학부의학교육과 의사 프로페셔널리즘의 토대(JAMA, 2015)
Undergraduate Medical Education and the Foundation of Physician Professionalism
Darrell G. Kirch,MD Association of American Medical Colleges,Washington, DC.
Maryellen E. Gusic, MD Association of American Medical Colleges,Washington, DC.
CoriAst,MHSA Association of American Medical Colleges,Washington, DC.
프로페셔널리즘은 이렇게 정의된다.
Professionalism is the demonstrated “commitment to carrying out professional responsibilities and an adherence to ethical principles”1
여러 전문직 조직에서 어떻게 의사들의 프로페셔널리즘을 유지할 것인가에 대한 논쟁이 있지만, 학부의학교육에서는 공유거버넌스 모델(shared governance model)이 이 중요한 역량 개발의 프레임워크를 제공한다.
Although there is current controversy regarding how diverse professional organizations should ensure professionalism among practicing physicians, during undergraduate medical education a shared governance model, as described below, provides the framework for developing and accessing this critical competency.
프로페셔널리즘의 토대는 의과대학 이전에 시작된다.
The Foundation of Professionalism Begins Before Medical School
Aspiring physicians, through many years of personal ex- periences prior tomedical school, establishthe “prepro- fessional” foundation for competence in professional- ism, making it important to assess preprofessional attributes in medical school admissions.
Providing the groundwork for these decisions, 9 core interpersonal and intrapersonal competencies have been articulated for entering medical students:
- ethical responsibility to self and others;
- reliability and dependability;
- service orientation;
- social skills;
- capacity for improvement;
- resilience and adaptability;
- cultural competence;
- oral communication;and
- teamwork.2
Importantly, these personal competencies for entering students have been shown to be predictive of success at the majority of medical schools, both in clinical rotations and later in practice.2
의과대학 입학 후에 강화되는 프로페셔널리즘
Admission to Medical School Reinforces the Commitment to Professionalism
전-프로페셔널리즘 역량에 대한 평가는 의과대학에서 "전인 평가"의 핵심이다.
The evaluation of preprofessional competencies is central to the “holistic review” of medical school applicants.
의과대학 학생선발 절차의 중심에는 MCAT이 있는데, 이 MCAT은 최근 21세기 의사에게 필요한 더 광범위한 포트폴리오를 요구하는 방향으로 수정되었다.
Central to the admissions process, the Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT) has recently been revised to emphasize the broader portfolio of skills required by physicians in the 21st century.
개정된 MCAT은 다른 몇 가지 선발절차의 변화와 동반되고 있는데, 그 중 하나는 추천서 작성에 대한 가이드라인을 만든 것이다. 또한 표준화된 지원서 양식을 통해 학사 학업내용 뿐 아니라 관련된 개인 경험을 기술하도록 하였다.
The revised MCAT has been coupled with other changes in the admissions process, including the creation of guidelines for letters of recommenda- tion to ensure inclusion of information about the core competencies for entering medical students and, in the standardized application form, asking applicants to document relevant personal experiences in addition to their coursework.
도입 초기이지만 MMI는 의과대학 수행능력을 예측하는 것으로 보인다.
In early stages of implemen- tation, MMIs appear predictive of future performance in medical school.4
아직 미국 내에서는 검토단계이지만 SJT는 벨기에 의대생 선발에서 1997년부터 사용되어왔다.
Although still under assessment in the United States, an SJT has been used by Belgium for medical school admission since 1997.2
학부의학교육에서 프로페셔널리즘 강조하기
Promoting Professionalism Within Undergraduate Medical Education
Increasingly, it is recognized that professionalism is not cultivated solely by role-modeling in clinical settings but rather that pro-fessionalism must be taught early, longitudinally, and deliberately using both targeted instruction and experiential learning. The LCME accreditation standards formalize the institutional responsibility by requiring that medical schools maintain a learning environment that cultivates the development of professionalism among learners.
중요한 점은, 한 학생이 전문직으로 성장하는 것에 대한 책임은 행정, 교수, 학생이 모두 공유하는 것이다.
Importantly, this responsibility for students’ professional development is shared with administrators, faculty, and students serving on various administrative committees.
To support these assessments, more than half of medical schools in the United States and Canada rely on
“defined, written standards of non-cognitive behavior, [including]
- honesty;
- professional behavior;
- dedication to learning;
- professional appearance;
- respect for law and others;
- [and adherence to standards related to] confidentiality; and
- [lack of issues related to] substance abuse,”
in addition to the academic standards for promotion established by each school.6
프로페셔널리즘 평가는 생화학 지식 평가보다는 덜 정확할지 모르나, 다양한 도구들이 있다.
Although assessing competence in professionalism may be less precise than assessing competence in the knowledge of biochemistry, today there are tools to assess professionalism in students, including
- patient evaluations,
- self and peer assessments,
- behavioral observation,
- psychological testing, and
- even structured examinations.6
While promotion committees have formal responsibility for adherence to standards, identifying deficiencies in professionalism is a shared obligation among individual faculty educators and extends throughout medical school
"한 아이를 키우는데는 한 마을이 필요하다"라는 말이 있듯, 이는 의사를 양성하는 것에도 마찬가지이다.
The dictumthat “it takes a village to raise a child” also appears to be true of educating a physician. Although the ultimate responsibility for professionalism rests with the physician aspirant, multiple parties are involved in shaping the preprofessional attributes of aspiring physicians, as well as those in the undergraduate process of training, including
committees for admissions, curriculum, and progression that engage administrators, faculty, and students in the oversight, development, and assessment of professionalism. Affiliated organizations, including the LCME and AAMC, play a significant role in setting standards and providing tools related to teaching and assessing professional development.
4. Pau A, JeevaratnamK, Chen YS, Fall AA, Khoo C, Nadarajah VD. The Multiple Mini-Interview(MMI) for student selection in health professions training—a systematic review. Med Teach. 2013;35 (12):1027-1041.
6. Boon K, Turner J. Ethical and professional conduct of medical students: review of current assessment measures and controversies. J Med Ethics. 2004;30(2):221-226.
Undergraduate medical education and the foundation of physician professionalism.
Author information
- 1Association of American Medical Colleges, Washington, DC.
- 25965213
- [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
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