전임상단계 의대학생들에게 SRL의 발달: 강의 기반 교육과정과 PBL 교육과정의 비교(Adv in Health Sci Educ, 2016)

The development of self-regulated learning during the pre-clinical stage of medical school: a comparison between a lecture-based and a problem based curriculum

Susanna M. Lucieer1 • Jos N. van der Geest2 • Silvana M. Elo´i-Santos3 • Rosa M. Delbone de Faria3,4 • Laura Jonker5 • Chris Visscher5 • Remy M. J. P. Rikers6,8 • Axel P. N. Themmen1,7


의사들은 최신의 지식을 유지하고, 역량을 유지하고 향상시켜야 할 것으로 기대된다.

It is widely recognized that medical doctors are expected to stay updated with develop- ments in their field (Greveson and Spencer 2005; Brydges and Butler 2012) and maintain and improve their competencies (Artino et al. 2012; Brydges and Butler 2012; Dannefer and Prayson 2013).

Ertmer and Newby 에 따르면, 자기조절적 학습자는 스스로의 학습활동을 계획 및 조직학, 향상과정을 모니터링하며, 성찰하고 학습 프로세스를 평가하는 학습자이다.

According to Ertmer and Newby (1996), self-regulated learners are indi- viduals who plan and organize their learning activities, set goals, monitor their progress, reflect upon, and evaluate their learning process.

Hong and O’Neill 은 두 개의 동기부여적 요소로 노력effort와 자기효능감self-efficacy를 추가했다. 자기조절적 학습자는 높은 수준으로 노력하며, 꾸준한 노력으로 설정한 목표를 달성한다. Hong and O’Neill은 자기효능감을 주요한 요인으로 고려했는데, 이는 학습자가 스스로의 과제 완수에 대한 잠재력에 대해 가지는 신뢰이다. 학습자는 과제를 성공적으로 마칠 것이라고 스스로의 능력을 믿어야 할 필요가 있고, 자기조절학습 스킬을 활용하고자 하는 동기부여가 되어잇어야 한다.

Hong and O’Neill (2001) added two motivational components that play an important role in self-regulated learning: effort and self-efficacy. Self-regulated learners show high levels of effort, they persist and reach the goals that they have set. Hong and O’Neill also consider self-efficacy as a key factor in the learning process, since it refers to the amount of trust someone has in his/her own potential to complete the task. Learners need to believe in their own abilities to successfully complete a task and to be motivated to use self-regulated learning skills (Hong and O’Neil 2001; Sungur and Tekkaya 2006).


여러 연구들이 PBL학생들이 더 자기조절학습을 잘 하는 것으로 결론지은 바 있다.

Several studies concluded that PBL students become better self-regulated learners during their education,

그러나 학생들은 교육법이 무엇이든 어떤 식으로든 일부 자기조절학습 스킬을 습득할 것이란 주장도 있다.

However, it has also been argued that all students will adopt some self-regulated learning skills, independent of the educational approach (Loyens et al. 2008).






quasi-experimental cross-sectional study

This quasi-experimental cross-sectional study took place at two different medical schools in Belo Horizonte, Brazil.

브라질의 의과대학생 선발은 매우 경쟁이 심하므로 학교 간 입학생은 서로 대등comparable하다.

The students admitted are of a comparable level, since medicine is a very competitive field in Brazil and only those with very high qualifications are accepted to enter medical school (Castro 2012).





설문지: SRL-SRS

Questionnaire: Self-Regulation of Learning-Self-Report Scale

The students’ level of self-regulated learning skills was investigated using the Self- Regulation of Learning-Self-Report scale (SRL-SRS), which contains 50 items, each with a 4 or 5-point Likert scale, depending on the subsection of the questionnaire. The subscales are planning, monitoring, evaluation, reflection, effort, and self-efficacy, based on the definitions of self-regulated learning stated by Ertmer and Newby (1996), and Hong and O’Neill (2001). For example, a question in the subscale monitoring is:

  • 모니터링 문항 예시: ‘‘While making an assignment, I check my progress,’’

and an example from the subscale effort is:

  • 노력 문항 예시: ‘‘I keep trying to finish my assignment, even when I find the assignment extremely difficult’’.



자료 분석

Data analysis

효과크기: In addition, effect sizes, eta squared (g2), were con- verted. Values of .01, .06 and .14 indicate small, medium or large effects, respectively (Cohen 1988; Lakens 2013).






설문지 validation

Validation of the questionnaire

CFI 수행함

To determine the goodness of fit of the model, a confirmatory factor analysis (CFI) was performed.




대학 간, 학기 간 비교

Comparison of factor scores between and within universities and semesters

2학기와 6학기에서 6개 자기조절학습 스킬 중 3개가 하락함

The analysis shows that three of the six self-regulated learning skills developed negatively between the second and sixth semester of medical school.





교육과정 간 SRL 스킬 발달 비교

Differences in development of self-regulated learning skills between curricula

skill evaluation 항목에서만 유의한 상호작용효과가 나타남

The only, large, significant interaction effect was found on the skill evaluation, F(1382) = 6.718, p = .010, g2 = .256.





연구의 첫 번째 목적은, 의과대학 전임상교육 단계에서 의과대학생들의 자기조절학습 스킬이 발달하는가를 보는 것이었다. 기대했던바와는 달리, 3가지의 스킬(planning, monitoring, evaluation)이 2학기와 6학기 시점에서 하락한 것을 발견하였다.

The first aim of the present study was to investigate the development of medical students’ self-regulated learning skills during the pre-clinical stage of medical school. Instead of the expected increase in skills, we found that three self-regulated learning skills, e.g. planning, monitoring and evaluation, slightly decreased between the second and sixth semesters,while other skills did not change.

기존 연구들은 자기조절학습 기술이 여러 요인에 의해서 왜곡distort될 수 있음을 보여준다. 학생들은 어떻게 스스로의 학습을 조절하는지를 학습할 시간을 필요로 한다. 스케줄이 빡빡하면 학생이 SRL스킬을 발달시키기 위해 투자해야 하는 시간이 부족하게 되어 이러한 프로세스가 막힌다.

Studies have suggested that the development of self-regulated learning skills can be distorted by various factors (Moust et al. 2005; Schmidt et al. 2011; Frambach et al. 2012).Students need to have time to learn how to self-regulate their learning (Bjork et al. 2013).Busy time schedules could obstruct this process since they severely constrain the amount of time students can invest in the development of self-regulated learning skills (Schmidt et al. 2011).


SRL스킬의 사용과 교사/튜터에 대한 의존은 negative 상관관계가 있음이 보고된 바 있다. 학생이 더 구조화된structured 교육을 받으면, 그들은 SRL 스킬을 덜 사용한다.

It has also been shown that there is a negative correlation between the use of self-regulated learning skills and the dependence on a teacher or tutor; when students receive more structured education, they use less self-regulated learning skills (Premkumar et al. 2013).


마지막으로, 학생의 SRL보고가 얼마나 정확한지에 대한 결과는 일관되지 않다. 학생들은 자신의 SRL스킬을 과대평가하는 경향이 있으며, 따라서 2학기시점에서 6학기 시점에서보다 자신의 SRL스킬을 과대평가 했을 수 있으며, 이것이 SRL스킬의 발달을 확인하지 못한 이유일수도 있다.

Finally, research has indicated that there are mixed findings on how accurate students’ reports of self-regulated learning are. That is, they tend to overestimate their self- regulated learning skills (Zimmerman 2008), and it might be the case that the second semester students overestimated their skills more than the sixth semester students, which could be a reason why we did not find a development in self-regulated learning skills.

LB와 PBL교육과정을 비교했을 때, 두 교육과정 사이에 evaluation skill 발달의 차이가 있었다. 좀 더 자세히 보다면 LB 교육과정에서 evaluation skill의 하락이 있었기 때문이다.

For the second aim of this study, we compared the development of self-regulated learning skills between a LB and a PBL-curriculum. Here, we found a difference in the development of the skill evaluation between the two curricula. A closer look showed that this difference was caused by a negative development of evaluation in the LB-curriculum.


Hong, E., &O’Neil, H. F. (2001). Construct validation of a trait self-regulation model. International Journal of Psychology, 36(3), 186–194.






 2016 Mar;21(1):93-104. doi: 10.1007/s10459-015-9613-1. Epub 2015 May 29.

The development of self-regulated learning during the pre-clinical stage of medical school: a comparisonbetween a lecture-based and a problem-based curriculum.

Author information

  • 1Institute of Medical Education Research Rotterdam, Erasmus MC, Room AE-239, PO Box 2040, 3000 CA, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. s.lucieer@erasmusmc.nl.
  • 2Department of Neuroscience, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
  • 3Department of Medicine, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
  • 4Department of Medicine, Unifenas - Universidade José do Rosária Vellano, Alfenas, Brazil.
  • 5Center for Human Movement Sciences, University Medical Center Groningen, University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands.
  • 6Department of Psychology, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
  • 7Department of Sociel Sciences, Utrecht University, University College Roosevelt, Middelburg, The Netherlands.
  • 8Institute of Medical Education Research Rotterdam, Erasmus MC, Room AE-239, PO Box 2040, 3000 CA, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
  • 9Department of Internal Medicine, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.


Society expects physicians to always improve their competencies and to be up to date with developments in their field. Therefore, an important aim of medical schools is to educate future medical doctors to become self-regulated, lifelong learners. However, it is unclear if medical students become better self-regulated learners during the pre-clinical stage of medical school, and whether students develop self-regulated learning skills differently, dependent on the educational approach of their medical school. In a cross-sectional design, we investigated the development of 384medical students' self-regulated learning skills with the use of the Self-Regulation of Learning Self-Report Scale. Next, we compared thisdevelopment in students who enrolled in two distinct medical curricula: a problem-based curriculum and a lectured-based curriculum. Analysis showed that more skills decreased than increased during the pre-clinical stage of medical school, and that the difference between the curricula was mainly caused by a decrease in the skill evaluation in the lecture-based curriculum. These findings seem to suggest that, irrespective of thecurriculumself-regulated learning skills do not develop during medical school.


Lectured-based instruction; Lifelong learningMedical education; Problem-based learningSelf-regulated learning

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