일개 아시아 의과대학에서 교수개발 요구, 우선순위, 선호에 대한 다기관 설문(Med Educ Online, 2009)
A Multi-Institutional Survey on Faculty Development Needs, Priorities and Preferences in Medical Education in an Asian Medical School
Zubair Amin, MD MHPE, Khoo Hoon Eng, PhD, Chong Yap Seng, MD,
Tan Chay Hoon, PhD, Goh Poh Sun, MD, Dujeepa D Samarasekera, MBBS,
MHPE, Chan Yiong Huak, PhD, Koh Dow Rhoon, MD PhD
교수 개발은
의도적 자성,
자기 자신의 요구와 작업의 요구 결정,
격차의 확인,
행동을 취하는 것
...을 포함하는 성찰적인 과정입니다.
Faculty development is a reflective process that includes
deliberate introspection,
determination of one’s own needs and demands of the work,
identification of the gaps, and
taking actions.
필요한 지식과 현재 지식의 차이인 gap을 인식하는 것은, 종종 교육에 대한 추가 교육을 추구하는 주된 동기 부여 요소입니다. 기관 관점에서 볼 때 격차를 인식하는 것이 더 나은 계획과보다 효율적인 자원 배분에 필수적입니다.
The realization of the gap, the difference between required knowledge and current knowledge, is frequently the primary motivating factor towards pursuing further training in pedagogy. From an institutional perspective, realizing the gap is essential for better planning and more efficient resource allocation.
Our school of medicine’s undergraduate curriculum is broadly divided into 2 phases: pre-clinical (Years 1 and 2) and clinical (Years 3 to 5). The students in clinical years rotate through several large affiliated teaching hospitals and institutes in Singapore. Teaching in these hospitals is mostly carried out by clinicians under a ‘‘ Clinical Faculty Scheme’’ . This number excludes full-time academic clinicians employed by the university. YLLSoM conducts faculty development programs on basic pedagogical principles, problem-based learning, clinical teaching, student assessment, mentoring, and educational leadership. Some affiliated hospitals conduct their own faculty development programs.
The questionnaire
We developed the questionnaire through a multi-phase process.
First, we identified areas relevant to our clinical faculty (e.g., teaching and learning concepts, educational methods, assessment) through focus group discussions.
Second, we reviewed literature on faculty development and selected items that were of importance.4 8
Third, we used our own contextual knowledge about the educational ecosystem in Singapore.
The preliminary questionnaire was further reviewed and pilot tested (see Table 1).
We used a 9-point anchored scale. For each item there were two anchor statements.
The first statement described someone who did not have even basic knowledge of the topic.
The second statement referred to someone who has significant knowledge in the particular area and was able to apply the knowledge.
We defined scale points
1 to 3 as ‘Limited Knowledge’,
4 ~ 6 as ‘Modest Knowledge’, and
7 ~ 9 as ‘Substantial Knowledge.’
Properties of the questionnaire
Our approach to establishing validity was a judgmental process as opposed to an empirical data-driven approach, which is more applicable to determining predictive and concurrent validity.
The content validity of the instrument was determined by the representation and relevance of topics to the target group.4,7,8
Reliability, as determined by internal consistency, was found to be high (Cronbach alpha 0.90) in a prior study with a similar instrument.5
Sample size determination
The total number of clinicians under the clinical faculty scheme was 868. From a pilot survey, we ascertained that at least 80% of the clinicians wanted to have better knowledge by 3 points. We assumed, conservatively, a similar profile of response. We calculated that we would need 218 clinicians to be sampled to reach a confidence interval of 75-85% and to extrapolate the study findings to the larger group. Assuming the response rate would be 80%, we would therefore need to send the questionnaire to 272 respondents, i.e., a little over 30% of the target population.
A computer-generated stratified random sample was created from the master list of clinical teachers. There were four stratified groups:
a) senior doctors (clinical professor, clinical associate professor, and senior lecturers),
b) clinical lecturers,
c) clinical teachers, and
d) clinical tutors (see Table 2).
The distinction between these groups was based on teaching experience and, to a limited extent, quality of teaching and educational scholarship.
Data collection, recording, and quality control
The survey was administered by a research coordinator in paper-and-pencil format. Invitation letters with instructions and ethical considerations were sent to potential respondents to attend a session. Most of the surveys were completed during these sessions. The research coordinator manually collected the survey forms, kept a log, and entered the data.
209 respondents (93.7%) indicated the length that they have been involved in teaching medical students. The distribution was as follows: 53 yrs 4%, 4-9 years 45.3%, 10 19 years 35.4%, and >20 years 9%. Thirty-five percent of the respondents were involved in teaching large classes, 81.2% in tutorials, 87.9% in clinical teaching, and 2.7% in laboratory-based teaching. The total percentage exceeds 100% as individual respondents were involved in more than one teaching modalities.
Current and desired knowledge: global analysis
The mean and median points of participants are shown in Table 3. Overall, the participants reported their current knowledge as either ‘‘ modest’’ or at the lower end of the ‘‘ substantial’’ level.
우리 연구 코호트에서 교수 개발의 필요성은 보편적이었고 교육 경험의 길이에 관계없이 보편적이었습니다. 또한 교수진은 교사로서 올바르게 기능하기 위해서는 교육학에 대한 더 나은 지식이 필요하다고 제안합니다.
In our study cohort, the need for faculty development was universal and irrespective of length of teaching experience. It also suggests that the teaching faculty require better knowledge in pedagogy to function properly as teachers.
참가자는 평가assessment와 관련된 교육 개념이나 주제와 같이 이론에 기반한theory-based 항목보다 교육teaching 관련 항목에 대한 지식이 더 낫다고 응답하였다. 참여 가능한 Teaching 분야의 교수 개발 프로그램이 많기 때문에 이러한 발견은 놀라운 일이 아닙니다. 또한, teaching은 참가자가 매일 수행하는 활동입니다. 흥미롭게도, 그들은 teaching 관련 항목에 대한 더 높은 지식을 원했다.
Participants reported better knowledge in teaching-related items compared to items that were more theory-based, such as educational concepts or topics related to assessment. These findings are not surprising, as there are many faculty development programs available for participants in teaching-related areas. Moreover, these are activities the participants perform on a daily basis. Intriguingly, they wanted higher knowledge willingness in to teaching-related items, indicating their improve further in relevant areas.
우리의 연구는 맥락의 중요성과 교수 개발에서의 관련성을 강조합니다. 참여자의 지식에 대한 필요성은 현재 및 미래의 작업과 관련된 영역에서 더욱 두드러졌으며, 다양한 임무와 유한한 자원을 갖춘 조직에서 고려해야 할 중요한 사항입니다.
Our study highlights the importance of context and relevance in faculty development11 13 . Participants’ need for knowledge was more noticeable in areas relevant to their current and future works, an important point to consider in an organization with multiple missions and finite resources.
A multi-institutional survey on faculty development needs, priorities and preferences in medicaleducation in an Asian medical school.
Author information
- 1
- Department of Pediatrics, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, 10 Medical Drive, Singapore 117590, Singapore. paeza@nus.edu.sg
Singapore; faculty development needs assessment
- 20165530
- PMC2779613
- DOI:
- 10.3885/meo.2009.Res00317
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