(출처 : http://webaccessibility.gmu.edu/barriers_DE.html)

의과대학의 교수개발 프로그램은 선생님으로서, 관리자로서, 연구자로서의 역할을 잘 할 수 있도록 돕기 위한 목적이 있다.

Faculty development programmes designed to assist faculty members to fulfil their multiple roles as teachers, administrators and researchers have developed a prominent profile in most medical schools

그러나 교수들이 교수개발 프로그램에 참여하고자 하는 동기에 대한 연구는 적다.

However, the literature on attendance and participation in these activities is scant and, to our knowledge, no one has looked at what motivates clinical teachers to participate in faculty development initiative

교수들의 교수개발 프로그램 참여와 관한 두 가지 연구 영역이 있다. 한가지는 의사들로 하여금 참석하게 만드는 요인은 무엇인가 하는 것이다.

Two areas of inquiry are pertinent to why faculty members participate in faculty development activities. The first is the broad field of continuing medical education (CME), in which several authors have examined what motivates doctors to attend formal events.

For example, McLeod and McLeod5 identified five important motivators

maintenance of professional competence; 

acquisition of new knowledge and skills; 

improvement of understanding of key concepts; 

elimination of clinical deficiencies, and reassurance that one is ‘doing it right’. 

In another study, Harrison and Hogg6 examined motivators for CME attendance and uncovered the following: 

obtaining information and updates; 

reassurance that practice behaviour lies within accepted guidelines, 

and interaction with specialist presenters.

참여의 장애물은 무엇인가에 대한 연구도 있다.

Although motivators for participation in faculty development have not been explored, several studies have looked at barriers

Skeff and colleagues7 identified the following barriers against participation in faculty development programmes focusing on teaching improvement: 

attitudes and misconceptions of teachers; 

insufficient support from the institution, 

and a lack of convincing research on the benefits of teaching improvement methods.

또 다른 연구.

(i) the clinical reality, which encompassed volume of work and a lack of (protected) time; 

(ii) logistical issues, which included the timing of sessions and the central location of organised activities, which was often viewed as ‘remote’; 

(iii) a perceived lack of financial reward and recognition for teaching, and 

(iv) a perceived lack of direction from, and connection to, the university.

이러한 연구결과를 바탕으로 이 논문에서는 다음을 보려고 한다.

'자주 참석하는 교수들'의 참석 동기는 무엇인가.

'자주 참석하는 교수들'이 생각하는 참여의 장애요인은 무엇인가

어떻게 참여를 높일 수 있을까.

Building on our previous findings, the goals of this study were: 

(i) to explore what motivates ‘frequent attendees’ to participate in centralised faculty development activities; 

(ii) to examine frequent attendees’ perceptions of the personal, professional and organisational barriers described by ‘non-attendees’ in our earlier study,8 and 

(iii) to identify strategies to enhance faculty development offerings.

임상 교수들의 인식

Clinical teachers’ perceptions of faculty development

연구 참여자들은 'teacher improvement'라고 보았다.

The focus group participants generally had a clear idea of the goals of faculty development. They saw it as linked to ‘teacher improvement’ and felt that faculty development provided support for teaching, validated the importance of teaching, and offered a venue for self-improvement as a teacher

자주 참석하는 사람들은 왜 자주 참석하는가

Reasons why some clinical teachers participate on a regular basis

개인적, 전문적 성장을 할 수 있음

Faculty development is seen as enabling personal and professional growth

‘I go to faculty development to have my batteries recharged…’

‘Yeah, it’s like a mini, not a mini-sabbatical, but like a mini-retreat...’

학습과 자기성장을 가치롭게 여기는 사람임

Learning and self-improvement are valued

‘I like to learn new things. I like to expand my horizons... I think it’s about our priorities and where our interests lie...’

워크숍 주제가 필요에 맞음

Workshop topics must be viewed as relevant to teachers’ needs

‘For me it’s topic-oriented. If I’m interested in the topic, then I go…’

‘What usually draws me in is the subject matter – if it is relevant to the work I do…’

다른 동료들과 네트워크를 이룰 수 있음

The opportunity to network with colleagues is appreciated

처음 해봤을 때의 경험이 긍정적이어서 계속 하게 됨.

Initial positive experiences promote ongoing involvement

"낚였다(getting hooked)" 

The value of early positive experiences – and the notion of ‘getting hooked’ 

‘Once they get there, they’ll stay there...’

장애요인에 대한 임상교수들의 인식 

Clinical teachers’ perceptions of barriers against participation

자주 참석하는 교수들과 참석하지 않는 교수들이 느끼는 장애요인이 유사하다는 사실을 눈여겨 볼 필요가 있다.

It is noteworthy that individuals who attended faculty development on a regular basis perceived the same barriers against participation as their colleagues who did not attend.8

또한 교수개발 프로그램의 '장소'(학교 안인가 학교 밖인가) 역시 중요한 상징적 의미를 갖는다.

Moreover, as in our previous study,8 the location of our faculty development activities had both ‘symbolic’ and practical implications

참여를 높이기 위한 방법 

Ways to increase clinical teachers’ participation

다음의 제안을 한다.

In response to the question of how we can attract individuals who do not attend on a regular basis, the following suggestions were made: 

• 사람들을 끌어모을 수 있는 "연수 친구" 시스템을 만든다. implement a buddy system to get junior faculty members ‘hooked’;

• 동료들을 대상으로 멘토 역할을 한다. mentor colleagues; 

• co-leader로서 참석할 교수를 초대한다. invite faculty members to participate as ‘co-leaders’; 

• 새로 부임한 교수를 위한 소개 프로그램을 만든다. develop an orientation programme for new faculty members, and

• 조직 문화를 바꾼다.change the ‘institutional culture’ by formally recognising and rewarding teaching and participation in faculty development.

‘We need to catch them when they’re young! We need to help them learn to navigate the hidden curriculum... the academic culture...’

'동기'이란 단어의 라틴어 어원은 '움직인다' 이다. "기대"와 "가치" (둘 다 '동기'와 관련이 된다.)의 역할에 대해 고민해볼 필요가 있다. 

The Latin root of the word ‘motivation’ means ‘to move’.16 It would be beneficial to investigate the roles played by expectancies and values (both related to motivation) in helping some clinical teachers ‘move’ out of their clinical reality to participate in faculty development activities

성공적인 community of practice과 관련된 다섯 가지 요인이 있다.

Lave and Wenger20 suggest that the success of a community of practice depends on five factors: 

the existence and sharing by the community of a common goal

the existence and use of knowledge to achieve that goal

the nature and importance of relationships formed among community members

the relationships between the community and those outside it, 

and the relationship between the work of the community and the value of the activity.

그 외에도 필요한 것들은 공동의 자원(언어, 이야기, Practice)이 있다.

community also requires a shared repertoire of common resources, including language, stories and practices.21 

많은 면에서 공동체진료의 한 구성원으로 속한다는 것은 교수개발의 중요한 촉진제 역할을 할 수 있다.

In multiple ways, belonging to a community of practice can be an important facilitator for faculty development, which in turn can lead to the creation of a community of practice.22 

의학교육자로서, 교수개발자로서, 동료들이 공동체의 가치를 생각하고, 공동체를 찾아나설 수 있게 해야한다.

As medical educators and faculty developers, we need to help our colleagues value the community of which they are a part (e.g. by celebrating its existence, members and resources) and find community (e.g. by building new networks, creating opportunities for exchange and support, and sustaining relationships). 

또한 교수개발이 '사회적 역할'이라는 인식을 가질 수 있게 해야 한다. 그래서 상황학습이 아닌 '성인학습(자)'의 원칙을 따를 수 있도록 해야 한다.

Moreover, if we begin to conceptualise faculty development as a social practice, these findings may have important implications for the design and delivery of faculty development activities which often follow principles of adult learning and instructional design, but do not explicitly consider principles of situated learning23,24 and the building of communities of practice.20,21

 2010 Sep;44(9):900-7. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2923.2010.03746.x.

Faculty development: if you build it, they will come.


Faculty Development Office, Faculty of Medicine, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. yvonne.steinert@mcgill.ca



The goals of this study were three-fold: to explore the reasons why some clinical teachers regularly attend centralised faculty development activities; to compare their responses with those of colleagues who do not attend, and to learn how we can make faculty development programmes more pertinent to teachers' needs.


In 2008-2009, we conducted focus groups with 23 clinical teachers who had participated in faculty development activities on a regular basis in order to ascertain their perceptions of faculty development, reasons for participation, and perceived barriers against involvement. Thematic analysis and research team consensus guided the data interpretation.


Reasons for regular participation included the perceptions that: faculty development enables personal and professional growth; learning and self-improvement are valued; workshop topics are viewed as relevant to teachers' needs; the opportunity to network with colleagues is appreciated, and initial positive experiences promote ongoing involvement. Barriers against participation mirrored those cited by non-attendees in an earlier study (e.g. volume of work, lack of time, logistical factors), but did not prevent participation. Suggestions for increasing participation included introducing a 'buddy system' for junior faculty members, an orientation workshop for new staff, and increased role-modelling and mentorship.


The conceptualisation of faculty development as a means to achieve specific objectives and the desire for relevant programming that addresses current needs (i.e., expectancies), together with an appreciation of learning, self-improvement and networking with colleagues (i.e., values), were highlighted as reasons for participation by regular attendees. Medical educators should consider these 'lessons learned' in the design and delivery of faculty development offerings. They should also continue to explore the notion of faculty development as a social practice and the application of motivational theories that include expectancy-value constructs to personal and professional development.

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