평가의 영향력에 대한 학생들의 인식: 유사한 교육과정을 가진 두 학교 비교(Int J MEd Educ, 2011)

Students’ perceptions of the impact of assessment on approaches to learning: a comparison between two medical schools with similar curricula

Hanan M. Al Kadri1, Mohamed S. Al‐Moamary1, Mohi E. Magzoub1, Chris Roberts2, Cees P.M. van der Vleuten3

Crooks 등은 교육과정에서 의도한 목표와 평가과정을 통해서 정의되는 목표 사이의 불일치를 경고했다. 이 두 종류의 목표를 일치시키는 것을 'constructive alignment'라고 한다.

Crooks et al.10 warned against the possible incongruence between academic objectives as intended by the curriculum and the objectives defined through the assessment process. Synchronization between these two types of objectives is called constructive alignment.

constructive alignment가 달성되었을 때, 학습이 쉽게 일어나게 된다.

When constructive align- ment is achieved, it is assumed to be conducive to learning.

교육과정의 alignment가 제대로 되지 않았을 때 일어날 수 있는 결과 중 하나는, 학생들이 시험을 위해서 알아야 한다고 생각하는 것과, 교과목에서 목표로 기술된, 의도한 목표 사이에 반복적인 불일치가 생기면서 '잠재 교육과정'이라고 불리는 국소적 문화를 형성하는 것이다.

Therefore, one of the consequences of curriculum misalignment is that repeated discrepancies between what students perceive that they need to know for assessment purposes and the stated course objectives can potentially lead to a local culture, whereby a hidden curriculum13 is created.

피드백과 형성평가가 학생의 성취에 강력한 힘을 발휘한다는 결과를 얻었다.

Researchers have concluded that feedback and formative assessment produce the most powerful effect on student achievement.16, 17

교실의 규모를 줄이거나 교사의 내용 지식을 늘리는 것보다도 평성평가가 학생의 성취에 할 수 있는 역할이 더 크다. 반대로, 총괄평가는 학생들의 성취에 대한 근거를 끌어내고, 학생간 능력 차이를 보여주는 역할을 한다.

Formative assessment appears to play a larger role in increasing student achievement than does a reduction in class size or an increase in teachers' content knowledge.18 On the other hand, summative assessment is a proven way

학생의 학습에 대한 접근에 있어서 개인적 영향에 대한 연구가 부족하다.

The third area of research where there is a lack of clarity is the effect of personal influences on students’ approaches to learning.

임상실습기간 중 Sydney Medical School (SMS)에서는 임상 블록마다 요구하는 것이 다르다.

The assessment process during the clinical years in SMS was characterized by different requirements for each clinical block.

문화는 학생이 배우고 공유하고 전달하는 신념, 행동, 태도, 실천을 모두 아우르는 것이며, 학생의 '문화적 정체성'은 문화/성별/사회/경제/종교/정치적 특성의 복합적 결과물이다.

Furthermore, culture is a personal factor that encom- passes students’ beliefs, behaviors, attitudes, and practices that are learned, shared and passed on.23 Students’ sense of a “cultural identity”24 is derived from a complex mixture of cultural, gender, social, economic, religious, and political affiliations.

King Saud Bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences, College of Medicine (KSAU-HS, COM)의 평가는 블럭단위이며 블럭마다 비슷하다.

The assessment program for the third and fourth year of the curriculum at KSAU-HS, COM was block-based and was similar from block to block.



Study Setting

Study Design

A qualitative approach using thematic analysis25 was used to generate a rich understanding of the full range of opinions and experiences of students when they are exposed to the implemented assessment. Our assumption was that students of different cultural background were influenced in their approach to learning by different personal and contextual factors. In interpreting our data we used a theoretical framework based on the work of Biggs11 and Ramsden2, 12 describing the interactive relationship among student factors, teaching context, the on-going approaches to a particular task and student learning outcomes.

Study Population

The study participants were students who were in the last two years of the curriculum. This convenience sampling was undertaken to gain students’ common experiences and perceptions of the various methods of assessment imple- mented during this phase of the curriculum.

Twenty eight students and all supervisors agreed to participate in the semi-structured individual interviews.

Data Collection

Semi-structured individual interviews and open-ended questions were conducted with students and supervisors.

Each interview lasted from 30-45 minutes. Interviews were recorded on audiotape and transcribed verbatim.


Interview data was examined in-depth aiming to obtain the emerging themes. Initial coding revealed a number of basic themes that were arranged to form organizing themes. Subsequently, organizing themes were iteratively discussed between authors and were renegotiated when differences existed. After further analysis, the organizing themes were condensed into the three global themes discussed in this paper.25

  • Students Personal Perceptions of Assessment Function
    • Summative Assessment
    • Formative Assessment
  • Students Perception of Learning Outcomes
  • Student Perception of Authentic Assessment in the Workplace

두 그룹의 문화적 차이는 학습과 학습방법에 대한 인식에 영향을 주는 것으로 보인다.

The cultural differences between the two studied groups appears to have influenced their perception of learning and their approach to their studying.23

이는 서로 다른 문화권에 기인하는 교육적 경험과 교육 시스템의 차이를 반영한다고 볼 수도 있다. 예를 들어, 아시아 학생들은 독립적 학습과 교수자의 관리와 지도가 적은 교육환경에 적응하는 것을 어려워한다.

This partly reflects prior educational experience and the prevailing educational systems in differing cultures. For example, in one study, Asian students tend to have difficulty adjusting to an educational environment that is characterized by independent learning and less instructor supervision and guidance.30 

본 연구에서 양 그룹 모두 총괄평가가 '열심히 공부'하게 하는 동기가 된다는 점에서 중요하다는 것에 동의했다. 그러나 SMS학생과 달리 KSAU학생은 총괄평가에서 더 스트레스를 받고, 더 불안감을 유발하는 경험이라고 생각했으며, 이로 인해서 산발적이고 표면적인 독해(reading)을 하게 한다고 응답했다. 따라서 총괄평가시스템은 학생의 학습에 긍정적 측면과 부정적 측면을 모두 가지고 있으며, 이러한 것은 학생들의 인식에 따라 다르다. 총괄평가를 준비하고 시험을 보는 과정에서 KSAU 학생이 나타내는 행동은 '시험 불안'으로 알려진 것으로서, 약 10%의 학생 이러한 '시험 불안'을 겪으며, 이는 수행능력과 정서적 안정에 좋지 않은 영향을 줄 수 있다. 이러한 문제는 KSAU학생들에게서만 나타내는 것은 아니며 미국, 호주, 중국, 영국, 독일, 인도, 이태리, 네덜란드, 파키스탄, 터키 등에서도 나타났다.

In this study, both studied groups acknowledged the importance of summative assessment as a motivator for hard work. However, in contrast to SMS students, the KSAU-HS, COM students perceived summative assessment as a stressful and anxiety-provoking experience that led them to engage in sporadic and superficial reading. Therefore, the summative system may have both positive and negative influences on students’ learning. These influences depend upon students’ perceptions. The behavioral symptoms displayed by the KSAU-HS, COM students during preparation for and completion of summative exams might be what is known as “test anxiety”. Based upon the literature, about 10% of students suffer from test anxiety, which compromises their performance and emotional well-being.32, 33 This problem is not specific to KSAU-HS, COM students. Severe test anxieties have been reported for medical trainees in many countries with different social and financial backgrounds, including the United States, Australia, China, England, Germany, India, Italy, the Netherlands, Pakistan and Turkey.34

시험 불안의 주요 이유는 성적이었다.

It was found that the primary source of test anxiety was exam grades.35 

따라서 사우디 대학의 총괄평가의 특성은 학생들에게 인지적 측면과 정서적 측면에 부정적 영향을 미치며, 예컨대 집중력을 떨어뜨리고, 집중을 저해하고, 암기한 지식의 인출에 어려움을 겪게 한다. 이러한 문제는 결국 학습 습관에 안좋은 영향을 주는데, 더 피상적인 학습만 하게 한다.

Therefore, the summative characteristics of the Saudi college assessment program may have led students to experience adverse cognitive and emotional effects, including impaired attention, problems with focusing and difficulties with the retrieval of stored knowledge.36 These problems, in turn, may have adversely affected their study habits,37 leading to a more superficial approach to learning.

SMS학생들은 총괄평가를 덜 겪게 되고, 형성평가를 더 겪게 된다. 총괄-형성 평가사이의 균형이 총괄평가에 대한 불안감을 덜어주는 것으로 보인다. 더 나아가서 SMS학생들은 문화적으로 이러한 불안을 더 잘 다루는데, 평가 절차에 대한 인식에 미치는 영향도 있다. SMS의 평가 프로그램은 딱 적절한 정도의 스트레스를 유발하여, 집중력을 향상시키고, 기억력을 높이고, 결과적으로 더 나은 평가결과를 가져온다. 우리의 자료를 보면 학생들은 총괄평가에서 ㅂ다는 스트레스를 어느 정도는 더 긍정적으로 느끼고 있다. 따라서 총괄평가에 지나치게 초점을 둬서 부정적인 스트레스를 받는 것을 적절한 형성평가로 줄여줄 수 있다.

The SMS students were subjected to less frequent summative assessment but to more formative assessment compared to KSAU-HS, COM students. It appeared that the balance between summative and formative assessment in the SMS program reduced the negative anxiety effects of summative assessment. Moreover, the possible influence of cultural factors in enabling SMS students to cope with this anxiety and its subsequent effect on their perception of the assessment process cannot be ruled out. The assessment program in SMS may have created just the right degree of stress, leading to focused attention, improved memory38 and better overall results. Our data suggest that student perceive stress from summative exams as beneficial to a certain degree, beyond which it has negative effects. Therefore, negative stress resulting from an over focus on summative assessment should be balanced with adequate frequency of formative feedback.

학습목표, 평가, 교육, 학습활동에 대한 교육과정 alignment가 학생들이 더 넓게 성취하고, 교육적 핵심 개념에 더 직접적으로 노출되도록 해준다. 그러나 많은 학생들은 자기 자신의 목표를 따로 가지게 되는데, 이것이 바로 잠재 교육과정이다. 이러한 현상은 SMS학생들 사이에 흔했는데, 이는 구조화가 덜 되어있고, 평가가 형성평가적 특징이 강하기 때문인 것으로 보인다. KSAU는 총괄평가가 많고 매우 구조화되어있어서, 교육과정의 목표에 기반한 학습을 촉진시키고 잠재 교육과정이 발생할 가능성을 줄여준다.

Curriculum alignment of learning objectives, assess- ment and teaching and learning activities help students to achieve broad and direct exposure to core educational concepts.41 However, many students were actually selecting their own study objectives, thereby creating a hidden curriculum.13 The prevalence of this phenomenon among SMS students may have been a result of the less structured and formative nature of assessment compared with KSAU- HS, COM assessment program. KSAU-HS, COM assess- ment program, with its frequent summative assessments and highly structured format, was more successful in stimulating curriculum objective-based learning and in reducing the tendency to create a hidden curriculum.

사우디아라비아의 전공의 수련은 학부시절 누적성적에따라 매우 달라진다. 그 결과 학생들은 고득점에 대해서 경쟁적 태도를 가지게 되고 이러한 태도가 학습목표를 두고 '도박'을 할 가능성을 낮춘다.

A student’s prospects for residency training in Saudi Arabia are greatly dependent on their accumulative assessment grades. Consequently, students develop a very competitive attitude with the goal of achieving high scores, and this attitude makes them less likely to gamble in selecting their study objectives.

지필고사에 비해서 학생들의 임상평가에 대한 인식은 비슷했다. 학생들은 근무지기반 평가를 긍정적으로 평가했고, 학습에 도움이 되며, 큰 가치를 지닌다고 했다. 근무지기반평가는 학생들이 보다 능숙한 의사가 되도록 도와주고 더 나은 학습접근법에 자극제가 된다고 했다.

There were similarities in students’ perceptions of clini- cal assessment as opposed to written assessment in between the two studied groups. Students particularly appreciated work based assessment that was conducive to learning and held significant value for them. Work-based assessment was perceived by the students as leading to more skilled doctors and was a stimulant for better approaches to learning.

본 연구의 결과와 관련해서 교육과 임상평가에 사용할 수 있는 시간의 중요성은 다른 연구에서도 확인된 바 있다. 기관들 사이의 차이가 보고된 바 있는데, 본 연구에서 제한된 시간과 자원이 양질의 교육활동에 장애물이 됨을 보여주엇다. 

The results of this study regarding the importance of available time for teaching and clinical assessment are also confirmed by other studies.43, 44 Variations between institu- tions and supervisors in the acceptance of responsibility for clinical teaching and time allocated for supervision have been reported. In this study, limited time and resources for clinical teaching were regarded as barriers to high-quality teaching performance. This result was not affected by the various differences between the two groups.

23. Tervalon M. Components of culture in health for medical students' education. Acad Med. 2003;78:570-6.

25. Attride-Stirling J. Thematic networks: an analytic tool for qualitative research. Qualitative Research. 2001;1:385- 405.

Int J Med Educ. 2011; 2: 44–52.
Published online 2011 May 27. doi:  10.5116/ijme.4ddb.fc11
PMCID: PMC4205515

Students' perceptions of the impact of assessment on approaches to learning: a comparison between two medical schools with similar Curricula


Objectives: The aim of the study was to investigate students? perceptions of assessment and the resulting learning styles.


Qualitative semi-structured interviews were conducted with 14 students and 8 clinical supervisors from Sydney Medical School and 12 students and 13 clinical supervisors from King Saud bin Abdulaziz University. Both institutions have similar curricula but a different assessment approach. The interviews were transcribed and analyzed using thematic analysis. Interview transcripts were stored and analyzed using ATLAS.ti.


Three themes emerged from analyses of the interviews: the function of assessment, learning outcomes and, finally, authentic assessment in the clinical environment. A model is presented to show the relationship between contextual and different personal factors and students’ perceptions of the impact of assessment on learning styles.


Cultural differences and emotions can affect students’ perceptions of assessment and learning styles. A combination of formative and summative assessment based on learning objectives is required. This combination should take into consideration students’ cultural background, values and the implemented education system. This balance should be sufficient to motivate students in order to maintain their focus and attention, and reduce the potential negative impacts of a hidden curriculum. The experience of authentic assessment was a powerful motivator for students’ approaches to learning.

Keywords: Assessment methods, learning approaches, cultural differences

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