▷PBL은 문제를 푸는 것(Problem Solving)그 자체가 아니라, 적절한 문제를 사용하여 지식과 이해의 수준을 높이는 것이다


▷ PBL 시나리오 쓰는 법

How to create effective PBL scenarios*

- Learning objectives likely to be defined by the students after studying the scenario should be consistent with the faculty learning objectives

- Problems should be appropriate to the stage of the curriculum and the level of the students’ understanding

- Scenarios should have sufficient intrinsic interest for the students or relevance to future practice

- Basic science should be presented in the context of a clinical scenario to encourage integration of knowledge

- Scenarios should contain cues to stimulate discussion and encourage students to seek explanations for the issues presented

- The problem should be sufficiently open, so that discussion is not curtailed too early in the process

- Scenarios should promote participation by the students in seeking information from various learning resources

*Adapted from Dolmans et al. Med Teacher 1997;19:185-9

▷ PBL을 활용한 교육과정 개발하기

(Designing and implementing a curriculum module using PBL supported by other teaching methods)

▷Staff Development

PBL에서 다루는 내용에 대한 전공자가 아니더라도, 열정적이고, 커리큘럼을 잘 알고, facilitation에 대한 훈련을 잘 받은 tutor라면 좋은 Tutor가 될 수 있다.

▷PBL의 장점과 단점



Student centred PBL—It fosters active learning, improved understanding, and retention and development of lifelong learning skills

Generic competencies—PBL allows students to develop generic skills and attitudes desirable in their future practice

Integration—PBL facilitates an integrated core curriculum 

Motivation—PBL is fun for students and tutors, and the process requires all students to be engaged in the learning process 

“Deep” learning—PBL fosters deep learning (students interact with learning materials, relate concepts to everyday activities, and improve their understanding) 

Constructivist approach—Students activate prior knowledge and build on existing conceptual knowledge framework

Tutors who can’t “teach”—Tutors enjoy passing on their own knowledge and understanding so may find PBL facilitation difficult and frustrating 

Human resources—More staff have to take part in the tutoring process 

Other resources—Large numbers of students need access to the same library and computer resources simultaneously 

Role models—Students may be deprived access to a particular inspirational teacher who in a traditional curriculum would deliver lectures to a large group 

Information overload—Students may be unsure how much self directed study to do and what information is relevant and useful

ABC of Learning and Teaching in Medicine

 2003 Feb 8;326(7384):328-30.

Problem based learning.

Wood DF.

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