층층이 쌓인... 복잡한 학습환경에서의 자기조절 (Med Educ, 2012)

Layers within layers … self-regulation in a complex learning environment

Rukhsana W. Zuberi

학습자가 동등한 지위의, 협력적 목표를 지닌, 그룹 내 접촉에 호의적인 사회적 규범을 지닌 환경에 지속적으로 노출되는 것이 중요함을 강조한다.

The articles1–3 correctly emphasise the value of repeated contact among individuals in a context in which equal status, cooperative goals and social norms favour inter-group contact."

또한 facilitation, guidance, support and role-modelling 가 중요하다.

The papers also repeat- edly define the importance of facilitation, guidance, support and role-modelling by faculty members."

롤모델의 중요성은 아무리 강조해도 지나치지 않으며, 롤모델은 스스로 무의식적, 의식적 편견을 극복하기 위해 노력해야 한다.

The importance of role models cannot be overstated and, there- fore, the role models themselves must explore and overcome their own unconscious and conscious biases."

세 개의 논문이 행동을 바꾸기 위한 교육전략을 제시했지만 거기에 깔린 이론을 확인해 볼 필요가 있다. 예컨대, 교육방법은 자기효능감이 발달함에 따라서 조절해나가야 하며, 학습자의 노력에 의해 관리할 수 있는 과제를 주어야 한다. 만약에 너무 위압적이면 학생은 자신감을 상실하고 비난하게 될 것이며, 너무 사소하면 학생은 성취감을 느끼지 못할 것이다. social cognitive theory에서 제시한 세 가지의 자기-반응적 요인은 어떻게 개개인이 자신에게 요구되는 수준과 현재 수행능력의 차이를 다루는지 예측하게 해준다.

(i) perceived self-efficacy to achieve the standards; 

(ii) behavioural self-reaction to sub- standard performance, and 

(iii) readjustment of personal stan- dards." 

For this reason, although the three articles1–3 published in this issue did survey educational strategies to change behaviour, the theories underpinning these remain to be explored. For example, it is broadly recognised that pedagogy must be moderated by the development of self-efficacy4,5 and by giving tasks that can, with effort, be managed by the learner. If the opportunities for practice are overwhelming, stu- dents lose confidence and embark on the blame game, but if the tasks are trivial, they gain no sense of achievement. Three ‘self-reactive factors’ in the social cognitive theory of Bandura and Cervone6 predict how an individual will handle the discrepancy detected between his or her performance and expected standards. These factors are: (i) perceived self-effi- cacy to achieve the standards; (ii) behavioural self-reaction to sub- standard performance, and (iii) readjustment of personal stan- dards."

Grain-size 분석과 관련해서, Bandura는 자기조절은 그것의 하위 기능은 자기모니터링으로부터 시작된다고 했다. 자기모니터링은 자기진단, 자기동기부여, 변화를 필요로 하는 행동과의 시간적 근접성, 변화에 대한 동기, 어떤 행동이 자신이 속한 문화나 기관으로부터 어느 정도 가치를 인정받는지 등을 포함한다.

In support of the grain-size analysis mentioned in the paper on self-regulation,1 Bandura7 has stated that self-regulation is initi- ated by the self-monitoring sub- function. Self-monitoring includes self-diagnosis, self-motivation, tem- poral proximity to the behaviour that requires change (the impor- tance of recency), motivation to change, and an understanding of whether the behaviour to be acquired is valued or not by the institution or the culture (in terms of the hidden or informal curricu- lum)."

 2012 Jan;46(1):7-8. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2923.2011.04169.x.

Layers within layers … self-regulation in a complex learning environment.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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