소그룹학습에 대한 학생 인식(Med Educ, 2004)
Student perceptions of effective small group teaching (Med Educ, 2004)
Yvonne Steinert
SG teaching은 UME에서 점차 중요해짐.
Small group teaching has become an increasingly important component of undergraduate medical education.
다음의 연구가 된 바있음
Several studies have looked at
student perceptions of effective tutors in PBL curricula.2–5
In addition, 1 study has examined student and faculty perceptions of group dynamics in PBL tutorials,6 and
several others have examined student conceptions of learn- ing during different PBL experiences.7–9
The major focus of all these studies was on tutor characteristics in PBL curricula, and little attention was given to other aspects of small group functioning, including the value of specific pedagogical materials and resources (e.g. written cases).10
다음의 질문에 답하기 위해서
The goal of this study was to assess student percep- tions of effective small group teaching in preclinical undergraduate medical education
• What makes for an effective small group?
• What are the goals of small group teaching?
• What makes for an effective small group tutor?
• What makes for an effective case?
• What makes for effective small group evaluations?
교육 맥락
Educational context
The Faculty of Medicine at McGill University offers a 4-year undergraduate curriculum. This curriculum was revised in the autumn of 1994 to promote an integrated, systems-based approach to preclinical training. Although the faculty did not adopt a PBL curriculum, there was a strong commitment to decreasing the number of large class lectures and to increasing small group teaching, so that at least 50% of student contact time would occur in a laboratory or small group setting.
The preclinical curriculum, entitled the Basis of Medicine , occupies the first 18 months of the undergraduate curriculum. It consists of 9 system- based units (e.g. molecules, cells and tissues; gas, fluids and electrolytes; endocrinology, metabolism and nutrition) that focus on normal structure and function, with a progression to abnormal structure and function, disease prevention and therapy.
During the Basis of Medicine, students spend approximately 50% of their time in small groups designed to complement and reinforce the lecture content. Clinical cases are used to guide students through the small group process, and groups meet approximately 2 to 4 times per week, depending on the individual unit. The groups of students remain stable over several months, but the tutors change according to the topics under discussion as they are expected to possess content expertise. Students are assessed on their small group participation, prepar- edness and responses to short quizzes that are administered at either the beginning or end of a small group session.
Focuse Group을 활용함
Focus groups were used to assess student percep- tions of effective small group teaching in the Basis of Medicine.
고등교육에서 교육과정 계획과 평가에 널리 사용
Focus groups have been used effect- ively for programme evaluation in higher educa- tion11,12 and for curriculum planning and evaluation in medicine.13–16 -
비용이 저렴하고 소비자의 관점에서 자료 수집
This technique is considered to be an inexpensive method of gath- ering qualitative data17 and is well suited to obtaining such information from the consumer’s point of view.13 -
그룹 상호작용에 따라 이뤄짐
As Frasier et al.16 stated, Focus groups draw on group interaction, combining elements of individuals interacting with one an- other and participant observation. -
그룹 상호작용을 자료로서 활용하며, 상호작용이 없이는 수집하기 어려운 자료를 활용할 수 있게 함
Focus groups also make explicit use of group interaction to produce data and insights that would be less accessible without the interaction found in such a group.18 -
따라서 적절하다고 판단
Given that the aim of this study was to assess student perceptions of effective small groups, this methodology was considered particularly appropriate.
This study will report on 6 focus groups held in the springs of 3 years, from 1996 to 1998.
학생 모집
Student recruitment and conduct of the focus groups
In order to allow for dropouts and cancellations, 8~10 student representatives were invited to attend each focus group.18 The groups were kept small to allow for full participation as well as in-depth discussion of the topic.16
The author, a clinical psychologist with 20 years of experience in medical education, facilitated the focus groups. Although she knew some of the students from her involvement in the undergraduate curricu- lum committee, she was not responsible for their educational programme or evaluation.
The following questions guided the focus group discussion:
• What makes for an effective small group?
• What are the goals of small group teaching?
• What makes for an effective small group tutor?
• What makes for an effective case?
• What makes for effective small group evaluations?
• What message would you like to give your tutors?
• What message do you think your tutors would like to give you?
All of the questions were tested in a prestudy pilot to ensure clarity, precision and comprehen- siveness. The term effective was not defined for the students as we wished to assess their perceptions of effectiveness. Additional probes, designed in advance, were used to supplement each question if the students did not spontaneously provide the relevant information.
Each focus group lasted approximately 90 minutes to allow key themes and issues to emerge. The discus- sions were held at the end of the day in the Faculty of Medicine, at a time convenient for the students. All of the focus groups were audiotaped and transcribed verbatim. A research assistant, a graduate student in educational psychology, was present during the focus groups to take field notes. The moderator and research assistant introduced themselves to the group but the students did not, in order to ensure anonymity on the transcripts. To promote candour in the students’ responses, confidentiality was stressed; the students were also assured that any report of findings would be generic and not attributed to specific individuals.
Ethnographic content analysis guided the data ana- lysis.19 The transcripts were examined independently, by the author and the research assistant, to identify key words, phrases and concepts. Similarities and potential connections among key words, phrases and concepts, within and among the focus groups, were identified and discussed, and initial coding categories were identified. The content of each transcript was then analysed using these categories, and additional codes for newly emerging topics were created as needed, allowing for an iterative process throughout the analysis. Coding discrepancies were reconciled through discussions between the author and the research assistant. The final stage of analysis involved the reduction of all data sources into the final coding categories, the development of major themes and the identification of exemplar quotes illustrating each theme.
The transcripts ranged from 14 to 22 pages in length. Each was read for general clarity and comprehension prior to the coding. Moderator notes from each session also supplemented the text. Once the tran- scripts were analysed, preliminary findings were presented to the members of 2 Faculty of Medicine committees, for feedback and discussion.
Of the 54 students invited to participate, 46 attended. The students who attended and those who did not were similar in age, gender and years of education.
효과적인 소그룹을 만드는 것은?
What makes for an effective small group?
Table 1 summarises the 6 major items
Table 1 Student perceptions of effective small groups
Small groups should include:
Effective small group tutors
긍정적 인 집단 분위기
A positive group atmosphere
적극적인 학생 참여 및 그룹 상호 작용
Active student participation and group interaction
소그룹 목표 준수
Adherence to small group goals
임상 관련성 및 통합
Clinical relevance and integration
사고와 문제 해결을 촉진하는 사례
Cases that promote thinking and problem solving
1학년과 2학년 사이에 2가지만 달랐다.
Interestingly, however, these were the only 2 areas in which Year 1 and 2 students differed; attention to student roles and methods of evaluation were emphasised more by Year 1 students.
소그룹 교육의 목표는?
What are the goals of small group teaching?
학생들은 소그룹 교육의 목표가 항상 충족되는 것은 아니라고 우려했습니다. 그들의 관점에서, 소그룹 가르침의 주요 목표는 참여자들이 다음을 할 수 있게 하는 것.
The students concern that the goals of small group teaching were not always met. From their perspective, the major goals of small group teaching were to allow participants:
• 질문하고 생각할 수있는 것.
to be able to ask questions and think things through;
• 자료에 대한 이해를 확인합니다.
to check out their understanding of the material;
• 팀으로 일하고 서로에게서 배울 수 있습니다.
to work as a team and to learn from each other;
• 임상 또는 실제 생활 상황에 콘텐츠를 적용하고
to apply content to clinical or real life situations, and
• 문제 해결법을 배우기
to learn to problem solve
효과적인 소그룹 튜터는?
What makes for an effective small group tutor?
모든 포커스 그룹은 학습에 필수적인 것인 교사 특성으로 동일한 것을 언급했다. 이것은 사고와 문제 해결을 장려하고 위협적이지 않고, 상호 작용을 고무하고, 강의하지 않고, 임상 적 관련성을 강조, 그 장소에 있고싶어 하는 사람. 사실,이 질문에 대한 응답은 소그룹 가르침의 목표와 토론중인 내용 영역의 개인 특성, 촉진 기술 및 지식의 3 가지 주요 범주로 나눌 수 있습니다.
All the focus groups identified the same tutor characteristics as essential to learning. These des- cribed an individual who
promoted thinking and problem solving,
was not threatening,
encouraged interaction,
did not lecture,
highlighted clinical relevance, and
wanted to be there.
셋으로 분류 가능
In fact, the responses to this question could be divided into 3 main categories:
personal attributes,
facilitation skills and knowledge – of both the goals of small group teaching and
the content area under discussion.
일부 학생들이 언급 한 추가 특징에는 소그룹 교수법의 목표를 이해하고, 사례를 잘 사용했으며, 소그룹 목표를 요약하고, 토론을 잊지 않고 요약해준 경우가 포함되었습니다.
Additional characteristics mentioned by some of the students included tutors who understood the goals of small group teaching, who used the cases well, who outlined the small group objectives, and who remembered to summarise the discussion.
효과적인 케이스의 특징은?
What makes for an effective case?
효과적인 case에 대한 학생의 견해에는 명확한 목표를 가지고 있고, 미리 할당되지 않았으며, 소그룹에서의 문제 해결과 토론을 장려하고 이전에 준비된 자료의 반복이나 역류로 이어지지 않은 사례가 포함되었습니다.
Student views of effective cases included cases
목표 명확 that had clear objectives,
미리 할당되지 않음 that were not preassigned,
문제해결과 토론 장려 that encouraged problem solving and discussion in the small group, and
이전에 준비한 자료를 반복하거나 그것만 뱉어내면 되는 것이 아닌 것 that did not lead to the repetition or regurgitation of previously prepared material.
6 개 그룹 전체에서 학생들은 신비 케이스라고 부르는 것의 가치를 강조했습니다. 이것은 전에 보지 못했고 이전에 획득 한 사실이나 해결책의 역류를 허용하지 않는 경우를 언급했습니다.
Throughout all of the 6 groups, students highlighted the value of what they called mystery cases. This referred to cases that they had not seen before and that did not allow for the regurgitation of previously acquired facts or solutions:
또한 학생들은 임상적 관련성의 중요성, 질문의 명확성 및 토론해야 하는 사례 수를 강조했습니다. 그들은 종종 그들이 너무 많은 사례를 받았거나 토론 할 시간이 충분하지 않다고 느꼈다고 말했다. 또한, 학생들은 사례를 확대하거나 다른 임상 상황으로 일반화 된 문제를 확대하여 제시된 사례를 넘어선 교사들에게 감사했습니다.
Students also highlighted the importance of the clinical relevance of cases, the clarity of questions asked, and the number of cases under discussion at any particular time. They stated that they often felt they were given too many cases or not enough time to discuss them. In addition, students appreciated tutors who went beyond the presented case, by expanding on the case or generalising issues to another clinical situation.
효과적인 평가는?
What makes for effective evaluations in small groups?
소그룹 평가의 일환으로 자주 사용되는 짧은 퀴즈의 가치는 그룹별로 크게 다양했습니다. 학생들 중 일부는 퀴즈가 소그룹 세션 준비, 사례 토론 집중, 과정 내용 이해에 대한 피드백 제공에 도움이된다고 생각했습니다. 다른 사람들은 퀴즈가 너무 많아서 도움이되지 않으며 학습을 방해한다고 느꼈습니다.
The perceived value of short quizzes, which are frequently used as part of our small group assess- ment, varied greatly from group to group. Some of the students felt that the quizzes were helpful in getting them to prepare for the small group session, in focusing the case discussion, and in giving them feedback on their understanding of course content. Others felt there were too many quizzes, that they were not helpful, and that they inhibited learning.
일반적으로 퀴즈는
소그룹 교사가 학생과의 답변을 검토 (즉각적인 피드백 제공)할 때,
사례 토론에 초점을 맞출 때
세션 마지막에 논의 된 개념들을 강화하기 위한 목적으로 진행될 때 도움이 된다고 했음.
또한 학생들은 내용에 대한 지식이나 정답을 줄 수있는 능력보다는 그룹 구성원으로서의 참여에 대한 평가 기회를 환영했습니다.
In general, quizzes were seen as more helpful when the small group tutor reviewed the answers with the students (to provide immediate feedback), when the quizzes focused on the case discussion, and when they were held at the end of the session to reinforce the concepts discussed. Students also welcomed the opportunity to be assessed on their participation as a group member rather than on their knowledge of the content or their ability to give the right answer:
튜터에게 주고 싶은 메시지는?
What message would you like to give your tutors?
• relax;
• be excited to be there;
• we are there to learn, not to be drilled;
• remember that we are only students;
• we all come from very different backgrounds;
• tell us when you don’t know, and
• please don’t lecture in the small group.
• 긴장 푸세요;
• 즐기는 모습을 보여주세요;
• 우리는 배우려고 왔습니다
• 우리는 단지 학생이라는 것을 기억하십시오;
• 우리 모두는 매우 다른 배경에서 왔습니다.
• 모를 때는 모른다고 하세요
• 소그룹에서 강의하지 마십시오.
튜터는 학생에게 어떤 메시지를 주고 싶어할까?
What message do you think your tutors would like to give you?
• relax;
• give each other a chance;
• prepare;
• don’t be afraid to be wrong;
• don’t worry so much, and
• don’t appear as if you know everything.
• 긴장 풀어요
• 서로에게 기회를 제공하십시오;
• 준비하십시오;
• 틀릴까봐 두려워하지 마십시오.
• 너무 걱정하지 마십시오.
• 모든 것을 알고있는 것처럼 보일 필요는 없어요
매우 비슷함.
The similarity between tutor and student messages was striking, as was the lack of differences in input between Year 1 and 2 students.
이 연구 결과는 학생들이
교사의 특성,
위협적이지 않은 집단 분위기,
그룹 상호 작용,
임상 관련성 및 통합,
문제 해결 및 사고를 통합 시스템
...을 효과적인 소그룹의 가장 중요한 특징으로 인식한다는 것을 찾아냄. .
This study’s findings indicated that students identified tutor characteristics, a non-threatening group atmosphere, group interaction, clinical rele- vance and integration, and pedagogical materials that encourage problem solving and thinking as the most important characteristics of effective small groups in an integrated, systems-based curriculum.
교사 특성의 중요성에 대한 학생들의 의견은 문헌과 일치했다 .3,9,20,21
Student comments about the importance of tutor characteristics were consistent with the litera- ture.3,9,20,21
우리가 일반적으로 FD워크샵에서 소그룹 교수법 (예 : 목표 설정, 요약 및 종합)에 대한 skill 기반 접근 방식을 장려하지만 학생들은 교사의 skill에 대해 언급하기보다는 오히려 교사가 교육에 얼마나 흥미를 보이는가, 그리고 학습에 도움이되는 분위기를 조성하는 능력이 있는가를 강조하였다.
It is interesting to note that although we generally promote a skillbased approach to small group teaching (e.g. set objectives; summarise and synthesise) in our faculty development workshops, students did not comment on these identified skills as much as they highlighted tutors’ interest in teaching and their ability to create an atmosphere conducive to learning.
우리의 결과는 또한 교사가 메타인지 가이드로서 중요한 역할을한다는 메이요 (Mayo)의 발견을 확인해 준다. 튜터는 답을 주지 않고 학생들이 의사라면 했을법한 질문을 하게끔 유도하는 역할을 해야 한다. 흥미롭게도 효과적인 교사에 대한 학생들의 의견은 시스템 기반 커리큘럼과 PBL 커리큘럼에서 다르지 않았습니다. 따라서, 과연 두 교육과정 사이에 튜토리얼 과정이 실제로 다른지, 혹은 학생들이 내용 전문성에 대해 필요로하는지에 대한 질문이 제기됩니다.
Our results also confirm the findings of Mayo and colleagues2 that the tutor plays an important role as a metacognitive guide;22 that is, without giving the answers, the tutor is there to help students raise the questions an expert doctor would raise when thinking through a clinical case. Interestingly, our students’ comments about effective tutors in a systems-based curriculum did not differ from those of students in a PBL curriculum. In our opinion, this raises the question of whether the tutorial process is indeed different, and whether students perceive a need for content expertise.3,4
앞서 언급 한 한계에도 불구하고,이 연구는 학생들의 인식을 평가하고 커리큘럼 구현에 대한 피드백에 초점 그룹을 사용하는 것의 가치를 보여주었습니다. Morgan18은 포커스 그룹의 특징은 그룹 간의 상호 작용없이 대규모의 그룹에서 발견 할 수없는 데이터와 통찰력을 제공하기위한 그룹 상호 작용의 명백한 사용이라고 설명했습니다. 이 연구 전반에 걸쳐 우리는 소그룹 가르침의 목적과 목적에 대한 학생들의 인식을 분명히하는 학생들의 능력에 깊은 인상을 받았습니다. 교수진은 또한 학생들 의견의 정확성과 통찰력을 인정했으며, 1 명의 교사가 말했듯이 그들이 말한 모든 것이 합리적입니다! 이 경험을 바탕으로 우리는 독립적 혹은 보조적 방법으로, 커리큘럼 계획 및 평가에 대한 학생의 인식을 얻는 데 포커스그룹을 사용할 것을 권장합니다.
Despite the aforementioned limitations, this study has demonstrated the value of using focus groups for assessing student perceptions and feedback on cur- riculum implementation. Morgan18 stated that the hallmark of focus groups is the explicit use of group interaction to produce data and insights that would be less accessible without the interaction found in a large group. Throughout this study, we were impressed by the students’ ability to articulate their perceptions of the goals and purposes of small group teaching. Faculty members also commented on the students’ accuracy and insight, and as 1 tutor com- mented, Everything they said makes sense! Based on this experience, we would recommend the use of focus groups for obtaining student perceptions for curriculum planning and evaluation, both as a stand- alone method of course evaluation and as a supple- ment to ongoing methods.
마지막으로,이 연구는 소 그룹 교육에 대한 학생들의 인식을 교수 개발 프로그램에 통합시킨 최초의 연구 중 하나입니다 .24 우리는 소규모 그룹 강의를 주최하는 교수진 개발 워크샵을 개최했습니다. 지난 3 년 동안 우리는 학생들의 의견을 바탕으로 워크샵 투명 용지와 유인물을 개발했으며, 워크샵 전체 회의에서 그들의 인식에 대해 논의했습니다. 교사는 학생들의 인식에 매우 관심이 있었고 그들의 의견은 매우 유용한 토론을 불러 일으켰습니다. 사실, 많은 워크숍 참가자들이 자신의 활동을 위해 학생들의 발언이 정리된 copies를 요청했습니다. 우리의 포커스 그룹 연구 결과 발표는 다른 코스 디렉터에게 명확하게 묘사 된 컨텐츠 영역을 중심으로 포커스 그룹을 수행하도록 장려했습니다. 우리는 이러한 반응과 이러한 발견의 명백한 유용성에 감탄하였다. 효과적/비효과적 소그룹 교육 대한 학생들의 인식은 학부 프로그램과 FD계획 수립에 매우 중요합니다.
Finally, this study is among the first to incorporate student perceptions of small group teaching into a faculty development programme.24 In our setting, weregularly host faculty development workshops on small group teaching. For the last 3 years, we have developed workshop transparencies and handouts based on the students’ comments, and we have discussed their perceptions during the workshop plenary. Tutors have been very interested in the students’ perceptions and their comments have provoked very useful discussions. In fact, many workshop participants have requested copies of the students’ remarks for their own in-service activities. The presentations of our focus group findings have also encouraged other course directors to conduct focus groups around clearly delineated content areas.We have been heartened by this response, and the apparent usefulness of these findings. In our opin- ion, student perceptions of effective and ineffective small group teaching are invaluable in planning undergraduate programmes and faculty development initiatives.
16 Frasier PY, Slatt L, Kowlowitz V, Kollisch DO, Mintzer M. Focus groups: a useful tool for curriculum evalua- tion. Fam Med 1997;29 (7):500–7.
11 Ashar H, Lane M. Focus groups: an effective tool in higher education. J Cont Higher Educ 1993;41:9–13.
12 Gowdy EA. Effective student focus groups: the bright and early approach. Assess Eval Higher Educ 1996;21:185–9.
Student perceptions of effective small group teaching.
Author information
- 1Faculty of Medicine, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. yvonne.steinert@mcgill.ca
- 14996338
- [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
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