................ 6
Article 2.2 – OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Examination)/Skills examination 6
Article 2.3 – Progress examination............................................................................ 6
Article 2.4 - Professional behaviour........................................................................... 6
Article 2.5 – Portfolio examination............................................................................ 6
Article 2.6– Consultation skills and Reflection
programme(CORE)…...……....…..8 Article 2.7 – Non-block related
Article 2.8 –Examination format……………………………………………….......8
Article 2.9 – Examination
results............................................................................. 8
Article 2.10 – Grading and publication of examination results................................. 9
Article 2.11 - Right
of inspection............................................................................ 9
Article 2.12 – Validity of the examinations and components of
examinations......... 9
Article 2.13 – Exemption from examinations............................................................ 9
Article 2.14 - Resits....................................................................................................9
Article 3 – Study programme and examination programme of
course year 1 ITM... 9
PARAGRAPH 4 – COURSE YEAR 2 ITM.............................................................. 10
Article 4.1 - Admission............................................................................................ 10
Article 4.2 –Study and
examination programme course year 2 ITM ................... 10
PARAGRAPH 5 – COURSE YEAR 3 ITM.............................................................. 10
Article 5.1 – Admission .......................................................................................... 10
Article 5.2 – Study and examination programme of course year
3 ITM................. 11
PARAGRAPH 6 – Reserved for later provisions....................................................... 11
PARAGRAPH 7 – EXAMINATIONS………………...............……………....….....11
Article 7 – Examinations in the ITM………………………………………………………………………………..11
Article 7.1 - Final examination…………………………………………………....11
Article 7.2 - Flexible bachelor's programme and examination
for the flexible bachelor's programme................................................................................................................11
Article 7.3 - Degree..................................................................................................12
PARAGRAAF 8 – PREVIOUS EDUCATION........................................................ 12
Article 8.1 – Further previous education requirements
Article 8.2 – Colloquium
Doctum (Entrance examination)
Article 8.3 –
Previous education for students with non-Dutch diplomas
Article 8.4 – vervallen
REGARDING PROFESSIONAL BEHAVIOUR AND UNSUITABILITY (IUDICIUM ABEUNDI)………………………...........................................................……………13
Article 9.1 – Professional behaviour and performance in the
programme including patient care...............................................................................................................13
Article 9.2 – Unsuitability (Iudicium
PARAGRAPH 10 – LEGAL PROTECTION…………………...……………….......13
Article 10 – Right of appeal………………..……………………………..…...….13
PARAGRAPH 11 – FINAL PROVISIONS.............................................................. 13
Article 11.1 - Amendments...................................................................................... 13
Article 11.2 – Publication........................................................................................ 13
Article 11.3 – Unforeseen circumstances................................................................. 14
Article 11.4 – Hardship clause................................................................................. 14
Article 11.5 – Official title……………………………………....………...……....14
Article 11.6 – Date of commencement…………………………....……………….14
적용범위 Article 1.1 – Scope of the rules
1. Students may choose for the International Track in medicine for
numerus fixus students, curriculum 2011. These rules apply to all students registered
for the academic year 2013-2014 of the International Track in Medicine for
numerus fixus students, curriculum 2011 (hereinafter referred to as ITM).
2. The ITM is offered within the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life
Sciences (hereinafter referred to as FHML) of Maastricht University (hereinafter
referred to as UM).
각 용어에 대한 정의 Article 1.2 – Definitions
In these rules the following definitions apply:
- Academic year: the time period starting on 1 September and ending on
31 August of the subsequent calendar year.
- Block: theme-based study unit in the first or second course year.
- Block examination: the aggregate of partial assessments throughout the
block programme, including the end test.
- Combination table: a table that is determined for each academic year
by the Examination Board of Medicine and that shows the rules of combination which
will be used to combine the marks a student receives in the progress tests
throughout the course year to establish the result of the progress examination
for the pertinent course year.
- Competency domains: the various roles present in the professional
performance of a doctor as mentioned in the Dutch Blueprint (Raamplan).
- Counsellor: tutor at the Student Counselling Service responsible for
general and specific tasks with regards to study advice for all students.
- Course year: Year 1, 2 or 3 of the ITM, offering a further detailed
- Credit: a unit equal to one ECTS credit with a study load of 28 hours.
- ECTS: European Credit Transfer System.
- EleUM: Electronic learning environment of Maastricht University.
- End test: the test that, as part of the block examination, is taken at
the end of the respective study unit.
- Examination: an examination is a component of the total examination.
An examination may consist of several components/tests: these are weighted in a
certain way to lead to one final result.
- Examination Board of Medicine (EC – Examencommissie Geneeskunde): the
committee as established to administer the examinations and to execute the
organisation and coordination of the examinations.
- Examiner: person appointed by the Examination Board of Medicine to
conduct examinations
- Medicine Management Team: the central consultation body medicine within
the FHML Institute for Education and tailor-made programmes.
- Mentor: tutor in charge of tasks related to study supervision and the
portfolios of individual students.
- OSCE: objective structured clinical examination, being an examination, is a series of
simulated clinical situations during which the medical skills and knowledge of
students are tested in an integral fashion.
- Portfolio: the portfolio consists of documentation, administrated by
the student, of the student’s professional and academic development.
- Portfolio review committee: committee as referred to in the relevant
article of the Rules and Regulations
- Practical exercise: the exercise, as follows participation in a
practical educational activity, geared towards attaining certain skills,
knowledge and insight.
- Practical Medical Training (PMT): programme aimed at teaching
knowledge and skills (skills training courses) which are important to exercise
the medical profession and including periods in which the student does a
practical internship in the health care service.
-Propedeutic phase: the first period of the ITM that corresponds with
course year 1. The propedeutic phase of the ITM has no propedeutic examination.
- Raamplan: the Dutch Blueprint for the national curriculum for medical
schools as decreed by the Dean’s Council of Medical Sciences, containing the
learning outcomes for the education of medical doctors in the Netherlands.
- Rules and Regulations: the regulations to be specified by the Examination
Board of Medicine regarding a smooth course of events during examinations and
concerning any measures to be taken in that respect, and the guidelines and
instructions to examiners regarding the assessment of the persons taking the
examination and about determining the results of the examination.
- Skills examination: the skills examination consists of a variety of
assessments throughout the year. Each assessment will result in feedback and/or
a result that has to be included in the student’s portfolio. The final result
of the skills examination will be based on aggregation / combination of all
relevant assessment results – as specified in the assessment plan.
Study portfolio: the portfolio managed by the chair of the Examination Board of
Medicine, concerning the study results of the student, as detailed in articles
4.1 to 4.4 of the Rules and Regulations.
- Table of norms: a table presenting the norms put to use in the
progress tests. The table of norms is calculated after the test has been taken,
and added to EleUM.
- Test: a part of an examination.
- Tutor: person who supervises
students in the study groups of year 1 and 2.
- WHW: Wet op het Hoger
onderwijs en Wetenschappelijk onderzoek (Higher Education and Scientific Research
ITM의 목표/학습성과 Article 1.3 – Objectives and learning outcomes of the ITM
1. The objective of the ITM is to impart knowledge, insight and skills
in the field of Medicine so they can meet the requirements of the Dutch
3. For the students of the International Track in Medicine (for numerus
fixus students) - who wants to continue their education in Medicine- there is a
master programme in Medicine at the FHML/UM: the “Reguliere, aansluitende masteropleiding
ITM의 형식(시간, 언어, 지도) Article 1.4 – Format ITM: Full time, language and study counselling
1. The ITM is
offered on a full-time basis.
2. The ITM is offered in the English language.
3. The Faculty ensures that the students registered for
the programme receive adequate study counselling and guidance.
학습량(학점) Article 1.5 – Study load
The ITM has a study load of 180 credits, divided over three course years
of 60 credits each.
학습 조언 Article 1.6 – Study advice : ITM을 계속 할지 말지에 대한 결정에 대한 조언.
1. The Examination Board of Medicine, acting on behalf
of the board of the FHML, issues each student, no later than the end of the
first year of the student’s registration for the first course year of the ITM, a study advice regarding the continuation of
his or her study.
2. Without prejudice to the stipulation in the first
section, the Examination Board of Medicine, on behalf of the FHML board, can
issue the study advice to the student at any time he or she has not met the
requirements to pass the first course year (with a combined study load of 60
학점 수여 Article 1.7 – Awarding credits
1. Credits are awarded as soon as the student has successfully completed
the entire examination concerned.
2. For study taken abroad credits are only awarded if the programme was
approved beforehand by the Examination Board of Medicine of the FHML.
사기(기만) Article 1.8 – Fraud : 표절을 포함한 사기(기만)행위는 그것을 '시도하는 것'까지도 포함함. 영구제명 가능.
1. Fraud, including plagiarism, is understood as a student’s act or
failure to act that makes it partially or fully impossible to correctly assess
his/her knowledge, insight and skills.
2. Plagiarism is understood as the presentation of one’s own or other
people’s ideas or words without adequate reference to the source.
3. By fraud is also understood attempted fraud.
4. If the Examination Board of Medicine establishes that a student has
committed fraud in an exam or exam component, it may impose suitable measures.
5. In serious
cases of fraud, the Examination Board of Medicine can propose to the UM
Executive Board that the student(s) concerned be permanently deregistered from
the programme.
6. The General FHML-Regulation for Fraud, as drawn up by the Examination
Boards, further details what is understood as fraud and what measures can be
imposed by the Examination Board of Medicine.
1. Each block and cluster has an examination. The examination can
consist of several parts.
2. The content of each block or cluster is prescribed in a description
that is posted on Eleum.
OSCE와 술기 시험Article 2.2 – OSCE (objective structural clinical
1. In course year 1 a skills examination is conducted.
In course year 2 and 3 an OSCE is conducted.
진단 평가 Article 2.3 –
Progress examination
1. In course year 1, 2 and 3 of the ITM a progress examination is
administered to all students. It consists of four tests (test moments).
2. The Interuniversity Progress Test Review Committee determines the
rules with regard to the format and content of the progress examination.
3. The progress examination can only be taken one time per academic
year. If a student fails to pass the progress test in the first instance, the
result of the progress test of the following year of study or the result of a
number of progress tests specified by the Board of Examiners is also counted as the resit test. The student
still passes the progress test he failed initially if the student meets the
examination requirements of the progress test(s) in question.
3.1 The results obtained in the progress tests
are also an obligatory (mandatory) part of the portfolio described in article
2.5 of these rules. The student must include the results in the portfolio in
their entirety and without alteration. The progress of the results will be
discussed in the progress meetings with the mentor as referred to in article
2.5 of these rules.
전문직 다운 행동Article 2.4 - Professional behaviour
1. Course year 1, 2 and 3 of the ITM is
concluded with an examination of professional behaviour, consisting of an
assessment on the basis of (a.) the assessments of professional behaviour that
are part of regular assessments as described in the Rules and Regulations
article 2.4 and (b.) possible reports as meant in article 9(1) of these rules.
포트폴리오 평가 Article 2.5 – Portfolio examination
1 General
The portfolio is 학생이 작성kept up to date by the student and is used as the basis
of all formal progress meetings between mentor and student.
2 The
portfolio consists of 세 부분three parts: a dossier part, a reflection part and a
progress part.(3~5는 각각의 파트에 대한 설명)
2.1 The
dossier part contains all required information concerning the development of
competencies prescribed and the results of all assessments.
2.2 The
reflection part presents a strength-weakness analysis of the competency
2.3 The
progress part includes a written report of the discussions between mentor and
student during the progress meetings, approved by the mentor.
3 The
student is responsible for the dossier part to contain sufficient information
concerning all formal progress meetings as referred to in paragraph 5.1 of this
The dossier part contains at least
everything that is available and up to date:
a. Results and assessments as mentioned in the examination regulations
(toetsplannen) c.q. portfolio regulations;
b. Other results/assessments as agreed upon in meetings referred to in
section 5.1 sub c; and
c. Any other evidence to demonstrate competency development as
contributed by the student.
4 The
reflection part contains strength-weakness analysis of the student.
The strength-weakness analyses comprise all four roles of the education
and examination programme. These roles (competencies) are: role as medical
expert, role as scientist, role as a healthcare worker, and role as a person.
The strength-weakness analyses need to be updated after each progress meeting.
4.1 The reflection part
is always supported by concrete evidence from the file section.
4.2 The
reflection part contains concrete learning goals for the time period until the
next progress meeting.
5 The progress part contains
reports of all formal progress meetings between mentor and student
5.1 The meetings
referred to in section 5 have at least the following three points on the agenda:
a. Retrospection: looking back on earlier agreements reviewing if and
how they have been realised.
b. Evaluation and analysis: discussing how
everything is going and why.
c. Planning further actions, meetings and agreements: determining for
example the planning of the next meeting, the attendance of any extra or
remediation education parts/modules, additional examinations or information
6 Progress meetings : Student and mentor will have several formal progress meetings in year 1,
2 and 3.
6.1 The
student will take minutes (notes) of the content of each meeting and present
them to the mentor for approval, after which they are included in the progress
section of the portfolio.
7 멘토의 조언자적 역할 Advising role of
the mentors
7.1 At
the end of each study year, the mentor will issue a formal advice regarding the
student’s academic progress and competency development on the basis of the portfolio
kept by the student, in relation to the learning outcomes of the ITM. This
advice is presented to the group of mentors of the relevant year group.
7.2 The
advice referred to in section 1 is issued in the last planned meeting between
mentor and student, is discussed and is put in writing.
7.3 The
advice as referred to in section 1 is in line with the assessments as recorded
during the meetings, if these were held in conformity with the regulations that
apply as listed in aforementioned sections of this article 5.
8 일년 단위 그룹에 대한 포트폴리오 평가 The portfolio
assessment procedure per year group
8.1 The
group of mentors of the relevant year group issues a final advice on the basis
of the advice of the mentor and the portfolio, in which the mentor concerned
has no say.
8.2 An
independent assessment committee consisting of 2 members (not mentors) makes a
recommendation – on the basis of the portfolio of the student and the final
advice issued by the mentor group - to either award or not award the study
credits associated with the portfolio of the relevant year group to the
Examination Board of Medicine.
8.3 If
the recommendation as referred to in section 2 is negative, and is accepted by
the Examination Board of Medicine, the student will have to follow a
remediation programme.
8.4 If
the remediation programme as mentioned in section 3 has not led to the required
competency development, the student will not be admitted to the next course
year, unless decided otherwise by the Examination Board of Medicine.
9 학생/멘토를 바꿀 권리 Right to choose
another student/mentor
If there is an irreconcilable difference of character between mentor and
student they are both at liberty to request a different combination. The
request will be reviewed by the Examination Board of Medicine.
10 second opinion을 제시할 권리 Right to a second
In the case of a difference of opinion, the student and the mentor both
have a right to a second opinion by an expert third party, to be appointed by
11 포트폴리오의 진실성 Authenticity of
portfolio material
By including materials in the portfolio
the student is implying by default that this is authentic own material.
1. Course year 1, 2 and 3 provides a CORE programme.
블록 비관련 과제 Article 2.7 –
Non-block-related assignments
1. Course year 1, 2 and 3 has some non-block-related assignments, which
extend in time over multiple blocks. These interdisciplinary assignments are
included in the provisions in these rules for course year 1, 2 and 3.
시험의 형식 Article 2.8 –Examination format
1. The Examination Board of Medicine determines if examinations are
conducted in written, oral or other form.
2. Examinations are carried out in the English language.
장애가 있는 학생에 대한 조항
3. For students with disabilities, arrangements can be made, once a
request to this effect has been submitted, to take examinations in a manner
adapted to accommodate their individual disability, in so far as reasonably
possible in view of the objective of the study programme and the educational
and organisational provisions.
Where necessary the Examination Board of Medicine will seek expert
advice before making their decision.
5. The Examination Board of Medicine specifies, at the suggestion of the
examiners as mentioned in article 2.1 – 2.7 written examination regulations and
resit regulations. These regulations describe the format and content of the tests
and resit tests, the timetable of the testing, the appropriate pass/fail scores
and the method for determining the results of the test. These regulations are
included on Eleum.
1. The result of the examination will be qualified as decreed for the
concerned examination in these rules or in the Rules and Regulations.
2. The examination is completed successfully if the result has been
qualified as at least a ‘pass’.
일반적으로 20일 이내, 구술시험은 즉시 또는 여러 학생이 연속해서 볼 경우 5일 이내
1. Unless other rules have been specified in these rules or the Rules
and Regulations, the examiner will grade an examination or a part of an
examination within 20 weekdays (weekdays being
Mo-Fr) of
the day the examination was taken. The examiner provides the organisation of
education/the secretariat of the Examination Board of Medicine with the relevant
information in behalf of the publication of the examination results to the
student. The publication of the examination results to the students will also
take place within 20 weekdays (weekdays being
Mo-Fr) of
the day the examination or a part of the examination was taken.
2. In contravention to section 1, the examiner will grade an oral
examination (or part thereof) immediately after taking said examination and
provide the concerned student and the organisation of education/ the
secretariat of the Examination Board of Medicine with evidence of the grade. If
multiple students take the same examination soon after one another, this term
of notification may be extended by 5 weekdays.
1. Within 10 weekdays (weekdays being Mo-Fr) (at most)
of the announcement of the results of a written (including computer-based)
exam, the student will have the right to request inspection of the assessed
2. Within the period mentioned in paragraph 1, the
student will have the right to request inspection of the exam questions and
assignments, and the standards used to assess them.
3. The announcement of a written (including
computer-based) exam’s results will specify how the right of inspection can be
통과한 시험의 유효기간은 60개월
1. The period of validity for passed examinations is 60 months.
2. Passed examination components of a not yet passed examination remain also
valid for 60 months unless determined otherwise in the relevant rules,
including the examination regulations (toetsplannen).
3. The Examination Board of Medicine can extend in exceptional cases the
period of validity of passed examinations or components of examinations by a
period to be decided by the Examination Board of Medicine itself. The Examination
Board of Medicine may impose additional or alternative requirements on the
student in the process.
1. The Examination Board of Medicine can at the request of the student
grant exemption from certain examinations or parts thereof, if the student can
prove that he or she has passed a module comparable in scope and content in
another study programme, or if the student can demonstrate to the satisfaction
of the Examination Board of Medicine that he/she has acquired competences
elsewhere that are comparable to the module for which exemption is being
2. Granting
exemption does not create any obligation on the part of the Faculty to offer an
alternative study programme module.
사기(기만)행위로 인한 처벌기간동안 치른 시험은 고려대상 아님
3. The Examination Board of Medicine will not grant any
exemption based on exams passed by a student outside the programme during the
period in which the student was barred from taking exams for the programme by
the Examination Board of Medicine because of fraud.
For each failed
exam a resit exam will be offered once within the academic year. If you failed
an exam that consists of multiple components, you can only resit the components
you have failed. Regarding the Professional Behaviour examination year 3, the
EC will provide an appropriate resit arrangement/opportunity.
1. Course year 1 of the ITM contains the following examination
a. Block 1.1 Growth and Development I (7 credits);
b. Block 1.2 Breathing
and Circulation I (7 credits);
c. Block 1.3 Regulation and Integration (4 credits);
d. Block 1.4 Thinking
and Doing I (7 credits);
e. Block 1.5 Digestion and Defence I (7 credits);
f. Block 1.6 Diabetes, Obesity and
Lifestyle (4 credits);
g. Skills examination year 1 (6
h. Progress test
(5 credits) and the following examinations and assignments:
i. Professional behaviour examination year 1 (4 credits);
j. Portfolio examination year 1 (5 credits).
k. Non-block related assignment: Imaging techniques (1 credit)
l. Non-block related assignment: Personal Formulary (1 credit)
m. Consulting skills and Reflection Education (CORE) year 1 (2 credit)
2. An outline of the content and aims of the examination components
listed in section 1 can be found via EleUM.
1. The student is awarded unconditional admission to the study programme
and examination programme of course year 2 if the 60 credits of course year 1
have been obtained.
2. The Examination Board of Medicine can conditionally admit the student
to the study programme and examination programme of course year 2 before said
student has obtained the necessary 60 credits of the first year, on the
condition that at least 40 credits have been obtained, of which at least the 25
credits from the block examinations of course year 1, unless the Examination
Board of Medicine decides otherwise.
3. The Examination Board of Medicine determines the period of
conditional admission. This period is maximum 12 months after the conditional commencement of the study and
examination programme of course year 2.
4. Admission to the study programme and
examination programme of course year 2 becomes unconditional if at the latest
within the period as determined by the Examination Board of Medicine (see section 3 above) the requirements for
gaining the 60 credits of course year 1 have been met.
The credits obtained from the examinations of course year 2, that the student
takes during his or her conditional period of admission, are awarded
Block 2.1 Breathing and circulation II (7 credits);
Block 2.2 Growth and development II (7 credits);
Block 2.3 Elective (4 credits)
Block 2.4 Digestion and defense II (7 credits);
Block 2.5 Thinking and
doing II (7 credits);
Block 2.6 Elective (4 credits)
OSCE tests year 2 (6 credits);
the following examinations and assignments:
Progress test (5 credits)
Professional behaviour examination year 2 (4 credits);
Portfolio examination year 2 (5 credits).
k. Non-block related assignment: Personal Formulary (1
l. Consulting skills and Reflection Education (CORE)
year 2 (3 credits)
2. An outline of the content and aims of the
examination components listed in section
1 can be found via eleUM.
진입 Article 5.1 –
1. The student is awarded unconditional admission to the study programme
and examination programme of course year 3 if the 120 credits of course year 1
and 2 have been obtained.
2. The Examination Board of Medicine can conditionally admit the student
to the study programme and examination programme of course year 3 before said
student has obtained the necessary 60 credits of the second year, on the
condition that at least 100 credits have been obtained of which 60 credits out of year 1, of which
at least the 21 credits from the block examinations of course year 2 unless the
Examination Board of Medicine decides otherwise.
3. The Examination Board of Medicine determines the period of
conditional admission. This period is maximum 12 months after the conditional commencement of the study and
examination programme of course year 3.
4. Admission to the study programme and
examination programme of course year 3 becomes unconditional if at the latest
within the period as determined by the Examination Board of Medicine (see section 3 above) the requirements for
gaining the 60 credits of course year 2 have been met.
The credits obtained from the examinations of course year 3, that the student
takes during his or her conditional period of admission, are awarded
3학년 과목 Article 5.2 Study programme
and examination programme course year 3 ITM
1. Course year 3 has as its theme ‘Chronic disorders’.
Course year 3 contains the following examination components:
a. Cluster Abdomen (10 credits)
b. Cluster Circulation and Lungs (10 credits)
c. Cluster Locomotor Apparatus (10 credits)
d. Cluster Psychomedical Problems (10 credits)
e. OSCE tests year 3 (2 credits) and the following
Progress test (4 credits);
g. Professional behaviour examination year 3 (4
h. Portfolio examination year 3 (4 credits)
i. Non-cluster-related programme: Chronicity (1 credit)
j. Non-cluster related programme: health law and
health ethics (1 credit)
k. Consultation skills and Reflection Education (CORE)
year 3 (2 credits)
l. Academic skills (2 credits)
2. A broad
outline of the aims and content of the examination components as listed in
section 1 can be found via eleUM.
ITM에서의 시험 Article 7 –
Examinations in the ITM
The following examinations referred to in
Chapter 7 of the WHW must be taken as part of the ITM:
a. The final bachelor’s examination (Article 7.10 of
the WHW);
b. The examination for the flexible bachelor’s degree
programme (Article 7.3d of the WHW).
최종 시험 Article 7.1 – Final
A student will have passed the final bachelor’s
examination if he or she has attained all 180 credits for course years 1,
2 and 3 of the ITM.
유연성 Article 7.2 –
Flexible bachelor’s programme and examination for the flexible bachelor’s
1. A student who is enrolled for the ITM may, with the
Examination Board of Medicine’s permission, design his/her own programme from
study units given in English by an institution of academic education, with this
programme including an examination.
2. The flexible programme must entail a study workload
of 180 credits.
3. The Examination Board of Medicine decides whether
to grant permission within four weeks after receiving the student’s proposal.
4. The examination for this flexible bachelor’s
programme does not entitle the
student to admission to the education and examination programme for the
follow-up master’s degree.
학위 Article 7.3 – Degree
1.1 Students passing the bachelor’s examination of the
ITM for numerus fixus students are awarded the degree of ‘Bachelor of Science’.
The degree also indicates the subject area and professional field to which the
degree relates.
1.2 Students passing the examination for the flexible
bachelor’s programme are awarded a bachelor’s degree. Pursuant to
Article 7.10a of the WHW “of science” is added to the degree granted.
2. As proof that the examination was passed, a testimony
(getuigschrift) is issued by the Examination Board. The testimony for the
examination passed indicates in any event the following:
a. the name of the programme;
b. the components of the examination;
c. (where appropriate) the right to engage in a
profession specified in the testimony;
d. the degree awarded;
e. the date on which the programme was most recently
accredited or reviewed.
3. Students entitled to receive a testimony may, stating reasons and in accordance with UM rules, ask the Examination Board to postpone issue of the testimony.
4. The testimony is signed by the chair of the
Examination Board of Medicine and the dean.
5. The testimony is issued in public, unless the
Examination Board of Medicine decides otherwise in exceptional cases.
6. A list of the examination components and a diploma
supplement are issued with the testimony.
7. The Examination Board of Medicine can add the
distinction ‘Cum Laude’ in accordance with the provisions
in the Rules and Regulations.
Article 8.1 –
Further previous education requirements (profiles)
1. Students who have a diploma referred to in
Article 7.24 or 7.28 of the WHW which does not meet the further previous
education requirements (profiles) designated under Article 7.25 of the WHW
cannot be admitted to the programme until, in the assessment of the Colloquium
Doctum and Special Admissions Board, requirements substantively similar to the
further previous education requirements (profiles) have been met.
Article 8.2 – Colloquium Doctum (Entrance examination)
1. The admissions test referred to in
Article 7.29 of the WHW is performed by the Colloquium Doctum and Special
Admissions Board for Medicine.
2. The admissions test consists of the components
English language, physics, chemistry, mathematics and biology.
3. The Colloquium Doctum and Special Admissions Board for
Medicine can grant an exemption for components of the test if, in the Board’s
judgment, the candidate has demonstrated that he or she meets substantively
similar requirements.
4. The rules and procedures regarding the admissions
test will be included in regulations to be adopted by the Examination Board of
Medicine concerning admission requirements to the Maastricht Medicine
Article 8.3 – Previous education for students with non-Dutch diplomas
1. Subject to the third paragraph of this article,
students who have a diploma which, pursuant to Article 7.28(2) of the WHW,
has been designated by ministerial regulation as at least equivalent to the
diploma for pre-university education are exempted from the previous education
2. Subject to the third paragraph of this article,
students who have a diploma, whether issued in the Netherlands or not, which, in the judgment of the Colloquium Doctum and Special
Admissions Board for Medicine, is at least equivalent to the diploma for
pre-university education may be exempted by the Executive Board from the previous education requirements.
3. Students who have received an exemption from the
previous education requirements pursuant to the first and second paragraph
cannot be admitted to the programme until, in the assessment of the Colloquium
Doctum and Special Admissions Board for Medicine, requirements substantively
similar to the further previous education requirements (profiles) have been
4. The rules and procedures regarding the assessment
referred to in the third paragraph will be included in regulations to be
adopted by the Examination Board of Medicine concerning admission requirements
to the Maastricht Medicine programme.
8.4 –Vervallen
1. If at any moment during the programme the professional behaviour of
the student is judged, by a tutor, a staff member or a person not directly
involved in the programme (in teaching), to be below standard for performing in
the programme including patient care, the tutor, the staff member or the person
not directly involved in the programme will report this in writing and with
reasons stated to the (review) committee of professional behaviour (this
applies to all three course years of the ITM).
2. On the basis of the report, the Examination Board of Medicine, if
necessary in consultation with the (review) committee of professional
behaviour, will instigate an investigation into the professional behaviour of
the student. The Examination Board of Medicine will send written notice of the
instigation of the investigation on the basis of this article to the student
and to the FHML Board. The investigation will be completed within a period of
six weeks.
3. During the investigation, the student and the involved tutor, staff
member or person not directly involved in the programme will be heard. The
findings of the investigation will be recorded in written form.
4. The results of the investigation will be attached to the notice and
included in the study portfolio.
a decision by the examiner and the Examination Board is announced to a student,
the student will also be notified of the right to file an appeal with the
Office for Student Legal Protection within six weeks after the decision is announced.
1. Amendments of these rules are determined by the FHML Faculty Board.
2. No amendments will be made that apply to the current academic year,
unless it is reasonable to assume that no student interests will be prejudiced.
1. The FHML Faculty Board shall ensure suitable publication of these rules,
of the Rules and Regulations, and of any amendments to these papers.
2. Any interested party can obtain a copy of the papers as referred to in
section 1 from the secretarial office of the FHML Institute for Education.
In circumstances not provided for by these rules, the Examination Board
of Medicine will make a decision on behalf of the Faculty Board. This decision will be in writing
and supported by arguments.
The Examination Board of Medicine is authorised to deviate from these rules
in individual cases, if the unaltered application will in their opinion, due to
exceptional circumstances, lead to serious injustices.
These rules will be referred to as the Education and Examination Rules, International Track in Medicine (ITM) for numerus
fixus students, curriculum 2011, academic year 2013-2014.
These rules take effect on 1 September 2013and apply to the academic
year 2013-2014.
As established by the dean of the FHML on behalf of the Board of the UMC+ on 14 May 2013.
(출처 : https://www.google.co.kr/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&ved=0CEAQFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.maastrichtuniversity.nl%2Fweb%2Ffile%3Fuuid%3D47550d1f-5317-452e-a9fd-dd05a2891c77%26owner%3D10767728-c015-44db-968c-eb022e3b3932&ei=6-Q0U5b_EMfdigfiyoC4BQ&usg=AFQjCNEI-qNRNc31cfb1YXSMfGe3PIGhMw&sig2=8QT3Hk3-0QPPuNYH6v3W7A)