Qualitative research methods in medical education (Understanding Medical Education ch22)
Lorelei Lingard and Tara J Kennedy
질적연구의 패러다임과 목적
The Paradigm and Purpose of Qualitative Research
의학교육에서 질적연구는 무엇인가?
What is qualitative research in medical education?
질적연구를 통한 탐구에는 'how'와 'what'질문이 적합하다.
How and what questions are particularly suited for exploration through qualitative research ( see Box 22.1 ).
'질적연구'라는 용어는 넓은 범위의 접근법과 방법론을 포함한다.
The term ‘ qualitative research ’ encompasses a broad range of approaches and methods,
그러나 이들 특수성에도 일부 generic 원칙들이 적용된다. 질적연구는 natural environment에서 연구의 목적을 탐구하는 것이며, 어떤 현상을 경험하는 사람들을 관찰하거나 그들과 상호작용하게 된다. 질적연구는 복잡성complexity에 대한 이해를 추구하며, 사회나 인류의 현상에 대해 풍부한 textured account (질감을 살린 설명)을 더해준다. 또한 질적연구는 맥락의 역할이 무엇인지에 관심을 갖으며, 시간과 공간에 연결된 상황적 설명situated account를 제공한다. 이들 원칙의 결과로서, 질적연구의 목적은 어떤 상황의 세심한 이해이다. 질적연구는 '일반화가능성'을 주장하고자 하는 것이 아니며, 오히려 상황에 따른 이해와 이론의 설립situated understanding and theory building에 가치를 둔다.
However, some generic principles maintain across these particulari- ties. Qualitative research explores the object of study within its natural environment, by observing and interacting with the people experiencing the phenom- enon. Qualitative research seeks to understand com- plexity, to offer a richly textured account of social or human phenomena. Also, qualitative research attends carefully to the role of context, to produce situated accounts that are anchored in space and time. As a consequence of these principles, the goal of qualitative research is the careful understanding of instances. It does not make claims to generalisability; rather, it values situated understanding and theory building.
의학교육에서 질적연구의 기원은?
What are the origins of qualitative research in medical education?
의학교육에서 질적연구는 사회과학과 인문학 등의 분야로부터 도입되었으며, 인류학, 사회학, 교육학, 역사학 등이다.
Qualitative research comes to medical education from the social sciences and humanities, from disciplines such as anthropology, sociology, education and history.
Harris에 따르면, 이들 학문분야에서 의학교육으로 방법론이 들어오게 된 것은 1980년대부터 시작되었으며, 이 당시는 '통제된 실험'이라는 우세적 패러다임을 보완하기 위하여, 보다 규범적인prescriptive 이론의 설립을 요구하던 시대였다. 흥미롭게도, 이러한 요구는 의학교육연구의 review에서 지속적으로 이론 설립을 요구하고 복잡한 사회적 의문을 탐구하는 질적 전략을 요구하면서 지속되었다.
According to Harris, (1) the importation of methods from these disciplines into medical education began in the 1980s amid calls for more prescriptive theory building to complement the dominant paradigm of controlled experiments. Interestingly, these calls persist as reviews of the medical education research fi eld continue to identify a need for increased theory building and qualitative strategies of inquiry to grapple with complex social questions. (2)
질적연구 패러다임이란?
What is the qualitative paradigm?
질적연구에 대한 논의는 종종 '질적 패러다임'에 대한 것으로부터 시작한다. Denzin and Lincoln이 설명했던 바와 같이 패러다임이란 '행동을 가이드해주는 신념의 기본 집합 basic sets of beliefs that guide action'이다. Harris는 이것을 ‘학자 집단으로부터 당연하게 여겨지는 가정, 인지적 로드맵 cognitive road maps, taken - for - granted assumptions within communities of scholars ’ 라고 설명하였으며, 연구자에게 의미와 노력의 방향을 제시해주는 것이라 하였다. Denzin and Lincoln에 따르면 패러다임의 개념은 세 가지 요소를 포함한다. 인식론epistemology, 존재론ontology, 방법론methodology이다. 인식론은 세계관을, 존재론은 현실에 대한 신념을, 방법론은 자료의 수집과 분석 도구를 의미한다.
Discussions on qualitative research often begin with reference to ‘ the qualitative paradigm ’ As Denzin and Lincoln (3) explain, paradigms are basic sets of beliefs that guide action; Harris describes them as ‘ cognitive road maps, taken - for - granted assumptions within communities of scholars ’ (1) that orient researchers towards meaning and the research endeavour. The concept of paradigm includes three elements accord- ing to Denzin and Lincoln: epistemology, ontology and methodology. (3) Epistemology refers to world view, ontology to beliefs about reality, and methodol- ogy to tools for data collection and analysis.
질적 패러다임qualitative paradigm 이란 용어는, 사실 부적절한 명칭인데, 왜냐하면 질적연구는 다양한 스펙트럼의 패러다임 안에서 이뤄지기 때문이다. 실증주의, 후기실증주의, 구성주의, 비판이론critical theory, 포스트모더니즘 등이다. 현재 의학교육에서 질적연구를 framing하는 우세적인 패러다임은 후기실증주의와 구성주의이다.
The qualitative paradigm is, in fact, a misnomer, for qualitative research takes place within a vast spectrum of paradigms: positivism, post - positivism, constructiv- ism, critical theory and post - modernism. In medical education, the dominant paradigms currently framing qualitative research tend to be post - positivism and constructivism.
- 후기실증주의는 옳은 연구 절차가 있다면 발견가능한 '객관적인 현실'이 존재한다고 보는 점에서 실증주의와 공유하는 점이 있다. 그러나 후기실증주의를 실증주의와 구분짓는 것인 인간의 복잡한 행동이 개개인의 motivation과 문화적 환경에 따라 만들어진다는 점을 인정한다는 것이다. 또한 연구를 할 때 이러한 복잡성을 생략elide하기 보다는 맥락적 '본질' contextual essence로 반영해야 한다.
Post - positivism shares with positivism the belief that there is an objective reality that can be discovered if the correct research procedures are in place. What distinguishes post - positivism is the acknowledgement that complex human behaviour is shaped by individual motivations and cultural envi- ronments, and research must represent these complex- ities rather than elide them in search of a contextual ‘ essence ’ or truth. - 사례: Irby ’ s account of how clinical teach- ers make decisions about what to prioritise in their round exchanges with students represents the post - positivist paradigm in his seeking for the essence of teachers ’ decision making while paying attention to the contextual and individual features that shape this process. (4)
- 구성주의는 현실reality를 받아들인다는 점에서 후기실증주의로부터 줄발하며, 의미meaning은 상대적인 것이고, 연구자와 연구대상의 상호작용에 의해서 생성되는 것이라고 본다. 구성주의적 패러다임에서의 연구는 연구자의 주관성을 인정하며, 사회적 현상을 설명함에 있어서 연구자와 현상의 상호작용을 반영한다.
Constructivism departs from post - positivism in its acceptance of reality and meaning as relative, pro- duced through the interaction between researcher and researched. Research in the constructivism paradigm acknowledges the subjectivity of the researcher, pro- ducing accounts of a social phenomenon that refl ect the researcher ’ s interaction with the phenomenon.
의학교육연구에서 점차 두드러지는 한 가지는 critical theory paradigm인데, 연구하려는 현상에 존재하는 power dynamics를 드러내려는 목적을 가지며, 세심한 묘사와 이러한 역학dynamics의 분석을 통해서 empowerment를 촉진하려는 목적을 지닌다.
Also becoming apparent in medical education research is work within the critical theory paradigm, which is identifi able by its goal of revealing power dynamics in studied phenomena and fostering empow- erment through the careful description and analysis of these dynamics.
연구자의 패러다임이 반드시 연구 접근법이나 방법론을 예측해주는 것은 아니다. 왜냐하면 연구 접근법이나 방법론을 선택하는데 유연성이 존재하기 때문에, 'best fit' 원칙이 연구질문에 대한 접근법이나 프레임을 결정하는데 사용되기 때문이다. 최적의 접근법은 연구질문, 연구환경의 특성, 연구의 목적에 따라 달라진다. 이들 요인이 최적의 방법이 무엇인지를 결정한다. 이러한 접근의 유연성은 양적 패러다임과의 핵심적 차이가 되는데, 양적 패러다임에서는 RCT가 'gold standard'로 받아들여진다.
The researcher ’ s paradigm does not necessarily predict his or her research approach or methods. Because of this flexibility in the selection of an approach and a method, the principle of ‘ best fit ’ is used to decide how best to approach or frame a research question.The best approach depends on the research question, the nature of the research setting and the objective of the research. These factors also determine what the best methods are. This flexibility of approaches and methods is a key difference from the quantitative par-adigm, where the randomised controlled trial is widely accepted as the ‘ gold standard ’
질적연구와 양적연구의 관계는?
What is the relationship between qualitative and quantitative research?
신념 체계가 다르고, 현상의 본질을 바라보기 위하여 변인을 통제하려는 의도에서 차이가 난다. 또한 통계적 분석의 활용을 통해서 지식을 드러내고 대표하려는 것에서 차이가 난다.
belief system, thus the intent to control variables in order to see the essence of a phenomenon, and the use of statistical analyses to reveal and represent knowl- edge.
이러한 이분법적인 접근이 왜곡적이며 도움이 안된다는 인식이 늘어나고 있다. Irby부터 Norman에 이르기까지, 'best fit' 주의doctrine이 질적연구와 양적연구의 관계에 대한 논의를 이끌어가고 있다. 특정 연구질문은 특정 패러다임, 특정 접근법, 특정 방법론에 잘 맞는다.
There has been a gradual recognition that such dichotomising is distorting and unhelpful. From Irby ’ s invited address in 1990 (cited in Reference 1) to Norman ’ s editorial in 1998, (10) the doctrine of best fi t increasingly governs discussions about the uses and relationships of qualitative and quantitative research. Certain kinds of research question are suited to certain paradigms, certain approaches and certain methods,
Qualitative Research Approaches
The tradition of ethnography originates in the field of anthropology, in which a researcher would travel to study an ‘ exotic ’ tribe. (12,13) Current - day ethnogra- phy often rejects the traditional notion of a privileged researcher, and ethnographic studies are now more likely to occur in local subcultures (such as a medical school or an operating room) than in far - fl ung loca- tions. However, ethnographic studies carry on the practice of long - term engagement in a study setting, and the collection, through observation and conversa- tional interviews, of data that are analysed to under- stand the meaning inherent in the everyday activities of a particular social group. (14)
There are a number of classic ethnographies in the domain of medical educa- tion, including Becker ’ s The Boys in White (15) a study of the nature of student culture in medical school, and Bosk ’ s Forgive and Remember (16) a study of the treat- ment of medical error in postgraduate surgical education.
Grounded theory
연구 참여자의 현실적 경험으로부터 유도된derived from, grounded in 이론적 설명을 개발함으로써 사회적 현상을 탐구하고자 하는 것. 근거이론은 1960년대 두 명의 사회학자 Glaser and Strauss로부터 개발되었으며, 질적 자료의 분석을 보다 systematic하게 하고자 했다. 이들은 양적 패러다임에서 부과된 standard of rigor에 부응하고자 하였으며, 이론의 검증보다는 이론의 생성에 초점을 두었다. 핵심 요소는 다음과 같다.
Grounded theory research explores social phenomena through the development of theoretical explanations that are ‘ grounded ’ in (i.e. derived from) the practical experience of study participants. (17) Grounded theory was developed by two sociologists, Glaser and Strauss, in the 1960s, to provide a systematic approach to the analysis of qualitative data that would live up to the standards of ‘ rigour ’ imposed by the quantitative par- adigm and that would focus on theory generation rather than theory testing. (17) Key elements of grounded theory methodology include:
- 반복적 연구 설계: 지속적, 반복적으로 진행되는 자료 수집과 자료 분석
iterative study design (cycles of simultaneous data collection and analysis, in which the results of the ongoing data analysis inform the subsequent data collection) - 의도적 표집: emerging theory를 확인/도전/확장하는 자료를 제공할 수 있는 능력에 따라 자료 출처를 선택
purposeful sampling (purposeful selection of data sources for their ability to provide data that would confi rm, challenge or expand an emerging theory) - (자료 분석 접근법에 대한) 지속적 비교: 자료에서 관심의 대상이 되는 사건이나 이슈가 다른 사례들과의 유사점이나 차이점에 대해서 비교함.
constant comparison approach to data analysis (through which incidents or issues of interest in the data are compared against other examples for simi- larities and differences). (18 – 20)
Case study
Case study research involves an in - depth analysis of a ‘ bounded system ’ (a programme, an event, an activity, a process, a group, etc.). (27) The case study can have intrinsic value or can be used as a means of gaining understanding of a larger process. (28) Case study research has roots in sociological tradition as well as in the medical case report. (27) One hallmark of case study methods is triangulation, which is the use of multiple data collection tools or data sources to gain rich insight into the study phenomenon from multiple perspectives ( see Principles of rigour, below).
An example of a qualitative case study in medical educa- tion is Perley ’ s study of a group of primary care physi- cians to explore their use of the ‘ curbside consultation ’ with colleagues as a continuing education tool. (29)
어떤 것을 경험한 사람의 관점에서 사회적 현상의 본질을 이해하고자 하는 목표
연구자 자신의 선입견preconception은 옆으로 치워둠(bracketing)
소수의 개인의 경험만을 심층적으로 탐구하기도 함.
Phenomenology arose early in the 20th century from philosophical reflections on consciousness and perception. Phenomenological research aims to under- stand the essence of a social phenomenon from the perspective of those who have experienced it. (30) Phenomenology involves the ‘ bracketing ’ (or putting aside) of the researcher ’ s own preconceptions and per- spectives in order to understand the ‘ lived experience ’ of the research participants. (30) Phenomenological studies often involve an in - depth exploration of the experiences of a small number of individuals.
Bearman has used phenomenology to explore the experiences of medical students during interactions with virtual patients. (31)
역사적으로는 성서문구의 해석을 의미했음. Hermeneutic circle이라는 순환적 프로세스를 포함함.
The term hermeneutics historically refers to the inter- pretation of biblical texts. In the domain of qualitative research, hermeneutics uses the lived experience of participants as a means of understanding their political, historical and sociocultural contexts. (32) Hermeneutic analysis involves a cyclical process called the ‘ hermeneutic circle ’ movement back and forth between the consideration of the meaning of individ- ual parts of a data set and the meaning of the whole text. (33)
Addison has explored how medical residents cope with their training through a hermeneutic approach in his chapter ‘ Grounded interpretive research: an investigation of physician socialization ’ (34)
서사 연구
Narrative research
스토리텔링의 고전적 실천ancient practice에 기원을 둠. 개인적 account를 스토리로서 간청solicit하고 분석하는 것.
Narrative research stems from the ancient practice of storytelling as a method of communicating, arranging and interpreting human experience. Narrative inquiry is a qualitative approach that ‘ solicits and analyzes personal accounts as stories ’ (35) using these stories as a means of understanding or making sense of a par- ticular experience or situation. Narrative analysis seeks meaning in the content, the structure, the context and the relational aspects of a story. (36)
Action research
20세기 중반의 사회 행동 운동에 기원을 둠
Action research has its roots in the social activism movements of the mid - 20th century.
핵심 원칙: 연구 프로세스를 통한 사회 변화 유도, 연구 참여자가 연구 프로세스에 직접 참여
Key principles of action research are
- the explicit aim of producing social change through the research process and
- the direct engagement of research participants in the research process. (39)
순차적 사이클
Action research classically occurs through sequential cycles of
- planning a change,
- implementing the change while observing the process and
- reflection on the consequences of the change. (40)
참여자는 연구자와 협동해서 연구 결과를 구성하여 사회 변화를 도입함
Participants collaborate with researchers to construct the results of the research and implement social change.
An action research approach was employed successfully in the design and implementation of a new general practice curriculum in Dundee, Scotland. (41)
질적연구 도구
Qualitative Research Tools
자료의 수집을 분석과 분리시키는 것은 질적연구에서는 두 가지 이유에서 약간 인위적이다.
This separation of data collection from analysis is somewhat artificial in qualitative research for two reasons.
- 첫째, 많은 질적연구는 iterative study design을 도입한다. 즉, 자료의 수집과 분석이 동시에 이뤄진다. iterative 연구 프로세스에서 초기에 수집된 자료의 예비적 분석을 통해서 더 명확하게 해야 할 질문이 드러나거나 더 탐구가 필요한 새로운 아이디어가 나타나기 때문에 어떻게 그 다음 자료수집과 분석 phase를 수행할지의 결정에 영향을 준다.
First, many qualitative studies employ an iterative study design, (1) in which cycles of data col- lection and analysis occur simultaneously. In an itera- tive research process, preliminary analysis of data collected early in the study process affects decisions about how to go about the next phase of data collection by revealing questions that require clarifi cation or new ideas that require further exploration in subsequent data collection and analysis cycles. (17) - 자료 수집과 분석이 연결되는 두 번째 방식은 자료수집방법의 선택이 분석방법에 영향을 주고, 마찬가지로 분석방법도 자료수집방법에 영향을 주는 형태이다.
The second way in which data collection and analysis are linked in qualitative research practice is the way in which the choice of data collection methods necessarily informs the choice of the analytical approach and vice versa.
질적자료의 수집과 분석에서 특정 윤리적 이슈가 제기될 때도 있다.
particular ethical issues arise in the collection and analysis of qualitative data. These include both
- 절차적 윤리: 어떻게 연구 참여자를 해harm으로부터 보호하면서 수행할 수 있을 것인가.
procedural ethics (how the research is conducted to protect research participants from harm) and - 상황적 윤리: 연구자 자신이 '윤리적으로 중요한 순간'에서 어떻게 행동할 것인가
situational ethics (how the researcher conducts himself or herself in what Guillemin and Gillam call ‘ ethically important moments ’ ). (42)
Reflexivity 는 연구자가 필드에 있는 연구참여자와의 상호작용 과정에서 나타날 수 있는 윤리적 긴장을 협상negotiate할 때 사용하는 sensitising concept이다.
Reflexivity is asserted as a sensitising concept researchers can use as they negotiate ethical tensions that may arise in their interactions with participants in the field ( see Box 22.3 )
자료 수집 도구
Data collection tools
질적연구 인터뷰에서 스탠다드는 'depth interview'(심층인터뷰)로서 연구질문에 대한 풍부하고 세세한 탐색을 진행하게 되며, 보통 45분부터 몇 시간에 걸쳐 진행된다. 형태는 반구조화 인터뷰 포멧.
Individual interviews are probably the most familiar and the most often used form of data collection in qualitative medical education research. (1,43) Interviews provide access to participants ’ personal perspectives and relevant experiences on an unlimited number of topics. (44) The qualitative interview stand- ard is the ‘ depth interview ’ (44) which provides a rich and detailed exploration of a research question and generally lasts between 45 minutes and a few hours. (45) Qualitative research interviews often follow a ‘ semi - structured ’ format. (43) The semi - structured interview is guided by a predetermined set of open - ended ques- tions, but the researcher and participant are free to pursue additional relevant topics as they arise ( see Box 22.5 for a sample interview script). Qualitative inter-views are usually audiotaped and later transcribed to facilitate analysis,
가장 큰 단점은 기억을 통해 걸러진 정보만 수집가능하다는 것이며, 인터뷰의 사회적 맥락에 영향을 받는다. 인터뷰어는 유도질문을 하지 말아야 하며(멘토십 프로세스에서의 장애요인은?(X), 멘토십 프로세스에서의 경험은 어떠했나요?(O)), 면접에서의 권력관계에도 신경써야 함
The main disadvantage of the interview method of data collection is the fact that the information provided is filtered through the memory of the participant and is influenced by the social context of the interview. (46) Interview researchers must be careful to avoid leading questions (consider, for example, the potential differ- ence in responses to the questions ‘ What barriers to the mentorship process have you encountered? ’ and ‘ What have your experiences with the mentorship process been like? ’ ). Researchers must also attend to the power dynamics of the interview.
포커스 그룹
Focus groups
사회과학 연구에서 오랜 역사. 4~12명의 참여자와 moderator/facilitator
다양한 경험과 다양한 이야기를 효율적으로 수집가능하다. 역동적이며, 상호작용이 있는 교환을 통해서 상반되는 의견을 자극하고, 집단의 규범이나 일반적 수행common practice를 성찰하게 하고 당연하게 여겨졌던 가치를 드러내게 해준다.
moderator는 그룹역학이나 상호작용도 기록한다
Focus groups have recently become well known as a marketing research tool, but they have a long history in the domain of social sciences research. Focus groups are sessions involving 4 – 12 participants and a modera- tor or facilitator who guides the group discussion of a topic relevant to the research question. (47) Focus groups provide access to multiple stories and diverse experiences in an efficient manner. More importantly, focus groups provide a dynamic and interactive exchange that can stimulate exploration of contrary opinions, reflection on group norms and common practices and exposure of taken - for - granted values. (48) Like individual interviews, focus group discussions often follow a semi - structured format and are audiore- corded and transcribed for analysis. The focus group moderator also records notes on group dynamics and interactions.
포커스그룹을 통해서 탐구하기 적합한지 고려해보아야 함(매우 개인적인 주제는 개별 면접이 더 나을 수도 있음)
권력 관계power dynamics가 중요하다. 한 명의 영향력있는 개인이 전체 프로세스를 탈선시킬 수도 있음.
Researchers using focus groups must consider whether their topic would benefit from exploration in the synergistic and spontaneous focus group format (for example, some deeply personal topics might be more safely or productively explored in an individual interview). Issues of power dynamics are also critical in focus group methodology: one infl uential, opinion- ated group member can derail the entire process. (47)
Researchers conducting observa-tions have access to data on what participants do and not just on what they say they do. (50) Qualitative researchers conducting observations make recordscalled ‘field notes’ ( see Box 22.6 for an illustrative example)
Observations are sometimes accompanied by audio recording of ‘ naturalistic ’ conversations, which are later transcribed for analysis.
'관측 효과'가 있으며, 다음과 같은 대응책이 있다.
Observational researchers must deal with ‘ observer effect ’ which is the fact that the presence of the observer has an impact on the behaviours of study participants. There are a number of ways to deal with observer effect. (50)
- Some researchers will spend long periods of time in the field to allow participants to become accustomed to their presence.
- Others will not reveal the specific focus of their observations to prevent participants from altering specific behaviours (for example, a researcher might get consent to observe all clinical teaching in an intensive care unit without revealing to participants that the research question related specifi cally to the teaching of technical skills). (52)
- Still, others will take care to document evi- dence of the impact of their presence and then reflect on and write about the significance of this impact on their results.
참여적 관찰자와 비참여적 관찰자
Observational research has a long tradition in medical education. Observational researchers in medical education, as in other fi elds, must decide to what degree they will participate in the activities around them.
- The term ‘ non - participant observation ’ has been used to signify an observer who remains uninvolved in the activities of their study participants, taking the role of a passive observer.
- Observational research in the ethnographic tradition takes the form of ‘ partici- pant observation ’ in which the researcher becomes fully engaged in the daily activities of the study par- ticipants:
문헌 자료의 수집
Assembly of textual documents
빠르고 저렴하나 iterative inquiry는 어렵다.
Analysis of pre - existing documents can be a quick and inexpensive data collec- tion method, and because they were created for pur- poses other than research, the content of these data is not influenced by the research process. (56) Assembly of textual documents, however, does not allow the researcher to take advantage of the powerful qualita- tive process of iterative inquiry (see above), in which ongoing analysis informs the data collection process because the data collection occurs one step prior to the analysis.
학생이 제출한 과제 분석
Perhaps the most common use of textual documents for qualitative analysis in medical education is the analysis of documents produced as course assign- ments by students.자료 분석 도구
Data analysis tools
질적자료의 분석은 수백페이지의 문헌을 보는게 아니라 데이터를 수집하는 과정에서 지속적으로 읽고, 성찰하고, 의미에 대해 질문하는 과정이다.
As previously empha- sised, qualitative data analysis does not often mean sifting through hundreds of pages of text in one sitting but is rather an ongoing process of reading, refl ecting on and questioning the meaning of the data as they are collected.
기본적인 프로세스가 있다. 가장 흔한 것 중 하나는 coding이다. coding은 데이터를 비슷한 경향을 대표하는 것들끼리 분류하고 조직화하는 프로세스이다.
there are some basic processes that are common to most qualitative analyses. The most common of these is coding. Coding is a process of sorting or organising the data into categories representing similar trends. (17)
코딩 프로세스의 첫 단계는 분석의 단위를 선택하는 것이다. 예를 들어서, 프로페셔널리즘에 대한 의과대학생 인터뷰를 분석할 때의 코딩은 프로페셔널리즘과 관련된 실수lapse가 발생한 상황에 대한 것일 수도 있고, 구체적인 프로페셔널한 행동에 대한 것일 수도 있고, 비-프로페셔널한 행동을 묘사하기 위해서 참여자가 사용한 문구나 측정 단어가 될 수도 있다. 하나 이상의 분석단위에 대한 코딩이 시간에 걸쳐 진행될 수도 있다. 자료가 카테고리 혹은 코드로 분류되어가면서, 각각의 코드에 대해서 카테고리의 본질을 잡아내는 라벨이나 이름이 붙을 수 있다. 분석 과정에서 메모나 성찰노트를 기록하며, 성찰과 분석 아이디어가 떠오를 때 기록한다. 질적연구 소프트웨어가 도움이 될 수 있지만, 자료의 카테고리화, 경향성 파악, 의미 해석은 여전히 연구자의 몫이다.
The first step in the coding process is the selection of the unit of analysis. For example, analysis of medical student interviews about professionalism might involve coding for the settings in which professional lapses occurred, or for types of professional behaviour or for specifi c words or phrases used by participants to describe unprofessional acts. Coding for more than one of these different units of analysis might occur over time. As the data are being sorted into categories or codes, names or labels are created for the codes that describe the essence of the category, and memos or reflective notes are written to document the process of the analysis and record reflections and analytical ideas as they arise. Qualitative software can be used as a data management tool to keep track of the coding process as it proceeds, but the cognitive work of cat- egorising data, identifying trends and interpreting meaning is still done by the researcher.
주제 분석
Thematic analysis
주제Theme을 조직화하는 것
The most commonly used qualitative analysis approach in the domain of medical education is the organisation of data according to topics, ideas or concepts, often called themes.
주제분석의 변형된 형태들
Variations of thematic analysis are used in many of the qualitative approaches, and a number of different systems of thematic analysis have been developed (for example, content analysis (58) and con- stant comparative analysis). (17,19)
기본적 프로세스
The basic process of thematic analysis is
- 비슷한 개념을 밝히고 to identify in the data set instances that are similar in concept. As further related examples are identified, a
- 점차 개념이 발전하며 이해가 깊어지고 progressively rich under- standing of the concept is developed, and
- 다른 중요한 개념이 드러나고 as other important concepts are identified in the data,
- 개념 혹은 주제간 관계를 밝힌다. the rela- tionships between concepts or themes are explored.
주제의 집합은 묘사, 이론 개발, 해석에 활용될 수 있다.
The set of themes can then be used for description, theory development or interpretation ( see Interpretation, below).
담론 분석
Discourse analysis
언어의 수준에서의 자료 분석
Discourse analysis is an approach to qualitative research that analyses data at the level of language. Discourse is a term meaning ‘ socially situated lan- guage ’ (60)
목적: 언어의 활용에서 일반적으로 당연하게 여거지는 것을 명확하게 드러내고, 특정 사회적 맥락에서 talking이 달성하는 것이 무엇인지 보여주는 것.
The aim of discourse analysis is to make explicit what is normally taken for granted about lan- guage use or to show what talking accomplishes in a particular social context.
여러 접근법을 아우르는 unbrella term이다
Discourse analysis is an umbrella term that references a number of different approaches to the analysis of socially situated lan- guage use.
- Some discourse analysts, often in the domains of linguistics or conversation analysis, work to understand the complex mechanisms and structures of social language.
- Others, in fields like sociolinguis- tics or critical discourse analysis, use talk as a source of evidence about social processes.
마지막 단계는 해석으로, 데이터에 핵심 의미를 찾는 것
The final stage of qualitative analysis is the process of interpretation, or fi nding the central meaning in a data set.
해석이 없이는 단순한 아이디어나 주제의 카탈로그에 불과함. 아이디어가 중요하긴 하지만, 해석적 혹은 이론적 수준에서의 의미를 탐구하는 단계 없이는 질적연구의 파워를 온전히 활용했다고 볼 수 없다.
Without interpretive work, qualitative research produces merely a catalogue of ideas or themes. Important as those ideas may be, qualitative studies that do not take the next step of exploring the meaning at an interpretive or theoretical level have not fully exploited the power of qualitative research.
질적연구의 해석에 대한 다양한 접근이 있다.
There are different approaches to interpretation in qualitative research.
- 사회적 현상에 대한 두껍고 풍부한 묘사가 목적일 수 있다(현상학)
In some qualitative approaches, the production of a thick, rich description of a social phenomenon is the goal of the research process (e.g. phenomenology). - 사회적 프로세스에 대한 새로운 이론적 설명이 목적일 수 있다(근거이론)
In other approaches, the develop- ment of a novel theoretical explanation of a social process is the aim (e.g. grounded theory). - 데이터의 의미는 기존에 존재하는 이론을 통해서 볼 수도 있다.
In still other qualitative approaches, the meaning of a data set is considered through the lens of pre - existing theory,
Rigour의 원칙
Principles of Rigour
체크리스트를 출판한 저널들도 있다. 신뢰성trustworthiness, 유용성utility, 진실성authenticity 등의 개념.
Journals have published papers with checklists, (64 – 67) and qualitative leaders have offered overarching con-cepts such as ‘ trustworthiness ’ , (68) ‘ utility ’ (69,70) and authenticity. (71) .
아래의 원칙들은 질적연구를 비판적으로 평가하는 프레임워크가 될 수도 있고, 어떻게 질적프로젝트를 설계할 것인지를 고려하는 시작점이 될 수도 있다.
These principles are drawn from an extensive literature outlining guidelines for excellence in qualitative research. They can serve either as a framework for critical appraisal of qualitative research studies in the literature or as a starting point for con- sidering how to design a qualitative project ( see Box 22.7 ).
샘플링: 적절성
Sampling: adequacy and appropriateness
질적연구에서의 표집은 '얼마나 많은 수의' 대상자를 포함시켰느냐가 중요한 것이 아니다. 질적연구가 사회적, 경험적 현상을 탐구하는 것이기 때문에, 누구를 포함시키고 누구를 제외할지 결정하는 것은 표집의 논리에 있어서 중요하다. 사회적 현상에는 종종 다양한 참여자들이 관여하게 되므로, 연구자는 어떤 사람이 관측/면담을 하기에 가장 적절하며, 누구를 제외해야 하는지에 대한 결정을 정당화할 수 있어야 한다. 개개인의 경험에 대한 연구를 하기 위해서 개인에게 물어보고 개인을 관측해야 하는 것은 맞지만, 고립된 상태로 기능을 하는 개인은 거의 없기 때문에 연구자는 어떤 추가적 맥락이 연구질문의 완전한 탐구를 위해서 가장 적절한지 결정해야 한다.
Sampling in qualitative research is not just about ‘ how many ’ subjects to include in the study. Because quali- tative research explores social and experiential phe- nomena, deciding whom to include and exclude is a critical step in the sampling logic. A social phenome- non often engages a wide variety of participants, and the researcher must justify their decisions about who best to observe/interview and who to leave out of their study boundaries. While studies of individual experience clearly direct the researcher to observe/ask the individual, individuals rarely function in isolation, so the researcher must determine what additional con- texts are appropriate to a full exploration of the study questions.
- 누구? Who?
- 이 표본이 연구질문에 대한 답을 주는 자료를 제공해주는가?
Can this sample provide data that answer the research question? - 연구 세팅에서 모든 관련자들에게 다가가tap into는가?
Does the sample tap into all relevant participants in the research setting?
- 왜? Why?
- 연구대상자 선택이 정당화되어야 하며, 특히 모든 관련 그룹을 대표하지 못할 경우에 그러하다.
The choice of subjects must be justifi ed, particu-larly if it does not represent all potentially rele- vant groups.
- 얼마나? How much?
- 표본 크기는 숫자의 문제가 아니며, 문화나 현상의 탐구를 빈틈없이thorough할 수 있느냐의 문제이다. 종종 이러한 '빈틈없음'은 '포화'라는 용어로 나타나는데, 이는 우세적인 주제/경향이 반복적으로 나타나서 자료의 수집이 완결되는 것이며, 추가적인 자료 수집으로 새로운 이슈가 제기되지 않는 상태이다.
Sample size is not a matter of mere numbers: it is a matter of a thorough exploration of a culture or phenomenon. Often, such thoroughness is referred to as ‘ saturation ’ which means that data collection was considered complete when domi- nant themes/trends were recurrent and no new issues were arising from subsequent data collec- tion.
표본 추정은 다음을 근거로 정당화된다.
Sample estimations may be justifi ed by reference to:
- 방법론-기반 추정 method - based estimates (e.g. in - depth interviews) (45)
- 표집 전략 sampling strategy (e.g. theoretical, confi rming/dis- confi rming, snowball) (75)
- 과거 연구결과 past research fi ndings.
Box 22.8
표본의 특성이 구체화되면, 표집한 참여자들의 특성에 대한 정당화가 있어야 한다. 표집 전략이 잘 설명되어야 한다. '포화'에 대한 명확한 레퍼런스는 없으며, 우세적 주제dominant theme이 이를 함축한다고 볼 수 있다. 교수와 학생의 다양한 관점을 탐구하고자 할 때는 삼각측량이 적절할 것을 시사한다.
The nature of the sample is specifi ed, and justifi cation is provided for the types of participant sampled, which include various kinds of problem - based learning (PBL) tutors and students who may perceive confl ict resolution from different perspectives. Sampling strategies are well articulated. There is no explicit reference to satu- ration, although reference to the dominant themes implies this. A range of perspectives in faculty and students appears to be explored, suggesting that trian- gulation is adequate.
자료 수집: 진실성과 성찰성
Data collection: authenticity and reflexivity
교육 세팅에서 연구자들간의 위계적 관계(연구자가 교수이고 참여자가 피훈련자인 경우 등)는 자료수집의 진실성을 왜곡시키는 효과가 있을 수 있다. 취약한 입장의 참여자는 관측되는 행동을 변화시키거나 인터뷰에 대한 응답을 자기를 지키거나 연구자의 비위를 맞추거나 자신의 충성도를 보여주려는 목적으로 맞출 수 있다. 자료 수집 프로세스는 그러한 연구참여자의 동기나 행동을 고려해야 하며, 연구자는 자료의 진실성을 최대화하려고 노력해야 한다. 또한 그러한 위계적 상황에서 자료가 구성된다는 점을 성찰reflect해야 한다.
In educa- tional settings, hierarchical relationships between researchers, who may be medical faculty members, and participants, who may be trainees, can have a distorting effect on the authenticity of the data collec- tion. Participants in vulnerable positions may alter their observed behaviour or tailor their interview responses to safeguard themselves, to please the researcher or to advertise their membership in a group. Data collection processes must take such participant motives and actions into account, and researchers must both strategise to maximise the authenticity of their data and reflect on the ways in which the data are a construction of a research relationship in a hier- archical situation.
자료의 퀄리티를 최대화하기 위해서 질적연구자가 활용하는 흔한 전략 중 하나는 '삼각측량'이다. '삼각측량'은 지도 제작에서 온 용어로서, 지도에서 한 사람의 위치를 지도 위 다수의 다른 위치를 기준삼아 찾는 과정을 말한다. 질적연구에서 삼각측량의 프로세스는 다양한 '위치'의 사람들로부터 자료를 수집하여서, 연구자가 연구 현상을 다양한 관점에서 바라볼 수 있게 하는 것이며, 이를 통해 더 정제되고 포괄적인 이해를 할 수 있게 된다. 삼각측량은 가장 관련성이 있는 자료출처를 선택하고, 그것을 통합적으로 분석하며, 그 출처들이 서로를 어떻게 confirm하고 disconform하는지를 참구하는 것이다.
A common strategy used by qualitative researchers to maximise the quality of their data set is ‘ triangula- tion ’ Triangulation is a term from cartography, which refers to the process of fi nding one ’ s position on a map with reference to multiple other mapped positions. In a qualitative research study, the process of triangula- tion involves collecting data from multiple ‘ positions ’ so that the researcher can gain insight on the studied phenomenon from multiple perspectives, thus realis- ing a more refi ned and comprehensive understanding by the end of the research. Triangulation requires the selection of most relevant data sources and their inte- grated analysis, exploring how they confi rm or discon- fi rm one another.
- Has the researcher considered his or her relation to the study setting and subjects?
- Are the interview script and processes non - leading?
- How was the script developed?
- Was it piloted?
- Were questions appropriate to capture relevant insights?
- Has the Hawthorne effect been considered? The Hawthorne, or observer effect, is seen when observed participants act differently from how they would act if the observer were not present. (76)
- Were mechanisms to minimise the Hawthorne effect used, for example, prolonged engagement in the fi eld, time taken to establish trust and rapport, and observer comportment (e.g. dressing like an insider)?
- Was there a process for recording/refl ecting on the Hawthorne effect; for example, fi eld notes should record any references to observer presence, such as jokes made about being observed.
- Are data triangulated for maximal richness?
Are complementary data sets collected?
Are different forms of data/subject populations accessed?
자료분석: 명확성과 감사 추적
Data analysis: clarity and audit trails
질적연구에서의 분석 프로세스는 연구자가 기록transcript의 더미에서 어떻게 주제 카테고리를 뽑아냈는지에 대한 '의문mystique'이 없게 해야 한다. 그러나 이것이 질적연구에 '예술art'적 부분이 없음을 의미하는 것은 아니다.
The analysis process in qualitative research should be described such that there is little or no ‘ mystique ’ sur- rounding how the researchers went from a pile of tran- scripts to a list of thematic categories. This is not to suggest that there is no ‘ art ’ to qualitative analysis;
그러나 전체적으로 분석 프로세스의 단계는 명확하게 설명될 수 있으며, 출판되는 논문과 연구자의 연구노트 모두에 그렇게 기술되어야 한다. 이 기록은 자신의 분석과정을 검토하는 'audit trail'의 기초가 된다.
However, on the whole, the steps involved in the analysis process can be made explicit, and they should be both in a published manuscript and in the researchers ’ own journals, which can form the basis of an ‘ audit trail ’ to review their analytical journey.
고려할 질문들
Questions to consider include the following:
- 분석 프로세스가 잘 기술되었는가? Is the analysis process well described?
- 무엇을, 누가, 어떻게? Can you tell what was done, by whom and how?
- 내부 전문가가 코딩을 확인verify해 주었는가? Were insider experts used to verify coding samples?
- 다음의 핵심 측면이 분명하게 나와있는가? Were the following key aspects of analysis evident?
- '지속적 비교'가 명확한가? Is ‘ constant comparison ’ evident?
- 이견discrepancies은 어떻게 해소되었는가? How were discrepancies resolved?
- 연구참여자를 분석의 결과를 성찰하기 위하여 참여시키려는 시도가 있었는가? Was an attempt made to engage participants in reflecting on the results of the analysis?
- '관측결과로의 회귀'가 이뤄졌는가? 어떻게? Was ‘ return of findings ’ conducted? How?
- 소프트웨어를 사용하였는가? 적절한 방법으로? Was a software program used? Was its use appropriately described?
어떤 질적연구자들은 이들 절차적 원칙을 질적연구의 퀄리티를 측정하는 용도로 사용할 수 있다. Eakin이 주장한 바와 같이, 이러한 접근법은 질적연구의 복잡하고 non-formulaic 한 특성을 지나치게 단순화시키거나 왜곡하는 것일 수 있다. 대신, 논문의 'so what' factor, 즉 사회적 현상을 이해하는데 기여하는 능력이 가장 중요한 기준이 되기도 한다. 비슷하게 Sandelowski는 연구의 '유용성', 연구가 세상에서 '사용될' 힘이 또 다른 총체적 원칙이라고 하였다.
some qualitative researchers would argue with the broad application of any of these proceduralist principles as a way of measuring quality. As Eakin argues, this approach can oversimplify and distort the complex and non - formulaic nature of qualitative inquiry. Instead, the notion of a paper ’ s ‘ so what ’ factor – its ability to contribute to the understanding of a social phenomenon – is offered as the most important criterion. (77) Similarly, Sandelowski (70) has proposed a study ’ s ‘ utility ’ its power to ‘ be of use ’ in the world, as another holistic principle for consideration when evaluating qualita- tive research.
Chapter 22. Qualitative Research Methods in Medical Education
- Tim Swanwick
Published Online: 28 JUN 2010
DOI: 10.1002/9781444320282.ch22
Copyright © 2010 The Association for the Study of Medical Education
Book Title

Understanding Medical Education: Evidence, Theory and Practice
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