의과대학 선발: 여기서 어디로 가야 하는가? (AAMC)
Interviews in UME: Where Do We Go From Here?

2020년 이전에는 대부분의 의과대학에서 가상으로 입학 절차를 진행하는 것을 고려하지 않았을 것입니다. 하지만 세상이 바뀌면서 의과대학 교육(UME)이 도전에 나섰습니다. 혁신, 창의성, 열린 마음으로 학교는 가상 면접 형식을 효과적으로 채택할 수 있었습니다. 이제 코로나19 이후 시대에 교육기관은 각각 장단점이 있는 면접 형식 중에서 선택할 수 있습니다. 그렇다면 이제 어디로 가야 할까요? 
Before 2020, most medical schools wouldn’t have considered conducting their admissions process virtually. Then, the world changed, and undergraduate medical education (UME) rose to the challenge. With innovation, creativity, and open minds, schools were able to effectively adopt virtual interview formats. Now, in the post-COVID-19 era, institutions have a choice between interview formats that each have pros and cons. So where do we go from here?

AAMC는 의과대학이 가상 면접 형식을 사용하고, 가능하면 합격 후 방문 옵션을 제공할 것을 권장합니다.* 면접 비용을 줄이는 것은 접근성을 넓히고 형평성을 개선하는 데 중요한 단계이며, 설문조사에 따르면 지원자들은 가상 면접을 선호하며, 가상 면접은 환경에 미치는 영향을 줄이기 위한 노력과도 일치합니다. 
The AAMC recommends that medical schools use a virtual interview format and, when feasible, offer the option to visit after acceptance.* Reducing the cost of interviewing is a critical step in widening access and improving equity, our surveys indicate that applicants prefer virtual interviews, and virtual interviewing is consistent with our commitment to reduce environmental impact.

모든 의과대학은 고유한 사명, 목표, 맥락을 가지고 있으며, 따라서 정당한 이유에 따라 서로 다른 접근 방식을 취할 수 있습니다. 우리는 한 학교에 가장 적합한 방식이 다른 학교에는 적합하지 않을 수 있음을 잘 알고 있습니다. 각 교육기관은 고유한 맥락에서 면접 형식의 장단점을 평가하여 해당 학교에 가장 적합한 방식을 결정해야 합니다. 
Every medical school has their own unique mission, goals, and context, and thus may take different approaches for sound reasons. We recognize that what is best for one school may not be best for another. Each institution should evaluate the pros and cons of interview formats in their unique context to determine what is best for their school.

교육기관에 가장 적합한 면접 형식을 결정할 때 검토해야 할 5가지 주요 고려 사항을 요약했습니다. 표 1에는 한 형식을 다른 형식보다 선택하는 이유와 각 형식의 성공을 위한 단계가 요약되어 있습니다. 교육기관이 선택할 수 있는 모든 면접 형식을 지원하기 위해 지원자와 의과대학이 모두 사용할 수 있는 면접 리소스를 업데이트하기 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 
As you decide what interview format is best for your institution, we have summarized five key considerations for review. Table 1 summarizes reasons why you might choose one format over another and steps for success for each format. In support of all possible interview formats an institution may choose to conduct, we are working to update the interview resources available to applicants and medical schools alike.

*이 옵션은 TMDSAS 매치에 참여하는 교육기관에는 적용되지 않을 수 있습니다.
*This option may not be feasible for institutions that participate in a TMDSAS match. (Texas Medical & Dental Schools
Application Services)

주요 고려 사항 1: 의대 면접과 관련된 재정적 비용이 높습니다.
Key Consideration 1: The financial costs associated with interviewing for medical school are high.

지원자 설문조사에 따르면 면접과 관련된 비용은 지원 과정에서 비용이 많이 드는 부분입니다.1 지원자마다 상황은 다르지만 이러한 비용은 수백에서 수천 달러에 달할 수 있습니다. 최근 설문조사에서 의과 대학 지원자의 96%는 대면 면접에 비해 가상 면접을 통해 비용을 절감했다는 데 동의하거나 매우 동의했으며, 지원자의 85%는 가상 면접의 가장 큰 장점으로 재정적 영향 감소를 꼽았습니다. 재정적 제약은 지원자, 특히 사회경제적 배경이 낮은 학습자의 면접을 방해하는 장벽이 될 수 있습니다. 이러한 장벽은 가상 면접, 유연성이 필요한 지원자를 위한 하이브리드 옵션 또는 대면 면접에 대한 재정 지원 제공을 통해 완화할 수 있습니다. 
According to applicant surveys, the costs associated with interviewing are an expensive aspect of the application process.1 While every applicant’s situation is unique, these costs can range from hundreds to thousands of dollars. In our recent survey, 96% of medical school applicants agreed or strongly agreed that they saved money interviewing virtually compared to what they might have spent on in-person interviews, and 85% of applicants named reduced financial impact as the top advantage of interviewing virtually. Financial constraints can be a barrier that prevent applicants from interviewing, especially learners from lower socioeconomic backgrounds. This barrier can be mitigated through virtual interviews, a hybrid option for applicants who need flexibility, or offering financial support for in-person interviewing.

"가상 면접 형식은 축복과도 같았습니다. 재정적, 일정상의 이유로 참석하지 못했을 면접에 참석할 수 있었기 때문입니다. 덕분에 지원 절차가 더 공평해졌다고 생각합니다. 의대 지원뿐만 아니라 레지던트 지원에서도 모든 학교의 표준이 되어야 한다고 생각합니다."
“The virtual interview format was a blessing in disguise. I was able to attend interviews that I otherwise would not have been able to attend due to financial and scheduling reasons. This makes the application process more equitable in my opinion. I believe it should be a standard across all schools for not only medical school applications, but also residency applications.”

2023 AMCAS® applicant

주요 고려 사항 2: 의과대학, 교육 병원 및 의료 시스템, AAMC는 탄소 발자국을 줄이기 위해 노력해 왔습니다. 
Key Consideration 2: Medical schools, teaching hospitals and health systems, and the AAMC have made commitments to reduce their carbon footprints. 

의료 부문은 미국 온실가스 배출량의 8~10%2, 전 세계 온실가스 배출량의 4분의 1을 담당하고 있습니다. 전 세계인의 건강 증진을 사명으로 하는 학술 의학은 21세기 최대의 건강 위협인 기후 위기에 큰 기여를 하고 있으며, 따라서 기후 위기 해결에 중요한 역할을 담당하고 있습니다. 
The health care sector is responsible for 8%-10% of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the United States2 and a quarter of all global GHG emissions. Academic medicine, whose mission is to improve the health of people everywhere, makes a major contribution to the climate crisis — the greatest health threat of the 21st century — and therefore has an important role to play in resolving it.

가상 인터뷰 옵션을 늘리면 학계가 커뮤니티의 탄소 발자국을 줄임으로써 지속 가능성에 집중할 수 있는 기회를 제공합니다. 초기 연구2,3에 따르면 가상 면접은 학술 의학이 기후에 미치는 영향을 줄일 수 있는 잠재력을 가지고 있습니다. 
Increasing options for virtual interviews offers the opportunity for academic medicine to focus on sustainability by reducing our community’s carbon footprint. Early studies2,3 support that virtual interviews have the potential to reduce the climate impact of academic medicine.

"온라인/가상 형식으로 면접을 진행하게 되어 재정적, 환경적으로 비용을 절감할 수 있어서 정말 감사하게 생각합니다. 전 세계에 대한 탄소 배출 관련 기여를 줄이기 위해 가능한 한 가상 행사로 전환함으로써 세계와 경제에 더 많은 혜택을 줄 수 있다고 믿습니다."
“I truly appreciated the interview format commencing through an online/virtual format because I was grateful for the reduced cost — financially and environmentally speaking. I believe that the world and economy can benefit more — so long as it's done right — from transitioning into virtual events as much as possible to mitigate some of our carbon emission-related contributions to the world.”

2023 AMCAS applicant

주요 고려사항 3: 대부분의 지원자가 가상 면접을 선호합니다.
Key Consideration 3: Most applicants prefer virtual interviews.

의과대학 지원자를 대상으로 한 설문조사에 따르면 지원자의 90%가 가상 면접 또는 가상 면접 형식을 선호했습니다. 응답자들은 가상 면접의 3대 장점으로 재정적 영향 감소, 이동 시간 단축, 일정 유연성을 꼽았습니다. 포커스 그룹에서는 의과대학과 레지던트 지원자 모두 가상 면접이 이동 시간과 비용을 줄여주기 때문에 선호되는 형식이라고 강조했습니다. 
Our survey of medical school applicants showed that 90% of applicants preferred virtual or the option of virtual interview format. Respondents named reduced financial impact, reduced travel time, and scheduling flexibility as the top three advantages of interviewing virtually. In focus groups, both medical school and residency applicants emphasized that virtual interviews reduced travel time and cost and therefore were considered the favorable format.

"가상 면접을 쉽게 일정조율할 수 있다는 점과 이 방식의 재정적 효과는 학생들이 가상 환경에서 놓치는 것보다 훨씬 더 큽니다. 면접은 원격으로 진행하되 '세컨드 룩 위크엔드'는 직접 대면하는 모델은 합격한 학생들이 캠퍼스를 직접 방문하는 데 필요한 투자로부터 가장 큰 혜택을 볼 수 있기 때문에 합리적입니다. 전반적으로 이 방식은 학생들에게 더 공평하고 재정적 장벽을 낮추기 때문에 앞으로도 계속 유지되어야 한다고 생각합니다."
“The ease with which virtual interviews can be scheduled and the financial implications of this modality far outweigh what the students miss in the virtual environment. A model in which interviews are remote but "Second Look Weekends" are in-person makes sense since accepted students may benefit most from the investment necessary to physically visit the campus. Overall, I believe this modality should remain in the future, as it seems more equitable for students and reduces financial barriers.”

2023 AMCAS applicant

주요 고려사항 4: 대면 면접과 관련된 이동으로 인해 학교, 직장 및/또는 기타 약속을 떠나 보내는 시간은 지원자가 감당하기에는 지나친 부담입니다.
Key Consideration 4: Time spent away from school, work, and/or other commitments due to travel associated with in-person interviews is an undue burden for applicants to bear.

면접은 재정적으로 부담이 될 뿐만 아니라 선발 과정에서 시간이 많이 소요되는 부분입니다. 대면 면접과 관련된 이동은 다양한 수준의 스트레스를 수반하는 부담이며, 지원자의 사회경제적 지위, 가족 구조, 소셜 네트워크 등에 따라 지원자가 이용할 수 있는 기회를 제한할 가능성이 있습니다.
In addition to being financially taxing, interviewing is notably a time-consuming part of the selection process. Travel associated with in-person interviews is a burden with varying levels of stress and has the potential to limit the opportunities available to applicants depending on their socioeconomic status, family structures, social networks, etc.

"저소득층 1세대 학생으로서 가상으로 면접을 볼 수 있다는 것은 저에게 큰 도움이 되었습니다. 며칠씩 휴가를 내거나 숙박비로 과도한 비용을 지출할 필요가 없었죠."
“As a low-income first-generation student, being able to interview virtually was a big help to me. I did not have to take multiple days off work and spend an excessive amount of money on accommodations.”

2023 AMCAS applicant

주요 고려사항 5: 평가와 채용 노력을 분리하는 것은 지원자가 선호하는 방법이자 면접 평가의 편향성 위험을 완화하는 중요한 단계입니다.
Key Consideration 5: Separating assessment and recruitment efforts is both an applicant preference and an important step to mitigating the risk of bias in interview ratings.

인터뷰에 초대된 AMCAS 지원자를 대상으로 한 설문조사에서 지원자들은 의과대학과 해당 커뮤니티를 방문하여 문화와 적합성을 이해하고 평가하고 싶다고 답했습니다. 의과대학 역시 같은 이유로 지원자들을 캠퍼스와 커뮤니티로 초대하고 싶어한다는 것을 알고 있습니다. 그러나 지원자들은 합격이 결정된 후 관심 있는 의과대학을 방문함으로써 문화와 적합성을 합리적으로 평가할 수 있다고 언급했습니다.
In our survey of AMCAS applicants invited to interview, applicants expressed that they do want to visit medical schools and their communities to understand and appreciate culture and fit. And we know that medical schools wish to welcome applicants to their campuses and communities for the same reasons. However, applicants noted that they could reasonably assess culture and fit by visiting medical schools of interest after acceptance is offered.

모범 사례로, 면접과 같은 평가 활동은 학교의 채용 노력과 별도로 진행하여 면접 이외의 상호작용이 면접 평가에 편견이나 관련 없는 정보를 도입하지 않도록 해야 합니다.
As a best practice, assessment activities, such as the interview, should be conducted separately from a school’s recruitment efforts to ensure that interactions outside the interview do not introduce bias or irrelevant information into your interview evaluation.

합격 후 제공되는 선택적 대면 행사의 경우, 대면 행사의 접근성을 높이기 위해 교육기관에서 학비 지원 프로그램 수혜자에게 여행 및 숙박 비용을 상쇄할 수 있는 장학금을 제공할 수 있는지 고려하는 것이 좋습니다.
For optional in-person events offered after acceptance, we suggest considering whether your institution can offer stipends to Fee Assistance Program recipients to offset the cost of travel and accommodations, to make in-person events more accessible.

"의대에 지원하는 데 드는 재정적 부담은 일부 학생들에게는 큰 장애물이 될 수 있습니다. 가상 형식이 제공되지 않았다면 저는 많은 면접에 참여할 수 없었을 것이고, 결국 합격의 기회도 제한되었을 것입니다. 가상 형식을 통해 프로그램 문화와 환경을 판단하는 데 더 어려움을 겪었지만, 방문일(상위 몇 명의 합격자)에 선택적으로 참석할 수 있었기 때문에 나중에 결정을 내리는 데 도움이 되었습니다."
“The financial burden of applying to medical school can be a great obstacle for some. I would not have been able to participate in as many interviews (in turn limiting my opportunities for acceptance), if it had not been for the virtual format provided. Even though I had a harder time determining the program culture and environment through the virtual format, I was able to selectively attend visit days (top few acceptances) to help me make that decision later on in the cycle.”

2023 AMCAS applicant

표 1. 특정 면접 형식을 다른 형식보다 선택하는 이유와 각 형식별 성공 단계.
Table 1. Reasons you might choose one interview format over another and steps to success for each.

Interview Format Reasons You Might Choose an Interview Format Steps to Success
Virtual Only
  • Many applicants are out-of-state or require travel.
  • Commitment to reducing carbon footprint. 
  • Flexibility in scheduling. 
  • Offer virtual recruiting activities to all applicants.
  • Offer in-person visit days for accepted applicants only.†
  • Develop technology standards and training for faculty conducting virtual interviews.
Hybrid (i.e., an applicant can select either in-person or virtual interviews)
  • Mix of local and out-of-state applicant pool.
  • Need to showcase less well-known or rural area.
  • Flexibility in scheduling.
  • Gives applicants and faculty choice.
  • Implement policies, procedures, and interviewer training to ensure standardization across formats and to mitigate risk of bias.
  • Ensure admissions/selection committees are blinded to interview format.
  • Inform applicants about steps taken to make the hybrid approach equitable.
  • Offer virtual recruiting activities to all applicants.
  • Offer in-person visit day for accepted applicants only.†
In-Person Only
  • Most applicants are not out-of-state or do not require extended travel plans.
  • Limited financial resources to purchase virtual interview software.
  • Need to showcase less well-known or rural area.
  • Offer financial support to Fee Assistance Program or other applicants who need it for travel.

†This option may not be feasible for medical schools that participate in a TMDSAS match.


출처: https://www.aamc.org/about-us/mission-areas/medical-education/interviews-ume-where-do-we-go-here

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