Faculty development: Yesterday, today and tomorrow
1University of the United Arab Emirates, 2University of Stellenbosch, South Africa, 3University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
의학교육은 그 자체가 하나의 학문으로서 진호하였다. Medical faculty에게 요구되는 사회적 책무와 함께 가르치는 일에 대해서도 professionalization의 압박이 커지고 있다. 프로페셔널하고 역량있는 선생, 교육자, 연구자, 리더를 키우기 위해서는 교수개발(faculty development, FD)가 필요하다. 그러나 FD는 쉬운 일이 아디나. 조직 차원에서의 지지가 필요하고, 적절한 자원의 배분과 우수한 교육자를 인정해주는 것이 필요하다.
Medical education has evolved to become a discipline in its own right. With demands on medical faculties to be socially responsible and accountable, there is now increasing pressure for the professionalisation of teaching practice. Developing a cadre of professional and competent teachers, educators, researchers and leaders for their new roles and responsibilities in medical education requires faculty development. Faculty development is, however, not an easy task. It requires supportive institutional leadership, appropriate resource allocation and recognition for teaching excellence.
이 가이드는 의학분야 뿐만 아니라 관련된 보건분야를 막라하여 교육에 대한 교수의 새로운 역할을 위한 FD를 담당하고 있는 사람들을 위해 만들어졌다. FD 개발의 역사적 관점을 보여주고 FD 프로그램을 만들기 위해서 도움이 될 만한 프레임워크를 제공하고자 했다. 이 프레임워크는 FD 담당자들이 계획을 세우고, 도입하고, 평가하는데 도움을 줄 것이다.
This guide is designed to assist those charged with preparing faculty for their many new roles in teaching and education in both medical and allied health science education. It provides a historical perspective of faculty development and draws on the medical, health science and higher education literature to provide a number of frameworks that may be useful for designing tailored faculty development programmes. These frameworks can be used by faculty developers to systematically plan, implement and evaluate their staff development programmes.
마지막으로 이 가이드는 미래 FD를 이끌어나갈 주요 트렌드와 원동력을 짚어보았다.
This guide concludes with some of the major trends and driving forces in medical education that we believe will shape future faculty development.
FD를 이끄는 원동력은 무엇인가?
What drives faculty development?
Gruppen 등이 세 가지의 주된 원동력을 밝혔으며, 다른 몇 가지의 내적/외적 요인들이 있다.
While Gruppen et al. (2006) have identified three main driving forces (public accountability, the changing nature of health care delivery and the need to sustain academic vitality) of faculty development, several others, both internal and external, also warrant consideration.
내적 요인
A. Internal factors
조직 문화의 사회화 Socialization into the institutional culture.
교육을 위한 준비 Preparation for teaching.
대부분의 의과대학 교수들이 교육에 대해서 훈련을 받거나 준비과정을 거친 적이 거의 없는 것이 사실이다.
It would be true to say that most medical academics have received little or no training or preparation for their teaching responsibilities.
효과적이고 모범적인 교사, 교육자가 되는 과정은 발달과정과 같다. 한 사람이 어떻게 교육에 접근하는가는 교육/학습에 어떠한 개념을 가지고 있는지를 반영한다.
We believe that becoming an effective and exemplary teacher and then an educator is a developmental process (Riley 1993; Higgs & McAllister 2007a,b). It is generally accepted that one’s approach to teaching reflects one’s conception of teaching and learning (Trigwell 1995; Kember 1997; Prosser & Trigwell 1997; Lueddeke 2003; Richardson 2005; Prebble et al. 2004).
그 개념의 범위는 'reproductive', 즉 지식을 전달하는 것으로부터 'transformative' 즉 가르친다는 것은 인지적 측면 뿐만 아니라 정서적(affective) 측면의 변화까지 일으킨다는 것 까지 넓다. 가르쳐보는 경험만으로 transformative 라는 개념을 익히게 된다는 근거는 거의 없기 때문에 교수들이 교육을 더 잘 하도록 하려면 기관적 차원에서 이러한 개념을 가르쳐주고 지원하는 것이 필요하다.
Conceptions range from reproductive, in which teaching is perceived as knowledge transmission, to a transformative conception in which teaching is perceived as fostering not only cognitive but also affective change in learners. As there is little evidence suggesting that teaching experience alone promotes the adoption of transformative conceptions (Norton et al. 2005), it is becoming imperative that institutions invest in and support their teaching faculty in transforming their conceptions, which should then improve their teaching practice.
'교육'과 관련한 커리어를 밟는 사람들은 다음과 같은 논리적 과정을 거치게 된다.
"Teacher => Scholarly teacher => Educational scholar/Educational leader."
For individuals who choose a ‘teaching’ career path (i.e. personal development), this professional development can be followed through to its logical conclusion: from teacher, to scholarly teacher, to educational scholar (Cohen et al. 2005; Fincher & Work 2006) or perhaps educational leader (Eitel et al. 2000; Steinert et al. 2003; Rogers 2005; Cohen et al. 2005).
지원을 해주기 위해서는 교수들에게 조언을 해주고 피드백을 줘야 한다. 세 가지 모델이 있다.
To provide support, advice and feedback for teachers to improve their practice, Weimer and Lenze (1997) describe three models:
- The professional service model, in which a consultant provides organizational or technical support.
- The counselling model, in which a consultant assists teachers to seek solutions to their own problems and challenges.
- The collegial model, in which two peers provide mutual guidance.
이 세가지 모델을 조합해서 활용하는 것이 효과적일 것이다.
It is likely that a combination of these models will be effective, as each caters for different needs.
멘토링은 professional inquiry의 문화를 만들어서 새롭게 들어온 사람들이 두려워하지 않아도 되는 환경을 조성하고, 협력적 네트워크를 조성하고, 진로개발을 도와주며, 의미있는 academic encounter를 권장해준다.
Mentoring, through the creation of a culture of professional inquiry, may foster a nonthreatening environment for socializing newcomers, promoting collaborative networks, developing career paths and encouraging meaningful academic encounters (Pololi et al. 2002; Steinert 2005; Ramani 2006).
더 국제적인 관점에서 FAIMER의 성공은 멘토링 프로그램을 통해 국제적 네트워크와 협력 고리를 만들었기 때문에 가능한 것이었기도 한다.
In a more global context, part of the success of the Foundation for the Advancement of International Medical Education and Research (FAIMER) in terms of establishing international networks and collaborative links rests with its mentoring programme (Burdick et al. 2006).
학문적 활력 유지 Sustaining academic vitality.
교수들 사이에 스트레스와 burnout은 흔한 일이다.
Stress and burnout amongst medical teachers is common (Harden 1999).
academic vitality를 증진시키기 위해서는 적절한 FD프로그램이 적절한 보상/인센티브와 연계되어야 한다.
To promote academic vitality, appropriate faculty development programmes linked to rewards and incentives would assist in retaining teachers, clinicians, researchers and administrators (Bland & Stritter 1988; Hitchcock et al. 1993; Wilkerson & Irby 1998; Bligh 2005; Gruppen et al. 2006).
외적 요인
B. External factors
사회적 요구에 부응 Meeting society’s needs.
의학교육의 궁극적 목표가 의료전달을 향상시키는 것이기 때문에, 사회의 보건의료에 대한 요구는 지속적으로 변화한다.
While the overarching goal of medical education is to improve health care delivery (GMC 1993, Boelen 1999), the health care needs of society are constantly changing.
GMC에서는 다음과 같이 기술하고 있다.
GMC (1993) document:
의과학과 의학기술의 발전속도를 감안하면, 미래의 의사들은 지금은 전혀 본적도 없는 지식과 기술을 활용하게 될 것이다. 우리는 발견되지 않은 과학을 가르칠 수도 없을 뿐더러 미래를 예측할 수도 없다. 하지만 현재 의학기술과 의과학의 일부는 분명 살아남아 미래 의료의 근간을 이룰 것이다. 나머지에 대해서 우리가 할 수 있는 것은 의사들이 적응하고 변화할 수 있도록, 새로운 아이디어와 기술의 발전을 포용할 수 있도록, 전문직으로서의 평생에 걸친 학습태도를 지속할 수 있도록 가르치는 것 뿐이다.
Given the pace at which the horizons of medical science and technology expand, we can be certain that the doctors of tomorrow will be applying knowledge and deploying skills which are at present unforeseen . . . We cannot teach science that is as yet undiscovered nor can we forecast its future implications. But some of the present day art and science of medicine is fundamental to its practice and will certainly endure . . . For the rest, we can best strive to educate doctors capable of adaptation and change, with minds that can encompass new ideas and developments and with attitudes to learning that inspire the continuation of the educational process throughout professional life [p. 4].
개개 의대교수들에게는 막중한 책무와 사회적 책임이 따른다.
A considerable onus and social responsibility therefore rests with individual medical faculties
교육의 전문직화과 교육에 대한 책 Accountability and the professionalization of teaching practice.
삼차 교육에 있어서 책무는 피할 수 없는 현실이다. Brown이 약 십년 전에 지적한 것처럼 '교육에 대한 책임은 대학만 가지고 있는 것은 아니며, 대학이 하는 역할 중에서 학생/직원/기타 이해관계자가 관심을 두는 가장 대중적인 역할이다.
Accountability is a fact of life in tertiary education. As Brown (2000) pointed out almost a decade ago, ‘teaching is rarely the only occupation of an academic . . .. And yet it is the most public aspect of the work, in that students, employers and other stakeholders often focus on that part of the academic’s role’.
인증에 대한 여러 문헌들에서는 '측정가능한 성과'에 대해서 교수들이 가르치는 것을 'professionalize'해야 할 필요가 있으며, 이에 대해 보상받아야 할 것을 주장하고 있다. HPCSA에서는 '의과대학은 교육의 효과성에 대한 기준을 마련해야 한다. 의학교육에 대한 qualification이 승진에 반영되어야 한다'라고 하고 있다.
Measurable outcomes in many accreditation documents increasingly refer to the need for teachers to professionalise their practice, for which they should be rewarded (e.g. World Federation for Medical Education 2003, HPCSA 2004) – ‘Medical schools should establish effectiveness-related standards of performance for all teaching staff. . .. Qualifications in medical education should be recognized for promotion’ (HPCSA 2004).
Box3에서 다루고 있는 역량은 삼차교육에 종사하는 모든 교수들이 갖추어야 할 일반적인 기술과 능력을 평가하는 좋은 시작점이다.
(Box 3). Such competencies might be a good starting point for reflecting on generic skills and abilities of all teachers in tertiary education, including medical education.
인증에 대한 압박은 국경을 넘어 확장되고 있다.
the pressure for accreditation now extends beyond a country’s borders (Hamilton 2000; Lilley & Harden 2003; Stern et al. 2003; 2005; Karle 2006).
한 예로서 WFME는 staff development의 기본 기준을 다음과 같이 말하고 있다.
As an example, the WFME (2003) requires that as a basic standard of staff development
의과대학은 교육/연구/진료 능력에 대해서 균형잡힌 정책을 가져야 하며, 칭찬할 만한 업적에 대해서는 충분히 인정해줘야 한다.
‘the medical school must have a staff policy which addresses a balance of capacity for teaching, research and service functions, and ensures recognition of meritorious academic activities, with appropriate emphasis on both research attainment and teaching qualifications.’
의과대학 학생들을 의학의 지식과 기술을 가르치는 것 외에도 의과대학 졸업생은 가르칠 수 있는 능력을 지녀야 한다.
In addition to training medical students in the art and science of medicine, our medical graduates are also expected to teach.
미국 의과대학 학생연합(AMSA)는 Mount Sinai School of Medicine과 협동을 통해서 'Training Tomorrow's Teachers Today'라는 프로그램을 만들어서 학생들의 임상교육능력과 학문적 리더십 스킬을 높이고자 했다.
The American Medical Students’ Association, recognizing this omission, has proactively, in collaboration with Mount Sinai School of Medicine, designed the ‘Training Tomorrow’s Teachers Today’ programme to enhance students’ clinical teaching and academic leadership skills.
FD의 장애물은 무엇인가?
What are the barriers to faculty development?
Skeff등은 세 가지의 주된 장애물을 언급했다.
For Skeff et al. (1997b), three major barriers impact on faculty development: lack of institutional support, misconceptions and attitudes of teachers and the relative paucity of research on what constitutes effective teaching improvement.
학교 차원의 지원 부족
Lack of institutional support for faculty development
조직의 문화 Institutional culture
조직의 문화는 FD에 담겨지는 가치에 영향을 준다. 조직 내, 학문 내의 다양한 맥락적 상황적 요소가 이러한 mismatch에 영향을 준다.
The institutional culture affects the value ascribed to faculty development. A number of contextual and situational factors (e.g. leadership; appropriate rewards) within institutions and even within different disciplines may contribute to this mismatch, including the value assigned to teaching (Healey 2000; Knight & Trowler 2000; Richardson 2005; Norton et al. 2005).
연구가 승진의 'gold standard'인 기관에서 FD에 대한 참여가 떨어지고, FD가 하향식 접근법으로 여겨지는 상황에서도 비슷한 일이 생긴다.
At institutions where research remains the ‘gold standard’ for appointment and promotion, participation in faculty development may require negotiation. A similar situation could arise if faculty development is perceived as a political ‘top-down’ approach, with little or no personal or professional reward (Hill & Stephens 2004).
Boyer’s (1990) identification of four scholarships, followed by Glassick et al. (1997) criteria for measuring these scholarships, has provided a template for recognizing and rewarding excellence and scholarly activities in all spheres of academia.
교수들의 태도와 오해 Teachers’ attitudes and misconceptions.
교수들의 태도와 오해는 FD에 참여할 가능성을 낮춘다.
Teachers’ attitudes and misconceptions about their teaching reduce the likelihood of participation in faculty development (Skeff et al. 1997b).
FD의 장기적 효과에 대한 연구 부족 Paucity of research on long-term benefits of faculty development.
앞서 언급된 것처럼 의미있는 혹은 장기적인 효과는 연구된 바가 부족하다.
As mentioned earlier, meaningful or longterm outcomes of faculty development have generally not been measured or documented, despite several decades of research on and reported success of faculty development programmes (Skeff et al. 1997a, b; Guskey 2003; Prebble et al. 2004; Steinert 2005; Steinert et al. 2006).
FD가 진짜로 중요한가?
Does faculty development really matter?
만약 teaching이 student learning에 영향을 준다는 교육의 기본 전데를 받아들인다면, 교육에 대한 지식/교육 업무를 향상시킴으로서 학생에게 이득이 돌아갈 것이다. FD에 관한 문헌은 많지만 teaching practice에 변화가 있었는지, student learning이 향상되었는지에 관한 의미있는 결과를 보고한 연구는 적다.
If we accept the fundamental educational premise that teaching influences student learning (Lueddeke 2003; Prebble et al. 2004), then by improving educational knowledge and teaching practice, students should benefit. Despite a wealth of literature describing faculty development programmes in medical, health sciences and higher education, few studies document meaningful outcomes such as sustained changes in teaching practice or improved student learning (Skeff et al. 1997a; Prebble et al. 2004; Steinert et al. 2006; Knight et al. 2007; Williams et al. 2007).
이러한 측면에서 Prebble 등은 FD의 틀(frame)에 영향을 주는 네 개의 주된 요소를 주장했다.
In this regard, Prebble et al. (2004) identified four guiding influences, which can be used to frame faculty development.
These include:
(1) attributes and elements that contribute to good teaching practice,
(2) teachers’ beliefs and conceptions of teaching and learning that may positively influence student outcomes,
(3) a range of conceptual models of good teaching, and
(4) learners’ perceptions of what constitutes quality teaching.
1. 좋은 교육행동에 영향을 주는 요소들
1. Teaching elements and attributes contributing to good teaching practice.
학생들의 학습을 촉진하는 교육의 특질을 나열하는 것이 가능하다.
It has been possible to identify teaching attributes (from an extensive list) that promote student learning, such as those proposed by Cohen (1981) and Ramsden et al. (1995) (Box 4).
2. 교사가 교육에 대해 가지고 있는 믿음
2. Teachers’ beliefs about teaching.
교육과 학습에 대한 개념을 제대로 이해하고 있지 않으면, 교사들은 교육을 지식을 전달하는 것으로 보기 쉽다.
Without an awareness of their teaching and learning conceptions, teachers generally view their task as imparting knowledge.
3. 교수-학습에 대한 개념 모델
3. A conceptual model of teaching and learning.
학생 중심의 학습 접근법을 가지고 있는 교사들은...
In their view, teachers who adopt a ‘student-centred learning approach’ to teaching
(1) 학생의 학습의 관점에서 도달하고자 하는 것이 무엇인지에 대한 일관되고 분명한 관점을 가지고 있다.
(1) develop a coherent and articulated view of what they are trying to achieve in terms of student learning, and how they can achieve this (i.e. focus on student learning). Today, learning outcomes need to reflect more than just knowledge acquisition,
(2) 학생들이 planned learning context를 인지할 수 있는 다양한 방법을 활용한다.
(2) discover the many ways in which students perceive the planned learning context (i.e. take cognisance of the learning environment), and
(3) 자신의 분명한 관점을 학생들이 이해하도록 한다.
(3) ensure that students understand the articulated view (i.e. align teaching and learning).
따라서 FD의 주된 기능은 교수들이 자신의 teaching practice를 학생의 needs와 align시키는 것이다.
A major function of faculty development should therefore be about making teachers aware of aligning their teaching practice with the needs of students.
4. 가르침에 대한 학생의 인식
4. Students’ conceptions of teaching.
학생들이 자신들의 학습경험에 대해서 평가하도록 하는 것은 흔히 사용되는 방법이다. 많은 사람들이 믿는 바와 달리 학생들의 평가는 적절하게 사용되면 일반적으로 신뢰도도 높고, 편향이 적어서 피드백을 주기에 유용하다. 학생들의 평가는 FD의 좋은 시작점이다.
Asking students to assess the quality of their learning experiences is commonly used by institutions to guide faculty development. Contrary to what many academics may believe, student evaluation, provided it is used appropriately, is useful, generally reliable and is relatively unbiased in terms of providing feedback to individual faculty and administrators (Dunkin 1997). Student evaluation has been recommended as a good starting point for faculty development (Hitchcock et al. 1993; Trigwell 1995).
의학교육실(Medical Education Units Offices)이 FD에 기여한 바는 무엇인가?
What contributions have medical education units offices made to faculty development?
최조의 의학교육실(offices of medical education)은 1950년대 후반부터 1960년대 초반 사이에 세워졌다. 그들의 주된 업무는 기본적으로 의학교육 연구였다. 이후 1970년대 이후에 의학교육실/교실(medical education units/departments)들은 학부 의학교육을 지원하게 되었으나 교수들에게 새롭게 요구되기 시작한 책무에도 반응하고 있었다.
Although the first offices of medical education were set up in the late 1950s and early 1960s, their focus, according to Davis et al. (2005), was primarily medical education research. Later, in the 1970s, medical education units/departments were established to support undergraduate medical programmes, but probably also in response to the evolving responsibilities (and hence needs) of teachers (Tables 1 and 2).
1980년대와 1990년대에 PBL이 널리 퍼지면서 활동 영역이 더넓어졌고, 지난 20년간 FD의 초점은 개개 교수로부터 학과/조직의 요구에 이르게 되었다. 의학교육학과는 많은 의과대학에서 중요한 역할을 하게 되었다. 1993년 이전에는 의과대학에서 교육 전문가들을 거의 키우지 않았지만, 이제는 사회의 변화하는 요구에 맞춰서 새로운 기술을 익히고 학문적 협회를 발달시키는 역할을 하고 있다.
The widespread adoption of problem-based learning (PBL) in the late 1980s and 1990s then sparked a flurry of activity, resulting in education units appearing in many medical faculties. Over the past two decades, with the shift in focus of faculty development from the individual teacher to departments and institutional needs (Bland & Schmitz 1988; Benor 2000; Hill & Stephens 2004), medical education departments have become integral in a number of medical colleges. Educational specialists, a rare breed at medical schools prior to 1993 (Leinster 2003), but now highly sought after, are responsible for reskilling and developing the academic fraternity in the light of society’s changing health care needs. For a comprehensive discussion on the development and roles of a medical education unit, readers should consult AMEE Educational Guide No. 28 (Davis et al. 2005).
Med Teach. 2008;30(6):555-84. doi: 10.1080/01421590802109834.
Faculty development: yesterday, today and tomorrow.
Medical education has evolved to become a discipline in its own right. With demands on medical faculties to be socially responsible and accountable, there is now increasing pressure for the professionalisation of teaching practice. Developing a cadre of professional and competent teachers, educators, researchers and leaders for their new roles and responsibilities in medical education requires faculty development. Faculty development is, however, not an easy task. It requires supportive institutional leadership, appropriate resource allocation and recognition for teaching excellence. This guide is designed to assist those charged with preparing faculty for their many new roles in teaching and education in both medical and allied health science education. It provides a historical perspective of faculty development and draws on the medical, health science and higher education literature to provide a number of frameworks that may be useful for designing tailored faculty development programmes. These frameworks can be used byfaculty developers to systematically plan, implement and evaluate their staff development programmes. This guide concludes with some of the major trends and driving forces in medical education that we believe will shape future faculty development.
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