의예과-의전원에서 학업성취에 학습스타일과 학업접근법 중 무엇이 더 중요할까? (Teach Learn Med. 2015)

Exam Success at Undergraduate and Graduate-Entry Medical Schools: Is Learning Style or Learning Approach More Important? A Critical Review Exploring Links Between Academic Success, Learning Styles, and Learning Approaches Among School-Leaver Entry (“Traditional”) and Graduate- Entry (“Nontraditional”) Medical Students

Anne-Marie Feeley

Education and Development: MB ChB Team, Warwick Medical School, The University of Warwick, Coventry, UK

Deborah L. Biggerstaff

Division of Mental Health and Wellbeing, Warwick Medical School, The University of Warwick, Coventry, UK


앞서서 영국에서의 의과대학생 선발은 고등학교 학업성취도가 얼마나 높은가에 따라서 결정되어왔고, 이는 상대적으로 동질한 학생 그룹으로 이어졌다. 특히, 이러한 방법의 선발은 사교육으로 성공한 학생과 가난한 학생을 차별하는 것으로 나타났다. 예컨대, BMA는 2003년 보고서에서 영국에서 의과대학에 입학한 학생의 39.2%가 최상위 SES에 속하는데, 이 그룹은 근로자 연령층의 11.1%에 불과하다.

Previously, selection for medical school in the United King- dom has been based on high academic attainment at school, resulting in relatively homogeneous student groups.1 In partic- ular, this method of selection has been found to discriminate in favor of privately educated students and against students from poorer backgrounds. For example, a British Medical Association study reported that, in 2003, 39.2% of UK suc- cessful medical school applicants came from the highest socio- economic group (higher professional/managerial), even though this group accounted for just 11.1%of the working age population.2

이제 의과대학 선발은 더 다양한 입학생을 받는 방향으로 바뀌어가고 있다. 영국 정부는 Widening Access 정책을 펼치며, 비전통적(다양한 인종/문화 그룹으로부터, 취약계층으로부터, 더 성숙한(mature), 그리고 장애가 있는) 학생을 고등교육으로 들어오게끔 했다.

Now, medical selection is changing as the need to encour- age more diverse entrants has become imperative. The UK government has adopted a “Widening Access” policy that aims to encourage “nontraditional” students (i.e., those from different ethnic/cultural groups, those from disadvantaged backgrounds, mature students, and those with disabilities) into higher education.3

영국의 8009명의 medical trainee중 Graduate student는 865명으로 10.8%를 차지하여 유의미한 소수를 구성하고 있다.

Graduate students now make up a significant minority of the 8,009 existing medical trainees in the United Kingdom: 10.8%, or 865 students.3

과거 연구에서는 '전통적' 의과대학생의 학습스타일과 학업접근법에 대해 다룬 바 있으나, '비전통적'학생들은 이들과 다르다는 것을 제기한다.

Past research has explored the learning styles and learning approaches among “traditional” medical students;5 however, some researchers suggest that nontraditional medical students differ in the way they learn from their traditional counterparts.6

주된 학습스타일과 학습접근법은 무엇인가?


학습스타일, 학습접근법 설문은 학생들은 학습에 관련하여 중요해 보이는 다양한 요소에 따라 그룹지으려고 시도한다. 학생에게 학습 동기부여를 하는 요인은 무엇인지, 정보가 어떻게 제시되는 것을 선호하는지, 정보가 어떻게 통합되는지 등등이다.

 Learning styles questionnaires and learning approaches questionnaires attempt to sort students into groups according to various factors deemed important for learning: They explore factors such as what motivates students to learn,7 preferences for how information is presented (e.g., by visual or experiential - means),8 and the different ways that data may be assimilated.9

VARK 학습스타일

VARK (Visual/Auditory/Read-Write/Kinaesthetic) Model—Learning Styles8

일반 학생 연령 그룹에서, Johnson에 따르자면, "비전통적" 의과대학생들은 A 와 K 가 주를 이룬다. 그러나 학습스타일 설문의 신뢰도와 타당도, 그리고 이것을 교육법 결정에 사용할 때의 유용성 등에 문제를 제기하곤 한다. 현재 다양한 학습스타일이 과연 어떤 식으로든 유의미한 차이를 일으키는가에 대한 논쟁이 있다.
Among general student populations and, according to Johnson,6 “nontraditional” medical students, auditory and kin- aesthetic modes are believed to predominate. It should be noted, however, that the validity and reliability of this and other learning styles questionnaires, and their usefulness in deciding on teaching methods, have been challenged: There is currently considerable debate in the literature as to whether different learning styles actually exist in any meaningful way.10–12


3부 모델(심화/전략/표면) - 학습접근법

Tripartite Model (Deep/Strategic/Surface)—Learning Approaches7

이 모델에서는 학습자가 학습과제에 접근하는 동기를 바탕으로 학습을 세 가지 카테고리로 나눈다.

This model divides learning into three categories based upon learning approaches, that is, the motivation with which a learner approaches a learning task.

  • “Deep” learning occurs when students approach a learning event with intrinsic motiva- tion and personal interest in the educational material. These students tend to search for meaning and general principles in the learning materials presented and make links with previous knowledge.
  • “Strategic” learning occurs when students are moti- vated to be successful. Students favoring this approach tend to focus on examinable material, and thus their knowledge may be somewhat patchy.
  • “Surface” learning, in contrast, occurs when students are motivated by a fear of failure. This is an approach that tends to result in rote learning and poorer under- standing.


이미 알려진 것들


10년 전, Ferguson, James, and Madeley 의 review는 2000년도까지의 의과대학생들의 학습접근법에 대한 문헌을 정리한 바 있다(Widening Access 시행 전)

Over a decade ago, a systematic review by Ferguson, James, and Madeley summarized the literature on learning approaches in relation to medical students up to the year 2000 (i.e., prior to the introduction of the Widening Access pro- gram).5



Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria

Databases Searched

Search Terms Used

Method of Critical Appraisal



의과대학생의 구성이 바뀐 2000년도 이후에, 학습접근법이 학업성취도와 연관된다는 근거가 나왔는가?

Question 1: Have Changes in Medical Student Populations Since 2000 Altered the Evidence With Regard to Learning Approaches (According to the Tripartite Model) and Academic Success?

전략적 접근법이 시험을 잘 보는 것과 연관되어 있었으며, 심화 접근법은 연구에 따라 달랐다. 모든 연구에서 표면 접근법이 시험을 잘 보는 것과 negative 상관을 보였다. 이러한 상관관계는 다양한 나라의 다양한 학생그룹, 다양한 문화권 걸쳐 나타난다.

A strategic approach was identified as being positively correlated with exam success in all five studies that explored this issue,19–23 whereas a deep approach showed positive correlation in two studies21,24 and no effect in two others.23,25 All studies that examined surface learn- ing found that it correlated negatively with exam success.22,23,26 These correlations were found to hold true across different stu- dent groups in different countries and cultures worldwide.

전통적인 고등학교 졸업자 의과대학생의 학습스타일이나 학습접근법이 대학졸업자 의과대학생과 비교하여 다른가?

Question 2: Do Traditional Students With Higher School- Leaving Results Differ in Their Learning Styles or Learning Approaches Compared With Alternate/Graduate Entry Medical Students? If So, What Are the Implications for Educators?

VARK model.

비전통적 학생들이 VARK 스타일에서 차이가 있는지에 대한 근거는 일관되지 않지만, 만약 차이가 존재한다고 해도 이러한 차이가 학업성취와 연결된다는 근거가 없다.

There is conflicting evidence as to whether nontraditional students differ in their VARK learning preferen- ces from traditional-entry medical students; however, if differ- ences do exist, no evidence was found that these differences correlate with academic performance. Three studies were Of importance, in the studies that reported on exam results,6,30 no correlation was found between VARK learning style and academic achievement amongst either traditional or nontraditional students.

Tripartite model (surface, strategic, deep).

학업성취도에 대한 보다 일반적인 연구결과들에 따르면, 비록 GE(graduate entry) 학생이 고등학교 성적은 더 낮지만, 의과대학에서의 최종시험의 수행능력은 UE 학생을 넘어선다. 이에 대한 한 가지 가능한 설명은 이 그룹에서의 심화/전략 학습법과 관련된다. 추가적으로, 이 GE그룹은 더 집요한 특성이 있고, 전문직으로서 더 성공적인 훈련을 받고자 단단히 결심하는 경향이 있는데, 이는 낮은 유급률retention rate 로 보여진다.

When it comes to academic success more generally, emerging evidence shows that although graduate entry students tend to have lower school-leaving results than traditional students, they can equal6,35 or even exceed36 their traditional counterparts’ per- formance in final medical examinations, despite a shortened pro- gram of study. One possible explanatory factor for this is the preceding tentative evidence regarding a preponderance of deep and strategic learning in this group. In addition, this student group is perhaps more likely to exhibit tenacious qualities and be determined to succeed in training for their profession, as evi- denced by higher retention rates among graduate entrants.37

과목 설계를 통해 모든 학생들의 학습을 더 강화하고 Adaptive Learning 을 촉진하는 방향으로 바뀔 수 있을까?

Question 3: Can Courses Be Designed to Enhance Learning or Promote More Adaptive Learning Approaches Among Medical Students to Increase the Chances of Success for All?

학습스타일: 교육방법을 학생이 선호하는 학습스타일과 일치시키기

Learning styles: Matching teaching methods to students’ preferred learning style.

VARK 스타일 그 자체 뿐 아니라, 교육법을 VARK 스타일에 맞추려는 것도 의과대학생 학업성취를 향상시키진 못했다.

Thus, neither VARK learning styles alone nor matching teaching to preferred VARK learning styles was found to improve academic performance among medical students.

학습의 '심화' 접근법 강화하기

Enhancing “deep” learning approaches to learning.

의과대학에서 공부해야 할 양이 많고 그 시간은 제한적인 상황이 심화학습을 못하게 하고, 딱히 도움이 되지 않는 표면 학습을 하게 하는 방향으로 영향을 미친다.

These findings suggest that the sheer vol- ume of material to be learned at medical school in a limited time frame may militate against deep learning approaches and toward less helpful surface approaches.

앞선 연구들에서 교육방법이나 교육과정 설계를 바꿔서 학생들의 학습을 촉진하고자 했으나, 그 결과는 제한적이거나 성공적이지 못했다. Carol Dweck 등의 연구에 따르면, 교육방법이나 교육과정에 초점을 맞추지 말고, 개개 학생들의 마음가짐mind-set에 더 초점을 맞추는 것이 좋다. 그녀는, Tripartite 모델과 유사하게, 학습자들의 학습에 대한 동기부여에 초점을 맞추었으며, 학생들이 더 adaptive approach로 학습할 수 있으며, 그에 따라 학습이 강화된다는 근거를 보여주었다. 학생들은 "성장형 마음가짐growth mindset"을 가질 수 있게 지지받아야 하며, 이를 통해 학업성취를 내재한 지능이나 능력이 아니라 '노력'과 연관된 것으로 바라볼 수 있어야 한다. 이러한 마음가짐은 학습에 있어서 회복탄력성을 촉진시켜주며, 학습 도전과제에 긍정적으로 다가가게 하며, 실패의 두려움을 줄여준다. 이러한 접근법은 의과대학의 성공과 관련되어 있다고 나타난 심화/전략 접근법과 유사한 것이다.

The aforementioned studies seek to find ways to alter teaching methods or curricular design to promote learning among students, and the results show that their efforts have met with limited or no success. The work of Carol Dweck and colleagues,47,48 in contrast, places less focus on teaching or curricula and more focus on the mind-set of each individual student. Her work, similar to the Tripartite model (deep, strategic, and surface learning approaches), focuses on motivation for learning and importantly pro- vides robust evidence that students can learn more adaptive approaches and are able to enhance their learning as a result. Students can be supported to adopt a “growth mind- set” learning to view academic success as an outcome that results more from their own efforts than from intrinsic intelligence or ability. Such a mind-set promotes resilience in learning, a positive approach to learning challenges, and a reduced fear of failure. This approach, where the goal is to develop one’s learning or to achieve a particular learn- ing outcome such as exam success, is akin to the deep/stra- tegic approaches to learning that have been shown to correlate with medical school success.

현재까지의 근거를 보면, 상호작용하는 두 가지 요인이 있다. 하나는 학생 개개인의 학습에 대한 접근법이고(변화 가능한 것), 다른 하나는 주어진 학습과제에서의 도전particular challenges으로서 조정하기 쉽지 않은 것이다. 학습에 대한 명확한 목표가 있는 학생들, 그리고 성장형 마음가짐을 가지고 회복탄력성이 높은 학생은 도전적인 학습환경에서도 학업적으로 성공할 가능성이 높다. 교육과정 설계를 바꾸거나 adaptive learning approach를 촉진하려는 시도가 대체로 실망스러웠음을 고려하면, 우리의 노력을 학생의 성장형 마음가짐을 개발하는 것에 초점을 두는 것이 더 나을 수 있으며, 이를 통해 학생들은 더 도전적인 환경에서조차 학습할 수 있을 것이다. 

The current evidence suggests that two interacting factors may be at play: the student’s individual approach to learning, which is potentially modifiable, and the particular challenges of the learning task at hand, which may or may not be easy to adapt. Those students who have clear goals for learning, and who have the resilience of a growth mind-set in the face of the sometimes challenging learning environment of a medical training, seem to be best placed for academic success. Given the disappointing results of attempts to alter curricular design and delivery to foster adaptive learning approaches, it may be more fruitful to focus our efforts on developing a growth mind-set among our students, which can then help them learn even in challenging environments.

다양한 학습선호 유형에 대한 학생들의 인식과 관련한 연구도 있다. 따라서 아직 초기 단계지만, 학습 프로세스 그 자체에 대해 흥미를 갖는 것이 학업성취 그 이상에 대한 긍정적 효과가 있을 수 있다.

Some further interesting findings with respect to students’ awareness of different learning preferences emerged. So there is at least preliminary evidence that fostering an interest in the process of learning itself can have positive effects for stu- dents beyond academic performance alone.

고찰, 결론


임상교육을 위한 함의

Implications of Findings for Clinical Educational Practice: A Critique and Implications for Future Research

이 새로운 review에서 배울 점은?

What can we take from this new review on the topic of learning approaches and learning styles?

첫째, 학습스타일 차원에서 학습스타일 설문의 신뢰도와 타당도에 대한 근거를 찾지 못했으며, 과연 그런 것이 존재하는지에 대한 논란이 지속됨만 확인했다. 따라서 VARK와 시험 성적의 관계가 전통적/비전통적 그룹 모두에서 나타나지 않은 것도 놀랍지 않다. 추가적으로 비록 교육전략과 학습스타일을 맞춰야 한다는 제안을 한 바 있지만, 이를 시도한 연구는 2000 이래로 거의 없었으며, 그러한 매칭이 학업성과에 효과가 있다는 근거도 찾지 못하였다. 게다가 학습자가 명확한 선호도를 가진다고 해도, 매우 다양한 학습자료/매우 다양한 사람들/매우 다양한 세팅에서 학습해야 하는 의과대학생들에게 그들이 선호하는 방식으로만 제시하는 것은 이론적으로나 가능한 것이다.

First, in terms of learning styles, reviewing the literature revealed no evidence for an emergent consensus over the past decade as to the reliability or validity of learning styles ques- tionnaires, whereas ongoing controversy continues as to whether learning styles exist at all. In this context, it is perhaps no surprise that our review found no correlation between VARK learning styles and exam results for either “traditional entry” or graduate entry medical students. In addition, although previous writers have proposed that teachers should match their teaching strategies to their students’ preferred learning styles (e.g., providing primarily visually based teach- ing to visual learners), few researched attempts have been made to do this since 2000, and we found no evidence that matching has any effect on academic outcomes. Even if learn- ers have clear preferences as to how material is presented to them, it is theoretically possible that exposure only to one’s preferred mode of learning could stunt one’s development as much as enhance it, particularly for medical students who need to work in a variety of different settings, with a variety of different people, and with a variety of different learning mate- rials.


실험적 연구가 부족한 상황에서, 우리의 결론은 의과대학 교육과정을 학생의 학업선호에 맞춰서 바꿀 근거가 없다는 것이다. 반대로, 학습스타일로 인해 불이익harm이 발생했다는 근거도 찾지 못하였다. 오히려, 학습스타일에 대해서 배운 경험이 있는 경우에 자기-자신감이 높아지고, 다른 사람들의 학습 선호에 대한 인식도 높아짐을 보여주는 일부 연구가 있다. 학습스타일 설문을 사용하여 의과대학생들이 스스로와 타인의 학습에 대해서 생각해보게 만드는 방향으로 사용하는 것이 나을 것이다.

In the absence of further empirical research, the conclu- sion we propose, therefore, is that no evidence currently exists to support a change in medical school curricula to explicitly address individual students’ learning preferences during teach- ing activities. Conversely, no evidence emerged to suggest that exploring students’ learning styles resulted in harm. Rather, there is tentative evidence that students who learn about learning styles experience increased self-confidence and an enhanced awareness of others’ learning preferences. Pend- ing further research, it may be reasonable to use learning style questionnaires in a formative way at medical schools with the aim of helping students think about their learning and that of others51 rather than promoting them as evidence-based learn- ing tools.

둘째로, Tripartite 모델과 관련한 학습접근법에 있어서, 전략적 접근법이 -심화 접근법보다도- 가장 의과대학 성적과 관련이 있다. 이 연관성에서 눈에 띄는 것은 비의학nonmedical 전공과 차이이다. 비의학전공에서는 심화학습이 더 강력한 상관관계를 보인다. 왜 그럴까? 아마 그 이유의 일부는 의과대학생들이 경험하는 훈련의 강도 때문일 것이다. 심화 학습은 다수의 요인과 상호작용하는 것으로 나타난다.

Second, with respect to learning approaches according to the Tripartite model, the evidence is clear that a strategic approach to learning focused on exam performance is most highly correlated with academic success in medical school— even more so than a deep approach. It is notable that this asso- ciation between medical school success and strategic learning differs from that for nonmedical courses, where deep learning has a more robust correlation with performance.34 Why might this be the case? There has been little exploration of this find- ing in the literature, but the answer may lie, at least partly, in the intensity of the medical training experience for our stu- dents. Deep learning among medical students was found to be related to a number of interacting factors:

    • the way content is presented,
    • the learning environment, and
    • psychological factors such as ease of understanding, enjoyment and low anxiety levels.25,52


심화학습은 학생들이 특정 주제를 마스터하기 위한 충분한 시간이 있고 그 주제를 즐길 때 촉진될 수 있다. 열정, 공감, 실제상황의 묘사 등을 활용한 교육 스타일이 학생들의 deeper engagement를 촉진한다. 그러나 의과대학생들은 학습할 양이 너무 많아서 더 표면접 접근법과 '교수자-주도적' 스타일로 향해가게 된다. 우리가 보는 의과대학생에서 전략적 학습접근법의 성공의 이유는 다음과 같다. 의학지식은 계속 늘어나고 바뀌며, 무수한 fact 중에서 핵심 학습요점을 걸러낼 수 있는 사람만이 학업과 임상의 성공을 이룰 수 있다. 확실한 학습동기, 발전동기와 더불어 성장형 마음가짐을 갖는 것이 학생들이 표면접근법으로 끌리지 않게 해줄 것이다.

Deep learning may be facilitated when students feel they have enough time to master and enjoy the topic at hand. Teaching styles that demonstrate enthusiasm, empathy and give real-life illustrations may also promote deeper engagement among our students.11,53 However, the very high workload that medical students face throughout their training seems to push some students toward a more surface approach and thus toward a more “teacher-directed” style of learning. We propose that the success of a strategic learning approach in medicine can be explained thus: medical knowledge is growing and changing at such a rate that those who can sift the vital learning points from the mass of facts and opinion may be well placed for academic and clinical success. A growth mind-set with a clear motivation to learn and develop may be a factor in helping students resist the pull to adopt more sur- face approaches when faced with challenging learning tasks.

어떻게 교육자들이 의과대학생의 학습접근법을 더 adaptive way로 바꿔줄 수 있을까?

How can educators help medical students approach their learning in more adaptive ways to enhance their academic suc- cess?

우선, 교육과정 설계가 모든 학생들에게 "최고의" 학습 접근법을 촉진할 수 있다는 근거가 없다. 교육과정 변화에 초점을 두는 것보다 학생들이 스스로 의과대학과 의과대학 이후의 성공까지와도 관련된 나름의 학습동기를 찾게 도와줘야 한다. 이를 위해서 학생들은 성장형 마음가짐을 갖추어야 하며, 노력의 가치를 알고 실패를 두려워하기보다 지속적인 발전의 유용성을 인식해야 한다. 이러한 접근법은 학생들로 하여금 전략적(그리고 심화) 접근법을 익히게 해줄 것이다.

First, there is no evidence that curricular design can pro- mote the “best” learning approach for all students. Rather than focusing on curricular change, therefore, the current evidence suggests we can best help our students by encouraging each individual to find his or her own unique learning motivation to succeed at medical school and beyond. To this end, the evi- dence is that helping students adopt a growth mind-set, valuing effort and emphasizing the utility of continuous development rather than fearing failure, is achievable. This approach may help students adopt the strategic (and deep) learning approaches that have been shown to consistently correlate with medical school examsuccess.

마지막으로, GE 의대생들이 (비록 의과대학 재학 기간은 더 짧아도) 졸업시에 UE 학생들만큼 잘한다는 것을 찾았다. 비록 정확한 이유는 알기 힘들고, 연구 수가 제한되어 있지만, 전략적/심화 학습 접근법이 한 요인일 것이다. medical trainer에 있어서 중요한 함의는 우선 선발과 관련된 장벽을 넘어서면 비전통적 배경을 가진 학생들도 동등한 의과대학 성취를 이룰 수 있다는 점이다. Widening access 강화의 근거가 됨.

Finally, this literature review found that nontraditional medical students perform just as well as their traditional coun- terparts by the end of their training, in spite of shortened time at medical school. Although the research reviewed was unable to pinpoint exactly why this is the case, and was based on a limited number of studies (a combined total of 446 graduate- entry students), we suggest that the preponderance of strate- gic/deep learning approaches among this group may be a fac- tor here. The important implication for medical trainers is that, on current evidence, once the selection process barrier is over- come, students from nontraditional backgrounds can achieve equal medical school success with their traditional counter- parts. This strengthens the case for widening access to medical training and suggests that our graduate entry students may have something to teach our traditional students in terms of learning approaches and determination to succeed.

학습스타일은 영향이 없으나, 학습 접근법은 중요하다.

So, to return to our original question: Which matters more for medical school exam success—learning styles or learning approaches? Our review offers a clear answer. When it comes to medical school exam success, learning styles do not appear to matter, but students’ learning approaches matter a great deal.

 2015;27(3):237-44. doi: 10.1080/10401334.2015.1046734.

Exam Success at Undergraduate and Graduate-Entry Medical Schools: Is Learning Style or Learning ApproachMore Important? A Critical Review Exploring Links Between Academic SuccessLearning Styles, and LearningApproaches Among School-Leaver Entry ("Traditional") and Graduate-Entry ("Nontraditional") Medical Students.

Author information

  • 1a Education and Development: MB ChB Team, Warwick Medical School, The University of Warwick , Coventry , UK.


PHENOMENON: The literature on learning styles over many years has been replete with debate and disagreement. Researchers have yet to elucidate exactly which underlying constructs are measured by the many learning styles questionnaires available. Some academics question whether learning styles exist at all. When it comes to establishing the value of learning styles for medical students, a further issue emerges. The demographics of medical students in the United Kingdom have changed in recent years, so past studies may not be applicable to students today. We wanted to answer a very simple, practical question: what can the literature on learning styles tell us that we can use to help today's medicalstudents succeed academically at medical school?


We conducted a literature review to synthesise the available evidence on how two different aspects of learning-the way in whichstudents like to receive information in a learning environment (termed learning "styles") and the motivations that drive their learning (termed learning"approaches")-can impact on medical studentsacademic achievement.


Our review confirms that although learning "styles" do not correlate with exam performance, learning "approaches" do: those with "strategic" and "deep" approaches to learning (i.e., motivated to do well and motivated to learn deeply respectively) perform consistently better inmedical school examinations. Changes in medical school entrant demographics in the past decade have not altered these correlations. Optimistically, our review reveals that studentslearning approaches can change and more adaptive approaches may be learned. Insights: For educators wishing to help medical students succeed academically, current evidence demonstrates that helping students develop their own positivelearning approach using "growth mind-set" is a more effective (and more feasible) than attempting to alter studentslearning styles. This conclusion holds true for both "traditional" and graduate-entry medical students.


examinations; graduate entrylearninglearning approacheslearning styles; motivation

[PubMed - in process]

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